goo' Prlay L o. AIV«UMN &MU5 MA»E KNOVU ON APPU- O.&IOn.. it$*maap people rasUze IMhe b te*qa h ave beau flghflflg ova »JOM h$MM fer a loogar 811». Ibanthe IMIwM.tought ln the cild. 4 Talk about chlvairy! Wby evon the Bramts yeomaury are kickiIig becaua. th" are r@oceving handsome medal. for south Afurican service ioseamd or laerariMonthe' arrears of pay. jamiors of iEnropean intierveiatioiila Slouth Africa are thickenlng, and "aa aoonseqence 70,ig00 men are t0 bc wltb- d.avn 10 fiefefld northern India. Light leemna 10 lc dswnleg for the DOM.sAt lut. purbaps a lotery wu thie beat Way, afluroni, for the United States 10 adopt lua sposlng of land that belonged to suoom else .who didn't vant 10 part1 11h l. The iwo mseem 10 go together sornabow. Ule Saut doesn't lntend 10 stand "y emoune lt he Philippines. A »S>o o! eafflers Who @truck Whou < 10 break atone for a road. bau> j een sent to jall for several moullesgo0give them lime 10 think over IL. The anU4pltdng crusado bas re- oelfed'addlonai impelns fron th1e * r tu annonnoemnent of Mhe docors Uhatconomtiîon la chielly, If flot ihbogethar, tranamitted by means 0f aputont. Consumihves empeeiaily 4l~f be careful. The iving go Lord Roberle a hal lOto. dollars strikes the, average AneaM - aswariated. Whenfi vu sappoeed that ho had ended the Vw+ va uoh a proposai suigbl have been Smoré e tsaoable, but today l la hard te miy for wbat ho degrves revard.. A Cure for Choera lnfrnuttia. Ordf nance No. 140. Jmc 4 laneas otthi'defaulftorfellur afi ar AMI vlar or ovnu'rs 1 tu lrîtmt Buck hlim( maluïngfirsoUn ie e fronl 0f bis or Ithj = ro or 1oetrailaas lrovlded ami =a eme.uSindho]1e u'ucueqt b7 tbh o U.. berIitvIlk.ab ehil or! ueCo1 91 sulcil litas ma»le 41 Oilil' r 03 biigln arparele 1,-ms tis, nonit -f aalia, mat-rIl. laiig dicyn andî elrlietI.I l11-dillunUtc oMiceol flGwulap ('I-rk-rt ifllil, 1 h 11eC-rt of, fuile 0 l ofet,miilug .pou lhe 1iw." o! i-id id tw.k tIi- nm- so!01 ýovni-te f andeîfillitecuagiuneid uil-vahk out 4es -t u-rpari-I. SEc . Uiîoiî, 11 hýlcnliii- lî blli o! sich 11ts et Ita rIuln lu b'- cliceo! file utl i f îjl,- îrr.,-d fi.f--ici. acp--i hi11-,ai 1114diîc adlut iuiiii-hi.i I i îý il t the.I amînli iýf s...cid o iî--d agiduet Fidewl. l-Im e Ii- -iels-lf-eii leuo le . - suil I .iilsI- i Iv.surofcI ihiur-J 1-i' li Inh-i tii'.uiiIicliî., -aibse.r U.4l -Id sdi-lii,i î - t0rh'M4i r r "f W o cill5ii z,lii- - , pim-ii- hsîif-r liiîIl. thile ordinal- I- t alî is, a fr-ou tii..daim, etsuof afi vasnt -n l IIiil,,-daya afir lic d fus-, .1 ulîîî i ug n lami-lulut or. . piste lui, l tr..i-lt- ciof suP-i o! uid ('i -r-it uihiin fii-h -ýlai' uuif-r lie lutIa l bi ' f lth'. ,wî . llelt i.sîu-i h' Itbs ortS .111 i ti tr aîifullji.I",rhuiS ailhh se-tii, .ýi lilfih' lu-elcrliir-, foîî iît - - t il r-'lofJIf gh4l'ia rîtl.rîliW.- .clh 4.,-i -luer 8o th.s r ,fili ni-h-uîtwrl"..îM ".- i )gtruetj,,o f l in, l - J&1%ll &W.r lii.. hi t 1 Ioa r r -.- l 9 i fd d epic thiiouil li -t t esf b.wr-.îi-.dvW a zi.m-v Ib"r--fa fax t kb-%k cl is.a- ine, t -rhr soOsruclîc of..iiuhuelds at. lu Il~ ~ ~ ~~~. Ia1ndcouudijb h îil i uS1 h liIlsirr'- r-ite -l -~~~~ -i )r wu a-.I i u neIl I à lmatiode4 l sesa As noce as Waokeganla ready Aun- dre, Oarneglî the great pbilautbro- plat viisM udthe $25.000. vwhicb ho promised a 1ev menthe agota bc MWs for a local publie ilbrary. A le1~ trom Mr. CainegM-eacseotary 10 thal fteot bas been reomiveli. Peniou Agent Shabavell givea out %b. follovuug lacreaiées in pensfon, e OUoC5 of vhico bu airecelveul dur- lng lb. peut 1ev days: James Johnson, of Everest ll.loas front$8 ta $12 a imonth. Peter Weglei, Wantegan, ln- IIoeas< #ialO 01$19. Ectert Ahen- h aat, W&Ukegan. lncreaae front 18 te $12. 