CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Jul 1901, p. 2

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FRANK. EL JIm Hetr. BANK IROBBEII FA-IL ATTEMPT 1-O LOOT qANK AT ALEXANDRIA,-01 -0 £amu Are Dnom4ested .1 U'erb atieune, bab Coiue.Theis- liforte o. tip Ste..i FinalilitESanie- Wichta Pacio Itonce Sue-uc A guet ýf >ix or 0iel tibiero wvree,- a hl;ie-.oter & Ashitrooke Bank t Aléxan.ijt. 011i. a bout I ttek tht oth- ai moctîîtt. Thi-estuf gbol ,teio't their ifîrts attld t .rrtoeYap Jge et$1 I,) tthi ttt ati.s-a they ier- ilmomt to i-,c-. Tools ver. mlelen trot tii. anldî)OhîiOlo Centrai Rotîrotu itîh stItii-h tht fron1 door et tht eln, ws s a.tei ltervsbh e ur chargea of ti oair r-as tspl'Oded to open tht ,r.%itt 'ii i.tie urouseel Cash- ter C. 1B.ti otanti u'bers teho resde ear the boii. oui tbc 1t oett 10 the eut. tittiuîîgh thc -jtizens reponiti proupt>ý. the rlibero reuimni lunthe haut f-i oa tîoîr longer.,îiîring vbich lime thûire ttue repesied a ttItOp 10 force fiettro.îng hua. maes hit keepinv np sutl-iitigret c itss th the vilior- ers. l'intliîthe lioiuis tiet i n vo hur-' glaa sbi- ic ai bren etoien presionsly. 'lThi drus-e tiriousli 2aY to tht uerth. 'Phare vas cîi about 8$00 lu the crur 7ber. th pakag ut $1.500hasieg béen eciedrri bukiletbo lie Piocti thecelL tht gravions asentng. Thue tuoneY r-ms jauni among tht delita y tht caaier. pROGRESS 0F TUS RACK. etandlau ut Leegue ClubstIn Cntient for tthe eia.t Volering mc tht standing of Ille cttthe à%l the National Leagne. W. L. W. L. -Pittabuc .42 _»7 Brooklyn .37 34 Bet.LtOl..40 130 Boton... .31 34 Phlladelphia 38 :t1 Cincinnti -- 30 -31 New York.. .33 29 Chicago -.24 51 Staaiùin utht AmerieaLeagne lare W. Lu . W . .41 2 Udep .27427 I>.it - ...34 f2ir-ankt...26 42 -%8a* viIEN'WICIRZTA, KAN. WuéuPleu -t et Z1,a baud01& Feues 11le peclug ipant et Jacob Dolai & èS ofWkbfta, Kan-. vus detroti by Ob aiTevaeefour lasge buildings. It i*stlmslai thal 7,000,000 pounda of ilarsle aor prellirétionl, vas dit- 1 an Th ls.le 8l,000.OOO t vinl- ~meaot 84000 Oua r-al feu., îoI:g meu utbeltetfatally. Tht-e tfiami »« esare threr-o out of It tl lasai tbe plant viii built urnes. Thé Ira orlgluated inlutht lard- bgoa..aainlathoegt te hava e iezdueto1 q#mtmaouscomutaion. t CS.rtaletaMâle Di piaA. pisa. assoiaI. eftht lte 4rir M cÇ rnilckand manager et the am" Harrveains Machiue Cou. î. tbé ifUte 1889, iet tbis homuc HeHarvas 75 ierraod. It Sseet hia prieiiathal Do Man %$bu bava more thon a nioterate for- dàta&mia keepler blé pr4jert aIt tht mark, bi e hénbainet, char- U~,ltteaant iniidiusls wree ' 4Amie Léslil Wa oemil é.. ~'t-4 ~ g leg vs aroustdinluthestrical tir- '4tbough tht auon [bottat -Mis Phicago drajuati,- witer. iszidFrank H. Bock. chief bell boSq et tha Virginia Hotel in Ihat cty. JIAMuair vas pertSe ut St. Jo- t esh, Ukdh.31. Buck la 23 jeas obci Se4iiyvmate tier Detroit. =i thirt dais trains of tht Penn- qavi. udsr-l lie runinais to De- tu* *8m Toleis. A mileag,- utt-age- ,b tv yteu astithte'cand-r- ku th Penmylsania i. to nce t e àa*igaa cetral truck%, makiug * esadie seve nues o f TItis) laCrged -&th lMasur. ' s,àCurama. 7Zyears u tod.r arme a Philadelphiae harget i vth hbar mesâmes aires,aii t r -boul. il r.> tire&, are itstnr 1'ubeu he crrsint sn said Vrsu-r faiaàtell it-. aarmt- fée rinuheurt fttr mon a Ulk. Oit etfca',ic.. StuantIcîliroclke.iut f ia thirtl- tox-y vinior-ut hit,. titi- o i 5uttrîtie ami feil tit he- pavementt. thity tfettttc leur.Be aui .lt113 bu.i itthe be - oaleans uut.y '. t .iiîýit1 hanî-rfor hie recov.'r pray feiUl... 1loe .Cher-l. Nearto ,-e i ii' i-r n i tî., Tenus, pro>e-1f. i . . iu tf.' 'tr tller sasI"rm 'oeo.,..i tt churcli .1-.t titi lUit> 114udentq 1' ahit lid,,tthî.. grotratai îîo.i tb.'--. aitît ;tittr., The tîtUr-stîýri solc -r..ît ti t Wareboume f 3et tîstîtt 1tii-- . ~st 11, tire. .lotos $4:..uKi. KovC.or.Sit LagtRobi Fit.Coboroîbi(Mou.iors. ]Pacifie gituso ' rtk.tiantdiaitfour ry %"iiig atiingu. 'Tbe iharretd rttitti,- tht proprirbo '[tt' lglii-,5tc. îî. Nai a habit of .t.iiugithe'îîî vere fucitti. ChaltI. Sge. P; r-r id, 1.i-., rj ovo utittLacs.c.iti:Wi j_ l et fa i .. . g 1ît itî i u 1',,i 1. U bri trige--q, u, 1er Alfret B. Kitîraige f Sîtoxl';ili, lbam bret ttît b, ; . ,.Utc ][ferret.] ru si] thteuiriî,ti.y itith, Uited ttaes ti-n ats causti iiy tbbcîtotb.if Joint-sil. 1yla liW tilt -rti'ounti l Mrcb 4. 1165.the daute i i lnSeiai îjr i'.bs terni veI laceexcmptrîi. fuie ildes -Aui«.-sI icitetisi. A aMiltoiaOhio. Jttdgc lisher la- mn-an eider perpetoflly cnîîîîniog th mébuasfront mutntaining -7ultaeê aasaithe-pbant of thteNuis. -M .dtht v BUMPEIR WHE . fpr15g.e Fbinag où tht hauts i report, tbert te a bumpe Péar, 30.OOM Ohumeti bOOAlObchela epring. 