CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Jul 1901, p. 8

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FOUR LEADING BRANDS. Deering, PlymouthiMcCormick, El Prices as Iow as anybody's. Liberty- humlin CIe culvt st 1108mai For a telephone ln your place of business or reidn.... You get thte iîîcre"aod anîd growiîîg service of 't Oounty Telephione Compaiîy anîd courieetioîi Ch~iego Telelîoiwe Comxpaniy. FOr.information, rates, etc., write-~ CONTRACT DEPARTMVENT, Lovel's Drug Store, Llbertvllle. illinots. ........................................... ...... ................................................. ........................................ Binder Twine * .We seil the, celebrated Plymouth Twine. No better twine made. If you buy .your twine of us .you get what you buy. If yon buy Manilla you get Manilla* a::: If buy Sisal you get Sisal. ,We don't seil you a mixed twine and cail it Manilla. Our prices are right, quality cousidered. We have no fire or dam- "4 d stock. Ours ig al this years <iood Rilo Ooffee, ii 1]be for... .5 1.00 Goad sautos. loftee, por lb ...... .18 Java and Machs Coffeo, per lb .... .30 Fanai iilxed Tes, per lb .... .35 V. Sauer & Son, Long Grove - - Illinois. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . W#RIGHT BROTE Wagon&, Buggies and Vehicies of al kinds. .. .. . m - i culI, Lime, emeui, sait, and Yee4. v*ie. 1uV bono p boul.a. ai. bu l» MainMdaabïe.4bu. Remsoumit ta 0 Lituob -neoediMmd vnweell aalel We're mot golng to spriag thU nid1 stereotype gag about it boielagso. ' Mr. andi Mia. Frank Shaddl.e . bore trom Ioira ire othe? have boum liv- iog lthe puat Yoar. Geo. Lindemann la mattua lia, tbl. week on lthe Hammon4 sîlditiou of Bouth IRockefeller. Henry Oastarrivect hî'ro from Idinime- anta thia week. ffo reporta gondi oropa and abonmdantl ratutail. The Portonus inldlngCon. la go bulsy that lboy don% hae lime go --griud iheïr mira or file the&rolel A correspondentlal a Waukegan paper aavm: -Anothor 4th ai July là over.' Thero oertinly iraieuough' ci air gtataire it a goad way -"0701." p. John Albrlght came home Thuraday trou Minnesota irnere ho hba beau runaing a creuey. The ellmatis diti nual grs. ilth binaand ho iraiforcei to leave the country. Its gettlng lo oeqttie a dangeroua paatime la wrte Uionmsfor a woekiy paper wherbome people tata every l1111e Joko as "-alur,'but Ihore je only oue thlng ta ho aatil: -I tere ho amycue bore &bat hath doue thuae thiinga lot him apoakr, for bilm have 1 Dis. offended."1 Quite a aerions accident occured boere on the 4th. Charles Buttertiold, of Lalthton. drove Up to mont aom i People an the morning train andi hai reacbed the deoaI iren nme part ai his wagon gave airay frlghteuing blm tena ihich an airay throirng Mr. llutterfield ouI and traoturing his coller bou.. A doctar iras aumumoned irbo redueed the fracture and ho iras taken home. Yen oau nover cure dyspepsie.b>' ditir What rour body needs la pleury of auod f=o prprrdigetd. Then if your atomach Ml t.e ýdigst lh. Kodo Dyasepoia Oure iîl.1 I contagns&il Of the naurl direatamita. he Lak@ bhouer muet disent oery e"asaof foodi and go preparuIlt t-a0ture eau osé il lu nourlab- witl t h lu~the body and ropbwtng the iratud wt te lt% es.thusgig l e. h b.,treimrl. a.mbillon. pure hlood and god bsthy sp- petite. For sale by F. B. LvEL.Librty- Lîbertyvllle Township Sumday School Convention. The annunal township Bundsy achool convention ai Libortyvlhe township mIl occur aetiRockefeller f011 Sunday, lime newts cnaomueclng ai 1Oa. u., andi 2 p. m. lHeremitis la the programn ai lime day: uw@lx uste0 Sang and Prsyer Service. 