'<-I Erg. Msu 1110efOr r Liffe Umtpir la Naumber end ' ac ae la" 08. 0,W iabise Yearly. Wbeuirm. Wlam McKInter letâ B »lbh.gS wentre neyer pîleureaqus Or w.rry litIe girl. elle wulm rount.Ii, t.ramnetsi. but they aie more cIjeO- roay cbeeked watlbvery loving Vwsym. tlctible,now tauit Itany prior stage Of and ellte usedt 1 work dillgatiy la 06 teteir evolutilin Tîere was a tipe tiet publie sebool bouse Of Q8o iI». Wbefl ordint5> t-wt and dead W*lli iearulng tu print and reaa and 01>01. W. tttitilimet. Tti portable bIllboudsi Litie Idai4aton, C5 yearm old, u&wQre introdut (ý(1.Later the perm&anel dauuiter of the president oftheb. il te>eere to 1- lac ~he cf te iile- agiioel hoard of Canton,.ianed tbo 4k shifts, and lleý,s-Paragrowing lu mie pbabet andi bow to print la tuai Utile anti Offeumiltiew11-s rntil the biUlbOf.rdâ Chataters the words "calnt d .'tog aathe ivut1t lrntnenl festliresof tbe nad perhapi omne two-srliable wod0 anB1 uo1 fenfliMràa . W. Morgan Of Denver. lIn 'tY Immense blilbomords ara Thaiai&B appened away baek ln thte recetai tti vuRUl tloti. on-the toota ot Fusr1i6. but ilru. Mouaganreilaetberm bou"e,,iilunail sorte et pla where Lb.e1111h girl ver>' vei llBd, *'be peule t (- gregate. lualt.ecouftry et- Ce5" sellesays, -Ida vas ver>' quiet r; u%-ta front a car wlSdW la spolie.] aéd diitlft andi iovat'le." hi illlll,ards et gigaflUe prputions. Mis. Morgan was then lme Spker Att,ýtlitag leu. thon a haudud feet la anld Was te tiet teacher employed luina 'otflpai'attVOIy mail oRmue..Alongi what were then caliedth ie uniuthte Pnsyv.fi URift"l these nul- gebools. in canton there bail hem sa11uces are gfrOwIuC yhie Mlle. gisat opposition t10 the ltrcduect,.i.'or, i lestinte tht *mrneffective meali lte grade.] s.hooi but 14. >: wera adopt@d te restritt tbeffe igna whoe dattgter was t l@b:1 T'fhere l a no sasas by wbk alan[ad dent'@ wlfe. awu*a a ticli utpit.,i'. t ,r ownr cab.astrictet initbis rlght tc tent,ai -1so firtuly dtitilie bel .- înuse hi PrOpeit>'an lhe pleases no long the public achool taI juat am. an as saie odés omt on rte a nuisance, and] bis littie daugter wu. aid tte'tlle while th~biblliearsui are very off.'n W«a sent tate prilmany v ofosire. 11. elreyconte within the wblcb Mine Spilter b.d îehig.' legal deltla of a nuisance. 'Te uniy *'Ida'@ falier wvsam- aoi ti . izen emed h ltin n fpiy and ,'fec of Canton and melewas at try bigt UdIUlWt.d in ataI or licelse f". A eud attractive chîh," - irpn. Mor- tste law Coui e Mmte that would gan. "We never thouci v lier. ibougit. ue8ke lnecesar> for any pemîon de- as a PreSden's wif.' i tmt.t 0ego 10 1111DBtu ereet or use a blboard to bier borge-'-frm. 1 t ,, au lWt gieul90ra aIL lîente. and the fee ,'ouid ie nmoitewitato th l.'.t' tt ousa." lmadeSpayable 10 th" lloaalmunilpality MMa Morgan 1i.7 "at'sl. andtibs hait allowedth ie biilh.nr.L If te rate ilvedlaluDenver r-ilite lestîelle: rem, d hgî eouî, elocal OfI-. Itite la.a flue-I." t- ll, vd omas. vitb edaIs ioul tatttndtante roleelon. emethitof rîmunmta U a iu - A tee equai ta tlisî cîargeti for a sa- 1900e11 Io th@ vi,0 t itmie bntI wsevtilti te moderate'enough weboci ft", 'site mafflaI Mr. Mur- for a biliboardt trety ilse f et long gant e n ioObhe,,luis 1NSI4I u 1o ls, i 1Phe fee coul.]te increased ~ ~fÎ. .'