CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Aug 1901, p. 8

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p. .4 p *1 p Woui than co Sc Liberl - SELL Cross Ceeek Lehigh Coal. th ten per cent. more iany other hard . toal. nuine oll sey AND Indian Blocke :bnckd rNs -- - - - - - -- - - - ----- ------- - - - BARREN c0 s When thît cow wauld nul gel If0 Cod but a kew cents fo cure wilh cal! sitewas wom th bol li u.dmswil fW vrti $25.00O - $50.OO niaipoa, Omoa, Dec. 28, z898. DAtat AssocIATfc-t, Lyîdouvile, V. eemen 't.1 have a cboice jersey cov; bevtofore 1 have bati trouble ta t tther vilh cl.flIeuzuug of Kov-Kure lforliarenuesa, 1 çois eau irom tou ansd gave heu ivo or Ibree dome, wvbirSigis ber in ail rîg l. I bail ber ta otate mny urnes before 'iinbler Kev-Kure vilboni sny beuhfi. Aluer using it. the irsttne ste vas .5nste scgot vitI naif and came round anl rigbt miter r khe lied ber catil,and wtih licmal ti I, ime. Yomuratruy, Jouas WATT. I eKta i. iisvdaefo-, tu a s b rsas In lad. Il coma abufu,U s, ssess etu.d fftdm - a ,e.i. d .,thébas055 .a Ailas. , w t. *MtI, ma&, bi. mpes.iî,LyduailI, VLFila", 3us&W su d 5.. , bhi al i V. Sauer & Sont Long Grove Wagons, Buggies ad Vchicles of Ji kinds .. .. . Ilinois*1 rCu.Nr, oDliers' IfateIais ald ~SuI, LimeWe sdk ourciîti ps £1z~ment, sa, rtt doé WRIGHIT BROTIIERS A CIGAR Booster Sc Cigar, Lihê rtN vJi, 11 Roc.kef el 1 er $mm .Cure Per Heave.. f "w hors. bua th beaxes. take ýfol t the$ Dr. aIkaDpio RWOC onmue.hlm tegiven ne- ba 1,direotioas. Fotmamie by C. s5dboiVli. 11.25aBbol-. IlénwlMicuree m ort stop, Cuutn. luik. it uaîbi.sttor sud white there vasw tuaif t DIX 4h Osa ttisutouanIv. verr bal f lis esauMtis o n-v Oitmbee- hn'% l.Cblrasii rreaB.smed, 51,2smm vPr"ti he 'ili-r7,l. iii .? 'cy Ei m ma à *ma féte ite big,bon-lir# affli 04 toi About lte midilo t tb*mmt*. The B«» .f*miiy la MaUbOW# A. a usat Watcouda enjopînge ie, £ihliA onling. Excufalon t uiwaukee nnxSnnday via the Wimoonan Central Ry. Partie - nliera et dêjiot. Mre. Lydia Richards, of Kîrwen, Kanses, la vlatllng friendsansd relatives lu titis vilulnty. ilerman Kubiank and Wm. Porteona bave been under the wrather B couple of daysatitis veek. Barman Knigge sud fauliy. of Chf- cage, have moved lotoWin. B.l<nlgge's vaîtant store building. A large audience listened vltb Pisa. oire 1tuSthe hlghuy lnlevcatug ilacoura. by 1ev. "&derson Bunday nîglit. Thomas MoBride la busy working, vIi to other exprts, on a cdra alirodder. They are ecperutentiug on a self feeder. Be sure go0oeiataiWlll Kniggea aand sse ii.nov Une of dry gooda. lRc ofers nome tue articles ln dresa goode; asen iblanketa,. John Bodge left 1aI veek for is borne lu NewyYok. He viliitake lu the Pan Amerîcan and bave a hi geDeral te b. ready for bis vori itbis fail. The sbeep shied has laid dowu ,0te et. Getting tlred of belng pickeri on and loin apart a ilttie as a lime, Il just atrstbled ont on the ground. Do yen blanie h? 0. 