000000 iuiselx. . cet-n 1,0911000000 hl-.;. e&,s 010000 buihais ts-om la crop i3 short 117,000,0 lsent yan. ami le "in 000 tti'cela. uftheb DepiarIment of A4 dcreage cf ern plabtei rien of about 400,000 ac troun tht ares plantai h tvanttr-o Stats hbén or opwart in 0cern te 19( deereace et about 1,30 le tht remnaiuIug tan an 00.000 acres la shevu. tbre States snd territ than 1.000,000acre. le six report axaller @en planti l lenticar. The1 ef thteglor-lg crop la i r-ltb Se.5 un Jeiî 1. 1 coteaponiing date in year avarage o 90-.. Nebraska la 88. lai lU in Kansas 74, laulMI* Tqxaa 164. la "eh bof %W«atairai above retti XtMlsippi, Virginia, ai wber. tht conditions rn 92 aoi 89, recpvtiveiî. thir ten-year avaragra more or leua haiqv énch GENESRAL mUMIE »OM-uuSte om .Net th te berielamiADi eowsa -tb il 11tht lé vail euptqrei anvit pressai on evér hauti. 0f vbeat msea aadud te con. %s-blle conaicur reeas, doie.Mnetproi ciésitlf enemai o rlu paie tht progresa o th troubles tire la nirais t peula tors bave betu mnat 'of tie umosit i flcle la thé.mnrtta. treim thé eékl«y traie Dun & Ce,ý t contine ac*ls-ly emloyai, and t lupûroe-tesIlatht dit preducta, vbila quotalj atpeatiemi. In bers tor agrietltnlaIJl uieeta moe-ent. Platrté are t tere a isne aiguet dia lAi s trutral mnii titrai trMÉl, viti umo trolley and othirlilgti fes-tht veetk muabeeu1 Statesa gal 16 las:en Canakda. aghinnt 24 lest brss grai Follet The Walter*' jjunIea a atmhokt excursIon and sotu, o! thos. on bi miterestion. Wlmae the ite return trip osu. ou rock*ai at aWalter auut Healy drev a revolveri woioiieg Bi RoOne, t Dluluth. A crwvitmast r-bu rail. Pistoaijebaid Seing ellasiypisUe& irei sgain. tht bnllt Daly J e he Wu d bd rellnd. Healy vas tt mnd tate it e baudi W1heu calle e s uhsa that mes-as yonegmm. alr.utiibé pont te pm inon. bai ameaulteti h, Eafis. ati 18. bu Manecie, Wa.. that bera las-e been faile. he I iee anmaelteti anti that -r go te pisOofer perjti mutrte innocent men the seate-ceber fit ten Y* The grand jury'at ledi tae inrealigatlng tht i porteti. Il talleatel mainslt tit- partiesc -ber, bai] bren se evitl ltnt- kTic n-port maya: me s-leiltrrOfettht hé.w Indiana. btc arteil tbat the buts ba beea A si-t buxi local1 -st-s .. oî.te a ittd th tte ît-ompse. tra.oi ieurti hroogh. th. rc'ndcogang of at- sert hildaidouit %selerblitlirau (.rr-teVanerbilt, latbmr sut-t-cléno ils teSi [i Te toginr. Centrê!a llsîiol thou1t aotndsoi 6rbox tne thc.n stirire the ctîiepgs un.ei' for 1610 .-, ,.ii th teVanderbilt irait Lite Wie .Kilts E-jl cIeofutChieg o! MV. Itll'sgrr u lt .t th-- houc e lie Cnos. ortiiat lie vas scir , ebson tîrueil o; vas lîto-relly tiiei-d. FaiImUnlu, Ne. jer The- tyde fitritir of ha3.00.Ott -orat-1it!i vil! lie kutraso iitIr. testutit itrlbîîr, tour 9.n.'.]tii-ii'18île stîrîi.-iri te lit lii..i a e itgltttg !î,rt t-cea j .-d Misis Satl M s'l iighiutg iltyîfitq lut-i. til ighutr or mni t-tiitif44lBarnardci. 31 r-. s tnt RVerti .e-b'rt- î Bîtuice tue thtei't S. .1 ces. the >îîttli i BitgFli" lut(MI. A ire aIlitbontate adoyi naoue.hi è lu £AuT CR0?. , l$t7à C< OI tLU o â SSS ANT THENTP. 3000 MueIe oft liE t 1l'fJ\J sie t.ay &BdMary tics wasrkas Wtetr. *mUivout» si udLet piats. oftetioérnementl ta Berry, 15 yems mioi, Wb* %Uutil er vbeat crep thim ChIago-CattWa.cJnmue 10Prima, Mai 1 llved witb ber grgndunother, mss sa winter sud 2W11.93.00 t0 8575; boa s ahstgr*de. Coiles, andi Mary Tic1, 17 Femme ndoh. ctotal etf6(M,- 3.00 te 8.25, éheai, tair ta ehmlce, 8300 who iselef t'ber borne on Ma11y 1 bth i a e etsted teate8".5:whIst. NO. 2 mai. Me te 67 01etChicago, bave bren lochai np at the Idecreamo or 124.-corin. No. 2., U e n47e; cata. No. 2, Z Poliestation tuuler chargei et i191em". kat yaar. Thet a tec rye, Ne. 2. 50c te 51c; butter, 'Thé ghille have confessed taueallity thaefla, 100 bouabetstrem hoice cretmerl. 18e tae: c;eggailé.tost et vhich rere of dian nu ig tai i 612.00- 12e -1& i; patata, oew. -l7cete 8ac par sud Iavélry. Many conipîlots have te the tatsticien huahai. hcto rîlvedaistttht girls, aud mi- griculture on th@ ldilaaapolla-Cattie. shlpping. 83&00 ta though they conftas to havllig toien the 1 ldratea aredue- $575; boas.Ccie. lgt. 8400 silte 0-0; Soue are unoble to emploie vtsY ýr, or .5 pet cent ahdeap. Comunnta Primé. 8&00 te $3-0;theî didit. They gay îheî bai tendoi lent yaai. 0f thé vbeat, No. 2. hale te t; corn. No. 2Phbolaes Med di mot uted mofuti. but atter lu ng Ioooooo aceseawhite. 4& tal 47c;cai, Na. 2 white, Sic maklug the irat theft it wasa telowed hi M. tveire show a ta 32c. . anY more.. Thte girls, il le sai. voulisti %000 acres. whie St. Louis-Catilj= ae. 08.0; bois. ire Otnt doinîstics, moi atter worktng inereane of about $3.00 Clu'80.00; h.ap, 83.00 ta 83-75; a short tile teotideteivhat jevairi ' 0f lb.thetet- avbrst. No. 2, ti3e te ie; corn. No* 2. and mnony they cottii Suniand icave. f toria bavimg lésaille te fie; ente, No. :Î, 3Bc'te 34c; rie, The Police bas-e rerovereti about totrtetu crn la 1900, ouyNo. 