CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Aug 1901, p. 5

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,We Stand The Top. Much l is &W d&0 honest If isb yte hee p good and Wholsith#eC TOd., Inlfti@eUfd gubsttutes put laupeU1*evidence cvery, wbewe- I ffl a .turaf food productý wbJch Bouse cdain> hey ca impt@V by'lati'dscing forcign sub SIUImceU . A@tter words, adultervi tilimeh . WILL NO T stncithe tw of sight. taste or smeIL If i. oeiy thteOlc~ieflhiîs mercbâandim-t wb. retda aaclientelle tb whom 1*' il lw" sa pleasuire to dater. Our every effort and e*eyisw to> give customers, flot ony the pusWe thiotot caf, but to give thse eU advantagc in the way o loi r iceS t Our extensive busiomnes mhe TRIOGS & TAYLOR, Lihertyville -Illinois. OUT Havlng closed the season's bicycle sales, will nuw cail your attention to the sale of Pianos, Organs, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. Have one good second hand Mason & Hamlin Organ--six octaves--which 1 wili seil for Lookout For My Next "Ad!" C. R. SHIERMAN, LIBERTY VILLE - - ILLINOIS.1 ~-AGENT FOR-~ Whecier & Wilson Sewing Machines. ,Ali Kinds of Needies Constantly on Hand. SUMMER OOODS AWST Go REGARDLESS OF COST. 4: ctt-; ani.................. 2 25 25(. ))\s ,ottoh palitr.-z......... î 8o A lot rof îîiu'. traw fiat-. virî' .10c. alil ' C>c at . . 19 A. lot of V'tii-no La iei ii lrwear froi u t. -i.. 30 Mens, s.Iirt,v 5uti>........... O 0 - I~liî î>r'iîl er iai.......... 35 I Juî,t î reo ] d a rriGI> ofithe fanionuîs .\tla. Flower. It lient1 all otilers. The Florence is the best. Examine and get prices before buying. Smith & Davis, DEALERS IN 6éueral IflercbauGist.- LibertyviIle - - - Illino'is. itm tir% >* MD>UP HERE AND iiiEfl. S of lnterest toLlbertyvllleROaders.~ C. M. & ST. P. TIME.TABLE. la Effect Mouday, JUIY 7, 190 1, &t 12:015s. -M. l'O CIC(AGO. Depart From New Depot.A Louve Llr..r*tyrili.-. Arrlvp Ol.rti > ct 30. IP ....V21,,.inl. ........ ~i ...3 . . t. 5 i, lii............. 1 f> i$ >.. ....1215 . In. - lit ru>. . ...........75 i. I> No> n . ta , ,............. . . N.. 4 143. N, 9.... FROM CiICAG>i waNg DPAYS. Airrive ut NOW Del- ..7.46>a. m ..... 2:1Io p. m ..... 4:05 p. m .... 4 5:1» p. mn. .. suie.oe 6:0 . .. MATURDlAYBOIi 11Y Yb 5>. f.. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHIC2AG>' 5521 0>61. SElDAIS. DePart From Old Depot. Arrive ai Oid DO>S-' La-L,rtysilie Armis chiarv. Lave Ollcaoe Arrive> No. :- .... rifSm., ........ 736», ni. No. r.C..515. ým ... 14>.... 735 ....... N:45 anm. * 141 ... 520 P. MI..... .iî....1:0 P. M. ............ 1:40P. m u45s... (140 . M.... oUNDAys sUNiATS. No. 9 .....c:%a. m. ....... .....7:5a. m . 