CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Aug 1901, p. 8

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Worth ten per cent. more than any other hard coal. Gine Hêbwg VMiey AND Indian SIocL Libertyville -IliInois. $2âý.00. 50.00 If a bahm .à b w, yoa eaumake han get uhl«Ualby oang ,.KOW-KURE (M ucova ORLY.)> T>AIRY AumOcaa ' t Lno vlle,.Ore . Gttfga;i' ihavea coic Jesycour; heretolore 1 have bai trouble te f; ct ber sitb cl. Heszing of Kow-Kute lot barreuness, i çct a cin frein you 1 ý andi gve berian ceortee doms, vhich brought ber u inragt. 1 bai ber te tnisems imes belote giviq heu Kew.Kaue vithout uuty binelit, Aller utlng t<h ie m ue sue vas mate sbe pot witb ci a ni cuime tound ail rlpht aller %4 u te hamber caif, andi wltb Cmii At ibis lime. Yoeau, WA. secam cosai t «b itsl-h msda d , utagtb hbeat fiiitAi t osrmmi th. a Oiry usfiaLya"ivtii, VL. he i ab -' , V. Sauer & Sont Grove Ill inois £mm.' s ait, Wit saktdtvoir Pas. rage' and *iarau tue fair iretacu.._ý RIHTBROTHIERS ACIGAR eIf nîe-it i i ll\le !gizedl 1îY tire ),i îî tr. We -ru- m Booster 5c Cigar, I1 tri kaitk- 1).v CII salui te Ws.uliingte Cure For AeJ Ci wunt t &hn imerse bas the beavai. take Cunr.Auj.In . ', tuis eIsteandvWhit t', hai iiDr. Laittapar-8 dofMrnctI~u etyOad V« lale Cilo CunlrraahiDIrbeuaBmer Wfjeue uiIf given ac- sudvas ua mir" uluuiuu, Fotrm»Ie b>'C. eun- wlhid i!u'ffetu,,l. ht iepo me lie.11.5 a ol- faetsluir-g a lttont rsin ue«cfth.: moiime r. CU t~s sidma ok l hure t4 w.vasat Cad. At. n rau ris for a1 b~ ww The FrarteouuBuilding 00. lmas piated IBohI B'icoss'bâruaaMd eroat la building for Wm Zeraunlu A Party, or local i.Bport4,, 100k a te ilaukee liuniay.. il jon il bOlleve iba>' bai a good Ulie a4k1 Wlik DUs baun un ithe borne et ai the, churcli. This viii mallea chidel haptovemeu& go tbbc churubh filse a long loit vaut. B. F. Butterield sud, dangbterj loIt for tuÊWao Wedneday. Tbey "Bat. In" itheExpooilon anti thon relatives in. ibat state.. The. campera trom, Blocu'. Laie turnadeti atul a>. le>' vers bigb-lonad thai 111ey Laia aligi footuan an the reaut of the ha>' rack "IHotigahaigone saa>'anti bitnm Ail tbe prou>' maliens criail. "Nov vho vii do the bugglng Wheai va go ouilot a ride." Most of onrYoung people are eal ing ai Druce Lakete llsVeut. TI have JbInad i tianIvanhai Party' jndglng fromntorport« are hfil capital filme. lia as ilulph andli ae .Flueht eem villiting vîbli li. andi lra. .À R ing. Dr. W m. Mercuaaeu anditaan Of Chicago, fstOPPai vitb lieu, nigbt vhlle on a tnIp go Fox Lake. People taik of boomniag the lova incnoasng Iasbusiness. ciaimlig ti Afevery'bai>' vouiti voikt igetitai - could li accom»plialieî. Fou, tgcou If a 1ev more 0f onrt cîisnu vol internat lliemielvos 90 Ibs at n. Dont% ho satie itviitaniperantenu freminihg R iuudol IDyLpuuimla prmaneuntï randI somp tly renmf,,vr ceniulaint. Atrtolleves prménontl houal it 9 L10WO thu' tinet! steoa uerrcot n E Diotin! von't rpstthe aftonsoh.lNat Z rie.ol lupe lies fteie theofood ve eat.1 sensibule vay <o bu-la, taie tonaocb leto1 j Kodol Dysiuawta Cure. vltleh digost wl - yu cO uui in't heip but do mou go. j For sain iOr F. B. Levzit,, Lbertyvillu. IVANHU)E. Aira. lionaluger