2, 52e te 5&e. rings and coutiderobît othi levelry f castes than were Cincneti--C&ttle, 8M00 te 95.25; bers, which. theysasot. r-o stolen hl the girls, L4 av-erage condition $3.00 te 84,15; sheetu, 83.00 te 83W but for whicb oo'egers cuiantetob. touaid. b 81.3, as coxepareti vhat, Xe. 2 64e te 65e; corn, Ne. 2 e IWO0. 86.5 et the culad, 49c le 50; ente. Ne. 2 mixei. 34e CLOUDRUIEsT 1I ONTANEA. a INIM and a teln- tuo35c;rmye. No. 2.IMetao56c. l The condition in Dtrit-Cattle 82.50 te 85.25; hors, Sude ias"Yloodceatém Crbin emdai tos andI ova 87. 113.00 te 16-0..- abrti . 82.50 l)e 11425;. * argéét ][agae solt%., e iluri 70, andi n vbent, No. 2, 67e ta Il ; ote, -Ne. 2 A Helena. lmont.. speeal mayaî: "0 des- I tha tweuty-twre yellow, 47c te 48e; uat.. Ne. 2 vhite. nste et zai amnoualina to a clouibuitat 'rai ta, except le 34C te 33c; ryt, Me tae. vacheci awaînearli thtecati', towa et gad South Daketa. Toiado--Wheat. No. 2 mixeti, truc 1 Corbtiin, Iveut miles south o!t Kana ereeaented bhiBK . 00e; corn, Ne. 2 mixai. 50C lu 5ic; asto,, and the Bg Peck concenratoir there, att. 1correspond iti No. 2 mixai. 29c lu 80c; rie. No. 2, 50e Cordinate ta sages recels-ad ln Helena. 1. h. condition lattoa 59e; eloes-e e, prime, L5. Su fer st la knovn. lisses vasunu loan laverases. Milvankee-Whest. Ne. 2 northern, of lire. The btrucksanad trastles on thé ' (site ta 67c; cerni, No. 8, 47e te 49c; caut. i Nerthillu-Pacifie and Orieat . Nothax ig se la ÂCTIVL Nu. 2 white. 34eta 50 as-r e. No. . "tcI ea vaahéout. Neariî IL bouades vas. te 52c; bariey, No. 2 54e toa55c; Parti, -asied lavai andi pratical ai thé con- togb u d.lmes*..814.25. 1t ettrator gvas carrieti off, as sid or de-w clTrie. Befalo-Oattle. choiee. mitlpc Itrea, bris. A grét mais et voler potirai lait i dutis $I 300 ta 85.90; hopa. fair te prime.$8.00 Itrou the bills upon the tovu and mtrsek 1 eadug ndu tat4.35i; shtep, 'tair te chatc. 8.50 te tht buildings with terrifie force. The e lb confidence as- 84.25 iamb,Coomon te extra,.540 10 concetratrorin aworîh thou'sais Botitiul el&pa$&M.ofttollarsnsd tu Iis losa In adai the 4amnidehdamls e New York-lattie, .93.-j5 te 3.80); hogs. dweling homms.anti other buildings ofed ris lu mole di-8300 te $6.90; abaep, 83.00 te 84.50; the tuvm. __Ils 'enis tebe@n'-vbeat. No. 2 ced, 70e te Tic; corn. No. 2, Hidi HA" FINIM LUNG-LOST @ON. Pl bus taet a" Ible- 50C te Sir4es t*. No. 2white, 35-- te Me: s te coutry. abs butter* creauery, 18e teb19e; eggmwest- PucltgsîsîpoCapità~iet Clase a and- of setthèment. ani en, 3Cte15C. , Wukr -IUiU5 seaensbietoiJohn J. Mentis. a Pbiladelphie capital- te bets ba been ne- VSOG LOADICD WITltII JTN-ANITL lot sud hotel proprittoir. tuai a leng- bd Tht foregoing lan-]oat son la tht person ut Joseph Moîth. 9i esiSew fB .Wi..hPtSpeSmOelCmaldaa rôt-inl orker ai Anderson, lin. i e;Stelmuendamc Wféckma ssone,.. Twentyl-oua years ago. wben the PhIla- li thtre is a ditinel Tbreec blidrea et George MeCurry, a daiphian wu& puni. hic vire dilai and Il Inani fer isalshed Conraetor t *lllsî, Mo., diseovereti their uniy son va*stalien by an ant et tic jai Are itholet Sèetedynamite ilafie celian of their hoe rieurr. O8h. moti te another City sud ti , se by tuokers et and, uistaking li for pntty. ted ilt10aà dieti there. eud mince that lime tht father 0there ltaa s r" kpet trtg. hlchcisaa àlarge qutaiity. had heenunuah!e to obsi*a atrace of is N taken reidily sastiThen tht freg vadltibhbbitia ol lconnit] ie h. herd of s chance rtmark hi c Minlalci Puaa- .chestta toep, and thtelthilires. in tri- the latter-that lie wvsa rn la Philailel- 0 a. Rails are or- lot ta reut thie out. epael lite chient: phla, but dii mot knov vilas: bacme eo!i ai. presure fer vhich tell open tht fretgnad3exploiti the bic parents. A peculiar coincIdeltre la t wetl. Faihmrtsdynamte with vhieb b. vas sluoffed. The tbsî the son im o viiower edmai loafttM » lu tht Unied toot licent vasbinera ta atous. A chiedel mn nlfasnt boy le the cure Ot relatives le kt tl Year. anti 27 il u*vasriven tbrOugh the temple of the Indianapolis. bd t jeu. youngsest chili. preducing 'instant iesth A Aportion et tht beausmivas vreckei *amï FIN'r. lix 544L1 igisJsKItii. w b TWO MIEN. Mms. fcCurry soi asonther of the thil- eti ' dtine vetbadiliinjurai. Fleigb Ceratai frais 'belrenes s S tmes n xeuraus iraatav plate alool,. suis IAVES MANT 1s,îvigI PSUII.. reaklegg U" lat the plate gia sorbe ut Et. Paul gave - IKokome, la d..ieted frigitttulW lu I gdoigts the river, Wi<. un a Nobeasalr m a er Preieute Juries on Sv* or the tlnm mes*«ho ers fi bard ge latte un Amieeltt rain. corrylns thée etat prlght fIssu thé aB- l le bot landeti a Tht [ives of about fittî oPeople vert naaling oes te the gndlug table. -Tht ie dýegr