CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Oct 1901, p. 5

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WATCU iTIS SPACE FOR Nex t Week. C. R. SIIERMAN, -Illinoi Libertyville GOING OUT 0OF artbi? we. If yoîî 11usd io,iî i. skie-ail Clans Nie hILt IVlIh Vil 165 4 00 8 0 273 We have Misse of I For triniiiii teriîs. "liut alit five lot at at Sel less tilhil w' Largerat an( Si Liberty% =. l,'i r" j purchased a large line of ts and Children's Shoes Koch Bros., who are _g out of business. We bought themi at a bargaifl--less than cost of manu- facture--afld wili seil them accord- ingly. Vhey are ail the latest î>oi models. -..alleta SiIks5.5 yards'h l ia i e >tct'. 'Wt5t' oiglit the -riit'î it li r.a ndlîtf 114 il ihel ti 1 ii id lîî-î liîit'(Ji( rhI -o . ý and Nittî'is ini mith & Davis, DEALERS IN Oatralmrbas. ville - - Illinois. r e or~ 10W5 ,.Ud sauvwer, milk Obus, ih Iosrs rd luny à M »Con. oLuzx. Be vilI ke satur. o. Bannît sol. Ne]- veet of FUI ýbe a Ig stock, Look for City. billon of i. Breed- ,l Kano&& lieutalou [or round P. rSat. rd, inclu- îlot. 28112 "k l'lie lroper prounciatlîoi o!f. th 0 11e t Ytb Pt't 'jîlal a 111.11e 112e ville'@ popular yoîîng people vote man- l'remldeutîv famiiy rDame 19 net. as lest ve bave 0essec litis year. If Dan ied lu Mt Andrew's Epicopal churcli, tbotîgl IL vere itunevelt, but Rose-ze- bas a fe tisouso'. i1bustiels 0f1 Chat Chicago. Mr. Wrt Wright sud Miss volt. The famiiy is seussîlve about kiud te soll ho 1ý .11 rigb1. sud vîli Addle Wiavell Stafford, th2e former sucli rutters,'l'le ltooâveitl amiiy is bave @officient fuivitui pay up bis aud eldest @os of C. F. Wrighit of lue Lake of Dtiteh oîrigiîi, aud thiefore doirous bis ueigbniors' mlt>riPl0u5 a fev Couinty Bank, t12e bride being eldest thtisa te failusne sboldd le yearg in advancu daugliter of 1IL. W. Statiord. 1the promi- prîîperly euunuclate(i. Coulrary 1"te Ireport" trou tage nent plckel manufacturer of Chilcago, i ho Wrighst Stafford nuîptîals provedl for th1e olectrlc r,,s, aloug Mlwaukee vere uited Iin boly vedlock lun1the a mîlrlrlme1 to maoy. ilefore Ne Avenue le beiîîg înily secured. AI- preseuce of relatives o!f1the familles. S cars lucre sili bc just otilr moro sur- ready a cont3iierti"l- over liai! tise enu mmediately alter tise ceremony aud prIses, perpetrab'd hy Lilerlyvillo lire froutage fron s' tse10 ortis limita belore 112cm Intention vas realized yoîtig people Nîîw yîîi're giesslig, lias been secîîreî l iI J W. Miller who tbey Itoi te cliurch snd takiug a car- lîut we oOîîj't be-iîo eyIIu eau nome tise ia cîreulatIug ,-c eýtitiou iniform8 s us age vere drivei teoa rallroad station, parties. Seither eau ve, but our lu- ho flesConiden'ttwo-thîrds O!f1.1e noebut tlioy kuoww sobch one. Wbere forIiIgnt iriits abovi, sta1.rieit ill froutago front t o Srus .tPaln] Cte.y bave go., f-ot even Cheir parent@ lîrove c,rrect, Cracks ou Mujiiaull Ave. yull event- are avare. 