CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Nov 1901, p. 6

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band ho ma6 bisthappeara". Tba% VM afod a goimfer et liit ti kaüw 1id 7d-- --- y thalle won a barg. te tart 1Up1Ilb. not ail forgotten bi 7 my"U'à IdOL." L UO AI IjY D t river. New Oreana Wàl l mare nd "Goupart, ho feuraed me te the mm> I' exctement. Thogank.oe ea% Notebi. nage-" but bâti been surprnlued by "b Indiana, &M "Silencer' thundered Lobl, ItartiU OCCURRENCES OURIItO TH4E houi vearty every mou murderedl OUV 1111 towards where the speaker stood. "Le EEK had escaped. and tour of tboseehadlthieIca, remember you are my wjle, and noP TWEK.Ati ery morniog reched tie tOW. 00v. BucII1I daim obedience. Breathe another lad Perier had sent messengers Dit In the word of calunmy on my head and VU lNoarial Gai w.îî. et Heywotî-Fîr. Thd à Till of the Euly Settiors plantations along on th. river to Put thé malle youwlsh rour logue hud beauChld . lo AaY wfm 11 lanlelene nrI (i" n theird.gurd: Landlinow tültors toui bythe rmotsacire0yen used t:no" Derqza V.ouk.wrao Faoca iew LUMI@t*IU. up to s50 if afly assistance vas re<irlYU4become jour wlfe.' akg, ln 'tasna it qnvwb(îr, (-n the wsy, and i the Toan- At thi montent St. Denis tarted UP. l'air BY AUSTIN C. *URDICK r,îue sa onirjî5f icers "amto b.eheldi andbis dark oies burnrot wllb lire, ho Ilîlinoris Ili utri ii g.. iate. Ihati, efu (Iricpiiotone sIvhtatfurthar should Iho ai: Gu turtîir*i ii i[' di .raI n Stand bar-k, vililn Yeu are her 105 luii,,-rîîrgtihe ,rsr itl IIur r ,t i.C i.otui ai- ined passage for himei baud. bot daure vo interfere now and l'I la t ,r-iiuo. e' îr ool u S I'ur tîrr r, i)L (-i-' it\\Ijfe l.btt tirey werrforced tl utut p aieyua ol eoosrp h ihICiioýI oi o inrf' . , ai,,rtie r%, tii suoh a-commodatlons as the1aliter Io aIwodavnmusrp teiii eu ,rrr lr., ur, , bors sud the iii, r,-1 - sk Wl li. sil filta asheltered plare vas iii"Ad1.n-" wid.tprt" dedbe Io ilion ,r s ilItniiaItîs'i ly il àigNew Oriasti- i fl 1 11 .. r- 3 r, rfor L.ooise, near the staru. lu conid Andhitefanwstt uit otipar, sdnd tralisri1, ,rrlj. t .,, ,I ,i ulrul.t,, br b" nd udso r--,i i U au %I ration of ber recrut itoelle. Wite indbi fif&.rti n , fora-ar" . li ,IL f ~il I.,., el rrsIL Afriteilif quai Louise b.d o , II ,r rr.rl-- ", 'u t Of v'rtse the passage op, againsItjj lth ionLgbis fia.. iftro on Sit.'Don- a i ,,-,lr i , rel rii i rii tr,,rrt s part ar tht- ruii, Ir i,-- oIiit If lie! cor:tt.,,,slow, t, isehavi bafi.mot ie, n Lobuopengahe d frksi upneSt. De uai tIi, sil tr a î fi bui i lfor l.d But& rilutll lî4trriri.irssiriaainuaheawayet verth-semils a l. id imn pontie drk kiued onil.noif- l nri il. re rninullerrsig oru avl d Il_ ' iii t .,r r rîcri filtiai îîu.adstpitsmeimea et thefeîan sd ha fearad filema. Than h.- ooked lu- sst.'r , inîrîfîu't . %lis ti,' -noiselit 1Il.- ' sUap adThre-5iý'jui1 r rs citrbotandtito ,ngi w.otsi l~ arda tht agad parant. wbo sfond wiL1:111 Iorth. Tiî,sCîîîrîrt n11-s it b<s- pi- ïM he wesfauid Ul)to ri lnaioso hewy ota fith dayis baonda to bis eyes sobbing athoui leeili-i tIl ii-lr ()tir il,-ruc-11e iîssL arêsti eet siri- trs rI r î1- 1kt1filerut tbîîtite rarin of.- eairth eyo bis poor heart would break; and the vil- beiler fl i ittîuiruîri uleîi Ili ri, bas oth roouu i te sus 1il r'r'e ut 'seionIIItrCahrud te ctain uit oflb.tin evldeutly relit unronstortable. fouiit-', rerîr. In il i-ittirie itt i fitti ee li tnIt hl 'ilrus lrrIr.l i'r d boat joî'liidnot ta go up te the ciha- Boeue î IfrI'eu iudtita r ar ri ,,rîti' . "Have 1 ba.,InLIi, 'rIhti itr u U taru., imSrorn sud bis vite orvel. -unfotrnualaone, *'and laid hlm I las-ad nirrat rpis-i ts -, it' . .l ezpoted? i' ru-kri rcriut lhe noorth Of WatUrnt river, and Goupart St. 1Denis. Then ha told me ha Siuuutii Liaii . i i ~~rtrrrrîî toiioiis ar '" -,I" s .is tî,r urt i L. olr1 ' fronti tlî e zb- y maie thefr tenryo OBhad seau my fathers weaith accumulata unvs-tiittrr Ire rr l aîr nd riîr'tîri',tita e secîed oL, tli iLg lru .rt fotunder ie rare, sud b.d iooked on a pett tba t tir il I Ls 'i ttet ter Iiti lt' titanru 0ilm "Ah! 't'ii ii t i iaîIf it Thei-vrbai gaiîaed about haift h.e dl& o Il as beionging ftl hlm, and lha wonld in irdi,îtrrî A aur, k . riuuluny t a t- u weig elaga-ln. tanc e n tiaywere .tan'led. on mak soet nov set another Contmand udsatch ëaildîîrrîio lsai h rruglith ir. Nos.