CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Oct 1901, p. 1

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-AKE X- NnY . 1-v~. '~ COJJNTY Libertyv ille, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, October 11, 1901. $ 1.50 a Year in Advance. j DONNELLY CONVENES COURT.IBOARD MES 816 INCREASE.'BOY IS KILLEI) BY CARS.ý OVERCOATSi TUE FAIL AND WINTER KIND We have~ a 1ig fluie of ttam- ples of tîje proper patternst for '01 anil '02. Prieffl are not lîigli andi our eoats4 balam, ejîu.t riglit anîd look righit. that's the way we itau<l you look 'drtïseîl Il[."' Weguaraliît4eyo'l 'em ini otr garmit.. WILLIAM STEVENSON, SUCCESSOR TO Sanborn & Co., Talors and aerd.shers Illinois. 84 14for sut uter l e. rut Sbd u met n. la Edsy enter. 1OMU People îied b"It sol atm abP= alla i Tre &as am .utOi mbeu, Ppeul, Ur#. Furr. go, speai l ad tub Pis.. of Wadsworlli. i lir. -Wldger. re~ oSe Born- la moved lits Iacted by Ufr. ai à bmby girl, the puit et 8=Su407. mi May WèrO wonl MO. î atUdei -The ab thse ImpUal et M. ftator 04 tbis )f a 1ev weeks. on et »Vomet, aujo a lnu. go, s, o- of Kubtoky, 'dlsappure.o ci,.r pemb1u. rouieêlyg by milsbrP4 by r lit. Pauilcîs il dette nSu the when la laq DeerIoew. wJll à ruanas i es never ,ee 150 er m.ii TAILOR. j OVER jSchanck's hardware Store, Libertyville Walkst =uZ Walks. Are the beat and lu tue long run thse cheapet. FeIt gravel roofs guar- anteed for five years. Itepalrlng donc liti II .1 chiCOiiuiL anevly preparoil tvi) dreuffl g ht makea nid aalîsieariy lis.gond 1 sam preparei tî uliiil-i 'irtilîid crnen oelt îoaalkr,, 'rl),.'r 4fitti'rî Prices always Reasoilable. WM. BELL om 2 MC BIDE BLOCKt Elgin i Dr. Charles Gai loway. off coover Lvi'sJxiSOl o aOamaOi TO 1AI' C TI PP.M. Lbertyville. -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. O)ffice ovur Trlggs3 & Taylor , . -ilous- 7 Il, 10 a. u. 2 te 46 and 6. to5là. m. ilemldecu n Broadway opposite larld. Liber tyville. Illinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN, .ttorney anti Connsotior aI Law. NOTARY PUBLIC - Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. office aver Lake Couflty Bank llu ,, oi12 a. m. aml 11105ôp. m. DAII.Y Lbertyville, 111. Petit jury Elxcume<d Untîl First1 31011(j ay lu Novenjier. Circuit Couirt ,iiivened monîlay. Jndge blunelly îrlî Dg.1. Aý Grady andîiC. El.atuuî'r were ex!Umniul1 froîn tlie grand ljuiry a hieh i4 ui3w, formed as foilî..t jis.. N B nir lSî.t,1 F D.Bll iîi.A,î.u Ja«.. Il à7,îr Wîr., Fr.î,k luel.Fr.-nu, i.o Pw.l'ote. Sr. Cula. AigFei1.El.. Il. J llor.l,-r. Vin. ii i. 1 D'ran. IY Alîir,..b- il 'lie petit jury wam ex.used unitîl the lîrsi Monday lu Novewb6r. States Attorney Talcoît thon aent befiîre the Grand Jury vth lts cases. TH ECEUDER CAS.E. l'le Most seuttonal case to corne uip tbts terre la &bat of Wm. Culuinnga î'barged wtb murderlug UCharles <hap- mau a t.olored manltlu a C. à- M. eletrle car near Fort Sheridlan Sunday nîght, MarI 241h. Itailil t. remembereil that Cum fulugo. vho vas drunk plekeil a quarrel wth tue uegrîu, avbo