0. fBuck,. Beirne. Art.. Paye: i vas t!oulied vit.h constipatl'tn tîntil 1 bou~h DeWitts Little e rirBisera. lSînýtiet o have beau entîreir eured tof Sy ouIti om- Ilt. 1 raoommaud thein. Soli ty F. B. ~.VELL. Libert yvllo. IVAN lO E. T. Hl. J)ecker vwu a Fort Bill visitor James Van Piew, Jr., apent a ahuri vataiou as bomne recently. Mt. L. F. Jeaumene viaited 'at Wadsvnvih a lev daya lait veeli. H. C. W. Meer and famlly are eatertalning Company aI preseuL. Mr. and Ars. Meikie are entertain- log the former's sMater et present. Mir. Daniel Radke spent laut Buuday vîlli relatives and inonda lu Ivanbo.. lirs. H. D. Wells aud daugliler Rthi vigilted la Chîcago a few dayb luti veeli. Miss Aunie Van Plow lias beau vislt- log relatives antLruce laite a fev days receently. Arrangements are helng made for a l'camping Party" vhlch viiiprobaly star-nez&t vekl. A nuniber frrnm bere attended the Christian Ciîîzeuahlp meeting aI Mllburîî la@& Sunday oveunu. Do flot forget go attend te Christian Endeavor fai1 t titis place oeil Baturday aflornoon sud evenlug. Aug. 101h. Thie hall «gantsltSaturday bteleen the junior tteniof Ivalnhue snd Libertyville resutted ln a vlc.lory for tue latter. Air. Pairbanks!, a gentlemtan (rom Chicago, lied the palpit iere Il thie rnornlng. lie pokte as t?.lillbnrn tu thie veuniug. Thie chnrch viilb.e euo everyiMon- day eveulug itervaf er hum 7 to i9 p. M., and anyono vlahlng te consult with the paitor or uns. the readlug table viii ho SU liberty te do no. There viil >e no servIces aI the cliîrch oei lunday evenlug, ae il bam heen decîded te vieil nomeo other ociely. Jake (rgaatrd asknd con, metd te lke s load ne there wvii hoa vay for everyone vbo vlahes te go. H AI NES VILLE Aris. Bon u BnlIrllod eutertalned ber parents la% veek. A number from bere vent to the picolc aI Long Lake. Chas. Wlglitiansud vife visllted lu Chicago a ev daya last week. Louise Rieh called on frieridm lu Llbertyville ISunday cvening. a Lavson, of Kansas, la sipeuding thbmnammner bore vilbliber son, Franki. Mrs. JenleT'rckerettertilncd Ars. liorrisey sud AMr@. Baker, or Chicago, lui Tbursday. Cha". Tucker bus quit blackamitbiug for the proesu a w orking at the Armour 10e bouse. Engene BMlUvau bas realgned lisa posilieu as nlgbl vatohmanatthie Ite bouse. aud la taklng a vacation. Thie St. P. B.IL.Cou. removed their a"datrao f roi IbIs plae lautweek, tbuà givlng un go unusrtand &bag out deposlI.a a %ry 0f1Ilie puma. Ar-andlira. Enguee iecaif, of Garagee pent tSunday at Waahburn s. lir.and lira. Atlan Ie lilUan are a4iung villilier parenlatstisweek. Tbey e.Pffetote tart for bauver Thuvaday te make chair future home. This viity bas beau their home glace ehludliood, and their mauy frienda vlsh &hem succesawhercver they May go. A cancon&vas held .alnrday vening for the purpohe uomlumilng a uov net of village olllcers, &booeWho ver. eiected sometime mgo fallaiugotequal. ifY for colice. The nev ticket stands thUs: Board o!f'Trusteea, George Biat. terîthall. Chast Wsshbnrn, D. D. Cleve- land, itugene hililvan and 0. C. J<ap- 'pie; Clerit, SillhurV 4mtb;Treasîîrer. deorge itibude,,u. Eruîitueuts i,îrnx,mmtl4ls anam crof ail kînda ukitl*-nlýi ,e Be WftroiWplt Baztil Salve. Certan Oure for piles. se. *&rs of coun1terlaltM. B» Pu"a Yec getthe, olla-aWtt*-. F0r ualehy F. B. lviillits a Humnier. The aunual AM. W. A. Picole of Laite coliutY ho b. l.PJlt a iVmaia Tiiurs.. Willim Wb ea f Lhevyvil<vaeà Thie IaSm o f Ib icinlty sre busy theàmbfng Ilimr grain. MMMi. IOTaI ower, cf Chiîcago, in visltlug times i n 'tolo. sidimi' Aiumil vas luIthe Ciy on