CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Sep 1901, p. 5

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-I C. R. sliernan handIffl everytiiiig ihi tt' Jewelry Jine, but he *wold jîasajs up" ail e'is- for a harwîie lin haulh'Czolgosz foîr mît PIANOSq OROANS A fîil li illeof Iligl i Graile' IPianos aîei i()rga"Il4. 1 jbaîîdIe it-, ' WIieor & Wilsonsîî v.Wiîg Maeines, ii' t,êi tad e'. (all and Iexamlinle'. SEWINO MACHINES Heavy lit <of W½tantA i' a.-aumOîveliiîe'its the 7and Ane'rii-aiî altham M.îve'irenît, î1err to ail otîe're iii thle marke't. .WATCIIEST EER C. R. SHJERMAN, ibertyville - - - - Illinois. tp.ade.m. 4695'. eusse. Il KIIOAN. + + + + + f + + + tif + * + + + + + 4é~C I PIIéHI UP HÉRE AND TI4EE. ,Looai iteins of Intrest toLibertyvine Reade rs. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. in EIfect Mossday, JUlY 7, 1901, at 12:01 a. M- TO CHICAGO. WEXE DSYS. Depart From New Depot. Leav., Lifr.fnî Iii . Arrive (Jitiauo 140.134... 727 a. M. .... ........ 8:2 a. 1 : 12 .la t. ............9:41 . Mi. - 42... . .......2 p u 6: 69 ..n 0050A75. L. <. 'n- 1 . .... 14Mt- . t tmtp.. i . .... FROM CHICALO> vziEX IATS ArrIve at New Ortot. i..:îî Cii:jgo Arn' ::i, tîvii- NoI ril ..... 7.48 a.m ......... .t45 I . - li ...... 2: 10P . 4p.lm. 1:37.. 4:06p..4 p . lt .5: 10 p. m.otSà m - 614 0 <4p M"74 il. N-. 147, 8:30 a. aM. . 41 R. M. -o p . . O i. s'l.:01. m: t.149 1:25 p.M ... » 1. in. To CHICAGO. FROM CHICAÇ') WKCER 0275. WIK »Â4. t3opart From OId Depot. Arrive at Old U)t)îot LIi-ryuilî Arriy.. Citittao. LunCIJi7O . Arn l.t'*TtîO Not1.. a. rOL........ ... 7:36tLnM. No ... ... 3am. 1:t45 . 7:3 a..Ir, . ........... . M:45 a iM. » 141 ......5:20 P. . 6 4 Spi. -144 .2:4p.M . ........ .1.44 pj. M. . 14 ... . m . 6 0 .7,6 il. M. MUNDATS5U2>Y5 Not. in..... 823a.M . ..... .......7.:1a. 'It. No. 133 . ..9:10 a. M ...... .1M. Sîaeak Not of Otisere Faulta. lray tittiti forgot tour ovit. l1kieia ber <boa with itouso' of gias Shotîloi 0.-v"r tirov a tonsi1., Ir v. itto, nulhi ag -- tt a I Titanlt ai ofthoo.-t Whtot-ln, 'Tw-. ito-r w..-t tk tr.s-v- And autiîhat toilt is.gln. %V.: i.4vo Do r1cigit 10 utg., a malt. Untîlbot'% . iiuintrit; hoildttil ot Ilbig ta omny. Wttotnw tht ortila i i. lit Mayr immoifautisand lWhtt bu', 1ot Pl.'ntaaît ss ' itty fr ail wo- t jo w. li.aot luty tor is on*t.. 1Il teIlttu of a botter pIan. W1oldi 1iIlOti wtrko am -il. T1 'ttry ytttr tw iét ,i ts ttt uir-'. lsr-'tctr r., lits rautmil. AIti îtughto oetiUai.hottit lhot- ga., 2soin., 1 tntîv. M y tvît ..îtrt *tlîgald M'r.'t Thit ait. A thi.1,rt..l \ttw lit usd IIwlititî.Wo-' itugisa Thintk ofithib urnn ts -rd May .1: 'lu ¶ ,02- wt.ULti.knîow. ,r.-ii9ta 19,09 'om,ltit Litton t s-k tttitr's faulta mdi i: ta tni"fyw otîr , Wns. Waiîond andti vie spoat Élan- day vith Mlra. Fern lie. lu Waukegan 11ev. Fatiser Cardeut af ChIscag, farmeiy pastar of tise Catisolle eisnrch Kt tbis placo vas ILu tovu on brniea tht, voot. Miss Heattie Wynkoop, a traiuod nurse fr002 the Pratabyterian Hosupital, Cicago, la épeudiug a veek vitis J. F. Clark anti iamiy. liemeauber tisat ail stores lu Liberty- ville close et olgist o'ciock p. m. alter Octotbor 1h51. Sidney Morse aud son Rari, oaill11- lugs,. bMont. loit Woduesday for thoîr home aller a visainif a veek vits Mfr. Mor.e's sister, lii,. J. F. Clark. Rtoy Jenks ie a fireman on a freiglit rin belvecn Madison sud (Chicago On tise low division. Roy ia clisbing