CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Aug 1901, p. 4

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extend trous Wintlitop fHarbor tl bilé village af Aitilocis. 15 lae roposeci tag Aimdy, ÀLsut$o. *,os conne. t Ib8ino 0e iti thse ooe recenîl>. ______________________sorveYeoi b>. tise Chicago. Xenousia and Miwaukee Comîîpanîy, ozteoding tram iSSUE VUEELY <lilcag,, to hennelsa. Wintil1 Harbor ..v.~i -v t., tii te bave te rsilway and to Itemutl n1t tie post-offi- tî. I1. haruvi., ve a i ian>. <)itIIiîeetirsng INipossible. lilIoois. n as adiisvs 1aifi Witt tise raplîl growtis of ttijat village îstsny liew fiiitores are Iîeîîg iectred àuVsrisnSe uÂIAs MADE KNOWWN oNsecît. I1îand tito Dieu prioîtig thIsse faîtoriem _________________________________ lot vti t. blt lino atI%%aitkegao, - - - - - - - -~amidlien te thse fo rmatiion ofite Dow X EDITORIAL MUSINGS A1 V$lacsbaesd tu resu revarîls. rtîw ;.lhq imap elanders sud <ou rith ofiIn We hope SanipRon wili tell tue tCourt Or Inquiry vi>hi' ilelayesi for over s 't. eek before Iufoeinug Si'biey or himi ftl goiug lis Santiagoi, altere iii' blIeen poeti'reiy luformesi tItte sîiaîifi Ileat vas ait tsat Plate. r Atorney Güeirisl kiviox ittunfornisilly denied in te toustcxl i tii-l ermu thutI lie kuowe anytisitig on lites ir abtout the. Steel Trust, for tshich lie omas gesterailly accusesi of itvi ng diaii sup th ie Impers. Weli, I seuss tut isrilleIOhat il 'voold lio a îIilihty goiiiilthiiig if le1 Ilauld seltii iii.V k t. ii) nîtlinmnel ab&*t it. Cubsu altiexat t t i i lirohablif IO i the next greutt i.ut te lsfiiiiatît uer In $bils country andi i i18îo ilkeiy tsi t. dierupiîtt parties. 'i hi'fruit gniw- oe o lise soîttis suit extreiw, vieil, th Ibefettîgar farotensîof te îîiîie vieat, sud bte totac-i-igrtiwcrsti (f Conhetieut. vIli eeriainiy îiîpiîse 11, S vlu.i thse lest rfthtie country viii pro- bb' support iM. "isa iii cetaiinly clétue e Unes If politiesi cleavage. Il sAhamld lie respectfnily ilittusaeîi 10 tise'Amalgainated Asociation that àopermianent peasue le possible uinies>, -th f'1.manufsetures "aesNme assîîrauii.i Qiaitiseoir eiîtpliyes ili keeîîfteir coutraclas. hrosiieittSieiif or diliti v tom ltao rgaltizsid lalîtr wtlslie, persusided lits tien tii break tlier tite> vere tIti>. titilactE ivWit]liii ýsteti Trust.1 Thse Iltieeti Wtnîui,. Duriug tise receni varni orner tbi batleme girl vus inucit lu evi(tence, .aund theprosplects are tatt te enîtom vill lie cantînuesi durig titi' liauit ci Ihe consoner seseon. T'ise men art no4t 0 causpiceoul>. np ltiale i tsi ataler af porsoui adorumeni, but theu ltiieshave lonsg lies nî,ss(deri t, bé leaders af tIse ttetit lads and labcee, sud lisis ataserecogitsler ~veyvlsere. Thse balles@ girl attittiared I Matsediteiy alter te sprbng lbit lie- qMIe tasultaendt nov )11Is se thier ale everyvliere ion tise treet, is titi o's ansd at social gatheeiug'i atd 4àlrtaumets.And vise viil as>.it SAnothte proper tiug, lîccatîsei i Lconkesiortable tisaisthse moderu Wsga itt, a Miipiitîy Otfriiî 44iuii.nbature tfoyer garden' irîtiy bSasa girl la s beau?