CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Oct 1901, p. 1

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i. st.',,4 AKE Vol. X. No. 2. COLJNTY IND)EPENDENT, Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, October 18, 1901. $1.50 a Year in Advance. Ired Croker, TAILOR. OVER Schanck's Hardware Store, Libertyville - - - Illinois. A~~si ~ I- Dr. E. H. Smith, -- ' DENT IST. vAro the. bestand untnao long run ifft( o ovor Lake County Bank< the cheapent. ilmu aio it a. c. -itiinoIe. ut. OAILY --.- - Libertyville, Ili. Feit gravel roofs guar- anteed for five years. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Repitlug doii- m i liti dais sisals'. LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. *newly prepareil l,)ielrt.,ng 1iiscd . - - 1 -. Siut-lgai-ii--1' 155M T th&& MisSs cls 'talla î,-ariv as acheI asOne. 1 ams praparedti iii lîjllP ortlantd TL.LCPtIONIE F40 28 IN ss ,,CtîCAa ___ LINCOLN LUSK, Prices always Reasonable. AUCTIONEER. -.Rollins - Illinois. WM. BELL IlO00M 2 .G BRIDE BLOCK Dr. Charles.Galloway. Office over Lovel'SD rîig Sto()re BU»U OU TOi3eAN 1siiT' 1', i. Libertyville. -Illinlois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trlggs & Taylor's 7 to1 l i. 2t l ,1 6 p m t L5 i Iiesidenos on Broîsiway oiposite l'aur. Libertyville, Illinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attorney and Counseilor ii Law- NOTARV PUBLIC OFvîua Ovaai LARE COiUNT!i AN'u, Libertyville. Illinois. 1-1,l ii t.îîultu mati Iug a s'ale Elgin iai r..,tîu îr.adîlves.ansd i viii guar. 1 liitît btiluIiti un. Aiig-it Ici-i Ri Le DARBY. ,»,A,4a8 ORIANS TUN.ED a.ti CL..:..D REGU LATED. REPAIRED. Liberty ville Il-linois. Cake go, Bank, WRIGHT DVMOND & Ca., Lîbertyvilie, Illinois. --ome im- Issues Interest Bearing Certifi- cates Payable ou Demanq. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS 0F CHIICAGO, DR E F RDGA INhlas openeti si tiadiliaa I Lls Hspta.C inis AtiDENTAL OFFICE Irau DRe m F RD AVIN1 A lýliurtyvilre, litilera Bock, OV6r day Surgaon thi Laie Co. lHospttat, Waukteiàn Snlili & Davis aloi-e isersie niayseAI Suregeon Chicago Nurttb Wr-er, il. R. fîulirPgiia'-y on Wein dy. ri Waslcegan. s îî nu tii 6:0 r-mbavq SPECIALIST. i__s_______ Chronlc Diseamîs on lien anti Wotîîi il il1 GENERAL SURGERY. rH. O. B. YOC)U NG. H EYE, EAR, NOSE, & THROTIT cag( Spectanc sud ltelaasFîtuet 1.ltACt land Surgeon. iuratt5eZ t Li i i'u-e. le office lu Jables V.uktK;i.. ii, ti e itt rroItTKT.i MAN HiTErri, -ut. 1an- e -2 t -61,11,,7 î - tPilo suiiss iaii u. tiirtri ,0.- - - - -. - ln 0".un Next week wiliI h the INDEPENDIENT excluutîvely the officiai proceedlngofcithe Board of lupeutisors.September r«i<ng. Subscribe for the of- riclal papu. W. pubIIshlhe MOST county news, 1 W ANT1 evii s rader orth rto tual ansd meMfoin wnt r w,oiina.1have tjo la" oer [s-11 1 1n & big place. 1 lime ti.1 ort f rAm- utiugs, thet t 'l i ativanope the bti5tt -4 '. iîj« -lt liv allty ii1l'.iai iaiy supr. lor plmrfec -t 'tii garluteutt la Weillke, oui take Do ecIfets Wi*ii, ii place lotit order u't ii, i Iarn berm 10 satl.fy ' iyLgmal ntfy Voi l V.yi~ ou mlghtiravoi 10 MILLION mil; -- .aitltîl ui nd anytbiug p, , i r, igeterf, uobler ir titilrtin 1 eau Bell yoit. i ticonfident ltat gootis of *lai quaity cancît lie .titgbt and tallored sa 1 taller 1 iiem-at my prie«8. Buy yonr ciothes of jour home met- chan& talior; dont blle a chance on 'ready-made' tir un lte swsat-ehop tallera of the big ilies. It Io better t', have the suit it Mian il lm fotr yîîî to have lte lit. My prit-s will gave yoîi DOLLARS -1iiedtiih-îî,,,î- Wiliam Stevenson, The Tailor. ll il 1, l Coi, l i ýt.