CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Jul 1901, p. 8

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94ggieSll Buggis Top Bugj gies Surreys Open Buggies Road Wagons Phaetons Driving Wagons. We are haîîdling the old reliable Staver liste. Hiave Bold them for years anid know that they are as good ams eau be built. Buiy a rig with a reputation and know what yon are getting uîider the paint. The Prices are Rlght. Corne in and talk it over. scbmaacrothers, Libertyville - - - Ililinois. -----------l m ina For a telephone ln your place of business or residence... You get the, inc'reased and growing servie of the Lake County Telephone Company and connection witlî the Chicago Telephotne Company. , ~For Information, rates, etc., wrIte-.. CONTRACT DEPARTMVENT, Lovel's Drug Store, Libertyvllle, Illinois. I :-ýWe Stuck a Snap in Shirt Waists which is to your bencfit. 11.M Md $1.26 Shirt Waista for .......................S 75 »O' Mi w e ahirt Wattfor ....................... 6 75 luhr Waltfo ...... ....5...... g .- fi Ohl: daWaIatmfor................................... 33 le esBoM,%0t5 . ................... ................. 0 to .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . 85 ln mookm 65to .................... 23 top Rspobms, 45a .................................. 173 à leaommortment nf Fly Nt. M a ae S h 5 ta ...................... Bot Wethe Sihrt, 35 go............ ................ 100 REMEMBER: We are headquarters for ail kinds of Footwear. V. Sauer & Son, Long Grove - - - Illinois, j~# RIGHT BROTERS\J IWagons, Buggies and Vehicles of ail kinds.... Wi1 cumber, fumerfs materials and vWe solicil vao.i rouate aligura* tet fair trtmlUeu., Yellowstone Park. Extendêd tour, lettuiely ltluerary vith long stops lu lhe Pat. Privai. 'toaches for excluive use on the drive. Pllmau sleeping and diling cars. Vstabllshcd lutnit ta number..golug. Escort af the, Amrlean 'ourlitAima. ciatlon. Hotu (ampitlLOî eneai MAX- .sgr, 1423 Marquette Building. Oh- caga. Colorasud at Alaska tour@ aim. 'racekets includut ai] expeuses evryil- virneu. Train fresmkChcago via Chf- I=.Kulwmk e& St. Faut 8'j Tus- 4.,Juy 9. 1:00 P. m. lu hot 10, Tu Mus ar igbt. bIo èim foo bigo Bsealavik. lin s Mary erOlur lasretumel Io ber home lu, Wis. Mr. Ge». Grdioy tjiSOrhed aS number 0a ig ls ildîso hsunday. miss Mary Litcîflid bau returned tfiom a pralonged stay lu Wansaa. Wi Kniggs leude the Machins u gents lu thé salé af machine sti Ter. tA.E B anaam ha bau lmprovilig th looks af the part by mowleg $bu I Weili t mlght b. a gond tbinai $0 hlave a dtective boére during bat t eathei. tPaul Chapman, Who ban boeenriit. t lg wyul Fiant Croukhite, bu- ré- turned ta Bolit. tQute s nunber ai aur you»g people atiended the social t Dlamond Lake - La:t Sun<d&Y tRockseeler lam@ t bel eam deieated the Dlamond Lake'& tby a soe 01 Iltu5. twe dont&m mta bs gttlug mcy tletters front Jînt, lacoly. Wel, tele- graume are quictor suyvay. Born, ta lMr. and lia. A. . itansoià, Tuoadayr, Jul Sindi. m girl baby. Thé Infant disd thé emée afierdoon. 