CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Oct 1901, p. 1

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'"p ~4I~1~ ~m, '~' JNT! INDE,PENDENT. VolIX. No. 52" Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, October 4, IbOl. -I ~ i OV~flATS We hav e a big line o ~ plee'4the proper petterns for 'il and1 '02. PrIMs are tiot high andt Our coat43 baiatice just rlght and look righit, that's the way we iiiake lem. They fit, that's wiLLÀMSTEVENSON, SUCCESSOR TO Sanborn & Co, Tallorsanmd llaberdaabers UJberyvilll, -Il-linois. Fred Croker, TAILOR. OVER Schanck's Hardware Store, s and eUpedt. îbcac), (Mn 4 i i.beW maywor ie yl hlmâ todo mo. e_ Convool Ion loy, Oct. 269b. mou inI m o condoct %te0 >vu opoakers Vdli b. s radi. 1. E. Duterta.lomnent h. all, Thuya. A flue pro- lu charadeoi 'ho Laliomido i viii furnlsh ntarls.lontt ge crovd and prove no.ex- 'olsular pri, ou ,uit t1w1 saho' 1 Ave beeu en- four ai bat. aI 'hmsed auEl DorflierI fe etl,' orgmuh/og lbe bsdly <'ut nday and tias i nabhool for rlih sud lueraI <eri the sable. t s" durlng lhe d teachers oif becoune mm LaocltlOn l.y Mlon tes and n. A nnMb.'r auq nel andi jô ast Tbnrsday tue fanerai «f The regular non vire Dot l111,l. lh Uie oxplanation ot ai Ivo weella. apristo badges, 9 seemori In- .113 of th1e oeca. Ivanho. und nel on homoe s'rnoon. AllIer Ir boys were go 12. Il laI the home plmying vilh le Ia lnung. ckefelier teana layer. Dorlier akm battory, are ipport. OnItn of the rrY Abbott il- ollege, T. fi. bwoatern Uni- atondiog Be- rue prac*lclng 'ado; Ray But). LARE COorsTY tLibertyvAllte: liiIltberahadlîs 'sT&Iake; flov- sCitools, Glen- >ker, cabiaer lu MtI Nsùiy. Wan- etenographcr, ber, principal traiif.v.I N. Il. e minute Cougli a CD uh tiactol'n eh'îbble r.llvvd 11-1-1 ',ursd. T- ,rk eh, l F. IL. Clevelandi and exerises for nley ver. huIri ernouan. HOU. n addroes. . Dr. E. H. Smith, DENT IST, 'nrflca ove r Lake Ceunt' Hank s rn 9to12a,-r. Mdil1Itii 6SP'. .DAILY Libertyville, MI. Feit gravel roofs guar- anteed for f ive years. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNFY ^'rLAW, Repeirng dn.e l i rst clama ahape. LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. *n«yly prepare to tp dremaing ueed1 thet m"m old wakbvenurar"F as 1Si iiNCK i B WLOCsL Ascama v. mi DOW. 1 ams prepared 10 Ituilil Portlandi corent sidvslhs, eirba or gutteca. Pries always Reasonable. WM. BELL RMe - - I Dr. Charles Galloway. Officoover Lovoel ls0rog toro EV»OUxOI0ANDA T0c hP. M. Libertyville, - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trlgge & TayIors. 1 ole ff.U.I2tO and s. tusm<p.m. Ilenideuce on Blroadway opptosIte Park Libertyville, Illinois. PAUL MacOUFFIN, à UtOrney ad Conuuel lqr at La- NOTARY PUBLIC LINCOLN LUSK, AUCTIONEEt Rollins - Illinois. illiets cortemnplattng making a mae 1-ail sroud or adrres sud I vill guar- Elgin aniee atiefaction. Aug.-n-v RALPII Lm DAIIYo PIANO$ -OqoArte TU NEDAND CLXANEO REGULATED. REPAIREO. AckcNT FOR.. Shoninger and Schaefer Plaie». Libertyvlle - llinoliS. cake ÇgO. flk, WRIGHT DYMONO a&CO., Libertyville, Illînola. Lsues Intereat Bearing Certifi- cates Pa.yable ou Demand. Il BUSY TERN IS PROMISE!