te ý ns lt tO ra *t Slaialite uis bu las 51*. te in, et tisa- le r suais are- es" tagret1ud t n " ' boe ata.- hi'. bi est wlvran pls inla rthe are dus res. lues meushe t Tniste ran te«.te~ as das lail spec, totinati l'e- laite-,p 'pin matla tor. bi' 1tes o bi t eb Sfl e l laais t retmm ea .laUh atpa i-k eAil me-e or mate lti- fleuil.w i.zy d eatai e-est; mm sas buin-s jean.' coa': ra weta ar leu% o; s e t .miter mit M vt a 5 ruan; rpexu rmn eahere le-el. u at s. imti .1;ý benspea '-ru l ui am. .er. hen. rta auai': r. eet, as Mach tnea t.s-shaa kY % sete-n u lomAfesI lm ailard te-a tee' aati ltur mes Or aine- th wbe atae la i anc »1»ia hiein lsu-at e> trust. s#tl unnsl erorl- Messe-t epli taln atmaa ritie. lr of maint tabi le Pn tial Itîte-lait t 'f h- cor weal*AV becmnoroin u um arnul.i.et uc we nd RyMou elf bseudluG u- aa. B o u e o $ < i s e p u a I g e u r a i O u s t m i i k n d î r u n e - i i fi l e , N o l u n l o s f l o u o î is ver.netvunîi mînebemig. he rsi-ofa ,b n Ilb> ane, ord, gu. .e-a. 1*51111fl e el ta> heopla lent w Desoa on grah a in tee t ie an> Who 04iMos -Incale itotte at alsato eaer' ond îugntyendii ut f thif grav abios. Tht. l iromi, WBI h arI . adi cnotai.brefoi iln hadi>' s cot ou iplae te"lre ii .' hae-Os ahu yu goîr'b uundb Ile aie ffl s eb e ht nolie o bu ihte ntli ce-ona cf l a vî' andui r 'tui se record t you ailtli eS von«tt ptii î ne solit ho etD y lu a (çtae on'o!bu, otî n ie ushl Ont ote IiiAli.ii m r o rgi tu u hut îe'i e-ce er t. The ant mmii'si0,uelisr n ls rsa r Iili - v~~~dantera o! l.i B asa i e- o li e wuogel..h- halllu> a lwIb acimîl ur Oeachyse il vnn i tu~~i ,ea i r s al ul ra ifotuni ie n rasatio n i m eryan othi ngI und i h tc (Cepi T his trliiou ln Etopthrand.if ion)l »m ,rboneîtîu ~ ~ hi d sc ur . r. ai al s ev trdy me laie tabie- pa er t li ve n5 i e, pa5 t arilil l f tu 'br k t u, "' h e r g nleo a ,l i am a>' nc an is ide>' nsi fel' theua ohie tee tie-u su c not bu c- haho e-hen i lu oe re rdin orf a ' Y îtl*S ava nceiscet ati it-er. ieSPS" e-ti l 80 .lilalrhini ct a e IlintJuta i rance <3h. el t î rlls Chri-r b uld : îe O lest ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ChItlum nkn'taI obll, > tti t ragl nitac tes Yl le ou@ 014 rticr e r> rniI s r lnne crb s sI îsju Ot huyla. ntiil daane i~puh a- antersofha the te me arian m1111110' e amough il torelemui nt>' r te mark o l ula h day. Tuer s n oh monte- titt a al s i - a h bdsaiti dant. îvTiol> W*mol Ihs bî vettiioam n r ui t n e-tiothea a Inî (cii yright n »av eryîi i . it eith-a to]r o l>'haveofthe ividt laadr9 utl hs li' olre e t.b -Tve Ihous branmii hel disduasfamlle.tu inianudlttesud fo, laaes tu trneilioe nn d nli intbulde- s have bore h uighhit>' irr ngt tm e<lot i noye die l mteupanfCe-era elllantn rlae-ictionti veels. i guing ruoî Oh,î f ir >nuuîanu et er bantianog'île toi, 5f ur , ut cycl-e; e., t e l obnlta o! teil',wgtou lâla .nieeY udueati m iet u l eriant e ontOe-bu eu'uti " oa.. T h t a isie l imca t ie ' Ni l viii l W.e d ame. vjardmq be * . t a t t e greiq ,at ît>' YwuiDisa a j m i MW'uhat? ndal ts ott, llto r it i'ms'b ilit v-iln î'ehoo epette-iaii. Viseauirg t rchbu tlli obn vel tn.' Lt s a tq dm uhu i viiie-,"1 bave >' te alem Il. 1h00 tIi 0eahgyo e t s or lu e-ac a' a lait It lses. Oferythig re li il is S 1 *pgititu.un ii upreta lteid n llot ite- 10 wlom au' dousot kion Ihanityi muothea rks Oflit i acle mitici ere ytisiu la eOIO&I_ mhi o lasnet les luilil. rosdn vd.yVaîî n dssi bihs b lnîg plaeor lad tn Let Oe-e rus ai-l dy.rg bae l e l i5sIl'fl pîsa udW a 1nasea 1 e Idin afir m anti IdrPmac ae ir her u' A d iiugeof h v tth e-ave-l it e int prriadeut vsue lueys lt Ma rbre'.. in- la t fagntr' ili qd rilonv uca ti llirnr bavlie mast ig t"is.lia! D h f oyen n-Il' se lit diIi' fe m lets1hcImmn ut n îe'4l titb tlue antale t e c o upeld bsu d et r iatirbatis i ttihon? Wen i n tire ntions Cto na tinen et h tis Olilivion! ptaffe»me. "ev4owsesi1r kmenî u gnc ef' a iemufr>'ye ndhave If' ev ttats u a in hute , tu îie -5'% Imade soaet htu.a i Co ter11 Ilt-Ne hi t he lpth g atout i pd ute sa a vd e eet sn te d int el on th e boule.i of tou ) tor dayeilcy il.l tadue. bdjulepavdrNi Oisaa esttntosemif:d-a Wetbste a$l theoti njlbe-ai W~ eeaay bdtrei rtam alac u g el hm' "e, Ilpssaslneadhlbtmee it talfink 11 it teotsl ,* duve ,, IL est m84kmi tt yles pck IL.achloto thtamembor It ame- i tsrug l e. je-s'on«.s WYrting ru.JoLaSt ateigra>' t f5n1lu5 erri ex~isitene oant >'a lu te caflvedo tends> int1'." hv rahe vi US tSOeertba.intiiS. ..edam in eat a itneikne-f latiswd oi surestuai' Vit-elnotpis" ai! mo ire- colts nti dirge, witail Iaaaiis. ati iem lic>' art,& ne.mart avmtib>'itie aninraeiin you.dte-I tn lebilonanhti O s . ndy1h. siani b>'mris g" cînta astIsl1 otie heener uilsire o al, mouii aflenuhea boy:t-Ha.iha!ss Dot. u havaym- e ý thl.