aathrovlng proabl ati hy Mm .Frankt Zurcloar. pilatewhicb measued 122 hi 1900tachea ti ed Bivard llemiy. a farmero vite,liiving tniar Osunoi. and "velgbed 2,2W0poumais. hroke and si m ad lred. tatally Neb. Rheot moppai the train leavisg Sioux cantehwrins deva on the beamiandmoii ading Clark froiCit osrrtht Pacifie Short Lina honnialtouidera ef the vorkrneu. Thtes-itinta toutk lifîte adi, for ONeii Ne. bete a short bridge scolps verteCut troumie toaBide sud hg i. np tht msiset. steha b een ounIdeairasm Sel wu@amiteratiy arapi tram tlb. i Sbc turtiri aid Ater ighting the dames vit bebaisou bolles or Iheir ahouillersanmd croie.AIl pi Ltrlking George outili Ihey ert extinguiced tht vomn tc rilltloue their gammea if nultheir ives, tz flcing a palnfal rau dovu bhc trmck and agged the îas' :het orerpverti metter witb ber aprou. On theest %mde FailiSeBil in deos.,. the bridge Ibere ta à deep eut nt Ilx ride Losly et Le.Wing. s Chluree who - - conte sud il venu dhart heen imipossihl ieltt tttt-ered let iarch byh iabblnders. el sr 1. Court, for the englacer teme" te danger abeoit salis oiled len auirou caltîru nt Son e moliets ber Charge liote te stop bis cenle oui a-erttau Jose, Cal.. hy enter ot the coanty suthor- 0 et v f box 2baidetent. itte. .This prottens wucouidereti est-a.- I han eonbher ttil- ~sr, lu orier te obslu the iteen bal.'hii ier, Mits. Géorgie ISABTER UNTU 1< N ltl-. r-blin ert, irei loto, the manu. Theyt r Jaltigse Lelller ai migo tei ee-doelutt ttio stories heretefure @Svs-étiPeriona Kliiéd and Fort, sae- iokllb e aigei enbe n thetthit os-dit sai site bail eot lqre inleà Cllision. -tî. ____ l %lhe wuld raîh- Sou lb bon& pamatugair train Nu. 7, out mny thonsei ahy iethtCh'sjgo auti Aten Ilsil-ont, front tjntea Popsalten Fiances. M are. The judgr 'hiearo. criaillit. lb.hecond section The cr0505 ofice hanloset a huile- t etedire. tran'0. a. tr-o milesr-rat tii î'oucreruiug the-urban Population rtf a eBiofetNorton.,lie.. shorly before 6 o&lock tht cutîîîry. lb ahows tht 28.411.61984 la timsai.. Wpde#liy momaie.' Roth engladerx perttle in tht Unitedi Stateo ire lu tilles% lanspolia tht hrs anti tiha onduetor of the freiglot train soi t or-naoorar 4,0410 touliton. This t insaiti toam ce- vert kiledinqusantiy5 uni tourteto Pas- is 3-.3 per ,ent ofthIeetire popultont «rt nmictults etre vert kilied andi tôt otherea aiotofttiat 5l ler centmiucre thect-t invoirti itacana. vere injurti. Tht coces ttbok lire andtilettof u t 19. ohem thteIerentute wtto doanesof Crmiwvere bartd. Thetraîins ciolildeti heai- :t:'.ut___ "There hbSes Our-bile goinds ai s gond raie at sPeed.r -a o utie'Stataetf'Th engin"a vert puibedta 10ither i, ,ith-Culsîne tar etrnN. 1 I Ira of tht opinion of the truck anti pracîicuihî demolieheti. S,îbbndvOte ctu on tî abusai." White the tom-an CSon of the piiseger thte Kotusa% Ciy Nrîhero t'onnetî:nt - Isi lieseîedtars thr.riirtta came lotoCollision r-itl on txtre ins Trainx.' 'ltotk Iblituti ent traie nt the crosiorn frtigbt on.. liât- Ohl Ilrit Kis Hi-Ifcl. 00e tile etirtit of W101eh.. Mo., kli- coutsiningatr-o A occio uaiem vai 's tioet, 1 inl te mu an cd injuring six aother per- kai a bridge'sbeair aItlise PAlace Hotel le Cincinnati. 'The ci- 9repta, ia castiself-choyer wi',1). A. Rusaell of Pùnte' Chii'. Pretiisî s tinP .. 1. e. andi the eilîie ro,, juire et tht Circuit Court autV O î-'t'Ienlo Errazurlae preideel of Chili, carylor 5sti, il bhamk preudent. Nqohing vhatever inr-ho bai] beau ltgfebie healîlifor motl workituL. V',e kaor-o ut tht caus. e, îerte a staleti hans a ycar, be deail. Seor Errarturla gt imnlret. ltter sidriestate is %iv itraiouwih t ielîc rstiu r hl ln 5 s'as s aetedpmdet feCil iae25 uns a da. issef tveri eîantp. fHt tilled 1lMIta fr a tare'netf is-e years. 'hirh be- i Jr.,baa-hal iîa thaoivr.gun sept. 15. 186. carter dsasa5il- Fireéeai Daaaece.uigly ,-t. Arne-icun litobicai e nlm.iý 11 of tht e w torkt Themas lAntrd. chiai of tht tifth Th,. résidence et Johno Monroe. 1 lit. ght 90 wel Of lis% bttolion ofthbie New -Yorklireiepart 1De LongehadWmm Paria,.lias been robledId ,entions Iht aPou amest. éme tbrowo Ihirty test hi thé 001,jeweiry iocuent 80,000 franc%. The1 'y lieu ba$t Phscédbreakint ut a istiier; aI 8SPrince street. rosbtiara atereai anope window on thé I slvesta leha bIll itl laiddrai bis sPîns ln broken. Thé grotni doerlu the abee .,toftht tîdili îtrvesent. ore. vlbbornai ferouanboni betere î unidrwhite lbe servantste vet uldîner. 0 - c~~~«oul&I ha lecateti, cauisai a damasseoa t s -_____ go vas khii hi .a lesot 8$0,000. frocW.keis' Pitcike lirderet. r lug lotIettbbarin Thrttécte SuRs théMiil& .ego'lationes bebve.nIeAagnae tCgnieron. Cla.. Tht miliiopartrles aItl'upPe? Lake, Auolatlonofo!uonand Tin Workerc lai ra a guet. .Nom N. Y.. MO0luinustler. araeon strike- for tht Utitati Statea Steel Corporation ed- s 1éetmngei lu thé aborten hou*..'Ail the nmg,$ ara ldoa ii di-sgrfltt aenti a gênterai strike i l the current sud cand troubla la ftssai.