CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Aug 1901, p. 6

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t -it ?u*-l-t , t h e h u it . i ~ d W e t u u I N XI Louuiis Otua niMd le ti. t- dra <.k 11 tiomtdde3'. -op a' 0oc<u UlIG van kaiellas au bid0%,vinai tun'y iain msd gaoil *Pmatue deil me» la.cmy ~u~.u'u tMtld'b hie uMWIla# ut ometlalag WUII,îait louis. attea n Ille. T*1.ta par elveest t ttlles-elby a dol teave than iodtei here. ut ani tbi oblt. uOt *uhikcim = " il nion allning lut etlIitend or aegroei out tairsyIr 1tliis, ia Ipra Be tiaeneos -o"Db- tiaor ha- ods t%Mt a jomv s Joug ast ick- thons. Nos-. Ita ix Our vennios, anti lisia Don .%car t' eaitel a tie- Da l n ate a rni dbuLaey la friaet1 <itm. thaniit l;aiforhome, for wvVb"ttS&aê ose lslt bia trt-Thi Cotor' $20, Wit a qzlk cm. they tarteti to ticlvestto enutgifortDan aya. Tonhboula jusîor a-în,> ka C. BU DICK test. nid the MM ttbb* tint ialutdnetusv t e eeaue ta..our Louisina Ulte. c thm u ia lmev W isse ai h 110vlowdo ijeu1.litr t' ---- Thel tairmau a" mMWa part ofsxlui- St. Dentsgunai upon biis coapaulslou 'he ' ai-tt the 0thttu i !ut' tar- dilans a cmg tasma tis it -lt tieirâmre momenta lau01ent admiration,ai ket' Hivr, bel t, i-tutottr<n'tk h taimahaws aralimi. <ireh. nid: i eleitlsi o lsatfcueo h *u' IV..-<4Cailtid.> 't"Hernia mep." tteertl Goupart, ."0, msi botter tuan autitiiW. ct-<ttity. tai tipptlt-- rî-railmuads,. _mw* Momentx Simon gazeti atpai tnrting hok. tmht dmi m Ieinrthogi oaice a yîWealdoiti e aiten enongit vltt Pa-tbabl>-have, tte-fftct aorrt-vavittg tOIn 'ëla attia- mtnabînlutt. HtP "Fil idot." raurai I.oui a admtfor auci sport." inioreutît eberfe in tilt,- aitjea't ttfmala- cm 41~ te aaititiaid whctuer are "ut utdoWat mshw our pistolte, lor tuey "go It vainît. But nos- for oua- atuir i: thteIest ttnse omibtt Ioftetrca-pttwee tht gaine o aitîotr viitt ot lekos- s-ea dlerdeb sutri« ania udjjme..înov goieg te s-nIe.ltitid that inthe T 4àoitiBu ti hobrelieteti for tebll etake ost ,a.dtvata. .1 The>- Went te vhera the deer smollilai, lprmeut luatittd icerot rt> rlght lai-tont "M hechi OftheThu trang e he " ieu h ased sotmatiaig ri'oae.d tue akla-frotai bhein nenredal ulng lit ei-r letween e »W«asne kaie n-it ho s-outl have a.What Dows-mnuli retiren? Whut iek teat. neek ad fore shouliers, tuey sep- ICtatiket mund Willintu.tuia .> iti) Butt- une utheecouldti aot icicratetsport ye her.r aratedt hi carcan, ad chia ruI4 the<b. ru t-tmpatiy abucb it-t.iititad att $1.- roi faigThen hie 1111 igh i nims atoi oetto aleup h>houlaedIct. :m i«nut vug00.tJCl. 'hia tcomptati).- ut ta rtîat-ttl§i A Ate hut.a-togtiez. nid tii.. nI <f hem advanced on. mare laok ati t ainlatia. tetue riconoiract %aeuintaîtti ,hiu i a-e e-fou, hoie ttui>aicd. ehtikiaig daisn a&aie spa .0,30dff tlaraicilthoir races a ris b oule. pecteti te pa'de Moee ,i all uiîîî13.ttl<l na--MOU Salli.. "700 lnes- aDot abat 7eu .aW. iié là&.revwille chiotrati hie (Toehoietlntitd.) 1aowtr lu electricty.T> his, tlunini- sl - wt l nimet net tht doeep love tint rieai. Wî «s-uiak s-tii hem kiait-___________tuac. otalt tîuzituataittev * Mbý,oý0.acosmiug ire vituli. But li.i" OASEY'S HAIR TURNED WH'ITE. otttrating anti prjeet.t-ti tletinitliatti In ~J mo at onte Marry me nos-. Ont>- "The& ah>- did va it isen t a- av a thelat' tittaaipart oltt-, sitti. thti -~ IM.!.moul tim. rtu slU h airUnBad àBad BSaiàlua HostileS ladinse <R4i.tliNas,.~ C MW ile me îjor hcat.anti plitge auuWe s- oeuot <Uem Ol tue e had LosLouatri.. .r at.Andt ten te v is- e amac- alteaer"CLO ,Cni.aittitnin > fî a epallton of fîrt> >-tac tdur- cta jecI*~u uare oltier- ,dont '- Newos acy m tatteyvre teîrMllortht ltter port ofailli-h tu>- mnrt-el bha LOISaipi ae in't.i- (biFIilermnea. - ai oueof a rtia nh athier-a ianed, Nitr.. t.J. Nemi. of i ityeic'rce tSmo,-fliawit gYntteaihl.a"dsa tis bicime appuiar o ol-time New lMezicans-wboe Nor îth lChicagoliait ulittîl arit-- iter, issu Stmoi. t a s-itfoc eut lh. laier <thotti ymeaut hlmlierai. poeaid te congregate ai Cibtion a short r ThtmaM tugtaiNguilt lii tor boitr s-li e gray, anti )-ou villIf ual îhâve. mylisof e te a s, ay. anî cnihutNaar have te ws-pliii n staff. And tien it aai mai%"ho smu. tIme ae. ad aturally fl tu <otalls ttiliit N. y..ft o l t dît- Aut archein, s-bt a Eau, haoing couple s-o- ahoulti "Lto CT shite lictier, »« tena. If nioriea of therenfi i le, At lait I iltra-yo-ro. Ilero-ntîn ,'Irtt. Nemi vinteti Je euligt Deet.Simon -- dul:t uI aimnoai>- t s-îi s-nn i U a s-e uRta tel, tiem, camne Caêatuyt, andl thoClitton mlier hcrtlitaiue i Ct-do rttrf. anti ati â moi* ltsfoolihla I you tai de ne- I do ahat ibaillis ta tliu god.