businesa like luti o!the veek. Leu&aMaJd .e eTrafford, for lati, Wl.., are Viting t ilauglit Bros. Lee 1urmy, 0f Wanconda, vl.lted vîit bil bit brother. James, Sunday. =,"»« eAila converse and Sarahi Aioz ver.e 81111g on friends blie.Satday. Ne]$ Kirvan, cf Waucouida, la vial- tlug »Urbotber, James, for a fev 'imya. NAOmi sMd Rose Vasey maîd Aguck Deunli Wre Waukegan vîsilors Mon- Mikle Hertel andi non, Walter, of Fremonut ca.ied on John lioslug Sun- day. A number of ladies from veolt- leuded te picule given by tire 0I. C. S. fflday. Alirs. Fred Dunnil andud hidren speul Tburaday vîsîîîng frieudoar exM Henry. ira Peter Front, ,of Chilcago, la aPeudlag ttis vea ith Mr. and l14m. JaciIol lira. Gertrude Miller spent Ibe fore Part 01 tb* Week i atFremout vitit ber daughter, Anale. Mr%, Sarahi Buste> sud Mary l<qpple. of Bigla, are visîlîng C. .HBson ab presml Witing. liabel Word, of Chilcago, lis vlsltgin frlendaaMd ralatîves lu tibI vieluIsy for a fev dapa. Ars. John ltoslug and ison,.ljouie, apeut Pneanday lu Chieggo purchalng gonds for ibm store. lilas.. Jenule iaymoud, Elale Wal. ton snd Batalle Stoxen were McHenry caliers TPbursdgy. MissesflouseHu8oti aud manda Wal- tun retuned borne '-i iirsdsy aflor a piessant viit in Elinc Theodere Docker iandllii ststor, Mary, Of Ivaühoe, sîtendeil elrcb t Volo finndaz alternoon. A crovd OfYounng people from (iri%- vold Labo mtendetieIho dance iln Peter Illadtflida hall Wednesday eveuina. Mir. andAra. Sylvester Wegener andi daughter, Ciara, of Wanconda, Ben- daYed vltb AMr. and Mr&. Chrîs Sable. There vîli be a social ut lte Fort 11111 cburch Prlday oeulng, Aug. tub, gîven under auspices of the W. C. T. 17. Ars LeurasH tison returned homo fiaturday aller a tbre eets visît vîlli lier daughter. Ars. Sime,,ia Rîîsajl. of Chicago. R.ev D. C. Duttv>îî fas rîturned from m hI e voteo trip and wll re'sme bis preachlng at the M. E. iiurch aevery llunday afternoon uti 214. WARRENTON GIhOVE. Did pou reiernier t, v,,ta' lus! Jues- day. J. H. Farrell rt'tîîrilalte 10Il;,' ttym Thursdey. Ar. E. E. liarsh wa a Chicago vis- ltor lait Mouday. Tho tbtmsbing la abouttlinitliî'îtlnlu thîs neilbnerbooti. Zera Sherman speut a coupla of deys lu Chicago ibis veeli. Mir. and Ara. Byron Colby are enter- tinlng frienda froi he City. o. Btogdeu eulertalued ieverai Waukegan tinonda laut Stinday. Ora Sherman eutertained a friend froni Wankegan severai aaiaiît week[. Ars.kiiPeckman auni chiltircu, oft Indiana, are vliting ber parente, Air. and Ars. Bejamun James. J. P- Sherman tOOk a bU@ Joad of ladies dovn te Lake Bluff lieut Wedties- îiaY te vîsit thie Deacanea' orphanage.L Cla,.rilî olle. Ch0ktM andsu aierý rhio.a teetit l lan a wor)M w1d" reputati,,i for IUn ent-as, Itneyer fails an stI i- eait *ndsafatotaka. ForpÀslah, F. B LorE, r. Llbertyville; OmÂLÂBARiz al r ti lËiiaxxIanljt WADS WORT i-. MiasslKste Hogan continues to Ii- prove. W. are bbarkfaf for the rol wve Ibis yack Biella l4bea la nus acy liciter at present wnîtlug. L. Llnkoelvidt Pbiiip ltlter, of Chicago, hpeutl lunday bene. Miss Pearl Lux, o1 Grass Lake, vis. ited aI CW. A. Taypior's tIs veek. Airs. BE 1. Aines l estertalning rei- atives frointMilwaukee Ibis veet. .P. L. Jîîrgensou and aile, of Deer- field are vtltug ut C. A. Hoptieakar's. Pliashers