- miii! aoft' eave titis Vlteasii anthe hafutr teDti'ne u liet andMai aullo r noti u ivataletsi!nsh yen Tb ente, t îeîg eougi teplana fmil>, dtas t t e stet b ei.amudmigian in a lia rY Yutatîi ive!th 1 h garen'et a d u en lie ieu2g la o lro.isav k selt& l iOn! Nalun v lr litis e o t ip ofien: "N l' fayve s slip.uro evha lnieWashi n t e07 *pmiiI Att o bierde endaasi heanG ue sn n m lca le ve- mllest-verlsee a&Il5 eetr Penuylsani utpe -eWaIt tsgle7minr?" Dt j'on bell belaimat nie-rdou oiNe-rOroanp hi. sIre-e hanmil-janesai neadua>'. nr e pr noBII, j pag eul 1 )11 Dwm vali e n ti liepor ea s lan itn aIra -Anto d m tthe Ogr w e et aiber N, If 1dgMt Cit a u s at e dei he a t hu asRt plàe ui i sicide lacea t - gor h a- orres I r ee lbe gv as lga ntie i t 1or e- o s fio ûtmsth . 'etmi aoU; L n y as r " ta et, dn' t ucarb' a la e In wb iach rlih anist are of a d-ad gierla h il er wb e s-la dlctai tak11 e gu ft< l.tmp m 'si Pa t Un e nti*a raoue ta en l iseti er a iy e rtogli. on hae eriena>'s a thLm des l net look Ball e a t viii 9 10an t i h e-ad $opW h e une eptap on îo buîig Ih0e fco ! al orn e h c-e-r eat tis jas 190 . po ana permon s rave ne-y. uha a e uen ga s u ea n- ere or a er endmage moresCuomplets h ae m ik ace blerva . l i en 1à 1. W te e, B he u t a e- a rlied Irte-sst la encyofa it tt roiu i iumb asnd tat ath e o îi B li CamlUaSisffleatiseandina>e ff orts a t testrls. mitiare tte! b logrs fie r heul rt ne- o l boet ilq uit bpanvuetgi la t iti bae.etSland re dau "alura. "Bdaninesiot, t a Cli>' l ibrr' cm ait s eu eltelb> htn tiiieu hn eoff. 0a matalîote ' tana' n.d mili If he itnsbe tacrdrt bave m a t att toea>' h hae bef ite-r.otàjuy d . isJ51temn le tdt c ai n. h . liathe trd udm e-or: tOi- a voite am lIp vite-n the t 01111bI h ppels. _"t o p ro u vm aer ai t i t OhilvIon te e rldotiens tilet auch k Go nd s in? Fu20 nofin h at pîure@&11 lii on mtave hlm ,on etus rbat a eulebe r.eloi mîtW "blu'h li-ea u rle"ti? Teuytllaano fore-i thus oulieoi r ru. Nov. <loti and s aw ie nand ]st euta tbouetir ok;etiiht uie tt s ta»'a, lsdis aywaidlu endr miail uaIhua oitatte-lta ponhlmthantare ohan.be i ,Mtti l e ti ldepltphi ite endplutinir there are-rmoine O .forcs, bu'n er mes aii ued a or te li- o Ntranes t oaraibces e turtEi 0ff i e t he aaver n eait le an ti um facenont a cla il err ais] uwere Gl n>' lteo b«M; Clu ff ureaut ut tais;rîaln in l one.Tofe>' euno l erng uesmibi> 'But. Yi bave graen YSe-e- n d Os e lP ta thlem. iltou i gu ut îla aret" , w o geand ki ttlaitou reh'> ure ua la rs t e oaltus t uy audiag Ilhsa aconnh 1a ve 1 mreik"teis f geayt Ois h-t-ave tle-: epartofthcue I'ey bure t L n teeltteas>': i n aimnt upeti m a te let. lMie-i i sagr grandstis îinka î lbffrts5etn» ,18.hurt at arebvoti tat bio aio n. bt l t outi cl uore iui icnolre lt i * aetinulg t alu kep efolits. Walte b he-l s oul fuarguu lte the n Ca mati e aioat doy hatibuli te-s, bottOimk RU e r d aueala Mao lietiaarmao ore-dMia ath, impeisial'record*s tave lies'lyout.Wine-i gohavpbeant em e due- ossaw e r> la u are t b c e -pi adei n thili ertu e n eris uofl ho» um ierc, u wh tihe ma n e L to bi m o scaution tqVite il ofutynie ad l i t fm eu dîi la s skiunpmri F' . îe ilehtl s lt iCy are ai vnei ghbinaO t ta dayL but d elg ontiî'p enoh b rimdyti.euhmu main ai ir sh r mti? eUs a n>'be-ur ' tuIn. aNe, "t slos tat hei. a M e a t ether îan eie. burue-i. i ruN .th ta dilina u l eiihrammgtnd bl oas t m" n>' ha n isa ne . m e-mon> eut W doms lU amitingeer. unul yuu m'aitOnta rail J-ia f toilacshe go eau bc DO issi. eNu ou inje*ba loret urysIt flikwrd Bo«ite. easoftealnia