hu bc beali ti plant veet. C.M.Fosket and famlly entertair bits. Moiie elileltained Llier iâs anli s lady fitnie unia>. . Misasitattie Payne bas beeti spedii a vaee's vacatin a&homo. Mits Florence %'muPlev ba's gone, Whbkiun t ernaîn Andeliiiel>'. The mcii popular song âai eur, nov la ,Le& a Little Bunsbiue in." lira. H. D. Wells andi M as faant vote Palatîna 1'ioliurs the, lutter pari lant veet. Mases Suia PayneoadsudBb>' ilri son vote Wauconda vlaitors luesi tMiss Ruby SiCIpion, rf Niinda. visltAng friands aud relaivte@ lil, noigbomood. Misses Myrtie uniAvis luayne, Fort Ai, visitla nIvanliut, iaturde * igbt aud Sunia>' lait., Mrli@. Ida Veis, of Laie Fo ba, * been viasting vii> bot faîhun uau famullY the t, iftw sya. Mi-s Agnan Payne s&&tanat for Inulv lait W ednouiay where mle vili speu nmrnetlme vlsitlng relatives. MlissfRoua Decker lbau beoen vlaAtl, a iow daya tecentl>' lu Evanston. lti taturueli home htunda la'eeig Lest Bila>evealng asJoad 0f lm is* Chniatiaa Ludeavorers visiled igith Gra&Ystâke aocioty ma neJoyeli a ver lterasglng and profitable meeting. A part>'0f young people are camupAs tlias veaton the eauthalaitof Dru, ILaie. 'f hapart>' au elperonaliby M *andllra. W. 1. ilch. of lRockefeler. Theib C. E rai>'wbicb vas helli lei lu tattaturia>', vas nDot as elu attenidu, " asuas uticîpatrd, but aiH preserit ri :ove a greut oc: rm h etn BoyO, briug forth yourtlin panse an, la btnru tay> wbaen thoho anstru nants 0f torture sutll bc lu gras liemand. It Bsauncienmne bAsoaue ovean bluet proof dog. Thare la Du causa t, blo oe ailî vas oui>' a cousîders $tni01!$6. Probab>' your lurn autbhl VIII conte iuter. .MllioeYoung people vho thilutheai selve@ the uppar-crumi 91 the t10v have gone campinug, oeOt&Iag b hav a goSu Lime, aiioding gth Ie va>'the] btag. Wu gnustho>' are nudthlb.oui unes. NVteau shov tItern vseau havt a good lima ut hume vhile tuy> are Meeting their tutu. Bou. C. A. l'aTrtige, o! Waekegau, ant i Ie anut iaters enîled on oldti me frlenis lai 1 V5 uoe lutsI unis.Mr. Partrige gslva ver>' intetstUng and Instructive taIktU tihe Junior Endos', lOrB. Hle s aparticulariy pilai speaker andi batng aa oh rosileni vt are alvaya gtai Lw hear bIli Evetyona la condîaliy Invitei b o ome le the, 'ýObomeeting" go buha bia tiBsPlace naitBlinda>' aveilug, Aug. lthb. lurY Kuebker, vio attendeit L- the Christia" Endeavor convention ai Cincinnati, wvIIibho rs and deiver s short alitera relative io the conveu. lion. Other acitls ara invItai tc attend. AnotheOr sociaieventto ho recordai andi as ucal a suceesa. tg vasa tOlie- lbp pari>' ai the home of <ivan Van rPlOw Tîtesda>' ulght. About lorDy cama a tnai.alov toast, ollov. filawbicb liglit reureshmnetsvoe servei, tloliltlng ofteeCeiml aid calte. Il vas mli-uight belore the pari'tbote np. We unutiattania corn tossila arramagutfor Frlavevontup. 