17'Mbrwa, AlSulait 99"~e. SaIE UMIL. Iaut iMtishe ycat-uftiuvai LuiirtYvilli-, JIlhliois. mas asend-class natter. UVMTMuGeAM I'.Uss£Nvcv NAPPU- . - 0eMie.. S1. RvNaly thea United Obutes Com- iodbumo of aitise l. Louis exposition, in mi Sgurng on a"y postpose. aâm «*a tisa lma for holding the ax- POM . E-Seator carter, o!flion- I$a.%rapoesetlng the Unitati Butes tOeacsriaou, sud Es-Governor Fréada, f flilsouri, preident o! tise espoai- Stan eompany, vent to Wahington for t$w purpose o! gettlnig Seretary Hay1 e- te expedi te tise preaîdetilal luvtatlons »M alare 10 le sent lu every goveru. aMet lu tise vorld tîrough tise depart- Mant o! 5111e, te le represeuted by [esiibie at the expositiou. Tbey1 tbaud Secetary iisy suxioutetalad lu t every possible vay boward making tise axposition a suctiess, and secured bis assurance Ihat thie prealdential procla- mnation aisoaid go ouI si the earliesi possible moment. Tise farmer la net golug lu siffer bacaune tisero vti lieho00,000,000 buaisem oscorn tissyeal than vere bsrveueid lut year. lu tat he la golng tu profit by it, and tise Nebraska anale*&v farmer le a bly saae o! thia. ThsebrMera are golng ta profil by thseq shor& crop, becsuse lb. pricesofo!n la macbh hser th iss t vasluit year.1 . Tise urreui priai o! corn la tveuty cessis a bushel iigiser tissu at tibla ime 12it year. and vls tisaI rate for il iss c«O utIis Yeau, tise farier uot oly yl nul laie snythlug by havlng leu corn,0. but vill setuaillYgel $280.000,00 more fortise etlmated eropof tisisyeai isa --....b2uould have rocelveti for the Cati- mti ml Crop ai luit yers prie«s. TisePeople visoare golug 10 pay the hi~ aretiseconsumera. one rsanît tisai là asuradinlau ncreasela the P*, 01 aoporkand of itve stockin gen- UaL. T" iyllain redovu to thse Pm"o0the tiurmer;sgoltf oulti seoin iMannable thsaI our agriculturlis 1, Miabi !iriY regard the great droaght oaa andaI blessing in dialse. W A U KEGA N. slts etfthe lte.ty Sat dalmluses5 t.e srRonds"&. 5e.C. M. Burhlode'. freveli -068000otate .people o! le isensra <%htegtloul hurcis, vhere h. hm. "cIm;ve YaameMcleutlY effiated ua '.I*Ob, viii b. precied Suuday 6%$Mgjbe frsi. M. Burlisolder vîll IM StaI oce ta assume tise dulles ;bItW ev fieldi o! labo,. SevSeal Waukeganiles viii leave san- ,W*40W nigisi for LouJaville to attend 11$ejKagista Wha viii Constituea areM Conradi HolIstelu, Wm. U ual5L. Dyer sud P. W. iBuck. « aWsukegsn Kigîts vilI go vîtis 111Barnard commaudery of Chie- ThSaitiser.e Mta la additions snd tbMnei $0the 10=i1al alel plant hms biu for @Ome lIM m aSded. and occl -î OmenUls have asilseulcaieti ImfsalImpresalon. As te lise »Oanti extent of thsese hadgei ý aD4t»o$40»tise offlcera are reient bmIths8 u baeuqaietly gi ven outhaL "W structural vork it comprise a UWt*va eis an sd su exsisve ua &tt 0 the gaivaniming depat. niai. Boyoud ibis litt1e la deiniteiy hu utisougls "vise ns.'Bay tisaIithe %i-» fisainé as voyve ire fonce de- Puastslas t iat thîle pctY o the 'ePI010deparirnent vi LI le doubled. Ra acollibuofa u.trolley car vils an1 .x4wpre train on tise 'ensylvania1 1 ' lrcial aU Forty-aeveuth treet, Chi. 8uoBauday ulgiat, four persoua voueklleti onright sud s score anicnsly ljured. Anong tise ltter vas Este Freler o! 4716 Calumet Ave., visose home lias becu lu