CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Oct 1901, p. 7

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Ebis vwalt*#p.ft t aa oLTf atRsydW g Mou 4» alot0f lttis hunuiléo .vaingtban the rosi beftdi o,' IiaWsdL Natere thêt n ogate M latvîiota n rebis labe, »É itbe aues Swth wbattiq unirecelve. A lulu Mo Êbw pointe wek la 4 altogether the people of the tal bam- - Prove ltgelu. by IatWig l rial .ou suLU*'ecrmla et& WIl *tad i e mal ELY DUOS AS Wanss et,.Ne LM5. Al eu. a58 100 cou boof 0f ONIU l Yotirr W tbe quIelkUt sit Ilarent cm sfor cfta"Iv sudios OBLL M. PMO Qom UtMr. Arts. Ooid Mesras.DM res boîtI~e lets v,» Cs elh fou gV0fl$ madAe arss weak 1 touegt Buptlon,.1 glot ose hOtié creamel â aMd tu tlms. chare toppei. te bba 1 ave mqui er entûfi. rroberti. CaL. Weasteta olRc it wax a very bot day and 111teredtdhet" Wearlly. -ulve me the o100 0cu] 1 was bers It -intter" 1,u ber, Ille tthe apertment iltat a refrlgfltoinl tem[w-rature St <114 la January. I want t and se ther. endt b"tat Itil eti betores i, Iu l.t'" BU Ithe eerk i ony srnled snud lOi u 0. Ibo New sabO "Do0w do jou lits your ew M 'Tiret rate. The Biret thli v.s te borsw «r leanmosd -Have tii., returaed tT' soet yt, cati 1 hope they, Than tbey'f lie eairetul ah. ssriy la tii. moraing oraet wheu It vositi attrit mi au iuly."-Wnsblatoa Istar. Aek rosg Dale for'Aleu,*. A pevtief tae »e lito your rost the fit. Cure. Ivuolleu, Calsse. 4Axhian& Iventingg gu.wlug lwBman uni Flet-ema.mah.'Weor rlgiât :;uPe~~ntId ien d ýi mot o, R . N. Y. Etou l. ieft. Drby-Did your c,achman ta a but? Kerby-No. My fur-lined acufouad hlm.-Bo.lton llerak Pic' Cure for COOeUmptil fallîbe mldaaz for cough.s bi. W. "ScitUOe Oti.Grove Rie la Sailli of impertlwna Dlot the clreum.stai.cei eagr,se th. convesation, hmeif the ubjt ef him 4 vans nu regardtateLbcaempa Eaeh pakage cf ?UTNA LUMSIDYU coloremore gond ethar dytend colore thsm be A novei sort ot wladow gia inventa. P5eou thebin boase eesethrougb I. but te those o the utie. The lovait tîdés. w hereà el. are et Panama. wl.are the avageige anssd fauI. MM. Asti' Pea Cake Floue P. ce'eken . and emi. 'Israyo tek for more. The French olive grewers on moe.»ad more vllh the of!the eoUve growere innTTn tha PasO GUARAI isa Futur ie Pcet Tt StJacobç Rltomanl. Omit b. Uls sctboe to Conquers1 P"k, $se cdti sean ayAu.DutanlUca k pro"le e ilmim- . eosati DneviSat. W. Il le 0e9 0Vo -iad». mille tiiet ne eut- aisu to 1a roita cou t"aei*t it Wei 83e ui.aumd- di ,!i otr.-.k Io ev e ê 411rit th otip r e oesmlght . c"' i e..ta xla adthi «fumenr, at casr ma i s cousr«W à mi. tjto vth ite hadte 1lmboparatedl on for &P" ne gtndiag la c«roirt ese AdmrlrcJ peltla as cOmm a sie arrlveti Tbay Ll amponwasilano mase apart> to tii. ere grat fManda of Mr. Choate anti proceuat.the Amabasadour gent ai once to lu. G ah s ght h y'vpoelr urlaqulraetfhbr condition and kept lier . a t d cumulatIve avdenca tuit the naval coacpieivLafces goum MI ZcaxPalglinthe West Lbia Islands ives The tietday ehe was able to walk Moole burtiL of n u iry ceurducti lu nca very lones naner. it John G. Mlitilbua loutidte haie situa eut, huabafld ant i fe met the anbaws- ge te waa ehown clcuslvetyi tit ani elcap- ton leur@ latan days.