~ ~ ~* ~ luon tesete h 1 .o 1 .',t $4, a tot thney tc: Colorado I us for M-s,1tper sntt.. Morg - henlth. Thby ffldp ntuil5 ofi 8t2jVt pr tuile asotti.]re- ttrnl taxPaYera of ail burdeun Vrý- ns DreoverP«oiLanti immnld Protide rosis antd sebooli. _______________ If I lddnat clr away aI1l Nllbo&rds. Wkat Do tite . lldimeu . kl, twrmildt l ut ai.redues the number. 1)e . tgise thelete&sorse e.e. if .r and] ta f"e.cold Ib. loreasted froin yo en t,~ be m.w lid drink railtai Year il, YeUrrirat]lthere were no more (IRA INO? [t i. delclous and lmeeurfisb billatards.-Jerney ('117 Journal. the: end pkiethe pl"es f coferlTh. m.re GrAin-OFeu gire tec itldees te more beaith feu ditrilut tirougit tbatr syttmes. -raja3-O lemlle «p»re grainý.. Setterl'hu. Cbuiettan SCteugce." à9dmWb@" PeeptrllP PrePalesie tJetmore. Ka«, uiJr y tL lin. Amia Illeellcaie grades « itiet. Itenttat,îsjoues i'renn. isusiter or lMr. 6. (i abaut as% cli.Ail "11 'tsi hJoues of Burdeti.anti on. of te noit 15e sud 2re popular istilex in HotgeniseCount> hait Tbe Iuatutbeett s martyr 10 beedeche for years.I -1'me Rmiing23 as8i. n. berhn matie berlirfe a continai misery to r m in tI t la '.st et lua.liber. Sb@gauffereiti p"&s ite amaîl of rieend h'b:c at a t"o tta. t ba-k, antiibid ure>' yntptom of -N4 wiS nif1.' it a a g9ttKldaey ant i Uary Trouble. cie fowhâiltri« lett -.-'5TO-daY mite ia wellaseay lady ln the girlfor îria srts atatiht-r ointe tHe Was NtMaIc0 obei- It ta no use;.1Iauiiat curry the atsoetmaa aAlir-. He-Weil tunyits. pou vîli heurfe- t atthAie thî' . stîta&ttaeuorf kauim that hi basake-t ou. Piao'a Cure rt-mu e t» 100 htgemok- us et a s ugit cue-J. W. 4tres.L 82Tii rd &scune. tN, limspois. Mias.. da. . 190W. batiS sa 1112pitysieaas. Lie pi.-v lit-s.M-00.74; Waies.LI=-. SBtstad. a, 4M-.; li'elnd, 250 FRAGRANT Thîs remnakable change vrs. due cn- tlreiy 10 a remedy rerently introtince. bem .Itlmlitcalet i t>dd'i Kitine> Pllag. anti mauy rsuple rait ut t e hansulit- faiibie cure- for tilIne>' Ilueames, Iheumnatigand nia] ert Trouble, Mr@. Froeantan btara et Do.].]'.Kiti ne>'Pilleansd amntuet t, tte Irst dosa. the gi-est btte., lu a p'eek, ber baud at-tes snd other pulni hd eueon an.] ah tadti kb hbitaiber aliber 1III Das andi iday. uofutîsery. A ntodliue tbal ram tio for au oua vbal totitis Kidue>' la abave doue for.r tis lady Ilas'ery moto e hanuver- saaly aise.],anti aire..]>' lb.dtaml for thoeaplla bas lanre»dwondafty lu t'avneu antiHodavuis Comuate. plat-ee 11wparklaia ofetMr%. Fk*evî sains casa andl R. cure iare lnow.. The Pa..saaa Ait.l Hlel bom rea.-hng and cxburting Fer a s',ure of yens se no ~O7j~ODOEI M Wher the- harventîng wass .0.; Vite. th, teupral iutaueutU a pubuelUqiiduuikiosfor lu Wa a promise of f.or lhundred F,,r hi. ye"riy r--mpe. 0 Trut sud MoUu* U,'reratig W.0 lthe ardor Aiau Mosa. orby mail fo th. prics. A. ha kteked szant rthe in HàLLdsMUCKEL. New Yor§. Thot thcyd raiaed thesr off 'el aîîpend ~ .~n- oe m fou drel op ta ix- tatta.. ainI' .Thonthe good mo arn tnkezhauted, =Viestli t .Anah, faebly ronda e PlY: elL000 or PriE I leont. 1 pray you. mansad brethrn, DE TACNElia Ti: hua mv patience oety 51511 DE O5 A W .