CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Aug 1901, p. 2

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PRmaN . Jiùm! B»We. USERTYILLE. ILLINOIS PLAYS AS WIFE DIES. OOMEDIAN ACTS A PUST WITH AGONY IN HIS HEART. SOMÎ41I Itorri.GonaThi-oughis Péua acZ»eince. lua Cléagu uheter- S.vcd f,.- Kid- iséPnI.,- ylI- F.its-stl Dag. Ahough oi naiu y tht' kuowisige th i vi .tue tut l;sîig ,uthiin a fco- blueka froua otu-se teruas ke-ping an utlent-e ast-l o-lth ha ets, Samuel Mosris, a couat-ian, ou-ut thruaugh hia Mimicry nt llolutuso Thetes-, luChicago, vithout hétraYinsg théet-motion, tisat vert- I hi ht-rt, la thé Sar-atogs Hotei Mra. Morris paaaet! aoay wili he o-as play- iag hi Part. t int-e pains of an mIten- tdouai oves-dose tto-aiod airohol. A tele- Plioné e mauge frosu Dr. Talimutu, the k0ouée 1hy-iciast, utorme- th ie comedia that tht- end istotire, Just ahlft-f the stage atter a oct-ne- lu o-lit- hehat! -won tte pia-sus-t of his lutares. St-para- - don for nas tatI anot kilieti thé lové tisaItiséelu-sa attors in tise tsagétiy ht-id for t-ar t-h uîes. Mrs. orrslawaa Miss Nsggie Millerhtfore bht-s- niaagé. lne ived inluCaliforania. Moturis boooht-s- to Chicago.o-ht-s-cehé ai been stage di- retor fur Hophunob Thetarr for ouse fflma bStewatt i, tlokotites for s-hé relef of ptuaain d Cm@o-tekago se sanse tact froua Cali- hauls and aought ht-r huabaud. They Mmt itise Sas-atoga Hale-i. Ht- was late la keéping hia appoinime-ut ans gieévéti bés-, Ias2smoment if unhappint-.sathé vire dsauk thé ove-sdoit- oft vaut!aluohol. 1>00 BAVES KIDINAPED MISTRESA. Oamha Woma.8 sévorsiy Hurqt l inFrh **é-érs a5tt pt t nSe ,Ré- -A vit att-empt -u ta itnap Ms, JH. Glasasuan, ti-ie if a wo-iiknawo-nasipt iansu-mt--agent, w-sath-as-tes tiseater »lt b; theé iotans siot- a spaniel, vhlch attachesiber aisailant andus made M mut-h noiat-that tes- tugbond oas rought ta tisé sest-ne. Mn,. Giassaran vws beten ita inaéniiility hy the kiti- a*mè .ShO watt sittlng an thé porcs aI finir homeéoht-n a stranger appésirtd sud vIthout waruing tht-tw a hianket ovés- b héad, loe-ed a gag into bier mantis and SrWtédtucsarry ber away. Wtt-nsasé bsgan to straggit- the thug trut-it htr a ýbvY blosé onlise hond, s-t-dtring ht-r ooemious. Thé ttat-k t the dot tp*I»d thé ma 10 drop htr n tise-aile-y t th réas- otthé bouae. ]PROGRES0F THE RACE. ab"dns ot Léagtu- Ciubq tu Content for thé Petnant. Féliowlng lé the standing at théetluis la thé National Leagué: W. L. WL t Pttihuri .. -W 36 Baston -...47 li1 4%6"fldéPha. 57 42iuc-inuati ..-.40 5 UseobLyn -.. 56 -14 New or ak.. .39 54 AIL. Ilols,- 56 45 Chicago -.39 63 Standings su théeÂmesiran Léngue are Os tolows: ~Icaga - ----- lPsaticîphia. 50 49 . .....-59 -OClévelanti ....42 54 »WslUmore .. .5 42 Washington. 40 55 k ft .....-53 471Miiwautee . .35 6-d Negro Crétustei bu a Mob. Aisé Wildner, a negro, o-a luasne tet Aoub at i a taeté hvivmt-,sta-ou 0WMtabs-, Texas. A snob or 5,00) ý2ftfflcondute thé crératiiu ps-o eldinaal. Wtldnt-r had aaauitéi ansi aus-ad thé wifé of W. ('C. Cado-éi, a VU forasmer,. séllt-Caldiwell vas a-t-ay *ré home. Déati Returistu Lité. Two mon who o-eetntrappéd is tise Gé@velsnd vatero-orka tunnel tirough thé i 1 tdlsamar wo-e-estatut-siatter huv' h g qfél ire tdeys in thé excav-ation 200 90* bléiuvthé susfus-e utLakt- Erie ln éa!dartses vithant food, bs-athIng mIs an oi thtt nearly attfrucatéu] tht-m sMd in moménlary expectatuon oft denuli SéostOr Fairbanks of Indianuao-to fltly injurét! lu a ruaaway accident IR Minneaépois. Tht- Senatos- antiis, trict Allorney B. G. lEvanies-ee ost EMIdig oheu théet-arn tastétito s-on Iî Mansd botis jampesi froua dué cr- ulègé. Iéaving thé dri-st-s u cas-e for the- ()De thousanti urusu-ulsotn drovet-tes-y Beég rotaPie-sce City,.Mo, trernattud oe agetuman, lutu-e!sed isutciauti t- crS et hrt cr-ttus Do calosri sman shah -I 1III~. RICSi MAN TU PRIfSON FOR LIFat. North Dakot.Who Kicd . Mat. Williamn Bars-y, thé esuiathy Milton (N. D.) tas-mer Nvot t-ed tut bang An' Chltago-Cattle, commun to prime, dat-v Meileas. h« ist eilssmsas, ansi thén $3.00 ta $5.40; bogs, îhipptng grades. tabbed bina tt ueti. huémht-en touns $3,00 [o $6.20; shéep, fair to choit, $3l.00 guilty et mus-dés- luthse tirat degrée andtia $380; o-béat. No. 2 s-éd, 7le te 72c; os-edéstutncedtl lfe impriaunnient ait Ous-, No. 2Z 57c- ta 5&e; os, No, 2, 36c Bit-mas-s-. Acordiagte 1 Bas-sy'a osen ta St- s-se. Na. 2, 60e té 61c; buttés-, stos-y tus unuarriét! isier hast- irotoatsi choit-etrtamers-. 19t-ta 20c; égga, freah, ta mas-s- Metllem, baut tise latter [rat!uit- 13e 10 15c; patatues, ueo-, $1,10 lu$1.15> éd ht-r. Thé gis-Ilubesame insaane frouapi-r buahet.