10i30 Sanday Scboj Manaieet. (a) The Saaday Sebool Piogram. (b) The licretary'su Record. valse andl Methods. H. S. ViL. 11.Si Sudai SeimeotAsisoatusWurb la) Wty and! He. (hi Specli i ay'. Humne Deparososi 11ev Deitlu Day. Other Speolal Daysu P. D. EsmaK7r ii.50) A ppelinenta c ommtter. agi-uaiSMIos 2".) l'raisO sndiPromise Meeting. Il15 Neit Suielay ..Iiessoa te t.hdldres tisa EvasserT 2:45 Ilibe r i fl-i r uai te-n L'aî j F. Rossa 3:1 Tbe 'Le &mcii-'es Hour (b) lOr Work. MIl)c Hfl A K MIH JULIoE VV. V 1,55e lIALF DAY Misa ElitaShaptor vittd ler sialor ai HJgimiriioti Selsk. C. C. Gerberl'et famly eulort;aued compsa>'froin t;uicaga over Sunda>'. The ladîea ifl ita veini&y met and! cloaned lime ciurcililai th"uraday afterucn. A aumber train LUmI& vieluIl>' speul the aflernoon a!flime Fourth at Dis- moud Lake.' Mir. sud lir@. W. L. Butchings, ai (Ileuvleir, viitet i wth 8. L. Trippas faully the Fourlim. J. C. Oebrooder le vIstlug a iend at 81, Louia. We caupat aMy' irether Il la S lady or gentlohau Irteni.- lira. Murray hma heen vory filI the puiat lira eeke, but me are pleaied la report (iaI aelis nom improuing. The dance aI Herteria Park tue ey6eI1g Of lime 41liWUirai ol attended Man aMailexcelent lIme iras on. jayed. An tee areain aocial irsa gîven at Brtelas Park Tbnrat!ay oveulng, lime 'pro"eeda lu belp puy lime debt on 1the ahurob repairlng. Paul Pegeloir, our tensarial artist, boulta noir top buggy aoftir. Bobsok tat eet. Nam, girls, sec mima mlIl lie at>' ane. Chiltiren'o Day exercisea ireo elti 1849 banday. The oilidron diti very nlcel>'. The singîng by thé Long Grave M. B. choir andtheim malo quar. tlueiras excellent. Mev. Jackon, at Dlamand Laie, gave a pieealng tali. The Hahl Day rackorjaoka played Mnd iran an excluaig saine ai bail, ttou th. Diamouti Lake., Bua' at HaillDay. Mcore, il410 9.BatturIe- Mudmonti and Rollandi for BHall1D4y, Dalriaon anti Klein for Dlanmoim4 Lake. Thins la Ileir tWmrd gante, the Hall Day. eoming ont ilnoraovery lUme. The tritgame oftlie' suaso ia a Diamant lake, acore 9 le 8,'and thie ueecd Vouée antHall Day wltthlie Buffalo Grovue. asur 18 tu 8. Thé Bit gae.irIDliho at lybourn Part BUnd&iY, JI>' 1f, bulirouainhoe au and Buffalo Grave for a purs. o! $10. PRUxAMOlaa oaaIvsr Bain lu neetiedin lit Ito utio.. J-. O. cbraetier la vIaitl«ag mahool frlonti lu monîberu tlinuois. Ten frieudairotutlie oity @punt 111e 411 it Mrlitant! lra. L. Sohuler. tira. J. C. Hertel and childrenu 'peut a meek vilirelatives a thle ail'. Lester Mussera audt ir daugl#tots viailtd relative@ Ain Waiu tffaitthe Pont ireek. lira Peter Moirer. aejWMlwauke mitis bar mther, tirsa ", m.Wimo le ver>'litI. Thse Manne ebiuidmuaof (himiasA are vlting tbeIr grandtgotbur, lira. Stanelitf. tin. Llbbhii'Hetebina u ndt chiltiren, of <leuvioir, &eut time 4th vlim rela. lises bh&e. lins.CAVReU&gb and