-reporte lis versiontofaitathrilig oxpe- ieiati dfroita arelattvt'dittihem inier T l&Ï egite taink jeI îu are inaPâeniet. "Ivtu ap«ak s-It ou>- !ieait.t'Anti riente wvti the tndiaiu. Th emîtais- via# lirvig. KS i mt iii.1tirtti311Mu. atj dlUt mai li e oi pkAut thun aila LOLaisturnedt iaado iiees-ai callei forth hy a comment %1- lait.h letntt t iiim r-t, a-n d lre e -"Ua rne-trsIi. i1tout." cmaiai. lusluiolgîi. tcli r t yrs. ti atiber-t-nst ',0 wl ee oe e" 10aat oMd paigqiky upon Caeym uiow--hite hit. lonig-tant istet a ut -t.îîîttii-c amaleos lié s-1I ne'ye love c"ous av I ea r te omli. u eaiing qalctî. Wel,.sala Caer, 'H ll iyoai hawis-tis-t aith a photogra ttt iîat kioketi fa- »ta Wrâin hywly ipriwéa"t"ggnst ar s n- happeid. bois. ls-ai th yeux thaI rallier ani a ]ctter girtin har taauily bin- ta i tii m. La ai Prbeiti the ie" for Jtta-Intge Mecomaoa n~d hois-île s-et.tory. Ticu tihe iinia'teul tha~t *Mi. Ntai lnîp lotne sou bae iltk< kWahgi mm trisamy mter tor un. illed bhy lie lndhi.aiaIn <ha Bai'o mat <'aima- on fora-a ii.Te ît Bem olThe lntp oailila W. tar va o ht ah, ch. Yeu nover Mounl.n&-'83 ait'18&. Vve loigottea maparataut n 18611. luth tirt't arotint phy S out .anti il to houlea are unir misei our mrk 7« lia mi ngtArews-ble t>, saiauornetimailatterttntor- conoiticaabl>- andlti rat ,tt1ataiotf enun le e doisalio-na! avhe.doue thuouor airem otae aMr fi, wvr we hn"bdquleteai 8> Ne.inmr ite my>-dsgger 'As aatdi ai ii~;"returnuti Goupart, des-n a bit. Alta 'tuatt ieaiattuI<iu pt.Taie avny te lire nat a UItie mrpd»dmite aitbas@ ith ha bta nMhmha.aaAsnI)'-uîdtetrlee laiciouaItli-t-tmttedlu a P~ aei. an, t i. l --iwpe utual ons h, igohf-i -. 1b'dbee Inte Ib- i,<rouht fdeetv ooiA-t- o1Ién it it mouietnei -itent -A«s lurimbave thme laianneand mail ingI t> _It hoaftao &W ~matire>- vîuîbtiîa-îtg.o t-t'ttircî an Deu fot miner mn iad frIhas <o els:BarreOMotin.aInd of couilrts- uau -o! a r.ii-rt alitu 1ouantaIlandutit uhti gioi* inttrapffl themi lsl. YtsI heap jour MiO f l neectheticlookottfor ludiatta. Myli teellI taumettRiva-r. Ont.of th iifl-as van de be snputting on tue iaitab bi far a dtblé s ai di.1nali toppeti tei let li it. I torcolti tui nteltn- Rrtti id alti Md loiotkitof agoay. "t cati Nia etoImm uabite hi. tiiaula îAtdpufteil off theonadie, lied Mm 16 a-re, ls a rt'intirTaittt î'tittt t'<catutrtla " ha slp; 1 acTer cau. go the mm: pread ouituty blaieta andi la dos-. >Young tcrumeniai u -tIt ltta irett -M et làm amia. A"M lai us 0W. hâve o -.mmi- t. folie« jeion: sainonrolat lep. anal s- y vtitcrTilay on t motll-fn t rtge- i~ l v bilse rnon g u b o i rt i no I §&a si i m atm " . s- e .I c $1 d o n o t h u i s-. w us a sa k e id fltu u a> lir a' t i a r u n ti r tut fr ig h tc a rs a -- S -lis log ua hlabei î ur tpou ti. teal mois coueecte- by sonneane proddiaig tae la th. bach. dti-at titi- puot moutît. î(rtr- 'apturet inlara ldI inati] a ezasun eer saauatir a feuamomeuha. anti Asen oza tay ois-et. opeaiet 1 aMs-the' aaid, nataPot atrutat' ,t tat he- hain w loi, tifr rec.evi rom Ii utteTthon. stIi qsfrk. s-tiiganterez. antid a t s-iit'aa i ruitiid by i-aile orOr iteriieniaabiùh titi- ottt-i'r' oe lPar es te Spaak. lais- outmet mlia ho voieireof a bon- fitteen In4lia ,Tiey m&U carried wsene armmuîtitit e tmoaetiLdut a e tttftaiaDton li iarr atei Lult. aiaur 7 -ili terde lureauti tu tia-oue, atndih"dthom n la <jisir ada, ami ecuret troaa <na-or lietei-r. M yt- eiu i ght ais-ehil mle toahawsba~ ffla h iiiprebabllit> Weil.air. 1 van au oLia tri rgitieti C.o.h e imCtolal]it. b <up'i ati I hTi rimoti nt <ehe - - il rsh art mu ifdiat 10 ihai 1 coulal moi @Peuk or mwe--l s-sm . îudst Tue lu Chiciagoti.rentti-r- t a it- a t lut aure s-t d onye arriear se .si'apu aobusdmea-ParalyVze& 1î Mi Umie %adilooheti ai cauion li the cane ugaiuat 1). Il. Staiha.the lIniie it n ticborestotPa. l i gila b ey it< hat a t@ Indi.ana, &"hep bkOaudn i ma-1chargeai tb a'oloa-lng rley. holing lhut ii()H t ruerbigli.>los- t r,âoesa e-o e t he econa- tit mp hit etifteai ounmdlhaies- (bat the defenant vasnul io tutiîuntthe' liv Ni Lfd»budhr at-tr, aume Imu&~eithtteir terrl-i.l sstanding traIgIEt Up, b>- a paoenio ai ufit-aion. l'liecourint Gir No rs h hUt, aRd sûreil. apensa.e ai lianful'anit,,s-ouit 1 hougt aof vry meana tt>ng Ibail ieeldedthat Ma. Sttir ota ttn-o-tule ta-t mIi l mlwuta.e-,doune la ta>-lire. pMnp? Noicoulailt -n<midticeat or Mrcaio'hrla-y or utter groin pal Ir ie otlnee ""11'7pfal- nbws- r hhliu"Ila.1-- -y-tair 111< a handt 10blini myWell. Ihaies- <hep 90mongtun ttthe'treutait lit w000 tt gainol chi tblm-s-lll y.,>M k ai<tho tue mmom y' aide,.aPtielltae sould ill me, sied >m Ilof s-ai fiepublic