CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Aug 1901, p. 2

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TA>, 1 TEST KOCII THEORY -tî J% DENVER MAN IS WILLINO TO SWALLOW GERMS ll* Paro,, the Trahls of the tel.' WIZCP LO UBN) R __ Dlfs atons Tutt.ulo.Ie Theory WIECP tG UBN t1 t 4*éia Girl* KA.- c Ma n li rdrWf.Dt.r l. Sevemly Pn..ioihd 137 ,.<IXI1I.JCaopAt ilé >,iobHMis. yeskea ie. IsIn»dIc. ______ petis -Wilant Gor. of Young Amierez, lad.. collCi The Question of auetîîr or ual animai sccusemi o! hAbiîuaity betîn ig BassIf.andi Cicago-Cattie, ncmuatO Prilih cop ali rIuiluis is tan lit oaîutaraidteo ill irsastaten te tice vois eenty y $3.00 le $5.711, bois. aiippluggrades. principal isman beitg-t lita. ici 't. i. Mison 5bttee.n o!hils neigihana.tile te 1a ctree 83.00 1te8$d.10: sirop, tair 10 choie. 83.00) teningt Otate l)siry Cauatttut-t-rinl(r-otf Coloaaano eltivsen c fioggig. Tiree buggy s-hips te $3.615; wicat, No. 2 nem. 70e te 71c; greailm temaite a unique fr. tier-aestuhantià akionate teess-rn out un hie crnm. No. 2.,SNc te 157; octà. No. 2Z 34ecrunt et lînit 1t l olitigîri-t t lllisaîtî,-. hane bar-k. Tise While Cappera s-era uteltc; 17e, No. 2. 156 te-bisc; botter, ai. ibas vi'dent esîîtabl iritiituttaor hala fantly meekedti s ususin uver thein facs. claIr-e creamery, 19e tu 20ar; eggs. freui. me-sis-, i ý-ote in , tirtra xîîîriîaen Feint anti cosera-ul stub bloti, tiare trai- 13c ta 15c; potatoes. nets-.$1.011 te$110 Georgie. .0bouli lrove ftati lir. tit-lnsouti i làinse f ta île ornce. utDr. L>broot Per buabel. ovee fiat bagis-a-aitagraat idu-tl or tuditituber- Who dreaceui <iehennouisa.Gone s-li leave uIndisttapois--Cattle, shippie«. 83&00 te of lie et cidnisandthepecilirites -f-te iste counury as satin as hic Imountieheal. $5.71; hoga, chire Uh llu e4.00 o 0; lu Miail Cg&eioin canitut- ra-duiiit bi5rit disina Gore cane to Yourng Ameriea tire. shees. commn te paime, *.fa.oto 83.50: iteen rai Armbeler i th teor mcnty Po-Year cga front Wallon ani married Mmir. s-leat. No. 2Z 11e t ieo; cern. No. 2 met ep u lietieesey roun.tuaitht-t wi- na ttr diep Cbin dier. n olios, a-lis n-ns a rni white. 56e o 57c; oms, No. 2 ws-eic. es-, a et i efettu h nmltbriois net ertae i sliaga. Ht- sas a sintasen sii36t e 87r-aie. Le transi-ibl te Mn. .->t-r-olt sou. As as instanuce o!tie St. LOis-Càttle, $325 ta $5.015; ioga. btter tb cniteliy Gaine inflicleti on tire on andl bii $3.00 teoP8.00;: cbep. 83.00 Ne$325 bama er, BLOODY aitor IN ATt-AIAEKaI. tejumouler it is reistr-d uat ta sa-e lie Wa-hte, No. 2 67C te b8c: COnn, No. 12. tj»lnn boy troua punininsent Mu-sGoire climbeil 58c ta 59a;esots. NO. .Z3Ue te 3i6c; rye, the reput Un Men Kîlledi.Klves anti Cunîatimtg On the bouse roofte 0get s bai le ieblitiNo. 2. tSie tN (Me. t -I Pin* SIcingWepons tS.u. bi hn- ir.Sefufoats Of clcinnti-csltie. 8500 te $5.23; bosg, mtr i lu Anailarte, Kai.SaRetrds- latigtî, ntialigiteti ou an inventent ianoa. tie 83.00 te 8590; alleehi, 83.00 to $3.35; Southboe r'afflnatackedayuitg tannerin tttiwas tels t a hici raa urotîg li er fî'et. lut- s-t. No. Z 70e toe 71c; corn. No. 2 The setc 1.0 fngbtnet tarenai.t).A dmas, lcting frigbtful injuries. foiotern ly mimenSt.8c1e; oateNo. 2 mixent. nemi, fait al et Banneton, lowa, n enuiutn or! île ta- ioctja'.s. WhileI ing helpiem i la sai- 36ete t37c; m-e. No. 2,152e 10 53c. ttt'500,0 mateis James brotuer'.,inieter-rain lie- eged that Cure came haine tiunt aBdti Detrt-Catiie, $2.10 te$5,2; lhoge. jumhably haIu othte fariner. He biisielf wa klttked ber. The saune nigit u orgnsex- 83.00 to $5.75; abe-ep. $2.50 te) 83,711, average, lIe sttacted. Januitsttioci.ed tire, or ion s-as formeti ta White Cap thui -ie s-beau. No. 2. 71c le 72c; cuen No. 2 tout lau 9*9 of the rufians dos-n in tture, ien u stelr andthtc sorts-as cerrnentot. Yeiios-.56e te 57c; nais. No. 2 s-ta.i ono the St te Wu joiréeil y ses-ena!otbt-r'..andl the LS AL -u IK& 37ete 38e:r rye. S>te1055c. proriuce gt beesme s it n suh i *- teere L- Tui.FURdo'-S.01 Wbeatt No. 2 ixený t), te 0a fair dil sage. ht utlatrt tt--Olne TraeigPrea=to ~ 1:cr.No. 2 mixeti. fiSc te ,,&; Date, crup0 ret* eutthe ir htte n a ock landne u.o *1mixent. 35e te 36c;: ryc. Ne. 2, 11e bales aut rsop eu ti airhom ona Itr-i laentb.»- rdKtcener. tu5-4c; ciorer serti. prime, $1640. erentrain sd atiss tut-ht-uiy duae A Parliamentsry palier hbe builalâeti >iissîk1Wt-l o.2»nteu0Wi are, a freigit brakeman. sqt Ilterally lu Lonadon \Iilwau it rclitaluu7c tikee-hent, . 