CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Aug 1901, p. 6

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1r-bu distai !YtAUSTINO. BURDICK wo 'S came tbey 'elM" te me, Iéuoe ttered Gon- tovi = senu, aspeakng qui-kiy end eagerly, lhue, ted U me if yeu bave forgotten thoàe Dean INtib 1 naod te speak. Have jeu fer- tl.d uathcm?" cts «No--Dton u.-Ltthey "lien let me &Peak tem again. L herE j» »ow speak them as orlevho kuews and 16*0 vays o lite; and te one Who col tht Sjudgei for berself of the deep mcfaniiig fet *Oât pessing jea have giTen toelal these but Motons tht bave ontived the destrj- dori hiwWear of terne. la the heurt wbere br.. *Iqimage wos fir'i en.,rined, Dne oth' Te hon buever corne. 1 have cheriched jour in t .W~ct(ace and in humble prajer have 1 cann taeggald that I migbî ses you ouce more (a) «earth. And. St limen, car coul bas duce Ieam wiid cnougb in ità lghtc of hope. teple t nue mont holj thouglt of ccli ,4 *-l-te-uulonwith the dely 10,eu e chUl Whfl my tet firet touched thoe shores, lien. 'l defmod fDot tuat I van uete thee.. T Euit 1 tonna jeu. and ber. 1 et me dowu ar 1» puy wtiimore f hope, andtut lope Ohei Wth Ummeto promise. Aùd nov, Louice, oh lumesijçn. ocgis have acked Ywom hcl &nmadW dtimes beore, vilii ju be MY m the »Gouport, 1 bave o tailher viiose evr The .ealmy vlah la for thie gooti o hic chu' bac 4»@ ein nd not for vorIde vould I-1ther 1*1understamd." siti StDenis, as tbe wî e aideuhestateti and etopped. *'And bhonta a'»nufWt that 1 would not suit, even for viii lir alt eif nt thy baude. ogainat tby ne- chot hie taletters wvs. But suppose 1Isaitme Ihim end he bils me teeu " met "The 1 m by bis ermissuon only tp lwh"*-ànt-U'ý, b-- '. ste.l A short drne longer those two est fiere. and and thléir word. iiad à colemu. praytfttl Ill «uet, mach ss marks the kloligt gatitude ,Oo ft th humai scout; and au tliay walkedha lomb*ud'tàe bhue. they spoke Dot ofettisebl aubject upon wicb their lire joys hong. the It vai alreadj dent; whon they ranch- m E4d the hall. and wbile Lotuice viat te re- vit aneve ber moccocins, Bt. Denis wveut te eêek Brion St. Julien. Hefe ounkihm" &loUbclos '"H#w nov, Geupart' criedtheti old oe *sa. s hie joung f riend teck a@o t "Whet ban hlredl Any morea- glid djisat What e eat moails yen look to "It Iàdep andi soher aubjot wihl u* m mind," angweredth rt. M "Tàmont ith t, fer 1amfahicon-au Bt Dmieknewthemarquisn ee olte ld 6esito*o, sud he spoke holdlircuti to the lut, *'~triced," he said, "tisat I love ev- thUi Mrp flmber et jour lmediate famli3' LeI amaha apparent tu jeu; but jeu villii tg Met be jealotu if I ao lutorm jeu liso utti MWIwo orteeLouise i rather stronger pur f« *oea eue elce." thtl .1.Julenarose aud placed bi% band leu t"c jetfthabead. and, e-ile bs chil $Wg*rdla i eyea, he nli: dt airplt m noble boy, jeu bave ade z»the happvisatof men. 0O I haveth jga"cifer tiis moment Maur a time, b jWf»U lit hbuconne. Amont ail my ce , ê40*teoe you werc te Uic onee to v ip er Uy pescoculd tuou. Yen $all tais, ur ehild, anti jeu chailtaie me. 4m WingIsgar, it not aid, and bt ,immuélonger viii Simon crtain vltii me."' "."Uttereti the jouth, vitb a look et ullef, "la Simon going?" hol "tn. He int jut thse mou for I v mont bave. it«en, antinoce v 11seop poe; bt jet mnch t mj nephe*<o Semdwut makes me uerveua. 1 do nt like se *14,pl»a about thse ectate, ond jet he nef %tgw5 an abrupt. vilîful spirit It 1 offer 4werd et expestulaion. He seemo beut oul gm reabicin ail the rsady tanuer he cou soi -" *M lthe plce without the least regard k.e I t afuture Worth aud Improvoanant. 1 de net Uic I. Ye, y-8imon muât' hi. eci nmre ther berne." tai "HErir' lterrupteti oeupart. *'What *-J -1 hei nothing," said thse olti man. 1 I"É e m loek a mom, t." And titu, at mpoklag, the jeuth vent to the door ajdlcoked 'ut.Bt ha saw uothirng. Re frc ategged eut lto the etrj; but tbcre was T nwe se tdure. "I mut have been Min-1hý takem." hosaiti. as he eturucd tu tte ai 40«ory and closedtheUi door arter hlm. hi Abt! be 41 nt look in thc igit' Siadle cnt i eyea up te the ceiing. laj be would bave accu a suall hole where ' làe hat once iiad a epper pipe lesdt] t devu te eed a chowriug bath. And bcd T a. bt goeeop loto Utcesinali lumber T roem oerbead. he woud hava feuuîi a mn there. yiug fat, bie a erpent, wth tla oeste tiat amail aperture- and bteq, vesld have eeu t a gisuce that thc th waîrrber could boti ace aud ear il tbat trapireti in the library! G CHAPTER VIII. Days ew on now upen golden sina. umkd suspicion had ceasedtu te or inieven Gouparta md. Old Tony had watchedv 'arefullyt, but te could mid nothing tu excite fear. Only eue tbitig came up to h ieip Uiceiloubyta t e ung men had en- tertaineti. and that wasa o udden iailit of Simon Lohois to Neaw Orleans.'le 1t: profeaoet Iolehave business thcre ili 7 .aid he wouid sec hew mortcrnm be 9luld lsnd a iarlet for. there being se- erai hundccd buatels nov ln the grenarvi but thc marquis lforrned hilm that Ile aeed net trouble himseif about the crn. a*4lie alrendy lad a tise for it. tueaning to kcep o large qtiSntity ou baud to serve lun caetfa taillut crop. Yet Simon inuct go. for he aihad îlucas of big own. jam ue fine moerngn. dean Uic river he vent. ini Company wttnme men Who h all corne down f rom Fort Rtosalie. Y ,ýLébels lad béecue aone ie. .9.1tue remnlning wmcml,, ra ef the famill were hovilngsoame ici tit timeaý lu a fcW day-i fDore,.the proisi ould te there. sud then thetiro waiting tends wecid b.' uitcdl. Father l.angucîrt e:ma mde t bists S home i St, J ulia c place, but be balld slow beau for criore uî,itba tPull c mis- the etg'p:rae ; 1 n-I.