CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Aug 1901, p. 8

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~éssCeeek Lehigli Coal. Worth ten per cent. more than any other bard coal. O' ~ ~ ýo r.~.KIgVaIy LibertyvilleIlios BARREN Wmu. gwuiowtlduiotget 0klbtcàoe a1w cu .are wlh ail du w wâ rntbut ho,,and dsià Sw wSfi $25.00..$50.00 fin 1MW a bum cm w'yu. hW 09i teNu lt r In ~ AUCAI.OkLVM'ad%a, Vt. Fa.aaaRT, Omo, Dec., aS,189. Gruýmmau: 1 bave a choice jersey ccv; benetofore I bave lied trouble ta ge lber iti oel. leaing o y- Kure lor harrenness, I gat a cen rom yen 104i Cava ber t ce u re omwihbrouiglt ber lunail right. I bal ber ta Woft laey Pue before gving ber KevRaXre vihoat sny banfit, After usng î, the firaI tinte aie vas muset ithii al anti came round ail nigitere tia bWi bar <ilant i h iti ral aithi lime. l'ours trul>, JOHN WATT. re,.seJ .aa d ",d lu a.msLu a..b u baaas uess V. Sauer & Sont llinois* ITBROTHERN gens, Buggies Vebicles of klmdo.... IMattrlals ad ami lieUtee fair tretueu WRGlT BROTHIERS ACIGAR Of merit ho readily recogîhi zed by the consumîîer. We 1'ecolf- Hipîlt Booster 5c Cigar, usFvery kîoî'k i-; a h mst.' Onri gale l)y F. B. tvEl . Libertyvi1Ie; Wm. KNatti.:E, Rlockefelleir. 4i3.3.d OAkume Cure Fer Heavesu. A. J. 4doufilgiam vent te Washington :Mw bora, baathe bearea. lte outy 0.. .,iislserandvuIsthare jorItthv aà tuk.-n wltb fux iifeihtryl anti vu ,ggti eu IltitalDr. Lnkap' 'arr ictil off i eldetl feu trI Cauler- en vlIcr, bluif given ace. la Clui ChÀora anti Diarnsaa Ramada' kýd&reeln. For sale b>' C. anti ver e n mue > lml sdwith tihe prop e Ofuie"vlieb il *f.sjted. tâlia ils rea Ibe boryvll. 1.a bot. usnaa tee jin- p aof0 Ie lm OIWO te wojrst lî3r. Oh dd«ralts Ths~ y lafora""M SLoVgi -04.x.aaVaa IUIp Cire Tbinaul gwtb bar grauW.gnothsrin VmUkOgm e Ss Vent. E. 0. paya.é la lokling tôt à eaue. Anycue glvlng informalioz u v ibco avarded. A flamber of familles troa iis place1 held a piaule at Diamouti Lakei Weduesday.9 Baverai of our Iowuapaapla allanded the --spoen-lgbt pîcule ai Wauconda1 Tuosday nlght. tirs.,Hersbbergar andi daughters1 Cors andi Luella, have goes1taLongi Uove te vIit relatives tbare. Nait Banda>' the Wsconsiu Central1 R>., viilrumn ocf la popular 1ev rate excurgtlaus to Chicago. Tickets for the round trip 76c. tir. aud tirs. jas. Warren. former realdenta of Rockefeller, now reeldingJ Iu Michbigan, visl"atIil. 11. Doolitlel sud faml>' s fav deys Ibis vaak. LantSI arda>' John Bouse had a cow killed b>' llghin. W. H. Kaigges vacant store building vas aiso struek. Llgbtiug ipares no nua. It aveu striâtes $1,000 pine trous. Auoug titose vbo attenanit Camp meetiug aI Des Plaines vere: tMr.aud tirs. IL. R. Doolittle, tir. andti trs. Gridleansd famly, J. Hl. ronkhite anti famil', tMr. and Mns. E. (. Pay'ne anti John Badge. IVANIIOE. Miss Bretiaubeck vas siek a few daya lutI veek. Mir. Handarson, of Chicego visitati witb ,Juhn tIdekie evar Sunda>'. Thiere wiii ba a social snoueHUe la the neur future. Particuara vill bu annuuead later. Mesdames Davis and Ratike are vliting vltb fieuda andi relatives lu this