CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Oct 1901, p. 8

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kclsodteturued4>1«ofa ¶UWIllabes wl u nthe City on , OM Waeltl keiurnod Snuday from 13gaver Dam, Win. IL T. Fuller and E. W. Brook,, vere ONY viaitorsMonday. OMi. Grls'vld la apendlug a few dpa itWonevocî, Wîa. E.L. Harrison, of Cli,'sgo. a4pent bua"ut is iihome bore. Rappy Hooligan attend tile Ilmbu emaeuion at Renoslha rocetly. NMs Beachi had au operation per- 1_ l*rel l in 8l ai fluCcago Mou. li ra. Lattra siumway, et Waukegan, Saspendlug a ev daym igîiting relatives bure. lirs. E' %Voodhouse and daugtioer Heilen, spent a feu days lu, Wantegon recently. Page Smltl, rettirî,cd Mouday front Chicago where ne lîa4 been vslttug relatives. Jas. Mrray, lienry (iolding sud J.M. Paliler are atteuding the lPan Amerleati xjposItion. Mies Mattie Cliarleworli, (of Chicago lira.H. Maluma ,Lo lan, lisy lialaan sd Ogy.A nuHaareturuod laitTbursay.lion. a ev days'viait vîlli relativenstaiLoua&, 111. On liondal evening 0f ibhis week Mr. sud lim. Aribur (Graham wveston- deved a surprIse lunlte M. W. A. hall. The evening va@ lte clebration of thelr Slver AÂnulvovrny. About oue- landred gueula vers invltod tu attend. Gamesanad other amusements vove lu order. Llgltrefreihtnuts vere served. At a late hour the guesîs departed wlshing Mr. and ira. (Graham many more yeora lu thoir voyage ilirougli lîfe. 0. A. itoberts of Lntmer, Ili., suf- Ierod four years vlth s wad lu hiesto- mach and oould uni est. Ho e lsl6 ponund. Tva bottles or Dr. Cald well'a 8yvuy Pepulu reslored bis appoilte, cured hit stomacli trouble and todsy lie ia vel sund boartv sud Soya bcOwoes hie* hoaltili tuDr. Cldvell'a Syrnp Pepein. For sale by P. B. LoVELL, LibortyvIlle; Guo. C. itOnUsr, Wau- couda; WIbn ENtont, lRockefeller; GRÂTSLAKR lPHAllMACY. Savcd Hi@ Boy'@ Lîfe. "I Lllave 1 aaved My (aina vaIr uiI) buya Il th18 l uter vitI, Chamubarlale',, Co',gh Itaul? ay@,A. PM. Huppo. Rio Crack. iVI.. 'Ha as au choka.l up wllh erou nthat lie couId unul pe . agve hILuL 1.lm unilha vomitod sud lu a ghuri limo e havas ail rIglit." ursale ,y FB. Lovau.. LbertyvUle. OaÂày5a zPa&n. t.Aov;J. MaIxuL ivannoe. SSTOVES RANGES Stwats Aons Jwes GldCon +ehv h MtM otcm ilt n vsovsadRni f CAC ____. + f Stewarts, Acomsll, Ilwl io. ois Prepare lula ime We are showing ,a large amoortmfent of O)verv4oat. I)uck Coats, Underwear. GIoveis and Mitts. liorse Blaitkets, Bed Blankets, Etc. Joat recelved a ev stock of Watches, Rings, etc.-new g900" at rock botton. prlces. Liberty Flour. per barre]l...... ........ ..........40 Poney 'fable Syrrup, per 1 gallon psu. .................. as RIlO Coffe, lie per lb, 10 Ibn for................ ... 1.00 Fancy "atm Coffe* Ilie per lb. 6 Ibm fur .... 10 Pacy lMaracaibo Coffee, 20c per lb, 5ý lbn.for..........1.00 Pull Creuan, American Brick aud Lîmburger ('heea.e Hmoied Moata and Sausage. V. Sauer & Son, Long Grove - - - Illinois. GOAL D Le & W. is the Best. a'ver iir>, îc l til"-rlyvillt. Ord<.'r yîîîîr ttît'r's Slîpply of ls 11<9w. 