2 ne10 7c;osî. W .taped10ileth Tireeotirsruien lauei i Lrd Kitchener Aug 7 lunne- No 2 s-its, 38e t10 39r rye. No. 1.5uc tosece , et Porter, s-ho inocted iheun &al ot s-its crdances siib iastruîtions tram lie ina- te 5ie. baley. No. 2. 59e te 60c; port. a eouph plui. Six bodlis tere fount perai governient, the gaverouuts o lta anmes,$1187. A moti ii the violait3 a inte tuoi] wt-i ithere Ospe COlOnY anti Natal cenucurrin. The Buffatu-Cattie. choiee.sibpplng teers. ton. Otia tWy laed heen draggetl atter te cetaiOf proclamation aaya: "Ait commandante. $300 teu$.910;Lons, fair lu prime. $300)hat teobt lie Bgt. fil crnets ani leaders utfaormet] bands,, ta $1.251; siiep, tairnte chie.,83.50 ta Linmeegn piROGitg" uF TUBlIR ACE. buttig baribera ofet otslaenepublics anti8400, lamie. comnauste eholcec.$4-50 ta lu set aui aW tili la neaisting his majety's $575 tic open! aaaui , etLeas-c. Cu@ i Cotet fonces.s-hethen in the Orange Ceony. 5Ns- Yort-Celiie $3.751 t0$5.70. bois, dr-iloron for is lPetouanL lte Transvaal or ethen portions of is 83.00 te 8$&251; aliasp.,0 o 8-te O.pelitiofit *dl.s-ing the standing of thte clubs maiestys Sout Atnican dominions, sud titient. Ne, 2 ted. 74e Na 'sa; corn, Nuo 2. 1tete-8 Nà- QlLeaue: al membuns outhte late gosemeula of 59c lu 00c; Dais. Ne. 2 s-bie, 4lu 42c; br aie -%"I W. 1. W. L th rneFwSaeanti Transv-aal- btter. crcsmery. 18e te 20c; egga, s-est-ler sa'cti .53 m ~4Boton - 44 4c». aslit. untensathey aurrentier butane Sept. trn. 14ete16tc, serve, lu adlhia 154 i38Ne,- Vnt -- :7 48 l5. lbu Permanentty banisbed fIrmSouth menttDan U Lente.. 53 40 Ciuencai ... :8 Z AfnCa. Tiecotut ftis a îintenanceco! LIMESTONE IN A BIG POOL,- liantait U .kln 49 44 Chicago .761 ti. familles of aIl innîters la the, fieldt la-sscitf s-Who bas-e net surnendereti hy sept. 15 Ne- Trust Uzldr Peee .bY 0f' fiotippnt isadiagaIn he iAmerir-a League- are shah bu necroveable fruit s uci burgisers facilua af the tacICet (n.grazing M elos-: anti asl i a charge upon ibeir pmop- Aotien geêt:Industrial comhinir-tion ma-n eau 1. W. IL W. 1, .ty. reaoable ant iiusmoable. in lie Of special Importnce.ta tht-!ton sud tir. emt obqqen ...060 3 Philadelphaie. 4547 ts-n O ruinlasteel enterhtntae-s oflise- country la noite fail. t -.MI em ..54 39 Cleveland .- -.39 53 1 CBni» HEM NMOTaILR <ti~ nier s-ay te counjuetiaut Ticobjeet l aidput .54 4 ahntn 6 i F0.M t place Miler thie contrai of One corpo- sprint. ~oa 40 WsM iue.. 361 o, 51 nhýtwihth ation the liant-tone ontput lu tiisBec- tuab in -t ____Theft ml E oulemient tmunitofmtte try. m Ie- n e eOrte-- met JVDGE MARNErT 1At-KS, Ts-eIve hundrei l lars bu pension mi motn ae i sectuby the.. 54 f ~moneY. s-bîcb MNer. Mary Whm-ier. avies- battion aou thte-mUittaters Stel ,,,p ÀbtNA Montaasmrnt gays Big Brie!ofa Civil Oar veteran, ball sas-edilanti oprto bu hi Prsugm mP W« - cmfferea l mI. paced it a bureau dras-er tornotae i.m-p- anti Iessemer tm-i conmet bu matie wihl- *salge fEIs-ati W. Haruey, of Batte. ig, atestaoien by ber 1l-ean-ohd dangh- ont IL promnent Pitiabnnhters. Mach of lira. P W 4S.sho han Ibsen ebarged i hi con- ter Dasy. acconding te lie confession or!tietire suko u adocr n teo! e prn mumla h deelson oftheIemusthi le girl ina àKansase'<t- cu teeatm-iust amareo tino thle-enierprise. e-iai DaIY hele a d -a sepoce heIt ie esimate tua ailli, 81.500,0X0 bas aa i bbHs lz nain, a bie rstelrt lam iee ait liai she ucotantihi% -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o $ 5aOfrdabieo 250,0W1)sensue, hiy 4 anti gava il te ber es-eel te-. w-~< ____son ~5I.MI.CI1 ti. as infsiir hfeurt. Walter Cevansngh. ws-hi shem MINiSIER LtiBti LIQUOR CAS. neceiveti 4 ted Coppen Company- Hlm "aetien elopeil te Chicago. Tic couple- of tise f Aà oec- atiresnh o! 1tectal i-irgetest arneatd sudd sent bock for trial. Pa«s Cash for Mallelos proutlan liai tbe s- ecrlons-a unt o e eciniola Tie girl took tue tand cauai Cave- la Kamea,.pa s t. i. snlganatd otaresa.nanit, s-iom mise declareri conapelleil inn A Jury of prominututmen ho a justce. for tier s~be s ti. iarmterof rs.Snac- t atsi ie mney lieaîuing lber s-Ith court nt Fort Scoit rouindthe Ber. Mn. the caut, i~~~d4slartiatMarofthle lt-ters dei if cie refoseu. Roth sert- hid tul 'ii epresidiag eier out hicMethodigt -W 4111410 a are bing uned te1 show lie grand Jury. ____Ciorei. guiîy or ualeons presecrulbon SLtASHE K. wa crnupt sue forgeait-s SAYS WI1EAT CRgP 1 AVERAGF. in a lintuor case. Tue defentiant s-ms se- KMILMA MAN TO PUNi8 MINg.