CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Aug 1901, p. 8

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IL Iýv tq 11. the tieiâ aroiuut l~'...%t 1wm. Kuer . Théu Ltc*mi. A l;.~ i tc ' m tvibu 04 An abmfla,'MWS o. EUUowi1 Anyu aa fr0116tisyf? MToýUeVales. te lmao,ltuitt usuw ben. TuSiday. ULM. S"8 b mpeevimg quitesaviwy. N, udom'M*. uaiD 1ta The heda Iaiely b«a» ut lte church Wakle oimotrom entae*aiied a Abers Beedy baspoyatnavedlohe:i; QuiSte a nimber atbenda lte plcnlc F. B. Lovuu., itMrsyvifle; Ozoa. hsveDow balloneot>p.ed. parI! or Young ionde ltFriday Ville trom BachIowu. et Bufalo Orove. C . Rllitws, Walisonda. WixLL Emoon, iotala.a and applea are @mscaRceockefeller; OEBLÀK PHAIIMÂCT. Mr. and lira. Thomas have returned *Olifg. Auguml Wolff made s busfinena trip arlielea shts Yser. for a bostie of Dr. Cadwel'@ ayrnp fr0nt tuait vies; taelielvidore. C. A. Parsous wlth bis ebildreu Lut& su Cicago Tuissday. Kima . FeMmau inteonds te renmain Pepalu ta cun. titis indigestion. lire. M. J. Anderson, nother of tbe And FrankS stsrted for Ooorado Tues- Abert llchiclit tm entertalning nela aI ometiimyar LAE URIH. pastor. la vlalllug vilSh be son. day morning. tiva front OChicago thils week. o hs hu ir ai@. LLAKerZUcICH.cb Aompsanyof Young people vaiked lira. Meyer. of Chicago, a former Miss Loinlremil, of Chicago, la hma beau r.arganlzed. Don't for'gesthlie dance ilaurday. ira. BRokeeler ta W. H. iiners ta trucident Of Dverfieid, 16 visltlug old speuullng the weela wîîh lier cousin. BoSSx wheels of Wmn. Stiaefers NieS Lnden lmIlset Baringten attend the Christian Endeavor social fleigh><ru belre. Loin biaisobide3r. bicycle vers stalen recentiY. ta tend bua. given by the Young people ofi vantioe. Walter Riaitrom took tibree yonug A nunîtiier at peopîle ftrull this mima Fath, froni Waukegan, bas' E. A. Flekeenjoyed atril) te Ulvau- The youngeat son of Mr. and lirs. ladies flshiiîg ta Fart Sheridan l'ter vlcîiuity wili takte lu the uilaès Ible frte (iridily chool. kee Baturâay. Tom Me bride fi% proving hinisell a Wednesday. 'l'h reslt- oe 11h. Llbîrtyvilll, nuixt week. apFpB Fxofed forncai o andar. lie liaineyer crept; la ouly H. H. iederetedt snd iamlly, of jbe bon,, ii1n, eîl led dfoa I 01 course every oee1le going tete ibenFdsB.hors, a aryto. ald f ine menthe old and fis beginuing %o Chicago spetit A lîlesaat day wIlthF. the lîsucis aithe Liw,,dalee hit t ilo- far-vhoever lidson ormain t 'tnslir lnrdy alk. 0. Bedra sutad famliy Sunday. dlîy ly a score uaI llita 4. home. Mieas Ida Poiamke, wliObubau. The liese of Mir. Bergboru WRa Deeortiold peopîle are gettlug enf- tirs. 1. hiner, ai thicago. tpefti liI anra teLogvîsiting her atter, lira. L. IlBeî,r- drueS by Ughtning duing the laut thual eiaout th" fair. W(e are 1, iiidsy Lcite taaking loras smétilfallait IAI pay dy] aurd yte ogtonredltaohicago Monday. strm..The boit aisit e chininey, aivaye wl repreiîelîed lIL lbsrtY- lbut as yet hl onca Bund nanti iltablo. orc,. Creamr l about 70 per A grand dance will bc gîven a Oak entirsly rnlning il abave the roofIlinsle. I b emeac1îelnS WSr culs. for rafl. Park Favillion aturday, Ang. 3ia9. The ecavera vere biavu oi! the pipe m 0 r.Siîîr iClc .Alitîthe ml era of therticiliatinte 11ev Koen ss aseu Ist Snday Gad moie.Ticets <1 ent, hles Inide and lMr. and Lira. Berg- wve.Doesrillvisitons several days (itag 1.i àîy parade Monday. lir. B. Milter, local presactier, witt The iloving people vene lu At- haru batu toit the affeceEt he l.