vîclInt>'. The topie for Christian Pudeaévor mieeting uaxt Sanda>' vilI ba "-Galaing b>' Lolug.' Miss Fraucas Bryan leader.1 We are eoon te hava talaphone ser-1 vice. Wa nnderratad the lvauhoe of. ice viilieclu tire. leuslngtr's store. Thia willlcortauly bci a great Impruva- meut. Ou aceonut of the lucleausut veathar wblcb prevalled Blinda>' eveanug l vas thongbt advisabla Dot ta bolti ragular services, so those present joluati lu a saig service. Elaborate preparations for the Christan Endeavor raB>' 10te lta at Ivanboa, Aag. lth araeuder vay. A splendid program vîili bo rendereti. Endesvorars, plan ta attend! LutI Baturds>' nlgbt Miss Alle Payne aud 1Bey. Morley veres ligbtiy injnred vbile partlalpatitàg lu one of1 the games wlilcb vas playeti durlng the evenug, andi as a fousequencea tr. Morley' crnet a cultj§iet blov the eyebrow. M lsa PaI.ue vas net erlonsi>' wouuded but recelved a ver>' haý ti blow. lIoth parties are reeaveriug ratpidt>'. -Oue of the parties wboe D aine was mentloued lie$ week luthis coi- uu la '-ore" nocause te sa bappeneti. Nov thbAarticle vitit viic t hia am among other vas connecteti vas la the wrlter s a imth, andi Det Ua le, es IbIs persan saya, add boy la bo ta kuow thai ha la wvrltlnoms- thiug (sapposeti et course b>' hlm t otetbtr alb>halls tegoing te kit Base. bodysesoyaspot? O01cur» a sare .orryi l bséfeelings have boep lnjarad, as tbies tougitvas net for àa:Dmont antertalned lu vrlug th. article. Il vas meral>' vritteu as aî article af neya and liot of mniclousaea. asour friand thinka; bat weva lh ihreugh ihesa ommus et)correct the arroneons sttments that bave beau matinl re- gard te Ibis, as thaey ara taIse. - Luti aturdta>' vsnîng a surprise party vas tendare ta te euasre. Docker, vbleb vas suppoos e ho ha e- tlrel>' of the male' seL. The eveuing vas passing ver>' plumuitly vhan vs vera sgreably surpriseti 10 bear a chorus of voiaaa outaide andi proceati- lng tathie atreat vare mal by thirieen et thie fuir sex. Imagineéouhappy itirprise vben va voaeAt once lu- viteka pthie streot toatirs. Boniger'a tué crea. parlor t0a nje>' the fes- ÇiviUes ,vbiul vers avaling us $hors. Tbliq sumpluono; repaut 'iver, va proceadedte 1 Jobn Orgasrd's lava and joine t u playiug gain«. -Too much esunol lie aaillu appreclation 0f te club sud' otiieraof the bospi- llt>' shown bui our youug ladIes. Iveryona poalîlvel>' daclareti il vas 4lie" banner social avant givan lu this viCiait>' for Romale ima, and nose ndtho'enl«oyad tihaLaalves more tliin aver hofore. andt Iis cartaini>' mlghi ha Irue. Thus again our yonug lldes proveti theniselves royal enter- lainers. DIAMOND LAKE. Remnembor the grand dance te be giron ai Diamonti Lake Park Baiurday aigitt. - ingie by Chioage orchtestre. A ratlilu good ltime le asenrati. At- tend! The Froeont tovnsbip B. a. con. ventiln vblcb vas te bake place ai DiamondilAke naît Banday Aug. 4tb bas been poislpouati until the aller- noon 0i Anuet 189h. Thara vill bc an tee cream anti cake socil btld on Mr. Dean Aynaley's lea ÂnonSS ti for theb halit fliaDia- moud Lake M. B. churcit Adulte 15e, alilîdren 10c. Ladies