graud-daughter, ai Evanalur,, are visitîug aet èke Ver. .non Rouée. lira. M. Duba, ofiteudoul, la at the Vernen Bons. durtug th. absunus of lier Mother, mima la in Milwiaukee.. James MaKîaiethe foreman On a a-, M . t ubNi, Dides' Mattrlals and We solii von, Va. rouage and gUaau lt fait treMat \WRIGHIT BROTHIERS veilow.tone Park. 510 a ats Eltilyl,d tosîl. il.iuely itiuerar>' wiil oug i.Lu'ps lni the Park. Private rîs.'bus for erclusivru, emîîthe drive I illimait eueipng sud dinlg e ars. ;gttisliueI Irait I.. onsubei' geing. osur ffbn eAuercan TannistAao- cîauîoti,. îes" t'Campbîell, Gunural Ma- efe,,1423 A pleotte uîlIding, OhL. cage .Culoradotuaund Alasta boureaimag. 'iIckets ln clde ail expenses eey- ihrbee. Train baves <('Iàmcgo via Chi- cage, Mliatue & Et. Faul 11' Tues.. day. Ji y9, 10:00 >P. uM. =.. ow the iliwbidtsé f ýr i *alv9 ,b<gbouit 0flarge dimen.. toirci Wia., te hélis ub-onrator. IleWltt*m W I lb Baelv Salve ehould ho tfpl~y aw g~to utm, borne and ,eald. t 80011AM quik haist@the Iuîured Parta. Tbemeare worthlrsu eoontprfeii. h. mure i ite Rotit'..lFor sali, hy P. l. LOVHiLLi botyvilii. WARRENTON flROVE. Mr. Dugau la oun1the ick Ilil. Rave yon hoard oi tIhe, mute horne? Evrett Marmh bas jeveral new,milelî coirs for aile." Henry Taylor lm building a large addition ta hie barn. IÇL aBff Dti vieiuity are bnay Mir. Win. Stronge aflater of the Ciy la maia«hlmraa Viait. EngoeeSherman has heen îbtngling Mr. Loaauan'a noir barn. Mir. and lMr@. Clark Chandler wore Chicago vîilara Iset wuek. 1Master Gomer Hopklie slslated bie amother là~ the City last week. Mr. Loamman and family enlertalned Chicago visitera oser suday. Would yoti ratb.'r ride beblnd a white horse Ihan ride a mlel? Mir. and Mtr@. Buils, of Waukegau, vie- IlIed the latter'a parents lait Sunday. lira. Barry Flood relilzed about $2(l from ber alraWberry (-rop thla mseon. Clark Chandler mas unfortunate eoagb te loao a bornerrreenly liy tbe colle. Mr. and ira. J. lllebock are entertain. ing tira YOUng lJadyfrienda romn Sycamore, IDI. (eo. grogden linjîutiing up a noir building. Wnm. Mituregor, of Boulon, la lsying the aluni' foundation. lira, 1: P. Sherman won a aplondld parasol lu onf thilie racesaiatthe M. W. A. picnlcheld ati GrayalmkJuiy4th. Jas. Taylor la credited vetb havlng the beut one-acre gardon plot lu Lake Oouuty. Il Certalinly islimte bejit lu1 thia vletnity. A largo numbor froin bure were iu Waukegan lait ¶hnrday evenlng lu a.. the dlaplay of llreworta wblcb ias o<hlbltod At Madîson and State streote. Mien Waterusu. a deaconnia, of the Lake Bluff Orqhanage. wmlii apeak ai the Gagea lake Wl. E. ehnrah fort S.nday eventlg. Misa Waterman la a vory IntereuatIn speaker and everyone Whbo la lmmlreeled lu tlIs work ahould boeur her. A ilîvor modal contoat ii beho ld1 aI lthe Gageas Lake churcb thîs flday ,evening. It wmil ho given tîndor the1 auîaplouofothe W. C. T. V., sud a very enaterMan progratu bas been arrange& . verybody la gîven a cordial Invitation te bo preacut. 