CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Jul 1901, p. 6

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TIN-PI coa leu.1 in ni The!i piste, ordo bdeto aes mornit order, te put go to tators, Bees were r the ut histor that orerh m et Hoop baý tiave of tb Pat e1 fora mtat portý deela eithe pivot »uni andl ble , plant that Avu Pr Mýt look, strik He doon der pley lan" loca mail ter, le Machinists' ftrike'is fading out in acities, and does vnot interfere seri- 9, with business except In a few. The lle' of the Amalgamnated Association the steel comine to reneth an agrte- al t their recenât conferenei6 a mrer Ps motter. it may have far-re-aching disagreeable consequences,. afetIg stek market au well as the iron tend industries. As yet only etet suel, hoope and thn Plate lmills.are inivolv- The extension of the striketoaill union plants contro lled y the (Uniteti es Steel Corporel i ; HInot merely -ese the earnings ani1d depress thie se-. ies of that grenitcroatobu t interfe-re ser;ously mwtih mnufne sM who look to it for theýir oIpply or materalis. The busie inters;sofr country will sugfer if th-- conficttlbe- en capital and lAbor whicht has bo- mhitaitspread beyond its u mhmi ndi be long continuedl. eculative imarketg attrai ted great in- gt dutring the week. The growi, hesion o"r the unperoimiing cn of cropos in the Southwest was rte- ed in A sharp selling mnovemen-rt on New York Stock kýx,.hange. Other tors of great hpotnc-ntered intro decline which f ebaracterized theic-trendi tockt quotati"l.d nring the we ek. emiost of these -- fthe tighteningo-f mnarket for mont rrspel)-ilative par- ws. The titreatenir ie war hetwl-n ftern railroads, i hi b appeared like'y break out,.abo norte-d. Tho ds have kettled fth-1 oiffereýnces and "l*begin againh" On a i- .wnýbaetis. Ilemides these infueno a - i he surface athe tiienetat-hr oiImmnity of prest plait hasnDot be oddout asulenat degrre to r- itur a ween the large banking in ma m New ,k which have beendictatonk;i),. pol or the railroadm. A ulne .,nMt the community of internt pn"-o 4 l wlosd when the fewW Nal ir-', "et& now domtinating the rfdriead ion ef the country do fnot altre M ity stockholder- rmny benear ,inet leas, of their iramnar* iru. but the nmarket vlu f their- rige are aept to dwindie mt-ýh nmore idly whenft inial manatei"f t." as a rumoer of ditr h arniny tween Menara. loran nd toketa ýr reled lent week. in ts genberai mre Nnte Y rkm ck o businss iondition, - en uthough frpso ts the eýXtrPee of obry sit- l.bto-ialcodtin wic ov Istock marheýt pricesdo nfot ama ect tettlbsns the Iher co. untry un apopreciabhe. maueThehbarmn oo op% means --vr. I., to farmtertein nsas$, Niissbourt O4klàshoma and Texas. bd perhaps in other Stnies unless timely ng bave the crops. Reports of suer amages are almlost inrariably re jgg ý edI i the rnbieuidereasein rail·- )ad earnings. Stoney for commercialn o-« holds Grm, he miargin of ioans ble funds in the tounl- ry has been absorbcl stendiy tuntil et knearly exhaumted. !andilany ab)normal mand would xanse an instant tighten- lg or rot- .The -out look ipoiintsto iger money mnarket . General mercaàn- de businlest and inanufac.turing indu- riet ether than thOs e afected b, the &br troubles which have been rere 8, show a steady gain.