- - uiitstierai s-- ass-ilosI eîctaafNrth oil Sentisagaiusitie clergymn- The ilsfendant Wh Ug la c autnda as-awnEmbrra.. Daktats Usa ec. l inte t-pe-r or a calonthst hon been InNe a F ofOeclat.ýThces-heat cmop of Mionesota. Sorti rtteaila ieopes, anti seversl titue-ases sng7er. c- .IJert FI0tofTaieit l, tified af- Datota anti South Daktaisfor '191 81 m-s d itt s- aig bought lqor aideth s-ils &aillet six mjeiy girlss-ho 183.000000 bushels. smorting uteilie es-1he pace. Tise Ie. Mr. î'rice hied bo]a-i nt ,', MM" l" a publie tMaulut. Fous j, a tîmeles otH. V. Joutes ut Minupolis'i1 îougbi sorne fur lie- parpose of ge-tiar reeilr 0* tC lche, anti boaste i mt aàs-rgaiThisila tistrubutent as ft'.lows- Minute-direct te-sîimnn>. The verdit ix th, _ o.- yuu W Passes lIaI le itad Devoir îIléo nerimuo » moà,acen:ge. t6.250,000; average yiIil.suit oft unbitter llght for and egaînsitapen) aute 1l h MMsix grsllifrIg nte 1%bsh ;total. 7,000.000 bl. aoi..afwtt -1,gttM ea k*ed en hl util lhe .ried NortiDakta, s-essle. 5.2000îsec ATSAV lfr7i IEMUDR ctas eeu.iimw lHe 'eau greatiy uiortifieil age yetd, 14% busiels, total. aS,000,000 -AV dL IF !URDi. hu. l fie ma justic et th eî0c0 s-e-rageSouth l DakotAmel, l3n,00-1 -if.of- s i- 11, s -ndcM t bte see juthcc u 4.tthe- m 0e00 aera ostag i tt10 arez.a, Monta u c. SeBas, ieofa- , WM>-ltWos «el bail. 0 (00,000 buabels. Tire tttring of lhe body of Mes. Seth WiIIiât liermI o ,b .Upholda Crneity te teasl, Davis, agent 49.,siib ls-n stuil erusiel Natlonal laegsey tfor s l-uuiorer. Wlins Hesm a aetîhy ciizen of l'* uesn 'uthniville, Pa.. i egardent as îubli«he Thuua - ats, lortisnat. îtEsanaville. tua.. s-as luthe- police courut nt wnguî e iaai.sho angel tn-ii twmehY gerta aday abxmrrabout . t h le charge orfcruetty ta animal Hiaimtiti cîfrseutly, bail murderen brer. 'l--cBruitab uiae una eg sunorse-ý. Miy e lirha t ce iguuor lkas a cal!tani tire aier D touie st-neiaist en toicuber by their cateti t ceieda gay t '20.00b> tc eaitHemnrouitil netsi - o ieîa~~ugtdaragiter tic aiey-bel-,,elier failie'Ilai- Ihuseof " at er th Pr botng or he wij, T l- lot en li lid ie out D t w t a -i rde, w mitu hey serie s ppose ii tle o u lti e i l, St aîiser bCons-si, mni hs h ti ru ig. 50e tiemti l muis js,«ih ie Ilp tht- say teIlattaville-. Oulythie Maunfort e lu saItht la about 60 Peenaut fonds lave-t- Ileveti lie wsulil bave doute the sant- igrle adtnet assrn sud 1l11mrtgâges andtiolat-k. Tir r-stlmtilus tui&aaî ntiat le batil matie as-ay siih E lmasi catt. Su lt- f. The suspi-ice wsaustrenîthenea l leî5I C __Lteb.bI- t--s i- ireans os.Mimai, .'.Sin the s-omn iid mot apiear at lit aî ~ ffaina"s Gras îeMnhomc. Wlaouc, Iinno, expenienee th ie ueni-nat l!ier insbauL nda-l- At Laurtoit, 0. T.lIa- linu on roi na in tt-hrt -tarn1d thr ay she s-as lifiet Monda> toornuig, sud betrn sesernit aarnntatoring Pants ne-an ti' W-b.iA..,Fariner- asdSuit 9o'clock ix-ty-tao 'l-veéitpenetitlg. O'ahii-St. Paul lePat s-er.burnmeilTia,6lourt A Pack Of s-ois-esbasn aPPeanen ho N o- Germai the. country tenira"Iiean reeratio.ant' thr Wrnd Iin Compati. )otillosa, ie tos-aubip. Indtiana, anti fermiers rm- of ma5- ees.them intrtdutuion tof lquor wu% ptio <Ompany. toopens; eie leima nF-cc port raids on tpir stocL They are l- caplunt- l'.ibia-d. suat tIen isopeoinut ralîliuft Compati> and Dat-id Wsls-orth. deil- luevent to erne from thie Kanuatste reiin were inart 1 Itir atut'.Ia-iser- . sanda uttiboinIlg sà nuIt ao hla1 i * no prefution liezd. Posteso! fartaera are loor presaio. ..marea sui oietauadto trackthti animais ant ibul af itt Praltm sby hiseme Furfil.. jAu laina. Oho, a s-el-iiressedIliatanger libM.taIs and Th ir fia-si, iIttir. 1-81arai us as rouandianslit a o r-artufferng fr-.m mc nLpart.F arOtplelis talutu- rit Itti - a, frgitut s-onn thebabdomen Bui- saint Te Pi-tect Amuricau Imtres.t mý ei spite tt-, prtOir t. ii. Ttt r- ix uiote s-as James Ceyne anîlt]itat ue The Sas-Y Deprtment ha. orerthe tobint $53,000>. reurt-.u,îurctitan n lk 10 lied ibt-sn assaitei anti robl-l Ilira giubent %larbins,noow nt Buo-uon, o pr-o- lii. crit oailt,-..iit bttr itrtt iai botae 1i. trtposBentto be in Ses- Tark, H.e-neen to Hammpton Rendis and tbena'e t bac accreriia riiitiitatColîî . ult 'lon, auth li steru termineus fthte Ai lie iueus.tieir Cuitittiitir l coj, _luti-t1e ai-ue Crm, Panamua Iailroad. t ookatlafter Asuerlcan 18.