ibis1 city vsere aU nf ber relatives resU.1 Misa Freebers fInuries vere sncb tisaIj upOn rernoval b Pruviileut Hospital,1 mis dicil au hour 1ater. Miss Freber W"asislter teo liraJi. bore of 11h street snd tire. l'atrlek lieulahan nI 01 lise norîli aide, sud bec brotiesec "eare co! tibis City and James uot Rigisvood, eraployed ou tiseeeurî lins. for parente ceside lu Irel.and. luterment cas îtu Si. Mays cenetcry tus tiis City. Raeea6tiy resîdents or tise vesi aide have bee loslng chîclens. Marks o! bleoS proved tiai If vas nolmerely tbon but thais ome animai vas aller ,1.ol.Meusrs. Bobt TyrilI, John 7>iausud W-. Conaut decîdeti hI tetâte onîprit if lisey lad te amy up au .5glsi. About 1l 'Clock &bey asW 109" nai teal lovard one o! the '0 Md s at .k afier lb. Ilfvas hused wuiolintlekareeand LiuaiIy klIled. i radte, bc a fulglovu bol 9r olb vatchw as keptad l&ter lu ilMWtiseugisitrace vas secareti of atates t0i and he &IBO inet ileAsas a - 4e bauds o! tise vabciers. The aui- - mu *M ere illeti only alter a long and taaOdM« ciase ly the tbree mon ha* la Wb.tlevod tise disappearance ci tcdiçkeviii DOnovCease enlirelv. It las suaji u î SsuhmceaM BttslàS,<oe e «Mry Bioua se a. kfiled, csptured or aetoualy wousdad. Oonslderlng everytilng, lise Weatber Dureausu ssa eted tise country pratiy viit h11summet vi1h lise exceptionI of tisa ose e aaed spei l liste vest. NO United Stateas enstor bas lever bean eleoted Preldont vhile holding tise former office. But thon bMark 11annasha broken several recorda I .l.saAv Sir Tisonmas la 10 lbe con meaded for bis nerve la .1111 inslatiug tisat ho la1 soinsgo10lift &bat Cnp. ht'. mat usell for in tu bc happy before the races. uiwe ylcertainiyblic nhappy a! ter A French c enuIbai lofti$2,000,000 10 b. used Inl revlviug tise '"Ict art"u of! breading glata in France. TisaI country cerbinly needs tiei-' but1 viso of you hy takiug thougist cau add ons oubli t o iea stature." Chisia about 10 bniid a legation building lu Wasington tisaI vîi laIr outshiue any otisor resîdeuce lu tise1 ciy. By tise vay, dldn't China do tise1 poverty setsvisen abc vas aked tu psyà a reasonable lndomulty for tise crimes or bier people? Tise Steel Trust ia roining towua Inisaiiteil y Innocent people isy1 dlsnssntliug ia nmils, and tise Long,i daioremen'a AU0oiltion in Californie. is ruiuing lise fruit grovers of tis$ag satei agamnt visoin ley bave ngrualge, by rainsing 10 permit theo ripe fruit te ho aiippeti. Bow long l lishe public continue to permît lseli 10 be inunreda by prlvste varfare betveen associa-1 tIons lu vhicisIt lau n parti Ilîgin Butter Market. Butterva sungond dexuand ou Elgins Board c! Traie Monday. Offerluga aggregated 3,060 Ibn, visicis vere quickiy sold ai 21e. Markot tirai. 1 Sales o!tishe veek, 610,500 Iln. 9 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERti. 1 furniahetiby a Lake County Tille &t Trust Co. Abstracts o! TItla. Tilles Guarauteed. lissonie Temple Bldg. Wankegses, II. Louis J. Guaxas. Secy. Pbllnd Porter &ai toC D,.C B & 1 RlB Parler 6t.44 aes in sec -4-s atso se qr .un c sec 83-4"-9vd . I..s$a2470et Est <eo W Ellis hoE ltîeharulon 'îsas-8 e isnvir &n Sýsw r ,ie- n>-a- deed....................... 3m et E Richiardson &A vIteF P iiylonda N i*svu rt(-X nl16 ruasi-".u -46-9 a ucd .................... 