'Ili' ji'iwill t-iîru.Iy advac V a .. st îtî 'taw îa WRIGHT BROS., .bertyville - Illinois. £*6*~*tttt f It U lu apte of Lîpion, Columbia à@ the gent of the cossu. Geo. Carle, of Janeaville, Wln., spent Buuday uili frIends bem.. A numbar of our tovuapeople were Chicago collera tait Baturday. Will Kulage luias&i recelved a nov stock of dry gooda and.oloihlug. WiII Ford, of Chicaou, vlîldwlth Frank Tiomas u d famlly tue tiret of tis yack. E. G. Payne lias retuvuod from Springfield, vliero ho attauded ilie Btate fir lust veek. 0. H. Weill»s, nf the IUulted States liattleahlp Mchigan, vas the guest or John Hodge Huuday. (jet the made ansd sîdovaiks lu the boat of condition. Tlie long clark vIoler ulgbia villI mon belier.. P. 0. Whiddeu, a apecial agent for the New York Lite Insorance corn- pouy, speut Weduesday sud 'rhîirday lu Rockefeller. The aunnual' business umeeting of tlie eougregatlon vîllI ehaleld ai the churcli Sanrday evanlug ai 7:30. Al ahouid attend oud each ofllcer slionld bave report resdy. Frlday evenlng, prayer-meetIng ai the chorci. 'The anlject vyul bo "A l'erseuol Experleneceof s Propliet Jerenilalà.' ('boir rebearsal slter prayer-meetlug. libye lime ln bae agaîn and T. J. bit<'ride la rîght ln lIne o te nuili you wlth a cool beter et the laveat prion. J. Il. Cronkite, tbe champion of houent velghtn, lbas the coal for sole. Freeîlom of speech la seutial t. the wtlfare ot a frep country. Edu- rite Ifeuplpe lu s propIer <onicption of liliertu and t1wî'v iii nol abust,' Son,,' ut t1l e f'îvegnounntrIen vhere of ro,.jlcîn ~ i.'inlu iinkunî,ruuay be1 loiind Ilie h of I'utuaal chy. filinday rîiîîvuîg commuion mear- vices silI1- ii'leld aitilie cbrrch. Au mIlieu îy Ilie choir suit au alipro- prlate sermono ill ho reuderurd. Aoy dosliug t1 nulle vlb h.hechorch at thla urne ahould gîve thelr names te thie péastr or te tue doaons hy Batur- day afternonaitilie lagnel. A special servie ai the chovcb Sun. day evenlng ln the interet ofo!ng mou. Muale hy the choir. The ser- vîcos "IIi elde a reodlng, '-Wbat Conatitues à Stte?» A short addreés on moitera 0f Importanice &0 Younig men wiII bo tolloved by a abort ser- mon by the pesteor ou s kludrcd topic. luprovemeuts iu unr village are egilEt gning on J. Il. ('ronthîle la buildilng an addition go hie ii aody ipaclous lumber sheds. J. E. Hol- comb ln a piing and otherwise lm- provîug bis properiy. Cold voather val soon put a stop te ontaide work ut IVAN NDE. Social lite te very iet. Christian Endeavor Conuty (nyau- lion Octobor 26&b. Henry <rbbe, vbo basbeen 'litie sîci. la able go b. nu% &gain Some ioprovernants lare beîug mode on lte bouse oecupîed by AIr. Mekla. The Mystic Worters euterioinment ut lest Thuadey iglit vas very ,"olI attended. Henry VauPiev vIii moon siart on a tilp te England, vicre lha lvîi uiit bil old homo. Frank Dolph exipecj4ta lugîve np farmîug and dlivote bis lime 10 threshi log. bsy pressing and simîlar liorsulta. Tbe village sîdevaîks came lu for s rub ai lent TOurs boy nighls auttain- ment. <Jîher îu'livîdrialan àreceivad a sorîog. Mrv. Kuebker lias hîcen -gaged as; janîtor ail;tae clinrelfor lte comiug1 year. Ha liasalreocly iumoduceduyl innovations. "Dank Daysansd Their Lassons" ia hie C. E. 1004 ezoitSanday eaenîng, Uev. IMorley, leader. An loterestîng teple *bd leader. lier. liaver, of licCoru ici Semlnary, occupled the pipi linlte Congvega. tionsilchurcl Suday. 