brin« cake. JIAINEBVILLE. Hoyard Beach, et 4vanhtce calleti on friands liera lesI Enta>'.' A large numbar atandeti the dance atihilumsaars rova Blurda>' evealug. tir. and i tis harles Wightta visiieti relativos lu WÀAikegan rîda>. Y,,A Treot Fromuweewwrlai., AitdflWUteag la bora trou Arianai. Elle faIl>' lae «pecteti to arrive soon. A 1 Cu h e ibcago people v'euo enelatme.b>' tr. Iiedler over Sun- day. 1est Titmsdy Lawrence Stevens vas arroe àati eldt l the grand jury on a cbarge et lareen>'. Ferrlaflbegan thresbiiig ber, tb. ltter Part oflt ia von. A fuir yield -of grain la reporteti. las Fie>'Di;on risiled trienda ln BualbaUde>'. tira. Dr. Young andi cuildtren .Vers alo lRnssell vlia tiuM day.N Mns.Ba.LAlilport. of Jolînslon Pa.,seBaas: Ourn uitle slnlainiost tranglil ul ideh ifîvl croup. The douteoasaeîlt suie oufd'live btah. VU asanitly r,,ileveîiLy (bne Minute y Vou i r F.r cal., linF. B. LovmîL. li4 lvU tir Jack Prost lias beeu ou thae lci lis thie putt vcek. tira. John Itoslng was lu Chicago on business Tuesia>'. Misa Bdylhba Leachi, of Crystlt Laite, vws ha Voie Tburatiay. Mater Le Husan le vimlllîîg friands lu Cbicago Ibis veot., lilas Avis Payne anti olivo Wilson ver, Volocaslera Thurbda>'. tirs. George Ratîngen sud îiaugbîer, Manda, Vont g0 Chicago Tuesia>'. Miasa tanes R.,sing la violîing ber luster. lirs Muke H enlie, of Freniont. Misses Avis Cook ant idta Fard, of Waucontii, vero Volae<aller s atun- day. tirs. A. J. Ranymondi anti iagbter, Mary, ver. Chicago vilora Wednes. day Mn. John liirhardaou Iransauteti business lu Chicago the tiret'or the week.1 Missea AilîealdMary Cramer, of Wankegan are vlitlng iii thîs vi. The Ma Heur>' Ladies Aid Socil>'y apent Finde>' afernoon villi lra. A. l Raymnd. Misa LiazIe (ilosson aoftic Heur>', $pont Banda>' vli nfer sisten lins. James Marra>'. Mises JouesSmi ud atNlua «oUi>', e! tic enu>', pent Friday with Miss Jeane ifaiten. The social bl ut Sttant d linos. Fnitia>'nigitt vas a succeas aociatly anti inancall>'. tir.anti lra. (jhrîs Saleenter- talued Mtr, andi tra. 1'. Winkle, utflMc Heur>', Banda>'. A number cf young people mou aour village citeudedth le dance et Girays- laite Sahurday aveuhag. tir, and Mtr@.,lbeu 11111cr, daughter Lillie ant i IBtter, of Chicago, sput Bunda>' ut John Rosings. hlabei Oranger reloruadt t ber boume ln liaBeur>' aturda>', aler visitiug a weet vltb Helen ltayrnoul. Misa Mina Waton, of ('lligo, la vlsIing vlth Misses Harnie and $ anali NicholsaI proant vxiting. ltirs. Wltred Rutssell relnrued le ber homa lut Chicago, Finde>, aller spauti- lng a tev veekauet Hesoiî Bros'. Misses B4« 0Huson andi NantiWalton vonstob Elgin Baturday tb riait friands andi relatives for the next usek. John Wallon anti sou Jason, bave beau delng seule carpeuter wvaknta Fremomi Couter lte peut veek. tirs. Agnes Montgomery' anti son Royoleflcamevislting Ithe formeras parants, tir. and tirs. Theodore Wrtz. O. 0. Buck. Boiras. Ark. s,%Y,:Ivas M lted vit onstipation tînt ilI1 bougîit lit,8Utle Ary ilars. 81,, flo htave leeuentireir cetine t cyaioi1-m vaiint. 