%ahi turned inieu.u -u n . îîaî iet-. pruu-rtt eu-interscia hem c.c W-Fr.l-othSti8. Louis iian'rd et Traile. ias %rilem esRefuneseotaQuit. ftlim- Th ce eeni 'd-se.nir.tadu - iclenii et, Sp 250.000 on Ilie big rue Siouth Chicaosud nilMiwaukee a b- Tht- frimVhdrezual,',tr , tiitiit, i îî,attnoria.le ha,-otiered liis,0I i.tmIsraof lise Amaigeniteil Asnuela- Ili- «t in a of-trouble ber iuliutofrt tailt!itgrainic brh b. expecta lu tia ce iunodaevolent Dot t strlke a I cat aiusai ratlt- b-l-eitlititat, 1 ai ui e-rraitire autaine lprofit « uirralre y -tresmblentShaffer, At Joiet Nitrart effinntrs' a Ilsoluetiselrlrutsr t~ri>tise wortmeu pomtpoei iai action.lbut out à5ai 4"nillookiate irtr-Clui-a;1-'..auO rau-sr uts-sentiment s-as epposen teN tritias. a nitîttu ahs-itbt ifui utrunltni ttiu-I, ili ii,n V. osnhhr eberagueat Uceîsui a latiet.,'. avr., fiftii rtlari t ii7Iunit lite, i9)c<'lt-artret. Kentucky, lise body eft tri o laenaslra-iunarut-il 1firoi CIu, iiiourt ni:'irL . r-tn . V ra% sa.- su -lu. BIls-1 na1- --ta-edi. fo AIBIS 14J t;1- E COTTONi. lk*'eft% Bos-ever, le Net Ina- ns-ative revs-l aof tho Cottona Ipatlon bave been Mati. lai the i Stattes urthtie Cotton hait, ait te show liai ibere bas beau DO Impai'ut of s!conduitions On ai- t th, dronui. Tbc greatatat dams- abeaut la sectionuts vialteil by ex- relu,, noiably 'the Carolinas, a. VWgUl»a anti FiorlidC. Th-,. att linoduce s verY 8asi!Portion cottou crmp, isoweVCa. Tiie crOP asiufer surpiasses any that ban$ lad abue 1199anti the gavera* leieut placea lus generai condition Points abave ithe ten Yeas- aven- Loulalanas as erop tiat la far tban tuat of 1I00 or 18W0. Ala' tpeets aàhanaat'ots Ylielti. Texas 's te bu lteer-inter of inleneet and. )arts fromntuhat State are IaITos- ted, as the' sutaicruj o! thc comn- lth la oue-ihird utftitheenlire anil onit-foutililai ut tiec s-. craI yieiti a-uitlu e expecteul te mething short of the average Crop), 00. The irrr-reraseti areage i ty btinsgtht- total crop 0 1ttie P. lawestern Okiahoîna the ,ont- asot bu'lght. liuttht- caatera part iStte sni the Intilan territurY s-it êaverage ylehîls Of Cotton. Witii l'are. Of uiitire f rouinoie On a ffro.. 10.000.1100 tu 11.000,00M irhi tu b. aisatredr. iu Las-risaLottery Stant AU- remnt ha'. bm-n tarteil at Law- la., Amntith re home seekens tebo bave the gtt-rtmt'nt oaIn up the serve, lunthelantd lattery aies side in thc Ls.ata dIstrict bufone caas. Au s nti'ithing ut une hun- rmore o!riliumit s-as tiecidedtiat the latenior Dlut-uterent et once Ssebaction. These reserves em- 12,113W acres. or about 3:130w quttr- ioans. Thr lant w-as blilun e- ts inbelles-et.,t-ana, tbe gaveru- utict-îttttsitisaitie cattlirnent sho 1f utite KloasConaunhetc-runtry for pattures asoutld oui lea le ta utures in Tuý-inas ar other catie- Ssections rt-sdiy. If the catile- an round up tiseir cattie andti it ûrhe governnent rstrvatiuna Ibis bc hume scet-ka-n rguae. they eau itures 8ornes-hene ese ir nrx The housse seekersaraue wi:ling the tand astrighit roin the got- OTS HUblANt) AND WIFE. %ilip Hitchcock IWauads Tw, Dean. Ccaâtdy Watkers 'builp Hitchcock et Dens-er. telfP omuiet raulmalni ait. sbat ati ry sonnd-tiJames W. iRobert» s-wif. la their eaUdY store. The , ast &hot lu the. face anud the mais 4ts-u ballets. une ho the naidll forehearl. Il s-as et fit-st ibotigit temati tes tilleul, but nt thc ho.- erevit-est. and the phy*eian's hope rer-tiot-ny t ht. JealosY ws se .r tie Sbootiitg. &MI) TitIuAr SVITM IAZJII. ait1 Attcmp as uicidhae tiader the i.nInw of Wamu g o -d. w yr Juin Hall, a prafa-asasuat rat hai% thrat the. otien uightun- eanîtos of the yonng s-omnnit tet to b. bis s-ifa- anti uhutbird di-t suit, lie bati gane to uh tlniishouse lu sers-uatie lien, e nrresi in asvaY. lie tenkel t-lisq, %ung a bar of tht- soang. .'Be- l Jose You," andti ien ansbt-i s s'.tb e ramnar. île s-Il îroaliy Itryn-an Bn,.-sPaver. atat j. Bryatt bai% pitrt-iasdthr, il, a-ua, a sa-ckîy tapi-r cil iiin Alexasutia, %'a., .riatllyI î,rct- ortiforgauhured at nor lNIr. hei-u-tes thitt the prnittes dsu- by tht- Wrt-hwai tare salar ta f the Couimouer. tehicit iii-puib- ruin a-ou Seli., an t l .i i usre- mergeul silthelicComnsocr. ,, C.m bat. Klled. tiermaspunitive exiitditiof at uge the massacre of Dr. Mlrrnokent ter nembers of ihe fin-tfCerinata a-a .xpdtiiion on the., tanniibali ual i, &tit Matias insteti frotîatthe la ,ujrni Cormnoran near tise suene 1astre, kilet elghily natives nitl ild gevenleut. unio N ti lcreA"e itit. ,n anti non-mnioa minera engagrd rn aIn Providecev, Ky-, in s-hrih pis- il shotitto-iplayed a promairnt Fifty abat% teere ftred. Tu-o un wee abot. oue ln lie arn andtihti in the ieel.