CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Aug 1901, p. 1

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'L' - E COJNIr IND)EPEND'ENT. Vol. IX. No. 45, ___________________________________$ 1.50____ a Y ea in A 5E5lnrým Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. friday, August 16, 1901. 4p à. 5O % CLà alil, Pn anc IT'S MERgLUY A QUESTION 0F CeUMl -the Prke. + &To a prospectiv l'Iîîe who is Iookiîîg 'for 'miade to maif clotlws. Aid we say irii a io any betWr. 'We leai il Priems. 44We ltil ,ii Big Variety. i*z4I WNe lvad Ioiu Quick Service. , 44w o.. il satisfaction Givilig. I)o't takx o-w>ri for it, but tî'y î.îii . n *What can we do for you? SANBORN & CO., 4 TAILORS 44 ibertyviIIe - - llno0i S.4 Fred ( TAIL 0Vi Schanck's liar Liberty ville Walks Are the beat aMW la tas . uw chempet. Feit gravel roofs1 anteed for five ye. - iîffly prepsrii iuf .rx, s lIaI makes Oidl.walks î."snlyi i DeW. i am preparetil lximlil1 cernexn'tf i tdc iike, i ii r I'c" ~OR. ER rdware Store, - - Illnois. Piano Cuming. l%% 55IIOii xT MAs' CO'.Crh' WAUKEGAN. th ouat L..d. 0 là C ity Attorney F. C.iRoger'x cti lavit We'ik tor a trip foth, el'soilc ciaiv at'loi poita t8f utereat euenu. 'lii.rx' l4 cvery îîroblabiity bat Mr. Ifogers b'am bîd f'îreweii lu Watikcgaus ism homeiî, aloIi fila underatood lie cori temiplafes locallxxg at Mofcow, Idaho. le exîiectii f0retîîrui la Waukcgau in tbe fait sud close np lis business hore. 'l lieu lie WINi ove tû tête new lxioliî Attorney Rogers in popular soeîaliy aloîi il i wffi hregret ilit ls nIjîYý fricuxi, iearn flus intention lu Icaive Wiaukegan. Ait ezend ui xibuîîni buxpe tu ibts isl)pMaylbe s piesat une sud thbsinxess cage profitiable tu hlm. fiberlîf drifl n sd Chef i'uîiie (ireeii made a <lever capiure of a jail-biroaker Wednesxday ut lent week auxi besides; disftingu8lag tliîeniavuicaplîîred the simil reward ulfered forIthe mins alPprUebî'uaixni. "uea4daYL-venînig, AUg. Ixflih, .li. ScîMen Alias Jus. L'lair broke juif at Crown l'oint, tbec îoly seat <if Lake coîilxfy, lîdiaîîa. 1î,le ise hii cacapi.t'y Sieskng ontilwbcu fthc lînîsonsrn vere hinig redi. feimnen fad bcxi eervixxg a aine nOI)iili.isentlence foc bxîrglary sud Lad licîTriin uuly a 1cr aeekm. Lince x'csji1ig le Lad eludî'd i'sPiure and a reward wusa piaced on i bIcliiail liy Sheriri Geo. W. Lawrence, (ufthflIndians cOunty. hlcnoavlg Ébat lie Lad relatives in Wau- kegau ÉUtlcsierlîf nolîfil icheLake <,'Oxixxfy axiîîrtlr' snd lbey kepi iheir eYi's 01lici hilithe result fIai 4fileili Grilfîiu d Chef Greexi learued tbaf a iellow sîîuworiug lelumeisdexerlptîon vas living Leur iRussel.Weduenday afterîii,)oi fhe ,Illierv drxîvcont te 1iisx.,liaud aboutitwo uiiics vesi of 9 lie uilisg., ieur lue Higglns' faim, llicy vaw fai, men walking aiong. ' bey vere approachled sud sure enougla 000, ufthfli ixanawercd Seluen'e description. Oflcor (ircen puiied s revolver sud covcrcd his man and In s momeol bcwax vassniicxxiled and on thc rsy Ixsek Wltu'a. Word vas ent f0 fllcrilf Lawre ncecsud lie rcacbed Wau- kegsii ai N 30xo'ciuck. He iadeufiiled tue mns xbis cscsped prisouerad 'rbursduy munuiug lic ras faken baUk te tndiana. Conujctor Carey KilI.d. Txîemday aifennoon Coîxdxixno<xcCarey WL', lias lisd chiarge ufthflacwaY freiglit or, flie E. Jt.