- broodiug oe--s tht- matter. Ou tise day ot lndianapoli-Cattie, ahilppiug, $3.00 tu tiss muttdes- Bas-sy w cnt to tise b[rsn 5.75; boga, choit-e light, $400 to $5.85; it-ere Meu-n s aiansi iold bt hisa tisshé ahep, common 10 prime. $8.00 to $350; bat! cimle ta kiina.lm.eUrbai a rope lunwtt-at. Na. 2Z 70e lt- 1; curns, No. 2 ihuIauds.anti this be îuacéd aârousu th ie white, 59c ta 60e; aatis, No. 2 o-ité, aeo-, bit-éd mansut-t-k anti trieul ta bsang hlm. 37e ta 38c. Meut-tu matie sut-b a truggié tisaI Bas-ay-St. Louia-Catti-, $325 lu $580; boga, faillét. Barry tht-n puli-si ouItbsi watt-h 63.00 te $590; sheéça. 63.00 to 83.25; andtI tot!Melt-m thalt e tad [but fit-e viealNo, 2. 70e ta"lie;:tcorn, No.a, minutes ta lit-e. Muem utat-nli ansi psa-yÙ&8et 59c; nats, No. 2. 361e tée i7t; rye, éd. At theé expiration or te ailelti d No. 2, 161c to 62c, timue Bars-tabhed ihsteo deatis Buisrys Ciut-lunai-Cattié, $3.00 ta $525; hagts. tinter asa attero-arsi takén ta' au asy- 63.00 to $600; sht-tp. $3.00 ta e325; Juina. ohes-e ahe tilt-s. o btat, No. 2, 72e la 7&c; corn, No. 2 _______ stléi. 4 2eta 163c; oata. No. 2 muet!, PISTOL AIiuS A PIIDAGOGUE. ut-w, 37c tu 38c; ryt-. No. 2, 52e ta 53t-. - Detrit-Cattle, $250 ta $5.23; hbugs, A MeutuckY Toacher Tear. a GOn.$3.00 tu 65.75; att-tp. 82ý.50 1ta8$3.75;. Sta-PPéd About Htm.o-ht-at, No, 2. 72et-a1 73c; corn, No. :-, Is a pisîui properly a tuastut a péda- yélo-, 57e ta 5&;tin ota, No. 2 wthite, '0 m' 0 futil? Thia queation carné up 3tia 3e; ryt-.56e su 57ce. betoré StaUté 'Ssptritentlent ut Education Toit-to-Whetéa,No. '2 nineti 2c tai MeChéanty of Kentckywtt-n ont- daim' 73c; sos-n. No. 2 nuisid, 59e l t- ;oasa, mat tu thé Position rut test-lut-rlu a Pute No. 2 noix di, 3ke t0 36c; ryt-, No. 2, 58c Counîy district auttool madie affiaviact tbat te 59c; tlovérs tct!, psrne, $1155, bis s-val taugitst ctool su nba rt-toaier iilwuke-é-W'heat, Naý 2 nostht-rn. traPPet! atout bhnm ansi tat on uhusa a islute 2v;ctosn.NO. 3,. 8c ta bill; 058, cat-itt e was enuh"t té Je'- d -irt usdes-No. 2 o-hile,i38c 0 t- ; ryt-. No. 1. 58c auti prêt-eut any ris-si c-er fs-omIta 59c-; tarie;. No. 2, 4113eta 64c; pont, trsing -ru stas-t aun eltpoottlustclgusi.- aé $13.90. Sapesiunt!etutMc('keauey gave tte B affala CaIlle, t-toute siiuing ert--si mnalter sers-tacuasit!t-sation. -The iaW $ 3.00 ta $5.10; bugu. fais- to primet.00 t againat tisé intimnidatuon or jutpils masa u$6.20; att-i-t, -s- ta t-ioî, $350 tua lut-ils-éd. Aftt-r delitierattotu, isoo-ter, $3.80; iamisa, commun ta chouce, $4.505tut the Staté Superinieutit-t annauneéti that $5.75. o-ile tisécos-utanto-éasing af aucs a Née Yrk--4,atlt-,$3.73 la $5.6.5; hos large tn lu thée ltlsaot thé Staté migisî 63.00 lu 86.00; att-tp. $3.00 ta $3.541. bavé a tndénes- ta intiridaté the pupîla, o-htat, No. 2 rt-s, 76e ta 77c-;t-os-n, Ne. 2 set lu Piké Counîté hebtit-véd that. on t62ete té63c; cat&, No. 2 whit-, 42c ta 4&:- the cot-ary, il might isave a bénefit-lal bottes-, s-s-amer;, 18c te 20c; egga, o-tst- effe-tt. trn, 14ctalu17e LEAVEtI I1ONEy TO BIIEN. MONTANA TO AUCTION LAND. Eccentrie Mnesota Man iteQueutha 51.1. Witt! Offer .000,000 At-réa for Hi. *Fore t .atht- Fi.-em %Slé té HiVhsst Bitid,. Twt-uty-ive thauaauti dallas in bllsl Tise State ar Montana o-i ises-l; vili hé pubilci; isos- taiFanissult, tut-e a audsaile tisaI o-ii cutîise tht s-e Milna., y ordsir of thé Proaae Court un-ct-ut goverunent affair lu Oklahosma. btas a clause in tht- lo-lf tHart-ty Sctot, o-ht-réabout 2,000000 at-se-so-esti- ta us knot-kéd ouItlus-tht- tourla. St-ot.o-to poééd orta10 omeset-kers, About 3,000. o-a 8-97e-ira Old, léft au citaI.utf000 at-sadiatriutési throaa-touttt-tes-y $5"O0000, hait t t icsis in baîk notesa contY lu thé Stat- ouli h auctiane-cIoff anti UnitediStateastus-seut-y. Lu os-rd lu ta byLand! Regiatrat- Long. Thistctourse déprit-t-his lt-ga)i -i-stsset- lunumber- va, dsicde-sinaI a meeting if tht- Staté Of an; ahare ins thiimoue;, te dus-tc-t-t! Boardi of Cornriationt-s. i. Staté so' tisatIIlté ebus-ut-s. Laitointer $2.000 lu prohibita tiesé leraief' an; landsa at lest banitnuot-s o-ai bus-ut-i[r;St-ot un tht- thau $10 an at-se, antiwtt-ré Itegiîttruts- présent-e ifoitncsse-î, Tise telsahavé Long faula tut cetlte- uda af at lt-ast trotéstt-d on tise graundti iat tisé ad.ti- tisIhé wo-iianlt-ai-tse auds ta tht- naînitéator bana more'rs-t-lt ta dealroy tighet-t bitir. Tise boas-sýidé-tedt! tt lise mont-y [r;firé lisan ist- ouiti bavetta purchaat-a t; au; one pertua sali lié t!t-troy buildings. Tht-y olli maté a bit- liritedti ffl acrn-tes agriculturai or 4640 t er fit-ht lu thé courst agaist thé casr-s-y at-rt-sif grazing tand, Ing ou tftise tes-msOattise oi, IWAMIL! ...t-... ns DEAD. FAlLIID TO CURE HICCt)UGHs. HYPt.otie-t.Affos-deilya;Te-.prary R el1ief. Hlypnoîlam failedt! la ffect more thats temposar; s-luet tramn iccougiing bu thé casé o? Misa Lrettas Kemp, ar Washsing- ton. D. C., wota uffes-et! ram tisaI trou. [rie for 1414 houns bt-tiré Seing relit-tet!. Thes imple lt-e remi-eus-t-t! Mias Kemp, bt ianté tise hiccougisint-stapped sud- tieul> Sunyt-renng ste has bt-on in n ces-y o tak sud net-toua ailtet. Tise caoa at; ispitl iphitaicinit tati fs-tsunti; ru sotted to