CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Nov 1901, p. 8

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aad «IetSIbib.tejos thesael wf he brningue-d. T .Son a ntw al' Met. an lira.ber aensMr d redonsdrbedmgbsbe oet o ohr reei. lir. Belerwoo YrmGURe E. epat ynr ldvaîa bfor lit. Sllian ndMr@ Deoc rov ara.BOfJ.finneaolanditgbratbeau tLir Hoillne flJuet je leititing borie vrsd&bu ala ieo Arvlllervicesprogram oay.on turins Bit atrelativese Antrobid.0v Weon l i . o o n r a e b r e f o c u p e o n o as h e C î re l bo e r o m ha d .i . Se a d a y a t e n o n h ui t T days. cago for a yack. plopils.- Wilil W hitmorc o bo01180cought tire lira. Charles Wilbur, of Wanukegani, lA ortatody own ch la E bt lu near 1the cblmney a ohort lime ago. visited friend4 bore Suniday. Inngîhutoad nio lahesinit r They anccooedd n uxtiLlnemuîîinte Tom Giray and wife, of chicago, bronro. te anet bot littie lainiage was (tonle. visited et T. C. Froncha Sîiuday. Subiert for discuission at the c. As a reanit of the little hint tu tast lira. Dîxon and daughiter vero lu meotinv oext Sunday evening. "ý(; weok'a Items,. the woodlmen hiae oa- Chicago the latter part of ia8t veek. Leading In Olur Livea." 'Ars. W. on Thuroday of this week for a bnusking Mr. and lira 0.J .. rm.lîy vimlled Porteons, leader. bee a Mr.Theywilifrionda in Irving Park the tirat of the week. Saurday evonlng. Nov. 2ud:I tako thir lunch, oudIif the veatther j hl cues ie îth .C.Ttme6 social by 1the <brimtian Endea favoabl andailr-pald o th ini-. in the hall Friduy night vas largel3.4ociety. Wear your old clothesi talion, they ilay doi a grent deal of atendeil. eNcape the beavy fines. vork. The Royal Nelghbors entertained Mr. C. Shalîlle, oftPlatine, la o A large çrowd ieniol ftic dance ai momurs ifWaukegan camp alirîlay ing the giad band te lis frienid6 the0 lavili)n laturday cîening, Il Bternooli. -o nd il aeems like nid limes to I avil2g bOeen iiincc'd UN th1e lait of That Throblbing lcodaclie 'hlm vlth ns. Corneofeen, Mr.Shiati the ëeanon .A prizv a117. Oaa the wý,olie, oklti.~v, oii ii .dD,. The yonng mou o!flhî.< villageh N-e Lif.. PillLe Tiiond.of or-u fouture of the t*volniiug lims Fran(es f lia - p, ro-il fli-r maîiico mii for decidoîl to orgauîze a Young mi White 0fof ouîidLaike, andlHarry nrsni. ialclcoTuer ymako cu o h upieo itttiiii Pti r.1,oo1donu lii iii Y(iir haifh u <01 l u o bep roe fnî l i Goary of! Wsuconua eccîrel tbe prizes 25 ent-s. .<onPy -y iifoot tjîîro..oil up readiug roo riirîg the vînter MOI] F. B. lOVELL. Lifrtyviic: GRAaSLaRE as th1e Most gracefîîl couiple. lUA oC,. aI loalt. ~ STOVES RANG ES + ++ * Stewarts, Acorns, Jewels, GoId Coins + We bavA the fin "ai and mofit nom-+ Plote lino of Stovea anud Rangesa ever sbown ln the town. Wo1+ bougbi tbeem eariy-beforo e taeraine ln price-.and can ave 7011 money on anjtihing ln 1the SLave line. m--Corne ln and look themn over. ....-«i SCHANCK BROS., LibertyvIlle, Illinois. + ~oIdWeaheris comiîtg! Prepare ulndie! We are sho%îîig a large assortmeint of.