1.ev. bMoley dId uni cornesas ezpected. Ho vitI ho baye nazi lionday. Wa ai e sorry 10 state the conoiyconu. the tamouasInJger, for lte Conty C. E. ConventiOn ibe Di. Chqrmes Poli, o! Waukegmn, viii loaid tbelaging. P1i, Ivuh. Orr.sporident gotertu Wsukog9an Gazelle vnured te opiu. lî,n that the Conigrogatiînnal bcha neea auavurgn.rbe correspondent la rcrtaluly lu aceordI viti the prevail. Ing sentiment. Plie fnoing reoutlous voe vored &nd sdoptcd nt a recent ma meeting ofth UcLaie CoJUnIy pvobîbttiaa thIsl lied, btirhIta pvng o00ma mo Yser v. o I. 10 osec the mme spiri manlitetd. W. are otilually iarplngon outhe condition ori ldvaîka lu our village and neglec o, wgiv. those ubo have g00d aldevaîka proper credit for the Pains vbhieîliey taie lu ieeplug thie la uthebest cOnditjon. Whou ht cornes tegood 8sidevaîks, BaveraI of Ont clîlu!ns bave îlem. As vo are de- terliiuoens.aiuîaln cor reputation as the -19 ub oi Lake Couunty" vo muisé bc romîudod ot our tîîty. Il requirea no ahrewdnjeas of mInd te allov lte sldovslkia lu remuin lutheîr ploient condition. Thie question la. vby Dot vemody tliom? Dr. D. R. Grover ut Chicago lia opened au1 office lunIRockefeller for lChe livacicenf moclîcîne and aurgery, and for the present may baî roud ai tho Oentral Hmiel vliere lie Witt ansver ait colla for his servIces daày or night. Tho docior bas beenu couueoflodvih Chicago Board ofnioaeltb forthebu l;i ibreea osansd lis ','urer lu the Chair of Anatoniy ab ilofu the Medîol Collogeailutbal clty, We nuderaond Cht Dr. (Jrover will &con movo bis tanilly tubiIsvillage snd ibal lus vIte Drv. Orle M. Graver vil] joîn lilm lu the practio of medîdua hure. Na moiter vha Clin e sson may h Yeu will aivays luidgoods approprlato for the occasion aI ounr toraeocftb snppllcd vib oa. tock of gonds sui- able te the uelglîburbiood. One eou- ductedl by Il. F. Rouie, who runeaa memi market lu couneciion and aeemi te bave pieuty go doin luChat lUne; au- ottier la -"kept . liy Wl ii gge. Who la also the efficient postioaser; beasdes wahave a Vldeawakc idealer lu noal, feed sud Iuml>,r, ala r-eais hardwaro store sud a gond blacksmlth ahop, life ofthile place. l.a8t, but lu many thliîgs iliemont Impo~rtant, vo liave a good church, lu charge of u able pas- tor, aud tl ieno t itlzeus. SOOL \î)TK. Shah voe bave a debaliug înciety loi a dehoimble question. Thie mavomout lu urganize a c. L. Sý C. clam le ui dead, but sleeping. Dr. J. L. Taylor. Lake Countysa coroner lia beau engaged te lecture ou "'PruIgres a luMedicol Science," ou Frlday evealng, oot. 25th. ou O. conuniOf profeasional dattes. bovever the docter la obliged to poetpone lie date te Prldmy ovonlng, Nov. Stt. CALEtilAR FOR 1-ii1 550 1501. lal ten baoun.. ... .. .. Sfeld. 