- ea momrudo higi la duheoevené, ber face vrai but cllhtlY tumiOOi r frontart. Inuhelia vie ttSutym.rd ucrry volces ranlg tnfully Ontui pon colin igtgair. anti thc giat note$ icaugist up anti fiung back by the .wy ovec tihe brov et a gentle bll, te a cepoc of beautiful acacia ft'ecs ,a left standing. moveti rnty dock e. Tiiey vare crouIciinieuthe d, sud te the abouts Ébat le ftem thc distant tveullue. Amn g athetoti togetier and ent eracti1lu trange longue, sud tien tiey moveti 17y ip lte tlalsde. sud crelit day, rrds the cern fiaid. Onit lYIaymnti. specters in Uiemeeuighf. until titey ced te bigha barricade, andti ten met- lover doan anti erepi on lihe hute aappt'oocbing ticir prej. Straîgit ymoveti tovarda Uic Paetern, andi cr titey lay, beneathttc wooeu-&il, 1liafenedta te cmerci voices frnm lin. Soon one et theniaroemai.tebis t. Hlevas in tte sisade efthle Wali, j et the mauy colereti point upon ie tk skun coult ibe see. andtihle dusiy- oed varrier aras ne more couceaicti. y vere al a score oftfhem-pclintct lic Rame tantasftie manuer. and thc ce duskj bue marketi tbe brov et h. Be vise bati arusen te bis teet Pt'0- ati omething trou, bis Ponds, anti lied it te jckietflte heavy Pont- 1It vas a icy! Andi boy came liat Rd cf Uic teretby lic kej ut St.-311- s' gate? lie sbouts nov coma tnuim tte gorden. 'k! Tcc-tbej are aihlter upen tise 'r side oettiheusone. Tbey hovea mat id Goupart, and are nove dragglug nforth frnm bic bîding Place. refuiiy Uie Indien luronethc kej lu eiock, but tic gate is tastencti vithlu. te ieevy boit bas Weun urely tirovu i., and jat the gate opens no. Bul s-e ls ne lim a e o lst. TIhe ccd men aperedti tgelter a moment, aud lies erthleue tiends uPoD hic kuea, anti u a secend lias moîlitat upon hi. oulders, bc irises. They arc bath tont n, but lbe Who standm apon bl$ cern- nions shotildeca ranet qelte reoch lt ps ot ttc atout pirb atm. Auetiermai ada firniy19uts ios o ,nier des t then bie above Places eune t Uba ascoendi atoalder ttius offeced i hm >w à third man sprlugs nilrhY op, aund -lus mueusteti upen ia eobouidets et in Who stands thon ehevatedi.lte gains etop oethlb.barricade, and lu a ma, et morseito drepau pon lic grount itn. Seen the pestera la openeti and cmen enter. lcaving tie temaiuiug Onei ithut, andti ten thse gale in almOan xed, sud thua teiti, ce that il eau lbe -nat vbcu neeti comes. ,s-aj tovarde the stable theee specteru le. aud moon tiay are bitiden; for licj 0,iii plsy et lie saine that tbm palt e« have net ou foot. tonDy titaes hat opart hitiden. and Me.atnt ati itd e been easiiy tounti na nove ha andtihle marquis choc. ti ae lfeer. sud aflet o deol ut sbout- gtic brother sud mister pull them OUI mw bhbuth Ie ttick dloater et vine' t gtev agaluat lie garden teun. Nexl oi% andtiL.ouise scsmpet avsj. langb- - sud clapping their, for th- er delighi ot the tatior. vben lie; irpecelj let hlm findti lem, has vcrmei lm Into sirnuut fs frenzy o! loy. Stop-stop!" criedth Ie marquis. sm hi idren sart. "181n't ut tecomlug tec àmp tur yen Leuise?" O0. ne! Net-or test fer me.'- 'But the day is nov faily vallapai g resan d I fear yeu'Il taie colti. No--ne. fathet!" cries thse lojous girl >eu't jelt te first cnul frighten jeu." ',Weil-go Ibis once, andti len va' 0lu. I'm grovlug chili anti colti." 'Aj-yeu shanl have a job before 70i mi un. Nov valciî foc thc word." Avsy thsc tieni lonvards ttc harl ad as tbey tîîruî'uittc angle ofthl use, sud acre tiultslst te slgbht (Ju rt remarkein 1It Is groving Celti." 'Aj.," returneil the nid man. "itis dei jtaîîung fast, for coeu tenu tic dami es ou My tact. Wbile aevers excita dld n.f feel il. Bel I en auud il Oiy 1 teared that Louise mlgbt tai me coli; sud jeu knov that veniti n -e pleamsul.' 'Ne." saiti Geupsrt-andtihlit otiec ai voie showedti iat lha. to. hatientei uinet nome tests. "Hlan!' hieasdda -tiini I beard tiem rail. Ah, tiej" sO omce deep biding place thîs tinte, ti beard lthe veice as fhotigb lit ve liIed. Bot vel fin t fem. coma!" And avay lbey t'as lovardt2isapoi rnm wtieb the voie@ bcdlproceedei bey seseched i al arotuti the horu, ud e csrt, lu thc sicav. tebliud lie door id then they vauta te stable, st ire, tee, Uiey 'overbuletievrtil bey coulti move, lic eid mon aveu ma ng e board Éfi aha alnt Uic feues. "!flicj muât have clippeil orunti in te gardent" said OouPart And co baci te tic gardan tbcy turne bhey bunteti andi hunîtid. but the hidi ittîti net bc touxit. 'lit'& gctflng teelate,"' sali ttc mu ua, st iength. 'I Uink I muet ci -l1,11giva up in tiaicorne." retOrS- Goupart: "foc Vi'msure I1abeuiti nev fnul tUim. Stai I ral to liem?' Se Goupani steîtted that tie gave1 te gaine. ",I gîve up!" tie cr104. at the top of. circe.'Cerne, L'ouis!" He valteti a fev moments, expccting e asseoit i viia horstet fJokiug at1 catt e uceas. Tic amila aoc aires n hia fsce, andtihaeiexclamatioen wi rtIh te meet ttc titiden eues vs UP bis lips ail ready fer utterance. But ne came. 