CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Oct 1901, p. 5

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WATIITII15SPACE FOR IVORK o , se ia C. R.IERMAN, Libertyville - - - Ilios.1 EEWE'VE GOTEM Ail GOINO ON FLANNELS AND FLANNELElTES ~ The latest-and the loudest strictly Up- to-date effects in Prices range (rom 10c up. __ 'Nl Fhàgmnc Sumtm Flaonnel Alil colors and patterns with borders to match for trimmings. SA large assortment of Frenchi Flannels for waists. Smith & Davis, LZ Lbertyville - - Illinois. M " rtyvlll*Readers. £Adéééééé46dééééééé4~644~**é**4**U C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. In Effect MOudaY, JulY 7, 1901, st 92:01 j. M- TO CHICAGO. vs,, oàxAS. Dopart Prom 1New Depot. Leave LiýrtyviII:, Arrive (Jhlcsgo lt.1..*7:2 a. M......... 8:2 a.11M. -M ..... 7:U ..........9:408.&1M. -142... . :2 , ".....:,6 p.""» - 14 ....O:59 P . ........ ....1W P.. auIIDAYR. NO' 11X ... 758.5M......... 9:40 9. M " 148...9:13 Pl. M.. ..... gfel P. n, PROM CHIiCAGO. Arrive et New Devot. No. 1...7.48.6a . 8835&.M- VM u. .. -216p. M. . .3:44 1P. M. 137...4:6 p . .4:pMP. - e 17.... :1 p. M. 606P.M 1a,.... - :00 p. m....... lp. N.4 . 8:316Mn. . 9:41 a. Mu. 13 i.2:01.3........:" p. M. 143 . 6:09 P. M. . r:0 .58 .l gÂruanAle O-Y: No. 149 ...1:25 uP. .. 2:26 P. Mu TO CHICAGO. F*OW CHICAGO. vExxx DATA. . 'A Depart Fr0,21Oid Depot. Arrive et Oid Depot. L'nvî, lwrtyvliin. Arrive Ohinago. L'ave (jlcao. Arr:.. Liheriyville. soIS.1 ...4:"IL m. ...........7:6bam. Nola. 5:6.....$lS,M. ...-ý 10:4 a. LO».. 1:96. m ............. 8:45 a. , M 80p.U...... .M .....635 P. M. -1.12:80 P. m ............ îf M. ' -1448...0:0P. M.... ...l1:65P.I1M. NOIS.M....0:25 . m.............7:Us. M. No. U3...980 . .-10466.30 John Austin, Br., la say ou a There in.aI*V sginot ihunting on moetb's viait vith tjb1cago relatives. Bnnd*y in Illiibs, but lîk: many other X»s. Frankia Crosby. of Evanéton, la gooreIoa, l As la lIe beeded. visting Lgbertyvifle relatives.. OaTWaukegais aotrepondent n bis ilax Lqeou vas out trous Chicago items Ibis vesis £sserim the .drav. U.$urday ulgbt gretîug Llbertyvltle iug" of the .lestric autimobile on 5Oqfltilta 04. whicb sevêfai J.,ibortyville men 11.14 118». A. B. Cook returned froin au ex- ticket». J. B- flay beld the iacky tesded vsuit viih relatives Su Meriden, number. N. -B. iialrday. Johnba osd01 fEvansto las @pend- iug the wveo ithvlsbis graud-muot,t lIts. Barais Madole.c fIps.latest landes ID vedding station-0 et, are nov la atok etthe IboiSDUPltD. surV noce. Priam rigbt.f lits. C. GeHilge retuned Toffa&y trom a pshort visAIt vtb 11r Caugiter,0 its. W. o. liuîbise?. lau WaUkegan. 