b> înotism. buttat-t time se camsé ott fs-oua ondes- tisaIinfluence thé iicrsnthing setause-t!Thé yauug soma wi-staawalaîr tut aul pleuCt-a of t-t- oheu s-tlitf came. SENDB TWO MIESSAGES AT ONCE. St. Past Mi. T..t. Dasal Tetephunus-- Téelei-«piséSyt-n. Suataneruua transmnission os- selépso- nie- and t! egraîsiie messaga-iont-r tht- sinuswo-re h s de possalse b; a ut-w as- us-m art-ut-tlu>i 't C.H. tnunt, of tire Sos-lises-utacifiet- cetrapt ul,'patment. lie u-es attlotirinni stalna f et -susetuou costc onslesera.Tîte opparalus bat Seen thorusu-ig t-.sIein o te companys line ans inias tics-n pt-sfeu-t satisfacttion. Itlas tht-inteIrntion tut ntopt t ila tounec- ti rusru it tié t -ut-asuontusen taI tt-rn nu-w lut ut- r,lict! t> theuc tossu1utts. 131G TICKET FRAUS CHAIOGFD. st-uéiuntt-ltin. Canterteit Bailimé;MaterAi Wortis 05Ù.tioo Fasodu t t. L.sss Litghtt.nrt Uo...tu-tiss, ('ouuaustcfItîraiwa; tiets at-trugtIme Ligittsing trnck a binetttu-tank rot tht- $50u.0Wuin vaulut-wet-e c'eit>tise puJisc Atlanîlt itéRýiautt toutparnt Piilatiel- of St. Lotuir atsl tt'o utiktî lusokts-isse phi&, expli ittt il Suxrs--our taeru sre..teulou tht- cistrge ut he-ungtue ps-m kîletiandriIi -ut lus-uis- ttu-at-t-pals ina sius;e s iuunlung st-tume. Tise Repulic aitsnt.uts-sfettratnsporctatiosutertai, au-' Nvo ;0s'aitL.isi* s-ýtl osding tu thliepoluce, oas toutusinluthéts- h aeolutunu I. ttnttt a i'turoffie-. The.-rotndas-thir-fi;affecteS luy the havé ogîa . tli tltat u-t andah-, au pltus st ssudlluanse tisé îissaourl 'tonie tiu it tl' ti tu s-is-u --s as u.luiîlre anut!Ohio ant!tht- 81 t thé piblît touls ont! Sun Francitsc-o. Sixte1>. lauss.. sr Th- isoItn rrî ast - t ts-tot W MA tOBtEWliPS CLERKS. Padutuai ., itc i cuxtuop . t-uu ct-t-Wtte sut-a Motntana Stôrekeépér Plgbhtm drevut-d.thé Union. Ms-. Wuilliamu Glass. o-ste of bisépré- To Pol.dser Kttt. pretor os- a Gretat Fulia, mont., store. An explocitua ,f a uaustaui 'ItLuhors-eohippeti ths-csumembéra as- thé MY, Kant., hilu-dtwo cc lus-t-i nasinsjas-ýjt-I s-sstinutu Iatos-ouns-il wo h blteu sévea others. sa ltiduleut tleéstre ty thé rastnul- ro t -t luitaturtcoinss aiug thé R:9 Sis-é Trust Fui-ess. 1tit t51 sl-euéls lc.Ts Jullua C. Beige, ptut--ttof tj tIseSiPuboIl-Ltar r-ti tronna-u't'uuflace. s-The LouIs ShoccI CLompann>.tufir-mettis es-clerLu'usnie-ut-tla rtsèio ,és-ted couaulit!stiuau of flue if lise lags-tioluasru -iur su Ou- GJ eocag s-oe.u@ dlwe isuatîasig concernua in uhe Irtetü' c lsgrae epMnrs-, Oit a tcapital tock tof , 1 Itaa "airt.Fie. 000. Thé neut utuuijan;y i lut- caie-ut at-tne -u-N u tu . S. , acent- te Anes Tou au-ISisovei Company;. !natutlu adiJ tlu lu. salututtutCurs-léNa- tuons futct- rs n i T- uts-usa iiluinuteéam. Kilis Fi-d ttis . ies., bont ohun ste nltsîI-itt,knoku et - fID" Nélsetn. Of uipusN. Y..ut-idgar frosuIssu uuuuuuîh M ut Salutbat! bis ticuti Hrsmats ýItusl t iita pitytui madeht-tr-If iaoi.uuutlits-1,utatlu bléo- on thé jao.N titusen 1 a iri- auus-s' l ut -au.e ttusilscuu s-s t-u-il' et the ?sewtosva lrlte staton. lb -h s-n's a(t-lot s tu îznesssiuusutaJui- sud Neiiaén hati lu-tuintuimate fs-t-n-l. Polos..d hi a thts-ké. Hba-. Tuuu giitua ýstn bs-id up na tîu.. it )Is- alîe Mturnik.uts-!70. t lotutsNos-IlsCt-ek anti Bluts lu tls aI Quins-;, Ill., ouis'r leculuor rrtntutuin te Aisonsinci.anti atter kiltu-g ut wtgntes. AI a sttnIdinaer aisépris-ht-si tii s-,iuglurses s- lttt heiIt'pa- un.t .Me of iser finturs tu sui s u islichut-hen udau tite tuti lusuaga 'hee rtuge ts ri& ont that se attdaten)o;t-ut s-ntpIoati héalth. T te iitée rotasntvarionsed, " lt-c.a onslndi.ns' Torat-e. sgndt htuuusrtais(ýe rosus psrsa Juan Iobo-bés, a Melisuan boy. 16 Yeas-s Théeslestvan ursirnotosl -.iatt-t! tht el& o-assas c-t!fs-tm a hos-rible fté bs-ILaniesrofteelfutPk. goué o-bit-h vent fsrn Phoenix, A. T.,anus-asethéritoft-a t.aséttlment ut Vaqut Indiant, -bore NVa c.a-e 1, b« ýy&4 jabout ta Se put 1ti eath hs- Formés- StattéInaurraneuCommisaionpr hj aiutg kIllet MIs, an 1La- Van Cleave o-aa arseste t a ipsingititi 489,e béadaàg a eo. - etargeti oith abst-astîng ttaté pape-s. Ed-in Mannsng, a Pioneei-, Expires 'btise Aire of 91. Edwin tsManninthe lise tst-luti a',an s lon aanti for ave-s- ait a century 'lise leasing bisint-ss manrut tise Stase. s-Il Frtsuy at-t-t!91 veut-a at his home ai Keosauqusu lie letf au sstale eslînaatt-t nt frorn K3,000,000 ta 85,000,000. Tise stars-orut sht-accumnulation oft tisss-talsh ia practi-siis- teliitur; rot tise-Stîtu- trom thé daya ot Bact Hao-k ta tise preaet NMs. Manning o-ns of Eut-Sut steceat, an ati o-n rsn iluetis Covents-;. Con . Feb. , 1810. bit- bt-tan lite at Bet-tsa;, Paa., as a des-k isuist nt-ici store aI $10 a soont. TUBERCULOSIS IN ARIZONA. Phsoenixti eaitis Office.