-~ 0F THE PEO )PLE ~ bIe ' Tula, or Ilgln lir. John ber hote îedl ber of otlo 1. W. A. ldy. AIl grand. cued in y alter s limon sud nogers., Mr».O0. onapeons I. là. W. Lay. Kanfht Vli ig 'lait 111s m. îfient or rin, Anig. June 22, 0 &inter, lima, snd of Elgin, bane for trorrioted Jouephas ter Tels icre sel Id 1. Nuns I.- tii u. tir, a arit-,d hy 71 00 63 34 Have one good second hand Mason & Hamlin Organ--six octaves--which 1 wili seil for Lo»jkout For My Next "Ad!" C. R. ISIERMAN, LIBE RTY VILLE - - ILLINOIS.1 ý. AGENT F Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines. Ail Kinds of Needies Constantly on Hand. IFOR THE______ --lif IS ...15, 20, 25, 35 utl1 SOC FOR THE_____ FAIR (ilw lile andbir L, i plice fîtitti 40C ................... ..... $9.00 a )a ri 1 îî fi t) r uth e e) t ~i 1 aI II f ofe \Vo 1w îtj:i i - îtrttîîeit of al maki.-('11. t e lîtîflî1lters atldvî,îî \\I l \ e tîiîtiv. Smith & Davis, DEALERS IN Gentral Mercbandise. Libertyvil le - - - Illinois. -I - P. 'S. - We wiiit 100,0(1 tlULlli fos tr wlîielî we wilI -illow 1 t's. pl-l'doi>îî. * PildKED UP HERE AND THERE. 4Local Items of lnterest to Libertyvîlle Readers.u C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln Effect Monday, JUIY 7, 190f, at 12-01 aà-rM TO CHICAG3O. DePart From New DePot. NO1. i. .7i27 a. f, . .........-..s .:2 .4 1,: 7 Il a S. ........ . 1j i'.... i . ..l FROM CHIC AGO. wEER ' 1i ArrIve at New 1it-tot. li .. 7.48 A. un. (')à"ilM, -'i . : 10 ut u.M 147... t 1) La . 9:4t il . t iii. (ail. ni, ,,.i t. t ATUISy M :. . i t r 1'i M.u .. Ir ' .ii 1i , TO CHICAGO. FROM CHIAO WERE DAIS. VEEK DAI D)ePart From OId Depot. ArrIve at Oldtio -Ci ,-rvýlll.t Ari-s-Ci . L tCîtiamo. At jt,' Noo. n- ( a:wa n . ...........7 ii.,t. ,utmt. . s ia. uP. 11 .t..... 7 3 aO n ......... 45 M. 14t . 50. P lu . e -144 .iel.i ........... 5i1:«) '145... r 40pl. 8UflAliS, sousYt Nu i . fa. .............7:t t5 . n !3... . i Itot. lu. .. ., IS sigîificant thlit in Ibores ()f w- ,wwr'iîb oie u'very Iîeqt i dmderîîd, Triggs & layitîl i ltS arço used. At tho anie time, inî hundreds ot fi -obo ûConomy T decides the choi, 'riggs andf'ayloi roceris are' 'teicted. Thus t1leir purity ittrtmeth terîih r eolloily attracts tiie poor. I ligli tiuality and Iow f tIis is a cornhrnation you caniot beat. A short J i îî but to the point. - E~E TRIGGS & TAYLOR., POPULAR GROCERS, '116- Libertyville - Ilinois. CLOSED OUI. Havin,ý closed the season's bicycle sales, wdl now caîl your attention to the sale of Pianos, Organs, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. Prepuare for the fain,'l10 tRe average Lllsîrtyvilliau tRis ml-ans prepare to acoi'otate y'îun fri-eda andl relatives saihnieassasd lttdgîug duiiug the fair week. Wîînk ou Horatcliîlkleys new store buildiîng ssas reýuMed tRia week, thie lurtîner hichd delyed p~rogrees Ihree or foui acakm, issiug annîveti. Il will ho rapldly pîîshed 10 completion IL. W. iStafford, wîiu Ras live pînkie plants,onue iu Indiena, one lu Wis- consdn and Irnet' inIlilinois, Inormns us liaI illier of IRe factoies In Wle- cousin sud Indianîa are receevîag more cnt-umilers IRan the IlireIllnois faclti-les. le helieves tha iIf we Rave a lîcioti tf warm weelh.g tuIlîlluola cocri i e idîmîîti-, tîîiîigii t, wilI îîsu onI gootl. Lattt week Fr1,157 aftenuon the Watîkegaît Ilîgh Slchoni base bal team came loit 10 play a gaine wti Liberty- vilte tlgi Sehool tbain. 