$Mà idetthe Iuc-oMmoo t Libertyvliiîî &»ivYfUea Btua EADI KEOOn APPLI. caltON. iIUg afrrSenator. IW~wtl l advisaale or not, thse hMe aenatril aIgbitfon **uma la already on. Mason la ' bte acoeesi himuelf, Dawes t Idie""ecadidats, mt andisicu lat, tei"m saitf, a receptive one, Chli -baM ct'course, daIms the nlght te 15U5 ia e eaair and ttila rlgis:voniti 40$Wem be occeda. But, judglug »M untes reffeni ailempt to aes upon ai gioenaortal candidate andth Me UUUa, conditioan of polîtical affaira lu 144 Ciy, ibere soeemo no .robsbll.ty atm Agreemntut on s Chicago eau- 4liaia k> succeed Manu. TPhe achaeietfpolities lu thse Mat ,33owaaemm 1t0 Inlude both tise gov- eahp aund the senator, andi the SUOamtise!Goveruor 'aaies tbluk tisai they a»d the govennor bughi la b. for .'oouody for nenator, witis a vlew to flhàg op ihelr forces ibroughout thse ilute. Governor Yl@ieslasaisi to a*ewCF14th ils vlew and Il ls untier. N$cd bâtat on hia rtautra rm his *PUMMha vU il cuieluchie! ativIsars ,aiw euh a vlev 10 pefetlugaon wh5alo vlh vii ne çffective lu Ou *ftrol e! tise Dot tvo otage con- 'flM$ic5aa name the Unied States sN.pOe asM i te candidate for governon. -0la, generaliy understoosi ihal ho l~jbe varmiy secoudeti in the uoter ' 1 Ueuthantn-Governor Nortiscotl, gMiaro! Blute Rose, Congresmeu IlsMele, Hopkins, Wearner, Prince, Ri a =joriy of thse Illinois congre»- Ob" iotatilon, many promtueui dâkW«O poticis nsid te original MIp e n The plans propoesi cen- '~Io ao rgauisation by oaunties, -da atioogreaioaml dtirlte. TatasbamanmY loyal frienda Su juMe. iay e! ihum are pover. SU'poUIes lan their respective anti bc &hem in 311be linrasieti 01 building up lu their coi- WMo10-1 rgàml&milo whvblh vili l~sr a Useir repuLbllcoalua&and tie OUngovernor. Aa to vh<; Mils2 on my ovouiualIlu icide 10 ter saunaor la oly hintati as. IbM$ iaist&pint ta Lietenant P. raelimis prOclamaon de-1 fte brade vîis Porto EBcoon . IMu uY 25Q, 0111 ha ltwed me erecoins an oficiai copy raoutioa adepteti by thse aeo! Porte Rico. raIaraprociaasiion for 1h. .epublic smullameni cf Mie Gom&UD"mlaniApache ladim jin Okiabom, va issuesi1 ~ .force 09o urty clérbu troin 0%d ficleft WaalIg.j là 4a, 80 do Mie vorb of! OSais Utai villA>. openeda ic . Oaven, uhe surved as o! Mi te iSoti Volan.r aaaa lU MuPhilippinas,à bo Io UUv zhilng Wasbington, S" O PPertunlis oltereti yoang lu tse Philippinees: Idanula ý'eSOav et a vIda fieldio! op- $cr Amcerîomas.WusIIelu tr'R Dopanimont tiiere, d icilpmany Alricang Who uW orbsinesa purpoes. I cm hf uosa ntqualica- scso eaeansi nlergy dalta Wff Iveltiadvlae ydnng Amerlemai 80 9 0 k> o M il a te acq Ire a '*«eMugh 0hnOvdge 0f Spianisis anal eb*90phy. They wiii crtailiy ci- 6%Waerbhlpslta business houe", andi Vf é0ilt, active wrkeru, lusîead 0f sharpueands chemera, iisey vîli vîth-a lu airerai yona e lu business ihen-r setrea. The Filîpînos Vont gond 8 Alpuicasistu corne to thoîr Isands antIUOUaIlI nev business ond com- Mmria enterprîse. lu IY office were four Anican Lboysemployeti u OWerb. Tlsey Vere vrth $100a moutbk mah, se corporations ln tisat coutry. They tioideal toencut tiseir lot lu ligenla anal remalneai tlere. Al of llenare dolur Veli.