e éIti. Thi-%ait wax Rrought bon - __ __ UlPutes t.e ta.on h te at aide. Dot wsat. <bat <bey voititi ihont tr oe vrais puntuat ebarn aittictargeit or ati g fo A SnsSA ai cmaiàa hal." e oa à uiyn l m le rissd mTi Joe nbu o- la a, ma ia atist a. caqiin o tand tle hh'IScatliag<raingiritgint theit color. Io 'flre-e cltaaga. i ras-an t v eaamiaIet théama t oidy. It ieeiatei me tuai hbep -~~miA"r mst<h 'bo Inuanalt ay boli à»&m. srite, rt tooti thraan ami andi loohedat as. FratPîatC.Mra.. - leyutinpi'eaiedgil atidaylaltes daig. bord tiey practleeitianti I looed ai- <hem. .ttter an absne frnt l'tcoeisInnnceco - 5 -um.togaihet aKtiilol ni a* & mil tia- Thafr nglp faces ite tainpct an top Eui'ter. Frank Hube- aisud Misn Bertban M lise.,Lobotaaoed am w s-ai a. mltit i Ils-auae, The memora-y loie. .1caienliti recogulse W'aagnera - rctîurneilani u iannwdetir -~ npana gaad titi italenio 00111de mmnu lspa~mirdamsdn theamy one ail <hemala n caos- t taoiai. Il 1 fricanail thrir marritate. The announce-eru bëdImoi sand alllet tutauteth 3 11111aled aaa. Ai abaulti ueet bit. Boom 1 noticeal e, e nt' cPt.e oklerale ofailsenaini TUdatn's ad i tiu »momt et le av»g.é vre hoaaV ooh Idas ollgwt for tue reanian thut thevarsient Ma. Hu- 'at MitutS ai taa umU se au. Tbré<s-e< oa-f itn oobu s- lier van focturiFatiten Bruino. the nu- o bhohl astedi. namber ws-ea cha âe, huai!nul liotue. shvai ismjeu0stick tatriytuoZgel aaant nI St. toiflat'tRoanuCattie i, bat hW@" al me, s-4 lin e rli hald rme.ved siap rourto <on. Chrri. IlI cctident ta tîtr-aLathe m:n- hm5a es&wa is à nhall Ilaitils wli asti sai tagring Paenentii thep hegan te go, ane ut a istry, tlopet i tt iMine Wagnerrtnttitha->trio int cnalmi y imie bch. la ansometGopart asmILouis ime, ant an<e -t.algie x stt arei mieadpaiiet t s h.le nd*laae, n»dtiey b-ied cept ane b0hehileader. larelusanti titr uup £111Mesi apag toc-anti. Atterthe «<her hai e antsoie hamd- Matelve n ui At.. o Îles, ison é longdad l a rowMangeis moie the%'x 'n dresMil miIniandEEntta-andsaidt,'.on l,. NtF.i(.Netiéo. if ~ 5iiem oruil Sai Iam I"i tproute.eà.f<hminute t et e t gid aUat nl ad:î te r. N.NM.. adiJ. W. NI-tutt. oattt wus- "iWbai 1ein alte "laalipoixi.Afn fittie<i~Gond iniuDan Canepr' Has-low hukes- Maut otant b.sea<-uilt'rt aiaisis- r asteil trousto -vicIrai a mid soi Uniipeai lie m aebi loy enams s odn "owedveltri-o ~ la. iarubt fôwls-orh lispW Bati dM d liea.Loolmtnt opaaii Umasni en ptarY Sion la>- <hier ltfPolice 'Vnthlu it.uot Ah- wu ~xa.1vomBisl os- t e teiso hlm cemposud mpimt: t e.Rai besenmet ioit t> thi e ton,0a 100 tuf* ti pcemd tthetuewti rtifttir aoi - M 09 e ou- s-plbii. » .d l "If tr-aite hUail' au ân idi acieýr reaereatiforOpaiuibl7 Y »m ae Mai tainc inlain. uaTtuDiea u aa ihî'y ar- rLt mmli BIa tnp lv . iet ihn- mw uelp abastue lmIlmeauL', bave boenon oamepan rt Myail i t t ai,untifraiding aRoi truî<tulu, it oi[ tt MM-Ua dti hré airt hve t "A- thome t-iIkW m-ideg. tiink andi he cotilt teal, saiMrnyaflyaItin t ttt taitortheir rriglotsasaoglitratittelft 0 ,wticil i bae , our relnrueti Ieu t. "11»Y pmai bhoecu. iythe> tiriatttitit.Mt - ae]>- taoàm.Atlite h ai gane 1IosaU tuere gafi 1 HATE y Wel e a l" .U Ves h ali sae Nt1wa ml on .ta<t vitim off ttbb.ri. jfi - t r ~~ pmse.iOu étuc-Iith Isisubai tiiez ldis-tuiu-arIcitatisnaamn o atave lae'îhYotug, tlturnr o CHAP1'3l pasi â ygacee. i in oreI Lrohslt l rla air for 1 toaitl ohaolis-long. Tien Iliiifrot Irla-ui on tatînt>-. asa titît- a> c 0' 1 is rsnir -lovefor Ad n a ue 8 lsttoft hema~ b~, a t ant licme tu me <bat the>- vite turt-v- caiort'l ute-utieur-tii- Ilinois CnuIlt 1d 119ithataiima hie bâtilfor upoa eza.laatlit W s-sandmaitI gvetmntlscouts. 1I eieetuaMYtap al stiation,.drogt'tIhitt, an ailey. ni t]( l ad uehis wobla v eal oipoi- aer siullp v bath bhuieeint, amd tee.t, lthongh i bi oorns-ai ic. I tati-c btitai a-attr a tito nitaFu tatut -- e iv uteirlieiiaotl.tin îl. va t. But Wville the" boat mil recorda te hiver Oit>. t.ilitiy i-îtt-tted l i-t tîrut'. ,-tont.1ig wqp awuiiiik taihlmeianti seu liai n thei huai a groasi 1bave heenloosn up ta a mine, andi $155. Fortnn,-limlan-iftr th-aitsaioutlt . Wt b. adually overcame It. lueaaIi so&Md eou Iuiaig hep ato,>bdMy bodp etustietslt> dynamite-.lIai vit-tinastintht- illit> ttitil ltut 1 le iw" mmn ia a seal. Omeatitne ta i . alish hu iacape. but 1 aieer ts-ai icauetbelote or tante, t.biit- hi. autillntt tttt hir- lt i eg itp mareae (Muale- siotbivtai M lee noaaaire. Tiers leDoatenuauearth li rape. ru jn e ame i ilalle sis ver Gaui~mttang poutuiete agmst n ire.. anai s-a tdLuaattéd off on a buatinuc nos- trYl te -W i lier'*renrd. Aneas an lmilan cre. WeIL. bille or a Ertef