1 ilitaiGetrude Sherman bua aposA. lion as tenognaphÇer villi theChicago btaucb of the Brbnet PubUsbhiug Co. P. P. Dymoud totnrnod Buudaefromà Port Tos'aend. Wasisngton, vbere lie vws clled by thse desîli of hie ais. ter, lMr@. Iyrisk. Au eatneet Invitation la extended&it women 10 attendsa meeting of tba local W. . T, U. nt lire. Maaon's borne nDx TnesdaY, Ot. Mai. ,&%tise Methodtt cbutcb Bnndl Roiv. Dix wiAli Couver hie ilut sermon thisconftence yenr. AUl are utged ta b. presont. confeteuce coaves ain Evauston Wedneday, Oct. 111. Arthur Bnlkîey, vite sud lithoe son returued Wedneeday 10alisaithomo lan manion, Mtc., afler theit annuel suDs. mer v»aaion spent vittb Mr. Balkloy's patenta. Fred Croiser parchaaed th1e imal building ai reat of Olsy's lestdaran uaad as a baisery and tamoved At I1. bis lot ou Mlwauksee Ave. ibis vei, wsera ha sAlI nueil for a barn. Miss fenrietta liegnar, of Chicago, Viso Au ber capacity as iralned nrse ettended W. L. Davis sI lime o! a cr111. eai surgical oporattun a yesr aigo, la spouding a veais.11 it M. D.avis anC laaily. lIrlma Elliott. o! South Bend, lad., w vhomia beaavislliag lier cousin, ls Jessie Mitchell, at Prairie VAev, Ilbi, speut th1e latter part o! tast veeis wts. ies CIara F. Botes. iha e ti Monday for 11cr bomme. Horace Bnlisley bas rented tvo of tha store roomas in bis nov bnilding la coum fe reetiail 10 Chicago parties, but refuses lu devulge tiseir Damses or nature of business lIsey viii carry ont. Loucal parties vho had lalisqd of tant- log bies tores cbanged thcir monda witih the exception of W. C. Triggs, vbo vill occupy tisa corner store. Evelyn, tise yesr-old Caughter 0f Mr. sud lise. Bert Austin felb trous a bed last seai, bresi.g ber coliar boue. Becauso ef ber extrema yontis il vasaaItirat foared thse fracture migbt failto moud sts I soud, il beini ai- muaI impossible 1goiseep 111e bittie o. ha tis e tquited poshition. Ildvover @bo Ais Coing niceby sud no permsaneat ADutry yull reluit Price, of Waiegazs, Weil kuovn la Ibis village4 vas tistown from bier bi- cycle. sugtaiuing a& franture o! bai coltar boue, as velias other injuries. Thse unfo 'rtlunat youug lady vas oared for 11 find14lba othet vos ai thsi Ume ln PMitTovnsud, Wsh., eafled %hmteby tisedeath of bet ulater, lira. A. T. Miricis. but wiho bas since returued. P. J. BoCIokeina boa the ivo bath monts An bi barbas mbop nlcely equip- ped. Tbe tuba. iseCters, etc. are of late deuign 5me ali ppointmnents througllout eompiete sud tssty. Dur- lut th1e vinteasand apriug 111cr la no doubt hie bath roomm ilii 1e ex- tencively 9.tronhSed, snd wbile ibey are au inno!atio bore, are certain te Meet vAlu popular favor. Tbey bave long beon ueedod. Firmms user Kauiakee contracted 10 un MAtIait uouubeig le iot, lb. picisle ma, etil4 cents pet bualiel. Droutb auaed Kanisakee groceti 10 offer S1.25 pet baisolasd tbe fermera vlolated ibetcuaats. Nov Wlchert sl aster tisem and proposes in Mais tbora psy 1dm 1the .tl:lated forfait of a$26 for every sacis th:i dispose of 10 Otheon thon isil. 'xaCcicotinsa ýbushel and a boit. A Libertyville lady elipped tise fol- oviug fr0. a nesappr, vay bacistu 58 anC la uov voneirng If thle pro. pbecy bai ousetrtiv Anyone vio pro- poses10liventill 1,,:1 bould preserve Ibis propecy:-J ameo N otais tates ftom tis aspirAl world, per tisa ltaligico-Phil- osopitâesi Journal, Ihat Au the aisove melODUed yoar 17cr- vibi he a tons coisruetod by vwbhe owoer '--the treca and inisabitauls on tle planaI nearest thse esrts am Le mSur::-Tis yul e aehleved lau Engla:::1 by a person