19 806m@ va arecti)have the churcli open d1911Y @Ince the nov resding tooma vueofunilstieii. Oughi vo no$ to bave a Dulit j&ultot appolutel. It aecml DO more tibm fairtatal vahouli dlviii op li(, vont a litbie andi not expeci one mtt to carry the vhole buirdhn. if libig tîttten culnolihoai- taniai te ai once vl oulà t D ot haie wj for tht, Eudeavur.rsgo carry out Ihet ,r sggestiuon tezntrl n& tib Aii, uiae @ - ---- rw-- e ý*hWà@6 tleu asunt teove steward- trip ,olilsion" Bomevie e u i On't oe o1r t» e t fau t a reVer>' rituels ata ,are' y ilding larger cr01 ova ie mltrIbis aeîghbbood thtan ilu wwoI~h*up on-tom.aeîLsn;o e t ounadig ioalites. lu muu> pl b d a l ii< b sIi i # t h t h . y b id u n a v e rn e 1#Is h b iI o s d. BsaIUa~v. <Jntin suite for piles. Be. buiallu, anli55>0 eilliteFurs.B sure yn l I At the business mieetlig Cf the'1 hoya»U.,LievlAllance, B. -L. (raeftvas eleut Mao -.._______ -de lgatis tutheasistetaconvenijl vii PRAIRIE VIEW. Ilinois <Jotrenca Braucli Y' riait Peopien' Alliance vhich couvent, C. liasu bau purciaseidanov Napervie Park. Ytlday and tante e - top bugg>' no* girls iocon uitoI Oes. iunda>'. ti-eliii s 80 UlmistbleMaion toit lait veok for J. Stempel'a lfiee i Kasa b' iai ir hotli. .cellent vork, but fh wu5ail fu Ai-MTrppS..& i mgination 0f the correspondient. litantilira b.E. Kadie ani tiinao wvoit alaotLcbonly antià falMD$p & afaw days ut Napervie vas tatou OR nois. TIiereAIn visiiing ijstAeo. rognon vliY s gond seitfetaoias Chah.l Aibrîglit bas purchasot A. net do gond lvork 1his yoga, for 0. Richards hoy proea and ieha ltonia hava beau dry sud the ottawv short rb y bc do a ir i îg b uni uen. atralglit. and PbiiliP Raidâts, of CWicgo, lias - a beau vsiilagVitlihia daigiet, lir&, HAIP DAY A. ù. Richards anui famiy>'tb<, pas$ Mn'ae noipth rmu x ve ot.:Mnyaeejoigte rmu .. litm.rWm. Rlwaris, uof Libattyville,vettlu'cmi. mili>y o m l ' a I bis place b as e ate st lM i . M an > Y oung peo p le o t la i t bo one L oobh hed ' ftai. is id I fie ad i ff v li cur iont o 10 iui an t e t l ai Blnda >', ho gi e B aagbisb .' I. L. Ti'pp and lm lly are viil s ali r s. u n a F s u d a ti d a u glie r L eil a, re lativ e s flu J a av il ia, W A o.,a p tes ýbm of Wau keg Lubavaehoua vliug lira. H. (0. Stractuan), of Elanhu rt Iris. ud rlaies Au tâta vinAutyl>'asvlsiting ohi frieutia and aelghl, iii, rtiruel 1a thair ihoin meauteet bnire. )uli INN>.II&.W. E. Manîn ani fanîll>' enjo>'m Atsl uil1101o r es e t nd c nd l vilit lent e nt fron b i si er Sus b> NTtiftctani ono- o! Chicago. J'u, elleco lod by Venun Camp, No.133ù, rails Prairie flie.. fîlînoea, ou tho death ?f Count> ' reanijrar (Ian. N. (rît ies Ont aiteeMagliNlglibor andi friend, vus shaking banda vith old frics remst Louta OMolet. hore Tuoaatiy. The WBIMEEA,19b las pleasedtihe ieat lita. E. J. Ti visitairlaie l55e Ratar 10 reunove fron um m. ilmI OurWantaLgan lait souk and accompai bat i. esbtmeti Meighboto i ndwhoeaa lai thens go Chicago. vIev w0f9lt.elosis e have auitined by lMr. and Mlrs. John h'egiov antibal tbhe aes»e t Our friand anti Neighbar of Churiah, la., arrivai Bunaa> anti apeci&nl>'the proate8r 1lamvialt bis motier und braibsere. anatInet b>' tiomeconuar niuddeareal Gilbert Shaddlo uni ivo friot thie t fhlm; elereoo e île Hart anul 8uvyet, ail ofTPlatine bh Rescreod& That i hu- jînutseut triblite baen camping uon tLe rîtrir tedtrth mOlD~omr o th"ie arei t g y wak.ifai>,f or olr miit vo nionnufor oi ybo vas Jag mes 'tand 'naaay tnrf, iter u avisY Wtý7worth of Ou outti an-., toturnuaTi ma -rn ar d la aer>'va' onli' f uicilepushort vialt ameng relatives bore.