& . .Erailnoad tfr a ycar wm, kîliîîd a51 ake Zzicleix. If -Us wie makîug a lying evîfe"li" be ai'ciderif iecurred. A "ily- lofé asillel ie vlsre ivo cars or secions îouf a train lîîliow ecdi îîer. -- i daxxils ei uilnil SxiO xecx',itiliig j!Ixai' laswiîibrîl i f sau ilthten flie svifcb lxv al ,li iariTf Libeýrlyvilif, r 1ueei urithfltulowing car continues. ii*iii) 1tl imiilate ft',I ully recoi- :1lxi iLsoi ixthle ser(Ui La ix'iii TtiiIiimfio un vi x i' îl ig liS flic int onxe I xxfîînc thix's wilehi couid guar- sav,u a le iarux'xftlîxs trade tmuer lixe 'llroix"anîlCareîy ras anght lu g. th.elrxxi li alixaper (of oTiT iOfithflc rail jiivt as le casmxîuutîug the ears. B haldinuiCu. luCiiîcaiRî, 'iebx1la ciiilailier. hlm' vois lerrilily crzxbed, u'ii,îccItri le (ii'xa t e.e)u ID nt1loxi.dYlxig liéitlifl3. llxg i Chifcago. iihave tsy COMMxIS-.. Carey ca4 1lit ilar 'aifli cuilliyeea ffl RIaliii'i' aliilhlIxas" Liny uier and salesgînan sd paftrons oidflie ronad, a hftenîilidt el. ig ixeîilu Laki' i îînuxy. SbUGul lfie vustauf sîy.iîîrlikeil hîy î'î'rylîîdy. a gîîîa i île to ir ri1x Ibave soid an u StElri'î Th"bc(-f)royixer'a îjury cxoueratîd fthe ini q iesf ut tuuiug or rx'pairlng, 1 wiiuITI rîmptfiur[n any blâfme 1fic he m ier. l'îrflauîi î'ti ifii la MsîîII aeii te 0alloc f ix) ti dtr. o i e crk Aitlruesa. km wui lar xîiar t4i tg vhs Li. ther of a liy Jîxîn De. rd's plat- apty fxx Re a Mr. 170leau 'sentier rlverwork piay e lay. A ug. Il la favor r 7 to 9. Doa daube uhingla are s. 9 Ptvaîl "l<eep oit hligevi ta Chilcago prixperly, rcc la ouxr htave Coni 'iuwer ir aelion. tg trlcnds cldrexi 111g fi'r a xideweltkh, 'sec ielI day, July )Y. Congre'- fa ianal Aeg. i5, g friexîds le solo kt uat lsatur. ledl sorne lbc bîrds fiaey viii beeholnxr, >xurebu.ed ilenvier. a. A. C. tlhe Con.I Min. leu sglad fo for "el-' Y bcoiled Dg tliree V which 'Id Oally es. akening it anld ]et hervesém i'equIres Iillitfy t' Or eles LA, Th.) Is of fuile iantei isixidm of eltg la r for ibis lubie andl bc Rivet, xc, kiov. irr have men ter 'y ovi tr t0a Id at t lentwor -h- ncst sîilbcrxyviii end i.ylake,.111. Elgin. xi1 Dr. Charles Galloway. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, Offie Oer Lvel'sDrg Sore ATYONEY AT LAW, Offceverovîî'orgstreLIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. COUSE WSOM 1 TO A ND 6 TO MP. M. lui 5~~~Sc1ANCK 50(5 WL&ATrs V LibertlyvIie. 