CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Aug 1901, p. 6

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l a v a lu f e r th ea O a c i o - a u t l *,so -Why 1 Iefb hlm mat nus- with Loulsa, gli sud upun Msu o, I1h14 dte pouor tel- tdc. low's csptivatcd! But what'a tise mat- hol er. Sisun ' et '.Nathiug-nothiitg; OuI> j-au starbied s-i me cames-bat s-hou you St. Denis 'os a sprisoner, fur 1 knes-nttbut that 1 i ~u. i t~ EulySittsîs o~e ng ban orlIdiess sight lavae tera is rscher onutfpace." Andmid hw Luulsana.thîs Siton Lobaiasîaitdas-as. Atn t A s.inioul Lobois!" mutered Louis th' -lyAU$STIN C. BUROICK ' teb imsett after the suaitlied gone, "Yeues 1 s-are nîartled in the aroue pace. 'Twaai a ------ ielthe trtbh blat itarttod rou, and flot the rei CHAP'1T:IbVI. Lobolo îtld nt show macI or is resl ml -e rocompati' o., walhîd on rî,r feelings wheu ho net dos-n to the tabla. distance sitiaouti p-tatiat. fi)r tb v> for be came in smiting t e auppar wl baI! plants to tlîînt of, anuit a5Ih room. asid hardI> had le tabemi bis &st tel i$Md ta bave tbluîghta 'ahî, c ewît- a ere bc turued bu Goupart and sidt TI *0 aakep frein the otbeîr. Goiitîrt 'St. Denis, master Louis camus ulgi ai -*ote irst ta break thesilcutc tfrigîbeuing me cashort tima cloice. lHa s eLoUis."lha aste,din a baîf rariless told me youo s-re a prisoner, aud, for the ut -, mm "dos Simoun lsibîo love jour sil- moment. I feaaed j- a l a clly talIon Il k ter?, into the bauds o the Indien." ae FAie tairîs stanlet at the arante "Weil," raturneit Goupurt, "va btg t qe *,and afseenegarîit in o- o! ns came sitliîu au sue of it; su Louic ha -eoalca for s mouent, ni if to asur5e lad gsoma foundabion tac bis report" bh Lo»ve htr? Ssîosîtî tî e Louse,? Wht "Ont> six atout ludions, s-ho trled teuhi do Feu cara> "kIlt Goupsrt. and taha me priionar." re- *Imeason lat 1t îîo lits Simon 1-0- tnrnad Louis. na boin av,r tbosght if uîrrying 'ath Simon bobois did nt appear surpriaed. Lenliabtnt renibted, soit the color furnuok bi "Why, s-lt squestion: Are ysiur vitz bis checks. Sharp eyae-ra watchinit0o turned'! But 'aIrdo yrua asti>' flm. ILouise loohei up s-tb a sartad, ea .SilapI>because tI1 wsbed tehuas." iucreduioua expression, s-hile the old Dmeu s "Bar Gopart, yînu suspect aonaethinug. made tbree Ineffectuat atbempts usoct a yt Nes, Out iwtl 1. If sou love me, tell question. Bt Louis raieved bina b>hi msea&. Anat not rlgt?" cummening sid the irt igbt outhde di I Cannet say duat I real> suspect, deer, sud anding sidbthe deatb ofthbbca, Lois, but I can aca Bôme omati arawsc aes- 'a-budied by dhe re. t %X di: s-litd, and I abould lîhe ta bid 'îley 'qere Satche," said doeuar- s-bld s-a> tIr> lie." quis, breaitbtesty. t( 'Go aheait. Speaskon." -Nu, The> s-ara Cickisas-a-s11of 'fTea litea, ILouis. You heard tIe then." tb s-avicr tred it tlsin made 'abcityen For bbc uext tes- moments, varteoe salii besu osent hbuenteitI us? He s-ara dia questions ashad sud auss-aned, E iald lit>did not meanbu kil Yeua. Do and dia old sman seemaI! about eQUA11 ll Z«u liave ha apokaie erudi dieu?" hailauced btwaen atoulshmeut sud prde t "bis, Goup; tlIa> enat lu it une ofin luhis braie boy. 1il ON M4 oui> une. Thearacces- at cama "But s-hat could il mean' uttcrad Si- n Silii your beas- as enaat toc Yeu, ont> nast, s-ho r taIt Il Çsaor> 5tea«>YiOn-à 705 muet have suoyed aarber these hafttding. i elarisi. Rcd th>eysat deatis fur both *A>.,s-bat cuuld t'i" repesteit Loulge, it e né, sssimlsl hardis- bave bioo tresubling wibb apprehieusiola, but ver> t 1 -but lISâ y às frgmtà'~ t.« m-u-" salsi Louise. cuusila a üý lace op 1.10 bar Cuapaion'm tueabut rpptng ber e>ac &gain s-han ah* tottd s- ciagerly bis gazaes-as fasittei u î r. "Yonumued tabupester me ta mcii> "Yeb I cau remesuber ot but one. Shati speak tUt" "Certaiut> ru ayasspeak."' "Than 'ta-as fon cs li -os u>ylilîle te tînt j-ou usai tul do these things- La moretout j-ou used to10sulremi, bat s-hcnj-on becamna mu> a-fe lu earu- t, j-au ahoulit ha stroug enomilli bult Md box me as I daerv.eit. t)u'b j-ou emenaber?'i *Botb btlIt a a schiId tIen." mur ureit Louîise, tr-mobling. "Ay- sud vewe-re boUm chitdre-1. Ian ere Ibena a taîglmug. uoyaut girl Of -en, sud I1sa-wild 't outh of aeVeutcen, hase a-are tilnes -hi-n the heut bid lnue o! ils emmoiolounAh. Louise, man> 1timegluce tben bace 1I.lokeit bacti jpou tboae booms. andt tried Wo aniatyte le crmultions tînt muoveit suatIen, Il ,eued sîrsuge that I shoulit baie then ihken an image opon mu> hoant that tIrý baud oftlime cautit neyer ettsca--aoit msat, 100, tde image of s mena cbild. But a j-ou ramember s-heu tle paintet, ViNi si, cama bu the aId chatesu, sud 1 hîrei his ta peint yuur minilature ou ivor>!'" "Yas," naururad Louise, nos- loukin2- p. St. Denis openad bis veat, and tram beesbh Ib ha drew Ilgutden toctiet that penad b> means of al apriug. H1e Press ed il, and tde casaescparatad , reveal[lgl aa et face--a chililhocoontelouue. et fumll ot enut sud lire. The golden hair buitgluns-ild profusion about the displed checks, sud a besmine snulile s-clt lu de deep billae ees. and uPoil tha psrting lIps. "Do j-ou