'Tbey reuiti net beve heatti," soggent sl. Julien. '*Ah," tîltereti Goupart. thej mi lave gene ituto thte bouse." 'Se ttey have," said tbe fother. -"rit aardly tain. Thei' ougbt te bave spoI1 c tus. Huitvel led nme -ay te Pl Titi' ten tient imb lise bouse,i nu-lit-c nuise ihere -Il î. autreiy. "'lisîarî up nome er ttc boys.' cd te due goto. It vas log"&, but lie boît* e eonet shot. He cllai ote duBRIEF COMPILATION OF ILLu. kcy. Tomy had it, and the postern a s Nm ES ceeu iiung opeu, and the torches flashed NI ES eut open the hrond ihiijie bock of tiie buldings. Suddeniy a sharp. qulck cr7 Goveer Yles N.-cec s Nov Board- fram old Tony etarticd the partj, and Maoc rlr(etslcact- ti qulck as tbenght. Gouport vast by tic aol re es lqet-ah aide. ce Olven Cnstod et Chil-T.oweil '"What l l th ltiter aaked. jCutylet ie-tilney Closes. "Soe thtifoot?" the back mn geap- cd. trembling hke an spen. IG,,v . i ha, a nu% .îttcboard', "what ot Il?'"tii,, îîilî .1,tir- ilil e "«It hall ne beel! IfIsate rt el of tbeof ittîiiion e; ioIl i-t ciiiii- forit mocca il' board. lit sîlîiti ilr r (is l ia t-trote t-ex- Wile te people ware crowding about eculive î-si. fiî- t,, r i.,glitete0e!V the spot, one of the vomea tossi ud "< Hnîî,e.ibeof ..rTi, Vei,. i arrow. sud in a moment mocc a meuc&- ue(1. iicdan.ho i.- o ! thrbrd .. l'h *ln vas picked top. lange-r, .o Ce-ntri ri.cîrîl ~nt.e "The Cirkasaws!' exeiaimed Tolly, lier;.,îSm"cl ttrl ith, OFîaî as sen a tesawv te moccasin. B lre; ohn e <i. r. iririr,o;it%îrtilli ni "Ohitieni!' gasped Brion St. lu. - ii iof -.trr iîTo- îtîriracyr lien. And wlîh c depgronhoe aoll,.David Rî,se, llb ,- o'ritrtht' board, gered bock. Bitibe quickiy reviveti, ftes , belcCois il t1'. utttII e cI ulie fit Uietoughttcf ptraîitlcame te hlm. Goto iiiirrel Ili eirttf r a- part hasteued ttcenmen to pureoit lunid, tîîg ftrc li eît.-rr tri-tIi r-of iit ii taîîmoto trantic toue. > Juat ne ttc greet cid eock lu the hall berst of Ile hliiitci lr tii lit i-i'hadl told the bouc of teur lu thte mocuing. tho oitîr i-h 'tftcth, I Tho' iii i-ly itp- party retîtruîl ie thse bouse, paie sud fa- poi elltuird ntl ii I tiir t i tboaitrdi tf tigeied. Thte fitil gray sîrcsks et davi isnceîî i.Ictrt r- î rtttfi Ilrgi were penilinge Ptc rasîrhorizon as thea Mucrîi. IN asitiiirt-.tîrit i igilî marquis and Gitpart sleod lu Uic aitting At iniit .l tîirî %r rr. i- t t,lii ai 1rosim. One o!fte wemen reught lu a Jh.oSrn .léý Ei iiad tarnit, sud the joutterted wvitn lh awvJlniri ttitt- i hcv paie hi% hoat lnoked. And St. Jo- Atetie. Ili teet,,- l>[or. Pt-cria Dn lieu tarteti. toe; fer hae looket inlt,.bihic iiltirD iut, iiI. - t, l't Ii, Ciicu cotupanieusq face, and it looked îerrce- liî-ii cîricien aveu te destb. Iturge tl.t,'r sC:se!. b Tbey spolie not a word. The. eid mati The raiiatg .or tt ti,îe ti'lîier-well tmoeetiforvard sud exlendied tic tand, Ceiîeiy bas pio- ,. t:,illllIctttitablii' cc Iand on the nudt momeut bis heati vas tire îîîîîl te irfirri> iir cili te aliiîîi pileowed open Geipart'as houider, and dourd. Thr,- tc ,go t- ianiit flifc- il ucb deep. mighty aoba breke fo* freux tory ti. i'i' alo.i i i i .ueiirateedl bis ips tiat Il aeerned as îhough is ttitforthie ust i-,ri iretli.l'n be aheart vert cent lu soudier. Anid oee hjoperitte t il ai - ThiiortTecicl t oeethe eager servantes came loto fiat litre nt adapted t rrtict-utivalîtii f ttc a ront, tor thcy dared net jet trust thean' heets anditt ithe ti lii, idîînî îuevili ilselves te éleep. Tbey stod and witnea- proîter iiterei"ii n t- utttîr. 'îTia arIig c d thte greot grief of their loveti mame;, extensie adiî i ,-tti odi- i. ih, i andi witiionue accord tbej wcPt tith ihlm. pleut snd forue ot Ivekt-il -, t bt. î'-t a Truli' that sna dock bouct eperated-tista ogi, - tîiato. Nttis ,,oîî', (T 'lie centinued.) the anîîîîî-î iht Io ttrr i , 'hn eiit iactk tesa biet uatînilr [rn-tutri-r un titi-Oa bits COULNT FOLTHESE GIRLS.& cea iterti ttit .ct lc-t eThey B.d Haad ut tity Frecd.cadltactory tutîiry LWerc Wsr. Ncoiie it -e lt It vas a brauti uew eaud enterprilnE By the .iiatii:Ir M\rr te illerci'ea . advs-rtisAg dedge titut caus-d fthe»eSullivan a faîiirr_44'ici reiiiWorth two yeuug vernen te titink titej bati af.00. ls at téits,)trrr t, i iitueclu -been 'buniioed' andtIliielj te gel lato grand letige cf Illinis i'rtitiiitii t tbeit ddifficulties. The "dodge" cousisteti Ilu Il erec.t ountc, îcîîiîlîrîtîtforc tsuioi a 15-minuls vaudeville performance &.id orphans orf Me.rriie huis l ta i vlrt hone etfte big retail bouses put cordasce-a iiilte,- î ii otIltabirt A. s on lu a room luilis building to amuse Millet'. ate dit. in lu litl. it-:ti Cg th iir' ui customers and te maile people ta kte bis wite soan ut hl-iliathIt! tue Mi- .1aottheiti.ore. sous et Illineis. liihitratiit, molybc o about ny aille tte g iranlý,ic iitttiT he~.I Thete (o jeutifwomeu vera from becinest viilbb lîrt .Ioîthtitîttittit eue of the ouburbo eofteetctj, andion'or tise granudlotigein 0, toî.er itteIta iteit tic lookeut for trope and sharperi. that o plan wl