-Buffale Times. saidor en the. etreet. Mr. Clionte qulck- Seaedom .y. l 11 i 1tional eppcrtunitY tu #lm R Iear Admirai Shaffer la Dow l*"log how mach sharp-Ily Jumpati froua ishansom andi Mot. ~L »etM4 -1 1 -- 1 Sa-hlcy la posseeson of Information that an than a slti tootiiet trust la a tbank- edthoraea wtth nager protestations of de- Altwould have made hlm ths ma.t, r tiféi les unIon.-Beffalo News.. iigbt t meeting his frienti agaîn. unferttanate situation et Cenfuegos the lu tisie deys a novel. a play and a e Hawarmly ahcek both the banda cf 400S4 *ât tsti la Santiago harbor and bai l ied moment lhe reached that poinaIt ai cther bimainat ean are ail judged by the gata hie ceriaa cati aked a dozen que.- iiatiaP 9»«JTtAL TEco.l luf.fettor neglected. tatSmponneptL-DItroit Fiset Prisa. tiens about Ie h lm alits Iaddreae, antid ~~pisaŽor rldItwThewn osoa. Iaprce ot eabbage le coing no hlgb hi@ probable tay ln Londion. Tbe vite, * pla in Wisee asbIIgquetionl- won plaed ln peosesionet aliiolate"j. ath, -bat taurs «arezaprealêt01etacwhtidbsan Standing by waltng or ,b a Tb@. deffinitiona 1belotew ilI « * 06bi Mr. Hanma about a conversatlin formation yen early e. Mai 20 that the. niche, sula.-Donver Pont. bar tLoin lally cali with a pont: È=ue phlonmu-h o! the. testlmSony ilo stween Wise andi Captai. Pbllp te Stanialit leet vas nt la Cleuut. llew l osIlg lOi"bli haa e ottk n S la the Scley court o! inqutl! a b fyu qadu trbu o a anctmnatt edscommtander in daasn Wast te ceaI. Wise saidlieh. as acted hief of the North Attantie fitI-ti ly Cap- dM7 tIII amneatiOUi British friands. notice of me. Yon havent spoken a te noos Crons ie-aWcitat coinmfrt 6Phli p abouttthe location o the Spcn- tain Bowmau H. MOCUShIsh, had jut News.inalcet epc LDebutwr o eyt.Inalyb"&v en __ ew Irae dive.radeetlobs. lit Seat. W.e replieti that lha vas cout- retiaruet te Key West frnttîîtîfuegee.Nue.hava fongottan me." Lr,rd-Now abulai. UI8 fdent i I va3luSantiago barber. Aller- wberie haohtd lornad diregi tîrranai It le clalmati that golf vlU cure con- 'Mydear madaza."salt Mn. Clacate. nit :-I-w oflaroat actt. il e~ conversations as evîdeuce. espaclally as euly Spanlsh ahipeIla the ariar vers la uothiug that viii cure gof-Detroit am yen vîthont yorappndli."-Phil Vurter..t..Taeàmk "tf0-< bley vas not prescrit vheu tiaay Io twe llght-diaugbt eMd comp.aratlveil FreesPreto.adeiphia Saturday Uvanlng Pont. tulte ha tîe e «wae caver hevUell00- place. aund coulti net tuow viiet vas sald. harrese gutiuoatg. Oua edîtor ceuiseles himbaif ragaidifl le.