- flitIKilts a Parricide. arînu. Tae-%i, Ponter gawycr. ageul ot anti kilieetisie atier sud tes ne by heat anti tied saiile trYiui ,p4. The. boy beeume angry ai his for s-blppiflg a bora' andi.ailpping ild hlm. killed Idm -lth c rifle Xo B»Mu la-the Ctanatey. miana ln lefu for tie Pt'cscnt s-lui cingle bsutini institution throtugi as ut the Sujum-Court ut Nicot titthle London liant o? Central 'as, limmîlet. bas BOe legil statua lu unolry. WillissUA. Mo-cIi S'eu I. to. iVUiam tAý Nes-eli of Sew tientetis hom nlaAllentoien e-Oovernor s-as it his 4tli year sail bm- n ur ? ealtifor sorn îs-ing lsrgely tois adivancedlcge. total populationa ef Canada,ta% Itly lth ets-eCOsoS. laà1d0O ,rrelielae ,nl 40070 os-en this- tr tao YeZna ag0. on an iucrsane of ban 9.7 Per cent. Toielo tqjuffr tainFie- ehobar l tcr mltigit gutuent the .f Tialte otiee.To-ed .. . FROMOA ACAS. anil iDiut theentry made. hi I.tout 140;0 Showseletuatia E9-lajeS ILW 8d, the. wilunei or the. ont trsaeul <ray.ý-umitoda ttes no DDunain lath .LcýwtoB dstrict land lot- Uit. p owa Qilleussi South-Aaaarit tory. Aefo9iing t th.governussent Plan& tO W B 1151W «5 imadetia 10adjoint thi oeau Charge t. Act for èolaasbleulb soutiernlPant 0f lb, Lawton 'lowuaite. Tufs won consldoreil the. mentIdvuable.i Pros adyli-ist framaiWiileîgittuCue- land lu the, whoi, country 'lhrown openV eau, repor tisaithe. (Coluubou legatlon ta settletuetiandtin luliIng Woods edaims ieft CaracitieMoudny. This ln acceptetiest 100 tiecesroisth. t entire leugtiiA Ia Washingtonî as aintntiite a decla- P ration of war aatut l"teneuela au4 the '2*N aituation ls reaiiltiJ as extreîney glave. The. Stue leprittii b umas tborlseti tii. Anierican i-bnrgt, 'affaira nt Caraca. ,Vtmnet,atuous,- hi-t gotui ttiltr- for Co- louabln lii the natsileetiao thle Combien. minfiter at li-'rretlthe irîpital. Mr. Rtussell 1î.lî'grapt llait 1 itl iltg ln- formuation ia. touli, ataýirri't action lu case of thte. i ttrî itiI thei'Colmbenli mîniter, ashu i a ret'ai t onîa u-INi tempiatîtîn it tirati itîi,'. ttlt- idneot, iioweni'r, iltiirli ai ht ibii'.withdrawai i. won prelii tîttir> itu itt. ttliii'betweefl 057 theeItsu reutlit".. lait 'tititîri, rastu if ho wouiii lieiltlît1a-i ttritutîîran'lly lu lookior ;%fi" -t'ultiuiitt it-tresta lu case . of the, wiitirr1awil rf it]-i' titlater. l The. batit--aiit loiuwi i ltaIteta onaeremi ta jroceetirt ii ,-frnittic iîr tti'iHoii8d oa-y yart fiftrt-aiti'rii-uiThe Navy Departimat al reritillti&.ilslit ithe Iowali ta l'enl teumîîît-îî fre lVý isconin.lil whlcb haildiu-i tuutii-l l'liîtd.TeP guuhogtlallaiia -it-ilfrtut lNonfeils for Caloai Tiiuis tir' u41i'1%' ls ATTIE DatAL'. cui.. ilt.lloit in.1ltion. oft thetowaate. 'l'ils chut out miles Mat' t lit. ts'rirîa. thru- Cîlîtmîttbarge d'ot- lie IBeals. the Wl-hutA, Kan., telephonst foire% iintistti-îi. t. run'1uesday, girl, who won No. 2 lu the lottery sadi stili ltffti-intiiiltoraatr--t ffliai- moment- Wwonans a otapeiledtu ti le un a claim v 00iseytvî'nîawhlt.nrrli, ta trIhe, Prens. of mlicb tenu vailte. Vi've untlret LAw- reports, are îratltiig unitilti- ithmuls ton busincessloa signietl the coniet Pa- ef Patintas urd tatitiic ~Vi-nezielai pern, whicb reche that Woods ieated I border. Iii- tttriltitct Ili,' lit-k rafinter- boti the, spirit and letter uf tiebhon*- mationa tiiilI titi.iiin iii utainuic- ta lart tion uilh isiîiaiiti ru tfitu lissetit rem. ocespeei. liuited l atea Districta Biienît lmnittet i 1.iitîn, ii ltr-î- 'Attorne-y fur Oklni'ionîs. w-len lehe beail port-il iart-r> lolni iog 1ra î tit of the W'oods selecîlija, uns tîotei ausi )vJjr m-srii ittrîue it'- lic t-ititonssyiug: 'Auy a,'sil lawym-r ieudeffttn e la theBcota , î til. siru iiThe !Woods if s cottr-t;ii itIitil4.,The, oMeiIa ail , it-ît t -r uigt i,tot. îrt bable 'lw coutempltses nuacs-tris vrrersion ofr witbdirnw aIif r -I ies itiiîit titmer bomesteînî glti. If n contentin lan1ud- frain NVezir-ait,-lta i-tr-rrerd.i, if agutirsut. tuteil there cai liebrolàontt - ere*ut" tisuiaithptitut iîîtliti.rtmî ishave, A amovenarut liis iei'n tarteti canong dlstiia'ty a~i tir iiSt rî t iît, the the, himeutekeri whîs tout ta have the A miniater tht-r-, htuttI 1iitet:itaelt'd. tuer goverunent opui-nith le three tesenves ila boatihe lsen lrurii i î rt ii,,peaus- the. landilattery suh it sletguidle in thei. ports. Las-bu district bt-titre thi' opeinug. Atn ('onatiii .