ýi n ,- j p., il it' n ai, huitwIl.iia W .tnî iv 1 l l iiii. (îu l luai îi r ia, dm Airtottu Gî uit . t - ) î it'yn lItaiu. ittwoitini tii burgsn lirîls uttuer i uit suies tuird Wit n miir.dvi 1itir taa inUkaui Ami Goreiuon. mlarui Lauy isii. lîiirn . buigt r Si hnr e. Higüt, lauumi. iiti utgal. sut Wri tSîtd. uv-in ii irt rnad FnVI Rosand 4uinîilugs, lin at vils Amtilr ii lit' tlriei u evmier paresent pteiascarr. lYadla repîredis wiurler l dI hb e trelu self eee i Endeavorurs te deut. l'he Lake Couînty Christian Kutisvor i aittîUttconvuention lakrea place aI ubhoe tialurday. (latober 26th, ail[ suad evenluîg. rrangemenîts arae[seIng made 10 vetise eveut ontetofunususiluiaerest. ltate Prealieut Meooald of Cicagto Il [se preseut ant i li apeak sud li Marcussen Prtstulent of lise Cisi- eo Uioln viiili e lisse. 'ne if tise priteIpai atidresse will , ly MI-i Mioeoy, a survîvor ef lise uin sieg" Wvisewull tell ut tise fani- is ieglisuit tevar lu geuteral. ltîtu, Fitir l eurs nuisur bi nme eb laits lthiýr pilis, lui dth iiiii,.-ri- tliarcughi sud mate nie feu tii-e s huit.' Certain toreugit. sentie. For sale isr F. B8, LML Libortyvhie. l, W ýaukegan d ait l ,î- iicont- ta ta mtilt fuiiowlug rfi, eisu iptr- viser 4%%ip. Hagau, o i Il iwoe, lu Ciinitiitaltilg upol lte ii ii Isi vi-i mtitte ni afsfaira lua18. ii '-Mr logan, VIte t.ý ilits. sirtwt liiimtliic,,ailualiles Suit Iquieti,houest tiiiîîîîîîrsbiu WayE, h- , i)iente t t ardiuii ichtelieul tJLît lni-Hiit.a ever thte villaigeboard,lari i Nas lu thse hîia iii of a'ostiueuî a tbat lises by ri.bbiiig tbe poor sut. r i4'tisail bis virtuen sud manl3 iltliîa !mtiat bave piacet i hm lu i'itrlof the Coiluty Board o01 îi.ntsirsasthe msttrrmmd ud dbos i f lii pioler rr andl tier luatitutiotia litre pulîbic mney la speut, be la tii,'Iit te give up lu derpair, as ail hi.e 1tt.rts for a dlean, blîneai rîly are futile. Iite peopile of Plgtt Iiarti wbo ceutrol Hogaus ati ,Stipervisor have declded 10 rensove i iiias Super- viseor lu erder ltaI ho mv have more JURY INDICIS 43 OUT 0F 49. J utge Dontt te Il y Re-alîpoilute WIl ît làey. 'rit4teIs Tlcoît. stitriay, i lit. vItt, Circuit Court Wlil iti uliilie,, t wlistimae wili tiotnt meut-t' the arralgniîîent of prlaîîuîrs lttilictod by tuhe grand jury. it watt luta Wîduesday afternoon of hast week wlîsu tht grand jury fliisîet its Work. I iscr report foilows. We, te grandt jurorm of Lake ceîinhy circuit court of the october teril, Jiljil ,W()111(1rempeciftiiy subitthtie fiîiiowitg report: Oitriug eut tieibetilua wtibave ezainied 49 casesanti isrewih retute to the court 4:1 tudielments ats trîuc billis We furtiser reporit tisaI We have viiteil tte toîtîty j.11ail d hâ bve ex- sntiued litstslls and have lu- qiured as lu lthe troaiment cf prîsoora aud ind thtia the jail la kept clean sud tisai the abortif,Elivin J. OrtibIu, givea tise best cf attention te the cure 0f prinoners lu bWs charge anti that he furuishes tht, neceaaary foodi, bedd.lna, ciolinig as u niecaiidfor tihe pris- onera coullussi therelu. We liedi that unusof tse tatutes regailg jalsé are [eing ,lrtlated, as furauswe ean au- certain.,itespectfuuiy subutittesi Jas. Nelson, Bnou. ie. W. Hoilaisd, Newport. 