1- ilnolSTLEOE NO 280 Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office over Trllgga & Taylor'S. rotu 10 . Mi. àftu 6 lsleIl t . f . x ifosidejixie on Biroadway opp-fi te i'ark Libertyville Illinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attorney .a n oumor t 1-... RAIPH Li DARBYI PIANOS ORGAN a TUNED ...,CLtANEO RE ULATED. REMA IREO. Shoning.,r md Schaeffer Piano*. Libertyvilie -Illinois. Oqîx vau AKuE Corcî ai, > ftm NOTARY PUB3LIC V IJIu, Libertyville. Illinois. WRIGH4T DyMOND & Co., Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. hSe :[,ieiIntereal i3earing Certifi- Physîcian and Surgeon. csPybeon I'Domnand. Enr.tTICNeSOPPOxxxtlLRBMAN hÔTUE L xIcli, ________________ <i .rne- - - - - ---Il Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Rc E. FORD GAVIN, OfiCHour rm . .uni to p.m. AIL Luc aLoI ieU .i. Libertyville. 111. SWsaukgan. t .PEIALIST. 1, xû nIC 0 1 u. o efluend Women. SGENERAL. SLRGERY. JYE, EAR. NOSE, &THROAT. iA îirty Ii vanijoe, liîuo ,iiske aili'v'tii'ryOlug peoffie ara at l>tice 'Lake thinowvek eunyinlg il, out- inig, and reports trum "-camp" tenid 10 CýIillii'e litivY are fiaing a fine finiP. Mr. and Sirs. NW. L. hidi chap.. fmi he irtyt, auilih oxuimto of J. H. Nu anPlew, Muscs mAllie. Ciliian sud Marlo'u i'îyne, Missa MarY Ifece,'r. fI t)eî'ker, W ilie Decker, hep. it. F. Morley, Frank Crutliife, Misa Anna Clroukliite, Misa Lottie Mciiride, le Thxomas, Misax CocaThbornas, Miss Elsie liîdiey, Miss 'rber Smitb, orvilîe Smithl, Mim .\lry Mac Arthuor, Miss Aliceii' l.,îner, Mr. Ford, Mims liens ijecker aund L. FJeaxnmehe. Parentsl and ofiiîrxx aie triquent vifors. Remaarîtof 3itl. C ouxxfy Spernittdelît Oif Sehools MarvIn ix senxifng Olit rertifliates of atward to al] pupitslu l]tbe rural scbOOls wbo were netiier absent nor lîîrdy d Uriug the spring tern. 'If le ulxlxwa'x irtroîl îi in uthe fuît of 19ou, mince 'wlitcli fue lure bas lieco i graduiail uereave ,of sp- plicaiioua fox' xertlliictesi3. luthe lent twiA ferma Mr. Marvin lias mont ont oVtr C40i of tlieme corfiflicafems Silver Moedal Contemt. 'ilcewxlli e a franchise ilvermedal 0liteit i(lraxxgo Mail, Monday ove- uixxg, Aîîg. lîffi. even contestants viii takle part, ail recitzaiions lxx In, lipOni flic ubjecirit 'franxchise." DeWiff's Wiîc iî,Iarhalil rioaixi« RsM On hlhIollizcia, l' exl ufT,'nîTd six yeA Dctrqf ai](i'dto ii'lîî bloxa. (5, L.WltA f , 1î, i oui. 813 by F. B. Lovrx..Llbsrtyvlli,. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS 1-#uCTIONaaEER 0F-CHIICAGO, UTOER ha@epeied a Rollins - Illinois. DENTAL OFFICE Ai Lth.rtyviIle Buter's Btek. ovar Mmltb & Davis' store sca lie v~ W'heu couleixplatiug maing e als foand regulaxIy coWduqaba. f . om 084. mon" cet dn end mt Iviji gw.. 4-e16 a. %0 f»Ot*P. .SmUa.o.- PECULIAR DEATÎI EN BENTON. 11<45%iejte Deascn--i oxi inIci l E' side H i l IixdiyCoroner i, a î dH iii ilelifoix lîx aoi u i i,, ' ,v,-rflth, rîiniiitof Deaoxxh, l iayi'r i Dixwiele. Wlb la is cil' Ilor 1%iiiv lxi a 11111e bsl'y la s Ir-"'ji î,.lt uilx' ii rto li xi . *Camp. oclixnlie <ied. Ilie vife iestmoid it l iix' irot ITlsiiiy moraing, Sud rit, r ireparig bîreakfast caied lr JuI u, .Izecciv. îxîg no reply ae* Liii'tiguied iiid tîîxîd lbe vsu dead sa 1 i . iitî'îly bail iicen toc boure. Tlaaf1- I. (lie iîd iiîîrinig ilie nigiat witbuu i r .uîîxng lier vaine lied. Coroner Tsylipr bsd ' ' bis