- X EDITOR4L MOSINGS X U M. DOwle sisorsia rensember VIsai qMtdto icaug trisu Lie(,e ý- $yblaIaVermu veather. w 'WO vUlint a cotbnig o! teatisnrs ,.tieWlibihoae triagH that Iijais ~eb1 Persislu u earlng' Pflare uow saisi tî bave ap_ au cdWel as nioti. ('anut tise ace retalu tise exclusive aes- 0f even wi) pour a priîe.gn usa 0111ago girl ralatray 10 l@e Wi amouth ugo is N Lw kîlleal If bucanu er ha baucialt,u t % amevtueua la thisiebe w M, orihe engluai E ve all Multl.milllouaîremu usaieaýO qbYthe haI. Thia aart ,f tiiing erre to reeonclle àsome .si uu,, ta peer. Rtier a ive paîuî,a.r ti1a id Millllonaira,. Mut e as voretnemben abuîng ffathor mon for giving un colal einl iay. weltube h mil Sae ppiogse lu any uy Le ilke, il Oui Uns&MOneof It 1,0v. ong vWafflta pnogrequlng lîba rpn thtie ullllbonsim a. maUni afat, but tIse skh irtvLLa bit a"4 rnux , 1*.ola ag M .esou ai. sarber ooeqtagdailaqufti me. caunas là seutbmra Md vaSeraiIsA connu!.. F . Jeanasene and HI. W. Bmec are actng lu the mmse eapacii lu ceniral audti oriboru saeblons of ihe conniy. Thesa gentlemen arealaio aolililg sbcrlpilena-andi offer splendidi prem.lums k> olsi subacrlbers payiug a yeur ln aivauce, an veli au îo uev subscribers. They are empowered tu collect andl reoupt for ail moueja due na ou aub- acrîpilon aeocunl. PEA»x H. JIi5T, Edîtor. Cont cf Selng 1zplX@tiOn. Extravagant oarine&au a the. 0.o o hourd andi lodgng lu Buffuto bave beau golng &bout the country andi May have det«eoinoieetf on rendors fnom planning ta visit tihe Pun-American ftipeelUon. The euly bula for thUee terles la the fauet hat a fev oftishe langer auds1 more fuashonabie batela are aabiug. andi gaiting raten s auhlgliau eighi ta leondoIlars a day, whlcb centaiaiy la1 enongh ta tagger a ian of moderate menons. Bautlisere are many respect. able ibatela and alotniosuboarduusg bouses aund pivste homes visere one May losige coiforiabte fer nit ho exceesi one dollar a nigbt, ansi meula con b. procared bothb ithî n ad vith-E ont the expositioa grounud for prîem litile Il any aboaeîLe normai. Leav- lng ont tie cent a! rallnoad lare vlilch from OChicago lu $13 for the round tip, the day's liai o! expoue In Bluffalo for one persan may be set dowg as folava:à Loditlgg.. ...............i$ 00 Three ula---------------I.. 150 Admission to tise grounda--...50 lacidentala ......... ........-. 54 Total for one day anal igbt. .$3 60 Tise.figurea are nelihen high for loy. They are moderato, anal reliabie. By a ituile effoni- eating-plaees eau beà foundt hot ViII brlng the Item of Meula ceulserably nearen one dollar. Undor Inceale a vo nclude snoh expen. dlinurea ausireet-ou aren; one or more Midtiay atimissions t ton ta iventy. live mtateeach; lighi refreshmenta ki live cents auti upwmad, andsu8 fort». Elgin Butter Market. Butter on tse Elgin board of Trade Mouday vus fin mit 19couta. Suies1s o! the wesb 744 1000 poands. Butter a yesn 5<0 Baie veeb 19 ceut@. oummeo osepini lanuually prevaient amour OMiluu intains eua. A Weilide. veoped ccees ln the uiten's fanllir vaqcreal iut yue b y tao etînelynu of t>lamberlaln a Unll, Chieera ana l 1DsUS ne temecr-0ne tePat it *etciioa anutautureal d wtbs ch la alvays kept ou band Ut t 1e home of>e rbe. 