da>'. I urilsu mIl eanntiedicrnettnouoitaut baud, 1as veiogh uavnonueeyu ontmise y bnstut . l o ath ie e of théanti j'o n d t i mise sudoa rc rdey b aenoî le as te pare, îîîouf bit pami l aTillichbanda mfer e oad f Je et unieaneata ango un ae tht Emlisb elthaeoa rment ta my-Iol ol aopand lbnd'atbi ove 1 ,"ob'" gddea ou a îîls ersi- te o from tise Cmiimeau atbe-eids for. ut1Vhi i ohuit Ie- 1bidm luus>'prenda.tse mimexttra dyIon ihe tepat nanu ltriL"aeC-NrblgidVrog >cOn laiurotOeislioe o Asdi.a nsi Uic at k cuntihe o aieop beu t s ailnruit l I O igte n the inabiant 3Ofith yr u siMyn sd tenhfe§, aut1 thisatsor i ue t t dia, therD ae 'of tii.. net i cilleore e-nalt rs terr t heOse larbend an- YO. theroeanb O ie v utgo an>'d linte mu t eostai aolryty tee i e Daeor f tet(le- p Sosliers mome1, n rh iirewi tu Ose- b mlagt.mSs1etwora rs ont Osa t ate @rndent. est i ,yWofblirnes a n e cte--? ading olta lu ie ast ghipr e, tel it er met > e a e #0ru nce. 'B h t i n ae ot An>',spticalamnat>'? eU. sdVI de- mts irtul ialuneasee b ti cPe Hnesyt'grveng îhe1- on pl.uetn>'h.Asd!" o anm tes isa utBined il>ieg tsudaI oar e vaieilir g th iaa ai Ger unatheC lonWg a Jo', b at lis nor.tnthe se r. buf lWm duahi dse'tkeInsaîl geavniltagrsnmu1turnete-er>' o uaiosutan sugod Sa-e ompi arut t onatthbutug OfeMYe-tte tIc m oge. eant s lge-uiîiu the pesent mb an liospial anicamin'arfstil s t baud., s huigte a s u m Yeu tefe-clienle butaislidera d e- w Vsrk ,anl ountol n e sloan a antIrie tuarnes antliO s boa b tne plmers of Vl bn efil, te e iiavje- ratiriaut Oiealle- and oinî' ave thehOochee antidihr h e a ni th boItse evlookatig ace tu lua lohea . t lanadunie- orsatirdLetions, tad b rav- iei"the îsiu i'55e5 yen do 1Or eai! 'h1ellihewfild! ite-Mlabe-su' tee l lIancla, uogt iu t an distau an tlin uFloie-rama ightiga e ? u t huheat cyo nesi allatup tt e i scripton f avei Aexandreaonde sdomaa.f tha e toragl ta. ss hie oos e rnand iSaoth-a" urtank an o btiringae n 11. L less thl spre-a11anyt ot he '. astilii cietm aretunr m i di rstat, s l t tahe- otarer0 andG o ld tae-e- c ea tntegan lw basMyband m a tsn pncme-it y fe t ee p nt i ft r tec le. Soulireast e oand. mrdt he ltsbo n s ha ih Beu t an ort hroman r wpo o 10 fr t desp. aut uht .ries e rate1 y5e-s n ies' ant t rlit iller the tord orb lvens ie b or ne a od , 1eve e-r. H Cm » al i . roîl et Nôe Theiî'a nuitraalanun 'vn i Tenutr e of s" lva na yb- Ol'lav u t e nt h aet lmenlof teytbande!' " o en ue Ch andis irtel i etareiboron a ndst u îe rnariudr o le uho naet hccs"I.at imuai n t eauhall an out Mlthnd ra ot licereaifunk cevsee Iphlor sand'. barun aaer'cobarblonetht tuimnatrer omb the et o tean isotn au au ssie pcm nu n.te ailPiselb>'andriîl ninf ue e ,id hiage mgo taItdsur st a'eiO e r Wasntn and ie- oan n onbine mt al u tranafr nm tha b ams iana guet tom inlt'e nkve- s frinen O s t em. 51 Thbave.on poft 0 e auae. 's ainsi-Ieimu attdis he ieti adt mb a courage- o auleni vcu one- placeomiliathe hurpti hu te0s.&lad emYrk&ant Ihe Aastanrn ha bl orlThenîu sacVite-rt o tus>' neyer sasin. ofSot siamThale pont e-t a adae-r din nd catI ie nl Nla bO e m ch sasn is', lnuelathn e ppe r islent lae in lrtheuivee. Bqmat.Ne i ai M te S oisaoffr itatiiutheIe , t00m ienortear sil a h atem o)n iage 55 n e nul Oh. luî'm mdorel i he- ti r grave-b cotadesoren. e 1.2<1.0au 0fern ohf Acýta nderer asu'tpir nIboueo i lleulnan ica bt re n d o. Bu to is p orries. resur n - mrisesaCnax.iea d tue2ue0 omailun- rrever Ia louaisutheit gu juuofaorb ttu tiluiu a s1 te eg a nti s. liait lin H daset l eri a th'niil lien cti cuIt î l upand.sah g . lm-vr at uiirics l tin b hIc utr n an otrmmîvicin rpar tm Clte rail ofetohe e w-r.f alisdw i >îinr1 uock on idtea'if b ie, nt au tomg l n mu ; Iorl lie-t. . euil. V ri a i l lar et C aree liii >rtelor oti. mur u g f edi the Iht t a r1aI yr o 'mh une ut a itioneuni i, r iiuîe" it imue n e r o n orer thr iaiex or of l'rincarulut e raiti heýuil t our gave.uliinae I er idilete- barm utret,dub oingmof r or Jut. le aseioi suar I i-yt c n ,and ti oneu n stt l eiur ille-t . Some se uni itlasin l e bialor>' il ve go ilua ise-e- 'eut heinitorud I leuIslner. hoStosud uîun tnUne ancur c in ufblat saut ig a hsartaintuî&shah for taon istii a ne a tîîî itiar sn tee . A teyMiouI te lin î,îîih en lu e ahi, fe aruts gel t oro>0 nis'nma n bte fahappy la net llo rlii ras i'. ntr mlcI ahi mu- aTttebe.an t e amit.' tand tseliu i j'on yuby p a n tor iulei ur, ut h wet launs îon'I. li i n ta fa gare-m Ils l len thri e 7nî1uii fuitra tiuiti!mor mn vro ut rmu e of rang ir>' ota trnhi s bit t one'i h e'.