huos- ns-m that s-as taken fon?" Goopant s-bisparad. ",,j-s-'tiinaa tic mina. 1 reuleni ber lbis-atlO0, boy tika Louis itlo00hB" "Beasse Il look& aven nos- tikej-ou. But lîsten, L.ouise. Seven yeroarsea5 elght yeaia-1 have os-nedt dis sa-cet rmacript. sud nol for une moment, dur- ung att that bigue, has it teft MY> ponnes dion, Nover bave Dni> crac coseit to lîcep butl k bas rted ~tuPont mY'boaum. sud never a s-ahiug buinbot I bave a-un 't ziext na> heart. Thin j-au I laa forgotten ltma saeet tove of uay biiIooil? vEuETrABLE8 AN.D FRUIT ARE 461* d ioeu£aom meyin- M- G 101 N CH-IGAGO. FMeiaobaiacivusa wi toMm blat- lot s-asputnolde b> bac muttl-sItlIUonare Pisient Coeai& SOs ons tuewls-Vsehusbaud and lu planning s-hlcityaats Tisa Lctc Bprits-an d Drought Axeha ba!tan apaut n'as iàIpo.I ot lu a Bî mail fer tbe Advusc-Mst acui jffi.1 Thc case's-as beard b> Judge Miner S. flair> Produscte Alco Advaci. Jouac, outIhe Circuit Court, ittîng in chambore. The Standard 011 magna te. Chirago bousews-namd boaniing -bu ola an migt> in bis Stato as£tebb boitse heepers taire fui jîtîroco sheu thbeL'ykuows-sethe "King otf loridL." s-as ceP- go ta suarket these sîti..1,îandteven nib reacetdb> formner Supresue Court Judge targar pocketbouks tilvi can purchase George P. Itane>, s-bu ic sccredlted sitb ouI> imiteit quauttir. f nî'gtobtes and engineering tbrough the Florlda Logis- truit. The beckwsrîl,,îutit oltonçeitb> isnse the bill in the Iuterecb of Mr. Ftsg- long drongîl, bas sent ,vi-Stp in an er b> the provisions ot whlcb lucanit> unprcaitued s-c>. !s oîmug hotsekeep- for four j-car' standing ta made cufi- ara Leyer pait snoîmabhfer supplieîms. sud cleul groundts for divorce. Format Gos-' obier oues bsve net -uisnth limes for eruar Fleminsg, 'a-b bad beau appolutcd suay >esrs. Wîiîî',vîîoîesaîe pricec guardicu for tirs. Ftsgler, represeuteit hava iucreaned b> aritlîîcitical stepthe ttc b defeudant, as sagutter ut torm. Thei treet pricea bave Inkeil Ibuir iumuî,c b> s-eapractivati> nuoitetenca. gconetrical Progcessjýiiîand il i, tle lat- Mer.tlagler, in bia aeveuti'-secoud year, ter %hIdch affect thiei ,,,'older. Wbite la once more fred 10 mant> again If ha the nvboesstlinbyer c(ti gs inm tle tuer- chos. il hac been prrsiatently report- lhet su d iat otît natoodenate 50 or eo tomre than sial ta a onB 60 pen cent la added t' blu bil, tdo bouse- ha obtalueit hic divorce ha s-ould masItac s-ira Suds Ihat s-bat sumettletst yaar bu ver> young s-omsit, sSoullera girl of bu> averYhilng for the Suda> dinntr excellent tamîl>, hicesite. s-ut net even bus nugb cuctimber pickles uus-. DISASTER AT LAKCE CRIE. Some Huth Prra. The rombined Infuenaces nor the back- The Strusctureoff Ceelsand Rurasudui s-ard cprnug and bbeîroîîghtbhava made Woekac.. Psrlish. Chicago the point to 'ohîichriies dat Fite men s-are uffctad lu the Leu- bafore s-are ludepenslî t are tookîng fue Clevetandt aer wurke tunnel sud tOI dheir sappty. This IoosliaI the effact of s-ortne -re itrosa-uciai dtheamIult aitiing stiti morebo tie tpint-es nt whieb a calaityt> n anorty heur WedUaada> produce la quobot. Steru liants lin tb thmoniug. Thenos-water s-orke ituel, Watar creel, Ilb eain rt-I are calleit un crib No, 2, ciugât fire sudvs-se atmoct dail> be auPppt>orderi froiiKannasaCil> demotîcbed, Tîrea gangs o!fttuel s-ork- suit Nashville. Otlîîr sîties aseare meu, s-ho lita at thea crib, s-are caugbt drawing opon Chicago. There baes boan ike rats n a r'and uiteithac hait tg s coaplte, reversai ofr conditiions. The jnmp loto the a ieansd poosibl> deowen, aimast conaplte fsituor tfhe muarkat or aise go liack Into Ibe tunnel bu a proba. gardeus lu Missonri, Kiîna, Oklahoma, bIc deathbyb>suffocation. Ilb19Is how- Tennessee, Kentucty, unit Loulsisa ae ast aInt lasst liresment s-ra drus-ned brungbtthbbcdeiler inlu îleae States lteud a Luabers-ere reactiaitThe> ho' Chicago for thea proîloce îhs'y osuali> colt tonged lu thte ift thit wssarealue ai e Chlcagoans. the ime suit s-re tocced to Jump iutt t,.p"d ot.r.5 0 ta 75 cents a tle lak to esceape s deadi by lire. bitabèt -twetve jnüntb.o agi bring $250. TIare s-are twa- httcofutdIt>man "And once thon," stîlî uote dealer, "the -eacb worhing at the nes- s-aloi wOrki . . ... . ... bat hled us, for dieu diey s-ould bave traugelY indeed. loing otener and (iradualty the ratr ginl s ocam sîs,, s.,'.. sou a home lu their s-erk. Wben we1 longer upon Gouplart than upon Louis, ber comupsion bosafi. sud sihen abc tarw i p. tbey Couldlot Wei ott ou n "e-thelsa it!i Cried the aId mant. tooked up again, ber eyes s-ere tlled with rthout endaugeelua my lita, and thus "Wht could tboy meau' tcare. **y Vet bothered. Tbey were mistakoen "Why." retnrned Louis, 'Il cau tmat- (Ta lie cotinned.) a thir etimateofe my eharatar, for tue but onue cause. Tbey knurs-Four â«i r.ctly beieved, s-hou dieY drew wegitd, father, sud tbey muet have hoP- TRADES FOR LONG LIVES. bila ýinahawsc.and commenced their ed diat if tbey could "cure me, bb.Y batlý-bowl cnd dance, that s-e choutd h s-puld have recalved a great raitsom ui rcallinire abat Au- Likely te Maeta Yeu 'ltgtoed eut ot our ist." me. They probabty aw