% ftlait datif cla them toiete. Aduirai Dewey prouptly sutaiiedth Le Wlth thie InformatlinlInhis '-.esoro the blgb price of potatcac wlLb the ié, A peatompIyuotafl. iii Ue e-T M d 15mb> aad objection. SAmpson saut McCalla bock tu, enfues' SectIonfltat le scarcty la alsechord on Santon. ii..Up. -Oh o-Wol ,~S ea sslet ali.h> at arld , ear Admirat Seller ortei as his Dira go% aa the bearer or the celebra tIIDear the bugs-Topeka Journal. ment hàe beaun cansei bylthe aetion o endai IR M. -T5eê5ja~L» t..hdaidele; the ceumiel. gefae raiteit te consultig Si hIey" letterarncd ouer No. S, b'îtb or Hoveven. seveal thou.aid vôikiii.8 Dr. RILfEL Dunae&Y. a playelciahaMi- M t, i t -ït Iprofann eth-, l~,0i.wth sud advllug i legèli epieteata- Wvhb er altltd ta convs e, oSchley vîli regret that Prealdent Iliaffer dld ont Who for ovet a Fursetit bau basare- tie.rîe h oiamia liue apca bllthat td i t,' tîsh fleet declde eairlar that Ibare vas noth"g 1ta ,maendiag Dodd'cKidaay PiMlte . I'b he to n, eLtrnoe ddrie.. the court, lhe drectet mattere. v, uCeuuge n inaSautiago. csy-Graud Rapide Frass. thons of bis patiaste Who auffereti fromaSG 'etut fi lhle 1.. CptuMc a WUaaerSIi 'bat Lb Çveu it Admirai Simpson la lu, Itfi l .anatm rlh'Dsa .Da- jfome ig 1,Wmdll aie 0 te shî p-P Only oeesioln vS belti Thuisdzy. paiadawer neot la Ciaaucgý 'nMi omfort hlm Somte te tucw that 911l11hiettes or etbsr Kidny Troubles. it Bmaiclue te tht ch ola poe tu etc tecotajeriga ctothoe ,Shu l ol ywlthî, userted ceuntryman are aise pretty sdciio! the Dr. Duuavay îalaepubliaheti an open directionlic oureset te thlit et 1 die Wlai o ofyacht Eagle. hae vattauei.f"I 0m tab- vhoie affar.-Grand Rapide Newe. letttant,1Mal tatng postIvely thal 1 UPIR. bwbl ,». fularboWest bld d insthe atteruno. ihtabl alion.of commisldtinth teaîr h g aLb. rme ivn a.hzsî Abeucrto!Dbts - ob..,%a8f..4ereme.te a greter fiwo e w ta wreexain .Coben forces that beld p pitiý,î u oncu Wolths, il ert te Cnr cuit trvugslaby Iotir. ldnay PIla, ant hat. ar- Tw . vtaea e. xm ned ide e! the barber. Ih vas on 'lit occa- btI.i .fardta b oltenr on tserhaot concindsti h.waa going tw i lnwibl n Spencer S. Wood vite Çomuanded the prebleinvont ttlngly impresa 1telf O 1-A Reaf Ith llit h. iSlou that tbe captaîn obtain I ltaelu- tnfreints state o! the eand tarpede boat Dupent during the Santiagosrth wmktmid-eoîNte.od ,ansy oa= Iltestn Bo"of importance ta rlationa aplab !dlviu ieace ugents' secret code. vhlthbI.subie- ne uku ld.Dtet ea .la a Weil Man toim.antmaye13 pidwM te tin vom tanti Ita moyentiet. trus apeon te schlay ai Cianuegos quently tielîvereti te Captain iChadwick agigthe lear t Lb. ultalonlathcet by halIl a d ty tae do sha a.dua Towei-May 2a2I atd sormedthetuacourttuait ifter oftheicNewevYork. huigL.weciscil ltEttmaSl oîgbue.Dd' ln Brleetlwthptehle. e lici radntlis.Schley appeaard te lie la- Ilbaise develoed at ir tsthc day tthatouthe cbraad. Titey parelut.Teextpi ve hmlt Lidennieminsin. ,ter ueveiy communltt.-Phllatiaphla Re& , i U' Ii omalsue e iette rn nr thecttom-a h. l.ther nwLetnntCmadrBaI.vuhr ADlmsli ; esembles fvmn taalpdin aC ixtenteWilliam C. Gray, su .,<i- Icand, vbe va. la ecensani of the con- OdWiiII.