li, fr.rtii'lftr -îilîti Havlug fiulebed their shopping they thc tome ai Sullivane c tt teeilcecti; toere ilutha elevaor on their way eut astablilaeti by te Nii.nre u t riti. nwhen the elevatot'min caileti: t- "Ail eut bêre to sec the fantous Oltees Chilto te l. Fte. Il show!"' lutic Edgar Cuttity ('irettit leur * Wth the othen passeugers te tvotyofei ls T yr e t,- iion.rîwattc il- joufit vemen eft thte car, anti founti ly ahducti'î ipnear (Oalandetid cerclir thêealvas lu a littie titeatet'. sajo the Tsyio's îilî-r,-eîi iifi., Mra. James yFa il New York Timea. Il wadimly lght' ris, whitelier prc..i! brhoi.and. I arît, ci d. bi a amati stage, a smaiher orciles- vifi a revois-cc 1,cr.i-i Tayloer fror tra and chairs n wbiic a nttrbet o! rcacuiug ttechetlîl A iielty hetilf la people hall seateti themseives. Sud- armati witb a wît eorthabeats corpus >0 dcnly au idestcrurreti te one of te uvoru ent by Taylor troîethIe kidnsîters youg onin.te Paris and capturer1 tce ibîi. Argu- jeiiflg wo e ber olin-ment$ fer tue possei"Ir th(e î-iîid ci 'Hel e'sie wiîtult0br en-ced lu ttc coutrt dciiing ie Taylorï panion. titale cernie trap that va bave fayoer. Fane cunailbis wl!, h e rristi ri tallen lmb. 1 knov mamma 1014 me cf on a eharge cf aituictioitavili i'n lito a elmlar case once. Wieu selesud Chaerleston, ttecocunty -ceit. Ipapa vere speuding thein bonejmoon tventj thie jeans ago at Niagara Die. Nfter Losinu Fotune. M Falls tbej nent lotoa show ibat van Frak M. Flynn, abeet 55 Y ea rit et aig' aIl at a tusia. u tt eutlde aslountidead il u itilai lb,- Mitchel "4 titere vas a sg vwiirisaid: 'Entranco l l iakcivii' T--n wca aigu go lte wv. aaeeof tlthe -ilt i lui>Inc U.Free.' A"l veut vehiutl ift came te cattRe feeders anad aliper n Cvatra going eut. whien there vos anther Illinuois snd watt met $-ti.l1100.le in sign. 'Exil:$1.' Titat las vit titis tut4 hcrlted tve fortunes, cule froit allte 'w le, andi1I mev Il. Lel's gel eut hefora anti eue fronmhibi moîbcr. tit he liit t ý the show begins." m@li ad finaiiy dieti a poîr iri riiiiaithtt ti They i.modle at once for te door et ot muey, aittoîtt frieti d ranbanidont lte elevater shatt. "Thte show vilii e- cedt yhlbIsrelatives%. rt'Fi. ,jqutia e gin in an Instanft," pliteij announcetisnlque charavter andîi t'. tutn iil rit lot he atendnt, tem the yeumg vo-ceta li..-- ofman leoketi it'nj B. easetemos ofet Jtererst. r- "Ytotemuet think we lare casj." aald Rose Whlite, a 1(1 yeîîltirlirri1, s. oeefethlie girls, talIng butefo lW te ctruck by litititig ant iiri-titii i 'Te show titat elle vas neocdlnarj proposi- et Urbana. Oer tien te bc. deait witti. "Wue knev thia Lester ils,. 10, resîdiug ii-) tniles teen 'r dodge. aud have selen It before." Carbondale, sedeadl, te rt-unI o! e kit in Tien botit wi'ft down 10 te treet f cern a ccii. d.feeling ure taI theY itad ecasped oee George Vitn. etofCita te.'t.t it Je et the shrewd "dodges" ot a great cifj. 'Missouri le kit i ganîilîir e hr kidiiap1t. 'à. bis daugbler. Mdi M"n Servant Was Weil Taned. Ttc steaîmer Cloeirourt, ofrit itr-riiit lu At an auctieli sale ot otaoffboxe.s urnedtote tewateca edî,t- thtcetch tv- viticitenlîvpneul London serne lime sgu tilere. It tall mci .beeu rlîrtiit ito onueetfftuemnt valuable mjsterloualy William Stewart. a minlte, o e ut disappeareit snd bas net jet been reccv- H. Harri', NiclPiste SitewCompany ed ere4. Titi.ents bas hrougitt tp a test ivas rn over and kiled yti:le tali r. et simlar occurreucea. sud eue neya- on te lilinois Cetntrtias t.titias, lii paper coreapetident recalas a aîery cai-- nie Ctsmpaigtl. St- rerul twe generatiens ago, tite.Dulle et Experts taie dîscevereria hritigeo 111 SusfeX belîg lte hero. le bail preaideti $8.000 in te acaila ti f c' City cl ai adiner t vItuoi, nd adlsin-A. C.Fiekler, ot La Salie. Fieier ha ied btadnlre itucsdadsl elditc he e-fer te jei pt-ciotisti er gulshod diplomatst ameuf titi. ompauj his defeat lant apring. liii bocks ha produced a sitiubl set lu precieus net been auittedintlie 18911. tontes,te gift et a crowueti teaitte Mr. .sud Mrs. WiilliamtIil. Sierey. up ene of his auceaters. Titi precieus sou- pi.eeer coitple nov spendintu em td venir vas itanded sîround fer everyouo cliniug jears lu Bloemuillgtefl. wel'e ma bic teexarnIlune ile te conversation vont lied sixAin fic ycal's age. aloii lie Rail naeitlj on. versary ortihe eveut watt quietly cei bis Presetitly ts'e owier sait te is next brateul ceing t t ebeicitc îdy neigtber: 'Klndlj pues me titi.snun!- pair. iih box." Thitnqurj vont around tise Afler tion yeara of total piireiy.ris du tont table, but nebeodj mevwblat hall be- log whlciî lier parents @petit large sea n cerneetflite article. A tboreugit searcii of moey lit îreating ber îoi ,,Esti efthlie room sud the. serrants faleti te Mîittenthai. a pretty Peoris ici, e'shi Ite reveal any truc.etf I, anti the party recevereti almont ansositidetti v ., ite wi sflictd. ?MisseMitittlsaise hC an ]ntbroie up ln a gloom. Sorne month»actdgetatnini hs%(Ii atter te Duke had occanIon te don Af tee everyîbluf inovu te nîc,liî-ine ha ttc once more fte partictiur onitorta t ortt been donc 'for bier and ail botealattoio ieu on tiioccasion, sud. putting is boudlte uddcnly a few veeka agie)cet-over )un- loto eueetflite pokets, felt a buliy aud la as Weil as ever ivithout any ires aubstaice atîd drev eut theai.msalng ment whtevcr. tut box. 1 tiic b aý&ngurcletheinte alie ".Yeu caecal." lhe salite bis abody nier- h l ose lu Chicage., ..Mîirgueri Vaut, "jeu muet bave notîceti It wt ruPcbuk -a Im'bj lîgltneg ai yen put away rnj cet." lustabutil> kiilied.l "Tes jor roal ilgiuos," vs oite The SotternuIllinismSoluicro and Sa - vst jo r r ya .1giu s hi pu th b x "tr m ct 2, 3 nd4th ept. 25 - . 