that GoUPRrt icli s-avr Tsar Âgîalted Tînua. "T«were astaiseu, lu trud," rebura- -a c trauger. sud au they mtclt te Nu trade lu the world ta botter sud bd 04part. And dieu, in a changed put hilaonut dith ay al order diat he bealthier tIbm dye-maktng f rom COal ho b5a6ded,"But Fou seeediey iant mlght nt expose bem." tar. Tiera la nu manual work that b .E me and uuty capture yen. Nos, Smon breathed very treely nus-; snd cuoes near lb, for 1cr. and bb th e melut eistýae it menui? CouFou tn!orm me the marquis lo<ked upon thîs asac very I.tla bthe inest of ail boulea aud tieane- ~ ~possibe pin whereon W hbans a probable expatuion of tbe mystery. = 71, rAfter supper, Louis sud Goupart en- bullders; ao u mcbau that tbe average ,!W,,comea distance Logis s-alked braeed the drst opportunlby ta t &jluna lire ot a tar-wurker cornes out at 86 hsubtfUlly on, And sheu ho spolie. ic togediar. yesa-. The nortaltty la 80 per cent tow- V asý very lis, and distInct. "What îhluk Fou nDow?'ssted Gon- eer, ton, than lu auj aitler tactory ý !IU aSi me il Simuon Lobule loved part. tradee. m- aloert Rad jeu auj rassoit for sus- 110, Goupart, I know not s-bat to thînkl Dictltng sacu!harlu trom the tar la tb Uilg?" I caunot believe lit Possible diat Simon equally good, anîd the bouy tramework et I os- Gouparte tom tebeaitabe, woutd do soeh s thitg, aud yet thlugs a Mt I awés t for a long tlme. look dark &galant bin. Heanasked ud circulation ut a worker ln tar ta % tvemu= at belleve dat ha bats lus for ber hand-aaked bereasrnest- sîs-ys lirstt dues. Malîgnant dîseasea ,Wow y hoatd ha ha ce? Whila t, sud proaigî"asmostunuknow n luaniline detc blnla Icace eseon diahe n c Ilwht wae ber ans-rr' tories, aud even lu epîdemîca the n'unIt 'terms. To ta cure. 1 used 1 ',WIby -1. yU »naay supposa. the laogh- rs anf or little. And there ta nothtug et tahbie pitaI, but dehen i dal st Ilty1,Ike a larwort.a tor keeplng off Influ- s-s- et tisa hst frends lm- thl. But lt Uss acbhihm. Wa s-l heI - whc at@t a adCk !,tels-. bus-vec, ha hatsor kaep env suspicions s secret ter a s-ilae tr -lhtal ugssdck »% * seusd thie ra ha trias te bld ct leat, sud swhile s-e exercIce the ut- worka, la vttually unneaibhy. because p&Aoe5 uiatin ct I a bNos-, mont cars fur ourcatres, s-a s-lIt sAtch ot tlilt anphuar filmes; but s-heu the - cous. lb If not trona him es eaoft h l îo." fiutabed ar la paiaad on to dyewnnkc TABWir"You are rlght. Gouparb. I s-lIt ont> tit brima wlbb heatb and strength, snd c cesà how 'oe substance make une cofdesnt, sud that shaît ta aId bbe weaklle8t men Improvo s-heu wonk- - XiI1u»ver thought that Simon Tony. Ha in a keen, quick -itted fat- îng IL.a manU1 te love daaply." tus, and 1 cannot ouly trust bide, but Im 11 10 lus. Whit?" eau depend mutin upon bis sasacito. Hae Etgbbt-ei z years Is a marvelous aver- lt , *Wbs-m asait5111.", has beeusid my fadier ever inco 1age, b> bbhes-ny, tur the average ot the lin "À)&. itie5d iouart, 'Ibe sua> bave was bort, as Fou nos. fHe s-as one ut' popuation la torty-ulue. ton cegff affelon, hos-avar. for soa the peurt tallows s-b were takan fruna 81111 btter. slttaungh not a tartor> thi plcsof bard, jloIs gold. the s-teck ofthdialaver at dia Cape' de rade, lIke tar-worklug. la cow-keeptng. 2 29" sid, If yon retnasuilr. Verden, aud ha s-et bu France s-th my Not berdIug cows In the country, tor get s-as a tranga bird ithdi father tram choice. Healoue eslhai ep that lenldier mure non les eattyra -4wel amtr us nw." t an > other farmlng wurk, but tend- Ct And thon the trater wss lerttfur the Iug con' sables.IlIera the average tht t~ bih ava taaAred that su»picion prassent. aul~I u amchai Dot 1 bain une otf-leugtt of lire la 8M, aud scores oftmitait- $1. ~asla& vetma DBI bIl me. louis, CRIAPTER VII. oit euwkeepers tîve over the aile ut 100. rem yiin et lb,- Anoher s-eek passced as-ay, sud itd- Tistala becanse a con' la the ont> nl- tce »u -att i.h DO: But ing tuther ccrred bu mat the pleas- mal s-buse presouce la bborougly ha" ~sbae tuceda eragapoit.Waurea of the y-uuug peopte at the chateau. bealthy tor man-bhe ver> bneatb of a buo -1,1 W&t" Simon Lobules-heu s-e reach Of course, s dark suspiciont sumetimai con' ta benleficlal. Conaumption anmd ta, âems." dres- a cloud user their ouI, but dieu kludred Ille are uter straugens lu rois bu UW. s-II" uttarad Goupart. cagerly. îbey sas- iuthlg new bu n'urry thean. 