08o. Walace, Jas. labester, Atiocis. IL P. Lowery, Grant. F.). latterghaii, Avon. Jas. H. baner, Warren. <.eo. Spauiding, Davidi ilesitie, John Blllick. Geo. L. Stewart,,'Jus. Me- crotte, Waukegan. Il. Merrison 1 LIbertyviiie. Frank Davis, Freinent. Michael Coyie, Waucouda. Ueo. Ptouty, sr., Cuba. Aug. Frnelleb, Pli. 0. J. Horcher, Vernon. Petet Dawsotn, West Deertili. 4).iB. Brandi,1). A. Hoirns. eertild. J. Uoloomb, Rockefeller. Jutige I>nneily ln ihaukiug the, grandt jury lorlits labors Wsgbiy corn- plimeuteti States Attorney Taicott for tis exrpediency with whicit ie got bis rases lhxrough, the carsebsýerve'i lu air- ranglng lndlctmeuts, etc. 'lie grand jury returneil more lu- dictrneuts tiistime titan ever [efore it tise county's history. lîttge Donneliy rcsl)polnted Atly. lisa. %ituey, Master ilu Cbancery. MIr. Whitnt-y 7a5s dorsed b[y te Lake ceuInît.Vbz nle bas heldthie of. ice for ttenyera bieg irai appolnîed [sy J unige ( îLoîî Tho termla cf 1,0 yeurs iiiiatiiîti TH-KIv NtItCTEI). lielea vs give a liaI cf Ibose le- dicteti livtht grand jury anti ou visaI cbarges .îiî-t1 I'rT<ii FI i ttiltt' I-, t an l, n i'- ii-1, iiii ittigii ifa uitntiltt t. irgi- I iiuîi. i-.iii lt uu i Tbos trsita. -1i. iiu Intiti.ia-l.s rEmseute i wlb o, i it 1cet lu tise liai, tIra. Joeunie Juat, qi 'i tutegan, sWbo was re-electeti R>cu r.tîng secretary. Ciler ofticers tiectaît ,îctt. Presideoit, Marie (.i irehm. ,Cisicago. Vice President, Min, Lucy B. Tyîuig, Pee)rla. Corretipoinduug Sî-intury, lira. Mary E. Hopper, CisicaFu, Trea8urer, i-ra. IursCorai, Hism boro. Edilor Watcb i au r. lhelen J. liooît, Chicago. Delegahe St Larttgoi National Cou- vention, M. Evetyuîii ung, Osieaberg. Realutiona werc a.uîpted condernu- lug auarchy as fttced lu saluons, recomrnending tlit atwa s e passeti mnakiug anarcby tri anti provldlug for the Protection ut tise lises of na- tional officere. A Rure Tient. Corne oue, cornte âtiite Slliburu te a musiceal treat giceU by hwelve mielcteti mUelinaiîaituitdlig titree lady vlollnistaî frothî ie Chicageor. cbestra, nuder lise dinîetien of Prof. C. A. KOrten. Titis la rtire oppot- lunlty ta sujoy a irai ilasa enterlain- meut. Admission, '25icents; ttbldren, Ii oeufts. Want l)ciie Track. The Chicago andul ilivaukee ElectrIc rahitoad hisaassîstiLaiteForest for a franchise ta Iay a mecoinui trackthtrough tise cly. Tise ceitîcil lreparecia tran- chlshowsver- viîisit isdtonhfful if tise Company rau auecept- The City de- manda several streuta t e[seilgisteti sud macadamlizeil, beveraI walting stations, moat faseratble tolts of Irans- porlalion, etc. Do iou sitfer ftotii 01-- ifsail liinet tom te aurumrr for rt-l",t 1-44 ltIi, Wtub Razel. salve wili et jmr ekity. sursit sud alai. savinx pou the eithlaie andi danger of au Opertlon. For ale IiiF.. LovaL. Liberty.