3 Members o1lthe IVankegan n eClub are planning a erav boni fer ihI. amonîle. the fles itehoaohoose Ivo a iide. sud lbant all day, 1the lt tubl-> log ithe greateel number o! crovç la bc enteitaineul ah a banqunet by th.eio"mg teute. The tact that tbere las ten cent bonuhy on croa v Iliaddu st athe b event. Thie plan being ho redeem t1he bird.' scalps and apply th1e land ta the Une Club'@ Treaaury. Williamu Vge, a resideut o! Wanke- gin aU biseite, dieul a& uhr.e oulcet Pýriday marning et bis honme, corner Ubbca and Madison iltreet. fils siot- nem camue on two veeta ago. Sunday hoe became, vorae and decUneul rapily since th=n. Rl i 1t1haldysentery sud. I&laSer bis beurt beaumne affeobeul. D.oeased vasn boru la trie, Pa., (leS. 6, lm4. Whou an Infant tas parents moveul ho Wankegau aud Il vwu sinus bis honte. He seIrved lunCa. C, 134sb Illinois Voloubeersansd acted on a drummer. Par many lea,. pas bo vorked about the. locaI opera boume. The. liraI strong evidence that local saloon-ireepers barvesled ig returas ftramhheir lilnday brade dnring the former administration vas seen lutb veet ube the. end of the lira& quarter ot tb. preseut administration arriveul. Tbes saloons have given np lb.e<flash sud Mouday their doora rentalneil eloseu, the proprieloaa licences baving expîrsul. Tii. owueraxae P. J. Brean, af the Bflue ]gibbon; Thas. Jones, o! Genese. street andl John Bosie, corner Washington sud Conniy atreet. lla apparent litas ithaul lhe Bnuday businestheir revenue la conaisierbly amalier. 11ev. Clarence B nîthoider, pastor or the PVialCongregallonal echurci, bai roslgned toacscept a cal] front the Second Congregatlonal church of Toledo. Be expeota 1ggo 1o hia nev ohargd imtnedlatoly aller september laI. TioeannonSemeni or lMr. Burtr- hoider'a repigultien fmi a furlîrise and a malter o! regret not oely tathe cbnrcb but la lime city, for non. of the miniatueasaand higher lu $lie eseent o! lhe people %han dues h. 11ev. Idr. Burkholderaâ reqtgnatiou vas endered lua letter in vhlcb ho brielly revtowod the vorit of tsi local mienomiallon for the piatlive ycars. The ehurca ta vueS hieogoca la one vith a lauized memberablp sud vhfoh vas farieerly the charge ofr ev. Chaintera vimo la nov as Elgin. Ovor ah Wankegau &bey bave lhim r Ova vay o! dolng bbinga. The people play golf diffeisctis; bave tbeir cvii style of nevapapera. but vhen I8 contes usceusry teoit!ou la quent 10 luquire ou g t0he cause o! deatb of au Ausprian, the jury gel toilettier andl ait on the romntfs aIl nlght. We leave froint Bro. shearnn' Sulu the foiloving. - The oorones jury uhich oat Batur- day zight on the remailes o! Jnneph Xopac, lb. Ausan u ho wvas illed tuy the avitole englies l te vire vorka yards Friday ovening gavo a verdict exonrabUpg everyliody lu anyway froin being to blame for the munu&li.atb.