1 0 19sL Jno liuClory ho J G Smiîth we à aw îîr sec f-t4-l2 deect..............t2ie us J G Smnith & cf ho A suuuenean Wyt5SW ar sc-4-12 Wvil... ....... 3»00 Frank Dîez& wlto A LDW,1 nliw ir ewv«ir sec 2Si-i-swvof chicago & ellenrr roadied.............. 1 S W H Smt l fo C X& St IlSic Go i-sof aacre law '4ne ir & , il nw àr sc 2-46-10 wd.............lieM J W Hart & wf ho Bondout Co-opsra- tvesCreamerr Aeaociuisac in ne (ur nw qr sec wd -4.12 .............. 10et ROSECRA NS. Pt Tucker vent 10 tvu u Mouday. isa iogan ia reported some botter, ahso lira. MarI. John (rsvfort ls bol"ing a nov addition lui&sbouse. Wisen you are llred ci Navy and J. Cames te Mile ilas and Sgai mre i. K. Confirmation vii bale place ai St. Patilks churcli soou. Date wii leb given iunoiet vee*lsIue. Our postiuater, Mr. Mogan, sud Iamily bsve beesalaking a sort vuea- tion, Ioavlng Anale coruey lu charge.1 There vl b. saiarvest pieute Aug. titisluaur vIcWnty. Tise committee on location hsaveonot yet doccdsd mt visera ute ie .à Come to he be hurcis aezt Snnday sud rost your ndnd Iroin the carsaud vorrles aI tiseday. Sec vhat tiseLord Mnay have In atose for you. service nt tise muuitime. Delle oud la reporteti very alic. We hope go sec ber regain iseaiti soaon. Qutt a aumber o! aur people ah-r teuded lthe farinera race at Anilocis &arday alternoon. Tiiey ail enjoyed iiserneives, jadgsug fron the happyi amlUsaand jubilant conversationa tiey ladusigedin on tise vay homo. Colonci Siou' borse capturedth ie laucola. TisaI perlad o!flise snomer acason denominated mas 'dog days" as ap. Prcaebing. A pulo! vater sept rots- auabiy fresh lu the yard wili go bar 10 abt. Il ig dosm not cutîrely dn svlay vîtis lthe mmd dog messes no commun ai tlie ltimes. More olten Ihan nol doge aLrcthonglit lule mad wvien they are snply sufferiug froniihat sud tita. Try the vater cure, lJI yul do creditj to your aeune o!fisnmaisty andl may prevent trouble la yonr neigliborisood. The Nuperville CIecbon ay: Na-* pervilie JIai au extra large number of secret 8ocltles, but a rievrounebas aprung loto existence Ilis esommez. rThe Auient <rder nI Files beld à rmeeting on the front visedovsel fnone o!0 the stores and adopted the folonv I ing reosiious: ... .. .... .. ENdU'ION wouid buildyou tromàwlp ltâta sme O.U5ie os voas luia gOn>. Mi. aC Uia. Saeg mlatalaed corspffl frose Waukeffl éis a eek. Geoge Carol epanthie yeek lu mllwk« ishhe &ât nd ud nins. MesisametUutchinon and ituasell visla l Obcsgo a ev day," receutly. Umia Lara MoCtan bas just returnod Imra viait vits ber aunt lu Kenoaha. Ums Devine, of Chicago, la apend- ing a 1ev days vils lire. M. Mutchîn- Son. lira. Caap's sisser, Mr&. htock, bas boas visting vits frienda lu Lainont, III.. Ibisveek. UmissLize Ilutchinsonhlas been eh. ieztaining s young lady friend. They vent lack 1 tise cily tis etaiof tise veeL. Misa Lizi. Intendi apendlng a veeklnlutise city. It la rumored tisaI Misa Mamie Rysu la tu teaci tise Wrrenton school th15 year. MissnIhyau atiandea tise Wau- kegan higissehootl ad fitted bersl for a loacher and we viislier the beat of succeas. SAUGATUCK. Do not forgottise quarterly con- rence aItlise cisurcis Snnday even- Ing, ye ofniciais, nor tlis nday morse- ing service. Dr. Mandeville wili pre- aide. Mir. and