was returulng frous a rellgloîîs service at Lake Foreât. Withont any provocation iliateer Cummings irew a revolver and siiot Chapnian. the bullet enter- lng hîs chtat. Ho dled lu a Chicago hospital thse foliowlng Monday ulgît. Riail hc ived uhour longer no mors i serlous charge lIas. ma-slaugbtar1 cîsulil have btmu brotiglt agalusl CUMIMnLugo. C. I. lieyîiecer h's ben retaîneil by Cunuinlg's relatives 10 defend hlm sud IL sald a promineul Chicago attorney vili asastslMr. Haydecker. Tue ltuperviLors have llowed States Attorney Talcott $300 vlth whih to employ asistance. It pronilses 1telie a trungly coutesteil case. W AU KEGA N. l..9ai 1. C-any se"aM aIteves 1ev, Il. 6. Lcouard gave lits last adl- drems Hunday.lise hioshop Io10 o îîr.'s<'ted i vth a petition fronit1the loeal ý%letlîoîimte amking tbat Mr. Leor.- arîl be nîît removed uulcss il b ii10 a btter position than liere. He hi, how- s'ver. packlug him. furn.itrîre lreparatory tiI lclivilg. The E. J. and Elis laid ils trucks acrî,ss 21 9dbron treeL ou thlelake rout. %Wiltr Waîk,.an biept Satnrday night a gang of laborers quetly siplîed lut Waikegaui fri.n Joliet, laid the trucks sud lîy the time the city aavoke Sun- day morulug, the i.pecial train bail de- îîartcd andl vi8ltors 10 the lake aere suirprb.ed Iv sec the tracks down avish cars standing onu cther ide o! thse atreet. flic job ta doue sud any con. test as to proprletary riglits ailI have t. lie fouglit out lu the colîrîsi. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, Il11 nry helîtta. o! this City, belle-vei o câ% leeri numbereit smong thei ATTORNEY AT LAW, deui hollierm n 1htuelPhilppinues, sur- LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. pl o isre'lativeos ud frtends lu 1ýw %Waukegsu i lOUday liyappearlng in ai irsca BLoi*. .îia-W..a 1u tteir tuldet thelilvelicot deail man ITELEPMOftrE NO , 26aaOyou crer6«w.-"ltus relatives mourut.d euilra, lite naine lavinig b givvi oit inlu 1h official deail liste L I NC LN LISK ehrtly afttr a lutte'r r. aclrd liera LINCO N LU K tatilg that lii' oa crltically MI. AUCTIONEER. tibüer e 1- re wt1,lir un e, m-d coneiusive t h mme avis u bert.d amusg tIe Rollins - Illinois. fallen odLs , i <n. %înFln i.tug aki îig a male rail aroîiilriii tilrius3ami 1 will guar- autee 0lell,,CiI)3. A,,g.1G îm-p RAUPH La DARBYm PIANaOS0RGA:.S TUNED ..r CLAD REGULATEO. R EPAIRED. Libertyville - - Illinois. EiLake rio, Bauik, WRIGHT DVMOND & CO., Libertyvilie, Illnoi. issues Interest Bearing Certifi- cates Payable an Demand. Vii trnairy *i1îtkegari frîrrîdmeli à1rm. 1-. 'i Iiî, it,' el the luormer paet,,r if tî l.urch lu tira cty, wilt te panirît'd t laru Iliat ele lm very ill. tIrs. blîîsh as tîceilu I.ililg hollt fîîr a nîuler of ycsrs andl receutly wr-t 10 Cleveland, Ohlto. for treatmelit. For a lime mixe gainei' bîut receutly she bas liad smet- bacîs sud liov lier coindition lm coua de serlous. 1ev. lMr.Buhtill retains the paturato3 at Xorrti8o, HLI, but ailI go tu Cleveand lu tIi..