- 01 course Joseph dldu't kick b.. cause six Wankeganlbes uaed bis body for a neft.o, but Il vas a nighty meanu vay o! treating hlm. fr the six weil 'ie'oloped lnhabltantîs o! the capital City bail only"at" onJaaepht for an bout ro IL vouidul bhave been so bed. but ta choose Bahurday nighti. tii bohtent o! the bondi, aud squat love oni the ismibeafor Cmteuronis rmore, vas crnelty go vital, vas efi o! Joseph. Iiarrigeuus ReiStar A Yeuu Lady'. Lite Saved. Dr hs ~ Izler a prnmineut Pr-il ac, of l'amnimi ooeli.bsreentleltter ': NArAc 1 boit se s paggtieta Yoýullay ixtony"m r o!e. who liaita i pree'rlbad for ber Proved l àéffacuai n smc vas grvîca vrsae, cyrr heur. lier lseria vre acre elle vouhitmile s b act oIin"ui.ise ucakt îiat elle î,csi nol tinn oerlu he.ill a;t tado ait tufs eritil moment vaa s tudy fer me. but i Ibouabit o! flhamh..rlalee C(otte. ChoieraaendlDiuirlumea iI"edy san aa liai rtri prcribod il Thic11ua- nondertul reaufî vas elfeuteil. Wilbiuelottbourles Icvuilfeeling muel brifer, leulide 0fore' a dsve na aIm ber far.t audiat the i-ni of one veet niasen« ii.i-wIl -For sala hue 1. B. Lov mu fllt..ri>-iîe: GaReAsu. V illààsiAi-y: JOHN UeclaîlneciLettera. Followna ll.iai o!late remuiina Uluriylie ii..puetofif.-. AîîgC. i. eî Jde .tqcai fer i'aé 51 015e.or atotsa eute lsu. li e levled. amee bd = 0f iftten_ hundred (81110) Suc. 2. VTue Village 010-k shan 190 a oertiel oeoy of lte sorlnance vith ithe Oooeueiy Cier4c !01 heomty of Lake sad thlate o! UnUlie. ceor hefore thea ihrd Tuesiay 0f fltnee.A . 1001 se$at lte tax May 1ne ILIIX5d S tnhle Coletai-s books for asy ear agreeabie tuthe atatute il u Igac. S. Thi. ordînnee shal lie tuowe as ordinale No. lui. pamlsd Âne. i, fini. A 6,190Aug 1. 1 Publleed Aeug. I, 1901. A. W. WALno. Preuldeut. Aftest, W. C. Sc;ANWusie, Village Cicrir. Ordinance No. 142. Be il ordainod byr lhe presideat and board of truhtees of the iflage of Liborvllw liec1.TW sdevat 4fealÙd pfin.1 Ceos vide, stru o r onsou Innber, vIth thfflefstris. Sasit 2ln,*e by àeIn- sia~1i hdstheffou ta be mot bas tiha ne 0irethan »0 lche. vld %ad 10 buiot eh ord t.e id CrO i~u ald strINMeransd faatened thereto by feot "eath::uIllre wuelunr rira nall ta e laid siens thonorti.eaile o Lake Street lRte villa"e or Lbortyvii. Illinois. oommeaint ah vost fine 0frNlvaukee Ivenne aud extendfu na vatfruie thon'e t osaIfinso ai.Orin Laces ro .13n u airant. The. uhole o! thea olo ad fid- watt sallaitb. paid ber aruacialt«aaon orthei lotsS o teastonobîna upon the lluof sald =deWa @4 «asIlethis aordianse providad. Eahof said iots or larceis of taud tu, bh arocalir taad In proportion ta its frontegee St', 2. Kdsdowdealk shaîl hi. cor.ftrncted1 ud àetc'rfal. hherefor furlsdd îmiîî Uth 'mur.evilonâlid sehicct 10ueIî.Mîrvsi 0i thec Streu' -t Commeriaclier of gald V le. Bi eC. I.Ail ovuaera of lots'.Ir larela ol land tôuo.hing the ice of sid laide vnik she, 3on.qtriict 1th part of salîl eldevei lu fro.nt !ihirseoive lots or pwrëel. t l ae.rl wlt lulty "isys ater liqtha p udon. *nel lu~~~ ~~ OcaEthro 11 e e ryiaierlalo. afriedbmVn,.'fo!Lbei'tyilw. alunet ti'front oYw..uh lot or los,. Met o Ateowuer or ovieeso vlIe erl 1 ao-u cl h ob enterlals anri onstroet swu.h ldev.dt or prtthereof. he-,by re. t ulrc(.. nthIe thelIme.sandlut mce D'r".leprovlded ai.l the clest thereof shau s, toAcoià j raspeetl ve ovîs'?.. ofmu 1 AKt of ares tland as provl.lî'dnle is Sic dsnleae .fthe defaoi orfeilureuf sur lot uveer or rovpcis tu eu5truct suoule ..d.'- vîîik loî,g umd une <n front of bis or them-lt lot or lots uim'sil or parces. ase pro'.ird ber.'ln aud d... sine shail te cncatriîtu-ed hb> the Vlày o f 5billf l,f e.