- t' "I have licearr ,,,> , fl tri 'vlat Ru -ittg s tom arpou che y ne*-that weaitb away, He dtertnined te si, ,ý,,ik si, un. rnd fruit ,,i rsjlie ' V- alv tbla& xaillrriOil i g o stnail cause abeai vth tva le- bave bis shore. I told hlm If be forced ss'rrtb i-11ii rîtrî r Irlir lIaPCt îtfueli11110ri )ul "ýO!" ttere-iti, f rsiîîîrn"' îtîid rgirn ta becomne i site 1 wuuld boi t f iglttitrîril tiîî- Or rîr hel'iîi iîYwrrth ,ttil 'Wb" irteed obos. tte g5~55my father 10 giva me nai a sou. Then ho.11s, rls i rt iri rrtirroighi îleîuiî. liai IFs. baati-î a ar ve ns ti. tred scene a tv mouia. avore If aucb a thlng were doue, b b'iirchon ic il iti utn ' fessred et ol'iun Isetrînover se,e*t"hpy are Natc-hez Ludians.Do the vii- oul mak oite if.-resucb e sceau.-of tor-n mICg.%- iecst'hr ILi rutti-,lCliat. î. y- again." las nmeurt barinbrs?" turt I ahouid prîuy for deoth to crnéa heigbt ,f 2(x) tfor. sur-, ltIi ei] ruuuriîuîu tri-i- Tien.- vas îrîe -î sPriquat il, ii îr Rallier a amatI parifor ttat" -id sud relieve me."paor i tiat Smon "asvrire tiare -05sarrsinLouise-, opta itsas.- mini h.igu t fa "imtuaitel im la I, but Ib, hAjCout îrto expose baNtachbesbad net ilcht pecullar effect thet "N o,'catmiy replied Louse-; ' i. Oe,,sr tv doabta- il bad opou ber companlon's. .poak but îrub. Tbenu truuug ta bier liitiîî- li-uiib ,f . (it )'Bi'ttje at bisrs lsi. too, basa ben lairp,' he sai. 'Bot veil watch tbemt. Here__-l o lteners. 'But I refused ta narry hlm, bouteiear rjiir ir rr.tii sttiutio fileir.- Li mterSouins Lortsbr face for soue ma- keep turt-ler awsy trom thea bulâ, Osnd n uthe vsery nazi night, mfter rai- pase ais ssîune,- f Iu'tirer, l uuIuiu met*.then va cau totiov thev, Md ait h. nigit. îw atsisalmen came aud carrl.d IliluL lia vio1t( ;er siftjg it'e i ,,Âb-bosv? I oticai yoor baud was sean. Tbey su'eiy meain teapproach lhe me awsy. I sas wealantoinlt thel, isnimattvssja ss ireL, î.îrkîiil, itu roled luinrage. tW'bt bas$ aaPPnai? bouse. Came. le'.lhaten., and vs'il have ftut- iebd bol just recnverad tram ick- Wbi-u i acil ha urri ILrsilire, andiCool. Rav. you beaeufigting lb. virktd 1lu- tlem capyturai. 0f cure ti.y halla Dette-YeItbey carrlad me aWILY an bis bo iijil andt -.,r inhriiuij vvro the lb. disEs?" baud in tbe dreadfui massacre." lochai me lu a derk prison bouge. Tbley speot liais.-.-teLuu i -rTho rouri, ndtîI'l, Agaîn Smon îbit tp liat ha kept Louis.- made uo Objection Inth Ii.. ad ettoaed me botb food and drink. There ruge-ri if- b,- Ci ' i loesid iItIIIII u [,ati aIie,. . ~~acaordiugiy tiey took tcols path, an 1came igb tsmlsbung ltb buger and do îsiti gisitre bîirriilrrrlir "I hmve baid a dulonasysar accouIC era long they reasabdth le grde.. Haft tiirat. At ieueitht illalu rame lu me; for Luiniîla fts,,.klr rreIis iertl(Iý "là Il possible'! Urs'w wonltfvay op h.- 'idet 51 hai ewalk.iand and wbon 1 bagged for a dropt of watt! ha ss'iýis iospes aIIIrn, rietu -rflit lu.iCO).ai 'i )esrdi ynu insulte-d mot grossît. and hare tbay cama ta h. loeed gats ot the be 55-ra I sbouid bave noua tilt i hadt yearo II-in-eruui rir u 'i S2 atndino i 1 vauld ual beasat. barricade; bat a tes laud calis front Bk premised ta be bis sv-lte! My mnd was5settlei at LaStalle. iiir 1s4Ire lie i .r Il "Tou ahould Dot basa borne il. aIttesi, -mon brought efaid Tonyatorlh. and tisey flutt.-ring, sud thirat maie me traulîe. hfis faui ît Sht., ý in,tt). slu.-..Il )Jrli il yul v.vd your wtt.-.But vhs vas wereselnu visin th. anclosure- 1The 1 promlaed ta h. is wtt! Thon ha ondbainva isî Irthe irriti. rf '-Ir-, e ttr" fatbfui negro eould aIt firtm bau-d,1 hellove brougt me brttd and nilk; ha taok me Cynthia -,[enî1ru"t ifrir. iiSîiletrain "Ooupari St. Dens." bis eye. lHt gasoi upon the *sge- ftom thse Prison, aud seau arraugemals Counir bast ia îîbi, -r,>.I-îliîl lwue s i , Lous. latai abn, asbe ttrvada aleciit.~ ert made for t-be vedilg. Heahoaioh" 104 tj-ar-t rftaui.. t n t% la-r"n t<olitfi i. "Explain.' tht said. earnesilY ails- gfiusly a bg lest soed cdown isablie lainai the consent ofthlb.Colonli Ov- Wasbingtonu, <irsiirr <'rîtY .N i ebeek. orer, and va sera mrred l in at8.IL<7- "Hla! he uame moyen you. dues it. " Mam'selle Louise!" b. gaspoci, exteuci- church, th. govruar hinmitfbelng pres. «W'iy sholituDot You know lh aitnglis broad bande, "Bleu beveni" et. Wbau tbe piast pot hlm question@ Fi" n 1.sWskeursasFatnrl.. Cri wus once a lover ut mine," with'gllglenlug ayes duehe tnma i.