AKE Vol. IX. No./ 0 COLJNTY IND)EPENDENT, Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, September 20, 1901. $1.50 a Year in Advance. i nue of Owlersbip il, 4iig pîîrchalied the bl'-il-Hr-4 aîîd 90041 wijJ ol aauîborîî &t <o., I . lî I paç tllll"e eif )heayli l iew c.u4tomter- (ilI be my aim to I-.;, dli alîkq, (1 - _-'w alij i n ît iothil l ett ily Fl1aud wi uter gîdf tuow in, anîd 1 J;tve a large axs4orttiîîrî t. fje My îothinig of 'éointIesit samples:Il t i tî atest effects. If g>od god4l. I~îî~i workmaiship), quicik service anîd riglit pr les wiIl avail t,4) îleisv~ anîd satisfy youi. 'i\e nie a trial. William Stevenson, SuCCESSOR TO SANBORN ,& CO. The OId Stand, KAISER BLIXI. Libertyville -11 - iiîn ois. Fred Croker, TAILOR. OVER Schanck's hardware Store, Libertyville 'alk- Are lhp best :ad ln tme th heueset. Feit gravel roofs guar- anteed for five years. iiapairing doue lu flrmr eiaM shape noVly proliareîl tii dresauîug 'uil tuaIâ ikes (Al osik. nîursny as giuii anoV. i arn preparei t t luiti l'ortland camant ideVlks. nurttis r gutters. Prices always Reasonable. WM. BELL .C BRIDE BLOCK Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, O EN TIST. long l'un Office over Lake County Btank tl. i- s '. . a r i 1- ,ifi .. ) AIi'Y Libertyvilie, 111. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, AT'TORN4EY AT LAW. LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. 0,11ÂNÛR 10< K. wt rssv LINCOLN LUSK, AUCTIONEER. Rollins -Illinois. i-ail arouid îor alîrtiso and i wili guar. Elgin1 i tai' tmatlýfiutifui-î. Aug 1<. cm-t' Dr. Charles Galloway.i A P I D RY offlceover Lovoll'sDrug StoreRA PHLa' IY. PI1ANO S ORGANI noubasexoM i roi3ANqIu9TO iM. 1JNEO ... CL..,... Libertyville. - Illinois RE GULArlOE REPAIMEO. auCT OR .... DIr. J. L. TAYLOR. Shoninger set Schaeffer Pianos. iiffhrsn flur T,-hzscs & Tavior'îu. i Lihertyvîie - Illinois. -- Bo0 là - 1 to 10a. nimi " , l" t"(1f' t. i ltaeldonce on lrt.aîiiy îel' hart Libertyvilie. Illinois. PAUL MacCUFFIN, Attorney and ('ounseelor ui Law. NOTARV PUBLIC ousie Ovin LAKK CoiNTY l ssiI, Libertyville. Il linois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOU NG. Physîclan and Surgeon. ae'rDNgiCl OPPOrra LEUiMAN UOTZLilii. curnee - -----------Illinlois. É a-ki 9-0--, 6- ait WRIGHT DYMOND & CO., Lbertyvllle, Illinois. -9@eolm- Issues Interest 13earing Certifi- cates Payable on Demand. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS OF CI-iicAaO, lias upenieita DENTAL OFFICE At Libertyvllle, Butiers Block, over Snilth & Davis'ostore wbara lie msv lie foond regula']y on Wedne8days. ironi ml oli a. um. to :m) P. un. 5/ ~ ~ mmaae uuuiner Conuîîianta suioHc nt iwluii aeuuiuis U R. E. FORD UAVlIE, liaeaheartstrau Iiýn4and il"habisnîgllar, Jouit naait t ,s1kes H.ospitailelih- lîlîdren oi go tbroîîgh the boated 'irp n/O i lii gi i itiWeser h l hiii thiuit oackneoss Dr.('sl1welI's waukei,îa.. il>' îll lp8lu corrects I]i surli troubhles s PECIALIST. hi>'ramuivieg the ulîsi-unti aceanti ChronIc Disesses cf tIen ant Womcui. 