>. sisl aî ji, The luttiee o!o satin, t , dds 1te e eauîilîsi tresstes, 5,MjIeY black, browu, yeiiow, gîlien .o .Btnthtie hables>, lady il, Dot ~i~wa aieetsbxeeu. Hmue an' in ~* elier teesund Dlia sfi's have i~lned the oîstor Of ilotiser anti tMay. bi'a ututile UC llisuens. buti lie> have thf priipt'rity mlii tle>. T" Rh ockefetler sehoolviirrfîo fr «éUmhr ichool >ear Montins>, Septt ýWl The facoît>.loe tise comiitg >.ea e.M-be e cmposesi oft eljsOienced sud éý *00ffltl teachers. Pincipal Jobun . w4g hose IEsbrelng efforts arc se ýtiWmhJ Spprecbaied 1a retabueti for -'àb«bw ryear. Wtit hlm viii ho a.- ý»ited âiss Ruth i. its., astilitaut. T6prospecte are brigliti for as mue'- PNOM a ear as tise one 3h51 itsed, *ff tingraduâtes rectiveti ibeir 4ýOlPebMa, several ot whiîi,s iii ý,jý0 êtIs e tis e tiClt l tirtîî'J'ibise b>, kolla locabed alintf OU"ra ak wviseer~ iiIora u'llptrua iigis andwvmitiîi.,ne- llrÀkh1y free frousltieueS' îrtn Apparent lu mone tlun. No i"t!îu8ne 1e 6011 litjîtui bas t'oer li-en grauitin Rockefeller. T Ie îto,' stirt' stîs portant andîsill iiitiitiiir-iý tritlih fWbo aie abouîtt st twi dthi'r Iltitiîîeii &va>. War--'etlS-i,'tîîîe î fa edmicatban. Whnî à Tsli,. filntmilvmske t itînitit 'iîtt uein paet a iiPnni 2e5eenv llitft Moke(iltd etiail Milwrakeeii ( . o uab. h> t>. ud Paermi, atsi îîîiuaI trains over tise 'îreibi,. laps tisetest lsrt ilflise boute 5111 Mîîwti<it' River fatung ditrb;'t ntijiji the Vatuable eaiiriad lrawi iii. sýe ouspan>. lia>.>, i.initIg for ut thse damages b? til bave ta * ing propert.i>.. lteriuss Irosdla ut leiigti tînt),lMil- Streete, lu tise heurt Of tise ila .Ciarouce I)arrtce',of I t'ii ' ftise Promaoters aoflise Sol umored tisaitise illutoba ~ ieWlsanin Central in e'iiiiiiitiiY h, Iiilîlli ho jr it froiW in- tiro rîîîi. rt. 'Te t.itîiii.n hi-li. tir or thlie proriiiii'ît roasilInit Hatrb iI stor tii Aitoetibave Iriauneli to extensi tiseir unin lu ti'iI a titic r mt it lwilh tais a portioti tf IvttiiIii rrrty. Oif citir;e ilteà auîtiilitccd iat t1 iti he viii ii be ii etttil u ee, bt; Ino w ort mil!];iriîîatiiy bluntire ntIniitex t piriDfg .&Cire itor Cislsvra Iiifiitii.îi, icl- i. i t i ...... Il, i. ri lîî Kr.lih. t1' r ,. tr rt' rrl ii f c fru . .. ..... fo r l) t, d Ë.tvur i . iii li , i Viiii . ii iiiiitti, ii F iii r v i f.I -ii f i îiî .-M C.5~ WAU KEGA N. c ... ty Se.i e01I arsa Mes Slroink s, io koPNli liîîtei ut Itîtîrti Ljii i.e wu'.s ra igtiftisin utlmtitice w , 1 s ii i l rt I 'Sla>. rit.rgîvd itit selisiîgi q utir viiiithot ait",.e ts Lat i II lir.,ili ti' thiri ifrît ot Z-i c->.lîtî "a"L dfirri'iri a ire circit ji'r 'o ivie. il reecroist tveîî ty twîi loi-k s. i' iiusivu i Lpi 111111th îat titi' Liais ofSutper- virtorm, knuîîs iîg tiit iît aunlut]i tgîsiiy doi ait, viii ktî ilimiiler Dliii'e'm i ciiits ftir rodvi itl ites ion ri'r.illiig