@bock lIst eek. 1 îîîîîTadd returned laîie lera,, fîîmeriy of iiacbtown, Oocespy tbe puipi oit Suuday. tendlances open lh. Soldiera rnention as for nmre hours afler ils occurrance. A witb lumle thiorafaîly1 hîao Ga. Quentin la rapiclly recaveriug Vancanda Wedneaday: Meurs..and novr chidney la ln the preonsa of croc- lbas Mn.t m Eaonbven- l ereleItdebistaniîake Cbicagtor frotta tho effisciof an eperalion. esM5damIes Biiêaing, Frank, Popper, lion. tr. andirora a .tB Il havenp toBul li.. iîî leînîî,tuilaefie ftr yl aitb gtad ta aee bis genial faeSail, Prshm, (aik andBicSusse and laBegfloniug viltutis eek te tiresI]tir. and ire. M. ilareuberger have 'thlîre Wiiî lie a festival as Mt. laaepba &gain. Mfr. Fred Fadaise. nomber oi the vsekiy Greeting' la alo)neluirnaîl. Honte a lit Sîîrîiuy, Sepît. lot. suiît a Bumon lia it that biie W..If the action.cft tuer bowlm ILe not eausyiuaitedby lte Oangksgationai churcb. IudriîîiA.toîetmk fgitcoî aepceuiu 1< Ruine basit tfit wite in-sud reaular srons emi lîcalAirismueit be The "rellng" comprises the au- eudrsiiiAIMllkLateogra owtu xpcdbut2 evebdniug$25k 0were tlongirondalithersfinl remeve hI Ldang..r.ale nonneement a uday services, uli slltng 1the iiild ,lvct.e'ati bLe tl e- peula ii îg (in to Iti seelai traîna evein $5.0 wretaen rota peaoant and effective. For sale hy F. B tapies;lbhe weekiy emendan oferen «.escently acijtiiru i. and itallng lit)his frantlîîîgu.Evenylîdin ewelcoms. hansm.1hIola lime sencb depredaLtioas.ovgan.Lb)ertyville. Il inla iued for grec distribution and ît reatidejîceIlaiihicagoi. Jloii,l mVu1t.filc. t I ld.. etat ____________________________________________________________la Int«eds itI,aitch person shIall Some matitiugit a traet of land wae s iWi~ oa ia'lîiiriîîlIg both kligm. Il. al l ti'u si ex oblain one, so fut as possble« 1%it an ebrcased ijorili aithe village. fr' ula,î to, l Ge. .* iliongitl ta&% ometimesamilieb utthîe vbieh Ili tas lrollusiîlta cnetcta flo ,w ule D., W 1 V' A) Suit ld i - - ~~~~~~~apparenlttougblieanoaa cliaracteriz- rllOee it itlie ave hard tue l I . Il. .iii. . r vii. obrh u a ltc itefovr ation. ]r&.C.l;i.r Mîblle and daugliter GILENVIEW The GreUng"laiutended t0e oppiy Lanna, bave toit ()lt Ittle town to taire Ar.,van goiig ta fi il, îrtyVîlle titis lacS. T ebohrci tla one af the npitbteirlottin athe noetglibonlug fir île>t wî,k? opreima forces of modernlite. Thte clly cf Hlgilîlaitîi Park. Mies Lauîra trs. L. lia-is luîrrhtave re- vat uin, negleeta itlalebobtl thie bai beon a tcovlîur lu tbe Prelîyterlau îîîrî li Uicthe ly. timn. ts h ahopedglitI be t.reeting" SabbalbSMenotti formuveral years. Wu MOLhNEj1Li. il l atiosu sch insitentesoaiImpairs kboyber ihelare itllithe