à iup Rsao 43, Plat ve sinureral>' coudoie s rurceiasnt seore ur>'ereatrli v i t h if, e a ntd fa m il> ' o f t h e d _lie r c n s v r u n r r a t to cesset! an ti u s di p n a îo n it b h ch r tm a f ll frtr an a Imd r. hilias-PIemON" thaeIvinePover ta u ais t euhor nmnuipgs, «f- ,It c hl a i l l î t a n t i o m m e n d t l i a m f o r C o u a l a - ne u e 1n i I n a v n u t f n . s t , l a u , u hi l nt t < tAon tu hlm via ordartu ail thin12g e vetrigfarlit ltt(e ItAl. luuarfiaL. 'f-tii 71 ad i vic cileuient Je glven Iu to ttiie. ai vo are sat sr , ati lat,st1 iei hurer>, aMtiNt. nttncoti b It. 't1r ut gn ', . of Reoied, That ai a toton of respectLoaL frOrntdepartot Neigbbor, ont charter DIM N LAE p. hoa drape I rbe thurt>' deys; that a :eop>'IMO DLA E s>' ofl liee lsctions ba sent to the Base )juil gagne next tiuda>'. hereavet vilsOf tht, iecesstei, andi ba Grand dancei nezi Saruay tlgi bl is ftir MieAcb>'Prof. Gramofffsorchestre. is Reiisi, That thia tribti oto f 01W The camping Part>'lias roiurng regard ha apeai pon tht, umnoriai frOm iocuma Laka. AIl eijoyd a il, îpageo f louiCMp records ant hat a tîm. ý copy h ent 1ont rlocal paper, the LAIE Oouvvv NDEPEtXOENT for publ- The dauee i agltid&a>'nihi w C a tio n . C mPtt e . û L îyv i ia t e n d e , a b o u t 0 tic k e t s b e ls DsE. W icox o. colnnItee M Coliv The, soclt aiAlîuely'o Isu Thurodi J.-C Sif SO"LDES igbt wasta a hlîccos, tîtaproceeaib A Cure for Choiera iufnntaîm. lelreRutîtils>' a nt Tille lIe, .-List yare opendiig a few layeîcamping lic Mook t." tu crh Bitter, etDtnce t. tum. îigb'svsnfurugfomnllot fan- UeO. ROY' i"sbad a bnad aloi Lita. Th ulo t latulso , ifLil Itso f ornctod ubia souatgrave, theo vo S r--ovurn. t. irota boutle oT Chubrarl ai20111,Choiera sud Diitrhuea esrsel y to th'being doua b>' F. batrîiov, Wutkegs ue has dtaDinglhtan 1 tlt sure, Lt vo",fi "n" futinaiAs uaing arounul the lai get fusaiaeordung te tfreelrtlu .% iv', dar tie th@Oehublai fulîr reov,tsd.antIancdfloarierw are pleulAful. (*eo.1 18 ua ,e ngyacar lse) nr.avîg7oruusBs>' liai aI bis place 9 fur dînnor Sui Dg hakls, ati.1 hve reomnemhd tJýla>'andI 76 for gsupper. 1reis tfruunntîr aid bave tuavurr kuovopon ce, p or mlobu» NAi. Maxhatu, wbile i o tt PIA aacT: lim van".. but alter nome mnuuvariugi ragalu, - LK Z RC .Ila bout audn untb ils journe>'. re LAEZU IH Lunt Monda>' nîglt ut lier homei ýe- W-- hBtasse wvaute10Chilcago Wankeguu occunreli he ditsh of Mr, «. Tuesda>'. Frank Hay', ister-îo.iaw go AirsiS Id For ine candie s d fruite eia iut Andrews, lir. Ueorge Ita ', undlM n, id Emil Frank'&. Cha. a, of tiis place. 4he as 11- - . Buce adea bsines tip o ýycats oAd. Lier dealli vavery guides: a& Jlet.Bre mon ati ahu'nIborp be Ling Blok <mi>' Ivo heuenta Lt oilt Mnda'. popioz'. l'iho funaral vas bol, Mont, Seip sud famîl>' tout a Iîîs sedneada>' ai two ouclock, imtemen a rinie ta Wancouda Snda>'. in Waukegau csumatry. go Oeoo, tpunner, of Cicago, vas out lr.1.I.Alîtont.tnT Jotasuton. Pa. snu a-. viutinp sib relatives ovor lSOnda>'. OurN Ifu Irl 5.iit .latsif(lr'd 1tIaa«tb vi droit. Tuas