CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Sep 1901, p. 8

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The Slcekhgi4of tue11. Waukqgau and! Whlngldn Mining and SmeUnfg Oomfany are hereby notille.! th*% the anui*l meeting ilfl be held aithe companyàoffice, at Bossbuîg. Stevens County, Washngton, an the 5th da-y of Octobeoe, 1901, for the purpose ofi electiug ab oard of seven directors, sas follove: Afred! E.Stripe, Charies A. Rsuibi, James Mollet, IRaI poIre, Arthur E. htripe, Richard Kennedy, of Lake Foreat, 111; and W m. G Waller, S. Ma. Dudut.e. W. J. Doneely, Miae Katie Rogan le vlslding the rod Ut. Taylor transacle.! business irn the olty saturday. 8"" ta l progreselug niceiy uuder 'Sbeauperviaionoflies n Iildge. W. are eorry tl a ey IbsiSiellaS ihes doeao luee%0nle Iipiovifif. Taylor GroveJlegrowlug. We under. e.! Mr. Ames is buildidng a fine nev lâg.Itouse. Min Anusalierrieil, o! Chicago, sud Mise Grace Price, of Jefferson Park. $peut lte pa8t week ut J. Baumsun'a. Mise Amy Brewer speut Saturdsy sud Snnday lu Chiciagot, vimlilg ber saunt, Mmra J. F. Lewin. She nov fuliy resiizes Sbat Chicago peoie are not bindere.! by rainstorms. Mr. Slair. Sr. fbah rented bis faita b Yred Ray sud expects to mnove to Rose. crans lu the near future. lie expecta 0~~î '~VEtf -s, ~ *,tI)t I\ - Il a/ 1FYOUWANTA - WALKER, RIDER OR GANG -UUY J%- B3RADLEY'OR DEERE ANo HAvc THE BtsÉT MAoE. BUILT RIGHT, WORK RIGHT, $TAY RIGHT. WAGONS. WC HlAVE THE OLD OqELIBL 9 FISH IBROS. THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS. GIVE USA CALL. SCHANCK BROS., Libertyville, Illinois. I ReilabIemtrcbandis~. i meufa Suie, $5. I10 to .. $1.0O Boys SelSa, 81.50 to...7.50 BOYe Pents, 25c tla...1.00 mens PantS, $1.0 to.5 .00 Shirts sud OveraIlls 35e 10.. 1.00 Mensa Undervesi, 50C, 75e . 1.00 Worting Gloves, 9c to.. 1.00 Soise BRiaSan.! Robas. Corn Kives and! Budug Tvîue. Vrees Oaa.!,, 15e 10 ...... $ .75 Vrese percales, 8ce 10.... Oulluf Flanuel, 6c to .... Wool Sbirting Fiaunel, 27e t0 .50 Denis, 12v, 14e sud.... 15 Ladies'Undervear, 25o to A.00 Childuen'seIfderer, up frn.13 Ladiesasud Childiene iloslery t0ecto ...............35 Large assarrnmeui o! Wcol ymtuë. Aents for______ Butterick Patterns and Publications. Subscriptions Received FOR ALL Newspapsrs and Magazines. V. Sauer & Son, Long Grove - - - Illinois. M M M lunengTwine. We have a ia uiitity of STANDARD AND SISAL Biîlulg Twine whijl w<- are- ti'ling at the' low pri-v' of 7 cents a Ixmîtid. It is ail right WRIGHIT BROTHERS, LIbertyville - Illinois. E.-G.PaYue la sttendini the UJk. '-o0e6»»M, Tlursdoy P. a.bIie day bain fair tItis week. 0f National monranslng iegular wqrk lirs. J. E.l Bolcomb anl!d dughter Of the. fOrUioon vas suspende. and tbe Dorothy vlalted frieuds lu Wsukegan natufre 0f BIt ea sai 5ÔîiOW vbci bm Saturday and Huudsy. Étriken Our nation vas explatue.. Frank croukhite Who came home In aocordatice vlth Buperintendent framu Beloit Saturday returned Tues- MliD'ailirequest Our liag la dresse.! la dsy to attend coliege there. mourning tiecause o1 the calamlly Ibas Mr. Lafayette Butterield sud daugti. hms tifallen our nation, the death nt ter Mss îeturued Wouesdsy f rouiOur ate Premident. the Ioved, th. Buffalo and New York vhere tbey have bonoîed, the Jîîu.