1 Two carloada aif western hor»B e rsre brought boe.lut 'week, but, on acanu nt1 oi poor iraeing accommodation&ata the stock yards, they were takon ta Guru.. tea avait sae. Why eau 'I Our stock yards have a botter mater anpply? More stock iroulti e ho hppod from bore If tbis iraiattelided Wl. A iauily reunion souk place at the hoeof lira. John Sheridan, July 4th, alter irhich cevoral dmyponticg wai eujoyed. Tiro tanta vero necoaaary te accoodale the parll and lb.amou. moula voie.fsbn batlng, drivlng and angthing and everylhlug thal go"a tovarti mskig a gond timo for s5nob a prtyai joyoand ud Or4ree campera.1 We vould suggest that hereafter irben Young 15dies'Vl hte batlle (u the river) lboy aelecl a day irbon a certain Young -maitnetolhaulilgsaaud tronlime mine place. TIhis yonng man la vry tilmd and baihiel and You eau Imagine bie omolion onue day recently uhem ho behold four bewiir n~Young1 ladies onjoying theusolvea lun1theà lîmpeti waters of th1e beautiful Dem- Plaines river. The.(>ld Bay Gravel Teuni. That Sendai, uightirai a nîlbt sublime: The muoon shunueout Ilire a branil nete dimi' As the boys sud their swIýetieamusitnluttin. nlie fine Woerreturning hoe,,from chirl Ther sprus.d rom &"tue. corneýrms aI r jos To the nertu to the soutb and!sosm ornetidis Wesat. Wu tk the east road after Lb. r,,,,? Boturulng home fron, Uhurui,. We pased soestraggiers on teLiIi ,. Who ffeeu to thint uf ne otherrday But Iisud lu the oresect,. asIf for l'as. That heautitîful undly nlgcht. We>saiOP.- In hlsrig 8onî,w Bub eac rhad tinte f or a -how-d-do- That heantîful udrlg. W. sono angbt ne ith th. ,mainl,,îe "fo maroh but wer, uddondy topped miii a jî'ave and a lurol That madeuns forguit wfibaIli 1001 'i,,errom chureh And wat thepreaulier bail Ruaj, Them wireevar eus rumarks [romn, ijin Bine But the fuljoir In front dld flot set,, m ondo If the irords wire 'nollubcosen fhornb.' kjwi The worthy preacher had said. He simpjr boucg baok iren Ie' rosi wn, 5lm Thon. would hurry ahei irbeu wu jrjvd t,, pashlm Bet w" deeiUdlte Paisor takeofoftbis lrjut Wtbthepvole of unr bg heavy r g. a Mhon up 1the next bIhir e Uyfaile. liut ire ad ahbig oad sud freinus e h'drus, Wth îeerset te lîe havy ri«. 'IPlease Id r Drver, I1ivant te get ocjt." Came fr9m lbte r sea@t ln a wlilsi'rrj, @hout As the hsasr-teegt lady irsathres'n abou,ît yProm eue aide te the ther. ee lr. Driver, stop usina thu bash CrLehd '..inny' who bravel iug cto the For If chue fais out. "G0reat Soult- irbat s Prom onu ljeof Lbroed to the 011,cr. Around theburneii,,'ail'up t1 lb. house, Leasing part 0f Our lesd mih s orifla rouas. Then slter' that ehap arain as quie"t as a mnouse With tho ejd hîîy gravul vesin. Ah! Tuer,' h.,lm tiljjat hlsjd gaine Gel uP thers. m yjieurtlî's, tire e a ia t lbhe saine, Evon thoagh oneof yo e l sjylghjrinq And Yeu are cir a grave] tean,. bs Ou p theon,,Lady. cet op 1Iga m~m 0»«M. g w u iAity 11visiter J06 Viencntbi alluoviad too lire. lAwreo. stevona'bouge. Um Matie 0'Nell, af Waukegan, la vlalting ber mother Unr. Draie. A droveo0firs.stprm hqrses mai quai. torod as the locg yarda lait reet. Fariner liîre. liilpy heytng. The <rop lai belt-file?., iai exlucteti a feir moeus Hgi,. P. N. (.mggiî retnirnei frutti Aneloch ltme fir8 of flme seek Uhore ho spont s<veral dayus wltb o1 frianda. Floyd tiunru roently pu n lastal. ephmomeciînueî'ing at Dr. Young's mWit îîlher Ihues. ÀA tiîmler mare Wilt soosi bu puli li er,.'