1ke-aPI te luystau n teptrfect serkg GENER L SUR ERY. ordar. Fur partIcuiars ank FBl lOVIR/, GENERA SURGRY. tilîartyville;G(Io. C' iioiiEirm, Wae- EE.EAR, NOSE, &THROAT. u'uilai; WIL LrîiuuIieeel aUratls nt 1--ct r'iE r bli iiW .kegns Hl.,itEAD THE 151u55'5DKNT. IT LE&DII WORI<MAN FALLS TO luS DMATH 1 SUPERVISORS FIX COL NTY TAX1 DOWIE PREFERS LAKE COUNTY. Fatality ut Cigicuat igiitids Near Ittrriniltoti. C'iriitiir Tayloiîr oas called t iiChi- vag0 i il gil iii l1>. tlîî, ne W unnatact lîr-t itug tî,wrî lr i Ereiîîgtun, ta bolai] Iii(1 lest uverter e itîairiaiof larîuey Carroll, tliffilay avctintg. (arroil ii osluti'eemuloy cof Fair- liaunsMorte . 1Coi , andt Vaiworking uni a tiiwer, w lit-îlisulpontait a large1 Vater tankt.i' wan standing on a 4tagiug, tlfty Pett frour the grouril,' Vluîn lie woîiierved iîy IVo work. meni lx-lîîw tl ltls balance. It waz i itonlng sîglit tiiwitness bie body titel doisward, tunulg ovar and iiir ltn tOe air. stillng a seelfoldîng niîdway to thea groîînd, ttiebolitn îiitward and iluwnwsari. Tbcy turit thwir tac.ce awiîy wiili a cry 0f borroir,E îîliy musiterin)g fcorage loo0k Up wben a duii thuit assural iretbr Carrol tract trueÈthie grounnî. Tliey ruaiiad W0 biisie iîumediateiy, but fle waa extinct, ln tact tbey were of the opinion lie Vals desitbefore strikleg the gronnit. Ha is adw"a badiy cruhliait, au ari and log btîtean sd many7 brties dis- eernable. i lie Corîîtîers î jury, cîîtsistlug î(f M.t TI Lamey, fîîrcman, C. H. Morris, F. T. Hoffman, E. Id. Bloct, J. F. [Haste snd 0. F Cooîper determined to l n- ventigate ilie scalfuiding lu aseertain If any biame should lie attachait for carles countructliu. Tliis thay did, Vi9btheibarasîit ail Vers Imprasseit Vitb the Peubatatilaiity of the acauld. What caugied C(arruoli to fait ViliIneyer bia tnV. l'iehajury ex-. onarateit Fairbanks-Morse & Co. troun suyshlanie. Carroll ilved it atEI'ao, Ill., sud bal beau iu tire ampiuy of theallri men- ttnuei lor twelve yasrs. Ha VII unniarviait and about tblrtytitve yesrs oif age. l'lie renouna were shippel to Elpasio. Dimtrîet W. C. T. U. Convention. Lest week Thiiîrusay andt Friday octîrred l te nineteulli annuaI conven- tion o!filie Fourtlu LDisrict W. C. 'T. 1'. tir Waukegau. Ihuxsday moruiug tliare Vas an executîve sessionun ti e femperanea1 Temple, gven up ta baarlng the Varions reporta andt mach interest vai aioVn liy tIeattilleront bnperintendetsa reports. ltit' i remident, Sie. Lunime Iunnits arrîvedonthu Ilîîou train and the afternooin seiiiîîn Vas lclaletie l'rasbylcriau c(-Ouiri. ire. Roundsi gave a riitiug addressir 1 ursday aveu. log. NEW. il FliBIIS. h rîîay ovcurrad Itha ehectiîîn oui UC distriCt ilîtlîcrM, as fOlOiîW8 Bt.s iîiimoîv, iRogers lPart, i'resl- lt-ut Srs J.Imiiaimst18, Waukeash, %ce l'rehiiteut.1 SuisKnstljiur>îua.sytr. lavenswood, -ecretat>' Mrs. 0.l. Si it>,, Evaustue. reas-t urer.t Mrm.1). 1i. lloumpsou, Eveîîston, Delgata tii Nati convention ai Fort Worthu,'[axas. Sire. Jeunie Just, Aiternate. TOeditsinleisuew prasident us ax national W. C. T. t'. organizer andt bas jubt îuoved loto Chicagu. Han sler- tion for presidant it bs thouglitViiili es a goui t tiig for tlie wort as sic is soý o dlloy oxperianceit. Duing one o! tic session@ Frlîhay remoutulun e are adoptait as tuliuVs:1 Exprassiug deep sorrosa ton irasi- dent ht1{luiley anil axpressing ilecli sympaiiy tonr . McKinley'. Erîdîrsng local option bili uw bl-e fore the legiatainure. Piedging iîtyslty iii euturcamuct o! cauteen blli. Favoring lue î-onîîty W. C. T. Li. orgauizsiouî ratlier iliau listriet organisation. Expreseing thatnke Ltheli Viligan prese for Is courtes>' A granîd gîll i nedtui 'îteht Fritiay eveeieg cIusid the contenance. lie coulesiswauwoun uv Miss DaIs>' Faulteer, ot Giruee. 