1.....i9::Ar. m .... It Is but a fev week'snuntil -"fuir urne." L. B. lautîy, W. E. Davis und Dr. E. H. Omtii loti Thursdasy for Buffalo.N lira. John Austin, Jr.. la viaitiigf with Mie. Chas. Austin, at Barington. Attend the Ime creuin social on Mra. Kitubalhîs aissto-nigist. Prof. C. E. Quinian, of Evanston, le eijoying a week's -"oting' lu Liberty- Mr. and Mrs. Adolpb Balfauy ure expectod borna trom Noth Dakota Saturday. P. J. Dockelman pintod the Interlort ot ise barbe r sbUpib iis week. Ih look@ bolIer. Fred Croker moved into tise bome recently purebasod by him on Mlsan- kee Ave. 'ruesday. Au addition to Smit's ivery barn, Isi, and àa smsller eue ot C'i 8bave j ns..boei» complaed. W-v. John Davisi, vite and dangbter, ot Saniîdwich,fIll., sure tbe gleats ot W. E Davis Wednosday. W,-l ia>vrionfly uoglected last week toi obronicle tiie birtb ot a bai>y girl tu Mr. anud Mr@. Ed. liaunn. Arthur lfulkley, vite and baby boy. ot liauton. Micb * are spaading a m 3nib vitbtMr. Blnkicys parents lu ibig village.1 l'ise Epwertis Leugne wiil give an Ice creau n d cake social on F. C. smilbsk lawiu Tuesday eveing. Aug. I;tt. 43-lt tirs. W. à. Bey suni dangiter te- tnruei iù, lreston, IMina., Tuenday atter s ivo montlisa vieil vils ber aister, lits. Wm. Stevenson. tirs. toveil bas uN ber guostu ber asolie n sd ister, Mrl. Messer and dangbter Angie. ot Onarga, 111. Tisey expert 1c, reimain during 4be sommer. AWs G. Il. Scbuuck and dangbier Mue sud lMiss IllanceeElibaif left Tusday tfrr a trip auod the greai; iakerC evî-etIint be gone ibree weeka. liso raili otf Satîrday sud Sunilay terwiî>uteii thedroîîgist viiclspro- vailed for alit tva mouill ansd nade possible a in u e rn crop and> insuna good talI fîred, lirs. l)ani-iCarpenter, nt Harvard, sud bon édicterNlira. Frank Terxey, of Ilaftie Crel, Midi , aise bier niaco, lirs. iteila ifnhiiug, fromn ban Fran- cimo,,Ca l., hve b54eivisitinR ber soit Ir."Il.. i 4 C 1. ini. 4 5 r, , rl 46 Il. Miss Annie CôtUO, Ot Ili,] wiiîkeîà, us tue guest Of lia. itobt. F- t. Abert eip, o' Lake visqitlug bis sont, Mr.'Jolî', fanilly. roi , l >5 1 , ire, and Itegular meeting Ohf .ieil Cewtery AssociatiOn Sitir4c. Jf u McCormick thia <Pridair> 6U1r r,r,, n. lira. Lewis Lyon sund t- -nîs efti reconly for un atended rrtwitt ber parents, 1Mr. and lr, G suer Trant, lu Wisconsin. (Jeville Haven, Of Kcsgr a sr Ibis seek preparing bis isaY rem. for sbipmentt10th" a aI. H..'. ;v4they have agood halcrop tberî t ., year. i8umple ballots for thée 01. tiIoi be liald neil Tnesday, ft.(r i îty Treaurer, have been î.'t-I.i.lre republican nomme. laGe>. Nr '>lrley; dsmocnatlc, Ueo. F. Lyn>'l i ,.