îcta rine-an'ow v 2M W e usine-a o r 00nutth e A4tiaul'.ti ytî W it o M'mortaueb niiaaem'a'lnever elinc. Sthe ftroam o! iOIth e -si hou and sot lieons 0 ai <the iroll. Net n ci amitea las iuly f]lueti in s nWdUel b i b'uniuites hu ie is sfm iclont be-. N- fi e t efls t hth mî'ers o lmn ofvrt'a îl e r us s le cai no a n car, b'uthtep e-r înlîlsuuButt s i'unu r loco utun. Vh derXexe etThrutjlyiýýondcal he po ptsauli'gouhti lu th tsi. ul . h s d ot rý sdgr et agn 'pavt ru hm allutli t l)uce a ut icl t iitheai Brais' rw or I ir is@,and suh'an rin>1gisc lianîl bîne let sathS e t u iit l a t h.,s en ot, s heiitl' bailsontlie-kîs l la il tou rc un ai >00 l uend irir n cuiiiihýmllc1banuts e re-sto Ail sIlli.are îlue rar itutt %ve'rsd î l d loa s(er'Dor iiu sruppose talIY ot bilding a more--'ereejitik (o or i blei l - b wua tat f tunk e 1 lt diibille tAi dea Ae- curt fortiariitic e k>' W'eintheaSaiatt ua i i S -unie ecgrunîl murclinmtiteteuir wois ee .e'.. litI sr le or austh iio o csoruula- riiiutrat i Oenuir e nitoa ela T or ut satu a thtroeet bale or ie Ii. a il ar Ait os8 . t ta sYeu îuaaaes'bj or goel wordChria nendoraiis s hr leetivbas itri<ckte p od n th rien aitct henies -,!'urs tîusnm Ocre1pmredmeeti r tepr-acli ay te-mn asd ilual airs ih lasu lsi go rmea-tri- thmines ofbu (a)bng onuth'. l'a I o l10l rgohume- tiiNorge-st, a tuughiioihebig ulueihîlofs Oaltetli& h lie ir e -vaier ofmire t. mmiii' A e, ieabev ycpiatizen. Il in ne- hladie -%o tescndts. n e th ns?4ilof tean erli w vrtl, n tir îe>'jbe-e-n artri' building i rli stmairr Ii i p ltnbs beolu o ro n ion.To r dont ha Ii- oi aii uî W ,- ht n or eailiqmmeeoretoitllng 0f $1nd rt gea m Ailethtil.A lite a t a irer um Ivre the-is no subtulier mf uildina bsti The rén. *appitpspêpS*O0O*O* of >',u Oer 11al oui>' Aril hude-Ae t em ler fotc k. Wuth iich at 'nesabaud ai tmetegan ac wt h sudelee tumace. a luthe muigna to gel c ai s ie- a chilcit tac i te aud 10e . Tii h etar of î' eslu lIte- u o ltma nyt.on!Abvond"Tierir,îfont Dow - theiiie ll anti Lmeesiene- r sud a e'tifron hand wlIlostemugir féen r-t e-ill ner bull rei donu ahi t asila aoahomelva home iuefas lie hcalIta.aiauu tcIcv tsptrua 0tu new mrti goea it t 5 niramke >'t ahil e antithe milie goca ont anti a ll -umi -ri - - -hca 1-s. r.-alo. : km t g taion'lhole rru ha lnshanati aicrilinms antimasosPr-byriiiau.luinlkc enN.V li tta i n tgo, l o nt dS tm-itruin Iturubc suda rtisafrn it aIl auna 1 e -cber h M oiv lltlicutiiu of li m ti aumeau>'prpossied b' noniie-t e- ies nt clei t usagormabetrie- monkq lu evRî îM i5ho u e. A s s n e ben" Pa bOsa ila" s re tlinte"ut factni, nt bim e a o s n e- rt hner hm isr.tiu fst'ti si hitd- te-r an>'e laio o n ii'iusle en ariloa uil t becbuild ing îl e arelt ta n uainuad sri ouauiheaoi ri sa" hera ies toastetaugiii br eakCotag i he-taarchtîust h rutura numoi'. HlueJeintais Ihie ofu-i simd le- om IThe popla tios t olle-sudini tee sand flolesa n lt iseIu>' îe o. -anitlt-psatiilso u rbeta.aIe-i tir, ouc,-ri îuae, arl alît'.om .foe e enest. sa.sh sîsît ellit evî'sie-d fr te,'er. Onc ourhl9I tdorilau atitnter o 'hdbl tira i.'ndua li e goes ouIr andîS nIllil sit iran puttfztsl-R v.D . alo, v 1evmiot- alxis u mnt emat>'11e-t.Uis rpodaeracejanartososhesthoiai . ioîd l Nugsm.s Y. Bc Vai et gr vita t on w r,'anoi'r or s a n onale is fa' ilte s or1 ir ts e cute hfi@t mtit e lntit>' u i-yd li e- aup i ve t b th lsav ort n , 0 ab u r f o lie- e-- Inatr- u usru î înt aete>1b8 i oe u evce entatiIIn sioetiun a'aiosed. ,Tîo Intnuoste su en-raS. Wil là fioas f uluwleÇ i- a p n Lîgti lovte.uiAsithe ne de- [NOIS I*IDENTS. l bda$30 phillipa, 1rio,'"(,ru in," taais in qOR STARTUNG, FAITM. luatuea in 'biago. FULLY R EOfDED. Champaig u 1,;k . are. pttiitng Ia $24>,' 0130 a rmîirs a us1 lh , hîiu x. r Fur. UtfIInatOi Boy A ireuI nt IhîfâfclorY hi'ok ,r'lî' Formr I116181-o1--B-7- d l 1h.e liis 'ugar beit crt. itid v y uU 4 H md B a i . i e s Ill n is dii> ;I the p ati.A îac rîî.a i t (; , .d l oe ' Iu k n i n , .l wî . ll trh , iise rv i 0 0.ai, O i 7. - "il. i yin h icagli ai o hlbctihi ni or $4i. .S oficih ut Lui il. ho110 i tt g as#iicla I iotfor holdig ail- I l , a p , , î u t î . d p u b l i e t ' , t ', i i o t î a , r i I -lI î ig'. t a c d o r i n ( " , a-I matu, oMîg irniefla W v" i h ('i, Co.1 lis frbiî l 'il'. l Hhl"ebt, I la. t' i r--in'li.jacrrlet iriiilîf otiafitre f r',mpomblil i lotis tI l.