Z lii, 1)yless WgIas-ssanc niasaiaeaboi . aex weeli. .7..d. EBgin aButter are, Tihe otferlnge af botter on the Bord of Trade Mond sy aggregated 27,000 pooinds, 20,000 being soldat 20c, a drap of 0041le tram lasi veek. Thse mar- ket vasliirm ai 2goc. Sales ai thse veek, HAINESVILLE Cliut llendee le ioigliog his hanse. Mrs. A. L. liendee, of Waukegau, vliied relativeslisera Ilnroday.. Miosi of te yonng people attendesi tise pieute at Long Lake Sunday. Miss Foie>., of Chicago, visitait at Clevelanils 8îîirday and âuoday.. MIr. and ir>,. 1. A. Foulna,and Riijah Rtichardson weee visitore ta tise eaunty seat Moudtay. S. F. Cleveland bas reuteil a biouse ai Arington Iigiste asuri 11movo is famil>. tiere in tise sear future. Ars. Sadie Mesade and children, ltirs. George Frerlersics, tirs. Gilmare andi Leuins, antd Mis. Ray were tise goeuts ot Mes. Wighttuan Tuesday. Mim. utild Heudee enleriainers Mr. sud tMrs. Horace tisakins snd Mrs. SamnS -troitsn, ofAutiocis; trs. Jeus- niog, nofteneva; tirs. Vaiu Cleef sud soi, o îf Chicago, faut veek. Mr. sasdl tra. Compton basi qîite a sorlou isit itti a t tiraysake Monda>. evctiug. T'litelltiitise buggy camse off, throwing Mr. Comspton oui ansd frigtttentîîg tue sorsqe, draggiog hlin. qui te a iii stallten. Iosas iuj orit Bomevitat, loit il 15 tîsougtis not serin ui>. Our mail nov arrive>, on the lit Paul ilisteail of via tiraysiake. 'l'ise dues of te pristmaster are consîderabi>. lu- eresed ib>. tiis arrangemntase Ilse Volo antdiport fHilmaii le nov dis- trilîtesi frous Ibis offie. A carrier bas 001 yet Iteen secueed te taie tise masil te andi irom the traine as thse componsation itifered iilever>. le,. AN TI Oc I. Are yen gnîng t thtie fair' "liluth ause vent Il 10 5 in f4vor vif t riysiuiko. 11'3-etatuus for isordai'ks tiat mate Atîtiocis tainouts. Next Saborda>., tise 31a1, viii oecur 01e speeial progeaanud dance at tise bylva i. Ous Sattînia>. night aise oattise orees Of tise SYivau Bouse teani vae kioied b>.Il its aute anti so basf>. ljures tisat e .. le -oii. Mir. Mirritl A, Singer anti 1iss LII Tie0fabiy.ZNeBePresisAser('nmstittees liait M. Arenîz, boluth tf (tii tPark, wî're reebiveti a large part>. of ebildren on a iotteoi lu msrrîîtge t'Stity liy titi. Cv Stlrdi1îY, Pire. Aluins, Mrs. Dr. Kar 1'. . IftiMn, J. C. James, Ms-e. A. Rin>ard aud l iitiier, paîtorof tirettO irst Mrs. D. A. Wiliins provldlug for tisir SCouigregiîlttmnai 'lcirrut i i8 rn.iiticrceonlerbaliimentý eon i. tii-u t re"t. Mir Mienj A. Singer t'ît'e.lie, Ify>otsihall a gallon ofWaller t mas sonou ln et A.