'Thiase8not lutenued au afese valfetonenacomfpl', uho do net a- vrtîse wth us, but to tueft lttle suferons netDo lievithin seoirsy cous of toy« etnnUai a1suidine vstaout abtre Ot iN esoine n the bouse, eupee aiii lu summner tlme.-L.uansiug. lova. iJournal. Fr sale Si y- B. LOYa LE. ostvill,,; M...... EPsÀAZMCv1 JOHN MaIE. IVUný Sure Cure For Heuveig. Ifyoar hors. hua the tboavos, tlbo My vend for h iétai Dr. LaLubapa HeO IOve un ili Cure nili If gîven me- eording go directions. For sale lay (j. A. APPLUT, Lihertyvtile. $1,25 a bot- Mui. T*o bogles vl!l cure tise ue ai cma. 384 8P The Sanie Olti Story. J. A. Kelly reilts an exgerienuoelini te that wbiehbuba iapeued lu a'Uiot enery nelgberbood in the iLaied Mltateand aîdhe beau tolal anal re-holi ny thoons ruftlero. Mie SaYs; -L60,si mmer I1lsud an atinel of dssaereY aslpurchauada iotte 0f liban benlalàaCOlu.,Chioera and Disrbhona emetaii h Iosasoeordlng to .lire- tionus wth eu&rly snatactuny resul>.. The trouble w»as sontrolîndal ucb ultesr til former ttacbs when 1 iuesi ot,nrnam- ealt" EJr. Kely le a wvolSknown <ljoen of lIeuslanon.N. C. For "sale lifF. lILovRE LibtntyViile; RAtLÂALE PIAa.;Jou>s lu EfS,. I1vauhoe. U A Flue Attraction. -Nomibons 0f the chair of tiseCisurcis et Our 8anlour, vise are enjoylng an ouiing ai;tînuce Lake, ulli Come to Libertyile Saiarday iigisi ana give one o! tiseir popular rîainel shows lu tise Town Ball. Tise anme program vas receutiy preseistea lu tise cisrcis anal very luceesolily. Tise young pOeeposaesa8 talent of a bîgh order andal cultivatesi te a degree of prolciency thai asanresa un ntertalu- meuh auperlor te auy given lai Liberty» Vle Of laie. A ganenal admission O! 260 will be hargeti. Oilairen 15e. tieserveds esa35c. Rememer-Batur- day nîgut aitishe Tovu Hall. REAL ESTATE TRANSPERts F'unulahed by Lake County Titie & Trust Ce. Abstracts o! Tîtie. Titiec Guaranteesi. Musonie Temple illdg. Wankegmn, Ili. LOUIS J. GuaNazE lSecy. iJokSiun .& yf to Henry Rulîeln aW le ne 34"4-5 î160 aW 'W-1 . ...$ 76(X)t 00 E K lmiIth f to 0W _,,jr Il ta It s Me tt w 172 ft lot 3 i igtr,,,,I icil . - .. .. . . . . . . . .N . J S Id Ou li. , p t oIi ],t ii E . Maîtyldu lii, .. ....e ' t u ,i *hl ety 1ltîl , t l.. . 13-k W, 254 a d., l....... & e 0 liban Zercia u t u, La,i lIur,iait paîru t r en'.Ir ", 10s-luwl , . ç A A lauiinic t. Mrri lir-ot,3a- a Ili s -.1245-11i aI d725 u(Mi J.. Keilu ft ut oF J i, ly pet lot 21 lIa'tyyiliiu ui. ..... te '1 lyou knew lo CT' EMULSION wou l udyou uP, incriaseyour wulht srntesyour weak thmt anld lun$sanidput you in CO»t ditm [r nxtwlnter, you 4 lnoak t flOWa »ammoa. atbIIU u1&46 5 tait.e adbawy domuailePUttOs wll buM uw= tour *0 lire bours longerit ion ceai, wbhle torme la esteaumah3iloeoolvu Mdindustriel eat&bM»aha slt Vill burin trom twoe qto ihrue boera longer itan soael. Tha 1fuel la made of ordinairy cartei, treafl aby a cheiaia proces. Any kind 01 