@Omia et the alnlk- r-mm treai% ern. il la molli, thvealt,d.te huais lhe chienne iýgpultiou lacras... rcIcapraa.mile if Ibeir demandmea ' uint granted. Chicaoeha, a population ot 2.0580'.000, 1Plalnleli, N. J., Fariser Ma»»~tai Si aimi, sud ilu bisidit hY 70,00Illanois thon 0a f. llterafl.tite Tb.dt tistegs]iboiy OC Maj.Cyrs RuBel-yesr mag, if the b5sit o pon wbicb tht lr ('hurles Hyde ter,. osituenat tormer et Carey, 0h10, Chictigo Dîractori Company has Cole, 1'ul41n Codt n -as foînd saogrthe 1919 Pour Ialîroat inpte lbhercotissl ctoret. ti isstiî-Ii.s souci utCarey. The theori la ttte ubciia I. tmncîd ititttl o lie ot fu Slec, u té tachant va elttc î"c uroig thtlit dstoyetiIh euffl*DAPAM. IM U la clt as ei-Oa$ seo5f attlén bava tla liaisbailla aé ei taéléwé obi* Vallai. Accoriesta thé climaté and crep dl.- visien eC the weather bureau tha erth- paand central distriets teat et thé Veei Muatinahave sxpenleueei 1*9 qonecsli wakaet llepée héat, ame 1mi. the aVérage dail teauparitore agé ee tr.tbé pat vésitwvasmot nme4q, urkiuam*4la thé previoma véék 15 t rentrai valayi. . it vaz more se la thé inidié Atiantle ottdistricts. NaesaI tomr iajurIons effecta tp croe ain thi puvici ot intensé ettla rp ht m to tif mlii.Atiautic sttell. but 1»0 Télma. nrtiovard te o b.mia. ialdi Mlmaourl, Arkansas. sud portlaofet ii mois, Kéntucky aud Tamulées. tipe havromsffera4 te a grenter or laisemt.t 1hé veatheo coudittena on thé Paliui reasf andilu ithe Platini régloabu béas tavorablé.althoehfronts cauai scuea ljury lu Utahs and 'Wyoming. la Kansas. Missouri. Oklahoma. TeSaé and Arkasasa cer m sbéén sml daagéd hy lntease hat astddrylmé windm. altheogb late crnm ln Kauala la fair condition. The hutk et thé crop la Nebraka and Iowa has gsuftreacpéi Injury, axcetinl a tév sonthvaaté,m mouettes La Nebraska, vheré coin bau beas slighlly Inured. vhla lu meuthéaél art Iowa It la threattned. le the Statela of thé Ohio vallt, cernhan sufaéra a» injury frrnt heal, and bas generali mai. good growth. but continuas la UM ai a raltivation in portions et Ohio and Watt .Virginie. Wintar vheat harvéat il ausahéd la Kasafta. Missouri andinl the lover @kWl rail*y.santi l in pregrestta thé Mata oortheriî sections. Bains have inItéits?- ei vith the harremt le portions et Ob". asui West Vîrginla snd reportuet9 sJUig ti dy continué fromuitht dutraI nMa State, as Weil as front poftle of et au> mylvanla and Ncw York. 'On thé PaeM eat harvest bas bagoua laOregonsuad whea làl ripening la Washington. la thé Dakolas, Mlinnesota, Oregon aid Washington ipring wheal contiues, SAIS- erali, ln promnisina c-ondftim--ta et giesla nortbera Minnesota hara béée toodadond thé cvop bas suiferai tram drbngbt le portion* ut South Dakota. 12 Iewa thé excessive hieat aa probably Lm,. paired th. qealityft et -.c y eaimAg ti te, ripen to rapili. The oat crop le the States et lt.esUa« Mlissiuuippi andi Misouri Valley*ha@ a- tered tuithertiJurr trout intensehast but la southarn Mineéeta aud portiola et Booth Dakota itlai lu promlains co"n- tion, in the Ohio valley and taidié At- laxtie States thé e top bas ripeci rapi- Il under the'hish lamPermtures. a fair te goed y-ld being indicmîti for theéé dis- A large trop ot hay i. belng efured le New Emani and Ntw York, sud h&yisg m.liuuaa wlth f air te gond rtaults la thé Ohio valîci and lite regbon. The intese lest bas noaterially reduemi thé crop la the catrai Miasisaippi sud lover Mis- surri Valley%,but ita ceudlies lantihe Da- totasluI.excellant. Fi'ne baîlus vetlher bas prevalli ou the north Pacifie Cosat sjlh satieactory yietia. exeept in eaml- «on Ovélon. lae héeotrail ss tiemPortions et hée céttea hait, wtth theuxcepti-Of e South Carolieanadi orida, cottes., theugh amai, ifsegtaraw ygrovtsg sud !rulllng WailluInTestiédacaand te thé guivand 0f tht Missimsippi rivai cotte. As machlu inneed et rain.,espéciailY à*thé upiandm et Texte and portiosnm et Aukan- cas. Thte rop generali la trous eue ta tvo vaeks late. Tobaccohba s uiferai mouîavhat troID hsat lu Maryland mni Virginia. anditli grovtb has been checheti hi dreught la portions of Tennessee and western Kan- toch,. yeporta hy BOt.. MmourI-Extxeaieli hlgh tecpe'aturre witb deaiceating vinds; practiraili Au ratn gxceptla lewév utuhenatenll and nertlivés- atu cogwttea: wuith food reiessmme curs la Dsutethrfiactions vii nmke tain crue.but .n centrai and mouthere etany tangelo aillai. coasiderble tasatr itbout ihiking, aud sarir ai ceopntvexed; motIon prog- ries ielwiy teép elusinafeu; calé meiISail Iharested; Pasure$ hart' "Mue stock hein g ed potatots. grdensa auMali, fruits drie5 up; applea vIttfg maid dopplog. rilid Iii e light. iiiinoiýe-t t eather durIng vert lnjured