uamedflollngaw::rî 7, vio lAsyet a boy. " ba o la je id kE lteo0ently Oeo. Wilacer, lu bis officiail capacîty tunud over 10 lira. C. B. liauford, nov, o!f.aUrange,"Ibis sBute, $5o1 Aui payment o! a teuiporary dia-I abtiily cl&imq itled by ber tlirougb bthe local lodge of liystic Wurisets, of vbicbi sise la a usember. This la the flrst anC ociy dlaim, aittoor Cah or dis- abiity avar paid a mecibet o! the local loCge-a guod record. Dtessimtsing toasonabba, Misa B. C. Efflffoxi, Libetyvible. 52.11-C. Treasurar Parkhiurat of the taise Couaty Agricultutal society estimâtes tisaI up to date ho bas paid out for pro- mmum vouochers $1175. TIsa troftlg pas en iranotbet 32000. Added te, Ibis As about 1600 paid ont for varions expeases. JasI 110v ranchs romains Id ho pald out yci la not isuovu but Mr. Patishurat feoisconufident tise socily vill, saiie a net Profit tous thea fait or 1901 O! belseen 81000 and $1900. Tise Young Men'a Dancing Club, u- dot vhome management vsra givec numerous bIgblysuccesful lancça sud social partiea s t vAter bas beeu roorgsutzed sud under a aew eptiou. lieieir tise organiation *vit be isnown as th1e Quin Vignli Club. Seissucs Hall bas been rented for six usontisa and a soties 0fiO ocial dancos la atraagod for It yuwil prove usît pleesurable eeoa. Offitors o011the club are; 1'retidout Bort Austin; Smcetaty, John Mfntclh; Tiseror, Fiais ilel;Dirotes-Rd Duflois> James San, Word$% Wele, Cal ti <AÂv'S IL-4 rA1rANT rfor firet- lasa baket gouda, cakes, pies, bread ad binasof allisindso We nov cary a ui l«seof Coissait,lIse Chicago aiscra, gols. Tfiey r tise boat. We aisistisa communAty tftrpput liberaI patronago and shah more thonan ver eadeavor te, please Ai: thsetaute. 52-1-C At a recent W. C. 1 U. meeting lira. lSrry Gloeaoa snbmitted lber report as emeteiansd treas::rer of tisa local organisation, extract8 trom vièth vil teud 1 shsov unr ladies are asOus- pliablng a consAderable amont of good. Dating tise yeur elgisteen nov mombers bava been eurolled sud ma-y leostU»g and iinetructIve meetings beid. To th1e lamperîlice Hospital the ladieu bave sent I:askoe ao! fruits, aellies, boit furnishiogs, etc. and 10 the se Bluff Orpisanage clotbing sud soeastties. Tisey iste aiso dAstribu- edlagreal desi of tenfpOr&ucOlitera- tutc udtakan lIowero and good tead- ingt to Amates o! tb.'CounIy Boas. In numarable amali vaja 1the argan lsatIOn bas uinlSterel ta vanta 0f tise aufortumate, cominnog a year's sors >f vIsicis the ladies may veit feel proud. fichoul Note. The Bigb Sohool foot-bai Ieam 'OIl play tise Ivauioe tealu on Baturday. The villa and cuîiug of tise ligh atueloO roous bave heen tmproved by betng tlnted vils suîralo. 1 Utoa ' ac'y was orgauized Ial FrlIdr*g isaot.ilcero etecied voe: Pies.. Miartin if ebloy; Vice Pree,, Jean Ray; Uloo'y., Volons lBrovn; Oritie.. Indou Clarise; sergeant.a1-Arm, War- ta is ; a11;eporter., irona TrAUb. The PhyicabGeograpbY c61Ma enât star gsing Monday nigisI. BY Ob- erving thec polar star tisa approzt- msate latitude o! LI bettyllfi va fountd 10 b. &bout 4-À dogrees. Otise important and lntertstg thinu conuactod viîtu e ulure vote notieed. An eitempi ws> él:: îmade tbSuid thse tongitude 0! tiha o:aiiy but At bau not met il :eee- o fat. Card of Tisenks. STistouglé tisaINI,:lENeRNHS se ii î1te expe"aqoutsinceru lisaub tu oui many friand. vlso verO 00 rY bisai las the great lois o1 oui 1>61011W am and brother. 