- thae thae vt]a ng ger thba the croj eau dei Ss co ea Oh eud am r "-Uncle Jer"GesnWho li-es on à artu near FredericktOwn. Ohio, com- lainjs bitterly that he hasnnt been able ou du a full day a work since he fel1 nd brokeb three moUne erry-l 06 er oid, and eo dectres he can'*t hink of settling down to idienressat bis time of life. In- identally Mr. Glee- son was born inï Ireland in 17 and came toO , wenr he wasIIIcaptured bysomec Ia diare oa few moth nter his arrial, adopted into their rb and forced tO live with them for threeyersbefore he could escape. soon after hi. return to u nsliationt b ne dr r a- when the war with Mexico brOke out he promnptly enlistedl, afterwnards Iervingin California Æth Gn.remiont. en ho turned gldtic m1 ai(e. fOhio a dj settled d(1wn. But whe-n Sum- trwsfired on "UV leJery."then 115 ter wald, shoublerd hi ld nmke-tand years d for the front. 31rm. Maria Aen ..f F:13ria, Ohio, is the oldest living mebrOf ithe noman a Relief Corps, and preparations are ai- .ready being made by the prder for thvecelbration of her 100th birthday. Mfre. Allens father wa.s murdered at ,ilon. Portg l whole sam1ng out of New York u.sma- ter of One Of the Old time sailing V. a- eps, and every one yns. mAnEA AL.LEN of Iher fiVe dons wrent to ses as soon au he was big enough to tie a rope, MNrs. Allen's mind la clear and her memory of events stret(-hes back more than seventyfivP years. She re-. calls distinctly the enlisme'nt Of %volun- t@ers for the war of 1812. In 183 Mrs. Allen traveled from New YiOrk, to Ohio with her husband and family in a canvas top wagon. sp)endling mioreo ihnlu a month on the rouad. A unique dOublle dlistinction belontu o "Zeeke," au old Indian wvoman who lives at Nesh Bay. Wash'. She i, said 1. be, not only the o1d1-t but also the ughe-m person of Iher own or any other ;r ace. 1 on the l'acitie 'oast, if not in theý world. AM to her great age. t'here are no Pasý tive proofsý, but a Singile glan"e at her phiotographe i z a ber rightful titie to the second distinction. She was born at Neah Bay, whbere she has lived ever sinlce, and Indians Who ae nOW iore than 70 yrs oold @&y that 1g* t u*Wre wu salteady % a pa~nt d»--e--ro:wmq A AUeHT E R W As R TRa pplication ot restoratives, Bat gM" moments elapsed ere he betrayed gigos of STORY reiturning consciousnes. Then he rdviv OP ed slowly, and for sam time gased dxed- Ily upon the faceof Id. Mey. Thona THEis, moao escaped histips- "Gmtave.ý 1 have seen any brotherl" ho SOUTH uttered. The OF "Your brother?" echoed M. Mery, inas$me FRANŒ -Il ls truc! it is Henri who lien there failux ----------- my broather Henri . Let me go to him. and ] "My dear friend, be caln, I e0omnd ment Syou," urged the physician, gently. serina iamcalin; but I must go instantly. If and i ER XIX.--(Continueda "H quiet, miy child," hie said. bHewi hasouldt die-eh, osave him, 1 entreat the st tate broken vehticle, the pros om-ouswili come." Yeu., steel J that struggled and kicked'in "No-no' lhe Wil' ot-e1il o Weak and tremingahewhetel to free themselves from oelse cried, with feeble grief. madle them asseist him to re-enter the oth- ed;. and rixe, and in the da»rkness have not seen himo this long timue. er apartment. They advanced towards the ni tre pursued with ali possible thought we were to be married. It wau the couch; there was a digferent sightta teroad to the chatreau. There a dream, was it not?" And again thaet there now. Fromt the height of delirium dc shelter near. The ih omo er-raig orwu ne wax Hughi Lamonte was suddenly sinking lnto curitI Be a nothing in the sttrong armes 6xed on him. "I don't know wýhy I&o a stupor. His eyes were aimost closed. will 1 ma ouit Rapidi, lhe bore he lying here," she murmured, sadly' acOnly faint, unintelligible murmure broke tr keepD the roid$' of hi- cloak ing about her. -i ought to bie ready to from his lips at times. He did ntotnseerw him when hie comes. But I am o them approach. The cure and Mr. mery thEc are almost at the 11illage," said weak-sto tired! 