(i1 of ciem .wWk a as hl i ou onstu'imd fer sai Villaige. showingIn te ejIrtitems the. cost of.firgmaterfîL.=jing mow and siprvi;',. ahial lefi leà in.the .office of 1h.' VIfi sClerk. ocertileid tu by the Cerk of sltVillage tugeîlc'r wtb a liotte iots or paWI-ce0s te<sdtouhîng uponflbot ine. of seu s&iWmlkt 1e carnes of Uic owou'rs tbî'roof snd 1the frontaire un caid iddevalt of erm.1 lot or panel. Spc fà Upon t11 iluaof 1the 1billo! su h liaiteof bitaor p aicela lunltheoI eof 111e VIllae Crk. outild ork abJlI at once procerd 10 groisiea ASp,'ciaislitai n 4ltest sale] lotst a parcelle, sud the ovulers thîreof. Il kuoe. .iwcw'tnn bycomputatioîn the a.umt o orucitai 0 1eobai-gd a«ainat eibhofetsall lots or o rsi-eaandIle owneiro tiiejiuf on mmreut or thec onstruction of sallid sd&vait. a..cordîîg 10 the rate lirrîl for 1thef Wu.y or ent e p.uWatai by lia ordlîuan..c W elh secia'iiml lisia hWlEo.. 91W Iner luih office or te VillageCerk lit sld] Village. ic c. .dei Villagefct saoi. lîcruccilse-à W aplr. lbe. filin g o!sald sctaiax asfieet Ie lits offV.Isslue hia warrant diroctle, bthe Teeaud'rir .!-adVilir tefor teils eion noe the sc.vcrnl iamomutsor aectial taux sl, sfi-r- hai.'i. sci sîealoi trinsad sfx-.'lsl tex neta u e inuon. the sverai lots or iî.s'l o! lind or froue,1the ovuers thereof. touchin ngi ùwr Ô..lino of! sidwalak; and s=% .her shall proed tu isllet the everaie am'îîuti; due upon ssld lots or Imurrc er l, ciakiiàdend for tih' e = froute ach uf Il- atl' oksir.aeIn arant as the owners o!eadts or iaris-Is of lied. "l Trofflnrar of saldVilagfe, ta vborn »Jit warrant chinolsemaed, nhal perforai the dindles presrubed for hue lu ihis ordinance. williii iel>' ly afroiru 1thedate of aueh w" " r" " 1 iji w sith i ,li re," d a y s alefr th e,. t e'i.lfti,îof ssid war at ! oi eteviraf uîîon aaiLîýd vaireci iiiowlog ail auouita; cri'.'dnid ail aulenctecol .îîlatei i .1 oîîcepar oser t0u ûc Cierk o' cdd Village ail seans cf Mincel > ,1cMnllei$cd Ilur. 7. fjloi faltinte.0coikhxi onleh pe-fi'j tax or 51)7 paritlf'10f simie-etofî,ee lruvîl- '.0 liii thi iordinarce. lit shah le' lle' dut>- of oalîl Clerk vitiîn thrt>' daylialter the lilnlugn hic offIce <f 1the warrat ls.jed tie 1.lf nfor the,','îlslo !so p-'a e vil, tic n'tuiei of lihe prold.'r offi-er tiieren ans leil. prsvid.'i. 10 MaIe s feîll report of ail silel~al aleii wltiug. e)to sui . rpuerulC offlice>' .f ils,"OunR lae'Mal, b'- eulorlzu'd byly Iltapplyfor îudgemects a iiisi asil lacnd for la1ecdue 1-nut>' ,r Ctel. tl ti, lor'.or nareLm (of <rd upomi s-ii, Me.îi spcs-lumt tai shah i.llsu uupsd. ,with th. 'ue'I îf the r-o.'-lvuee tbcr.-îf. as' far su 111e n air.sîown te mi ljark. iandi tbin mout duo il dunpsd uî,)fu adi tract. logether% viti n opy o! 111orilleane-i-ordi- .îmtuto of snch imdewali whleh1 report &hallles. a.--ompaclod b, lin- oaih o! th- Clark. Ibid. 1.- floet Là a correctirenre or lb.' lotimad parcelle o! lied on whieh tfilae sp..caI tuer. levied b>' the authoriîy tif seidl Vfilage, for tile- coulof the s cdeaileIntht,, orfiiacesp.'fl-d rlnin ueansunnrid uid thaMt Il'-!icl'In f li aei atated ams'due port t1.