->-.,- Fot gît-au the four joavye premised matie Lad I'Arelsesaa f-, . Âd.ua.Hnth no warped my ital store ltttaind Susis,, iii1% Add That tasould kilI me If you taled] me Ilaie &r.a $moem, ty.GRAN T Toeullt two handre.] more.' Bt., PNt. C- .ý. -Boston courter. CASTUIA le Xnhuts aud ChMdn. The Kind You Have Always Bo.gh Bears the Ài. 1- oesasdPeM£fotans nelther 9jÉ.m.MeaplÉu wr>fieral. N TcAC OTIC.- MAIN. aure ta of tbuli- - omnty nt-itoutit o cittain g trii- f Peter- husky. thc cm r ta stop outit of a olliers t-b anti stoppeti t banda ntîta tho Pr, afler sevea-el; ut-ed by the. con rveulers ied, the 1<e guiti rlugame. se of the e promi- mgageti. 90O. ilils,>' tua Wah- govemnor s brin la Ina Ouan i miliIl-y f lte or Tte mi] heen or ý'ete the etn, lbé lic bul.] Ch wals t of the funide of er goveru- purposes, h. 0cmu- ha Pilip- n. herttu for Gien. tbeau or rAnthoni,- îov. Taft. ra of the n in rom he ntira teramejut. raa public estiquar- 'eu. Chat- K E D. es, Abeird tien Coni- paIn Me- t-ai, hav- vas 'prek. larti. Ti 'ope Rare i-go sud a e rnietoo anti pui iles nort -ait. Thte iga againal . TIie7 batats but anti rrev, et trouble - thte rougt. W'rbb Nort nt Savedial the. Bara. aIli pmob. Us e rFor-Over Thirty Years [mited. Puler Fou- bats mb i t e et lb. tlots ot ge Car La dey, ltre. la gen- mtnain lia ores up luit 'nnning ling ht- nt. The gr tele- nigraut by two 'fI nid. of te trueks muent. bd anti le ear. i' Wujr- piivals on lt.e ent, ge llmb.d. Iti twv inaat tarIed- eqtes. fearfffti ou Vif lie giv fore tite atretcit a>' pito ermine.] ive Psy in, su3d ,ROP$U IMIROYED B OT WAVE SCORCHUS. F-AVORABLE TEMPERATURE CON- WHOLEOOUNTRY SUF FERS FAOM DIT16O FOR THtE WEEK. HIQM T(MPERATURE. Wluter.Whemt Hareutlai.Pi-ostren, lu Blilteii Zetilyrsa Are Fait cOier Wide Nortberu Por-tions of lhe Grain Hait Ariaeau>' jDoaClis anti 'rottratione -l'lidit oua-C-n .UlReprtet te Bc R epu,-tma-Gresî Onferta in cittes- IPoi tWeil. Record Bi-uilu i u, Arcording to lte climat. sud crop di- Reporta.1telb.ept-ath,-,bureautin vision of the seatiter bureau thet- iotier %W'aaington Buaay r ou i pointe attire coldirions of thte week were bîghly throaghuut ttheihot wvartoi ahowad ce- favorabtle lu ueauly ai parts or lthe COUD- oîarknbly bigi tlnperir-agenersliy, i-y, especily in tbe Rock>' Mouilsîn i- o tiittIe or no ralnftt!! soute of the sien sud un the tpacifieCroiat withelb.Itrihtemperoturéms ar J et lit te bu- previous week puasabnormaUy cool. The rsu iseralthe foliowitlr SentrAlamntic States. phici suifai-ad Atlantic City-....041Marti 'te, bhiIh. ..go fi-om rat--ativere ine lu the pret'lout s t............ 2XMnjt, ...... ..90 puait, hate egfperieuced more ffs-orable Cicago -......971Net, ....as. 94 condition. for cuitivation, wichbas ht-en Ciniatîi.. 65Nort.tsto. Neh.92 sriottaly delayeti. lttaln nov selerai ).,.port. tas..BOîa ...... 9 ly eedd n te entalandWet glfDes Miala., Iawa.. IBt I. .....90 States, incladlug Arktansa.sud soutb,-rn Indtianapolis- 94NIjrtî i i.-. Jacksonville-... 