-'Phlpplie. ha , t1,îir.îiliai th * ifi aeîîy'itiemss Ail AuI plan,. for v o Iigaob uti 's if jriting wili lu-,. i 'ii îî rirrr hilî bein rejcleil bythe li cgravilll b> - Ilîlt .iitit1,îrd ý,.itieClt huaav ee? il', i rei's'î 1:1.. rîtlarve, aged 25, of Palmenr, a -ail or Iisiakind ha'. 1 iii by vi'iirau ifrflie Spauîah'Amifctnl sar. viialiîg tu the iIl, I ind '.s lakillît lîy a W'uliush trait. *afi'.Iii'a lun the fle ' l Su evrruiabt. Is ere fired by theinîîîîort- nul silIit-of the plaît, I od lvît oirkmî'iî for the' Batsa machine stops uai. failr JMergefltlit I t*i in îuJoliet nt tire atrikrri who werk, <bing ga îls iililie tall.'t tif alith pleket diii>. rit li1e native dia el I 1 h , r t W illiam t.yalr. a ie r poli arouaut. Jo it io 1W o n a trait îaîi ig w ho frit friou t bis Ituiloo t t stouefOrt a l lu c a n a l . Il la i* J 1-i l a i e d i ta nc " of aixi> fî ' i d d fr in h e e t - fi, r t'îîiy fir uPerat" t i i tr'.t f it u l a lu re )et r. Ai t atreWi la ,Ili îîî ne ioidtg at ,.tiîtale i TheIlinislaNul-ai lilit11ia'oitra ining '.hip liorothea ba gone ut of cmls* mtluai.Itwghl ~. mineand the hip wililibc iinied for til hi lk , si'huiiii t ro8 p i." îtIîîîîî r . G u a ta f A d ree n , th e b rill i â D -l'y à tdelnuit Hat i ol , Th >011kg hîilr ho ls now profressrroa lu tua dhi fatlfaot îi, aîîSiadinaviati languages at Yale. haa jus i hi 11b u a rel 't .. hi accepted thle preoideur> or Angiitani la holimn f atr'. Iitiisd t'olege at Rock Ilsland. 111lied rie aud wa'. ilu,el EiîgéeeChîîpiu, a gardener at Chieag i.ie' body waa dis,-iiî-liv4 Wil Heiglitsa.at aud aecereiY injureai At nî,vk. a ltl.yenr'old . > It gust Kuuow, a 14-jear old boy, beilevin frinîthe iuWeetl îlt.t.i ito. f,t the latter waa ieadlng nme comparmou '.1 the grîmuud. The ,î1.î'li u na raid ouhi$ tomate Patch. bced rlasa a grove of ttii as a William E. Hess, a proaperuafarume] cgrilanhl. The body' si uit of a 618 yenra oid. realding near Momenlts isunt u:>îr 40 yeara't li'w hi. head off a'ith a ahotati whl preparilng ta go 10 ehurch. Domnt] 0d i esa.or d ,ii .dieiat m,.t trouble lm aamlgned as he cause. cît ilrîri ut 1h. 1l i 'tvrand - A apeclal city election waa held at Ca tg.As aiod12Ireaki ii'ritii n" houdate to vote un the liquor qusaill i. W lil u 12 lu .. ti a ece E er y laard la the ci>' ient fr tete m o li a u d a il o ft < e m 1S > I l i e s p raile l . th e i l s ' g i is a a à ziag o rit> ' lu u n ai p "ueeédltiE. i i t Itli' hlm 7 81 L tg to i aII p o a > ôi V lati knowu thait a-eutt.1iar"t'Ir ,.Ltgto iipoai ol 3rviIilationa. The no- rîta e- A permit baa been iaaueed te G.i eonts are againat Ch," \iîtIl. a urphiy and otthera 10 organite the M liort ne4gco. a'bo la ai toifleuir- ienry Couty>State Batnk at Woodatoc 8Svrat mantths ago h. Iliigril t- villea capital of $=,000. The uew $ta ethro.a a oiored wa' . tatutoti ibi'Bank i at lauimînd miii reeivrd liaOn oisandu Micebigani cai'r i'Iiilii' perrmnut. th atr."t iridge lu L a.i 1 1*.' ' o i nul S pr ig ie d ii l ie the c uIer Of a h iestli. msatem of muburban railwsia te be 1 tr., ohi'.lu taliihed at an carIs date. Chicago, 1 e>'y MisNeumnafl ouie itoîit oula, Sprlugfleld, Deratur and otb wolea lnuKline Coitut t1'i1.îî ttbr. ucitiem or importaince will bc contiect 3hualîltal lu Elgin. IH.' t ýlîîd lier b>' electric rail. th bestome knowu w ,' t 'toueras E. D. Churchill & SMW Wowiuigs p yagreed. after hearing t -dinllg of eies'ator at Meadoss contalaiug 40,( azate.morhei taemerit ttit ber de- huahela of grain, '.vas detroyed b>'fi lewas the direct remulit iti attack Ifloa about $30.000, insurauce about $1 ae on ber tl'ylber hueblnItlt1.11tiilie waa 000. The lire la aupposed to have lbs l u the gratndijury .a i l She ,iiarted b> aparka frout a pîaalung Ira àthat the attaek ofhî'b.e l î,iil wa Ren'i s e lier husbaud aqulil n et q ? t ber refusai te hall, r1 thu smoking Urn. Henryt Watts. aged 40, Bey recelsed trous the . 