> lpro- hibition, Edwurd P. Voemar, Chster A. BowIes, et 51 ipounnia,' viii eonducl Dr.E. H. Sirrîifý, oriîe during tbe latter'. aboeir...,f twô eeoksat the Pan Ameri . Lposi- lion. lMr. SosIe. h s stR Ilent lu deitry und .prononneel v ,ry pro- A Young~ Lady's Life Saved. Dr. Clisu . Il.t tr. a v.irloî liyriian. n.t->'L. "nCIMarch1 Ibailna >- itl,ljt a young lad), vîxt,n y-r. of .g,. who had a v.ry bsd ,tack 0h1r>yanLery. ENv.rytii 1 >recritsd fur lwr ,,rosrIlu, llsctuslalM .he va. irovîie vwý,.no'rry fioir. fier U are,> ta Sem siin. vt, oulirr 1W 5fr>hud 0qOL l e nak that Cii, coutl not turn ov"r la bed. Whst 10 .Io ut this orlhf.nal ronit 555i6it0ily trr m,'ut>271 thrtiîght ot t36ani6rall>ls ,,l. .iolrra and Diarrho-a livieîiy sud ae a ls,.t $,.rt >r"eoril,,n I L. Thi,,musr wondeirfil ru.rait wasslTt-d Wi>b.ln eighifinir-, si- nus tluimuiS Gî,.ter; In8ide cft trseday s iii>. 565Ilon lier fout au.>ut the ndl o> on w Lw ae n,.'.- threly wl'" Fur ma>. lVy F. B.Loy rue. Uàbortyvilîs; OuAYBLKE 'uIAaMACY; JOHN MxEnue. Ivanisea. ucloni.COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Lorenzo Prter died t tht Urrrny LîaasrvVILxa., JulY 3, 1901. Furm Monday, aged 42 i ýarn4 De- Vlîlage hourd met lu speclal sessio. ceased sas menlUiy deracgiil sud Prsct, , Corleti, Grabise, R iser, blud, a double a»Miction. iiiLelbody t'roctor aud herman. Abent,'Just.* sas takon to Antiodis Welv-,Iudy for Motion by Orabbe and Proctor tisa interment, by Sutp. A ;.r trou nunai appropriation ho ruade $1600W. sisicisbsn ilhe nnfnrtunauriloin Lad AtendmonI by Kaiser aud, Jorletf boas sent te thse Poor Fart . tisai appropriation lie $150>. Ae- be cresan ocil on Nil, is rnl)al's Corloil uand Kaiser. Nays-UOrsbhoe, lusu (titis) Friday niglîr N orn'il be p1roctor snd biertned, Amnudmntn thora' î>at. 0. IB. lrigta. rel)rl-, ..iiog tbé D \ ote ou original uotin aiood: H. Baldwin Company, r.; I hicago, viii Ayes Orîîlule, lroclor anduiet iti>u. bo i.n Libertyvilie sverv Weiuesduy i Naya-Corieti snd Kaiser. and Tharely sis bi ,j liartnlrs ai C. .ý Ni. yd Lvblierman sud <rah)rlo iai R. Shrmans store lif velu> pianios ii>iinailiu'No 13M Ni pusse>l. Ail voisd aud organa, IU tact ha, been seliing '"' >iyCnnriair asrt instrumients ln Lake t(r iity for tteon as.I>ir.iîrn(ireil. years. Mr. Brignai r a uephiew of W.C. S\O>,Cleri. Dr. Sao GallovaY. 1 lie ildwlu Company vil> bave aiii ilabotcO Le rdinance No. 13S. libitat tisa iomiug Lîr .Ar ,>i.i. rk>.I,, iiiriirr>ith, ,;r- lit. Nîciarson, agrýi r rît t e ist, lauI > rl.îl ,> r. r1', 1-tîrii iIiiir pa-isnger depol . . nlt» rionise L'l>»triî' , Ila. r l 1 i.1i. Il. r- lver Dnefenberrya ,;ivhop fî>a :.,,aIth,,, ii.