94 Ich90~î.. Missouri. Kan".s City- 55Wagi :,K. ti).c os Furtiter and sellerai Impi-ovemaTat lu tttie Rock-...90 t. 1, i.;_, -..100 thte condiîtion cf carn at Is inted. la Special dispatceeufr'tîî t trions points Nebrasktalte Dakotas sud portion. oif ludtcste that ail portiotiý f the country Iowa thea crop ia la neeti of cnltivation. aaffered front tite étr, ni- hast. At but la geuermiiy edeau in the lent nsmed IPittshurg aicren destlîs',i-î atn Salt- State. In Miesonri coi-n in holding out day nighl sud mitiniabi S îaday are di- Wil. but ltae souillerai portion of the rertiy trareable to tht- heat. WIitin Stote must bava rain soun or oustoan acsri- elabtean heurs fifly-uitî. tiurlîl pernaîts eue damage. lu Illinois, Indiatna and wetaitsgueti, thea mort. - t hetag great- Ohio corni.laeakward bhtlianu..w mat- est among citi<tran. Th îî.trmai teuil, ing growth. rota for the sanie pet0i tsould ha#si- lu titi Sonthern States the cornt crop tran. la dolng pell exceptlnluTexas. Louisiano lu New. Yont City na .-t't-upersona; and sontheru Mississippi.,vitere il in Pare killeti Suntiay by ta atroke, an.] geali ln ne..] of ris. In the Atlantic tire itst or prostraîtot.,, a along oni. contIStates the crp hibs.a.efavorable of thes, a mny eunot t ý<)er. [torses progresB. but needs cultivation la pui-- dît-.] y the hundra. li1'-foot that Il tiona of lte Virginia and Carolines. sas Sunday stone ia re l.it.ble far the Wintar vitealt arveat has advRatteti reasonstly osmall nomb-, i'f deatits and under favorable eontlitions turing tht- prostrations, viten th etriiclienhat ln week. ant i ne.. la progresi inlte laken imb conslterstion 'l'lte day asea norlteru portion ofthtie centrai sud west- savetilte torse. Tas-. ltîîaîlred and ern districts of the stintar r ailent bt-lt. fifty dieti on gsturtiay. 1iii a. flot many witit generaliy setinfartury resulîztsh b pra iu barnls« Sanda ti, liet killeti se layield anti qnaltty. lu Michigan Ws..amail. anti portions of Pennsylvanie anti New Philadalphiae eperien .'- the- bottent Yort fly bas causeil deîarî,,rstion. anti Stiay salur 1897. th, t. ttperature-ia lacreaseti reports of tuat are raceivedth ie atreets rueteingalai-t lm.t) One troin Ohio snd Virgia. ta the Carolines deaih sud twenty-fta-e , strattoas ara graInin lnaockt ha.s ufai-ad *orne inJarY i-ccor,ed frotu moistaure. la Californie atrveit filTitree deatha occurrati Sàtitelav n aw- progi-eseriug i. ail section%.retira. Mass. AI Manchei- r. 't Il.,lterie in Oregon sud Washington tte pros- vera titree deatits fronit h.- het-.Bos- pects Continue favorable. aud ahentlml ton reports onîy ona di-ltl ittt-il,ted ta ripening lu th. fire-nana.] $tate. The titent, but titere vere a.. t.vtas- of se- apring viteat region btan expenî«eed fav- rionts prostration. Tite -triag was ter- orable peathar conditions, sud thea ont- ribla amoug the polir ipie andi the Iook for sprint pheat is sov mont en- bospital. ver. crewdie.)t- lie tittt-iuost eosaiaging. si.thegh lua orthem 3tiinne- Clevelandi experieuced il,,- hoîteat Sua- soea@orne.feara of loila aeeter'day of lthe y.... Oner ,,-.îlfi-tuantm' tainati. The crin hDow itugnaover aeroite is reporteti. lte sonltertu pot" o f ltesprng vhest Sudayws lthe tit-ton, ils; Ch!- [ein.lt h ai> st Ah lala cage ban expeienced i- 1812. 