9. l90i. Holî1daï .............. . .Thaukaglving Da&y. xmas Holi.Iays h'-gl..... ... DeC. X. iMii. Xmas Houlîlys aud .............. Jan 2. Isa Holiday ... ........V. Wahiuglon i lribilo. SpinorVacation.. .. i rt veek lu MaTy, leu Holiday ........ DO,,Oral ion DaT. Cem-nm'-net ......J.u'. 1902. $innOn NOTIRs. lirsi mouoes ta are boîog gîven. Tlie Sueccas'club vîlI givo a progr&main viek trou FPriday aller. Raymond l'ayne @peut Saturday lu Chicago, sud visitait tle Colammlis Fild Mu&enmý Baouia Wagner la an cîprassive, original OIrsi gradier who taies a lively lulereat la curraul events- Pearl Smith ham tindly given the acboolIthe oie of &bout a <ota niuce plants dnrîog the coming yar, Vocal munie tbereater ou Mdondsy sud Tunday. PThe pupiliaaremkilng rapîd progreiis odei the skilîlful gnld. snce of Miss Bretenbach. Plie foot-hall eleven vIII play the Lihertyvîlle eleven, on home grounds, nazi lialurday oftarnon. A goud game ln lookeol for. Thora vas a pracîl a me lest Slttrday aflernu. American granident peper, (except the IKorî'sMEî.T> "Succeai," lias buron plmeed ou tbe reading table. Il le an luPîrilug andenoblIng journal, certaintluhave su influence for gond Ou the lîves ot thoevlio veac iIl. loae wlshing to juItailie Mlunt mlioutd cati on thba accray,Peairl Sithll, and uigu the constitution. Ak copy of ithe constitution I loan okt aa île sehool-house, vliere %Dy Who de. aire maY aigu. Pour 1ev membors vote voclved lait veai. Statinla from monîhly report: Numbor eorolioc, 25; average dally ai- teudanceKl <6-7; per cent. of alleudenco, '95 "-. Plie boy uya un he i.grls 14 in Il. Thoonoiboer aseootnr lavdy dnrlug ithe monîli: Ada Enebker, Dean Wells, Harry Fostet, Boy Cham- berlain,, Raymoud Payne, Bertha Kuebiot, Moruie Pasktl, Lîzzale ueb- ber, Serie Chimbetlalu, Emma Kaon- ker. Those ni asent but tardy: Rutht Wells, Audrov Docker. Charle Doli liAleaiod, 'I bat ve buieby expiemsuad opal Smith. Our dwp sorov ait the 1l ues1lte u -a#,___ tlîtn sud the vovld oceeaalned by lhe 'leiliaof ur Iamenied OhwMaglst'ate A Pypieal lSouth Afalcan Store. WIlliam MoKuigwy, the mmn 09lavlug o. S.1,liAis"Of nBar villa. Suociavi MiAIts Md ChristansfaIi vies. Juda-.B vin. Cape on;u. ead usa sMore Iiidol ui'ît ud ugnsrmî ~ ~ t a,îlh Afilca. I l eu tepure ua Mett ril mgntrtitl7U at n suvtbln# trou h o tproverbial "neecile te an sudà publie Mrvaltara tFoovu Ote w,-hsubr 'F1,1 stor. lassltatled ln a valkry fiahuîîmtvl** -s....-i frolar oarios I"ilThot Our uylowi" sare "' e icîvu yrî v'.'".ig"lathfmconnu ti"i.-iy vîaned #0u li Mî'l<lulaey lt il i,,i,4mu t tai-mrss-s vitilin 1 am rd thlm dan hb'îr Ilt Ila, uPOcU thb.Wloua tlitrty trikm, , pieriof wou i b4ve "tl lb-r isvcryré'l isiauîîj, aCp tiiCli,,tir an artieilsa. s.qlîi 'l ,.t je Witl'ltU, tili,r Caj M lu s imsbalilv qave tlu'g"u-l iiiu -'iîutrr ut n d. Witltiii ie 4frvsoehepluao rut enty'lasir,eiiv 4 0fiellmIslugo of I# la g8."t'5i Ity, 0 heasl, vyitbe ho b lli-rtv ir W rdvluesl t, 10IVary ltifo!01ve Do 9" ês tbIa. i Oirî aIic,,ir"jIvow on ~sIstu.I e hC~miva tonth il'rea 1i, mui al menueanlao lss.uhou%îe,. ,If