1 believe 1 have le cast glances at each other. The marquis tweet Xgerton, &aslhe slipported hie journeying stomewhere. But sueh comprehended fitemg. ,with a lovers tenderness that strange journey! 1I ]dnt think it ever "*You think hie in dying. then?" he ask- gtua wih o opls.will end; and 1 am wandering ait alone. ed. "Ah, save him, Gustave! We were liep Man knew* nothing of And no weary, weary, weary! Ah, Loui, enmien once-he and I. let him liveb,tre was saying to herself, "Is Robe why don't you coeina nd help me,.'n that we may once more emnbrace one au- - prehl Ha leecpd me? Ain I to salid you loved poor Rose." other'" tion Has shewoesat last?" She listen- Mournful and plaintive grew those rest- "'Be calmi, my dear friend," entreated ieot aed my w groan, fromn the lips of jes, feverish tones; tearful and troubledl the physiien again, "'and listen to thre ete Jimate figre thoat was borne be- the brilliant eyes; but sitill, though e trt.N-oe neat a aehmtact No sound was hard fromn hausted by her constant ravings and no;h tssnig fast. But maintainte Aledya strange lever Of joy though her cheeks burned more hotlY, andyour nries; h mayreie &efrDo w t h h e s h i e r i n g e ci e m e n t , l e r h e r t t h r o b b e d w i t h t e r r i b l e d a f d, o u e , it h e ; p o s s a es s o vo i se f u l o e -h eF o r teh rowhich Helen Mon- and er breathing wax short and pai -,dahw the possino i ulrs fn had feLtSh never heeded the there watt no rest for her. Stillh a AHni"mrue the maquayps re ve eri he t d o -of Louis, and begged him t se how er w ith Inde cribable em otion- "m y brotheri eu th 14l w inds raged in vain for te t w ere torn and bleeding w ith the ou g tas h o lpeo ni e y u t us f e oM th epre unheard. She only and weary way the came, and then tésheatheaoudeonse yerYeea utoaead u gh-iht obehold that would moan that he never woudcomeheaif teeyn ed te ate hir romte tem-nd Wm e s a t » e - to k n o w th e t r u th . "D e v r , n e v e r , n e v e r " l s ott hlun o nluo- m a - - " eg ihe rr-- -s é ., » b o e r w e r e t h e y t o t h e f e a r i A n d t h a t w i l d , m o u r a fu l W a l i bt p i n s o ftr u h on c e ! I k n m e t e m r .F O NEBNiO ESbt e K odee r s , trobtna F A E E T M N I E , w a s tha dot no delay wag made; the have dexran trfroain s tone; u eaa1src lcoc!1ke h Our father told me he wold bear it to his good fortune tothesfvoie edwo a Be i saien a wl atx was entered, nd Rose placedMontauban was morthaev ee h rvt er ortauneeuB.I.,ttfrom".the attrbutatnveM F reemently, but4AsNYlIMM . ntea a ietefres'wvs Tedcorwn-u, e Howe" saod M. Mery, in a low voice' age ofFicionlbe a t , w ith e ru est k in d ness M ontaub an there t o bath e the eate "can & th is e y u r broth er?- this m an , O Pye sh t e ae o nt o w h ag nA R I H HrES 'E wr d eq m y , t S onb of£A @*ce t Y or th y , t o raer a ssista n ce . B u t fo re ea d of th e s tk g irl, an d o f e r w a t r W h o , fo r tw elv e y e a rs, h an d w e l w ith f a sh g io a l e i re s . he g asf h ac he ua r A ret C r m E RE IL e n e t E n td a r sD m pr , s e n e a r d eth s e y t o tht plequit feethoe o teseparhedlip. tickn frm half a e ae yo , nd wh as on y of reviving tired nerves and Happy owner et ohcuettle. door thirtieendtmes, but the portais a jin ed oewlore lipsothey beooking don Lpn thail owebed.h, knonsa e ttaan ton all, opino bert toteecausilcoedt i.Hei 8yanet, isc som wispre amngfor hr, Bb isinmy owr! aed "Ah, recognmrisBhillybut toa wel' i wywih otn Whether Andrew Carnegie diesnon- landthas waI i elek1 and in han ditht "Beisdad!" whie