-ThomgldM ensnthm 551 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~il iat 1irctV fc-Oie setl neiudiTaa.horallier dlsmayati vrted yacht Bugle, tieivereti s message Historian Macla'. gjb goti Bh ynusentitn& »t act oa ente ie anm,.ner indpetaitcuae laaa g i a-ta the Scorpion. comiacundeti 1, Iieuten- pais hlm 82.49 a day. but Il le alle= h.- o do rou kaov1 Li Mt tiant- gue of diat shlP vers reversi aftar attCommander Marit. winh îcaptals tie royalties frontuaie naval blstury vint .Why 1 o k haletottievaer abcshebai pasiati tie Broklyn. indiîcalingmecCalia ici instructati hlm tu give tu increame it te 82.50.--Grand Rapide scadt hey turueti brown Le Itteeasin- I Iaieay lct ît.--ua. ut. that attfiit ime e ait eat tireDo tKhley. The Mrbehesi anîl E.îgt-huitiFroe..ce I à Unduly )«tbLlute pt. Tiai. danger oetacolelision cie acconut et the fallela u in la th 1ag it a Iîron on Atan an Alabamasaeintba lsot thdtxe =S Orrm Weutta f c'Uappa!tn I vinti ette M pi.urw1teir Wkae , z- Foi the secondtlime drauth itrruptat i lagahlpe loop. Ga vsMopa a My Il. vhite the eluadron asî "a îe ti rep vîdi a iotgua thue moi b e be ep u vie te.3?tackf.e.i - it pegas e ttnacicorto!inshot ider anti net acked for <rthr te- a e enl bt ]ch ue ir e. ASupos -a. a Fer s qur inlto Bean Admirai lchley's con' tîmoni. lalIt MCalla diti net knov 11I., Port o! thi.lier takes lie ceursa-Datroit Fruit r cr vteteetpl sgbr"dot at the battîe et Santiago. Tuestiyl Thetetcmny et Captait, Wise or the, destination ot Ichley an bist ai lae Ces GrmntrhavAerftlcaY stn IUêS. weod Io iatjuat begun wben Yale revealati the tact tiat lchley cou- sidi'YU the stand that If l6e 1-1 novu 1New Yori dravc a vida ditiinction bas-_____laCentral ________enter_______ rer.» wordcame te tbe Dorv, yard filt Joige tempîated entering the harber andi au- lbt'veoltihave dtillered thec11alirgente' Ivean theibotter ilttheaoter. Oue et î' ~ .JerrmlaitWilson. chie! ofthte lchîey ggthe Spanleit Set Mai 31 tirea code te Scbley and cienccîîîtdhîm Lbe latter clans halzJust beau aent to dis It u"engi moreual. dlpd sudtienly aitin theiem deys battre bbe batie. wvîbtheMeo the tieal tIenaiu:t fLiovie wort hou. for Lirty days.-Detreît PMs >tnit4 Hotel. Jutige Ativoate Geucral Lemi chou iatne b arsvslreigtoi rut Clenta' c- A. Il rea t u iSoou bad calletiAlfredi B. Clertoli, a ma- M iecaîle aniteou ofthe Te ad longvtzas be co &oat i Leutert a t Com- Coldrnteelstmi ouy retanedaodaaun- itchtadnely oonwâthiecoTmndaiosilei thheltstandst OvhrIu ltuiXu-cii ast ntv aiteoghe sbtaund weliaoogbte date flet iets totimeny as maonder Seutherantite report t, Siitiey Wn'l soiresla. fit lenet mrprlclngM * thsle Daa anti ougeptti vasutht eltiprntati vas correct. TbeCeptain W.. that theî huititournai trro 0Ie lui, lIit one. oae caogbt InBouten tflat age Foot e.. nlgosdeo n ncehtI e o! hele tattthaeaforcs-a-gattatt.nlvesaî. aai' te tsleuough for hIe !amll ol v, ou. ro 'has Ieligence trita proc atantbeiee Ltt.imn.tion laite schleî conusel.baubair vers Ive glabotuti nd critl