-r titEiga-'ms couirue lu a meeting of 100 or tmore- of hem Il s-as lookiitg afier tttheiiiats xtfCiineze decld.d 10 iwtIittu the Interior Depant- aiong the i*lumtitan lam atîtin urtruauce ut ment at oncet tta uelaaction. Tiiese7 aay speciflu- inrasi-a-utimi-tfrotîîrWauiiing- reset',.,.emliaie 53:2,5Wi acres, or sabout ton, bair folIos aa uruu-uiur,,- tsihieal8,330 quarter sittut.The-landi woa sonet, e-lve 5,-ar- a railta touus'ctioll beld luni-esar'. 4'. tnlail-seti, becangsa s-lu point-t ai '.îi-li lheiit llat,.ter, tie goverumt'ent anîî-iîatetithat thie dt- entirt'ly s ihoutîft-uiîal r-t-i-eltttirn. tiemen suatouit ail .,t thte Klos-a-O.- - - matnche acounttry Itýneit te) fr Pestunes WILL ASIC TO BE RELIEVED. s-ouiai nottceable tu ii t atiauress lu Texas or othsrn eattîr- graziug tsectiOni» eluet u"'ns Unaueati. pes'real Rear Atiairtjl Suoluimî -titianting HOTTEST OF MONTHS. the Bosruttn t-> jarti 'ill t rîtihe Nsvy-___ Departmnt tu lie rt-t's-il frîttîtbitrs.-Jali, H" Uten Ie or Itreaker la Ch. ont cauiasiil aloutitire 11h ot tf S,'.a ttnatm ttu ber. le ie .11retir,- tir tat-euin Ilraary. Jnly basitasi-l Intl hlory la- a break-t andibils reqtiti t. inutou iiattord s-lther of recordsain thiltaiter uir tenatpr*a- tise enslonsor titi'Na'.> lîcitar,.t ut oftres. Sut ouai) diil ath trtitoeter ila placing ornerr-r atil -îig tiriert ianttmnt parts of titi-atittry gît higiltr thon il tre, miruuhsian ativiaît-u' tf tht-m retire- sove! befor-, litithei'tient auuiin-,i llong-c meut. Admnirail Satîiiitu w iIltan(ttirsat ter antine'.'.niants for att-ragce s tul bue reibeveti antirelIt caattttaoa, ait beaith. tore of lise moultî't,-r- a-f Sane mouthba axe)t butfrîetaia 'ere s-or- Twlce dinag tht- taonila wuasthe record nlesl la regardl tealbis-i-tiosa. but be for the, higbt-st tpeatptraatrre loiaChicago he sno stasldily iired that tu-a ie ~ brolken. on Jiti> 10 the thermuonacster la said to lit-in lucmt isaotIrr haith tan ronde a nes- nant of 1(rt-,gre'-. Thisf lie bas licets.for a long lm,-, point. wilich sltriaeet tht- records ofr Tiie Sary Dieporttuint elî-tt. hlm inu aIIjrerions7.-are au far as% tise wetheri lie prer-it athinqqiattuiry lutota h, dou-bureaiu owxs.vsier nllie to keP thet dunci o? Itear isdtairtiu t-h-utyam lis e wsr Pace of tweîilt-eth -.-tutry treîbr-r, sndp s-it spalt. faniti i-bistte a. un thse uaîist onJtly 21 tie naeraary metiunie de-res o? witnm tirtsaitentreul at tise d.-prtutent. 'lh., foloa-ing table hoars tise lsilu lie a ll b tsiiictii t tt pp. -r la-fore tlima iusfrtenot tf-io h coutriw imealu -itîiiinlu Sî1tew1wîe rincalxmums forth as-nii tt'u tt,! ii and ill lie atsked e)aitt-aify i rtgant te rnIa clsu i nieiSaaa ses-e-anulhatiter t aiýtunuiit tîihtiti ais i Ln, nr M ting0 t.ailtaign le isnitiatitrt-fard- ~ i rit as ait importni t ini- e.wt 0 15~ Il la tire roiu lu tise Silv es lh-rtmtitiia' isetn ntffier-r l aiîroaî-innnc uîî-retire -ai. ment tta ctt,-t st-ral nintail a ritt-t ' .e lie attiretr rislii a il iiit,i'lIan. liTi' reaqon for this iii t~uai il i-t(tîtiter atiti 1.-- 12 tIti 60 -Àkit t 0oitli iOtn i ct-ce an îpportrsnii>% tri Laoau- t i l lte 2_:M114 94l-, (10<('11 0 sus 0)2 8411 exturr-il f thlitta t tatiWlire til-Y tataY 4.. -95 M ~84 .. ti-tU814 lin -,2 ho assigai-il. liei Ç-iilis ti ti-r î-îtaOt'. 5..-91 1$) 1874 irai 70 tn 10 0 2 79 Actingt S--rîtirs , Ir-iua r-titl~-se 82 - 'i> 9 laine i iMiunsg8-a 6.6 PA .. h118s8 4 tii8au7n lieur .%(alotratitîo -i ta Jhs-tii. coin- S..-fil th otetitu 7.4 l iM t oi4 S78 T niaadiuc teiPort ttis iii mlA ru I ttulta tt il-e11Myiiiti Wi h2 h tt4 i ' 104 2 90 %nec ~ i ed e arAdmirâSais-t iti-iu outn li 7o1284i94Lia -l Va) ii-4I tiiS 1d) 4 cu10 1 1ti Pi la rt4lpe- l ni otont. it-ar Admirai,1275 72 1 (NO Mtilt 7'2; [2Y-tOit hi,8un8a Johnsoiotalafrntr2r1,eI.îI-11tltti.i. a tand 113. -7 4 7h Tii .. 7- 1-4 tit i 11fu laW aluîtiî-i ttii.-tuîy raa tra iat- ,ii 7-1) 2 96 1X2 Pt ut- ii1t211 0 go 1 I-9.16. 2 1S6 l il 11S8 U 1 10ni Utt 3tai Pt2 17 2 184 Si, ti it'a -4 % eIitlism i 1 92 OOVERNÏMENT ýLOSES MILLIONS,18 -70 881 Ir îiita9) etiin i o i) 90 l olgantt* ranal. Brsngbi ateI20. K4 " 2 l it 5 oo 104 W 1 02 121"8103 t)in) ustoit0iti10i0 De Lîlibttlae - kte. 2'..T790112inff l x9hif)t!it tit1tOit 94 t aitfrautils "Pouîrtht-eiati'e'trvl-e. 23.. sa lot 88 tu,3tti titi1itut 1021-4 100 siii.for îxtaiai andui miXittttri ihsue24.. ti94 0 6 iio 12 lt-10-4iv;. 1to104 nvrbtin r v11irtts--r- Nittîu 25..'