19 la expected lIa& one a! aur Young taosnmen ylscu b. t eaerer ai s triped suit. (N. B. thé tipes are tu rna araunti.) WiII Knigge, uho la oneé ofthe purcbanngcommitteo! 01tueIvaahoe Mystie Wrters Lotigo, vwuln Chicago purcbsmlng thîès for thé picutc. By te Vay, are you gaingi Misa Lueila liérobberger la "-backtet the nid home once again. " lier many lriende velcome her back fai the van utaily m uaetithé pmut pYa.ShIe ,llI probnbly mate quille s long riait. Tioesfamaus uitile pilla. I)eWilts 14111e liarlI ers some Tour lîver andl howea sta do t er dity. Iniumgivine: Tonursm. rlig bleati W recupûrerasour boedy. Ane easy la "me.Ci cuver griplé' but prootote au @eay. guntle actln. F. B. LovuLL., Liertîrie. ebanéct t :NerskosPsfo h imé OsaS r a u aiprnted InaiQ6 Nebrushe oiig New@: --A Ustile girl ai Puamdu"raItsplotL of out il suad sha iOéSO5 Sionglt site vould die un- 01 one 0ot hm is1$upan a htappy ex. pOdieUt.à*.alippeti a yard of candis viol di" u io tlle oh, lit the upper oui, »A i during thte évenlug Site llglIted the reoin nicely anti weIittut bedaon rg. THESHOME GOLD CURE, An ingenloUe Treatment bY Which Drunkcarda are Being Cured DaiiY In Boite, af ThornalVO8. No Noxioue Doses. No Weakoffniw of the Nerves. A Pitonnant andi Poaitive cure for the LIQuor Habit. Iinoagàerallr tiosetand uiitdtritoi th" druokeenssladueioiltituSuk À b. Alid yIlied i th îposocnsind ,v oonpetei Bisttn'dtirrttrîotiîtaî or tutu- $tantusnom oxluiu giltiiorlt. retitlrt'tt anrntidate eaain o f untuealal sd cursleie"a aS hem" witlîoutîiitct or Io" of t"e frai iiiioye'rtiti wonderful l'xoaooLit catir whl,th han botta perfeted arler lotO) r eari Of eleite gtrgamtutentm, nt l,,rattia. Thio vanderfuldlsevervltpoitiler ga.îateei tu enr lia ieto,ttliîit tttef. fDo Motter boyIlbadaller. Ouir rtreshow te nrvoas tramuforutîtu o:f tb,tttaiulp i o drouflkfl ao tob.r. lii,tmtrieuuansd uprglt mes. vrrsa c Foru uttANl)5 t tCRUmng çuaVousn, pkmaaît Tuila roe1edu1a.l 0naleamcsrum un t ila apetit fr thia diable ony. sd la uta rkilfuiir deviaed and prsu"mdthamilt la îhorongily soluble anti rbunttthoameocth uLtAit be glenD ieof ite sut ntilîîgI. Thusantiî of sudania mMaur mare haro 9:1Z.dej mi,, tomperate mou ir barb lit "Com tdmlnltenird by lovng faladamcdrsltlve wthoîtt th.lIr ktaw. iodge lu sofos or tes, and, totlay that Seî ulîsoutlnued IinkIng of tttelr 1nu ,rs IL.nD o oTs'AIT. 1Dono t My deiudlet e, apptuand t!misl-,tullig'ImProviemtieit.* Drve ot >e dîseane&IL at~,to'-and for ail tim. -Théo naus oonD u auuua la a i thie extrainoirl 10VrIce ont' dollar. tinsg lttttîug & tst' 0eyta vrtatenttmitr, ef= od Other e0sng $8s tin. tFU d uiOtn& àeeopnr ,aeh panSagfe. ilpiilai advime b, a MM iphuielaitu whon r"qei-ti with:ft etra charge. But Prt'jnild lur nrthe lsVrid ou rtst,ipt norone tdollar. lddrffl ilsit... EuEN B. (J'LgU.