CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Aug 1901, p. 2

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C.AB3IA14FINDS UEMS. Ue5NO IQNM~T. ME RETURNS T14EM TO THEIR OWNER. M"', Kgtm. tposaeceoverinc iUer »7,900 Worth af je-ets, ]Bavard. Rinder -lth 03)q-Ohlo Farmer le IkUtellty T'rtured by Robbems A gueut t itise l'uîlot Liawa>'Beacis, LotisIsland, . isoîi vho c. regintereti as Mms.Saraht Katz, ruported Io the Police tuat aise ltd lus! $7.800) in jemeli. elle vus mure .0111, h-ti, hal d tber hall sean bar dismntin tiand grîtiit ut. jialoOS of bar that lie haîl ruaithti'niglit lu de- spail Aber. Tîte ttr ttuda itu brn r as lclItiv -tclujîtiitiug a group of batbers nd frîtutiîtiuî o tlme sholUs off dia flies fratutitt. ie-t,9sb>' plaYlag a mand jig on liie ach .lamnes Murray, tisa driver.wasa amiitkt'ncd fru' is.aiuld- summer nat'veie b> omeihinag iatglila tened. sud k trasul goid.iliser. T1he r'- gilslaing tuf asa igit underuethste ioea s oofs. The driver tttok lis tinît- about Andiug that a-bat ics oiv msa a jewei bag fui' of gemos. Tisey trere Uirq. Kata'a. St., hati carael> ltaien tiem wsis ber tien ais ent-eu t o ben0 icr omîtit the moud vivfl es ae eattnig.The torynof lise wvevlets wausas charnuing titat tue for- nt ail about ber $7.800 a-orth of jea-eta. -' Juien Murray ta an honeatnt btino-ev,. Ue Ha lvias ys tise regutatitta. lHe l.oed lie diamoads andd atiser gltter- tag ilngmte Mrs. Kitz, and sibe endad il* lant etipter of tbe olor>' b> giusn PROGIRESO 01K TUE RAM» @*amai£t 1Laregu b ai. lu Conteat for the Penumut V*owia-ng la tha standing of lie clubs ltise National League: W.lWL. Plttaburg ..- .48 32 Boston .38 40 t.Lous... .48 36 New- Yok.. .34 4U> PIlladeIpliha 45 35 Cincnati ..- .32 48 lkrooklya ..44 3liChlcago -...34 54 litandinga in the Ameieu eague an. afohova: - W. L. W .l (hieugu ... .53 29 Pblldelphia. 33 42 Bu»...47 S0Wasington. 32 41 Baihum ...4'2 32Cleveiauti -....31 49 Detrot...45 3iilauee -..30 54a »BBCRs 1 TUIIBVICTIMP. t ~~Pantir et Weatby Oio Fariner Vie-c '1ove maiset men te otiser uigisl vltdle home of Peter Drum, a WeItby fernMagliviug ele'eu aillstila it tet uecias Oh 0, sud ilter miiug and »Madilstdi varlous mnembers of tise fa0d il. proedcd te torture M. Iîrttmn lu au effoe Wac nde. hlm ta dio-lose tise idiar plame cf nouaiya-bnci be taon onpposcd t. bave mereted int the bouîac Tise ramb. blsaeheined $W0. andi tere finîllyi>' t- *usi avay hi the sereats or tise romn, w" emeonathe tisaîlhbors.a FitailIhuet I. Poualit. As i renît o audemparate uel twaith IgM~aametssrifles a-blcii touk Plaeau J3lasvivuna. af Memphsis, ana Mau inl OM&tva atisrs are serloualyinjia!es à*a4 it trhb lea aIfgitive trous justice. #là*'tragsl 5ev ou t fadIsputa be.t Uqi»vin Bîmoc sud iRobert Wi. lJr. Tise fathera balt-he iabaya %N , aM tise tva familli utntiup witisf ti . Is uneutrml ground: - Isel t. Clamsa Flair. 9 s AXt>oiiuh ho vrapped iasitin tiset Ou*maBfag auj claimad lie protectioun et lhe Kaiser'a ausigu, Co. Abel Murillu. wtat ýIlb1îramoved tfrain -a IlamtAurg àms$eaaliner ut Cartagena. UQlambi,C AU~ Rat ced mater arrest. deapite tic forC mai jtotuaifthe iccuplain of tise vessai, e as i1wlas thnosofthtie German vice cou- alA* Cirtaaena.P tlai DaiveryinluToeda. e Wban tisa tumalta entcred lise counult SaUle laToedo. Obio, ait iv isonitners'& hreettust tAe taller maming he ama eId àt'the a nasle or fta-o evolvers andj - boch*tis a et«. Jaohn Brow-n alias'Tu- pukija.," Thoîau Kaegsn anti Janîe Metnail Hseld fur roitter>'ofuthlItaWsca Tel@& o potoiice. sud tDaijd ittingau, a a lflcl rlonar. tisen nîoru-icd oni of lenu Drive Eilauta Subi le. leorge MeCabe , 46 car4 of .tfne. t-tutel millet suicide b>' intima ]li- t trt. tt bleers of lie man's fantiip va> tiot fi M£e4Cbe vas drives teo ilaoîta-io loly ft l the ms utbis feiloa- aurkit t-u t ti Woathlgtoa Iydrittiiu IVorkain Bnitti 173, viser. a strike isas bucu 'uprogruts.. and lha hi ontînacd atism-un, sud! Eau Break treis Juil. s At Devi]"@I.ake. N. D., . sSiteriff Rer- p. mas» t alien etered tiherei uoîtainiug n P. H. Picisct tidleorge' Kelly. thes8 Churebes IFerry'safu' iuiotuera. lii> utuer-u Povoreti builli antI ggligcttbitu. ttîiîug tii. beys and locking lbitlauit- ut-el. tmuu'> thon eieased three otiser pli s u nti the. ive nade ticir eap'le. 1! PhII'LI~ ~15"' ;~;rem-i IJEATU 3ULFILLS CURB.. augum;s mnllets Ater Anary Netogisior Pr*u n Ms ar iave a Traffle End. The traglc duats or Englncer JunaH. HaOgen, 3130 Hickory atreet, St. Louia, ln i bead-end collision bettreeu tva Mis- soMai Pacifie freigit trins,. near Nov Haven, Mo., bas throwt't he entire neigi- bOrisaod for hîneko oarouud luta feverish exeitement, ouring ta a story tuat Mrs. John gîisaon elderly Irish voman. mad esied clontise arath Of AlmightY God Upan tisa ieaj of tie imfortuaite engl- acer. and jeclared tisot aise a-uId die happy a-heu sise Osa- is msugied eorpoa carried home on a sîretcee. Iin la a- pered thmnîîgb the ueigihborbood tisat an aveugiug death befeil Enginier Hagen, lu auover to tisa invocatinsu of the old trIish w-fmon liaI he toigi ct"me ta his death lu a terrible ruAsmit>'. Nelgbbors Wiso knoa- bath familles are sîrlcelocuwltb ave. Wbau lira. Shea tris asked about the incident ah delared thut Haogen as deîd, sud batore God. thrieaha vas' ansvarlag for bis mina. Tise nId toman la inahtisalies of eciteinent, es if a fulA realîsution ofthtie carses aie lm &iid ta have prîyed for hsd jîtot dawned upan ber. About tiree years euotiseHogn and Shsenffmilles becama embitterad nt auci albu. Standing in front or the Ho- ta hsomie, Il as aid. viti uplifted fluger. oId VMs. Shea iuvoked lie vro th aud carrana of find upon the iead of tise Ha- gin faml]Y. Il le alleged tiat tis as repaated tipon more tisai one otcasioni, sud tial excîtement ftro a while van very 1isighin tbe ucigisioriaod. STEEtL 10 INtI )BEMAZID Paetriaes NItAffecte.!by lh. 81.