CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Oct 1901, p. 6

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t'a. 't i ai- j" as - a -'g n 't i r' i-I aa~- * -~ 'a 4 ai-et" I -'~-a .~4 Il hi I «Msr" »f bais laitoibs ~ vs ite tbia. oebmiiauu a s pvetu, v5-1 tmtà u &ad takinut a st t mlii i. mi ult sot eu>'ev oie. aism iAb, va oe«"«Sdu tisal retued tie ýTe4 sur desi- at«CIie."LbM elsvpfla anells. aelt 'lue Governor, Porter. "I aelth ha bppy maon. TIiq esé t IM il Dot 5a Wtlglet mine. He bai bas acepted me asu ber humani Ami OeisiW tbbsplace bore 1t vu siseli mis*net? S8h. owei ber vory bemtifi 4 e-hào"t ta e Tegalueil M lire te " .sud ln gratitude "0a rWsrdaa fie et cent nle dres not so PM mne vilshor baud." Nssaullite me. bel àa vonid net help -But net yet, Blunes! You art mat mai- -i Mol i-ed?' a O0 UURDICK rnbaeMMsala pait, i i i i nli "Met assuredly we ar."À 0600 g Starack. m tsochsbI dtsslis lT"-ne a l mpsuîs oIs e self la tise ouer ambance Ot thse mdveu dneyer have doue- teli sus."Kol, sitW* viii bave ne argumnct am Xiii.-itontinsmi flBt t@ »glub@bok ils iead dubi- atout IL, lera la tue documant tat vila à ha. nid, Mduit 6OmlO eely op h. - motiltYyeu." théa me from Yeur 990"msaefs '5 ho sli. You would 0017 Thua apeaies. Simon look s paper b*4 Mi- tii., onlyadai te omiser>'. ors r vnlitaand tien I rm is pocitet wvIici he opoeffl d mesas*DleUS 41030- SU s~~ al ieas.. Icouid net bsnded tote imarquis. lit vas a lassl n la s metieer?" tiIr w >on, 0>0, vers goûte cotile-natlted ep>'orethtbe-' oe becubet?" Simnuutterai, atarl- Aise >' t.lire lhet te cîthen et eS, o-bearlu tiche li Sud signature etra '*otf iseit. *"Wiat aoeuld Inva @eustmontise ePÉMUMS et tue colpulal clerk. and vouciiig t ub etlm?' r tré.% tbudinueetu-i seuls legai urisse <of«BSmon Lobislansdte de ,Vu mtvetBt hwofboi ise b*ret,-beM-wiitl*sdresi unibt Loui S.t. Julien. l'h. old romae it i 1 Whoiais M* steadily an thie * andr sud s, viti a deep gruau. thoepIpl '40 du»C. Ba i. tremiliWb"lle :M *~ M W aie-this tii, vilked uofu t.iI hmUS bis d. Qulck. 4au hbumt be. b.u & e isuiIL _ ~ ~ Uasireebhadl be- -aieCoupait plcked It op. The bee bi roc 0 kow he vas seisad i the. i tba hoee luoeaudvîitieo. but ala giiod npohbis mlnd tba.theisdocument Ils ai usthesneeigit tiat 1 W&&" va. Oh TODI, vis va quikO Iet t migit ho a forger>'; but au Idie eye reted i "U sse l i d1 I lne"Md Wvstend »Mot tnsees ths iii lit e u ît, t e p. pasd svay, for iho &10 SI s trass@ tint yen have et bu re700. bai tl-@d tiio il orfkuev il voa alegai tauerit er tue e- vi Zae s e ueçoneereing the avant tise .arssiêli a distance of trty l leOn Tise paper dropeai freon is Ilas, o et aim etlaf" . ho tomer lsp=n a bruecOr fto, Suniho sank balh loto bis chair. Tii* du "1e4-e--dkave bsd e.senrh te tblukthe Tblktab. I1M trail lWdlu Ra eouâ- theg bai coule vitis a tundmr-cvasbop'- y I ~ltw tha. M love tfer yen ba a stsÉy iguod a nthaeuerffeva03o..aonlm, ani for th* moment*ont o 10ed molevry tIjoubIad. su d beu Lot saé*#vmeor deuitai L obiS te apesi. Dut cm o okbât» te te am attention." Sud Louet sbaibole .tablez te th is5tnt etLobis started biasbeait tu lireta sin.eVI yee kev ntiia et bite ' bemas et tbe (Ul*mé(p h cntàzd. ..I,.-vb',y ou neamtb uel r1? Te dey, «a daishi »omteatu sen(oh otseL Illotr Zmii. Utyen de Det, thon that wviiamelt iti0 s ,dotnt- vnhe MOTIINO GOES TO WASTL b esi No, appoint the dîne fer lot gis roan niSud amueucliaI __ le .Ulg vsonyenvOl" wse jjm vs cula heta . rM" Ue fer 'viaS "késil ho Iis ver d&Y." marquisïnAi B. Douiet artte tu eir w e euePiajunts. -**y.ira Ir il nma"5t h.ns, I cars <or.. mi uml ei msicis aet eai-neet- Twino u snb iblsBasvasteo p, br .