CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Aug 1901, p. 1

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.1 o.I X No-7 Li berty jO1JNTY INDEPENDENT. yville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, Auigust 30, 1901. $1.50 a Year in Advance. he Foot and Kne Aire thiei ltrong poiiith ini th c (onaBti'fhioD 1the lamons 1l ieca tockîogs. 'Fhey are absolutely fast blmck-in llbed or ie- iuedc. \ery elaaftlc snd heavy. tSeom- mended te inotiierw usAhithe I etScbeel bace. hiercules Schoul flose iii two grades per pair 25c aud 15c. Vall tige of 1bosry lm now roady for your inapectlon It's by far the mont ai- teusive aAsortment of Hoslery evoe attempted or exhfblted in tiîls dAty. The stock comprise@ every desirabis kind of liose Ini wool, cantinere, rlbbed cotteri and Ileece 11usd for womieii, misses, ehfidren, boys snd umen. 'rices range Up i rom cotten specialsa t oc per pair, With strong sellera nt s3c and 23c To beautilui and famou, grades nt 35c and Soc à pair. Ilonierv iiçartment lu the uew buldiny (,eueaee IStreet. We invite your inspection and comjjurlson. No trouVle to show goodea kR.LYN& ukean- IlILas /**TaOUQUI DEAD MAN SLEPT.I1ANTlIRAX STMILL PREV ÀLENT. OPERATOR ROBBED THE DEPOT. T kîsitîukilAes.AttiiitM ore CattIe lDie. 1Iloecil ii.îcaiQ NV. Il. Nickersoul ConîfesseslIlis tuý%aei 1ii IorsAte hillecdt tol, - -III (,iIt %%'ieu C.ofrontîîi S A NEBJ. lu O O'iaîskosAiasflus fe-Wauk(1.î i. W itis Evîdesîce. lAtatIt. Sio'eunr atsfissue l 1 a zli W.fil. \Ackersoii, wtiiifor ci-virai 1'r or ati aI.. i i itheterri-nioitlis bac beiîîiday ageit aut ftle ('n nae Oi I f ltle <ri)iiii ownlaki dled ut Lake tîIrii'b 1tory îufectud wtiîth- anthrax St. [Viiitias8tflger deptit ut Liberty- Ca rak yi asiîý f rhc!t Friiay jnct alter neen fl itiihe ihni.A Mr. haii Ircpaltine, viiilickl the cash Atii ait Friday fix yjji>A It it h i h lii iiiIlll 1 I.)t<- îfuiu FcecHtlie wiiS iittiiig lmrepiirted te have fi"--, cil diylg murIlg, thon witli a Iiatciet de- ut a tabile i.4 uicauda cîpportitig filmi witiiiii 24 heurs. it îi ppiised iilerateiy forcei oA pennunit rem(ivci flti'kiil l.*i il i Ofi iîriiIioîîied ieufsiit twaa liot nordtl "thut viciuity, wbcTi-i ' , ieaii i lrat the Coiitilts ;7î lie thil oliickei ~<ii><Is jîst it I etter Uîan oikthe came cveulug that At wa4 iinii'anî ppareut, miau ,! refor two the ticke-t office, anuit Iithie atchet diiiccovered hie wal diat, bis attitudeti r tbre,' weeks uo addlic,i cases bave bruite a lili1t of glume iii theî ticket ilidiiatiug hlinutslepi. tiiiveiiiîcd, would .A [c with no wiiinw, tii give au app1erati'î' o! the hîiwuiiîkl was a character abolit tiiîc ii, firtbeir less. Mr. 1, i ic11i8-I"ý ban statlin bavlug lien roiîleîi. "~ O ~' allibomlai, wbo did ut eveai kuîiw sîreutcîîornternatill. .iiîîig the fihi-i ail eccurri'd a few moîments .,s~IIs N ]-l' ic lige. lie ,wrked for farmeraé iii farilerc. Onîbers wbî i'î