CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Jul 1901, p. 1

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>IJNTY DENT. VoL~kL~No. 41. Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois. Fýfd'ay, JuIy 19, 1901. $1.50 a Vear in.Advance. C(*E IN Let ItS 44110w you 50115'-ltIlle Latest Novelties il, wooloIe iis\\t-have otrirf1111 iand wintaer tSiI ,tAin, comnplets' -aiulili-y are beaîîiti. 1,llaietplmteswilert- Ilaighest quallty Iow pries - neet. SANBORN & CO., TAILORS Libertyvllle - Ill inois. OVER iSchanck's hardware Store, Libetjrtyville - - Illinois. s ___________ IAre tise be.t and in tee thse cheapest. long ruaI [le Made y. ;u, spent aP. Ilil Agae Et te Chai sillon lu 4usd ler of Chl- atîon et 'geiy at- moolt en- iudîy a& ' a gond s. and a ed t0 mil. d violits il Liste- by thelr vote the <bite a SA,, mn.t t attu' t a tefoa' aY@ froua nýaul play yar, but Sand Va Dry Doeit te Edge- 1 hil bus Luron; lia Sfortlae ed thatilt Itz tt.'B. ablatIt. He a sel Whou Id no et- id< vorjL thes dey >eRamle. lac wons the& an araupon Brothers vas par- enter- algiat to JRE eWhloh a Delly s. ltkenlnig it ana tMaleal- 't'yO l tttît titi of wlos iý . 'F', tairait tesd t' malter "taitî t. tai anad 'OILO tEN "le i1. il, %tt thc, tI" iasOV0 fictor etll lttl,a 'it 1011 'llita 'sictta 1 WM. BELL Ji (104Cie isuROOM Dr. Charles Galloway.. Office over Lovel'sorug Storo 13UROU 1 1TO 3 AND> 6TO 8P. M. Libertyville, - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office OvemýTriggs & Tayior'a. 1 to 10 à.Dm. 2 60àtand 4. t10# P. m. jlesldence oiuBroadway opposîle Park Libertyvi lie. Illinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attorney and Counalor at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC 4OpFIOE OvEa LAER CoUINT! BANK, -ibertyville. Illinois. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. Physi clan Ând Surgeon. & &Mr,ECSOPPOaxSMLESuAS DOTZL L DL. rnee- -- -------llinois. Elgin. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. SCUANUS BLOC K. ILAT..O RALPH L DARBY. PIANO$ ONOANS TUNE.., CLEA..D AEO ULATED. AEPAINED. .AGENT FRas.. Shoningcr and Schaeffer Pianos. Libertyville - -Illinois. WRIGHT DYMONO a&CO., Libertyville, Illinois. I$sues Interest flearing Certifi- cales Payable on Demand. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. OR E OR U V toieveLaike Couny Bankdontb tIN; ,irs 58to12 ta. M. andî1aloiô . . DAILY liegîsit Ras FR A I f ha . - edoue ,-geonf t .ike C'o. iloespalt itura __________________ aura.'eoaCiitco aNartI- r cslRii. rday. SP~CIALIST. DR. A. MOS J. NICHOLS Vnc Cl rifiCDiea. o fmiuaWMen. 'OF CICAGO, Walr GENERAt SURGERY. baîsoponeda cl FEEEAR,NOSE.&ITRAFOAT.- DENTAL OFFICE tienecai -,pacees mdaea~ Imte Ac- At LIIs.rYVIIO,, Butler's@lBloct, 0O teer ciIem a0m aa Prices. Sailli 4Davis' om ute w bete b. M m v zb Msa e, 1 c iv ,I wo aul m ie ' ILUSSCIIIJER DROPS DEAD.1 Prosiioe.cit V'ernon aFormner Ex- pire igt 'hvi4lclan'm Yýard. Thîîllrslýav f lait week Lotau i eluler dIed tu Pr. fl,*ît's 3yard ai Whaeilg, viarre Lie lied gonie te conatai t ie pbysieî,ia. tMr. Nalaule? lived on hie Taleott fanat 1ear fHa1l Day anid Outil ID t'(lock ou file day on ieisdeath allaa be.