< m a uuugvlatvr sda ..nthe ahi'fi.u t uirc.iio l'ilopn avoval, so ftatnk aud bon- faitistul telow'a grasp miandsautation. ireadfssl sichuets vas upeu me. Tet mi destroy. eib 'sirstfrtr.stieuti etst.aenssi la peaeLeoeransd h.-sud tien bounded avaî lowsvds lb. maini vasa ni ahaken. 1 promsai t. esaparetamapilaitrrtiî is jjîare. andîri lus weit ou 10 explain: bouse, for ah.-selsw ber tli on p of my abilities ftado ail hie bai aak- damagai the Witir 'lLiniooiui tanneujr) Ltri "Ne mater vbat sacs ald, bt St. Piazza; ah.- valta flot for ber husbani ai Ot me. Then w. vert prouatucti anthplb e ut of thi e ut,-r ittarr Uuu, si »àWs @truck me. 0f course I challangai novw. man and iffansd I beggad of hum to a peur aliuifg a tirs . -f $75t< .1 iseinli blM. W. chose aworia. Tour tatller wvas '5ath.-!" hurry svsy, tor 1 vae ftint aud alrk. IStait brii ifLt- l,'uuIII i...tirelil' prent. He vould bava toppai il if ha Tbe t,-antircparentrassgt hils cid ta freed OiTournoe; tht eeereized me, Wesr lousijtî 'r1w PIiî e ut -If, un l 1 @conu. ton b.e tasrad I abould gel brt." bils hes, sud wlfh streamiugse i. su ad ragei ton meny weeks. Healhth. b-, oijuuus'liîj.rtrrrrtîtipîtlanLý F rte "Au yondifii."murmurad ie hlm anka. tfon lu thiaimo-sctmeti laut, and I reacbad my ther'a . ALsogliin of(' l ris'. Isrsa s $iji rlog "luAtea. We feneed ashîle, sud t ment of eunloislha forgot tie dank loid haut." 000 r.- î-îîCumpaunyrIri,'- , iu<5(x) rss1rrIs, C toUrnliat the boy sasatt tmy mercY. that huug over i. loved one. B4oon.(Tu i.- rontinuei.) suce ss tiia a l Lji uc rbitini,elCd l i ..tri Tvlc. 1 refusai le proesmi poist upon lie oid man bai found ig stangue Silmo. Mur 2. Ifit anrit hrirrîr l îa b,terr ti %I, a l Me open bOsom. ili'tly,Wigan I savw had rasc.hed lthe plazzai. Whon tise Iosters Cs'uw. pîaile eatshe'rre lîrri 'tý Tiî Ire liaI twouîi b iovntrlght mus-ian for "My fatisr," ho utereci. "fortive me il The feelings oet»oseabonieat folk trom aaîipaîirs iras ai, ra.rnd tiîîa i fi, Me te kîll i hl, I badle hlm put op is 1 am abrupt-but yon have hbear et lie lbe country wbau lhey viit a large clîî 00() itusrirania Thi. N tii 'ai < il tirt It »Lead. He askei me for shat for lha dreadfîi massacre at Fot Rosalier' hava beau sery accurately descrited by vas'an Id aîîr r, k irît i'- ity s ,u 9»let chat boy'laytoyaid 1.lthhlme 'a.' a Chicago papaer, and as tibis nid tarmer Yeara agi. ss'lejurrk"îu rsilîjjî i -tsI uby.psy'sl .Te Welli, ibea'.are tva Natchea Iniana. abuirl vr ltledffruc o-" irji I Pr t.i pet up jour svord,' sali he. I iid soi maling ibeir way up br. in a camau s-yie-svefluadffru b-i. a" ngtsasmy point toucbed lb.- groud parrhastey know ultt ont-habitation. <veau cty soi ceunt-y If ynu ouly look,...- <5.55v W ,. 110b lsuust Me sblOv seronssthe bud. Lual men ha saut out et onLEte capture for liaeitings vbicb they bat-e lu corn- llrniting ftrr iras -Irioseitr ,îjîr What de ougon hink of tbsî'l" theut, sud va wiliuntogat. <them, nt mou. tlfierEilwori la<tor îuri.a ui tijrur 'pesaps I augit pot ta slteak m3 Ieat "PLUail rigbt n Chicage If I eau beasi.e.- lisvig O fais,tuîi-Tor' ilrtirf\Vrîiir ti tt "That vos eneagh for Tony, for i. b.d lbhetoutera crow once lu a whlie," sali Kan, bas sprira Intabis fticrdtlit thers thi "B.,.ljyon ough. M'bat do you thînk fllovari Simon ta tht bouse, aCî îJoîs"u he iliti' to bha-tirlin lutbr scri, i vrir it fa ttriis ramarie. Ever e 6. Éosabduction pretty bomeslck, and vs-niteb urt-y ara goute. Arr rdinu I, litlueiîî, lotu "Weii, tien, 1 cink you bave tld meoiraIbis voriog rma& aud mmsua" ho had back te the olh fat-m lu Ford County. trybha iut-IrIi -bis ssfîiîtrî itîr top r i, v'y fâne story." laugad ta gt bhofut uIndien, and hon.ThaswyIavy ikotliig es rsnti us frt rrtttbr u "Eh? De jeu ioubt my yard?" t-as s chancea. Ta' h Iaspc u ognshr'Teai Ctn "Deuil yeu? Douhi tht word of Si- "Onily woh b'ti, d'y. say, Mas- di- asclosea t eau gel vo South Ws-ier self in tht'buggyrtige sti t1o-' ,'lrir-il(>i, mmLaids? Beleve thsî My uvu bas- mon?" treet vart i-u. ii tîîris, iorrrs%%a3 a51unishulit- . bèscoiL oeiseah talseboad? Nevar, Si- '1%t"'. ail, Tony.' "Il comte up bat-eonueslu a whii onu ad baeb tuai lue ,uigli nm e .elir ii .m-aeves-!" "'ll bah 'un!" 'Aha i th m le atout business of my ovu, sud t tee! aI home ch.-e hiiria rngiiu lla- T rhe riirranî'iliN Uhansiî tht sCamp lookei itanLouis.