à CoMPOsT, tUéasd mm Markttit,.eel litla. AU.ore.alitdottestri-lY olîufidetital. L Ivanhoe Items. Ui braithe 4thl Wm. Vckery ha. purchmeéti suriep. Adam Tltna van a Chcagoi lait londay. ailor" ne liaoAunulé Doier inaaaistlng lira. MeitIé at Prenant. Mr. Faskersa lItsentertainetiena- pasy 1maItiituday. lira. liikie in tertsainnglber aiter homu icit ly aS Proenn. We Indeinned tait weddlog bella are soan ta rincg in ami Utévilage. MIr. liraluerd aud ismliy ar eue- tertLnilg their daughteî, lira. Bard- ing. L. P. JeanmAne and .1M. hSmitht vers lu atndusuc ai a Prohibition[ MfassMeeting liusd in Wanifuteanim Mauday. A meeting yas belti We<inad ay nîgitt in the 'achoal bottsfor Lite puipase ai forfliug an aluninî. lit bave flot heard te partcutaroi. The cropa about lo. toe latlng li» n aoacount a!tte Wvinasuethai. We are glat Ilhi smthlng enJapa tii intenshua" for snferhng hnmnnltt do.. noS. Mri. a. Wels apeuit lait hnndAy at hamo. Re. favoied un i vtI a solo Sunday eveniflg vhtch wuvan7vsyeUl roudereti aldmprectted by thasa who Isard I. Are us ta have aàBndai liebo picole th11 pear? W. lave board a lev remarta &long tibm lino. bat; aating bas permamenili netiei. Mai the gondi yark go au. LONG GROVE. Haylisg «ai egua n u estm. J. Eluier s" Mtmlyhave bien enteriing ooapay. .lUra. J. Hofeit, visa vellaibhre bas îrued t cee le .. À number grain thla ,lclitl attende eamp meeting at Daruwng»ltsmiday. U. Bolieibach shut joulisMangine à day or tvoanmd rep.ired lmt boler. Thoevairngellcai dburcI, vhiol wu ftlUi Spdmm.géd by a atroke ci 11<10- nin as boohm epatreti. Mr. and Mmlir tempel, someilme mgo mteuffl tihe iSai marrimge alsm.ary of thear daugitîler, lir. Ffaier Kt park Bidge. Mr. Phlp Wmgneoe and Mi e»ou Zimmer ver. marniod ueéestl. We madmratand th.p lnând ta »Mteïér Ploie ill b. no meetings iunSte Er ls barch nesaSnday. lln a I olea Mn.d ego $0 lsOis U %Mm a M, vîm e S . P. iasOli1e Sltaéit, WhIaet- parel ta giro inasiruma linstmo4i lu modae. Um i £leuBwe 000k OMIreun tSe raate" m a., C. M. Wiloleameliemtlb.e eowomtoey devotl ber tUse ezolusivoly, Be pisse eanaequently ohé la preparmi .Btegir. iamtuBana eltb rgan * plana. Cmll on, orai ddreaMIsUlmOliVe Rîtzentlier, Long Grave, IM. autucar aÈCIROOL. Catrrie Wereubeig van béithea abetao aitardpdurlng tiese prinfi Besities fsralsbjng a ué book came, aboutlt a veisumea u£ie ddei ta the llhrasp. The achoA ympea of t aidley schoni closeti on ffldmy vitita 4i ta thé atternoon. BeaB«t a l oo ets hlis nu OxaminaBiU Mud Levus =" abat*11 yen. Alýqf *bompebu,& We are glati te have thte pri%lege I ai9mnsounolng thastOa cof Our blghiy eateemad send respectei young men bas the houai aibelug choies ai deogate tram Waukegan Chrfîtas Endeavar ta tle Chrlatian Enuhavoti Convention wviîcla ista be helti ai CncinoaSi, 0h10. Ws undéisamnd1 "b. Henry Kuebtér viii tari an hi.