-li. OislatarUpusual Activits'. 'A ftttigist 0f tieseel stnike bas passad aithoat matc-rially alteriag tise poaition of tisa contestants or sdversely affactiug tisa luatr- as a a-iole. Ex- reptlonal activiuj la uoticed at the mîille Dot affected b> tis astrlkeanau the move- meut of structural materisi for bridges. bildiugs and tracs elevatiou lu atlA beau->. Steel bar, for agrirulturai impIe- tuant mîkers are arm lu price sud freely Parchaaed. Itailvays aceis frelght cors. and rails are a»Id for delîver>' next Jan- aary. Cotton tien, aseeta aujdiso.,ts are1 connuandiug a premium. Pig iron la se- cnmailaiug, but producers offer noa cou- CeQ0ul11. Oitara for lin plates a-are ual accaptent for delivery before Oct. 1, a-heu tha striku began, oa-iug to tisa ovaraold1 condition af mille, and, distant cantrietst ara still tskeu 4t uncisangad pries. butE JobMrs ara recel ring igi trice for1 goôda dahivemaile inîmediateiy. Tin hou !ailen lath le qîotatioao premaillu intu 3987. ovlng 10 the' larji of demoîîd heret and wacaes. An loudon," aeeording toi R. G1. Don & Co.'s revlea- of iratle.a "Paiurea for diaea-eek oumberad 198 ilu the United Statas. mgaiumt 231 ]est >-ear, and 28 in Canada, agsiuaî 28 lent yeiîr.*'c TO ENLANQIIM 94OINIIWOBI4". l'he Amerima Locausotava Campeur a Pl&as ake 1,000 Tearti. The. Amerlea Locomotive Compan.y lias appmapniated lise nmof $M,0000 for tise Purpofa of anlarging Il& plant aSt Sichenectady, N. Y. il la statad that tise capaclty of tise plant. will bu lncreaaed front 42Mta 1.000 locomotires yearly.c Tie idea ia ta msko tis plant tise cen- mrIi ana, and At will bu dao'aiaped ta tha grentaîr calent. sitisougsatier pIlat*aret ta bu lmproved auj aahargcd. 'PlaoasrsAttack . Prient. Dariug i mele iletisae counti mail ln Omaha Dean Campbell Pair of Trnit- Cathedral a-as rudely jnstled and borel>- egaped inta lise corridor vits tie aid aor ajaller. The dean bîd heru givAag tise irisouers good ivce of o somea-bal per-8 tonal nature visics vas revented by met- eraI af Uic audiance. Otiser prlsouers oui the clargytusu'a part auj a general1 lght euaqued. lina-hici tise pastor's folloa- 'n vas about lt a caoqîîshed trien tba ji attendauts conte lu tisa resute.t Fiocu ta Sec Outlaa.. Cala antI Jim Yonuger began busiuessa s tombstouo agents, and aocb a croa-d iockad te the office of tise Peterson (ira n- te Companiy la St. Pul to mec tiseflam- asn outlavs tisat offie bours had ta0blia "tabllied. Tise managemenit decidede that tice Yîtîger brothars asould receita froni btit 11:30 s. m. ta 12:30 p. M. andj front 5:30 t106 P. M. Bit2teIa!PletsalForualiar. Thi Pitt.hun1 IWîe and Steel loto- Pua>,nt. atrot coucemfi, oili malle appiia- tion t Iai'. William A. Stone afri'euu- mà>iirîia. Aug. 14, for a charter of Au' corporation. Tise prapoocti corporation it tîcae iatapital stock of $2.t,00,( andttimlli. il la #aid, bud One 0ftlthe]ang- euit tund nitot ompictc iudcpeîideat îplants -n th.t a-ord. FatltQuarrel O0.elde At Portamouths,' Ohio. Chories Wallace, aged 49), tramssal tismugi tise heîrt andt tnata illtia o>,n Au rutatuga Mmt-a.I.Uedy la RBresed, env. aged 21. They biad altended a dance Loin PrineKennedyima tîtlî'r svttet-toitagter anti a-ro waaiiig honme. visa uat Kanas Cilty, Mu.. tut.tî'o rir tntise>'gel Iota a quarraI amer..ta-o girls. blilng ber iumiiond. l'Atîl. I Ktuudy. a-haomaro alIit lset. enla u. L10 at, h.bas liîtriliasmetin iii B usaanCromps, a-lut-d. banda!t 310,M10, pendit,1 an alpeaI orfilut- A halll torila tise districtuaf bchiataI, Ces. ttetise State Suttriett it.t. gorenof a Timbaf. Ituaia deatro>-- allieGien J"_Da ... e atie tisa Croit$uvar a vide aires. Tiae jriai n ieu01 Julin DIses. wmnmen and min>' eîtie a-cru kiliid. a hilo Jury îffutcae i eula t, Gl-una-uni n an)enl ire fDock of seap auj ta-o hep- 'ahanasunnrdet smai iugut at srds oere cmerlad off hy dia flood..souta vas tachargd.ecftise hail %loues&veigiseil lhreu pounda. .aum, d-ie,.s FotîstReiba-.s.e- Ne-v011Fid Cpet 1. trieemi lert-Itltti vie tinuaou t'on An itl aei a-islriasa drllîed dire. traet..ticlî,'n bac ittritit utet' u scitemiles eRsut OtLima. Ohlo. %proves ta bu paeiaian it' alternutig it mhuaetAie bgget guther in thimau field. Il aoe.sed ot muîaoîusi au t fniiten v-IlAiaveragea severai thonoauds o acl tmlmaehinglan .(h,-ma. rîuîs10 racki a ). Il la impossuileta couîroi tise Woreh of e -bti hl ttusahel$'I.