( )vercoats Duek (joatt;, LJîderwear, (,'loverH and Mittis, Hlorse Blankets, Bed Blanikets, Etc. Just recelved à new stock of Watchea, Rings, etc.,new gooda ait rock bottorn pricea. Liberty Flour. per barrel........ 1ý....... ...........$4.00 Fancy Table Svrup, pier 1 gallon poili................. .33 Rio Coffea, lie per lb, 10 Ibn for....................i.60 Fancy Santos Coffe, 18o per Ilb, 6 Iba for..... 1.00 Paucy Miaracaibo Coffee, 20e per lb, 5ý lbn for............i. 10 Full Crea.m, Amrican Brick and Limburgor Cheeeo. 8moked Meata andt Sausage. V. Sauer & Son, Long Grove - - - Illinois. ID .COAL Bs. D.L.& W. is the et m --- W/c lîaîdle tliv I est liraijl ever îîîtrodîîced iii Libertyv<ie, viz: the 1). L. & W. Braind. Order y(>ir wiit-r*>stîpply of lis flow. 'l'lie <nue wil suire! y advance as winîter dîraws iivar. IWRIHT-BROS., Libertyville -- Illinois.j Vnter eroit ub Ia ches c.E, lod's %. D. Ilard eavier 9andt o<lir- bore bave have ig a outil 'ue attendance aI achool bias been iiicreoseit by the euroiirnent of ite nov pupila Wii Riouge, Paul Allan- son, baba! l uttertielit, Xiii leyer aud Wil lecketseier. 'ibere i., certaînly somethling t11e malter vhien 011e of ouir resicleuces la burnod and t11e fact la net chbonlcled in Lake Counlys boat paper. The local correspondent, the1eodJînt andt fate are 10 biome for Ibis carelessuesa. furîng tbe past year ont village bas improve t 0 a litîle, bat Ibere Aes sîlil chance for Imptovoment. Sone of th1e ilewalkii are mliii iu a horrible conidi- tiou. No one shoîild allov a horse 10 11e lied near 1111 vaIko as Itie woika l mureiy ho tuiued. be pooreal boy or girl cao mage every shape houi riotl iu opporlunly for educatlon tbrougb books." Knov- ing Ibis anit rernerberlng Ibal il la essentilit10geltbem tirtI vo bave air- raugeit a lecture course. Th1e nexl aumber wîli be gîven Friitay evening, Nov. 0111. iiuring fil, lut l, f SOl aiiO, fi Man miii wIl f liel", Toilcd ln tic o2orn hit ,(ldowiî thrlitoîgiîrich ou ov. Nov w(vlicnummor s, o-i <nul fipcocdl winits iow luigli B,, tops off ccli meol iwin nia viol iitu- ki Pie. (Tbeo. Swan vrote Ibis, but ho dlin't hoe the Cota.) -Hov pricelesa la a liberal eJinca- lion' In lîseif, vbsl a ricin endow- m,11' Il la 001 impaireit by age, but ils value incteaseo by use. No one eau ernploy it but its rigbtfui owner, ho clone eau illuitrale ls vorîn, oui OhjJy lso rewarda. if canniot 1e ina horileit or purclia8ed. 1t muat me aclirîd by nD(lvilual cîifotl. il cen hoe aecnred only lJy persevoranc anit soif-denlal, lbut il le am free am 11e ait wea breathie.' At tbis seascuor th11e bau and th1e disappearance of the aîraw bal and sooranchker coMl the anolioneer la at his boat and s numbet of onrtotninmon are vonIt tuhie tlbomsoivea away lsu1the nOighbarimg bamiets andt adjacent farra oattend1the -"sales" uni tteustons whlch are laalng place nov andt thn on ail ides 0fr is lîke 111e "abam11bat, tles of ilifferent detolonietits of th1e 2<111ilegalar Iifantry. Fout @al es a voek la a comnîou occurrence. We ail kaow peopile wbo nover sid nytiiag intiofn, ont Information, Out bappinesat or out cornfort. They are alwaya lrying 10 gel slomething from us5 Witbont gîving antylbing n retnrna. The C. L. society