-. Woutd Ps- véait Spi-cas ut Cuntasutun. As-taona lttt-s legun nas-împaigu at-ma-st tulucusiu-. a it-ismay fituuiis ,t-scit un, a strictI uuratine ogaunts-tt lututs uof~ irulnsuar> is-ouble-. Te isett'uutuu-ilc t f Phsoenix taiseuldu et ints'ntel tut ps-or lit-proute. t on îîatsuinufeuItutusfrus tithe touaat!aof iseaisis tit-e-s-s stu t-ores-s As-la--na e-ast >tas-. Tise piano auttaitti [r> tise htalhboas-t! tail éfos tht-pt-or tulîg tut cuopuiot-s os- utope es-s- ceptat-les on the- sIre-st--t -rru.ýtis tini publie pars l'it-u' st ilutrant nws- ns-e is tise fumigation tt-tofar uctiti- [r; Invalit!a. BRIIat>EB DAMALiEi NY F LOt1D. Higis Watt-e inUpper East Te.nt.e- C-ises Alarua. Rt-uty rens tnt-ete-eu tallint- la appt-r EaItTennesseeanut!il] treami are so- bt-n. Thé Virginie, ansi Southwentern Railraul ytem'a temposar; bridtge ai Elluahittuo-nau o-ashidfittecun lut-béa ont et pince. It mn; [resanvesi. Nater tram tisé Watauga andl Dot- Hicers lé footing lisusi-o adjacet telathé streams sut Elilnaisttou. The t-a- oo tempos-ars- bridgeaso-trée-etted utters- teelt-iarut-- titreasbaSl bt-tn wasiséu non; t;thée[it- Mas- faut!. eainstat n Patent offie., Edwoas-tiV. 55e-part!, ot Masacsnuetbs, thiet t-tés-tof tise patetuloms-t-. a o-tm- musil; diamîssei utés-an investiga-tion t; Coamîsalouer oft ParetstaDut-lt andl aiSes- ofifcais ln counection oith tise dia- uppearisucé at mont-; eontainéd lu un- ctlansurl registe-et! lettess retuned ta the office. Dit- fs-oit.Wronir Medicin.e. As thé rtsuIt of an aleged vroug solu- tian hing asiiiseéyt-telutwoomates of tise National Soidit-r' Ilonnelispitul aI Mariaon. lut., Daniel Cas-mIsera, sget! [W, s pasaislic. anti Thomas Plitéerton, sgt-d 91, as-t-tent!. Fa.1.-utan s Wisntiu. Jamnes Craig. as o-t-l tosénattorney-. tutsmri; a mîllisonsire o-ho liltrails- pal' raulseti thé stage. o-as fatabis- lnjurs-d t; tullii;-f-rn tisé set-oad-slary tiuslooro ihubore né St. louis. Botsarmse-e ht-att-i ndubis ht-ad o-as dl; bruiseti. r't.pect-t mais P.eaGuialî. rAt (rot-keut, Cal., Johun Mintrs, thargtuitiurîtus-mvig ruttad tst-n vuit of lu- 1. lit;11YComîun; of hallon ext-et-ding $l itéîn value, bis prelimilnars-ex- t autunt.du tt!tlenulet!gust;. Ti Caou ela sentence, IÀlua oui P. Tistumsai'Bon Watz cous-ltesiof tristutituicrut trutasationa white pusîmaster y it Itt t .andsi attnet!ltuasfint- ut $400 illtuttixunmttiishs' irprîaouuént, Kit-utea ni. omsu ct-i5ant. Fo-ut--araIere seilet! ans! man; lui- Pr jas-esi h u so1ilt-uiou Seîween a trolley cas- d, at a faist nail train at thé 47th street s cs-éaiug lu Cictago. TAIACEERS MARRIED ON 8111P. Mmar Pedegagnés Bouastfor Piip- pin.s W.4En R-. oute The transport 1Tomna atléd froits ean F4rancisco abosut July 24, t-n renteteWMaL- nils, having osu bons-t!300 mule sud 14> témaié teas-teri-, wotas- tu1enter eslucm- Ilunal st-rt-lcesunrdes- thé Taft commis- Bien la thée Philippines., Tht-se at-ht-ré vstré ail oussous-cet! and rt-prsent thé vas-louas tases tua-thé Union. It noo- mp- pt-ara thal Cusput! trottght bat-uc umong thé at-huol mînssîssandlsitise youuis men on the Joumnés- troua S'unFrancisco teliono>- lulu. To-o dasîlut-tare antsiitg t 1Hono- lul it hét-atue kuoo-n te Capt. Buntas-t Ihut acTerai t-utpies de-itsid narriagé. How fat tise eidémie itat! spread vas unknoo-n. to utas until hé réacheti thé Islands. -ht-n tiiru; causpls repais-éd lu a Hunolulu cergyman ansd bt-came hbu- bandsamnd w it-s. Thé Thomas remmlnési lu port tort; r tht tous-a. Wistat -ion the govérnuseni o-I llaite in tise mas-- riagés conts-aoueu e-n routé la unkaovts, but a pesiuliar cndition ha, bt-en te-é att-t! POPULATION 0F CANADA. censua B eh.- 5,337,166 People, a. Itu- s-t-s- 503,827. Tisé prpniauuou af thé Dominion ot Canada, acc'urulsng ta tisé census relus-na, la 5,337.1, an1. tut ss.cae or 5W3,827 over ts--atae* cusue 1)1. Thèse ritura sare utol énthotiz- tuIuy thué t-eusas commis. aiuier, lt;, asut-t- a;areutiésstuotas 0 tîssa o-it-k lut' sipurts-nent o-iigive 10 tise pubie.l-,'1Takttt lu;provincesa, the in' trens 'a 4- t ~ ol'l--u Q-stbée, 132,-i4Z Oîtu .5;3,67; Manitobsa. 5n- 212; Nost-t us715 300. Ytsiou antIun- os-gaul-i tius-u43113. Brilliscoaan- uda, 92.000;uumariime provinttcs, 11,000, Il, a number ot ustant-e-a. aut-ias lu tise Yu.on andth ie uorgaultét! districts, tise1 dépas-esuent luts mande au e-aîlmaîe, ai thé relursabave nît T-et bteu recceti. The rt-sait lo disap1p.itaung, andthie onls- en-1 planation la tbaîtishe relusafor 181 1 o-trt- psddéd. OATLING INN ENTS MOTOR PLOW. Oitlnaiar uofPFn-on. un Eip.t-ut Revoltatjnîaé Fuiming. Dr. R. J. s1aiisg, wvilvctedthetséfa-t matas rapit! ire gtu istasiug his name, has Iurnéd hi, attention too-asd ferrna ma- chinés-s-and psopoaes tes-ésoutioutaéen-t-z itiug agricultut-al mettada. Dr. Gatliag la thé inve-tor of a mu rar plow, o-bit-bhé ascrta o-llt ccamplisstfrotua acompas- tiue tansipoint run tise tas-su a-at hi-s guat dut! on tisé fit-lt! of iatîlé. Tht- daim use msade sy te gret-eanvuenterliat hti% plou-,2 under tht- guidantc of ont- man, w-iil bs-eat the susface of a tir;-a-s-s fitlt! lu a sinaglt- sa>.f COBT OP TRANSPORT SERVICE. Gesses-aILong'. Repos-t WîîsiSow Ex- pendîture ot 420,000. Ct-n. O. P. Long, aupesinténdeut ut thé as-tu transport ses-t-lte in San Frunt-lat-t, i 5rtparng hi. annsaal s-tportsotisthu sturttrmaatér-gént-saî of thé srmy. It o-hI show- that in round numbera $20,.