Fearth Oa b.nuit eepi sand. Onue01tihe gruaitesi crimes any one cmn commit, @aya a weil kuown vrller, Je ta rob a child of binsoacool dey. Doultiâgop a boy et home k> work a weeh or two or a moutb aftar aceool lie- gins andi thui greatl isaurage andi handicap blma when lie dom. beglna. Il thera la anyfflaa lu the wold a m-ai eau afford ta malleaà aiflice for, I& la the educaion 0< biasehîdren. They don't neesi your mouey. A boy la betier off k>eoua hie ove money, but wbai ha needa la gesi ralui ng andi achoollug asd ihare la bai one tînte k geti t-whlle ho hingu. Adverilig la ceaslng %0 bc a moiter of seniment; tg la busineaa. Mezehauta have quli adveriing for the fan offit, or hecause the feUow who sellti 1Je a good fellow andi needa help. They asiveriue te get grade, andti he average merehant haa iaorned long ugo ihai au adveriaemeni ihai doeeot reach tha people la slmpiy vaity aund vexation of the spirit. Wo have uotlced ibai the buslnesa mou vho adveriaea fronm a bualnusanhauiani la thaeuoe who gots.reluaits, 3white the fellow uho laserta au Md Juest te help the ediior &long doeaa't gui ranch out of bis Inveaimeni. The IlluPuNl3amT 18a11' @string for a pension trom ,auy mmn. It profera i hat every man tIsasnue.sias adverislug columua vîli do no front a purely bustnes tandpeîitandi nat hecause tbey admire or feel sorry for thse puhliaber. PEOPLES' COLUMNO F ~SALIU-Presih.mItersanad aprlngema FJoHN BAuIAN .Libertyville 3ti-tf-d. FO MALE-Fredl luh jropi.rty. In- F'julre of E. W. i'arkhuoNt. L b.rtyvile, III. WANTD-ToxclirirChicago realdenqe Cnty tf.ro Erty. Ad- dresa O. C. CnuaprNTMBs. 718. onroe St.. Chicago. 86-4P. OR SALE -Numkber 1one ntfak and grain Fla-n of 200acre-. s4tuated uane ml mh u.- 1-rKe COu'imodiou. bultsisnnewly peint. est Hosmewetabie for two f amille. %srn 130 feet Io"' uIt>. basanentCow nable contlang .utan..oi. foru,50 cous andWl ,talefor 10 honiet lien, supliedl ulth unter frointublar n-el] by wlnd-nlll aa tank.' AL4o ne'er fallng unter1 in paRture. A bove dsecrlbed tam till be nlul on Ino.t rrî.esnable torn., Snell cati psy. ment reqaîrellong etie andalola rates 0f ,nterent on deferel pnyeentb. if nolt -olsi Septeseber lut trili ne for rent. A ppi Y o S.S. Wsssast.a.Libertyville, IIi..,An- P. White Man Turned Yeflovi. Great eonsternatIon waa fait by the fode of M. A. Eogarty. eofLexington. Kxy.. wheu ther saw ne wus tsrnlng oelow. H la ski n slowly ebaugeal color, ai lmores. andl he sulferosi teriîbly. BIs naliur Vas Yellow Jaundioe. lHo twantroead by the best doc.1 tors but Without boentt. Tholen houad.s vîs ealt tri, Elocîrio Bitters. the wonderful Ktomnach and Llver renesir. and h. unîtes: tfe abe onbotles 1 va wbolly for ail Stoeach.LioanlKdetoue. Oniy Mo. SMoi.lb y . B. Loy ru.. Ubeorty- ville;:G OsLAZ MPA CY. Foer Ment. Myr bouée eailUDey. 7 large roomu. Baraasd mluady yard. luquire of B. S. Ulesuon, Halt Day or J. B. lBollard,t Lihoriyville. 37-4-p W. D. BAiLEy. 