sabbtalb Mr. J. liodelioî, oai Evamtan, vihited och Informiation ai yull do say lu Sobool, wili regret theIonbs 01ai e a blefrieude lit ftlîe Gien hlîvt etet. part, ai. toast. with thiia eglect. au Instmuctar. Mims Clara A1î1uiiyrd audt fauîily tire.S. h. Al ,l l iJvineia P.a v-vareturîied hume frntrlilNirgirila tait w1hy l)o't Itou lEat'? Ourir utile girl I vtasug.lui Iti; Wii illi Siray. orouit. Tié, jra Lîi,l loti îlmtluî,t liv-- MM s lat f M yar --No appette," yoo aay. "scomacb hIt -hcWLS aa îa.Aîl'rII-a,.uî 1 l'Y ,,l- ir. asu ireitaiMya feetabad.' Well lakeDr. <aldWel'a Cvlili F-*alvvi, y F. h. Vîsitnd Dr. 1i. A. hiiltsfamnll teistad. WllLaeîD. iid!l Blad it iffay. Byrup Pelleta aud you eau est uuy- tir. anul Mira. Cvo it aîi rily, of tblng. Fan sale Ly F. B. LOVaLL, C .BUskwiIfnih oo Evsaî,ilet n rnu aie Libsrtyvilte; 0190. C. ROBvERS, Waul- CA iisiwl uns odjvuto,(ao lum ttste couda; WILL KNIOOE, lRockefeller; ilciat Dining Hall on flie Fair uIt-n last suiday. -lig utcui 4JRAYaLAKE PHiAEtACY. Missm liiliau liiiîttliîealcui Girounds nt weck. huchle, are viciiig relatives ut Hall IVAN HOE. Dayit îî Prairie Vicw. WH EELI NG. Gearge îîattuvrfIn m le îcîgwîîb a)CRcARrnE. Oicar F vi oioI[i,Ia ý a very cevere attuvk ol itoiiiitis. WiII A very pieauttlittîn weddtng ol Ed M ilof.lilf Da, wastri ownians -ii liiig Lis place am day tatian place lu aur village on Wedesday,'Bndy agent. Aog. IMat, aIItie itonie ofthie brides r .srký lifiill u'e o Mr. .Egr a lae h motiter, In the, prononce of a suni ieC tvî al iiaitii ie Me .Egr iscendti ccpaoy of relatives and finda. Englcewoauîîi j vvcuîîi'< stiolause tiiuîraîigloly miii tiip tw Miss Kaberîne Docker, one cf our Il .J. l'acte vîvot loch kin theu ommeanieimeiintl i laitiireuins o popular lvanhoe youug ladies. vas clly visitiug tricuvîs snd relatives. colndlucartiage villi Mr. Charies lira. J. N. lid". (ilSycanîîre, Mlad tr. aud liraIl. Delorîne returusil IF YOU WANT A Parker, of Veo, Mev..tMr. Dtton, of on oid friendsla ttriay anduui îdîî. htixii week frmItll vios t itti Wauconda, offeictting. lTe boira, vas lrMlîîicaifuiiVeult~cur P'li,,fan a onfaSe. ttb WALKER, RIDER OR GANG atfiydortdwtflian Mr.Kellm]su Il Meia,,niMehmeitLgLk. roses.Thec'trmig fa- ow dys wacîIti icer, Mia laiiina -BUY A - o .Tebride loe hrmne-Bateubacti. Dr. Maudeviile iîlI Ireuch liilie tirsd lu daiuly iwhits and carrylng àM ,ctrhiea ndyeojgu B RADLEY ~ïOR LIE.ERE handsmne loquet of white rases. Mr.- lire. lianiiutii aent tu FrenonIjt M. E cîîî Ydycr.bîct î dia vlga. AND HAVE T149 SESI) MADE. sud lira. Parker received niany p liý ondsy u ta dy a v,îvk wîtlî briliaîter cvid icek nd verfi ls BUL IH , O KRG T $A IH .entafirant helr fiaonds, vIa vial and aged faller. Mvteu iita enud L ofe a rk lm. BUIT IG TWOR RGH, TAYRIHTtIeni ail joy ana lispptness lu thsir lMr. sud tirs. El Wauiliiîig, oaI lligii. Wai enhenistu theLadies Ai me wedded life. They Lefs Wednesday land ParSkvil!i thli tranît Mns. of t M. E cnord Septemben 4I.l. A W AGONS. evenlng for a weddlug trip t St. Piochier bosit eet. very enjîîyaile îiay ls sutilpated. WE HAVE TI4E