Buffalo News. aB« tfLTepore, inel eresupettia isWle.haitiassorutihiat leboiti vrd froua, cannoniares. Lieutenant ia îadr China lin avug thé.tunneal Ous a"t .ce Hnti lu util à telephone omessage cenfirmedthte the Navi Dapartmeut that the SPanleh Seutherlanti testîfietitaIh dg.thni tns. Alln,q rumor, aut en Admirel Deey an iet vas t Satiago Mcy 27 sud the dii. mesage te the Scorpion. rhe mca-donîgpoihy ietsethn-av hoasesaitnn ouncatithat tbie court vould adJoulut erneys fer the appllcanti vere cuccss,- sage vas intandeti for RBri.daa sle Forunately. China base Po.-pfe' * utilWenesaY utof espctte hepie ta drevu. or thé, voulti have baord os ectoim,.25c. utî1adeti1eu f epettete lbtalinigfroathm the admission Scbley. gckviodi ut ebnu-ntcur meVY te« Alen 13- deceet. snwse th iat ha titi net communicete liaI lufor- (ian. isyner. in crosa-exen iti.îLeu- luc imes te WsangdI.p-Pltabuu ý The tiath ot lutige Willsuv. tr-mtc eCmooeSha The vit- tenant Commander Southerlal, 1roduc- Timec. bal« ;8 17 Unxpectd. 1-d.r RYI)er faisaube-motioate Cmmodbock. o!. fthe S î' a-d A BL.Loilac baa dilsc eil i b m e o L Ileave I t uh aitnasl 1 ilir. If tj ie rousid"d it certain the latter Eagle and showed riat aeîtî'lit kcon- tiet vice le net confinaitite dihe $,lm ta s oils McW e itmejuatU1. i hlm et 10 ucIuk. Jutige Wison vag voltnotiti Scitiai. The cm-u-ealaalua- tainaulducheigli motutiue-u e Naebouitid lie na iraad!ui tate o! l9- WLsb 4.OOlle -asLits w aioera.coiîcintg of a sight attack e! indu- te ee at iyetta Wu zhn itihSuhraimraai it! .iiîoeinorance If It ver net tforlite erta ot Id. estonbutnotîni tetou va sprc-et a number of ignale vith Scleys lisE- tu the Scerpion. The log I tof theteh. patziet=nlterlI iVetgato.-De' biaSyaffctivn of titi- tidam->s rspiutîy sbp afttrared. but did not in!orm the i&a-rpiou containati an etr' îrýportlugtoî ~reP.. ion lnta- hmeycommode"ore thre reperteti prononce o!fagteremesg1vlhut-.-eard sailvafa.tiatneladrt cudtil" md-developeti- He toid Mn. Ilayncr tu go.ioui fthc enelur. fi.tln cuhrln It vas a r. iai mes- gay th b. vli e "reaponible for théeE I. . , . ý te te nai yard and preced a it the At the suggestion et Admiret Deveyeeaddfee eial rn htCIsqec. ith tn e h L case cutidat h. ieoulti coma aesosin as. Jutige Atvocata temiy saketi the vituese vlà,h1 thtIlieutenant communt, rruciti h. nuffaringe o! lie vive, anti ciiltirea of Thp o rtuîbie. ejtge vie vbot o a, the senior officar ai tht flim. hai megapb..,-dcontamnie lia rfrcnce liesdupas? WiII hie stand for tii. ruini ce Wie cou- Ttcotcnaeic Iargma erCaptain Wisee nid lhahinsaî vass Untl te a laulnt plece ai Cienueaigos or tha towu-n ev IortEveni gsua. t ettm.orsd ith thlb.exception of Jiidgc WilCaptalu Cotton arrIvait. He aise admit- poiiiiti et conmnistln nt athediau-i Th eiuh!ot Dicteon Teno., bave discours@. or tie reaolau iatier. Comander Blliceuaite cemmuniraete toSchley the ie- beati anti Ragla huitssc.rîaaed tint Lb.ekîode et tanci anti plain drinkat out f mSI he inaticanti