1 Ilow lo the Ticket? DgeB Ilgsni yen? Well, va are uoi aIl alite, YOD kisow, le hils voril auti t la barsd to pleuse everyone, bai the faver linsîuanously for Dr. Caldwel'@ liyrup l'opale me tg la gamaaueed k> cure coutilpatloo, iudilgestion, ick heedache aud tomacb trouble. Sold by P. B. Lovaxa., Lîbertyville. $tralobt fim i $10W. f. C. We carry tihe ouest msort- uetuo f Corsela ln iown. fron 35e to $2.50). A ne, liue of nile Under. Wear. Chiidrensa Sechool Hala ai ....250 Bailor Haite ram.. ............1ce sp 100 banches lower., a4lht.y solied, for ....................... ......se FON T4 LEE ARGAINS CALL ON MRS. PROTINE, LIBHRTVVILLE . . . ILLIMOLS. F. BAI RSTO W. MA U FACTU R F Marbie and Granite WORM OF EVBERV seux". ime Oas..e. et Bite Ddn't Wear a Monk. Bat hor beuty vas 'iomî,lew byhîisle b on.bloiehos and pinles a"te",a FUSau un form ' ta.bs11,0. 2E5 u neM .ri e 1 -ry ls boalaauthoriusa ta rèe«své tarlpltvm, itemeuta and erdara fq job week. eaui onU r fur ratasm UmaEhia parr, of Rusueli, forneniy o! Grysllib. ls tisa, gueot o! Misn Naille Godfrey. GlatidHarvey la ..teleplone boy" ut ghrmma sstore anal flwi l p jour Bumber tu gdouble qnîa'.btIno. lir. ansi lra. Fiary entertained Mr. andi lra. Stuping sud Mri. andl lra. Bîkian, o! Vent pullmnt, over the 4th. Mnr. and Mlra. Donaidao are enter- WtaUig their sons andl familles f rom Chicago. Thoy expect ta) romain tvo Dr. and Mlra. C. C. Whiimore anti fumlly, o! Chicago, vIiteal iheir moiher sant 15eseverai day. of lest veek, retarnhig Monday evenlng. Dîpliheno bhm again brobren ont lu Chas. ytier'a famlsly, bis elesdaugis- ter belng very aerlouuiy xili itis the dsleue. HI» home lqarnatîneal. lins. Chas. Fervor ndsadsaugiter Ina, o! Wankegau, have been lthe goa.at of her mother, lira. Forvon andl aliter, lira. Nevtiie Mie lent couple et veeksi. Havlag raniesi thelr cottage for tise bbalnce o! the entamer, Mr. and lins. Bnilwlnbla bave retHrnasal te theseclly. Mr. sudi lira. Roye une expoctesi bouse Suuay. coenter Ave. fron, C. M. &' St. Pauni 84ailon io towu la beiisg gravelosi euh Llberiyville grave], Revenu! meu Vorblug ou the job were ',vercome vths hasmiWadneaday. lira.ilOUebuailefi ltnt N teieay morulug for a viait Of about a mentis at beo otihome ai Antîgo. 'aia. Hen litie danghier Margaret anda a niece accompanleti ber. lins. Chas. Hall wra Ntdulny calleal te the city lest Toenay iîy thse deuIls o! a broihera vijfe. Mn. longer, an- Other brother5 Who banalbeen V18iting hon, accompanleu ber. The Ladies- Aid Society willi give an ioe Oruai Socia la Wlcks Gr Dvea uait Frlduy eveulng, July luth. A good musical progra i viihbea feainroe! the evaning's eniertatunut. Sisenla the weaiher bh a Iclmeug, tise social eti ho beit lu 1h. chuncis. lins. Win. Thomson ansi son Charles àarted for Denver,' Coln, lent Tues- day. Tise climate bore la net con- dtiivs tu tise beaiih aor<Iharles, 1m0olie vill iocate penmanenily lu tise wi'st. His moiher vili probubly- reinen lu a îontb or ivo. Wedueuatay moruiug Mr. Sinclair aold Outibis uiness Bore te Will l'aster, of Aniiocb. Mi. Pester re- centiy solsi out ie bIsaluneaitith placeand al s wvu Lie brOther iu LlberiyvilUe unhîl ho affale lccated Parmuanently. lin. Sinclsair cl nre- main bore for tise preseut. Mn. andl