[ir l.. o. i lis>1A Y fir t>,.o ilr-ri l I > ielr roC- dsy, ibay bel ug thn l.v avalable rrnite -11 ti,,1»>1l"î. or . i ii ii l g n- roslu Insu. Lail .,lî1îboussiii lu- . tiiv. dood à narlous problei.l itnov and orîs,>tel ii.r4. usany familles 0f mineiir.iýiloyed lu tbe jMikîng a ttal î iî.,,l r ii r. i nos factories are n lr r rgbt here on; i afois». -tin vrl tisai accouaI. olîr iii iîants tbelng ~ .,>i. deprlved Iiiereby rit,> N rv51iitatiiil rîrr.ri anîl îviî ttr. sd tirs. . L. Car it -.I l-l.A- 01cta. ir o e uaddition in Ibeir di15i ru rge. viîsti.i. peî>1er. Every lot tuGil.r is' anfîil.1 Mia> Aime iHardiiur în srionsiy ir-k vision on wsat ailu <r>i r.vlCourt Asisîinuid ihe Edîtor. at ieSr il-imn l iis village wiih la ensl n r-. i vl o Ilir.> r .'--r.îrr>.u >ritoîrr., typisoirl foer. ner coudiilon tise tirai bulil on mui ora emeuhb, r 1,1,114tal or ,,i-il, i, j .4>4fi î 44Tt-. of îLe week vi» precurions, but nî pii.PuIM'uu ar tise rir. iv.ý ,iu.>roiir i inn>f» i-rir, iai sligist îiiilrr>vemciila noticable o ltsoridy Rie. yn e lrcIa iI' r (3014Y 5 fiste udjei , r.-Alteet. J. S. E >> lODii, -. 1, Ih- ut 0nue., A iraiîl, .ouîrse trou> Chicargo hla u ii til-n ,ilboisocý otloI atenlaic.Grily wlU buldonutii te-i adjoile. w,1-rn it il , M" t. I.Lii éil-i.»>tr. aI ~~~~iug tMr. Colbyànd.Charli; luyrs Laâtisu .,>r,,.o IF.. lrrjlg ,roîi.lvlux MatrîrialF rembis>ii>îreîalreî tise lire nez& or floria 70 teninl. rispisît vlk > î.Iind iii> lr troub>li.uIl-. englue tibis weeksund gut the îmacbine viii be baltloug wvrsh ilecort ireei 1j1 ' ,Li, :. i ,1>20 lrWý iR. &Y4LAKE l'>IIîii> in goil morkng order. If iliere are und proper drainagpe j ini led hma- " tobfe uuY tires itlslle ouace 1110 diatiy. \Notice Tii contrrîehors. repriatlrofnt re lirs.giue If ibey -T0 LET-Hor. ;in, u,li rW'.>. -s, lîit m8 is viiiucremelved aiut Iilu cur îr>50, shile it la lu worklug àHîs,.a. LIfwnîtYvisu n. 41 r--l. rcik lr vlailurr.iilr, 'vg. lin h at ordî>r, u vihh lanot a guod ahane of A vonng Mal i"'.1t >6e",'wheîî 2P. nit , for iuak>og 1111 aisalitbridlge tise ime. Paing a certain hoii>. ýritb oftise I irv.rssitllg if u lî>rrnilve sand 61 Mraq. J. U (arpetiter, viso for the business canton fi a ite boh o 0>50 *ulne reardsvio ,ruirin bdr ur pa4tifntheurs baas been cenuected niglis lâlasi ek, ,.b,i r-i a ly ,dus- inuke ii>. fIis l sîipecîtlcitions '.0 vih thar cioak departie>u of tise Fir, robiiug PrePamrtOrY t"i .liring. The rlie seen uit da,la. utiitng.( Chicago, bas reslgned but position sud ld u.usin otýrelemigly il>g- 'J2 1) un edtodrus lise vii. i siade, and 1i I<' WMEe> yull romuinlInuLibertyville sis ler lect. C.AlW.y oM c lllbni î. mrs. Carpenier vnitea for ber bnmittatio Lha.