'I'bey lbought tRh- Lîhîrtyville boys isene a saap, but lîîirti,- gaule dreW ts t'close dilsov- (itretti uet--no. 'i ley rîîtîd not get 'outo Mînnalila pitclug, sud Wels catcuing was something tliay eould notu îdentand. 'lh-y edet totplay autien gaine bei-e thIs, FrItlay after- At a iii tlin g ofo!iili'hasuoftheo SIetlîvodihtCclî hi Metlt iirîglit il waa decîiedt 10exteiid lu 1ev. Drttou, of %'iatlontia, as "cal" tb presîde ovr thbe Libcrty villa pastorale, subjeet of course lu the upproval nf thieauaI coufereuce. ltav. Dation la a tsi-y talarîled minuasd Ibaraseensari lmoRt unanîmous demîre 10 secune hlm. Ws are luformedlile Ras iîîdicated lia wiliinguess lt accept tRis charge. Supeinteudenl (libson, outhIe St. Pauîl roati waa in towîî 'îesday andi is cotisent was otbained 10 allow tilt village lu secune sîfiieîut water fnom the SI. I'aul tanîk 10 aprnlk the sîreets. Arraugementa yull now ils pnrfected sith thie business menat1, psy s leatmstîîn 10keep the strsets aprînkieti sud w. hisRIaloudanstIe ciojids of dtaI 1pievaient durîng summer montRaliRathebusiness cealer of towu wil ls a Iing oa!the pest. The catalogue bouses are flooding tiecoeuntry saIR IlheIr illutrated pries lista, andî many people bite AI the apparnîtly Ie-mpinig baIl, but wlien IRa goudsarai-a ecived il la lnvaniahly founîl thaI ou- moichants conîti hava duptîcated Itie priceswitiR a baoltte las of goodm. 't'ai)bave 10 take wbal lie cataloguie men sand yen, but wben yon hîîy uven Iles oouner yuur dealer is alysys willliug 10 correct miFtekea. Merehants eau aîways Isaru s lesalon from tRIs. TRe catalogue bonses neyer let up ou their advertis- Ing. They are aI tl oontinually and Ilit la what brifEga m %rde. t7 ii- ji, I i Attend the tes aud st, t ti ri Preotîy. teniau eihurcil, FrIday tti, August Ai-o you golng tu lb' , in're- juniinuat Wariconda ne\t l j tîotay and Weîiii-saday't C. 1H. Smith pnrcit 1 tfI Genorge Ettîs this week is ajrr t\,lannesa, nets, robes, eto., whleh tq p t'Iiiut wa» aldeoilt'O Bilhslilvery A sîtoisi meeting o!f rN. i! A. in cuied for Aug. 2't itpttrtalit buîsiness wlll lie transaî. ititi ,îa large atteîidance is requeatei C'. Il, Sherman sol io-t laitwin piano lu Wlbur Mredie t iloý week. fierhard IBilreck purcliu. Ilta liowantl pilano of Mr. Sherman lii tî ek. George Bond Ras wit, r rtu the grounud for is new boijt - ' i(ouirse of erecîlan, on Division srt'- t ),Jasons commeneed wonk on ti , julttion tRis week. A Chiclago mati. nat jiîîtell wilt erect a dozen bouses t,'tyltlcate pnttprty near the f&ctorî tý lie la assoreil rentera for aIli] ihîlo hny Messrs. Eston andi Bras, Over btaîamiillon tort igit r4 look rip thelr homes lu Amen'i,; iîîrîg the year endlug Jnne 30. i trfi tlts of these carne froma Australit iisly sud liagsis. For IRe Walworth coîti ,F ;iir tît tie held aI Rîkilorri, Sept. I n ti ttil ex. eurblan tickets wilIlbec . t iti- 1 $2.:15 for tRe round trip, goodt, r -t rrauuntîl Arianst 2lsh Close ei1ýi 'tuts are matie aven IRe new lin ,i,,tllirdlce- tions. A Mau eau Mit ut uil t"bioard fori threlionuns illt 1', t t îg a rt itelu. or on the bank tît i t-r. ikjhl a îay waîtingIfor a lhitt', I. 1-sOI a'ut stîll Ihity mInutes tt'in -tiwithoiit feeling lie Rhm tlîiîttitgh work te keep a ireti mari. The Sapreme ci n tttq 't nietiliat poiurns are enititîti lt ý- 2 tierr day ot tweuty-four born, tt 1i r t-ion tîît'rf-tîf It bias bheenthiee tt, 'a]llîta ince, wilcn lloy stayeti ' tîalI niglît ait extra day. rI lii nîti , itilie stîpreitie court rnay reo'ttt, ii' itîltr Iflihîrg jornes. An ofIlcer otîfi hetu tiIaccident society Illîistnatei-s lpn ir'tîpt methoda of bsis oeiltl'y lit' i 'Iiiwinig state meut: "One o! Ourr ttiiboeN lstety feilifrom IRaei-ou,!of t! *i t' loi-y luild- iug sud a cbeck for ti ' îuuouuat(0f is certidecate w»as ai iidt- t i fnom the second-story wîudo%' . ti *î way dowa. A jury board tilt- j.ince- Iir the sutl of the vIllage toIýiti trtyville vs Y. A. Manninîg i t t tt wilch the latter concerta wtt ,angîtI wltR vllîg a village ttriit ii epiobibi- ing the seilirîg tst (t',t'ollees and spîces or other 'tart :; ';outsîdo lu- dividriala withuîit aut jt,8 e. il wasi listons Justice Cht iiii tii ttccuîireî ou Baturday . At,în0-ti'ltratiug tel, or lfteeu minutes ttcj'ru hnîîtght lin a verdict for Manunlit'it't. IL 1s8utin for us te question tht' jit li ou!that verdict, butt lm a rit iOt ac s lîceuse caanît bhi- %j t IjîvcnthrAvism, snd Of anficlea t ,rq-iitfists uPi-o- RllîIt olîtmide andI t..w iii ronas tram peddllug tasi 1 oui- village, lu titi articles lu qiievîlit adulteraeîd ani soin, tr80 easity i.iy l avoreti wlth Injurions lIgi t 15 1 0 omake Il possihle for uvt tt jitt(uîsdealers, if go diaposed, t ttii'Iupon thIe publie. Certain il t , iLime dealers seli superior leas out j tîliesat aI lower ilgure thilu tt'e 'ier.Whoeu it cames b sdîlîçtrni- i gouda IRey Ilitnet calulieli-, it.tact douot0 ReandIs that kii. %0 ,i, tîtl aIm ail petdlers always 5eili ii iensed giods, but If IRey dd t,ttiî ii titwouuîd h possliels b Ieca-iivJ' tti' Injurions effect upon tRe syýt,îj.r. i tisera sud then too hâte to e iedi-vtht' evil. lie'- wars of edrlteraltdi.,,t ti ýr tes' Nîne Moi-e Cîtu-, Die. "ho Anthrax epiîiî'îî. t, in western Lake eonuny, wRhisleit ueked, id not spreading as it watt Nîie -owa Rave didtiRs week ouitol tti, î,of going ta pîrend. Two o! l(iNet-t't 'i] ilarîtttnot lieretofore affeet-,I. 1i t' ciera yers ait ta Ronds whierî.-t' lttlati tiieti prevlously Of tbe epflit'uutit.. Harman Stelliig sud Harman i ,ii -ilJt s1h08a e row Ihia wî'k, ltnirs elug tRe "uew casas.' olirs uthi, IsshcaIlle duîrig tis week, ai-t- JNvatclu Jeduake. tIns; Wm. tirookmn, tîtres; IHenry Kuneger, Ibrea. uthi-i have e55555of aicineas In tîsin bards, but hlîcause o! early precari ons talion loanualetar fatl esulta. 1 - ' - Miasi[teboral C(ooper, of Palatine, 's vlslting Mra. lRuez flaborne. George Vowler'a new honse Ou Brainerd Court Io nearly conapieled. Mrs J. A. McAtee ta vlatlng relati vem o! Mr. McAtee lu Lebanori, Kentucky. Mis()]Ive Bliti, of Jeffernon Park l8 the ggest of Mrs. J<,hrî Ausatin sld W. A. Leane wus Rom, froin illi, a few laya tilla week. le retunriod aller a short Atay ln Lîht'rtyvllle. C. 4. Slieioan thsio weeok soit two more pianos. He, carles tfila rgent and bemt stock evor carrlod ini Lake County. tithu 54-ore, lormely of llghland Park, fias opolaed a barber shop ln the building adjolnlng EnderlinS salouji. ltabîr hchanck, of Elsînore, 'ai., lm sltltiug