'f, siîirShartisburg. uttemptrîlsuicide b>' dri ;e freinber ftrnu tuear t 'Elint. igi'artsic iî' du. 8ill rienst tlire. TI Eztnrio t,,"n .0.u, tire wi'll Bit favorailil boms andl hi ?arron Wayne. who mtî i i-slwrate ataayti lis d a contiredlifr', aurl empt tu seinure $M00 roittttitlor ruiî exceptiont. Caiîuty'a a'ealthiestt k.. dl'l April, (Charles Mar. [)ai graud vatumanàdri sseuteiiii'tia10four moi int.1e (colin-the Grand ('oîuuîsdery ut Kuiglita T aoi tar iria. He v:i t li IntertuIlaer oft lliîoi'l, died at the reaidenrE etaemethrentetllfg t tlow itu i,.isbis son. Carl %lac, lu Arkanaa C me and aîletbu' ildingit h bouibai un- Kani., of piiralyaia. He former> t the mutne> %vs di î.. e t a ceartain pruainilt au a Iuu1eriunleudt ot i te. A packua-i,.t ' aud Wayne rionda nîîw nirged lu tsaithe 'andaia eai ctured. lHe it't. ri aittobc auig Four sysieni'.. andt ias at onie t offeu era1 it.intaChicago for Msayor oft MsIttoiî Mr. Uac waa ,ger>'. He la îî .t" irara itanîd >"arsuiM. lo from Ray. Itt iNî'ar Vandeirville posîliffci. fart Kil. i.1ýif" %q ir- f.oliail ad tîlhiree htîeitii a lv jokIU. lii. o il,""turie . î'bs onaiuting s ride, pair et as'eralli. esinu beeu'.c .1 'lîtius po uni]mdsack filî'îlwith cor. The horse le, Chartea 1 iiî'l'1 "f Nlason ('îly blîî ottduim'.ine limre.,lut nu trace ti nAeed (Charles lil 'the i-l'.speili îrii îr clol le froundt. Lt la aaid partmeuts b> hit il , i l etter, wa h i leti ils>'. before a mati a s aaid he f o r t i h a ;w tfe t" tt . dt h oib n ' h oi t t a e i g tr ace c e n tra l Ilîl o ia t sm duwn. Curr>. t.t. boutiiela in l'rx- aliidrove îhrough that aection. 1 gtou. lie, a sa t. "oua when the tli.iîglîî le oea>'have beeti murderes iice arriveit, aud 1-1IeIl eat morulua. idopellilalau311vît,, ýi sud saysca laoi A palpable attempt b>' inceudii ia wite have bîîtt t. rried lire î'ar'. a is malle ta destrîîy thle Prairie Q d t.hit they hlai" 1lîlî. ulla lu Maltoas. wlicih was oui>' traîrd lu>'tîe sharp isork ofut îe fr, Ail tiser liii Oltt 1partirent, but $3,000 damage waa i Augustine W'ail1 ti iluiostlollst bis A buncli of rav,'liiîcs and siaste au e ln sanuabis'. i iltfram s tire at i lu oh sapiaceit atire rfoifthe 8 is boule lu Clii,, 't tua ou the fOrsI fltitr and igtiited, ,Jhn trahaut. tt r.ia'. rtîs oser fiames toiloa ia liii' incloaedlihafrt I i kiib'l b>' a î. i titchhîit -lie cfourth atory. 'T'ec it> lia s ffered ra f50 yraitI d000 h>' tire los-s ' scc .iJune 15 soi Robevrt 3MeAti'. .tt t! Vi Yomiug. 0ntC, of ti'ecouflagrations l ire hlelredt xtinguished l the i l itsroule et the de, utuî'rsediarle'.. oInel le Grand ti.tl io b> throwlng Charlea A. tî'Ro'I a oîîg fa ater atn .tit i-:Iluio't a upli> lirins ix. miles h' rthb tf lrini"otin, tel wben furiel I1 t hotiru lter. îudilîtl b>'thicltIi rla, .CItnt y1 GeNrge W. tîîî 'il o raninu.jury arîîIliha rgc,',' ir der. lie '.si Wam kiied ea BHi i 't' a atfreight re-stei. A inîîttîîttî li irile lie w ait', baveY b %'tIl -' 11t the emplO> Ot homne, li.%airfe a 'ut t10tlie. stotd.h. Le rosator fite t . -ttîd bal l od bis ter utariuît'teaaiibly to il i ili, wif' as hecsBcuîîut t n the mta'ming kerosene. 'i'lîr tbuiltdiing ttok lire lat that dt.,3t-,. la ut ila>' lîiOIiM '.. Iirîi1 oî' as îîrucd lta death. whicli lie soîiil i 1 tî101rk. as itoas the irtia &î'îi 'iîîin9revrcîl afler the ausîveraîs .îîtog on tie road ltitiiiIs acwroexc.tiniit'ted. 1'hrc art>' year'. tu t. at heivouiti lefitrelie'r ltili s t e loh, otk ot $4X> setre aud lie g î.v..t1, for a Pension lite Insutrace. lill'tne'.'es bilor before h aunmn t tat niglit. Fort> grand jutry ecaiat titit ItIcýI lia minutesafater 1i4 t a! _bonte hi' aas diî.ted le 'si'îl îfitritiithe fit, trank li>the' ît 'i tatîl>' kîiî'd. place. Reports a lil, ii' ro '.titiof lire stock Suîtheir'ltn'td, ili totil'r , comtmiasionera ,l mince Jeune 20) lta a aýI)'lit-t i litîh ti(f ftii here have be.i '-j,.il, deaths front ottist t'hîirît ivit 11,îli't Ducaltîr. anthrax lu the ltt torthern Ilinos.le'.itattaer cittît tit ti uo' bisn. Extraorlinatry 1tr i t'.have be-en tak- fire sprenau 10 ii,' a ii iaork anît 'n te preveut lit" i ' trin prrading, anlioîîr sailat flui.for ttrî't 'iîlî tmi the c 1uiit' e .'tclteethe>' have ont. 