Cuptein Schroautervrife the b.priai- formation lhe bittireecîreti abou thdiS Sanlnh let vsiennet nCi enfuegos ou ln order te drive à salooneeapar ont t - es copie. orthlie evience thâ iait dbenu Spaii eat.,thie night thay fotiport. Liîeutenanet Corn- buiness. Thatea a gcoti place for Dr. - [Au FADe- iven %fondai anti Admirai Deeylietsýth Day. mandar Southarlanti mct titi-s omissions Parkiturst te vist-Baffalo Time«. ld an adinistereti tic otitte Arthaur B. CLuX-a- i 3awa .Mc ,Wolu the ccase t hIc ova 1,,gaand thet et A Chicage om« an auee by be )ta, foua.a bu vovu machteia n wliteualas alalu theyman H. e Calla vinte 'ha Scorpion by reuarkîig tbat diey dit!bisbauds continuaifooeting on a trem- -norleilibandai s vrltteit massage te var uitb Spain, vas an important vît- net aiter die tacto, boue, tirehilm front the bouse. vid c ascha bu ane" mi Uinyer Tht attorney snid a finevne.. befora tha court o! inquinri. ant its A van important fett-cf Lieutenant rolver. Now che le suiug hlm for de- lutile oret l s eids -Dwe n tetie tsim , nie hnLO hrt.oe r Commander Sotharîanu - tetîmouy vas crtion. Wcmen are as bard te pleaas It klqe Ceetlus " - . entaal. seametite haenafavorable te teindelaration tiat tii -a-tier sudtSs.c l intaeticîs o! Scott.-Bufaloie lmes. Jutige Wilson vss censîderati tic laid- cause et Rear Admirai lichie-. aet Cienfuegos on titi-arttrnon hof thel That sn s very dangeroaa proposition or tao ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2t frt1 n tfcosexmnto sdpasadvt ie aasbbsgasedîfclluiug sti- .fvorbetesi a tiI&atrl aratiouciisu-,lg.Buf-ows 1 a i a e.a. or of tic iegaiarray guarding AdmiraI Captalu Mc-Calic tastifiadt dat on bs21htheht isiîtittra o th te Wcst Virginlc steel milI vonkerst ajcbthKhe3s intercaabaOc i, orto l-O&iluI!fci2ng ilîeet is o f c e hips. 1e lie iertein o! tbis dtli a b" " b e fO re h e co u rb aO fuu -emhe itetio erut24' 'uslise h ered iu-d rill an ti eq u p rifle co m p ac te s. T o d o fI lC i qu ry. W hit I.Ia nt P th st diraiS he f in u go e a svi a en I v a oe n ouiti n otonly lha contrary ho die lave et Sî. Ia laibas d'ntsm-os paitit)n eAdmr helascbyofCianfuegSos eekieil boutesud th.-Y axperiancu ticStabtvelipnl.vito SOy eximtet th ie tatînit. Ju&lge Wilson planuatith.a0 kt toIt hlm et bis ptiaus te communicatofo 3 twofeet n lin of cdee-ivmeuaten thtprla-edn difln lucongt-Tinthtes.d - - 1qt ffý7 Z tht' t,-fmnsa ta hae aid before te courtbatni onna suppliese eer ehe ie- landn.The purposr ,fi i. testlmoni imes mýw t V ina.5U W. 9. - ut ovl i-r'in theainvesttgation. lis diatl viLii-nurgents, anti aftcr viiting te shore bel vas clearîy te centrad i tSt hleys state- -im m Ir un 1 ~~~~~~ment that rough -au. - aiboitterens Tems - i Paant odpo god1 adia>h ele ocs m er Schy reu diau tpenBroolyatv net set Clan-it ii obne u teai s tton.lia muet fit due StandarditiOU la FirthhDoysais batihecombinat taet..asutelitt Cienp .trust anti auerybody tnovs vhat tiat rec (li W C.Wie vie cmmntrdfuegos. l f bis aquatiron