members are n01 0f Ihia class, ve vouid bave you know, andt Inprove Ibis assertion a Poverty s,<ial wil be given to-morow nigbl on Oak aHi. Whou You leave Yeu alîl iîî,1 bo poasasei of thst mins feeling aa Yoe u il moot a Pecople who give nîmore tian tbey take ironi yîîn. T0e manageni,-ot ilftthe Rockefeler Lecture Couras- oi the renowneit Ladies' Aid have eutoreit loto an ai- lance and will give a lectnre sud chioken pie supiier ouu Friday evening, Nov. 0111. Dr.J. 1, I.Taylor. Lake Connity's popular 'oroiner, of Liberty- ville, wlli deliver a lceIte on "PFro. greau nMoecl ýleuoce," vbicb la of mnuetintereal, ase 11e orlt 1-day centaina leu, sickniesB andt disease Ibsu ever befote owinig 10 moiteraninodical science. In fact a more intereallug aibjecl doe o 111 cist. (Godtlent wiîlisaaie PartIin amialog 1the doclt. tn regard 10 the suppet vo feel Ihat th1e anonuncemol thal 111e Ladiee' Aid bave 11111<part ln Ilicir charge is aut- ficient. You viii mae o t 1 iBlakte in Patrnnl1zlng th1e lecture andt suppor, lbereby beiplog worlby causes. 'ho1 management of Oîur achool makea no excuse for nrgîng opon th1e people of tI ivcinily Itie neceaally of gviuZ tbeir sons and daugbtera a goad education. Il la ju8l as Important 10 th1e fermer 10 have a tborongh ednce- lion as 10 111e marchant or profesalanai men. "ho farmer en! 1-day vlth the prueoul ompaltîon lu produtunion, abnuld bc possesseit of a tbotougb seilla bieproducesoit of vbom ho maires bis purchasea are) mou of achrevit business mAnda. We say, tben, give t11e boy a chance, for vigb a gond education ho yull be able 10 iteal mors advantageoualy with mou 0f t11e vont. The rate of tInion should no01 1e lookeit upon as an ex. pense, bol an Invealmient, vblcb vilI not OnIY Psaagood lotereal but vilI repay 1Vie principal in1 a very short hime. Chnuo-r-, wh ille nf Mrtinslru. W u .wi-o. aiton. iti, choiera morflas. wJilii wscfuliowsi b>-dia,nioea. Tho miutdrfOeii.e limoino g'od. i1vw" advi8et t,, Cet a t,oitia or Ciornbirfi&ln, Collo. Cliolerca atdDi.uri- oareet vîrli u 1 it If ct ursit mc i-undiiacclviii -0. A. Muaaîa. Einlrevlik,.l'a Soidt'yF. Il LOVELL. 1Lert vlle; OaAuai.ÂgaPHAa- »ACY. J. fi IXEL lvantioe. Ivanhoe Items. Mîaa Emma Radke bas been vlsiting cotp8 of asolelianla dit gooit vork lu in ( lilcago fot anme tîme. itecoratlng t11e churcb. Tlîe Speakers lir. sud lira. Russell Wei18,o! Lake vare entertuuneit iurlog 111e day aI Forest, veto visitora lbore early ini the th1eborne o!flits. H. D. Wella. viuek. , co11ils £ENE-TS. Mr. and lira. Martin Docker epentî . Halloween boulai sI U. C. W. Saturday anditSunitay itiiMlit'andt Mmt L. H. tBryant. L. H. Bryanot auachloîî sale 'I eaday vaa veil alleuitei. Eveuryîfirîg vas aiol<l aI good prices. Dean Oels blasts Ibm Christian En- dieavor meeting oeil Sundlay <venin5. iofe tulc"(oi Lealing la Our Lve.' 1ev. Alelanîler bas lîeeîî cogage t 10 HupplY 11e Illilpit at 1the Congrega- fitJnal cbnrch until a regolar pastor Meyeras- Thnraitay, Oct. 31> Football gamo, lRockefeller- Ivanboýe .<atday, Nov. 2. AMuranA Banquet Dac. 27. A crokinole partîya lu 1the air, We hope Il doesn't get Op 100 bîgbl. «i HOOL NOTE. Alnrntientbuglsm msgrovung. 