(0 on. The ueot a-It alli open up a big tertitor>'. Tuso KîtoO1 t-O liI ie Itanl ri îea à Na tret Adigt a ut oiue, Tenu.. mi lilsAlice Nielsen, at'cordiog lu the' »"Utla towit. Pollîeuîtoo Pink l'ans and Londlon Delliy Express. is gzoiug luuy W. B. KDOuttu-re kitied ntI Shirley grand opera. Au a resait tf l.îiy (le Pesa. Natu fthelac ,i ani, as roe-. trt'm laIertaI ahasiguci a routrat bly ftally OmotiolîlmihlsitI. Russelli povidîmîg frr tireOrs alipt'trini' uItomeo undi Juli..t" tînt ]Rienh Urokeraile ttis U l.t. Fsomt." LevA, sSilva. aa rîtîiy NewvYorAima- cblatM brober, toumtted suide b>' rt' Pt-usiils rce.Ti.. tin hm atArûitvth s a zor. Haea-as uTht President issa iasued is proelama- cvi4or anti iadtwolii -iilircu lnaà hourd- taien etitblisblnt free trade bta-en Pte CSehooal ont of lise City. AtIAr. Mil- lu ltico and tisa Unitedi States and de- -I . i atbatnet l ',aadlat laiug tic organisation of a cii o be Md eremd n reversas lun buiness. armnt-lfor theoIlansd. The proclama. ______tlon la purely formal. Iqsatt e.cata Etilea.1edb XIio f01 et cf lthe Union 'aile AWrtcdb EpeInuO. Aterrifie explosion of petrluin utlie â a E F aiealy$100 n00 uat ti ebl opulatd quarter aofl tuni. à mlort Ob limamitetell5 R"oaia, vu-te.! tiseaisla renter orftis tnt a »io crab. lov. Illa Imîposai e ttiat, li #ras,,Po o Mounatains , masu0f lifeanti proprty, but la bots cases of ma«mý "is i Îeveey large. 19k"M5emJ 4 Chicago--Cattla. connueos ta prisce, ,$3.00 te $5.115;bas, shApping gradfle, r ".00 tu $6,5; soaep, fair taideslo, W$306 -ta 9400; wheat, No. 2 red, 70c te 71c; icoma. No. 2. 54e te firm; oatsiý Ne. % M8e .ta SOIc; rYe. No. 2, fMecte 5(le; butter, <bcoira cresmery. Ille ta 20c; eggs. fresb. 1lic te 12e; putaloas. nov. $1.00 ta $1.051 par busial. Indisnapolla-Ctte. sbipping. $3,00 ta $5.75; bogs. choie ligAil, $4.00 te .W.1; saiep.comn tefl10prima. $3.00 ta $3.:M1; a-hast, No. 2. 67C e t iSe; corn. No. 2 a-hile. 56c ta 57c;entes.No. 2 wvita. 38e la 40c. St. lous-Cattie. $3.25 te $5.0; bots. $t.0te a;6.00; uicep, $3.00 tae$".75; vicut, No. 2, M6e tau<l7e; corni, No. '2, 55e ta fille; nats, No.e. z3W8e ta3w; rya, No. 2. f63e un 64e. Ciut'luuti-tjstte, $Z.00ta $5.25; iboue. $3.001 ta $6.10; asccep. $3,00 ta 340; tricat, Nu. 2, 67e tae 6le; corn, No. -1 mixed, 57e ta ie; cita, No. 2 muxed, 41c te 42c; rie. No. 2, 50 e le i. Daîroit-Cîttie. $2.510 te 35.10; hags, $3.00 ta $5.85; sheap, $2.510 ta 33.75; viseat, Na. 2, 71c te 72c; corn, No. 2 vculov, Sme ta 64c; nats, No. 2 wvite. 39e I. 40c; rie e. tc 55e.e Toîedo-Wbeat. No. 2 mlied, 70e to ic; cmmuNo. 2 mixed, 5ct0 54c; enta. No. 2 mlxed, 36e ta 37c; rya. No. 2, 53c to 54c: claver secti. prima, $(150. Milwaatikee-l%'heat 'No. 2 nortisern. i70, e ta1c; corn, No. 3,SMe t0 56c;onat&. No. 2 white, 40e te 41c; rye, No. 1, f4c ta ilIle: hurlai. No. 2. file ta COl;.seAt. tmens, 834.27. Btîffolo-Cattîe. choute sippiug steers. W-X0lu $5.W15; bugs, faiîr tu prime, $3.0(l bo $6.20; sheep. fair ta choira, $3.510 ta $4.25; lamba. common ta choira. 34.50 t0 $5.50. Nev York--Cittle, $3.75 le $5,70; isoge, 33.00 ta $F621; shop, 33.00 te $4.25; a-uen. Na. 2 red, 74e la 75c; camn, Na. 2, 57c 10 5&e; out#, No. 2 wita, 42e la 43c; buller. cramer-, 18e ta 20c; eggz, veat- arné, 14e ta 15c. SAVE 10 BY A BRAVE CAPTAI N. seswnteuenmnunsuixl.Waouau nHava Narrev Escapea ou Tug. A erea- of savenîcen men auj hait a dozea a-amen auj eildran a-are maved front WalerY gravas' by as not Idaring action on lise part of Captaî nboa- af tise tug Beauluta. Tise tug bil in tow cieven barges of col conaigaudte taBridge- Port. Cono., antI New- Haven. Jous as Oa-n waau reaiing a odaa gale strutrk tie toto. The a-aven -rolied orer tise big tug and doshed Uicecoal-laden itargest about lue atrawus. Five of the barges sank atud tise rcmoiuluig six acre ket agent nl> a-ith lise grestest diitict>. Tis> ey ee runnulag a doubla tuwa-nsd dia ou>- tig lue thc coptain ta do vas 10 forge uiead. If bh a îti alkept at the wvieel lthe mviolc 100v vunld bave ha-vu 10ut end lise Iug vitb il. ACCIDENT NEAIR IUICIR, IND. Tva StreotCura Colui.a aud!M..., Narrovt> Eýaepe Iluas. At 1 a'clock on a receut morulng a wesî-loounj speeilinltarurbua, iectrie car on the Union Traction Compmay liii. a-cal of incia. lad., daahcd luto tis regolir passeugar car from nd nianapois. tiesa aiti'is iaving beau 1amperéù viîh. Tise vestibules 14 bodi carsa-ara amahbet atnd Motorman Willlird Mlar of Muncie' had a uatr'raa-escape. Tise spacial vas ftiad a-ith 125 colorati people tram Ander- son, a-ho atcnded a colored social avent in Muntia. Mon>- parsona In bath cars uvere sligifly lauorad. Noue reported as serions. BOY SAVM4 A TRAIN. Ftada Ralsm Warpet b, Meit sud W-unslentIla TiWmo AI Vickemy jiscaveret tIthe truck of tie Tennessee Ceutral Ituiiroad hall a aile frotu Crossilla. Tenu., va, ta-isted auj a-arped b>'thlise crcilng hat of tha 8on, sud lggcj a pnasmeugar traiu juat lu lime la praveot a frighîlful a-reck. Tbe rails auj tien vere tvlatod ouIut ofhue i istance of tan feat. The train aa erowjej. andI evary Pîmseuger sigmed a petitlon 10ulise prenldeul of the rond for au annnai Pasa for youug