Libenlyvîlle relatives. Mr. Schaiîeck lias been absent fromn Liberty- ville for f leen years. R. Il.ilckelrnan, of Stock fonuti', Mini, , isiting flus brother, 1P. J. llockelmnan snd ottiler rejatives iD wetern L.ake Couuty. C. R. Shertuan lm off for a week or ten days trip 10 Buffalo. He will vîsit the exposition and in ail probabiNty returri by way of the lakes. lynjueCollby, who liadI ntended to lulld a lWoume on faim property on llraierd Court Ras abandonsi! the Idea, at least for the proeuet. Nel8on litatiierwiek, Mina Alie Illatlierwick and Mrs. Jenune Freeq bave lîei thie gueslti o!flieir niece IMrm. Fred (rocker, tlic past week. P el Ei et i. of Wasul egaîl, se& urcd the -pol ' privilego for thie coming fair. luslo ii was onue dîllar and trîrtler M.-,p'àr "nt o f the grosRmeacrn- lugs. TO OROANIZE STOCK COMPAY ,1 Wire Fence Factî,ry WVlll locate lu Lilsert>v, ie. A itîvenient la n foot tii orgailize a stoîck coîupanly and lovate a wlre fonce factory at Libertyville. IOick ofthIe projeet are sueR men as F. P'. lymoud, A. \V. Waldo, (Irrîn Luce aud utthen prolulîteut Lîbertyville residteutii. 'l'ebc AuîrlcanlVire Fence Cotîîîttauy, Of IDroit, will talle $21,00t0tiof the il1Oît (il stck tu lie atîbscrlbed, part in cash andI part ln machiioery, etîulpment, etc. .ni. Austin Clement, s large stock hoMder lu varions wlre fence concerna, andi wlio resides Jist soutb o! Liberty- vitle bas sncceedcd lnii iterestlug the corcerli iudlcated 1In he exteut of 1'21,000î. Mr. Luce auid Mr. %Vasldo eâeh agrce tu take S2,lîtit of tRe reminlung $19,000îtlu ho dilaposed of. Chicago parties WINl take $4,0ttt, leavlng but $11,0011tut tle secured tu assure the location of sîich a faclory Ili Libîerty- ville. It Ilupou) MNr. Cteiuout's ri.prcsenta- tion tbat severailosuait investors have agreedt tatake stock. Lie la a mnuin whom ail Rave confidence and thoe liereabouts holding stock Ilu companlea lie is uow in terested In are the muet anxious ttu gel lu' ou thie propoiled prujecl descrîhest. I udr dividends bave boula more thals atlsfactony and they have corne tu look upon wtre fence stock as a good thîug. Ilurglarsaet LongGrove. Wednesday nlght burgiars enteret V. Saner & Sons store, C. stempela store and Zîmmers saloon at Long Grove. $2t0 Worth of jewelry was se« cnred at Baner'a, and s small amoul tof cash authieother places. Il waa clearly thework 0f amateura, lilongli as yet tio clew Itothe identlty of tRe men bas heeu olitained. Foundry Cornpany lnconporated Tile Secretary of State lest week la. sueti Incorporation papers tu the following concern: Libentyville Fouudry sud Machine Company, Lîberlyvîlle, capital stock $50î,0oEi; Incarîorators, Loren Bngbee, William Laycack sud iRobert j. Porter. Messrs. r . Eaton snd F. P. Dynond are alat, luterebtled lu Ihe company. The Eatî,n Mannfacturjug Coimpany sitlexisteansd maintaineitm isIndividu- allty. Bothl companlesi are doing business in onie plant sud Iheir ln. tercesai1 large degree are mutuel. Obituary. Sutssu Mahlda Crane was haro lun Berkshire His, VI., FeR. 25, 1834 sud died utathIe home of the late Calvin sud Aune Alîpley lu Llhertyville, Aug. l7th. Deceaned came te Lihertyvîlle ln Septeniber, 1837 sud waa marrled tai W. L. Stone, Dec. 25, 155e;, sîou aiter ruoviîg wlh hier fRuohant to