-Cuolv--. Io oéde u n PâSsed Ana se . icel. ApoclAugt. l.fat A. W. WALDI. Pros~. Attest W. C. BSussonN VI llage (lIer.. wlli 1e recel vp.d for nt ronedy tbai la @qual to Dr. Cl vhsyrop Pep.tin. Pot particulier*uasr P. B. Lovau, Lîbeityrille; tiro C. RtOaERTS, Wanl- coudat; Wrx.r.Kroau, lRockefeller; PEOPLES' COLUMN. STStýrlu ertville or beineenç L yverrilieansd leifeler. Wcdccsdîyda JlieMti. ourse contaiinfg mrail smuinetof Mouley. Sulabie revard forfar t fsaine 1 Ms.1h. t. DooLrTr,m laele r,][l..4-ip. 'TU X(JANGE-1 vish ta trade <mcd aTthicso riperty-il stary frime building fosmallfi-mo a.rssg..00Mimae As,... Chicago. --. )SALi-Ndmber on. stock rsud graine F'arum. mu!Sacres ituaied une rule soulte Ela. Laiea ouuuuoleu iiinas esnypeint, ed. Heuimesuitibie fo er otfanliea. la 19 lilet fume nith mc emen2ov Stable itonlaloing utandirlng for ai cors sud staffs for is herses. Barresupilied ailS rattrain talier i by wind-mniii ael tanke. Aicol neyer faluné rater ln positure. Abuse dexculbod farSi i i 1old on Dnse. reasonabie terins. Smnai cash par. met requiraul-long IlinoSaed lor ratea cf iemeet ou1 do ored Ps enta, If net AMtb September lietviliie ferlent. Apply tue . e Wacar as fJlberlyvmie iM. Aua sep. F. BAIRSTOW. UANfuràtTUmitftOY% Marbie and Granite WORK OVERY Deaerlpu.m. WAIMAIO. W. O. rime Table,. Orayglake. & MC ...p.... Dlii!exceOt Sundai le1. r. *. Mo" layup.d Ss1urdays onL 't. lm S. .....................Dally NORTH BOUwO. NQ. . .» ** a ,..Dafliy ceptliunday 7. i. noî..... 96.Ma . Fridays aud Sarlaysonly '1.55,............ .........Daly Umisa119l Mead, of OIhicago, la vil lut relatives lere. MMs.OUoJohnson enteîtained frieuda troa ont oi îovn this week. MM e. Ie aDrury purchased for $1900 fl .residence of George harle,. Mi»s Mable M urgatroyd. of. Veper, Wi&., luth, goet of Mrs. D. 0i. White. lire. rippeu, of Lake Forent, speut 'Parlof thie wver. vi lblier parents Mi4.N ithois and tiaughtei', of Qhl- câlin. speR;utTesiy and Woiesdy ville Grahalae friend&. Nias Mand Chin,of Waakegau, vas the tu*" .! of brcousin, miss Nelle (adirey $i@is eet.4 misa Mille Godfrev will go te RusasellilBouday tb visit her friond, UmssENa ir7a couple of Voots. Mis. ilealoj Smith,. of Reluit, Win.,1 viaj.Ied a gew das t iis weuk villi ber fabier snd brother, Mr. Morrili and son Deyo. lira. Dazby, of Wilmot. Win., vWatod vitb be« Parents, Mr. anud Mrà. Mead and lier alalera, lIra. iloo aud Unr. 8"ad6eMead Ib9s veet. Oscar and Louis Homme] retnrned fu their hâtaseta Deerleld Wedpenday. sud theirbroiuer KarIla nov iltn wih tbis anuS, lira. Sherman. misscame ri arv and lutile asers and Umsa arrie Rieckoil an.d Louis itienhof speut neve--I dayE. of 111e pust .«eek llh h.latter*m parenta lu Frankoville. Mr. and lira. ]1)tLWhitemo4 ino Ihei 0new bouse Ibis veek. Oghor bouses buildng are beingt pnshbed té 0Oolpletion rapldly, the 1 lsslOeepflbeing b! P. A. Robinson1 on lis lateabore property. lire. B.1H. Aliori. ,f John.ton. Pa.. secs: Unt littie girl qsol crapgicd to ihi v croup. TIc doeloru si aIhi, -ij'oulivii but Abe vas Instanti>' eciiasd b>- On.. Minute 0£=aI (ure- Fir.wsib>' F. IB. L L.Lftei'i yvlilk. We are <lad ho report thaItiMrs. WiI liaY ba« aiMuSlenflrelY raoovered front ber reemt long sud severo 1Ill- nusasd ta able 1t uie tu tave !reqnantly. Ber cLise>-, lra. IScot aulohitl, lantatieg ber boute vit ber motber for the preseul. The Wiseonsin Central Rallrosd'Co., viii rua au excursion talllvautee noit bunday, Alng 1111. Prom Wan. kentia the trip vîli horuade VIs tha eleclrile sibvay. -This is a ina trip whlch everyona aboulil audeavor