jury lu Waxkegan befcre gul ý, Ziiîll l avoid baving Dowiecs fic îîpuy. i icir verdict ws. thurT dTiî,r d 1 tram n aurai cana,..1 Weduesdav saotiaer 1V i, ll Zi/0 affer lminulg the psriî 1 ulîd floit deem au itiqux eeai000e nrýi liiivecr flic Coroner ia pnzzled tf,' low ,vjoi wbat to do in tac« scsem, i 'I l crn. sill Jxîdgc Joues ad St i i, îî. "81icotttrimmely. IfLi1i.1i,,ii sxrx' iii hîid lui1 ueiate lu evî-r% i . ' 1ire Dovicifes lisc vlthout î,i1iiil ati ru lion, aud taniher tx e) a- f, ti xuucli nquei saasis T' .TeisOf deceased lnslead of haylxi i, ,-.,'iltxiy psy 1ir rsaine. This ie u i i,, it1üifli advlseîl sxcb s colue la l -'.i 'hrle Mhibe a largi' r [r.Icer iof desîhsb@ In ona this 'u' via the properly profece fv ron i.< ir snd furtlier as they an, c j va,, lic'k]Y and Invalide. Tliaf fi ' îxty @houxId be caled upe o 1-i1rI)jxthe Inquesîs that Vinl folor, i"t ivcaîxiel tlieue Dowjeles refuse t.. jlitaij medical attention l8 naJud.' iii, f ug AboiatiOu "las pfrclia8ed orty Bids for Pr1viicge-. acres ut grouil on the northb bsnk of At the fair groandu 1i, ,,, ate. Cedar Lake, one-baif mile from Lake Doon W- X. HRth, tu b, !-If ,ftheeVilla, aud are now lu camp on the Lake Connty Agriouturail îvre i grounlde 'sicli are on a liigh bluff, elved bidea for theiasYtioli, ,iiilege, 1 fity ftedabuve tLbp livei ofthe olake. but CAflittiOfi s tPat( a isfiIrcente A darnce pavillon bas beeu erectexi sud spiriled biddtug. It wa. tae(j h&dance viii lie givert every Weduesday alai mcii .",r ii' aniliîx Iîiî'î'LIi wentixiL.ake ' i xxt Q aixfi îa mor, rigiîl tinalit aiIlr,4farp lic ag ixiiisii..Iaruiteusare' liii xi<'l alixii e 0drive î'aftle sloîî1g flic igli- way ax'lîrc if pamses tarîiIc %hi. ln, ie dicii v i ibnise nuer lîcualiy if s fiue (if $500i. Every tarix. vs bre flic diixcasx'existe la qxiaraxitiiîeîlaud n oti ang Cali lie laken .1yl the tarmi. Wilicre s farier ba batlxxioue i, xi c lectcif le mumai uicccsarlilyfeuil niilk huui le reit if bis ierd iii li liug.'xamii i funiliermore n i alr%,ii'd lurcxiîive froux bis tirm pîrodîce if axxy kiw. This l4 provîug s bardvllu isuin-i f p lu la.'uf vQek cixîflidyîug wvin' bourlcd luirncdiately N oiv rtue fiiîrm,'c ire olîliged l fu xrn ahtcarcassexs'. We have beard of 110 nev clii.x'ux li0 wetk, but several catie li.xve îiî'î amoug berds tîrcvionsly reliiril il. tectexi. Mlart in Jleiiexke l14'4f aevcu axîd bis xbrubxcr Jobu six l tiîc eek. Th ley live' nian 0G1Liner' .ilrinan 1 tuixlier, outVQieutiua Corners.,îînî Tii8 tarn) the Irai case ot Anthrax levelolied lî,xt ,llwîî ciao fluaweek. lUe batilbis entîrx' lird vaicclnaied moine weî'ku ago aller fie"tirif cow (lied suddsîîp. po8ed ail dnigeir vaixpast, lbut lie lost fr0 more ibis arcek. EPIOEMIC ii'iiF Sus TO EoiiixFv Louie M8ob liz andri1. 11111 man, of (inxer rail liai i a liirxe frriiutfli clibsxie Ulis vxe-tfoieelîeiîg flic oniy fao cases r, iii 'cxcii iI up lime of golnig 10 pressasuri wx'kuoîv nu boraca inifecied, cuuvvîîuenily loLoti lîevux tbe CPidcmic eil vpread nmsfertiîlly axnong bursuxa. Spirifuaiafus f0 lisiil Home. FAIR DRAWING NEAR. * ý. .ixx yogr ficifT I c, m :ifî' Ii i Il,'iv ueg I * o 'l'hfux enxd 30,1v t .itui, i l' Tf,î.