>it ,,kuvrwisuft îe tbe Chcarlo Ainriaîî. prena 0 f lihe 0ui.irri(!k"' utîide 'ih t.Iriralaicminyvi can bu imsgined. il irnir, the oh- sel "'ezcSLlo' ratînketS to pîrnta11 in Tise bout(] of dîreclora of the Lake sre servere1 neuîîexl > tCl rudo urIicL nut Alisijt, Coîîîiy l'air Association met lu tbe bonne near by ad th( iîîtdîgaîîîu goed 10 rettrru Outil foct. fiat for îîîîe Towni Hall Saturday. litile of ins- 5e iapodenlyaiîriilu fn-mse are plInsit00.For furtbor Inîformau- portance vas dons! exrepting the l qe tion kevnei r iirîs. ibey tinilirîrîre i tickei riflis. apîsiniment ot Warren M. Heaths as a soeastirprlsed 10 knorîr., yoirg man M>s. Flla Staeîiury,.rf the Ch'licago eurmîitiee ou prîvilege afi the tain. iheY forasanîy rempsictm'î 1rmrruld so dis- Auditoriuîm Coîîetvatiiy in firrîng a Herei,fore tius vork bas been doue grace iin.elf sud vhi i iey meet es of piano Rti>i-iitv iii thiîsv>ilage. hby tiese acreiary. A tes ueeded Te- tiranos ha prohlîs sîrnîlîra sliy Ternis 53», pur leiurn Lu. iMe ronce, <'.r pairs were ordored aitishe gronuds. t iey Ignore 1dm usnîfî-r 1 do.'W baeP. WîIiT. 40i-4 p. Elgisuen oupisoetLibertyville been appealad to ilmst iiiîriy sy ,iATlrw .r r. . ti ,r yonug people vent to Druee Lake be given tise matfer siri tlers (et bis l0i0miil tr>i.>i.-.. i. rii Wednes>liay niglît tor a itinie," sud Ilk, If tisera are thei' e revnued insriai>..rl-. -1,1>i.rr Mo. i>, tbeylisait i.Proviens arrangements tbat sucb dlspicsilie il. ii ili not 1,i NU 1.;1 l1 41-r1 bhui een maide sîtispropriekwofothe ba toleraleti Tisert, i i romnîie attend Malory Honne sud Ih sas Ibrosu vide for nîibber-ueelks nofti ýt kîî.lie open te tise giiesis Daning sud boul Iadies une atier twtorr- iii tior rlidnvrveo enteuîî hie enosil. rigisteossa lîîdigntr irmr s,.iiti)etiiiig t>, * tio ssy notisiug of a Nsiîbatantiîul lunch Le sary of. serveiluniig ttIi vg>'iig. A Cure for Chsduî r, I î,fantuim. Thse PrtIsbvierîaiaîl>dlrns Aid ftoety " Ma.s»-S, ril>îsî..» Cvss, M asi nd-alakabiii aisddla 1% will gfve ait be ilra> social ou tIrat. '1,nkvltrOt ,r . rteî sbu.i-e-,,iiurdinMOS-I tu R lmuial's Issu Friltay euvoîiug, Augisl îerIgiilroasc ui>,- r» r'lii ltu OUR orrt<vE>5OP"8005 j PY= un.So> 10w.auîrh iceeltai. hefp jr'Il gr . 11 r. f iaun .d . ria' ni9SC>45 > the social vili iil lu ntisecisurcil. eicir-iatiirr.' r(i Sadon,îIwi o pts, sul d.iip Are vt ,u trîfr oilicnni Iis year? rlsyn' tieth" lu'a. r1rIri .rfr'.f M s.p,I .-Ht'Cu &*&a"s.tsi5,p yon~unuiui' îs lavDow narusi. ..îr' amuornis. ý a -M ni l.i.S atie~uc~s Nio, vos> durau to»i; Iwrnnln' f9 Il.altîîy alt. iui. 'rii>ilj,nd A dd-, r . 1.LovmnînbLbertYville for a medîy ttrainltfî u.niI lii, niir kuosu> b loiaof Dr. <aldweil'a Syrup Popain u >tofalliuuuysilumýIio.f' ur cleby j ku NO 4 0 . 5. . LovpaLL rYl-, al.YLAKS AI tic L-e thîs indignaion. pRAM.Cvl JORmEiXIEL. IViosîhO. O.pvN , MW i6& A 1sf ? t *.onf'?O Mmay cali a mia sliar. sconnirel. vilain or ihief, and Do one vl] imate écouillainlt wbau court adjourna, sayti an oebauîge. Il a neworpaper priais snob rellectîrîns oni a ma s charaoter iborê lea aiIrisuit or a dead ettor. This le to the ftcthgbt the people helieve wlîat an editor irsym. Whlat a lawyer sr.