anarIîy. VV. oi, litv. (j. W, f1 I Uu'lw MDS, oxO Liu) Y. JoA5nU,,' ou lte a sugluiavAD Ml OiO aiiak of appendicites. Mr. OaVsaaUgliof Evahaton, visite* ai P. MouerWe Mondai a.d Tuusday. Qut. a number from tii vioilbtt attended the Maonae Banquet a WheoUlag Thuraday evening. Meadamea P. I. TrIpp and Mande Knoll vitlld the Lake Villa Camp 01f Rloyal Noiglibora 1ta&Tuesday. Mr. and Mlra. Otto Johinson, 01 (lrayask', viviteil thoir parents, Mr. snd lirm. Chas. Johnson, iluaday, Mr. sud Mir@. Enna (ileAsn sut <randma Blhapter vlslted W . 0 liailoy's famlly lu Ohîcago Ilai Batur- day sud Bunduy. Clareuce Wells' horse van avay one day recsuily at Prairie Vlev, runnlug loto Mr. Meyers hltching poil and broakingg buse frotu the buggy, thon going home. l"ortuuaioly n sertout damage vas (loue. àiv. Baxter liad uoarly &il 0f bie chinkeus astolen une ulght 1aitveet, whitle othors lu tilavlclnity bave hâta eblekens, potatoos, pears, Msitlonb. Bonome @onsoaa 0 o buaing iheir living by eiasllng. C. M. Pheti,.. uf I'ovaaîlaie. Vt.. sars bis ohlld va-enimplotsdly curaiof ahlid 3Aio o caeena by the uie of Do@Witt's Wtei HazaI Stalvo. IDewar@ouf ait eoîîntevfelta. lt ln- gatrv.lavAR ptle. For sala l'y F. B. PRAIRIE VIEW. W. H. Sitancîlif baslilred a houno- keeper front Cbicago. Oharîle AlbrIli balod hay for Ijiarle liprague lait veek. Mr. Baiter purcsaed a borne of John lioLauglin Saturday. MorrIa Muonu, of Chicogo, vlalted vîtIt Mr. and Mira. arldley a fsv days lait veek. Misa Gladys Lockyer "pnt a feu days vlsltlng friendi aint Rckefeller hast yack. A. C. Richards aold hie lgit aoiros of laud lu Hialt Day te Emmot(item. ion 1mai yack. Mr. and litr. Pîtiman nold thoîr piano in lMr. Zîmmer, of Long (irove. W. uuderstmud l labtebho uied lu the hall. Miss Hanuli lalstab, of North Norilield, la vlitlug uili lier cousin Utra. A. C. Richards, aud tamily ai proBant. Kodol Dyspepsie, Cure la nouia mer@e sîlmu. lent to thrd natunre. filaffords tbe atomach complets snd aheolute rest ldiv d go theon ood OCest. lion doul hbave to diet lutmtn nu, aIl the cood food 700 VOt. Kodol Dysbpepai COure tuilantly relis vos ihat dlstrosaed Ifelngs&itar «Unls tvins von 0ev 11h and vigor. For sale liv b. H. Lovmui. LIbrtYVIhIe PA LATIN E. MTe.. Forer) la on the @ltkliai. lira. Paddock vîli viai relatives lu Momouca &bit yack. Mir@. Wm. Wileou sud famiy bave 1011 tbe nId fart asud tailen op ihelr vouldence lu Palatine. li. Dlceauon, of l'onaylvania, la vlalllng relatives lu Palatine and vîciniy ibis eok and Iter vîlI go te Nebraka. lit. sudlira. Vou bal for tbeir gueula ovor SuudaylMr. sud lira. Luersen and family, sud Mr. sud lira. Freeans, ni Plomb Grove. Mottera avar here pralse Oua Minuta Cou gh Cure for the sufarluga If lia. relleved sud te Il Y"a'ut iliir unes Il I;emsavsd. Strltesât the vont of the trouble sud driva outth fl ulbmnmtleu The ihlldrea's favor- Ite eough cure. For sale liT F. Il. LovzLi. LàIetyivllia. OEERFIHLD Miss Plagga apoul Huoday lu Deer- field. Mvi KîimbavkIo isvsigilg viii lier parents, Mn. sud lMra. Adams. Buste Petth and Uns Plagge vare Chilcago