'l'ha tlar con. tostatits Vire Aitlla lias, habel Peters, Lulu G(lleri aud Hattil a îyne. Clias. Whituey au Uîeorge iRogers Vert' jiiige. lm Official i'a per. TtrounglItls prlîîtiug cummihieitha Lake (<iunt>' tîiustii tifSupervisons bas deelguaaidtheticNDRI>.INT as t0e officliai peper the aîîsîîig year.1 Ail proceedings outhelisBoard el appear lu tisse coloma niedStofficial publications ut Vatever nature ne- quiradt he OcBoard. That h Ii NuiPENDFNT lias comae to lie reongizeîl as the leating count>' pper 1leavienced iy tht' action of tie prnutiug cummîttea, sitar carat uiy consldarlug theii'iattet. Suîitay ihliardîs. At Ibeir meinlg Moeday îight ush Waîîkcgan City Conneil voledtho anient thee biliiard hall and bîowling allay or- dînance t10 slioVof teeplng such places of amusement open on liundzy. Alderman Gorbani volet alaienatthe irementt Lamais Whth M~arriagc <<ft. Adopt Re@aîîii o rus. lhiurhditythe Finance 'ur ofî u the Board of SupervisorF v Si' itn re- port on the Saz evy,Éhli iIL-gîf rs counlty lax at 60 )conts. iiuring iitahe roliSi îî(li.ir- MaLn ktephans %lu baif (A tIie liari, presqenteit Supervli<or L.iîi'y witli a handsoma sIivev tas selt fr(e urn and silver tray, ln ail Ix le.Mr. Lamey liait Jent rtri l roi ilus wedding trip and t Il ai,js f. rt t up. pearence ai tha seaslnus. 'liho eliairmen staisl tu"t lie nu- derstood teIbne ahfsuiC Vu isad by the matnber'a marrlag' lami lie tbongbt thae mrioage Vi-a4us srious atiiing as any membar ti tlié- hsard aver coniracteit except t- , aoi did eut sAcru nlined &0 marri ",Wbereos Graham?" i terruptesi supervîsur mier, Iookirtg lornesunie crowded ln arnong theamin-il menm- Cliuî,s lie leUnjusly Taxed ln c,îok c,îituî f Dosatalu hua etîrreet ltiuber<if lits "LA'avc'i <if iieallîug' lu cunuection w Itutlie gZoerai progrees of buliling i LlionCity, me.: "We have ouneaves gireo rîers for tlie lrumcuitî' conmtruction itofmany new buildings lu counection ith Z ion Lace Inidustrie.4, tut a naw pîtetoffice, for additioîns to /îou Clty Unarai stores, foîr temjîorary Adimnistration olices, eitc; luvoiviug ail expeuliture lu the immediate future o utfîlv one Iiunîlred tliusanîl dollars. "-%Ve bave also direciod tuai plans s hal lie maîla for the coînstruîction uf a s Me Tabernacle, noar iShiloli lPark, to seai about six thuîîîsanîi persous, andt to be usait aisu am a Central Lion siction], etc. 'îTemporary provmion la being made eat the Auditorium u l Sbi l'ark for bers. Wiîn rlefarca 10 Ibh buildigu -SueaVisor lam yey itarnî i' a rap- homes ha says of a racentii: '-ant VC Viahlin,0 gîTe iOhiimie tliaI wiII casa hlm te, aiwayh ni members bisse atand 60 VC praeuit lioViii tiis'anitbtiachairmna lr, glttramo under bis deakt he beautiui l ilver set and ranarkait se l i t on the test. "We nil e- lheur (lieo Snpat'vlaor'a d.atanae." Superviser Lamey -. psiniya serprisd. HA saidttalie didu't tnoV Vbat t0Basy. He iii ew ail the Bloard realîzet why hoe -a absent, that le ail but iVo, and afu r toiiingt at th1e beantlfal reprîmanit Il,-thought tbay Voulit hostie arounnîlutgat une lita ht. ",Nover" aboted Mr. Min "'Tbgt's ail the deteusî i1 liave,t gentlemn" contluned Mr . a.