[leur future tg) remalu with lii.' ife. Aller iuductig Ex-leprementallvo Patrick 1eauey to partake of smo decldcly liadil otlkey, George Bastîsu, tr Stillaell, oliielever lis Dame May le, robbed the former legllator and toucîed 1he ti1111aI Klng's restaurant aviere leo as employcd. ln al, no Irear as It cc.i i h ascertalned, ho se- cnreti about thlrty dollars. The uprîna Ovan LAK COI'NTY BONI, I___________________flîav vas but recently employed., He Illnoi. Irnt told tMr. Kng hieîs uma awu Lbertyville. lns. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS litillavell lut atteravard said tg wua 0F CHIICAGO, Ilasil. 'Thsenune Lime Representatlve i ias vpened a mays le veut iuto the place &bout mld- D ,E FO D AV NY DENTAL OFFICE irgît for sipptlr. JKatS eut outanti .ilrertyville, Btliers îliicwk, uver 901Osome aviskey and l nvltlug his i to i.uduate 81.t.ok tS'f pti.<lile -i, 1Davis' store avîrre le iniv ho the kltcheti offéeilthe bIltle tb hlm 53r7er t Iale t. lrpltil WiI.eci. i. ir7.1zliy oitWe4nusdakyp. front vrry freeiy. Hi' lIen vent go leep S., io'ou hic îr.îN-2 i1l-Wýete,i ll I, MCl fli,610P n w e ieiw k et m rig CDE#CIALIST. ________________ ondil ispoutket bok contaiiliig $3.76 clirnic iseages f t1n an Womn. ae grue sud no trace o! Baslan oouid GENERAL SURGERY. Dr.. H. 0. B. YOUNG. EE A NOS£, & TMROAT. W. T. W.snou.Osleufl.V..dug .5pectackS sudE eglaeesFtted Ai- Physlian and Surgeoni.. %7riî..5. Your Uns MinuteCocugis Jur couUe st ..vest Prloea I o sly ive perfet «s!tna. MI LoIIce tuGaJoWmk« lsa MI. 4sss1XXnac oa u.x IAUCK"HomEL 5L» làsa h.15 o ooeaet Ournee5- - - - - --- IBOSkv44I . Table Shoiwnff AaeSSU.l \ .iireM Ily Townahiîni. 'l jiîuîrd of letilein- î,îîce iex labers, sud au a r,uîîillt tîxable prî.porty rt.'prestntiug malî, thiîîauil oîf dollars lias been added U, thec liste turned lu hI.!asafisOrIlandlîtLier property ruai and pemSOlai rulsed' to the exteut of thioisaiidsnmore, Ail ainoutit lunsaci taxe.. t..bc pald was added 10 ptopety n. t îroperly assessoil, at tle aut dSY'S s-oion of thie board, Suficlelit topay aiiXpiensen of that body. Mears. Hlephona,ntUer i,,î.d Douglas have ieon couservatlVe mut r.'i.sî,able lu adjuslig the taxellsuad rx(eptlng fromt a few weaitby rz5Ideiîti or Laie lnre,l aud lilghlaud lara tlrc.fias beenu n, ritlclsni o1 Iheir a rkOut lu the connty lisere là a îllîi.@lton overywhere evident $0 acrla "well donc, gentlemen" rail.,r iban10 censure. Herewlth la preseited a compnîarative table mshowlug valuesasM returned byl assessoré lu eaeh township asud a i.. ld by Board of RIivew.1 Grant..l .. Wavo ... Warren. Llnrlrlle. Trotl........ ... .. .. ... ....... .... .. ........14. i. . . .. . . . 1,520e ..... ....1 Fatail Grade Croosinu Accident aI Iiarrlugton Friday. Coroner Taylor wan caliod 1v BarriDg- ton Siaturday 1v bold an lIcjiwst over the romains of Pauli Esmpcrt who was Eilea liv the t ýand N. W. Geneva Lake uorth bounri iabâeuger train Friday mornlug at the woodbrîdge Hawley crosalng two mlles from i arrlugton. 