CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Oct 1901, p. 1

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wN T iNDEPÉ1D17T 7t$boty.vilIe, Lake County, IIIlnoIs. Friday, October 25, 1901. $1 .50 a. Year in Advance., * I *paper 10 *ud violer ho eiulc~isà~ Voratadi ~Efurds tha~' <vu lu 11814- 'rai ot IsSU. l. Yuan mâ v. y »LLAYOD i usAi Rho moue 7-1 fred Croker, :' ~4. * TAILOR. OVER kMhncWs Hardware Store, squaf K. On ci the. ILLE. ~ intlY boeard lu relatives. en,u, Frank,o ors Snnay. 0f (iieuview, Rit sud on lb. apidiy uearing ready for ocu. ikeunuaud, 0 opea at 112e Ring. hma beautiiie é by palnling. very pleaaing a iook adran- nov seing on an sd bought abllghtly dam. uder ahas hi. 1rainatorio. 1veint ta lte alg lai$ Thurs- ge., ste, sud î buniinig vas e go nebo u me baga @ub- lnaloviy ap- lu feeling the ]Dg sidevaîka bave tu plov for t12e pas% 1) ahile gbing s quser but s citizeno, Who Ming vili lte >uite go educa- lotg evoinilon, lb ihem soon a vas recutgly Incorporation. soid Lie would ad &gain&$ ig. tain and co aie te rob, our f uring ou raluy uenion egOtte conclu. daiy a& hoime, saary hmd vi A bave il %0, 'ai Life. aine mea! (l 1, N.loppe,. Rio 'hok"d up Wlthl k. 1ingve il wi and lia ashort ýr eaie by FilB .i5LA*i Paîa- .-Walks Are tbe boaa" isn htcaleong rue t. cheapot. Feit gravel roofs guar- anted for five years. "..&Wpmng doue lu irai clam Iabape. *nevly prapaffd top dreminguNsed $btha e* old vaika uearly as gaod 1 &M pfupered 1W bmild portiand coalaidevaika. enibe or gutora Pricesl always Reasonable. WM. BELL El gin1 Dr.Charles Galloway. Offl@oover Love l ls D ru g Store uee*WeU o a AN3L&;uiTO 8 P. M. Lin r~ville. - Illinois lbr, J. L. TAY LOR. Office over Trlggs & TaYIor'su lf'tOlS a.msa4 nu 4. to8..WM fftuîIe ob EoO4V.1'oppoîir ePari PAU~IàCUFFlN, LlbertvhIIê. Illinois. (1,rgeud» te ~Lakes oiia hdmo tÇALI ST, office iÇ~Wue<n i. -7 - p .i- pa - - Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENT IST. Office over Lake County Bank Bouri'. 8 to 120. am. and 1 to 0 p. m. DAILY Lbertyville, MI. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. SCIMA11CEBLOCK. w0.L 04.7(55TO TII £pHONC No 26. $viu .. ScmICAqe LINCOLN LUSKI .AUCTIONZER. Rollins -- Illinois. W ben contem platlng makilug a sale cail around or addreun and I viii guar. 1antm icsalaction. Ana-6-u-t' R. L D0cIY. TrUN rA. CLA~ 9EOULATEO. ain. Libertyville --Illintois. I -..---.----. I wRIGHT DYMOND.4CO., LIbertyville., Illinois. ssuaes Interest %&aring Cortifi- cates Payable on Dem"~d. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS 0F CHIICAGO, hau opeued a DENTAL OFFICE At îieriyvile, Butler's Block, ove: tim~ii b &ADavis' tore vhere 1he ma.v b. fontnd regu2larty on Wdnewdays. itràm 8:00 a.t.1 6:00 p. m. r.14,. O. B. YOUNG. Physiclari and Surgeon. Gurne0, - ------Illinlois. PEPfflE)UT eckWsvdy tht ofcWM,~~o E êRURAL MIL ROUTES. ILochofellerto Have One. Prairie Vie'w Oiven Anther. *bout December ireitva ev rural ~mail rouies viii be lnaugurated lu .Uaitrai Laks Counny. One VIII "mOui Oo f lRockefeller vbiie another ans W Il tari irom Prairie Viev, there belng sirsady one in aucosflal Opera- lion