XÀY STOP AT IIILWAUKEE AVE. C. R. Slîmnhanies teierytiiîîîî ni the- Jewelry IHi4e, bt he W011141"pa ugslp , .111îlIe for a cîît4)t >handle Uzolgosz for but.a te the Boeig, Fahiy anîd Elgin Uat4es anîd the- Elginî and Ami-riuan Wathan Movt'meiits', tuprior to al othiers iii the- market. WATC -1E1 JEWELRY C. R. StIERMA N, *bertyville FIRST PREMIUM. AT[LAS F1031 BREAD lias taks'ii tlt- [r4'îiiiiîîî t t i lie Laîke o-(îiintylFair for six ýeMrS year it waýý îîot t-îtereîl. It took First Premium again. this- year. fllscos no morethan n fer lour. SMITB ~ w1YIS SFL[ Il. Il1'8 Al1 8181. LIBERTYVILLE., ILL. H FIRST PREMUIM. IliInois. H 1] 121 LII FI (J' LII H h PICkflD UP HER 4Local Items of lnterest t .M. & ST. P. In Elfect Monday, Juiy Tu CHWIAGO. WEEK OSYII. Oepart From New Depot. 1evo lortys 111, ArrIvi, Chàico No. la ....7 27l n.8. . 5a.u*M. - 14... ......n .. . :44 -142 ..1>.25 i ..- 7 2l1 n MU NI' À Y No. î :1.... . io..... 44... 4 WKK I4AY*. Devars Prom Old Deot I .,î:. .Ilotyvij, rriv i, I.afo, o.1;11 In5 . m ...........2::45a. * 24'M . ...........1:40 .4 No 11, 2 :2 I. Mi ... . .......1 , Scbool vls cloacîl Tbursday lu bonor "f McKinley'. b averue Habcock ha, as lier guest Miss Dora lilendee, of Waisegan. M@. N. C. Proelor, ut Chicago, islted lier blster, tIrg. Cham, labcock, Ibis veek. F. 0. Farber bas the contract tu pint M. B. Colby*s bongo. Il viiliet' doue tilts fai. Dunuis Llmburry bas been appoiuted fipelal policeman aI 1the tate Fair tu ucîlir lu Spriugfieldd eil veelý 'I'tiosiay and e edouada>' niglils vu ver,, viated by the irât frost of thse *cason, ouhy liglil ones@ sot courge, but 111e>' ere tronts B. IL l.Mliers nevibongo loieluig paluted a darit îed villigreentrilm- mllige. The culons suit. the archi- lecture admirabi>'. Editb Sesvy and Stella Wihcox are attending the Liberlyville sebool thlis4 year, driving 10 sud from Ibeir borne vesl of Ion ileacb day.1 James Clark la piting Fred1 Crotter.bouse. Itlnis 10 1e trav cohor1 vith white trimmunuad green rouf. aua vili look nobby vlieu flisbed. Chas. Boyes bas ordeied lumber for1 a uev bouse vhlcb bu viii tuild ou bis lot ou vest aide of llrauerd Court adjoioing Mns. Glbaons property. hIra. Samoal Moore has beau aubier. log tb@ past veek vith a large car. buncla ou the cor,! of ber ueck, nece,- aiIatiug lanclng several limes. 511e la lmproviug siovl>'. Mrs. J. Rlay aud noo arrive,! froun Nalîcue., Ne) , recenti>', and joliued iier hbnélan'l. wbrbail Iîeii speudlug Puine veeki, ais1the hom4e otbis Bssebr, MrA. Larnote Ray>. Mis. Auguta Moore ban retnrncd 10 Llb<rtyvile anîd laken piossessin ut lier resideure on North avenue. Blie Lias IWeen ava>'for sorne lime, 1but lu- tends to maire lier home hure agalu. LSwan fFu-iî.sWn., bas porc hamed of J. W. Botler 1the lot on Stewart A. hlewoecu Chans. Babcock's sud *A. W. Waitos. lb la uoî lbis lu. tention tlu libîllul Ieuon aI preseul. tir. Parker sud famil>', uf Mdleur>', WIJIirn*Ve intOth 1e resblenoe YmucutiY purchamed liy hirn of C. W. Taylor, nov occupied b>' Lynne Colby, Oeil wcduenday. tIr. Coiby vili move turco bis uev borne ennier lun1the veek. Theuxl rneeting of Lakeide Cerne. ter>' Association viii 1e huId aI Mia. E. W. Duisunberi>"a bomne. Ail iadlua are rcîeqted to lie preseul as arrange- ments arc 10 bc made for a caeudar social to lis ho-id lu Ocbober. Some thirt>' of t1e Preshylurinu young pe<îple sorprlsed Mr. sud tirs. Aikins Case>' ai tbeir borne noîlli Of t'.vu Tucada>' night. Ihere Vas the naa social lime, lîglit retrestimeuuts ling inrycil durlug 1te uveutnig. Atm, Hardie la recovering nicely from lier recent aevure attack of typhoio fever sud white vry vuak, yutlmisgaliug as rapidi>' as eau bu ex. p.