. A alnoî.euion iaeuraily rustîlte tfroîn lutis lvurunihwî. lu ail diu oies lits1r:ilîju aEs, y lhir odue', aratif - In uiiuFil. IoVKLL. Lllertyvtllji,. DÊiAMOND LAKE. louti abu la onlthe saloi lIaI. Mis a ira Smht la ganulg vur>' slomly. Miss Beek wltim lier motimer and stator are v initug aI lire. Elammaime., Tuera ill ho a social at lila tlliam Aynmioye Ibhis Fridmay evenlng. Au Epirorlb League wiii lie Orgauizud if possible. At the plcîice lait Tlmrslay Mise Fdima WARst bat lier pockel 1book wlîlch conlaînueti meulumouey. If anynne ÉludaIL laiuse fave il ai Mre. Luis.ii Boys, fu leail rlgl til ia lsplace, but wilètn it comas la learing down mail boxe@ and yJan bave lthe peullontlary ateriug yF a lthie face you hal botter Wlinchaucinn ajoue. roox ASITiSEs conizxp,NUENI. Grand dance Satnrday Digiti' (Jeo Itelaagain at irork ou ontla Misea<'ors Tonne, ef Fairlleluî, la wOrklng fur tire. B. ()li at prenant. Mhie ate Bock sud inober. tra. Bilet are visitiug friend@ nti relatises tira. Harry EnI lalmi e pnuliog a fuir days willi ber muther, irs. uit of thia lown. lied Mitchell, ojîr local base bail captain. Ici I for l'iltaburg, Penn., lait Wednesay. WIiI Wellsiras satin ou Our lstreote asit Wednenday eveniug. Wonder uhal he ira bore for' The piaule beld bore lime Fonrth wias a grand setaceis. There wua a large croird preserit sud ail enieyed a good lie. Time niembora of tbe Dismond Lake base bail club are requesleato 1mIeet Ou th1e bail ground nezl Bunday for the purpose a1 reurganizlng. DItise@slcr toup s"'li lithaD W 1t -,ldruI DeWtru Little Earjr Rîsere takesj noir sud ilion mli alismys ku.,p yonr bowei lu le pr- fetorde,. Tuer nevr gripe. F. B. LOuaLc LONG GROVE. tire. F. StabIla aluwly lmproving. t.r Keller sud MisKeller hase been viittlug bore. C. Freud& wtblita btter ihalf vieltoti at Arlingtuu loeigims recerîly. They say time choir of tbe Liutheru cimrc isa ernck for blgber mages. MorIon (ire"a sPent.Bunday wlth bis friande. lie la clorking lu a store' nom at Vomners Gravo. The choir ut lime Esangeilei c ec funîmleed tbe alnging ait1the Ciildreua Day exercisesat Prairie 'ielor hunday. Haylng ilimte order niflbhe day nowe amung 1the farinera.()a n suaserge lime haY CI'OP la quite 1iglit ospectlly ou. oId ueadouis. Thme Evangelicai Sunday gacioul iie eojanctlou mîtb 111e SCinilay sebio irow Nortb S()rthtil«]bail tieir annual pIcaue ut Clyliuuru Park Wedunday. Fred Schiinaclier and Misa Luedtke, f rom Chicago, more marrîcdth ie 1131h of lait rontim lu Chicago.tMr. Salin- macher 1 la oukuor lu Ibis ueighbor- bood sud ail bia frionda juin n lu lem- lng hlm a muest bappY married lie. TimoF intend tu maIe thuoir home ut Palatine. hake Iiecketsmeiler lias rottîrnod froin Doirnor's ¶rove irhere hiemai learning pb.îtOgrupfhY. Ho le looklug about with th1e intention ofi settllg up s gallery soeiewimere lu Ciai viî,.Inity. Ho le, iowever, pr.'parcil to ' o (nt. door mort oi any kinti snd gîisrantees satiafacti0u. Cati i"Pou, or atidresa hlm ut Long (.rove, 111. Thos,, amons ltth , 1114. b'WltL',,Lifli, Esm jiorr "oui,ii,îr iv,.,'and tbomeju t(, ilo t cir iiity. t ls givîne j",s pr,'n. rnu bo1tod t iillfrat(u or tod Y.Ar- eay t, tai.. Nuur fgnîpe. but ;'oiot, n'uy nt, li,.F. B. Lovgi.L, Liirtrvjjb,.. Thistle