Vickery. tE-tt-qaake Rringe als. A aertion seventy-fiva moies vîIe, trtutgilte Nevadas daocrt f nom Dcstb as far wa-ca s Carinu extierienced a se 'les ut beat>' esrtbquake aliocka. At ilkIo, Nev.. the abuci tras nnusîsally se- re. The igi scisoui building, a big tniek structura, a-as badiî crsckad by the violence of thea vibrationosuad altier buiildings ivera sIligbtly damageti. Tise eartisqusie a-an falaveti bî eat>- raina. Fteam Tv. Sasakea trous Cîres. An ambitions fat ot lirn eail credîteti to an eutaeprising nago of Hontherst Washington by tisa peoprietansra fi mail tîrciua. Deniring ta open iabshow ar hlm ma-n. he insuli tatehava ptlrîlned taa a! tha largest suais., aIthdiacrcua. Thaî are af tise Meticin bull -,varicty, and -igit and Ian ftot long, reapecllveii. hsrmlcuo, but beavy. B"d Fioed. la Cht"*. Tisa looda ln théa Yangtso 4Vaitey of China are casîng'grat distresa. Tva of thea main embataimeuta bia braken aova Wunnd ti oaded a ickîy popu- laled district for torty or fit'tuilaes. mens of thausanda of people bave beau mtinde orcelemsanmat he cops destrayreti wysaeat ln 5'hst laat>n. 3..L. Collina. 52 yeasa ad, a-as kWeId lu a peeliar elevatar accident la Uic Masonic Templu Sa Chicigo. Ho vas ragit iLete tise open tior ouitise faurteendi fluor andth ie battant of tise car sud daset ta the bisement ta Au- satdeitis. 14houts Hloq lan -arotier. Joh.ut Baltard.t.lov nmahul altrais lit-k, lutti. siol antifatal>- n'unted (Irarge Btallard. bis braIser. Tiare haul h--t rouble itwt-cn hem forla-a yeama. (ltame iooeed Johnu daim a-Ah i iacg huttutuandthen Johni sist hM. tIt-îoklya lbrige tulablel. Sevural suspension rada of tise sortis rotule tf the Brooklyn bridiga e kr dis- eovered t be beobun. Car service sud teau tIrtittiea-rs ospanded a i 9kw caulltuonr>-mesmureunutil t vsa ueo?- lulued ic tdsmage wv@as ilgit. Bains PSrems h tiuahI Dreâcilng raina la flv.IaIse of tise treait cornbellbroke the. dronght idit revlved tli hrivalad erops Millio t dollars "-I beha mate blb. aM&a TWO OUTLAWS ABS AUUUSTUMD. "80l" Temple adWillam UaBma.lay . ahan st Leauvasrlb, Eaus. "SOI" Temple, a manober orf <ha W EilawVortb gang of outlaws, vbieis ar- liupi t'ara age operateti exte"avely ln 111ttern Kanoss ad Oklahoma. bals bout ararested at Leso'enworth, X»e.. ta- gae"' vitsWilliam Jones, aliaosWliîm Uanéaloy. Tiey trere taken b>- tva dé- Itiyaa aaer FttLeavena-orts la visaI Il isuiov as lthe"Kloudliket' saoon dia- tlict ontoide tic ormy vaservation. Tbey isîd, Atlainsîlegetl. pliuned a raid on tisa aaiooaisand lîIti tut tise telcgx'sph anld tolephona vin-o lu Leavena-orts ta malls t'epe *saler. 'Temtple surrandercd only via a revolver ois îiiaced at iii hreait Jones aaipped bis revolver Iviee et lb. oMCin;.,h~o batl xoered ubia.bat tI ad tat are. and îlte ottcer ohot iinluthe. Dock. Tise vottnitn asmrlons, but not ta- lai. lTemple t-ili it. taien ta Pond irceis. Olah.oma, A hire he !a -antcd on materaI chargeisand for breokig litil ta-Ace. Jase*. or Hual>.iv about 22 years of mgo, sud mai-s hi.lhomue la st 13t. Josephs. Ma. Tenpleu iientit vrai net kaova ast et nlIl exailittd hy ta-a detectttms heongis: foutu KansasCity. fin a-eut underthb.ame nt murphy. BREAD COMBIN E la VOUE». Corpeoration Orgainix-d toCentrol DusA. usm as Mno0f th. Large Cition. Wisat pronmis-ta lu icaibréad trust of inge proporîtiîv shtd taitseginniugla tise incorporatîtionin 'rruton. N. J., of tisa National tir-ad I'otipany.l'ia capi- tai stock of titth orortion, thed at $3,- 1100.000, filo tils. ho, teew tahy 'piid lu. Tise inittcditle îtutlitioiuoftIhe cou- cra, .IAtreports frîlîtx o .00v..- otmlttly aîîtheutic are îtt-'lttt e. tîontrol tie bread utput ,of o'iY.,rk i ty>. Jersey City and Nemmîtri. Ett'uttaiiI tic corpo- ration expet-t. lthrttîgla t'gtnitg la Cthicago and St. u.ttîttt. la st'îiirc a simi- liv control 00.-r lthe ireotllIjitstry lInail of tise miore impilortaint ilies of the Unit-1 cd States. Ift tiInl troc, the î'onîpauy 1 lu atiming e t iîin lu ilhe simlllr ta that aoflt'e other grec tcorptorations regalating alber prtaitcti. Ila-ral orf tha larger itai'ri-s of New- York aiready ' bsve been abat..-lad ouno aivison otf stock1 bons by the newui',o it In salîl t tuat lutise resutiig igit nf Ihe trust ' for -onftrol tise tlir lairieo ailbu forc- 1t ed ilo dtaeuna- t-oni'cro or suifer from r the anaaimethîttisof oitttO. BEL» FOR KILLINGIIFA&TUER. Nlaeeo-Yor-lt tBoy lu Pe.usyivu- t uta Art-este] lr Patricide. Floyd PoLisat. 