$ trip about ts U t uInSt.9 On accanut aof net pubiahng any Ivanitas neya la"i veut it MayfDot lbc1 ont 0f Place nov ta mention mu Re, aidant vhlch mighi havé praven fatal lad h net been for the tlmely as.1 sistance a01tMr. Skinner. Wiile play- Ing uer s veU at ber hume litt1e Estella Skinner steppet an a lao" board vhlch ippeul op anti threy te utile girl Itatte vaer vhiol vas about iltén en ot ielaw. Juil aittItis critîcai mordent lier father arrîvet iupou the Meéne &ne saeeng th terrible danger tbat bis dangbisr vau ho, lmmedlately praceeie t tadescend Ino thîe veilby m«onofa!the atanes vîbol prajecteti trans the aides. Whou hé reachedth ie vaSer site liittj "mcoude ta théemur face thé secondti ime and vis cîIi4uig te mrne boards which happeneti go be wiginher reacb. Aiter cbaklng a fev minutes site ourviveti. but It vais a nar. îov escape. .Thte var tutgain a geod ir.pîtationulu tel eudeavor te b,, what rou dteire l ite r" bt te l prwlnely thtMarnuer in sehItti Thamberiahu t (jougit iemetir hu@aitlwd t » aputation an a ucure for eulhit. olin rotîp anti yboatinugou g . Every battî,ýt, hatlha. tvor tissupuSt t ,the manfaicturera has beep fulir up ta the higistandanrud f exutol- lentc aewroe for il. people hav'foundt tt i l eu ai ws bo tisttqndedti tpon for tht, rotai anti ure cf these alimcent"andaotIl h le pleasmtand ti é etake. Foraàe b1y i. Lovaa,.LhÀertyrlle; 0.YLEE iai . ut; s.atixL vci PRIAIRII VIEW. lilas Spiag1u e i îly reutoverlng train ber IinIeas. Théro vas. qute au éxaduà; Se ths City on thé itoi JUIF. A oumber ai familles venlt ta Nortb uprelaldta attend the îally Muutdny. C. Aihrmels nti C. Mason returnsd £rom lShax trip taete Pan-American gitpasittonaet Bufa. Thiis COMMunty vas aurprised ta &Is..01 the Msxrige ai WM. Bobo rta a lady tram ohlago, on Wednénday. W. visb Obeai hmppinans sud succes lu tîei vWedjeo itM. Ohudren's Day vili be olebrateti sumdmy forenoon, JnlY 79it.a% 2:30 4y#lS*. Goad pemti!igWhU b. furia- temled b he a oU&lien mcd thé choir frasa lbthe v&ugel$M churcI, Long <SteVe0bOncle 1ding dI.mMaie q1mtes satmre mlxod quartella wuU do te ~Dg.zverb6dytgiost orautliy 014 anal l Mdyeting, caeonesud extiourago the sundmy "oînlby Four piomee. Tbé exeirclnes VIlI be hOId in the Woodm.u'sBail. sunsouomplalt la unuanalli provaieni amnou dehlthis i se on. A wsîl de- àeIo d i nluthewdr rsfanillt' vsa uured In eot hybthe tiunesof QhmbnrlaInufi LlI~Choer a atiziaiis Mon-onc ofté 11or pIlent nM, osautatuo q Obvuehls àgii!SkePt ou baud at t" SOUSai é a.t~. WauOaunot tînded as afr* veqs té omso. v io do ocet adl- teloia. Nofs9% Nae liboy.,iat.bott In &Umm., tg nui glSIL. a cuOira IrOLA&BB&BIL> gx maIgR. ][Vau boe. The Saeé 014Story. sWU.I elie d alS Xira hub"an utuitalned OaMPaitY trou Ca Q fadSziy. mi"asViola Mienat several dais lu Chioago lta"e. Ur. aaujlra. Bige] snteitalflsd a few Woukepu ri lsioims unday. Mr. sud lira. Hornbeatle and friaud, Uri. Koutun, vsiteai et uopIL étn» day. Wm. Mleregtir, noflienton, la build- ing te footoîion îtfor Everet Maralis barn. Dmd it rain boes Mndmpt 1Wall, vs notioed h vasi raibéi Dewey lu plnae, but nme of the nelghbore ésiti they oea. i'errv lait a eow 11Used by llgblnlng durlt)îg Monday'a starm Frtqnatoly fd.r Mr.I'erry tbs animai ws insuitid. bi. and lira. N. (0. lisah. vha hbave bean viaitlng their sou; E. B. liaral, roturnedte t thoîr bomne Ini Evanston