>.1 Liât of Crimiînel andi Cosnton Law Cauo«. circuit court yl Coutefle next Nouday. Therc are mauy net casea aud consaquently a buey ternu la au- ticipated. The follovlng are de- fenidants tu the. criminal Cases Pol'u. le vs Thom. rlOfn. P.01,1e8esVukW lardsg. "'rlvs Thou. Whte. Pe.ople vR Fred Rose and AxelGouramnsuu. Peupile vauilugh Leonard. People vs Wllitam Cummncqe'hîîrg. of runruer.. i'eorle'" es illlrrI W. Brecelisen. Pfflple v. lis M. Wshburn. P'eople v. Fred Paddock. People va Grbort 9MeNane. P',opl.W vm Joe Sullfsll. People vs Adret lBenn and Gýo. l'asmoro. People vsulRaleigh Wood. Peouple vs heter Siltiý, T'gpe.vsMyron IL. Bat. People va Fred Wlnn. l'.ople va Thou. Bubterll.'ld. People vs Frank fBaiUucs. People Ys Louis ftender and Dul CouDer. People va John M. Gootiveil. People va Bort Pennoch. People vs Peter Spelman-. People vo Mir. andi abris Leiling. People vaFlorer. Louis. IRadcliffe. People vsallm'l T. Ferry. Peop.le vo Autun Cabala. Peop.le va Laureuce fStevens. P'eople va Johnfsweabots. The common Ila, liaItinas ifolIowa: John Sturms va City of Waukegan. Medame praceetilua by Henry W. Blodgett and ILijuhen Miler vs Lake Bluff VIllage William Conley vs Michael. John and Wra. Ilveener. îAppeai.J Michael Krapf va George KrmD( Henry 1. Lloyd va Miael Bwteeney Mary E. Fovler vs John Sunderland. H. A. Matn vsulMr. andunirH M. Coburn. John . LAugabllu elone o. vm James5 Biaran rd F J Uu dston KeIîogg.Ma,,kay Cameron Ca.v- E. 0 Alford. Dr gdlsun instItut., va AI Llghîheart. A. J EKn£Au sJ...,E lioleoutu. Cý &Mi.&. . lCo. vg TIonas Brase Works aud 1B. J. Thomcas. Allen frus. vs Ermma (. trvis. Waukegau va M. Auhula. Ellen Wortmmu vYs F. W. Ganse and F. N. TomlUneon. Hghland Park Electrle Llgt 0o. vs £mil lludoIph and 0. L Oleson <Grnlshoe. flafeu & Bah-r vsalKr. aud lire. Juli Dion. Lonele Levereuz Co. vsa(irace Walker. P. Filzaoesld va Mary. John. Mary Itherl- dan.sud bridget Kelly. Augusta Horubute vs OttIlaH.rherger ari Fred Herberger. Ca&rl Kremveil val 0. & M. E. B. B. Mt. lira. K .ilmier. Urr Locket ardware Ou va C. J. Crees. Trovurîige a Cook va Chas. iGreen. lira John Fot. va Lake Counuty. J. W. Tormoau va John lierzlng. Jr. lu lait veek's liune te puhlaheti the personnel cif both the grand snd petit j ery. Hobam An Convention. l'on IIIubremdt the li.ading andi feel iuclîneti ta paie hiba mtry up ai a nevapaper fabrication. Don't do tl. W., are lu dsad usruest theu vo stage tbal a £ranp conveution look place la bah,, co'muly lestt eek sud vuaI e- kcfded iy Weary Wiliiei from aIl over the country. Il meema Ibhes»bains bave bec-n holding annual conventions for a number of!jurs, the. one of lait vc-ek l.clug the 101h annuel event. 'i liecotaVelion begsn lu4"ilobo Park,' s raviue jmat soolli of Kanoalis. sud becauae anthorîties of that oiby declared tlioy voulri drive the nael- came Intrudera say il they diri not go voluutarily, closiug sessions of 1the odc.otlventîon vure heAti In Lake cony, mest vithin the limite of Uine City. Tramps from. nurarnd fer haît gatliered for th. ovent, untîl about fby " «debegates@" vere on band. 