- 110,000 has bot-n diaburats there in thé tmintenancet-of tht- transport aervice., Tie sé tiutntéd coat ut transpos-ting s nul-a dît-t-fs-ouaSan Franciscto 10 Munula »lu soa n toe1$136; for a cai saseuger,m $2M4. C ual la one ot th isetgg-t it-ms oft e-atente. ITEM IN MOLINEIIX TRIAL. Pi«tisiz ut th.- Vol.-e né Teatitasin, Alouné Curt $7S29é. Eut-at-siR. Yor-k Coutrt utGent-s-i Si-aitot.hotase-stu to Comptr.aics- Coie-s-a bili tut- 87,829 fat- piturntesevolurne ofttitray taken ti thetcrs-ilutfRolanut B. Mutiu-xfor thue iliusoft ruMs. Kathe-inu 7. Adnas. Tisehit-s fui s ttnogruspisicoork ansi other exbutuu,sutonunected sitis tise taltutr rex- cit-ttt isr rpruat- uttht- st-se pitsusîueof tht- t-c- at-cisoftiesétae. CitUuHED BT A M Ili!> ROPE. Cea i Béaitr Da.sén lut. tise Spoul ut n Wintal...ansd ftt. At St. 'au] a rapidl i; vtding sopa. taut a-s a oeigbt of at-ut-t-tosouatunît! maIe t, t!seo- Esil at-st ces] tua istavet-. oathéelt-ou aputl ruitta omuIns.1 tun tise rstdgt-bonI ut tht- itvt-é filint-. Htermann sereanedt!tuste btes-e thé itidy oruiros- f tiséroire 0mast-oupletld. Trétnenàoun.Ttd.t Si vé, AN tialoare ou tise golfit esat laosies Newo-Oslu-ans antiMaobile ant i ult -se-st dausage ut utisés plat-eu. Many sisp st-cte detit-yt-tiansi n tuair loseaortlite teae-u--. Thé ioo-et-isostiipidelta la lu us d ated. Wussd ld aisChrissian SeîtIs. Phaysias luLondon oint inurus-aeé t-ampuuiea ta refuse tu ssurue polit-lt- ta Chisltian Scietttiata, o-ho oslt-orne tise lsue ansi sas-dents ratéenitng tht-rnl looér tîan amuug an; attus- tlai of pt-o- ple. "Cnt-n Knu" a Ranki-upt. Tise Geot-gé IL Piillitis Company, ot Chiciago.,ha bteu piace inlatisé bande cf a s-ce-su t-ra thé rt--utst cf Ms-. Pll- lipa ta tend off aat-ht-me o rut s-tlostu havé théet-onces-n teclarési banits-upî. Fre #@é'.popult.totte . -,m Thé official irnlai sussretus shaow- tise populatioan utFrance 1te[ré 3S,641,3U3 au increasinluthé laat ité ;eirs ut 412,- , 34. Théelutrtau la musily nuri t-entera, Ram.,Fightlug Reportesi. A British steamer brouillâtueo-s té Kingston rt héars- ightîng bett-ten goy- esrnent troopean td réhba at-ear Colon. Foreiguema o-os-letièîgtaeeape pro- scription. _____ KiatidAt. a CiA, Ton me-no-ère kiliet! 5; a fis-t-in thé Cltevelansi oat-r t-ib. twoamiles aif shore. Tîirten usent o-t--t- svéti lu ct-t-ing vr- tige lun aîunnel 200 teet belour thé sus-- fate of the late. a leanses- Strike. an ltt-er- Tlae teamner Islandes- of te['anadanu PacIfies .tNaat éales-uck an Iceberg off Donglase Islanand suanut.casrylot t!oo'tsfs-oua ézts-flt-t-ta eugthi;orht-r iuasc&-ugr-s ansi ts-tW. F.oew Oiiu'é Exémit. Ttc Deunotrata uf Pennsi;t-axsnd Vus-ginua toltoweti théet-iample set hy Ohio, sgnariog ilver uaudi tontuîng tiseir egtigis 0staté issues. Dravit.g roabît- Puy. Martys-stiret army flOt-tssare Loundtet hé draasung double pay f rom the goyers- ment,.tiévérgl are étaployét ln thé peu- sion déparaIrt as dot-ha Cunamins Otttsro. Prs-ident Castre ut Venezuela ia té- ilevedteu tesign the aasté retfthé Isth- lousetfPanama laés-dés- bu malé ltée United stuao payo-ail feu aendat o- Ikvastating Tidal Wave Sw epuà the IJuit Coast. LIFE REPORTED LOST. New Orleans and MeI.Flooded àuné 011cr Points adItd. muer GQulfît tcs.Apé swépt sud a Hesu yLosé ut Litae at.dPros-ty la FeamnaispaDestrorud suddtEousés Cars lad Ao-sy - itsortu Aa.uw- thé Coat Wipcti Ont by Aur; Eleus.stu -Oréateet Flueo! Slsace 1893. Tréméniosuas-ema ou thé Gulf of Mexico ase n a ev astutiag tirai o-v rsreeniug along -tise cutis-c iater front uf thé Guit Sîntes. weep-ling no-as- lite-s sè ps-opesty, bés-titgugtp trieri-ta, inondaI- lng thousand!s of nurt-i tutis>o-lant and Isolutint- imposurtant points. Thé damage [o praperI; la exts-umeiy ht-at-s, ant it la feas-é th iat tht- itus utlifren-ilté appal- lins. Comuncat-aionu vs ctut off W-it dstrict@é iesre the chaut-safor ftiilo o-t-se gs-tate-tt. Mobsile, Aie., uti l; taht o-a om- plétèly laolaîtedu. Uret-ttu uassage bas-bt-cnt duastises-e aiuug st-e 'tettt-fs-ont, ansi lu the loséer pus-t of theé tut. What bs e o Ilte thére tas bhecu unMobile t-anu nIs hé conjetus-és. At 4u;io oslot-k in tise aftr- noon tise We-sternu Uniotn Teit-graph officé tht-ré o-uta bîntu-uI About thît time thère vais ths-e tf-eî of o ater la thé uprators roortt. Tise A.seiaut! I'rssaopseuera umde o-z av ta tht- oper-a iDg-uouom las C boat. à@ tddt a puition ou t.up rottiesé vstcsh- board set-es-ai fret abut- 5te-foolddo?- ticeé ands uct-t-t-tit-t usdu-acint fisoire fromil s îplat-e on te boas-ut. Thea bs- dinti of latuor asu ri tsuttttoutostlou of thé bouyl;ie é@,lit theuo fuloiangmesagt- "Ar n optututshe-swsts-lubonrd ht-ré oith a lut-uan. 