îîîî '.iiiger ini form'a'Ira day foir >our tise vould Y>.u drink btL 0 yer,4%tii knwn lt ttiscorn,,, ailIf ouehousîsi use 45 galaons a day yeas itli tîow ii tt5i-ufnnhuiy.weîuid vontihave tomueh'? If iffoO rire briai iuiipie are ni sklog as isirt peoplie 8isoult average 45 gaillons of 5eit j~ttis tiiic relitubîva, Mr. aul Mnré a vaer ecIL a da., iso, mas>. galions? Gl. N. tinidiey oîf tlIs ta y. Pro.. Horace ilsekine andvite aree luillit lu irnn. nslautrnuark r, V;H-vislling su hie id home ueigbboritoo i thia week 1Iroi. Haskina wviiihave ekOguin, Iwstî lIunrldtvutuje grioIU c ari>. chargeof *tise Wasington Bebool lu l'ouehduiy tirritg. ITio rîgin of itie Chicago tire comlng ear. His vIfte l ire lmii onros n unî thtet, vîuiige Ccie, in sateaciter lutise Cihicago echaale. ýIeIt n heIlaz, n l-it ilit li iDOto bc he ut'elved loIrto beileviisg $Uý,jlusrairetoth( ixtili ,f$,,11)tisaItishe Lake Cont>. Pale dont pa>. asliîbîerai prenitime as lise other faire va., catnieu 'iTe tuain, 1I rît'ii te îof bise fStalle. bireclor Bock eays lhe y euier tf (ililite'vetînnuand Nboirtît Lakerfout>.premitîni lirani, 1111h yaveniuuî, va., ei'fuiii lîy .1. irîattrigtIsL'l a liet Of 1Pll fur the amoutaepatd In aSouris, iitin rtfacturera tof liiite4iblac'k-pro mi ttni5 lug, ilmgeram, e'. To af tue i,'remb Air' bludren rau iuguils, es~~>,,T'te tetfiel. iclire ae>. i edialel>. upon tiseir arrivai v as tiheastritut'. Stocek (inu itandtiiiri sHia- Saineda>, ands aarles home# gettlng teruat ani ixturrs ru'îrî'sî'ýiteî abolit Mas fan as LoonuLke bc-fore tise>.veee $-ItIilItandtiinn thil titi.>. tunnedltîîîtovertakeu Tise sopprteition ls that $i.uti inriiitiO.I lie [trit wssi i.vte(ltheyvore itomeelci sud ilie mosi hili'reo iivauieib to go home."1 b>. Ciii. A./ i.Ilogetî sol 'ais liititrij teelut. nut usirl ii titiSut i i'us Their Secret lil(tOnt. bisilIi ug brutni lu-nc iituiil'y Mrisss. Ail i.uii'ut.' W vs VlOitu t-Ior ia Wisnrlgbî for uirt a yt'îr, wilîi uuru "... i îi utttt irr liî iii t i lsiItuik Vtrir lIîîuil u i l i l nuqI" ru ni,'l tîi. i -.i ' r',hIrttisk#i' vhto tuait ton a long a imp uiy mt.îo tîtrîrîuîsîîu',., ut ),'t i 4 i i t .jrilît sIiffelIIIC roui a 1 'irriruri. leOi o'trIiîi 'l alue tutDr. Stiga wrisa aidaîorl iniWaittîtigiiti L vs w rmu" ii.i"ue'uir ,snd tIen '-ursilOur hulIil 1i,t Iy C &sîs i, Z t îîo ig.t t IttIt. granit ilur aflso? evere sttack et andicenut aboli i.lî tuitU fi 4ILy.'rrs I slieeplog nOig."if poalively cuire 'ta<u."l la ta rtps'n.bironehsltis. ia l i'oat aga i asu8ild for a hluck barti lu 5IL rin Iung troffiotn. tiaranteed frolies site vere raiLsidmmniy valirabl lîu ur8tuit, sit hi.o Triai iotlii'a Iees a? P. B. I.OYELL. moitlitlte CiyýIl-8diîio tinceal. six Lirrti vI": tlaGAYss'.saPHAaau.aY. yesîrs agi Catît. iiigtguise upa niiîiiie oses aundlfuir a fp.w iuiuunei PEOFLES' COLUMN. yetia sIL srau Lser] luy traiînertf riherses. Dis un Ilu sx err t ii rs f s'i ia )SIIT. STIiAYED tORt hTtLEN-A black Diiitoii the ro tesroi .ciiar illage ltthltrr. froesintasitre. Vin TueaIt d urMtr..Mil Us i l'orus, tif Aia luth lIt"vsr'I for retrtln e? satan' W. A iL uINaHiM ox,-a.iimoud '-sit.. 47-2-di Nort Chicaigot vs rui rhum Iu1y sa F> ALE-bii-,î n oceSr. vîî tony andta c alroett ('Se M otilayit i fi rui ii ru Huitl i id F hu'itrdublesîtielour aîl lîricicottage. Lit 6:15 iIn ' fii r l iirutiang ' i I,. ur t tirsw - tf-littrutiy ole eit'idInusLibterty- if. riE IVesis luis tir fWitKai Lake' Coiitty > . I un ' 1 ciet îj i i i iLF i ir s..