înted Willium Me. oiuir ectr oy. o hsyerOn Mouds, John Wells, thies veeks nid chi.! succnwe.!te.spinal niengetis. siste Of ilve numboere-"A BOY@ Best The child vas appareully rohusl vbsn Prinu." ty 1ev. V C. Duiton, of Wau- boin but gisdually grew voies untîl couds. Frldsy eveiug.. ept. 279h1, Monday. [he funeral wss bel.! ai viii be the. iîsi ev. Bulbe will V130 fi t tbo bousne; interment at Wau- move 10 Iowa, Oct.It, sud vs bave couda. belpfartlunste to engage him for SCIIOOI, NOTES. Ibis lecture. AtIrnsi,,in l50. Bebool Foot balilalethe latent sport vil iUs. Cbldren loc. R..1)l. Coîok bias 8oid 201 lleîing coin Wblle uotînîng van labo the place of bindeme thie tesson. the llbi.ery in liibomne, t1ehesiea 1 1he attendance ln bath morne le subtItuts for it ite llbrary lu th1e very good above the average for thle scbooi Educét4)al sentiment te alert rnontb. upon thits subjp.,t sud 1the Inovi or the echool libraîjes duîlng th1e paasî Miss Brenteuhsack, vbo teacbes ing. fi e years tisai Us out lutiisetateinent. iug lut ouitibol l u hsln51IOur library consista of 130 Tonmme. preset Wiiing. izty-one v-ilurnes have btiselect..! A chain la just au strouf as île under direction of the Illeole oIaIs veakesi link sud s feutesas Ils loweet Teacheris' Association foi ihe puplia' beut; a base bail tesmu la just se stroug Reading Circle vljîctile recoguiaed mas as its weakesi player, but onti echool stImportant part of the educatlonal toarn coutatins some stîong tinks. syolem of the atate. Ivanhoe Items. Tihs Meneisys voie fiue, on1 lutI Maday eveuluf. The fanions Howard Beach vas borne Bunday. Meuisy Quartette vas the enlertalin- Mise Alice Smith vas borne ovor iug caMPany. Prof. Engee Kno, Sunda.kuovu as the --King oflmpereoeatore,, dramatie powpr sud facial expies- IbLeodore lietCi as a (Grayalake sienus oerlaly- bas Do pe« a a.!*5v caler Saturday. Seule. Tfie audience vas oonvuised. Mît. Chas. Voflier te enteutaluiug a lu lsughter lIme sud Clime agaie by bis Blocs, fuomuChicago. vonderful facîilconiortions. lMr. Mise Breteubacb visite.! lu Wheaton Meusisy's paver a@ s leader vas veU tbe ltter part oi the veek. brougbt out le "Th1e Bela." One of Mises Dois DVer @peut Saturdsy sud the plemalul festeres 0f the prograin Sundsy vitIt fîleude bers, vas the beautili i soprano soieacte- dore.! by Um Edvaids, vhom ve r.- One of the comng events lassu enter- gret la lekrn le 49on te leave the corn. tilmeuitiy the Myfllc Workers. pany. alli seeme ta putau annuenal Bain, 10 Mr. sud hMr@. O. M. Fost, amonuntOf feeling and expreselaon fmb luSet suidsy, s son. Ail are htappy. ber voit lu whieh sheislaîuly au ailles. Mis WiI Skinner basatisen caile.! 