to tata. Pane for round trip IBouly 11.25. Tuendal eveulug the leembera o! glarlght'Baud beld a stag puriy lu bonor o! Ailne. iillen, uho la one of tbeir nurnber Land vbo leaven i his veet for Coloradoa. A number tram ouiaide of towU, Who h"d auated lu playieg at varions tlmeu. v0e.91*0 present, aed a deilghttel eveniog vas apeut. Mir. iirigbant. manager îof lthe lWadnln Piano Co., sold tiso llance aud au orgue laut veet. Theme In- trumentsare very fUe. the Baldwin piano bavile, receiva thlie llIraIprize ai lbe parla Exposihion. Il la the only piano made ubaf bas t11e fillrt or a grand - pianoa In an urigbt case. Conte and sec thortaut K B. Ilherman'm jewelry atore.. hem. Branditeter ha routed s pari oi! bislLate S8. property tri Messra. Smitth laud Edwards vho wili p>actice Lav ut shie paco. Mr. Smtithlanlil kuovu attorney o! Chicago, yuil. Mr. Lulvards la a very bnigtàt younug man vho hms rany -frienda hoealouta. Be giaciuated Wit lla ihhonore f rom the. Chicago Coliege o! lav sud vW« admilteul lu the bar lait sprleg. Tue firut, ve think t ii 1<'a cirung one, andl vii. mu doubt. seeurc- s Rond praotice. Il. T. Th(,rna. Snmatervill.-. Ahi.. hI vas m.ilerini .oîiy j'aieven I1lrîon-i tatia Kerol DrspapeasCure,. 1 Ioo AessaaI bottieN and enu dIgest usesibl' Itolu Dypaisa Cra,,the euIv rirepiera- lion oonlain nguilian henurai îig.,tive fluide. t ises noak tociachaeuti-rosi. resterlfatl.'Ir nafurat sundiion. Fur uaie b>- P. IULEL. LIbertyvilie. TIseir Secret la Olut. All-lcil.Ky.. vasea ui-l oislui-ri-t hie sitr 0< ic viiirmr-reeni n hi, h of Mr.. 9. . f itltî- nbo liadlluea ltng lime î,îiurad îutoid anffcrlîg fi-c-si a cbronlu ,ruechIsl. 'ltaiidue tufS- ,Kkqs New f)luc,ývrr.*' .rl'-s 11.r iueiiîi. - h iouip1le ï'red ber-anud aiso durci oui litlfe grand - ihseglter of e ceeue-e allaI orn rlioio -vsa«." Iti POSIiihy tare, cough'i.,'seulela grppe.lbroncbItl'.. iiithrosi sud lîgllile.Unarant.s- il r»i -C o umTrial b-ttliestfra sF. B.hîst. Llhcriyville; t>ersuàasl'iàmssy. ýdtois. adverUism»ntà &r4 « Ou4rfor Pl 4ln ~B.Seuu tore. r lgin Iiter Market. Buhte on lie Bigla Board o! Trsdte Moua a"YWs Itruta$ 90 cOust.. baleso! th. veet 607,200 pounde. Butter a ymego<, *uant eicci lkcentso. Teitchertil Exausitatton. Candidates for besaben ra oeiatos sud members a1lb.he SÀUiogCigcie vho desre reneval o!of rtifloales re hersby notîlleil thaS eXaiutioaic'aVIII ho heku i "LiberbYYIlIeTussd.iy, Aunut 204h,. andnt Waukoga. Prldàsy sud Sahurday, Anguit 29d sud24ûh. .21- M. W. MAIvM,, Counity sup'k lichoais. COUNCIL PIIOCEED)INUBa. UiRAYSLAKU, Aur.. 6, 1%,)1. Village board met Lu rogniai ses0i.on Prenidenlt Sbermaan uibn hair. Trou. tees preseni aI rai Il.l:Barog , atIns, Bhaffor. 13trng sud ilbur. Mianu o! luat meeting reaul and approved. Peti lion read 10 extenul aireetl fighta &0 Plant ltcd On Westte.ld place. Relerred tla comnmittee to repart on salue as Bex& meeting. Motion by ghaiSer sud Wilbur tuat 10Oiiovug bis b. alloved andl ordera dravD for sanie. Motion cierieut. LAt. Ca. GravaiOu 0.............$554 70 1111<115 on <(W A. B. WoolleY & Mon, lîghti ...27 23 F. C. Wllbur Lumber co ..-.. 87 4o> ma- iaigins, abor------------..14 2, E. Cour., ................ 4 58 Wm. Wedge, . ........ .13 80 H. DelElel, . ..... 2 50 R ilobrdo'- - . ........... 6I yM C. M' BOnaul .. ..........411 55 J. Wefjma,. ................22iiu X. Sfogard. ." ....... 