ict tile attr Nîckerisonfbad beti-ntelographeil theviiilty and wheti îot îlir the ,,îoce at week are: ,Ilro,îkmau, bis dîschsarge by Lilsiatcher hlug, ut îiiiîetce (tl iqiur is ni551 hdustrii'uii of! iiound Laitse, t~ i.Ihmiiîsko, Cicago. Kiug liadt întriîcted Nieller- I., latioirer. î,iîner, eue; Wîu. Erii gur, îof Long s on III)uPte the cldlug sied get c And pî '-- ' i(ii îlgitlr thl 'An wht fie etred the bote]I office Friîiav Urîve. oue,. aud a .]î,il/, Who scondrtîlkg(r wbhonle îisred te give yoit l i )pay for th,t'iti-rki i snu akùd for somethlug tuenet. Mrs. iivîîo îînoetflmer, inu' ý.ordue. 'Slckersoii dcmurred, ssyîîîg Flotte prepared a plate of food suiit iei- weo aise r bliewas overwerked andliait pieniy tii sut dowii &It a âaui table te partake Fnb ca Waukegmfl ' Ic aie r purb- attend te witlioîîclcasug a hait mule MWiIi . illwt'as.--d to tiî*'1'*r-Of iiuofetfA. A few momuents Iati-r elle gaîn iiheîl uesday rue chîji - îîuoiîig:te get tue conductor. lie wasatbeu pîiu - stiîat YoIt iniglît 'isli te) î>;i\lcame lîto tbe room mud tleltigfilm Loîcal borsemen fi'."tiît anthirax, disciianged and Sttion Agent Alleman, spparciitly sleepitng, s plece of read the l susse that bas vIehil herils Of Who bas charge ef both Llhertyvile i ttei'îiiig the'Fair. stili ield lu bis bande id loe rmoved tbe cattle Iu tlc sontbWeeii it ru t ef the depota, but ollimetmt the freigt Statlin plate, neit attemptlng te swakeililm. liseuse As Dot thorongiAy ltiidlrKtond was telegruptied te takle charge of the tieveral tîliien dîîrilig the aftt'rlioiiu breuiiuta sud for t-î cit.moîîn, the passengor station tomporuriiy and te sube bail ecceNîlîu t,, euter the oîiiiicefemr thut fitbas reache,'. i wl iîîîtj ic -'check up" Nickersous ibooks. letdb o tep ods u i thekeciier.l'poli rrviug at the passeui ger a i iiulin two,,ilsjs, ci'i iarcey e acofi- u ioe S A N B O R C O . ewaiukiAt i; o î-iuik lOtto, Ficke kiierlîisu ftdbas 1i1' t,oherses det lmadicvr tebon ~came honme said wac iinfîîrfilçti tunîder conditions &bat îî ii indicute winldow nud titi. Ju8t then Slickersou Koewaski balliccn mleep ail atterri.,, thatfit ln dueste ths ti.-aile, anthrax, came Aun Witbe conductor, wbom ho I I ui ue ffie, ic mmciatiy cfl iHe wax watering the tIr'.! animal ut bad An Ibemeau ime gene alter, aud Ifithofieli meity eàtbe troidgb on Bon iiîîni-ec treet, w Anu thi- room te âakeu the man, snd wbeu, scthLouiSf1Gy iiitiiîntailwbile preteuding te ha aurprised, wus iuîcritied te filut hlm coid Au death. wassfl, Afin boraesor, v îpi'deildlu-_ ismactions arousdsuspicion im- ('oroner Tauylor wus uuoitSeld, uîîd stmntiy. medlately. Aleman fouud upen chieck- resi iii înmîiateiy. ' ie hocîroner fHe purcfiassd anothti i i rsi- yeslcr.Ing np Adia books, that lie was 5t3'2 24 upi rrîvilng eotereii the Office, day aud tts@morninga.