ul-tru'.tilatîltIfsn, 'onlint lv at Emil Frank uni Honr'>' eip maie a but oh@ vas liuuutntlî r-i"v,it'yrOn business trip ta flarrlngtan Moula>'. Mfnute Cough Cure. For sut, <iv F.1 a. eo. Zininer, of Long Oove, vitai_______________ille a i wlh bis cousin, Frank Noyer, Tuiesda>', re Ueo. Dat, o! DiamnuL ake, va8 blieaWAUCONDA. ýy liouliv gpoinîa a Joadioff be of the H. (Aldiug vas a cit>' viitor Tuet Y Brtuce hure Go. Cday. Oe Onsiav Fredler, ont np tu date "lite laiote a linon vîtI calms ilie elint4eber, made a business trnP te Ban. iayi. nguton Monda>'. A Part>' fromit eusonillie apeut1 Wni. Wiitsund frIands, <f llsnnng. 1ev deys ialilng bore. i toit. vera viallova lua our bang Tuesday UMn. andi llasClark, of Iova, erg eveaiiug. Wbal lm the attracion boy15. vifittbug relative boe. irl. Freuad anti taml>', of Wancenda A aumber of borgsala is ,vi-inîl vIitai vitb friands bhe Sîuda>'. are sick vith diitemper. f Miss' Mt>' Freundi lau1tOsouri out a chool tht, ensuîng ye .Jas Mouaphan aud two dungliteri Cham. KIeppto! Long Un ove bug üevt istr eety ie heupht Chais. Aola bouse ounie' laiteJ.Il. <immundniWalhmrSn llpanti ifront for tujeauraof$65o(I Mn. htppat vote ait our trmitts Mouds>'. Inteuis to move bore soon ani occnpy M.W uteJUoigunLH bA 0v om.Tîdd voe Nunda vlatoti Monda>'. a A aerions accident happanci Lu'ma lits. F. E. (Greenanti lilas Joinis 1. Taaaiuy afteanon.WJlsst'îu trnve lcuoiitsMnd>. ampi>' cars on the BrucWfl le h- C ' not enwT Ciaovs&O. od Gouctor Care>' wa@ instautl>' kilied. temermber the Boudlera' ani Saliors, lit. Gare>' reilied ai Joliet antiloueavs le-union viii ha hieldlit Wuucouiî a vIle and threaebîhlîran ta mouru. Augui 27th sud 28tbi. Accident f uN>' explainoli on front pago. Bled, ut bia home lu Nunda, itouday rP. T. Th'omauu.M,îutereliit. Ais.. -i vasmoran, Mr. iLchard ilounger. TAie eaknilu fRoomiraePaafiEiera h ofrmunn,ntluarai sai baudTnutda>' ut Nnuni i titie lodo Dnpt,î,saa Cure. f1t suad interment vas maie ut Wanconda. sevenat boulesaid un dautigear anytting." Kedof i taue i Cnre lme n.ofllr ltretnuru tion uonalntugai the, naturel digestive mtI'AT s luitde. ILfiseveratat ma6usob entni er -t. Ira F. Green vas boru an tlîe n starigigthoir naturaî condition. 1' rr aie YF.B ýV L.Libertyvi le. town ofEla, Lae Contît,Iii sA5 fais. 31), 1877, sd alter a lire Don- November 6,-. î',spi cloua lIlsAtexemples of tht, exerciso, PICP8tN SYitiP GO. o! sterlng atirituntes of cbaracetr. bc Deat Mre:--f feealIt my liity tu Write pausai peaceaully sa>' uti the aneof 90 You anti lai you tnov boy mnch twenty.four yoars, six montbm. and gooli yeur meleino bai loue for Me.Iliree laa. The fatal malai>' s Tseniy-threeo YeRra &go f vas taken tYpholi pnumnnonie. vithB orne tinsiof agoimacli troubla "Ihe deneasei vas s man 0f spechai anti 1 trîol avorythilng board *of. beaut>'of charucten; minlyi>' u&Il The>' 12 me but littia good. l'hrge tilpanmmiiof a tiotil>' atere vbleb yearsgnnrailiaaot la )a me uni 1uttractedaniad baud tbe varmme Rot 0 por ad wek thtf1coudaffection omali vbo tue, hlm. Als% battil>' al--coumin't vort umu'. Myli> rsece vasa cliaerlng alement ln buobani recoîveli a bookt trougbs the ever>' Company' Mai], alivattlaing