1 t , il ai It ,y a-I if te- i'- et t ge Ian -te tn- e t ta- aI ui ed art s-il in. lail lin es e t le- nar iii- Jur al. tut eit jW "ce tgý ere tabllera, thc Hcpoe-aI may hI esnlttod. Pour vomen boat o Cicage masiief il consetibis aet'ent. la Pceriol, Chorles Oleson fincui o ballet tbrongis bis braill, dybot insatl. The State Faderatlon et W'ouîený.î Clubs vill meet ci Decatun Oct. ' ýte 18. L. J. liitheruman &ILSousldoti-ui"t'tIl ait kitîlos vas des;coyed by lire. Intic- Sure $5000. Chtarles talie. a former tintar fl-rudi, n-ils oeceeby tafoieirvble mitiutt.; a Wivl anti uieti. Heivy cainfeil la rcperied gtt it over sotutterlt andticentrai Illiis-ini- the ticought ba sitinsice Juiy 4. Thte iliofthte laIe AA. ityner, o! Marcengo, prevît icat tthe viulage &fier' a teriet yers shah rereive l$25,000 fer a pubieleiltcary. Johnt ireyl'dgle. ia ttctlttj giuiî'r e- aiding ou the inks ortte Calumnet iver neai Blue Iiil, msas tatall sanug tY s sitacun et becs lee s tending. F'lt>-ivoc- sitea are filcul tee the Augîtttermi ef ttc Chistian Couati' Cir- n-nil Coturt. 1,îeuîy-ulne o!fte sauitaare breuiglit lu> notucu andti n-nt> -oee y Wiliiani IBerry Harria, geti about 55 3 itc. a farnîc e ur lamau-y. cemmîttet gtltic-te iukint' strychnin. He lcft s lettersamyla.' Ill teati nas lthe OUIY caetise. At iterrin, st. Mary*s Cattolu' Churet n-as dedicateil tene ssith Impresaive ceci.' maonie's. Ttc vencrabie Bishop .Iuenii e! Belleville, conducte thttcservice et tieasing ithe cbîrrt. Jotan Waidecker, ageti 28. a former et Kirkapoo Tewnshaip, arese Jiecttc other night te get s bottie cf mcdicline. Si' uîiclakc lie Settehlti of a boule ot ccc- bellecaid,teck a large dose oui miIttin ten minuîtes vus deati. lits. James Vu.-Sinîral, mlfe ot a ttav- cliug man, w-as kibieul st Decaflt'. Ste wns driving lu a bngg- vbeu ttc hcrsc, look tcigtt puu ile jumpeti front the va' bIt-le. Ste struck lier bead01, thliai'pve- lmi-t sud dieu isits nly. Art.Jcr Il. ]tunesonlîl) e e! a bort- *laotfon tuer aevu-îy yi'ars bDr . Johnî Pul liu, ofripieet, saiscalîlur aud îtooiu't citizent. bas gone loi %isfins trscimo- niai venture by marrylng Mr%. Auna Mtiller, enlj a fev >csrs bis jîuior. Lester Shaul. 13 jeara citi, iet tihe Ernergs'ucy Hespitai, lu Cicago. as ttc resîttof injuîries receiceti shile on boardi the steamer City etrNMiln-aukee. lcvas struci by a beam sud bis skiil ai froc' tutreulTtc boy vas c member ot the choir t'try-five beys et Buirtolu mev'a <.!ttcesirtiug on au exeucaieru te Mt. Josepht. Eighty acres of cooiliand, bouiglit rnsny ycerStemi t yfrertuen teenttr Ctjîin of Muassachusetts. ar nc lus dcin a : entre- i ccir bîfere ttc Wili ('euuty bord et Revica, artiet nulireacetthe tounta. Jaumes Martin, former ccuty irensuret, btîgbt ttc land lant jear nt $10 au acre. Ili' dîrcoeted that it hsd beea sesnet lit $37.50 an acre. Attorney UanCtOli itarnuupboids tisis ascssment. Ttecocunty board et supervisors met et itirmai aud offîreti a renard o!f MOO ter ttc arrteanduiconviction o!flbhe partY orbe sent au infernai machine te Sheriff Ackermiau. A clou giilg bshi-lmýe 8andeca vas acresacd ti i(irsaYt Ue, On mspicuen andti aken te EransruiiclaId' fer Identification. Sauders tatibt-en sr- restetilsud put le jail -oreeltune atiraý fot' a mineir offense ly Steruiff..cbtmun aud lied been reicautetia!tcrr.d Ttc entît'c portion ert Iat part or the Siate la cx,'ttilcer ttc dlsuovcty thit Bernhardt W'eîett, an enceuti. aPicatru 1t cdGenmau fermer, tus ttc powe.r te heat 3ty simpi; la> ing hil anilien te afllhiet- ii àoeeantiudiitteriig a tî-vmia'i'nious v onda 'iVcîith 1iiie-s lu a stîcaluil ctit - it a secludeti lant o! a ,Ctileiusqutb on r i-IFallt. n-bt-hlteia aI c, fec bilt- tdretla ef sirk tnigrîîn. cutidluisestuleer- iec uin ock Fouis bats aI tiroe- abut utelîpetllîiitce lie isi-overat is puy wet'by acc.irliituily plat-un. bis bandw roanaa ikildt-tutu t . lieîle itsîieti; icaileti a- s dicîine l'celer tati a uers-t la ru pitiiy tiibuil iup aroituui him. ie aluseiuteir refuit- ait ittuifuir b., aco m'icco. TteCiage "Ilituiuîr.lthe Aitan tosi pasenger antd mail train beiveoCti cýage anti Kunsas Cty, vas vrecked ai kl'rnîtiîc. Ttc enginu-in nec( ie,tailtly Itilleil. fle irtuselfeca vuce se ,r ieuîelj injoccî uîrlandtenli lite elfier- Ilsufferet inljurie-m. BItlu iccIItitic.8Wa tlte ceacte e, c' iîîuilithet. Thes des( are Titontas Steeltun, eugiee- sud loti Adaîms, irentan. A nrnrtt-beîînd trelgh tain ieul lecuaie-tra,,belt ilarulîrc te uiioa te 'lurtur le pians, Ecg nser WoodI of tte freigît wne, iîy lilial ti& englue mi ee th' piiti--lgt-r rail caulelmie aigitt. Au itîuipit-ele emuati1 et1te cY mue'r fricii liie-fnigit t .,glr att-art. sc tittu t il pas r ut tîlrîuIl t )fmain lice jiut ias the lii.e-u t'ur taii k -utiriceti ast aiut Iy nit-, an bt-uit' A Twce -truî ul'eiw lut igit t tce eustL dNassvile ou! te dcciii cf l'nul Itial irr salun.' abot i îltîe îtlrae inlteasî ot titi a ity'. Accrr îiutI t Iur eiery lthe>- men paini.'ttc Brick teme n-tea ilîrîn ai e-tcttiec ,ras attraeîcibv lthe cri' - r'"lip.