lait Weduesday. Sote of te boys are mat gettlug naet f ram théehreepoit excurion. Tboy don't bave much taeaMY about iheîr gond tîme, hovever. wVe are compelled titroigb lack of mine te omît suoe nteresgtiflg potry fnrnisheti by nur norreaiondent.Ili1 ulli appear floxi week. HIOîr. Wrt (un lte plant rond las censei becanse Sta Guruce people want -ail the grave] totbolr ronds. Tlhe Jilin la Cental rallroad la tuovu as te --ail og roMt," au accoiunt nf lte grasplitg tondency. We thînt the (jîtrece oommissio)neri mîght bo slmlllariy Surnted. Thé soholars of Sougainet Sceenl, with thoîr parents, teatibers sud friands hala tior annual pilaeln Sberman's Grave iSsturday. The dey vs. fine sud a&H enjoyed thomielves te the uinait. A isplendid dinner vas seived-ie cîoam sand cake, cold met, sandwiches, lemanade, pop and a boui of ailier gond ihinga for ail. lira. Clark Chandler entertaine th Ie oilîdréin ylber phonngiapb, and Mise Harts, their -teadher, tot pie- tures of ail vIn vere pisent.MXiss Emma limier ulîl Seadh uext terniandi ve viait ber ovoiy succeas. Ytiu can n-eyr ur iirapui,ittn hi dîtîne Wluat rîttir tiody nedat ii.n t i geaof ood proIttiýr tii..l,îThon If rour tomailu wiîf itfostge t. KoiiaiDrort.rîtîa (ttre vii. It cntutic, ailtif the calerai digratattt h.'ie imiast lgP.',ieveo item otf foodi antI ut I.r,'iar" it thatinautîr., an use 15 lu nouris8h- loia tee bodyirsend ii ,la,.t'lugth., vaqt.iît i. Un. tints ivinglIl .,. bitaitî. t.mrgrlî. eitlt,un.pure blootiantI gootlhîaiîiîraIl- peSito. For saletiry. B. LvinZLiLberty. Ville. FOX LAKE. E. Braonvlated Chicago Ssturdnp. E. Suyder le enirtainlug people fromntte cipy. A. TVeed andti vle vlsted Gu nee Irlénds recently. MIr. Wliey viin carry the DîgbIton Mal thé oomisg ysar. Several of te airmerasmokthtier vool ta marktt liaday. lira. Harrison Glberitla suferng vitIt Sciatilertheumatlsma.9 Wm. Caine sadt moily entertailted Chicago relatives aver linnday. 9 A. Klrmau aud lMr. Fard, of Wou.1 couda, ver. an Our trets ruoetly. MIr. E. Cuiver anti h. Gilbetrt wîit $beit familles visileti Waukegan Sait- day. E. Nelson anti T. Galger aiteudeul services astbe Gavin Soboul bouse Saudiy mornlug. The Foi Lake Cemetry Assouciationt vini meol vîit lira. H. J. Nelson au Thursdmy, Jnly lit. Mri. L, Wakefield sud ulfe. aiso lilae AbbiîsWilson, oftliruee, vert, Long Lake visitea siueuntiy. rnwemttof tiîeto llutt a iît tYour Iseliti DreptP1,îu,I trte vtltit tlonttht, luist sud uni nrfoir titniiit litl ri i caitein lu out lu-i uitIl. and 1 Ilias ,nt-il ltair the-r preptiratlitnit. Joua Hana. ,t XKltiie"x. l'a. Nti in,îuîrat.IleuK. t1i1,8 Drt tuitla Cure, as il uýontilII, tIlttht, résturai tr2g.,tattas. it wili geta l tt itls or foodi anti tani hbellitbut doi, on igo t. For ti,'tir P. iB. LOVELL. LIbertyvîlît,. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERle. Furnisitetiby Lake County Title 4 Trust Co. Abstracto of Titis.'iles (junranteeti. Maaonle Temple bldg. Waikegan, 11I. s- 1-44-1 Wul. ..... . $ - a Hophia ilîrnttitiuir & t lut ltJit B5instluil 4e", W51 &-,Il , ! îw X setn--6u-V) Mtu-eswl ..... 