-. Afi-tedisappeared, mnd lua av moments 'yoD euougb down nt the stock-yardisputsuit. ut Itue bnusasasirrrtiitriin tusa.bol ha couli detaci uolhlug liera. mrre ha bai four atont omupalons aiitn the adsyîlme, whet-e thsebogs grunt hum. Sirie Ietue U-fugti si ie IIrrt C<- am àacelui, cool expression of uttar atm- bis llbon Idelswey tlotie- river. 5g lîrer'i I oiriust ru, 5rîrr Sri plcty; jet h. kew ahc.-asquizzuug To tht meastime, Blumotiloved lie and the cattle beiiow, but lIDminuesoea s thigîîgt ur lur e ause i, t ti-, rlrIhf t C 1111.marquis sud bis chili 1111±0b.heboue, and et nighl wbeu I catît bhathlerenatra.M "Butjou iid ual taei me bouitibis ail ntîhey reacbed lie dttng rcua, they 'it-ckou tf yen waa dowvuonu My chsou, Clitne1-ao eune ot," saaid&Ï. 'INhat did bau round S. Deuis tiare. He ioohed up tami a nlgbri or tva, you'i ha mighty ibatiaIiui'lrfîrrirrkimr M after ioniat bal tt-ad,. t-ason theansaw tise marquis: lieu ha vwSimon gladiIcbhear s- streat-car gong. ort-*a uisrteslr,'rrir.rîket.i- bai?" Labels, aud then-is ayo sested râpantstea-bhatlwhiatie, or a wagon eisItter rî frtnîr In ;i31 tuNi 5 t,, ni "VItal could I do? M.y baud wss palli- tsaI recmale fofat. Haestrted t, hie font tag ever the grtnes. Wbau a îtîîo'y has ,tw ir h IItniiî rrurriaiiîi'Irt tInrui1I 1 u Imlght hbe .kuoeked hlm dlown and turmai pale as deatis. 'IhltJlve-I Ut-as rur ,eutrlsin rIrIlr'1n wimi [lrtI baud, but I spardiohl. Ht fs-ce vas îurned uponlm; Moine»IIIhbard a rToeter ct-evabout suulup aven-y n'Pt ii i,', e m i, stiir'r lrrr ire' H. vu bheneali ail notice, somve tbt uf met-ae eyes, now aimmingin lu .., o bout mornlng tft- orty Yeas, bha ienulfenil seiîaribe YtiroLLIiiILrtl lntienîrtIfire,'Lan Otespt-" upon bis On-, soi ber uame 'oroit open Just rlghl wben ha gars wbara Ibm-t axe i1uaanîiue n nnluises.fninItria i. )inn, "Pon Goupari! Dii h.e kuow boy rdeep bis ips - n o offtrs. 1 tir NitI,. Y1t.oii. oîrilru b. vsn jour contempi for hixoT""My vile, Monsieur ft, Deuio," mId "You .e a tk sil t-ou please about unr, tiIsulation a riuiritulotg arr. irîuir. rI "W'alluean tou?" Lobais, lu Maliguant triumph. ynua dlean City sud ynur 'Ity beauti-I it "Wbj-, imply thal 30 uesli bave in- **0 rot-ysaut!" burt f rou intee t- hfui,' acsbbchevpapars eau It, but Id frief<st" Hsapening% t' Uillted no vans.- puuîshmaot upsu bim ai mau's lips, sud hm5 fatltirte mt set- .-d bi t Iu t ic triit un-ir, lir i 'unit Ii r i.,11il. tisa te bave jetIhIl uasthat yo belibis bannde, he a sk ak upon Mm ocsair. rte is-acovrfedi hstw " la luontempi. 1< muai base nearîy tLouise seaned Lupon h. point Drapaik-wben l'oIotsorne thart lhe sweet r,,tere hilied i bi!" las, bol nt liai moment thse tramp utf fowCt'5 yeuse got on,$tlate strecq, r mmi aurt ilarohleirti t - 1),, .~i "Luook ye, my fOue girl. yau are v-atrur- fcet sud tht souni of voesen.eboas- i "Irecrlleet l'argon Cross saSing once, "Il're Irrr'r,' , Il i, IteISu letg on daongerous grouni. Vou ms-y say in the- bal, and lu a momtent more th. lu a sermon, <bat a iouîeb of nature I'.ir,arrlirtr.dti'-r itIrk'i lieuosucb!" uticrai Lobons, noair sinur door t'as rbrosv'unureremolonal open. ms-aks the obole 'uorid kl. Smionebow Finitus I niLa ,nIl Miss- r.r'1,1.t his auget. vlst I bear a rucssaear ri u p liera, or-a "rma ,IrgIrk-etltuwri mdii -1i.r i, a Louise bess'ed ber beai a mosmeutsuri CItAPTETt XXII. sheap bleuIi, ougt-getle sieli of a stable, lnîuitIn i1,tetitr îirti hi~i i @bc seemai tot htuk fibat ber campanu .on '"Ittisa baven-et-lad Id Toul, bouni- IL ms-las me feal that Chicago people r nitrr'ii, Inrrr r n, i aoke thetrutb, for aie quitk ek't-lled, noI unir lia hail t a i viihoipan Plant- tint semuci differeut from us ou tha "a % arler h. lookaul up. îugbinsif dretyi thela midile of thefat-m. s-fer al." W't'intlo )UtIridun it u innInnI,.' i s "Excuse ma-pardon me. I hume l'ut gouar.r "'es otched 'Dot, Lmai-ve's utifturi luit ,un irluireug tiot ir Jual racavri froro a actera iekuesa. ii er) 'outt, an' baeedey ans!" On.- ur 'omeu'c'a'Ways. 10< dors, hunr tnt Ciunerîlýi . h n run'ifr ad my frai feelintgs ver.-naturatit- thoseA t vthins Whte liaiand Cuqualla "Most w'omeu bale lu spend uew dut-mg itin iiru' et oysu gaions srion uoowbos anefors t-ilr. Smon Lobois va. iemouay," soysanu observant salesman, Lîro i1I', 'Ai utVI iIIh'ijm l'. ti atifi, ells yu oi haa aUn s-ar peic ar firdtthe waue sain, heNait a I batie' tht taluteat Idea wby ibis beeni-n uLri o celis a., 'rit In i fe,, cat illter. W.