10 Shoul.! ve vertio foitunatle enougb go the borne of bar mather, vbo i. voîy have the Keneleys returu te Ivanbne loy. ibere viii nul ha a building lu tave Eînent Beelviti bas reiurued ta large euaugh teohaid the audience. Whestou calioge for anothei yesx'sONoOL NOTEs. Fiank Dorfier bas rcturned home Twenty.foui pupy ia- lu., en enuolieti en after spandiug severai veesenlu Colorado. Mata Wiener 18 a ev member of th"ti ret Miles Mary Iliecker bas juât lofti foi grade a yssr's voit lu the Noribein Illinois Ilte Rus oe0fif s ont fore-t te joi 8tste Normial ai VsKalb. the Alutni A number o! oui Young peuple at_ seasuatg about oct-r. eov tende.! the eçelal aitlMr. Cionthites8 lu foi fool.baii Roctefeller lad Frildsyevenlng. Mc raiand 39f ihd, , veroe I.. Bey. I. F. Morley retuuned 10 bis î1ts t Frida eris voîk lulicMCoîmick sernlnary, l wt~ ears aa mi!. cf dtfw'-tlot. over Chicago, Tbursdsy o! ibis veet. tii,- riciof a baby ,ott The C. E. topice for nexi Sundjay Vory frcw c-ot shî, or tat-ii-e so eveuluf IN .The Saloon Power ta,.l.t us k-et, untte reord. D)ooned," leader, Ricbard tindiies. l'ar ts ai-. ucluesteti tL.,ofer auggrsticns Miss Woilde, o! 89. Louis, vbo bas yU rfeeieet,.,temool nMatte-. been visitilg ber sauti and uncie, Mr. If suri Declîr. One oflent Years pnIs. aud lire. Henry (.iisbbe, bat. been lt1t, et M..îoiailt. liermon Mass joine.! by ber brotber. Thi scobol"s floral colection hum bren lu place ofrîognlaî services Stunday stdrt,,j. A tic, lr of choloe pIantt haciîîg eveninth1e Meneley Quartette gave a hoen liaudleluJ,. gospel tempemance eong service,. vib Temvrîcb-rc"8La eti kI vas, et!course, enjoyed by ail. Tirowntandtî,ti, ytar msas bEgen w,,rof lu 1ev. R. F. Morley deiivered u no. Engîl.hi.îgcg, queut speech at the Prohibitin pi c- nie la8i SatuidaY. Miss Breteubabsc isBusielidns e 8veil iticascîl iti, the 'e ~~~~~Marlou, lad.NomlShl lllh I vas onue o! tbe alugoîs ou the pro- Somicioi.vli,,a gismi. atteudiaugthlt. reai. l'h. ovusiîwip Suuday lichuol Con- Tue "Litîl Ch subiie.' a wm.clIy ruve. vention fbel.! as i Vaoud Lake Sunday lt5ni reseeiaiîy eretiared for th-- tuiy o! afteuatocu was very Sdil attende. arrut cvertstclm now founti ou the raetins Mis. Il V. Wells vas electe.! ireisideut table o! t11e association for the ensuîng ysar. The sclîooi.rotu bas a vetlncltlg a,- John Van Pies le!fi Wedueeday foi pearnnc-bîseco! the uev watpavter sud Beloi, Wls , vbeie beenteis is ijunior goerul ,.ieaelugup lh sclvil lurlg tue colloge yesî. Mr. V.0 Piev le one of sacatloný oui brlgbt aud eneugetie yauug me Mies Br,-dcuîîa k vilii aie lutre',tlen lu and viii ho greatiy uitriee.!lu social mlttaituneTueeday sud Tînîsaiofo! wb Sud other criesé, t e,wk8hIe bcgan lieu voua on last Teecday. Jndge Baines and ,vl!e, of Lake Bluff, The ralle lac, octi m lIt v orl vli.1 @peut Suudny bore sud sttouded the si ut]itintîrcet. Bunduy lechool Convention ei Dia-, JoîtI Wessiaf,.r, o! Loogootme, ilui,. isa mou Lke wior te udg fpoe.initor Ma".,butfi-, h o 1e ouid net be vinI. mai10LaIeShoî, tht jiide It onott Chiwîaî lePyan alIif it su-ti ve He aisa@ck sp tu t ho CougregatIOnsidolas lhtt, -for la saved huehufroc, un cbuunb bere In the mornlng. ,.,rlppie. xenlapicto m t toilleiLitEut for tîf an.! avolien uet One o! the very bout enterWtannenltt.otr ].a ms-e, suif uetk. stiains sudnn tbsi vas evor giveunotee vas enth. ibttuseleud inmuseulrpains. R nas aio slastlcaily rot-ive.! by su 51ppeiCitive