8ar4e 's Wm Ittirtlo & u tu rtiltr>t'r," ""Il 3 ru18 loitt i i lt7itnugiv*2i1Iviii i/ Wauoonultu W._.. ...... ni.. Li M Spafiorti L, Henur It,gtu3tto lot i.(ý ir 3fi) lSîalorI'u îdi tu t-an tgoohb il...... ............ .... 150autoa 0. W Taylor & sel lauDau Ml'aikîr lt i13 biS t Wrghte nîlutl e itur. trville wti....... ...... ....... lIi l Warner Wadawoutih kwl uiJio î Mitjqiuc-n 815W4 1W 4 soc '-tu-I 4 ses lotaô set igta-12 10t icsui.seul. soUet E (i Trot&uti f et ai to Annatuis iî- ton & hue se1M uW .3-àautlt 2-46-12 ucd............... .................. i1 (X Mary J Durkin te Jn Ale-i Dowlo nl 4 ne 4 &4eX Wt6titino i 4 tise x sec 2OtI_ l uti .................... e6135ut0 i0ydi W Tuttle ta Thon Crtuzuy iim x s45.e--i,utd..................î09) Carolinue M Huli te Thos Cropler a', 1 idasec2l-e-il qoti............. ...... 1 D Titai Crapier 4 wi ta Titde laiSon Pt aue1M aoc la-ia-Il2 u3d ..............i ot r Kraft & svf te Louis lu & Cili"tL Kraft ne 56sne 4 atout17-65-1wd... K2lt) où ifORoîO, laD., Aug. 10, 189f) PUP131NS rtun'Ca. pou ses:-For te past ten Years I vas troubleivOt My tace. About four Yeats aga vas tatou dos'u vigb ttgenmatlam; vasfol aleste do a dore voat for tIres Yeuts. Ail Medicineeffeemed ai no ituneflt 1u me. iA pesraga . vas advlsed te take Dr. Caldwell'& Syrup Pelpato. S truiy tbelleve I vnuld lave dleti but foi ibIls tMedicine. My rheumstiom le entirely gon and my stoamacil la 1n goond con- ditian. Il lai savéd my 111e anti 1 esunai isoammouil It tochigbly. Yaura roepectfulip, EruVOOD liCAO crN. holti by F. B. LOVUDL, Liborsyvie. It Daflute. the World. rNo Dlstovory lu miellolseban uviir trqâttît ane quatrter of thotmeitemeultial bai beon .9aqumut bi tipr.NKnes Nmw Datrv ro E ZýýJUKOAN] umiaxa et t" cmmi> 5se"a lmeo AStibelr meeting liotday biglât the oiy fatitors vitI a uanimolta vote detied ta îtriease te publie lbraryj tuuti tram l$2,(«i te $2,W)00a pear. Thla stop va. tatutu la ordir te Suate md- vnffé nf Andrev Carnegies aller of 825,004 for a public library, a condi- tion beiog ihai $2.50m muet bc given for IM yearly support. À îqulet cdrcit veddigof ai io prominéni Waukegau people toat place Wednesday ereuing at Christt churci. TItey are Miss Lydia Hower, tinugiter aoflMr. andi lra. A. C. Bouer, anti Dr. George B. Daeibeckér, one of Waukegan's pramîinent yonng busi- bns men. Dr. aud lire. Doerbectei loft for an extendeuiiilp euat. T he Chicago Prose Club ackuowl. etiges 1ia regrets becaune oallis fsinîae ta landi ai Wantegan on ts recent1 seursion, in a left te B . C. Horning.1 Thte wvilter said lu part: -The1 membera ai the Club vers miu kuolp vexati, noStateam&y humitinted, andi viliutDo apologius c auo aler viii efface entirely the ulsappolulment you have ontfered, ve are glad te mate thiIs actflavledgmsni of Jour coartesp aud tender our regrets luIai 5bai been uta IliIreqalteti.' For tite irat i tmo inces te Lake Caîîuly Llt1uor Dealer'a Assocatonj van formeti a case