- bave -ften sali ,cr)-garb soi tha nald oolI alain, IheIllyouth bas-i hinga ru jet, soi i bave et (rn pull. stwao h ad ort rrta ta i.suuy. tend.ashouli ha so, but 1Vve nolced it oflan tCIh. ~ ir ijuiniltn .r oad jour hairt liiyou toit-ly riails'rtb tifliedct-y btoie tram bis lips, tobile ha t he la tluhe store. A voman viii Aneaesl itta litsul ss tsa tI sunad belt-souuts-ert- aIlrotaked be- u""'i pale sadt-ambli lihe an aspen. ms-le a putchose sud pull ont bat-purs.kle L, ncnatý%t ief paIn h nx ureigietelvigtuht ptebl, btI iewapn rre.a This Ivas spoluan Soeat-esthI, non ih ours Louise, und ith obna bouni thebs-va lu psrt seti s des-n. crîap nota lu Itrirs lmsri nr "îrit ank hst no mucb sapparttfeeling. tua l'Simon lrsîbeasni sister vert lu eacis otiers elakIngfnuîîut'r tue ti, r nctr rni lin vas malituidruna momeut amîis. 'riat-stiflie exclamations of juy mkn t iaaen aamk rs-t- fanerîastilen aloi unli, hti'Ii Setonufilie. Ilua "Latitlbpas-a." i.-sai"anis ns ftur rte s-ss'le tic Paretnt ta iesen.-ues. an in aIv atutoyajl. tvea sean oman with fat a a o ttllnnntas nflmtirassantlue stri(l cionisea aligit occasion for lingit lu,tirer rtieonct tmore'ch ld themthn ols-niaibic vais ut brîgil bt-sud nev bis lustat- titre oa s , niasr if itus. , ui su Iiîîeh natiou- And nov tir ouiruhing tni tuIre inrm i wbau lbay calme inpay for Pur- tiCntrehbILnrr neur'lnit ilr'ng ris B- Importance. ,barn nSk.r rs MvY ehldire,' h.- criai, risimg bisClusses, becsuse Ihay hadul sufficiaut bili îtoarii Iloi lr eî fitiilhj irn- CI ta go ap the rvr*!" streaming eyt-asnsbesven, "0. boy blet nid monny tlieetI lie charges. Tbay ail he'lin' r t-Iredr$ 250 in iiurr S "At anupturnie," Snsa't-d L[us,, il, tnus moment' Almosi lit mants me feti Nonuidd ig out tht contantsetfIheir -,sirr'imsrsi l iil'(ahuse itatet'Iiuje Ai "Vert- Watt. inut sare tcIi nnthe hart nol' nîrhube resignabliosu h uss n wtecispnts oo eiij-,r ,n'I h îctîr. itrsias hi titis avrorog. andibha frtieui otrÙ Inrutt,,at ,1mw thea* bhuen Ificild P mut-sasan.ifstuseyl.-ctlaIt 01srle oua rrrmrraiirnnth r l ruirli Oeme' byhbea sui',.. m 1 lut-enldtses-1 pAttîrtrnnandîr Ii rj~ae r cars 55lin ailenf fibarti fteriis loui8' I nonst, un,, nirrbt." at chie Ijnucture tbe- anut lu a tevîtcases 've -knovu us rrrer" irassui Barînrruja1 nrtis y set liaalie vra rotIlOntharo 1go nul vîthoul buylng. Oth- 'Pr ii,.ljtfntbnOrssnf vnien li.-relut-st-iha reportita ii-brrtatrIed rirronn.baR'rng nOW racovarci-,. s I dode oti crn nuni rrrruog tir h reun .îtunnisufiiatl luhi 1t-1viicise uttaranceatue illle temilueumîîrn t irt _-irA ar iiyitt bs-n. e laihal ot building a n»v cons-t a.e aI Chanton, tise pt-tutu structura la lu hsll rapair. %Lpetition ban heen 11.-i for tise ut-an- tion ai a draiuage iistrt-i.t 9 Mearîi ilMason countias. b.- relail fimplemeut dealers of Illinois blh iheir Sîsît convenution ait'i' are. 10 sud Il. inasv îark la baing madue railu iei t-mur'. A fosîntainanmoi tva large s.III ha adieu as rtnuîuuis. ni o Vîtsgraulai s pardon tut.isli i .r rigr . ut, nictedlci or iirZlarzlies t nu rîuigst unîti 'sauuiiy Su'î,îet,sr. t 1<11 %h,. i' îiîu l'rii-nul t he ob. rlnjsIruun ir, theitlt, rint it ia. Siru',sinu In il] W-'rsiuiuîtin, N. Il., Miij S, 17117. lu'trns' it iiiiiItiittbasa bu-an sii .irr î, Ia-itrofsilouhrenia lu,' Jiuu rut itl illon rsuTeI,'purn 'tieluuujuindl it.n ut S1trlngtiîd -l., st 1i. 'l'îhe r rriluiîtb ' iiii u' ,,t'n'iirrr,î' tihnînîtrîrs. butmaie other mý)iles,, tilruu.slrîntrtsr,- raci-utit - tir'.,, i' liii,)il 1h es t tt I nn t t lloir' r iiinni. ss lu',, alita. un,'.- t, t tm stb fiet bugi sund ales h Mattns, luarînîr ru a thonîs tle tiii criie, N.Y., asuria ii ,kii I iijii, nntui fy diiurglîtet-of mml,' f,'ie'taIiand t-Ira lîo,'Iifd J. irliht', 5 i llaîrrrie-rlati-t 1 ringfi'd. inilut- biru'the rîh,'r tnglut. 'rhe i, îs .stnlîatsri an $411,015. Il l lu- uiet-m eriutl ugb a r t isi lii.e fit-j, as 11113 ii,' 5jr iirr îri ssiu w itî-Ilut ts ut Lilluis ItIuIgr.js i, , IIa i liontit 'i l i 'Ili(jugu iionu i ,iiirtt-f ithe'maniurrlîofun iis st1.-ta j, 1rrirtt- ismni ltent rIt 'rt. Thuer'uuIjn penalty saol.ain 1 e it ts-t ar 'lia dututr'hiun Lienrîtrc.Nrithn.'tt dr, igtiss uas hb,ui r uitanr (f til,,' I t-ret-rn ie,,f tmoriirs uni that lue inu% ii titil Ajiun re-srutiit C,ît i "-il u taiuliba, k ts lits tara. ris-i'ut-r, i'rnr ru Ii a decput- n ilf antrie nwthri, misîisîtilln ItaPena Ou<li se t ,, milissi rt a -cr5I atuat-ge li sitg$1,20 jf-mstnîhe- Natiunal ' anî t 'lanit CI'îriuiib nf ilsaMoines. JmI ui-rrajr-t- a îjt arr su-nîs ou ing truririalatb oIIhua horuleirntMagu murs . 