'l'leeviluter la oves- tireè test deep i l tt-trut tut, anti I lai stîli ris. lus. Tise tiint! ts b[niorgnt tise raté of fktts-mités au bout, anti oe lotk tot oosse thilugs tu-i ngî 'Tehbutnt-esisa- lt-t la dtsérteu -- liere tise airé tauleul atduti uag usore eouid lie gutturturs-tttu l ucky féito-, thongis repeatet! e-t.utt.lus-s-ré matie. A sepus-t fsrnMuobiles-eeivéd ove-s-a railiruas oire s is e nstertifaaosasaidt! hat tise taili ofttiséiieu-Lumbes- Company- vus carriesi awnya;n-I ss'tésal t-mpio;eu vert- tilleul, lu ant u-ns- Neo-Osltans ,aat étsetceesofutlaidare limier watt-r. tht-rt-le arncth atifertut- amoug thé puas- ln tht- ficotlrt! isast-a.1qandialong thé Miasissipuptitt-s-. Reporta froîs opints lu Alabama anti Texns show thut a huusriu-îuu-eoftinuasusl tus-y dévaatated ant mnu-ase astrp ot couuntry,. h o-as s-.gtt-.ietlas probale, fs-ui tlie nature af tht-bltintsé, tisas net cuir hbavé rauls-onul aut!fatsr! propes-Iea bee%, éxtènivly dtiussug,,t! ani traffit- ui-' pied, but that buasireuts ut peuple havé bt-en drovuéti. Il la San teat-i tiistattin et lcesaof rit-t-fiu'ld shav-e luten laid loy t; tht- o-tnt!or sos-r eseutpi; b; tisé atér. Tises-evia a gent-raltlit--up slong ga-ses-ai branches of t-alilsoit! mits, the Louls-lllé sud Nashîilé Sbeing îuss-ussuins-l; bas-sibit, Shipping iutt-s-atu oct-u ialen mpes-leti. ansi Ibère vst-se mn tua uorue- t tisa a ns- ber ut aipa haul t-tac dean. ail on boardi Seing iost. Heavy Lote of Lire. Tise storna vhiu.h .0-tpt te golf t-unit tramt Pensant-ca ansi noisut o-tst-ns-s turing Weétnest!ay ant! Thuas-tispros- t-att-t!telègrapis and! tu-ieîuiou o-ust-se aucl au net usaI t-uts sromntisée utul; log sectiouno-aibrs-Itut gel. Tise great- est frara o-trt- ttetuint-d for tise-saf-tt- ut thé peoplie it ina- au Port Enuds,wincis la aetisée souuuh if tise Nltisaipiai Ris-t-s- undi for ties ahlt lst t at-iutfor- ses Just betore tiesetoi-m[rugin. Thé vis-eslt PurttEad,;iwre-eps- fs-att-STute-ua; uit-lui S8ou-lot-t. Thé atormn hut-lu st-tpt sisal iét(tlou 14St-- sces-lut!ai saru-cutIas-ut-lion-tavsmuur to tise case uthut-ti, lu, inla ttth awfut tata et lite tin u; Tish tt,-u-b utouseu onn nanueut tohulen, hait a tmile aluove t. lit -tut ltuse aluon, o-as tui tise fiftu-cu usý- tesaorutth an mht-tttit dttilnt-nune cisil- rsen, ocre drowiwtus-T hlie quurantiuè builuingi o-t-tebu-ydl; iutge-tt isut no ont- iujtsul. Tiue goeu'rtsîuu-'uuîl--ci 5u'-rnt Rt-s- as [relies-e-s lt boute luten le-t. t'pt. O'Bsi-rsa touse w-st-utsto-u Ca;, .but hé o-as on thebe[oit rululiruas bellevédti u hé outaie. 'l'lire pile-di-vc-s-ntPort Eads o-as autul. TIese atanuboat Bara o-as dti-ven asuos-e nhuithlighthoust-, anti latit-s t tiv ep t-t-t-t ial aisé bat! annit. Ht-s tct- ru-o--tt-t-Ii to has-e Sen sau-s-t. Thet- tglucal 5 %venorut-ut lî la Pasa ]'Outre. ss-ihiu-tustiséealeru mount ofthe[récivt-s, o istira obarge-s. Wtt-n lait at-estbste tatietr dét-s ia -ais anti is believdt! e bat-e goasé rovu. Tveuuty people o-t-se ou bons-t. Tises-e ns--tmes-ooas-rrus-ls of inultult- ual caauaitllesall alonga- Sterl-è-fs-om Burns uoo-n l the> Pasaes. Tht-se in s-ran appreéhension toucertnlng thé Che- uit-ré Cîmînada anti Grand Isle set-ions. on lise South Louisinaancsét, oest u thé Mistassippi Rivés-. vbere 2,000lils- o-t-se tost ln 1893 b; tise tidal o-ave. Up [o this o-sitng nu word tasSet-n s-ts-tlt-éd frontliat st-t-ioit, oht-h is iargely isais- iteti bs ishes-ncunitustîs-Ctiueaé anti Malaya. Up lu Wedtiuaay nirniglat éverythttng seeuaéd lthése aI biséheMiaiaslPppl os-ét too-ns, Bay- St, oeuit, Pas Christian. Bilai, Mississippi Cilty aud Ocean Sprintgs. Tht- Ioulér ltéand Nashv-ille Ruits-out troups. lF-crerus k E.lcuu'oa nlis-utsr- mt in truspIt K, Su ils i.'Cusus-, son oft W. J. But-tan, o-ts in tiseseiet coîsuan, and! thé yostug liéeuant ansi MisaLauara Conges- be-esme autas-teul toetat-h otiser, Miss Canger. ti-t-suierres- as-sla ntisé United Stats, t-leousnthrs Buchans anti apent a-s-eat day-t on tise St-Ilida tas-m. thérso smmetritonte. isa Congés- iati net-es-prét-bouqli; etun-t ut; smbera of thé tambis-, ext-épI tieseoluiter sots. DEATH IN CROSSINQ COLLISION. Pive 1(115e-ianti TirtenHautbin Cas- Smrash à. ChSt-s.. -Fit-e pet-ionso-es-etille-il andt!iis-teen t-rt- [adI>lstl u ut n agsaii-trasiig c-I lilsots aI 4711 ats-et ans!the îaeuns;t- nia tra, Chic-aga. nt 8 'tias-t satut-- day evetuint-, ur-tcn a ne-qt-bounti eleet-it- s-ns-s-su ts-osugthse gatcs anS itstaun expstr sain. Fou Is-Sttrt- hit-t sun ltée alust artS th.u titdit- i Iltt tolluunul Su>. Tiueartes are- epettés o rs- corues. Et-et-; îs-ssutlott lu tie oo; fi- o-att-isfulu(%m or]thtie patrt of t-ailto-n u ptoyeî of lutll soutltutarr s saudt! tthave heo-u observerb. Tise guîars gîtes o-e-se alout antsirhe slu-t utus'car susi iuesn tig' naît-sitisaI a l-tOotran aîuîus-at-iung. 1P. H. Boontatsis-sag tise nwosussmuusastotho cars.Jute- sn;s tisaI rlissa rîunalule to staoi it rt-len lte appleutthe bt-att- nalue- aP' proat-teti