-' tiitg te te hoiie te. Cm-> v uil-'t Iiweedte tbarn, wtere tiiey foun u-tse body oe!Binknimlug tîeen te leremu or cslalse iitt bits foret'ti'uspi upq&u. On ttceîulueute aine oethe tal msy n-es an cai , iii îî iet, mu-cînlugiý netie deed thdllihen tonc. Brnntn r r(uvuaiescrioffrnotau atlack et typhlu as tcs-r, anti suicide induaeti bi temporar as inuit; le oner hbiecy atvauc-ilas tl i-c&use of hia deatt. Ttc fart luit tte i vo>w&#foundittachrita ditiance fneult f adbodj andti ial ne tiecdtis e n oui cd ial,6 on te bon betIveen ttc body anc ed tthai causes ttu idea e( suicide te %-abanienciet nth ttclinrry nof nîurtier tisadutvancedi. of Missgo oiioO. tiaagiter e! Coiii M li toni, of Chicago, insplectier e!fcride pri ud li, as paiateily injured lu s rail ri a herse nt Camup Linîcoln, Spiucield. T h tc Sale Deptit-m -ulimt 'ttaqtugteu p bas issîteulte folue ii ug îtniciamatteu: ti Leuismsn u'rcae Esiiositien. tehie tise l'rcoilcut o!rlie un:,] Statesa.ot Amînico -A por Nueuîe 'hsri's. no- tice tas tein gi e nie 'y the L-ooiaa Purchasc E p o ston rc lsae in lu sec R c en rd ac v îth ttc pro i sti n sa ef se ti n f 94 etf the ont o! Congresu. epproveit h Marci 3. 1901. etiticît 'An CI te prie b vide fer relebratiluitte ue futicedîfi anaiversar; o e ipîrnbase e! the LOIS'a lasin tenitori' by ttcUn'idStates hi' bolding uniernuational exhibitillon et lu- juaties. manuafactus-es asnd preducta oh o ttc seil. mise. feresl anti aeo lu tieC ity i et St. Ioul.inte Sitte o! Ilb*tiuri. lu titat ps-eusien ihaa beea orieret f'or t greunuis ast iitngs fer ttc uns sPro-ti v ieul fer l i- hesutid astt rtCongress»:' eh 'Nuv.tercere. h. Wilium McKinley.a Preirieuulo!fte Utedltta tes, h ieillertus ofatuit nt!umeted iniime hi' soit i.ctu de benuiti tenlace uîd pneu iintsat such Internationlt exibutuitonviii ta opanedce, iu the cir tf St. loui. Missoeri. tnt lt tubs- thn iii.tstals;Oe Mai'. 1903I, anti tiill te cluiccu net IRct eta than te finit ticy of Durember titae-t a! tee. e "I ilt-uDame ruo tt cti cnittieltianti. o! ttc peoptes!ai te, Umtei SiaicaL I te her ivie aithetiti- ioînsuueorf teecanife te take part l intiu ofiu-ii. thiin e t epurchse o e utc l.u.utaia tertory. as r escut etf reitiltere-ri tote niedm ct Blutesoe t alintar c-tc tem thi evîI-ir g ment, t; atntiOuafrcpri.tutatlvcsand it senting ui.' titlu iulit', toe tc Lotiiattitf Purritu-teExpcartirrc as vilii noît iltce sud fuuly iiu-il rote iluir sur(it ces. tht-it industries andtI lirr ltcr-r-ssin ivu t-uc e tien. 'Int IstitiOlY ivieer!. I bave hlieent sel mi' baud anti caueiicu te ca1 o!ft. Unitedl Steate tebcaiiei. u"Don@.sutte (ily O e oiigltn, htis t 2th dur Of Augist, 1901, and tie tcIn-b tiepeurînre cf tlintedrîlStîa tte oua tuntinetiandl iisnîy-sixtî" (Seal.) 'WILIAM lcKINt.ýY- ' By ttc Preaideelt.c 'Jeo h l ay , Set ettirr O! St auc " Brlef New.s 1te-s, C. A. Cuegtua iîtenvialig cegiecer et t, Dly ('on«tîrtittu Cetate. New Tork-. kiliet ititacf, cf Bt-col>n. tgin At Appiebi', Tel., Jolît Tili as trovu tren ail oe andi autainfed mnu ries vbirit cattisedtu a titn a ces mnutoes. Jacob Rutht vta bliletiand John IlIees fatali' injut'cti bi'ttc brestiti f e a li. e alteon vitici thiejy ee'n-eli.'at 0;Wteeling. W. Va. Titc feu[ four aIe- ries. E. W. Carlen, City cuiller cf the Jep lin, Mo. Delly (,lobe. titutt iîualfle otirougi tthi-art h inti. newusPutPev Oh'.. suddituaialmoct iniatantiy. e Edigar A. Allen, nov supenltcudeat oet -ttc Qoepaw induan Suboll isnian Ter- tîtori'. las bei-n appointeti assistant se- i perintetientoret it.Carlisle Intiuan lu-1 dutriîauSchi nl t Carlisjle. Ps. UntlediStstes Treacenen ichberns bas ,receiveti trom an nnknavn persen a con- mciencei.contribultien et $420. Ttc mouey - as receivedt is-egt Patter A. V. Rag- h gie. S.j., pesten o! St. Ciare Ct ucch, - Brnis Clara, Cal. rt'illian, J. M,%cNannîra. a former magie- tte of t,exungten, Ky. vas aînt end a3 biluet itr Johtn, uagbernalomon cicrk. 'r McNamera ultat-ket Mengi,r andtI tieti f.te pot bten utt o!ftc saleon. c h 'b teeoetNitttbiBarber, le Miane' apolila. as d-troyetI y iîIre anti 3ls. *Barber vausenbau' iirnedtilt abst latcr dieti. Mca. Barbur oui fv Youug t-ciildren acre Cannicti ouIt by ber 16 icar- t'n solcn. k*Okli Huitiari. son et a Pulton Cont>', ILOhio, physîcian. vasa cIeland probaitij a.ftaoljveutied aÎ Stryki.r in a skîrtulat wit viiofficers wvisa ttemptedteinerrest hlm &n &u eyeuug me, namati Fiacli for cshoot' lu ea t postag 'fns. UNION Mam £NdOINgo PROM1 ACTING A1111 SNTINELS. IRetrainnsg 0 der Toisa Agoluca the,. strlii t chlunnacby s Chicageo FI.'m-Actlon Comneuessîisupu. f Leaders ou Both ides t Contrever. Fo et'tifirât lime ln Cicago sine tht- fîmees DalIs nuniion dering lte greatJ atrike ofthtt Americaut Itaikvai' Union a1 siauu'r int ivas issucti Irriisy by a ted-t ct-ail tige. pt'evcnting lie strikers frorn îatertering withthetaopecation ef bui-1 Jîtdge Kotîsat. sltfng luintetaUnîteti States Ditrict Court, issueti su tnjurie- tîoagaîlîsi the stnikera aho are cory- iu'g en ttces-ar against certain U'hicagoi marii m anufacttrcra. The arit vs. Issued ti !tue requitst ef W. J. Ulteuin, et ttc fit-i etoftnCaitounu& (ileunn, repreaenutug the Allita Chalmare Cous- peny.