- METHODIST PREACH ERS PLACED. %'i tî,ke$gtiand utîitwrtN.ville to 'o bett af teni ii tuani nectl n g of t he Rockt triv -ier erni of thle Metîodlat Eîilscîilc lurcbtcante te aat cati Weîlîtesîay, afttr au 'lgbt dayes 8Osesaloit iisip C. C M-csle, the presiding efficer, reasi theipastoral ap- poinents. aftct siuii l tte conter. ence isas adjîîurueît IL la the Cbiicitgi) Nirtîteru Dlitrîcti lu whit'b Lake cnitnty la iîîcluded snd luteresteti. C. E. iaitieviiiu cou- hiunes a.presliding chior cf tûiisilis- trAct. Appointuseuts in wiici îîr readera viil[se luterest'îlart- Antiocb E. J. Aken. Arllîîgtee Ht îgitts A. 1'. Mitler iteuton-C. J. Heaittl Oea Plaies--J.I. lAig. Diamouti Lakt e T lbcs mîîîîiltîl sy F. 0). Moore. Gagea Lake-- [o be sutpied iy C. E. Chapler. (.len Vlew-To [cs îpplied by E. W. Spencer. Grayalake--le bc sipplied by Jonathan Tisompion. ickory-Te bc supplil by G. C. Howard. Hlgbvwood-H. F. LAvier. Lake Blutff To bcse upplieu by C. H. Van Meler. Lake Vilia- Ciyîe L. Huv. Llberlyviile--John B. IRebinson. North Cbiago-'l[o [se uppletiby A. L. Dean. Roseurans -Te [leesîîpplied. Wategau W. J. McKay. Wliuthrop Harbor-To o eauppleti York HlieselObe Stîpplieti iy L. A. Swicher. Wauconea anti 'i îliu libc t siipiied isy F. J. Lapphani. Palatlle 13 J.tHomesi. 1ev, Dix giies from Libertyvliie te K{ingston, l is e teckford district. 11e la succeedeti by Dr. John B. Ritunson. Drt. Robinson cones froin Hebron. He ii; an eiderly mon of t65 yeara, andi wlil net [se au enlire strauger, as hart ln the '811-8 ho W"sprincipal of the Aurora Hlgb Srbool during a perloti wien severai of eut business men were ati- tending scisool there. We notice that J. B3. Martiuffitu anti J. M. Whealon are returuedte 10their chtarges aI Park Ridige anti Hinmict Park, rsspectlveiy. Joan Les goes back le Peottîne, anti by tise nuanimos rt-ineti(if bis Cen- gregstloii. J, 1'.Oavs is lareiîîrueîi tiiSandwsichi sud Little Rock. O1f %Vakegau's nccv nis, W. J. Nie- hay. it la salit lic i nxeptioîaily talîtîted. lime for cieanlng Dp -il tise leu, visicis la brlnging diagrai. te ail vito respect law, urder asud iereucy lu Higitwood anti Lakoooiinfî. Juat vby lthe a.shttt s anis4iogau removeti as Superviser hituasof is virtues asPresideul of tîîi-filgiweed village [soard la no$ cli an. Wisen Il matîa sbcentrola lte bIto f tSuper. visora, la bosseof1lise i Ounty Foot F atm, etc. il talla rni i1 be Lake lounty Boardi of SUpfri iîsra la not --couirolledî by anycce. tInsinuations te tisecootrary reflect et tise intelli- gence anti hor of evcry memiber. MIr. Hogan lanoe even ut niember ouf any of lte commlttees tua charge of the poot farta sud Itas îuîttttîig wvitl ever te, do wlth tItan. liogan bas a few Itilrga np hl11 mSleve, no le Spaak, an i 1ii, doubt il wcouit lmrnuly piSa- irrtain Wau- kegan polticians Ifl cssctc reveti. Highland Park watls biîtii ,o tsv, aud yon eau bank on il ha vîtt 'te se if bc moi desîres. TheQuieft', hlia gueter gues corng. Honora Hie Nainîe. Followlng the action taltru ty tise touth Park Cormliulonerm if Chicago in namling a large pubttî' part fller Presîdeni MceKinlay, tht lilty Conuncl 01 bats F»restlitas deeiiiciite houter tise nan of lisâe laehnuidenl by narnlng a @trac& for hlm 1 i btSstreet, whlch WOaS forrnerly Mapiî avenueles tW the eu& iof lte Chicunw..anti North- western depot. Tise action of tise sie