RF 'IJNTY IND'EPENDENTI. Vol. IX. No. 40, Libertyville. Lake County, Min ois. Thursday, July 11, 1901. ~1~O à car ;in * ** 5.valIce Wt Jhavet fîve' r six, .tyles 4of Trolîieal (n~><i~ I are, oexcel- lenut 'r.i I t the price $18.00 and $20.00. A StJIT-- TAI LORS Lbertyville -1-- Ili noîs. DR. Es FORD CA VIN, end Wa Iksec Srnrrr ,t" rn r.. r "" Are the hast anti ln trie 1 -.. - L- rn.. r. ' n ' 'thre .heapest. N.: - ', n. > r.' r; SPECIALIST. i-hronic Dseasautl en andi Wornen. Feit gravel roofs GENERAL SURGERY. EVE, EAR, NOSE, & THROAT. W rrR4uIGHT.rurr f". fi &Co Llbrtyvll.r I jlinot. h '.iIr el or,' lýsues Inter(gt 13 n.ig Cet cules Payable on l)emand. AOM Dr. Charles Galloway. officeover Lovol 's D rug Store HOURII FIOW 1 TG 3 ANI, (, TO 8P. M. Lbertyville. -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. ofice over Triggs & Taylor's. '-sOURs- 7 to 1tuaILuM. 2 to 4 aud 6. 1 m P. uM. L- idence on Biroadway opposite Park Libertyville, Ilinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attrrney andi Counsellor at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC o)FFIcE OvEIrLAxx C*tTNTY BANK, lDyp pia C tYue t rut, in ethe food adeaidt e h eor 't rue nS tbel.N lbe rprtO itauotouftlte. sd lo - ntiicuis Irse t 1 p.Int o ,?aruua Fi jiec,~or tme, Nuu, Snik BodacheG4utrmgaCramps and suail 1 . ogl tv*PO .~bp.W#en long mn guar- anteed for five years. il(-lrusy pîfr.r areritopl relr inrsug rrsr'r lIr a nîes ml alkIi.' urarly a-r gorrd usneus. I m arrtr<i.irr l u)ir n tPortand ci'trrn rulr2uik. -rninu nrgrruîi'rru Prices always Reasonable. WM. BELL Elgin.11 BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. RALPH L. DARBY. T1UNED ... CLE AN£ 1 REGULTEO.REPAiNED. SunerandSchaeffer Pianos. Libertyville - Illijnois.1 Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. nasmxsECa OPPOM".1K IEMAN TIOTKL ELDG. Gurnee- -- ------llinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office over Lake Couhty Bank Bouru r >,12 à. ni. rrid 1tUr 5 1). ni. DAII.X Libertyville, 111. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS ttegm leave trr alinrrrrnrr tila t luewwlllopen a L(È~INTAI. OFFICE JUNE FIRST At elAbIertyville, Biutler'a Block, over thuitir & Dav1Ist aore viere lie MeV be fouud regularly on Woduesdays, f roue 8.00 0 . S.u16:00 p. m. ITE BOARD 0F REVIEW MET~ Remitrt of 1»01§t .'4lurtnur. DOWIE WILL MAKE MIIl.IONSJ MI iiida N iand 1Jaures . A *W oel- nia ai r.s Chos.eu Sccretrry. MOuI.iy tire Board of lievies ru! Latr' Crrurr.iy nuit rrnd orgaulzed. Charîlrîrnai ru th Bor lrardi of SuperviKors (Jeo. 1. of iteview. W. E. Miller, of LIIreçty- ville, anti E. J. Douglas, nf Wautegan, are threurlier inembers of tire Bouard. Alliruugl tirerc e eirseveral sîrrilca- lirunrufrr position nf clerk of tire Boardi ný M. Wrrotiman antiW. H. Wilixnu, liortlir unWaukegan. vere lireunues rrrionîiy consldered sud Mr. Worrrrram wrr, linaily selectet. lire Boardri Ias settieti riuwn trr brusinesandt il iras "stackur' ,f il. Ileariergrr are giveur anti conrîrairrîs eorrldered belveen tir'bourra ofl hi A. Mr. andi 2 P. M. 