'l'r,'firenutoî li"svatir uv tl weii ujîder I o"t, I \report sas ai5b' steeple', iltiiiiro l tr t tiit the' t iiitte'stalethe lit'1'-1t li,oveJoy. Stata Bide 1h'e.ii'ii A greill irîtat rebeinarlîîn.si""ait îr 'i nthe tenl deya ered, ".ti'.tr'tva ir Itue a taltoc] froinSet. 1-i t. c lîl four deamias tbe lia'. tîtnd tir more tirait ailh onnurre )it orilttitt ft249 caille that buîsine'ss i l "li i' etr oft Ihi'cil We-re Vvinaii 't ie vînt anthrax. '.susitiîi thli i'i ui al ih rTieae were .111I ' tol'aie, bttthe flrmen Il. i ' I lît île ii'e, l'ut viruasIacil for îl. ', t1.itnproved 1îoi- battu' lite tti.li îîîof thle t î oronsa.and ~1ti ttttganthirax Finallýi t li ttil bl., 'ilire lirought ou theilihtît IltIi' s'.'sîir a i (]î îîtirt ice w Fourtoen a i , 'tt thiîîlîe iegree W lainIil. Ittlerlits ueO n erre ut dcto 0flii ' use115- dgre Aîringiill. lî.ît ithi bcbg a $THE SUNDAY SCHOOL »-cbhu. Gene si 37;23-33. ileiory veras", 20- 28. Golden Test-"Trhe paîriarcha. moveti wimIlieut>', aoid Joseph îsîa Egypt, but God mawitl i hl."' Ails 7:9. l in luteretisa 10esioîlY theinfluenctes Ibut aurountird .toe) n'i s iaari) years. as throwing liglit uPon lits sulseilleflt carrer. Starely he- diiiouat get maich heiP fi tram *"heredity'" or'ultr tin tae-' comima the- noble sec ;,,d1 i f at iîili bater proveti himInlf 11,î1' i'î'Ioube-t maya'* "The house-buld was rtîtttaItf bis blinti aod feehle grsudfstbec tIalai', bis father. bis ihree- iives ahýiiîs înalb er. heing tiestil. their teus sus. tutirloldi er thon Josaeph, sud his youuter brother Benjamin, a boy .Sf tnru tir even ycurs. Jose-pha iruf aryen )-parsasiere- upent ia the home of Laasn,' where- the- influences ..&eM L ivere fftrîîm fav orable. The obier boys.lit et5gutela* mwew b bad ail tIlir >outhtîtt training in tIi. atý c01«WOCaed uisaphuere. Their relIatives lu Harun domra4 P-- we&wo noue touaplînu. iii' came la contat with thse îimmoirallicathen couSiullit>'. pFPSI SYSUF£cUhY: B.d companistaia îjuced Ilîri, as ht dora a multitude of yeutig in. 'l'h. conteai __________________ 9iuablon la ahoa'u lucideulail>' b>' the com-' muand uf Jacot) a'hen lie ira. goiflg rous e Shechem ta to rel, tbat i la uuehoid bhouiti 'put aira> îl etrange gaula thut dame amn uy' 135:21. 'Their ahephe-5d dlite iook thl ioaudiîstntParla oft1he 4 kt owntry, aînd antis bîacticmllyte, 0hava IL .. ..*l A remoyrd Oie-mmri of ethe titi. trous home and lits domnealle influences.' The ;a eider brathers ilium greirup 1telie wonid.la B w.l-knOWB 0" t' il, rougli, unmccupubuua. overbearint. The %b.t jUdiotOUbl &VA N>Y kg influiences o1 a polygamoisa home.,sîi au wn &a tour aets ut childees.did flot tend lue ef-p. cheriali peace aud leva lua .e l.' r, The cliaracter 0f Joaeph'a brothers, uàze iFmP viiate xepIn Of lutIle Benjamin , ra' 7011 d. tu t.bS ion 1, ilacted thema bad home Influences. Wheun P&f y our we remeusher that train thm dencended tpw.bo S~ ' the tribe, et tamnel me need net vondêr Iw m e a1u a tthe attresitand lapses laute heathenumii -1ý @d t» ths makedtheentrecourse ot Hebrrwat,«d I ibM* hlator>'. But lu joe-ph aoma aIrain ot 4h01 IbmU noier bliod, ftroua hi. great.graudtathefr IMM l aqa.U Ofpenhapa. camie te Oe-surface-. The ho>' Yu *v.rUu a 1m wa...os er cIa>' Ihun bis grown bruili'"»7M ina- L. ersan d be ksew IL. A nnclouaufl Of thetli le" reai uperior!t>'. juiseil Witb apedl ift- -k vers atiewn hitu bY the dotiiig father, kte made hîm dialikedith 1e tamîl>'. No~ i weuder that i. inenuoua w8ya creaied p y e jealona'. lt aceins On th. mrforth~e ig narrative as if perliapa there va.BernMe- es thIng o etomilug and seit'cencelb In hlm St. va>' et dreauaiuSa adti eiing hi. dre-ama er te i exsperated broihers; but hlisle-fr Id Ife showsa hlm te bave bien a modeat mas of genulue maniluea. andi v. are ls probabi>' te attribute lia carl>' prOPhe-. 