î -il I nope toesonoe entertain tii14liaril andt tien we Viii mate nse ufPltOrse tliîngs.", SYM1'ATHY AND O 5050FOl'OittF-b N [ha followi.g resolîîîîton Vas adopted, tif course belon.- trasîdeni McKinley'a deaahhi: WaasiEAS, Intelligence o!ftîa ttempt upon 1the lifa 0f Prealdatît SiKnley Vhlch shootait the Civililzed w)r la, bas been recaîvod wth intense gi te! îy Ilie people of ibis comununity woUa ail re- gart d m Vth aspecial iîterest sud affection, Iherefora ho l Reouosed, That the Boardl of Super. visons of Lake Oouiffl tata ibis meaou te express the symptt.y and lsorro', fait by the citizaus 1 b aka County over tbe dastardly a-uît rnpou our Preitent aud go voir-e lIm hope tilat animales il men for lbis speedy re- covery; Ibat loie omv le bappily restored te good helujîliand long cono 0 joy tOei'ti-e, r'onideucc suit asteens VithiiOcI le liabld in thie bearts of bis etilumîtryuîeii. Ieerfleid I'omtittlî îeRoibbcd. F'or the tonrtb tutIl lu e year ilie Deerfiait Postotlilea ,., rimbiesiMou. day ulght ai two o ',c. LEirance Vas torcedt iroug hli itî lisetdioor of the ornies Vhieboitt i door ta the Derleit achoîl 1tse. Dynamite lîteral>' ttw the ste te places, rcklng tlic biiîudîng sad i- loinlng property. 1t tî robrs ob- lainait $3W 1le stamhle. md nioney asud made gond their ùse.iîlî' on a treigni train, Ih ins spposaul t1 .Hutelileon boari th1e explosiiîî, rnîîaliunto the road, irad iteIsrevois vs îîî &rougaeuthe village, beitseaI etru iýýLthe rallierm V55 not olitaineit. TVo suspicions ciuamUrs were nu. tîceit Monday aln about the village. Boti mon VOte o i t dtun height, eue darktasuithile îîh, n lîghi. Puai- master James Fritschli,,titilaithie puai- office. sacrat servie ,,stLiorJties anud lie>' arc VoYtlulg 011 Il.ýCuie. ,Mr@. Footee, C.iini <a Cet. At iheir session I tilts altarnoon ut ast week the iBoaurdl il! îîirvisois cou- aiierei theliallotutNIr. t <linFoute for $12085 for salary for 'e i lî'atead lias. band as supervisîîr iof 'srnoi Mrs. Poot ne aîrî ulvîl ,by ('oun and Orvieo. 'Tle conipisint <s tt the couetY iressurer teby Isitallul $.114>per year for his Volt 5as upeietî tsr o! amssa- mnant ttt Mn. Foît, liriug the tVa years andt fiva niontia t sý ervait neyer reeeived Ibis money. Thepoint involveil i omfutariglit Interpratation of ilie îltttems The malter la nut ai i w one ta itue Boardas Mr. Fonte himuîIllait lrouglit it before the Board îO it it hadboee put Off on tVa occasion,. Thus telinra Ims tOat %In. Fotese beire shonit recclvi ttmi înnay due hlm ah thie ime of dîtattu for acting as superviser or assem.1saitîrt, or $12085. The Bloard atter toii.slîeing the malter ui lengil i-lit1fi' bill troni $1208 t0e$40. It ln very ltl iithat tîc lautif! ViII not sottie for this tuîîîîînt aýdtihat suit for the fui anîîît v oilie started egainsî the coanni. For Sa le. Goit pur%- borglili. Leuve or ait. dresa orders ho E. E .SMm 1T,lManufac- tuxer. Ivanhoe,111. 