'I lie .Ilervan macaroni couupauy tiaîly lie securoîl i ,tiiose Who are go Mr. Wrighit graduatod fromntioloît boa a botis ln tue puîre food dlspîlay at destrous o! bsvîîtg t i read blttl1.21' college Iast .Jîunc witli 12gb houons sud Si,îgri l S(ooîîer's allîre lu Chicago, intelligence 1'. t-,,' ,,ragi!lg. lmmediateiy euitered the employ of lu licis are isOnilitise various kinds Fou SAL-A m ,,-t4L5an Art Gar- R. W. Harris à, Co , o! Chicago, bank- f macaroîni manufsturei by the coni- land, base burîîor, i,,rd coal sitove. ors and bond buyerns. Hia business panyfi)thi vilage Th cocer eE. L. DuBoîs. ability snd capaclty for vork have belug favîîredl sitb su extension de. Roadimister W W>5 Bronn vbut won for hlm senîstanatial recognitioni moud for Ctior goîd8, lih-li are îeceuitly succeed iMtr. Burke met vitb frottalislmemployer@ sud 12e basea lrigltt mu'lr ltinsChir poity, 1tistose o! a seruons accîdt , tdDesday al Tîoga future before liim. otlisr Amiericaul vd*,uacturere. Jonction, Wîs. %%ittis eveu men lie vas Miss Stafford, vbo hans sîlt bor Jîs. UGates, of <llutou JanctIon, Sf1., standing ou a cor irtIy loaded vibli summers lu Libei'lyville for mauy vas tiI Libertyviiî' iast veek calling cinders, vbclcsii s me manuer (the years, la au occomplilised sud cliarni- ou elaive sd fiena.Mr. (lates le particulars wevoeas'ot obtaiuod) vas ing young lady, esteemed sud lovod 8hi yeors of age anid oee f th1e pionceor ovrtned. The îîco vere emotbered by bier frieudvî il omeel o settierm of tise vlcluity of Lake Geneva. sud&Ili taken oult î:î:'ousn, Brown srvediy popular. lu fat portions of!Chtba City stand on proviug 1Coleclmore serlonsly ijured Ater November 1lotlMr. sud Mr@. land formerly comprlslng bis farin.hChan1the others. Ail vere takon to a Wright vîli be ai home to thoir Ho ie check full o! remtinisenres of boepitsl 51 Janos'.iio and it lu eaid frîeuda lu Mr. Stafford@ residence on earIs' days said eîjoym uobing letter 1.1207 iii recover with the20possible Miwaukeavenue. tissn 1.11mort 1,1,1timers of 1.121Iob exception of toiret. viso ls very Il b 1.00 111.1e tu Bay that Libierty- cality. sorioualy lui tireItu is condition 18svvlle acî1uaintances exteud congratula. precarions. lie iîorîed viib Chas. tiîuis Wisbea for thbe futnre lappi. 1.It l pleaaiiig 1. note oîîr mercissuts Smitb lu tbi8 viliag.' and vas lui littie noms suit prosperity of th2e popular are meeting witb succese lu Cheir en- knovu outsîde ttce rallroad mon, couple are slucere sud everyvbere ex. deavor t0 close Choir stores at eigbt aogwimlewsmc ie. pehd o'clck eeryevoung xcep Saurda.SNe are ailt1roud of our youug peo- Tihis slonld moot vih th1e approval of Hoineseekers excuirsion tickets t.e pie, pleuoed visoeu ey marry vithin evoryone. ItlaleJnst as easy 1.0 do your pointe aontbt and wegt vili he eold OCt. tiho mecicrcie, sud partiiolaxly wbeu shopping beflore eight as aler, sud 15 Nov. 5 sud il), Iec. :3 sud 17. One muchboter or .12 mecluntsadfâe plus $2 rounîd trip. (lood for 21 se emiuently ftted to assume