-cted. $lie yl nufer no permanent afi ltion ail a rTîbUIt f te ravagesa(ol F edaasv~l i 1fortuate, par- ticolari>' as the atback vas unusriahi> soere lu ber cage. Wtbite e*-iîng lis dînorutath1e colnu- ty faima Weinesday, Jue Henîiricksooi, âge tveut>' lvears,begau bieuding ai 1the moutb, vas remove,! lu bis roorn, and! soou aller <ied from luse of blood. He vas lrouglht 101the count>' 10505 Ivo moollis ago sufrilng vtb con- somptilun rom Waukegao, vhere lie louve@ icîstivos. Wrn. Bell, of Elgin, 18 poîtiug il asphal Wallis aloug 1the entire vest t'ide of lilraincr, Court betweeu Cook Ave, sud Lake streel; also in fr3nt of Mnr. Peuînimna propert>' ou Lake street snd E. Cooks sund C. H. Ippleys ou Mlvanken Ave. 01110mb are cou- iemplatiîg bliding aspisait valks Ibis lu, in tamt nov Ibat th1e village bears a sbare ufth11e burdun il viii net lie long outil Ouir tovu vili .outain man>' mlleif Ibis mostdeâîrable klnd (P of alk. The new sîcel bridge lu creOnS0 erection aI Hlait Day vas Precipttasd.1 Jute the river Monda>'. Tihe Ieon spaus sopportiog bridge Itoor vers 19 place and! a part of the supaeritMnouM A derrick bad beau plau4 I "a* je cantal' of lb4 brsdge ai llW5 while l, Ite mu vilt >.#ugabavy trou bsw 'J04 4144,wske 04 0 C. ANl~D IETm Iutfftm.Btectric Rond Offiiai, Are Not4 o Libertyville Reade rs ' '*rIc4.r **~Ld4 44* aé4I~ Wtboot w*lting 10 determîne vbat 0 Ir an>' actio,uIe people of Libertyvile shall take lu regard 10 1the proposed TIME TABLE. lectrle rond, officiais of the Chicago- Milauke EectIt Iailv>'Comopany' 7, 1901, at 1201 8. Im. are going ahead with tbelf plans. Word bas battitsent 10 Mr.Edwln Omborne FROM CHICAGO tIbal mat as soialas 1be cou bave papera VUES Dsîas. pruperi: drawn transferring the de. Arrive at New Deot-t sired rlgl-of-way bliey are ready go 1.** <4l.4U~* ivii I 541,. pay 1the pnIeu agreedIllipon, $10.19W. 315..... .a . M .1 ..... . . . Il4. 1tu. IYI.. 4 I I. ........ Il , . D~.fot for 1the fact 1the curpauy lis mai 1:1 ....5: 1. m . .......... .5<. 1- nnow planning te bailid only as fer as Ici 6,X).. . m . 4............*.Miwaukeu Ave. W bile tiaoy aie killng N...TIS tu. , 1.1* 0corne lop lovu" If a franchise la lm .....2:114 n. .. .J, ". grauntubmf and frontage saiai, yul 143.. OoI. M . .... .. 1,ni. 11e>'proes not 10 be .-parLIcular." nATURDAT[4 O5LY Mir. Front. lu a conversation, maid: llIf No. 144* 12 J . .......... .2I . In vu estop aI Milwaukee Ave. 10w ranch lesm tranefic iivu ecore tissu if ve PROM CHIC.AGO continue a hllî mile furîlier to the bas- l Wrr"ve at Od ..tesa center of tovu? Aujone demiring i Li, Iî.~e ArrViv 1 . Il- to reacb 1the lake aboite vII i uhout No. le .... sa3os. m ..........5. 4.5 l m. complan lul al our depot on hll- -141_... 5:2 . mn. ...........Il [,. -yankee Ave., bich inlutact viii 1be as -145 .... : «Jp. ............. l .. 'conoaent 10 a great man>' as ln thse No 1. ... 