'Life" program Fritay aflernioon. I lie fll'il Second moulu lest vas given Tueday a aternoon. A nuber f Uele arn@ sod lira Charlos Doriler bas lotîed 1the feaj.hooi a Unle cblryaantbernnm plant. voee lu tovn at Wednesitsy even oi.rhni [bey apîleateit 10bave as "happy" Banie agner altentedth11e ancîlon lime wblle boere, sale aI Mt. Bryant'a TuesdaY aler- i bore la'airnoat a <'valtrfarnine" flu 1 u tovo; scarcely a voîl la net dry. l'ho Parentse' "lie Ihird scbooi rnontb people are doîJendIng malnly on t1e1e begîna mmcxl vcek, vo are go901,0 oafin rnIlk factory for thoîr valet suipply, for P-rtecl attendance anit pnnctualiîy. paradoxicai as Ibis nay soeer. We reaiiza Iflvo v iii probaîîly fai short of 1the mark, but ve vaut t'O Th1e Congrogalional cbnrcb vwiii sîrke as noar 1 Il as possibme. Will hiave a aew organ. The rney 10 purt 700 belp us? chase one bas been taiseit by snb- The Ivo rnlaaing liuiks lu public sciption, aud Il la tbought Ibat lier- achoonl ork-lbelnk coauectlng the baRpa by riait Snnday an orgau may 1e seJlvI b oresdIebn lilacdituit11e cburtb. Richard Doit- oonechth 1e shomelavdth liar dIes bas b'en 1t1e eiiergeic zmOvet n on tfnnithela Ibo L ih Cbroalc aoecnring 1the mnîcb iieeed lasîru- t oatl h iteCrnce meni. Ak any o!f111e boys or girls eagaged '111 (onîy hriaîsu Endevorin 111e "Little Cbronle Content" anit 'l'h Couty Cristan Edeavr tbey vilileoiyou about il. Convention o! last Saturitay vass 00tSJnne have saidt Iba thoy bave nt v<'ty veit altenitoifi vas. boy- beau "loivilai"t" 10join the slumaî. evet, ain eutbuslastic, cbeerlngandsitPerbap8 Dot; quite llkeiy. Auyooe slrengterilng gatheulng. The lotenoon vbo bas ever atleudedth11e ivanbae vaa ocupled vlîb lltenlog ta Inter public acbooi, previona tae1the year ealluîg report@ of the Cncinnati anit 1901, andtvbo Asofnot nov a menber of DanvIbbe conventions. bu the alter. 1the achool, upon 1the payfient of 1the niooni Misa Mct îy, who passei t brough Initiatiion lte may becorne s meaiber. th1e Pekiun eige; lit. larcusanThis la ciear, anditnla a"persona iAn- preaitent o! 1the Chicago UnIon; 11v. vtation" te alil sncb 1 jobn. Do not Glbb8, of 1the Moody lusitînle, aidtvat for nomne one tusiryeti, for you Miss Earle, auperinterlitu of 1the ray 001 gel "-askeit.'Put Ihat lu Juiniordiepartmeut ofthe110Chîcago dl-yunt-okn neln g vislon, 8oae. Ail veto speakers la- 0rntboksiuneleI. miliar vlth Iboîr aubiects. The aveu- Stepped onu a Tom Penny Nail. ing mneeting vàâ aditresseit by SIte TJl,--lul., diaugiter of lit J. N, Powel l'roaldenî licDoialit, of Chicago. He uîî,'t ou, nan luverteit take mate of tan look fJ'r bis subjeet -"'l11e ,Sîrenuons tl'il i<hails, adt hrumt Onue ni~l eniir tiirouoghlit ,r foot ondt a secondt ans half var Lite' andt ieait vitb 1the topie lu a t uuli. C,aaiierialn's Pain Balm vas vay eutlrly bis oa Tbe loal ao- n i,~~li-, ansoiIve minutea later 1the wayeLiirey Iin wn.Thelocl é- vin a iaiuîearot stanno more sufferlcg ciey tett t îxpess lsthnk 1 11ewas g e eiuet I tee dta h îe cIlla ciet dehre t txp"8 ta tankstu te w u we ie nr alîe as usual