60-4-P. plopoMiilou, but hiseVwu tbe-oniy dis, IM s sUIssxcMTAsv a YiM u's cRÀU 0s --le sonia cases VO wonId sao ail the niembers of the !amiy, fathar, motbar, sues, and daugliters, itoon to the lIttho onea, laborluig together lu the erection ut tlie barn 10 cçver the bouseholit goodm, sud lu Vhiclitto]ive, wobile they Vere coustructleg the home on the other part of the lot" The Cook County Board of itavleV comea le for as seriug le ibis nuniber of the -"Loaves," DoVie clalmlng liai Chicago llnding tbey cannot driva ZIon ont,&8as aspIrtual force, findil t tue to ta it Il theili lIt as a nateriai power. He demura et a taxation upon a valuation ut ueariy $800ll,(w) uotVitli- standing mueb of the property tuns assemsait xisis lunailier Iplace@ set la tied theo. île furiher says. -Hiold-' ing, as Va do, tbat the proparty VOici wa boIt for Zion la "cocle@iastloal pro- party," wa hava as mneh nlght tuona- capie taxation ais the Mauliodii, Episco- pal, Roman Cattholie, snd other cerches do upon iheir vainabla pro- perty of evary tindtul Chicago. -'Wist VO regret that wa are coi- palied tlu efler tii njustice, VO freeiy admit, ai the samne tume. Unit lia prîn. ciple ot exemption ot ecleksastical proportion troni taxation le esmantlaliy unjust. Ounr complaint la oniy againi the unensti dscrimination. "ýWa ara Villitfg. oheertn.tly %,o psy on bebait of Z ion, a taîr taxation upon ali that Goi bas gîven to us. "-Another year hitod iliug, VilIIfiit our personal lagal reilauce lu Lion City'. "Fîîîm tiience'we shahl lieut the Vail a! tlie U'liiago Assessor, Wlio wiil tild Iliat bis proy blas ascaîîed, andi thai hae eau no longer taI ms upounthUli op. ertuas whili we bull foîr Lion outside ot ('bîceag." iîriim the above it is evident that iluiie VIII ere long make Lloîî City' Oie lieadluartarH.,1id(1 iai lie liopîs for a conditioîn ut tiîumigt lu Laaecatnuty dilerent ilion tliat Vliu,.lie ie ndeiii C' ,iicagu. .XNOTiIE1ii/10'. Dosele purposes ta, carry bis coloniza- tlan lutoilie sWesti sud tii establlsh a communIt>' near Denver. Several eeake ago Etiter Gabriel Douglas (ifthie Dwie congragation secnrad anuoption an 15040 sces of land about taeu mies osu& ot Denver ou the R{angsa@ acIlle ralroad. Mir. lDouglas saidt ilat Dliwe intendait ta founuitan agricuiturai colon>' on tiistract saditotaexteui th1e limite ut tlie eolouy If the ventura provait suc- ce8sstui. Gîîld M1edal Content. 'l liera salli be a Liold Modal Conteht lu thea Fort Hill (liurcb Satnrday ave. ning, Sept. lis, '0ii. SIX contestanats. A collection willi betaken. You are ail lnvitcd. Mii,. Loi i', SuirwAlmn. GRAND DANCE llertel'sT Park,j Sept. 21, 1901. Prof. Sillitlî's (Iliciagu )rchevtra will fîîrîislî the mulsic. Every accommodation -îm, thligs yuîîî cau i îde but 'lot won'rIi înmer goods iii Wîuiter time. 1>011't try; it iso t t-cotomical. It's really cheaiîer to boiy >itable tliîîngs Now tlîat we've cut lîrices dowil. O)ur ability to rupîuly you with the' proper things wiII be quitt. evideîît wheni you sce the lhtige Iiile of fail goods we are showig 110w. S hoes fort'V)eialsto'iy. uîîîbers for cliflîdren Ltoie"for eeryho iy. Holeryleece Ii t' I goo<itIare 11i>ol)oular Underw ea~~~fr f teryho<ty. î~t*i~o Uinderwear~Cott4< n ibbed, le-indo wool garment. Uti iin ',iît.4for growi n folks and chilulreîî. LMI stock 09 lbft imode eer o*ma in Wankegan. G. .LXN&So Lî9 LW PRIC Waukegan - - - Illinois. 