'iiiru-juil ins saime- rtua terni ieu us11,it>,..t. lite u lsbs ii'o-a-d ii Ergit ir bt tunsth irdii -~reprtIut n tt liî, u t,,, ifuru- nul FicTh jre ss vr'r'uIlr,, mli. u'unr tt Nla -rs mI-dn [îrn'hnîtt. agu'd 74 bears nitutu- I ,i to- s hlurrheri- triaati Stiat,..b-r r uie rat-u ut-bru't lI i,' ursthe iti' r ti li li1uilll'stu n. u 't Ouideutn NItir N tii hua n inamîti47 ,- brui nt ininui t ar ai. ubi.n. 5i ulia'n t tir,,, 'lnis' nd gi'. rliil . rl. stimut isutlu,albiuautaind'ul on an lu'tiulîi liiitfrrrru, tins nd,.umsi I, uiu I.. ri - îuru tt'gî iàmu je r'rejuui iiI,'ui ls'rl mil 'yî- mii ' han 5(m) of laa îttheitstasrou upti-t ('hnrriit ltin-tumininlsii- i I i. 'nu- un' aîrmu miicii n,' îîîîoti un of tit, u'rim'i un i mtiiiissalni as vi,'branînl asmiil ru iý,iiitt ,lu,55 aib>' ru r,'-,sî- his umllnii Bu iin- .1 la Iiî,, %[itioniuhll-rît iof ugm ui110 roa. sitiasn ssrAujgIîit t vln ir-lmjui 55-rn ruularrîedarmt lss it rth.i- rt-Wuas-,fmmlle Irs' aui, Wu 'l.- nîiori t. heplb.- mal- ag ni-rI but mi ti W,, hr ftluronl mafrrrl. iioa %uud tuur,ît,'.-r Mt- un riuuiur lsni luns n ,' ujur riumlab' i inn thic' iliris t 'autnt l Il" lustt -I'"a siusai .iuisttire- u 8jkuar MuatargumuO 19iu,'«inr a-i i -îns r'. i uu ai lurm s ir mnu,'ring an Qiiui shu'. "-srirman'rug srul ,orl -thli il. imi iuii iln'rmttagi' aud'aut. tua ru iitiru i1ir' tnt tir- dulimi, t. tin rr t,. uilsi t. mlipi a, air' am ius s urmoi(r heliin n t iiliti'5tndoi iiiIna> as ,rnf,,t a n',rrit min-uni rna'rId rmrt rtrtisnir' i,.r iti, mi l'y, -rt Th I lg-' jiij,5,ti,,' t tetu' ui- m fr t b su nul'ruu' I rt imur 'uns trýiS uiIi' r i ln tr nt I tt rn I iii nu 1-i i. îuru utnrrt r t tan tis -j fi n in" fn " iititvs-'mru r trai line haif hîasti r, o jl o ii onhumclu i-sis In t' tînti ruitS s s Sumu ruýth" i9;1,,r. ail. nr -ni mit ai tir krî1ns'mnn ,'l . iluntif surl.JounTir, su $unr n rhe' mirnini by lin, irtruirtiif urlu,.intir' tinte, ws a strmrimmr iini ho ' Itarat lFlynn,1il iitrial]ur ineh- 'mn, lit Cort a nt r Ioa mndilamintr eh ring,- ut jas ing simien ra. r-"iiuiutttnf imaso. 't-sm nie viimi' urtrtriiu in -sa acqarnleul mutndi:r, s sm-m ulns mi-the uîîu wag ruad i iti uir t-t thle un iso,r n sit-niit ho Ilins fre in-t ouiilt.uim'i haui it e n'vans scuiiuttil nrf tue thuftie,'sinrubha mil muai Inn ta tî'ktheIre issuIluth bc husl stuitii ir 1iS' tri nie-i tt-Il oui rnim grantofiiu theiîjilirtlTt'i e e lsQ ta c'urionrs uinui-t lt*mu, ro n iul It-nI Innim'h Stalu's Alitr'i ýtir lkitnt gitt- on con- ,Iliriniluatlle homuttllui' g,irn at-est-ns llu intu' -A's "t tir,omn tie.- tOfe muIe." li' liie t lunglit vsouffnilu.- aoiruit tia .rgin julgîîîI. ;,,;oiroue-sitýIthtit thc malter ss'ilt tnt trb.i-îrruri frrthir Aý remrntkahirîa t-ars aiiitan as1ie rrcjr Cenîrnîaa uFortour wss -k ie. ti. il. L-on nrf t iir'nu.'u irorolln-'te'nl serri uursion gosmmal ti'trig tu th le sana s-ra ises gent ovr n 5<illii tec -in vartaul Nirs . Atîîîmî' tunc be Jr..,o,futofa format- living 0.Ste It'îlii,l0ijaciatit- s-lt- abt anli ilidiii br 7-ruar1 dangilar. t-lt. halrriijl jrusn raîun- ei front a ruoiitg t-inn anI gave tbe guru ta is ltIe girl to taie, iithii-boua.-. A fais, tu-rousisnlae.- a sb ru ushenni and t-lt-s.Stoaclel tI-, fîomîi nivadi. J. t'a'Baovva mut ':ast St I iunsjuail- ,n i oicir lort-hie Ntrilltuilil ul Riiroaa j, s sbountinnd kîlleIîitot 'rert Lai.îs nu io errsu i of i,5iilbt-nus, ti, i. Oti ,ul tia mean viildi lite suoin nuitskil1I ,,I bt' utbnr'fYl'fith'ienuri r' hias nt mhc llci fn 'T'Ierît) nrf "Sîrurnr. ognniusr ss llr rmiuut fuir S24hSf<' srs 'uusnist Inu jury lu a s'ltlin unmigit inl'yitheIrîifarît, Brige ('OPUîau.siatredil migit trrb l liie Unitedl Statua (inruit ('ura litîChi m'agoir enas tha secorund teili nsabolti thaý ij-the îîuu ,muumtif rîsiri unît thireru ceadingg ha dianiil,. Au odit-in al. conajaca vitb tua 1ratitiron tvuiu aster., -by JIue Kublsalt. REAR-ADMIRAI. CONCLUDES IS Hia TE&TiMONY, cmmander et lie Btu, orUSntiago Talle .oflise vIinl-Explmais.el't nognade Mv.ment-Wtn.,. Saisect' Rear Admirai Bcley, uniar cross-cx- aminallou, es-plainai the raîragruda movarotland dispatchecsmeul hy Sebtat- soi recelveut hy hlm iurlug ot the ranupaigu, fichtys threa ressens Ion the isegîscari mus emeul wtt-tfitst tuaI Captua Sigsbee, vbo vas a scout snd placadinl front oftheb. hrbor for lie ex- l'regs pUpose of ecurig lInorriation, sivised Scbiey Ibat hs di ual beiiase tise 4pauush siuaton valu thebab-rt. The second ressan vas liaI Edouard Nu- lles stsîei chat ho di uot belleve tie aquait-on couid euler the barber, sud the td-itessu u as liai a dlmjsth tram lie depas-Imeul, accompaui by a meut- ormidOm tram BamPseu, lsuluuaisaith. Importance of the aquadron belug liera, The wilnass aiso said chat the daparî- meula@ dimascis of %Iay 25, sayiug ail ils Informstion lilcalai that tise fpanlaris' vero u la atlagu. vas anblauous. HO salu thlicambiguty or ti e ipartfacent'a i.ptch vas maulet ai aoncebecaus. il statei liai Ils information ludilct liaI lie Spanîie 1.