th1e muchboter fr te mrchats uddays.. top over priviiogoe allovecI. soiemu relation o! man and vif., as are Choir Cerge. SVIon a men or vomen 0. M. and St. P. railroad Compauy. Chese tvo. May Ood bleus Ibis union lconined beiind the coouter from Ask agents for particulara. sud guide and care fot them, thal 1the si rsv1l5h Mrigutlnn expoctationesud pride o! Liberty- sixor eve lutueflllniig iliil uisVilliaus lu sIl Choir sous sud daughitere at nlghi. they surll do Dlot Bel mncb FolaRIRmc-BIoome for flogere. Mas. may bue fully neatied and juatified in plulO oUto01BUs r. wtWîtas, Libentyville. 1.2-P. Ibis limstatioe as àilmbasiniotbore. homedaof r.Wne . ip e tî, t u 22rdaySeleas pes l eed itb Loca Ites ofInteest o LiertyilleReadrs. lgbî oiteter atteady'Finiefometesige TO CHIAGO. ROM CICACOesudas ovîiy angt,,u pîang Cepar . From.NP. Depot.ArrEve i il amaN*wineLofeis 5t Leav LII,*ryîii.' rriv chiag, b *. tl*iiO An 'i,>' ,. repaet H ab a e n eingwîthi 5 In 1tt..761111.18Y.. . s Y7, 90, ai . 2:01alse.t'y. lentrtlu b wi ecltue guoasabd - 12 . î. n. . . *~ * ~ îî~ v a p.nii ll partdbteratey isiuiig to r s. WEN So. waeO5DATS nd asioedgale7ad helaie LelO A ri. 8t410 A c , 1%111, deac s re givnq et n ait iner bas bee « 18.. 5 c. . ......... 944 a . 4.1 20 I.. n i46. P. nM. re.ontitlzed and i tg e ts e -o I42ý.... -...... L l il ni. 1:1, #06 . M 161 i- daue ba th il >ertiâ lgtl e lov bal TO CICA6.1F0 1 CM. I 1A56 P. Prof. yMrebas Chpcyago rcivesra iea vERS DOTS. . vUNxDO. ls bs ee7ugge5orth en, . .............ik . Arr 1:40lîiaa.u 14 S::«) rIi.'î M. 9 A1 fi. ['a. OThe ,N v.2, ec 3 a C n , Fn eb N .1M . .20 In.0 .......... 4 111.i le 20 P. Morn. - '21, M aui ces7. and M l au i' e uepln - 14 125) . . sei. n -14:1 . 6(r . e . ni. 67so . ni. did reta i n atan in te b a bs club 4 -J i 5il . m.Dre-olaits e ndi ii l s tled a orteo gda es thie. îrll vTaon Hae. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGOtendrof. o a'8i oochsr (ho leviiln e cousin, rs.Alî D251.2. eloe bae beenlntega ed on hesortea. Deaa Fois. Dpo.Aus<in 'eeîertaOd JlDas are trae olwias ap e fr is ov far- alr.. 1i1etebeccakames of l. Oavsood , Iv Buhla o eaig Aroi.uamnripring.31ao. 8 e. 2Abana.la0,aen N ro . l '. . e :2 5 a i t . .n . . . . ..d ..Mr e ô. m a i. f a ila . . . . . .l p l a i n t v e n i y - tbeCm lle s frm f 1iMf..for 7:u ri.lm. ..e.-1ay.t.. 9: 4 w tbe 4 1.ra. . 5B2Aye. adiEîgne ti5sai.. clt. Tladie vate.ri.ute@pfonli e 4x ....1:position........ 16 I.Mý in _ Gretrp.dMo. 7 N5îg tPfrM exceputi a urtyaud le 1.1 leub 81rn lm ns Boton cff'sR.e. mti s uvs ae ?r teuai e t sof aIllliaersof stel and Mt. N 12. .....d :25y M ............. C" ia s t. on.o1:1 rir>e. ov...k .se 5 2ey rable tecaing oabotnd o r yalte fondtlim tadewluora aImit a tse vry estLouble dtme forAiscorinitaton cldedt. Mils Clorate nu of ilnd Parkîl 1.12e det it. T l 1.0 groett adedteAbail. cns ftb vledd l i rlera Courseoun, Mr@c t.1Al2e 2i-litf. NvrmWyo a ael eubavein h vter ataed nmongra DaoMscl lg avis. ad