Commlauslioner't Nuotice. NiotIce in iereby gIvenlimtai pureons hmving Canada Timîs4tios on tieir propurty, are notklled Chat saine mueit ho cul or destroyeîl anti not lefIto propagate or go to Beeti, Onder penalty of a lise ai nut legs than ton nor more thononue iunctred dollas. Tiinotie appleualaiso10rallroati rigimt-oi-iraye lu the tom aif Vernon. C. C. GERBERvT, ThietIe t'uminlsioner, Toirnsimlp of Vern on. Rogomso, 11;D., Aug. If), 18ll. Pzm'sîruSTauP Co. Doar Sira: For the pait ten years i ira troubleit i wtbmy alomacb. About four years sau iras takon down mith rileumaine; mos Dol able ta do a day's mort for lbree years. Ail modialue seeiued of no benefl ta me. A year ega .* ira dvisedtu lataie Dr. Csîdirlla Syrup Pepeina. I lraly belleve I would bave dled but for this medicine. Miy rbeumatlem la entirely gono and my stomaob 5lu ingeod cou- dition. Il baisasvaid uy 11le and 1 daunot rooommend Il too lgily. Yonrs rotpectfuliy, WHITE LOGIC DWNFM M wasroncedrillng a stitid su r."I despair Forrest exdaimed: duhe UjfJ lCOUld, would I bc wokIdnt for $5.OO0a wek?" If YOUasked achtap yegow uoaP to do the work ci Ivory soap the reply mlght yelibc: «UDI coud, wouldl1sun for-half as mach ?" Ivoey Soap, being Pure, Coots noncy, bx* St mmr thaa a pure "op hma to cmo. WAUKEGAN. D.inge etthC GagSent ofme eia.rhst Tueida>'ichaard Colo purchaiet frein iMm A. B. Llveay lier lot ou the uartb aide ni Thitrd sîreel. tir. Cale wili erect a modiern resîdence a& a coul of $31100 or $36101 ou tbe property'sud miii movu ta lime Place aimnnas 111e bouse ln ready for occupanay. The Board ai Educatian boîti a apecial meeting tIonday nigimI aund appoiited lime folîoming teachots go fill vacancieln the grade@: Misa Elaee ridie>', of Rlockefeller. Miss Lulu Perltme. Mies Florence Hutcbins. This compietea lime liet ni leachera marc for one vacancy lunlue gradea, the mstbuuallea loaicher lu the kligb Sebuol and the Mtanueslltaining temacber. 'lies., mili bu appoinlet! lter. 'Tie 1lIfeen monîba aid child of tir. sud lira. Johnt Boiati, 2015 Braowning avenue, ia drowneti lu a waih bolIer Thîtaday afternoon, Jnly 49h. ira. Boviak lieil lime chid in the tîtchen irbile aim ernt ont te nîlît. Ieturn- lng aime etrainoil the milî t imn notlhug lime absence of lthe child aime begau a aearcm for il, aud ln 1t1e parttslly ilied Wouer bebindth 1e eslave laid thee 1111k one, its bessl ubmerged desti. The fraîîtlc mîîlher xeized t11e inanîmate forni sud bogan attompta aIt eauiîla tien. llelp mas snmumoned bteluno avail for nu Ilfe remalned. Deputy Coraner Boirerlieltiau anentsand %ime jury reluruîri a verdict ut e.- ciîientsl di'itim. Mrs. 13. A. lDoncî ileu ut s O'cloct un 111e uveuiug îuf J.iily Fanrtil. lira. Dunti 1ud beeim insallietifur many yeare and Ibe paet twelve mou the badl eeun coninoti 10 lutrbed. Sanie tbree mouihi &goî aIe mah tak.n t,, s hoslital lu utile,' tliat ebc oigim re- oelve constant attention. The bod!y iastatou direct froni Chicago 10 Marysilie, Mo . for hurlibheauce ho,' miolimi',and tliraciildreu. lie- silezealir. linn tIer,, are six childreu lu, mouru but. T*ii,,>are RtOY Of Itlvidere; Roaland, 1 boodore, Etiiel, Milton anti Iotatiea uof 1111 cil>'. D)eeoeti mai a wmaanonigreat beauIy uf