fronutit i aboard ceaiTnt- a s hava t mck 'Aa;ia -ly t odigtate i-froua tue colliers bhe-. iencfue- egaîttn10 telmei ion tea-out Yaeadurtng te Ipseigit aa dia Sbmy ccrigt tt i-sd aa oh wagon te the Staten Islandi [i. atîmitti aentier oatit that notwilhstcnd-, tinasaveti ta bienttatheoruicrs front Ad- cu*officer vite Ia malini a campaigu against- - tue;positive erdars rote eSacetary 1 miraI Sampoen snti appearati cepiy pc-r- 1 -ltae prt-Topla Journal. 1 of te Na'>'tiîrccting hlm te inforua ta plaxati. Ha toîi (Isptain Metalla Il Ceplain James l~M. t** ite ne- It ia a pity titat Gan. Lord Kitcheneras van u lutiao hrluu. h dituetdc e betie ha vuiti ba court-îuatialed if' la May, 1898.giaeve tt ibefore tha scriîing a amatl itcît, lhe pologîreti pltîain Wise marely uctiicti CaitahQ iec siouldti -lrn te Keyi West. Telita W court calculaientite titrii ilgh tI hediafoi bis men by aaying ta tLey vera aadron van starting toi Key West ta hi e elt wt oudtaiten at te go aI once coutl neat con] bis ubi'. ii ose waters 1Boers are net exp-cItd te select places cmoant dtsac n usatconi ep eti b e at t eauj there. Meha hiler vias caliati iy ti - leparîmnent ta for fthe o the iah sIli bcYo aleat gTHE CHEAPEST PAIN co[mmodore Si-hie>. Stowiy but aureîy it Fn-anda o! Schiceitow that wbalcver show vitethet ur net thsade cf lie SUs. Tduat cap- dire- Fi ;s brougttoutiat impiortet Putpers hava maY bava been rie deii>'lie did tat orantiveatiier compeî d ýbyt.y leeue Ilisiop Spaldinit rigitty says atc- Devoe ' uypin s in r beaensuPreatic' andt ltIOfficiei charte Satntiago due evening foloving ie Inter- Santiago te rapîculai th, bu nkers o! bic Ita, lenet tc, feocof aber, but tuat ta Iay P-n anîl retports bave licieta attreti. vie w wititCaptalu hicCalla. eaca.I v. ial i i iOtrtîpoint.wors tenecaare virceanti Ignorance. suits more than prce. It RM A esatnaleladeetolimetf th ie dus CaptainMuhcCaita t-tificti. as Caitalu a ,ý.inti fl v ue - ~tt-sadTt uueuku h aa inrsuta.a tdnr !taHrber uni Ceptain XWise liaiti piavîousiy rw'un bouthîtndTe.uue Ik fte arUinsMe a-as teioutionm-lai. ideuee, ampo î tbe5tfid uttt tp tîefyn a tue miesltt-gnra adiractati more exciuslvely la raciuiting covers more and lasts longer fil ,uppresocti i anti pen urifyso tetesifidt tâh herhiavof iranks. Thîsg viii thaneri et an eadfy andbeo o, racso hiowi- Scitici etcitng te latter te remain off quedran coîtitibava haen eai fIn- luieti he inoranion i a ita oinio ley oald f C. ant li Inormaiontl)'ý B th Opnio pretge adouiblne s e! r sivngteî fh O relue l'is aledtaIotha Sdipanîsittiain In any avent hava.e ia rr-ofthlitacommandier ual tii cller it vantharetie adoinblene andtor gtngtLba one; ten to one CI some paint. retnlg te, thebelantibamit thedSpaihtainthatlite ceitîtihava coaieti ther- 1possible te cealip nti ai lfimie. Later ,ning titam vien anytiititmore tIbmar-lo IU teet uas in Santiage vere tht oniy dis- lulaieati. CaPtain MoCalia vas net t the councai tro aceShut i,,touareti away gument muet lbc useti.