others. ls, nytocopeeys nwre1 h aqisal;"ti e-equal. It la suppfledin tanks.a diga cend nt ytgrihitsce-daineery yanof isnlfbond wnev e, a a hope, ytintseekinRg still for maillin Montauban blh h fIknow ibinow through the disguise that get nae ttruhlogtbstinat helluishtledaug th t la hd.Btudymonngb w o o v er th e lifele s f rn i. A n d f th at M . M e ry h a d b u t à a a gh t e o . h ax se rv ed h im s o lo n g . A n d d id Y u u stt a s r ki @ s h s o k ers on g t ob a cc ot i n t c b om e o a n t . m e ya r ge t s h i v r r o M U e a b at e rst B ogt sadthe marquis nd the Count Boste's recovery. I muet be. No tur n otha bawrdH si seesmoke from hamhokah. dTearm of Mr.Dcaregi etedatwSonre at ihehiS thrteent ttacdnt, in#mmDwa a d F r a n c ie E g r t o n b y t h e i n g b a c k , o r f i n c i n g , o r h e it a i h, o r G o l d e t t e r o : n I . A l a s ! I l it n i s b u t t o n 1O el s w r t , om s u p p l y . T h e g t i r a p- bf M d i n g s .o n F i fe t h v e ew Yg o o d I o r k , h b i as b r e e t h e b o oc d e so n u tm b r e u r 'I b ; g r e t , f a r m k it e n , . in d r e d , th t d e p r a te n a t u r e o w . h t o e t r u e , t h o u g h 1 w a s In n o c e n t o f w ro n . i l y r e a p i n b g a p f o t e , g a , an t i s frp - b o n e o t e m d e e tohie n e , Nw e o rd kt . et ain a m ae b y t h e p h y scma n s t w r a p * 0 n en ilonse.t w s a r r e comhe stff r on ay d e e Hs en----my b oh rc e may t unethe y w i ll ow e Ind irectly tl etait ,oth er toM a rgaret . B y the lti n th at the Jef erson bote t oua t Rntabanandte g nt Ratersor b d the safererpryed, ver h at e re fholeaned aver the couch, with to the novelsti, JulnesVerne- the latter in of marrying age the in- The boy w»as ig bis becycle down bet. anpaonthroansivlutailscut oyaez ßxed open the slek'1man's face; One of Jules Verne's books-"D)r. cmbrmtieoiebidntv1hv hsnu tetwe h a noaa Th cntst a eam d he tny vA ialecoele inher bsutr.u ewsntrcgied hr a sEprment"--deals with a Ret' accumulated tinoageat fortnet, for trolley car atlEighthstrezet, strikig his la aoe ee nt es was alrdady Yt-nt A intftldly;intheoudeasno intelligence ln that dying glance- tint 1gho Booded a little sleepy Dutch the renta of the Fifth avenue building head agIntthe tironpart of the foner sto bat Reand r aanan- @ight ernte fatallyrin a few da Hughl-or Henri, rather, awakened town Withe oxygen, and thereby pro- la enormo. And now a magiet on the mear of the car, ofig bseter bu Heletnd ethba,wadprpaolher te rk forwhich fnt romnthe drill tupor. But it Wasl oniy duced frait and Vegetables such as the csl s en ultfrhraft an he ewle o h optl o to frm e, resd oth- a peard.Bt ae wthorn ltfe odden.n tu aeo t s wrdhdnvr eoese.Ic-knowingountil he arrived there Mt h eItr Mme!" the Id tF asreithe 4tmug oameaoultftheHa entlatfo n look dentally, Its effect was &asoto render had received a fractured skun as the prff bitd!" shonai te _owalmost no testasn prrs hoeeomntered the regards the phlegmatic Du1tchmen violentlyreltfthacdn.Tedoorsyin doà ei w uithem t M ntadbn a p gr osn ce. ow le n of the gond cure who tood by the conc h quarrelso mne. T he perusa of this book hlal e o er eahe f Ry M e a hti Mnaunha ee gve kowede*Iiusieue, gareth1head ofa Arm ofuhemicalbis confinement and soeeunsconcernedK y 11 bparted--of M poison n -onredgeyearade "o erl crIrcgns o, eengineers the Idea which is now caus-ny nthKae-al»cre-, ha gade ta kowegeliegod.