î, Litttitysil.. 4-4- iti"uinni iiniit ilii ic It \ends ! l ta ii and pringe~rK.t, afle ntnu.(MrIarIt III Ier IiiOUtt k S ENourri-r tu,'lolk i'a sit geais lic.ui titI trt' Laurge ittutu di r Ives Fl522-l.,e L.itouh ai îuutfatusi ( t i t] YhiS j:ut h asarFeil ~~iri".oiiuuuci l oinsrasuit i-sun ti iiude t1'tir 1..aitE iirineViaii ls1'-- LI t- iiI I1- "iitt lfi-Lni w se a-l. :Iiti .Vi 'uit 11JtJ-e lat i,, N) t.isnd lut isg. fiu i.1 Wst lis'i e. to' i r trboy i .î aiie ,'I iri r ii'iîîîî. fuir sur "u n s. i'l f u i se Idic. "rst, " soiiuiue SraS.41aisi Psuiy- werî' îîLiyîgliesîie lits'track. the>. mjessrequireui iong suîne and 10v rase, o? dîiu'î t know oîf fle apîroaîctuuug danger snte.. t iicfercd iayîessa. If nut sold Sb septi-iier 15 51tu titorentes. Appis tolS . sud Diitu tsrou direesl>. fît frornitf lt ttstt.5theer i5. Anuse-pF. Car vtîv(hit stut5,'.e itrissh tt., LSrîtUnIuug___ utl' Usualgis c ale otfrireer l'lite To Save Hec Cils car vii, sltopejtî'd luît t late, for tise fr iiifi igttfit 'lislilir r'mýntAre. Nannie Vi ieehs [bail itasfiirivetVire iii. tlie oflu ui'A Lilt rngon. . attiiet Sitîs-iis uieto gesat soesosliser VIu itIti', iîrdy. t ut uf itlsi.. fect va. Cii tît. I taitdfIgit.- andurt riless leits ui eues i'uiutctI l ir iacp s. IL vorks ventiers if~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~I un 5'its' vst'rli nîîv ssontus, h MiILnai.otl rupUins.uHft.iserrns. 'sui lt. Le i 5i. y î iiy 'rn De siitieandi tlle . siiCu"e Stisanteesi bY uIt s'e nr lvus1 suttI L~atiuils ti.F n. LivEai, i lrtyville: GxàaLA..u as., reuuutved ltîtfi liestnilal in Ibis City., VItnr.' tlii" p sî'l u 'i oo ILb, ay I)ticlor.. lv igliti'nut a'î loiiItti .BI RI ST O WY . toit iuetîuruutî.uî tfiti-' I 'uluta4r) tniaflt sud îîcuglit lîy eveiry IttetItl, kîou nt,> MANUFACTUNKROF' tise ineihteal prtifessu.u"lui M ave lite Young silihir-t"s itft' ItîItem virefttsm x arble W ,eree(If no assit Mîil 'hies la>. it i; 15an Ociock i t'e hilul li'i i wtftiilrit regan- n loîg ciiàtitsa.i 00TZPORS su. 'onumptan ob. cured..e Nau' la newn do il. Il needa help. Dactors Sa>. "Scott9s [molsion le tse beet lslp.. tnt y'u muai ontinue I1h use even ln bot weather. ~Se.s»d hua; et~u.Il Granite monumens. WORI< OF IhVERY Descrption. aiecis. WAUKeGAN. THE BEST THIEY KNOW. Kumembethsid lady who rode for the fIr* coilion, but whmn the rescuen reached her sca. waaquit. cdmn.She uàld the muppSa theT always atopped that way. The utory vel I iua- tate why so many womme arc utaWe to Un .wlthot Ivcry Soap, They have neye tried it 1 Naturafly enouh, they think that annoylng odomituharp chmi- cal., and waatefàul rmainart commnon to ail ou,. 4 GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. 4 o ok Hti ae a fieu uttsisF.I tems .srstheman u, authOrfeed te ,eccive subleptions, advertimsents and ordpr tc fo W. C. Tluse Table, Graysake. NI) 2. 