andoithI Myalc WJJtkerâ fuîth11e useo of thit or- chOiotuly lie tioomfOrt- .li. Powell ie a 551. Mss ihe hmlIhproeitherel1I ceui nvywn nierobant cf For-klanit. Va. 9RILMiNOheo WiLi prved ersatlain Bla mle an antliepîlo atd beala aucb au lalatigable vorker ta prearing ininirime vlilîoît maturation andt lu one-Ibird the lime r.'ured 111 the usuel Venaient. for Ihe..eouventu.o Soasd ber able Soit b F B. Loy, usL làbrvîlo; GOass- '; Joux aui. Ivanhoe. [eller ltéffis. Wm. Seobey hMm ovdmS *àk Heaking corn la th1e order of the day. Mir. Sheridan'a barn la nearly com- plewei. Litlie Jessie Wiiniiigtoai la under Dr. Taylor@ cure. Mime Mary lîyan lm progresaiDg 11104,Y in ber m otion]. 'be NI fastesitudd aare 1the prouit pos- sebhota ,f a iOw arguan. Henry lieckman movedod 011 bis farin tine État of 1the veek. Mir. and 'ra. %Vlmnglon 01<1< r- taiied a tels[ilve 1&4t usai. Mrt. lJo2rna'cskale vas vol altenleit, tblogti îriuglng a gnod prics. Mrt. nd lira. Fred OlIlinga and th1e latter'@ motbor, Mire. Harris, mitenta day fast veek at Dianod Lake. A Viîoent Attack of Croup Cured "Last vicier an Infant chit 0of mine hia uroupunluito Oolent form." BarsaEider John WIBogora cChiristian Evangelint. of liiey, Mo ' aVelier a 1ev doses of Chamber- la. ;in Conli l,-ieîdy anditlIna short lime ail dansecr vas past aid tue ihld reovered." Thfiaremcity fot cale oureseroup. bul whin «vasv enti00as the lrst ammtona appear. vili irevciît ftheattack. It conlalos no otitum or utir liarinlai aul.,tanc. anit mur beaulo,,n am, .nllitiiii,îliua baby as tb an aduit. For sale by P. B. LovELL, Liberty- Ville: GIIAYSLÀKZ PEAUX&C.<Y; JoBa MZIKZL. PRAIRIE VIEW. loeesevors huas bee ou the sick liaI 1the puât IWO weekh. lira. Brown, 0f liloominglon, is visit- ing nilil Mr. and Mlr@. Wm. Wbigaxn. lirs. lAusFoote, of Waukegan, visîloîl relatives lan Iis vicinity recent- ly. Miea ElaieO (ridiey, of Wankegan, @peut Salnrlay suditSnnday vitliber parents. Miss Miinte Flatter, of Chicago. $petit Munday viIb lMr. andMlia. Il. Meyers soit family. lira. S. E. Ruedler sîJenl a fev itays liat week aI itavinia visl.ling ber ais- ter. Mrb. S. 8S Ilanger. lira. Robertsando Mlra. J. S. Gridley voteeonlertainod a few dayâ tibis weok by frianits ai Lake Doneva, Win. Mrt. sait li@. C. B. Haston and Mrt. and lir@. Ed. Esalon, of Iieertielit, viatted vilb lMr. andt lra. Juid Mason receatly. Pred P'ronve bas ronleit John licLangbiin'a place ai iaif Day and Fred aaya 1e la going tu -"batch" it &bis wiater. A. 0. liaoîher bofs t Saaday for Buffalo, Co attend th1e exposition. lira. Mande Knoliljeanaaisting lira. Mather in th1e store and Plosloflbce. To th1e Publie. Aiiov moto cara ev vî,rdn lujraice of Chamta-rialuc t.ough BRemedy. i1os reçommed I lt i Lii, Oîîutu- ooriitnoa. it lias donc uOd wurk for me s-Dit ildo thin" «anfor tbera 1 Lait a cerf ,varo 001sil tioi itandf'areit i woulit set pnu- =nuia. bo11t aftcr fakiauuLi. -.Di tdose cf IbuiIGL 1cdiiciL toitUer. flirco boules of It uroit. my :oid and tii.. Oipa i Ji, Myouest dfiea1'ucret cotiioiy. 1Ia.coimtcirespect- foLî%Yr olefor'ii J MîEaES 66-Tiltfy.,oentli Mt.'