visitoeaonue day litsI voa. Mr. sud lMr@. Edvovd Kasten bave roturued from their booayrnoon tip ln Colorado. Mouday mornlug occurrod the <bath of David Horemborger, an nId sellIer of our tovu. Kîduay trouble Il ald te have caused bis <bath. Hie vldov and oigbt clilîdren survive hlm. Mies lahel Muhîte eutert&lued ai C6 oclock les Suud.ay aveuiug. The af- ternoon sud eorly eveulug veve apent lu pleàaont conversation sud munie. Follovlng are the nornuo f thonse vlo voie proent: Isabel iedevaicdi, Uns Plmgge, Hazel Vant, Frauces Bledersiedi, Jaunie VeIler, Josle Biedevatedi. Dalt'I l ttie IfarlT Rlars neyer dlaap- ~oI ut 'Fie aee.prompt. gentie affe- vel eoî,al Impurhllea froni thelilver sud lowels. BSuai aud easy l o ka. Never 5ripe or dltateia. Fov sale hy F. B. Levain, uertyville. LONG GROVE. Mr. Jako Hecketsvweilev la vortlug ai Highland Park. Hoinember ihat achool begins nazi Mody, Oct. 141h. Graudma Saliar of Northi hield vlitod at Mia. . Slchais Isut Baturday sud Sanday. Mr. sud lira. Pilifer of Park Ridge viulted ojt Mn. sud Mr@. C. Siompels 1mui Monday. It la numored ibal J. Raimars sud a buichor from Wbeeling bave gonou loto pertuerablu. Charles eiabi and famlîy o! Prairie VIuv, and C. J. Pattlez and fsuiîy af Diamoud Laie, vlalted ai F. Sabolel' tait sonday. Marrled, Wedneîday, Oni. Pib at tha home of lte bride, Mr. Christ Fneudt sud UmisEmBma Ernstlng. The yod. dIng vau a simple bornea&flair, anly th. Immediate relatives bolug preseni. 11I lia Ion g sufeai Ir& indigealon." erlites G.0. LoDois, Cedsr uTy., o»"Ike ?thér ne nayuoarationa but nover faparltgtbt di me gcod unilîI1 te 01KdoDyavaplla ove. Ouane ote oured me. Aà fvlod vba io i uffered ahmlul 1 L oitbenth o! odal Dy*. te vXa-boi et l umg SýHERMERVILLE. Carl8MOI vS Wa àChicago vîsior Sanday. Mf est Bras, are kepi very bîî,y vîlli thilDovwlbey press. Grace 01ns le apoudlng the uet vitIt Inonda ai Nanda. Ili. Chai. Mochl anu lauilly. t Clilago, Speni Ituaday blie. îivalaîlves. Let' Hateh bas moved lu Chicago uhere lie vilI atari sa grocory store. On acconut of ilie early froît the tomate crop luib is vkliy vas greatly damaged. lira. Wm. Brueggermnan sud fauilly, Of Cblcmgo* apet itunday hae.vih the gueuie of Henry Maîrboif. Peter lllori bougbi the site vliove the old eh"ees tory formerly smood. Tlie 0anilderaion belng 81225. Tony Garacl, the blactîmîti, wvan. log for H. Lorenz reslgued bis positioan. Win. Ifruegor wullU th ie vacaucy. gain Ilint and Harvey Danielii open& thie peuatveet ai Wintlirop Harbor, fil., on the range vltb tle I. N. G. ai target piactîce. Th.eiMinois Brick Companys4 plant afier a ohul clown of ibroea eeks ta male repaIra vît! veqanme ope'ioInq about i te 15&h. Jullua Haitendort, fnrmerly nlgt operator baoe, paumseawaay lest Sunday eventng ni hoavi troubla&fiter an ilîneofshaort <ovatIon. 