OLO MELIaLE Joseph, Mic. andtran sience suElgin, Mr. and Ml. J. Schmie enter- Tes i!baecisoala WE AVETHEOLD1111.1111.9Arora, und Sandwich, I11. Tbey vli Wooud a bomtt f ilewssand niece8 îLe lae wai ias FISH1>13:1, I bosum ISt ~Sept. lot, lu Volo. front Chicago, lait aceSk. theghomeAog . . uti. Everybd en FIHB O .Ths ollawinggusste verspresu:li. Mr. suit Mrc. Fred llarimaîî. aifad calpeaclieamI cream snd haves THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS. and Ml.Palmer and lira. Langll, 0 ogers armetSna frougodi CIVE ut A CALL. Evanalon; lirs. Cliaueey PreS er, Ed oe aS plttodyatroagîî i ParSer,lMn. aud lins. (Cambe, Rase and evenlug at i eîîrylieioatem. IleLds dSoit bliI& Huson, Mary Raymnd, Mary itangl Laura and Frank larke attendiid 1uRîl.i.î erioi lu W. LL llltchIingsa and Jeunie Waton, af Voe; hFlornce camp meeting iii Niperville Piark Siii- (itîlveaIset Wediecîiy. ILh asa a grand sC H N C BRO S., Bryaut, Emma Uadke, Ale Payn, day. lLey ceporttd a gaîd tîme. sulîfc o-al li lliancially. 'le Lilitau Payne, Emnma (rablie, tir. and Ilobila artînan, fif Wllmette, ic eteathorias very tlireateulng lu the Lbertyville, Illinois. lira. l(irab)be, Mr. aud tins. Viclery. speudlug a wceSk witi lits grandparu- raoruiag, ba1 t l iiinet t eelu the _____________________________________________________________Ltzzle Wit£, CsrrteWirtz, anti Franîk enta, Mr. and ire. lHenry lieioîlat. croacd îîway. Fliteeîî galloîns aifie Wirlz, a1Iivauboe. Misei E-te lVendling vill agalu lt-aveii rçarn wuvu dls1îeofii. 'l'lie varions us neat Sundsy and igu iSyîsiuore liltgii hé tbîî l-iovîu acre very lu- Hall vhei tle op ler ltsiyuar o iglil.îcliiu, ti'tstiig siîud aulliig. IniJzua aere R OEut at the Dining Ha» wen nuwanî:îdfîurthie uiffereut racesetc atteodifnceai the fir oei week,. Tr[vî oduu invu aoItli;,- l.liioutut meal et nghi pics.Brous us grave Sat i.iily ite r. lt iv,! l lii lu il ler 5houpiv liimInga 011W Goodmos nusacan cs.eveulnig, Aîîg. lîc. Ail .r citioly lî'oi of paili invited la attend.Svia o trfnerachilllf 0F AL ~ rviIuvv~uîtlvil;.i!,t Il.y trilleth.Skicnurmh. n .aH. Uolding and M. W. Huhtîgiîell acruý , ilig l iil al rliitivu-clu liLake la. i y viitera i ueaday. M. v.1. -. di ,S ra'i Adersoini)hiuasguiul> te OF ALL C~~APACITY lit, sud ira. i'numtiiil, o uui, i.vuji- lni' fmly mIDO oie, berrs hhiow, ve un uiuiu NORTH NORI1HI-IELL>. Nr l. fVtn ÊO0T'*IEFR ..PAIRS DAILV fronChicago &lel!ca tirt i t eek. 1lit. 1i. Il ulIii il]lIiltuîg rîvl li W. ltagau, tir. hParkitg si t îhena lorla5iîîi iiilli uv ii Ni i r l, ifi,., vi, octii, liuct ct-seral froint W&unkega ithnddtihe eunionî. caM - herbent Werdeu, h). (iranger sud tir, sudit! ce l0iiir, gt L.r,iii (i ii titi î ig THIS PICTURE SHOWS PAILROAD FACILITES others fmon Chicago atteîîded tLe ce- caga, are vltialg il 1h li"i irroz ,ulil Si r clii ' 1)luanuîd amlly union. iaflly. v'oierEIgl u FOR SHîPPI NG DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO CUSTOMER. Mir. and lira ilobemîs vilI vîcîit tue The linahl, tii tlu lini irnuvllî .