CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Aug 1901, p. 1

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~~$W!~ -~ 4 I 'vIce *.~4o.~- ~. ~a~aaa" oot>w'~Ic I ~ I î~,4 . >4V NTY~ "'.4- a', INDE PENDENTU bt..l IV tsJ &.C Libertyvalle, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, August 2, 1901. $1.50 a Year in Advance. i . 4 ___ ~ig[g~fl 'ILS O1~XOYY. wrord QUALITV11j a definite, meaninpg and aippiti. to every garme ut Weik. Witb 'u a *r balance 0111- t)üÉ of'Furndghiîîgi4 * j->always upqero. SANBRN & CwO., Lbertyville - - Illinois. OVER Schack'sHard are tore, ORNDDAMCE! -ýýWaI ks AUC lb. hast ced In me lise ciseapeal. AT IiERTEL'S PARK, long ru tiaif Day - Illinois.' Feit gravel roofs guar. anteed for five years. 5aturday evening 111 li S 9A MaiI la-îsititg dotue rtî tir.9I clams aa anewiy preparedto p > use E. "r la 1191thle 01 Oi vansî'". i lin l'alaîlue at11d lefI four ise teagru, isîleu <icuie, ViiteJ IJk lite itrMe , J ttty tI, 194,1 eV. liialiar, rr tu Jcmn-s n Attenîlcîni t nIai r., Rocteill -- 1 tuitui 121 9.0 Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. i office over rigs& Taylors. R ALPH L. DARBY, -oume--- P . IANOS ONGAI r to leaILtni. 2 tes4 aud 5106.D. trU NED Ans C L rAN loisdeisce on Broadvay oppoite Park 1%EGULATE£D. REPAIRE Libertyville. Illinois. GN O Shonînger and Schaceffer Piano.s PAUL MacGUFFIN, Libertyville - lmn Atorney sud Counuelor aItLLaw. NOTARY PUBLIC ie fl OFFVICE OvEP'.LAKE COtIIINu, J>IV.tÇA*Oa Libertyville. Illinois. wRtabiT DYMOND 4L Co ---WàLibertyville, Illinois. Dr., H. 0. Bn YOUNG. issuesIBM Physllan nd Srgeon 18ittesIntereist Bearing Cer, PhysclanandSurgon. cates Payable on Demand. c;urnuee- -- ------Illinos. Dr. E. H. Smith, office over Lake Gounty Bu DRi E, FORD 0AVIIHu- o 2a M u 1t1 p .D (raddate"4t. lute e s gtz (h 91 ib ry il ,Il ruresntit Laite t1.. p c!' Wauketcan. D.A O .NC O SPECIALIST. DR AMSJNIH ï, Chronle Dismcaaoa Mon andI Women. 0p CHICAGO, GENERAL SURGERY. hias opened a FYE, EAR, NOSE, & TI4ROAT. DENTAL OFFICE S'pectacleSsad elues FltetI Au. AI Lbetlyville, ButIer'k Block,1 i oa tcraUe evai wt PrIces. 14Itnil& tDAVIWstore Wbf>i'tlie m teaadys-4m M.~, me1-& 1 -8 4t - . t -P - a new V you r a cake haif as rou four as long ly purer dainty y fiftten Mu.,ic:WiliIbe Furnlshed by Prof. I8Wam pr l1 ij l'ortian Smitlh'& Chicago Orhestre. ub ýgteri M! Knds of Refreshments! Prices always Reasoî,abl, Served on fthe Grounds. - - WM. BELL DR 1DEBLOCK Eigl Dr. Charles Gal loway. BENJAMIN H. MILLEF Offieove Lovll'srug8ore ATTORNEY AT LAW, OffceOerLovIL'DrgStreLIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOV BOUUBVIrO 1TO 3 ÀX ATO P. W. 7 Libertyville, - Ilinois TLPON Oý. ~ . ) CURE. t by wjhijh Duma lty Weakenins 'asant and Pd Hliiida "touIl drlltii atîdk 'C-r atu< l, iri, e1ttis aucr sf<l Meuras Titf aiit t e t titi Wru ele lt adi. four til "M r.iat at tilts. mn ,ity Pand toî an> 14 ien mo>5di uir a vol. JA. NO. Gki5. --Bmmmwmpmlým NEW BORN MAE 1MUR1ERED.PEILII T 0 ASSStNTS.IFEARED ANTHRAX EPIDEMIC. i Double Your m o eY , Ghaoiîy Finit On Thse ShoretS of l'ersoutai I'roperty Vulik 1 audj Fontr Farinerli Contracte(l1>l Lauke Michigan. ilovi They Var%. anIy <ne 1>îcd. ils ilut, 111e,îonblng lier busbatd's n*nLay fo aican feraibresbisstre igaig i'alîiriay aittrnon te body 01 a Bo appeairs a table 51>io og ILI, larmoya lu wentern