yaar medîcine, an As a son ha wus a modal of obedl- hoaisent Ont 11111e boy tobtie drap stre ecea ali tbonghfltuness; an s brouhet bn gaionue of your tean-cent bottles. an exPofleut Of nufaillug tendernous f baganto use it. îî le straupa îinas>'. and love; sud Ala isil p eurti s st, e and rari Vew aladsgb and wmUN lREACK cool C USE o0, italow price IvorySoap fà e. Ii" the ftach of ail. Besidea fts lmw Uog coat It has the advantage that It la hor Müdysaud.actory for 80 un varied uses aia it w o te wo rko fa afaioS knd [un, of soap each intended for a specW purpo.c- dei IVORY SOAP JS 1»4%1 PU CENT. Pi lan %it aby, SHERMERVILLE. rasponded, iDClidog lHenry waiter, ta Wast Cookney tla @Poudiang a lev Who holped puni>, a tiiî'.gh ho vus a, veeka a home.young an the retstor tt.<,,boys. Thle mat, weeksai home. altr oir &mo Ibali îh %lIrsalndi li tave Walte le isiaitel oatives la wiing go bell i, he tlltulro ot .M r. M O » . r " 'n to t ap e n t - ni o O r lu- udap u OChinage. lglIJrt îlais,îOoî Mr&.C USmel aeutM-)Udm a uisoeour«»S.Ç..o 'ariuAt r.Cicago C Uj*ilsi PhIM>i4I î fuh viaare blo.l om~~~~~~~~~~ &ie i fOiagsitSns fuir tupply o a ethr l rom bort, 096ll rCia, h U udydanger o01 talideniruction by lire; bLM oel o h rlamiJeMua.,tive.tla velil>bau tOve font deepor sud( JohnFlit an Jo àleinsey f hssit dooly ton msnutes longer the, ttoe Chicago speait Bunday lbore, building s ounDo have sugeéred a ah Pied Wegand tlr spendiug a f ev damage of more thanflifty dollars. ffet . oesw ib frind s haro. lM. W rilff npo n belng auke li s l atbiti in- Wui. Muecher entertaln.,j relatives tione, salid hovould ares a brick froni Chicago th. Pes a rta. building ou sil amne ite at once, AHo lira. (. Damaniaa, of Chiceago, vas w a. Co i ueNrgtel uer tue gnons olýUrt Y. llartiernoye pont ChM . iý I' Coeaad ir ýht The Iliasos <Grant. W"is, andiRose for Ils unu .. hàfnUver tiadlna i îksa Q u i lg i y , o f C h ic a g o , a re * p o u d in g a sJ d a f l a , l o i ., I . L aI.. Lo e v w a a k so f r e c r e a i o n v î 1 0 M r . a n d JI r trIiK I . ý n .: ( a a o a I u m c - , . , 1 I e i M r a. . C arey. l a h o Everyboliy euglit iu follow the OLERFILL vu elaie ses by a 10w o u iîei cn d i toa orltlrdi L .P. otdla painting lbts houge.. ugfront of lteit promises Weoe ihey go W. Hl. Nient calleti on bis moiher-în- go geel, I as uly asfont bouts ork aw luta fday. lay and wvil i realy it d t e e autlfylug George Plettla ln iaviug a veli dug >e- of our village. et is nov bouae. *l fie lihermervîlles humbieli abc Mamie DuIfY vas lityt, vi'.ilg lier je (Aenvlew Wt su tuhe tuue of %6 tu.r, parents the paît vec. At laut luniay at lauvlev. <ur boys C. W. Pesaislm "uiiuiling a nev sbnpiy Coula not s t&hal.baeverai houam for is nauu limer. ne honme runei voe made. They vfii A number of theolod resldenes >rk probebly pîlay the "ie teauibhart, nitaroundl are blug rembligc. t. duaday, 1.adMs .v'tut I isi Lir vDon& forget tu i ucole of tihermner- aColit ulirs. Cltni nkswauku M. vIlle Voinuteer Pire Dtparmenaut gn.Cielouir.Cly autvl ain- Manilla Para, tisturlisy, Agonai 7th <IOur sellnt ii uot cemtti.'uue intij fi boing Ch irel ir tsi i ai uexpeu e the eek afiaur &ie L aits,(ýquuty pair. be vJIIi ho pareili gomakei la a ;ancés, ille The irotuetunsof uur wsoi ulare lieas of everything la to lie hli, sud aIl going te pus lu a uîîuv fleuor lathe lover 1Jarrangemncé~ are madie for a Nooua room . arne for everybody, %o dont mis a i. C. Il. Eatotu d vîfe antai Thîra- lu The ll"inlaBrick coi btoncmde. (18-Y for Buffalo anidiNew York City. .