'A Ila bava ho made mmny frlonds. Auy porion ihrovlng aUT llght 01, the sobjoat sas te loy a lltcher of mili vas iranafornled luin i a pitlier ot voler ibrongh ithe oîgbl viili e Ilbenally ihmnked. Porbepe the rnYs turiona Ove could do 19. Plie olunteer l'ira Departmaut i. conumnually aqolpplug iseif vltb Cacommay appavatinsfov lgbtlng lires. Au addional l00Ot ofu home and Ivo axes have been pUrcliasd. The nov houe cartin & bout fisboed sud vilii h ready for a grisl]vmn lu a fev deys. A latter vos rond a fev day. &go irom Frank Volt, w vo jolued thea Davy a iliortlIme ago. Ha la Dow saIliug on ibo 1'.8. Fsteamer. IBuffalo sud la headed for Norvay. He la rapidly sccuatomtug bînacîf toaa gaîlor's lite and no doubi ere ho velumse ho vîlI have sean rucb of the vorld. Levi ~kruaO3 ira lad: "DeWlts Little a Bar Usera neyer boud ;me double lIte otiier pll, but do ilicb' vork horoughi]y snd make me lot itak a toy.' (.lrtaiu tliurouogb salua For sale by F'. B. Lov]Ct.. Liban y vIll. DIAMOND LAKE WilIIMaulaiau pant tant liuday at houe. Geo. Carl]colîed on friands have lest Bundmy. (jeu.Ray bas cummenced wvon u bis harn. JohnHocige vas ou unr streeta naibor fate last evenîng. C. J. Tstibo'a nev haro he iulied and lie bascoumenced vork on lt bouse. 11ev. Mouve, ni Evauston, ftllad lte pulpît lui Hunday sud Snnday even- lug iuaiead of Mev. Jackson. Geo. Ray soya iliat ItlI.ailU taIt about pour potatoes. He dng 104 busbola tram tItre. acres, île largasionue weighlng li pounda. Ic only tout !anly-tliroa polstnom te maie a bushel. The afiornon tci ai Mr. George Mitcll'&m lui Friday vas vol stonced suddvas a auccesa bath llnancially sud aoclaly, about 815 beîug recelved. There viU b. nther teai nazIFrlday ai thie mmne place. Tot Cause, Nîght Alanin. Onue lglilu brthers bah y vas talion vil bCroup. vrltr3s lra. J.C0. Brider, of Crllten enU . 'Iuaaemod Il vonld atrsugie teore e cou dgel a doctor. Fau va gava It Dr. Kilem NevwDiuuvery. yhlcli gave quhck p2efand =mnentlycnured It. We alysys n t u boute lu proteet 00v iihIldreri trournupn d vlioopiu cnuagi Il corail m% o!a a rboute broncl Irlouble thot nu etbar remedv vould rellaVe." lnfahlile for cughi. oolts, troat sud ua trou blils. aie sud $1.a.nTrIal lotiies trie at F. Il. Lovant.. Litertyville; Gxmvt%,mza PsÀsÂcy A Word to Traveler@. The ozolianeul Incident1tl vsvaligsd ohna f food sud valar ofteu lilug on d=Trhan sd for 1h. reaga noliaOuasouli leara homo vitbout a botle af Chamh,,r- îMWsCol. boeanOd iilsirboea Hemed y. For sain ~ B.L G LEN VIE W Ilermso Werhanoi. 'e'iloteliug Isl bouse. C. 1). Itugena unev lharo la neanîy Mir.. Hrayer sud tfaîuly are nsat Forth Lakie. A. C. Cae sud beolperi have gon,, lu Kaukaee. uieve tibey have corpea- ter vork lu)do. Thie Ladies' ltociety or tie Con,- gregationol churcl, MolKaithe boule of Mvà i. W ~ard ou Thursday aller. Nlck EggEýrt atod fmilly bave Movred lutn the }tenley hounn,.lira. Heuley and dauglitar ,1110a %lng moved te Evausin. Mrs.. .IL Auders',n returued te ber home &i Rochâfeller On Tueadmy. afbe a ivo vek»visît vîi ber purent#, Mr. and lira. Jus. 4I'. We ave glad te hesr thal Chia. Kg. gOrtI la nov ImProving. lie vwuable teO Bitiop for a fev mnutesaon u Hdcay, th iet trilme for seveval veeka. Ou Weduesdny afiornu On Ot. 2., occurad theluerai uf Inilu Haiten. dort. lMr. Hstad,îrf vas shirty.Oive