bave tarted vork lu this viclnity anti report a fair yealdinil grain. Chsarles andi James, Van camip, of Loyal, Nis., caloal on relatives liera Ibis wack. A fine dabate and iiterary liro«ramo givan untior auspices o! the l.uN. A. W. A va. keld lu the Womii man hall Saturday avening Augousî rd. Trhe quesbion, . llcolved, IbaS 1h, diso- lionuoflChinaauiong the pavera vould benli t cvilmaio,"va.. diacusaed hy P. A. Costello, L. F. Jearîmeno and W. B. Weisb for tbm negaîlvu; Il. i.. Jorgeuson, C. A. Beydecter andt N. Hl. Welsh for the affirmative. PFlic noga- tive aide side von.' Phe JInymi colgb. hors sarvetifoc e nm spd cake onithte lavu o 1maboe deairlng it l fter tbe tiebate. Noveinber G. 18991. PgprrS Svu cCo. Deun SIra t fo] Il my duiiI tewrite tu pou anti loi yon know flowmucb ROM y our medicine ha. dnîîe for me. Pveuty-three 7ars mgo I vas tah.en1 vib nomie kinde ol Àotxcb troubîle snd I triaed everpîhiug i board of Pbey tit me but litle god. Thrgja ,yearsuigci neuraigta set lu gonme andi 1 got 010 peor aud Veaitthat I coulti bardly vslk-e.onidn'i vont eny. My linaitauti eceived a booktbhrnug itbe mail, advertising pour medicîne, and he sent aur littie bey 10 Ibm drug store lai gel nue af pour len-cent bottios. 1 began to as. t. filsastrange te sBay, bunIt1'a the ttutla,tlii secoud dose I 100k gave me lots 01 relief. 1 kepi onu u«iýg it titi Iunsed àIl uearlyone e oar and Dow I amn uarip as strouig s f used 10 h. sud co do Bnp kind of wes'k. 1 reeommd Il ta aIl. for it veaU ceure auyhody. 1 have gollei severai 10 umm Dr.'s Sprup Ppsin aud lhey ael ay Il ha.doue thea suranch gooi. Goul bisas Dr. CaldwelB«dais m mmieiam for dolng me en ranch gond. Yours with respect. M"a. Im3fi Wu IIptreaa1. romlovu JiackotuOO., lad' , . aff4 by P. B. L0W4,, Llbettilm; e»o. O. Bahaa. anoidai. Wu&g ]Lugo.; BockgtOsilee j QTi1fl8 villa4a e-oQuleuti'.. Pli* Y. P. Alliance biaitliîe regular monthly bsiles meeting Thureday. lira. Schimidt brougit lier utother vitit ber whcn skie resurned froni Qnacy. lira. N. ZImmer, from lilwankae. bas been viing lier maîîy friands lu &iesvicinity. Henry Sturmn. of Arplu, Win., ban beaun'vialting bis many frlenda acd relaiies bore.1 Airs. Herscbberger sud mke Misses gefscliberger, front Oak Part, have been vlsiing bore. John lilempel lias put a self fecdFr on hie seper4tor. It does excellent vork and savea Ivo men. Alberis anerrla eovering bis terrltcry lu Lake Cocnty aRgisn acting as agent for Heuderson & Co., shui edaiers, Chicago. AUl vio bave lîcon lhneshing deelare thaittis lias been the fluent ibreabing seasn in their remembrmnce. Il ha. beau Idemi veablier. There vas quite s crovd at the p;ic Snndmy and ail bia gond lIme. Witb tbe aid of an organ vbiu weatonu the gronnuda, nseaiospiring sangs ver. Buug. Air. io. Quientin made a trip to Mlvanke. vin the lake Weduebday. We do not knov vbetbar lie becam,' ilck andi hombarded the dili. but iutpe, for the saite of the Ilali, Ihal lie dii LAKE ZURICH. Henry Brandiug nmade a trip 10 Barringion Mondat. Frank ilnney shîppeti a car loati of catIle bore Tueaday. Louis Piche, of Lbertyvilii, vas lu town ou Puenay. Wm. Tonne made a tiying trip te Barringion PTueeday. Wm. Zimmuer, Of Long (irtve, vas a visiter la tovu Puosdmp. Franki Boney andi