0. VUMIUA» F AlIul1. ~ocaI i6' UP HERE AND of Interest ta Libei lupmerrlorW. I. Miger Wbou Se a tsise Board of Eeie bas parita", w9ted more tban.tbat 09 &DY otber amber, tu bringing 1tiste rock a rg number c0f WealtbY Lake. )rester. and eausing ttsem tu pay lt jusi abar. of taxesAslacoralally ited by the rich unes tn conaqueuce. T.Miller bau been ralenie"s An look- tg Up thse muoneyed nmen of Lake test sud hc tound ont a fev thinga, ,minent âmoîîg them, belng 111.7 terAn mauy cages evading taxation. ow AIs dierent. Tbey veto con- onted vitb bis evidence when caled stote the Board and their assemmmenis ied thonsand of dollars. tlorney raies, reprementlug Lake OresIs vealghy mon de a vboto vent aWauisegan lust vueekfor the express Lrpose of --calliug dovu" lMr. Millet d ho did t. HE deciared thât groas discrimina- ton bad bean made against Lake liteet people. lie laid JI ailgo Mr. ÉUer, nid ibat At vas due te hlm bas semach of s taise had been made. r. Fie aaid further *'yonr action An aitng go msny of thse asessmeuts ia >itng te, have tAhe roait thai many of hem are goins to isove Ont 0f Lake înunty and get Auto Cook County. fi ta beau nujusi discrimination agtnt efideuta 0f our ciîY and Lake Oonuty FUI loseby IS.,' Mller amlled asud1the otber membera P thse Board vero not inclined 10ta to ir. Fkles seriouely. They weto par- rictly avare no Inctease fad beau Made vhere tihe art vW" nost eily ustiflable and tisai ln sau cass dia- riminatton vas avoided., Xeath of Henry Vuille. Thatsday, Bept. 2694, aithlie faimily bore in Chicago Hieury Veille, sou of Kr. and lirs. C. Vaille, died o01 lyseutory, Bf 1er au illues ofo!Ouiy ivo Deeeaaed. wigh bis famlly, r.aided la Lbt)itivillo cutl teoeutly, and va weli and favorably known boe, as oialy s*nong th1e Yonng people 10 wbom lbJs audden and usntimely demiae ras a Bevete shock. He vas 20 years of age. mast onterisg nabo vigetous Young manhood, of Jovial disposition, ganorous and large hearted. Panerai servioes veto held Bnndal na thse Union chutaIs, where voe galbeed about bis flovot bidon ouaiet the Young friands of bis acqnaintasoe, he andtibotum being crowded vAlu friends of tihe fmiWy' 19 vuasuanimpreasive service.,ey Caldwell delivering a eosnlortlug1 nermon, and thse aincere grie of Um1 people atteated their regard for him they b.d knovn 80 vell and wbofe deatit they could hatdly tomas. Tondetly th1e coMfn vais borne 1t ake- aide oetety vbere ailt th" wasé mootal of their belovod friand vas laid t0 test. yrflend after frend departe Who hb not loat a friend? Theo ls no union here of boete That liads 110 isee au end; louru 15,1,frai 1 vorid our oui>' test. Living or dytag. nons vere htat. Te the Public. We thse underaiglod, An oonaider- ation of inninal promises. made &0 euch othor, agroe o. th11e foliovingf stipulationls: Tbat ve vill close ont stores ail] day Budays. TisI va viU close our stores avery veois day, except ilaturdays, nt 8 o'ciocs p. us., snd fatbot xceptiug a period ivo veeks befora L'hristmasi,ý oomrnencingOCt. 