bascoaé p whlcii the organizationumas a uody vilil fgît. lIt mto oa test cseand Ih lanuder- stand that lte organization wilI igitt It throtîgb ailli e iigber courts, te puit to b10Se laolved beJng toasacertauu citaS la meant by --mn habituai druntard.' Mondtay moning FJ. Biemo vas founti guliy of mailingg iquor Su au bhlaituldrunard, a jury bearilug te case l in 81184wéla court. Thé IoVeet Uinsevautrecommniditaud le vas orderedto Sa py $20 anti cosSa. City Attorney Lluydtcter prooecute th ie case andi F. C. fiogerm reprusefiteti Brean. 'Te defoudant asikuit for an aPPtialt. tîto CircuIt cotat. 1115bonda ofeb S5tt re utgnetl by Jaa. woci au preititt of te Late Cannity Dealers' Anociation. The came agalisit Leanard tIrew imucit attention andtihie roont vas filîlet. Leonard teaistitidthtShé had eured wlue lu Brean's saloo alter a datSe wheu hlm Uaine wum bîst- listeti, bis mother sotiug tn bave hlm placod titere. Ilow là§te Ticket? Dora 15 suit you' Weil, we are flot ail lke, yonu tnow. lnthla world, sud it ln bard ta please evoryane. but the favor la unanimously for Dr. OldwVol'a Myrup i'epoin sa 1Ilefitguarmut-ed ult Cure Constipation, Indigestion, siek beadmohe an4 stnmacb trouble. SOId by P. B. LovaRLi, Lîbortyvîlie. Noticel Pando (32477) Brown Station foisied ApMi 1898. liy Belaire. 2:21J (f ull brother ta Chîtmou sire of AbItost, 2:03j;) lat Dam, Miea. S., dam of Bslay, 2:28j; by Nut. iood, 2:181; 2d dam, Aflecla, 2:30; (li mlter to Alantar, 2:23;) by George *Wilkes, 2:42. rd dam, Ama Mater, *(dam af Û with standard recorda» )by Mambrino Patchen, (58.) Palldowlll Fmalte al short sommlon s Edgewood !aim nur Hall Day, i. witi be llmltea ta 16 appkoved mires. Service F'ee $25.00 Mrley refuuded when mare, prove nt wlth 100. For full particulara addirems J. W. LUTRELL, Prairle Vw Ues DIAMOND l-M<E. Ben) . F.Davla if Viîtiî,< rtlativen HayTing ban omumeîO'î ýI.,8lea llht 0701. Lt. lirockman sud Mitaum mîtr lu theetciy Friday. How do you lMe thi cool upatliet a& 91 degroos lu te missie, Barn, tauMr. and Mlrn. Bort Wllcuxz, a Ds Plound>oîboy, ou Juue 2Jtb. XIsm Clara Smithl a very fil, sud in uuderthteticars ot Dr. (ialloway. Xian Maud Wesit andi ulter, of Lods, are vtalng frlutude and reltivea bore. ira. 0. Il. Liii sut dmugbitor, of Chi. cago. vislaleiIamoud Lake tiéntIt ttis week. Mias mattie lotgiîus tn boume trois Ocliuol aud ber Irleui, lias Uauieloau. ln vilhtng ant tinplâce. Flahlng la excellet eta thé Lake aS proeut. A Chic mgo mucaugiti le. fine bans lu neveun bourn Frlday. The baskt SsociIdifie ld as Oea. Ray'@ lmni 8*gurdtày tulglit al atondeul by à large croVti, sud i wa a greaS socosa flnaucllly, aut iTittdollars eatt toto n l. Wliat mlgbt linv. ;.ruveil a gArlaum moetetut bi hppenui tu 5Mesdamtes Stsalt and maxJuam ou"eday 1maiw.i" n lit- tomptnta t lnrsarouiud ti-.eurriagu, wms upfit sud both Veret, î,wuu oui. Ani" tfroué foubruine et ctLier Vee hurt. Childr'en'nDay eurvlcea Vois field at te churoh Snnday ovonlng, sud ne of te tientprograsmi ever preparu'd bore «mA givon lethle cbildrieui Tht mcooars Vitre weilitîainod andi the, churcit w s i luly decorateul wih lowers. Il Lo'u.irt' k.