Wnî. llcitase vent lu Barringlun'uenay. Chas. ivenA vbo ufercîl from blood poison a4 improvlngý A. (i. Stoxen. cf Wauconda, va@ lu tava looklug afler husineaa Aondmp. Arthur Rîrumu and Wuu. icDowell, O! Wmuctîndma, vere visitors kere 'l us- daty John Hodge, of Rockefeller, Who bas heen viitlug haro a fev timys rettirued maturday. lieo Wodmen pieu it-Iat Shtnrday vas Weil attended. Abolut 101) tickets were sold ti thie dauce. W. PObiman santi Msses ERIliliand Emma Self)t 11 ka trip to Ormyhlake andi Round Lake tiunday. Mir. and lira. LouId 1Rnlgge, of whoellng, vore isltîng vith tbelr parents aiILils place Baîirtiay. Bort Seip, Who va. vialtig vlth bis cousin, Albert Lyon, aI Libertyville for a couple oi, veeks roturueti Sundap. Henry Schaefar, vhoboia beau on the fflck list foi' a coupla f wekm, Las retUrned to vort lu tht lice liclse agalu. WAUCONDA. Au obltuary notice and 1biograpby of Fred L. arrivedti on laie for publiiall n his yack. Il vili uppear nezi week. DEERFI c.LV MiasaJulila /ahn In on] the alek lisI. Ah. lPearl Sauderson, of Clilugo0, Iis visltlng vîigt Mabel Atibîke. Mir. andti a. James Galovsy an- tortalned a liay-rack party front Highland Park lait httirday avcnlug. Prhare vas, a vetilg in tovu lait Saiurtimy eveaulg. Christ liatermon anti Miss Jtulia jarterson belcg tbe hiappy Young cîople United. About Ihirty of ber young frienda gathieret as the boome of Misa Florence Muike Phursday eveulng. Angust lot, the eveul being thae eghlenh anni- vonaary of ber bIrili. Gamas vere Indulged tu, asnl the customi on sncb occasions, tltiisupper vas sunounceti vhen the iguesta vltbdrev otiihle dinning room wbere a bounueous anti templing repasl avaited liemn. Phoy tieparled for taîr respective homes BS a ]aga bour and te smy tbey enlopeti a *ivli ima IM pultingiglbverT Iii Indced. Ouà the folioving afternoon Airs. C. F. Muiko enlertaineti ber munie Cimes of 25 pupils. A vory pieanl a ftgra0neowuas pent. A daluîy lunch va. servet i htvo mp @ay vas Do1tlhe toat Important feaîurc. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERb, Furaitdby Lake Connty Titis & Trust co. Abitracts o! Pitie. TIlles Guaranteeil. lioute Poempie Bldg. Wmikeagi.I i. Louis J. OuRNER.t Secy. Euh K 0 8it timit tii Hl1M Hi.I tiuiv ir &tuv rmfair -!itt 3-i IM ...................>.......... jIltoi u Mary E Httnîîtry toC Il Bat ttalji. vi............... .................r,5 ici C E Wahburn & wr tu 0 F Wasil- hure lot 7 bit 1 Gratite wl .... 17 is H T MOiN,&AWl tu KIwI Ke0u«Iiit.. ssIt, nws-(triai te 5. ucý r ut 42-ilu i....................... 14 tX) Clur, PF B1tuli 1.Mîtrut, A Ewh t lit - s4tr se. 3-4&.12 luic clSwje & ln-, tii us tut.,c Ct Illi20arroiSd............... .,1Ke>O Wilfim Jante,& w! tut -uit A Hjietitn.u tIs s . .u ýnw ir, uit.t4l-I1 Wl ..................... 475 ot I.YII, A 1P W4,toniitoAMays V: W> tIî>t lotsM & nuit lotiîtai (irtVe 8uibILIt ai. 1:1& 24-41;-9 wl lue> a fo Gan A Wnglt& wrto F M s-Ern lot 12 & n ! lot 9 blik 7 Wnliutts ailn tu lîi.rtys ilît. wl.. ...............t10)eM Que" A Wriglît & w! to T il Koi lot 8 & uB*t, lot a9Ciii 7 'trgltaîlîtt, LieuqrItille l, d.............,.~. *xl foi lot It05 mW W N. H l-,t uiC ir1191l Granulait Wl ....... viola hB Bra.e linsts 10 lliti1i Wholaut allot Iit MWtir slit i> >. 