Mre. Chas. Wu8isisrn left for Ruffalo anal oison plaeea lis New York lutl veek lnîday. lin. and lira. Barge Inteuaica to aceompmnuy tileni, bal tre detaîneal on uccout or tise ilurs a!01lars. Baîrge. Tisey bave nul fnity dechaled nyLon hhey 30111 go, but not unili tIra. Barge fb uis niy re- covereal. lila Carnie Autin, of Denver, colu., lu villtig vît inelasAnuabel Wblt- more. Neit weeb se goem to Chicago, but yull returu tise lot o! Augubt le ro- main Ia mets. se Informauns that ber moheras bealth sînce Aise in lu Colorado la very mais Improveal, whicb ber mauy friannds bore viii ho W. C. Tii,. Table, Orayatalu. No B.O.I .MOUTE Bou-nD No .tfp .to» BunnduY nigia on al1mal - .mpsr.m..... Duly s'zeet Buudar 8 .11:33. ...... -10. 13 a. mMoundayuiand maturslaymonir M t. tia.ml ............. ........t>aliy NOUV, 55001< No. I. 10a. t..' . *'*DalIy 'xcepL uuday 9. 4= .3p.m..Prlday.u and 8uturdually la1. au ...................... L 1y Mir. cailah la Tory ili with rheuma- thlm ai ithe Debaoulco Ilotel. A daica WIVO be heisi on tue piaiforni lu Bluaiera GreaSaturday eoveuiug. Mia m mettmou entertied nfumer- Oaa gnusilrIm Chicago the 4th end sth. Ordinance No. :17. rftrutet dfidâesti g o..r.. oislu. Chut iie y . ... . olugiiieiriti .30It or tn i al aril . . ....lril',5.00 .ir ....... ..e... . . ln, a0 E9leeteteal Conitroi- . meo iirafted' Jîsou8. 1101. i'assd. JUi y I. 1901. Puîblisbod. Job l i ot. E. B HRMNu. e bin J). Gi. WnIIE. Viitisge iil.rk. A WORTHY SUCCESSR. "Somnethinir New Under The Stin.- Ail ti!wrglia on triii-,lté, "r'- ,oTARit 1,f 'lrîgs hlnî'astétf ortm.Thele î'owim ry ir'pI tise noeoîouiîemnîiss cusilflthemn to cmriolf"a"d blod. Th- plowefui acie ltealin tlé, ilisea hvcre..ly i8ten auisy Ts. "mue în.umbranuethatisait i llir naers himéee iuod f. émirswbil, ljats unI Oint. experlenéIe praetltlorîîýr wiîo ha., for mllu feUs rutrIte a i,,s tudY anui nîulalty of the tMUtMnnt Of t'ÀAÂnui. imeaI met î'-rfuated !à tr" atnýIet whiehîW1wlînfaitlîtlly 5îied. not 'inI'lmleuviunt 0:1". iut tiefliautiutoires sÂTRR«g. ty r-monlngthe ,,aî,s. i,,î,plng Tha dis,,hargeul. andl'îrn ail Ilalmmationî. lla the oui>' edy noun t,,na,î,thal acttss5ll r ree. sthe auflIit. frt.Tisu woniorf,ilromisul lkiiowriiî su Nuryl.E th"e GUARANIY.rI, <ATARICH <UP.t sail Ilu io ai the iexteemécl 1w pInnofo nodollar. tnciel sakage ontaininu litnîu aî,ld extennal n,,dclnucflîleut fore a ful montîha streat- nment uandl ieseytiing su éo"s4try wtite î'erfert ONUPPLE5I' lutiî' .0t,1fî't' CuTAIgui CURE. uni-r naImAlail .4 lu 1w recogiued - I hi oui n"Riafnditouiiv- . for,-'etitt aiîeoyinu andîl lig,-tilng ,lluu.é%. hI er ssi Inflaautîî,nqui-.51 y andi " IVîîarî,i ,.,. lu aus, wsnderfii r y Lé, r. iv lu v fEVEis Or 1 0Lf1liîtihe litai,ý (ATAIIE trinin'-CgîCi,. ,It-,n,u l'ait 1 CONtXUMTO-"MNUFFrî.syt c l-, ou Sf 000 ose it at üOit,.. hi1. Il. Offîlflsy nu'm#édy.lotua 0iiî,jdonteuurtmuilt WIl,,lîlul ,oltivulr goueaIntu,i té>'i, ,îr ,ATnau ln anuy ft rieor lut i f uilorisgte Is.- ,lré to, tc .îl.tiuy"e.lîîpackage. Dut .1,- sso bt $'aturlforIl a i .andl WrIte full pantlî,uîars au té)ur (-1 ,oîdli Ion, sud yoo seul r.