ciataotler, patient andl cheerful tînîer ail circuinstances. Tu those wuo were ber trleudsandu, aclualut- suces lber ueatb b)ringe a aunseof severe 5H ERM EH VILLE. Oto Funke anti Eniî t,.hatidle madie a fgtnrtp la obleago bulilud ay. ThIe Minaua Lange, of chti.so1,, peut lime pauireekbore mulb relasîl,. , lire. F. llroderaou la enlmnî,lilmg lier ainter, tirs. Mlltoob, o jsU Mabel and WInfrod Boeavr #epem1 foir dsys 1the pal mweo t lirions j, Milwauke. MibeBlaucte HaLch, uf1lianto.,, Ill., la apendluàg a loir muets mlîlirois- tivea boe.. Mis Grace Glis entertaineil Agmes Moîthaff and Anua Feimd, oiHigblaumd Parktuuday. James McCnekey bai' meed lu ChlI nago, havlng resigueti bis puitillon ln th1e brick yard. Mise Clara Foute ru tertained ber irîeud, Ili a ibel iialreu, of Glhl. CAgo, over iiunîiay. The 4111 of JuIy ceelbration ut Barlionîcys Grave mai largely at- toudod anud everybody lad a mont eu. joyable lime. Vau't forgeltbe piculie sunday aI Moialîla Park, gîven b>' thelithtl- mtera' Union. I bere mil 1 b a goomd orahesîra. gaines of ait lukindau ant g00d lime lD generai la asiured loaail. Frauk Listeman, tile uofeod viol," sOloix4., Oi Niwr iartdaîuPlaul LI»te. man, viollulat, by Iboîr brobher Fritz, ai('fica emre lthe gueaia of ltirs. Geo. Ki,cxenmum laI Bunday. Shormorvilie isg giîiinp< <(lute a rupulatlon aa i bu all t. atm an,, ludglug fron i Me crVmda thut att,,On: the gaines a personn mlî thi,,t tImer,, more mauy ontuslila eral,îs or, more conîmoml>'i'ls bairhiall fana, or cran km. The home train eîieeia joes'à tant Kundsy, . llylug thie i.i' rîumiou Chicago. ioaing b>'a s e o f 1l) te '1. Thora mas un exceoIîtla&l ba,l play made hi> an>' partîcular player, but lime boiy& merely baha a l>'oif aud ire are iookiug for a rîneiug sictory Doit .Miîdsy. ilion tue7 î,ifay ltme dge- iraters, ber, "'n,.. tenir', gIiii i. ' .-'ilt'm e1, t clideas r vo 1, uhuul,.,-,'- r' to ,siar'- r- w,îtilon ac,, î fi.r.....ei. u 'e ils. croump auni WIrIoi,,uii .i, gl iorr l),t,,lli bat hae ;'v-r h..'n cet ut i i th', Insusfacturera bai j,,',,, fuiju'ti-,til, ligi slaidar'l'f exeel. I,'n"eI"lall rr it.u..,1,î..i# ,îts,,foimnu Fred Broctmun aet muîb a serions accidlent white markung 1in the biglc suiil*hobp ltuâtThursîiay. Me ir@s cutting a nal l ihsaold ebleel mimer a amali pleceo0f theo chîsel flourtut bI rlgbt oye. Heowiever paidno aI- tonlion tb il. timhntking Il ronhl work ltsehf ont eventîîslly, but ais1the day pasaod the pain became uboarble. aud esrly tbe iext niormlng hoeterni la Chicago ta caneuli un expert ucculist, mli, aîivisuîilin im ai an operatioii max ige.yefirary. irlureopon persorial lune. ime mas pruminenl in t1ue mont ta the.'Airnion Brothiei theilispîlel cburch sud In fber desîli BoRiltal, ibere ail i.peruîîion mapur- foriued, luit grave fears are enter. tisaI eîciet>' laossune onilils muet tsned for ltme tustoration of sigbt lu falîbI iii sud cousclentious mottera. the Injureul niember. hu a fit of dehîressool John Rokoy, s Finlander âaged fîrI>'yiveuf, iho THE HOME GOLD CURE. lives milb tm, felloi mortilen lu a ____ simanty etIbth estaf 1to)îWashimngton An Inigeniaus rreatment by Whih strect altempted suielle Tueaday Drunkards are' Seingr Curodi Dalîy uioring. Firtholielseled