11) years nid, waas ar- reuted ut Crautaut lie, l'a., for lhe 1Uior- dam of bis fallier. Lutilton i'ekissm.ou Ja. 13 last. Th'e eider Peekisam hSe. camte homo draiti.and drîven bils amili out. Elle damd bodyswma routd naît dur vitis fanr ballet htlcs la ir. Floy.! cuaii proved lAit uf er goinugta a uelgbbors h ad sd uo ne ibock lhome. ltlan nov said tisaIa dateelive bas discoiareti ouI- deace tisaI lourder a-as commîtteti hofora Floyd eft Nephev of TctI, a suicide. Fl'tluaing close uptil the deati uf Younguug tt bTaris ai Naigaaki un bis a-edding jttlroey, contes te auucitia lu Son of p-othfuilotydî Bneck- uritige. uisea- wof littgit T-via, anti grundanou.f the tamous ttut'tinidge uf Kentucky- Tic uoung uttn,alto won a onniv=23 -trsobui,. a-, aMli--ted vîi spa.1 d it-s. s. san et-anti> tacatac îl Cilzar-makem on a kIt-lb.. A gi-nural elgarmikerq'triattieUas offi- etinly'tlt' ared ai Tsn<pa, Fia.TIti., ta a ttrike of al La Itesi8tent-iti atoteu. aitout r5,1>30 lu umber, ieratu'tse h lI- ttrtuatlunaltUnion men a-trei. t work Ini tiseir tat-tovicu. The meut iintt luaie tht' tacttries at outre. but scrfu'd ti close oip tise tii> 's i n ad tht-n ot tlit out. Lises LsttIla. Fir. In ItLousille, Ky'.StMax Bu'!0l, ueia cigarnotken. auj Policetman .iuîuues l'un' dien acre hitrn.ed t10 leutis mrtilct îying neecue ioitun ad ciilinen frtont Idtames. Tise Ire deaîrn cd te prtîîerîy or the Aadget>' Geaisato Piotograliiiîi' tiippti> Copauny. Content t5emroiit Fît-e. Pine destroyedt t-auy-nine Itotise.t anti one couvent t La Prairie, nu-tr Mon- treul. Tise blase broke otît ini a trame cottage anti quit-Ait>- pmcad ti otura. Tise mont important strnctore buittt'd mtise couvent of tisa Caugregaliotu tf Notre Dama. Tisa lams in about SitItIl. Uauluc Ras Ataut-j. Michael Kelly. àalninle, broudung aver fancled awanug,, murdered John IL. Gar- raIl, a tomber marcisant of Linevuaoahh. KItu., fataîl>- vadut n phyiulian. ahol thrca policemenan udà a btrer and vas iimmelf kîlleti b>'tise filcers. Comubine oS Chair Comniet. Obarico R. FintlalIl orgsanliug a chair trustth de capital aofvisicAi lu mid ta bu $10,000.00)0. The combinanian oulîl lu- cînde abant forty chair tatupautica. or pmactcalli al tha big coucerts lunlise United States. wrock ou lb. Bsockisi.anul. Tvu passengor trinsounlise Rock telmat italîiti cilideti on a siding ut Titile, lava, at 1 O'clockthe tis der Oum. log. A sleeping car a-aslurueti avec on its aide anti ooteri'mpasengars injured. btut noueorai thrai ourioumii. Nev lgird I t lm 1Cha, New- board te rule ChiA. eonslstiug ut Ovte men. vîtisPrince ChIas »t theAiati, issu been named and Peiia rgutds thea action se reuden th ise ltin oimoi hapeful. Poabmri Net Gultîr. At I'ittsfli&Vaa, lai lie Fosburg trial Jutige Stavens inst-rmitej lise jury ta lrng ln a verdict af nat ciltY, andt tliwva donc, eatihîg the trial. Tisa juvytnu ietit nlave tudr ouaIs. TîmbI Laids teo. luvd,'r. George Young. a barber ut Ilion. N. T., a-as sal daît b>' HanrY Brwa-na a e- suit or ,.quarral aer ia dast of1310 wviîc Youg allage vas oved ionlmbyIBrownu. Bols mnubure excellent raplitnýIon». SCbleyJu lqur court Nautai. Secrelari Long hals nemed Adimrai Dcewe>-and Raue Adimrais Kimberleyi and Beuhitu, retirei. nemtha mnembers of the Ochley court cofAat5iif>. Ertkq MU" in Du v. J. FPlumant = vaube»s\ed dhlisteol = _liebaref limteuale9cs*u! ~The rselt of thée#Imm it stuggW etvgei gap1w a nd IebWr >h regaroed lje a dww. .*INOMING RAINS FALL UN FIV STATES. me.nt »vaught lam Droktti-liiiouaet 11>0taOa WittliBe Sua-o I ta thse Paru- ira eit'thteaaotiive'-iOW Lit. fes' MI Vaghta Tisa great tiraugtit ite torn beltlaC isuoban. Dreuchitg ralana, tailîta ateadily for hanra Sinda>- nut Situdlo>'nigbt, re- daemel the parea' iel ltisaud lu a larts section the grain front the wilherint suas anti vinda of tis ant lPun>' days. 'lh clouasbruIte overritelaîontsa-asteru States carl> dluday îîtuurulug asdtihet reliaicame ilomu- lintuireuls lu pasund la drlstlAut etollttits twoiaeca lu abers. Waatiser offlciais îand trui, xliem'ts vere agroati Moitutît> abit lthedry asplli in gono, (Jauited rail, tots jrî'dIcted for Mon- day and pt'ttlabiy 'muea'sluy lismugisout the entire c-ut uIt exuelui, lu ils extrema vanten ltion uu tul Stthera Indiana andi Sauthern Oio. Tisa coinnurl. tot luoîta it'aed, ast Iir cther MWetiStatat. oritre tis taLke havaeiteen OnetI tutiIttîlt. îaunioned ifor a Atarvea. t t'aituIttîns anutrîui sbig crap or lait' tut. 'risil tI i ieua wn- tiers for tle,'ot ri-sanvim-lI chckh tise sale o tufa,î-k intirtlly. The tuila aaea 'uuroi lutgliuuuulIova. Missouri, Nituntuatti antI Etununa. liera auj tisera l tus a%--.îuutltI u>tShuIt- deratorutatnîd ul 'sî oî.îlIbi4th e tr ficodcd tise ileluls. Esu ti tdisturb- ed by beau' rlulo utluttaime tuaoab Auto lise saloil ta' lvttlu Iowa a-as tha Imait forturtitieI. ut it l thriotit thse SInte an uqvcriiu' uf,a. it ui uotfnmin vas reporteatundaia tiglat. Th--tt' un, haviug endurad a buvicer liait ui-il thona nother Slutesuad bhtin tuer, bl.. lutin revit1.! au, fur thaï, umlu lp xtxathetia-farmera a-ill isSo-et full'75.-ieut-enlt .(anaver- age caop. Tise nolu, bit> ea 'u taata. Ivas wortn at Iavltýt,4i0 to uthe pro- tiurera ortihe Sitt. Ken...maTaken Hope. lu Kautuututheîtoekai sî met,'muest iteneftet, fuîc ht> eîtut ti-ort t he tomn bae. akm mupu toc~'itaile5" iuoi.1 that rite a-rap ttlot-tu t 9- 11tluit tus ue- tciii> a ott k iîs. 