lira. J. M. Jacobson, of Chicago, viutted ticr niece, lirs. J. 1'. Sherman over Bunday. lira. James Taylor entertained tlic Ladies Aid Society, Wedsîesday of this week. Thse Annual jEpwortb League con- vention of thse Waukegan Sal-District vîlllie beield al; Gages Lake churcis, Septaniber 21st. Look for furtber annuncement 1*1er. Last Tisuraday eveulug the Senior aud Junior Epworth Lagues of Gages Lake M. B. churcis gave a Musical snd Literary entertalnmaenl at the chorcis. Tise receipta vole $10.75. Every nuxuber vas good snd several were encored. Watcii for thec next social gathening bo be given by tlic Leaguers. They arc ail good. A great many chianges are being made at Gages Corners. We learn th& lira.Glîxuore vill acon movo and so wUl lMra. Wlliam aud famlly. Wc ste very sorry to loose Iliss Eleanor, Whso bas beei aà falîliful Junior Sopt. aud second Vice Pires., o! tbe Epwortis League. GU RN EE. Joe Vncent viii speud flic fait and winter lu Arkausaw. W. M. Gager retnrned tuothliCcity Tneeday aller apendlng several daya wth 0. J. Ormaby and oitllier relatives George Dalziel ila saiug Miliburu singera in an entlrtalumneul;t 10bcigiven acon. The <juruce Waodmau tesa w on tise prise ln the Forester drill aI the plcuic at Wauconda fastlThursdzy. lira. Wusteufeld returned froxu Long Lake Ilie firsI aoftlie veek. lira. Daziel la enlertaiulng relatives Iroin Chicago. Wadaworth Trîbe tien flur yul give a dance lu the near fuoture. Ifth tIacion .f yiisr hevele ii Cet îe. ssii restular s.rious cimsaalctioii inuit hb- C hina flaIreuIt .DWltxs Ltttle lay .c-M i ylremove tilqetaie-r.Mai- Ieàntoau lTetIvcî. For sIetIy F_ J FIAIN ES VILLE Village elecîlon Saturday, Ang. 24th. George lRichardson Lnsproviug bis biildings vîtU a coat of paint. Fannie (iormshlly, of Chlongo, la tbe guest o! Mamie sud RatIo Gorman. Mir. aud tira. Mi.Lsnughtn, of Cbi- cago, vimited at Fenlons latîrday sud Snnday. A. 1). Parker, of Downer*s ,,rovc, callcdl on oid Iriends he-ii luit veek. He bas become sne nthuslastic tudent of mental sciecie. A number of our people attendait lise M. W. A piente at Wanconda sud report & piesant tUre. Alil eîîoyed tise speech oIfleator M<anou. Thse maiiy fricuda of A. A. tcldillan and fa.nily will be ptesaed to hear Iliat lira. McMilllsn'shealiitlanmoût lut- proved inice arrlvîng lu p)onver. Astounded Thse Editor. Fl.ltor B. A. ireuvu. or! J.iuuttslli... C., was c, e.-tiscîîcî.rurhrisîi. 'hroiîiti lona sufirig froin dysela,ia'h--wrlt.îe *ory wîfe wasx uma(lIit iun down. 8tIýllet nu &Ulrugtli îîr clior sait miffoiir git dîstri-sefrini hî-r clîmi-i uii t shitri,d ElectrIie ilrs Wclu-b h oliîbr ut iîli<. and, after u'ilg .irfurottlu-s. sti. lu entlr#îly woIa e at utithinli. it Cgranîl tînle. and lauentl,laxatîi,îIuaiJlh-sarm puinîil for togi lî lvI-r." For lniiii,ti on, <ici of aaîjctlte. atoniacb andîlilver troubles Its uvjL*.lberty vIlle OBÂY5LÂAREPnAaua- PLO PIES' COt.UMN. F 1 lALl1-f<iecryi- for ce-i, wltiiout Ftiiigtifflor niia. Mon isetwo V-aiînl huila Ifui o r iWnelii. . IltiLXLso. LiiirtY- ville. 11I. 0-2-e . F OR SL-S o n.e lie to.k sud grain fuim if l;;7)-ree miuated nue mile seuIl.