-îa ln splendId bealtla. Early noit tat day lac oid lis wlfe lie proIaosed te gati n a --big lot of isay" as ,lt-wether was goond uhlo wautH-thie bay nter cover, lie work.-d outil about 11) oclook, filon went 1th ie hoiane omplaiiulugfilat ie *am railng URblond and liaIt h o'mo,.edl to feel blond "rtunifg down flmi tliroat." Hia 4 vIe urged hlm to go tat a PlayeIVIla uIit ho rafusca, tliaking hie would fan-I btter after a shirt rent. Flnaiiy ho ieoncluded ton go towilaeuý-- lng and cuousit Dr. Boozu'. Arrivead ilacre lie vas told the doctor wou Id nlot1 ho home ountil about nooli. He vixited vAtfriendos about the vil lageutil Dr.; Bong came bomne, audad star becbg aaatred by tlae pixyslfeati lals allaient wus aoing serious anti socuring a sole aof modiclue hie started for homne. lu a fs-v momentsthie dortor uotlced bien returaaîng and vat ut inAto bia yard to meet hlm. tir. tachular got1 ouio ni Bs baggy and gasping -I lhall botter ly dovu lbore" dld no, vzplrlug Immediately. flaat fie died frein au Internai hemovrlarge in the prevaillng opinion, lao having told bis Vite in tLe nmoruiaag that lanc "seeaucd to feel blond ruunlng dovn lis llaxoa." Tise'coruner'. jury couslasted or E. Witcox, foremau; Chas. Hoeftmau, lissota Collay, Frank Cooper, Chaz.j Albrebt and t'. Maou. Evidence deducted Vas lua accordauca witla the aboya fact$. 01oa ISchuler vae promaaeaat in Vernon tovuiubip, a member of thae Prairie View Camp of Wooduaen *âd alwava toola au u trestinapoilue.. Hie vas a man of aplendid physique jut h lu th prime of life, 37 years nid. lita suddean and untîmely doua vwu a terrible shock1tete bereaved Vile and coommuiy. There were uin cblîdren. PnueraI services vercofieldbunuday ..ader ausices 0f the M. W. A. sud mu asiembiaibi of friands excoedlag ltu atutbera auj Sht ev-r M-leeMM Il lite occassiosi An Vernon followed ltae itowcr laiten casiet 1<> tha grave. I)eeeaâed i'arriad $34461 usernflrain l tihe V. odnieu Society, B«)%. Dr>wned Near Autiocla. Iaymoftl Lyon Fumier, onily son of I'rofemmosr George Il. Foater o! the de- lartineait of syâtematicr tteoiogy, met dasla Weduoaday alternuon of last we.,k wlile swimmzing In Lake Marie, itear Aani,,<'hi. )'iiuag Foieier wuma16; years ü nd ad as a slrong sulimmer, winhaalaI,, lbis de all aroref a s 'rprigea Hie waxsti lmlîag villa a umber of oliaar ltt35 late Wednesday afternoon and veitutri'd oul ato deep valar, taking wth him i radar pout. His autics a.,re walclaed for aonme lame by thusa ou shiore vban soddeialy la ie a inismed. 'fiare wafs n oulery and tihe o'lly axjlanton thât clino 1wgivon liq lînat thé lad waas lkeila ith cramipa alld qîilekly sanla. Seartil wa8 hegnu for the itody, and il was round Wadnas- day ighlatbout il o'clock. bon 'M h u s it <Iley. Ail lawmIs rad hy thlent slelgiala- ittre un i iaIstate went ttu affect J ly Isi. If any on(ýt' ibtflsa eild i Ilinois be 'ail l'e iaîiged. If yo i are moimd g a aly ot,! 