-et vas lu Santiago. lien t poIntai out s place for eosliIug vbc et tht tise vas inarcessible, and, finalit-, l etati liaI tht ieparlineut bankedti flilej lisdatas-mifle and repart vbetbey or DnI the tuemy vas lu Santiago bar- bon. barposti to lb. skdeparImeul lie ba i pousîbio e eIlbarooblyn off BantImpossileacool sti.eBrooklnl Satisagolie rnkt-ucdlieo baicti si uaâ stheptBaikln i batu mae lacool caId nolp.Thntimthantamarepit colthatI as .Tue fi ttasrpi vas mstc l aIt lie Broe o atat acouae teco itthBrooklnl.- I meanu chueYtothva imposibenta ithehPenBrookiyusu ie a imoi vassal. the Brlniand10the- avheu i le o gt h CWilof theierbasa s ien yt juigesivoale tin îylg a ipnvelî the boy f at- t lng qsryiau voeoto ut hurerathmesi aquj nt sothae flatgo arbmoe vss 1.-dtvu bow st an gatiagion lrb.- nimbi o! at- 211, vben lie radrogathe mevamt rgMay.26osie thdmitsu S oerebl ntidis bs arotteian vdai b .e stesmt hoie- tvaniî ont mils the alt btelied log a! bis ose sbua ai the distasce wns. smevissi great. er. The nituosa czaatinI ibis t-&sain& tisaiti.-ecourse wa as ualirectît«sct vsrd ntaitmitifes datina thet tiiianeui. sud t tanlanstîce bai uI hi-en mosie for thecorrctioun outiha Patent lotg. wh,,' was, porbapa tht-ownu oertraîiW fore tie ra-ui re'togt-uiltmuverniout be gan.Ie sa.itbe barbon.-vas.unt tu-f ontireit- uguarieri, es up ta miuînju.'bl o! May t-26 1ieha n'a. lîbroifiaen ufute% o! lhi anscansd lb.- scout abîpa store ual autirett- vutirawns, sud naivlail oua ot tharo tas 5seut baek tu atihite s-n Bals-. eus- rAdmirai Sablieys eaaaa examunallan vas complteai bt-eacort bai lbhe olscic 5.-blet- s tew Imporsut questions, Tic antima session ut thttoution t hi@ isy n'as asUvaly' ue. ss ther.- son-us sanat u'taugliig batwjsun the- attoruais, paîn,-iîally oser thet smlînnasno, f s pro tumnar>' report rut tht istlI ade um.-ii New Yerk 'as ut nîth ba btthe of Son- luagruntaistrt. h. jrgeamiste resisi- d tic adission or Sa lit-5 prelu1riipnry report an lie gt-sind tisatit n'asout on ofiieal doceumont suri liai th, mst u self bail netbeau sentl Il riivoiop. bur-e. liaI Sehilt-hina self bandai lbhe report 10 Sautpsaî,ut n the latter rottrna-r itut b Scebot bmns t "otiuttcd unîînrtasi detuis" suri mail. t evient liaI tua Nuis Yoatk tas ual unnlina battit. Sebieyt- ld Samparo turing th.-crua vrt wlieh tank lisve ssiti retarema-e ta lie rapin atthe tictmer-b as grest rnarigb for sil. tai ibsl he voulu ruake a carooni report 1 tu nusroont ut ton- arosit-, lnon tu, bruarsr, liai the New York n'as nov un lic bsttle ai al]. This eas-i-ls vit- Schiotms-de nsso reparti of tie baille. Admirai Scheloîscase nosni us-ons th holltnnitosluitto ayfter su'e tion,' ilies-i for the "sirîriieaul" bail bijut uai bjy niaerumurt i tnuuuiry. Thjesnruuî-o- vis- the niarao f the sdn,,rul'a lirarirta tliI rfît tttimuny bruil (,rme nas rnidel lusAt- tarney- Rat-oa ansoithe corrtu si-Ixthîr îlowt blîrlunu 10the.-bogitutinue ofth, 1.-sIi romnoto b tir ut tosainlu t-ut una Annual5Report onfuu lsa tr e- The annusiarepori of <',oîn,aaionet- lerrosuno0fthue rat-andsi fnice sais lhiitt i51i2,7tlti nices ut puhîirelundtnet-e disposai ut utrogthlbast fisalt-att, su increase of 2,108,9108 overt-hne.-prevl sUIaret, sthurh n'as lie honniýr tes-r mD publie Issd sales. The net sarprlus taon tht entire tond snd fat-t adminitra tien ousla$3,4Mit,442. Among tht rtcnmmenaioua for tugis- latien at-a tht appoimeatl ot a coimmis- alan ta examine, ronaider soi reportonu the sot-set- snd ispoîrsai ai the Publie laadhs lu tht insulot pesansian oethle United,1States, forfautuire ut apBan ight of vs-y grasts, diseralinuus-ce of thc Yu' kon aud Gmt-cie distaint laujd Officesa us Alasaka by consolidation nihvte Siths offlea, aIleasal for the pt-sant, se lie ras ceipta do nultjît5titt- coniinrued msainlt us-uc.