'lbrr are now do baud a great nur ter of wrllten objections luassrenr. menula ant i ny persrona arr' planning ou ajrpearlng persnnaily before tire board tur argue for cirangeir lu tireir toix. B.lankrr ou viicitr i le cumplinte May Le rrltailred of .riry muner of tire Board. A treufrk irlrs goverrrung tire ioarui wss i,.uurr lamt seek frrin tire INorE l'ENVEN"T Jet)r1r001iré. llürr are a les pointers cunîrirnerl tierelu: Any personuorr corporation trat teisres tu conrîrain le rid board of itevies ircoalise himr is rIs propertyliras beeauaesaed loo irigisalilfile vilir tire cierk orrlsaiti Board of lRaview hii or Ils courpîsit ui writlug on ort bogore lire iraI Iiontay in Anguat. Crumplirluts uay ire matie coureru- lng thre irerease or retinclion of tirea enîrre assesumeut, eitrer reai or persona] properly, or bolir. or of anyt clams irlrluded lirerein. But sncb I ceurpîsinîs musit stale rrucir facts as wil 'nible tireBoard uof Renies 10 rleternrine sirelier or trot lire asauas- mrentl irrr teen madu nurtire prrrper Crrmpints as tluhl uerîuallty 0f tir ae ursameté bteleen towushrips or ru any portion Of tire corîuty May irec matie, but tire saure saoi contaln sncbl factoanas ilI enable tire Boarti nf ILevlew le equalîze tire saure. Tire Board wilI Ire lu session several veeka, ;rusibly util tire latter part of Snirrl t l'os WilI Sot Spread. ire iwrrcasesrof urmal poZ5a&tire ralriri r eamp near Wliitrr's ('rossing, wst rrl lrayalakte, bave not resulteri lliur far iuu a contagionu, an sas atI lraI ftued eitirey wonld. IL ini nov about tvo veeks udue tIre Iso m~Tr frrd antiF. E. Johnrsonuu, wsre talien siet. utairroiir l imefarnrerur lu tire vjeir'lr ty rlr'uairlr-ti tire <ltire ralîroari Courtrc beqriunttrtinerl. 'liis sa(oue arrd Linuugh lrerrare teon men in thre gang orr t0 he ,ti(r'rscoitracleillhe ,iseand rrrino uu r!.ut ubite tire camp bras tuer'!.CXporeui, *wiurg te tire very strict rîurrraitiure nailutalned. Gurrr(. ?A. Fritli i an au ulaant muurr' ru 'corrrn iît n rglirt suriClay 10 prcir'rt aryurnrr cutering or ir'avltrg lire camrp, anu danger orf tire limetese uuirewrirug Isn rriiluly iîr.t. Exciu1nl Fri,,Jury 'Serv ice. i rder tire irewlaw, wlici seul frit ,'m(r' u'lny lst ther foitowlng are exempt frotunjury service; il'ire goveruor, lieu. terunnt grrs'4rnrur, uereretary of state, aurrlibrr of prrbIiir ac ceuis, truamîrrer, mulultcrliriett0ofpurbric instrurction, rttruî ey genierat, rocurieru uof lire qeurerai rusemtly dluririg îreir term Crof flce, aii judgem of courts, ant cler ka o! crurîs. horielff, coroners, po8tmaatera, marril carriers, prrctlclng attorneys, rl rîficers of fle Ut ed States, rriiciatitig rliniters of tire gosple, meliruritircliefru'itirrrng tire terra uf uuluri 7ractcing iriryriciauS, regis. tereti ruri asistlsant pbarrnacists, con- Citant fuvrrylueu, rrayors of citien, pliicemn.rr, active mernriers o! tire lire riepnrrlme.ut, embialmers, unorertakrers and lfimferril directers atlvely engrageti rur tireir ttiuriessi. surI i trs.' lielinnion. llire xoeuritve commitîe of tire Like ('uurnty Soidiers' anti illora' iteuuiou Association wiliI meet aI tire 0. A. fi. Hall, lu Waukegau, aI 3 octocir p. m., Saturday, Jnly 13, 1901 for tire purpuse of I1ing upon a lime anti plauce for hrolding tire tweuty-tirr surinai reurnirru of saiti association. Propositions for grounuti anti enlertaltimeutnt iî e recelveti fromt iplaces flinat visi te ibave lire renulon. (oniratis sud olirers iuterested are ruvileri b attend. jontn M. Sîis',Pres. Il P. liiiN>5M, sec. lttriry and l tAtîk illeilAttentitbrn! tIont let tlire lys sorry lirefilfe ont of yuuur co'rfW houre yen cau relieve tireluofi!tirrt terriblre tortrure for a les i'eul.r a. rirrvby urîlugRilpey's Fly ienroîru.. 