tise- att. V. J. Fuliton. tht t-ouriaelas, beas-s out Itat amainationrut tise wrt-ckt-sicas- lu;thet streel-casr .cotiaputis experts brought thé explanition frum lits-mflhat a bs-oken tbruit rot o-as réaponaibie for thé et-ci- dénI. Tirtjpassengeréo-été On thlé uw. ~CRGAND SINKS. Déi,,et 5hIIPExplode msuelle Guéé Doses#Kilt.w M., Wh. bMig» unre poetSStlNJ-Accdiét oufDo.iglas litAlsénk.. Kilts éiatnu-iv. Thé steamer iélsnder, the flag.hip oft the Canadien h'&tttt-Navigation ilitt And thé largeat and fast-st pRsséeg r steamer on the Vietora.SJkagway riout.. eollided w" hRn Iceberg ~ol Dougla lai and, Alaka, whill un her way soutû with theéûirgést nunabt- of passeingerd that the bas carrltad Sice séwas e- placcéd on théesun a féw mesntheé ago ,* sunk withiu firteen minute. CaPt. Foote. her master, 'ad about sixty-fivé pi-ravIs, inciuding Passengera and members or the créw, Were ds-ownéd. To add to thé hosror of the terrsible di»- aRte,te-r [roiers éxpioded an %lte 'sent down, causiug the death of moan>y or tisosé 'ho were struggling lu th«'voter. The susr-lt-ors tell figitful Stufie. of thé panie thsst ps-évaiiedl upon tise bip aites-elhe slrssck the iceberg. Nearly ai, the pauengert weré aie-tp at the une. Many o et isurumhed franticaliy taIlle décke when they ut-ré aroused by the Ohock. A atruggie fur lite prevs-rvérs followed, lu whicis a nuuuber of the voy- agérs were Injusred. Enough isuoys weré dlstrlbuted, however, to lava thé lités ut *Many Who otheriaé ewould havé ei-n lout Âmong the lbat as-e Mms.liton@, thé wlté Of thé governor or Yukon Tes-rituari, hber chiid aud nierue. There waî $275,000 lu golsi en thé stesaer, $100,000 of whis-h was t-arrleul by paaaengesus. U. il. Hart, Who lias spent sIxteen, yeare in the Klondike, lbat $35,000 lu dont. U.nited lSatses Consul Smiuth, of Victo- ris, gleanesi the toliowrissg %tory of the wre-ek froti the sutrtiiora: "The Ialatt lur lt-rt Skaitway for N ltto ria iviths1uî.-u rtrsanad a crew of @tl tue loi-ut 'n 1boardianidtllor tweit-é ettiowa> r .11ilutut i -11, tsu th, -maser matling lhrr usulrr'c.rd utfite lats Cru ut j1I:lu ;a'a-. ipasu-ti antdthé âouth s-nil of I tuuulu -tI tanai wa's rt-ah éd. Thu soudýIthetis ie surr n-oii-ut lés-ét au obaîru.-tuua, salit teuaveuir -a fnu lu's-[rg, alidr,!ultîi o- tub a icîl o-hleh nroufiesd suuay otthé ltîing pu»- -snlré. At t-îurn asthe âtsc arnet watt-r rss-hed inut trrwsrd ln crsat yvol- mrnes, anul thte piot advifiud tinat tihé ves- @el hé rua ou théeht-tslh. nott u?% ér hait a ile distant, at oute. To tht-s tecap tain oijerutei. Nit t th i,-ets 1is ou. tutu abrupt, lit-. toiglut theu-r- wüts toi )m- suetilsté tiaagur. itbu ttt ilrusa tu-té asile-s fort ittr lors u itsré lie -kttew titiré was a gurtutiltuuutîu. i.the-luuo-u ratruas-tet theis perd, uitu-uruuott ir-tk and a rusia wat smalle sur th,- isurî-. oisu, haniait ee given tres.rsa i-a fr t tku-t-utg. lus- isbrusiasutu l-ui t-rt 0 tu 100[rag oft $100(x~) r u.uts-ltvrtitr .' t clusd, sudi wet u loi su rut h tl.r , ',. l -ih, bow of thet'-au ui-r astlily .tuuk atur twenty mtiuutesa fs-uuttthée tte Il tît-Otk thé front dr-tk rwas utltr ma a-rard the stems, rut tiprolit-Ilur tutudirui-tu-r, -,r, high lu tisé air an w ulu a T eut pltlu ru-ussa lus -id un theté ls-igt until tise Ituant itutu irill- jus stuPsut On a lifé saftt slu tr- lute su utst-il a têtu s itu t ta wtt-n tht- rît tusutr d.l.,t tritarl eî-suul-y o tuttof aigîi. A s tit I t-i t ut asu -alltiut occusrrei. sand tise t tltus ilost ix i iutd on thé lité sraft autsi sust. -Conasdr-llr- iutttlty wuis expîert- encstd isu asrerltttinuithé lo-atuon osutbth short-, thossgt ut oas usitî-a short dis- tante aura!, owtag t. the- dent-t-fuug prs- vailint-. lnaliy Nclr. re-ton. rut lkattle anturi uttit. wo tai tiihts ibridie-wias ton bisgr weudssug ttiuplurulu th ivof stusu itré Pasuésiun the lait bruns rhsu'h ieft tisé Ws-ick, hétarul aturtrictuklig duuwitheis os-o-..and tiilitéhlt-tuti ru-utthéi store. A nunsies- jusuupu I if the atu-tususu r itt ther vsaler ati ittrtert-t-ti h-rs-trutu, ouI; ta Iieut- tf s-cIa .st sots fsQuîtIlite lu CUPID IN AR<MOR- WON MISS CONGER. ail1 u-tgagc-U l1tsl' itt tis- s-t u ttt uu tise crdtttury rtunut si-'ttui-uts lIti t-r %li Lautra ( -ttsgertliit- tt-Frlt-t lu ,iE ltusels8an T hltu-t fr.thet'uttt-' M.-t s u --ttt - fttî i t1- s-ii u reii th,-n It xîu l l lic-I ÂbSt th.worst th.s. develop 1. 