'rhey hari purchased an olti cov of a i(eoasb fermer for $3.15 anti bart planued for a big barbecue. This la whal arauseti Kenaosapeople and a raid vao tbresteued. The Gev vas hustleri over lut, Lake connty, vbere the barbecue vent on unrnolested, ai our antborltles knot nothing of IL At a business seslon fIva. deolderi t0 ruemoralie Congres&asaklog the$ sou.. action be taken 10 lesa lbe liabiliby of train wrecks. TAe.marma. rial vili probably ha olgqeti by mli 1h. vanderere of the norîlvent ardit Ill undonbtedly be one of ttemoni uique papers ever preaented 10 <Jongren. Officers ver. ,lected a« folIota, be- fore tire vauderers led their cans tu their hacha andi veut their several vaja: Presîdeut. George Moore, GrandRiiapids, Miei.; Vice Prealdeul, John Oliver, Los Angeles, Cal.; Tres.- ucer, Jack OBrien, Ilenominee, Mionh.; Direcloro, Peg Oison, Strestor, Ill. Frankh Findel, Madio, Win ; Jttm Fosto'. lîriboiqire, la. Auction Sale Bills. W., prtu our speci 11e IsoatP li111-0 arte vrrwz ia e.L.Axx uVTsr.BAN*, i- 'ltl nsBayt Libertyville, IlfOSDR. AMOS J. NICHOLS mor vair - 0F IIICAO, aribersa OFCAG Oeti oCI&&of Pt Ébas orondajeu are ad DR~EmFRIAVI;~DENTAL OFFICE lmot te1 OR. E1 F..IAVIN; iiiertyviile. Buier'. Block, ove, 'golug".ý Oredidule S Lsloe Ifo9ih ok Davie store vberoe usM be Surgece (.hlcUgc iortb Wetc I ... ,1rsgue'iy ou Woducedsy 'Wakeae t10. C O00P.. 1the bMt: Chrnl~O~S1aoUbsS4Wmel.Dr. H. 0. B.. VOUNO.~ ' l~' M* it 111e best aurtlion bille, lb. laity, sud gte free a notice in 'ENDlENT laoludlug complet. icles te be solti. ElghI ber. ythe roiatne lu ontr piper la cf Inn tsu 1the bille. Our sub- are almoât exctusitely the people jon vaut 10 roua bIf advertlslng au &notion. The prîatnt erly al1the bille ýrOe@ Ouenvassertion thMtheb ' mv Offèe la rocnousa l ce Iti gel sactto' bl&e kg 0it eIlpeople vS 140aW "toUr nj Iuyoc mau thale àthat moins de" ts 5 l xUrjMebmn. mu" 1 IiIRL IS F@ICD TO MÀIR1Y. 1 NEGRO AND> WHITE OIRL ELOPE Disgracefut Proccedinr lu n Iau- kegan SUIburi, 'iunday. 5'erlaps noter l ie Iia, itory 0f Lake oounby' ba 5 n. e disgracelul proceeduro takea Ila' tnder the guise of a manlige c. r, uony than 1the compulaory vedduig i. a man abc lothed a oSrgaret R- înlknte, a 17- yesr-ald LtuisibU5lOian gr of Washburn Sipringa, a eanbtrb I \ aigan, lait Bunday. The girlcaMi O A n afrom Eus- nia tbvue montleai a. She naïf re- celveri mooealMont rlglette,. from lira. Johft Vemlnur, and, induceri by thon, ha.! afi;lber î..reuts Thae veddlag oerciuy vas par- formeri beotoe a large audience of the bride'. 1.110w iOUflrNuen, tho diri not undersie ui 11tlate Ihat abe wu unavlIllgly alth11e altar. No t1he villagl e Iii a date or indignation ad the girl iseat' speak 10 ber buabanri. The Iconea "1the close of tb. service wu ddramnatie. The girl b.d been led loto the ohulflibb er cousin, lira. John Vember,, Md her pale face andi liaulting stop oeuiod omment. 