'lTuetoriane-r ftise a-en aioîltf u(eltote tit'nv'abatttisa ÉtalAis land lieulnutuire ; îtto Ieethe. ground and tissut lâ.H p oor 'luys aIn aut ail Iha â ut tuti' t --.ljtttrevive IL Bttlie rush fuir 1 tttir Cont. ilttii, hueS. wa-hast otoher actis lita, ulru'ady lia- gt. Thi ou Il laule iiii.1it uuen lia maw -a, "ani itutun'- a0te".ti]t nutuof lut@ Seau aflîr Ile t-tn it tl Pastîtres stîid 'tage égrtîou list tben a0 a ne%- i-t:ali.ndtîlthis m ill. it i-i ex- Pecttid, cee-ktheiialetî..t ttilt' kinbgs, ltecailsa of t(.ii' 'u-.sîuurt.lut-tut aoitg muPPI>' a!tu-til t>utltis1ti eortttaion.ou lai anonniud tînut tit-Suait' tv.utA une 401101911bilbuîebniut fin tht- tturlii. Tise rain a-aslliîtntiuilo fuvu> tu glît sours, sud lic h eettîru ttît îuu-vrîueu ta-o luchesq , lthei letenthuiftlthei-arn lias butn1-nIttittt ti>îttgtu. ouihae, lama tisa rslnfal tit.jl-. tuI.tttt..'it tht' d.a trlet stiareti iiil t.-gi-t-t td i t -ut'lîtng ni tise $tte. litiI ieittt ur-tî. i>lit' steuleit.onat- alitions lirrt .î1. li 'a ot ' o rtut .1etu gist bave nolinttuiui-miuru.ltî hote aîkto. bc îsved for, f.u.uIi-r. titi ti' lotiecsi of feed oltt , a , lu-g. .ii, îiu Nt,ra.k.1g-tI tru.ît lit. liaf t. ta-o- 1 thirds invte..s. utiol,îîîul ain> -in lut Its hti croîtiIt lralî li' iisnm'cold,a tant à0 eme svlosIeguttqut intabaketi,1 and! the ssiako an,ire t'i. LI'ap.'i in A the Vieint>- ofBeîniî'c ihe giaui woau bardi tint grenu tuîtut ioulerr tant' le efI In t ie Olil. Tie acillu tutI -utrnetansare fillung aiup tlidl>. OuI>- tbe nunîlîenn lit ir'or tiii titi mw s'itbin Sundnlav aioulu lat. 'lie great rOru-gron-lug NaeIiutîîtt(uitt-entraI sttttth- @ruan sud ii.tî utntuîuruuu duslî'I ry, but tis e lutt'-,tutne it, ttilni lu OhionItle rsuilaou ilr-d t-t.lbloils tnd inauurer 1 mviltl- tuttI fur .toci. litIltitaaIs'. u--ti-ut itrugn tsoacr,. >Few-Line Interviews.y Dr. 1). R t>iî.<ttihtmgh tii'i';mtioe, w'aai.-<'totttu-î t..thtistîtîl upofinton, lise goltI front Alika ho.uottu to 0thte East lu griotqutantitiiv iti b um ha-eu closaut tuturItsnkitig ite bulL of it. and qa- wnaine.-tite octî honukasof the cil>' iuncoîittiiltifr 1ev thon $1.04X),- 000. a-lile t'tali s ta,,- ;. ut ii greniecr capial. J. 8 ltu îîu S. Mi tIIlttir of tise Pûrifle Mail Su-utt'ttî .uupau aIt Hongkong lutlýiitîtt"g9 1'litegreatest port lu tise a-aund. 'l'le .'tînuturec oif tise part of New.'Yottk anoottt t t more tisa $200.000.000 1-svtItan lite ioutuere. of the port out liuugkong.rlust isnsaibig business itu-lt, andutu iit t.luadiod Io a bulk i tf hinslu.[iILtt outhle par-t of New Ysorki t btettiten ointtttliug grenl. Tisa Cuire ttonomer.-rth,.tli rtNî ew Yari la as utIle ovier sul.i000 îd thît isa abig ituinos ioari'dotuble it. aujdtu-iat duo 0tthikilt iut he? B. E. Haisitmîon of Sîktlingo I'b. manufacture tof mlte lua hrtiiîg indus- try la ubaîtito stuc- It'panlihaar. Il la really a sinir ttiom uti-thetic obaus eronti arounu to urcithast lrc. .AU11classea anti caidititonus tît tati mseai"te ttvuea clatmor Iun it. and! lia>' ulamor ail tise pensonu of the >eor. I>uuing tise heory tains te di-manuitila lightu-v. but tisera sa na vary appriab-ille lifferpeue. Satntiago hnba-aiIe for minn> crs. lait the aId planta-e futind l is e 'ity ow-us practical- 1>' incapaciltalcu. l.înaie tesu-ation of sotliltias aIl tise Cbnis- iieg of cuir mise biaebaco adI sauppliei titnoad- @en mneisiuery fuir lha manufmcture of lce. auj il Is la tic Cubaunaint indi4pen- samble eoilimoditv. A. J. Lapuban of SsiilaiLe Cit>- Prae- ticel tmiuersaora *,at Iisn 'aeddluntho -Alasaan raglan.. ltAsnthe saute. I sup- pa. vitis&Haimnias countrie, Ibere ore ton ini I an-yens ami tailors antd book- iscapers, via ilvs>'sruahinto a uca- country. Tisasi men. oinet. iinAoout af tan. miaesàtallu"reof s busxinenss îey do flot unjeatttituiandt leutconte borneanti rouaat evcryl-bn autti theîutny besidas. Etan ia Alaskau goid tinuot be piceat up b>- thc butrielfil. aud il la uel fair taeibave au), counltry Azesictil, thtie l- demI ouI Prasident Harrmis of Attthu'rut College- li sociai-duîiesi iiosci ipuîtau ianister ara onaemassa» a-Ai> cilielid men lok vilb diifavor tîpon lise fniitartaî ciii iag. Praeislug lathe ieat dut> aIflmin- laitera. Oua tAing or tisa other muml suI- fer. As thara ls little dangerthAst ment vitheul Christan ballefrvlithobctolet- ad te lita ('brletian vminisîr>-, iltold lbu a vlsay plata lothlie 'ouung tinlalars taie charge of theIn cisurabesas hitU heint ohligad ta rue the gaunîltat et cisureis eouael. The intellecteal -andi the aprituel ae anaandtheia ema. at sut lm* te10b. epara"ati die tha Llsht aï th" butr z<a zr 'XOa, if i OFlht05'.- ster Ad- us.w U op1 ft âchley hus at ]est 4 ntç CBvai court cf bnqairy to ia- vea0gal lhe cisarges ad ilta biti 8"S b"W dOu i hm by Historie aichay lu thé tMgAvolumeior f is "Huston aIf the UiItaititàeN&97,," a in lcA tàa IanPOOeon'chiey Sato agrbor contra- Vla is dait vils et lenglis. When s ducinio s tbasa reechat by tis body the malter WIIJ net cati thare. A civil action yull ha brongit bî tise admireI ailesthatthelistreaiIedm ages for Iliel. hîtri aildm Tisé OntrovOr*y, a-iliihmîam oldareti aflar diaheat bism.oilovlng tue close o!flteea-ar. began to Debaîgia vian &%retsry Long etft&0a use>'Mimd ont Maclay's boob At lth@ nivfa nemet i Anuapolis. Itear Admiral imzpson hus lucan quoteti mversl UMMiass seita tisai WtZstELD S COTT IELEY. ba knew 31ichy WB" going ta h'eat Schley as ha did la hia book, betore the Publication vs issed, and tisat the pjptQe4 orn a1W~llf4ilyo as, tàey app4sidto