1 r"eenmmendti#0m. 8d 1- Y b". B. OVELL. Libenty viii. LONG GROVE. L. Relier bas beon painting et F. Thia,.' Mr. Landyebr has put op s uew granan>' andtoualshedi. tianilu llitzenlthaler vas ont train the aihy seveae days. Tbe raie bas matie farinera emile clear back te Ibeireus.. tirs. B. Feluan anti feuIl>'bave beau visitlng et C. tampeia. E. Eltzenîbaier, dentlel, of Wiscon. aie, risîteti Bueta>' at J. P. itlOen- thaler'&. lira. Rer. Schmidt bas liCou ah (.jilnev, Ili., vsltlug ber nother, wbo tes serlouisi>' iii tir. lelîner bas renled Mtrs. Friteclis tarm anti A. tMeyer bas reuteti A. emldt's farm. J. Bieupel started iebis lreablug machine Ibis week. (I. Boroier and B. Barbaras are aalating hlmn. If yen viah hgo srurne >'ar frieuda vitb an acceptable present, j at have yonr pialures laken b>' J. lseckohs- veiler ant i gve nsa o! obehor. >iilss lttis, of Deordelti, bas beau engsged to teacb the Long Grova @chtool, Misa Kieas, of (ilenvlav, the Achen achool, anti Mise Zoa Morne, of Gilmer, tbe Bchultz achooi. No leecher bas yaî been bireti for the (idle> sehool. Lot-A Scotch Calilla, b>'the usine et ,'Topsy,' havlng a bandi arounuthie neai to vbleb vas attatibet a modal gag couiaaiug tbe vords, -Illtnrn fur Itevard." The tiog Vas lant eau aIt . HlerIel's, near Fremont Conter. A liberai revard viii be given fon Ihe ne- turn ofthle dog. J. N. UÀLasTE, ovuer, Long Greva, Ili. Marred-At bigli noon, Thuraia>', et the bouee or5he lride, lils Bertha Weranbarg te tir. Chartess lucher. Tbe vaddlug Vas ratier e laml>' cf- tair n ou>'the Immediate, glativee bar- Iug beeu Invîtei. tir. and ira. Flacher Inteudt 10makathem home llte cil>'. The INscupaNi»e xteutis congratula- lieus ant iies them a happy anti prosparana journe>' dovu the ineatu ef lie. The angel of dealb ipa tylcealn- vadati oui coumunit>'turIngthie laut forgnight. Lust yack Frida>' uomnng utMin> relatives. These t» ittîbae ngit te Impresa ugoualy47 Our minis tIl vords@of1 Cita Sa4~iSl:"Lorlam i ste nutuber on aetbsý ve May'apply Our heurt$ To BSave Bar Clîii Nrom frtghUfal dlafaum linît ira. Nalii'ý flalegr, t L Gangl.Ou.. "o! Bn'ieus AideBavelogreli, oies on lo-r heo" sud face. anft is lia qîîek0curý exuseeediail ber ho»t It verks wnnit-rsi lu mores. hiruines. atm ernptloîa. ont.,I . selaid& and pilea. me. Cure ,uwlnt'y kl'Â LovaLI..Lertu'vllie; LaYiALK WAUCONDA. tira4. Poile entertaie relatives (rain 0b. City' letIvet.. Mise Lilab' Golding viii tséacb the Baonal Lake aclucot. Obus. Laniphere, of >tcilenry, wasîun Our atreetis Mouds,. tir &me@. oi Terra Cetta, vas a wan- conua VIitar Tuesia>'. L. B. Totit anti A. Girabam vore Nudu enliera recenl>'. Missetictabon la spentiug a 1ev veks itb lirs. Harrison. Mi. andi tir. ILt Kirvîn are enter- tleaiîg relatives trou thé Cilty. tir. If Maimai anti sou, Leu, re- lurneti Bunda>' fron Weukegau. Carpentera commenceti yack nuthe l.B. M. amulonbutinbue Tuestia>. tir. and tir. Brockway, of Btorrlug- loni, speut a few day bere reeut>'. Il. 1<. Barris, George sud Clyde Ifan- ris 1 vere Manavîlla visitOra bun(Da>. Llgthluing @truck W. Toynton's barn jBuntia>'. t vas serloualy dtamaged. George Brougblou and fauil>'culer- lainati relatives traibhoey>'Blnda>'. tir sud firs. Perry Johnson, et Cc>'- sIel Lake wve.Wauvnoaa Iis aWeek. 