%i i ie- ieut teshranaiÉt uped1lsm rt Lbrhumlie founud t- lir boramet o rt da ta upsdtiaou le kei ut Kowcalski seiemingir aiees-.bhg original tesa deadl waîu the saine as talion fron t te ti. lIn a si ttiig og ,iiture, aiuui uutcirig wieWlend Iput IL ' ic Ar hi-o A detective arrivel:onthe noo: train bu l al'hceofbleit le henevr ud hecase f t-ilalt 1 til ":ttsoueugot ut the ohoiof etthe turredio Fckeunitamkd weretheuuacceuntabie, unleas ties.Liait thelit.H Isameandtâ M. F red C roker, deudil îau s'as. Sl)liatttîîi tiiîithe epîdenîlobas iresci i.'i, iti lam. Ed. Cooek liadthourd a crash as At from uianî sliîi'ir tit'vei i îrîiier taylor Fremntbe dascylptioloi-veiwe arc tîroken giamsi andfupen geug te fier W&s Ut irt dciedi. iucllued te beileve tii r-i nuiut kitcel wluîiow saw Niekerson corne rbe Cli it îeers jury. eîîistlng et H. die et Anthrax, as -'iii'(if the out o!the depotsud go up tbe trmek. T A L R F.'l'rolim, fî,enîs; E. A. Flotke, Vteo symptoula go appui, it! iii cases then Omnar Heath told eftitudlug $47.001 C. Floke, Gi. F. Cooeper, Herman flotter tfiroughont the eouuty 'ci' mamlle let. flear tAie corner of Milwaukee Ave, sud sud August Miller retuimned a verdict Cattieesulterlng witi ii.liruîîdo not 8cheoiaStreet, and lt befug known of "do.ti from nstursi causesi, probab- '%drep dead' suddeuiy lîîgh fs-ver 2Nickersti hadl gee AbiAs berne alter O VER 'y cbnî,ue lco ic bîîlc îîinu.' alwaysprecedsdeathi ngc-nruiiy returultug te (fie depet with tbhe con- II lukiwuc given a paupuîîcs occurs trom two te tai ty floic iours ductor. At wà8 concinded bch adl hurili after lhe anirusalm 0 isl iadropped the ameunt Au fils baste. Ciii'ii îilNi.5 yîîThis theery prevedl correct, as@ Nicker- Sch nc 's ar Ware Sy reietoy Laii, ageil 74 jours, sied fer IWO NEW RURAL M~AIL ROUTES son flualy brrite do:n sud ceufcssd, reclîli-lit i thelinous.ywblcfl wAAb the $47 11 feudit y Mr. rtyvlle -. - llioist Barrington. was louait uuconselef l l W )Ile l4ecoiioiti iîed. 5sau - *Heatb was the amenut lbe bmd taken by fllilttie grand-sou Aatjrday neen. kegnuuic Ne vi. front the titi!. lHisbookg stîli sbowed hi idi' a buggy lu the yard sdjefinlugs hrgetS7.1 b fsdmtd bis dsbortaghomsSI but lie admtted fte ho iih]5, hit loifore medîcal &id linral mai rllit'ulii-etý irluîct (taking at varlons imnsdurinÉÊ'tbé iclhîesiummoîii-d expirmil. wan at Prairi ie tislsciit, ud Dmeutbt$5 sud $1t', Inteudlug te replace Lau iveil vsthbis c cn-lu-law, latter loekibg 'î'itwO deciruiîieît trîm bis salary. be lbait $7.19 due D.E. H. Smith, h aIirle's ,riim, iear lurrleigtoit, suid rentem, one te)II ilt eliifPrairie , hiadaleddatno8ofbkn Dr. . . al sýelIhrrigiamil iithe ticket wîudow sud amout SW ks.DENTIST. %aswei:,Iu, i: e rINr Imaity wh'und he0,lir .:t f Loi-' 'stown by bis ok Ar icbutad utrie long m jfieee eoCourity Bankai .irm Lidi'uî'-oîdîecte îîy Abe Thi wiiîi,'ruteî(hoILS.", fents sîl cid ue ln the î.Ieape-,.i i .,îtii . bi iur'uîrcjury susflu acconrd sithi lraillrie 1w . ' . ,,îîuy'iv f 'i.,t