9:26 P. M.Stop Mundsy niglit on signai . l.4::J8 P. M ...Daly exnueit StBanda B. 11:38 a. m... ... . 10i. 7:23 a. M.Mondays anrt laturilars on£ 14, 7:23 a. M ....... ..............afir N. 0.25 ssa, ...Daty chi'cpt Suotsy 7. 3:01iP. M- 9. 6:23 P. .Fridsyandi Biturdarsloni, 13 6:.0a P..............D l y Miss MAule ansi Lonle Wickuenel. tertaiueui compan>. ist vee. Mis" Rogers, ai Cisicago vau tis guest af Mr&. Wm haKpple several daya of ibis vei. Miss Donaldeann, ar Norwo sark, la vlsibing vith lier muni, tirs. Steveus and iser grand.pnrente. Miss Etta Parr, aifiRussell, an- compauted Misa (Jodley.hanse lait Sunida>.,andI vii rensain ail veek. Miss Carnie Bicks and lire. E. Woodi. vorts, of wbeellug, vers entertatned b>. Men. E. B. Sherman Baturda>. and Mdiss LIII>. MeadI retururd ta lier isome 11nChlicago Thursda>. after a visit of about s monts vits relatives A largenuTmiiertrom boe aibeudesi tise Soitiier'enionlu10Waooda lait .Weineisia., sasgulise Camplire Tuesia>.eveniug. Misefugrisis, Of Chicago, vas use goeet Of ber atiuî, MIse Boglee11odee a vleei, returnlng taiser tome WednesIa. Miss Sue Palmer sud uepisev, cyrus Miller, Of Laie luffi, vere the guesti cf tise Witehsead andI Longabaugs familles ibis vetîk. Mes. JoIrgeueon returued ta lier home ln Deerfleidlait Thureda>. afiar a viit Of tvo Montbs vltb iser parente, Mr. masd tirs. Jeffera. Misses Asdie andI Pearl Fentn vis lave iteen vleiting tiffeir muni. Mers. A. W. Have>., eftertasued frienslsi rona Chbicago tlntstBuda>. tirs. Vsan Cleave ansi tva sou>, andI teverai thter frieuds, Of Chsicago, were t gtuebts 0f Mes. Enclid Heotee and dautglet weei. Negotisiione are te nding respccting ho Pircisase nf P. A. tiobînsons bouse, nov OSucupietih>. (.M.PFbith.Tise wouisi ho porcisaer le L. M. Bilekoam Otto Johuson bai realguesibig Position an section banseou the Win. Cousin Central, 11e having broken a c00lai boue IalIngD off a fralghl car sororal veek ago. Mr. sud Mms Ralpil White, ai Wiiliaussiurg, tdie., causins ai D. o. Whiteasid MIse Cars White, af Loon LLOk, ver e 1h.guua a1 Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. White Wsdnesdsy. M ra. Joues, ai Chicago, came out tant Tueida>. evenlug to ssearan 1151e graud.ciîild iMable, vho le laid np viii A broken tact, canseib>. faiug oft a lo0f 0 agie a veek 9aga torda>.. Mesdames E. J. snd W. Il. ugIe>. SaaOmPanled tise Emètern Sta Chapter of Libertyville on a trip te Laàa Geneva lait FrIda>., beiug the ouI>. anc. otOrayslake Chapter Who vent. The trip vae delighttul. Iteglualsi (odirey hasan ccepted a Posiion vitis Lyon & Sans, Waokeganý aud 611tered upon bis lirsi daties lait Monda>.. He viliibe greau>. missed hosreespecbaîl>. lu Saroe.ta Uapter o. 'B. B., aifvtslch lie bas beau a ver>. 1-i1l h,,rmeber; but v evbbhlm,, aucees Iliis1h ev positIon1, noviug veil tisai lie ili give satisfaction 10 bis 0ev emplaYere andI vilI maie a Speak Evil of No One. A. King@ Dangltere cîrcle orutotn girls chose for lia matatbeehe tbreee varda. 