1 Arrangements are nearly completeti for thb. Bolciers' anti BaHoa' Blnlon vbieb la 10uhamiîeld hare. f A part>' trout Ivanboo hat a moa- ligAs plante bore luaI Tuesa>' evaning. Blout rides audnti ler amlusementls vere lu ordar. liemeulier &ia M. W. A. pieute viii be the avent of thé seasor. 'l'h.ide Heur>' BrasBaud wilI furuhal munic hon the occasion. Cbm.nan' jl. lu lkra. and Dliii- ria.eaifrmniy iOaaa Weri ld .e r,,îii.atioii for lIa sur,. it nover rails asud lm pleseant aud tbafe e L alle. Fur mâie tb? F. il. Lov LL. Liertyviie IU:dAxaSLaa iNE aaiiacy; j,)iN, Mari. vanh,.. LAKE ZURICH. Henry Sbebaier la ou t luek ihlt. Benry bIranting 100k a trip 0oJoliet Dont& fùrge the Woodimau lpieutc Saînîda>', AUg. Irti. rFrank ilono>' ahipped a carloati of tstock (rani bure tioiiduy. Prof. Jolhn Badtge, oflitocketeiler, vasua visitur boe e Seay. à'Tbe piaule lest Bunday wuvas a lure un accut ati incolemniet veathar. 9Albert Lycu, ot Lhianrtyvillc, vîsîltid f riands anti relatives huro BSun(a>'. John Zimmner, af Long Urove, calloti on atirîiios bore Frîna'uy 4lesat vecit. Heur>' 8aip aniUd Gstave Fledier vout tu Chicago ou busiuessa Theatd>. M. T. Lame>' andi Carl Ernalt, of bar- rtngtan. wvjeoviailors hioro bat Baan day.l Messrs. 0. logen aund Uriawald, of Wanucouda, venu secu an Our atreuta Mouds>'. Albert Seip von&tu aLîiertyrilie Budtu b 0 peun omerme wîth rela- tives libere. tir. sut i trs. Wm. lDuencblug vont 10 towhasliugitat Batorda>' hu Vimil thir tiaugber, tira. l{nlgge. (Ueo. Quinten, af Long Grove, and Bdi Qulen, at Chicagu. acre Lake Zuriahitcallers I'bnraday ai liat vwesk. Funreforeshuionts cali ut Engîl Frauik't..Houkuepsacl I indw o fti dirinkscuti leu creant. lie ain bas a nîce lina of caudiois, fruits andti cgar@. Chas. Sebnîiz, 0f Chicago, vîileti i rituada atirelatives here Bkturtisy ati Buntia>. (Chiade>' bas a goot poat- Silua ut Mandei Brun., atore ln Chicago. Tbe second anuuatpicleogîven b>' 3Lake Zurich Camip, Nu. 697, W. w. A., wililieu belti aI Oak Park, Lake Zurich, liaturda>'. Aug. Ird. M unie turing the day b>' Barînglon M. W. baud. Dancing aftarnooun anti ovin- lngs. 'i kets: for aflernoon anud eiveniung, 75ic; for uouenug, 50c. A fiue Chicago irUig baud viii furulsiaà the ubic for dancing. liou. Qiiacken- 1bus&, et Dendeae, former tnonîber ot the li. W. A. board ot direclors, Ilase- cepteti au Invitation tu lie proacul andi dtier the atidrs af the day. Drilla 1b>' Barrington Forester 'f aîn, races andi gaines fur lliberal pnîcea. A muet; cordial weicome ha exteudedti t neigli- bonlng campa lu attend andi jotn wltb n lu uakIng tlie day one of pleasure. Bring yon r inenda andi esjo> an ont- iug lu Ibis grave near the beautlful Lakte Zurich. WM. SPUNNEII, 1 Maralial of the Day. D)o1'ttlee FAili 1wlth t,-mî,or:àry relle fremin idlgesllen. Modal cor. i',rmauenty ati eflipietmiyroren,,, tilt donuliu.f.i relleves P'armanently b.,eaumo il allowa Ilhe; tired atonîaru erfect r-et. Dletleg von*t reHt th, stomu.'. Nature renelvea supplies froin th, e ooa vo sat. 