Ftita e iitenai. <l........piteistht>- concealel teirge, hlm tai e us-aidaties-et. Hoth s-n-k froei<btlintme tMy hat s-ais elI Nroi . R E. Egmu. ('iiicattg.itro-to tUIbIibiumànet <heiT iiatlunlirta. Louis ati Gepart lalurti te itaai spctiakledt higtap. ant i nidte ofa ia-iun agett lutn Who tors-a-i l lt, tttor - st tiny niaiWt *et ctchintatheSnomn .a thepl ftm atIhécbal re- jouir It s- asithIe asi t ta nos-," t<lui ptttalir. t ,11111111I Md n lit rklirea era ina ite 1a- rlretia bul» Iirooolh th e oi. vi MW *IbêeodeThle>- boat hhallexcellent tWatir. saer hibugoaneil. Tile ofttliInter. tuéir flurtit w-t-ing oDivrr3 i tFt itwir 'IU» tall a. ant moflai pa-et it,. Sta." is ut mpon- Inforataiion concetnlug tue las- oft lie taur arltinitar. Wv Ob elé aepi ti- m atie bethe-a 'an trtiti tes-ardutii. roeb. Ant uci- idug aitn-bai oaeltl tnti aitotu<8aî- Wiiiam î'uîîîa-a-oon.a prunautat-tî t îaroe ci liarivr, ati iiij audpuaeai tutrmilag te t, li dp ladisa . bcnad : iiton. The fittu- hlan a clear tils oud tat iiraistr-oft l'ana, titdas-a ore- t bou if ette eattis, andthon<he ir It f vol t e ue tar asi tomuuatdha h asa? -i ittiiîa ot a-tvr . = 4tteai mure cantions, far titi oîoi tai lie uttin a' iasl u tel the gaînit AUl the wrdbtteonr ,sto aln ri a erc leoIlhure migh ie ha udeer semeahere iti?' randtheicproprietor ofail a cor railm- Wiile hut daaighte a nlSiggit bina dit al"I, 11 iIIk -lIt" a>-car ai lp hano igt tai de- tittu ,commituaicie, Chatles BitoF tut TihtIS& habntent about i tie furent Tii valla-rs-anbrongit in Goopr's tan naiaythinc ahich May have heau ('i-etc mouulbititelf i l ie ait'ititttttldia-i J( for Mouri>- au hoar. s-heu A ovemet rtanteei. sdi m m inta. te poor fl- round iupon lita propairi>- or paem19li. îilhiu ati lttr. tamou ed bos ttenin. aaidmoniare ut- 1e memii e rtne . QOunt bnthaiatSuci proprietain Mai moute tegultiom Nittîttriol ta'rcr tpidem ntit a rttunlusat big ae <dr atteion, auln a-gdep-îa iiaeh. vilcituvbedlig protume- vitia regardta taofnaitproerotl ailla tniégt't ti aitu.iitîtt. Stagrnanttislo Ingoertuly p. t>-muaa ua-i- onc1>, anti JutIes ho bat iaied the joib tliit opioye,but tua cuiant blid uii rtdinx placées i tri-theattaeked Ilt ir'okkb uai atlbroo* (bat emtptirltle latituaPMot Idhms-eakeaiing omato bte te river claise ti nIttiii adu10 onahule.te public.t Tii las- san uelare4 b>-v. th bki-rontm. N 'ltrise"vupacdGu"t t--ot tThe pâle hep bi ltebeurt of n gettthe, îîgîesî court mare <inaine iun- Tro .lOo îiîters wtrit' ttlt-u-itittd Wlie Has-s m iu at veescapeti u drott Jeus &mgo. on s-htci the latta s-are ti.iAt tttotllh icaigot'.Wti-tli-otu>- iigit, ~ Lstsloket aIii apthatl ve knbi ntersbrave ho s-a." Ihese: A pea-a und ala allet cn t taona> -tird h'ctc-i -u-ait «etpaltluO pointa-tDoui.anti iaittlti'ai ,»ut s-pdi pou ti te do thla?' aaag uemeetan a atoa.uaan iectrir toi. isrt aqisti Gupam taiinl hlm a utkiifolae - -Bosseraio-eDos-, You prom- lie retiraet iltatu e aliopiaitai tulai hi By a proviniinlutietril tifrt-ella-ê unot te apeai Iimlp." mattunedte totue esnet. Aller <ru k.-A. 11>-ea-. ail Marengo, thitI tillageiy '<lit'n sthetrlt-kor a mon.iait, '"Whiltemin hgeabt gott i hee.andti te afiî-ara trnt itf eara vl<-i't:i .,(O Lesa- have Icarneti te loeaIL iincb galti bail yeaa-n, turing vicit tuai as-et tid Doiît fr a uthliirory. "Home ot tic ntgrot'a havi- ii-n iot leen ees.mi e--" Thi tian tmil forthietupr'opirty. tiec Inter de- c hrt-." &tlgctt't oupaci. stoFppeti,.fototehon-aisra, andtiehimade Maditie ti valet adl Men tatate WiIa-d Diii <t Ta-art' Hautea, 17 yuiamo ney orm the' t 1,wuîtpplatying i Pori-i-i rît-rator ai *"u46 nO," rturnirtitue atcr. -y s Aigu tuaI lie, ah« orebts f a ce te- niopkeepcr. Thc latter refumete,0 te- té rihur.îtttitlutt't ill bRutaitinmg 40,-i lave Boa becsi ontt iere te-day." s-acta the, in. u«Ame heb attetet, 'bay lîvr eti up ai thte ga-ouiit <at tue>- litaa()uitu'îs tifotuicîteticoca. Hlitras in-g ugm inbt May have bsteaimodi e >-o l ue n.- were fotant an litspaemlem.The fid-nti- tt-atly etagutîfetisuani ondeaui o-tot teedas. or atyta-a dis aga." "Lookt >e" qied Louis, graslpiaig hilmer theoedtte ithopkeehtiic". anal ls -iid. "Ne," cld Laix.itosuiotsiuspatt te la>-tht amé and l»gs«ginaeaiiy Inta is beita.asaboie lSt forth. litI '<agaltt l-eyoair <tarts, pa-iit flt the Usi. Tieirevs mdc ioda> - tut fat-. hilo- Gopart tout b>-reloatinigoît> lt, ami" Yoti ilu ave tint tient la-atm thidesIt. "if set titl metIntant- 111l the ivo.' . tetrue ovuer thei Startit Meta, Ita-filiugComptany, a liail-f XMAM 4MP on te uppier etiga-ta hete y ir At iis mi U i s tga boisin 1ntille oaithi laidetlanperfect.t' rapti Chit-agttoneéIo-aa-,lalteat aibanc tbMt~t ia pt~at- tiet ut. Th-at'tic uttinatiîoi hailho brlet s-ih mola-.1.1tBastrai etalataoiuic aitt il Rari JS-den Who kîlluail18gb rxew during a quarrel ut thulr 1<hI" ko htomtes, visareitcd et <ratte J. Jo Jhnmton'mudry goomin store ai kiataur wn dctraiet b>- tire-. Loin. 20,000. The canne ail the lire là on- own. Charles Baxter. ogeti 211years, wax rui vr h un llinois Centraltain saii 9Luillow andl kllt't. "Hi w.. sittiait OUai -e truck anppanact>- oleep. Tie mmîllpox effîltlemln aiFaîrlinti han nttlmeti nturtaiatg proportRoti ntudnoew nuts. manîfeoting the vorst phmnoai »tlint'ie, hure ben repocteot.