8abe leanori hesaiyon lber counin'a arni dnrîng the ë0.11 part of the long ervice,ati wli05the prieil, Pallier appenavits. nl be11r '*WIII 'you, Mlargaret. toe& tue ciau o 10obeour veddidihaabadr ah. d roppei10 1the glour. The brldegvon bstily lUrted the girl tu lier foe*% but it vas severml minutes bofOgo m"0iatkhwercd. Thon, la faltog, tobues, came the. reply. thicli grooma and prîcat book for 111e requlred o"jei,' but ebîcb sou.. of thons ila the auriuao eMay va "o. The celiduet of the girl, her r.. luctmno., and lier pltitl m tate cmused 1he prient 1temsai be asecond tlime il ah.cvau villIg. No r-Ply came, but the pricot va. bld Iliat tbe girl wau induspaod, snd 1the vddlng vent on U«nontu 0 Me prlest Mise. Solde. %bite0 bar bogod lier friende and iber cousn-the oelj. relative alie blinl AMols-nel tu al10w tUe eeremauy 10 taie place. "-Plemiedoo1 ltesme there, Fou knov 1 vou't lite vtb 'ou. I von't go. Oh don'gl' Therie and sadry almilar ejaculatione vere made by th1e unwfilllag Young bride. fo lier pleati. toge they ireplieri: W e Lltbuaa.ieue rmarY oung and yîini muet, toc. Trumupkia a geod mer. andi jon met t o bjeot." After th1e vedding vas over Ftler Stappenavitz retured 10ohicago sud 1the gueasa en$t 10thb.,Vember houa,. Thore tbe bvidegro'îrs lid prepereti a Seoas d"had musîcinnafor a rdsnce. Marger"t refuaed tîo oit next 10 him at the. table. She 'eould not look et him. Whou tbe diiiner vas ove they ater te break platý-., as 1h. cnstomn la, ant isoh. a. ghi', vmore than $100. This onatoor sla tcvury gueat tekre a plagt break liii jt a ilver or gold coin. The moniey gca 1w the bride. lu Ibis eaus eeî'îe ted ail an sd put itln lier poi-kt, and vlan lier busbaad aalred ic rl.$150 pay the muicienalie re!fUsed. Sb@e las tbreateneri 10 use lin mouey in golug back tu Empope. -'8110 la bore ru thne honne vîihme," declare. TÇtmpkis, Who la Dow' aayi.og et lai Vember hume. "and I gnonas abe yll be & ail gbt aller svhllc. 511e does net know v laI @oe anta. 1 apent 84eonou hat wddlog, and 1 loto the girl." Littie More to do. The Labo County Buard o1 Revlew bai aU but ôompleted iae labora. Ail told andi ruuglnly etimatlog, s member o! theb tinclgneueithst It bas thia jear made a manea on mens.- monts a 1thIetotal ealraiBtof of cdose 10 two millions, or ou the asseaset valMulon oSabout $4i ý1000. Deducting the amonuta loveied inn sorno umés- mente and figurrcng on Ibis total ai &bout 150,000, tbbc net rais. on 1the total values tilt be about $1,500,000 maliing lai net raine iii aasesaed values about 3300,00. W. C. T U. Conference. There vas a connîsceuce of Lake Oouty W. C. T. t nunions -helti lu bthe Retboditchncrh al, Libertyvilis Tuee- dsy rnorniong and alternoofa. Oting toma misunderataniig relative 10 date of holding tihe cînfereuoe, aeveral union, tero Dol reprsenteti, lboogb a belpful sud inter. eliig meeting Ts- .ulted. Wsukegan, Liski 11,11f,. Quruee. (lrayalake and Ll[erl, ville unions bad delegatea prescrit. P ii8nsfor jigorons work tu 1the coînty vcre u.tured, 1the variens deparb.uiit, Ibcbg carelully cenaldsred. Holding of conîfer rincca at varions pointe tbreugbonb the rounty lasprot- lug s sýplendid n'ýarne (if awkeulug loteroalMnti eyer was thre work as Weil aupportoti as nus Deeuty Comnty Treammrer, Fre0 AM"s of Antloch bai scureri the0 posIbbea of Devnty County Traaa ucS IMllr Counby Treasurer Ueo. N. W*b*s Yomr Face Worth?