Ï-ýfutnîerus Cam% 0o partisal paalysie. It m or ol byF.B.Lovxta. Libstyeilie: audjence lu the Conguegational cbnieh 01AYELA.XE PHÂsuÀCY. J. MEIREL IVanitoe. & WAUCONDA. Mis. Seusor, o! lova, he vialîlng relatives baie. Perry Paois, o! Chicago, calie.! here the irsi of bth eal. Miss Emma ttsuuatsle8 vihtiug bai sister, Sie. Oranger, at Waukegsu. Mie8sea Myrtie sud Avis Payne, or Fout il, aere Wauconda caliere Mlon- 1)u. Fiesman bas retnrue.! from the G. A. R. eneatupument ai Cloveland, lbo Mi. and IMue C. L. Puait returned to their lt lmeinthe lity the Ihut o! the yodk. Mmr. b.Baies sput a ft.v (Jaya vilh Mu. ait.!musi. B. c. Payne ai Forti iii recentiy. i lhe lieteiey Qîtrteite. a! Chucago, gave au euieitsituent iu the M. E. cbnurcb Isst Tîmeiay eveang. Oîtu weuiIasd Chias. Bovsan veni 10 Elîhoun Manday go attend 1thepair. Gîta basla lIo'tads privilege tb ore. Mri. sud Mr. Wsnbyorth left lasi yack for Nov Sort. vbero ibey vili mpsnd the veot sud attend the Pan Amrlean Exposition. A Nov Englan.! supper vili ha given in the M. E. cborch parlors Friday uvenlug, Sept. 27, This yl ha a fare- Weli social for Mr. Vublon. Lai aIl c'rmeanti Rive 11110 s lmaty fsreveit. SuPPer sil ho soîvoti fuomu i iiiuntl lier,'i, We.lua vsth. Ictint ofa genuitie eurî,rîcî. iatt londay evoninfi. A iuunthcr tf île irieuds drappe. lua Illpe,-iediI t1, pe'dtit , îe .veIug. ilanesansd ttam 'îeeneule vesin- dlget ilt, ntl a veiy piessiant oveniug vas the verdict o! th-se pissent. DIAMOND LAKE. The nomnmeru boasdrs bave about ail fous. School vas lose.! Tbursdsy lu houai uf McKileiy. Chas. Whitney bas movo.! lubo Mms Lyinu Coîbyshbouge. Willile Ray and1 Cbarlc Witney ais aitendiug itheIockefelier echool. The Suuday Scbool Convention bel.! last Suuday lu t11e cburfb vas vail aI- tsu'led. The Dismon.! Lake hall tesmuovoulti lite il nudeistao.!ltaI ibeir ipu aud not Everetvas tbe one la play Sncb a rabllug gaod fume a i te fair Wsdnes. clay. The publication glvlng Evouett the lhouo a slu errai. ltifiV aliniri Howardl Bt. Port Huron, Mlet.. vîte- I bave rie.! munirilis anti iaxlIv b ui V,Wli:e @LIlesiy Riseus arefr tabisheet pilla 1t bteeever use.!* TIberneveu guIpe. Forsalebh . B. LovnL., Lîetivilis. LONG GROVE. The Bail Assocation u hb ought a piano for unelu lte hall. Mri. Erathbabas esu getilufaseupply o! coat for the vînter. The creamnery pal.! a dlivdsud cf 74 cents for the moth of Auguat. J. Prltcb sud famlly, of Dsarfield, visilte.! ai J. P. Rlleaeiaer'a lest Bunday. Mimas Eumra Sobvellaer, of Arlingion Hsîgbis. la vlaltîng at P. Sltablea for a fev dsys. KMani It1iiiiiîittisais nov preocriliIg ooi '1 flei>odm .Cumra rgulrly bavinu oau write tt-s3us, ikle jia oea pru'l'siou shîili sotteie 1 i e k nsIOt u 4I1dad mItLte,fore cures ludimesilon sud uyPPi omalter .ast li9 ane. Fr sui I'FB.Lovamai lhi. vis 'bwadaic ath »AkOiaý Mise May Ooris, 0f Raison, . oeuhly visite.! friend.s bore. Mr- saud Mlr&. H. W. Oriusby recentiy Ville.! friende inaIrving Park. Bore, t10lMr. and Mr-;. Nuy Lamh), a son, Saturday morning, tiept. 