~ roace! the Locales ron Chicago by A T hier trip do vu lihe Hudson iii e K.score of 12 te 7 lai a lioiiy contestged delightfui. ,. gains of basebalilhait Sunliay. 'Tue (ANOIItaI 4M pltohting of the Invncible Pluminiîr JuuIqe iedaratedt la Ili. vi W u t oifture 0f th e ga in. li e M aY re N tter .'l a a G(ootivator, Ume t a tr u k o u it at n m o n . T he fte v r u u n a t L l lia îp n t b r v c a i n s Id the visitera securali vers due 1tu a fe home lutl'age eullervctin nt w iid ibrova by the hom o e as a. Thom e12 , as nk.n ha e a A party of young peuple pleaiuy riielde e o aea *s urprisati Mien ADDA Kiesi ut lier ieuout uaruheDow ta tub. ;h aome at rday veang. Everybody Mary Bliiehla esomeli vrk 'FI' reporta a motnujoyable aime,, tht, altertwto %Ielle vacaîlou. ' eveUug bolng @Pou nt uabcPlaYAng Of Mn q.George Miller. tBrbai gone ite gamea etc. Lîlle Lange, of Chicago, Cih icago ru taire treatmeaii fora cancer. and Mise Kiaglent eadreli a 1ev mloc- Leura Mubike gave a farevoll lavn tions on the piano, mter whIi ibey part>' for ber liabliail Sebooi CGlus ail at dovai tua daiaity luucbton of Tlueday. - fruit, cake and tee'arotbitiiid1 l- I f & h t a t r a i g e r vh o h b e a i b a n g . n u tl u i . f t r g o s p e n i a u s evo l o o a §a log atouitbera fur the puti ivo Dfltrpnii ovriie»I weeksanli making nighU lioun as-De'rtid a pecially k) young ladies vlio venure -N)O orufthtde a Oounr tLvnvu eto out al ter arl dos Dot demiAbI, hl etrtaied ut a ufirpIe Party on lire. te naefrlo na dolug , ha wiU coi a" i o u- C <G.M ue bke o u W ednesay lu t. tact vih sonie ci the girls' big brothero Phiiiip AI Mole quletilpassai ava> smore ight, ho ont& do a shng te At 4:30 P. m. ' uenday lter a ackunea Yhlm but pu&tainm An tue elear. na bas 0f eltlt'a year. lita, foles cofilned a mania for pulling out a large kuifa f0 lier bIuul witl ai claîle umahnam sa aud therewitli righieoing tuee girls bit Lea aloly iniprovîng. and lu soins Instances ciiaalug show. l oie ibsble De a arniag 1te im or tht, T heir Seicret ilu DO i. avhlte"eap i il have to parform their A ,h.,îî'hy .W" «Hr-oua.lII, ioliu dut>'. lu auu r l. nL unr,.c 0 fM . 1V Wifttakn.r ai'. n aIlurai,h 1. F litE. tIIuo nuurul u ntoîd m1fInn j rl frO( ong Ont lire deparînient liad thtactuel Nevwiii'u.'lierry'hWrir' DE'§ a experieuca of iglg glire lant Natur. "OmPiWkt'lY nrihyr LouA aiso curod unr day orlng ai 1:05 santioeaatalittiS gTarl.dugtttror t s,, or rynwhooei0-àr 0oIit." AtI oCili'.iy cure. cred t lor guliant work 2auvirl amfrt u eru.oila gantan. tut,iibitlm. ail tbroa tbe prompt responafitth le Cali of lire a. Ui rjnc. iaat, ous e and fur tuelisciplineaUnder wvicic h$,.00hTules t.. englue anva lanlilet. Tuehe buftGASAIP&w r nted vasa oue aiory frame hoitago GLENVIEW tbaionglng toAugusi Wulff sud stoud a dlségonally