93 I i ...... Ava il . sit Paul station aet1the nîber end ofi tovo. We belueve vu viii gel just Bas1 rnucb business by stopping oun1the p. G. parlier tas a contra. t il, aiut aoutb edge of toio as If ve continue on C. I. Kaisers @tore builluys Ibrongb 1the village. Up 10 1the point Wrght Bros. elevU an sd i. Iî.oîhîrîlg 'here ve propose to eâtablish oui depot bolldiugsi are beiug ahingli. I at junction of Miwaukee Ave. the en- Fo~lIET [ouna or od. r Mî-.tire rlgbt-of.vay wiii be ou private FOR ENT- Bcag forIod,ý l Mt,>propert>' and ve uuud ask Do franchise CAPT. W*rcas, LibertyVille. o' 2-d. of anjone. If vur go up tvn Wva« viii *'Old BHherm oswesviclous I.îî:gnage bave 10 bave a franchise and $sner lu bis ad tbim veek. Mtead il *141 smiie. the consent of property owners Ibold. Frank Appey vlited Daîî, îlle, 111. Iing a majorit>' of th1e froniage ioflg friands tanst week, rssuiTig lwal Milwaukee Ave. Il iras aet1te reqnaesti at ilondool Tuesda>'. uf President Wado vu couidered 1the Miss. Dot Schnouck and L3ý,la Smith mateOr of coniuning the rond on have leinn sslgnud p îit rths,, hrough yuur village, il beiug on.r irais state Fir neat veek. intention te buiid oui>' as farsas Mi. Ater October 'lot no t,,rtns lu yankee Ave. and Ibere eitabilshab LibertyvIlle vIii open BSOndas 'rv mrn. depot. Later moe agreed.to run as fer inge, ail th1e Imrchauta havilig s*gned north as th1e SI. Pani passeuger depot an agreement 10 tistaI ffect. and are s at liinig te bailid Iat far, Hovrd a>'reîîne teSI.uiNiolthongli vuesaliot me1the additional Howad Ry rtured o f ilmriý)o ibneilt 1ta..-MYYWtdoUfdyoulXBoard duties ai Ahana ColegO eslat rr, and, cnamviiirenait b>' our so dclug. bis aister, Miss Almna, la pirssiiîg ber flioever, vul are nul particu.ar.' studios ai 1the &areian C('i, r atir>'Thal 1the rondsit ii 1bebult asntaeras of Munie, Chicago. Miwaukee Ave. is a settied tact and Cuisine lMay'vent %0 Denv 'r, 1oio, work on the grade la 10 commence ini a fast veeK, hoping 10 miai ls. limate 1ev veeka, perhaps a few deys. AiU more benuilta olabis0 ia lti, 4If ho lpreliliar>' details are arranged and it succeeds fis tarul>' vii robaiilly il nov oui>' a malter oft ligniug np.' movle 10 Colorado. 'Alter a franchise bas been grantldb> Frank Locke bas luinunur su 1the 11e Board, tvtlliviliidoubtlesa ho grouud for a nev bouse, vl.4b(,, 14111 idoneat therueit meeting,ascommnIttee batitd on 1the ile receuti>' pirIbaiscl I> wgit i be »Iciait1goaocurte consent of hlm of J. W. Btler on Ste, art Ave., property owneraa&long Miwaukee Ave. juat sonti of Mr&. <ampbelio I rî.prty. i1Iftais in deniud 1the depot vili 1e Il- Mise Fiora Oolby wbo i r several iabllsbed aI joncticuonfo Milwaukee montha bhm beau atndylng litih oue ot! Ave., and if 1the committee ia succesa. Chîcagos mobt promtineul pth 1 îgrai*11. fui 111e road vîlI extcnd as fax north as ers, yull open a studio litLberty- 1the St. Paul dupot. ville. Booms viii 1e fitted i il for th1e The II4DEPESODENT blluves Ibat th1e purpose bin orace Bnikiey'. solding, plimar>' object lu building 1the pro» nov la course of constrîî.'lî..n. Missla poseit extension lm to accore accuse te Colbl i>'ejc'ys a large .44 ,aintanle gravel bede on th1e Osborne farm, end bereabouts and vii *..s.lsmnalleiacuce 1the Inditirunce of 1the oompany th1e venure psy. 1am 10 euîering the village. The>' vil Batorday rnorniug lu. 1 hdit Icorne il encouraged railler