utItCtoiis zeebait. hut trlithg$ bseu eiaicbtwhhoasad.atieg crn soff- chat; veather goutraily dry. but oud miOov' «'A in sme tecaitie imuproyed clope; vhést sentraity ail harvettted andtmaktoc hrash. rend yieii; boyar duduat.light. potOteta MeD gardens ixjured hbubt. dry weather; trait anjared seuewha tbLI thtbot veathtr; appsi rouisina. ottna cie el min le feuts oraitt'e;t.ors gruvint rmpidlî. pronises Weil, lieldo riras, aseé ati hi; tobaCC omcwieg veu;i.slit fair; -&ta ripeang rapidit. hrsdt oeillfilttd; go"d cropsoairye aid ,.heat Inshoci. and thraoh- Ing lu progreis: fatr erelV of bat asurtdinl béat condition; .f1eo 9he5 o uat. Ohio-Beavy aoso ttasttsg sowers ia northweat ou 4tii Osyint progreasing. cuca tair; o115 cud., but -me ruaI. uwhest belé barvrsttd, soute rilitlete100antl. uc b: ie ourdb oiod oui ilessimu fly, sou. .lId Ilu t- t,., et for hludtr, many cbtnchbhug. Cotivateel sud vtii-dralned corn ui. dsgreaîtl tOîrAid hy hill htaempar- atur". bol 05507 osculivatd felda hava .neseu stand. sudone,.la pont condition- te- beacco ie fair condilîtt; Vetalee sud hui1t unfavorobît sifet-ted bh lugh tempersturet ptalts. mole Oigbt sud devai: fruit decar- a temre ex lent sud failUE ucreasti. layod balluesmai cit,,stion. liooded lmv- lands, snd heal dots crinf t sllut grain. but not hsch permunpt durasse bas utanit- ai; cura.esle. besai su sgr b.tts made rapid growth; colo vfedl; rye And harlIO la protolaltg conditon sudi ealiy ripeb vhést barneol ,e«botoifg gtral: .îsuding' ubeat Lcontînnes t-1 erisîte. bsgWtil ai- vancti, y1lids frot utso .radowa tair, but pofrnnid. Wisoâmu-tithtemipecalsrée arte ar et vtelg; mettrai brui starins watbexcemul raina and lue ev ltitîts bail,. dicoeuld- erable damait 0tatrepu lucas iraiet ctiétisa; rmln baiii eded lu souibetu sectios; cOrn satiag reptl grawla, oulleoit pronitg; sote geaéligcond, botutlér.d tg soute ax- test y haut: ha), beig mreored le gond cos- iitio ln mootheausetion. ibut lenctPrai taI.. rge qoastlty ofutdoyer damagéti hi rae; Satoo hdty lu eeed ot raie. Iova-Uzrv s tt tqned hi excessive test. aud quaitti Of ujts. hi rîiyand sprlug vhet prubb istnspared; roditione tAVorable for rnaiing bay; corn uoaiiy laid tty 4&d gés- essor naklug rapié gro!ytb; buta e t e Thae cnus.omfet bas imese sà buletin& cencemnina tbe unhan population ort1he counry. l biestllt21îi41.IICM peo- pla la the United States lire in cties mni lovas et evan 4,000 population. This la 37.3 pet- cent of tht entîre pupulatlen. s gain out mnost 5 Pertcent mineatht cen_ muaut of 890.vbrn the perrentage sas 32.0.1 Comprt i wtb the returne 0f 1880 thé report shows a gaie eu tht urî,an poputs- lion et the country of more Ibmn a thirtl3 lu pet-entagé aoi cf couslienabt nmore Ibal douhielunactantlcombat-e. There wrcn la 15W 80Pbaces et more ' than 4,000 pensons each. vill ou maure- &&te population, et 12,»110îl. or 25.8 partcent of lbe then Population. u About ont-hait oftIhe ut-ban population, of 1900 va containtdi l ies ut oter 100000 pensons. Thera r-ere thiti eiabt ut thoma chties. n lb s r0umblnaid population or 14.204.347. There ore nov 1.158 pacs of ôter 4,000 people in thé country. asc ogainst 8M1inlu 181). The Population tif thtel>utrlct cdlCe- isuthia isat-ganied aut-ban, le the olli er Statem and ttrrltori-m tht perccntitget ot people living 1le elties anti townus mc compared i t-theb. tire poptulation et the places ranges front 91.61 in Rhode Isand le 2.5inleubian Territory. 'rbe catirealtîea s füoiBes:t Rthode Island -.... 91.6;Louni s...1 llss«ebunette . é6.Itelermont ......210 N3ev York-...T.2NbranhB .........20., New Jersey ..... 67.',lIowa .......... .A Cemeetteut .... .7.5:Kentucky ........19. Pennsylvanie ... .1111 Kaas........19.2 lille..........ida - 6. Calilorata -4... 1 ........a. 1e5 nlini... 42 Tezas....------.14.9 New Hanipmhice. .iêiITtuensmee..-...14.1 Dé;aWim - ti.... . t541outb Caroline ..-. M.7 Coloradou...... 12ti'st Vis-gli....iii Michigani ....... . I2Aritxceea..... ... lIté Washington -...01,iisrada .........10A.1 Malns ........... Zlàaibma -..... .0 métuuae - W.litlh Dakota . ...- 7.2 Mnnesota .....31tlArkan-di -d..... . Iniana .. . 30 )idse.... ......6.2 Uitahi....--...... .41tv Malltr...... 6.1 Moetana ........ 28.lbiertb IDakota .... 5.4 Oregon-.....27. Oitihboma ........ b.0 Ra-ait.... ll2litdlsn Teriltoty.. 