- ea.mt ouiiuer Ry. sta. in SeadI I l tiaul os Ea Larmeeiie mois buîlinugs uraly palet. edI Roue.su talile for Ico famille%, tiainu1.9 feet iouii wtlîha.ucmelil 0w nobeieoiitatinlng itaCeioitsafor 50s cn aînd talle foîr 10 horuru. Hare sulîid wth water frol tublar weclI iy slnd.mlil ssii tauku AI..o scer fafltig ester ta pestai-e, Absuve dexe-ibcd farm wdli 0e sold on se rasolnabte terme. Ssili cash pay- metreyuired--long Urne sud loy rates 0f ineeto edgparusents. If not sod by Septeasulur laI wW lisr relt. Applyt1 SS.Y Wu5l5aim, Llertîvillie, lX4. A / iag . F. BAIRSTOW. M AN YFAÇTU RERO  Marbie and Granite ï ~Memumaelts. ÇlEIETERY WORK Description. Csrrspesd.ac 114 nd- et AIL ibe;'ta le saikolel %0 yoswva $ab veal. cai for Mtrateiti=O aclIuiteas, svertjsmenta snd odlers <or lititlisatonf. a sermznnssmer, ~444d6ééé64464444444444444~é6~44444**~M I W. C. TI*e Table, Gray.leke. 80UTH 5010<0. Noý . 1. 25.M.*stop BundayRniglit on signal 4i. 3&.mM. ....Dallyeixi90lilSîînday 8. 11:383IL Mm..... .- 10. 716 aM'.Moniiiy flnî18iat urllayfi nA -14. 7:28 IL m n . Dnily NonTII liQUNti. No. 5. 10:28s . m . DîeJIY -xelîItSuniduy 7. 3:01 p. M.... 9l. 0:LP. M. .FrIiîys Oeiiiiturîlaysonly1 1î3. 5.tl P. va ....... ....... ...Dai] y lit. White, oI Loon Laike, made a visit ho iMsoan T nîaday. BegliUti Godfrey ls eijying a vel deserved Vacation ut borne. L. Doolitie, of waukegazi, lm 5ptitId- ing atvove6ekae'eeuîlioîî cîih relatives bore. Mir. Smiths buaibuilt su addition ou hls bouse recently p<rcbsid o!D). fi. White. lire. Ballon soql daiighter, o! Chicago, vere tise guesla of tIcs. WiI Elippie lait yodk. The prohsiilîfibto iiiccautineessfar- ily poslpoueti Thuscie.ay wtng 1u lu- cleinent veather. Mir. sud lira. Clareuce Bigloy, of Gro"s Park, <isituoti îlitu te lvigley familes Ihis veek. lirs. BrlggeansditmisAima lieidee enlerlaieti a numler uit friendu, frein Chicago tisis veek. WiIi Edvard lbas gono to vtsit roea tives in 11«k Valley, la. Ho lef tTues- day morniug asou cîl bte gouie stveruul veels. We forgol lait askt e note tliet fIr. aud Mirs. Clilton Waibluri moveul into loto thicr 0 o]e oiiic. « «iehvrfi.,Iî place. Tise !onndatîmu if F. il. Kliuliras uev bsouse la <si îuier cay. ifen. Butterfield la doiug flic <ort. lira. A. E. Brown, frorn Waukegan, and lire. BailMeadl, [romn Oak Park, calied on aid rieuiii anti neig'.ibors lait Saturday. miss leie eStrouvil.of Waukegan, tm speuding several veeka cutI tIrs. White and lira. igley. Mir' Strbxo va sin aioiere Tucsiduv. Thesalmer addition bo Greysiake bai h.ad suotiser itreet laidt oui froxu Conter Ave., to the bake. It makes qulte uimproremeut. lire. Love sud neplew iligb Torrence, o! Melcon, are the gueqta o! Iboîr cousin, Miss Jeunie iJornbti sud otlers ln uisviclnlfy. lirs. Orson Wsburn la entertalu- iug iser noliser, lirs. -Baker !rorn Mciigan, su saut froxu the saute stage aud au aunt frein Teneane. Mias attie Payne vas Muae Annabel .1 iitemcre»â guest Wcdneay. libe veut rom blere b lake Forest to accrpt sapposition as book-teelier. There will be quarterly meeting o! tise lietiodiste in tiseTown itali huit Sinnday slternooui, boglruusîg a 3 p. m. Au Invitation ia exteuledto hial. Ile BouascUle Cemetiry Aîeluimtluuî wiii gise a ielianti iay4i.r ir tSud Carield'a thio, lruuay uinl Mauy (iraybl.uke hpeople dpi-it uat- tend. Mra. Compîtons, o!f1Brooklynî, e viuted wiIb tirs. timlh sud tire. .'lay acierai uaysîon lier vaY