frorn ibat place. Abert lMon, broiber ofE voreit, who carries mail ovor tbé exitiUng route vili fait a urrier for 1the nov rouie go bc uagurated ai Prairie '(1ew and Jobn Whitney et proeut Carrylug mail ovrithe --star lino' fron Iocheflier viii 1be given the botter position Of carrier ove, the jurai route. Mr. Muoan ln nov haWlmg buflît a wagoni specaliy adapled for the vort, la anilpation of boginning bis iabom ftn December. Tbii veok Prairie Vfew post office Vas made a "-monsy order'" office. Carriers. viU bo* apptied vlth nDes- sary blanka ai viii lauatholzed to niahe oui ouaers for patrons as dogired. ame0a.0!1 hereticence maintined by lovernient employe" I ii h imoot Impossible 10 obiain lu sdvance the routes go0bc eeead, but vo have succosodd in secnîing the exact ierritory t12e ne* roula ont of Prairie Viev late cuver, and vlth on. or tvo possible changeas112bU $0 1 covered by th2e Rockeeller rouie: Btarting ai Prairie Viev the nOv rouie roua ontAi a mile, $beucs veat Ivo miles. 10 Long Grave, ou voit 10o Quontna Cornr, thenoe neoheaai two mle. 10 Lake Zurich road, tbaue seat about tbree mile. 10 fBuprta cornera, Ibence sonth a mile sud a hiait bock 10 Long Grove, theno. f» Buffalo Grand WhoelIng, ihouce uorth on MilwVaukee Ave. thlongb Hat Day, &belesestoIbock tePrairie Viev. The route $bus coversd la about 27 miles. The Rockefeller roule exteuda dret 10 Diamond Lake, thenco oiong voit bank of Lake te Putna' cornais, thence noilh 10 Murray's achool bouge, thance noih-veat pamt i lynchbs factory, thence nortbheaat pa old Gould ahool bouse ta Hrtel'a coraders, thence aorth 10 tbe old Fort ill rad, ost sioug said rcadt 10 slachool hous, leuce Sonth 10 Witq: coruers, theno e at a quarter of a Mlle, theuce norph o qnarler of a mile go Fort Mill1 rbad again, ihenae osat seoma W. C. sud C. M. I L S. Paul rail aays go Ermeat Davi' normera, thon aonib 10 J. lBush& pice, thon vos$ go W. C. road, ibeu directly south bsek ta lRocksfeller. For tbe preseul ibese routes vii lu nu way Interfere vith the '.aiarlice" rouies tbougb ii la only a malter af Limeunutil tbey vili ne abandomed la lte serrl10ry mentioned. Carriers ai present are pald $5(g) a year, but frorn a source vo comider reliabie ve are iuiormed another $100 vilI be added tu ibeir salaries if proeut pianr do ual miscarry. It in tartaluly aWorthi il. To Build Big Hotel ai Sand Lake. Aidermauu Fovler, ut Cblcago, vili bogin 1the lirat ai neit veek 'tihe ree- Itoo a aorty-room modern botel on property eoaud sud receully acquired by hkm on tbe bauka of Sand Lake. Wih bis botltplau ln viev Aid. Fovier recemily purcbaied th2e elgbty- aors lrm blougiug 10 the iH. L. Wrigbtesase and ma 112te 130-acre tarin belongiuggo10the Oso. A. Wrigbt eaimie. Boih larms iront ou Baud Lýake, aud oun1the souili joiu AId. ,Fovler's original farm of 295 acres on Fourtbà Lake, rnakiug a total of 505 acres. The founlientit yard alderman pro- posesbctakeuls bs ev boiel 1the conter of rural pars-lise. Improvenieslyl lie mode l inte vboie Fovîer tract. Tbe couutrY 18 beaviiy woodsd In parleansd tbe boici ill ho connectedt by bridîs patha vîtAi ail parts of th2e Foaier