'IW. s-tII satclhlm." and the bldbagu to hope that, alter sables, and the hait tbltlg a mat a cn Al 4 5'5 racumad Loise upon whoseaail, thelr danger had its rie lu dia cu- do to leugtheu ic lite 1labto ok atter et *the b. tartllng suspicion enaed to pîdîty ot the Chtctiacawe. And durtng con'c, snd, t! possible, leep In a ruum BP inr k os. «'IreslU s-ork Il san dat we tia weak. ton, Simuon Lolis had beau abuve the stable. TI s-l tente ulsen hlm cuddanly; sud whie more sOdelable sud agreechla tbhibatura. Thero le a vory erange dlfenencoe lu h s-st ~ et our adveaaure, we s-lIt noteannd Perbapoha was uob au antI man at tradoc that go on sIda by aide lu tbe ci fl ace. I lava loved t at man lu days al ayÀd. i an>rte, bbey rled tu hulo auhnng helbr fc <ce b. orhabaitan aihtl b m, onbhdce.n uohiug yet. diuugb be al- wa> utflre-lutelm. h ao th jt I hav feor hlmu gros-atuso me, -at sa abouti bic lead ver> dubiouusiy s-ellng a battus-, lu partlculat, bas bc etrangé ot tata. Ha! s-hat's thItt -hudin ar oosnu amse s-as men- sncb aa tnengbhenlug effecb on the Louie, s 1m asiner!Gou, lIl airmuscles aud jonts that confirmed bar- ta ber s quentiîn Do,-, ra we reacb the t n-ýasptesaamt atternoon. and Gou- row-ws-eelers show the bet average lu CN bosser' part bad waudered off ta s-hareornoma&ailtheabuildinîg tradea nearly > 7f yors. "I Thse ts-o huniters bad nos- reacbed the besubirmi witd ttowercs-era mast peeping sud a great mau> boncbi the 100. TiIs laId next bu the d'welng, andt dey cas- jtutu blossana dowi th e brinver's bsnk lis larget> becanse, If a mati s-eets a rE Louie, sccompanlad b> Tony sann a Inde tront gardeit. But haes-as not bro properly, thewues-ap ret eaclavMair, comn tbumet diam. As auu.Louise n'as wlbbhlm. He bsd bro-le ar r »om as the tit mery greetigga eraot s.hed ber ocrne sid hblm, nar had opon the choit, a.nd betp tn streugtlielii tiver, sud Tanollalidtaken die vanison, ee atalm wherc he s-acgoing. îley the tunga lu a wondrtul s-ay. Wbere- s Lo[A dras- is siîtor aside. walked ousd'rama to s cet whera a ai, thongb wleldtng a pîchux scelras th "Louica." be sait. acsuming a traite. huge grapevine liadt been trailed up oser i It l aboutit bo s fine exercice, il reatty s thongh be telt lb nul. tIlknous sou silI and about il. They sîopped bere and huoCks the lit e-ancrage dos-n to 45. The q' pardon me i I sait >om s very rootsb Bat du-s-nThs un wasa sready nearng partI> touplug posibion, sud tbelli-s t( questîin, but yet i lape you 'oil answer btedaitb ore , o nud dia air 'as Ineards position o! the arma, iotrai-ta mea rui>. Hue Simon Lobois erer said so't aIl balm. amything to Yau wbereby Tou cuuli sus- LOuJqie, spohe the yauug man, t the choit daîîgcrously. cramplug t me pact that Ivwîsled o pîs.ueîs mu rotle ehlbasd is voisena er u-sdlunga., diU they %te easy vIcttmis bu hic?", tremuiona. "do yaa resuember bbe great pneumouie. "Why, Louis.,'abat bas pot btilih a garden bach af the old chabeau lunCclr- Itou cmelblng puistebon -ars on 10 bbc t thiag lonj-ou? beait? utered the beau- l.tnt>" riedaverage liteof ta man, If ho bas gooîtIl tiraI girl, loktus ler brother ini th, face -.O, -a Iremenbsrit lbscl," rtune unuga bu tarb -itb; bot If ho la wiahc wllb a smiting expression. jibe maîden. 'aitb a spsrhliug ey. f lne tl ibecoetbi f lo "Tise tduagbt las Coule bume. andt il la 'And do îou remenaber hssois, ednti g rOdR lali lebu ct hgmoffdsbu- r"itl for na> ntereet 1to n' Nos- ell ila ai out there suit pick dos-ors, and gtu.Co llgt o od u me If he bac ever let drap au> word 10 bai i omu ued ta wesva long gsrlaude cupjior mîutng brlsmgs tlie average uUO ta that affet" itli yronyusflugers, and tbrus- thesu 80 yearcs-litb a ri, for bhe compost- v "Resttf. Louis. I onght Dt ta-- 0ov-ýr uy ead'e" blon ut theoront, wno dered. lin atm - ".&ha! yuu've expoaed youraelt. Now Yen. Coîiîîîrt; 1 remnember ver> Weil." extromot> streougtlieimttig effert un their out s-lit lu" 1Ah. Ibose niera happy lImes, Louise! blorsud ndervos. - "Wefl, tdn, he bas." I - i-Is. sAud yet, iu atl, do> s-cre _________ 'l thought e' Ilii hatîsierbIlan wtn ld themu bore uu'a, B i - taleTer-sa 41 - --Sa1 hlm t abotntd fear ha was craz> fur tMy father nas nt happy tiser." .~soî teb a- orpoo It be averer pohe nu I tnow And, alter atl t, -l for u rtile buhae yupuîhoito- ~aha splie plalul-he--' tichappînena, bt the offaprlng oetcou-graphfoanrtceo pbihdI '?Itil Fou, Louis, fiHe s-ara be lent> Tose nere happy bouts there lu Ounr unda> papor," sald the represün- éo4 dia ifI1sid not wed ina; sud 1 bbc aId garden ai (lierioîsmt, sud I have a tbvaufthbbcsensationai journal" 1998W idAt bina. sud tbld ina le sean came happy orles here' Cold' think of Il." satd (lie ilan trms. 1 sas-ar dreasniut sof uch as biig :"O-sud s-e'll sec a grî-sI matI> more." 'abose suditeti faine -sa due tu lime twIim"I hope s-I belici e so. But tell nie, tact (bat bts son bsad etotît-itoltb a *,AM s-bn sasIbis!t"'Louise, do you rcmenbrr boa- se ci varlel> stress. -1 have nu deisre for *Os tise ver> nez! igt atter Goupartu ta Isngh sud tslk there itn that nId obrle>. acitvaI." Ia. dt nd Ilu bbc t oî d ttau, anuit bîw ntre 05.901> arber tbis the brother ud is a ai spau nt etrme" 0 ure," wac the repts if yît>'oî tera sIos-d S.LDents to rejoin thena. Ve 1 I enember ver> a-cIi Anîl preter tbu buse mie ahv'tu-Ii Yoti frî,i »d Louis wssa 001long ini matltîg ina ' ow 'adI >00 macd to bear t!' mî'uoyatter 1 get bakthut'lie oft ,amiruand dia rudi. Tha> tuoh tint "And do Fom retumuber ho'a ou i no- I Ils s-araIund bsck or the barn, no that aun ta pnv my cheek. sud box si u> eas?" '-'Iaket-!t criedi Illem tan. liiiiflyt( lii fflCOgîlI!seec dem froma tbe bouse oubili iXt-53 de-nug the çibotographm. ' lie 55en ti* arrisedl, snd thus die> entered by "Andsi 'oh>was il? Wby did jon ',Ils eo loeieioy ktlts"-Ci 1»,,Itaru; and s-ban tdc>reache thdisthonscethiags?' i.iitiE of t i os t.'mîrrss-rlt',-C