î Unacoutitabie Action of Prett y Mien of Nîneteen. Another sqenaitlon lu Watkegau, Ibis tline canoed by preîiy Bertha Barr eloplng willi a marrieri man and a nogro ai tbat. #iose nsine laeienton Klugsbury, aged th1rty-t..o yearm., The girls& action la unaccountable, as @lie vu engaged 10 mrry a Wauliegan man acon, Harry Mallory by usame-. Alie ln a comely appearlng girl andi bigbly regarderi. Alle vu embloyeri sai a domeallo by W. . Upton. Kangabury la a tell aud rather baud- tmre negfro and a avell dreiser, anti hari benuemployed a- a coachoma., 151o1y bavlng charge o e iG olf Club Roues. Theotiret Intimation Waukegsn people ba r thIeïr elopmenl vas cou. voyeri by a mucy letter from Mi BaUT, lbough lb. absence o1 bolb bai canieri conideruble comment, It rend: -I enri jon my lait pleture vith my fll suit on. I ne doublt expect yen knov hi thia lime Ihat 1 have 1.11 towu, neyer 10 retuno. W. leste for 89. Paul bo-nîglit. 0We have laed a tory enjo!able ilme and expecl 10uliate a more no one. Whatever 1 have loft bebinri yon are velcome In. Talo goond care of yourSeif, for Ibis le a happy vorîri then F011 meet the rlgbl meo t0 u jo3ý- iý'l Yeu. «-l nov ny gondi bye forever andi forever. BZETRA,. -,P. S. Plemie excuse tln-type as idr tntl thiuk tu do Il lu lime 10 have auj 011e, talien. Beton un ie ho bo yeu vould ne$ keep Il suyvmy, but i- fore jon Ilrow Il vsy for yoa 1u shev Il to ira. (Green Tarver sud let1lher abow t Ilo10 te (Kltgbury'à vifé.) Have been 10 grand opera ,very cven- lug mince vo bave banin luChcago- So long." The pîcture showed h. girl sand-. lng beelde hier lover, botb vearlug a mont Impudent expresaion. Mir@. Beliler Shoote at Burglara. 01 laIe burglars bave perasmeully attemplori 10 gain an entrane 1u1h. homo of!Uli. Loui s ohuler, uho llvee ou the. Talet farm et Hall Day. Three nlgbla bave tbe proviera faller inl tbeir attemups 10 gainanuenîrmuce In ber home. The second ulght lira. Sehueler waz atakeneti .lie vent aller the provrlora wltli a revolver and friglitened I li avsy. The neit niglil ah. board 111cm boring bol.. lan1the doux, ad getting 1e lruaty revolver 011e ahoî four timea at the lutrudera. They rau &fler tir- lug m couple of aboet b er the blnlola narrovly misalug hier béat. Anthrax Under Control. The Stage board of lite stock commis- alonera held ila monbhly meeting ai Slpringfield Monay. Reporta vere aabmltted ohowlng that s&Luce june 201h tliere have beau elghty-aix desthm tram anthrax lu 1he bertla of norîlicro Illnois. Extra- ordnamry precaublons bave been takten 10 provcnl 1the diseuse f rom sprcadlug, snd the cammisemoners bolle e tlhey us.w bave fi under control. A report vas aubmttedt buthe board by Dr. Lovejny, 51111e veteriuarlsu, ahovlng 111a IlnAteten diva from Sept. 17 10 27 eighly-four deallis occur- ed out of a total of 249 cattle th&& ver. vscclneted g0 preveut anthrax. Thoe ver. ail heaitby caIlle, but the virus useti for vaccination proveti poisonous, sud insteari of preventlng anthirax brougirî on the contagion. Sump Shota Ceases Publication. With lait veek laine the Grnysîuire Skoaeasied publication, Editor Pickering liavlog secureti à poaition au wetern represeniatIte of a large pub. llablug bougese, li v n is f-amlll1 movedt Ibs week 10 Sait Lake City1, their future borne. For Sale. Good pure sorglu. Leave or ad- dresa orders t0 E. E. BSMrv, MaUUfac- btrr Ivanboe, 111. 