* utis. Heacerth, aulisses & F e iahreotre fte ruf " ~~ée s.." O~ .ua. iiithe i lau. "t«'Ivisb s 1 Ct l tue lin als'i05 ettseOprest dur. 43.aatLouis, ail et JO,.." lasser 11111011toW» t Of< in Uof theliLmanvsuacurt er ine tr "0Uàj<iy as te lotcmet" ibis."TMi vends von. aekolmi eh msitiiit.l v1 gifflM voodi; ucs jer s. Io POU WM itaug, ndehlm aiov. bis Ate"On DWovri- a &clieit t" fiel vi a" 1 5tnds hb, liheaI@tt 1h &W s hembaackd i vi vhooe business It ls to fIni out viii b1>asou et ber d.ailipular " du . obe. cm be dom vitlattue rMt-s.. tu l , wi amoSI UnBitcoma; YeDn al iflon!i Bea~u n 'MWetmisaihola gultl o pecklssbouss. ovn peticiéar etmos m qurter.thoan tiieme." ail ILbis." taei- oupat; "bat tbuuw ea exunef tom il andi sot te tiés se Ill tom" [llbais led bis proutlsbdeeremt mont duir *Salam hm. HOWevsv ,actr. Te reoliue la env«ele hmi tbà. epose hu bOehc& le thesa valu Bon . toidm1,ab l<suelu vM er,. % fertaimu suait sol te tioeam. abc& tromuviesom ah. bai bei. ltk- te. seooltbe onsun ofaet l. tuMer m o m n aié iM étol t~ h provieint lgbi,4nithen ho Md I fuaeihoa Wi hoUaibhie'- thone d al"ebndthae-ma e o *1*- Bat te hmtop »mnmoes ittlas u, h ei.elonesdls.stp x bu e iiteWeasr. no vent te te mm aielu teati&tuos op and damagrunIle bouemeo on eotIR111peu- Md thtie.haosnceoiod bpta- ûtii.oseste iampmebiboit u l tSt -4 hii*0 550pGluemm Ssmme COU tro Ie adtaitbe abiihit. t vas a dram t hoiss i ai &M bis BlimEse m b ots Maitise bulotleoaiba&a u ousai tahtie Mdabet 0thle tIsio a at h 4 ni-#-la aseoM-W i.* l ae m* MMutfoyatPu a ýîMum ; di w»ii sailet faclSud n M», ho mie&atEumeve uiokyI 89metar. Theobhde, of couras, la tami v lv cma"ni iisei. t ta et. jiionMd am u htbi th e h" smali mb losibet lsIly te ac gf Vatelft - s1 ajtiqê raail beho OU,& a ain colSn. acl. t .,but «MbaidM Y« 1»1% elba"1 Wi ) Mo«e-thun a1 -band lead. &cettei di." er a" s h vbtsemaie ter ber vaidbapIlt BU.uau h- appy' ta." Faiaxyo h aMi lev aer dylu m ce ieVet w.B.ises irgaicmoud rems Tbom the lsis&.isartob Itus a e aProitucai. Frein cm'l er mon> in .v ï1asa ItogLoalse te atn.iCuaifut"dGVt, ni vii aàs«M.tene]aobe, ho eS amemaie-. Fois. cai.ptrotiu th tou ggpue& haiscautov.d heesei sai: are madie kernoae. gusloujse, nmphtis il lite h chutai.feSimn-ot ililbl uoam #L .De"ls1I pe yen 5- pomara à"unvaseine. A ffl iler er thai tiie oers be o'te v WI " ot Il m a r«esielau cd tor axis e Whqâc"ai.hl , «e oii Q* gMm"i mi. H thsecntdla te.gaes..»d tle cesn là 15tunneL ta" ce whela tor he *ë e,@W " Redettedla stiacks tor .iectrlc flgts. Thse vamipimie i' * ei tetodquite à t mbe 0@%use oea btecketriumpl int vas st cdusai tfor purItli tise prodiiet Iv, Bal gi, i 1hSadipriant 'wu. te ho l lie, amidfi-u iat momentptoa larSeean ue aaà gasdand a cbod, sad visecs u 1 ut . tam ois. Wiive latilSt or fr as elteeala hou .0 lé . s Filte priait sho lreieileii ber?' shai [eola. atter ho bai taises m Mi boaP hale rock. vbicii la tins diak- th audi*von le S nvas 515lied a m@sL. move. mi isiv bey ple sais. lok. Tisa mrquis gazld fxeily letise Crnm of tartar la mailo fromthe tl se» uhoublispeasi. ", guon.itspakeis eys. bt heo euli detect nts. reddne of vine fctoaea. Cotton ssuis of mg et ruesb«%eor! sha aedie.- gustie» nt uiet ths vsy. .are stripped. ot tint fer msking pape-. pasu e.muceithse Ceremea: , iIjiulel-e-,isrtua ndi mou it-, Tbey fp. tien cmusieitforlie eii unit as tue te _«$W Hav Pm « - nd leu et 1h oalaeproe*dlIto cakes for food, K W lutoaiai'ber the namal "Ties je k»_ho vwu gene?' las ngstock or burnlag m tua. If lie M* 11114 i u, sidla s tint, the marqu itlh aqualci sgisce ef tesrcakes are balre b a uise e m ie di * oupffl: "Te-I ismev liat boti jour ecbuiidres lu ptasi tisaI uieY m- satBol te-tilla , be. t mg abMllt1aa I iide vers sou. rom s e." lag lobaccoplants. Prom tise . osu testa unan iv raiuirsthey?' l men sasked, a gond qnallty etofsa lOL Combinai W ýtffl hum»"[a miserhersLo ise se Uhmtld m e t vus beef suntit Itmakes