ý--,e âsn i-,l s îdtl,,ifrom tb.. iisco verof titis ronderful r',u.dy regard. Iug Yos.r eus', wtiîoîîut jltî,1'ou beyoui tiIrngular î'rlne'î ff tc'hN;Yoau te îUuIS- ANITRESCATÂIsaH CUR.E" en2tpre p ail toano edrsn lethe Unitnl States or Canadu op reccellt of one dollar Addresss Dpt... EiawN B. Gn.zs Ar(tomi PANVI. 2M30and a32TOIMaret treet. Phîledli- Having cloge oit 110Dattios t . àl Mlutes, lu auy* s,ssl, 18 Xlc Lwu. AIl liPralsu tte 0ambray,.-... 200c lmb ait .... tOc siora ....erge I ire" ras0Go». Any of Our ladies'2Gcbl Any o! our 7 5e peu 0 15(j Covert loth a& i1ladises bld (ioven .. Any o!fOr 50o pori aine. meu'as ilStraw Hlatm Mens $2.75 Tan ahoem- Mens Si Paieni Leaibeî liens 12 50 Army fNhoe. Tan Slippoe m12-2 .ý 3 ibs. ?)XX (Joee ... Waahburxs Crosby Flour Kwea't cîsîsa lueecu.... P.lHi aRAYSLAKE D Grays eIeas.* My si4yte, IwI it 9"os at Sacrifiee Prices. 1$07 ... . .. . . 10 ... . .. . . 12 33 78 ..t . . . . . 19 O d.............. ........ ... ... ô 133 25 100 KUEBKER, )EPARTMENT STORE, Ivery gladte50bear. Mir@. Wm. ltraudieter, acompali bY bier mother, lKra. Eaay, lait Tues. siay meruiug for a viai ef a aaonib or tva euhb a mater lu Deniver, Coto. Mr. Braudateiten viii boaril tarug ber absence. The chilens ion Fay bau a peosiion ID mn electrl lghi plans la Waakegmn. George vîli tay on tise famnwîth au oncle andi IrIn, the Jouugeat nons, wenst lits hlother. The Riggtîaa famîty bua gaîn re- iisrned te Indiana. They wtIlnot go te iheîr oid home, boyever, hast welil nove te Plymouth, lusi., labout ivelve miles fron IBourbon, iheîn former dvelling place. The beaii of lMra. Riggina a very pour ansi the douter ordereal a change. Mrn. figgîus ansi a sou vîli ronmainlitera for the prenons and finish thse '.onk tbey have onî baud. Tho 4tb of JnIy pieufc lierae va greianit scoeeu. Baverai thsouaand people were li attendance ansi the recelpta vere almoas $»)4.The parade Van a flue oue, thse prograi au good anal tbe race. andl games vere vonuna foilowa: (leui's foot race, W. J. Slmih; laies' foot race, liro. J. Shserman; saii boys race, F. D. Monseiy; @mail girl's race, Ira Toutes; bicycle race, lai; prize Ed. Prost, 2ud prize Fred Daley; gresesi pig race, James lami . ton. Grayalako won boih batil games belveen Labo Vilta anal (raysa"e clubs, tbe Juniors by a score of J2 te 5l sud the eulons h180e4.Lake Villa camp won thse 11%g for tise langeat dalegatlon u ulte parade, ant the Labo Vailla Poreslte anra wonsthe ail ver inn. Thetrs van the ..'ny team tisaicon. potsitri tise drull. The fOevonhea l tihe ovening were aise goosi anal eveny- ting vascarried otnt sau asvertiuesi, su evenyone veni home satiafleti. (Irdînance No. 3i6. Ru It .,r,îslud by tho i'reald"nOt and ,l basd cf truttuus cof th" % tille.'i(epeue I tisat tihe dean, shot, linNe for tlî, en.,- ",a "Mlasaiyffa,.f t,eulinsgay Iur î.. d.idlg Ar'll . f or th" sali, o! ail vnoisu nult andl s'ol'-bouua 'suh.111-1 .,tut s. isînclealauaI l (fit> ,l,î ria . ilsfao.ffl.j and tli, llie-nase or anI aii (-flon th.- î,bt- osention.