111e followiug Jury hecard evîdence ln the case.:lino. H Comatock, fore- manl; M. Tf. Lamey, C. Il. Morrîsun. H. H. Church, E. F. Scel and Chas. tloyee. Elmer l{sîiiîert whi mliraculollsly eacapoil deatb, recelving ouly a lew brulses, told of the accident. le aaid. --àiy brother P'aul and usyself were golng down the. rosd ucar llasley's cronsslug by the synîlîcate land,. Wc haîl the lumber wagon with rack on. AS vo approached the crosilng 1Paul vas Sitting 0o1 the rear of the wagon and 1I was Stting forvard drlvlug the team. AI the croulug a train paaaed golng easl and 1 tarted tu cross the tracks. Dld flot see train spproachlng or hear a vhlstle. ilefore 1 coulil clear the Bortil bounil track the englue 148,146 2179.67 1711 224.677 21.1ig5 .96M26 272(4 7,79 7.3 7496i 4 5 455. 9C49 30.491 . 91 30fl 2U.39 2,356270 19 .4,1 54,790 It viii bc notei tisatci orerai sud struckthse wagon near thse middle permoual taxes the board ma ile a raîse throavlug It lu thse air." The wagon of S1,274,190 in assessei value' lu the avas converted Into klndlitg, the horses couînîy. unlujureil got away and took to th1e Ilesîdea thse lande, lots asud persoual hlglway. Tise train wu@s run back to tai contalued lu tise table, the board thce cene of the accident. Tise lîfe- ffxed tise anessed valueofo! the cs body of tIe youngest brother waa telgrapisy sud solephant lias. at found soute distance frou tihe crosalug. $49,963 a raine over tise assicol 'r' igures sund the nuconacbous forus of th1e eIder of almoat 520,010. near by. Tley aere taken aboard the The raUlrosil property outaide of train. 'lise engineer teslifled that ie rigisi ot-way sud rolliuîg lot-k aas as- souuded an alarm for tise crosalng and sesseil at 15,609. ntlcug the boys dld not seeni 10 beed This gakes a total a.,.ïessed value it, lad contlnued to blow the watie. for the conuty of tî an,9U sd a A vcry strong avînd Waga bloavlug sud It; mnil vaine of 5$6,75:l,IM- Thlle hcavy is probable the cuglucer dld blow 11e inerease lu thea telegra; h aud bic- whlstlc but Itwaas uot hcard hy the phono tax vas asacsst-d agtînst thrùe boys, as sobacquent tests wvi 1the Comîsanles sas loiova avnd thc esepruved this 1v have Western Union fromu 5i i1,1.4 A.T & been posîble. C< fr0,0 1.7r9710 $,&;. .) , re, lU,tro. A verdict was renîlerid 'that Paul $9.489 130$11,7638. hampert came t1 Ils deatis by bing Amnong otter Itenoî lut. board un- acideutally etruck by a train on C. eart11ed $247,7(,7 back taxes, chietly lu sud N. W. rallroad. IThe sosi vas Lake Fores t. Bot ccnsnred asnaould have been the case hiad thie jury felt the englucer New Hote.I at Iiaiiirud Lake. 1hait falild1t blowa the avblstle. The M,.Doald & .5 R.- av tiis, li nnaellboy tius kîlled waas ut 15 vearsof sue. for tise erectien of a larîgelIntel for sou of H. H. Kampert wliu resides near Chas. Tattier on est luiDkoru Diamonil llarrlngtuu. Lake. Itaili ho 28z21i samiliî, modern State Fuir a Big Siiecess. sud of attractive arebltî-i-îiîre. Work 1 lecIllinois ftatc lalr carne to a close wtviIho commenueti i îuxt week, the Saturday afler une ufthtIe mont sucecs- building 10 ha comjleted [y Jan. lit. fnl yods I tri li tory Thoueaether Dlsmond Lake lias beci ui a popular wa ai sr aud favorable tbronghout the summer roncrt aud Mr. laltier aili aeek. The gale receipts for th1e week doubtîes bave a fit ,,se .ut amonut 1Inabout 540,000., lu addition somminer- t uis auni tle revenue inludes grand stand sdmlisins, entries sud conces- Couuty C. E.