l i- r emd noml] i odhv , ai ii v' ac> a. icuise if dut iii laei ng Isterrîîcîry viii '-t ioi ba, î [-. v ,cclliiug at he Chicago clice. lie - Li bertyvil le, Ill. ttnî ir aii poîuii cy. sud wlîîchicîefýlit (iii pii I lui inbaer sent ater ILt ni-cv andmi uîugr. ' tistter lglr Ikertion hIsa married ua mcli, iaviuig tuîur vîuiil urîluren. leliîved lu Feit gravel roofs gu2ar- Lî,iuiîaiive %%'rck. Futor',. uatîîrmily wilii1,, ii atiy . -eî"t.' ioo oe iicner ao h by &ailiug IL ,.'I'- i vr )ilc brýwgo doe anteed for fîve years. ;BENJAMIV N H. MILLER, A l,,rtbîse;,terj niduiegine cand AxI-lAe tiiekeftiltrrocuîte- wîlcîn ic ch18ieaund cidren wcne wfth ber ATTORN EY AT LAV, iar juiiigi"i tormiilte .aii'ivic eeau- rougb Dcîî'îu I iki Aiiwost and '1 ireîita at Caieua, Ill., ut tune ti fbis .iilig fImI Jeitan -uuturiay vi-ceig uîîirTt.Wet, n'i f, i ii 1g Iiikm "i'rdlcharge. l Iuusi' ami(lluintell wltb bilai Itlirîiiii, eti ur-! Iîvii LI BERTYVI LLE - I LLI NOS. , l'bc buiiiig was îof irik, i ettinubed (romren oirtîi attribute ie-uîiden downii more te nciyhi, 'ri-Ilui n -I îgi Ili'u utc cut iBi- K.,iii«h lLue lu Iuapectiur liii.if i nîithi- iext meutliîeiiiartc (s sdsosto tisi males uîobîi ek- i icmii cigai -ruinel'iie engute ttriii'k s towcr rente rcfoiri' I' hcLaeuitl'ity t tecal. 'his As charitable and per. am Doîw. IPOCN âýt wc* hehmitie ig wtrtakadwould mn oelitf t i.îikogaui. lit! x-loups s i'î,rrct solution oetihe reasort t am pceîuaciiit. ot'ind it fe-l l'ugthwlae et ticehbulding mand pecta te do liielook (rfbis îdît antiic lie wam certainly sl cernenititu- iii' i ci ii u rtîieied ILth' br ty mi illionltiti ns11 ivîr thebfe îiiu IlOfil iar ielloW LI NCO LN LUS K, au nHi-cNouled, saed ail tic costIY_,,%i.$30 fr eanzB ld gs AUCTIONEER cI u~~achîuî'ry tile efnglue and tihe Elo1ses W ilAi 'oI îiiii aVie li» fi iaiu tilîsa Prices ai wa y s Reao nabie. I î 1- - *ir lirs inl Tf iii'I illeI.mivawll Freii EcrI, r - if :t iîi. IIl, wul u hi- Lake( inifty Courtiiet," iîOand Pie lasRaoal.iRolinifs - îIlinois. er,,,iîv'r $1,lIIiiiitie p, jlanit saR kuîwlî lu frein,li' i iilp, shivre J.iii cit l hi'L!heuted 'trom tAie Wuu iecieI ,1tiii m ytii glu te wirk. lbe waus nounoui i i-e idlaîîîleîîîît k'-gunlictrici Liglitlus compauy's bot 1liii ihiufuirand lileman loft the Scveu yesniu agi. itirtedlfils witet acter .aiu5. oî,niit uiiluiii îatu g s a Li e FIgîiiaîîul lin 'ii c gnaul te iiyards week and leItIt.iitIInI tolr Miniyacetctwassiguci y tic POOM 2 whe îîf ivli îufu'. Aii- 'ii u-to ii t t hiclac. '[hoengluie 'ibe tony g,,i ,titIEtîitîVOISwilbt-euit tic Bord litSupervisorm sud WC BsIDE BLOCK li l o.u startcîl uAwîî thelgradei jîuiîoîi tthe flm$600,oîa 1 (et . iiWiici, îio ie ecompmuny urder hi- terme et whlcbI truct, sun eit -Atbî'îuîgh îonceud of $1i2i0i beluigeil t'i. istor An ia Mns evuyry îm ini eacb building la te be rt ie,î'-luaci('tllow v PH f L aI flflflV theiiuiiing. 