a tbe bazair 1s2 oit w, HlaoalFrey neint relie forptend cuatie Mrq eted Jaesgr a vnatlug clfaie, o! nîgbtur, Oc 21.1. roerbs. otd o i nwf 112e olumia Sbool f Muis ~ ~ su vilexiiimove Min erlya vrtby fAanlutoven, for 112e n wAhMerc a Epos , it e Commofor evioule oft 'st an , rom-luhas banla i very oflthlad ie f b elpt tat Jmnl"vl ver.aI elbiy tpemaust fHu iy uadcti!. ofesde m etu, eryA ss ia beaumc- kinda o! good anatnsr&. i bli2 Th msusbaea> i omlee donlpleintentf yelades mole s abot expo"tonbsreuu vohakrk ou raced Bulie'> s t fo av i doue eoevIlnedndlo .iobu i osee u s empoy aek ban-ltb e eg lvîîtrip e falo.tilelie ory ofulîlili 1 .. Wbt ime osiea se Liiîerty M. B, F oudrY and cies p1lastrere and cavpe n t er i ia1 he Ibten ob lae rs uo ae]andiMr.g c,inin y, as tamite dier. Jtonle ofed pbiingk ýuhe bY rbb natn aoubvrsouforbar ot Ter cl rd ubsntiecutytog isala tl u eybrtý'.nbe an o i pIg ocue lie aa otvrod Bt itbed bere. LosT-ndtan'st gel to'en Briare pr Aanîlca sudofmantaheler- 1 eacer'sCoure luMusicut tv Ch erBu fa.Nr m itaud , Yeb e au ltsi n ou MII i you suirâ noer aanedonTle Lao i alvile ge boomin i e n uithne a venru e Ton H Fiac 011,arcenfripeoplu frnod, andve r a ive lio e.eev buIldigs luatncrse of e nigttuou t. as AuE5thL.IENT, p as ideserigoe.!orcm niy the Colmbia Sbool o Magieof. BrLggs & aylo, ife illloe t e sud wrh fml i o Eal C retlf ué a onn a kg nn r ek 1et e l 6 Te y d o îr wo mbar rigl Bt hoe ud I r e Pan u dîecain. Cxpoin elsud recefor enevrd. tItad o-inabat w ere aiy propladi egf nah maopae t a l busy. l fav e im-il omnnl. aeieCmtr Ascain n posIble tfondsore .2 ries t etel tbor ah Wane monsbave no ciii ledged Dnt ly oneofth au opp ouuiny absout .."po" pon bisreturu.worka oHor, ave llu eol tor.examina- iadhVn ocg and u joln Ioymn lt mplyed by h in.befi or e noet e b,,itte i me org.encourage aILd assIa 1.12 e lIe s bir Defectîve , s deublear oi e ne u ild ilHo. om ene ork. ou ire or portunity.vii e il bab ot ou. tI t ondbe eil for p atrare nd C bicago il, 7 oveMbl.rvceulyeorîatd Iesl.Maeirs o llar if 1.12ervill e abord 1. If ordor t e-waulero-venret. îîosy Ot.10h, ae i l ii le moeve il eay t lir or e bildngs lnucotrbefrec-Rtr e somoNC.EINT ue sitdsrvn nso orcmuiy s.o rea ,dal. apIer.rofTt baiWm Belo, tlîc I, IiekanTy do leasauk t tapibhomean peois smcuth er vices brt and aaaoliWayfore of e noat i r putttgluDo Lib euyvliet awborsteui a t sua rpetogliManogaînt 1.12avIlag. rn1ey aplisîl aîkab,: tien.xamunda- vkenuoe d &sinrte desîtiU6noli sîî .Loî i du a s reth u oribeO latien ef or th ou aElboard ai S u ias pk.orove ireop prtun n it11. l gand ,aar 1.0le ~idoct.'2, Anyli fielWduie lu mgnitudeeillloconotecoe Fnlîom OIt iat onrs liu 'bfîrsdsyoul1e Ldesoposs iciteyAii ile. iîîuey se eral d y 0We0il aIln. 24112ofHîlirlady îtisalesw' sîdote lo lt bolds ai,it bown s ud c aleudor T e iina.Theu suposssition tiiling Duýoi fl t iîîuuiytaksoethîi wfor t e ui ekfo l soil t1.2 on E 1 ainFr d Cae-es. bfr tem ld ad laaigi baurtur bcîr a j ot . 