Chico, whiert- four chilîdren were bor n tora. Heny and Frank pasiled away lu infant-y sud Clarîhel sud Eva uow live at Lake Forest. Tiley wlthl the farnily of the laIe Calvin sud Aun Appley, of Liltentyvilîs-, romain t ruuru tii lu$a. Dîet-ame atilaafteulexpreosed a wish IRaI vsbe mightl iseaway et Ils Attpley lain, where lier mother, bruliler antI sister bilddied. i. bil a fond regard fotr ait ld lî seler frlends s'iilunRer testa stiesaspokie of them trequteiitly. aveu ilei en lîdii flot nenognîine nean reltitves Who were riiiterluig t0lber comfort. With lier deinîe tleItat of lier geueratlou lRas passeti sway. Fanerai services yens condueted hby 11ev. M. E. Dix sud the remains laid ta rest lu Lakesîde Cemotery. Curd of Thauks. 'A e itîaire 10 thank the neliilrs aud frinumswhio iinimteredto thel ntlliiieiitm of oir motion lu her lest miekuesa. liecaulie of oui- lnahhlity lu l et atier bedilde, we fest the more gratetul tu thome Who eared for lier sa, kJludlY. Miet. CLARA B. HIDurEsoN. FîtÂSît HIDDrESOr. 'l"cl'relîyteriau Ladies' Aid iSocioty ilîl gîve a dîme tes at the churil, Fr1- dey, Atîgtiiel '2rd. 'Tes served i 1m 5:30 Everybody ioivited. 451-2-p) Whlv Di0' li ou 1'.a tr "No appetîle, yuîî ay. "stornaci feetu bail." %iVeit, tairelit. Caldwellsm Synup Pajîsin anit yoo eau est any- thlng. For sale tîy F. Bl. Lov£LL, Libenlyville. UEO. C. iROBERTnSWau- couda; %VILL KNi<4oîî, Rockefeller; GRAY5LARE 1'iARMAi'Y. WA'E-Bidds for janlon serviee for Lihertyvîlle mehRtol. For Information Up 1 t J. W. Bi-nLxi, Lîhertyvîlle. Blds received Up 1n Aug. 3ist. 44.4d. November 6'. 1H99. 1)ear '(ira: I foc] il my ditîy 1n wrfte 10 you sud IoI yon know ilaw muen gondi youn modîcîne ilas doue for mue. j >IuustMe ON e 'somnmer 6oods ' Ladies' SOc ShIrt Wal8s............. kS 75o Shirt Walisla................ 31rc Ion tevees ltlbed Vese....k... S SO anDreaabîg Basques .......... â AHe t)do.:5eLeather lielta ......... Al1em l12ic Lawns ............ b M isa Si. ((t0 1 . I25 Oxfords ......... SOC Ladis'Oxfords, amanlaimes .... ..... soc LadIes' S rt Baek 811mw Bailors k...... S Ai osStraw Hat&...a ........... a Mena 36o aud 411eClotlHats...a ...... ISC Bo)ys' 25o Underwaar ............. 15c Boy:: 75o ad I$10 Crash SuB e..lla ..... SOC Boys Peroale Wsiste ......... .. loc Mena Larindered Ohirts, colored honomeansd wRte body ...... ........ k. S THE FAIR, Lite ille llnois. For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. You get the iîîcrpased and growing service of the Lake Counity Telepîhone Company and connection with the Clîicago Tehphflone Company. For Information. rates, etc., wrIte-.--- CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, Loveli's Drut Store, Libertyville. Illinois. ICE CREt Loveli always has It on' hand in ail popular-fiavors. Best Ice Cream to be ha]d anywhere at any cost .... - (I i .~. l'arust ild it4assoint- ilieit o 1 h 1'ng tîtmels "týve iljf) Lierty- 1r yad1.... .........1j5C Tni'î-litaîî iîiut, perî'yard, ( ¶,1ý , 10 and u .......... 2c Co'tttonîiand lSlîakî-r FVinuîîîe, at, JWtu-tYu191.i ; te). I . 2C Ah-i0 a iie .lit- of Mercer- ize-ti Satin.;-ini sto k. We i4ti11 have ii few Iiect-r4 of Calicoes aîîd Liwrins wlieh we are CIomig oit at 5ec pe-r yard, Vouirjifor Buisinessn,q L" -U ~i. B. LOVELI, t- t Ir Ir or F. B Libertyville