14. Mir. auldlire. Bobauber rsceutiy en- I.rtàlned relatives froua New Yorký J.B. Bracher attende.! the 0. A R eOsctnpmnl ai Cievuisu.! Iat week. C. M. BmOw,, lsatndlng the Eil- bore fairt Iis veek. lMrs. Brown Is visiîing frisude ut Spriug Prairie. FOX LAKE. Mise Urisitina Webla easChicago violtor. Mies Annie tialiger In at home tbi, veek. H. Neison vas a ovîslgke cailer lionday. kirs. LU Mailox, o! <lîlieago, le a Fox ia James bas î'omnîlenîed school sud lis dong ilnely. Fred Gsiger, of Ourtnoe, vas s Foi Lake visitai SundiAy. The farmere are tiusy viiii beir fli plovlug aund corn cuiling. Grame Galiger vas an Autincb vistai a couple of day ls$ el e. A silver medal conisent vii be gîven ai the Foi Lake echool bouas Frlday evening, bep$. 271b, by the follovlng young people: Sidney Vaut Wood, Mlnle ruce, Emuly PhullIpe, Aile Moore, Mahal Leater and! lunule Dix. Somte mueical selectlons yul aso b. iven. No admission foc te charge.!, but a collection vili ns taken. Exer. cins vli begle aI t o'cloot, abaîp. JOEERFIELED Harry Thorn sud fsmliy viils et Y. 'a. Mepers BSnu.ay.. George Miler, Or., yUl ssii bouse- bol.! furulinre at public auction, Fui. day the 201h. Burgiare entera.!Jas. Fritbebe stare Mouday niglat. Thbis stars aiso cou. laine lb. peet-alito. Thes sale vas blovu open putting svsrytiaing Imb great confusion. Thereaviii bc a memorial service as tse Firal Unls.! Evangelical cburh ou .Tflureîlay svenlng. TIte speakers are: "1v. lsaefele, 1ev. Smib au.! 1ev. Mlelei. Their viii he iuglng Deerfiel.! cîlizans vers sboctod at tbs aviul nove of lte death of aur belove.! Prealdent. ils vas a tins charaoier of &rues manbood, a man vbo vas salwas houghbflf Ifor atboes, a man vho vbeq sîriken by the fatalj butlti hought tirai of bis assai, a mail vho alvaye alove. sncb besutlfut devolion glais paleseeI-face.! Invalil.1 vire. Wbal au exampie! WItst a1 tesson! WbaI a abause go Oui natiou laltinktibai Ibare vas ouelilving lu il vbo vanld dore ta raies a baud la Injure limai spieudi.! characler! eruisOlilver, North Siralford, . i.: 'Il puiciee.a hbteto! On. iii uts cougb cure viien auffrinia vith a cousui doýctofe blid me vas incuishle. ue bouleisiloveti me. thet. scond andtird h.aosItiued. To- tiar i am a veti man.- Fui sale hi F. B. HALF DAY lire. Chas. Johnson and son Leon, vers Chicago visItois Saturday. lir. au.! lira. B. Duba, of Rondoul, viffte.!lMre. Y. loyers ou SuudayV. The Woodmeu 0f Prairie Viev vii soon itisIvo nev niembers ln Ibeir todge. lie. Y. B. Tripp vieise.!bar brother, Mir. W. Maîvîn alto famlly lu Waukegan lest veet. Mies LeurasSpiague la vleltlug relaives lu Chicago sud lir@. W. L. llutoebinge aI Glenviey Ibis veet. lire. Emma Obllda, of Lanox, Iova, vielle.! Mise. S. T. Paoote au.! called ou frlends bere a fev days lent veet. Thea mauy Inonde of Ornie Meyer are very sory la)bear of hig ilinu vibh lyphol.! fever sud boîte acon 10 report hlm lmprovieg. lis. Mary Shuier bas gene ta lIowa tu attend the funeral o! au sont, and vill Malts a short vieil vitb ber people bafore reluîning homne. Mr. sud Mis. Taylor are the happy parente nf a baby boy. Mri. WblgbLm la giandpa su tse baby boy. The mnen Utat are publiug up 111e iron voit ountse nov bdigeuer the old