thasuautag. chrcl itel vs tbu.' I fr, an hoor, Ilu/d v uvbut If &bey exper- liaga aI hall Mueat Ii- from the icuce trouble iu secuiring a franchise »choo] bouse, Sebck . i rrîgge &- ""Iil rolitage, tbcy yl buiid Iliei hue Tryor stoe, and izfl-Iir humble "0 turtîser than1the t()Aborne fern, juat va>' oui vîllagurN m,) riieil vîti, thena" tliesay. au>.ti tands 10 reason 1the Nation. MeRiaîniys ,m was dia- limited aujeunt o! atitional battue«s cuased by groupi of o îg patriots tl)bc uicurcd b>' uxten ding thicr 1Ans in msà>dud toues#lir.vus 0a dep th 1 a hall mile brtser viii nuosince . f emotion evidencil lehattlseld'111cm te exeit au>' groM endeavor le se- lbe love and devolînu i r people fet eTcre a franchise and froutagu. ,for ibeir Pro-aident. If the people vauttilleul up levu, il 1 l let wek' isue l I ilnotiýetoseemlu s 11e>' liould aucuru 1the 11he effeet that th1e per"" . having loat fotgfrte u adte a pocke".ook on t11ý1. i r gronoisrutii.I he o, an iil aoold have saine by appjlylîîg 5tIis j1the usat difforence displayud wvhen office. evural bave applied sud we JPropositious of Ibis nature aru up for couideralion, viii accompliil the are unabie te intorm tti:. os ho tbe purpose. inder la, asn1the on u,, Slsorziug 11e notIe file b eave1,î lae. îîî Services appropriate lue1the occasion . the titder please le'tt is t: .r fron blu. veru bel. aithe Uion cbourcli Tbnra- Fromt1the uomber ofi rt,les tu 11151 day mrnIng. iRave. Dix and Cld. notic8 e vu oold jielg, tîsere vure vuli aud Atorney benjamin H. Miler tsevlerai 1puek1et-bo-Iio1-t ()il t1he fair enloglzud oui uartyredPiraildent .gronnds. aud a joint choir rendured impressive r We notice a pilie cf birîk 44 Warren musio, Business vaassumpunded dur. Reaîh's lot on Cook A i-r1 is lochs «ng 1the service, Mciinieys picturu las if Mr. Heath intendel sn, build @oon. drapud iu mourning vas everyvhere W. -1 0, , displayud, lu tact il vas a period de- Avenu h ave plans for thoir proî>osed rusidences vblcb vil!l îl madminlng lots, sud &bat bolb are to. Icmodels of np-to-dateneas. Theuob ut. iiquestion areonuCook Ave. oppesitu M. B. Oolby's >elduuce. L IL. Brîî.î, ofnI Vanhoe0 viii siso buill,!asUne nw-. iîoI*u on bi@ lot on Cook Ave. in lir Pring. Rlobert Ellils, viao r:. t sold bis uigbty acre farta locaîr I ,,, Milwauke Ave. te E. iloclit, bis j, rcliased th1e Orville Hsven faim îof 1,o acres and! eiteen acres adijoi4î4lg ihum Thon. Eilis;. On 1the 16 iîcnui 4ho til eruct a rosiidence, as the hayn farmis l nov tenante,! by Mtr. ltutzciî,, iliosu lusse doua not expire for two y--4ro and bencu Mir. Ellils canuot gel po.session Of 1the bouse uov toaste,! on tiie faim. He vîli vork 1the siuleen 44res util ex- piralion 11f Mr.i. Izenlusse8111vhw18 lie vîi la ke posasssî4.Is 1 1the antire farun. L.yle Bond viii start a stamn laundi>' just as soonu ses sollable iulidiflg for vhice bas hmlumber o011e grouad eau ba ereoied. It vii lic iocated aM corner oet Nevberry Ave. sud Vilut sireet. vbIoh aI OirsIt ugIst vîli seoun a peoullar location wa.. iq gobfar from thie buniteas center oft ovn. This bowever, le a mont practîcàl si6o because o!f1the abnudan*re of vater pbtalabiu sud gooet drainaige sffurded, Wblob are essentîi pointls 10o oo- aider lu IoeIng a ur>'. Ifs vals w«roka .04 ser a>stelu vas lu vogue it vowd bu p ossible lu operale