'hé cer- 'opsituation Il a uis-dy kLl*n. Vndoubîdly mut-h harm has resultil tu1 business Intere te whleh séili h st-i throngh the rénnainder ut thé yeux, i, thé extravagant éstisbaaîéathat tirait roe itéd sam wili net hé borné Out. tFra this tisu. on thé situation in ail proaL iiity séil l aprove. l Su far théeat-t duamsse to hutIaesJ froua thé crop troublé has aflotieéi lu little, but It t onu arly to juay ehat ilit* utiisaté résuit will show. It ili ru .1 aîuîointins If the damtagé la not uu - lt-ta than MuaI judgés autteipaté. Ni i[LI the- ,rhat sgeart- luthé Northwsoat Itis-te tht- rtu'k market lent yéar dis-e uts-,l tlon itéré umade, which aubsý-uu ut ès-eau-s did net ruifill. Thé Nortiu iP elfe Ronutd, which wan iargéiy delut-us 1-t en cs-stiifor lits tramé, made ni) ounstais tacturingx articles thon shat t i1-tli', agricultutral troduite, snd tiseusauteitu- enté e uIlt csttsst lu thé southis i t tuaIl. tticonaîanles show gp t- tilt--s-ity oftut ametiltcontinoally. autti a fret-douatraisdppendent-e ou tutt tut-i Ire lit-s theur tutîtatiots. Thisehsitattou incident il, tiséteu~ St-are spo ttn tnirs ppuartstst-éus -i, IéPltt-tuing. Mers-hanta 0-Ito li t 1, E, te Qtriushttetul t- peatiug tq,' men, ut thé question ns tat how g y~t thé ltrlaijatpowerr utthte fat tut tu Ctuusur.o ~tud [kredut-ét trv-,t , corné til,-srt- -tn--andi are I ti. ortiérs uLLLut-rfrüely. Its-tcr traIs- t - pos-tesi, , hat. i-ruhle I uIau-týigt l ti duxing Amtr tnls-auaint tstî i5taclus-yi tt5. Dt-eieopstt.'t', la tiesét-el atr - lut théev-tt- luu -itrot tutue-idetIt-LAt tht-n theéerrIer. -Il-.susatt-r ha% Dost )I sest-ht-si a tutustut i t-s .-tsi sa i- st-tn. ttri,-ruà tf ruCtt hta- 4,-12t-uu- vautcul. particslot-u t.uîtséu. Ot havrentatshiarll l-t i balitss.n a fécte t 50 atue extl uts, -is- tlI s tise attet t-sult'rattuuensu-iuuat5u numisér thuitstise sutslite IV,5Il, mutch mure- gsn-trtt l-ftuth- >tiy - tséd ot, euululteiy. Titu4 utr IL, s river 055e-tiusri tf titu- osutu t ortIt sco pos-atuon taslutt--n etaioff, tt outaide thé "'trst' t a etut-st stttt deai of buitualetou îs-cauusutit 11-l- u settiési conditson of its allirýil utasguo t-ot-t-rus avetare îistttd ati t h. wly- litosu-s art- holding ut a fis-ns î lita Publie la tn thé sssarks-i t s au--rg s-s te-ut thon fus-oau t tssu.flot!-t .,ttuJ saIl iintersat. Tise isitu)ýrLanu us uIl NVliI Sts-eet oué nl.. tît- -uth u t..- ta. les-ta tua.tmore ftsss ut .. u mna-essaDriu sgale tisafuil,.bt th-tie the préau-ut as- ttof I 1 log théiretuit-L éuts--"rt- ikls-y to, ute.t tut soon thon tat- nras eo-r iîat r à -s e-n onmusvoumuue. Tlt-tels lachuirat lt- r WV iIailS-ret - i l titi-t ttu l t l rs-u i coulert atIa, I. 'ILut thiaLt l tf i Théet-uu ofuuc ttht-, us' Isantlut à littls- flrtussr. attr51 sas-,sa rée il uI--; Il 4%, ta 5 1w-r c-t BACK FROM THE WAR. Oen. >MacArthaur ArrivesSt.usaon r.s a- Atr onsn aoftinr" udtd. tao taStt îs M aj. t u-u-thiusr r)f ir- tisos, rs-t-tusi> ursrnor t - ntrl t1 lion .i-'asta u tht-e tt -*u gurtiont ttt u a11 tg.5-', 1 a u .fairt-s tutf li t h th- t-tutu tutI] tu In ttsf s -st t u-ai u iit i l -., 7ti;11t, tfissu u- r tu us sitr lt u -, :;Ii - lt-e tuit u'. u r ia titus-utur ti I ths c it 't s Llt ls ti u. iL nt l lt Ii - i-siui-s lu z.- t- t -i At f.-utt 1 astu t- À- til t: iilt1t- - t- large asti1.tu-gttut t- ttt1, 1 tit. JI inur j'i 1-iI insui. Antut- J t i us u is tuit sttunts ", 1......s1t1 tutu- l , ..-I - t O It tit, th.- tu ttt i.-I tutu, th lus ut-ut 't-tut ut.Lt1tut l- t -t arI l I.hpittl i ut... - tut- t- i , th tut. uth.s ut - t l tutu. -I ctttl -t Lu.. I t ut tt - t -., tu bot-hinat i- t. Thlui.-tu-lu u- c ' st lt- ttu o li-- tti i t(' n, t',-Lion tt 1,18 n ru ill-I it it-t l fý ll t L "ilces. tti.-tu-tuu uil,.t i tt-. - thaut-lt si,îurat.iel« 'sI'itc1'rs- t..ttu tt i u l ttla y,fruiuor i s ttc-s lAr ls t < tt. -i thetO tlt fII-t-suoe tus- 'i du-iutI; susuh Douîuu tuuuu -s grnetu-r teluand ut. sut-s uctuud tto ur utst'> tI,, noru;n p assius t-to-t5t reetis 't . tsIi usaiDai t-I. tutu' ttiýrwi s-g- tBut tu-ul uliad unisuaretot i suutiet l nd-lu ,u5î-naotcou- Stetitn o tttt"tcli. T'l'itusua -et'*rties- sotos ftttt t -o ut-at wttiilt--L.irtt-cea tise ,e Ibilatt et-igyorit' hsta ta nu-tu ti the-tut. T ie u t-tesrs foýeso ouspuatlre sl ' Ciht ut. iaé scapyrIgbit - ?N Itisadise mî,tes; test, fs-taule rt-att-i ln other o-ot 51- ulle as- st-e-ntats bout iy->lips- laut[eto-e5f l usore t. 'i--tuuus'tiutn lui- au"i théeétItj L., -iulnr urs tiuedtîteti tuat- titrîtsti hydruts-iu. Wu lut -att-it- lu lt filt e -u-tdéhi t. affectif W. tholu Y ous-ume 9 mas-k tisat n untélit-t, a]( swastis;, tre lacs ot tas-t of au! - go lunge the' the hu-miais te ritartihut up thet- iros test;Io nta du-uitte o-t Na honsan o-lareS oe i :salutasidV anti ohte -%-nglsng tl I ualite ade-t line. andst la My tht-or vote ste on wants Io e stugislte lie buiat-Tht tht-s-t-aret- thal yoa hl su;y une-al .OUs Alitu o-til de-ré- troauts-an $ tt- iseught Ti,- tueatu by:, t- - Wtsssa at ]mor prt-l.t3 woitttn 1la CSpnuuasrtla kultus-se t tut tndtrst t,-stItco- a set up a, ba-t or k of tapacul V ëIt-sta blé Sautn th- taltitg a -ru 'ls- uotstes- t ' i-r ti te to-c seautîtiW up-usaro ms-n 005 miss- tiret tongrata a8tuts-étlus .ths-i eltoruP do-n [o Xouaut Chrooisi b'alot a ton pi descrit mu-n lW) utant! ciple voit-et uni a tissu t mets E tising. orarsIs te dru ité a t; ho rit-ht IIt, ts Mys vosat but i Up lu absoi and 1 Mt-n anti

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