îîdy Pan-Arnerican exposition luîteue ur and J. HineSs itlenIuî I 111v. Il.'A. LEts Wsril ham cetîriledl oo mne WE AV A ARE sSSRTwIET >~future. cneto hNprîtîtrvieilIlii lita.ilieirouglit ber culîîi, QuiHAVEsAuLARGEnAfront lierFatiendeti J.C. Wessllug huit a drive i laîa eizer,Wltiiher. I-IE ~4 E ~ N ~C QI- fiEC lte cHieutry Co. ait Tieirday and Napervitîn receutiy ccl.iiicllg aitli H EN DE RSON S SJHj a O L.aS Friday. lits daughter Ailsa, hi loulid mce i vit- Ihilis nî-oateil muniautoieu ll oresi lir. and ltira. Wageuer, ouf Barri uglan, lg there. that ae i'ta ihave c trolley hune muni AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. vuojîe.i Mn. anti tis. W Hlmtnîite- 1ev. Koteti attinuli lirita auli iui hte golf groibine fiaeiu cenitly. ,,ieetlog u apei1itrilvlinS i , )t avuit tiM' 1h,-i. i aîîuWw aeiit-tîitl iliviile Mens Sucie, ... ...........$150, 02.00, 0Z.50, 02.75 aud $3.00 Mr. Lia.wuîgs, M~ icl~lelr, frontîîI-nl Irov- mi, ll l. ridtiri gluuiIegt-. le ladies Bulles............ .............$1.33, $1.409 $1.30, $1.85 sud $2.25 and Hastie l<ulpfitubn hrgay ofii Is ext itOtkeuîiru l l. ii, 1 îîetii l li, yuîuîiclt gîfth" îlcîe ime' Oxfords .................................90, $1.10, $1.35 and $1.30 veek. Congratuilations are lu ardu-r. iicXt Nothiuîiuy. I It- isgaiii- hii i hmeli-t ileuîthomue. Bavs sud LItie <Gents ...........................1.00 te $1:73 Mr. Lusk and Mary Rasymond würe a î,uoîîîng uu the ai iii drlInilr 'ilîiLii îcu îsa tUilitta..... .................. ad a nare Sîepro eb ;vWiicil utacoullinei <iluvîl. uililçgiiig fiirii. A fil ne f hilren' R d cho l H us bIltheiboime oi lice. ClougI aller lie toit maîp i' .ay 1)'lvii E clv4 eiiîîc li lue <jette A ful lin of C ildrns' R d Sc ool H use yhicli li. and tirs. Loisirhtoit forîa, r iïtesoa liiîigll M ouilar play, iuiigig froni thte S hoes in Dongola and Box Caif vodding trip. W, iedcnrtl-o10-lubro opuW( lg rn h M o eo n zlndcngaiiî. ch ai rae eariiti 1Lig thlotInlnurii uapî cîi igirait col e ase i îcî. h0vere ,Ihe pansaoliagu fiiizîrly ctîo.uîl. tiiiut vr.1iivebvn ent The ouilonpasait ff icey. htitlaierunîoned Ibat Mr. liliiI,î-cLasMhic ike' days hol e ave beau mare soltable made lhintan olfer. 1 a lilecoune io loin Iraut? V. Sauer & on h»Adhey beeu made ta re.Te Acranld' rvil 1e l enbado imo ae ampflre Tueaday evening waAcetiladstîiuialîi usNtiî Waeil vad iLn o ae attendait sud te eveninfi pleasautly turmulug toeo alter vlviiîîg Lier Lîsi>oit gel diccoocaged girls, le viii Long Grove - - -IllînjoîS. speut by tle comtadina and frieuda bts inlud no oecpied>iu>thiotio.igiitt telte bis spilenace doinc lIme lu the IeUing toies sud etngtng sud munie bis pleasanit vicît thiol ieu iîildiculy 'lieut fuiturevie hope. _______________________by droni Corps. Wedneadai, lte gen- fotiud bis buîggy hinioi ilîlait,-i Li is Aiutobile drivers must b, mare erai progrant as lu order and eveny- lacmestaing aitic lettrî e. liauiî,,IY caretuil. A few daya ago a lady vhile ___________________________________________________ itng pasaied off liSe edock wonS. tonînathIe rond toaarde i)eerîiv-id uîrîîîlg alone met un aestomoîîîe near 0 . . Booit. Beir , Art.. ngai ale tie poiitry faa. ]Hem herse becarne * rohîcu vtioosta tlîn îi lbouilliit ., fr.