Mii, bcd the misfortune 10 bave quite a number of pleces offIran fati tutu the river lionday marnlng. J. C. Sebrooder wiii commence bie mnedicai sbulles nezl vet ai the North Western coliege of Chicago. We are sorry to bave hlm beava us, but va visbhlhm mucces lu bis e nuiderlat- lug. The debi on th" churcb for repaîr. iag, etc., viii ha settied tItis veek an.! staismenti vîli soon be saut ta everpana ihat bas been sake. la conîributs, shaviug vbat tse mouey basn tissu use.! for sud the amouel each contibutor bas given. Ws Itopo funds eau ha raisesa 10psnt the ehurcb same stume lu lte future. Dgu't watt util in bffomse iontliI 0Onâtitpe but tale De Wltt'a Little Maris' Itisera novsand Ilhon. T11ey viii tes pyaui liver au.! hovels ln gooîl aider. Eay to, take. BaS@pIlle. Foi sae by F. B. LoVam.L. EVERETT. Elmore Lunbarn an.! Carl Zele s peut lut veet buntlng at Grass Lake. Mr. and! Mis. Bandera have istuine.! ta Chicago afier vlaiiing Mrs. Hue- ulford. Mr. an.! Mms M. Yare an.! baby, of Chicago, apeel Sueday ai Thou. Redmoude,. Arthur Sînentel bas relurne.! la Chicago 10 o elge afisi bavlng spent bit vacation vitis i brother. We vouder If Ibere is anybady vbo tints "ýArt" dide't have 5 a o.! lIme. Rd!. Stueutel bas purobase. a large number oai day pigeons, an.!aIllte crack &haitassemble aI the store la trp bc vin lte champiouebîp. Miles1 Convay a champion at promunt. 1 Vol mi,- SHERMERVILLE. friade r eWiong o ueralue Corn cutting bereabonis bas begun and a good yleld le auticlpsied. Anglu uaIDea .esebl a havIlas Suuday vhleh vas an elegant9 specimen, meaurlng lve fee& from tUp tb hp. The EHarvst plicl a s artiemepes grove nezt Sanday, Sept. 22d, yltic tbs "asOf the meafflu,aud a fo.! time ls looke.! for. Th$ goealpe about love Ars buy lte saneasusual, uundlng nom Zoue els.. busines, but Sam msae ho dot cars6as he takea abs source mb cou- sidersîlan. The noIe.! Japausse elugieg Evau. 901i,4K, Bakt, vîll eluf ai the main- lngf servies of the Hope union church At 10:00) a. m., audlite viilaiso partici- pais lu te song service lu the evenlng Kt 7:4U p. M. A cordial invitation la exteude. 10 aIL. The busebili eson boeslaeclose., aud th1e Illinois Brick Company@ seau, oui of liteen gainelîlayed, von eighi an.! lot neveu, peicenlage 50;7. 'ie Shermervilis Juniors out o! tîve gamea played, von ibree au.! loit &wu, par. centage 600- Bath temnscxpeced uotilng more than au aven b'resl. This beiug Ibsir lirai sseon on the. field, saome vonderfol rosulta smo1 Smte.! or uxi yar. hedoeiu'bnr isday Afl ..)Oe.1 e ae.iay. abtiv laO haviug 111e ralIroad comp~any I Y1 tn a tract sentit Of tov u fr lte ptîriî,scI i Hlet-ttt-, itamtor ,tf tbut M. i, ai unioading 1the cars of r it,biâbaudti cliir1. teiii i..,lu bis piilpit ut-i M,, manuresehipe.! bore, foi*tite stneb t&.y. lý ie batslîî, tKatîaanti vhetî vbich arises fiomu 1110.5cars vîmîle hi r,-ttîîîitlmt (l(hnvtew tiwi rng a G LEN VIE W lire. c. M. itidenutr wvu seen ou oir litreete Ibis vert. li.uery F. Hobue l1.I11, lu gui! cm- play ofi J. C. ttc. mail 51b hlm succees. Ifoi.! veattici sud rougie radie Ili On Wilile VIIIhave à col.!, raegbt.. gettiug go echool. C. F. Eggeri la verv sick i preseut -Ming, b)lt e hope ga flud binm oaj the riadtIi îecnvsry enon. Ialhe case iuboni WM.