yaavs uid, and bad for several yeua beeu doine opeatiog Vork. li@a&a taien ailiEarly Wedtocsday moroinif whlio a& vorn triîte Oienviev altin. lu splte Of ilie best 0f modlalnad lia <lIed ou Sonday evauiug. Sept. 2t'. Sleîuped loto Live Coule. r n '-. ýhÉ-i Il',îued ni r tout rl,<,t. ' f II01.wrIt"a W.ill F.d.uf Jnei.V. he~.l a~,,li,trllle le9faura. fora l as,. lt st- l,,Ami.,, Halva uhulyired ni'. r.' ytd i.' ulw,l." lutalible for Fyt B. LuVaLI- .. Jrtyallao; (JayL.AIa l'uaiuAo;t for 25". APTAKISIC. FritzzKlain lias agaîn left us. Euh vaut home lest Hrînday. Miss Emma Starmn, cf Highland l'aik, la visItIug at boue. Clybouru Park lu eo uliady for s nîce picole and a really gond lIme. lilas Datsy Wolf lu spending a lev veekuslth frIands lu and neor CIno. nattl, 01.10 Elvîn Wiciersheln, wvIn asbeeu voviing ln Chlcagr,(i iîrlag beaunumer lu agalu ai home. Mr. sud liM.Chat. Elepper and t>shy girl, o! Laie Zurich, vara guetta [of J. Scblev Over Suuday. Mrs. Weiduer sud chlidren, o! Bnf. falo (ivove, are spendlog a 1ev <laya vlt(Gau. Weidners flamly. Mra. Mat Wlckeraîui, vhn vas qullo savlosly hurl by a vunuaay lu3 goIng Io tbe fair 51 LîbertyvIlle la reooveriug very lowly. A Chicago pa rty moved recsiîîîy loto vhmt lu kuovu s iba Lhl bous,, u. iendlng mn boy s tarin soilevo fl CiaIsvîiity. Apiîîklsic Ie havlng an- nilior boom, as thr <Glas tarm vas va- OenilY Sold. as vas al90 the lýmbraoar farm. Hutb tarisa vtlh veeelve de- cldad Improverntus. EVERETT. MiaiSteila ('arloli apet iî ndoy ai borna. MssDOde ove -»lilt !l(iiday aboli. plug ln Chicago. Joiss Julisa'Iuiiey vlaicî,l at Daveon'a Haiurcay aduud Blîay. Mv. sud lin. D. Jibtius veul tb Chicago Saiîîrday tii Nec tle play "-Way dovu East." MiasMargaret Onvauri tm taklng up s conrie lu domlestie science lit 111e Armour Instîtute lu Cîîhcagý.. David floren berger, oueaouthlItaold mttilero ut Deerlielil, îied Siaiio h(unie lu tbst ptace crillnday luoralng. Ph le teeased wvasêavî,uty leus aotage sud had been Ili a vary short tlme. & i vdow asud a large tanilly, Mout ut vliom are iitrrred and livIng saroud Deerfleld, undt a lunuber ni brother, sud sinters ave loft lu moumu thibel an.. PIe I)nrîilteck place Wceidy la Deerlleld niteet'y. Do You uuffav Ivnm ti ep? I il oual tulmu la uru forr'rm tii, ,,t. DoWtiu Witoh iHaaol Sev vl oact more quietir. i'lsdsaop 4aviua FOUeu e xveuseb 8 am ! on~or&n pur saa g y3 Vol. - 5flS5I~U .UiU5~a e. au,~,, SWEET RESTORERS. IrLERp c=Mt be hiitated except in *a&ppeaa=c; neither can Ivory Soap. Thnearcother wbitc aoaps that Iook l vory Soap t L s a penatywhich ft paya fOr Ita great auccesa. But you arc flot decelved, th=re l only one Ivory, the othm rae: tiona of ha perfectons OZPE CET. PURE Ivanhoe Items.j Libi end Casemat .Are ibe lm Feit gr ante e Iteptirini *navly pt tb&& mates I sutspi Priceuaj AOOM 2 Dr. Ch Offibe o, Liberty Dr. Offilce o 7tetu10i LibE PAl Attorna NE OFFICEa Libert3 DRUE ai dadua seon n Sureun ChronicD9 GEP EVE, EA S pectae eut '.ri n4la Nexl proceodlnj ficial pipe ---4 9 1

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