tarrn. Thero viii 1w good saddle bornesi for the guessi and il the convonioes ai the ctty lu tue nev hotei. AId. Fovler vîli eniertalu bis frionda v1112 tce boaliug lu wlnler sud yachting in sum- mer. A rifle range la ta ha erecbed. Titersl be tennis courts sud golf ]inas. A New Swindle. A Ch îcaga abarper, repreaeutiug ihat lie was A. C]. Alibot, of Cary, vomI te th2e borne aofir. Abbo'a milk deaer fIn Chicago and tried &0 cotIsai $25 of Mr. Albeis amilk mouey lu advance, daim. lng that làe peded 1the momoy 10 bey nov came.a ;hadealerwva abtfrom home, sud hieto ite did mot bave the unonoy fthe c avndier. The dealer golf, alter yard, lta a id hobeuhomo ho vould snrely 1have lebt112e man have .tbe mbpey, as thee sharper descrlbed Mr. AhboW&' milk cana and abhoved auch u Intimate knovledge of Mr. Abitte business&bt ha le ouid bave taken 121 fur tMr. Abliott, Viom 4t0 ever aav. Mr. Alibot nover hear4 of the man, and of course bover autbcz. ized hlm tu colinoot a cent. The graft lm a nov one, sud farniera veul4 do peli go valeli out for i0, sud fiýltrot buyors to piy Do oue but thoamaea or»kr infots episseulotivea?' -- .e o 4»tmâ io ro, a MiED ÀUSTIIA IS KILLED. 4- 1 Stepped in Front of Trai Near Wat.ngaia Mauday moraitig 'Top,, t trovctc, an elderiy Ans tiin yltr. yod 51 a baardlng boua.411n 'frîli éuest. Wankegfan, wVa8l atr l' y the 8:29> sonth bound poesetgr s lu le uortb of the Wauhegan dopot. 1lb, train vau stopped audthe Man pi, k-d np. Ho vas ailîl aie., 123 die 144ioit &fier romcblng the stationi. The deooesd ilhad biço n is counlty about levit yeurm. lHe had a vifs and sen ehildreii, alillu 1the old country exoopi oeadugier vho arrived lu Chicago abolit tavo veeka &go., Tueaday Coroner Taylor ljeid on In- quesi. Evidoepre)enî maoved ibat the decoaaed VU walking south oniclde af the aotbbouu't track. The engineer sud firemoiAn thie train Vhicb @truck film Mv the mau. IBe vols ferenongh UIbo 02etrsck 10 clear tbe englue but Ms à peantiou the Msuiamuvahut ,oP mmd air brait« applIed. As th2e t dre w near the muan evidently sê.pped nearer 112e $rack and vsstaouk l'y te pilot besau oi tbe englUe. The jury brouihi lau a verdict of accideulaldeaUl Sa eoCrdauce vith th2e fada sund ezonffaSd <the rairoad company front blameta the malter. S. 8. Convention the 110*1 rver 11.4 l LieC.,onty. The thiriy.llituslWubundiay Sebool Convention hfoid la the Waukegan biaptiat chnioh 1'rldy and Stuirday lagt va o doubi 11e Most imporlant and luteresting gstlsrig of Suuday achlool vorkera aver Lltd lu Lake caunby. Every session vw» largely aiteuded aud entitnlAbam aI m&U Unies untisumliyl apparent. New ffoMorsveto elected on oliovs: Proaldemt-udge V. V. lares. Vice Piemdet-F. D. Evereti. Mecretary and Treaaurer Dr. J. F. Ilomor. Supt. Normal Wcsk- Arthur lUmp. Sou. ilupt. Primary Work 'de,, F. D. xverett. Supt. Home Dept. Wtrk àira.