1, 1901. M. B. Colby A Co. Triggs & Taylor Max Kolinar E. W. Parkbursî Bcbaisck Brus a. B. Eger Wm. Walroud C. H. Kaiser Wus. Stevenson Fred Crobar SmAi11 & Davis George Trlgge W. O. Triggs 51-2 Resotutions of Igespect. At a meeting or Americs Garriéon, No. 1401 of th1e order of the Knigbts 0f th1e Globe held An Libertyviile, Ii., sept. 18, 1901,th 1e iottovlng preambto and reoulions vote uaamouslY adopted: WHxBZAR, America GarrIson NO. 140 of th1e Enigiss of thse Globe unltedly stand for ihose principlea upon vbicb ont government vas tounded, for ont ountry aud our itag, sud do earnestly deplore and condemu th1e &ot 0f1lthe poor sniagnided crature An 1the munIt on ont Prosident, Willam McaKinsley sud, WaRxIAs, Though 111*1 aci ont nation hmasglitis Prealdeut and a truc patriot, aud bis vif e bas bat a loving Lbaaband Iberefore bceJIl r IUoived, Tbat vo exten ud mont mc THE FAIR9 Libertyville - - - Illinoi For a telephone in your place of business, or your residence. You get the increased and groving service of the LW (Jounty Telephone Compmny and connection wlth *ob0 Chicago Telephone Compa.ny. For Information. rates, etc., write-....- CONTRACT DEPARTMVENT, Loveti's Drug Store, Làbertyville. UMinois.j Pure Drugs-mee- AT -mz~amm.-,LoveII'sDrug Storeb. PERFU MES TOILET ARTICLES PATENT MEDICINÈS: PAI NTS AND OILS. IA Large anid (ontplete Stock of School Books, TabIqW- j and School Boom Neemeitlee. FB. LOVELLI 1Libertyvilte Buttons pi ancy B raids Next, Week. THE MAI11*THE Secs trange sights and grova used te them là t ime, nu doubt. - Even out ugiy hansum automo- biles wll nom cease ho surprise him; but hés neyer cuis understand vhy people are willing tu drink poor, health-oeenaciug coHfen vies 1the best the world produces is easily obtained. When we speak of thse best coffee, vo of course refer te the kind sold by Chase & Sanborn. Their Seal Brand Java and Mocha is famous for ils excellence, sud their high gtade coffees visicis corne packed in parcisint lhned richly coloted bagu ve arin great demand. The greatest care in 0lection and pecking la exercised. With coffee pure like this, more cnjoy'ueut la experieuoed, No da-. ger to heslth need be feared. libeseofetear produce the --4-p port wine color before d;Mi, s-à golden saler creans, soeinuch desired Always a fresh supply ln stock. 0 1Li ÀAEîTS. And Trimmiings. Buttons wiUl be ext.ensively nsedthslU We have just received a large variety lu Blàck and Colored Satin, Mohair, Sn1 and Vellvet Covered Buttons,'Gilta]nd Silver Buttons, Fancy,,. Pearl and Metal Buttons in al sizes. Our price is about one-balf actual value: 5c and 8c per doz. See our large assorment of narrow, mediumi anîd wide S11k 'ýrimming Braids, Soutache Braide and Fancy 811k and Velvet Remnanto; the prices will lai a pleasnt surprise to you. - ý'o 7 ý i ï

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