thse Iadder iepidiy and it vttn't be lang utînîlieofias an englua. l'eepiaiucshave lben iustalied lu Healli.. iîîrniture storeo, <Inria f.nee'si residence, andi alou vii1> poit tn Smiti's A Davias tore lat a day or tva, Marchlai irosuman compioîed Ibis veekthtie task ai deoaetlug 135<0 yards ai grevel upon aur villago stteota, visicis ts a gaod sisaving fan onue ua- son. lirs. Henry Bastlan sud chldren, viso bave hi-on apending tise sammen t tise baule of ber father, Joshn 01k, lu tlsis place.. ietornod te Chicaga lasIt Satnrday. Orrin Lace puncissaed a large feed cuIter vils hiover attacismeut. Of 8ehauk Braa., lest weoo t i l partieca- leriy adaptable for filuing aili@asnsd varks 10 perfection.r C Ii iiNT-Afti-r Sot,tt iýt sHrtttm hiot Fotlti ':im, tariU-t wIlli <t,' i.- r.'illMas. i. j1 lsAuizîî. Liietytille 51i-. Mr@. IL. 1). Conk, of lRockefeller, la canvassing la Ihis vicinuly ion a book jnst eut, "Lue aitWm. McKinley" Sy Marsisali Everett, sud meeting viths exceletît 51cc055, as everyane ats Wil Foiiett bas docided to taeoa course t tiîe Nantiswetern U'niversity et Chicago and entored tise 1ev de- partaient ai tisa Iinstitution Ibis veok. Ho viii reside t Llbentyviio, ging la tise city daly. liaruisan Browv upîrcbased ai O. E.1 Churcill li s bulles aud property ou lira, 0. E. Churchli is' Ilînga book eatitied '.iteloiutlofln ùi l.Ieriy," a lomperaurae@tory of ':îîiderable streuglis. Prooeeda troi:. .ni fsaile gotgo tise local W. 0. T. i Ufr. ilensor, of Coder ilîIfs, lowa, ie vigillng her brother. 1. 1B. Moaise, and other relatives andi inonda lu Lîbertyvilie. lira. Benst:r vas a for- moi Lako county reside t , tut lias xibt beeu liseofor noverai Yoar,.She notes mauy change@. Ed. Appley bas flisied i xcavatiug for a bonse ta o b ai$u n hm properîy on Milwaukee Ave, bet wct.unfilsa bouse alieady located there and J. W. lutier'a prnperty. Tise atruaturt- viii bc a duphîcate ofnia lsoson stîîvand vilI bc llnlahed thia fain. Cisarilo Smth d4eiart t liat mach as vo have given i::i,ll'îity ta thse feet big llvery isorsît have been sick lnane. tva, lisice 'rir of laIe, tin la ouiylir for un to liste tisey axe now ail Weil aud tisai ho t'ait sCeommao. date anyaone dainu a nv4 Tisa onagalers axe air(a iv gather- ingîhieir vinter anpply oa ictkory unts, aithoug i il onid aeem Mlt 'biser ta vais outil a good front htid looseaed tise ahuoka and lot the nunt:drop ta theo gioand an nature iutaadt'tl If plckod 100 soan theo moata Vither sol isecome Stove dealers yl eap lb, r annuel harveat, beginuing lun a oeek or tva, and Libertyvillo dealers ihave laid lu a blg stock la anticipation i a ruabifig business. This affords patrons a gaod vaiety frum wviiie t Jct and viii resait in attracting tu Lîetyvilloea big "slave trade.' Nova vas recelveti iy Libeîtyviile friluds Thnr8day oftu!e11deatis ai Hlenry Ville. Be l::nîteiij resided la luis place, baviug tntved te Chicago vilshbie parente laut May. Bis un- timeiy dealis vas a bvi...o(k1temany ai af aur people, vistî ympathize viil tiue famity lua111cmirt'tsevement. FOaR lENT- tastauv i r iodgens. Mus4 CA ex. W iaa, Libierbi t le. S502-d. Live anale, wviiim t:e Uniaccount- abie Manar fou irtutn a Cook slave inu &0 e collection o a tser and aveepings ln àdrs. E. 0. Poet sittchen Monday tarted e blase tisai i:: t for tise neigis- bore vouid have detcLo(ped loto s dis- "trous ire. As ilt as. a boio vas buned tisiaugi tise kittisen loor. Henry Caler, W. EIt avis, Drý E. IL. Smlish, Dennîs i.