à l'wlt habita, a boy andti grl, uDPpreutli in tityn oIt, were ieft Inà a ma&rkel bai-t t un the pltiutorai orf tic Belmont ave' li stiationi oftthe Noatbaritern "L". ad ln Chicago. A GetuttutrotitdntofCicaugo meut ar poiaioomkmtois nmotbet iai Gelr' ay ne ttht nhe luigit rffltr thne, and tifn tht>- rante ihok dut>- or $1.751 4 pair ras atiacînetmgalist <ta. Jobai Mea-taivoftWeodoteck aunoucreti hat b b lti roblied oail$37 lu a Ci- liai hotel anti aral policemen vire âlIed, onlt> o ia-n that lira. Maom- ad taileatiheanone>- fer sale keeplilf. <tate Gaute Commlnalaiair Loveloy ha@ tutti a procalamntioin Proiiting thtkIl- i ail quail daicint abat amn the, claisot Panne mindier tht lav lai effect prier tat uly 1. Th'e actinwan a keai on thec rvive of Attorie- theal tHatlin.1 Tie home ail P. O'IaUllivmii, paitmaltert ltSouth Chicago, a butcher ahop, grocer! are andtihti tielling ait Peter Mariai,.. xt dont, acre tieutruyeui b>- ire, at a i tam fabout $,t0. Tie i ri. vhti tated inl thit ba-n in the reit. opreati1 rthe, hoaiaanti caieumodtih uila. 1 Prof. C'hartes B. Tbving ai the chair oft hyaies, Knox Collet.', laleabuci. hun crptcti the pçofeaarahp of physiniciLu ryamout., N., Y., Univrityam a large1 'renie ait autaci. Dr. Thwlailuta grati- tie frotat Ntrtltweîttcn Univrsity-. bai ogimt ion Notthwt'titcru aut islaconsind »à--Wtlm . nu fulr thetanlt lire eror a#baeoaint Icuax. l Kn~ox County vetainsaitthe, army-anti vy kelai nrenuleai on the G(ilson enait rounds tar r Uneahiarl. lteir en Kerutihg«tpromim uma tenberi et thei A. Bl. aaid in tihe ivenit a camp lire ra belli.,s-heu @toiesa ere toRd maid toî naingi veeto-sang. Amnontithaie îo otidrenedtheticvetermas cre C. A., 'artritge, Captnain V. D. Puorlngtoi, lKeu-i tr William Z ~.Masan of Chicago. Nirs. nrtha K. Bociter ta Bliingflitnd tt aireamman George W. Prince of <mIen' ura- O)ilcera wcre chosnitnil &Irbur-glaiT le Illinois grand loige. Grand Unilted rdca- oif Odd oulova: Grundt ater. S. W. Rtollins, Cicago; Dept- 'ronti Manter. John L.. Tombuait. Me- ropoilàa Grnditi Scr-tay. Citation Soniti.4 'arta: Gcandi Treaurer. Hovard Bell, tileago. Grand Trustee, William CIIW- Orn, Cicago. Mr*. Loiée Montgon- ry tif Chicago aixn laiteti mont noble otiitiun aiorthe Iloumo-hold of lRuth, thte ittaeii'itaaixiloa->. Gov, Yolem h"an ppaiiatet C. H. Pa-aon ,f'atiekna amembeof ilthetlt@tcluimi emmianiau. vice Walter IL Laena. vie enigueet iticreliaient tif the, <mavernor. riait ta poîitcal diffe'mtace. Ticethov- nrmw altoai ppailitedtiMmiMarthe K. aoxter aol Spriaig0old, preululeait oIthe, alinoia Womaam lief Corps. a trut"a , thtetioltiiera' Widows' IHameiut Wtt- niiitf. rice lIra. leretie W. Johnson ,fChicago. Wviai igned ovrleitaiure' oei taewaYork. Wlilam H-la-t et bua-leIpton vin apptiitted deputy liii Mr». Auna 1). llcKiunny, wun ie ijot 1Kainsats <ity- hottl recent>- froni a doit, )f morapine, taitta aitiisuicidlai luirent nwa om banan aiSd in SiIhoIlirville. M"a. ,oKina,>taugat mealn Inllinoia. but in ns-a>. nepaiersilaiher triaula tiactua- t., tateo-apte thteOtt-ntion ti aier lattai utiîa'r, n etoc. NMr.Itite. Sthtmarrlet lai t. li,taîîtî.o i-r'er bunhod nti tbah>- îttily tUtti., gererat yètrnmati Hile ctu- 'nocttl ta the motbrr that le am it n lavei with the Joutlittr. TIth-i e iit theiiath- er heurt anti retitea tiabhir dinti. loi- voeti b>- un. Mt'Kiiiney*m estrtngmeait from i-r otePtatieër. latern captltittnhboe iemeti tiroti- a-t> rigatusanit the- ianktiket mrivrt'bRe- toi-en Kankakteetatdîti Wliugtti. antI wilt caininta-t-t to- a mslati orittît-uar- pose air do-vilaiîtinitpowtir for tleri- rndtsandi tantintaiting r-tnms in &notat-rn Ilinois.'The' corpotrationtail l lwi týlitil l t $1.000O.01X). and i il tocet ta ut-ir i5MJfl horst-poweco 'ubh i,-- aittttttt. <tr oe ltotn îîtîgh taopotti-te il i athe lt'i-uotrttti-uiltand îiroîto'd iei- nei rîtati n trnta amit -nrttral Illinis. t la ptnuil hlt at Jacvks, yulli-eunatraiet ti atud tht long rheriubt botta-f tolck wsttr navigation tof the K~ikake.t rirer attwe-oKankakîri andtihticIllinois