<hbsilaff. . Va.Muîî lie F. B. Lovso.u.. iborfvlile Onày&usx l'uAàaueaotJoua MmÉjxxi.. icaaoe. LAKE ZURICH. Appels uaI Ril Franka. Everybody is ooking for ramn. Air. B. Branding bam purchaseit anioltier itoukoy. Mir. Wmn. Biekuase made a trip 10 Chicago 'lneaday. John Doala,of liarrington, vas a viail)r Lbore boLita7. Mir. wm. iiuoscbng, tir., clda t rip 10 liarrimiglon Monduy. itr. Uua. Slozeu, of Wauconita, vas bore on business Tueaitay. lira. Louis. Soip vont 10oicago Tunaday 10 visit ber sick imotter. Air, sodit lra. EJ liaiole, of Liberty- ville, woro viaiting vitb Ha. Seip last uiunday. lit. John Hoitge andt lady frienit, of Rockefeller vere seen on our stteets usat Friday. lit. Frank Rouney, Our popuiaz setock bayer gailpeit a car Joadt 0f 11055from bore Monday. Abont six couple of Ont ynung peo- pie 5.intee the dance at Long Gtrave lent SaturitaY. 'ihby ai report a uine lime. E V ER ETT. Miss Maymie loro apent lest veek tu tbe cîl.y. lir&. J.Iiradiey andt baby daugler Osmiiia, speut lest veek wilb ber parents. lira. G. Hunniforit andt faiiy bave rolornied to ii tir Chica.go borne for th1e violer. A nuLmber of out yonag people apent a very pleasiant evenligetai awaona on Sunitay. Jamtes Doyle, forrnerly of Everelt, andt Miss Farrell, of Chicago, voe married An Chat place on Tneaday. George Yoto, Sr., la on the Blok list. QUENTINs CO(RNERS. (jeu. an 5 Oituun,5a.,aeltI lionday. Aug. (Grever hani incestel LU, a Dov Vbre-iprîng wagon. Miss Eaty Baker bac 500ie f0 Chicatga 1.0 erve asCook luna bprl Ote fsrnliy. Levers' !.&ne is a very blIiy place novdaym, aul.reort bas ut. Ai'uro tâter. Born, t'J itMr.d lira.Henry Jlclip,s dangblr-r. Ah are dolng veli. Cigara, Hienry. Wou. liltcrI sCldfarnbîy viallei Pastrick Uourtnî.y uaI i-u titvr, ixt Sundzy. Ont bcbào. i viiiOpen nDIoit Ouiay, Nov. 41Là, 81h1 bila Helona >Ieaoe, uf Chicago, au tesebierý Um Clara Knigge reeeatby veut go ArlogWu EHelgbta Iu o ecber broîllera sud attend 11etauâLcü ]tir. andt lira. Campecr Smith called ou fr-bonds bore Snnday. lMt. Smith ia of Elgin butter lob lame, H. L. Bockeimau ndsoitîfe voro lu Chicago Satntslay laking lun1110 theeler and tarnements gezieraily. 1'. J. Bo'ceimai ni fanîbby. ',f Libtt viili.. , ro aI tvitiOuiO'af("r- nera Suuday ucallng (Ju r'istives cui uld ielgbboîrs. ilueltitIaà('omtets 1, fi)bave turai dollvery mail trvici-by iiec. Ish. Who masya 1te <'îroero i14 goiîîg 10 Ibe logo' Thia tunct lun-aeaot nol on th'-l sire, t use l'telb eaint. Lhecarnp very [luar gelljiîg a secondi cop of £sriy linuichhUI(1err-ua 1 ibey veto as large as pî.ul'ut Jau'k 1' rosi <came toi. Muuoii l'utIh, Fred J.rever, Omieauil langlt-lu- aw o cru uîhlit giii iaiut ieuuday ta aee thoîr mou, Clrla lnggton, vho la Luce tlua abuapial for treatinerg ha Vlntg haulth1e1euaainifortuLie 01lcipg ismthaudtln a corn machine. Tbey report te e re a tozen pé- Moentas Ihero matilleit bY1ite aime machine-hnlcuîeriog mshope lbey ber- lt lie calit'd. Jouie#41IL Farrebl, of Chicaigo, ,Makeuas lecommnniatlon. Jamesi H. Farreml ut Chicago la one ou 111e bont kuoovoligures laetueoDemo- cratlc Poiica of triât city. Foir yeata 11e bas beon Harabial of 11e'famns Cook Couuty Dernocrscy lisrbing Club, vbicb bas j-iJaibCpnteinluDomo- ertir campaîgnia flihallifo1ealea Of 111e union, and a bbcb wviolt10Nov York ospeciaily 10o asie-tln lu 11<0oction of Mayot Van Wyeký ('apî Farrelllaist11e obtest membent of 111e bliuoia House of iîpregenta&lves tn Point of service. bcavIug beona mina- lier conliîiuonîal1Y sinice 18817. 