26-46-10 wti....................... Fruit Ir Proton & w! I ,D G WtlIlt, id p attrtit lu nV1lllue tfr ve.m laite wîl.......................... k3anaL A Butler et ai t10,Go Bitîl a lot lu Butlera lut atitilti lu itliî But) Utaityvilla wti.............. Wan A Buel i & y! ti AilerviAÀ EtnEddy arblu v la w irsu i-ti austi1) Xà s, tir & lie trMtr use.-Sai e-n ta21crea vi ................. Edwin T Bueil4ut w! te AjIlitrri, A Eddy a4-" dsas l lntir - si ai-6. alsaun,% se tir & ne ir site au te-Bc d-lutS20aloress wd.................. Bath llnos & itablu e Co to Lii Iian fialth.m 0c aumire lan 20 0ela W&........................ M ue li as ta te> te SHERMERVILLE. lacn Riesi. of Chicago, vlslted bere Sunday. F. llartlemey matie a busIeness tnp Co Chica.'go liouday. Louis Deline entertaliieti friends front the City Snnday. Adolph Beruliant, of Lkevey, Ia, in viaitlug relatives&liera. Ailsa Milite Milchalder bas returueti home after a veelg's viei lui Chicago. AiandAirs. t>au Klasua, cf Cbicago, speul Suuday wltb thaîr ui-la, Mîko Gns, tbe barber, liait an assIstant iaslt veek, andti Iose vbo voee --e' Hl. Béster. engîneer et thm brIck yard la ou the Mîcinlit but vîli ru. anme Lis dulies in a short Uie. Air. and Ars. Abert Wnlft are the proid parents of a bouncing baby boy, borui toheni Sslnrdy, Auguis3d. 'fhe Misse Heurimîta anti Lillo Lange and Aile L. ilarlibaus, of Chi. cago, visil'etirelatives bere Ibe puat waek. L- e HaIch bas reslgued bis position as wigtbmen o01lte olti brick yard anti bias nol usn7.1 nmadeny plans as b> the tmmiedate future. Rt. L. Greas, of LlbertyvilUe, retire. SectIug the COOKt COVNTT Ii'aIN- umsNt, %peurtlait Thuratay boeoseuTr- iug severai nov subécribers te thia val uahlo palier. If ailiconveraations on the 'phono vero cttsrgod Jor st tbe rate of lhree cents par mincie vhat an enormous bill nome ou@ vate dbave te pmy et the end o! the montb. 'lieo ire deparîmoent lied tlir woekiy Iril snd fine rmn lent Wodueeday Ovan. lng, bol the practico for ail concerneti va. llmited, uasfilwait conflied to the vashlcg of Air. Bartlamts dancing flour. 'lb. familier vhlstla o! lhe. tresheîr is agmin boardi, vbichtbeleutte&aSthe happy deys of the fermer are at baud. a day vwben lh. besî of everytliing is hak------be -idergob ont anti al citres set solde, for it cornes itrtonce s Jean ant in ilooketi for yard tto vilh groal an- Pnhehllgameitat Suntisy resulled ia vlclnry for the Wheellngs by a score Of 9 te 3, althougl i ould hardly h. calledti IasWhoesiig teant asthora vers, nnIy three Wbeeliug playera lua the gante, the reat baing playena from varions other nînes lncludlun ome fremD Chicago. Novertheiens Our boys playedati eliP gaule, snd lied tbey kuo avvmt a teant Iby h5ui ta play, tey mîgihave blned louis National Leagne players fnr the eveut teaeven Dp ntatters. The ]oes or the gamo canh. attrîbute te 10a fev eeras y the homo Lîke an army relurning front batIle. field, lîavlng achieveti a greal vlclory, Our beys retuned home front Macteno Munday nlght havlng won the ganta of baillhythie remaritabie score of 5 10 1 Plie pitcblng of Plummer Hatlava faniblesa anti the fev scattered kits Lbat the Mantenoe got vero lelded vitb aicrlbp: bordering on the prover- Itii al eoif va Ihiai thIe change tei aller grounda