* Con un"tion. sion taxes. I le conservatlvely estima. The anuai couuty viveuîiou otor t that the. board ouI clear flot lesa Cîristiau Endoavor isocîiles avIlI ho than $12 ,l000 un Ilila ycar's fair. Thîs field at Ivauboe 8aturulay, Ou. 26tIs. le a notable chiange frous the deticit Au unuually fine 1riîgrm la belng that las followî,1 encî expîîritlin o! prevared. Ainoug thome wsto ailI par. laIe Yeats. ticipate are thefolioî. Mtr. Me- Rock Hiver Coîîference. Dotialilitate C. E l'reuiit, o! Cli. 'îlho ixty.seoud arnnal meeting of cago; MiusAnie&a arI, J iior Superin- the Rtock liver Cunference o!fIlie tendent of 11he Clagodi, ilon; Henry Methiodiait Episcupal eisurr7 la lu sen- Marcusson, Premideut il Chicago alun at Evanston titis veek. It l afil Union; Mra. Moeoy, a r,'îurrjed mis- er inl to ho a ,'ui10,'eattlfliof tise slonory froni CII, a"u paseil bishi cabinet at ltits conference. tîrougistheselege ai Pikui tl apeal Tliree o!f1the presidtng eiders probably lu the sitornoon. aili be retlred, a f ourt11 one may be AIl C. E. socletîem f Lake tcoil ybecause o! dtssallsfactlon ahldI ta shrmld lantîsu ed large deiegious1saidte 10exist iu is diatriat. snd Ithe A rare treat, as las evtdeiiueîl by those otler lîrce may ho silteai about. usmeil alo aili tale part. IN in store It 1s probable that assignMnn igven undt probablyIt ilvlI prîî of tle varifons pasîvrs aililibc annvuuce vcry tîst conventiorns e' or lil uinex rcoa Lake couuty. 'Twill Uc 900o1 to lic 0f lterealt to Woiueu. rWomen eho have tisel Buan, Auctlen Suie Billè. fored frous 1the evîl effecin Of constispa- Wo pint 12e eatauctou bîls,î~tion and Indigestion vili ha Interesteil We pintthetiet actio, blls i luintise fnîioving letter front a father out specialty, sud gîve free s notice lu wmoae danghter vaas gîvn up to die the I5IDUpENDEleT lulnsg Comple.Ibytva pllYSIIDlAn: liai o! articles ta ha solil. Kigt ble.-My daughter lias suffered !rum In- let usBamy the nohice lu Our paper ts o1 digestion for tIse past five yearsansd Isastrled nerîy cverytblng t1at @he more value titan thse his.Ounr 5mil couidti ent of for otidl trouble. Hhe arîbers are alu>ost exlîîively the vas coutined tlulier bed visen Abe ho- cimns of people jnaant lu reac if ngala takiug Dr. CltwOls S yrtiP 1'p- ytmu are mdvertisuug au auctonu. T'r is.n andi after t<king oue llftY-eunt bi- Un ie Inlaable to aalI a mile ta Uime facl ave prînt nuriy <.11tisebuils anirrlirug the lay yesterdav walked1 -rgoiug" proves aortassertiIon tllat tise 3j mites. I f.'el 111e oaîiiâug Dr. OsId- IueDEpaxNl Office lm recognlaed as WcIl*éi Syrup Pepnin heborisO Ivoao tise bout plice. 10 gel anclon. bil ors 101.i um nmv darrgter couiel nover ;goel iiaud I fe,[ Ibat sbe inon s falir Yoîs eaua il u Il people aili kav rond 16< portmsut-iit rtilef.