1H contiluonth bave eloctoitJili-iglit Limes, Il i bee11u0a leader lu triât bodty !rom rti0begiooing (if is c"rter soit la une o! Ile ienbet koovtilgurtia in 111112o18 polilucas. Capt. Farrel ln 59 yeara ot age nuit 0or (l1te tbeat prenorveîl mon for bts years Iin111e lliniie legisiate, de- @Pite 1111atitoon sud Constant italies bn tiai body. tMr. FarrellIlAs engageit la th1e trosiestalo iiiuslions IlaCbficago. Undor date o!f March 14, 1901, ho vrirem as folova Springfieldi, Il. Pzi-îeiN svîtui- CiJ , liutlcolia, Ili. Manufacturetra Dr. Calvwelis Syrnip Pepsin GENTf,EIN i:1have 1f111]darriera Iborougb trial t1ait yuiitSyrup Pcpsln la a mont excellent cnd saccesofai reneity fut D)yapepsii,.iillonssneaasud Sick Heaite.cbe. ILl as11108teffective and pleasing ilaail cases o! Ibis nature, ant IL la wltb ploanuure I rocommeudt h te olboes Respectfnily youîrm, JAS. Il. Fsaiut- ELL. Dr. ('aldvell's SJTIp Pepsbn anit Blerti Laxative Compouit la gilaran. boit 10 cuite ail furta oo! slomsîq, trouble, bliousaî'saq, alk beed.lsCb. Indigestion arîd conlilpation Not su Irritant but a corrective. Sorilaunr.00 ait $1 boîlles 117 F. B. LovaLL Libertyvible; Gio. C. RonainTs, wga. Couds; W tI< KRNIooI, Rckefeller; GIIAYALAXE l'HARMACY. Thse Cbiidren'a FrIrait. Yo,,'il liaveo 0ouittile vInter. fidaybo yai loave uua'unov. Vir eIiiicireni ii uffar 100. l'or COUIC 119. cr01.iJ ,toliunklIla.grliand Othonr vlimîtePi uoinlaiui one liiiileCouihC(ure ni,.rrfailo, andl acts, lruuutyi.Il lanve' î.'cooant t" ti ,- nîîsue and !o'rfeetiy bartmice. <'.t uB .WinClieatmr,Keontucoky. v,'ttonu Our littie girl vaw" t ke iil e roup laie env niulif aud w-o- o,uociras sille Id <JaItd[il epal ' iJet i ew dosea s.f O0a0I <nut,,CniiCuire. ILl tiveil ber immedotlateiy adcnt«1e î ('iao op. Whei, ah.e avoke uDt morIa ie hâthit no. asiarit hoairseas or urnun.mFor sais7bF. jB. Lovait, ih ettville. A GREAT MÂN'S IDEA. FelENIUS, as Ruskin defines It, Las smply ti ia superfor power of seeing. Have you 1101 the genlus to mee how important an element ln the success of your. house-keepig Vol. X. plat matisi *samni how we k ~FEI Ji Are thie hast ti F4- gra, teed s îevly preln Ibal makes o, as nov. f arn propi camuent a@item Prices ai, w PkOOM 2 ac Runl Uz Dr. Cha O)ff b. ove acustia Libertyv Dr. J ()If lce ovg VEERFIEL. Miss Labo Page @peut Stin(fity ai home. L. P. Tot la painting flml teineiilt bouge. lit. H jîchinson iap-entluast lJiinuay la Waukegau. lit, sol lMra.C. B. Eaatoii are vlait- ID§g lun% lLi.nnsin. lit. Inn, ban moved from bis som- mer horne bore, tu Chicagon. lir. Pliagge intoada 10 îîîov batolaitbi nov huls by the ltIof December. Elmet Peeiabas movei to10bis nov homo lua1the nortbero pa.rt of teo. lit. Frllcb bas recelveit a nov afeo Burglara viliinet lIilt