rcally titte tbem gooti or more commonly sqPeaking chaugeti thelr Ilicit, go everpiîohy tura out nait Snuday and gfve the boys a rouaing recePtlon. when they play the Locala front Chicago Who from RaUlapltsmr- muces Ihey vîli enasly vmcîîîrisiî. Are yen runnin' for oi,,"titis yjanv N, p ou tiîrn roof;l; Ini ntl' te C. lltJP.wRT, WauonDda; WILr. SuaitO ltockefaller; (jBAARuuarPRIslMAiT for a botle of Dr. Caltivllae Syrîîp leopin 1t0 cure Ibis indigestin. NORTH NORTHFIELD. Tis la, fine tlîresbiug veiitber. Mise t'lors Bach enjoys bier vomit as vîtrkt a0 . Kiest'a, Shormorville. 1'.. Wolf la sufferlng frontu injury te hie 10 legsutÎined by a sllght fait. Walter Wessitilg la ont on a vacatIon, but Il secana 1e be rtben a long eue. Miles lellbha. goue ta Warren, Pa., ou a viî. Ars. Faul accompauiod ber. Mies Elîs Buber& returned t Catte- vorth iiene elle la aguîn cierkiug lu a store. Looonit nlfor tb. anileclor for the INOKi'ENOKNT. Tliep say he ln quit. Mir. snd tlrg. J. C. Wlussiiug went te Ravîi a ta l'peund a day vlih tMr. and Aira. M. manger and Boy. icutorf andi fantlly. We are il savry ta huer hat Wux Plagge doew nel expeet to etay og thi farin anoîber Isar, but ronteuiplates mnovlng tu Deertilb. Dont t e ssfietl i ta mportîrn iee frot idgestion. eotiol Dnupapstî Cure 1, mOann YanIlcopleteîn ni'Muas Ifile rallves lurmaneott. bocense il sh.w tha Ir-Istomsî,'b perfeut mcml. Diau onut rOSIthe atommAh. Naur roce vus supplie. feom the food vo et. Ph. mm té W thta h tomaehbt la us t Pl vMi lioh digieau Wvh" 04 eu % bebuLdo o0u gooti. j GL.ENVIEW The tural Froc Él an wi far prdived a succea.. Airs. William Haut hU4 4enç. ou the sick lii for the puaslot iiit i recovering. The familles of (;- 1K. Rdri anti C. W. Carpentor ver,' vlisltîcg t.Lý,îd. bere Sunday. ()[ee smore ve.are achi e bbearn t4 familiar Roundth lle IbreahtUg Whig. ie as %boy Pala &long aur rmatis. J. C. Lies la the proutilaler of a baby daugbter. This telas vby Joîhn glvays hbu a Aile for everyouc. Part o! itugen & Appigýyard'a plaI- foru vxx trul dovu îy u empty bx car whlcb julupeti the Irack aS tMr. itegen's vareboune. Pikles are nov iu season.Cuales vo roeave smre more but veather 4armerft vîli Dot haveit teovervork ieinselves plcking pickles. Our basebll Iesa viii play the Shermerville teain on SnD"y, Aug. 111h. La$t Sucday's game felil fvor Of irosa Point wiih a score of 7 tn 9. The deoa gronunti are 13o doubt very pretty, aitbougb l he. thinga ara lacking, a man to cugthe graus. a paveti roadvaày sud a few slgn, eeOI the grau"~'ns"<eol N. A. liveuso Ilias beeu obllged te have ndhielep ehlppad f rom Chicago lu Order t ga imis oblitrop properiy boueed. lielp belug viry gearce lu unir Aieurs. Btruhari., sinith have coii cloîledte trenitîve ibeir Élower t-r tbeir machins. The smme setll bu y placent bp the nId faahioeîod jstrv carrier vhleb gave hast Matîlfaî!iouD Ailes Lizzle Mlter le; vliting frIûrids la ihis vîclily. Aira. H. IB. Apployarti sud chiltireri lefi b the gon luesdsy xoornilug fin a lotur lu Virgînia. 