'Thti Itete lIte al ey lasd.aiddlertanticteipd-altti-iluntt i i ril[t)t senthet Stats te et crp hn mde fvorbleteser rose te 97 degr't- i".l boul t. thil pi-tugranmd in oraity impi-evetiil ite mark for ovur tpe bout, h-itrig thae mid Stals et the tntile Mississippiatd i)p Ia eof the aflerrnooa. (ta lie i-ect thet par Wtaeuvi valiays. lc-mometers regintareti 1tr-' i.-grt- in lith The gamerat .iook fto-bay ln sortisfa-aharie. Tite izalina Il.-il -oille aftl tory ext'ept in pordants et lte Ohio, cru- ajlrbemrig i n ewt Irali liasisieippi ami lover Miasouri raol- ol2an3 'lorninte . Xi lia.htweA'tr icys. phere rà is net as tood as naouai. southeaist te sontha-e' :n I thoelter Haylug in nov inprotrea Lalte more mmtrwn p1 -c, tajm nurtiteri; neetlttas. lmute tr afuthepg13 .1' toiat a rtuep lu thae cea-Irai portiona uf thte Cotton in Cliagoifor et cile -hrttîît'nî ot hait cultureit" continure.]te improve. Inlu Chando fotr ona-th la ueithergoretîsa the pr,. l's1 tehacýo Silate. tuitaro in asud erregitiIa tht-i sall e--titt gros ng ta il, ami lte stiandstare seti ast anrecrdti.Tr for Joà ue-ît The report, respectinma ppieare sine- 1,185ta nthoua xcepion. .il. da;prcorda vitlmerle auconragitin laOhio. Indiana, 9 52 tult I.it.îttrrcr Illinois ated Kansas, but la th. Othe-it Wa. ilthgreure ,iliy ntc portent appt. States 1h.ouottook ih lest iia1.getr.t.raiysntr proiaiag. and tropplua eualin-iste buable ianlthe East, thto» 'tasndSeutil watt ara suiferiag ft itti drouglit. IvT 51>' antud.stock la suffei-ing lttiei. as telle ha. Ceeu «.port. b> Uta@" . tii-led op anti tht' I9tuîres ai-e barle. ciernuathe m mdci-odng s-ail; uine..leri tBilnt..tt.a u- las raieait vary ilatt. airepi; a feu, iscuiitiî., traceabie ta the iiitnglhent.Frue sud hight teuperature Inienitfiel Si-ugit Donitant nvettran int 1h. iailu'sy ta eoditlacai;cra hbidlae Ils Opa. but tmu* hsva.tain.000: as me Étamage bythni basl ervice. a-as k lte-i lty aist-ok.. A la aosthw..t; relIa. itooming;t-htientnarIY lBreton. Ili., Atî.,ri-o- [ice. a fartnie ail bsrvested. jiLeLtiasti qua lty 9--d; sonrs Autati b; til;i I,a-t, itattgtd hinas atical. ne&=ioa sud Pailre. shoart: wu - ariions1 nto t" ,.reptort a temteeî tee he,.ming at-ia pilea .1ti rtppi u. se* n iulna.-Catatatwax.m andi show r une.exceedtag l'msit hh inde. wesat er lntpr.ved Cr0 ediltgo.. lieat - - hasrett.l p iogres.: ia ltigond inla ny lu- talitres . ai o-LuatOrnera; coi-n maingo repit]groith.but sliil rutier mal* hîy anti ost.sJwmveai. but y-ld wiiilha heloîe 5,r- aga - broo- tu.sttitocms«. pntatae. pas- ta ras and gardes. doite s el; trait pros- pett. eneraiiy attat. thoagit spples ai-e aût cri protttlig. latiasa-W'arnm eather anti frequent I 3 rainabenielaci; tai-us n.IJarW.as lnlot-ai- tir.; viteat sad rire harvet bt-goer La aanth p.tîia t-le v.eit l fle& pruMI.eg Wood yliid; fair bha; rop bia g hommed; enave-ru- r cul- litag ainîsheti. Ont. beddlîa; pattoce hoom- - Log; caia andti tbat-o gi-ro tWeil:; corn . .utaji. but gOoti clor.fi-iluit abuul. except pssappf-a droitpplag f-ely.but Mny i- mialu .n trec. ttht.