Fereet Ciy Cenuili was lateu sttcr a petilion isat [een presenlet signedt'iy a large uum- ber of tise ciizons (A tnet Iwu, aatlug tisai thisenteeoft thc ibief Executive [se gîven te lte Stnîît. %Wtîheut any debale ounlte sît thlie Cotîni unaulrnously deeldet o eau tise sîreet McKilsey boulesvardl McKilnley[oulevant ta oeeof tht preity sîreetm of,',ttt. it ta no& ever tlistes lii-ta iength ant imi iuntiseceuter cf ti ,t,'m. It la tes cadarnîzei, andtelItatie trees wbiiebi lins l t ake il alto ,t ams aady ad a grove lu tise sîiuiiiier A roati ,,tenuda fi-olui ach end ci ti-boulievardl for iles aloug lise SîNuî tii t teru rtîuwav., sud te soenery ai.,,,gthit adu t re- gardeil asth ise ut i iitue torîi aboyre W. C. T. L. rliiethlOfijers. Deirgahtes te tis. itate WouUO'si Christian rentperaiiiî, UinCoulent- $ien heiti lun ai l tat isiwait ttise clustng Session ono Iriday ei'leti offtuers for tise glati iriaiization fer liseensulugyear.i ike CouuIy lari-p- AT Hertel's Park, fialf Day, 111, SMIIRBRYI[VNINO, Oct. 19, 1901. Prof. Smith's fîîîîiil tlît-,' Ciicago nIiitiio. Every accommodation afforded. IDon't faaU ta attend as an A 1 lime ia aaared. New Fail Dret "tter enter &pl beauty aud fase sud style sud freabusas ho su] sconorny for Wi DRESS aoo[ The warm lins itades of Sunt giatiden the hem ofi materlals fi andi qualties f JACKETS. Dressy-snappy ni ho [se fotinJ frein $3.50 &0 FURS. Style and qna display of usa sud Iduifs la la: LArtest Stock u01fmg LEi M au kegan I sa Geedit, Jackets, Purs, SklrtS, Waite and pPRrei lu greet variety. Thers la ne iauZ Bluation ln the new ibingi. Thera's grae 1swing gsudiCdash ail aparkiing witli Autuma ult everY fancy, and thse pricea are full0f o!Wen who want to save money andi dreu veli. o!0 Wlnter inatertsis bas snperseded the aixy mer. Eaeh abeli holds orne new noveity tu arte of ont MartPatrons. Large assortment for WaisAts, Skluts and Suie ln many style froin 10c per yard to $1.73. )y-chic garments, ezclimlvely unique styles J elsewhe, long aud short garments prîcea ) 24 .00. alltY are the essOntials ge gooti fura. Our r Scaifs. Collerettes, Storm Collais, Boc" arge andi compreinenalve. lerchàl2diBe ever Dlsplayed ln Waukeffu. 'ko £von, 4Sons ADERS 0F LbW PRICES. - - - Illinois. STOVES If you are thînking of lîuying a stove this fîtil or winter it will be money in your pocket to look over my stock before buying. I have made arrangements with Cribhen & Bexton, of Chicago, to handie their entire line of Universal Stoves and Ranges. The Universal Steel Range heade the li.4i o! Steel Ranuges; i4 o! the finest finish and heavieat steel. By huying a large quantity 1 got a tipecial low price which will enable me to Bell these splendid stovea at about the same price von would have to psy for cheaper goods. H.1 Lîberty ville - - Ilîlinois, IHI 201H C[NIORT CR80 810 4 (iCan 110w show yoii the finet lUne - of ready-to-wear Suiite and Over. moats evter showîî in this vicinity. We did ilot huiy them to keep,. but to sei; and have rnarked the price accordiligly eheap for euah. Ouîr l)îck (Covert Cloth) Rubber Interlitîed Coats and Veste have arrived. nu) ste them is ta buy. Glov'en atnd Mittens xoc ta $1.3,5 per pair. Melii, Ladiets' and Children'o Shotta ta fit your feet, fit