home- frorn Wlaicousinu fter sa I it clîrelaetives titure. Barry lioxiglton, 0f Cbui('gu, ls speudsuug a part o! lita vacaionuuwitb parente bore. lie 911801 a ceek ait Buffalo and Niagara Faits, aîîd tîipyed lb limoniiel y. tirs. (i. Dri ttifiid, ofClligi bou wit ciloirhic iioter,tIdrs Chird thie PesIt î ut ha, .iug 11f muaI of Ibthtn, il Musa Carrde Clari ba afeuî iî.eu slu-iîtuug a shorctfloue bere. I lieü Ciurili Ad Soiety wili ouiel ai the homîîe i0 hi rs. p. AItil eun Wed1 fucil iiy iiaecui Ii-f theu uit iiecsn Rliuuu i iliug fule b (iiuu-day. VI/liton, welile.e Mise, Aunabl Wbtcuuro eîîlertaluied ut uiuiiuuu laIFrlday Issulve ynung baulle vhou dro al couesiiu. A gues- ng; ciotelut wsa pleaiug tsoirce o! Waukegau, reeelvod lot prise and Mies Lilly Mead, of Chicago, 2nd. Atter luncheon tise party vas pbolograpbod, Mir. Jackaon dolug the work. Grayalake 'vas vel represented et lise Woodmen sud Royal Neiglibor picule ai Wanconda laut veek Tisura- day. Iloyes, tlilvery man, bug] aIl bi. coovcyances oul, andi msny vent privately. The Grayalabe base baill ulue vere defealeti, tise sucore bielg 14te1 18, but, couadering thse tact that their oppouenta proe a plcked ulue tbis cas s very good record. Young men Whio amokre, viefil Ith racea, drink beer or Other loxicants wlli Blot gel a fair face lrom the girlsai Rockford Huy more. An orgsnlaaton bem been formed tbere for the purpose of eociaily boycotting ail Young Ouen Whio do Lot beliave themsejvea. Thse boys whe are -igood" on thie other hand will bce everywhere weicorned by thse wometi and tileir dangbiera. tirer ilu nlutlaXJobunle Goidh anid Jenute Dliri were inarried a few dayg ago. Thbe loceil editor wbo wrote up the affair oouldn't reniaâtflic tempt&a- tion Wtoued it Ou-en"bot lie'$ been bld blathe awamps and acrapplng with akecters, bullfroga and suaires Ill preference 10 facing thse bluahlng bride or bier Irais man. In the new iaws of Illinois, nnder Roudma nd lBridges., paragrapl 32, Il says, -lt alilitîle the duty of eaeb supervloor to cause to bc erected and kept in repair witbin bis district, ai the forIs or cromalng lalco o1 every public road. a pont and guideboards, witil plain iiscrlptlons thereon, Iu lutter, andfilgures, givlng the direction aud distancea 10 the mont noted placeis to wbieh sald road may load. Thai larmlog la Do longer tihe drudg. ery of former yearé but a vocation whicb alfords satisfaction and plemaure to tbose engaged la it, la illlnstrated by a clipiîing from the Kalarnazoo Tel. egrapb: Fahming la a protiy good busi- linsafor ibos wbo understandl. ?4ev. or bel ore hianIti been hiall 80 good. Il belougs tb the roglon of science and mabloery, of akili sud forcuisih. lis opportultitleesud rewarda are rlch. Thse nId, isolated, narrow, bsard, nunco. dM1u arncIng life la Pesslng away. Lui- ury aud social enjoyment beiong t101h. trolleyilzed country. lIf a e&Mer tagel thse City lu the country than islila te gel tlie country In the City. lsrmlng le a Uberal and learned profession, and the msan wbo bas brai" for il anad a little capital la a lncky man. DHUCE LAKE. Driuce Lake liotel bas been enllv,.ned the past week by the presesuce of the I i.uiieoe Eîulacopsl choir boys. 'l'ents were erected in the grove back jil hie blt for sleeping îluarters, and thse boys ke ît thiligs lvely durlng tiseir stay. 