--C.ce4terble dama-g. b> lot-ai Fleur eue-, fi11 t,.innttsta iit'o 1 i alioitaa. rn. sud t-lover oIdgeti b>'sImd.; East have bot o i ttt t-.]d wr-manti set, favorable for t-rap gro-lth bat ttAavo,'ble torit-gri claver; pa.Lwes: ItlsineZWoated-1,-I the El l'affle tt- timoti. t. , aie, bail-y1 uale ai sor- sion of lte R., t1 I itîll be ttl. de.a.taprotati: madot.'i set-.sai b' ripeatas. naotIscetsl os g mi-astI>'laru pi-are.: semaletia s1111 toto set te tti- A coat of am,, - elrat.' îl--;t, h rate; ltao plante diorti; vell; tii-pping 0f beau adopte.] . -, tîtt the Chlat aptP e. Dot on gatteral.plans ad liebCtat liniaio i1.îrat. large or.P.adAtnRir, Mit-hisaéWeel gaseraliy favorable for The $1 charge r .,otof lhr.itlg crttp growtit sud germnation et laIe at-l Inau; t-arn ahow@ macleti lmproaament: note tonnaIsttickets tain iýl tubha-t beanu tho healiby.bat rallier shor-,t;est continucesloi]by tht- -a -t ta criakle &.il fail; tugur beetà generall cego te%,henPrii promialng aud mo*tly titittuati. hcaa ger- Oicr flt .-tîetlaii oi mnating nuel; 5"il mailng goot ilaet; &p- report thut î.trgt ii, ,.liiî-s of cottu eta pie"fOnt settias ril. potalo.. lnuâne cmati eing silippeit.iot lIo. durloer hlff 1geaerallylitegun, Nt'acaîl-totti uedpa, îlth gent-ast Offittoi(tf1-i trtsbatve refuse, tain odaratrl; henry ot-r western Coain-te counteuî,u t-i1 t ii' or ltiL lias, local haistorma tid ti[tre datage; oai smSllrniaolhtes grain# d ntI danersîîy hestietiont: a~g-foî -t . tt oos clo,,eu. g begtoa;ha; t-p ganeralir Urqia eornttîig [tie . Mutalatkoratt POa.elt-t..one.. a"dila and aP lan'dl' St. iul for It,.- ti stok ii Lit wh-areafairtcop-p rttmtsod; anotansd bar- i=rerutnlsa sgo-do.]trp, except aunttradcsmî avre $271ti or 0f$45.217. lovaÏ teilne growlng relailler, vlth ample W1 trIt.w1il 'ol tt -iirtedi on aun.1,1 aaai.aeept ln partioas .af eanatarusec-orate enlart.t-itt - z he sopsltof ti lion; cacn amsiig rapîti gi-oth aud ses- Woabh itai, ,r Itt Iaine, lut1. ci-mlly dlean except phare sort a-as retard at ti bheaaiy sitosera; postures mot-h îm Orders bateo i.-. itIto roteiti lt îpaetianti meodosa. showa#oana bt-sat possaugierrît,- t'lie(rant i ta1.i trouate raina; ont@, 5prlng vhaî. sti ndbar- sud Indiaati i inm gil ttt2Y, ce-nt. Il le; doîng prei, bttslt bi p oi-nomal econ' Miron ; as laanti plumes shop lialt ruitins. Mlla. Southt Dakota-Ahuadant is "me sot. 0.. xtra car, inr a ttacher] dii laande to wet; &orne local dama geb>' hall- oratlgrains. aspertal; sprl itnt.1r atideteltha wst-li i i lU:-t>- Motintain lit' thlfy rogreasoat agnaa aexeat- lRed of the -lit,,, u1,J ed--idoutofClI aet enafilona; whaatnetsadudbrler heut- casu Ia; cors Impraveil, but conslderahle veedi- nas; tultlratio lo wbehy prospects @aile- Titere ita o'I iof Carson il fat-tor:paltrasgexe-lant; flair sud pota Burtinglon niai-tii tîffiters of the trt ts ig :st u l;.nti Iajured apples l ay htmr aa.wne o r soatheist counîlas aylttmr t tneifrga Nebrasha-Worm stel. îith heay ahow- lu3 ail parla of Ilî,a ers tn asrtharn moantre@; sInter-wheatlbar. Grou sentat,-. ft t ie -Milwautkee air rest cammauceti la aoathern tounttes; beurra ratllieritai-t, but w.lil illetil ith plsmp baer. Si. Paul Hauts >vi f ,ithte fuurubtateek i-y; nsa impnretil nunorîharro uaxtle., but Ms> aywra toJtt au increase Of porr la .aathern; cura ha. grown en-Il, bat 3261 over ls heei rltlatt -datih.1.1dry veah.ri-lu ntý