Lulli, outy tvc nfradhrSasoeta baby girl, apparenl u stiy einbr, veraoage "mressied vi talUf iiO I aci> aret) mchi perturhed hecuâo of a lelp-4 to Ibi s pleudid economy. jounit upoui>, aborti uf Lake Michi- 10wn il, Laie onaty onu I îarionsa tbr(,atared caille epidefle, wvii in t gan jus: Bouffi o>f Hghland Park. A Items of persottal propert ,s-néw4ci, of.a biglily euntageu character and cord wae abo, the Lite 11one a neekll ie table lait nitrstting ,ityly iteamilY e>ommi>uiiidealo 1>humait heilig8. A SHORT STORY OF LONG VALUES. the ed îIf wbîci appeared tu bave shuwing comparative val-. For Albert VWolf, of Lake Zurich, died (iraî>îlated Sugar, standard fliue, 1>I Ounids for...... ...................S $1oo bec»i flemeItîl)1 a welgisl of Rorne exafl>ple, itoraes lu Vernloni> î>uablp Titursday, of te digease, baving cot-'Tin toi) .lly O glases, per dozen ....................................... t klnd, tint wlilcb lite action o!fte show aut average v*mn l i 71.m6, ir>cted it WWcduesday wîle skinnig a 1,i> sack ofTtee Cram Slat for......................49 viavem bâad severed. viile in Waukegau Ctyil]-liiaverage covi ltaaitadidî. lut tire operatlot. Lyoui'm famouh Waukegan Baking Powder, per pourrit..................... 1 Coronier Taylor vias notified and lm but $35 69. WIt*S pilir Bk il,, they ite accldeuitly eut bia iluger. Hie Bakerts or illnylers Ucholate. per lb, Z9cCoCOa, l................... z brelîl an u uest Bunday, te followlng muat drive ln Wauke<SU. ' ,e ut bandas and ara swelied to, au abuor-l jury bearitig evîdenice lu te case:.Ji, ail familier villa the siluatio mi il lhe. mal sîze and abco8saea !rmed on bliâ G. Evans, foroman; Fred lludoipb, H. Ileve there ls a gond ea foiîr thte body reeultlug lu terrible agouy. M. Prior, W. F. Edwards, 'A. P. lilîts dlacrepaflcy inte vam'lue of ac a Stepien Keller, o! Long Grove, Joaep lb5 l i I I ail buuc-bed logetiter regardieasaof Cosin and John lîndoipit. sbuwn. LNo lowf in the sviy eau Kilson, of Palatine aud lesury iBerg. 3ts ........................ .............. 7c,390Ua lrom te evîdence deducel filboulâts msny Une ormes as (re itlieho br, of Lake Zurich Bilât) 'oiracted flA&111rCESi-APectal lîrices ou pretly bammuekg...... .......... M 60lue ttlt,ears tai a party of camupera loe3ald fuuitrîglitt blaiUne, ettof \l;iikegauthlie iiaeaatt vitle ta"oliug tnfecte( WHITIE BEI QIILIS Marselles pattern, bemmed for nse-- up fom ... 7 ,)u thce outh edgc of Highland Park Adutttilag Vernon contilt 1 I cgc tock-carcasses. Ton cowi> die i froîitilte PLOV T' 'TCI 11081EILY> for vomen aud oeildren-many style@ Mmd galn. bti( sent Rome boys te Jlie satîtr- farmne viclit lua degrec e. intiifor (liseuse lait acel and larmers are r 'NLIEIWIAit-ail ligtf l t cet 51 "culrate prlces. day jumt afler tsoon 10 picir ui)vood litai tuwn sitovlng lte larg, tasverage caret ttly guardit ier catlle tu lire- with vitici te10huiibl s bond-ire tai asaesient u Inte couatih, ,iiîrmeee.veut farter spread o!flte contagiou. eveulttg.The ladts dlseovered te ycl Waukegau dCity la rtai" îIaclose Mauly aijmatS bave dlsplayed peculiar body &tieto enetfeel frotute vier secontd aa h&ltIlshows l ltesIsymptomsantd btave beeu laolaied rThe - nd urried te camp te nplify Ibeir average u ores lae 1 uylm a dineuse made Ils tirâIappearauce Tant iI elders. Il vau Impossible 10 doter- mattert lita bould oconpy