îttiarry, Waynea Coby, Barry Cater, DtA Schank, Lydia Smith, Alice Davi'., Sr'. L. B. flandy sud Mis. Barry Bitta t 'ilI attend tise Stute Fair et Surlaiiid lnexl veek, aud ail la au officiai .pacily excepling1 Dr. Smithisasd lBarry l'aloi. SIne. lise extension:'A tise St. Paul naad fronLibontyviit' toa.ianesvillio a numberoa i vllages a se heun Ise embmyo tate, visite otiters have taken qutesa boom. New stilgos havebheon platted on1 t ;t îiud Laite,ILate connby, t Armity tui Beldin, Me- Henry cauaty, sud at /euda, Woavnith couaty. Armeby îs tatoultva omiles nantis ai Bebron anti Canly Sunveor Tryou ha. receutis ajurveyed sud piatted it. Boldiu lus outis ni Rit- rnand, vile Zouda ti. belvoon Wal- vamlh sud Armsy, snd indications are nov fax a fair sîrod village ettisaI place. Il Ji veil ttansd fhot veiy near 10 muriauading , illes on villages, sud Weil Sacked sp tI a prospenaus farrnlng cearnrnuoty. /iHirvard Lierald. PrAis ve. sols veek. Itlai saidate e orne tisie. years sgt: a man diving cau'.ideratiou vas $2741. Mr. Cisurcisif Ibroagi Dismood Lako vas compellod coutempiatte purcisasing a lot sud ta stop aI (Charles Rtay S avlng la hie erctlug aeamaler bonseboanse beoning miot. lie fiially pro- lThe macaroni iaclory i4.. dng a eeeded on hie vay titIloft tise hamac îîîsbiag business. itlbeis atbnguna- vilSh Ray, leulug Iiinm tît take g0ad cane usanl for 500>41 poauoaif ttur ta heofaIl and that ho wtîuit roturnuln a fev canverted luto macaroni la a single da and getlti. île ianded Ray hiei day, sud lise management ls unding card, viicis awed hlm ta b. Bd eady sale tamrtiseir piaduet. Hoyard, proprietor ofa hioleSMt Fox At a recout election oft nloe tisa JAS.. In a veek or so tuthehor. dieds foiavîng offIcils voie ciseen by tise desptethefuet Ray bai a veoarln Melhadiat Bundmy sehool: 1Mr. Bugisis, ln attendae. Later a ItîI l or oxpe»se Supt.; Mr. Taylor, Ans. Buft. Mary vu an raed Howard. ' li ut foiiov- Mmaon, Sec.; Aima ItayOrganin; Alto. db two othena, Do nepiy boîng ut- DMu@, horiter; W. 0. Tniggm, Libia.ceeld ta aMY Of the Comnmunications. rien. LfAssvooS Ray oued tHovard belore JuaUlim UsG(ullin sud oblaIflfd juIg Tise large centrifugai pupa retyr utpt he mden(aimsD04 noe lntalied et tise pavot piulu aopor' Ing. ZSlow r ll$h aMuon. Ily thIamma"s pavel la vin.= q=s leSs -.o Ray. laufMm ut Ur1e oa bIdolares ho WU lai t»u aiucked up" IIInuHgII Sa0Etu 0 Diu 4ak.ho vas no% li1515 por brou pipe and deoaeoIn15r«7ehu.g i c e' 'ýOsitry. faoeve Uqia sosn tp et tise tover, frfflw" 16MM hsehrebui - tE sUmia,-,. tila a liser*jea owoapelldtopay vea 18 Ibq ws teiisqlr.T* M"hi la '4« "by a poeof mi e*0 o No New Devlopinenta. Eleotric road maltera axee aastand- still, avaliugVice.Preatident Froa return tram a western business trip. We ieern tisat Mr. Osborne la avait- Ing Mr. Fros'@ return before bavlngi papera drawn tranaleriing a rlgbt"f- way over hi& praperty, as ho under- stands Mr. Fionatvanta a igblt-vay cieax to Milwaukee avenue and as hoe neyer made a propoeltion te0 sel more tban ta thse gravel beda, hc doatrew 10 dotormino visat extra compensation shall bc tipulated In tihe irensier for thse eddltioual trlp tlrough to Mil- yankee avenue. Hence a consultation vith Mfr. Frost laq ueceary. And rlgist bere anatiser complication Pro- sents Itaelf. People viso are close ta Mr. Front tel as titat lna al pnobability lie vili doterinue