1Imm - STOVES If you are thinking of Iîuying a stove this fil or winter it will ha rnoney iii your pocket to look over my qtoek lefort iînying. 1 have made arrangements with Crihiien & 8exton, of Chicago, te handie their entire line of Universal Stoves Rnd Ranges. The Universal Steel Range heads the lijut of Steel Ranges; is of the finest finish andi heaviest stùel, By buying a large quantity 1 got a special low price which will enable me te sell these splendid stoves at about the same price vou would have te pay for cheaper goods. Libertyville - - Illinois, The 2Oth Century Cash Store For $2.25, $2.50, 53.00 and $3.25. Togaîber Vltb a fuil lina of Mens Bmite andt ovarcoals, Duok Couata suit Vesta and Mactinloalues aitlibongbi for spot cash nd Viiilibe soit for a amati profit for cash. Our Wlntar UnderVear la aitlnlu and reaaiy for your Inspection. Pnica froni $1.0 0 ' ......'....................$2.73 anunit. Wa bave a fine stock uf Men'. O lovea- Eisen drath's Aubeato Monins & iloVboitom's Brotherhoot lfloves, Wlnd, Water and Fire prou!, sesca itVih Vax ihreat, price ................ $1.00 Mens Shiisfroni $2140 t l ...u.......... .. Yours for cash, E. W. PARK1IURST, SCI'ANCK BLOCK. LIBERTYVILLE, IL16 àASTIIMA CURE FREE! Asthmnalene Brings Instant Refief and Permanent Cure in AU Casles. SENT ABSOLLJTELY FREON RECEIPT 0F POSTAL. 4AINEDThere la nothing ilke Asthms.Iene. it FOR VkM Ivrings Instant relief, aven il hie Vorae CS. EN It cure@ wluen ail aise rtil. trii oue 0 Athnaiîî,,r,,eived la good jondi- * . lion. I cannot tosit cou liow thankfuii Efl for thie c ood derived frou k t 1Vos a slave. ,,bainod wlth * . ptrl= sors ubroat and oia9t tfor ton rears. 1 de.- paiitof ever living ,ured. i saw yur advertise.- ment for the oire or! nus dreadru land tornientînus disease .a8thrna. andI (bougia mon had overapoke n * . mYoursaiwsstout rew)ivod to mIvo t a tb li T Mny astonlahm et. the triai actod lite a =..run&-.d * . M. a flil Czobotle' We Vaut tii sond toeverYeufuîjr &riral treatmont of Astbmaline. sîmilar to the on., tliît oured Mr. s asu W.118, W il"sn-I Fi br mail i'OSTPAID. ABItO- * . 'TELY FRlEEO0 iiÂRGOL.to any aîfterewlu -Jwill wrlte for it. oven on a postal. Nosur mind. * thotigli ou are ,I.sîialrlegr howevr bai Jour oasis. Ast1itnalsss wlll relieve andIcure. The Vore yi ir, vie thoi',uro iragil_4Va aremtise d t. Do net * dliWrltssaLtne, dlrosalnetilt TAIPTBitiiS.MEDJICINE (;0.. 79 taiueh lSt.,N .'.itCy. àoldhIy al Druugalts. W. M. APPLEY, c. w. PE*T S, AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONCER. Ubqrtyvîîae - ~Deerfield - ' ll44 Lake GountU'm veblesan utioneer. ai Wote re 55 igk. E. initay. Dg a9 tew sund Ps.rk. -bt doÛVI K~ tu mah ih'entalne& lier, fin n IwOhr are <Mi7, h.orij 'a home a attendait. Iago Vers band and ahnntier t 011.. tei <se gae y athamps Ide Kleley Locre Viti 3a bare il hîrayers over, pleaSan tîy i. 'Irola aIàr bosnea i pIRayteg n dancing ihey ail ucheon or 7vcrybod<y Ce. -,t IUr,a sy S-UN1 aîî'i cria ILsaýr- ELD. t hote. Zcoin ah 1140 Faui 'Cy ara tu 'ak Vith a sec Wî-ss- 'Are wara IV trIent lius', lia daugbter 4haunou, iltuei t o 57. Milss I aro,ç 'IinUg for a Sshitp 1ie atit. SCttery Pmilie ttri 0 yt. Crmdford - itmeti y lo-eM o,* "rfaIt uiy attasii 1)