îl tlnie I» uni ,îtrwnty lit., doll,isiS. Drafted.,AInli24.,Ill K. tB. ieursesuu.lrltt t. el. WHInT. VIllage (k1kc. "'~'-DeaUds ECoi N £otbe. Cali 'suDLIsee aur Ladies'Low BLoes sud i4lippera lu Inan and tblack, yaur cbolce, a pai r >.........51.00 2"1 pair Ladies aânajlCiuiiireus S b 'obai, a pair..........................50 MOeUS»andil Boys, itboea ot ail kiwslo. We have a fime stock o1 cloîhea fon Men and Boys. Cali 1,00<1Sus for Monr, only............. .... ..... Oeesi Blacb Clay Worsted Suitn,, anly ((i a0*<Waoi l'anti, aIl blzi'..S iiîeralis, Il'nta, Sîsirts. etc. and scec hem, $5.00 6.50 LADIES_____ (elàut iik Wulst for tbie FsînrthSeRoerai Is-It. silirt Waintm,, wralpensq,, Black Satine, layns, lua âLiirîci,(aliia.oa, Sibetugm, etc.;Laces ansd ttilaote.'nrauil' andîl libnelluu, lu lact.siythibg yen ued If not la atc,esk vilI glu I y get l tfon yw Best Groceries in Town......... ý Caînned (Joods, Teau andi Coffeca....s Ourn aim is le eiways give alisf.actioos. ROYAL ROBIN, 34320. W. W. EDWARDS, Sîred by Rtobin, son or AiteIl; 2-year.oid rnuorti 2:28. AXteli. retond 2:12; finre Ofr RSloe, I:i't1 lYteli.ir.s Icastl', qm. -,21W 2,16; :ActasTîIMI. tEuýt: 3 Othena ln 5:30- Ittd'an. Nauklace hy Prnneli.iG ilsr Or Tt rs~):'Ilnk',t.2 :4l'rin.'.esa, 2: I51h OIli.Tîele: Star Prîneepas. 2:51%; GcîîeVI,. S 17144 Otti.,i-i2:.> aig'Ian,ium fMssnhaii. '2:12; Pnle in e M lensln. 2:13; Falklanad,2Il1. t-.."tc. id (Jun. Ilum nînBird. ulutan ta Jubilant. 2;22. bluu ( iug.Wlks li,ut.rnc-,ui2:22. drea Of Rary Wilkega.211:3; anal 82 otierm; dîsus 0f Manîsge. t'. 2:0694; 147 tl.erm u-Si. i IIOYAI, ItOilINfonJeIfssêfi'sa buîinsnu teW o rsA i wen1tutt to whiteu f-ut i,,,titua, H, mttaillt-t3lbandn high andal l tighs î,earlY iImla. lIeni ly IL. H. V Mia t. MîItt'-u ,Ky'. lits blond lnon are ofthtIsADstts wulli Di, min l ii f aluthlaitçd iudilcaw. Thut ho vil fflet asi, the Ideul cosaulisud gruad eouad (iilutiéi, h, I'luno d'.uiat.an lie not ouls' lnointe LuItous.tlle a îlStleisen areadl'r Ait usara mture<l feue utîl Julv 1. Aceidonto or alueusaca ut Ovnee'a euk. P'artiesuafuît Ins to attend rorular. novnnrout of thu cauntrY. or dlstoalnr 0f Mnana of,,niulî uln Rtoyasl tobin wou bina nlbhonaut LakeiCountiv Aicrfi jtunusiIr. t%»9. TERMS: ISîoo te Iauca. J. Hl. BRADLEY, Rondout - - -Illinois. On 0.11. àarS. P. Ey., sa m&160 tram <ci go. Fanas i5Ig t &jA Piano. LIBE Ali K ]Most Remarkable Bargains ever offered in Lake Cou nty. 1 wlII continue my saled at cost to commence June 24th. On Mondays ail Tobacco and Cigars at cost. On Tuesdays Canned Goods. On Wednesdays Boots, Shoes and Slippers. On Thursdays Hardware .and T in ware. On Frldays ail Dried Fruit. On Saturdays Tea and Coffee, AUCTION SALE Saturday, June 22, 1901 AT 1:0o P M. George Battershall, ie IIIIeIIM IIIIIUm Have them up to .... . ..... 533.00 AIsO Agent f sa,......~ Crescent Bicycles. 1 can #sIl YOD B better wheel for leas mouey than yoti cau boy slsewbere. You wlI ibd iblaasertion irne if rOUiS nvelatifate. CALL AND EXAMINE. N4EW ROPAL Ngw MIOMIE UUl & WiLSON à gMachines. Prices and Terme toSuit Vou. E. B. SHIERMAN, (Iray&uake - Illinois. Graysiake