tiret ilf rontage an Milwan. kee avenue ta tihe business conter of tbe vililage and a franchiae viii be granted thse company. If not, be viii flot parcisase thse extra strip of Mfr. Osbsorne, but stop at the pravot beds. It in10go b oped nov that an elec- trie road wvus ail ts posililties of future developmeut ia ta o ed for1 lthe akiug,caur people viil ot -"tulf1 dovu" the propoition. t vii only bc a matter of a few yoars unîi lbh road viii bo extended, If built, and thon il viii prove a boon 10 tise vilý lage. Il dooss aoem our citizennahouid takte nme couceted action vith a view ta Inducing thse electrie rond Company ta extofld their lino -up tova," as ve feel conviucod il viii certainly hohut au fax au thse gravel beds on the Osborne farm. Sehool Note@. Thie enrailmeul at present la, girls, 89; boys, 98; makiog a total of 187. MKisa liynors rooci hA the largeat number. i51 being enroiied. Tise 1111h and sixth grades novc- cupy tise large roum davasmaire, for- meriy nod am a laboratony. This ruramli.mach pleasauterlisa tise une pîevloaaiy u0500andedan ha iseaed vithis i1sadiiclulty luIn l veatiser. Eufopeed vinIer holidaya axe likely tu be unfroquent tiîs ean. A nev foture lliste irnisising oaithbis roinil@ three green board@ lu place fi tise bltcS boards uauaiiy seen la 10hoo1 ra. Siale boards have beon or. dorod for tise iront oi tise routm. tintil a janîtor cau bc empiayed for tise jean, Lelie Webbî and Heury Me- Giegor have charge of tise aveeplng sud diesning. Oving 1tise breaklng ai tise rap. tise flag vasflotet ihall tuant M nday aud Taesday of lest veek. A foot hall teamn la being organized and gaxues vils otiser achoola are de- firea. Note booksararauged for accui-ate and vaînable recorda lu science vois have been lntnoduced lu tise bigh au3bool classea. Tise bntany cias 1e engaged lu ex. amining and expeienuig upon @ceea. Almosi the visoleofai hein vork tisas far bas been based upen observa- tions sud experimeata of tise clam. Visitora are samevisat frequeut, but more viii bc weicomed. Ciildren viii be more lulrelted lu their acisool visen olden people think Il vortis visiting. NN. C. T. U . Colifcrciiec. A oanty Ctofer ncv th 1e W. C. T. 17. viie ho eld la t11e Lilartyville M. E. cisarcli 'I'tîesîilsvOct. isi, morn- lng and aiternoan. Lot every unuion lu tise cannty 1e reîîroeeted. Bing lunchs. Lîhrtyvilie ladies vili serve te& anti caitee. Ta tise Public. WO tise consder- ations otimutuai 1promise,made 10 eacisatistr, agi-e, to thse aloviig fitipulatlans Tuâat vu viii clttseour stores ail day S undays. That ve viii close aur stores overy voek day, oxcept Haturdays, et 8 o' dock p. m., and furîhor exceptlug a peod Ivto eka beore Christmea, commenclugCt. 1, 19.401. M. B. Caiby & Co. Tiggs & Taylar Max Koisuer E. W. i'erkisonst 1ilcianck Bros H. B. Eger Wm. Wairtliiît C. H. Kaiser Wm. Stevenoou Fred Croker Sailis&ADavis W. C. Triggs 5l-2 Je Je rîclcUPS il il A man viso knovs a g000 deal mr about tise dairy busiqess tissu ho toile, says bo daîken bise windows aiflise cav haro sud Sang an aId biaukel or piece of hnap avenlise uppor naît aoftise door, vbicis viiibinaisoffaIllhtie files vison lise cava entei tue baun. Ho maya il vorks like a charm ad makea mlitkng a plesuro. Tise lioviug probiem la gaiug tise rounds of excisages: A man isad aeventy-flve conta sud oved e man a dollar. He 100k tlise avenly-iive cents ta a pevubrakor sud paed 18 for fitty cents, ieceiving