'laziaag" lu altier vords, tortnrlug tor ahu8îug a studenlthie autiaîrios au i nue yo u $-,it ami iluprimon y.tti for six mîottlis fil tha conly jail Atîy petu a ho allents ta citent mioniy by Ibreats ia thîs sîste eau bae sent t(a lie ponlloatiary for ltenty years. Auy hisnaid vlo abandons lis ile or any parent or parents Whîo abandona a casld undollrfihc age of twoire Vaate cau bie ined 314<44or sent la prison for one yaar. Wonan sd girls omloyed tu shoî>s and stores eau lu future demnd gsel or resling places wilnot0 busy. If ou are a raIeraI> solaier and wînl ta püdîle iaties for a living, Yeu viilo t have ltaaeouitaa1100055e leafaumter. 'Theal wto!fa aaiiy lu filaeStala nt Illinis, vltome salary;(ioes not excaed $15 a week viii ha Hxempt froui gar. nishrnent on or afler tiA day: Phbysicians mumt nov practîce tindllr their owoname only. Tousam a taIse Dame ls a pliulslaabla offense. Yonuaoeau led i ndAsent to jaîl n future if you are osught wearlug the bajge uf a secret soceay 10 wlalch you fiîtlaon ai roternsTOU in future eon lba'fourlla l'iisday halons e izastead of the preoading Sal- aet, livoteret,'nlsî.îtimIa licdistlcg tir tioti rnaisls l1.'lt-talco!f£00,1 ooa t Ilgesteil. Th.tu Il our stossueh ilt . Ko'loiflystecsia Care yul. nies ail nif tht, jatucal i dgaats. ast dII g aerntMmu;sofIfoond g eil lIeaI ature ciii use Itlta Dourh. eady îd reîîi th lbvmied DOWIE'S BIG SALE 01: LOTS DAVID HIARRIS coiMMIT SUICIDE Ctioaîicoiced Mo4day. C'aail ii ilangas Il iielf to Ridge ut Top Clerk Hendee Adnaiut-.îerus of Baun. ,,aal fan a.w5a.t - litsa hig rami asiate bool i ij taCit,, Bouton lowuabip, Konay arvit iiî'ras ' "iea weuk'me eiaapment -d grut i tt.,i>iOilandl mald beRi' a;ithla toriiig service et 6:30 eat n. i i 2,4,0'j o! the faîtlful Wers prescrit '"liglouasj malters ont olthavar D(,,,, iîrneli over tise cougiegpilo t 1<hi.landtj agent.fil. Wortihugàoti Juu.iý Led l'y1 Judd antiGinaiiCouur ' S. M. t'ackard the bnciq for homes ' ,'s. 1 A IîuieklyfIormed puocebiti mmcii titîialiaethenda avene 1t izekiel1 street. l'hosc wbo lad psi i liaieni 5ute ot1 lai e 0esaitîetiit toi t î'artifleateswera giveu lrmi tr iots. lu tnîce. iti. loe" rat oý-i trr $27", 10 $2,700. Bomne titit'r, narre gultlad by the nmes of il,'<ra.tîs1 rallier than the location of T' 'he neareist alaproacla te a rush lor ptar- tilular mtes occured vbeînl te id- vannce guard uiseoieedabrit' i ii'.i "hot Iota on tibaS îboroluginr t acrt Butin tatan. Maily looked eizuir lag- lug ayai on thecholoiescbau i îithagi Elîjalabnulevard, but 1ev srle,'ted lots1 thena. The $2,700 Iota ara 1,., ate intij Ibisasîreol. $Ooebtayera vrt tlu Ezraj avenue, othera te Ezakini avenue,1 visile stil nheru vote iat'ni villah Enocla.1 Mouday niglat ihere wua jtt 1 meeting n the blg ýLeo t"i ie P'ackard axplaineal the vortlior1the fosea der vhich thse, laîitft isai bolal their lande. 4 la proutnt cd i Elijala IL. 0 o ctfidatutaialw' 'erfUt bease ever da'aild. The for ""aplies eiglat closely printad pages 'lnoîag cilar tiahg I conlalua 701 c' iýit. IlusJ open vilciathe mambers ,r Zla, accept thacir lois on a leise 1, t 1,1io 1 Itla AsaUtmafed the Brai dat ,alons amounied tO $150.000. WILL aBEoM à CIPTI/EN. Durlug the day Dovie, mcc "Pauled by Attorney Packard drove Lut Wauta. gan. lie vent directly te tht' Coutn Bloum e re Attorneay Packard slatod $eltlis client deslred 1t enut' Ouea lis Iuteration of lacemng a ctît" n o! ljae Uuied Blutas. Alter being introdIeM,d te Doute, Çllart Jioase adîâuitad; lise forme aI ul ad i;rqiarcd the eStltlate sasrequired lviii lrtgaters prepare to bedonné e ctz,.ti Dovie ekot iia >t' p aneliniy bîtcanase Ilinois las t, t r lt o t, lter. sisip of reaiy by ahaee T'he Board of Rarieu iatl,î tt.'o jusi euOss thlail i t atter Mr. Hendea pîlotealDowieiatit iatrotltted hlm t0 Meurs. Se,.. linand Douglas. Thcy iast,,,! i. e il"eatia MIon City ataessed l'y 1 t -"r as 1,, m lands. Ha replIJod tht 1I14splt ilad tnt yet beca tiledal i t, siii lu a lands. 