~igbteried sud trnau j ttpplug tbe I eltt Little liaryila.Sînce tili.'u " teFir iugill fito îth ic aes elanaly lu- I I ~~~~~have befnen eulreiy uured ai Mru ulvenu înîgthelîy ut. I rconuedy. Ifll .B.~ your subscription is in a, L. O A L ______cns ___Drem al iou aqurer n EVERETr. a retunned Loo Chicago&fiter an exteudeut u in iîîlgltut ittte, Molutona, Las re- aiti. 111.r pI ean n arents. l>urenîl aîdve, aen u MI- -WM-MI 0F THE LAKE OOUN'rY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Sept. 3=4=5=6 1901. IT WILL BE THE Gýreatest-w Grandest A B est -:U- Fair ever held in Lake County. Wsulfl iixiel i \i' e I ii j rtineîît EXiIIBITS lîis y~eair iîileso..i t btinigi cutltuîral jlrlselt(ts, as t'oîse<i but. hi >ithé-, retceht droîîglit titis <le-.artiniîtitîay îot be uiité-)t.' o thtim iial higlitandîiard , buît ye-t sliiîld le», goil. More' ltalls fior e'xtiibitiîîîî piir îrîsîe-. Iî e 1îuu'i e-ngaged<1tit date', thi îe-we-r be'fi',' at sut u-iarly a pt'rio<I. îandithîe lihves.ctuwk exh liblits til I lst Sîctelidifl asi-i tîi at will ail t-,ii)it.-À witlitltîî v..Special Features.v. Onî u~1<tîV~1iu mîid Frillay a;fttî'î ga.ged andîîi i - lî'îs iii as i NIaI -1-IN .li 'iî'..t A, Poiloi1' tîîy ll;tî- u bIy Iîi lI-i i i f te ( ij liroli;ily i i iiî-i lay liil uî Th r I ll ». " ahI Iî 1 tîîef.' îil Iitî' lhYu-It' r;îi- fii a,$15> goi i l îîeî'l I ueil tii ;IîH i-le . A îuirse eof ý7-t îill tt't'A h e bai ti ):se* all luines wi luliilîg <ier alîll j uutitir-s t the fair .Etitry fee of $5 tii lue adeel tu lî the lîrse. Ihume~ to be divide"t 4o and ô o. Tlureu' gtuud lura's Ibandis I et- ic .îî;g thte Libertyî 'uIc. Il ;glîwuuuitand lB;rriituiîi. ..Speed Prog,,,rammre:: ever aî'raîîged and ow îîîingtig lit- 'fae Couîuty is tlîis year inîî httlier$t'îF-air Circuit, the, raives v îi il vitia ;t tevr anîd speedier ('laits <uf lutr-ithati Iilui,î îvîr strtediin Wednesday, September 4. No>. 1-2:25 (Iass 'l'i<ttiiîg...............5 > No. 2-3:04) Class Trottingr............. 200( 00 -No. 3-2:20> (lass Pauiîg ............. . 2,o Thursday. September 5. Nuo. 4-2:30 (îlas8 Trottinug............-250 No. .5P e' ur lIacinîg .............p 4)()( No. m- îeIaftile' Riiîg 2 iii 3. . I i> oui Nuo, 7-2:50il rout,1for Lake (ioity <<ily 1<1<1 1> Friday, September 6. No. 8-2:35 Clamm Pacue ......... .......25 0 No. ,)-!eree-Ieor-All rotin-......... 00î 1< No. Il>--2:40) Class Truttiîî g........... 0 00> No.i l1--Tlree-qitarter miile 'daslî ....... 10< Ail in ail it's g6ing to be a grand fair. Special train service from Waukegan and Barrlngton on the E. J. & E and from Walworth, .Wis., on the C. Il. & St. p. iÏbeen arranged for. See time table for speclal service durlng the fair on first page. A rate of one and one-third fare for the roulnd ftn toa il poaint5 wîvthin 100 miles Vol. I Ilia 1. SEà. Are the. Fet anteî iiepali 81 niewly cernents Pricei ROOM i ae@Rut Dr.C OffIe Liber OffIci i lu iosldei Li F Ati 0V71 Li be Dr. atainsl our

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