'lh, sensible, way to tu'Ip the stoinach in b nie 1KotDyspepsie cure. vtiuh digeeta ut ye dCf uau*t iî,pel utdo roi got. For suie Or F. i. Lcvwi.r. Libortyvîi., PALATIN E. tir. and tirs. Wm. Hartz enlarlalut frIanda fron Chicago recent>'. MieLibble Hutebînson antertainei ber friand, lisi Pelarson, ut Chicago, receut>'. tirs. E. Hcrtung anti Miss L. Ander- son are vhaîlîng a& Mn. Eruekakueusin Letgblon at praeul. . hases M. williams, M. Dentition anti a frIeuti trou (Chicago vene guesta of tir. -anti lra. 0eo. Heruerdinger la Cary over Buntay. Wby dosa tbe isulu theajmon ot GLÎNVIEW misaeP. K. Meyer la working t the home ci Jue. Dilga at premsn. Cartlâlne, our studant of rapby,.bsa agin returned tu vork. ier. IF. IR. Anderson, of New Wind- @or, ILI,, vuaseauon aur alcools Ibis veek. Automobiliasehave made UI.naviev a vaterlng place la Uli tanks for their raMaie.. 4l. O. Lies ba#; repaired litis amieand il wiii aa fonudt lu good condtion b>' &Hi patrons. Tiie huavreinram anda>' afteruiou madie l nupleasant for blcyclisis. as well as for driving. Wm. Hemgaortuer lias reoered trom the affects 0f bis lai ureti baud andi la again al; vork. George W. Bilcken lien takes 10 (Ilouviev. He makes bis bomne ut Ci. P.Eggert'a place. Pedestrains once more falt sale trom injur>' b>'bloyallats (vila vaking slong the sldevaih.> The social at the home of tirs. N. Eggert Tuesta>' eveng vas well et- icudeti. Ail report&a gsod lume. J. 1). Dewas ta building a new aIde- vaît. 'Ibisi ta au supravament bath for bis proparty andi the village. Ed andi Heury' Lies bava lried thiair look al; bauliug gravai. Botb seeu happy lu apite of thair bard yack. We arc enuoiolng music and sluglug aI tie prîvate coucerua lunIbheaseru part of car village lu the aenlngs. Wa are glati onr village la selectati b>' no man>' sumnier boarders. 111 andi b>' the place us>' gain a reputation as a summar resort. The Ulenvlav Base bal Club vili play' the Gra Poiut lean SSuuday, Aug. 11h. Boys, watch ont for a bol gare no ufavor of W are glad tu liear tbat tir. A. D. Joue ln slowiy improvlug, altliough ho aaym lie foees abyll4ug but coniforl- abla vlth uni>' onea : SH E RM E FVILLE. Adiami Wetur, 0f1 w'"ig a u i tevn uiesia>. Win. Tâtée a uale a Élysiîg trip la Madison Balurtis>. John' Flintlant iril. M'ýCIUakey apent Banda>' boee. L. Ilcebelin bligt a unirevsn,> train H. Lorenz lutI vesi. Lionard Lavera retunneti Toudtar, aller a veaka riait ut boune. liM inestait, ot ienvriev, viaitei frIande bore tbe past veet. tirs. E. Il. Vts zandi eblIdren, aof linaslPart, are @ponding lhe veet bore. Violet Lange, of Chicago, sa apenti. tag parla!ftien vacation vltb bar a nole, Jacoblie«sa. The iermerville Junioris detrated s pîckediululet Buntia>'morulng b>' a score eofI15 te 2. Wonk on a. Fun]kes bous e lagolag on la earnest anti1il vîli ho roati>'for occupane>' before long. The Junora play' Miller'@ tes= trou Whesling Bunda>' atannoon at tva o'clock. Everybodtii nrtedti0unme a fina contest. 