*id. "I am dying-is It not »o?" .ig uhdeihtt-boe eol o dar'l a t er, arickDempsera 1she lvseebreathes!" nt- The secret, sa long presoerved, was likely "It la true, " answered the good M"nutashion. ht oe epeo ois now tePloyedinca hoepseyda et thé woman. in an eager, t o bcome usefl lto hlernow', e mournfully. "But there la yet time for JlsVenwihhs odrflEevnhstet blwChsnt.wsa inne.suhded amostt a Itvwacmdee nht.Aer techaeaa, ession repentanee!You know, prophecies and Inventions, which have,rgietyasaoa normr met"thre wasdeep ad hearfeltorjoicil thertthat Ihave a confession to make- glnce he wrote of them, becme actualPcoach. en the fa"amily ltivedat n tr He!" m aimattere tonde. b It w"as subued in ts manifestations lsit repent of?" fcsi esosil o oetanoee hykH outefm years back Fth o T t hleu e Tb e u t i f u l s a t h - f o r t h e l i fea t h t a t ! a o l a t e l y b e e n p ro . " I t l a a w o r k w h l e h e v e r y d y i n g m a in d iva ua r i s n g f r m p o v e r t t = o nr i c he t a s o nc e r n d i n m e a c c i d e n t h a nb o t r h Wß, k ounced atwasonly solytandgfavnt; han to do, my friend." es. No one was ever more fascinated ahsia muac.Oc eso a plelhadAnterngoetupfo te edgao hierave; The marquis advanced towards the by a story than was Claude 1Levetraon the fpalambulanhce.Oncekoinhotrald pora te adevryvc soe lOinVU w.A hiseseocal ochby Jules Verne's *Journey t the Cen- rowoat and it was a common cua r- ld 'eom tfott" Henri,. lmdyyhe abrariimlbohe!"heuteedlier!"tr fth Ert I tisbokth rnc orhi t alioerordwhleh cl alT Iept, ad the exhaustina "Produced by .wu ie.tro h atb ithsbo h oba adI a omn cu-Il er violent and protracted delirium was of onsthn rhent-nvls dsrbs o atyeibdr oig ndim ashllovre. trhebi Wall no liedreadhtethathhaet ofa liie r d Fhrlytrayaeto sef e as--the brother who down the cratter of au extinct Icelandle This remarkable Wadbas been the Vi- tla seeed ik th ret f alivngfor. Fr wore vengeance on ýthe husband of voleano, anad no reached the jnner re-tiofagslnacdewahtbyt wa ore Sscam a e faintest breath could be per. GuLidette?" He raisedi himself, with main cae fteerh.YugLvrotrmofey argaoeacchaedt wbte l-t e l y T h o n e t D 9h e Rs lgh et m o ti o fth atæ n t , u p n hihr , nyf e c ly r - W h o w a s t c h o o l w h e n h e rea d th e g ry su b je cts o f is p racte ic ajo e s a n d ' gab a botpg gd he r t. t h ad th e a phy - garded the m arq uis. b ook , m ad e p is m in d t o cop y th e i a y o h r w y a e t e h r t t 91a rs u i th ratso hsoaot "hfHn, oriem! cidteadventures of hie her, and many lanc--dyntofwichmahe stoeanest bou oerbe, ele f tM Uon der aoush tha hunggrief-stricken man. r emrsafterward didactually explore the to keep acount tol h teeyMarndedt .Dutien oerrb he t ghedTonhadl he vil desire or Hee Mon- "Never!" shouted Henri, madly. hveseso ubro napdpashthrteepaclnt.Baccidetbpoby thIe stea= erhan tohe hedtauban grown toanuintensity that Was have been revenged on you;t1 ou ct n Newfraa. It w nas n 84,motseiosofalan hephscin 0, S; onremember-- ragce milWtehaig , with herhardb rth orte, and 1 am mati d! For the white camped on the shores of the are cerion thathewilldbeheadbyfor an- ar"od- faoeb, ab ad eaingey es, edethgaopats k f rblld-the angei who hat river which alls the oldcrter pit at aothertaine net year.