h"fibenu taitÈg from tse officiai reporta or tsubattle. Tb@e action vhlcb Behley ha, ut last token hall beeu exPseted Iby bis friend, for nom@ time. Prom the treatbuent Rar Admirai Sctdey reeeived at the bands, of thie hia- torlagt. the friend aysI.lAtla obvious ati the author trlad ta defume the officvr. À tokguam ias sent Lu Admirai McMey by hl% frende, statint that At wax a duty ha ovrad himaeit ta tisîrove the histo- rima',charge. It wax the llchley tiew- papers began the agitation ster lis- Cla'£reference (o tMcAey ne' a con ard and ta what Maciey termed *hi% caitiff ilight", from thsae Peay. IchL.y's failurs tu tais. prompt action againot Nlailay or the. AppletonN. who pubisbed the work., bas ensed murmurings evvu amonif hi, defeadera. Naval oMlera who bave hera- toforp refuaed ta bu drawn lato any dis- Caution as ta thein erlîs of the McbIey controverny bave locen ahomiir saineue c- las over tise silence of 14t-hley nder tise lsteat attack on bis întegrity and Itrofe, alonal standling. wvile thîse othlt-ru nho have flot beero sa retiterne have' not falad ta express tbiscive fr",Iy on tihe oub- jecI. For three yearx pas chargea antiCoua. ter-charge. crimîtoatiofo and rcrittîa- tiona. have been horiad bathk and forth, and ile tihe Ameriena people have sym- patilzed with Admirai Schley and have belleved tist a grat wrong was ut- teînptad agalnathlm, they wouid giadil ses the question set At Cent. Tho battis of Satntiago la of course the main sah. jeet of coutroverny. and whie tai'haiensi AdmiraIl ampsoln wasxlantrommand se tisa court of ciainut ban derideo ln renpe.'t ta his prise money interest. he waoxflot ln actual eommsad whuie the baltie n'as raging. Admirai Sihiey vas in com- mand, ntad was remoîtuible for the m.ové- ment$ of the fled. UNION 0F FARM HANDS. Indiansa Tillas, of 1Suc- Canfut la ibair Orsulation. -Farm Lahorérs' Union. No. 11247. Itraneh of the AAmerivan Fedieralion of Lâo'r.- he ,only orgauati,u of itâ kmi in Inîdiana. aithough oaly ao oait nii. os olread) rettirnlfin- ni-fitx snd iteono 'ug si) poltular aonnafartn a Iorer thtit the itilert say it a ilI oon ajîrcaîl or Knox anujoîlig cotintîto. Origin:Il>- form'd omoîîg lhe tarin lîsoîlof W. Il. BretooMt Knox (totînty, the union lans.W lng mun on a asis to suture ta o tmhetr- #hlp laltorers from n -yfea, and îweuîy- acren fttrnît,,arc oiresdy reî-'ue amorti the lit of uîetbeg~.. 'brhrwives aud datiiclit,cra etinhiy are appreciating aud eut-otraging thse uuion, nti take pride lna îunînt'ing that tite> now have shotîrer hotirs of work auj more time for ret-reation. rt-t and stuivy o deaideratun, fmot obttîluabieiteretofore ovîti 10 and Il o'4loch stîîpers and 3 and 4 t,'clock lîreaifasts. The leader and perbapa the moot euthumttlstlc voman among them isn?.ir. Thuos M~urray. m-ife uof ne of Brevoort's tenltt. 'ne union hoidm eothnalastk nmeetings twlee a treeinluthse opea. in the disatrict e-ol ltoooe or the ebtîrh on the Bre- %oort tarna. or linubi-ir hall in Vincennes -jtut a" autt their a-anveiii, utc. Better wages andi oborter bomr, fair andti ni- form tr<-atmnt and improve i modes of living, aecured through the arlîitratlon tnethod, tîouelly rereite tbornngb dlatux- slon ut thege meetings. followed iiy a sbort hour of soA-al enjoymotit. CtIiS JENSEN, DENVER'S FIEND. Vor ta-o yearz Denver, Colo., iss lie» terrorned hy a myKteriono juan a-hc mode mnurder hlm troue. Secîngirlith klled for thse love of kllliag. On 'mie insutalaideoftitlllas ouf t$»80,tJtja bhsonces as a, gled vould ho thse r suIt of the redluction of the var txe. ithe recuipts -otohe fOriimiontil of il,. llscal'yeat viieha amillion dolliirsID.,. iligin theacorreapondiaatafftb lest year. The OntsItwg*$XAWe d*JMoha* AU, ia1n crease ai ÇqT éUI*aovues lIneepî for the oepoduig partodoet 1lt. A1 otiier wordà,.the. receipta for tise nioliitlao Jal% illa- lAb eilri, tour umillion itir ln ext-ena of tisa, atima..Edge I.yl issx howni lie inciase. Fortatte thse rgeteipta n jîai,25 a yesrargîi ' CCC 091.,481.118; for tise 2lth otUlic îuithl Ibis y-etr Chef tere W,12.Tii..o Ceicmalrt'teniie recelistu or the iuttuh, as* abutan iy the gkîataei»nt eomplied Jti>2t woere $2ill7t,723.7 1. flp reeeiPts fir tli- munie ]tritd mileur vare 922.3iee, 7!*09. Seerettry Gage ha* lokl»t Cientse gireýandumieen pasel'Y hi> I l'~Veil alowlng feor a certain tailitut fti,. whlch is regarded sainlevitabie, Atlitutti, to lok as If there Ment lkea ovael.. t, t.rt.aged sale nf the articles whAe*h art hIl- rteuiseproducers. Seeretary 'age - %t. tl i.. 'arA>- II, sud tisera iaay b.hea.11. ttiiit-orary. condItion net apparient -ut'L f5 aceleh Anresponsîble for tht. ttiîiil, tAin,r revenue. lie la-ual vllling t., " Mî itît hi, entiomate Of 4OtsMlîaot r daCtiou la 4 00009 >ot oftiseaa lit vil mot iiî t outhe tioaie tfsà t-a, t Oie 'Isys sItov6-ig ai sny rate. TI)t. toma r-et,~~ for the tirsit twettIrit,- dis of tsi. Alenal >are ie rent i It- lasI year b> fit-ad7 a millon dotlaër- IIl M«,tia Cacelîtis a-re 817.MlI.1111601i r. the anmenaparhia îlt yest r,(Xr.àO.4l 11I Thae la salwy. a 1. tieict i bs tîit t?, tise rear. I...St Ctt h. total e1itestît tares vere $I5 ti .Tise war e ~-tt Ituiran are the aeg.