cotteletie. Wvii lc vas ajprsedton o bi va uw s a s substituts fr<ornar The usdl bStatl. But ho kBow' Uoth te ldimuas sud lt.he eug 5152- Crudemt part ot theOoU g0s o thi eap and tablt at hWo,'sud Iismai talethirel r. aNe., *tiM brutlv "ZALesisa l 7«ti 7en"gaS'el <ctr, and tue varIous wmaiflgsa"i Ceea.fra&Gou»art. cre g~ mabi k ylobt wSryin. l'ils c ;by. 9«03mv vsa. U -y"es, moui ogr"atneoSiBinugsla l ura. besld.5 baig n5ed medsflyU. et up la aibasa tori- f las upelymtb viti s look et malle- belpe te mais. nitroglycain, tise expie *Bà maW5 tiletered ln mnt rlompi. "I ii lie geai toituae Ulvm P ,biimr ouiset thia derI, te onu.thlier" midamW &0- ultise bond@ l'homoe enly a tev Ilnstrationa Oft .~pu, islis thbride e0thli mou5." h w pth e jsnb pofitablesauel aval At bisincia tsa mi'qtls 5nk oretrefus, a hi-sncb o e T xii.ons Ila- àlasma, as>'vit.," a«Wite bis ttaMi Coupat foilowe is es-ities tisaIpeople la genera l o tie'refchai h open aie. amii. laeasttert WhaSt la Il liaI "LAdvm he la dhmv?' h tries Utl ào.ti r >"parent aod& lasavbisper. AQ oà rBt et lcis-alcwuuhé Othe vs h l~ati NovOrkmm as.Ibould baveA umi15o lua yI fantam-isqsli.te oui eoI br rl e-. . .but the *ttaef er ii - A travelon lu n glanirestni nt Deone 4M" ai l a" àhok blie hi l ud MM t puit. Micbas àuta a vside Inn and iokIucii.u, fêer; but lm m WSM euer. o 1bave lire ladlord wva ssocial pe-mon a" d ovtuaI bis etimalo ke lnh lit et MM for ber.»"- ater prcntie bis bllmut dovu sad t smilei tltkastops ihoibar - "Ba bev-ve-dui >'n fhi be?' chaped ils busguent. byd ourlbs nbridel ln vsswumuitsmzse.]'auvred I- "n«y tise vs>'." tue latter nid. atteri ,m mas beipinsber te viii.MM- asmsgau et loek. "Vlle in s viU% -w"viiilisjyur namo?' *a u m se erte hai 1et ivolllag. avnis.Ihori iObatw~aisi-1 te» My naine," repliai th tandiori, "Je I tu imscasse, ani nt s yardsLobs kePestebartruai it a Wviles Prtidge. "I MW gliai lie let ida vo- se. ]l a alseoun. 1 ksev. of ceasm., i. "h"rtiei1 nvlo.v 5itise. MA ibis lieaisi.sboak t» p, nirUWilsmbail eme inlg about buniorons tviekl. la bts eles,"by*hl h * b. rom*nei: belsai, Mmwecr 1 hakllvet mn otisenlenstiofetyou hWi 1 siienl bave .e*tdrive II i ibàisse, Mes- peat trou vhoetbey 5ouli ,have tisougtI lwvasWoodcorkr' léela. It la firlu el> ed, ami bieuogit ïsuleai s ueanseft of tisa tert Tiis stenl. as 1h appeau, lu a iecetl «) b«»ils rem. But lic ldy bas a et Natchez. The e tsr hsd5SiP»se ri boa b>' a dlsliugulahed E Ugiali dplo. cmeltMioe, se YODusaeappre-'teai tint I rmolvol tue st eut; soen, cm-ot, la creiited it vlihavins amusai me» danger. Buitmise bas noe f l- t he eies et one vho ksev the aI »Ïwg eVdirections, I anmu, or aie tasice rouai &bottueei., Sud havns BISmi. rOitq Motise bave suais.H«a abo iai irs @me mm vIe ielSas.i te a mhip TeJ nteJkr 'Sp' 1- *liue tond I oriereil" tien 1g1 tla *a river, t ebtaineil tve li~~o i os - lom t s reiy tuthie et. auxE beud ~iam. eut. W. crosseai tise A Lon«Islad Justle.liasdecl fi Ilet here voulsumisht have "la" sud user as va ceuld te tuaI te meni a vetiles.package b>' moeteIsi L.thce pmims5et lie troul tiaI 1hbai been express tu s persen, freilasth te- IopbhymicedeaIt out île medicias. Informai sthelaas. ver. upen. WOelcplent te psr ciarges, COMMIS unionh ni bsvlag glven directions for the cars monaimith belbasd ammot thilOaud ofetît>' Iarceny sud la penlababt et hMe patient, be rtired. Simon pr-- iiattiant MrMoyaI as aise of etas i i.LInte us case i.Justice doci- ed fer is vite suotiser attendant, se uBala" patim op Sud dovn bi the e semnhdm yepoe mu te baye tve oft hem, aud tien heinl- aide oetmsu e pol et te wo di.1 wo î m p ackbag et by~ pr a a lisued Louisà tistIbis business cai dkuoa libe asel devu, spd in, la vel tspone-a mdi-asa30. Wu oup Ieo river. mlte1h ic.ia l t'Vers uP- itheir The aipre chaige vas 