à. cuis no ligure.. stairday night Il. A.V to>w, l)roptietor ofthîe Lihertyvilî Iirtei was arresteil a$ the instigation ot Maroaa Fresbman for violatilig the saloon ordinauce, tri that lie rli lirînor on Sunday. l'be ioaring i-4 set for Saturday. NMr. 1'outrrw lbar iii timated lis intention oft leadinig guilty sud paying wliatevvr lne Io imposed. Judge Wisner wilii ear the case, whiclîvii, bowever, Iho of ittl à lnterest, rrwing hi Mr.' Pntow'0 îletorrminatlon nit trefute thse eharge. lie deciares that others wbom bc avers aiso violate the uciînance 5b0>id ho treated fikewlse. Mbr@b. Levi Whlitney. P.'ebe Aunu nser vashorntu iPiike, Wyomng County, N. Y., Jue 2, 1834. Wib bhm' parents, Orvilie and Jaue k1lasser se came to tÙ1s county iu the early fifttes iecating ai Haineaviile. In 1859 abje vaa marriei to Whitney and the followiujg year they removed te Bremer Cîîuuty, la. Ater reinaitnfg tiscre for four years tbey1 retlneud In Hainemvilie ushere tbey lived nuit]illey came to Libertyvilie. lu 1891. Four cbildren were borr to ilîew: Mye. L. W. Nîchols, Mir@. J. F. Walisb, miseMuttile, aud Orville, vWso died tu is8i ai the age otf1lm years. A brother, T. CJ. Sîser, of f aiitornis, and sisier, Mir@. L. C. Sievenm, of Lihertyvfile, aise survive ber. tirs. Whitney died JUiy 23fd at Î:20 p. m. anîd srîîii ried in Lakegidè Cemetery the foiiovIng lb ursday, funeraI services beugconducted ut thee bouse. Give Us a Uafl -7 For a telephone ln your place of business or residence... Joîî gi-t Colunty flîlcagu thte fiicreafitt(latd growing service of the Laki Telephsne Compansy and connection wfth the. 'el e phoneîtCompany. For information, rates. etc., WrtO--- CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, Lovell's Drug Store, L.lbertvvllo. Illinois. Lovell aIways has it On hand in ail popular flavors., Best Ice Cream to be had anywhere at any cost... flhinols.> them fois.. A YARDÇ FOR L'iglit Cuylored Law"M, Iark Culî>red Lawns, Ginghains, Yard wide Percales, Figured white goode, Fine Cringhams and Remuants of Siimmer goodLs. Tliese gooils sold lieretofore for 11ký to 124ec a yard; but to close tlien<i qîîickly wtt make this deep eut. THE FAIR, Ui. r181411 shisul. e X»4444444 Unequaled Bargtains IN Summer Dress Goods. VQio Iîa loft 'of La.wns, and] faiîuy ..tiîehl .dirt-waist go<uîl.twlich wo are ulos4ng out at a sacrifice il, oriler to inake rooni for o>tr fa]] .itock. Now i-4 yolir cliatie tc, gi-t a good >Ireqsn or wais.t ulivaij. Meli'., *1 crasli pâlite. Weare ;ilsoir tfeng itoue pirte, imuîîilterateil hargainîs ini short lt'îgths wxivuit-hwe, have puit ()Ilqmur bargaiiî couînter at alf> prv t a il iket x- 1

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