27 <60 F. Piaiy, " ............ s <60 Jno. lary . "'..,ý.- W 4 Win. Hali, . ." ...... 5<4<> A. Kief, . ...* ...- - - - 4 64) D. shoclalr, police .............. 3 Où1 P. D. r-ilach, mlmxy-----------.44< 11 Motion by Lofîu nd euBlarrin ltha$ W. B. 'Hley's bilt b. laid or. table indetiiitelY. Oarried - Itesolutlo offored tuy liarron ibal Village e«Pendl 864>0for street andl bridge purpoessa. Mo)vOd by Straug and Ohaffer liat th1e resollulion b. adopted. yeu- Baul, Barron, Lof tus, Shaffer, Strang, Wilbur. Caruleul. Moved by libaier andl Wilhîjr that Street aud Bridge uonimilte. 11e m- powOrO0em spioy the countY survëyor t0 etabllsh aitrdelhUes vheu glhey doew neoemary. Carrioci. motion by Wiitiur aud Loftus hem ad- Journ. carried. 1). G, WuîxîC, Ciert. Jaieco Whll... iiryanùuviilc. lad.. rsays: DoWit. Witeii usuel Salve heaiêd runnrg mares or. both legs. HO. hwis ffercd six ïer.Doetorm fâlimd tai imb hlm, (ai oWii.. Aceert Do Imitation. Nioldl iy A WORTHY SIJCCESSR, 'Sornethinu New Under The Sun." Ail doct.or iiiavetri.'d to Ours .' ÂAan hy the nsef of pnvîicrs, uli gno.s. Inialerm Éad 'linas lu paste foui. 1'hefir poîvîera dry ni, tie muuoDs monbraaem acusina thec. te ect on sud bimed. The iOwarfni acids liard la the Inhalera beveonre-l y eaaen ava the smaememubranes that f heir mae., t'ave aimed (0 Oure, wnue paRteand oint- meute caunot rMach tie diseuse, An old aud exPerl-moc prctItiono.r w11o 1basfor mac>- Yesu suade a close , uîdy afid sîcoaity oeth11e treant Of ut "TARR an isailait îîorfcoted a treatineel wluclî vIe l ith!îlly ncad.nit ocly mleiie', lt ofnce. but'permsneontly cures cATàaEBE. 11 rýr»n)Vcth1e 4A astopplig the Isohargem. and turIns ail icflammationî. Il lmethe ouI>'re.nely kuown la scier.,,,that actusillY reuOls thue affloi'ed farts. This woddrful emedy le kuoon 1%"MNU!YLiii the. OUABANTRIEL lATARRfi5N lUZ' sud lusoid ut the exirculy I1ev rt»'if Ont dollar. es-h riaetar e ortfsilueRInternai isud u xtm-rusl iuldIeene ililolent fora eull .11 moflîtrst- ment aud evurytlieg t ii.usser- 1w ia pereiuit "'.WVivLEc 19 theO (IT' PorfeCt CATAREI cuaE. avec ma&id'-sdlunow reeognlzod s" the. oeiy mate sud positive Oure for ibai aueoâieg snd diagnestlL iez 'as. it cures ai]ln efamsflee îf anidki>- sp'rmsneertlyand lu ai"e ouderfuily -îulsk 1tarlievu HAT vrvE or ioLD lu the HEUt). - CATLSSS Whe nî'giî.Octen iotton hade ta coectfnlpTION-"catTFi.LEs wii save Con If TeOUse S uitieteu. It le no ordiuary r"eedy.but ae ompeltt iru'tm-nt vhich la rîosltlvcby uairrif.ccd hi OUreCÂTARBE lu amy forme cr stage if mUsd aeuorlleg to the dlreutious vhicî eooompsr.y asOIi package Don*t dëls>' hut oud for It at on-, sud wr=t ful particclars as to Cour condition. aed âon viii reuelve spechisl .1 iOe frnrn the diseoverer efthiA vonderlul remedy regaord- Ina yeur case vithoîit nc our y>onl bayond the rogufar price Of "IMUYPLEs Utheccal- &IÎTESCATABSi. CUis. Set prapsi i ta.eY addrBR& n le .Unied States or 'aada Ou raetptl of one dollar ÂdrimfaiDept ... Eywrii OrLak&(Col,- PANY. 2M sud t2oMsrket ilireet. PhiladOt.- -i - - - - - - - IANOS' ORGAN D. Hl. Baldwin & Co., Mfrs., CIN C'INNATI- Cfi ICAGO, Hav e placed in the' store oif' C. R. M.Jernut, LibertyvlUe, and F. B. Sherman, Grayslake, a stiperb stock of BALD WIN PIANOS that were awarded FIRST GRAND PRIZE at Parisu, 1900. Tihis iii an opportuaity for bîyers. The indicemeits are. îîîîistiîal. Visitors welc'ome. Inspection <olicited - TERMS:--Cash or easy payments. D. H. BALDWIN & CO. GUS B. BRIOjIAII, General Salesman. N. If.