LI L us t cauât s sigît ut Lobul Bi aebeas 5cu t ope iihlIt'lmgPit t spun lise psxza, sud lookmug tr su. aloff n dia direcion ofthde river 'Mow ditd I pester jyau? Come-noos A gel,,nn ~INe outballe Goupart remaun' toe.a" And as Goupart tdus spuh, i, lvm t 'lh st(Iftirultiiiii eCui gA" it h is-alItaI!ot upun the ha reicheit out sud took dia fair girls& luit is nuclitbortîi.ii -h., i'i'îîis lu auc L»oics tarbad s-hou be sais- baud. j-ou are' tatlirv >ouilg for a fanmulty phy. But ste made ne roply. lHec ees s-el-o srai. 0 î bh " utbered Slmoa. btietupon the grounui, &ni tbbcWanna. Y ou t oi -bes,.l'ut e i.', îoall 1% ibealaV' icli blond n.uabed te bar cbeaks and gai, ductor ehîiiliîen aIst. ryork ba ca prlmesmarl" etUru- lmplea. IWekly. *"I ,ou s-5acite I maYlit tel auma*.u im Pm?, wshinspAl.r Umi egm lieus- Tiere la a greaî dtbercnuce bebuotu M ý " 481^ * mm W"ali l. beilng hUuYan'bud flamboyant C0ST 0F F000 il CHICAGO 10W IDOfi YER BO VEGETABLES. A,,ugaI0, ie. A ngt, 1900 Californgiepotatoc -- 1.:ishula------- cents a badiai. is-cet corn .... il 01 Etascc------ >css a.cfâI csk. pes-------------.1.0.....---- - M-- cents a eack. Beets------------ '1 . ia.àcsl2 cawss:a isdred. RadIstes--------- 15>a at as - >centseshndrad. Cantloupet------- -uent.sIebasket - s cnt5 sbsia t String baaCne9 a saris----------- 2 centcs saris. Latu----------csra-------2eet a barret Cabage----------$0a huodrad---------.1a baira canrots...-- Wts a hasited ..- 29cueahnr OO U$ on ...-.- ..........--- , , ssacis------------ M3 cet: s escis. Tomaâtot------------.. $- A .i sbashet ....... ....À5 conte s umhet. Cggcumbera-------------.2,1Zcesses a dosen- cents e doaen. Cucombar pickle., ... t.. a.til . hei------------- Si canots abuget. patey ......... ... s hMa are-----------...2 cans a sbarret, MEATS- Seaft rs--------- t5 rsaa Pound-...... :1 cents a Posnd. BacCli ta------- tOr sspond -.. - - 12 rentsa sPound. puroni s a a .... .. e" cents s poand Dremcimcise .. - .13 cents s ..posait - 5914cents a Pasud BUTTER, EOGS A-41) CHEFSE. Eggs---------------.. ý-t16 eent t- .m ...... 3- .a> cs s en. B lier---------------.. "--2i-aaPouni..t-..... l cents pnd, Brick chme.c.----------- l -catsà -.. cesîsa:aPound. FRUITS. l'she--------- c ent. a baskeat..... t 5 sta s basket. BlackLberrlec ... . 9$2 a i-rie- - - - 70 cents a crsrc. Ocupea----------------- a l'o.---19 ".," ca boa Plume--------- >_mi ,sa------->. Oranes------------ 955 u-------------3 50sa box. Prun es--------------....--- et.a 5isi.d---------....s..Ou w9sx CL Weath The weathe expecie States Va le>l With f Septeti la>s-il rai ei peclal excelle Baum aprîng ta poî grain nive Il Fori utofcol icentra fboit, i ror les t100ot .Over tCotton a dîst ri 4lu tlb ,.srpidl m Engin t progri s-han jureit I greel] :Ohio ta>, s Ait R)cký lght Tht ble t' ficîsl droui titi of Tý s-bit pror Flore ou§ or Ie cu sud. tiam litist di.ti Weil .r k e t g a r d e f le r s a r e b r i gllg i ni o li lri l l c. r i t h e c r whn e t i e b itt a o u flit a ,tead of gond laed Nuatî ('th- ilntei-bwcuIefre~oe n i li uffered more front, the irlvîitli 1,u andoifo! his nuniîber eigbt are deuid and ~ natoes." Beoîta. carroti. ll. IAII .1 a twtnt)' ta,, res(rutîd. The other ahitt wBI lt gold at year in bulîc' . t .f I or 'o a %vrk l inte tutitIci., hirb was .upptlid ina 5cents tiud bîîYers enon l Ilt l, iI l i h i,,î arfronrutIthe -b, snd it was îm- Ills er supply at $1.50. Four ,o, : ,zIi) Possî~ile ,tiitilt IIIbether the air hbid re- o tmerly wu$ cousidered a Il 1 'i , lv riuîîinel pure enougb to suStain lite Or dam tcugubers. The priîseult rtei, *-'., i ta .wb tethîe tmonîîsuffocated. Th'e men Intel icumber pI lscorln,,mi Il, i Iliai, C crecntiiîc na s>tedei ow the ske Z hree tisues the price Iorf1114>11Il' l'I .s 11o iletUilIes froin shore. m .65 a batrel iîvarce, I'lîk. t COr etautaut limiers tb betheî i ,QUAC< 1 QUACK 1 seet bat could be purchasoeIl ia î,î,.i- ents a barret Dried îrtio'UIl > l III l Jule hase. anlauJctiOn Azgat 1. ,~ shel are more than tuvi,,,- . eI,l, Ill taCk.' Noctiorgagil EtaclIn tarding-boîto. kelcper a~ ,- iit Il Il, .ldite t',îisty, or Toledo, Ohio, lssned s-li tores are sciliot Stut ii ot., $1 '211., 'llIit iitliI-tlîîllto restralin a flock or somae cdy ishel, where 40 l'eut, wi,1. k "t fiort, iv ts owilod by Louis Gould. tron 5 Luguat. The dealers say tilnt 111, îî1-1-1 Il îukig uKt ii,rlt a. they mil[ no t dis-er allumer froiî,îî clos0e n lt, b-I ki .î r t, ithle o ofIîî rltarry C. Teal, a and pring rotted ibe vgetlu ii I, in- tll,iM ie sort of îabb,%ilteg It .,,îîIn ougbt tast >ear tfor a e. lot111on lîr.. ntait e muarket îdistric t oo "I ,111 j s Col thb cabliages thiq yea iIIII, I tI, J..I le almost useless foîrr oi 4t-Il The light an in ititrlIIIjIuîîpe 1 ý9 tables gmt oul i, bai cansvil . .1 l p loW everytblug fregu juoblîto Il- il tRi ar, but flie rusof lo i- tio. frit fr, the alinîlal lilOtatll ib1, ri. each au ouinsal f1gul. i.. -ude, tint the prive 'of ail frol .t, It,, îînitr . îl,cl'tig-,ey's ortîcr rends rnsiderable cîtgrre riou nIlIII, lI-1îrl i fut,,a rî of aliples. App1lest ti, .I- 11î I t $3Il A ticaît,,r.inîjolnction is ailowed Pi barrel-the si.,nie arti ni-t. ili - it.