'rouir catîle sut feeti btter ant i gvcurmore unIk. No swtcblng and Iickrrrg wi r iing. Tiroy stand 's r tir ras lu siler. ant It a relief lu fin youriielf of that tb )-wirn ltîin cornme awitcbIlu in yuîur face anti cyes? IL eau ire appliéti lu a fes minutes. Sprayer sud liy ltiurver forr maie nY (C. G. SIIALL, Rtockrefeller. 401tf p i mn. l'rtze Eting Couteat. "'f ey liedaun eating contei tirhe oitiet nlgirtsi;tl'in Hook seiroolhopse." -Who won?" *'t(eu Siruterslire Rte ine bonad of eabbage." "ýl)it tt 1ipake hiram sck?" "«No. Mie lust teok a spoonful et Dr. (taldtioît'. p pFepain. rThMýqrP' vente atosmoh trouble cit t Il.eeaYW.» am by I. a. 1 - - - ---- -- ---. --., . --- 1 sere vitirileuti a irru- irrrrrurtire es'enug 5wore Ébat b' ,ou rirrr e i tirey 55 himlm .rt, 1't irrevlouni te iris attemPtlng Ur f-- th.e for huome, and ti lteinr-rr ýthialire i' under thir llleencu- ir'îuor at îir,- lime of ibis deuir ai' r ,t,, Ire rte ing anti sitirnit li ' J n1-irrn rfant, accortiing 10 tire hrr.ttrtoryiy Ihoste vinIbail apeitir dirlayrirh courpany and 54r-( ,rtitnrly ru a Position &0 kilor.thtiftrr urutter tiru those vWho only surur.r r Jtirat ire Wrr lntoxicatei ut tire tir r. lu accordance Sotir tJrrr r", iieucithtbf jury reudereti amrrrr,r "f4rccidenital demithtiout fiiing riri, r,.lolsibillty ripou auy eue, tirur r,.--IIK thlie ciapter of iris short lite anitriA rqpY eudîug. TALCr,1 rMn11 1. 1r'1r W bile nDoevir'- ro rer!lrr sires luquor irad ber un rtri iurkre onr day ire vas drrrwtrr.,I r rt lufeus',r Iran a hall tiozer u mtr,, rer rutillît tiraItirey hati i'n,irrrrg lirrrur Itu tireir places, but Iirr brnrrrd tiat be hadsoiti to IBurkre onrthr t iay. Aller tire Inq [Lesut .s-rr rCr tire jury drev up ant i ereoinnir'i r ,'tllionte Mir. Talett aakiug Lnr, m mrerlately Wedioseup tire uurc-rtîaces aid thé States Attlrrrrr -Iil rioubtiokro take vigorona e t 1) ttoi' eunirtire "irlîintipige."r Hines.'.illc rr .ks many femi3ragu th' ir-trlie vilage cf Haineeville saurlr' ruc.Sure- ceetiugevels -trrirtr rttire thirv- ing communlty unit 1ryeare nu toeraswere eleei, -io4ry irecause noue vere needei, r.it liaiunesvile veut rigIrI on belng a r i.Lig' Nov coures tire arrirrg sud or a recent kBaturtay au lu, n. rri'vas irelt, tire flîowing oficers chr- - mr'nrre: Preaiet- Davidl'i tr thr. TrusleeI. A. i C.r," 4 'afi bura, A. W. Wirîtrrrrr> - .' 'itrard. lerk-A. 1). ItRi. Treasurer--Ueuui r, Coustabte Heri irnrr Stlreet Coim.-%ntrùuri r , t-ro Tirotugh Haluesvnhlr' rr u togirl proper recrognition r aiirurad O)tlolats Who permsuteutiorigurore ils posailities If railirrr iliaties ar afurtied, jet lber r'rtizr>uaare ni tirat turdy, louacinîra typreliraI assure tire m'eutual tealitatinroftireir Iropea Tirere yull be saIirrivrurg village on tire otd ite. conne day, anti te thos« Who are oversasîulngy kcep etg iti wyll belong tire giory. AIlirhonnir te WO have à gootisale onUDr. Cald- .weia OFrUp. epsin because vis gtt~siteten riffunti ion, meoéy 11740juat as WOe. t t letIoîtIha$ tei ra p- rvfu.LbiwI llg Rital Estate Trunsfer. F ri-layrrmie of tire blggesl Iransfers of tirr Yerrr wuasrecordeti, tire considera. t' 'n trr'n g $3 ,010ii. 11 ' ruuirifjotf u20; aures anti 43 lota as IrIeiit 'flire transfer le frour B. Imt r rr' r Arcireiaua S. Tyreil of Chf- r'rgrr arritire PrrPcrty ls lucateti 1us$ wr'hl ru!the Ciocur borne. lMr. i yreiis pturirose lu buying tiré PUrrrLY uru aald to c iresiira viev 10 errr'trrig a large LoIel on tire place sud sririiviiiug tire remaintier lnt lots auri lrlit tireur tir forsamie. ln tire dea u lrereiry irerelaasedth ie 11r9 tract 4,f vainairie land, Mr. Close mecr.rnnd a 2r0 roo iafit building ln Couîrt Oritersr lîbkinaon Stock 1arui Soiti. 