'he gaua t01l ietapen tIl iliia Birick Comlpany>'uantli,, Leesislai" Sîlu(ls>' uflernnon vas liitponed on accounàt of the rein. About Bf t>' yaung peapiti tram Chi- cago apent IMI;t Blinîa>'lu Mallia Part, antifile raim diii ual daipeu Iheir enthueua. ft,îhAe>'liedt a geec gtane iiuill trai lin, a-iig, bha, aven. 10 contînt' llieuselvata gL'bý dancing pavillon. The Illinoi Brick C'ompany toau go 10 tittmn, lit., liuit glaninty, Aug. 4, teoplay'there, adîîil ioaànamber of feus are goiug dovu. Manager Boot>' esY& teIba> ave errangeti for a nesson. cbie rate andi ailwbo want to makgetho trip eau avait theuselves of lie op. ponlunil>'. For turther inforination appi>' 1 hlm. Il. J. 8ticten bas reaclieti wl&Ima PRAIRIE VIEW. oafel>' antireport a spiesaul jouney. Turner WilI5... td ith hm Nalblug lias beau beard trou hlmvsle ai.sno, alnee bfit Omaha, but va bope lie of E. Wlieox recenhi>'. vii neaeb Clearuont ail '0 K.' ,(J ladys Lpctyer ln Iaklng lessous on tue piano trou E. Hertel. "lie barveat la past, but theensamoner .Lok&nbachteq Tea e la ual itudet. acIdents te attend t10 enaoti>. J. . iead feil', ! Cicao, re JenunleKuedier vaul tu Napervîie K. Red' failyof hicgo, Te o titil at ber uclesn, eo. llîzn- ispendiîng a fav veekasut Iheir unuclo'athalar's. C. B. ileeti. Rer. Spencer, par oethIe M. E. Mra. Anea Foute ana dauighter Lel, cbnarcb, spont a few daya at Despiainen o! Waukegan, anti Mins Cama Pettera. Campmeeing astwooa!ofJefferson Part, are guicasoai tra. J. Dont forget the Ladies' Aid busiinsB ri meeting, Tuostia> aftarnuo, Ang. f11h Ever>' bouse la oeceupled inle ur attira, W. L. Butebluga. village andtiiereseema taeliesàtiemauti Mr. Nlck Houp la liavlng lis lineafo more, vbila lu neigiborIug villages neaideuce treatadti taa tnesh duel of lite Aplaîlale anti Rockefeller Ibere are paint. A. L. Nealle>' la doing the inuocopietdveélilugs. What vea at vont. naît islaaler vonke anti alectnie ligila. tirs.Hattie Liebsali and ti 11e fla. Smithbhati qntal efreai ai dantiner MItîe, of Boutli Mlwaukee' nature on bis plae oinie lime aine.. rîsîiteti han parents a 1ev tiaya of iast It wva e tientilatva pains ef legs. veet. The anoinalouîspir vas ieli anti A lavu social viii be hult ai thea alore the lino legs ant ,i valnovabie. boue af J. A. Hulabluge, Frldmy evon- The utIle quatirupeti tin em eit t Ing, Aîîg. 9tt. Ereryboi>'Crai ledbr0otbeadetag m glt lavied.11 bipd botara ant i saera anti80 oua There vere rjnîte a numiier front lie dyà utlyddw n ld Glen, velut la Camp meeting lest Wedoduiy, euh] anjoyed Nsi<îersa! THE HOME GOLD CURE. blesînga masveil s showena o1 nain. The Llterary Social lîelîi autheiabomne An IngenlOus Trealment by whlch of tins. N. Eggeqlo What Tuiestis>' lgbt Drunkcartie are Seing CeunelOaiîy vas veil attete, andîil rylîod>' In boîta o! veut houe feeling filât the>'Liedats goodt ime. 1NO NOxIous Doses. No Weakeonîng Nis Evard at, wlisl a graduete a! of the Nerves. A Pleasant anti the Wet Bide Hospital la unov vîi Positive Cura for 1h. tirs. John Deerlova, vbo bas receiitly Liquar Habit. bâti an operatian perforueti. We auxional>' hope tbahtiMrs. Deenioeyu i îog'!cykove un sdestet speedili>'recorer. Li 'trîknow it'es isît dc-usanti ut veak-o nuta. A li 111,e1. ili lItoannt .k <-iNCTES COREMPCINIIET i r3emp olt,beilet,51rt by îu'nd utervaa Pleci>' ot rata. stOf iset leroxieuilu liai on çua. gtant 1% Of ntOxl« inuUiors. notaires Oata are ail eut, aualiolbra[)fLljloof neuiralizliganti, iO on &ucea the cocu gnous. etîtvlugn intefor etri. w tLA Ku îag Ibaa Whààt e needle mor sidewlka. sure llîeuuselve% at henîî, 'vif ulPiow Wiatve eet homor sîevats. or losa e! Limefrotbusiness Pr Liso The dpot goundsare gow veutiedrrai '*a0Ir oaî.rî Ualc" hilhbas 'Vetiere dpa gonaa re ov b asn 0le'etadater incluyF barsai os e pmetlonave>' d>'.stdiv andti reatîilioît off nluhlatea. The MisaEttaWardha, Z-ý ;-, a sithui uffliseordlnr te direction, o! Ibis Mefiess lIwribn~cua. vIeilventierui ioover f buoltiv'in guareateeld 10 niuts e pv. acnehat mlb, neo e uulllalte casane matien Rev. ToyR.i4udeamil bnder. Olyreforda sikov île N e.T l.,neaoiat aul' fnarveloua transformation of îliou,,an<d of Nov Wind oare vlsitlug thein man>' drankanusloto iettoer. inulaus anti friands hke. iibt imen. The Melbodisia bave "eau takiagOusavo UaBaETOR Ds Il ThI1reuned a ativenle of the hot veathar b aeosenia istritebut tlac0 e& fo (ils atandilug tLe camp nmaetiug aiseotaetiOclb lndtgBoagiî slulast Desplues lu goodl>' leasanî tte tet Il 0tutI a bu o Mr. iche thefamos atry tll in a ttiP of tes or'eetfiîe Wlhot(ha kuow. Vas aI the Congregaîlonat cbuneh last tru fritre erl ln les vilitndi Baturtia>' avenng. Ha le a fBue laiton, jEnIeees rinetJ. andiiaastuant, mor, bava bal oviug te the lhneaiening wvatîber avi? hie ' -ana'madetempoale en bhl liera ves a suail catuber te hear bilai. frilins ata'l relatives îtiloat their n __ letige la sof., or ou, anti bollies losayiaI th lîiacontiiiîîeii îrnlu gOr thie la v Their Secret la Ont, tru iUeW«. » 0 TvArr. Do nI et abhîlq b>' appiarntIand tiniieudinsig "riOvmat. Al iuti, l.Ky., vas eurlis ho teiare Dri,, ontlium ilisxai5e t on e d tor ail iii, susse of bile vnstlImproventent luilîeuiîb Onu,, TIi ,, 'zooianoccu gsala at th.i (if tins.B. P. Wittaker. abo bail fon a long exîrenîcir ievpries ona dollar. ii pun LIMe entinnei untebi sulfenhîaru-î,m a vitln rue! ofeverybo-' a ,lbst ruiscîn. iirosle nernchiel "iýt*a aisl e Dr. Knia's afpectu lian alliera wu nuia%.iti 0U&0.pull e DIsdovsrn. nfe e îibn.t 'dineuiionsafsu'opan at b l.a& e. H uiternd.d che t ees lui t vllouuîexira aehîrue en ...' i do e .1Lo 1i, aebe Vol. 1) Libe Are tleb.les Feit gri a nteed I;î'palug tii>' ypri tliaI mates 1 am Pr@ Prices a blOOti 2 MaaI a Dr. Ch Office ov flouas i Liberty Dr. Office 0' 7 te 1e s Lîbe PAt A tannei Ng LibertN Dr. H Phys urne DREP office G" g Gi-ove Oum§ A RICH MMNS WISDOUL Maim tbrugiianislut 1.wu UGet ithi. bVetl" 1b vas not mer.y tdu * ofa de1 mmn; it was the widm cf a »uc- cs um .The. buttla always the. cheapest Take thi.e uampe ci Ivory Scap. It coMs laitma mucli as fancy sapo, yet more tha coon Syelow sosys. But i fts mmsuts-un ts ecmiomies of time, Iabor and fabrc-i ls pleasant effect on the si, flinl beftte than eltier and 'as ciiap as any coap In the. wSrM. IVORY SOAF E 99j4mER CENT. PURE

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