801Ou on0f Lova bicyclisaa vie arresseilfor nldinunu ur sldevaitkm. We lieaubusines. iLalph Brmdvay and Misa urace Snell Wcrie unîleti lu marriage Sninday, July iotùh We visitthetm micb ljoy. Tlie Sunday scinal of tLe Congre. gatloumi churclIa vîli give lis annual Plcnlc lu Jos. Iteod'a grove, Aug. lu, Mis Baker, vho la visltlvg fniectis at The (,rove, rendt'red à line Oh)oit a the Ccîugregalionml Churoh ilut Salur. day claiit. The gaine vardon bas uttîlleti sene o! ounrboys t ot)eêboing the birdu 'tes boys, gave the biryiasuant ley vîli aav@ the treas. Johin l<ranz, a wealtby bachelor. recently frmt Germauy, bas parchgaled a lot andti viii aon builti lu Glenview. GIrls gel rcady. Lut BSaiurday ufght Aira. A. C. firayer Invîteti the choir of tlie Con.ý gregatiocal Chioreli to ber houle.le vreani and cake were herveti. liaury Aîpleyavd wvorilbhagladt 1 recelve semae usefuil ru'eiiîts for self bmklu« lîreati. bow lt)boy resdy broloti steak andtihte art or cooklng Ibree meala i once. l'h'aile Rend tn ira- uiediately. THE HOME GOLD CURE An Ingentous Trestmnent by whîch OrunIcarda are celnlr Curecl Osiîy n SPIteOof Theuiselvea. No NosIous Doses, No Wsmkenînu Of th« Nervea. A Plemeant au Positive Cure for the Liq uor Habit. itlm Dsov guneruil y kno ws utlan, ieet1 t thattdrnke:î,taslma i Ieau eanti net veisit oees. A Lotit Ill-Jîl itt îîîtu'à anti cervus Cint letely aîttttc ..l yrlro #l ior Con- an ufugo se iîo llitgIlihiRoMrequIres a atiilOta uiull of' Sneusraîî.îu, anti ttrmicatinu thlu fiîutiLOI 'IOtroyn&r thei ui-tvni fu or luailtm. Sff-ýer»runiai noiv cai tbeiutves naholim vI t ut îîlloity Olom e 1M,înt'frein ttliinos ytitis iteeit iirfeued laller uimawsa amtf.h suuti anti tritut)nt tfyluebriaotoseli ,!sithfItuet Storiliat 10 iratlons Thei vonianul iiiiovr'Iuiste ivr tiu.sranIbi tuneu i dimoovh i lislte est-,lin mmttît hov lbard atutinuker. Otur ret-rtis show the mîrvflotus trssformatlon cf ttlîusRndm Otf tirunkartia luitsobur. Intiu'trilî anid utglit mail. rUai TOO URnFATHus !IKtereme Ila l no snla ns, t uîtbut ila l pcIlli, or fiis disease on, anti lWsonkiilfîî iny tqiVisOlan lreparedti 11,1It la thotrouihly soluble anti ýleaSknt ltthe tst.tbat 1ht an be gi Sun in as, rtenorraffat. vtho ithe kuiov tirunkardu haVa ureitciula ilii ricatIesa tu'naui . an dt as inaun ancre bave litvuurAdLate rv'l as jnanyts lin.nvhn frienti8 anti relatiesSlltutIsi nov litie lu Collie'-ranlandutielluve lod ti a tt tbeY (11l004tllll,îsd tinnklng or theorr 0W ie it. Dne sar WAtT. DDot nul tcdol&el A pfparent anti mislmating'.. mProvereî Drîvu tiltt te ditîsmeat outra and f(o01Wl qis Plie '-R oux u ruai' leaid aori axtrAreoy loi eOeô"le dollar. thug eiae wItuiD reih,3VrCult î± utin tttolvi vr)sadr etby,yeaîeM vfeta horti or@ Oe ata Tutwf&' Vol fi fi fi * * fi fi, fil fi fi fi fi t' fi fi- fi fi fi fi. 'C4é ~ LIb Are tihe b4 Feit gi antee it,.Paîri.p uewiy P lIaI maket i nOW. 1 amPr 'met hi sc Prices i RtOOM 2 Dr. Chi Off lcoi coulas Liberty Dr. offilce o 7 te Io e Libi PAt Aterne Libert.v Dr. H Phys utrut ltttCa tR GEN eYE, EA &y" mi A SUIT op WlHrM fýNevery cake of Ivory Soap thm eaue 100 IM complete sttita of rlch, cre ltheu Before dr gputmoa suit of Ivory Soap. Cove teentire body front head to foot wth latiier. Takte i.sait0ofwfth tepid water aà< you wMllremove with ik ail the lmpurjtis of the. body whlch have ben carried to the. surface through th. pores. Une a pure mpforethla. WVORY SOAP-Offle aPUER NT. Ppi

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