'rtecr! oAmsae for $35.469 w as en. terrr'tbyJrdge KhusaI lu tbe Unitedi Sîrrte Cirrcurit ( 'ourt Moutiay against Wiiio i. Dîctrînson k Co,, ln tire forocIirr procoeiung beau iry theu Drebruit Safe aud Look Co. I irîdtecree affecta 200( acres of land lu Lake Cri anti $20,04l<1 sortir of brrnds of tire Concorti Appartmêent Hrrrrse (CorTieY suire ls old sîtimua mcntb. C/rtrrro Record Ronrald. 'l ire land runrueitlou la tire Dirk. iumru n Strrck fan uti Prairie Vlew, osinA iy %W. lu. Dickinson andt former- ]y wused biy Urtrnty Treaurer George N. trîdiey. il la onu of tire finlst farums ln Lake Cnnnty. thousands o! doîllars liravrrg beeu spent iry Mr. Dick- unrunu itu rerteut yearsilnlurprovements. Drina 'leuty of Wtter. Coomiiirrer of Healti Rekynoldis, of trle Chicagru Heallir Departmont, ray,uin a rrilettin on "Bus 10Avoiti -Do rnrt c'hec'k perspration, but driiikwlit ater yrîu neerl 10 keepfil lin, ah prirc rationtmprevruta tire body fi (onu iei ug oirfireateti. '%Vliren mrirhftignei do not go to sork, especiai!y alter Il 'cioek lu tire morultg. "nLuoutrecatliner aicoirolle drinks aireuld tir> uvrienl, andtt anti ccffeo uiseti sîaringly. EmI luglit anti easiiy digestert fuod. Once a day ls ofien euglî tri eraI ueat." f i Dzzlem tire World. Nrri,',,r'irmuurlioiae ba. averaresteti onrr- qurr.l t'tirr 'Xrritr.r nt L aitm boumn ciuuserl lrr Dr. Kiýr's fNews covatifo Cuusritt .It". infreat totet taveybeenu mouiu. lrmrrrigr.Ilerisransu roo.ohlua tborrsaut.ti of inioni It has@rueetm ta Der- leut itrtu.Frrr CeuairaOuille,. 4tia. Barl"ruur.Hoayeéesani oo. iur(?urir 1>ilitir,' urullteatr n eus furin luwre Ii> *oiIblV Lva". a r- trurtie: R (5YrLr.r Pliaàcx.tWh ber smruu mîlsaetruror refrsd mener. fr~ boUl ieaurrt $.ai. Trhalbott rs. IUSD TuE îNDIPB4»D. Ir iLmàbi> ALI.OTHBa. NOTICE!1 The, firm of (x,. R. LYON & CO. is ti day, Jiily 8,' 1901, dIiu*tlvedl by mutual consent; Mr. N. Niebergali re-tiriiig from thefurm. (Ir R. LYON, CuAs. R. LyoN, Wti. 1. LYON, N. NFIHEIIOALL. The. firm of Gr. R. LYON & SONS whlch iii thim day formetd will assiumneaIl liabilitieti and receive ail accouuîts of the late firi of G. R. L'YO-N & Co. G. R. LYON, 1 ire post mrgreariu , irut r fr iigVuru1 tire remirans of iam. M. Ijir.r tirli, I l uo e,,agiszc t3OOil)I drîl, mrildeuty OU J1u, rr, %%hie' I F * e 1<>( Lots. x r'rrltr*ing corn on b'hi, rr rir))rrlSleo(Los tfirre mi les soutir of V, rrr wla u ' wNIera tmua e1 1,40*, r relin WalUnaay OnI irirt 1, . tSltrurl,4t o ar 15o alcuit anti rrrrrtir e of r!bis iltsai /ion City, )ttr)ruy Tl 4 ati iv .Irngr r1it,'rto uwunirrj), irr i ylur rtOir<iictilrg rr)Xari[n- lor ~Jiy ti iîj.th LI, wjlii uribarir tir r..in tir, rein ritale buririesa on aLlbuge C oronier Taylor wasr r.irt ._'r u, aind trîr len dEa*f Lie wil continue bIrninrg the body but ('. ))l"t rteey LI) P9 lh theru' cue of Lieilots. 'TIe landi tire legal demant.