-tir. rlghan oa beseen personally ai t&ao store ln Libertyville every Woduusday andl Thuraday, sud ai Grayitlate every Friday sud Sabdai&. Orayalake shipp rs tha±i Rohd for *i.i65tu $1,#)( In hIaek &Ufl taiiî, 4" 6 t5 7, to lu$le mit at.................. * 0 gc * ' Lad .r at, Sîoe, olf< i.f';iii 2.2 w .... eo~ ot . . Ladieis' Biaek ~tt4) to cli.......... 90c Merl*$ $*2.75 Tai, sjlo)em, at.......... $2.00 Black alîd wliit4,l>riuît .......... 5 C * Bille and<I w1hite Iriît ...... .... . C M i's Ail INool Sîîjts ... .......$6.00 FH KLEBKER, GRAYSLAKE, DEPARTMENT STORE, Grayalake. iîiinois. Have to...$ .. ...... Also Agent fqr........ crescent Bicycles. Seau seilf yon a better wheel for lcsajnoney than yon cau bey elseuhore. Von viiil ined hsassrtion true if 700 inventlgato. CALL AND EXAMINE. NEW ROPAL WM EILEA So g Machiuos. PrIces and Torma ta Suit YOu. E. B. SIIEMAN, Illinois. LIBE Cali :and sce ou" Ladiea' Loy Shioas and gIlippera lu gaan d kiuaet, your choîce, a pair. ......" » «............ ........ ................... $1.00 20> pair Ladies' là" dChiidren'm Shoem ai, a pair .......................... 50 mec's anud oyi% Sboea (if al] kiîdis. WC boive a fine stock 01 clohe, for Men snd Boys. Cali and sa them, (iood Butefor Mern, onli,................. ..... .....55.00 tsood Biact Clay Woraied Suifai oîîly 6.50 Good odd Wooil'Palit, alli sue. <>eill, Panth, Shiirts. etc. LADIES_____ (hcî a Siut Waist for lthe Frcurth.lieversi ltoit. Shirt Walmtm, Wrappers, inlck Satine, Lavos, India Linons, Calieon, Khcetiugmi, etc.; Laces sud ilona: I'aranolm 'and imreilam, in fact, anythlng you noeed. If not lnu stock wiii giadly gel Il for yw>i. Best Groceries in Town éý..Cnned (loods, Tenu and Coffeeca -i Our aimis tof0alwas g ive satisfaction. W. W. EDWARDS, G rays lake - IliI'nois. ROYAL ROBIN, 34320. 8tred hy itobin, sont!f Aitl1;2-yosr-old ri-colI-rie. Axteil. retord I2:2 séire o o! broe. 2i't lr-avil. rll:Teasl, 9 Margueite A.,ri2:126;AXumer.2:13isAXteiiold. 2:j55; Argth). aris5t; AxI--.2:1ô%; EI;ktcluî. Mla>4: Ase gJ'l21.1 -37»: il li iLU 2:30 lotildam, Neakiace b! Prlueer -36; tIro i'.ftreeclscier.M:ý iu Tunkfth.-2:1;riei-e. l2:1x GUelr-h. île; Star PrIncefus.11:11»: ti,eevia. 2:17i; d4>0oti-ro.i : 1 at, îiiic" a-rhi.h 1:11: PrincaHerscbi. 1:13; Falkland, :1. i,,et,.. 2d dam. Bummina Bird. eleýterteJubilant, 2:22.,hi- <lîorgî, Wilkes. 515. i-ec<al o! liair->-Wilkes. 2*13; andl 82 othurm; dam o! Managr-. I'. 2:00h; 147 tileru fiiliceo. 2 ROYVAL ItODIN, !oaled 1891. la a lienil'oma bruve flîtef ithiiîu i ii ,f-L it iiuîiHa séteeds la-a hsr.dcbial and viiwetgh uiesr-ly 12Slbe. Baliy1..Vuu.S.MifecK' HiI,,blodIlinos are of ithé) botas vIL b.. ceeu bl'lit aiiited iî ir-e. Thate lvii beget ar-edtl.1ile duliCoach snd gand roui.iualities, Ihere lu no doulut. ad 11e eut oui>- luberita but puseears thoes,-iuslItiee lu e martad îiogree. Ail mirospastuffid fi-se unili li' . Acidente or eesees ai over*arnet. Parliestfil. Inn te attend reguier. moviua tint o! the couitY r>'. nedluçci o f mars forfeif'. iniuuianue. Rtoyal IRobin non bIne riben ahé Laits Ceuni>' Agricultural F'air. 19su. TERMS: $10-0 1t» maure. J. Hl. BRkADLEY, Rondqut - - - -Iliois, on 0a. IL à a P. n muIes omOMesgo. -é pian( Ali 1