et hies n Suite Of Thernevem. jugolar velu *lith a raz,îr nlieting an No Noxious Doses, No Waakqnlnir ugly motîn t u thme aide ai bis necî, of the Nerves. A Pleasant anai timerlho jahbed saine peintei instro. Positive Cure for the meut Ittuoee of hie eyes, culting tho Liquor Habit. eyeball sud iacertiug the suctet, lfIally ho aunonoceti hie Intention 0f1 Lu crg'orlytiw iiinI.'te Lintrit l n ,5,h ii'.: o. iuuMlot teuak- dromnung hîmeei but vas prevenlet! uses. A shi'iy tan~jvjt ju,, si, î,.s, ceitpltoir ei,'-.j by y Oiuii r 'en. freinmaking any furîbier hostile sillttîîa, cf Its,îi,ig ir 1ino0,rueaie demnatralluns agaînet imimeof l ,aidîogthi iIfes îliItrsilel th tihe arrival of AssisetnChief aif1Police cravluig fur Iitos laiî,s.'lî,rIu miiinote u n',, ten.ejus,, t jomu' usîtiiolmt u.ibl,hy Tyreil who Limad beeni suminonedte th Ie r oaa eftihm" tfrou, 'lsnis by thîs @cette. Kakey mas put ln a buggy anti woliuîerfiiij -Huma <.LI) iUME'" Wlu,lu t as beenu îurfîc'. I alter'i muih' li of elec tater, o jail miero Il,. RaticllI aI. luily u'un'i Lniimoi"lut -e t l'Iru'ales 3Th, tslthtul use asc'orIllnrl te lrîho itîs tended hum takIng sever&Ialcitches menderfaliljaorv uOfL igUNruuut lu th on ahend.A te onerc tîuum,,it 0tllt - nio natter limemouul u hie n<tt AfOr umIîad a ,jriýitr. Oum .urlsshow .tt, reacbing lIme jili okey bad a cou- iiis'vrions iràw,înIat,uijuf Lje.e.,,(0 'of vulelor,. "lime razor milli mhlà ie hoct udrnokarmi.jajtiob- llîdnstrcm'i sud himself coulti uat ho founid. Thme mns ea ou unsie! iLohsa, nfincera areeta ]a asfor a reason îu tic8o5ItncOtruvt i uunis a s ueSfc.iforlfl. aceount for Kokey's actions, H liftas îrei'aru'I thnt Il 1-I titoIscii.~,îy asuîîad beerierus omotbhlmg lite ton yoars p5SitiLi nis,, tti ILeau e -iiu and irorted lau 1egs nzigroiilî fI,, ircrihurl.Tisnî,or then galvan 5',r.-i? 'ul, lul aI lime Wlieoraslie ln notI iîavy iii ici.s',., t"esitiey Mt" hmun drinks,' and! the unI>'solutiomn aiflb.he oelîî ii, "i-cit" inI,, uiul,,rstie n y problemi lethsl hoe becamo bine over frisei.m andc îilu'eitii,ît thuIr knnw. nme ruai or fanciod trouble witb the iedgu len',nffceo' r ,cjheiju,, 1t'u'lar 1ut recuit Liyli scntî i""' iiili, i u o~f tilir Ocm reu b tat alleged ironga p,'ey,,d OIlfr,,, ililDo lue tMîil'C . boni lu.i,u,lae,i bi@ mind unuJthie suicidai nmaniasbho by iillurpn en 001 lI-igi, d"iu:,iic came apparent. DLiime T,.tI, i-a- s it CIE" 411a,h1cItoir A Poor Millonaîre mlînli ol uf ceuui,,hv ri.iit'ali tiiiahtan'tl,,'i'l'e 2t1iig il i.u i Lîsatel y tarved lu Lendion tuteatise Iu'i.50uldidlnetli,,i -isrum,aII'If psLa5 Sids net diaale s Iod. Early use of Dr,. KingehiwleIysIsi.-i ainaewie NorLf ille wnuld ihave maved tiim. Tîîey mloU ,Xuanng. et prer'sl î, Il strenathen fhe stainach aud digestIon, pro- ipart ori t-' t ujilm ncept n _eledo a moto assimlation. I e el ri" %d ;wla Veugt.... Loa 0I ia.B Nue bas ock A sti il Bd tr riieianomoo slr t tol> on,euPmaa ORAI M.îlf Da Setur Muicla II Alil Kind Servec Dr. CR« O)ffice ovd Libert-y% Dr. office ov 1 te te1s Libei PAU AttIorney' NO oriesOla -bertyp Dr. H. Phyali âM1,I'iCa ou0 irnee. GENI FEE EAI -,peiitacht cars' l Va(A1 .5- Ube -ai" i ---i -1

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