a I5Ihdy la on.mer1the businassa sentr. Notice. , '4tppoed of n'MY OEp zawaotylfle, Ia1 i 04aad~~ dus,! an,! sympalli>'for 1the vIte no prominenti>' beforu flise public joal nov. 8peaki ug of 1118 Watkegauî auto. mobile vlîichla Is blieralled ofT and on vlilch a number of Liberlyville men bave ticket", at a dollar eaclh, a Waokegsn paper Rays. -Coiaiduraibie diasatistacîion la beard about 111e cil>' regardiug the falinre 10 raile offth11e automobile ou vblcli linodreda of dol- lais vorbb of tickets have been soid doîlug 1t1e sommer. The machine vlieu Il vas put op won a brand nev onu aud vulI vorîli anybodys dollar luvelmeut. The lime of rafluing il lias ben pot off outil fburse 1 hoie somamer la gnou, snd ilbas nos yul takun place uoria8 it annouu,! vwheu Il la te bu donc,. Thu machine han been mun ail Miense mouilis aud la fur froin vbat lb vas vheu flie grester part of tbm ticket@ vere aold. Su strong Is the feeling Ibat rumors ut buginuung proceellinga against 1the îromoters are huard. Numuroun puisons have ex- presoed a desire tlu gel their monu>' hack sud an the receipta f rom Wanku- gan on the raillie arnoted 10 about $1000, il Ioa smatter of uo 11111e impor- tance." A Certain Cure for I)ysentcry and Dlarrhoeza. "Some prasacxeI vas of sa tae suddel~ THE WINO ILLS 0F HOLLANO * Are knoovo 10ail the world. * They are both picturesqîle and * useful, but useful as they are, they could flot compete wîîh Chase & Sanborn's Coffee Mill. If they vere * obliged to depend on wnd mills, many of their custorners would bc kept on short aliowancc, for t.hey tuom out between forty and fifty thousand pounds of coffee a day, a feat which is quite beyorrd wind *Mil power. * Stop and think what this enor- * mous amount of coffee means, es- * pecially if you remnember how fampus- ly high grade it is. Every bean is selectcd and even the plantations on which it is raised are faînous for the perfection of their produets. Your grocer will deliver Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand java and Mocha in one and two-pound tin cans -or mny of the other high grade coffees in parchunent ined im- ported baga - and you'can be sure there ta none better. M ss& SMIS cous. Always a fresh supply 1 n stock. "Those 'r j Chlldren wifl maktenie poor buymng ho for them 1" t)id you ever say that? Then it vias becuuy bad failed to connect with fflc jrigit kind of sboes. D(o srain is so hard on a shoe as tlic wwa gien by a healîhy, romping b o grl. Mnufatz of this study is found in tlie Une cf solid, tough leather shoes we have now inistock. There are two solid soles ontlese shoes; they have sole lather tips; they have an extra stay sewed U the back and thec uppers are made li more wear in these shoc than i any others we know of. THE FAIR, Libertyville Illlnots. For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. You get the increased and growing mevice of the LAke County Telephone Company and connection wlth the Chicago Telephone Company. For information, rates, etc.. write-~ CONTRACT DEPARTMVENT, Lovell's Drug Store, Libertyville. Illinois. Pure Drugs,-qà£uý AT -mzaw--.Lovell'sDrug Store. PERFU MES TOILET ARTICLES PATENT MEDICINES. PAINTS AND OILS. A La rge anîd Complote Stock of School Books, Tablet and School Rooun Necessities. F. B. LOVBLL,C Librtyvil le - .5 Pe Avars +ulcfcfit il