85-0enits. l'h. «To th ciatesu?' nakeai she. talntly. feeL At aà1111e iiotm1e MWstue foi-rtu Mnvii Sutet otaka e eidat me. "Tes. I vas lu hope. tiat Ion wvenu et a tomaI.e ' -apteah greunid. ianytbing tono>' la 1h busiua u bave icempabiei me. but tuat la nOv iemsuded Iba* lb. prioner abould ho cempwoied t, h isglotrate, vii.eun- hopamibl&. Bovever, 1 musc go. cbongb given op te me. btll1baolàte us.»settreil s charge of petly iOI& y 1a" el- 1 "1al rture san5»OB as possilbe'" beaeix rets leterethey ventld lon ltortîi ud fOued tise Joker 186sud conla. "Ani vhat %sut ion tell my tatber?e At lenist. ioveve,, uPos MY promaise______ "Simply ht uynare my ite. or ht 1I veametcasse thoante ho ii 5me-.' strgss cose Isbsii ex plaie hasv 1 rescucal Ion leateai feithet. liaI gave h priscaci "AS te litseeeplâaMe k iOeIsOa &sre sci avsges. sud bey, ln retura, t np. and y»eu nimagie My desp, lOy clsimed your baud. But 1 have preparedi vien I knev that I ha saved Louis. lit tervls ceolI" sali r. Madiiot- tii hat et csre for Ien aurner-my ab.-Julien." grass. vbilotise gSMcr vsuOMtbis Sa.ansd jeu shah nt vant for uuy- Por nome moments tiers va@sileaco e «^ 'tldOnt Il 1t Il l talai 8jta ilhelTie physicin viii b. reguiar in lu tii. mooe. Coupait, vie vas Try them lusecta, but If tlaY &M Wu visite. aud 1 hoe.te final yen ve,, palebut vhamaa ilpa vers gentilcoin- lite about a doses bflii tinht bus .wr- 1is rtur." piesseil. vis tic Sist te biek Il. star"thle breakfstiire 1 l tii. tov 1%0 e lilbetrayeal ne soi-mev aI ise: Hov long ago wvsail tiat Yen touai sud suboequenulî geoi Ot tlimaI tue e br uaband, uer dii siia th. ladyr Ihle55km!. . mo-.scIl viii-hi bard t.tes fortieunJe 114 hW u>'excendeal signaetfleep affec- "Atot Ivo veeks," va. the repi>'leswbStetta 9e4W E~abaadieu. Rh@ eloacai ber ees "*Aisd baah.miebeemsick erer smc.?' eybieavenls si01anjig bisTor Lis. ~~liles fraoU isags, 45* EsdSlUa oelw S!a rtur .Fftni4oui 4àarcau icîtiere 'Are toi Psusterall triangl, Blua la F*lw4i* r(14 OTfIflh-l 004tb su guheemt ra tbjiteritls. abats. Lttoealh irtty miles o selOY tu- bto a ftim le loiteria».is. lier~ ~ I -tiaItl a aitvuiays unen' uoiuas m tae= teruraitllg aceomn ~, sdBhamrmecom.d nmlai unantesitiesailslat ouli issIltunua steroo leamqis ssi au aais âsinuel semismaI.ha- M faih OidiÏiayaternuzn scca og statingcai. e bit-ratài, iMbtht fr sic, t» ies, b lnàulatvO « alEst sM vas esertmity u aste visicit e t sttmt le inao hc ittaIltse i4 voit. IIWeciailLime sisevs tuat erLwà latale lise=vs p Wleiaveales.m tisabailta te iUt.1 «Mnesate a a s agaiceae sealen b*, vil it.lIa de allovae Unes et ber atme fOrtYtbffl de, b §rt 'Tnes Um[t-Vlve 1 4 ita b hure. fevl-hrmiseodu gIes t 1 S acluiva et t-s.aiîevranaels er b>' sàsitiA 'oversminute. Rrob. Aelites-We I-esaatas5et rafet e. bli never bots lu th. bistory otfla- caietofbeshage et altir bout. 'Nailena1&seieg bas tiers hoon 5" e sud seéeseltug a i-are Ihauuieais poe ew seconda tue ben ATTAOK CUARO AT -TOPI&t f th stot n iàdfor s tinta aaistained sllgiit 11silaga. Tien Capta(* Sari-'. 51,simrtemm KuclduSSStoleis Cantals' St cept sp, lia ivo great racersa O>'ag cle Vs Sie elir. lng 1*k a »W r et ', inses goits, tueir Millarlsmrs guardiag 1hbo ggtle>' au almoet-taqcig. At m.veoi l ima. vrult sepoet sa a kana " lthePari a ejouaeey esmtoteses il wu$ notai o0r0y Boxndai ngit bhi*aad amna"k mt- the 1111>1Motmes han a' hnirsi ameonasytylapaciagtes .uppmuil te ieS rav sprt Iiaarock gel areuflid thtaltouospieve& ltlathbodul as nuttempt Qter mark >mp than a minute lu ths leai. vas mai. te bov op 1h vanit ad tiire Slimu e gseon prachlcally Ceuri De Pr«&d,àspibic n the. cou- ras tonu*s, lMa io yachts. wvus tir npeur et replas trou Fort Way's Mil COUR"U Or' TE yAparTACUL vwernswhite als sept cwn the. M» gtrqeb Vite eveehy match.d race 1 . nidtins art or everi sportsman ou la bis etis. First aole aui tiifl1 Ju etisar et 1the. buste seemed te set ai le lead ae ti e aught the i-st lji-alis1 )f pa"g puis or vînd, and Ivo Mil" s mt ta théline the excited expert» mid oel mi. "It le stili anybedys4 Tii. recuit et tise i-st race Il, the Seri'ez s.