1 WAUI(EQAN ATURÂCiS LOVERS Ouar County Sient (bitriaîaslst'4. josepha, M i, Jt. 'ua'ikegan lais ite, te;t>iua Grean o! Ubîneagît. C('titi a'. sîtahen tisa aaudanI h. Joseph, 71" ., trot lis fetandasm otabIîlsiat' i ,iiuarlors5 lu Like Counity. Continlterk Brouet t i, ýr, kagan laaa estaislistitd it, 'ilftttyttd diapute as the onily gtýu tiajealter of Hymen vîthin macryli ,, taiev of Chicuago. Thiladiscovtr3 titametlon matrimonial figures ct't ['ittIl duriug the moli 0! JUna. 'lIo(lt'trit says ihe lssuaed elgbly-sevu nnr t t. lirtts, Vi par centof!titibengt 't,, rtý,leieuto of Chilcago. During P . tlioiy ilfty-meven lîcenses tr 't'lal liss tban 29) par cent îttift tiare te persoa o eding nuIt i ikto'îîny lu May of Ibis yufiarty conItIes were lieensed 10 mirr.î, it,l ofI lisse 50t per cent, cama fron> itn , tt.'ue- lentins 0f ihe couplîs 4"ti Clicago cboaa ihe trolley routeît, andt I he ra vasai iy bout or oun t'e N ,rLi-western ralroad. The reiuiîtt'g smmer montha are expacted b">'itagreat bootainluthe numbar ofiltaioritge. Lait Sunday wVi ile grc-t l ilu tise blatory oI tise 1"- tastlacu marriages go, sud file r'.tf onrJaly viii aurpau asoi et -ut' Outr oounty seat As 1' t ig a lîvely business tu entertaiitg ltcri and CunlY Clent Iletadet t ýkiqt lisy issuiug liceuses il a dotllar snh. For llegal Liquitr 'cIlimig. Neit Mon'duy-'Toiina> Xi hile will be praîaectd for iliagal i li "c saliug lay States Attorney 'Iahi!t, itafora JtIatce VaiDuseu, lan Via nauý Whita la cnbarged vAt iiitng ata eut il Long Lake tu wli-i thon- wsai bar vlaare aill inda tf a.j tnr vas atild vîthont tisa tormuality tatti xpeuse of aaoUnlng a ilceuse fcîîaoia,'he -outy hourd. lStates Attorneay lai>'titt maya tisaI Le lagoiug to pilila tiîo,t aie liard and wvili seud Witiii)upil s'sbl o as t miraumnexiampt>llitaf t icais of lav-breakers vlao are facrltutillmna lu somme! t lise laite remots. Thom fIaOUSIJlttisahi- , l'WlttsLittule EArlUaseanam el roun Il -rc ii tiwchs lu dothelutr. hans givîtau r <u 000. lh bl<ood %Qrecepermie ÊronbatiY. Ar es t1 MjýO! rpb butproub l f- A littie mon nf David Harris,lubin livedl vest of Lamb. Corners lu Warrentiîwnaip vaut gotbe ba Sunday ovenng to fead the chickens and thora swayîîîg geutly An the wind was borriled 1u behlod bis lithera body snspanded hy a ropa frona the rialgea t top of barn. The 11111e feliow rnsaaed to lis mutilar and told har of lais grewsome diacnvery, aud abc, tolloweal by cblîdran of the lamtlly taurrical 10 lhe spot., 10 varity the sona& litatameaat.