IIttalen- veel vWhon a cow ovueil by Hienry rinle te dentity of te nette oue. lion of tbe IBoard of Ba' îîistitl Bergitorti vas sîrleken. Tlhe animais@ fouud vit te tbody, lunvitîchit Ih al sncb apparent errora0f9lthe iü- -Ils., tri eeil andI lond liowetIfrmite apparcnlly been liurrledly wrajîped, 0f course titera are (ii'r i. notrils Ilu profusion. Tlic an'imal Vaukegan- -Wlos Iben tîst ln te lake. crefranclai lia averagea a ,nithe did itn agnoy a fev itonrs alter il ias Coroner Taylor declareg Il tu have varions lov» iteracompaci i andidlu atiacked. flu dlsposiug otfte enarcis bellin a Hlue bady, stiurdy aud wellI many caues gond reaaeau tieretoir Bergitorui couîractedlte diseuse andI a formed. Indignation vas everyvbere wile ln othera I letaOurc pinion number o! maUignat pustules ap- expreasedsand te jurys recommenda- assessors have aussidlicir Jaig îment. peared on bis basndsesand arma. Tite tion taI every effort b. madetu 0Il vili be lntereming t1" îlethie residenîs seul ta Chicago for a voter- apprefiend te guily party or parties bigietean d lowesé averager Ii e adbi mary expert and oue of lte profesmors met villa unîversl approbation i lowf:l: orses, Vernon hlgtîi. , au, _ 50wio reepouded made a reful ise e-rtamînce HighliandI Park. kegan Ciy loweml; catli shieds atlun aud diagnosed lte disease asnlrîin.t mke 'Te cold blooded murder of tinne- laigisa, Antioch lowest: Ili1 ~ Fre. anthtrax. pie C nk c e n ts o f t i t s k in tI in s e co m ttt g 1 0n m o n t b ig ie t e , A u lio c it lo w I t b e p , T h o n o u e d n e a d a y A lb ert W o lf b a drr noyer- pnnialimeit as meled ont go Newporighêst Zut Deertiillovest. niotiater lte trât ymptiitnof eîng glf I!lN tko nmre of te luittman munteers vito team angInes, WankeganCitr îigietee, affected.IIU VIUIJ lianes hock our peuple by snch terrible West Deertield lowait; mates, \X l îkegau Membiera of lte stale live stock coin- deedm. Let te Highland Park Tow.nship higlleat, West lîîccileld mission nov belleve they bave te mltoilies leave uotbiu.g nudone t0 lovesl; biUiard tables, Wauiîrgau City cidemie citeoked. 'Te arme o!fte Gttt my estimates before buylng. bring ta justice te guilîyln luIis laIglest, Cubet lowesl; carniages, meunvito are belleved la bave Infected I can save you money. cage. Siields bigitoi, Anuei lowest; catie bave beau quarmniled and Tite verdict rendered by te miatelles, Shields bîgiteaW\arren lteexterminailon of the diseuse bas Coroners jury vas: "Sald unknown lotient; evlng machlucý, 3Nwport becu left ite bande o! Floyd Gibbts, Rubber tir«m araiii.plopu tbgdn lk bacame tu ber dealt etter by bîgheta, Anliocit lowait;pu.a Wan. a velerluary surgeon. fu .jj ride thn .quippadfil Ibeing murdereu sud trowv utu Lake couda bigissal, Wankegan ditv I» cal; lHeury Berghorn, IStepiten Keller and jj> Michtigau, tir drowued lu Lake Mici- organe, libieldp lgiest, AiAil chl li. Joseph i tIson arc reported lu a ranchi__________________ gan, hy tnknowýu partie We recomn- est. Thteexact dillereni c 'r-la c Improved condition and WITT recover. lO rreiton 15 £ meud that te City authitos maIe 'Lbighes" sud -"loveat" I r ,ý eil--1 lite veterînarlans expinalualtrai 0 e cent. rdnc n on My u effort t discover te guiltyparies." ï .i -- trttîr stok of New prSoa- l>ole laitsTale Slowlug Avertage 5Assessed Voutilon on litessie of leristinal l gaiIie Stok of Nw l t e im