- was rIrrlrcira'cd fur uometiing lesa Iran Il Ireirart vas foirtiri , [,,- reurly $ rrrrwhircir Wuirlà Valuaîîuu far twice tire ordiuar7 aize, '.rrgtracsurrc'm ine ru!ofrts reaI Sortir DowIe irae ofilruease, aud lte towa irri' r "trined hrti rthe lrd subriivideui anti platteti, no trace of poison. 'l'ii,'*I ) rgrajjjg Oave antidrirh ave ireeu met on tire Iota beaur lukeor taChicego foi , rIurriùii Sln hîir ri ii net tire mairi nued-$15, by experts. rîu,,r iiolluwlng thre 5iItopm.i ir9. lieiry NI) deedri sili ire given, but tire mimter ni tre deocaseti, sir -i umarided îcerses nIlrugi for 1,14*44 years, bywhtriol tire examinaton, iLtvilig -)* eururs to Lime tiiere rnay Ire anotirer Elljalr. bave an expert examine thIi'errt and 'l'ire legai documents are nlostholos @toinacir, tolti CoronerTU *41r gliarlt sile pre3rsred tuy Dowiesè lawyer, Samuel wouiti bce satîstieti wltlrJ J j i1i0g rî W. lPackard. i'hey contain certain lie wourid tirorougirty rîrrîrru'theC caufies providing for thre forfelture of organsm. tire lorts if anly. of thre conditions are Alter iraving COoPInt 1 I )rtii lier vilîated. Tirere eau Ire n tobco, n reqiueat, saidta t a rerirt' r fOrr te doarr, nu dirai stores, n buschor IDrEr'EtDEtrT irops, rerîderlng establishunt@. guru- "I foud Vie atomacir Ilo r h Rrrhauerl pOSter facturier., or places vire and ail tire tinllcatlou@ arr fthi. Mou-sftre (rr ystersm are kepl ti ere la a agran tiled of neuR1111a11rttir' irart. cîaurr îrovlrîlng traItirhe lois s@bal] Tire evirleuce ti la absoute ;r11r1Iirle case revert tuu Drwle il thre leaso-holder wll inov Ire dropped as MNiîr- (trrv ru virriate tire lava Of 00od. ratlstied stiunMY exanntrr.rtu Ini 'pite of tire conditions shicl i vli As.seumeutRaIlt'.. ~i ~ bu teir ri ver tire figears of thre falthful, Ai4s«men MOU 1,11di.le. DroIýe expectrrt, lud inipenty of persana Thre tIDEPENDENxT liii" r Pr h-'. rit lUing te part sîth tlieir bard.earnoed loiieri tire asesamelt r 11t' lthe moirey, lu excirange for aile or more ti>W*lnaipu ef Lieryr lgou r cf tlir'elusses. No lots yl ir eur wet Deerieid sud Premrrrilr' ilirt Iran frrty feel ln fronitage, Incluties the fou and asse4,,r1t rrie of flirrue linrîidreri laborers are no V eu- ail personai PrortY Suri 1r rorgem u icamriedri rt Lion City, sorklug aou 'the tire value of real estate lu tIrrr' rrni; sîrerîs anul boulevardls.Pour boule. iurlug tire Iset 'ear. Thr,' is'ri arcvarirlil 0converge aI ZMou temple, r publiahbed iaccordiug gole Ii t rtruir Excurrslourr sili I rn toaZMon City, rire supervision of Couri i 1r.u rrurer, ant i iowle viii foreglthe sale at every Grirdley, Sun la aa i r, r r>rfrr .,u!atige point. assentamenta, anti they arr t-rruiug OTIERAS CHEME xTriO. prluclpaily becansée tIbur'1-v the incIt lm reported tiraI Ivo outsliders. tomnparative amounts lr,ri 40'tu-not tirrwieites, bave secureti promisek divîduai.. ion yUl llud i.' irrtm oo f iàsale of lire Wru. Cole farur locatedr rurrîte pagea nf thePaper ru tire ieart of ZIon City, th&at the prirelirer acre la exirorbîtant but the, Accidentai tIroir ruirri g. ture sîeciialors expecl ta reallzé groat Tire Coroners@ Jury ,tirir r mwet profitasiry culllug tire farm upîttu le1 $aturdgày te lurînire littheirur'rie sud trîN -ring tirerfor sale gîtDoie.s ieadiguol) u tire drovujIr r )A -Jaunes encreaurpniet next week. Tireir beflo Bunrkeu. lu Bluff Lake, !-i, hry, -lune lmta tI iee lots yl BeIt mure readi. 