<00. Wilbnr, vith pover t, ehoose and train au assiaient. £locative Commitie iv. A. A Pfan«iOl. Mai. H. S vailu, u. C. Eobulms, T. W.Moody,L.J.Yager.J. H. Cronkhite. The Tranrer's report for .11e year shovad IUgures of itteroe.. The re- cefipis e va:.34.2, i )uaenses$296.79, leavimg s balance on baud of $27.63, added bc the. halai)se fmcr lait y ear maklmng $100.05. Me Henry Secaire. Additionai litural Mail Routs. Over l iM e ery (onnty ihey do somethizg morseiliau tulk of th2e deaira- blUty ot rural mail rmites. Tbey go "aller ihea." iiylter euerprlaetboy have JUal aeCured the 1lîcatIon of ibree nov routes. From la.9t Issue ai the Woodatoch BSaent ve clip the tollov- Img: Ou momday lait, l aoordsncs Vritb s previona arranigemnent, special Agent Geo. A. Benett, of tbe rural mail service, met aulM ber of ltse post- Massear*anmd other cttzusaif1the ou. ty lnloreslted lualte establilhment of mev routes or th2e iml)ievement 0f ihe pre.eut routes, at the CHF noullou rooala this City. Ater due cou- alderation o! îLe .arioe. routes presemied, petitioris for vhichlibadt previoualy beenfi,rwarded 10 1the dopatuent,ia nunuler o! uev routes voie detlermlined upori, and old roules ver. no aroged tiat noue of the routes vOll couiet autb eauh otber. The resuitoth 1e reing vale that Woodaiock vIii eciire tltreoadditlonal toutes, the details ut vbhilit viii bc given u soon as expltelI instructions are receivsd Iroi hendquarters. Oporattons on the8e frottes vilI begin es aoon as th2e maclîîîiemy la sel la motion alt Wmbugtou, but luit uhen that ViII b.c annai le lnretold. Tva Suite for $5000 Bach. Tva suliq o! $500'.cti for deailis ou ils lins have beecu tarled agaimal the. Chicago sud Milwsaukee Elocirie road. ichiael J. Fearun, of North Chicago, vhcs. son Vincent, zas killed mear the depot several utoutiîs sgo viii sue ai thiis erma of court. Hils attooos ais Ganse Md lCralg, of Chilcago. The cother santiis lu lie sbariod by th2e lt»Ov o1,Jacobi Jappe, the fTrelg"i IkilIod mi Lake Port, vhoî vasu lhng along the Compsay's privalO i<12bf-avay. New Commander ut Fort. Lieutenant Colouel ililm Aumnl, ni the TbirteeohUnbi ted States lu. laaliy,hoas beenc sl. ,'tüd te auccoeid Colotiel William van Ilome, rocentîr rotiuad, «ommnrander ai F'ort Sheridan. ne la »Wv luths Pbilippines. Sýptem1»eî> 'receedlnge. î The UI9PL*apowNT rpublaiet« tha fvoehe t.officiel proceediriga of th1e oep$Uilbeimeeting Of the Lake Cols UhiO we apervlaors. Von viflsil owe u bas%"pe. PRISONRS WERE ARRÂIQNED. Ail ll d "Not G(ilty" Wltb <One Exception. Satnrday altemoon Circuit Court con- vened and Immediatoly the prîsouers were arraigued. Ail tbonse Idicted but Chester Sirnli, a boy frorn Hlgh- vood, pied "flot guli!." Simith ppi" -.guilty" suddvauseuienced 10 lait fer thtîiy day.. William Cumminge of Highland Park, vhoao case attracta80oranucb et- ballon beouas of the seriousueaa of bis crime, Whou anked wbetber or flot bie val guiiiy of marder, s eemed greatly agltated. lHe remaiued esuent * accord- li;2 tb Instructions of bis attorneys. Judge Douneliy repeated the ques- tion lu a tond toue. Cumminge dld not onsver ai tirei, iben nervonaiy mnrmaurod, "not guiiîy." lliiiattoîney C. T. lleydecker vas on bis test ln an mItont sud iustited thaï;1the vords b. îotraeci d dthat, as l a »in lulegal partance, hia client --&tand m t.'" ur. 1liydockor thon made a motion 10 *'quaa h12e indicîment" aginst Oummlngs. This the Judge over- rnled. A pleoi no& gnilly vas accord- lmgly eutored. 