-Phladelphrim Viithean was gonthe atu- Ocsh aefxdhemepetgseu- ed upon a wretched ,lie, and touched! the top of the San Geronimo Mountain. ninneabo-r oansneta. Press. . adhe M and sub, onthe aimnt lifewessbing Who lay ther, wt erincec-orhr(gth es àgfmusdsovr. lh hsareInenttrom lingwith cruel and terrible eagerne*s ak evIillton t era tis lasthoufor ltbhe eronis emal sedichhsceWschse Cutanryth h ailtMoorlaytm dpetc ht oce-for the sigu of death to set itâelf opon the misery I have cused you. You salsnemd i oeo h v hs fall iWeet w er copleteand wil pahe A ine-ailotMdluisyuteien- a jinder ftNtunt a ongeraferessbro.,aiet otomebehappy once more; but I will not for- mno h ot AeiaAotnn. nohrecuiv wesi.Te sil-rused rndhela ncolonuies, ien Who bail just learnednotad.he eageranrew anmost$hogive You for the wrong done to me-nev-mI n the d oard Beay' "okingtcatleisr elica o a faousScThArica ausdn eteheFre.chAoloingesrin a revive -,Thehad of the Woof jmke that sletp a lasting one! , er-no, never!"And raising bi a a Back Ewardte ep fte woldsroghldanleswillabemxrouslyctcfu righingfrom ein to thAirt ond rto e . b.w.a. , .hiseface buried i utteraasaote -wthe heebaud t heaven. le sealed the d h ok as it is toebeaople of tentul. rie nshd.theyrdi li o hrtsee rommis Th mtongr atiudeh" h aehscinhdken p i peint with a fearful oath. Then truhne s e o mnya ll ti.thrasarsottoeceprably. Mdn baklestat ok ut Il Wyrte fotach el, oo, was watin;dothxhu tntatddhmr therefore, rather curions that the book Duties of a notes Detictive. N als adotnnlpeaainoit - a v e theim t. Bbut n ifde t w asndfor t e n e of tl i n otthat * *"i d thaaq i , h o i s sould ave beenthe M e nsn of brin g . A lthough the hotel detective la a n i- the^ ay la required. T he cars are car- d a m o go f de aespaea t andore[storefod notrop at himslelf nhskne eide the couch, ing a large fortune to an enterpriing dispensable personage, his duties are re ytowel lcdbccefs. tncies ad e motinsThenvoce placte.,o oslffo ade "ealtoewrsicnueyu itsAmerican Who started a colony In Mex- not arduous, and hl» greatest value to ton. From the @ides bara extend at c ted airsthadsudidhawayornslee e,. lis mty.Hee n Montauban, in to me. I knew not of the wrong itadeicoon the lines laid down by Bellamny. the guetta tsas a cicerone. He In sup- right angles to the body of the car. The n and faithilersunlihtshore Daboer trce desperation at her ntoninabil- dons you, tilt it was too bate. Guidette Th colonist& used no money, but they posed to be an authority en the thea- ed ftebr r upre yte Élitiee ws anuce backtthe cha-taled upen was aimost insane. Stijll heloved her-that she was betrothed to Yeu gcrnwIchns tti manageritwh osewan t gable t plac heetheybonewalkn r alnideth el the car, a Shewasquie 1, lmoThe nblewatched there; never for an instant was I wedded her, thinking lher free. ifol onmewas Daby, old foagr, h pulican und squae tgpamesOnre thoel hesaeaotte nhso wny ,ývealibofrome weaknes. Te bn is vigilance relaxed. And the hurs shewas a curse t me. A, Henri fittest ainegodanDlbught withothemnepucetet ive whoqasda rge ne ot og ncin ndeter al.cane prop lili e thamtherbecap v enoe tassd nan os woesaeenge se astsupplie* as they needed. No one seemsagoctewas said to have made nearlyten six wheelbarrow-loads on one of these« tleelstrmstereas nevueryes on toAPERXX The dying man's eyes were fixed earn to have called on Dalby for accounts thousand dollars a year tp roads.n tht" eios0oseuecs ol t waxs o ymoang when the cure estly on his brother's face. '"h of hie transactions; but one day he gucs and comminss ns traido th lagTte o Aeeadl-Revo-er. An h ppeeso wsjsi ed. emmet he am u.Hetosdi thaflntpanted, agerly; "tellme again fait yet idtan*thhm a oud t an agood turn, and they südwed A 1rvoler which lire«Itteen tirmes i During the day her inispostion increas- 6ew a ttevllg n ee noet-ha o nwno fowhc i oonsshdbenkn hi apeito frhswrkbMa-wthoelaig stenx tigt e anU d at night, feverish and delirious, HulidyinoTh mrqis atoisedannbtotalthtehedeeiedyoangwe tmaeoorhi ig imliealy.Noinll h ws ddd oth aredylog is oudat- assed upn thoecOttch, thanwd a gected at