2.5 Toli haa Vl IA UC06a. P. 0. Cato, s% veicrbn. ou thter-ay frot lova te tht luian Territory, vas rob- baetf 8927 at Arkas.mas City. Kan. The British bavec tahen 030 Boer pris- outeat10Bermuda mand placeri thent ;n camps. Tiseafst mani-chîlirdusudi asti mon amnnstherm.1 A hattlesbtp et 1C,090 tousý dispiaca-' meut. the largest @e-t-deaitue, ai.te bch adff te the United Stntes uocri. If tht propoetispeeioretwtvmit-oetkiiels seturti. Ibis ship r-ill be thein uasterpiece lu navab costrtion. Tht renosrelut ns gri%!Ing tîe t-ofe varl.oti States shows thot tht one st-h luh bits bbe large-ut ooîîout et landituader vater i. Floritl>, andt the letiol. leu prô- portion le ils due. Wyongtt. There oe-elore Ilion 1.250,O000 quore miles et unexpiorei undsisnleCanada. The enlire.ares et tht Dçeminlonsis com- puti nt 3,450.257 square -tiles, eoese- qoutir ont-third ut this etontry-bas yet en untrés-elai hi the explorer. t Montana osons mure thtuon e-cigh teuthoe t Is area. ai the goerammnt graultute State 1*0 attisuleaBe Vualp-toit the iuaft eil ÀPrIo lU 'iIliois andi flm. « ain te' ihmd ciml.unitag kmSuo. liihé sainqmlalyboist ethék pelat l es ut t é acha 'rmiopa a h tlm =a mthé hA vibai g4 t vavè e4 have bas~aet thér vOrat, wMth lbe hr-, mmuéter *oarlag close te thé 1* Thmé, agir vay tha ttnnimu » àla té tt reli1 u aklg more thés bu- 1*7 at. n aaéborfîncup. laB Par cent of thé cowstlaa the eropo ata mni thé grain la juét et that Point vhere Il aquat have raia or dia. The umarnécon- dltion prévauta i. Uilshi. aMd otbar ut the train states. Already mous ara dare. *«d and vegetation' vlthèréd and riini hi mini parts or the muideit iW.1. ar &tet. bich hava toit thé greatest Incaeort1h.e s or. Thé acorching béat preylailu &acsela Illinois, Iowa, Ne- beala, Indiana, Ohioenad la other Statesa esatigvoua to themathon e lalittié differ. . A communication vas ent frola Me- cils te GOY. A. M. Decheri of Misisurt ésklag that hé mt &part a dey in them immédiate ftue. praclaiulng a dur oai humiliation and prayar. reqnéatlpg aven-1 body te méat at mse place et vovahip4 andie ~in l prayar for raie. thal the ca- lauty et tirther drought mer b. avait- Thé sggeston for aslaeting egécUtiv action vas mada hi thé 2ev. Georga W. atm a iell-kaovs préater of North uasouri. vhoa. homa la nt Kîrbaville.1 Thé Bey. 1Mr, Sharp. econaidant that ,this le thé appropriaI. thing te do te as- aura relief [ptUme.. Thé conditions la Missouri at prefflt ara saricua. according tg information cul- laçted hi a Chicago papar. Ail hopeéof, a corn crop In axtingulihpd and stock' ralatra are hppLeg thair atole t.a tier Pita. for tsad and vater. Farmera bars, thîr --l-m locked for rear Olt travelffs atoPpl.g a, nbght and clésdotinéii vt- eriaitlh<ir hersa. lu hMexico and oethar î-igeapraarsfor raie bave been pub- ic-ored. At Warrenmburg expert- Blatehava bats mode br by méeigbhé- tcate et the ahi. At etho r peintmea«I- »Ma have bean lréd at réaulaitarvala. Thé hast hait a«tenda arroma tha cern greviag betous eof thé Miaslaappl Va,- lay andi boni hibheur it ladrring nP thé ereeks and velis,* vhich usuaiiihave béas adequate for ail purpes aoftcuit,- valse. Nov the stock vaitdera mi!» tm a littila fremh valet te drink Wbers a mneth go the cows eteod nb daap ueB the banka. Saeetfthet mail orcharda in the Weat nov look as if lheî bidbaen mvapt fi ire. The fruit ie drylea np into ittie itrolin $bhals. vhicb vii ubom etu tht ground and dry op tu nothing. Vice eaet W.- 14-t Pave.. suuilon. I.10013OéjMtim . !o_..112 Ciacteesti ... 101 Itoeaque, Ill. ..104 Dwecatr. itu. 1' ..10 Culamubia. lio.... i1 :PadmcahL. Ky ...104 Dés Moines.le. -.101i ut.joalà id. 10 Fort seuti. Kas..1081I.Iua.M . 0 DMrntsbmrg. Ill. ..107 Seuth Déud. bd. .101 Jasvbm cCityMu1?iusk . . ..102 Sac... City, Ka.ifl! Vnia. I . lé111 LittîlaeRck, At. .101! Wichita, Sas. 102 Loalsmile. S7i.... lui ÉACTS'ABOUT :: : j]THE CENSUS p. A. Dniséhi o! "haitkLoe Ci- Ame f- tenua vini seau-ove Mé x-so o wy ara Anucileacaenami erican meneî gobg ln thace pal, huit se AmerIcas a-b-%b la beisa completi la thtesatein part ot thé City or Mesure near thea ChaPUllepar cas- lie. The raideecea are cf Amarican me- ehîtartur.,saditha «trenesand evar7liblr ais. theit la of lb.esamaenational atamp, se tha Yankee visiter fett aQulte at hume. Meualer Mark Hanna-Great main- p. guorgâe. No telig r-bers bell stovî 1 r-ouitie't ha surprime te b ern bat h. rsm ettieg îtp a syndicale te bey the British empire next. ItL aut cafe as toit as he'. ovar there. Prom hmât 1 hesrý th, Britimh art on le that. toc, anti't'" on re eepina prelty ClOse vralh on iorn Muet b. scarci le do thal. 1 tell '.. 3Morxaa'a a great man. Charl-es S. lIreHart et Carthage. I Tht bittldingain vhich Joseph and ItYrt-it f Sthîlet ltheir ftailCarthage ttit1 exisîs. BrIl it la no longer a jail. It sý oceti as a prisate esiîlare hi au oiM Couple r-be ares-et-i Accomtuttttiliting ' viatitore wb cmralLateme tht lulere-tiir relie. Tht bullet boît$ stili reolsin l itC ioor et tht ruom r-berf e t Iot-î tonalte men wtterenfinci. anti it le .'ttto, rit bleoil statnu*eeuyel ha trace in it iloorin. ttenry il. Etiel et Minnteapolis, aft- trip le the South-I îhimk Ibis téa gr' iog experiuctnt le Sootis CgrOi4g l' prove. th. opening veige to a uer- On' greatluudumtry lu theSotith. The silo r bas gone-beieund théet.xptrimentai l~ Thetes agrove Ibere ilsuperlor te irn Japanete tes I1hs'tr irsak. anti as-' 1 an the belten quailies of China tes.1 Shappard emplois pays theno tainr-maga for picking tht r-oa end &ise funks aflen their karpier t'Il education. Tover cf Mlvaîiet--"ha lIme bas conté vhen Ji inno longer nccî esmany frt on vhnO 10eiatya manags 1, to ebtain bis support. Wbcn a voulue marries eheCatsiu do noas an indepeuirît beina, troua the noblait anti purentnme- lites. 