Iiis0one n easy. " The atnging cisas viii ment ai 1the home of th1e Misses Kaaak Satutdéy evealug. dames Woodmsn, or Wauîkegau, vliled ie Asmoîher, Mliýta 'but at Frlday asuit urdayý Milkelfforenbetger bas hbis iabonne on 1the fini papered ait pain ted for bis nov Lanaut, Henrty Segerl. Mrt. Endier lmltai thIiehomeo0f bis alaler, lir@. C. Autes. Suîodsy a "on. sulîaîlon 0f pbyslcîanc waa licli îe la nov Irnproving. (Our oea$slolîglîi bridge basnz i in provedl by custlug diîwn grece tiaI ahadeit IL.The channel vas (-Iitngcl ai 1the veal aiaagh bridge. Last week a large lire lro,,il tli 1te river voods vweat ,,l iere sudi sîilli burnîng. Il lamsittpu.sî'd tuaI t vs alarteil by hunIers. Th 1e tolite for tbîn Cli r iàtîsîn I. iu.v or meeting Sudai î-veuing, N jv .1, lu "(tod Leading lu J)tirLi,i't'sali.î 23a da it inaak, leffltîr. Eit Landau woo atokn 1' a bobîptlilun Chicago laut voek Wedinewa<y. His artm vaswaollon very bsdly. out the pbyalciauo$&y Il viii lie all tigiit. Mir. soit lra. Iluotck itdchilitrea vero 1the guasta o! F. H.i Meyer soit tarnlly Sunuiay. lit. Hock and farnlly starleit for FIords lionity ovenuig, Someofo!t1he young oeoiîie vbo rove o 1the Park lut Friitay evening vere dinappointed. On arcounit of a suiden ietablau1the farniiy of Prof. Umbsck th1e lecture vas plJstind intl No- vember bat. Air. aud lira. . l.AiVaut gave a hay- rack pstty 'Insday oveobng, <IcI. 22, lu bonor of Mite Agnes M. tsrnîb, o! Detroit, andt Miss Laurs J. Mubîke, of Highlandt Park. About Iwenity uiveofo 111e young people of botb tieertild soi th1e Park wore omong 1the party. LONG GROVE. Chrial Freund& and ilvit isilei t a Chs. Lalranîz'a ladt Sundlay. Mise Edna Schartrbam gono te belip Mts. C. Wiicoi, of Luilbtou, fJor a few veeka. The Misses Mamie anit J,'nnie Vel- ter, of Deoriloit, visîitdahtM. 'mb- deoatock's las% Suuitay. lira. Este lBergboru soit ianghter Ita viaitilth 1e bame of ber broîbor- lu-law, Fred Betgoorn, reconitly. C. Freandi bas purebasei th1e Bonnet tartaineur Pabatine. Air. Freundt lu- tends 10 move Ihere sonelîrne Ibis faîl. PAL.ATINE. Mir. aitdlira. Ray Fox wveogueesaof lir. anud lra. Pioneys over Sunitsy. We'are very aorry te limaritbtat Mina Miartha, tsaer, of Long Grove, la aeriaualy III. lir. andt lra. J. Il. Sloring bave for theit guosta Ibis veek lira. J. J. Stebbings soit ber itauglilt, lira. S. C. Lee, of DesMoinew, Iowa. lira. i. Bcblerdlng eatettaiueit Ar. and lira. Win. House sud lis Viola anit Mr. abitelr. Charbes Srnith, of Chicago, over Sunaay. Jame& liorobiouse, 1t1e barber, bana roet the place fut metiy occuplea by lit. Haratens a arestaurant udanmonrvoi bia equipmeuî 1ln Frlday. Great Luclç of An Editor. .For tva toara ail effortes1tecre eecromo mn fIeyeaim 0 mrlianidfalotd,' vrltes Edit,îr H. N. lese. ut yrain-ue. Kan.. "thon i vae wboly uret b>- Baikleii's Arntja Sauve." It'a 111e orld'a 11t1 or eruptlonsacres and ail shin dtgmsae. Oi, 260 aI Y. b. LovwuL. LI1rtiOîIYYhJoa&staLaxa Ptuai. "'liii t.iuuîutt of tite ProA 7 1i)10& Liber PAU A tIerney NO' Liberty, DRs E, ChrOflIC Dia GENE EVE, EAI

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