Creditrfr Raina.d, in Eacis Town lu Lake Coutaly. lit lanow saîl ltaugDovîe in bis role tu bîîy. o tB)jahthIe reatS5e1." bu adadiatetg -y 'bi hinittial p.tirtiande o 'tUmkiw Ro n ~ I~~jr'n. B E 1 persoas 10bemit the miracle of re. -et 12 îîrigth arcited craps. Thete of lait eel cane,iga esaîdlt y mm ee s mn't- i£ Grti. 1 L. e92 t $10..) Illinobrtvic . *- is. tiers of Dowieâclitreit. sa direct iv- NaWir trGi50 >V*I ý I (0-.1 >25 i 1.0li 4u soit o! litegeneral overseera prayrJ a . ,4 92'it 1 4-ri ii L 1> 1 1,'la- . 116.9t;< and te sitîeris flitIhave falien îtrrîngtaouî lite country are IOaîr-raîii î .ii .4 iisuii5i'> 1> si bttted l ),vîe'sintercession. A-t55aVI 2 2i7 2 6 1-_ ~ i2'U U.'aî 14.14 7 I - .0 96a> ' io Deacon <0. L. Speaciter le actiug sas W.arreIi ic.147 ii711 i 2 5 154,.. ti71l i >î t'2 9.711 :11 6i 1)tuvile'a prees aget. l. anaa long notice w.aîes V eu 41; 11 i. 5. .4 31t 1 aj 2 IlDI7 1 rir u , ii Ir . 4>21- l -îriO1111 .1,1>i50i ii uft he geuccal 0* erpeere rslnmaking Wa ukeg.ttL'ia Io u '0 , C7 i4 t. îî . 7i r P ,.M 7.1ti 1r 323 tînaities îrlnled in te Leaves e of5 . aa oS., .' o îa ua o Uleallug lte artic le lei prefaeed as ý î-41,11.ýil82w H t W a h r . .is, fotlows t.IM,ctyv', e 556 I ,I 4 .i 77 . I1.:. 2 i c .i 1,1 ,i 'i i l uû.05 23.a 1 Eliali w us tLmans 'Ili i pussisw itli a. Freunts 4>5,6 i 4.2 51 i l ti67 2"',9.1t5.t9 . 10. 18 l14,78 ~L a a t>'.~ ~ - As 1.i>0" -i-ntlI huatIl îInuctl 01Wactde S 54 odajdtlxisei tutrt'iitrtIs ur 'ta ti 0'i' i >0 i ~ <4> O Cai 1e purchased of m-e at a Iowevr An d clx îrittirs. Lia 562 ' P i ci iai 40 li.35197 4175 I,1.41> 7 St lb itO I>8 21.'h25 I sl iidtc Us- tri lLiie etttlV-tec>ati 7 ,r4r. . uIXil i 42' ý55 'iCtA.1' I » s.~. .10.921 82. Ki figure than a like qualty Is soId for "Itlatevery slriking,'sasys Deacon wý erll I I1)-Ii4 0I.i7 .3ý7ý-Vt;1-1 nC iao Speîcher u inte article', "ltat one o!f 1-t Deertielti 54a'24 1 Iro M; o3 s5 -i.' se 4 i92 >". 17 432Vt>.i .2>11,i67?94. I i.23 te lrsi marIiftesatloua uofte approval .4A.7s-63002-7 7023 M .2 u. 8.a ---It 1.14jîlcit So with lîarl.ssîis. My $10 e.,lir Fatîber lu He aveu upoitOunr 11110Cmgîy.33.4>0 24 3 ~a ~'>a >539îj ~ igî lalsrou t a uînr. Ihv geueral uversers deciarâllonisud - I--singes fr lie îis aoue tat r. ibbtter u Claltus leglita bis prayers abould is Iermined by eonsiitiug ite itabtle, aud ror ltîjiiie lever ait a very contagions tesfrm e io yUntaebtrbu ausvccred like Elijab's of oid, sud taug yon'li Wonder vby tl iý Forînslance rami mrallgtul t ebrile disease, chtar- flot hotteir bargainis. Corne in and talk te raitietonul comle tulthe drysud Pianoes le Wanconîia i.awust aC oIcirtred by tite prononce o! carbon- tisylaund in many lteslÎîIus" vorlt on an aversage - ý56, viule ID ua weles To prevent te dia- lîamîess hefore piurchasiuig. tlryWaukegan OlyCityte irageisalli , ease atteution muat be palît 10regular. Jn. MN Lnr OeetîmSes LaI Iit vien$47.83. 