18 la believed the murder triai viii coule up a& Oie .terrnof court. Wanke"gaMon Suicides. The trelce neya of tbe deoib of W. A. Blahop. one ai Wankegau's brigbtest youing mes, au attorney vitb Office la Chicago, vas couveyed to that city by telegram Thuraday e ilaut week trorn Rocester, N. Y. Bishops body vwu ionnd innkhfield, lourmilsofromn Rochester, Wedneoay. The young mou's Ibroa had boom cut, sud the outhoritisver. Onat t 0à0cm go delermine vbetber lb vas suicide or murder. Ail bis vluables aud mouey vers found où his peison, but th2e kuile or instranment ltaIt bad severed hi&. Juguler vola onid not li onad. The young --man oi Wekegan Tuesday night unter circumàtence tbot vould point 101the suicide thory. yet tbore vas.n oapparenit èanie for thie doad.Hes vas rich, liodtoàgood pracoce sud vaa eugaged to bo mer- rled t10UmIElia Strong, sMster oi i4Ia 18V. pirter, aud one of tbe mont promnent young ladies of Wauke- £811. Iuve.ligatlonbrougbt forth a largo euvelopo, oun112e bock of vhichB lishop had vritten: DrEÂO Uaamxoxuxsi: - Uod-bye. (lad vit] icegive me for &IU 1 have doue and loit undone. 1 ron for th2e train, but 1 bope nov I amn doimg right. Tbe jewelry on my person glve 10 Cousin Aune, as WveU as everyibiung I bave. This vas tound lu au lnaide cool pocket. Laier anotber letter was found iu Mr. Bisho*sdeak it12bi borne, sddreasedo h0 is grandmother, Mirs. Arnold, vitb vbom bie lived. It said th&& lie vos goiug aay. perhapo nover 10 returu, sud requeted ber 10 payas tew 11111e bille ho owed about tovu, the vhole toue of tbe noie beimg o01ofdespondeucy. This diapelledl @Il doubla of bis frieudisud flrmly establiaboed la ibeir mmndi 112*1bis death vu th1e result of auicidewvitie under intense mental airain. Funerai services vers beld ai lirs. Arnold'a bouae Sunday, Lewis F. lson and Wm. liirang returning trorn 11e cene ai tbe trsgeoy, vbere tbsy had gons inmediately upon firat receipb of ne ova olinthopa doaih, early BnmdaymyrnmIug viit bhisro- mains. Blsbep vau boru in Wankegau No- vember, 6, 1870, the son o! Lorenzo B.lshap, vbolilve. lul taioCity. lie vas edncaied In the Wankegan achoola, aud t1en Vent 10 Lake 1'Qrest Uni- versity, tram avicli be vas graduated la 1894. Helstmudied 15v In theo iav sobool af Nortbvestemn Univsity, gradnatiug in 1896 mnd iormed a part- usrsbilp vîblu Wm. G.Strong, o! Wauke- gon. Howaasaconedoeoftbsmcet brillant studonla vbo ever received a sheepskin irorn the taculty at Lake Forent. iHe bad lnberlted coaldorable voajil from bis moiber sud grand- parents and bis fture vos no aright that anlees bis mind vas nubalanced no possible reason for suicide eau lie fouud. L19FT ALI. TO API'IANORD vira. Monday 1theaili of Mr.,Biabop vas filed lfor probate. lb vas mde ont Oclaber 14, 1898, and the vitu ese vers Elam Clarke and Lucy M. Clarke.. MIr. Blsbap's entire satate, rosI sud porsoual propoity, la ieft lu Misa Hua& Stuombg. bis sffanced vIls. Thoe e- ecutors named are Mr. W. G. Strong sud MisaelHa Sirong, tu sorvo vîthont bond. --l deaire," oafid te aili. "Chat My grandlablier ai rny desah, Il ho