acoas rom uet ,Hope [UJUioi r. Wiliams la very sBlok. * C u c h . T h e i e a s tirest ae1 u b y l'o ni L u ce n e iiiu e , a la rg e lfarmau Ofison, vhu van rturiuag numbet of visitousSqila>. boule lrom s party. anti operItur Born, le mir. aud yMn. Wili Meizer, a B nookenuma, Who qicaly pred tht, ttle daugltto. AllaruiOlug vo. a la u a n d t h e y w y u l > U e o l l e t t u d l a . J o hi n i u l e iî m , r , M l v . itormaiLoren us ot verythlug Au tk', vsitait nuistivea liero th18v *readînns and belcrt, uluy otlygiont l ek tAe> bai tie angine aimonstu &iba bev. F. H. And ersoiî and fanlly bave f scelle of t hb lire a ti o#lg i eing very i move fi to iluir UcIv onm e at R ke. hoeavy for four, Iho>' mauageul lu keep ralier. b ion g h te P e te r B il e r la n dh t G u s ki. n tI Bin . V uttý.r , o r D e e nfI iaîi lOison OroK".ughl p theartesthvîtheinvibitid tîjoIrdanghie', Mi.. boue curt. Thati quiets votk vas done t, îyer on fillda>'. a cm be enain m-ho lacs that iht vu tRoIgni&.Appleyari havaebioveli net 15 miutes iues fiotouthe tfeine, it vmwreose hok fIbm tuet et, ihe l~mvasgivai ati thra etoThey lutenuIltoezîflarge it lu the lnear tvwo sîreains of vater playiaig oq the future. lire, sud la tan minutes thet, ira' vas 'îbe Lavn S)CIlalaho ai .theiom b consîiaereli unler coutrol. Just s J-A. O Oug n ila iin e0f evarybody gave a c elaur t e nu - Rgel>'attuinulc, sud a gocdi tue vas cosiful vor tlIst aiadbeeu accom- reporte. plisholi tha>'hobenâaare of the ter- rible tactat tue aer liai gveai oui, Mairie("ulAugnt Lans 1'L'1 idIiilmle A hurrieli commali ai guvan tuMlilir.1 unday, Ag.* il, aC tue m ove th o en gl ne te noth at W all i v h L uthera ît c i r l. % Va l îb the ni a wua 3001 foot disteant, but baerat ail long aoti happy lire. connechions voe complotai the ie Thei Lalila' Society or the Cou. hi again sprung 10 Ille inadu gainieligregationai citrrcli ld tia lmeting ai sncb beadvésy abat inrther attempta as thbainsm oli s AttiEgen on Thuruds>' aving tbe structure vire nialeai, ao &nl>mgeuis tuwerù made for the Bernh f a rdat gae ordaja &0 iday Kchàou l peulo. Everyhoeiylie p r o l ia lio lu in g p ro p e r ty 'w h lh w v u s u re te o en e w th t, S n d a >' c h o ol doue vîti comapafive euse. The pieiut tilt@ week, audi htlng yenr origin 01 the lire Asaà myster>', as thoae friands vltli Yoo. A god lime le vas aioua liviuglAuthe houge, (oo. fptemied lotrkil Who comas. sauvetne hav ng smvaitlitbs anNa>' ont Are yo u unuiui' for OM 0 ic ib syear? about . e at go altlo g b ail ie No, yen dm m fo ol ui; * tranna i furilure vus4iil l Il o1 vich ver>' P. B. LOVEILL, Lbe Guîi. o. f uuy overaiti b>'laturance. Toasowa o oir. (AltATLK*Puàà Ib M enh u a m d ili n et lay ai av lez a b lid e f D r. o m w e, o l A Y ueodu AQMIIet it" edepartmea esntaur hsl4igg, ow 201 ArLtebert itq Felt gra anteed rosi>' prej tinat matke, c -us. nus. I ui tt ep~~- 'unat mCii Prices ai 1100102 MIc.. rtOlit Dr. Chî ()fficoOOv noua. r Libertyi Dr. Libe PAL. NtC Liber'ty Dr. H Phys ofue ln oum 041WRIGIIT BROTH1ERS Coons, Buggies mwDus 1Vehicles of Materlalsi 4d kindo. -l a Liber Vol. IX. 01 (Lib

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