your p>îirme - Yuurs for cash, E.W. PARKIIURST, 4SCHANCIC BLOCK, LIBHRTYVUI.E. ASTIIMA CURE FREE! Asthmalene Drings Instant Relief atid Permanent Cure ii Ail Cases. SEINT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. c*uungoTiere ta nothlugIlike Aslhmaiene. fi PUR M brings Instant relief, aven luthie worst cases. It cntes wIten ail else fails. The e-v C. F. Wella.of Vila ltidire. Ill* savs: T trial bottie ef Astittaiae ratisivet inludgoondi- l ion. Iciannkot telr ou tow tiiaukful 1i8fea or the, good derived frot i t. t Ias a slave.,iibained wlth putrli sors tIti-st sud astt'znttfor feu Toars. i1ils- r, spaicsid of ever ibeonus ured i1 as, veut asvertis- mutent fortIhe -jure or titis ilteatif i andtorterntics ,tisonne. astiia. anti thought Iou hmti verspokeft ousva.but resollveti te gis,' t a triai. Tam asonshmethitetrial acttid lite a iiharmn. son Me a full-siseisttie." We waut te soud tosver sîtffrýr a trial treatmont of Ashi&nalu. simllai- ote tsouithat oureil Mr. * Wi.ll. Wiii senti t lyr mail POSTPAJID AZBSO- LCTELY FREE OF CHAUtGE. to aur sufféesr VIe wili write for il. even ou a postai. Havai MIfd. thouw!li ion art do8pairina. itewevsr had pour ane as.AthitneswiiI relieve ati ietii-. Thes worse ettur ase. thiimorse îtid wtt are to snd ti il.Doant tamlai. Wnt.iatouse aduresasiugir LTAFTBRO 'EDICINE CO.. 7 Fatst mti St.,. Y ity. Boi lic yail Drugluots. PerRona wiso have beef cattie for sale biai lbetter get tberi fat. There lR golng te be a demanti for tbeti. Thse cause of the raise tu beef ti sttid by the packers te [Wedue le thetfact that lthe farmersa anîl tockmeii bave found that it la more pritabie te sell their corn ut the prevaliiiîg htgi Pl-tetCain to 7 fei tt il,î'attie for tie market 'lbey aay tsaItthis titili e aîljusted as 80011 as4 the fariner, tiud lthaI prîcea fer beef .ili psy tisenit li feti for the muarket. T he fact of the riatter'18taot, manY hait fatted catle bave been put on thse niarket anît there la a wanting of fat ones. tattie tisat are haif fatted seii aboutt tbe saulc as if net fattr liat ail, 3isenoe it la ess-intiai Ibat tbty ib e pre- 1pared for tbe market- IiBuried Under (uravel. %%'aiweitb, AVis , Oct, lIt -Eight nmen, 1work men on a gravel train near Tioga, today 'tir, Iîurled under gravel, one efthlie car, overtnrning, Tise men were diug out as soi as possible sud brought bers for medicai treatrnent. Later il waa decided te take thern to a Janlesvilis Hosptl. Ioadmaoter W. %V. Itond of Liberiyvlie, Was badiy lu- jured andi probably wiii die. Titres others were îadIiy burt, sud recovery la doubtfui. IGrand Dance deing bis la utarly ire O not bâve Bon., o carpen. the Cost- 1he honme day suter- ive mnoveti ta- Henhsy move t o Chas. Eg. t wus abie n Buîday. ets. Oct. 2,, hirly.ll va rai yeua He was ,si aid ito sept. 2t9. OUI&. 'not friphut- svlls._ rer ae tsars. ,r ile utI. 1 igai fut plis.. Saisi U ait vAIsa bas heen e summer ppor anti ire guesta 1, of Buf. îuw days Who vau lavay lu3 yvllle la îîtly lub' touagt, lu- whors lu avlng an- v as re- ýcbroeder eive de- iiuday at lkiug up C lit the hhe olti is home uoraing. Il of mge ly, moit g &roundi Itrohs (esd.y l1 uoittu Moi Hamel atefiy, 0 0 1 Th

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