'l>oard th1e Toogue." Their s1pecial promile. ta eauis alerwvas ta epeai Do cvtiiansi ta listen ta no evil reports or rensarkis aoutan> ane, sud tu diqScurage &il gosslp, scandai Sud adverse eriiisns. Tsey ver alilvery nice girls; 10 nooe vOolsIhave Siispected tliem 0f the vulgar habit ai goesbping or Of sayîng onkind thluga 0f their coins. panions or ueigisbors. Yel afler aise nionth uder tise nev rote ai ratrain- iig tis tngue, tisese grilsevery one of thens, confessaittisai the>. lid been campeliesi fo eserelÀ grest aeii.denbal lu ordee to carry out thebi promse. Wons sHomne Compason, [PATENTS i NY Aed. =..etc ,tmkmtuNe .MI Have placed in the store of C. R. Sherman, Libertyvihle, and E. B. Sheffrman, Grayslake, a superb stock of BALDWIN PIANOS that were awarded FIRST GRAND PRIZE at Paris, 1900. This ian opportunity for buyers. The inducementa are 'inlistial. Visitors welciiie. Inspection solicited. TERMS;--Cash or easy payments. D. H. BALDWIN & CO. GUS B. BRIGlIAt, General Salesman. N. B. --Ur. lrigians c-nbe seen persouail>. ai thestore lu Libertyville ever>. Wednesday end Thursday, and at Gesysilake ever>. Frlda>. and MBaturiay.. tTAKE ADVANTAGE q * 0OF+ OUR REDUCTION SALE.~ Any of thse 6400 Shirt Walits ..... .39 Auy of the: 76e Shirt Waiste .........................s . q. A oth $1s hirt Walog.t..... 79 LadiMens 2.25 Tan Shoen ......1.6 mon% $1.........ta.............. .'0~ q Mon'& Biao&anSd Red Wool Sweaters .................1.303 q 4 cana Arm aurse Pork a nd Bet e . ... ..... . . . . . .3 0 * F. il KUEBKER, q f~GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE, q Grayslake. Illinois. q $1, hmopt....Z300 Also Agent f or......~ Crescent Bicycles. 1 eau saili yïo a better viseel for lees ntoury than you eau bu>. elaeeviere. Yon viiliEndi tue a aertiitn true If youuInvesilgate. CALL AND EXAMINE. NEKW ROPAL NEKW NOME &WILSON Swîng machines.11 Prices and Terms to Suit You. E. B3. SHERMAN, fJrayalakie - - - Illinois. Good Values at "Way Down"p Webv odeoc fM aSosai $1.1i ti.... ...$3 00 LadieeShoe nt900tu ............. ...... 275 .. Blippers, ta close, i5et o ................ .1 o) (Jllldren'a Shoeas a 2)clo . .. ......... ...... ... 3 one lot to cloue ... .......... .. 0 (lese titan hall prie Ladies' I$10 W aiste ai.. .. ... . .. . . . .... .. ... 7 500 ait . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 40 [aAlee' Dresses, a goosi msortmeîît cbcsîý Mens Suilte, 33.065 ta ..............1 0 Mensa Light Suite, &Hl vool, reducesi b ...................... 8 o0 Boys' Boita, up tram ............ .......................... 