9001 cies or futurs exaltation 1tehlisgmrafe@ e: otlhede-ptli utmaliguit hin.bs andewt se tanding9. Neillier via.ha prebabi>'aan .n ordinar>' tell'taie" wlieu he lirouglit I. hlk is tatber '"the cvii report" of blm brth" ilt rs',udreuls. lie tua>' have dune hi. Iij l si of fronn sehuae of dut>' and a'th deep rs.-~ Ik- gret, or eaIheOic uuding ut his tatiier, se>' Jmcoli'm Prtiaîîîy. Digests wlhat yo ave A.s aparent .Jacot) made mati>' hum- This prejaratlon SCntallUSII bis dera. as bis fallier Isaacctad doune. >101 5lgesa.ntâ and difet. ai911 M the irat as in making go aviden hlm foodi. It gives Intait Welet~ er of avuiriliisi ibicli Put Juseilih'mlite lu dam' ftillato cure. 11 llo 1oU* cm' ge. 1Famil>' peaute la aira>'. imperie tthe food1 70u W ut. The aSS p of w h e n o ue c h il ti e -rm e . th e " p e t" o f th é, t um a c h ca n t k e 1I L W t 4 uo-> Ity. parents te unIallatnt that Ohe righkt3 thO 01dsc daiet ivas ot othe? thidireta are negieCted. t et ten u r.e *10eveytblag es~ .' rail' bappens that the youage«b lu a a ruil>'. 1leqamUied forI ralsttsmb* aud or aome chiid of meakt>' Physique, la Iliumg i o hb ina tavuresi, amd ver>' edoi duem au>' go ji 68 reluit tither 1tebthe favorite Chilsi er te el b e sera qtiiea'e at the time, but lu atter Teàrl iaLtataemalîUlma~ ignm teeddetraudedud otten embibtereti b>' ________________ liaI. the evident uefairtiesa ut the parentl- lied mule. Vounger sousif tle), ara posa...- fhie ed or eai upeniemit> i.nlintelle-ct or in ibat heart. uIt have pleut>' Of opporbatilty te h W deeeia d dispia>y il umidesi vithout A l Man pamperihig aud pebisa. A l Ig hty tl in The isrPluth i. PAsuMr' When Joseph mus srut ail the Wa>' frontslHebroauite Sblecbr asEt'bis tatiter's Dollar ýariea eleseuger the jealou. brother. round uns Ienmure casse ut e-suity. "The pet te novel bt a rac the .py", tbbc>'said. Then the feartul 15 val 70 an de- thouglil or murder, bbc aame horrible i- ~,Yeom-s la du.pulseartisa aiiiiabd Cain ai the dawneout al use w0maat% )akeul umuhlsr>'. camie luha iheir mimds. liaft- As île>' aaw himutaIDuhat is itblriliont the plaid garment miniîag la the sun irlen it Pays to lith e si f ur11 o ff,, bey ilo ileti teg eth e r . * $m2 0 t e t kilt hîm. "Beold. this %oaater ut U s e Il K igfl ... mo t dr aa s com eîl,' aaid tO ilu deiiau. A t e "m aster ut dre ashu,, a do -nsthiiug, ao a hit u m e Ch lu usurper--Wl>' mliuld lie lire. ta alue>'buianC..d, MU . mnie t Ile- and liecil their lihritauce? Tu pnster. or a ot&y1~ , a scpe the puflishmîeiltifr aeeh a crime., ment Inthep tran huieve,,nssubterfuge muai be qtk s ar- Il clae-n. Lt'îe body aboublîllue tro wn u r o t a.8 atintb one ofthîe rock'bea'u cîsterna ofthei jit YItO Kl't- neighburlioud theie urîlecers couiti urver ,il h a edtscovered. ilcou n. una la t e uta' Supe riar veet- VpeSn$ c sti stand bis lrsîhers îiîiîli>' sougîit b>' a eay-aright puices. Cà»$ osI>' sttategain 10 save dopiilfe. Le-I thein Wthe aEST pral.n IWO tb. thro i bnalutosapi andît ente hîm Ihere. ha doue. Esimat SIil ireeka 'rhe advins osa takeu; t,.bmare restil> uOO of becausa lbiaeîîaied t0euinva a crime a i.ý the abeillelegs. cci llitîs îlaî acluainmurdier. Ai pre' Seo te boy maestsrippel 0 f bha prime-t tOb raimboir robeansd ilroson itaithe pI.- An "Aeildeit"' 'i tire Suppose- h bai uti ul bappreuel" jual Mlelb theu,.titilele> aystlli ti liere (alatindlu a hlch her atier thî'îr crUel d'e-d, Iliat s caravan .Tbe fromth îe ta, casi pussoilu the- highwlr> Il wmmmteth îecoust 0u ils a a>'taEgypi. IHoi lie put tle- hisior>' oftihe sges soulit bave be-an Bill neatl% cmr the cliageti. F'or the sojours of the ne- ire - li'lre-asin Eiîypliras most Important liauttrI gabh- deveioping lIem i010 anusie-roua peuple LWEUD1l 91 ied b>' suit makiag ready for Moses, thc great aur ail leader and iaaglvcr. But ia Ged's plan Business C " ,u d Oae c uaran I)s ssti b >', the tguil îu br llier a rc it mas sIdthîe- brunseil boy as a lave t b l4 C rua tee-pie. foreign mrcharis. ILe sas luatied alOuni C ruas traîne, unI11h te cereýivin>' and ti îrted un a asa out.tribu îs Egypt, ou whicb deisendeu te de&- dlserrl- tracîcît, for bis pln vu sfruabratei, anti Invitaio nls Butler îîIîîîî usouIl îlhe uged faîber sl? A .crue-i ne and l iuît iv aplanneti. Nut me-rai>' hat hlbisa e. i.. ommeomme