thtis sudden announcement, In false, to me"*' enon riter whe or siaieisrsos- nae y htrpieohfte oe eligwaos.Tiwic ste hl flncyinshosenbe eaft eyes, ad.athe midst of hig joy for the safety of "tistue iseHer; werit'b e r th m eills oflJamespMcK-en tapeserv e rr t inrealityhe wasinvntin of.nTmeican, emboilates tl 1 earcho ig fu uponher ber afuceek.Rose, prepared imimediately to visit him; His face was paie; the terestreaned hiefo hnduiioof h faeonsCek extupreted make-Ihimselgenerwalythenetimprofov iements n reoearms- 1 ‡ "w.and pitulto thear cherenwanemg-and the physicien, M. Mory', atießeid fromn h@ eyes; his clasped handoo, uplift na, the fner o te aof usn rekeful to vstors. e-Hma e s npn-mteraesaft-rgesatmtc tffds,1and listento theimelerent mig- that the Most favorable changehaditakoi- ed, trebed. digings ilsa twsape weet iltpriso lmige-selectmosaderest.ITh weapo- #ings ofesorrowuand joiker wodpe- eren Place in his patient'. case, left her •"hnaro e Amne o h Bret Harte's, wBoritten thirty years .ago, ietonpandtheretid aes onsumn x heilfuctrand wthe to barelswoea g r es m , ithe m r uentlooke d e up o - her e Alnt . a d a cl iedo tub a n ju t c a o e y u ,w h ich put it l to M cK en na ' s h éad t o e ,o s 1 teelanthen urn.weled a aihsteam-nthehma areiof emo companied the injustice havedto Alaska. In thePnoem In question can tell about the Places to whIch he placed above the other, and the euter 1 s Idéin t Bhelbray wrhe e pass Fedethe -n aquis. nt te aryrrived tenderly Nwithin his oniv. His teanraifel Bret Harte describes a oiver as v w fie hentelagrwilb ist. retfomte uper blarrhel, wile e in athigs.Th CuntFrdeIlt lhe auberge aurice met them with upon i. jng his pick In the nidst of snow and Wef oa eursfo tiner trowiof fie uis bre fromtthew. 1" FraW onsEernrendtillnthdawn mno9 Utnac."Henri, I have nothing to forgive. We iee In Alaska. Why shouldnt there b nawmnrtrafenpc uer 1 bo mieas fa efondtrer, w e be saloon.ep viery dtoeticonthand n mowis hcountt re ny chan)ge?" 'ask- have both been unhappy,",he uttered. gold up there? thought McKenna. al- nic, drasgng to omoethrt rhied kg hahrks yinepo endtly f te kept vigieduri. andNay-youdo not know the misery 1 though none Wasl then known of. He along, h ateMottrwe ok neenetyo h L ý ýeifbola rdl or. eunotaanann ol d . e ocurmse r,~xion wered the ma. have causied you. But 1 repent. It shal rahdtecutytt er eoetigo at.ohr -0 cimn suer.ierHelen Montautubanal ofandn s..- be confessed." His voice grew weaker r tleltecutytoyasbfrltigo at.ohr 0%b tie hdtheir ost inf that sick t ,eed 1,c i toed fr--ome secre toe"Where ig Rose?" hle asked. B IG FISC ASI iE.O L . bKwor7gesd eithe uc of the.sicklbe confessed.1 ican make nothing Bat. "She is at the chateau. She has beca QGREATEST B IG OF TSC A NTH W R D whoMolmabreonied, nithe fluthm. A.isfactory, though, out of what he saye, il[; but, thanks bc e to eaven, selleslare ongsh rve, ad heBuh urn- hie wanders so cove-ring!" fauswered the marquisi, earn tng and steady ou ber cheek, andasty ligtnig'snah ws nt O e mri is. a e a d te m "It is well. GIve lher my blessing, il thntez escniltn fo hs arussatdas leh bheld him, stretch- ashe will receive it from me.,.when aheo ,î,ed Out 1uPn1thIl ou, with his wild, un- knows all. I have been a wretch; but selyated;sdleenightaurswxdsonad mcae onanceP, and she has been tan angeai in my moiserable - aned; and4 IIw o Re e otan st orseouhgamntwhc h ad home. Ah, if the prayerseofeuon o good the-illw o tRo e, regardeofnot suffered( to be remolved., presnting a and pure as she could bie offered to heay-

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