'i oderate tceding; abutadance o!fvitale' Rl 1îepcre letI u lime atcceeap bn Tite average am,"etîsl1vttalli'n ou 'orune water muet ho suppîîed, lte fronte io!relitend uoffic e in llte respective iteou.' if personal gratluga flot allowe d lu become lo Friirs will waîît 0one of those 50 vatîng l gellu 0 mae îieîr ay-properly assessed, tutuig tee oîuly raii:andI clangeil uccaslunally. Bock- it bidrwliu. Y cire h te 11.mente oni lots purcitamed frotDowie. a iit smbsî . î'v' yi'aIatt bui b cltî ayre>t îî" ith tieiîl. Thoe rush vas go greal Inat Deacon boîlotu o! table. To Judd, ti ichtarge of te affair, blid 10 Hudy I% over aloi I r i cljetier I'(ltittliii' lk'1th tof ea 'triuer. CAO. appeal lo tie crovid ou several oce- realise viit jusvit ilt prrîblemis fle James it'elcLi, agvd abont 35 years, siona li hlutl ack a trille. Counly liard o! evlias Ia>iuconteid (led Suuday nulgb t aitnbitomn e uarc i 'lTe landI office lias a gang of a dozen te Say uollalng 01t sabi .Iemoustrate8 Fox Lake linte ovî of Grant as s .M AS R andI a Ilit seograpliers busy maklng ln lte diversîy e!(I -s piaccd oni resul of tlootI pisoulng, ot deedm, Irausters, ece. articles fa skînîl i.'the seventêeeti Welcb vwas sitockiug graiu Taet Fr1'Lbetvil ANS on___ varions "Beusr. day and troit» a pair o! nov glovea CED -__l- Itîl t thr e ltimefi trî i tougmil ED. Gond Speakers. Bad Wreck ut l iglî>ao9>l. ie""bad "a, ilosîtt. 0. conmmilîe en speakers for te Lake frelgial train aud it '.1 train on tee tieslit recîtiled afler terrible sutte'cing. ('oauny Soldlers' and SalIons' Rteuniol C. IL I. W. road atIlili oosi Mouday we ocretWancoutia. Aug. 27t aflernoon resulted li1>tn.I, teatli tf îwo ac'ts.i Cmi(otcil "This es r. T " ' C s - antI 151h bas speured N. Il. Tlitialel- and Injnry o!fJouir îîi, itfli,1088utf Never ji,-trnu las Ibere ic , t Tes- h WOIiotD I O ItuIJ Cash uII woorIl>epartmenî Commntder: G>so. msny ubonsandis of dliii ralit>propenîy pretmiseliof sîttit apet.clleret, as ta nov l<JiiilgIi aiiyoiir attention to the faet that it is only a W G. E't>îver, seniour VIce Cour-ansd te delay of ail lnil'î'ftrra perîsslou lte Irees ofUtliiseCoutntry. Itlai . -.. 4S 5 matnder sud J. . .Siglt, Junior Vice vTn oea on.TeIi -oilfotteeten otiln flittie ()erilîîmonth before the great Lakel s.ounty Fair Commnde ofthe ept ofIllnoi udinjured vert tîji Iltii ulaborens. te peacit bell lu itlim urlieru Timait lu aîtd lyoil 'vll waîît Clothiîîg,tilats, Caps, Shoes, Shirts Grand Armny of te iepnhllc, as Thte accident oî'ciiidi abutit Ifty Mchigan. Thiislas itever itapporited Ne w r. 'esh b pr ard osow yu Ue speakers o!fte day. yards norlt o!fte il glîvood depot. betare mince. attentitonlibas inonritgiven adNcwa. W hl epeae oSo o h ,tiTite vork train bhdit i.kerd bacek auto 10 poac li cutri. Faiiaires have oc- fillimttfille of elothing ex-er sliowîî in Libertyville. 'WI I. RI Dniry andI Stock hdi Allentionilth iseadiig te allow ts' jiasenger triCalu riaitlu large diticts ie erelulore ho iii stock abolit Auigtist Ist. W'atch thi space for pries. Ia Dn*tlieutii'iressrrt' ie lire out tr yoae 10 go bToilgit, aller ,rr iethe itayak uen olier sectolntis a faull cropý eItiwweri 9îu an areleve tio ftteut (t>terri- train ta lrted up artd vas hitlt ay roversare ueeomlug anxlons as lu jle'torture rtir a r nada ci bYt (uii c ia'lt I- aCrom te trucsel file leeavy vy rieanela market. If lteenul naw A îiobby Uineo f Neghigeo Shirts anîd îîeckties conesir Ott >8ey telii >nINlie î I raInbacul on ees matures ltere wyul be u soaua lank lrdle ecad on. -Whou Bgineer LI.T. Heard othie aundance o! lîliast te ne'ies Wiinbe Of fore-iii'haîîd itîtiie1w Teck Searfs--don't fail to elt AuLX41>51 ttitrf ' iittI. Na Way frbil Wt a tlita 1e collision wuas lover titan ever before. and get ote.

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