.uî M7-4 ..50 M2 l'e titi t0t0tii 84 net-r-2e.. lit -,a 110a f tItIc c l e'. t aisii 74 îtay As a rc-'.îtIt tf r.,iplauitstr tisatit n 27.. -95 0 a l - l t o7Qi as142nn10 s au voles-sof t-lk ithan lut-t-o i- ati '.nîiîly hut' . t11 1 tii 71 IN) S4 7 -112 os 84 84 lie Appriaer rtf (tit- Potuet New.'Yourk i. a. b 1#2 ij 1 2 0 8 P290 112 80 Tisrough collutsionîttla-Is uuimtiturers ant i.S. W tgo110 2 74 84i 8s W9 0 8tAC empioyes a int-e rittnitîtri'- t-,lu i - sd tisaI tii, Tnt-air! ln.nnua'raî iras lutt'i KRUGER LOSING HIS MIN'C. ilefraindent of dati-Ie tiiittiiitg tir»tail- lions of dolars. Ih lalalegr'ui tiii-Celitlit f ut aer t..h %fHnlc Prs d,It C,ît-.s s.laint. tfraniltileni Practilueti laits-t- ieOgtint(Il Former ttrcsileni lroers minci!la Il undisovrr-d ftr nlai y er-t iti httaifailing, anti. accraririuîtaiti tinltad- pevrar fipinaiio ase of iutit ve a 11it-ices, ubose 'e-lia haie rrccitly seen the t. retire froanalice l t wii onattrtahla for- Preslint of titiTransvaal tir.' ofthe be tunes beastwdeni tîtnicîby fas ut-rd i eftt hbis couttlete lireainin t, nla Dot Iporters. WVilue ttino llltistaît-tel5ihan yei g benni made- of tisa-far-ltat tlar e rtn Sbrougit tut ligiei, it lsritaei' kao'.n amsonlu 9 ailkts;unptirtetr- hat rinaugura Ivre ablilt te lie rreferre-ilagaitrat ai l'at untefu the largt si ahitpuirtini,'hotasea lu the ciontry St-vurai coerrerOlare snid ta lit- Ins-alv"t. W'. F. W'raka-ilàita. ctiraleur of tie parrt, enitied lti discorus liai'dicos-- erie s-licia bavaeli--n u ile tyils de- j Fine lestroyed asvt,.xîalut bonnetrtas, W Shreveport, La. Lotit. 1,t0) 1, Chicago inay ariPoint calia1iuiiuatile r lire ilcîartmt-tît, ta atîtndail ires. Joh 1- . l-uh ...;r Al $'Otw1) for A serbes « experlmeàts.] unique iveD ID th. hitt«or 0 i. iWthe if8I olDqpait ment. ha* bbu aepproveti by' oe«bUry Wilson et tiie instance or whnt lu ii'lwn as thii ol« ugicai Bureau of tint tWc parlaient Tierswere nome anIWglings ause heo .lentl aspect ut the . .ppjonUi. but thfeehave beec diwpseail f bftk fa- vorable decion mof the. C.anjtseil# « tiie Treasury. it Io proposeilby the A>golerai De- pourraent to go lotopariu.rsiip wtia number of mereburnts sud exPortoM thei. terme of the. partuereltbi Wng that the. Unitedi States shali stand ilUloues sud the. exporter* resp ail the. profits. Yet il le elalineti by the, pomoiogical expert@ tnX the. deartinent that the goiernment wili reap profita enouîii ln the fartaoet sciin trac knowledge tu compcautte for auy Iou~ tuatmay b. sustaîncil tiroaugh the. oiherwine unm'<ta partuerahip. At the 'att ses*ion Congr-on mamie the. foiiewiatc provision for pomnological Investigation-: "To iuvetatigate lu co-operation wilh atier divisions of the departflient and tex Perlainttstations or the. severai States the titarliet conditions sffectiagit thefruit trade ortthe Unitedi States andi foreigu couiltrieti and the methode or barvettln. packi. iîing sud oailpplng fruit au-1 yéetahle«. antd for experiattel aaiet, the. purpoa ir lncrensing t.eexportud'ir, of Americaîr fltta antil for ail IitCàeumî expense itai trttiwvitra the.practi,.à work ut the.,saie "Wanderinu Will,-"ela (bctitie ai, plieti by cenuus Oll-,»clerks lt.the cdent- detalu l eluPerîor-.r s , tiiî , ,tho. er cierks expendil-thi.,de .or theiilx andi a haif houri a liay tht-vare egaged lu the offlue attt'irlng t- 1,,,hmnt im- nu sand nîrthiug elr,. {w t. toth, au, cesclty ut a'oipleting a larce pa ore resos wtrk bit-fore Ciuc,,-'sma-i-t« Diý veetor lMerratbai% he4a'u omptMt,10 *umpioy over 3,000 ci-rite. ant-ItatiCri:t Tante of tîne certain rît-riitln atout.tof the, divisions have bs-in detaited as i gpe-tors. Wlîh 3.(M1)enmployez ithe ks of t-veî fiftm-cn minait,% a day for caria ne oan lMie couversation. nsadiu; newapapers. or writlug p-ratinai letters. as la custumary lu Iras other departineuia oft1he giaverrnti-ut, s nt uîeurt a o0 750 honri. or the ,wrîrklag urne or I 1. dlents. Ai lhe a liîraerage 11) pe-r anumi the moutrîry IoIa uf thelr lier- vices. were eadi one to IdW a wty firteen minutes a dey, wou<t bc $103,500. Tii.- ueswly appointei luapectors go front demitu 10 it enit otherwvla. e iîprilst Ili'- work. au) tier tihe, eau tell wheihra cierk la deviîng li'. or lber energit-, ta the service foîr whiî-h tiîy are emploît-ti oir is a pending tige c rueu' iane n writlng i crinvrrsation or ota r Westernl W nY. The- l- lsare Inellneli to rés-ni ithe siitit-rs i(tîuof the lusîte' tors. Tir-itt,n A ri"flisteciorlifs , thankle.ntiment. 