23di, cogenmed uearly rrr. nay lu a Iy Iran tirose put up try Zion Lmid 3earcrigig examinattoir . : burnt a Comrpanry as tire latter are saii u doxen vituesaes sho bart -Jrrttpart of couditiosusdtitire apeculabora viU tire day and .rveuing rrti, Burke or, oei nnuditJonaUy. oiîdauce voduced Lir-rti luit boilit ruking rtrennrurs effort t byin r or tirauk any lîluor r t any of tire ladiurrlrt CurIelias been roundiugnpIlb. resorla ou tirat II drrî r i trruursuni r'.r top acr rutsi ste h iti les Ity gh NulatiVi*A ~urrl la a CI.KAISER, LibertyvMi - hIIlu.1. The. 20th Century Cah Store for the neit thlrty days wilI sei the balance of their stock of ladies' wrappers and shirt wulos at reduced prices. We doîî't want to carry them over. Cail and examine them and get prices. We have a few men 'gsosmmer Suits, medium weight, will close them ont at reduced prices. Juat received, new lot of shoes Men's cloth balîs rubber sole .............. 0 Boys cloth bals rnibber soles.............. 50e Men 's ffeamless work shoes (Cordox' ian Stock) for $2 anîd.. .......................... 1.60 FuIl îî he of nîen's and boys' hiatti from 25e to.......................................... 2.50 Youns voit CASR, E. W. PARKHURSTO uGIn^xU.O% TV J u a ti d p ti p Cd d il t WlIr.x, t&y. of Lodse, lveà bore. or. of Chii. .0 finils rme frour rée Lake aI girt eteven a,. t tendoil 4 greal ilars Vals Dres mtasis 'k. Iu ai- .erirriagi, rrrsrr Orut. ire relt i E g, sud oneu peepareti Ire% 'Thie 1 udà tire atet vitir DO a.- rIruu lder 'ATÂRAI try rrir8as anti lorsg dr-Y nin 19 te m to i>rfin artits rat.en swa unir maker% s sand oint- Anr ritt anti .9 for maury cInsIt, of lte fleî'rfeeuuod iyuissti no& -dn att,7Li ant inI solti dolilar, emst cd external 0 Itapeec ut CAvAssa ne for tb 4e. Il n mu boa"a ta Il Save ton 20 orslm r di.gtOti idtioac anti r freint thé {,ii ri. ren peo.d the GuA- liai Unitedi nue dollar t' lont rua guar- rears. Inas shbApe. Qing fis4 au gnod Portland gruitere. imabWe $1.50 a Year in Ativnnr.. BINDERTYWINE. As harvest time wili soon be here the question arises, where can 1 get best bindlng twine for the least money? Cheap twine that cloge and breaks is dear at any price. 1 claim that Plymouthi twine cornes nearer to perfection than any othor ' twineon the market. I wiII warrant every foot of it'to stand a itrain 'Of 75 Ibs while most cheap twlne wilI break at f rom 60 to 55 Ibs strain, Get samDIos of the différent klnds of twine and tie one end to the cou.. inir and put a weight on the other end. The strongest and lghtest la the kind to buy. That is Plymouth. Plymouth Standard Î If when you get this twine home Ilt is flot de good as you thought it wâs or that you pald more than it was worth relurn it and 1 wiII return your money. H. 9. EGER, Libertyville. 1 have a good variety from whlch to Beect and at prices that are lower tha.n you eau buy saine goods for elsewhere......... 1 bez 60 round l«e l, ah net .................. $ t 78 5 5 6 ............ 2 0 5 .. 76liat oi.. .... ........ . .. ....z7 IlanoC 0041cm StfNole, $1.00 anti................t13U Cebat.d Wfgner Teant Noie par pair ............ a 78 LAp Dusteru of ail klade-fincy and plain. Fly Horse Covers'aLId Stable Sheets. laney iammook, làaploadera s àUowSt2 llave.à god MIteicn Hanumook at....:....... 73 Jilly 's, IL)OI, CHS .LyoN, 1I.. . LyoNr.