<ivarcoaua by thae aglal tboy tout no time lu nnliiying iaighbors' vî t somaoncd Coroner ITaylor. A julry, conaisling of Clama. LaMb, foreutan. Fred Bo!mann, Marcua Ilofmanu, Thom. Vau Aistisaa, Marshal (ideit and 0i.1F. Cooper beard avidence Élu te case. It dcvaloped Ébat Mrs. Harriesmand chllîren lia beau vIiâtilg daring lMe tlay villa bar dauglter, Mrs. oiitung, near Warrauton Grove. Thcy varts orgvd by Barris wheta «leTug n& t rturuunutil ilabomme cool lu 1he eveniig, <ao vere lu no laurry 60 ge bouma. Thay raiurned about 5:30> ad riot flndlng the bushanalad father about the pramisasconoluded hola. a gone tu oeiliupota soua of l.hefr neiglabors, gîvlug the matar no f uriber thougll. Il Vawu nI talaiS St 1 ittie sou dis coveyad the body Mi descrIbeal, tisaI Ms. Harri. booms. Decased laad beau utabjeot 10 effllepiic fils and laid lu coosfaqunce iteen dempoudanl of lage, IlaungiaSuai. day saurmed In thae beat of spirit&. A vire mud everal cbjîdran survive Lim. He wvasa brother to Win.Harris m ho lires juai e eaofQiLihertyvflleandai bavlng ai nue lime iived hosrevua veil knowu. lie wua# maon raipeota by aIl, and tne halleva las vould have committed thea terrible dead b"l ho Dot become temporarily deranagedm a resuit of continued &Stocks oreltlspay Wuuconda (jets Moth. The annuai aoldiera reunuon and ltse Ml. W. A. counly piauleviiillahoccur 'Lt Wauonde ibis yeitand no bolier place cotald bave beau chosesi. The axeculiva Cntaalflttea of timO Lake County Soidiersandul lflO inaîluion association meutsiloth0. -A. L;. hall in Waîitagaaa. Friday mftruoou tus'and 'týeLe Waucouda an tise place an nafit îaaand Wadneisday, August 271titn'Jîlla as lise dite for iholding the, l.einty-lblrd anunal reuninu 0f 5h. aasacaation. Tbare yl hca peakbag. mîls'it'anatigames. 4 triniitees appoiutad are as follova: C. Al'artrldge, lhirman commit- ix-t' a sîteakor8.i i,,'ieral Comnmttea Arthur CJook, Oanrnla oiors and i flary Davis. il. L. Flagg, ('lairmîn, committee tii Irainsptortation. 'Te Wîtdmeu haie givea Wauconda Camp, No. 643 antIre charge oI the anial counîf pienir, viita la tooccur ont Atgust Ilîla. A prograna la to lbe tîrraugeal thal viii draw an immense cuatiý Wauctndî cartilay vil] nol spîara aiy eaortont i akete Iis plolo the bast and largesi ever laeld. Seiuator Wm. E. Muaounvîiihai oretor tif the tlYaynd Lieaione viti undoutb- cdly dciv a largo crovd. Tlaey viii laive gond musie, gamnes of ail kîuds, andti viiimile il interestlug for young ant oL i. Fell on l'ltcb Fonk. Clareuce We bb diod lti eek t ablis homearnir anal Lake o! Injuries ne- ceireai roaanlly frona falting onum ptois firka Clarenace vas about tveaaty Yomrof aga ad vas tlae eldest son o! Mr.aid Mci. MunsoWV. Hie vas a memnber of the Watisvurtla court Iribe of Ban Hur anal iad miay friands. May Buiîld Ntw Moad. ItlAs sud Ihal lise C. sud N. W. bum cnmopleted the pretmnary aurvey or Lake Zurich, Wincondu and Pisiatee Lakeî. Anoîhier report la the igin. Aurors eiatrir lluê viil e extend.d lu the laie raglan via Barrînuglon and w iconda. NVltite itlhlng deluite a 1. Mnvu ounceruiog tise lropoaeîl roaesIl woîiiiei om Lgisiy probable tuai thae Norîlavasteru teseeIng autralace tu the SI. Paul, flald. Suris a romd vould puy and ha a beodit le tise country il touchles. Danîce ut Ilertei'a. 