îii. trîf iîi,.,tii ' li fîa brifer and l f ' iiîî u r Th ru indi.iiu ... x>fhxit m ;I ,p,, T Tiui iiîtui,' i n 'rt ri i i i TTig if ' vIii lIa OiiTt 'vth u i . nlru tc h I t,,rktiii ...ui o . f, il l lsh o îlage l i il.f f f i.-In îl-ufi'u Tiv i,,, u, i. iif ' ' l 'ul]lie i g' u i' i i f u tindiit vuul f'tf i fit : ile L a xit r i ,t'g -I p,1 ,ta * eid, lxexuii'uu' tîTu111i.iuu ,, u i,il itI , i iî 'g * c l Ile fio i ....îu i fu' uuiu A iu.tfîxiL, ,I l "t tlS ir . iii a ' * it xii125 ie!,iTu II 1 gil 1,uut. 111 turii , r t i r ufir,-"fi uv 'g' * anîd escifilIg lTir If i tfi, ri rIl iu e I-li d <i ' ii I .i en-ii ground.i As .tfii 1u[ 'ul.ll îîi t' jI . ii, îu1 , , ti.,-tI i i IL rh , h. I .. 1 1 ý k l , I , 1 .. .'g * trakctionsIl-a . -1 lfuit, i'M I ., , iuh'tp'it iT tuu i \ii Xi ii rit r n fc , ill 1', uTu ' ,i; i tuIII, dI ,,',- l tTi, ii ,t 'l î1îi iîi ' ma itlirg I lf etliuI.c iiîrii tiunuu" bide foc diulng lhall tiii i î'rceanxîand soda vater prvl'u-,r i ie lic. Gepled oniy Witb flie i(tratumioxg fthc fair dîreetors i'otil i i ii, lxaceeluf the bite tor cch !xT'I pti n elili fhey concluded mure zin y cuijnilcic reahiaed by lefing asu v î Ailil pienaiimi have lhixrigtit, unexiu'l'î, it i afîpu. lated pzice. There V55 one fiel tn for ficù explslve dinulng liailt uce axnd $251 for exclusive lî'e *i, uî and axîîl vagen prii'ilege. Thîe score card lx1 t" "r' vî,l i ta good figure brngîuig j$,.7, i su i vîs 'ecured by s partyfylingt -ui fxii tI sîste Who mires a -îîîîî duseîîîng1 score carda at parioiit.tîirtm. C'bas.i ilufai, of Diamouit "li. 1 htie $Moi tor îining bal Prxlv ' andîîi 'il. PaY1ie, otflRocketeller, $2 i.,r tiîîive crsuxiaisudIte e rcani e,-îi NiotiLier Prfvilî'ges vere dihliu,vî i REAL ESTATE TRAN'cFERSý Furnistii'ilý, Lake County 'lif le i ilT Co'. Abstracts0f Tiie.'Ititîurufh Idagonfc Temple ilîdg. lýuiukgaui, II. Louis J..i tit ',cv, Secy. fi 124ks lot n lîxxv Clark 0 Corser f0el(;,,'lrij- iii 8(38ln SWrxRswlr Mi. ',v'i12 ci. 4)00 AA MoMlifln & i tiM fiermun loit t & ai i,'t i, i.' atîhage of Ualnesslliî'w ... ...... 11fui Sarahx A Buflxn eiai ta lrii , h.1 Locke lot a Buîl"nî -iii iii iiit Buflcs sub Lfbertyviliu' ivi...... 2iiv 8 NeUte &wfto 1) N lirT iiri'îd ÇO VOPIerlà wfto 0Hiramn LumIklot ablit batàaumabdd e ibelxrty. anid SaLliiniuay iigiu.. "le iîflu'Ict "îîl ae'hIrixig the grotînda xc fui esialoilhia syelirl i itp xmeetlig ivthlxi esy sc' J s i ficgo asud lu nrgaxiz Ili i i îr tii' oui people and vaite, wliu'nc fli furuîcr eau lite 1. getiben drîrxig fleur lfhe axi hie lstfer lie tllgîf utul vnuxatl()iuxiandul um A1 clîîirîialy dîap'mxxr ladty or Chfi- rago liaagrîcil f0 eilca $25 hoiî rme fuir 01xi Peo pIe asud aai fa mi tixe grrîxîxîda mhîruuig ftheîux u axilor, and lire- seul It t l i' h ,îiciu fxîr lliIiiiau- ilarbiîiiiun oai.iiîie plîrficaisH George i . i ixnilixgiy.