25ise. AnSaniorn's ing , ot. ' Mil2. AN we andue r , Wlutevei l woîitd 1etdun et.0 i n-a proive'caveyour onaation Il.1 lii ertk ei bi nulthernis ofery rent a ille@@Niagaa Fal Faîslîisliu os ltn e esrat sud wlyîîtheu aiieso aesseed frou t 10 p. m'iis Hoe lo accommoadaos are oo sud] 112ev are 112e fineet grovis. >1. B e~~~~tertail iuen a. S,j1er yllesrvdaaeasgetan-îato s .2 x î so H1) ltle'a o-2 cfraot î cfrchirl. sTheillum'ir gro n uesrpas ay our tDrsopcriqlt air.1e orîî ortli.,1'v cal utîr h e owngao lsîîî i to v e- evibeet efloo yosan d do 50l butisred alo u rc ee ullofChbru&ii vor)et.of elîppAll,thonglanoîbuer i n bltse elWtro hely ipcatae rte hnoisrneston Tbie vîlaod adton. tlbc sLakede ('ertecr0p.Associ atin. îî oue$com odi, o ar e rond tnd. aI c areagle btov nbebor ' BalentLo tIne 2vri a1,1,l)r wa1lOuly tru. r sges uatatona h x Lar i o. Breutloftaonin e s o l LetyOur at oa ltrti e.lug ter tlabors tislt ose rom bsectIl on 1.0 ve tx cont ppra t o is no bouse 10 be bre cte ladoneos pto l ow ore it, ion sd 11.e1N1oyoara Fala i d - on lortsad ao bick and em ent of M. Dan h errfisupport 'me ample pots. ig thr foroueIl owpeus e aeeIy B Coid s onCookAve. .IlIT. Vis-ueo asu b.rmadeo on o actoecaliy. liing sou. 'rtetstructure viii beealmoal aDdurfngfourarcsete'd' WosupposeoDa d .pli. at t, of I nîis e bselce aend v a t nst îî kî: ci s t exclb r e$5lant about t aiford os tlmonta o 5 1.0 lec ormpl eed ont ete bcfail. v eg adiel l ies. it," ,uifvroae frank e c ton tIv 0f thersi- w lii il$.t v Meli's. Woîîo-' -anid (hildreiî's tit'tced(, liaif wcos d aiillI wool wear wîtilîgoodgul. )uîr I is' of ss'sxl anîd flh't-'ee dress goodo is coflplr'te-. (>îtiîug flanîîels; iii al l pricts anîd patternis. 'g, Comîforter Calicoes at ...... 5c and lup. Cretons, Silkaleie's anîd Oriental Drap- eries at ..... ý.7c te 15c per yard. 49c a pair. (Good mize Glray Blankets-54x72 el " leeced, exteîîsively lused for bed Sheets as they are warnîer, less apt to Soil anîd easier to wash than Muslin sheets. At our very low price they are cheaper, besides, than Muslin; only 49c a pair. yBetter grades of Blaniketés spl)endid k values-at 90c, $1.10 and $1.35 a pair. AT THE FAIR, Libertyville - - Illinois. CN £ÇOst 1$ floulul For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. Couîîty Telephone Company and connection with the Chiago 'felephone Company. For information, rates. etc., wrIte-- CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, Loveli's Drug Store, L.lbertyville, Illinois. Pure Drugs--:- -:zZ.ea.LoveI's Drug Store. PERFU MES TOILET ARTICLES PATENT MEDICINES. PAl NTS AND OILS. A Large and1< Complote Stock of Sehool Books, Tableti and School RLoom Necesstiee. F. B. LOVELL, WABM TIME! Yoli ii liave~ a warrni time this ier if you hu)ly yotir undt'rear of Wu liav v.the' largest aîîd hest *k t" tr brînîglit illdo Libertyvillt'. BUJSIN ESS I t, f :-W mer 1! :1 i% ý 1 Libertyv.ille ý 1

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