îî t si 'Ilhfeiintt orfroin having or keulg al;i abarrel l t îAtuut. E' ..11, titi. Ij îîîgbiliit î lt i iii in la i, ait Peu or lut uatbyo! i wh rui, i, un 1 .. n!ug or na-ar tbe pin intiff's sald d'oelting ff oudiled lb thictuIitioîgî'of Iîle -,oîî il llst toi rî,uî îvlftîlly *awtling rte said to, grit i asi louseIltian flM1, j".. Il Io ti.tî .îinkc ilinuelîssa ry or unucual b. ceut îîîgber ilion a yeîîr aiv' 1111-c îtîrig the iîîgbt ai ason.- Bornes ltite been s,, s4,t1- ïi .r as go coîm,îîîîîgît 51more îhli i - toi DelessSii thnb 75 Ioîîî II', r berrliesn NI l-bligon tri. 1 Iil 1 t, 1 j:' -b. Irought. A et-aie orf tH il Plil coald bce toîîght s >ear 2iv" II .,o 7 cents n,,,,-lsi at $2. l tl,î -N l o ii $1.25 Il.$1.75 a lix,igu a-1 of '0 per cent nI.rbast >,carIII,',- . -,iliongr unoer aa sîiiihiîr sdnlz-e. t"i 1ai $1.75 tu $ 2.Orangel tIii -il 1i-t pear i $3.7,0 il box are 0.000't Ilt-.. Cl, 1 riels II itnIdouble tist .tt i r Pl quoled ut rrom $1.35 îîî 92.70i lit el Southiru nt.$2 b ,il at 2 .l 1 Xnw are twtce an hîtttas ît Ill I sI The Ceirat Passenger Associatioit ils~ bananars thare atti anîed ,1-r tîc -ît. said to lis 0i iltrnttrulewbirh gmal in tplte )rrthe troi-t li i, . nii, break tîrt'Daut KaNligue. wer 'îirîîitîgrrtiii, vîi tî i va, taiiy trons in Nortbern Indtiauna ae ha tchled in thi- pring we iî-îîîî .îf.î o hiag ptalistatins in rail'a> dePots. I Ir ew rta.'Tb. i-o1,1speli.,, î Io I-r Niiiisli inît (loîtîcubave sîîelî gîîw. i rît ' Wai, ,ioiteggt îîu11bî-o.-Ilt'L AAI ciiîral Xttîirney John B. Ci, trltu, ofu ponlirY Il. ls îs i),ibat lt,, , ilî I irthlt . H. & %.., ays lie bas Oe it h- e down n lu ilîlot renî ;I Saijngfore iuîîtî ofî or ti i.ily dit for dam- chut. inn Il, g pIIthe aîI--îtoi " age i-roui tines os iîî the tagtini xtY daY4e. potiils tiîl-sttuler, iii ttI ftlîl - lligaati . $1 ,t00 tînlîguindepuCt poîudu -î lat yar.atî1 ii [i' > aforcli,eto ba eI.e,11îiroptîll'l. Ail tli rîl hiiCliî'vthle roaîla exeplt the tIlinois iiirt the LtFE F1ESTOREO 8V LtGHTNtNG. Nr et, i, h luyvaii n h _______ Great Western tfaor it. Boit etirke. c Cachet sit ug.poilad The raltroadi lraîmsbt lu anttook out (dl-gise RIIdav0e f Indianapolis Inst vweck 21.539) rreigbt A viî'.s orlîse broîîglît Io lite livia cars, 21,1W1 being tonded, an igi-resse ut 'boit of liglîing la tie 'tIbiy îlîîî îconties SM8 ver bthe1,receding locO l.,sut1,1Ml frointtiîaot,tin, Kali. Thle 5 i cas- oîI over the, correslioniig wiek in 19>11. diiter of >tagiael Miel'iraie apsemt- Local ronds lionîtled 27.301 carsi n lu lY dlied îind raserai services stere hbl dianapolis, last week. 21,K1 being lolil th, tolloaing dsy. Ou the woay tu the ed, 2,000 goare louded rire titan lu the cemgetvry liglîtulua atruck the imetallle caine week ot las t year. There le anu uit- Collin snd opeued it, whereupou the chitd usuel demand ýr atocti and graini cars. esat up aud I alîedl for hrr mothar. The The Union s'eille bas diseovered à hormes were knocked dos-n. but nueohi ss- oa tbllitnlu sintegrated granite; damage was doue. The Hotte. girl Ioua eà B l atoMonaîn @ides. Lt packe et fia way ta reoverl. Il taublved gisWi"tj , i inlaimparvtoua ta ws-ciS. s-as lna scatalaptie etatatefru whicb *0 UuUfls mm ey lit s-AI lieImportant lu Nabtainz chpck aromd b«T. . » ile IlTUIM. DPftMNt. 7r ses- IWavosabte for Gros-l as toloir O-ais, siti oseselaa s8 Os-.'LaLakrgePeortison of abs Illel aahiArtsaugure: "boomi II we kI l y crep lpo t lsanud b>l tae S a or b u rea u cb o w skm " tdt sa o rsab as n d in g encaitd mateclail mPrusemenb lude otr uo o ft e M i s s i s i p p i &s u d i s o u rt i P a t c h . s n d lu K en n tc k y> s u d T e n e s s e . A l t favorable temlseratszra oniltons la Adni umbar td ia lt i 't It M is ouri Val-. d î il ho larger thon indicsteab tact il inreports. In 0h1o, Indisaaunym- 01oui nd Soablaru lIllinois tde condition rile jceop bas furdier datariorated, us- sud r- ly lu Souths-astenn 0hio, l Inteas a i~ ail coast diatrictu dort bas modelmalte1 ont prugrean. The in% hava interrmpbed lhe cprlug lot ut Lharvest, which lus-s-r, là usant> Carrer a! ever tle soutlem'uportion Oethde chldro tg s-heab reglon. sud causeit lodgtng Wlt. mtlana of Northb Datota, we-bre dia tora le reportate. as lrnuken sud bond's anna 'ail fillait as a resait ut lats alcei- ouu hai. The s-lest barent on tisa A t aPacide Ccoast je lu active preoaa Int hl ylalde exeadn eaxîleotabli s. - o Ir1cr improvent lu the condition hîîug atou la gaeneaîl> reporta t f rom île Th ilt sud aactort portilo thebaCotton T alîugli mlsu ad ahadiîere moTr eonce is Indicatait. cupeclat>llInu eurgia. 