river tviilt. surcolizt't. Fritiit tif f M iiMuia- -Briatly andt Jaiti Il. St itoipttît. cIl k1otn Elgin -itttg peauplt-., t-rt' .tiii-.rtttht- (lla-m tdey ati tte-n-ullug tif the at-tlting invita- lton$ sntcut tla ft",rlia iaeftra It>-th, tair-att of lthe itilitivaintil, 31. and .Ntro. WilliamtBrait>. Tthebidetao h hon tllmappeoret.. irittg lit exoialtin Oi lil-r ntihin, adlier iinct t'-I.traresthe entgaigemetuubrûlai-n mil oi>-icollOant rorgui- tht, girl. The, affaila- it I he more utîytifylng hccatmtr of tht tact that tht ptrosplective hriole,zeti'la Rt'itteîpreme- t>- happy nt the prospect t fitra- mîach- i minuauga'ta the yoaog mtuatf ler ,ttailci. ulhe ccodily attntttita tht' ta, gageatint alliaintihe clousent oftlier parents, alto Intint aippotîi'd the mîatchi un accomlu it ofheC' eiug. ini their con- usuetlacioai, tao >-oaiag. Muin çBrady>. who in JO8 >-cta-ti olt, lda i arvituillislatdtiyouuîg m-tann ud a gilteti mîuatttan. Augunt Ilurci ai l [to-itter leaped fro a-ntnthird.atory ai indtw it thet, S IUke4 lipuciety hlailtIait ng nOhieigro h<le tietia-ioatiiilsrigti eg f-ns cttkt'nand htid.,la>- atau niiuaiykte lait hrle1016 7.77 =o1ý teanoit pf AgIl e a of priéial cropui produ adla the Boum agSC lo*i-t~tr*teoilretro W tàteý: iïaiaipll sem ta p.l e Vain- W"it-WMlle leinart fient arveat- Coran IteIlisand Iw lrove e Gm'. t u~wr tbon «eu,_he no-toi. i. etlpe one lx Improvid.aeIt btiole % brouetiithe i',il trxf eeedeai but twIm l a the. tas The taeekly troq P rort laued b7 thi e c.Atatqittriaspl=I rat lJt'pîrtntent oft AgdicltUre maisa agela-lper bue-titbut cl artu M uring Ja teut e r a l m aîm a a ry u t o Ra c o n d itio n so f it th e t a . 7 < 8 < , th te v a ilîe O t h e iii, n ait ro s, to p a tâh rea tisl ie b11a9"au0COMt. ut ic- co u n t y f o r t h e l ea i t n e v e r ur&y s ea i to i - t u r s f r u r ic u e t- a i x '. l u i t 2 . : l ir a e rci e lot, a. tDettiained ittatr bâ"emt.a tf aanldecabi.- Wîith mure iltoderate teinPeraturet and lOltiry1teteRiut t'y He.îliu £y. but tseo. gond raieover a large part at te :o-a~d, A ut ot tvaisun- drought-stritrkll ttore, ,the, wethtr candi- tant fulgaiE o u nriuiîy dognil ai te bu tieinsaofithebiweek were the mont favora. Piewet uP. cetstt tinait1 t94 lie-cvenit of the ble ta pgria-tlturail in teroteinlaithetitte- ovn' @a eetl for bre.. 0*1.-AW ana nuntMaicil by trop me of the central valley thnt have prevail. npoaiuentn taril inair<u eanitth@t, arand- ednid ethe llouer part ai4 Jug-lui thé, tiite oalx thhIVêtir 1 about 7 per cetlem. State oailthe Miassouri Vallyte&vrt t '"the aies r a Se ïftiti andi protracteit anirot than beeui ltre- îy.a. tî%bIottvrie. teamtr la f4*.avur 17 relieveci. but tato b ucitwBTd eftthé secttin Sl rtbera Illlttaiaaeooctlaig savec- M îi ani pat n "l n rth af Oh io river oaly VcM i14 it tl il te b .b b epff scie partial relier han hein affttrdedit tln-latics, unmtteru drInlon ufthelBruMte bt u tfci em nb r .the dr aught conditio n faat eu brohera r searei ne )àew oge al I the. tpper Ohio ,aliey belus mr@ab ri r- 'FT,.emtota ieldM'.1,311, tub.,%. n 1 1ge c e ~u ll e s 0o f .1 2 c e n t s b a s Il u t. ltiq tuai ut any prerittas tinie ftllenom- 'rqusît ier bO at i eaYri-lai 1<74 tion. The lEant tilt nuit portlinof the an IL IMg. At thtiteattiUa the «stCTi of Buc tb A tlantc Brte » and tiorthe nm t m k ati t l w o rth 83u W4.upt . l a < nu a. ne ti flcaii-laitu Boucherainetmts..the ost% throaubout the. Pacifie cat district fut *cruws, orsno "rt caaentrser touaé mot iii.wunu bn îrovo geeraly avoable. li éil and tiiecrojiwana aowed. buitla the »k as renit enerllylavr f ltneen ceu t hiana m iacaattrabl lu the egovt cor ra ttejulte <<rai,and. and Il .a,<,t nur@ti.Whitvti. cuola ueo- fortuaiatl, a lanchrlarget praipartioin ecr ipa'ou nI trigbt I.t. ýtratier«Ino lin ma iial ait thîn er'n ,raip van ptanted a"lila <gb0out cen tetatut. Letni late, bas experienced a gercerai atilai74 -8,= the ae rn, plt Anst. noecssaeided it rovement.but e.lttoi unctt he il, ~the et ixiaertct the. e&rty corain éubeno-pctîcally ruitaeuI. >evr nthee crg blatair lai Kansas thecolier veather. stiilbubet- wamiheac<It-. %tbtI e tagu~eat ter' diatribuateIl raina. dccidedty Impcov- enueturagliirJit,, let cint it vanbetteuei tar, ed conditionsin aithc calterai andi western clmecluop lie, preduieni lanEv.. b e , b a t sm e r ti t c l'ttt >r f <tu th. r u tilu ls a r. diviationo of the S<tate and îilgbtiy beîuuaaig tai tutu-In Ansd abeî tti, u, fited ren-ttrai partiont. andtInlumauxy ot preedMetetity bot o.tbcc aet tbe lutter balf the, eaît-rai, wenternanad moticentral 09 Joi sl l ai thi--t.