-Toieto Neye. Use Devoe; and figure cost S Vi.I 1aîces received hy Scbiey outil May 31. Santiago haause blusithip, vîit the Ma;-t thea vituasa andtieiti-i excrract froua whi-n due flying squadron vans off Sanîl- sacituatîs andl Otiers. appea]aet te hlm the statament tht îi tus tangaeneu AN EMANCIPATOR by the square yard, or year, eui laitt i aaat a-t rîl eIu r.Ci Ili d ainot by the gallon; it's the - mm e.o lia correct version et ScitcY's dis- et Guanlanaino taking coaî. hegonimnfu>tO. t ieasut F WOMEN WORKERS.Y achts. biseapest paintllmade, figured Sraaln. atcb, tinviticit he infermet te Scrtary Tht comlictieg eter. vitich vercecna- oethlie logal ligitîs ao i.tiýth aides antihaetpit ae iue ti e-t.n c! taeNîvî tiat it usoult ielacimpousnibla ing Admirai Sable>' t disttreàs atuthde time coufineti hiesabry t.leti t,,la tsnel frti Ata, iligsqatrou." vas ltiodocetias cil- expluineil la>an carlia-r ituasa, Lieut. shipe coalei beutabelo, -andfti thre Agkit e neareet dealer for Devire; tîeuce. It vuaboyai b>' thia copy thet a John Hooti. vit commtateti dia digpatch date vitan Admirai i- l isenIt e dis- Iait on having IL Oui pamphlet oun i pa ,, nuuiter ot changes hbhean matie In bouI Haula anti eho ililivarea diapatcbcs paîcit te diheteparîuîî-îîî îîî.î t vac nec. Scbie's dispalcit as il appears lunte te Admirai Scitiey front Admirai Samp- esaury te go te Key WVtitu cal.i. paintingfreetIf cn mention this paper. officiaI records. son off Cienfuegos on tae meraing cfl Whaa Caplalui Jet-t' - -ommanetr of GOOD-PAINT DZVOE, CICÂGO. pabch appear te verdi, omucb te hae ne- lie saiea dat bau-e aready beau diseuse- that lie dit iet gise S, titi the Informa- ASTHMAUI1AY FEV R Ir NEIttiI. rattlet.comet ebey eiders cf tie d- et. The principiaieue a ite no-calet tioe s. he repreai-i, fthei ltaSpaitîl partment. Hv arvn-auctK" i etr Io .Lu viicitSamPson saIt t etfle t Bobago. -u, elon hothàEDa G ,.~s~ original dîspatîcit. fIlappeara Sciley taIif lha vas saliafitiducheauemy aidas hacame invoîset iis-Ii tuier vraiigit iniSchieym itter cuit? book, reaulet*'Illlevis flot lu Cienfuegos le procacdtu toSan- ovrbieadmission o a i "rsations be-s uu~ te h.regratteti litI ie depatmen'. osr-tilago. Tht verbal entera translatai hy tean naval men, anti S,[i IiHElana e&Bof~ ONINA ties canot h ehaeul cincai. n vtLisaut. Hoot vera cf a wholIv dIfferent dis Navy Deptartmaul î. iIiresing lhe 1 TRLDO L j 'mi i a 14-78 1 1 . Lt4 ,..d for Bad Toe.h tBd fr Good T.effl WA. '25c. iHALL a RCILE . I e. -Y. a ta il =Mý eui t -i Il s cou- »Y ma"ia aet et dia dl , am et ou teFsa, ftme. A la Astila. «Yl. Wh"c "m. for perieti of maniati by bterilasS ers au et- anti Ove a&. evei t bai e Bor eau' ateen buah' pblibe. c as askedt« i ad men a"i Iraltore ami bu the boes ay tiat the manent courta j 1J Dg the 1ltlw ektion la "y~ AtrIcu Vwu My laest sitI [ g al t r, cyPraoa t pOSseesti - u ' i mle tr lé'. otsrt curti- at purpema.b«, ths 2aI bi"de

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