Ilvea,d bave aiblihs Incam rne mtmy propoty. At bis deatb, or ai my death il 1he doag not survive, I desire my truateon 10 pay over ta my iaucned ilfs, EUS Btrong, (inl case of lier deall berrbhtta> ait ot ny reia and pereonal proporty.0 '112e estt la su extensive one. Shredder for Sale. For Bal-Six roiber Milwaukee ahrod- dem, second band, la good ahape. Tuas. lMoinuar.,Huckoeellr. EUÂD TUB XI32P5WE1?. IV UD gA oURsama Blankets ai lnioresting and you compare va ueeded to bel] BED BLANKET We carry aJ vhite and color prioea-$l.3O,$ Union B]an fililing 10 lauu ai $3.00, S02.5< Alilvool biM bine or redib vool, blanketa i and service, a% $4.00 and 03.1( COMFORTERS. Heavy quilt on one aide, st1 Large alikol aides and iied th2e prias. 02.1c Ais. a large IIM WaukegAn ,d Comiorters. iJOY a Visit 10 ibis store home sof the id beauifUi ' iings dieplayed sud viùn vaues jou'l &gree that braggsdoeioltu go$ Ip oeil our goods. rS. large flue of Cotton fleeced bl@WwketSu cre, wbich are exceptlonolvsaeg-al 1e 11.25, $1.00, 73c and 49c per poix.. abats, made on cotton varp, viUa vo« um more service, in ver suld vaahln 10, $2.23 aud $1.75 per poir. inhala In gray or white viih fsn«p jl4k borders.,ruade frornalecisd log.eeih. thM* con be recommended for honeel wn 'k prias rom $8.00 to $3.00, *., 0 per poix. Ilied cornfortsa, chintz covered, figurei the Pric5e M to73Ce ech. fime oovered eomiforters flgnred on bo18 ilvitb g00d white cotti n sd iuffl, eM 56. $Z.00, $1.79, ta $1.23 ma«h. *IS F LOW PRlOtS. If you are thinking et buying a stove ibis faillo winter it Will be money in your pocket 10 look over my stock before buying. I have M&ad arrangements with (Cribben & Seion, of Ohi«Cao, to handie thon, entire lino of Univexua Stoves and Ranges. The Universal Steel Range headei bUliiof Steel Ranges; is of the flueit fin"sh sd h.aVi.u steel. By buylng a lurge quaniy I got & speeja Iow Price which wM lenable me te oi the.p splendid stoves ai &bout. the same pria. voiai wonld have to psy for obemaper goods. Hi. B. IEGÈER, t Libertyville - - Ili l. q nom..,- liHE 201H1 CNTuYw i Cari now show you ti.he it U. of ready-to-wear Buitea ad O*. coatis ever shown in this vliWty.ý WedidL flot bny themto, kee>ý', but to, seUl; and bave marked ti price aecordingly cheap for sh Our -Duck (Covert Cloth) Rubber, Iriterllned -Coata and V"stehave arrived. To mee them Io to bui Gloves and Mittens ioc to Si,.8 per pair. Men's, Ladies' and ChI141rWO' Shoos to fit your feet, lit 7oitr purs. Y, - for seuh. E.W. ARB CT, SCNNCKBLOE, USIIVYJ* ASTIIMA; -CURE.FREEI--. Aitheale B ioglaminai Relie sd Permanet Ci,« lâ Aui COU& SENT ADSOUNULVY FREE ON RUGEhPT'0F POSTAI. em"There l nlbug11.Agutbala. Il ,l bal use vh.mtail .1.. taga. 'P t rf ý, ~JbertyvIIIê,. 4 - ofu C bjcago, W tY. d Evaugelical atorly meet- af Chicago, kficid recemîly Ive s Miliatti lion- accompabiod 1 boue5. t tse bome of (eZ,, fia siowiy kL Of typbltl r, ai Neper. Immeif for te 3 ERvaltgelicic iiIîg. Thte V. B fatia'ia. velers. dIteu brin". ou tu-oOu snoaid sOf td'mtber- rrhOee Renedy. Km Inn-3p aloolla Mc matou atOCa au. hoi

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