-tlon. tuuiediatel, entrille lise C0ý0 BillPrM'« Ir liflu t enter- l'à nîr. favorable Ineraielle, th e 1nt, fthe ht-, ti".net aDpareil oaie-tourti teaitall c1. qulle aoa0000.but Il i îa 1 1tIon lre lte lI Nebraska tihelioprovemaent basi hein ititricorn ba ell ri.ta jlt, o al aja lel;market! and Iohconied lartety tai tii. talff tetunnel' fva î-d la te botlo nortlierai iBid extro-me eniteracotutîta. <itagig vanteitloacaltý it-rîtilltg tesgraini. lailov th taa piatei b nakug ala Oime CainRuiaiparatiaa'l fi-otfh. cura In loia thelait- hante in crcknra wvufrfa".d.ort 1aileri <. il, bate atti hrier c ri naid ouriter favoratble con- %::"iW chat Pesaaat .a h", busat ,llan te orm a t!the aea.oaip Pr <g li n i -u.a e , -* ba aa lies a Coladorahibleii uto nuin tgrse; ;;; Md. Asa ri rate itr . t'hé xteit oetria§araWe 6dattate ithit rioRa l e'e"y rr r cZ »rate connait $tlbe ctituatetl. In Miie bat ttl1. ,xtcttugly bard t ui.. tat> ioai, i.viore gonoiical ahaivirx fell, el- Of a correct ettacTih. otdt"tu ir-,_ ce~It lai purtM inailrtirachirhrtiimoctieai, ént late cotai liraish.accuiliproed. bot muent erlti14c tbmite = 1Agtcatl' ilaehni'ie Ctinut.ait to dreiome. ttir"pbMut.ealuue a a- etcn 0t4 a nure crai.; luntctrâil 1lo. Il lu 1IIttinouirnha grestly tImproved tla 041 pet trit sadtunthc narobeo-i iis ai lit the uorthern part aioti thalebut boit the Luit, 27lir icl t- ai lîte av.c deteiorlet la pata il ht ental ail tdai~t4pcenrt. Il ahotuIl bcrmýmc deteiorapd l pat@ o thececâraland tg:tthl.buletîi<a trawls acosLa resorta diti Bouthera portiorsa. laiàarieu favoreil dii- te«tut of thc pro-ir ntirt tricta of Norihecn Indiana crn la iti - procrnising. but elmo-viere, the uapland and YATE8 REMOVES DENTAL ffOARD eariy plantei la aimeit heyond rerovers,; with Immédiatecaein *aut an average Goae~Aamkiithe . kiaatloaa ofAir evop oft tawiandand aitae pinteti voulil imbera. ho prodaiceai. Ov.'c the grenicr part of Acting râpes Informationafairoilaihierl Oioaithe.conditioniaiof orraihanloiiera ma- Ger. YTes sanit" fortht e, moleteito tiuaîl>-laivoered. a Portion of the rrop ,every meaiintr ttiri- el&-, tt<rî of i the.gaunthrcnt part of the, Miltle bing fDental Exaaiinert.. paît belli; liaarthentcm Ohilita condti- The exes-ri'ounw.« itticii by J. Il. tou in mare hopo-NIl. lai Tenessee. Kena- Woran. Aaiîersttai vaiatltae lrany. tucky e ndi West Virginiei lie conittiont J.. croe,,.-. licOt hi' IbeotlPrîo uf cocu a sbeau ,uterltlj tednccd dur- tt,<ilr Amkiiiau nî el. y. tBlacik. is tht %nt yen, laithe, Midtdle Atln- ttantif the dtenutraliolt-i-fthlb.North tic Stptes uniexcellent croît ait corn iaweste'rn iivî'raity. The % estie tr 'maki sonvparti>-tracetrets. direct charges *gaiînet ah,.- i'attîAu The venther ctiaititia nu nthe iPrÏug jean tthtatt l rwtà'try aui <ho-e mm wbeat regîton have hein favorable for pottan tuet(raiîuî 8-itt. aiChi- iat'-etlug. s-hicb l artaicur tompletion caga inatitauttaib « itiih. <ber -tla, .are li tesoiailera nditrieti. garie déalage nmot ccgoîx" ib>thlotetialifusnti. lent hiai reoutteti froui/hail lit lKouch Dakota. bave heetài lîiiaigiitaaiio irtb it'e anuard. anti thet unfavocable efýcti ait roet-titbot C(7ti Wti oatriit ata'-itnhct tat ttit ventier in Norath Dakota are heaimînt Gernman have < tr(ttght ta ciabitu<u atupar;eut tBone grai nnthe tait mere try nend furniolicti a-artIl6at" f roint ti- tioaed lBtote hoi heen biti>laitigeti- laidental trenardi. aiffietl b>W. (%JtIoleiytt Wasinlgtonu a îpieaiîld crop in alai: J. H. Smjrner. tufr<hi, agi,. , and li Oregoni thei lclda are better tuiC. .Barr. wat retidtiframc th,' iorij ver. expectel. Thte Ont hîciat la0<mot' geaoeuierce agat.Wurmienanaidblie -tut- t7 caimlletei. anid th, jîcîdo ara- geuerally pouanit a ntiionte <t le guîIm'a.tag auiatinfactairr. villie b Irtîngtt aacoino <ttai-cliver'nmiin A getaitailtc atin t>the cai- Jttatlyn o-a'iprenuntnithe- inît'ting .F tiain of tottom ar rth,'ru'ttr poart ef the bartd vlttt tie tainenn itax ottuit the, cottUîti ho-lt n rcretd. lThe le'oit top ntiit i- laie t rcut'lt chetrrettîtt favorable ccaignts a" or. eiro-tfretn the rien.tairtire t(itierair.liet- tictiti. boxt irti central andalthe .'VceaIietuntf tina - vu-r. tt, tiriseaistht-I tteaahin"afhier tricta. aheve ahtidilug andti, ci.ori. il% aecetiona. blaitminat t4) icap. teOntietu tlm ILLINOIS CENSUS BULLETIN. teporteal- 0,cr tht notîtera tatrijus att thte eeternu ibttrîitstaatirt a tins- titi-h tIibi. tiltIlta. antIVosetua 'pli line.a.nd li-aitje tlt~ict:K Itou oto-heii tate. dom n Textat. Atat tain tt revintuloux00.itltiti ltlowiaig ftr fulitt'diaig tistamatlet'le- tiicrarti i flir .iaut II5 pS i-ttr tif cidsdi protrî"taitttht, Nie it.turi toile>y-taht ai i (l lî a - IA4ttI4Il ta-n a, and Atluitt- tot Stlttt' lîrîng Il- i" a ta Nrît ititti ittiSit.', ftîr ii s-tek. itaijituttaatbi-r 7!111,7., ttnaltht- inria'71G. An fdr prtali<îtatittt.i itt' à,r-Ptioit 4y e tIniit>-~< , lh t Abtîndant raitno hale folle'ia tiurttatthe %tilltu ctati d tii'L,'.478 f.ritui pi. wek li nurtht'anternTexrtan. acestrn Cttok Ctourîir) tltri tare- 490.41Î, 1 trnseso tr PatrtliUo rtfMinaoort. tint- nîtrOati. ita-i aftn. tuti ottti 7.5.