@ quit. s»%aient to demoflstrat tiat chealiqnser and a defender ver. neyer D eveniy matciied lefore. l'he tact thati me two yachts vere seeeiOngiy go cioiely matcbed hast. et course. added g-eti, te te public lateront in the remalulur races of tise cerles. FILIPFiNOS SILAY MANY. gui WrtzS«bt oi l.boreet Campe- MI, Ç. Nintbinfastar. Forty-eigbt seldiers belougint tate ii t veiimont eoftisa United States lu- asti, ver. kUlletand eleven ver. reunuded dering a sudie. attack hi F111. plan InsUMgts vhuile atbreakfast Bat- %rda, morne, Adit. Gen. Corbinece- emme.« th.eopiio that the coimpany's ockeru muet hava beau negfizeut ln the. latter or poatlug piciieta. otherwîse thse camp could net bave biess compietelY eurprtsed as te iead te smcii mlsoghter. The. troopa ver, attacked while unpre- paed by 4030 belomest. et whom the issericans kiled about 140. Mani ef tha soidiers vere kulled lu their quartera partheri, iad tima td grisp their ridles. T'he jlmrgeuts captured ail the stores and ammunitio. er tiselcempsny sud&il the rilles except tweiv.. American eflicera ulis te Philippines fcar nîgit attacha moestitan suytiig eise, and it is common gessip iu molitary circles tiiat they have a habit ef vils- dra wing tiieir pickets ut dsylight upon b.e assomption tiist ait danger of sttack in thosa ever. le this Instance it la prob- able thi.enîupeata vers peruiitted ta come in te breakfastDone rlief being sent ta tsa tiseir places. Thiiseurgeuta. wbo hi prebably be.a innfor severa] bourstintthe brush. teok adrautage of ti epportttelîy to rush sud surprise tie camp. gama- ia eue et tiie must fertile or the philippine Islands,anal bas au area equal te the Blate ot Ohio. It vran never sub- dued b, the Spaulard ansd is lu a very viii and nueiravted state. The us. tires sear the. sea are ailt rieudly sud re- cent reporta indicatad thst there vore el about 350 lusuigeita ineSmari. Speike taom tise Vîte Boverai members etftthe "Female drumu met" rompue, vore lnured iu a wrech, at Lake, Wasii. IBetty Smith, an erpisac bey, 10 YeRre oid, vhe vas herdînh cattie for LA. Anderson, ne uesCt of Larned, Kan., vas drsgged te d.ati by hie pouy. A great flou et gus bas heem %truc usa- Velssco, Tesas, br parties borint fer oi. Tii. casies bas been biovu out. and tiser, la Dnecru: teirotro he.gaz The cable hetween Si. Michael and cape Nom. lea allsu--. Ine everal plgas thiiiehba et tii. cabie. It bas bon ascertalued tisat tiser, are uite breaks. josephi Adam@sw«vasoud dead beside tha railtesiltruck, mur bis$beome, a asor distance <rom 8.ll.mrg, Mo.hi. H. lef honme vils $20 la bis pochet for Baller buls. Hes je h.loev.d te bave been rob bed, bosten te deatis snd piaced on the relliseeitruck. Whae touai i. sai bel vault about 741 ecg. sotlanamasbd peeriug troibebidaàtrso about ;urty if* test freul tie vaulI. Ha vatebsi it forÀ tveut7 minutes &Bd then chalungaithé intruder. Whe mai e norapmos.but dedrai back ot the treu..Theioutildler tisoth sdvaeced. eiiall.iens a second time. and h tiie man cama ont aud rau tovard De si Prend, shaiterint bebiud a sacoméi ri trio tW@]Ve feel nearer the. valait. d De Prend, ueticieg thst the feiiw ei va e carryli ga package la ue n.bad dà glintins Instrument lu the. ohher, tueitse <rtiier chaucea. but brought devua bis ol rifle sud fired. Jusl as h. dld n, ae. ether mlan. approueies traim beini. sud whom ha bd onet seen. struck up tii.1 rifle and ut thse saile moment deoit De Prend a terrific biow on the. body vîtis seome instrument. Moaevhule the. shot