- limere roed (or balirc.11Iil sise r .geting very popular. 'lite case as veli as bIbOt prosecutor sud dofendani viii cer. tainiy go oiu record. Coin la rapidiy being cug. Mis" Ris Weîd lé, vitiiig a fîieud lit LeRocy, 111. The rumt,î la ibatve lare smon lu bave à uew mik mari C. B. lteed antli tly epeut Sunday veitberelatives lunieerid. Nlck meizer, jr ,blas for ot veeks been vtîy ici, but le nDOW ahi., go be out. A. C. Htti erani tuother spent a veet at the BullAit, Itiollnan.! arc Dow lu Canada. t bey viliitnal, he, bac k ni viwe. The Laiees Aid ttf the I'îrg tiouai cbuicb met witb Mit, stray@y beîug uniaaded la almuat unbesiabloý and! leaeaa àmenace la heuitb asni>o doutit disessa geuma are carrne, about lu la, and f urîbermoîs h grostly depreclaies the value o! proiseiiy bore. In severatiInstances people comlng ont fromu Chicago Ilundays freîîueniiy made. Iqululesas au vbwethertile le s dumping grounel for inbblsb, etc. The dealh of Preaideut Mciley vais quils s sboct ta our itlbe burg. Ater the continuai sucouraglufnoe ihat vas receîved tbers building up oui hopes for a recavery, sud iu bis nimely deatb, ve Ioue a man vbo as a Presideel vas one ni oui beiovsd eouulry'e aident rulara, an.! greai vas lte saurov vo aIl fet, vben 1the neo of bis death wvastiret recesvsd tirs. liany s atout heurt aud viii gave vay to onîburala af emotion. Oui alnereansd hearifetsympaihy le8vibh lis. lMcKiley, lu ihie ber fr551551 beusavemant, and ve2 trust ihai (lad may grant Ibaiab sevilihrsvely beur up under the trylug ordeai. May the lite of oui doparted Presideni ha deepIy Impresse.! upon ail oui susi;0f America and! msy IheY al strie. to1 ail love.! so dearIy the flag onuroui village bal luttered uaI nul! masi. an.! ou prIvas dvellcags. True patriotiern vas also dlsplayed. and ou Tbuîsdsyt the dsy aof111e hurlai appropriais services voeebel.! lunaIlthe churchas bereansd fervent prayers vers ofereti for oua vbo la dead ta slgh t, but nit ta min.!, sud Who vas ever lu Ille resdy ta mees bis Mstsr sud aver Hori Busîtion. Harrie, N. (,. "e I tout nedilaine F2oy saisfoi aAthîma butt one babils of Ouea]Minute Cougle Cuis ddt me mois aoc. Ibsu n ruinu sise dîtîluathat lime. §at For Baie by F. B. LovmLx..Lib%;erivle. WH-EELING. W fille Periolal vua a home Sunday. Amelia Schneider visIte.! ber parents Suuday. Chahs R arieuhanb le speudlng a fev days aI home. Lillie an.! Lena Arnold! visite.! ibeir sîster at Oak Part Friday. Mr-. F. L. Tarbeli seul 10o hîcago for a days sboppng Satniday. Mis. L. Shaster an.! eblidren sponi last veet ai boute vlsitiug ber maiber. Mr. and Me-a. John Forte toot a 1ev .!ays air lest veek and visIte.! Dr. Day. le'§ Zion Ciy ln e niou. Mr. an.! Mre. George Stanger enter- talus.! the Christian Hudeavor Society ai iheir home moud"y eveeluf. Art Ml vite 'stIt h itl Mr. le loedi.r, sal,î it-errmsdelit ot lij-ietîcî, fin bt-iiittttt t i it bild forî evîn vu--eelb ' t- faie.! Iat lio May Dot îeove,,lthîtIlgb 11o bas the1e beel o! modîcalai. A ut.