'lhore sii Pc a danceal;aieMrtelsa P'ark, lîl i)y, Saturday evenlug, Juiv tith, Musir by Prof. ShulJa'a ChiacgotOrchestra. AIl tuow lths right altitiofa goual time cia be bal aI hntai .. iI>azzleuu the World. "is tarît.lîq'-'îaet4st h«ahea stîtaeti ti li4. New tin',a It'--ýýredteM U veru loer Mot Weather... ,f:is,.Horse Furnishings Cati be purchaàed of me at a lower figure than a like quallty ls sold for ln Chicago. It is just 50 with harnessos. My $10 Biligle harne&4 je a hummer. 1 have others for-more money that are botter but not botter bargains. Coihe in and talk harnees before purchasing. Farmers will want one of those 50 cent binder whips. Yw can reach the hormes with them. C. Ml. KAISER, LibartyvUle .52»j s- 11vu 1. 111s 5,i 1 u - ,. The 2Oth Cenitury Cash Store for the neit thirty days will seli the balance of their stock of ladies' wrappers anîd shirt waists at reduced prices. We dot't want to carry them over. Cail and exainie them and get prices. Wqe have a few men's stier Suits, mediumn weight, wlll close them onît at rodujped prices. Just received, îîew lot of shoots Men's cloth halls rubber sole ..............Oc0 Boys cloth bals rubber soles.............. 50c Mon 's seamietis work shoes (Cordovian Stock) for $12 anîd...........................1.50 FtilI Uine of men's and boys' bats from 25o to..........................................$2.50 Youmsw FOR CASE, E.-W. PARKHUR8T. achumU ý t5~.' 5e i RAND -DA NCE! lIERTEL'S PARK, M.lf Day - 1111o015)Felt gravel roofs guar- anteed for fîve years. Se~turday even ing tepîîiirg donc Al' i, nIclats shape. JULY 20, 1901. .~ ueaiy linaîareati p alcasing ttscd tlas mikes (>Id waille î,aarly as gîtod Muic ilsîc>11baFurnlmhed by l'rof. 1i tt, ltnt'îtara-.l t [lii i'taud Smith'& Chcago Orchestra. 'I'-a"tnîl-ak, -ais. <tî'î Alil Kinds of Refreshments Prices always Reasonable. Served on the Grounds. Walks Mois. ovvviiiivvvi AnAi el wahT ohe dmin ema riib WASHABLE WOOL DREUS SKIRTS . .....S3-ab« - M~mdevilartalirculae =8mii a ennud. WASH Q00DB-A whata t" seWl.hhleuee ias il advol» en" Do figuare.-il ionacaa ALL OVEA YOKINCk-4a lace and embroidery. The amam bSautilul designia ver ahowna-gclag s0v aS amie prise. AUl Linoen Hamatitchad Bandkuwhbf ieb' ...U..........S 9 Mon'@ Rad or Blu. Waahable B"rdkarclalia m S ISTANDARD DIiDINQ TMINE par lb ....s MMisasbo e a" ~ti pst,. af a, tW& fl Pst -Md ihms V baN - s. a bagm u r st ohs-~my au baud epssst.L No manue how Iow the Price. whet yu buy of us le a c. IaG. R. LYON &SONS, LEA.DzENSOF LOW poticEs. Waukegan - - - Iliis 13INDER TWINE. As harveet time will soo'n be here the question arises, where can 1I get best bindlng twine for the Ieast" money? Chéap twine that ciqai and breaks le dear at any price. 'l claim that Plymouth, tWlne cornes nearer to perfection than an$e other twineon the market. 1 wll warrant every foot of It to stand a strain of -75 Ibs white 'most çheap twine wil break at féom 50 to 55- Ibs straïn. Get samples of the dIfferent kInds of twlne aid tie on. éhd to the colt- Ing and put a weight on the other end. The strongeot and lightesti the klnd to'bUy. That la Plym ou*h. Plymouth Standard L If when you get this twine home It is 1flot as good as you thought it waaý or that you pald more, than it was worth return it and 1IW11 return your money. H. B. EGER, Uibertyville.

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