'l iey wore In charge or! lector Braluseomnise sud Idr. Clark Dupu. Vonler tbàeir guidance tlic boys werc gîven jil.nty (of sport antd at the @a&me tlime ai ce 8o ordorly tisaI their prehevie vaa s real pleasuro 1W the giiesi of the botol, aud ait vere sorry tiilu he btale tibeir deuparture. "ie bltlibas been fuîlt'tO Overllowing for Heserail weukl, 80 tbat part of the guemsb, bad tblîe qîiartired ln i'otls.gci. The maengeaienit plan mnny improve- mutisfor aBottier seamson A Youing laty'Éq Life Saved. Di.tie l l' . a îîîmlIiuît IIl setan e.t,: L .)Marit, I liaiit l i apituit a yî,u loir cI uMjtu ny..ii-; 1liu iWlo i]i, ia viry liii attark of iict.yE-rytlns 1 îr-r.iiuqi for tiir lire',I i ii ltieitual sud cliiJ uit, grOWiug W,rSf i-Ver y heur. fier iàil9its Wici i i- l iii113 w0 li i ks. O h all hi-toi. iii wejsl tli lui Ol iot tara î<r leInl'..whîît la (lelit ttUa eritii!ol iniilfl i vs ae a stuiiy for moi. Iitof tiîoiîht cf elCýliiind a &t -rtI îer Itiil . ,,uuiie wcmdurfui Irî,iiu I i a lfèei.l WIlli t twit hurm stii',wasieuf.lcg uui i,itt-; r ic thiroi, lo la .I was lnon ti.r I-t anid at th- oi.îî of oui, wook waa r-,a Indey waIl-ilFor saI- li F. B. Lovuaio i h ryvIJ GnAISvE Pag liACÂY; JOHNE tice tla oui»& PS "ewo4tan fl b me1 PIANOS ORGANS D. Hl. Baldwin & Co., Mfrs., CINCINNATI (JHICA(30, Hlave îdaced Iii the storti îof C. R.L Iîornian, Iibertyville,,;ti(J1 E. B. Niîerîinaî, Grayýdake, a mîîperb stock of BALDWIN 'PIANOS that were awarded FIRST ÇQRAND PRIZE at Paris, 1900. This ian opportunlty for buyers. The inducemente are lînumual. Visitors weluome. inspection solicited. TERMS:--Cash or easy payments. D. Ha BALDWIN & CO. GUS B. BRIO Ail, (leneral Salesman. N. i lir.righsam eau be seen pcrsenally at the store In Libertyville evcry Wednesday sud Tbursday, and at Grsymiake every Priday and aurday. If ~ ~ ~ ~~o Bimi, ISoda.l, bols 61Venon alle Vinay. labvatn U A.a i vsl.Wuoul -lire. Wili Montgomery sud ion ltoy, of Chicago mae viatlug reatsives hors. v«Elsa Casis fldtrealge, oIlMenry, vlslted lu Volo Tuasndgy aud Wadues. dey. Mes. Chsaries and Bigar Parker vers lu Waakegsu on bualiies5 'ues. day. lvii Boulot sud gentleman îrîeud, O! CIhicago. &pont Sunday ut John hlngua. li"s-Bertha Wiegal. Of CiiRago la visitiag iber couslu, liasRosa vogi at prenant. 11ev. D. C. Dation sud lmiy, 0f Waucondu, viislbed at MeuglaIti Saiurday. Pro!. lioberi Fulton, vIle aud lttle daugister, of Waukogan, are visitlu t Ilangisî lros. Mre. James Murray spent Weelnos- day aItMMenry vlslttig ber alater, lira. John Mier. ia. Bey Fitch and sois Charles, of WuukOgasg la visitlng ilie former'. brother, Chris Dillon. Misses Ngcml sud Rosa Valsey viied lira. Jaunie Filiverber at Auliocis gaturday sud Sauday. lira. A. W. Fox la enlertainiug ber Jsinter, lira. Md. Blanchard and oblldren, ai Waukegau. liart. Barry lUtter, ber son Ia, sud daugisber Editb, or Chicago, are vioit- ing relatives l ia i. vlelnlly. lira. Pater trous raiurned 10 ber homlaluChicago Sundal sitar a Ivo veeka viait vush relatives iosr. Dorothea lIditis, tise baby dauguitar o! Prof. and lira. Mois. Fulton vus ohilalnet as tise M. S. chuLrcliSanday. Mss, John Wtllsnasud oblidren, of - =ico.arMms -g ir.WUIilan aistrelir. ScS raltandi