à 'This arit la te nemallo effective sutil thc court tas eppîîtnuatj te decidet vihetter il atenulitc mondi.permneuint.t Jutige Ketisaîl ,ili si- a data fer thea hearlsg of arguments on Ibis peint. The Injonction la dînercîl jagaînmtthlb.-Ne- tional Associaiontuîof l.cenS'-etc, the Iccu Moidena of NortAmenîfa, te Fst- teru-Muakers' Asso,-latin andthIe various officena and timnti-nao!rteeorganisa- tIens. Tte motion fer au njonuiction as Pr.' senteti ty ('altoun eu"ed thit lia ctriklrtg moidera atind litnsibcene. mmcnd troua "a cotnlitieei and pîtitn pickclung etftc he ue salni plant ouit tt Allia ChaisturaCompnî.ay. acutPanlied hY ttc incidentai aiutiggaig' o!fulununliiuanm- ployes andi others ise inerfcriug artî theb operton et the cump.nY's plant." "'Tis la thc Irai tirne lun Chicago thal ttc federai courts tai-c heen appealedt t ince ttc big Debas itrike,' mid W. J. Chalmers. "Tha reileoit vi.ajpesiedti t Jutige Kotîssat ia bsceuse nee anet get protection lu Justice couts.nt P'litien seem, tete bittrent-heil ltîhtn.i uicue court rates. anth ue asaultittg oet' utîil- dation -,ilkerts-riît 1tnien riarr o as ttey xholetu be, snfactthlty tire pro, tacteti. Teterias- fice trt ire beeteu nt ttc Alla -Chainuers plat. ltardty s day paase* thst men tire set kuocied. dcv, anti beatea Sp Ihere. In.viet o hase tacts%, va celul sec ne other thinu te de but te eppeai tate curt et hlgt- est Jtrindicîtioniluthie cir.- "c m set surprui-ti 51 ttc action et Uic employjer% lu seekisg ttc ansasca c f ttc courts,"'%nid Business Agent Ire- 1 land tof tierchartis -'Ibcy have becs lireateuing it fer a long time. but. lu mi estimation. ttc pics fer an injonction le s confession of veakueosaou thelr part. The courts bave teen clotedti teus dur- iag lia Importation of meni brrr becsne vaetidnet enougb nuunej te psy an *et- torney le reijeest attnJuînctlen remrali- lng ttc brningu it et n-en. andtius test' titg tievalidity o e tc ac. Weiibase te do te test vi. conute continue tic figbt if ttecrourt raies sgciust p)icketlag'" er diatrl'ts." luInthe i ,inisatto nk Irovthixus eportedl. cpeciciiy ou sutif inde ant inlu teorgis., Fiorissund Ais- bemsaliessi'reinsa srId bigt vmntis have cuseti injarr. riaI an..u1sbetilng hlag qulte prersienf lIn Tenntuce. Misagi- sippi, oui purliri..ef Ar-kanas lie crop au improteil Cinnînieci mriu tbrougt- out Texas,.asm-islatalfing rspiily ln tii. cunrl, soulern ud nti sectiecn per The' geaersi ttlectI kfis- ppica centin- es unprtumuisig. cliteougit sigtgîy lui roveti condîitionls are reperteti frorn pot' tions of Ohio. IndllinaUndItlinoies. '[li excessive nain, have catia-1 1ut-actes tut et exteusiielyins ttc middle anti mult tilanîle Sialt- Generabli te tl,,eca,t tof tch tiisipiu hive/, th'e i] tain5ecelt'lent t -)ucitîeion 'er fail plosvtug. sud favorable tt-gires -u th is iseet bas bseu me-le in ilasias. Ne- brasks, and Okisteme. lutitnustic upper Mississipi Taller lthe greuat ilsgeneraiiy oit dry.Reot riasu_ luutct tistîtoit ee-It;ilghîn ust,- rnm prugreaeimg '%pli la suimedistrit, btum a. Muet mcc teasefst'5fou' no"elu. .Ilar a. cerne camiea rousties sout ullei p. s-s to dotag f.Airyvaeilmame apmatg; lote oe forat -ep mg'olu& Weitlancai. sec- r t1;tpl rt.t-i rî lina ;lmiea titorîs Irrciraes ai t !yc cai. aunuiuig ontiaIrisy w0c. priopects foe loie nitb sinyhl i-e-. puni cai ern ret -ni irtceilor uîi.ioes iccus f a stu,- iretie blu tstlig taultrrnuieei; ps-.esicns fur potatro-s udrlgarticas por proptspects te t a.dia.z uer u a -I-etbIes tcisact i. til tit.and Isîtu. s ies. 'crred otrcs-as-uter p ostics of! tael t ands andtlte platei es-a vii b- mcteniai yIal ioet ie fertinig mos-cgeseral. rarlIr or onicselrIg ci-I;d. da a ep.- sie - a mliegttrr pruuuiaItir pcs-n esct; bop-es etertauaed fuir retter busato jicIt thai t xpetdtei.fsloiriscie e toi ariCtiocacilnta itadrtuiiComuiiy. tairl gtrrt eppieprsu-- liti"*, eins .oerr .titlnei tcturcetae.n ati tebaenu hctel tinmeet itrics sema cors ta.s rîttoua ,uret wuîip fat plovia g a-ill at- birle.'r, iasia -,u ,,,seu yiei l s-.air ri Cr il flir ,cuitait irtillues por sattu Ieur tcOr etb - cutiag bîgn, os-ires -tili ati s auaticra reur- tavue lluedlote olti uses sti prcataiis--.y rpiiibe-au,;ceenlise icru gu- peur sud ur- m strm i . I l m g t1 ed ; suol - beet, niuiti p-tuuac. bat0gcacs-il y b u it .ila t e ti r t . be ut c- b .ti etai ti 1. mou bciy dey soin Yctii etfs lIt- atsudplrgt- tae.t scatitsi. y gencs-atty greit. r1ui it t . eltiS i sc 11 b , eons tuueraItly I)uî-rttd.but villi famvortbl- weauluer Itl tnte food rcep la cesntral and o br e c itu s P tfttl)5 gi. asiy peur cruup. setcati fs- il u!claver eceleant; appices igt uuiand of lu ner IaIlt, ili it ti teo it a l t a - ô 1 1 b e o r a t i e tîcht abon ers ln icsiasti b-iciar ten prmeta -pbrly ti ri ier s e mnie at illerli trh. i.gla t-nral porios;Ua s-ut- tl g suti ttie atte lit scatiier hait; cern, petauoes.garheits arI pa.tresrlooniy asi f et r;dreug t plc 'iu g beguis la s ntit; large sud bahtr- pIuetaf screti Soauith )bta,. rnuhser1gut_. lghl. souîîuuiiue iltta;pioaIng te- gitn ; stscb u . t hri u an aiti t yla g pro' grcaiidg i c ît iurt a. c Ii t ' fas a , oS ml gra ltipt-0vl.gca-W ayfiitels5 eut, peer ta fuis-t-srip, ecsly cors ta rc sttug er. sea . CIiit f r o ît s , l oie t fila g a N', a st hi r te aive hbel!fcratu love Wi.eb as-ne, thco usnoluiad dry, ait-cpie»..Ilutares it dîstrici; et- s- s t s rial liprevenent. as t het sconls mos-c pt-clntsit buanvas deene posa sibltehe It cf Augfusi, bt ttcesoupt et "1,.dtice .rn cenacat ca Gmecmeltace cery a.