bai arouseai otiior memiça ofthtie gouard but ovrlegteatise tact tisaItiier bati te ellmb a steep bul tis, marauder a il ddisappeared bef... lb., arrived& Tiieman vhe attaeked De Pred vas mashod. The. otiior, ha aya4 h. ecol .aelly relegalse.a Wiasu, neoni heova vhat lise motiveb ot tise, ttàek ou tise guard vas or vhat8 tise man beiini tiie tre. hd a hlbispick-0 ae., th thoory sd4anced laàthat Il vas f su attempt te biov up thse vsuit la viilcb the Presideut', body lies. Militai-y mes agree thAt lit looks Bide that.t ABOUT:. The total population ot Indmana li& gir-'1 en by tii. ceess et 2,316,402. ofvbom 1,285.404 ai-. maies andi 1,231.058 are feinaies; 2,374.341 estive sud 142.121 for elgn umoaIova bas a total Ppupilation ot 2,231,8533.divîdeai au foiown: Maies, 1,156,849; tîmales, 1,075.004; native Iborn. 1,935.11w; fereige bue-. 3».M2. la- disnes has 57M508 egrees,207 Chines., 5 eJapaneueagit d248 Indians tsxed. Iowa bas IZ2, negroes. 104 C(inlese, 7 Jap- su noe.and 382 Indiana taied. Givee b, Li perceutages la Indimaea, 51.1 pet cent o1 >- the population are mules sud lu lowa Y 51.8 per cent. la Indiaa 4.4 per cent t- of the population in native borniand 5.6 > per cenit foreigu bore. Iu Iowa 86.3 pet sa cent et the population la native boren and 13.7 par cent foreigu bore. The ceesus bureau bas lasueri a report -on the agricuturai tatiKtl"s for Aasa. k.wiiih shows timt Alagko', total ftal- weati Joue 1. 19W0. Wl. 15.tIMl3.Of su which $2196 vas inveted le ilve'stock, . Sm190In Implemntsanld maciiuery andl d, 112.80 representeai the value of buildings yandaltier improvemeeta. Biuldinegs have * been erecteai ou ujue or the twelve farms ientiie terrltory. Pi-eparîeg the soil for cutivatiou bas been the ebief Item of as empeneeiluopenlus tai-ta, blnig l ine instances $120 pet acre. Tii. îweivà tserms have a total Ici-age et 150 scres, id sud vegetabies are the principal pi-oduet, ai Fv rhefertimeaire only eall mar-ket an gardens et leis than thi-me acres. Tise ne total valne et domestic animals andl pont- ti-y la $2.190.PotatesandllurnipB tur- le niis the principal tnome fi-eut egeta- ri blu. Next te vogetablea grina eut ter tt iiay and enias, la tie umot important m- agricutursi pioet. , rom the. stand- b. point et income upea capital iuvested he poelti-, raisinsInle190 vas reiativeiy th*s ai mot prefitable hi-sncb et Alaîkan agri- th. boby wu uuy ibd* Vuub 18à tii. ldâqels 5ou54m Î8.00a Udcgê eentr.tiW, pe; r! z.4eUsimdI son l"erpromet vb he ti. AM4.ç Ws Tb@. ldhmuWkemsr.tbe rémois vas been .xttUU* psgglo'd. Ji 5 ta saithat tbla emdtl. Vadue t. a 1Isthat ha& crept tees t*9tam. . eboard cmiii h. pilnli »s>a"sudthe. ema wa. iti- snit, wviii.the W bai- bieffl ta 4.1 ont. The, hesdMeat had dooiyued " .ia the haad <ali bacb. Tiie shirt <i-ot *ss Woupt1'sdm %ras aloc the blsek mliii teck that Lia. oa.o *hraabut bia sai&Thoi-ouI t he elotiing isal comue ete 4t11 la Meue. -'M Isiiorncari-lidthébae ousuima Me eabalt trou lie nerl mii. et thé mounument te 1h usmorlal bailcM tise suth aide. Au boui-liter. atter IdmI& ctale aiW bosu madeo. hcsievuie Laken bock te lie sBi-lh aideofet lsmoi- am o n t n i tu e n lo v e r e di t ea th ev a uit h o ' cati. Wonkrnep tien bossu tha taik 09 sceuricg tue céket umiier tise mas. et1 ia mev imbedded lu sud madesia part di a Blle! concrets block olgist b, alat toit ani tbiniemest nl s. Thi malles liet rttMinerai et lhe beile . FIRÉT OF TIHE OUP RACE& ie lea £"*A bu, PstFie, Wied. watts ta..s oemubu Var Abm&i Aflor h inlagow for ire asu ce-hait eboum tecompletse iOral race betvei5 Ihaurock Il. uni Colmbia fer lis cuenicas cp, 1h negatte comnltt@e. frai sgnn d set dthsiai" dclarlus tla race off. Th ise dueiunit agruei opo med expirei, viti lie UhlAbtsbahr* in1 ldit. Tise ireese liaIbai pi-omls. gis lonns opoet the 