a ticket showing tise transaction. On tise vmy h. met a tnlsnd aud bornovod flfty conla on thse pavnbmoker'm ticket. Belng lventy. fiv. cents ahead and having $1îlun hlm posession, ho pald hia debi of il. Who vswut lise tventy-ilvo centa? Libertyvil le - - - Illinois. For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. Youî get the incereased and growing Bervice cf the Lske County Telephone Company and counection wlth the,. Chieago Telephone Company. For Informationl, rates, etc., wrte-~ CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, Loveil'a Drug Store, Libertyville. Illinois. Pure Drugs-ê:- AT -~--..LoveII's Drug Store, PERFU MES TOILET ARTICLES PATENT MEDICINES.' A Shockligi Calaîuîty -Lateiv hefeil e ailioad laborer "wIe Dr. A. Ke.iltt. et willtord AnS. :" o A Lauge',aMid y sbadin srughod. but Iiuekleos aAmis ahvauiklouarod iiu. te sMily toadom 1.1r 1crn8aras. 1,plilesasd a sinn u.. IC th Is ie wonid'a .lisol4bei neguaatead. Sa. odS J. . vaLu. Uhertyvilie; OUsILAIn PUAa=- ~, ui. emà Ehou~aaeu. LbertYvili4b PAINTS AND ILS. Complete Stock of Sehool Books, Talg and School RLoom Necessitios. F. B. LOVELL, - - - - -ttUmm REAL I5AKUAIIN Trousers 40- eavy ALL WOOL Trousers at per pair . . . .. . . . . . .$1.40 ' Ou al lialie fFeil '.iiv,,Otn ~- Fiaiuî-i- andti iteset îlo eltiee i aIl-wtx>l 10- waîe't la shîIe. orit enîds, j îîet enîoigli Sfor oie wait <of a kini, wI arrive Satîui- ' <.~day iiiiîg. I>ice-s ranîge froîîIn 5î to 9> -' 75(- per y;iti"I. ('al aptileedtiv'i. SWe'alsoî i;\ w tfliiî vory fin lur-\Nol liauî- -6 riîe'ls wtith l e iu;itedfo n îit anduI Jrii<a<'il i de<1.t, . -.., ZZ raugiîîg la pîioiý -frîiu $:. 75 Ùî $4.00 per f- waiut îattsvrii. 'Iheeuarette'latee't îove'l- -" dw-- ties Ot t. A Zi~ Xgoo.l liieotf Nlac-hît.itosIi- raniîigii inii 1 I iCk oatte$1.00)îîî 0>111 oih'.Iotll patternsie'are'ii. _____ Yoî'll be' iîîteree'te"1 if yoiî want tîtat he'aterý set up. Smith &Davis, DEALERS IN SLiberiyville Ilinis TH A I H * Sces strange sights and grows used * w îthem in time, no doubt. * Even our ugly hansomn automno- biles wiIl soon cease tw surprise him; but he neyer can understand wby people are willing to drink pour, * health-menacing coffee when the * begt the wonld produces ks easily When wc speak of the best coffee, we of cour-te refer to the kind soid by Chas.e & Sanborn. Their Seal * Brand Java and Mlocha is famnous * for ils excellente, and their high * grade coffees w iich corne packed in * parchment ined richly colored bav-a are in great demand.- * The greatest care in ..clection and * packing is exercised. * With coffee pure like this, more * enjoyment is experienced. No dan- * ger to health need be feared. These coffees produce that deep port wine color beore cxeam, and goden ater creamn, su much desired * by coffee loyers. Always a fresh supply In stock. SOLE AGENT$. ,Those * Chll1dren iwif make mer r bilg aba for tbem t" idyoel evo Say that ? Then it was because >w I ~had f ailed to connect wMt t nrght kmnd of shoci.Ne sbris is so bard on a sbce as the wWa gven by a. beathy, romplng have studthe atrf' of this studyls found in the Une of solid, tough leather shoci we have now in stock. Theoe are two solid soles on these shoes; they bave sole leaher tips; they bave an extra stay sewed Up the backand the uppers are made cf more vear in tfhes t hîan in any othezi ve know of. TH1E FAIR,

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