--l ati ss ce e! treal large- p rt o f Bepteuter; pousitule scot SRd stock feed- 1. itti.geacr.] a - -o bS W ar n. dry v -e : ie cro m bas im pr e t I nlit sotîthe era ec lttes, asti a e u s r a is ta c e a r a l it a d sor h t-c a . n n ffl : liq nt crunp et barytueur eC 1ti e rine sO lti.sllu ortiiura ntîci nsidcratte hovIit tas Ieciidoréclta seetben euaîli. a . e ilca ioas are toc large s a g".e oa! a ter wbe.01 Notes cf Curreot Eveuls,. Tvo itundreis apprenticea in Uic Uien Iron yorks. Sec racisco. bave joineti theti.atikeci. Ttc 3-year clil iauugblc of W'illiatn Clar kie mas Limiiet t M veu, luth., h l' faling on a tay coke. T@t on'ylta!ex-Cougresmin Jerry Simpsen lutenstl te leate Knsas la de- nîctity iiadaugttecs. J. Il. Knout, a tcakeman, ducti lu tte iiospiîai aI Tyler, Tex., front Iecimov, causeti b> a crusheti knce. Thieven stee700 viici batibecs 1burlcd lu o can b>' Mise Maths e dwaedN, i t of alve r, Tex. T he con van ted ta t bock door atter ttc mou.y hbd taiem, WIERKLY REpSUT OF 7THE AGRI. CULTURAL OIPARYMENT. DUper liislppi Valley sud Lais lIeglon Necil M lu-Weinther Vaseir' able fot Aprnn- Wical liast tu Ai, B.ntioms-Ontlo.k for Care. Tic vweekly crop 1-epônt Issues Y hi'et Agriculural Deparîmnent givea Ihe fou- ieaing gencral suimmary otr onditiaul îbrougtcut ttc countryr. The kempecatuce condtiîlene e! tcheaie have-cbeen favorable eu-eit untti. North Puafie rosi, titere ut tes bacul cicesitle iy li.. .Ttc unidlt and t entit Atlantict anri cuat guit litotes, iccluiu.' Tenuen- mcie. baie cuffeceti tronitu-oavy nains. lte sautît Athaniranti essl gutîfStates etar Tenn-essee ea[îcnucimg dautagîng y-lutt se Weil as licjry fronti Vt-itlîwn. 'Isbo greair lant cf Taxas anti Perlions Of tb" Missouiuaetid uper -Miselsisii l)i âi.> anti upper asie region continuece 10sUifer froue dretugbl, anti rouighitusbeginulu.'1 te affect ctroipn uOregon andi Waaiuîg- tan. Ttelt(kY NMuntumut negien anti Ciuiitornla laie ttia tu excer[tion5llY ta- curable veek. A generalintîîoîuecmest in the couti- flou et late coriain auultiu sheul inte prn- cipai cern Stalea lunles-c thce Op us maîcs-iaîîy Iiprove d sud imore proinlain.' thsn mia, decuee possible Aîug. 1. but the jielt in e tili contingentt upon adititional moisies-,- sonsanti the absence et fronhs the Stratus-part o! Seplember. Laste corn bani îpt'ovedîin xtaremne southeast- eru Nets-caatit iiiLtiu(Cate surfer for' coin lu remît-ni anduri rrn ocutiica. lu the encteru "idywstenportiona o! Kan sas8 hâte rrn > uuet iui-roveul, but rut ttc central rettumes ruila camne tee uta te eavc the t--r l u teeperlions or Missouri late 'ns-n is ptoegcsing veil. bint emont se,1i -nnieinlasuffetung for tain. Geeii rairina allimnois, Indiana mail Ohio have imIirovctilthe outlonk. esperiai- ly inIn lditat. but, üin u then potins ot ttc ces-n luet. Uthelr-oter part oftht earIJ rn bai, bsen ruuiîu.-nlTtc propli tou o eaîick fti r tsniut lis- mtidleAt- lantic Statea aitdlNia Fuun, con- tinueas. 'The vreAths- ualuc r !50t.1Iur fer spring we tst bis-te-intut su stliotil Itar- vesfing lu ucas-r la hetinus thelDakota%. Minesota. saldOregonu. and ini lu Ps-s. restc lu Wa>tincten. ancre. owng te 0&- censive tet, ttc grain tas ripenet morne- vtat tee rapudiy. Iu North Daukota, uv- Ing te struaken bcrry aui poori; filleul icadu. lie yci et ef prns.' aeat us pcev- lug iîistppoiitiif 'T'e entrîha nul aes-a rnportions e! tht cation belit hase suffer,-ti torn beavY for ti fli Pore Liq a eSire,b SUQIJD e DONT TOOTI .1i tu. Fito.e pie cf Soactia eHALL. & Ri Batli r d ho lst N8este 7 sutt Wthh t b i ltit- tu POWINti PULL Ut A -J.TOWER ASTHMJ cuue g9 Awi DR TAFi SIr ~CALI e- e i ThItimportance tritpionsbip vo titi. travî-ling mi thIti relaies big e ai.jrim 'ies: WlwInn1 arrivet qa,l l lit e VIII 111t. il u "P', 300 mesu -î;ot lantiden'î c..e Visih. ives f tevu." "Cati 1 get a itc "VYea, but lit W( -'Not t 1t k et lBa thePreaiden - efre ut We va1 oltsc-cu or eig talt about i.bnt I "1ilien hli s ft Laud?' .., lieiaI buiti eor "0 and De MIi *Id l'îte Dawlesi ttiî.ki-rs for I hi A iSon Wallace, M ict eaiitple ef a ni tiie ir'ce of bie Omaiar t4wanaion NIr. sititson, nuitîrdi mlu, Kidi a'.lîî etut and bc--fit liecr, 41,- diid net i lier a 1 Pilixla ua teî lY tr-.aud Il rc,.dfor bis kir,,, ,edge 'bat 'ell. %Ir. Hi. tilt' ting cro, 'r b C.11-.- A,-liîtt te.1.1 i-y ii11 ri-et' Oin,,îe.1. LI.clI A se evea Ie feniei Se,îî,i Trauri looklu'.1et rirali: rampi Iever sieîn bite -Peck. FFI cÀ%P

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