75 BOYs' Shirts, a good assorimeni ai iltetliiiii) ri'rim. MeOn's Shirt Waist, a ev lefi. Mon'a Blrav Hte at yoor owfn prie.. A foli stock of Graceries. Ail Goods at Lowest Prices. W. W. EDWARDs, Gra.yalake - - - - Illnois. la ~ ~ ~ ~ o 41tnga c och, Ioste Bsset Jn rda>. au a. Do,,09 Waukea., la visilsig ler swu Joh, &StUy Lk. Mre. Sidney Euaiainsd aMc.. 1os Wall" on vasa Mlenry tcalter@ satuk. Mrs. aMite Hertel sud cudno Froent. si itea, ai jobn Bosiiig'f Thureday..h L&Jgl Aunie 1M111er and Paun>.Belion aif tramant, Vitied chioir Paente bore Suda.. M'ises Belen WoWOdhua sud Joulee uSoxen, 0f WAUcouda, ver. Vole visitons Sonda>.. Mrm. Stanford Sud dangler à,i Of Ciisgo,iRpent Saturda>. aud S d ay a$ Cl verdale ar u.h a Mr. and Mre. Jou (hloasn a1 Melieur>, spent Monda>. vhs tiL Cr danghter, Mrs. James Murray. ais. E"a Converse andI daughier FianesofaiChicago, ane spenut 1 veak vitit Mis. Jane Converte. aMie0111118uniegfl anSd irace Boyle, o1 Jolit Isa are Viaitlng witii Mrs. Bail Paddock vera Vola caler@ Wadnffday. Prof.-Rolle.FPoton, vile sud daoglsiei ielntned go chir ihonme iuWausegau Tbufmdsy aflea sviit oi two veekis et Beuglit Brai. Ms. sund Mrs. Arthur Graham and Mr. and Mms. mer@on (ooe, of Wau. ods, er. caleraset A. j. amond's ëuuday attsruaan. MMs. Shaeter andI Mrs. Theodore Wiukl, ai Ne Henry., sud ire. weba, a, ofChicago, visited ai (J. sabela W dueedsy. Misse. Mary lRaymond, Jennie Wallon, Rose Huma n d Maryiangis vers ai lvanhoe WedneedaY t, attend thse Paiker Decher veddlug. Mis Oive Wilson, hb bas boeuà eaunding ber vacation as the borne aI ou Wàdmoigteet àfay' ptllouy Ailký S 161,vben blraivdegiher Utr. OheJi eePaker, of Vole. The mafflage ueremonywuvaserformed by Bei. D. <J. Driltou, piston af the Wau. coudeanafd Vola churclies. The Ili. modiste relatives aud a lew fiensis w ltacused the. coremon>.. Thse bride sud groom were the reeîplents of msuy sud beauliful and ooibly presents, wbilchbetoken the b11gb re. gard sud eshteurlauhi itiob aae iseld. Alter 1the weddiug supper tise happy couple departed on the. evenJug itrain forsatrip &cross Lake Michiigan. lise>. wlll inake ilieir future borne on the Parker feaoser Voie. A muIti- tude of fieuds Job bInwibinq lieur a long, happy snd prosperoos 1hie. ChtleilsCalît' Cholera and lDitr- 2171iaitineYrha>, £worliîl vue repitatin for Its un.. ILnover raillsand i1peitn and sus,, t. taie. Fer sdl,, 1, F. a.Loet. Lihertyvilis: OsaYKLAxic PliÂaàuAi7; Jîîse. aîsuir, liusnhot. SAUGATUCK. Benj. James la building au addiion te hie bsrn. Bert Smiths anti sister Mille cors, are Visiting Ut Jý P. Shserman 's. tirA E. E. Marsit lneneoertaiig lier kimtier, Mrs. iluttert1elsi sud Miss Chard. 11ni forget the (ld AMdI (ou- te8t gai (ages Lakee s'stre'iî. rida>. O ven iRg A g. ilt . ii its..a, oni ,, emer IV.îseth-i'lit? cl o »e tIMisa,u. (Jivqit unr.. Then .r.t t t'. , hl%. f,.r'lIte ud l w l n-c,. Aetoiriild The Editor. vs>, Onie ili gong # suIn,.et.'Th'tia "My vife vasUr-,ktiy In i.)i lii' Wri Dsostrenurt r i U n tiîvî. ,,ii, I s,,,.eauM St ai'thsa ît but IW t. ni't a ia Y" eni axl,. t., i ieaith. f o t . î u î , i u s " r ' h , rL .ý 4 s . e î c n l - - 'e rii ,,,'hif u I .'i, t. Ion-, e Havi Pianos, ( LIBERT Ail Kinc FOR' Liber pa"emaima 1 " if y , -1 -t- TE At thu-ti Tis tlici tht' pour. you ctni. ýl ý Loo, WhE

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