=4 PtfKai.gluinautlOkiohoina, and i-bt>aiver fîtrtiata jtt <ortiaini ttf thio- Atlttatlnti tut -tI golf Tee- i n tl .9.7..1 à d i stric t s . ith o o t-ro g î tutîa fr o nî tt-n - to ir ii r t ri -t- i t t at d uat ' 1A.U tA ol. , g m In g ru thtv'o-ftut.rit tuf ut ta -tvureiltivertttatt i t t0( t I- 3L1 i. - nor t<Zh a large tort u)n rttthe, niit)t-r M inottirlri ie t i n t4;.tlc' r- t.57 I tt r,-ota îî-O- ai <ati, raIlt> . TIiri' o t - ttICIItalieta-u Oi -ii ax, or.-nitt t uttt th e asual r n ao il lin, tht- ct-ttirail g olf aib d ual iiit ta ta - I<5i t2 r '- tti t t î 1 Staten , t-t-eutgrenier tport tif Tt-aa. Ofthi e 2fii5 r.e-gu'r n a n i fr ein tt- IIîttt r N fiIa o tari tV il l ey- ao nt- O t. -t'.ol i uîu ti. ut l ,- O -a wa rtl tai tteAptî lat<hîtin Moautainst.ln- -247' 2,7W rie Le> utt" aI 48,7<1 ta ciading tirttît t ha' Atlantic i- îtotl is-mien s; .4.8<trt îîrt- it. l htra. lOftirtc tricti. T're rar irit, a pprttalIt'tain- baillt t tut F » 227 i7tZ, it O ti îta -cpar tai irrtai -tea-ii'ara itultlnrthe li iu tIt 18its ad ptuiri. r flloVr ine uens tt t", la caing IL T'gi-cu vertin tir--t il , iu ,078aî North ratîiî-ys antIripperbilletîttîat-Ic Cro tRetport. bi <4titra. ltt a it.-r ,t-m Illii. -,172ALZ7i y tiaitbof ttiltt. onit aisit td i tri lotirer l, O te ;23 West, erreuts, oncIlubhuprorcotttutala'cctba'Y lterr-«att ttrt tt. utuit iiotr arcrreil; cors greati>- itiurvtd Il. néctiiecu 1,054.40i11ott utta.inl-and -ttitr fot r ittule.butit.ltprtlurotaed' tttaPart. ttof tl-ini -r- t-t- ut t i r - ii t î'n ret'~ati eattto'thi tlttii.-ii oite a i e norti. but ilîlt tutnith tta.toct i end tîtud I.23fi <ar"t'f -. t :ttgi iuti ,i.- ,fowdua" oot ttlt i-rbaoitit '"tttliutttinSt lIt-totOs.f itufii i. t:'Xe. tOr tlai. tîl iguritu flpa i rt ,t i.ttalu îîta i i n IMîîIt itt w.:l et4 tri r oi r iî e p:= O, pi«ountataayeti tri-,,fiai or aidlatna-Dry; iluntutt. ottty eittitint.<t-t4 -tai-t- '411"-r le icecirainali. cr-oix, matert-itïiitr -inatvet l'i. And ttM2.34-7 fttîtigiî Itunt who-'ereufel; Pai,titipruititt il ii fi theia-2.tC7.497 atiltti i irtu i littitl ta dlt*rt'titt tr mrtitrt pttrtiuttt.,,Ic c 90 .X.0' Li aieravix - abre upluianti tud eTy Pioncerti 's at ut 1<<<I.ttti: tî ttI.ti bc'yonut recutery.b . tt itb ltttditcraille I.048-R4 - r-ttt 9Itttt abouit avctagre ltiittanti ii.taittatti ettit t tfil tî tiril I ltaIIti- tpopullatiolu eaho- nati; ttiîn niteoMc'lua ioly- ta- %ie21125 1 -(iri1- r ataîen î .;.eh otîi raIoirrIt lOin-tro-,o: .i-1, it 187011 t 1 îtite- httrtilt<li tiranautioUi oui-o.ftitiygt i Ata ndti în «r t. ip u tvtt-'2.024.Ii ii li aient yieldO. lgttii--todtrtl cinenr'igtt-hiI l 1t LU aaid droufitt grialits vonêt;t-tant arouehtsf- llihii uti.-aitrt'I,I îîtio tii ti f le fectettIluoottbc-nsttthird rtf ttitti,-,m'untr128: lu 1870<. 287<12 ft. 1 11.311,14tt: in tetla i n tthwtmt part iiciptt. tua't<tif 111<1. -7.(Y2M: lir 11)(K). 8it7t -atncreiiicytIatit-htfi tilippttitit; pato re. lit itt at i-i î- tttthe utaei-r .r o ti t. aodgirdi-enoor: lotatffln s'I.tU.1y «ffti- ttîiti-tt.,r tîttita- parenitagut.ltoii-aio- i àm d r o p t î t t o t a ib a r ec a i in i g f a i r 'a i t- 11 0 0 0 u- nte i t di i e v - r i l v e w i r le ben:toa.lgm tuamntifraItto unaiacuibt>- - -t-îtnîi.ilot sgchîltjri wu'atbo-r gcnrrOtltfavorable for 0018 t.The' atliil'i- tf votit <tate ra- - -t, iar.t t atbas ùight y tietoyet i etdti. -.,_-_ nt n tw Visttel The st.»u lu the viorl&. btin, Dolore llafr7A. Ift itting wt i3ylie recent -AwhilOai Itrough theefi 3$ttt1 tchant silai ui Bliet'i e < iley Bl u a ilaaadtd tha' tue. Ii lig. wé reett. For1 Iliup on thi i nthe' 1 ltlitit'luia ,.I I t J iî a triaingula mi li vont di.ty Jorn WNvuud 3 1 î,oddett 'ligbta 1 Iand hi ii reated. ittatf. LUkg mtrnek the 111# f8858 lie retnimt mil ili uliterhi, ibn ,'ff,,t i IU lry abt rola ilti trio' f urtlwt ain Joie CRU*i otAi. Up grotuuali v .jntie niud i.-thât I but If si maili. Ain ri'tnlm wtt .-î'oled la t-îilogity tita' Mari gitvt the, 1 1.-iait or S-ir," Atatad t1ii tait poul i ruerotand i,1It r-itl ,t rcili iltit) ut h-rt- 1 Eu.a tîgbt aor bIhtu- Iti Atduen NIr. Ni MItNi Mtr. 'ai itav'a t muit.r tOnn Qutna-t tîrritp. other-w< lcn 1 Th

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