'i un' c-uibno lecat-i )iîisai i ia-tih-iü aituan ahllaaicot of SeJ011. ~., . ~ '-~ ' fl4~~l L.0lE flI n g thî aii uo. lAhe Companîy basfitehad uuîul cii' t l i îeld a coimitio The umftract ts fer tcn jears at tbe Offîceover LovoeAlaDru SI ore PiA os GN te mn aitoris ut Cam.'vViI-, WAs. sud sjsuutîr aI h"tif" ompui. iilt(lac efd o! wlob ime the hilures which nRouas Faon f TiOii AIcTiia. . TUNEO ... CLEANED ut 1iiitN i i ici luicrative jî,rl iltIl littho aurgtar-'teLbe ihustlil y thie cehupany are .'REGULATEO EPI Hbee b-cu ' iI kt Creîiausiedi'i- liho dili- oiliA te C 'ouiy. Tic Libertyville, - Illinois 'tîu r S us sc r iplt ibusincss aund i'liuipomlii fi lic diompaîy pull upnie bnds ferrAieeta thfui Dr. j.L. TA LOR. S .ou GEN SheTeF R Paes....l.1iîi u ol'i' ' i u-succesaful bliîî.luperfiJrmauci-ofit 115part et tic cotruet Shoniger ad Scaeffe Piaos. ý,1,tTht. awouii thuFaiti1'lei1iNXni1le i' I-l)i jeiAfiand wcrt wililbugle n the lieur fture D .JL.T Y O . LibertyvhliO - Illinois. iu'ioYvl i riiiin iil uîîiîuarters Thiii îoî,on(tr Ilr htIhe buildiings muy i-c office over T riggci Taiylor'ii. 011hi le gcuuiilcinopenof ihîrtiîîîy and tAbelalteet 11 l , t t. ' tciuuuIsn "'m1"hi r aio l u"01 7F r i l a y a f t e r o u u l . I i l s i i h o a g o o d e m P i y . i l i v i l ui r b î a i n i î î î i i i p p l e i l t r h a t i n g w l l t î h i - u l i i i r o a c h 7 Iîoo un ILe' i , iy h.1 iiiKiiPlat Il.V* %SIU' rtii un fo îîuîîîu'î'o ayfor'lAs a gîuîii t)i i I iiio lu , i litit l i- a Ahu iil uessyt Libertyvîlle Ilîlinlois. iWRIGHT DYMONO & CO., W-la- Lne""huiO !otoshirothO Ili ' i ucaiduîglu I Il roman ls'rAwoie îuîty it bas liver bt i iiitr jleasuire t ec. 'un a cr ii iitti i lîn-iu iWii,"il o îu 'ao m îu î it ___________________________________ Lîbortyvîss, IIliolS NIi uiil likfiuuc yi, and tocuteit Il ..lsu d'yjoi, u1I itîiî loi, ti frAmilusnc-uiy l iihet alie eprîco. 'il honthe PAU L MacCU FFl N , ili e uc îîîîu itii ixcllige ea remnlut Ni)trace iii4uiuiihiofl lii c oiiuitcc]n l Aecp-sae Atonyalo i ,iic-llIur nt ~Lw. Issues Iiîterost I3arilig Certifi- fur aniiit f y ut 3uuuln cuiliscn aii e- be-ipicuc'r"Ilaitinl suiil thtthareuildgsd Ai At la NOTARY PUBLIC cati-s ayable o u Demand. î'îuut. <thFii,' . vrI IAu.i- ('iii l i LAN , 'I wcuty.ei v mi ut' Ii n te( i vii- li y c<'lu er t ianu ectofuirc. Libertyville. Illinois. DR. A OS J. NICHOLS Sibuciz it TraisnService ofotUnue icIi 't1l igicd Stlati nliiut i i i îsdbohFI ________________________________________01,)t'CHIIC AGO , i air oiivîi uîîc ba've i c emcîmîuî li weultirtoyf r i,-u , î o i heuî-rsîuî un ii uî s ii t icI E, i nd yo iiiat. îe h uic iiiiiili2it i n,î îu spcîu-iuil Irainîîservice i îîing @s iio tîg Oui ter c' rv i i îî utd v.ilii iiuui i-iiict o iI couî lolers (ou Dr. H. 0. B- YOU NG. DENTAL OFFICEthue fuir îvî'r th,- i J . iIIE "ruîtroad bc- promises. Tii,' iuuiuWuthule wav (iifuir gcuuuil' ii'ît ami-k ahere yen Physîciaan . d surgeon. \tf hilirtyviili-, llutlîr'mIllot, oentwpi'iLîhinbtyv iIh l,-aiui larriugton sud drctdt (u-' îry of the V uilcaoi gît :ii youi cal t i i-ct andC îîfny ai<cuu Oi-iidIEi -f1i iorh sLi it nih & t av'ii' toîroî chi-ni hoenoay hobuiuuuiikmgau. 