50-4-P. GRAND DANCE AT Ilertel's Park, h~ait Day, Ill., Oct. 5, 1901. Prof. Snith's1 Orchestra farnisli the Chticago will Musice. EvMryaccommodation' $1.50 a Vear in Advance, Flannel Waists., Pretty Flaie Waists for Women in at- tractive styles, neatly trimmned and cut to fit. Soft, Snug, Shapely, ComIfortabIý Effecti ve shades- Smart Reds, Fashionabe Blus. .Blacks and DiMtinguished Greens~, going at prices frolo' $:2.5o to $i.oo each. Fkcece Lined Underwear and Ml *ry We are ishowing some exceptionally good under'.- values for women at Soc, 38C and 25c. Hosiery Values at 25c and 15c in Fleece liine4 for Women. Cu R.YN Waukegan - - - fhn* STOVES ON40 If you are t.hnking of hnying a stove "bi fail or winter it will b. rnoney in your pocket to look uver my stock beore bnying. 1 have made arrangements witb Cribben & Sedton, of Chioago, te handie their entire lineofo Universal Stoves and Rangea. The Univeraal Steel Range heada the list of Steel Rangea; l8 of the fineai finish and heaviest, steel. By buying a large quantity 1 got a 8pecial low price whioh will enable me te, seil those aplendid stovos st about the same price you would have to pay for eheaper goods. - - Illinois. H.i Libertyville I Sold The 2Oth Century Cash St< For $2.2,5, $2.5o, $3.oo atnd $3.25. Togethir vila a futl Ibo of MensSuiteansd Ovorocala, Duckl Cosa eandi Vestati Mackintoshb« aIl bougb t for spot eushi mi wiU 1e osît for a amali profi fer cssb. Our Wintor Uodervoar la aH la anti ready for jour ineoctic. Prioe fromt 31.00 t ........................ $2.73 a suit. W. bave a âine stock of liens (loteoa-Euaendrathb'a Absm5. Dinlua &lilovhbom's Brothorbooti lovei. Wtnd, WMtoe8a" Pire proof,owed wttbwax tbrear, price ................ $1.00 Meuî's S os from 82 00 .. ... .......... . . . Yours for cash. E. W. PARK1IURST, SCHANCK BLOCK, UDRTYVILLE, ASTIIMA CURE FREEIl Aeanaee riffs Instat Relie&M dPermanet Cure in Au CRU&. SENT ABSOLIJTLY FREE ON RHCRIPT 0F POSTAL. The,. ia oothlng 11k. Aalhmsiene. 15 * bu unlan*Ià relief, avenlu the voral ume. 1% eoures Whoun&Il oe.falus. L.'eIIs. of Villa Kilgo. I111. saya "Your - trT~%~¶ie l'Athmeu, ereoelved Ilu oe~l ndi. tin au tiot tell Fou bo t haukful 1I ifore gmadrved from t. 1I tas à slave. eritad f.utrld ore ll.roat and astIman .for teonyrs.I e aitaireri of ever boinc ,ured. 1I as Four ad ntle. qWnlfo r the ure of this dreadfu 1 and tormenti.aa flm.asthm&an sd lhought Fou had Overeiokela youraeves. but reolved te give t a trial. To muY stoulsbutent. the 1.1.1 acted 11k. a abarru Bond m.s A full-alze bottle." W. vautte10 andiy.every suf..eratrialtreatonte of atb;mllue. lmlartetu he one that eured lir. . 'ilfld Il;1 Mili PosTPAID. ABBU- INTELY FREE 0F CHAPÀE, tommcy suffrer tho wvrite for Il. aven on a pcelaL ilever ui§d& lbOg~ o aa eaplrba.hovever bari Four case. Aothbnaa if]yurellet. afforded. W. M. APPLEY, C. W. PEt", AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONI. Don't liii to attemd flan b yU. Iisa Deerfild - - A 1 me s n ugg. L1oOc tsvtriseISS.ljtr eae g ~l e ou% maOM TB. oeS8 >4e Walks Are the bat and ln Ine lont rue the choapest. Oerror. rnr tIc iana. Of à I sicý t, 'flnir.rl 1 1

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