'ta-i isil iiei saa> and 1h racers vers ett vilS thel- sals look»blke s asistday on àsmin0'eoval. At timdusColumbia, lhe cld&I talIu ras sousetia more tien asale . sds ot ti.he riilsed bhi-eschallenger. Altiongi htise f thtie sessonsa races for the Âamerlcala cup could net ho Ou- lbei vithiuthelisens limât, the mb"vlus made by the Columbia vs* sncba te straughen confidence conslderably la ils aility te vin. That tic Ihami-ock IL sa a ramai-kab>' font craf I and a danger- ons compatitet bas beudemonstnstei. A sevl bout embodylua tic hait skll if its axpetienceed designie-, bult vithoul regard te cont, trlmined tutu perfect mispe adni arylas sa preai et sal en- sidevab>' lai-sur than tuaI et tue CeInia. bia, thse» vus grenai!foi- the aPPreben- ,gis*A taIhe lbauiack Il, veau dmet ou Win, but via n.1i'.Tisa <siuraet the Constitution and this eeesty e1 r.- %oeins, a te ioh cup iatsnier turtmen t«ed te voaken coufideace, Itlais vieB tiiese, tacts are ceusiderai liaI tue Mrg te lhe entermarit lr'gaie" a cosidre bitst ainsd on 1h triphou. il sma le bave hiso li rav, if 1h dii Det &etu- iii>' nuiskeftiitier gaina. l'bes 1heCe. uMbla voa about seV.nminutes lu 1he tend vie. tus race wv aci"ei eL 'vit theshaort distance vblih Il beaase r. il uuiubtedly venu dbave ci-euset! the lise Oraltbai th. content continuait. TOmAR lOUT ANARCIISTIL Prialisut Roosevelt Viii Deai vits Ch. une.tiai le 1Hi@5 Nae. A Wsblagon correspondentams Il la quite certain tisat on. cf the most lauper, tant pointa le Prealdent Reeseret'acou. lus message te Coegress vili dent viti tue suppr-ession ami prarention, et oni- ai-cil and tiat be viii urge upoN CO&- gres» a revialeon fthe immtigration '&vu se àà te provide for th. exclusion troam tuls Censtr, 0cfaariciste, .nihilisteansd oalbum et tuat creepi. BeUna>',aise urge th. enadîmient of s roerani statuts Pe aiaina a sauit up- ou the Paulideet, sud puaisblug wvu deats, no malter viiote comîultted, suri crime, if tue ausauit aheela prove ftal. Suai laglslation mist h. brosdened se as te smp eut eusrnisy by precialmias lia iraod e censplracy agallast the 0v- ermmssentsd provîdiug punisisuent ter tio pr@eaius ani piacticig of IL. Presideut Rooseveltthaile dthe cher day witii Comuileieor et mmigrat. Povier>' ou the. subjeet et keeplus su- -areltseout ot thle countr-y sud la gati- crins Information Cabout tbe difféenot plans tor ravising the immigration lava. se as ta preuetthebm andins et tue us-' desîsable classs.M@ le rcommnide la Congru»s wn undoubtedly taire tue usualotsc-mrf assItlUng leillatisu ni allouries Cougnes.analthe executive de' palment. leiereseldta draft ttuelas', but tue bil hrla I I troducedis lm I- ter vil have the <liaproysl of théa Pi*esttbefore Itlalebrongh teta0»et- l ention ot Cougrses. .Comumissione« Powdsrly's Plan, vise. a pprovai b>' tb. lectetari ofthe Treçs. 1un>', viiibu mubaitteal te île Presidoni sud viii prebablir foratu te grounvori fer the bl letaha intoduceal là Contrats. Botu tue Traanri Depar4nenh and tue Departmeut et Justice ame lutcrestei l l Ibm suppression et anarc5y and. viiIds tise Prealdeel la mecurias sncb legilla- tien "sg alaeby au viii be effective. TetegmheiiBrCivvtten. Big foi-est fire le enver suit Wycu 'Broum cocu jumpeal from $0 5te 1M3 i on. it-rie Stevenson, 17, New Yoi-k.10 miasus. A uev $10 coueterfelt trolkonry 110h kum ieeu<roued. secrtary or Blatu J. L. Pover, Mie asIWppt.ieal et poenmouîa. Se trike oet lougahorammu. 