10 ha' Ia cuit portions ut Alabamas, a-benatok mucb tain ban tutten lu bocalitl'. Ir rmach ofrbbceswestern part ut thea nnsh a boit snd lu portiomns or the central atik« 7cte cotten il uffarlng tor naine.cait quest oe dro gbt ragon ot T ase lc fslling Nos- d l . P lc k n g l I s e llga e r i p ro g r enSi O n, zas, axc pt lu the motheru co atii. lte i the Middle AttantflStates and New- thons land tobacco bas made favorable lectif ,reg, axcapt lu partions ot M aryla d, P-OS ae the ccop ou lua-lants anbau lau- 'b b> b tonel chrciu lunKentucky> bau n purtion s ou T 'enn ssae eth e crOP la W y 1>l inprovad. bst lu a BUfhv'estaru pro , DIt bha»heWnseionat> dsasgeit b> Nec tght. [owlng for tati seeding bas maaet>ry C ab e progrese. asc pt lu Oh o 'ai - ot A of! e a n a thee so îl la 100 d r y . bî o n I l r e p o r t s fr o n t d i s t r i c t s e a s t ou t h ec a ll a i t ky Mountainc ludicate an axtromel> suad' intarior appte crî,p, altbough E F outok laàlgîtîs inapruvad lu Kan- effe au Missouri. stone ec week batshueraîone or ver> tav-oris- Ia n tmperatura condlitins lu tle district* -Bl o! tbhe11w-k>' Mountains. s-ithbeu- Mi Ri nains usecr s large part of thaeofti ugbt ares. Drought. bowevr, cou- icgai is lu the Ohio 'alt'Y sud lu porlions dia Tenneassee soithîe ulslu.nlaite mogiuu. s-c [e excesusveraina hase caused de- Tl at vefrealeta lu tle Canolina u ad tcr cd inju rios in portions ot G e nirl , bot. -ita suit Alabamas. Extr-naci>hot cas- l er i t h î e laîeniitîr î t u r ian ol eut napiit ripeulite or rruit AndIar- Tl injurs ta grape.iu a sne places, liahi Rtepo r cs, a i tale-sihtr inlanonitgs'm sandparts vtt entra lstd suiubî'- d s rtta ln prosesl sk ittiiss asocaba, ram uea tIn lihera pocttion bat decerionuted la ceatral Il soutImadistricts. a-1i, bemter ina s;tati ,I 5 o . t a e s s i l la e s f a r l a g o u i t . Pi s - b 1 s.5neu.. poîatses pour, but lgaproe b naRlpson;cfruiît Praspects Pour. appui lu Idlin otup iu>actites:pesansot doli!s-WIil.s-al Idiana, 'ry îdy;. lttalérans; deeror- on of 1 i-iringiies.cep iIn sovae 't c l ' - . " ' il r a , rI o t . t a r u r a o r L e d li mî p 8Iasit sait e rîy plantait or n F o lettîit> rymiiies, lslam ad laIitlied ir. s-lilia, souliteili1 j-litbha cosslâitîttor tpotaises.tomusteelsuadnuW Id andt gardes vegetetites dlseoarsgiag Cea lygo apapopst, bal mach fruit ,S'ig p o îig sd£ -Ith ldiSica t> ha l 110 Stiterte rIlIn soalheast. dro,îgit lu ctl> itimaiias'itees-tire, Corna tieats' potbeïat, carnieassitgros-lg ai rr Wseil ce northesst. bat dasmuge y drasitit gr',- ta gmore senlau. s oulhs'easait cpradiugt ti res, ot aofs-ast.potalues. trce ad gai- ocropa cldccelîcat.i; tabacco ma-h OSas-I ta. atIs-et; iu-etesrlps-ciag, or ia -tron ,izeandtituaity 'a sou . b; e r Iraiflesu. ie.grasat tuanmiey a, pros e'hi 9. or kicîiganTouryn tauatlera n stl oi ta( a, patrs at lae giatodal la thme ' bs lima cotm-"dtt.- be la faorabl; geuý t>l corn. beas, t. uceLest suit cogar ts continue proilsilg. ltae potamoas, pour grl e t r ' u e s o lb rf s o iu a l l " b a t p o i s l e s g d e notheransaitetrat. lnsicg for tall hest Onumls0gnea;at hanet s-cii la rancen lula pper P tluaii. lis tl s o î l ta e c rn Co tisnu - ta laîpeuice il, soauit.éscaîral lad pîurttîuaof o! irth - i atetos.nilutIeil ssiil te lgit - alPlen ad pescles ,îuprolsg Wîccousta W eeis i o l 's-ith euP ltîua - aMinc P. central amuit oribesi et-ion.ryn -et1- n rcotion- ila,.se uhrs coantie.;rconmas-n Ie1reiieit prusgrcsn cscept iin soutiern ejables, s-ber,- boul> is>iieoet iy draii<st; Ir minlsui nia' k aiss tii duier s-s. îesm star1.i,'7 ii,'iuls- tl outn igmt atats aioci, -Iest tin dry s-tuuia-toaoi pgsig. liaI riaigeisa lIghi stlnaroistiai uuralte for sa0n5 la ain Mtim lia. origtit if nil, bac, ratilt o! sriy b lent. Outsata hrlneiad ), sy-1asic,,ct la Radi ver 'a ila>. and l ai lcilttir.e. eae-ptOaL sn Ishcs iasbr calii asIudbock as radnsmmrarsonu sl., pour tiifatr fiai aa.ISIorm .t lafn.psîtanes sid gar- 0 -s.u; pies-lot begla 1nSouth. lova-Teaîîerntiie-ssuntie.sltb mu,- ate abus-eM,. s'-11ltlbt ce.-t Intael mIrti n..tofelsat ruilttct; cmi an..itlon eý e nait> uate iist y i itirote i; ltc ro r sca s- g .n dt tl g f l n oul .1sn d teti dt a h i te a eger thaaoi l0. igI iei atela t ilo'tit tibrushingrpits elos eId suditquaiIt> su .tis aid ucat sWrit up i average. posture suoes t nid ploiaSl -Nortli Diisakt arnelig nit tmYl i aqpi h>Mn.acgaiutitl >high i nids,b 'hIil losgeit beas->grsaa odl> ; ' eat coI- ng la pragnees. geseait> htinkîum a s acl ra and hesao ont s-eIl lii :osto, ry And I anrle> sostly ail cal; fiaictil Pour:;eun' aprocîieg; lange aaatiuitflis> atev'ait lioitm tikiets-copioas genérarotsnses- însblt'i.pemsiicad; . cors.Iei-ilth Ie sgt- ',bil ctttst,,priiiaiUCof lttie, cnap, ceu- .Iderabli inm raed -s ebacui s. harle> aI! ce pescîtrmland hansîtei aiaI> ecugred; 9a-ilt s i h ek tirag ig a%viicei oue ytetds eîcatiliig cîeXPtattOs atiyc se adancet. igintt> g-oItCrOtitasturs. 't,,et, lIas and laIe patatoéa Iuoprseed: op- île prospect pOOr. m _t Nebecaka 'Weei ssen,- tIigéenalso- nrs; iate panteit cors las impnoviid some- chat sn eauctr oanties; sanie cors butas; out ton foitieet tiuyisg bas progreiceiscety,1 .111 Crop aboie aaroge In ooeherta court- lest ratit pin'10géngalle-i:fruit pniaPects te'> Doue: garlea siegeutitte e-t>csrce. Kassas -Lste cors tonIge. pan-turc anad needosia niprovMIc i nes aia-n estern ttlltsn.ninoî s eutral eîiuiitica OfrMilde dlgutiea - luait ir t.Ir> n tert; Pe-o Pmttiig e fait m,- oit lo, gr.lti- cr1 oniu I11dmtysaoulI! loIt UP thé ully acaptsd !efliltlou orthîe Wor@d Meraug."