--,rfaillna tr. fr ,e trs cii ti-î.snuri.s uand . 1>,- Witts WItLi BacýJ itiSltA oi-,t s ,tlîlub sud bfliie u1t,,i y1trf.aIl11 klu f-tj"D Un Ainet cnir th-g'tu.For saile),yF. V l.,avatt PA LATIN E. Mie. seboppe 1le ou the mdit ilsi. Miss VDautleinsui.visttieg frlenîls lu Cary tiis veet. Miss Berths Porep le visiîing ri&.s ives bhesai piossnt. Mies Mariba Thion vhited relatIves lu Elin thbelpant veet. The Misses Bîctu"as teude.! the veddiug o! tthei -noires luCbicsgo Weduesday of bIle veet. MisasAima Voms rettuned frorn ber vacationu epeni lu Chîcego au.! us- sîîrned ber dîmîlîs vwitb Mis. Bastings isel Monday. Thefiiet virbue ilet,)resirsit, the tongtîe; lieapprostiiem nfueiesi10 the gode vbo knows ho. U)bu he lient, even thotîgb liesinto ithf, ilgl1. Mis. HIuublngtotî, wvh hifs bhen vieltillg Lber icti sukd f<ther isia. lives lu Pa latie amui vliilty,r- mirne.!b toîerhittite Ii-,î nis Cal., fuesfday, Sept. 100j,î B. W. Part-ehl. Klt,-rcu lis. lu. y. ien un relief utll Vt-Wttt. Wit,,lt Hazti Salve effceteila itrunn-.t oite Cojtrtutitare w tîîiemm.Foru al.- ly F B.I.Gy5LX. ILiberty- Appeniitite. Appîndictlls snon5 Aieicans la ceitlany incrinlng aitîtî vîil,, ibis le probabtY due La 1the excitememI and vorîy o! Amerieuit l[inse u i,, Cis more aften dlrecily liaeatie te Constipation. AlipeedIcIllele asbumed hy exirausous malter 'tusilnitg bbe vormi. tortu appendu sund tntlby île 8evsI"oy luit of soeus. If the digestive Organe aie tepi lu peufocit cnnîiior soîtbe food le duly assimulaird sud (jthe boveis move gssily, ai leasI Once a day, appeudiclîls vili nover dovelap. bonit Ctta chances. Bof nIaidosesni Dr. Caldwpls abye-up pepsîn Imetoem Me viii sireugtbsu the organe of digstion. your appeaibe viii ho gond, constipa. tian dlappenis anti yn fesi botter Iln avery vay. l)r.<ai(twlii yrup l'epeîn doesa ni relax the bayels hy irrltatl,,,1 btmt l.Y litiifàindigenilt, ite canse Of ciîuetipeutiou. F. B. LovELL, Llb- eîlyvilie; GO OEa JItamiareWa,î. coudjà: WmiR.u <Noom, iotfl GOSAYSLARE PsuAnr sysit itlnlu500 an.!$1.0O boules, indier a prballve gu&iaut,8s. Write for boct ni teut,. Moulais CO Pepein Syrup Co, Depg. 5. Mtotie litII. P.f d at aI inud for the trasmset- ..hfscboîe business as May be lawfuily bronghitiefore aaid Meeting. Ce. A. RAI 4iIT. Pies. R. H. STRMPE, Sec. snd lieous. 49-3d Waukegan, Illinois. Aug. 2G, 19111. A communication. MIL EDIros-AIIOW Me te Msîckat sfeW word, lu rsvor of ChaMuIr inlu.. COeab keuer 1 suffered for thret, icars vitki t ,rhiohitie sud muid flot sleep u u wghts. 1 tuie.! seversi doctore andi var ous pJtpt amedîcinos. but coul.! get nothiugto. .1v ne, av1rrelief entil MY vife gît a bOttIle of th bemeoidur. vWItieL ia.e ouîîleieiy ut, lieved mei.-W 8. BROckmÂA This remdy la foi salie iy P. B. Lovac.e. LibertyvilIP;:0 IBYLAE Ps.ILÂMCY. JOHN M-,-z 1,Isnhue. A CALCULATION. HM You art ready to buy, stop and cwm- Plt hecom ofthe soap used by y0u bousehod ln a day, a week or a, and for the ulght diffm=rn price you -w i neyer Lorego the pleasure of uzirig the purea M M. LOI - «I!nmjc=z - 0 q Il n n ta L

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