-tepcrOt. Ail &bout YOur smesIf yuu. une thOés fily J. R. M. Crocker. Nixon, Tenu., enoumin a miiSiat means dollar. go &iig. 6, 1900. Dou'tyouea ibai aay? ir Caldvcil'a SYrîip Pepsîn la s@id 700. lu fify cent aud 51.00 botties, tnder a poalv gusrantee by Y. B. làotira. 111a» 2u i >5P55i2iNT. Iv ZlianeLiIOtty il 0 0- O.itOBWs, Wiu- ooa- Wrxu X316i934 iooelil Arias ~IMs 0Iral iPaixkol. 1~ STOVES r 1.9 If yotî are tlîînking of Iîuyiîîg a stove this fadl or winter it will be mouoy in your pockelta look over my stock before lîuying. I have made jarranigements with Cribben & Sexton, of Chicago, to handie their entiire lineofo Universal Stoves aînd Ranges. The Universal Steel Range hieada the list af Steel Ranges; is of the finest fi.nish and heaviest steel, By buying a large quantity 1 gat a special low price which will enable me to seil these splendid stoves at about the same price Vou would have c heapeT goods. ILibertyville B. E3ER,9 - - Illinois, r., 15 -s mi g .7, 1~ il n e e 2 n* - ~ c n o r O -a 0< O c6i 17 ASTIIMA CURE FREE! Asthmalene rings Instant Reief and Permanent Cure SENT ABSOLIJTELY FREE ON RECEIPI' 0P POSTAL There le nothlng Ulke Athmaene. Il * brings Instant relief, even la the woret cases. 1% cures Whou a&H else talls. Thlio .v. C.. F. Weila. of Villa lllde,.lll.. paam "Your trial bottie of A.4thmaleîî,, nauved lu ¶od 'Udl- ton 1 anot toit y ou. how tliaofoi I1.'..ifor thse * f good deriveilfrom I t. 1 vasa slave, shained wlth pkitrld are Iliroat sud astl-M., for 1er. rears. 1 <a. apalrod of ever bcbg .'oured. I1savw eroor dortise- meut for tise cure of this dreadrul and tormentlus <iease. setima. ani tioaght You bad vet~oîs '. oorselvea. but resovoil to gîve it a trial. O u atouisismeut. the tri acted like a uharm. Sond M. a foi-a8ize hoi.~ *jWo vautt 10 sedto overy suiffreratrlal treai.eul ofAsthmallue. smillai 10 th. enou. 1tui Ilir~ au 50555 W-11.. We'l i vnd l 1w matl PUliTPAIO). ABsU- LUTICLY FREE OF CHARGE.t u u la b .111 write for it. even ou a p oatal. ie& id though tr0u ave despairlig. howevsr bail pour cae, Atbnaleue viii relleve and cure. The verse Tour cawe. the mo- qi v ae1, seuIl DO mt yeiaîtrit ai b . A 08BU. MEx ON 00..19 lit. Y.Boldbyail Drugmisîs. INDEPENDENT. Our Department Neyer Loolked Better. There is a Parisian daintinesa waîh a Waukegan practicainess ta our Milinery-fareign "dash" domesticated- that suits ine wamen out af tens and the prices were neyer mare an the papular order. "The Opening" exhibits the practical styles af the latest Parisanad New York idem, for Dresa Occasions. Street Wear mnd the simple catchy affairs called Walking Hatsi aima a Uine af imparted Angors Tam OShanters and pretty effects far Misses and Children. PLEASE SEE OUR MATS. Millinery Dcept Second floor. new stare Genesee Street. G. 9. £vous,4 Soust LEADERS 0F LOW PRICES. Waukegan - - - Illinois. rred Croker, o 4< rn <Pv Q -I l Voile A ý-.ibertyville 1

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