1New Orleana Io i. et.larease vas grata. AUl Cabau polîticsi paies yullInalorw pauma tor Prealdent, Itlais ad. The nalloat monumeet te Prealdesl MoKbuialo it b h. rechai aI Canton. Iien*& yndical* paIt 8,410A00tu ln el et Pa 'th of eci of avIl. S~ ein l t paisenmlvid iLutries retaugitlitt siean Iy i5 .UýJ Oaus t aw e m ft lé-"-dpave mat eprqiée ta marou I lmWMa of turs viicis aùthé *te wgs4* stuavtisaunfvora th epp ARMs radn. entabrledhi ie tasds ,1 nuibponte Iponeti is peup thek.l piaklt. O no. 1selmta hr cepenthoe a ça lad se1 o lie potes ehtua' #111111:1 ta on biaisgcatreltbaceses 041 MOSilsie.sidnaeliaeraaoeslipebu 11h0uai 1yare lachyeltbénheb" loclinai siirtye Aaëilslasi Coflor 09t« ue 1 a poid n et pte trou bb'sii m oatiItgeai st - *mse. Ibaes àet uBlaiasi 041 clepuyl.l stoc e ilb. isanlu pvieslcb my Ipek letas tig e-umdaii DIthe that luir aie ascugt. tibu.cones US pltceà aistsils gronp r et15109SiIstb dbvtleupuos %@vcuor l *gaptl>' mou- la hea tuAargle.tisuer 60 01M s IIOigs ofanis "Isthefotplut II l cet lroees, dees. sa pqs mslamvhetor r macli lotssinrii l11 stoka la su vtiecs otle lvi- lie etlempiser. The vilclimoa"l mss aajeyed or a ilorsp ut MeOMat rasu havseuue «»d w ot. lat la rad tes virtedmuc. Virla nicegrul.A Wemer etleateeetlie slalle liaI bas bars tii-austie utoi 0ko. lise it.£O putet am. iailtu ai rue Pisetoo lu forcel vr lig e,".ani fande. aig uon.thaetmtii.auot t enîWh"vas 8, lus aeil et lag, Sept.29.o otal011 uai for delofng purpad. Tb*isan'e o9a. LesRDa.mvCUBNR- ta tue gartisou vioe fssoes voee enet- ficer sud eleven men kilican ad Ove ea' cers and thirty-eigit oene ,addition. sit-tbre. mearc mdsiaas vbieh number oeauy si-m beieved te have bmen'kilimai or voundeal. Thi Dci a- mandant, Opperman. anal ulsetees u bis ens di-e kuove te have lices kilied. Tii. London Delly Expreas pebliabe. a report tiat Lord Kitchener bas ask.i tee 25.000 moessessoealmoecimen a"d fer power to bang rabela. traitera aMi murderer vithieut rafereuce te thie hon gienment. A dispatci from Bi-ussala ayahbsIli counicil etfTii. Hagua permanent cout Osu. t.OI4 O novas et arbltrahlee ia snleÊIoQust>deelim thfal thc question Qf asanulus the nitie- tinl arblirahieu or intervenktion la aiJ fera lu regard tlethe South Africain su muaI be defleitel>' sbeedoued. PRESI VENT M'i(INLEYS Wttjý ltaeemhive hMention, Vashingst t pubtîsta the. foIllg 55 sauy laetw sud testamnt, bei-et,, evOkls5 ail fumec To mi beloeeal gîe, Ida S. ltcKWlei liequst «IIetfni, i-al estit evey sîtualea, and tli e ninie ef su>' Pe ,ioperty oft nick Imar lie possemac5 ~enI tsi-Puut hbe nrI-nei1-i sifiter. Helen Mciltslcy. if the Incline fi-oe preperl>' be inau. dient tn keel' n.Ir vîe lu great Cdmot-ai pal' the snuity abive pros-imai, lieIt redt that saci etfni, prorirty Ibe mlOn » te ulake a aia adquile tOri-bath puepeise., Wistever Fpreetjyemauahîeist ter%, share and sbmi-c liite. My chief rouicru 19Iliat an>'fvîtramelé' surie etalmbave ail sice reqetr«efotus-bi comtoi-t and plessur.. ami that uy intlq jub p reilviivie. o f, ml Tiaseoybasai sud seal tMs 24 m.te Oebrlti to mî ,last uil mi A= t Sme 1 Itltt_ WasiugoeDmk biis vwl*al# Lm et M*bU iiead e Or.'bffl thêta onpgiïteo s-lcb viiuUbq t are aid eue » aiotethie P Prove Ixlluh la trias]oue 9 eit& uwl, st a 00 caste ELY DOm AIS FI ou wisOttM Iminent cumelte Moeurs. Mr 1 fileteaiw» tti a sumpties,1 m Cr.eafltu e charge etepped. 1 bave edeu VEa" rotirta, on waste it Was a ver Omtei-ed thse bat -ulve me thi 1 vas boebo» de-k. .,No, 1d bor t. i ta i a retigetate st dii la Jane end se ethei. s sil belore Igsi BUt the cicr sud "aI noîi de 8 'Tirest rate. vas te bes'rv '1hava tii., 1 "Set yet, ai Thon tbey'fl h sariy la tisai viien il vouid iuly."-Wasbu À p.vrd.t te à rutm tha foot, Osîloea. Axbls mal Deniiî-Did tn s but?' Kerb-No. eouteued hlm. Plies Curs 1,1102. medcli % N. W. Baissa Il,7.1900. ne.lnssuilti sagriseatii. pa"sunu rega? Eaeh pechi LIS DYU o etiior dyt amd A Bavai soi luveeteil. 1s hensa cas me te thos. on tà The lovest £Il, ai-eat P tisth-avrag P'.s cakes.,nMo The Frici ce moes»sd urtheii.ouve i stqt Ibm BHum Pule Co eV sM 1 .eW

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