'i liii tiiiiwilg schotule laskegan (Inn [luit acbituico lui huîuughi, aiaprAco catlfcory Ille H les ie pt . r;iii . ~tii Aielu vlu ge, Si-pt. ti snd I;bb he arrncrv 'ltha i tlae! Yvar anditu ail cI)aicf)cus. I li-cuii-hohicEd, bis Gutrnoo- -- ------- Ilinois. aîîtaî Ou ilîrniilgtoh aund Liertyvillle: (bAsjean nîmuuuîî 'c uit the Wcukegauîli ii' ie hiu rty laugi 47 -1-ld. ____________________________L t r ' U iriISf i ........ .. '900 a. M'. juCu ae ý , t ot trpeiie . 'ii Ld - l%'silv'ife Sa'i'd. ...i....u.1. .... o i. a. nbClo aliv'gi uidiltitpe)ilcea Il -- <ulirti r ~.... - o a. m. btr Oyili u ciii i iui kigknits îof ti-lobeiasic loaie. nuo' Ei. imorniii iitit li citihi - ii1i-"teii .. i.h.m. praireiekel ,", IAive - hut îusîy 'Wv 'i. KculeOf ut ireeiuort fias pur- Hiot W Can be Iower fi is sold 1 It i otiiclwlfotr Ilo t hbette uîuriigss bi Fariti' Libertyvîlle leather .mL2 ~ Morse Fumishings ePurchased of me at a gure than a like quality.' for in Chicago. jusrt so with liaruesîi. My $10, arnessr is a oinimer. 1 bave îri oe ioîîey titat are better but r bargains. Coinuinh and talk fure îiîrcuuuiaig. 'r wilI wait one o (f those 50 der whipî. Voti a (n)reaclithe iuh theiîî. C.1.KAISER, Imm"is TBF 2àtb UNIURY cAsi4 Opejîs with ain uumatchable4 ptlay of ilîi grade clothing. Everything way up but the prloiow Clotesa wlth %ty le, Qualty aud Prkes te 00i Giond ail weei suit&, Brown sud Gray laiX $6.50 sud ............... .............. . 1 Fancy worsteds su'jdlre andt round fronts $ i 1i n o . .. .. .. 1..... .. . . ... . . .. .... S I " Black ('laya $iii.(XI andi................. sit Moe utne shums, Veour sud box cali Osai ' jear NN'lts alib extension molas SZaZSs $2.50,and ...... ..................... SM Ladies, Misses sud Childreu abuesa 50e1.8 if emember your boy needs a ballai âos Aban jon do, as have Abeutor $1389 $1.40, $1.73 an ...... ....... Negl igee Shirts. Neckt%#ý -Collars and Cuffs,- Derby and Fedora, 44t, a good assortmnent. i Yosus fer c"s. E. W. PARKIII SCKANGK DLOK, Umm STOVES P Ifi you are thwîking of hnying ii stove this fît11 or w in1ter it Wîilie MOInuY 11 YOUr Pocket tb looik îî\ r mv stock IweDre iîtyin1g. 1 have made arrnneients wili Cribbenc & Sexton, of Chicago, ti, lanîlo their intire lune of Univermal Stoyes and Raingezs. The Universiti Steel IRange hteads the. fiât of SteI Itange'.; i,, of the finest finish and heavist 8teul. By luying a large quaiitity 1 got a special low prie,' which wilI enahie me to seli these spiondil otoves at aboRt the same price you woul have to pay for cheaper goods. Libertyville - - Ilnl tukegan Illinois.

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