-.. lo Il ittlu goS t Url Wt' lt,.1rs. 15t,.j 0w soi thon wilil a. ,--[ Si t bwela lné[."- 1-ot ord.r. They uivtir gript'. F.-iB. LOVECLI A WORTHY SUCCESOR. 'SmtlgNew Undar The Suri." thAI' -lo.itirtt iiav'tri I te 'in tATÂAaJt ki t"t use ofî,fîoWîiî,rq. 1id gkas.I ihlera antI îlrigln lantiftrni. 'lh'ir nowuieraudry .1, te. muIteinmtýmlrîew asnu tient 50 1 rmi, i rtantItd.,..Ti p rowerfui acîids 01q, mimie mtmt)ran-i thst thor matera bava e int'O5 aur, Wili-,liastes antdoint- mueit not r.,ael kh ip, eee. Anouhl anti itx[;,riaffe pratitloiî.,r Who lafeitfr manr renam matie a 1i110,-.tudyi anti sliitt of the 1trearment Of (îTA LI iiiiii .1 aitS Jimerfeoted au trituitinett uilà iwii'î,îfiiaitiilr t18@d. cO& onir reilovirtiti.î.but ri'rmaoenu..l turea CATAIIusb. Y r.-Dît.Ving th.8,,ti the dleoh1nÏgee. an uenr l nemm:t it le thie oulyr rtutidy lunututisl oni ta actlîlyr racbes tue aitet Itrts. This ~ol rfn rmeur t.t kuoaii un "'ssuwixms tti GulaEAITEKI tATAttitilcOfS uxad inmoiti ut te uxtremteiy 10w turin tf al ollar,.he = kape utalnlig iiitmàrnul sut! fextral meila.i .,laleti rsfull monl's treat. ment anti eerytbing neceosary tlin apueret use. "ItNUiYLEB" le tihe, 001vperfeqt C~ATAI» cuns. ever fnmati'nd lat 00w retiqog d as i b', ouli. autosud 1Itutîtve cure for thlot apuo&=gad dl»euiutlng tiseamé. Il smir" il Iin 0on 1 ulkly an nup.'mtîy antI in éalaowon ululr inktarelievo RAY CN5SrUPvIO _ Iltet oiSoen leodata 'i 70 U5l~att.e~t eli Bave ru Yeuune atone.itlean Dola remedybut a rontili. % re.unt Vhlsh la posllivelr guarant. ou 10OCI r',C'AUUl mur forai Or mt eIl 118-1 Zalu±rdlng *t a ls directions wfltic atorîtup ul, Dt anae Don't dolai but sentI for Il auttit'. amid lts fuil partleulaan 55lt)Yoitt tontio anusd Yonu wlli rowets étOtid aIvien froethe disoverer of titis conderi o edy reaeti las Frseoas wltbout ru ut to xou nsad thtr'n-alar PrîI, ýOf 'sou ViPLBUthe fUAX- AMTUS CATAItMH rua." boa ste*jJl8 any ailtres lunSte Unitedi Atidrets ore'ut. ÏtZ.l1et f 050dollar " -2M nanti UntoMarket '.Walks, AM e c est andi ln t. long r,, the cheapomi. Feit gravel roofs guar. anteed for five years. RePairiug doue in tIrat clans shpe. A néW1y PrePared top dreaslng fuseut Shat makea 'old, vaîka neaîly as £004 asne'. Iara pîapared tai builti portiaud ceaent iaudewalkts. curba or galiere& Prices alwAYs.Reasonabi., --- --- ------ h Vol. [ows hà lgnOkàcnt that ih(x= dci &wbe the ver>'bc* le dhrlanded, Ivoey Soap à tu usdh tri OY. At the same tinmein hisidreds CE fem i lIreecoomy deddeu thé ci, IvOey SoeP hs Wected Thus f pwjiy atracts the rdcl; tz eccnmy attracts the poor. 1-1gh Uj r Lib DR. E si iLhraétc DI GEN EVE, EAI WR IG i..sUes Ir c utes Dr. Ch ;,fficeo% Ltiberty Dr. ojffice a, 7 t e o t L-i~dence PA( Atttorne N c utrylCIE S -iberty 1 t artffli Nature lu Lstanl ly roli Fiatuisuce Sic k Beadi ail otherre Ivie =i

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