lir. John Sim llaa o iisPlace. Nal.Sçe etn rued te ber home lu Wsuesol. WOedasaay aller a viait of moveaj wooks ai lise'homne dl ber seul, lir». A. J. Raymnd. NaaY il aietisae famines of volo vere repieaem ai tise M. W. A. pieule et Wnucpunds Tbnady. Ail report a very eijoyable limte. Mr@. Mr"is Iusan aud grand. dailghter, Mary Kiapper, reierued to tiseir home, lu Elgin Prlday alter a Svo wookis visîtiib Otû . G. Ruson sud famlly. Mir. and lirs. lHenry Itogao,, daugbb'r Messie, sud Mr. sud lira. 0. A. Howard visititd At ChaI Thompson'a lait week. Tliey Attendait tisalà. W. A. pieute a& WaSncnda Tisuraday. Tise manY rieuda or Chus. Kan g lt vîll ho llcaded 10 hear tisaIhoe lia returued frîîm tiese vansd la vialtuiîg lu Wsukegan. HeMeill vit 111M parents boere la the nemi future. Ward Gale. a former realdent 0f V0o, rtbed st lii home lu Elgin, Aug., 1ltb. Hc via lioro lb Vobo. June 22, 114k und loueus s vldovone &inter, MeaN. Cliarlis Annîs t01 Oiaioma, And a 'nAbAur lire. larriet Payne, of!lgin, MeOv. Fathor ilîre, visalbas for mlay rac, liait bati charge 01 bise <Itsolie Ctiir'h bore antd allo iseonu, et; hremiiî <enter, bas Lbeau promoted 10 a POsitin,0a, paStor of st.Jooepi'sa cisureliis t .igtu lie,. Valiser Tels wl k Iv tîlodea IIplace bore andi To Maure lier 'hilid gaiese. f Li î'~' ~.in Mra. Nunii. guleker rid al, l.osf îîîl heal fw)awsui tsures ounlier exaeeujed aiD hr li iîilel <aloi lu sfrosbrtil-, ......i <uisW-îilur seeila »andl 8,9W.~ u îstîis B. LoYKLLIh-y., +,TAKE ADVANTAGE OUR REDUCTION SALE.~ Any of the 60C Shirt W"a.....39 fê Menu $27 Tan Shoeu ...... . .. 2.00 f. Ladies 2 Tan shoea............................ .6 f. Mena $1.50Black Mata ...1 ...... .... Il10 1 Mens Biack ad lRed Wool Sweaters ...................35 t ean» Armoura Pork aud Deang.....................30 4 + 2 cana 180 Slmnon .... 30 + F. IH KUEBKER,+ +. (RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE,4 +. Grayslake. Illinois.+ Ba&ve tten up t-b............$5 ALso Ageut for ..~ Crescent Bicycles. I1flan mclIiyoîs s behter viseel for lems money ihan3 eau boy eluevisere. Yosî vîi find tbis assertion I If you Inveutigate. 5.00 bon true CALL AND EXAMINE. NEW ROPAL SWEHOME HOMLEMcins & WILSON S* ahns Prices andi Terma bt Suit You. E. B. SiIEKMAN, Orsysiake - - - Illinois. Good Values at "&Way Down"t .PRICES.. We bavesa gond stock of Mon'a Sisoea at $i.15 to.... ...$3 00 oais' Slioua 190e o .... ........ .... ..... 2 75 Bippers, te close, ut 500 to........................ .1 o0 Children'a Sisoes at 20o to- ...............................i1 63 one lot toclose............................530 (les. flan blai!prîce.) Ladies' $1.04) WatsaI ..................................... 75 500e . ...................40 Diomc at................................................ 2 Ladies' Dresses, a goad asortmeul clieap. mena Suts, $300 te .........................12 00) Mensa Ligisl Suie, aIl voeU, rednccd teo..................... 8G Boys' suits, up Iron ............ ..... ..................... 75 Boys' Shirts, a good assorîment at mnediuim pirces. Mens Shirt Waiats, a few le!ft. Men 8 Slraw Raleat your own price. A f ull stock of Grocerlea. Ali Goods at Lowest Prices. W. W DWARDS, Gra.yalake- Ilîlinois. Ibo At t] d cci, Thu' you c Pianoew LIBEI Ail Ki FFO- FOI . 1