LOWt.Y £ARTM WORM. Oui of te Oveteil Faciotrs tlu-T Thte perpetual action ofte sarth- Worm la one ofthie greatest factorasltu lzuprovlug te moli. Au acre or garden- grounti will convoln more titan 50000 Worms, tbrougt wboite bodies 10 tn of soli annaîl>'paas. The structure of tbc soli lealatered ln Ibis itror-ess. and ils minerai contiltuents asautue a fort ln wblch Ibe>' are eafflly asslmilated b>' vegelalion. Worm. also contînuall>' change the suîrface of the soli by titeir "castinga" ni the rate of about an Inch la flve ycare. The Uew muid Ibus gels exposed 10 tbe vatious Influences of hat. ilght aund almospbcre. Theme iIm- portent unactions do net exbaust lte services of the iowly worm. By turIng - te uoîl in ail direction& the>' open a way for rain ta penetrala. and tbe vegetabie malter wblcb tbey draw Imb te eartb Increases lils ferlililty. Other burrowlng animalis scb as mole. anti beetles. are aIse heipfiitlathe great worli of sllrrlug aud reuewlng tbe soli, but the part whlcb tbey play le lnsig- nitrcant as compared wlthtbatMof lte eartbworon. A Bwe11 Train. The Pan-American Speclal of lte- MICHIIGAN CENTRAL. Tbe Niagara Falls Route. te the Buffalo Exposition, lestes Chicago daiiy. 6:00 p. mt., er-- ing dInner. arrives Bufifalo 7:45 naît moruing. Lettre. Buffalo daiiy, iSW p. m. (Eastern Tinte>, arrIvas Cbicago 9-30 a. tni.. ncrvlng breakfast. Equipintt tbe besl Ibat the Pullman i an sonl andti Mcltgsn Central sbop@1 csn tara fly." How fai out. Elegatît sleeping cars. dlning cars, annoy you and i buffet cars. and coaches. The only linae >Î orod rutnalng via Niagara Fallustaopplng aili ni o rù day trains atIFaits View Station. Other That bearin trains front Chicago, 10:30 a. mt. daliy, mimerble. 8«. p. m. daily. sud 11:30 p. m. uilty. Renti 4 cents postage for Illlntrsted You have i Psn-Ameteian Souvenir. 0. W. Rng- ini top of head,1 glas, Genersî Passenger anti Ticket Such a coi Agent, Cbicago. tirouble. Prepared Sur lhe WoroIL If you hadi 'Yen. Brlscom's wifa* insins on rut- ner.enced fin alug tChair auto." eri an ..I notIce.] the fart witen tItey pab.is. tROS hoursA Rat wity dues Briacont oit lu Chat camp- Happines id ~ ~ ~ ~ u1 pito" neuyou ac1 'Hes ail brar..] for a basty Jomp."- Vegetable Co Cevelandi Plain Dealer. heip you. Thoi e One Paro Pluas $2. there is anythin The"e are etili some good liade lu You need ii asorthwentera Ioa.., oniiwesieru Ilinna- » et. anti SontitDakota, ant Iif yeuuare. Dot expiain to t expecting ta tushe a change la location. and in absouts: i- Ion should takle stvautagi cf the Iow eexcursion rstes lu cuel On te ont once with sudh r ad thlrd Tnamdaya of eaet ment iW a- but for you, an alaon tickets. hearlug 21 laya' limil. eau bct pu.ehased taejoli pints on the Buriing t on, <Coder Rapidsansd Northera iUal1-: 5mm Valen way. nortit of anti inludlng Ahhott Shîli e Rock and Waaariy et ONE FARÏC plus Lydil r$200. -D& I&f Full ialormation relative t titeme lansda D aM. ]a willl h.cheerfully gîvîn ttpon application IBddy auS to a ffa.rs.litea & Brooks. ourtInusu- otsmtaffllte triai and Immigration Agents. Cedar Iabl iumreedy. Be >- Rapids, Iowa. John G .!Fearmer. A. 0. ham's Vegetab, e P. & T. A., B.. C. 1R.