<if Cloii go, is prmedîexit iflix ia,ciat 1' 'xi m ii x ilsx PI'xîflixi astiic a(i,kt'r. Nus5 I Liiv Me tuuvvxi lelr"1. Sui i.Ti. cii . ....xi ... Axîi. , li m i- i" ,, i fii t A I llut . , i ltu.,,,î. "i' T A.i i ,iz, il muuît fî tii 0 i l n', ili. >1T u a iblii' .ti, u fi rIl 'cmuîu,l xT t"'u I I ni it",z'mît, r' int t,' -'Eageae F1.1,1. Titxi 'aa' r >T*oum n muAI IoS ILIS .1114 tas the 'fa î'îî'î'alîx. xthe-harves , a t.Ii hî'xvixl xiîlîaîîrx'aijthe beîîefit of oir G'reat August ke~ductions. i Oriel.iTî'5~ lis asi'iei'x xloxili' lims ixenthe isigest ever kgau lieiiî.i,îri axîi fflre c e lluit' cff aime Short L.eugths, Odd Sizs, et., flic Ni ivii accumuiilation froxu ',iili ir,i'Tiil'xIlleuaseiliag, iii of vhjoliMW g o for a song. loci(iciing Walkçlna Sklrts readY-fO-Wear. $150 ' ab l iriiiuieîi, teiirn Skîrîs................ $4.50 W.,illlluxîclWooi Skiris ........ $ 5.00 'l i limIell a u i Li iii'. W ool fkir eý. .. . .... . . . . . . 9 Corneln and look around.- W aukegan --- Illinois. .....A GREAT WRINGER SALE ... I1liave just re( eive<1 twelve dozen Wri 1 gers bhouglit direct from factory at tic regHlar price tlîey mnake to jobhersx and for tie next 15 days 1 w iii sell wriîîgers at regular wholesale prim4x. Compare these pricexi with your Ch icago eataogue>s. k<IÏAL-ThIN le the beat wringer that can be made. ilolid rublier rollm and wsaranted for tive reara. iiegxxisr price $3.50. Witoleasle price 330.00 a dok My prie...................................... .8 f NIVEIiSAL NOVELTY and RIVALWarrsxnted thr Y#3ar@. ifegular priee $2.50. Whoiesale prie $24.00 a dos. 1 My price ............................ ........... 2.00 ùVAIIDIAN- Warranted tire. yesre. Regniar prioe $2.75. Wholessle price $27.00 a dfw.. My prie,................................ ........8 SUI RWarate wo jears. e Xpguiar price $2 40. Wiaolesale prie $22,00 a dos. My price........................................ 1.89 PItINCEUON-Warranted om e a. CHALLENGE Netvsrrauta..... .......... ........L- ' Those prices are good for two weska only aud lubeaetS stock on had. C*11 aud look over my stock. H. B. EGERO figure than a like quallty is sold for in Chicago. Il. îs ilist mo with liarulesses. My $10 ~~ fo more tîarîîx',sii a r e. I havbu ette'r bargains. Corne ini and talk s hedfore 1purcha.4ilg. runixons iii w.flit olie of those 50) iiiler whipni. You cati reaeh the C. Ml. KAISER, 111e --Illinaois. cit bV elirs- Lfbertyvi le ncci iiew goods ldafly x.xxîîintilig of 1lats, Caps, MeIt îîxanid Boys Fine Shoes, liaticy Shirts, Neckwear, Ladiles' WrappvitrH, etc. Our i iothlîigý will be here next week. Yoli wili want sonFe of the above goods tk attend the Lake County Fair. Cati anîd Bse il$. You are ai ways welco)me. E. W. ParkIio M NOW IIORSES DIE OF ANTHRAX. lIretTm o h cnmcl MarvttiTimeiFovthe Illi'xl.L ','xry i iul3 i uii, G- B. ERIGHAM. GEN REP OF D. M. BALDWIN & Co., Cincinnafi & Chicago. Prices always Reasonable. WM. BELL «C aUiDIR ILO I MUFSK run ý

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