ý-D»eavsPon. nter Haunsason bai fonI! sus escy. He ba been made presîdeai st tOR tuICmpau>.-Blt. Paul Dli- avral Cars-ara saya bc nover met bri' Sumpsou. Tis.comas trom th* huit lae calleit when the lattas s-a -Cievelandt Plain Dealeri. eeai atter att Ibat thc Boer Voman cildrnarc brateit fuît>5as-Weitl ta Bilimsotira. except lu ttc r ot iiiedalu.-Debroll Neya. t princitint occupation Juct nus-0utIL ýfpeuple s-il1 chcckei'od matrimoal er j la ut uf kdnappng tiair os-a -en-Nati YochEvaig gSmn Ish bbc usisus fixing thc price Ot la- suith letruiosefixing the Prico ot fsctnrad pniodu'tas-baers duosetite -mer comains n Topaka Jounal. hiliago preacher bac beufcompa?- asîs-gulut the ave-rage summer rectr Ot tiI a-men, nn-tma o r aille sprin- t or in-Ckniin Plein Deae. bere se lo mamus tig atrîkes In cxiot- amongthle sortingmeno et ennou- et prea, niiisa t islaberonine dîfficult aep tracI -,r hem.-Tapeka Journal. 'Our ont,îui ti pt'sstirity can stiand baimn aga,,.ý, tIheootsiagts ut kead cutirotit Ilere suîghlmtu10bco nu tion utfutil. pe'manenu', - Totedo an goud tding tuuiuuî the drought in corn otI Wtlitat tbroughl lutIla msands ut peuple ib,, lait beau ucg- ang thair pra> vos. Detreit Frac M- ne price of CORIlluaia Cansâd@ beeun eitnced frono $7 ot$- 2 Theb sr o! ierpunt itongcan a%, s-aIlu clbietce are icrtitsîitcý - pctrolt ,ou Il lho ronsuilercît anuitter snau Amerrcuau des s-en the stçwliliOiite c Londoîn litnanecl Institution talk lit tp-ni-ting the 1rnocsY{aeau in Deale". rportb I.ague girlsi, f Illinois have rei te gve part of tdeir 4chunt e-M ýe flic beatty ut ta-o atatera InigiraI lu rails-ayaccident, Cbnistlsnt>gmos- Buffalo NeW»s 1acta>, sîlagedistortuien sud dieturter facta.Rayse lie in nomtgii'raiitoftasuit aent bIn b> Admirai kichle>. Tis la s-c> a-lu ihirresîouaible tPeople ci- res tlk.-Baltimore Neys. rhe Amerlean public ws-ltreoluire bat- r uthunit> thon Eugtlash Publications fre Il belleves thst Buers are "hait cgm" cuit Wilght imU.urndertut jutait suen -Biuffato 'rîmes bhe nes-spapars ot thais ity are Pub* himx earnent clpease ta"thc botset ar. "eetr gora effc-iîe iicouct ter s-It la'w cîpri)srbi inlasntitb'r s-a>. au Fraotemsi.Evcuiug Poolt nu dry ragions tîcre greut teal et ,about ms-tiag the drought probtaem rlrrigation. There la ont> une dras-back Irrigation. snd blat la thei absince ut 1ter-St. LouIs G lobe-t>enmo-rrst. Capt. Btrong aud MBey bulwe hope aaît' fac Japon under the nuage i-!Bmith r tbose sa-bu ancMls> s-ein bse ,a re a tes- ace e ga If la-ilîitttult fa Dderetanit a-bj-Smith left u Ou rui Journal. It appears thuit the Saltano uf TamItey as determune th, vil,, miimre, a-shlps 1(larguas> inii-iia thmi c ouintry s-il sc In li o ta g-, is prsu-tm îe ut as klin ta be aid for tîcîmo Philadtelphie Baille- in. Au uprigît juîdge. Im'srtiedi n tle las-. reitiaclt, a-Iether lhe us in goen or irt cleves sher lbe groia-s s-lcera ra naustaehe. or la sa uitb-chars-e c; webale, le s-cars a wig or gues ald-besded,-Bt. Louis I'ost-Dispabet-. Dr. Parisr, ut Detroit, nstes tdcl mon 'ate huIt because they do uî,t breadhe eepîr euîîgiThia acu-ounts for tse iort-wnii-i genmnn nlmoare accu La me front ros- nt th,' th-eaîr a-len the ,aitet toîis i., l But ltuimore Amei- The nlire i Teas mutes Ie ce auintj- uuterstuud un Engsand thal naîtiv aegrocus-wltiînbpîrouc the mutas bott- afer. There ný a %train ot independence i bbc Amins-la tnige that cassuot ba co- qured b> EiilisI drivers. Buffato Nesc A residIEnt su! Te-xsa i-d îalolgun trap for thies-senThe trop worertia rII.t bat bue mu iiv ýrasa atrille ah- se t-suln d edu . s a ils o w tic coroner l a carchint tîf li 't irs rr uitahi. wrr in itnlii intotrame thse verdict- Omala Nîsis The incrcnuiun the pniu'c lu!rci l cet per l ot sauuitof dromghî aud -xcesaivais bt uetbîr la certaini> sometkiatncaewviîndier the'suit.Il bac net been genteralîs talown a îlotflc CORI crop. 10, bais bet- it îoumel îîy lie Irougît.-5ý. Iomîls (lmroi,le A Nea- ort mgistrae altos-ad a soman to Ili tiipenaty for ber bue- ndai, a-b lad bteu srreted for besting ber, suit sha mate it three montiliaun the rock pile. In o tes- 0>aee-tII ne douit ha hotingtiau ombrelles ovar bin wilte he leaIntwort' Denier lPost. Admirat Siuher sems 10 have s dozai an su "bireaun' inemies, s-le the mil- loua f tbe romnîrra poplatioîn 5mai> belleve hîni a bero-ald jet the lîttie clique olsetsable t1 ligît lbisrarrer If net bis faine. The tai[ certaimit> daen wag filc dog at timues anul oaprettî> c.h b>-, acrnbby tlt ottbat.-Sau IFrancisco Bulltetin. TIi' SntiuponSu-hIes coutroverors lusIn teveobi n 4sitouitg hua- nmîtl ecute gri-at men rvaIty ae Tt-oN, Spsik. fro-catl.eWIrea. ,\l elctniecor, tChicago. lui: it large li, injuing sV ix prtei. b!ni.tu -'tîruflt" lisli thuýirftti esht - nnitil s I ii nil ltiii t irniicltii . . A fro et the JO e noh, M ..Plea2 halait a Icine vil and nad me la a hearint- t ieu til y i we, ra b-enW«: othe wih as- 9 wtth am 20- 1m Kaqunfr .- The Archit TIOC course St. 1 The C.tae -- & i i i 4 i & i i a a 8 a 44+4 8 6 m a -, . . . . . . . . . . . . . i i i à a a & a m A & j .&4 ý 144-+ ý 1

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