-& N. R.y, Cedai- wu tinbly nere t-Rapids. L. na k Kuew Sain fBotter. bok & -dgt - Mmlas Caler-Sureiy. yo're mot jeal stn ro 1wu mt eus of per haad? pit uttu titis. CIelu-Yez. I am.I[ta iàmpiy a botgeet youme c- ca't keep biti eyes off the womas. n<- 1 ociaicuUB h- Mrs. Cale-Ob. yes ha eau! You bo#tB.tsnd foil, Be aàolnit see it sumetime. wham he bas "e ay' m 1 te a set ila a rowdt treet car. u»ki sa @l le If Coast, PalseBý an. ki euh. yer digetion, mite@ y« i nervous$ il and .all.w compietioned, keepa pou It awake sîgita andatca aiasit yonr ayS- r, tesut enerdliy. try Gralu-O. lth ev foodi Idrink. It i. made of pare seected grain a- osile betaifnuourîshilsud tiappe- tlais. il has moue et te bal effecesof eoUfe.. pet l la jsst am pleasanl lualihe taste. ani whea prepcriy preperet eanIc lie tom trom te Oest coffees, conte _______ aboqt i%/ as neb. h. laI s eethtu.l tsble 4<4mb fer lte riiltre. sA"addlte. Aak ' jeuer grec. er ( rain-O. là a" Z2e, IW Aocatraete »encripuos. H 'WItal nd et cuver is that en yonr abrele?' asked tha inquisitive frienal, LAKC 'Wdli." auaweretl the uahblaahitai per- "oc M. eas, "Jtdgiag ty t a wy il came atlabo my posseession aud the way it viii proh- ahi>' dcpaet, I obould rail It s change- k 2 situe silk"-W'ahiton Star. R Q E ae Do Y.-r Feet Ache sud Humu? T A Shake loto yaur ahc*@. Alleus a ot- liase, à powder for te feet. imtasek@sh n-igitt or New. Shoea feel Easy. Cara EUlie S ,d Coi-us.Battions, Swolien, flot and ifiti paiElers «Sà Sweating Feet. At ail t)ruggine ansd s Sho Stores,215c. Simple matutIlRElu. Int-w Hi. Failinics.à Ch *,r. Hunt-i3 ta flot a ieauty anti ha ,-knoavs t. Vheu bia trat ,aiy wt. bora ha askt-d "Dot)ýs it look lise me?' -il W'ell' asaid he, "youmutatbreak It ta r sa My wife geutly." r9b1er i e e. d ine.sovia sse .ctttas Irsd. e sadpaig ssstbt.a- mil... im usasan al- p làphets,. t. - tes .It.ams ar.. 1dýIJc. 1esat..abota tioaaak ldg.. Chinal d________________________ ore & Michiga Suhuum &ppuie@*« e . M 5. @VUis. Seui Wooam *f EXCURSIO RAES tum Acti Gort afC.Asai. Its oWs you buy a picce* ci 811 in t Wetatoe's Best Toba=c fl~yo ÇIityyour valuein Lugood the ualty',ffiacm The but Burley co laallLn the quallty. Asic Best. The tobacco that sella il ik, onits illUita liaisouI>'b>' M. C. WETMOE TOBACCO CO, ST. Lem .. SP .odJlsdsp.mds b&iW i. .Amcta - ,t;. -t;. H~OR IONJ~~ . orrU U*.1 s' ~~> nie» a ervous and wred." "I tedmtaUt nlar these exp soamare i LdW 1make y ou ilritab1e. ouel can't uleep, yu ary duties, and are mubjeo to diýmlnuus ing.down sensation helpe to maeye foi iackache anid pains lowç down la the aide PO later on at the base of tho brain. udition points unerringly to serlous ut"d written te Mms Pinkhain when yentu m aired vitality', you would have been pl awfiil suflering. wiil ho gone out of your lits fore'vr, MYm promptly. Procure Ly" ]aEL p1ka 8rnpound at once. It is abeol-luYsi enwriteto MmsPinkha,at LfI4 up, ing &bout your cage you do net udet4 not boafraid totef.hor the iinec the docto~ ute tr laesoi yI Iy confi . tMu. tnas' ip mad ah. willcharge you obnfa Ian Telofl. apw ResUito AuoSh =lIbor l, 16-YlmqmIU umjy t Lh uOftore. om mooi n OS& gybeb l. - Myld. ami 1jo mie vl maLIMimoln" 1.. 1