1 incmgiai thet -omnsare fie,!' lag places leomfies nul are piaciog theri seIves lu positionusr-ber. theî do met depend i tpexiani iian for lirtat and huIter. Wbto r-neneare pleesurelos- Ina. foollah ant i nslous itIui tendit heumousn'%slave. Chat-les Il. Allto. Goveinior of Perte lticoý-Cnbi gorerutuent in cetahkiishédint Porto Rien. Much bas bren accompliali' ad acevery day marks proarema. If the paeople eau ha rebies-ti cf thoirnaitators anati flçttito*nîtrt ouI thetn or-n ceaa ieu, tai AmeultimcapItal with tirs bhiftt soi eergi c'llit'oo- il, ha di- raclai 1ewrriPorte Rrio seirh théeaetr- aucé that IL ssii! ne r-lcotue anti gis- adaquate îîtoteetieo. Ilum itai vît! - tome pcosperiti anti tlvtloPuieut vici es-ery Amuericen citizen bopes for aud as- ecy ilsielier urtier tht Amerlean fiag. 00dm and Emode. An officiai of tht SocietY furc ithe Pre- veulien et Cre-imty bu Chiliren, o et le- non. N,.-.T., svesarresteil r.cenli fort' bealina bic vite be-,aoce the ]tlbié diii car gel colti. Tht preomut Est-i et Leicester andîlW father and r-et>ing dayi îuct 100 îcono &art. Butol ras tihe father'é firut tean- riage, andtiheba arilLàa a cili et the mec- Tht Sponinhlitretty clatass eosm"iaml hame iecidei ObéI téstimeuy u**ylIe takes ela théecsa«» li tes 1 -1yeW WiVE or 5A I>@&O% SU Mm .AEdrow D. Wlite, iwtt. otthe United Statas ambéésador at Berlin. en- ittained thé Germa S Uperae Bet a dis- xel thé othar svectlng. 1Mr@..White is. ene of the mont ppotelr ef Amorica» vonien t legatlésa la toruign cootrie. Mer dIpiouMy icy lsocial lipe a s e ffreutt aher huabauda &long politirsl ýO"t. Lai aommér lira. Whte eloed. the et Barils w ith a grand r.- RAISE PYTI4IAN RATES. WittaI - tGo"iLéa Jecurrte I Thé lqupr,,m Lod,,. Knghta or p) thiss, euded is %perteal convention t Chi- Laater@dtatinta raselutlO2 Ott eriug SaPrOe t<tuéirFealhsrs. the board of controi ,f îthe Endowmesî ltanki land Gepèel Cooinfti Hardy W institut. civil aud crLI1ail a iraceéiogm A,,lt tovmev.ocera 0t thet ludowmeéuîRani, Wvho ara charged vlthm.inlea- bairsaiet b. oerd. Tlé resetutln. L l i. Wittre»,it la the Prééotie. of John A. «lne .e. preaidant 01 thé Eadowmnt 4;f B. Bltte. ex-aecrelaryW. 1). q Publisber of a Pythias Jo r.a.a1 »naapclate et Haa.and au~ et ethéta hé viii b. chargei vith ies pardltietd la théecfhamé hy uhie theé order va depleed of lts urana. tuad%. CGeral Cou»uu Hardy. vho bau had chargéetrthéelégallmvéatlgatiola. a- »maumsithatthé paftémagoalud h. insttutad aau5000 ea the camécon b. arranged and the board ot contrali.- rides wbo are ro be meai. the derraudiats in addition b BMassy, Stolte and Ken- The ahortage orf#225.0will ha over- corne by a raies in the Inourancé rata.. srblchia decidsd upoa. AÀn»W tabeï of uoathy paymntà vas drava op and approvad hi the Suprenie Loigé. to go lot affect Sept. 1 . 1901. Théeaara Increase la tise ra te, fer aIl ags l a 44 per cent, and the omiere of the Suprexo. Lodge hope to overoxue the delicit befor. the next convention . r the Grand Lodze. vhleh vili hé hald mi dan Francilsoo s October. itm. rFew-Une Interviws. a a r c tb al be PC il tu lu Im tt (Cupycigi N N bisdil ht emîtea icars a .nti -ai 11,.d stht i t,.A iltolse 1 lu tht' mi"ds mitlle 7:',tninlut lieýr sple scîth the ou tbrm. ,bot .Ssaet sîli tmrntymfdIlb 'itr ic s le-. -'tht t \,bat bas 1111aclal di yt'anmi Sot Sumethit lt@aspirit O comina .qti tiat 1. ton - sgt1le lb. thé muAI1ý net basý.r that. t1t &Il l"di, la$$ team5 àusemw m ..pacelaiofl inundimtae use i. te i and aittati lacama. $1, queuehfur llvles h. eteera bis Othar mes 85.oor Praenetile lerr so bal te cat ara hava Otielsha, muaI ha. daccé; ne lixtreaCai defaicatio f îe.4 ii tha great d itarblaut thé tari lilite m man hai. bai. bey theuma in tu gave- V for 1theIm tudrecrtil Nov t.,: My vote. majeel a White tai itgoula. tiantit b. tor-rrm it] toit migi si'ppI ith .-t t ii luitei c masous t! hangint lots pu îropbee'y mniglut ha' 1,ntter th- 'whether tI t tut hoa roue a-MI tht- licoidte' liante of lVr off eoati.- g ances tIivinei> C's 1 i connl > u. Y' agent fi t.,sy hae langer t smc. sii trou cttl tort (.o vhat is tocs iitt leic.ise osythin Thee rse ha a Il tht üriint' 00 nesr en atoe a rc thti iey ltt xtitrtt bakers the gr- s ea r. J, tley x ner-I liegr- lient r. MWUth til Ith, lion il ail 0f i.

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