-ttt---$.l.N Penalotîs utai thl, >Y rgtlj-, h TAie civil andlmlcllu o r ss. aI.' At ln Atrlevetl i tisas.- m-o.te. ,lors k-ing in àa loue mauch alt sth--."a"£ nie-ntn for th..ettiiet of inînir) il tie gochley ta.. thot sativriew 0f settvalan. niAi resait aut the ontcouit or the tutu-,- tigation. Th@ proeept Cht w a-isncd in cortoidered by tise anpriejudiî'c a a bil of iadlefmeatfotoald b>- tie Nay t>eitstment againut AdlmiraIl mcblev. At ln tndtlretood praity generally thot jeâl- Olier Iot rampant In tise Dari. WbIl.Il lt ôrmly boAied that Admnirai Suite> s'il! ha gluen tise bot end ortflim haîrisi. not- wltitandlag lte procantlotîs ihot 14e r.-taryLong willi trov mantut tnuiry. thereilaeau naderetinrentot f opiuîto lhat the ajoirai reallacu [ito. udi!In ies' of bis xpeeity rtireraient train the navY par pitot.s tao tttn ni) Io picegoala-oail the firu nd atîi.tîsof the tnaval nuanaa'ttn1.-nt s liones t ttaeantd tsr, ai[htoutlett o t-I sut attvttai If there ilt> iiCrtaitiut th,. torlatortfJe tîttoandtitiiiroiter >tt-, litg fuir tttial prefterutnt that ihavt>- .. Itetitiit4 aotor ite arapoontansa ite. leos uttgravatetl inl t- Il'u~i-, a-liA ho, presa-teul t>Atdmirai St-hi.> .-I bise coutîteaci atthie 'otrt ttf lmiîiitry ini-1tt à il injauter as.trilisrr.Iveyit- iint- t fltlCiahat. h-ret'îture tat-tuitan, te goosit 17p te date soaating lite 8,tttd bave bhouialtan frot NaPiu tr. toud l eat Waa± taeove cropt.-IN, vlth dravala have heen nufti ua Te Ne t t>rlaana.$2.=l5IMMl ta tisicago. 01.390t (XIOta îoClut-tunaîl. elg().0it u lMt. leoi xZZ1.000. The nioney boscn t tt.,. in turreoit->ofrnail detaomintiurt- o.>t nttcttend unilr. The mnnev tint % Cin.îîufar ta ab itut$70(tOtj mttrei-ltttm ,t ailt tnut tihecoie paritol. î litsho ll..ttttt the itut'raaoe In the wlîltlr.t t. Chli l't-avtt y oiii lsha v.- aue. fe- r ttutten oun tise New ' l'ot te iaràttu. tut-h as oerurrtt la>[i lttr takt'a tiltttt Ntetw-Y'trk aint t I.,1 ot-.N.tthtîg c4ttfitis atIno sttît toI nîtts ti. -v.r. the tttuîtttlut, tn amptle oittîtl>' tuf han-, n tt tuutth-- diaand.. I t to.stttiott hti ut' .t,. t S.titja.. S.luitctourt ttf intttr 1,î- Itlaut This 'r0 olii.t tiu what Nov îtartttt 'ttuh ' fltw it i gltt. itbut i'týkît.g ,tlt a.-. tIti . it.ta st Cv> f if th tt \Itititui ti It ittxpr.morde l-,nsin th, iii Ite rît til ru't l t th ttrttli ut- gfai nI'là,he ii.of a ir. rw1,ti l i -itiChatgflt mret> ,ta l. wilita - te olt r e( t) hoo gllyi. dat&ttîaig the Saiux n oul. 1 uI-y .t iicp ueraolint b o le t ai tu. mu iýt:tiLio ng ltic tnrd i lutîtti r tueclo. la ,~alhnit ur floty I nîixlange pro te iftitvit. ltetar d tu ete itle anoUtofArîitlSumsa asn îtulse titoibl bi ai etheut if tnur ne tar so deItn d t i tehin nal itîll orderiabehotît o tffîc i ettiog latters pertuliing lua the Iîîaratm- Ciel of the ttovy trithoit Iratuollîinbg Aermissonfrtttnthe tiepiitrîlt wiltlî ltV twif) ohomirlg l,"f tof nb)olbahing lte uani., Ctsen S'j_etgry 11oot bai ealicî on Cte OlLerof tiflAe ar yponsafor reptorts titl thim tiibjert. Tisese eptîrm rt, un. bcg utttit- h> t.ffit' detailetî hr tic, ,,nnnIün,.ttîO Ilttts- and motl lie sent ta thse N'or l)eîttrtnttut by Sepît. 1. e atlit lt.rutt.t t i dige"tttu iibettre 'ttitîl.OIicis ttoioniteutatitnstrlit t outtrt.. ltr no tîntîltt the arnîy iI(tl t't-teltl )y unàtlîîîtîHs na lafvor tif n t 'lh tie Cotin. tjecanoii-e rttiti' ttlîcea wmî nl>illahtd prîtr.itiiii.*ly t Il,.. Itrait otIît-ero retintret iil»luit aiti ,,, -, *u- ~ gOunocu-uunt0ofItiteritt11t1 lr;tî.ui ds.s everedi in Moantana anti pi1110.î(., lite aiss attuendatl ailpo t 1. ituit.dur- _________________________ inti te i' aett pandinlIer th imtbeiua day a chilti vas mnedtiid, auj]Jenoca lhe ftuiAinvestigation ant inutuiry n tras faud vsvîug a tioudy balte. île %stîltie îtu 1. Thisasction uîîpl,sta ait mttieitited liseimutiler, anti laddiaheoDicera stations toisa-va nverumcu1 tifubte mfuid te tbe"meee oa muthar tmagedyis i, . b î'iim'iatoc d jnvuiveals h0a.îtids or ti in ra. Ainaula, Bulli;. Jnsncase.. lIsaB' Or the largecOluPanîco and! ineb ai n juil uat Oolarado spriuma, a-boe saitor». Wha. t luaalegest. Itto iseti lSe 1 ma hlm Icons a aob "diniei as 8 a aeoits, naeis. h" C ila vi ta-aesta lja-cb hlm. Itisea.ilads froan the goverlietnt la "Mlchgais, lsoîmau »éi (COPI ma Taimage lt apptn i 1 IL t tlialr pat vate a ffoi vertîiing dent. prt Une ha MutStty c poopi. lh mouths disarmg ta tIlI yd hodybhit out and 700 .and 1 told th storymai cisalse about * tabou et adiept 0n ee. lit ruce lut c.a. lut la uc i Privatifi and hit maile de day aftt aband and eva Piore belvagt craýtivea By thi mm h,,h &part. gi'Oai c dock«. by tie or quat saud al break t Zadr smy Pl ailie. viii m0& mot or :a the y ou brusscb cold a amable blogeoi quen t( tics. it er togt plafi disette t their t utos of bot af pls ers. 700 imttlaî pli.i secret viieth witis ýlth nattr * plat 1 the il ais tht tiseit muy t Pr V. of th dqfen tin the ( publi The the t oxpo viii tarpi tbey theit cett then of ( tiou end, neciv ever Thso ti E fi tI ila p fi li c tg n k

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