'tithniîtietra psy. miiýi it or îlt,,to, t tîndt., i.aethe, dent s dtiteuinta lhtî-îet is ,feliow tIerbat. Il tt runtl. li'."fii-, ome loti- influen-e, as. ai'. ut .u rt-pris carry vri Theihure lîrtierv ubat tintitittSmi1- t-îîdatîeed inuOlahomautufor lanti ta;. from tcthnieans aiabronght to ligI a riecullar lphase of tii.,hammuai1-ail s.. jutigt' Iysia. tirert astint )ttrctary of tht- Intenlttr. Fn id th.îtr ul-r Ial.iome ateati la.' a tîarrîî-l sîman coult i ut malte an natrs tira i,uiesietd aar ,hie iîtî,t i-braI ti f a faumib. A biii gît iiritri;it.u i aie'on entit 'rhts ruiiti -a-. -in î I '.'.tr s; thecrtrî't if the reporrt frîî,inî Ittîto thii Mia, l nrlit Mt-Clint'- k oki.hriii Cty., heyirtna wotrst, i rire ticuket Ne.i, lý. îîtitlittg litr to, mak.~ ;in r-îtry for t hottaî'tivadl nir lFIra tr.rrtriî l rr nIit orii. re làv. '.ail If ithe. >rttttg utta ha o.t ià 4 1 làit tr.foi ithoehtueatral i unnly st-s ,di uitîil atitu 'ie..hat onrelier tnti tir tisand ti a-ar- giifug arrei tîtaulýi bahituti, îft-rt. lIadite lie-r frpd lbr nt!,y tii "..t-ixsitY da,, 1ir rlà, -jj i ît b: - nttîl l h'i raim 'ai li-'tiitr tr auiry totr tit- gui atith-ti . srtItht'eot'i-r i titut., ittIl i, , îîîît nŽrr anti N.ltou-. ii)ttiawint hrclt-n. 1--r ,itu tri- iit.r iz - t irljtut n taii lpub. in tmtun> s1tr1t10r1anrr.attîln. upte ott[lit - rt irru.tirofrttralic i R un I Iljjjji iatet ti tan rltrrt wtt- madelt ti ,,tn;m-t ili.tir (tiles ly a r-arrisa- tîrrd. EauriIn t1t:t I3r-ithe uc t-unir'a anr,- d pe, îu lalrn' i-ut t. car 'trtt atltr- î*li'r . tultr for thei oni tri it itoraftir r ds mt st itsata làVork %va% ratnthte followi-ng înomma rn tii n ofrrult t lr irregn t tetir thtir.fir", eaetnîî îiî-ser ît tr tti' comptpird ..i. lion lt- tse riis1atîrndl irr. lCar- ra is , bi- î rii.rtila ut ili'i leai tna rondth.tb're iiagajris tmg erýti het u palaits. lFor th irs ri me lac-e the, ouilnreat. of ti.he Sauish tear Uresldet M~acKinley lias ainuro'.î'îlthe, death sentence lunlbhecase or an enllisteil titn. The case je thai ot Privait, Piuents Fouat%, omPany K. Niueieenth iutsniry. whio waq coneleteri iry genersi ctîîrt titrlial ai <Clii.P. i. of thtmortier nef (encviva Terres, a na rive Fllpiao girl. liy siabbing lier weuh a n wo>ril cane at lir home nt Mandant,. Cebu. Nov. 15, 1900. The court @en- tenceti thc accu"ct to be hiaticed. The rame heiug one requlriug the. action of the ltrtsideflt. he coiilned tis entence andî ajirectetl its t'xt'ttion t aisuîit tine anti place n a îitiud lit, esignartil b> tht, coin- mauding gruerai of thse Viaa. Tiheasecond largeut cdainn Yet presentel wtell the Spanlsh tneaiy cîrituns commis- sion tas lileul thc nuber day ou hechait et F-trancis Zeiglie of ilavatti. H., was ow.ner ofa satrrctate tf2,070 acres. worth $1,000,000, wbtrh s'.aq laid wte" by Spaulni« ruosailuMny, 18961. Fror tuhe a ani $722.427. indignities rere heauteut PonIlaii Y Sîaniais soldiers anti (copyright, N " iitdîe le[t remisclgir ad Invites c-culse lt; te, mesaUnt utila ti-ee. a" t pastorâl. A as lu thal raion. ht ubt-Ie slhi ih-ir iitming sitelàeumgit -ut sàhduiginx Iff. sud i se. Inog.NMeanawh telti-. cornes i .isi-tiberdcas o m ieeilfg. * kisseil Re t-a nls-CI idý nubeore ths utatta the shCl ticesheep a disteîy Profce ber"inrepli t gentil neigibet tasyaie s-O Ibs hnt t a of hilturi pu t1t- hep axe .Ili lise ocks tiLtbey roml nuithl; tien i Obla. <Ilsla lie h«a& anti parcig for gisat t'eut il *Bdilthe iceste drenglt hbas tain, hua cent crouIr lintes telthie ediu angesnoa ttub acte« a asen blini snd i looicd 1ttl thein -s, am sith aàs-aes ramg theaugi Sos-. a gre or arcentd t greaI t n am s-ocderir iat inluti rainot Outil at-mCsis If a ht-sil sagriy josti naci-c f sdi rhcy bout et et. but s-b- Ihouabai i poimnte&.fine lut, lbr cc s-ana CM-e the gospel% s-ho do Dot casilla ru bac! peoaple WaSet-uc90 1 N'ot asdl- Tieg s-sitll osa'.reii. à i.b,.'ttx-n ougbt ho lx ln. o loI indigent s-i ta tic Poo thene la ini Illamnbnatiol Ibaîn o! th mnu eap sieett off torn outhli s-orritsi. nu Wisy net t nIt la Ti. iaW,-! ta pat rot i hum-hils~ ise pond es-uni epe corne." C retimn ela eutnt tue o! tie sou lng tanden <ame ail. desoptat trotie.l& asis-lion yo consil t-arcs anti cntis i s-bile cl tic inidei meel hun MIa bail i morcil bu antd Ifad tmpodhiti the reme ha your i heamnt.1 d mi ot- 'me t Turtich ce board b. lut col eetandl tanfW*

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