-;repeai ut- nodificatiou of the sct of Jîuue 16, 1595, ta protadI bamasteari setlers sebo enter the miiiary ut- naval set-vice ho vart- ima, anti ampiuisot-y s-t tenudanucaetfvittassas st leatrigaounre- parts ot speciai land agents intattingS thesaImidli of entruca ut pumle land. ti 4 la HB. Roberte, treasum ofre U8* ai Stmtes. lu his repart et the tut dosa oi hic Offce ioring tlIa* aI jean smaya that -h, ires-su-y WUvas Vî as-ros-se-thah unt lbe close o! liaI Pes-Imi The net at-dinant- t-venues ftone. yo*r wttc re an ttl, uinerenseut of .- "44,4S5 oeut-caotjut.rt 11(1, wbch ver& thse niait huulh,'o ru-ununuai On lie aille et tise axperudiuurî'snie total otfIlOS.'e 967,353 iebui ejian e,-r'aiddOniy letou tiroas, lnu tltr2i. 1,111. 1,14G5 and 1890. Tic surplus nr $77.,17,t ls4 s-awslsigbîiY minier e2,0lb0,Ltles,tasajnin 19Mt. iluis*V uiofi n te ue Ou' itftct ig bbc Publie irit the rivuii'n'euitre $1,146e- 'fine r-erve uit $t7tki.O,XO in lgoid le' tirjuitri by ttua fiur',iuse uto19(1 boa bar ni 'si-pt li t u' tiuîr'. niîlt- cbsuttu of gain usùilu unialu hîilîru rout et the ilcu- orai tuant fornt-hei.-o rie-, airtarna. These zerlaaîuîtlll-tlluj l uiat£4i1 ta $24,' 697,55' ,,, noi,.- býac, l'ui irai a'te unY pratereor toi goid oser pet, but aIes' pîythe tii- t,'sflar uge ienonautlOn5, ic iini,- ' uOs( Oiutuut-soppîlecinl goinj n'e nLîcnnnn;ttA lter inuking certai renîirctoruis t, r u'ujj ilasuilablina lu gbe- et-si Pa) ilnemnr-t Illue f.-,.- 918làh as $150,- 911<55. Ililia firitqas nt-et 190 lth*s iapits lin.uilmnîti jureacai ,- Oti l ii uIller ru,;, t île c-sh balance ,lo. i,-n,ît"I k of tlue ctunitryt-e- eealtrnilirirg tIr, - sir an n -cmaOf upynuu I .u. >ruingruli, 937,000e' 00.0 unai n 1,,Oit, nu liut-nrly $ 1.00(0 lu ooî rs',it r ;Ilj. . The circulation, per cujorr , ,; ritlt-1. 1900. 528 Juit- t, Irot.r.t1212Ort. 1, 1901, The t r.,bntrr , itrnati nalhlit no01, -a u i' 'r, nat ui taS t> two tresse nul -u r rva1900. DEPRCmtS<ltN IN SHiPPINC- Honaireds ai-f t.ejl. ,sa ie A'esu th- t A "in.~lra in tiirl.rn urrrrr,,tgrurît sf me)i, t, t r Inn .iI i u lrii i'uui ulaîuoisnmn. urne. iimrtli.iig tur icl v-sIs t mio , , o.ui r'ît ri<u i as. tallai eurd roi. luustoa 1 st-e flti 41) t r, mii lie/ ~ar au-itIna shas-ltirlul,. uij tnnîn 1< lae pol hi.lnn to da, rtu11i a lu, alOfutcor. ta t.ani.i r,tr-nii onusini E.glshI, vicb la atlun rý, rt tii t -lirtse nrf a -est- &go. Il 1tanIn 1,, unsenmtt 1îtsibuke 10 gel largu quanniti-rt-sur mai trin lanhuiten It Broorurut..ruiia. ceiply ne tisa stean,-.-. nu, mu-.ut îhng u taits il frou Naw 's r t-kr l'unsttu j>t,,r. _,lit r., lis? guat dump- lait grruti tr_ t n.. srplus paudueti 0 lie vorli,,i..%,»ni,.ý. for 17S/,en.tsaà vas,,L) 1 ,4 îi flot be possible lat abup n rutttuatM.r niru',nsabumai miles rin the Srti ,,- 't, - r, nbicis 550vlu fcbsarg.d-d In ut 'r..; rutrruta Liven' MPool1 'The hinti uir--km'fiInn etianmà" iCrt- at-- r ir'tsrn, t 1hi,depreia ,,le ii. cntînri mi'un- ruopemna he- lijvts. tijt1s,-_utia ,,rtruniitb tes-ou caramuu tirs ari ler e. . diug oiftes0 Jiovea pannas o- .urît ut 20 cenlts IL bubel bugimen tir nuas sîsr teandi Eu- l] r-tImmun mf nu. 1htn. lite hOPe of the. sOtifllSr t Inst th.b.t ill b.- orcelà e, tranet, t ii trir1, r lnfiat-et. ylusses to ,j, unrt in- s-MaI rijtiter *vess is on Nsa 's ýr-i rirchalaîs 555 *psyimn ,'130) un $e115, a lultsr iaSeci, vesqetsi, y.I ACCUSES ARmy CHIEF. i nansmiar tera of the oheilitiatL bs-ra luis inuir. uan a 55e clifie -il lii-uirlIt-, 'irrite thetisa dste- emt- oftlinamte-. -11911,it jrlîur'rslev viti Sai-aetari Iurthi, ne- ay lu pr-eO- chargea uaginttir-s Iinuutaia, chIe! ert he burearu ofmlor mm but tise Sec reaat-o!ftW.-, mu mnIae.-hiln, tend- as- nuit-mlt In ih,,î h nlice bus charges un iLitog. tir 1ýlt ula isdissilsfied oit tihle îrcatmnrut t fiil ahi-Il uni lb. tritlt-urltir -nf ttue ipartnet, ma" aitegea thuit <iti. iiiitdnit guilt7 et dii inri ,.fS rumsui i n1ii i..elrs-enta- tir.a ini 111a î u nnurs tut bi$ inven- tui-li.1 ultintinor f itthe mm! mie ruelurlirire ms i-sunong purcaea- amjii)tl luire iii rtit' sa mhiii gisan a thitr Itt ilruth-ro H.. -a.thet bus lu- vonîr nis o.0111it",I "ru aedtaith le grvmttoutliil,,lue'am, h te imper- l a titunn Éaru l .ru , t lus mis M - lsiluîjs 1hmnsunt-'utilus-Itht Se- rnari' or t'uhi.oeiaiu acsstion in plr-mha srtun r, s i,l n l-e A f tharite, ('irgaan nur ansirlt uilait igi ex- lils esminr. Immiunmimia uiinit.- ini Iltutia- l .re. re'tru'ml tint-me. It il utobabune tnirt tirI-liati,, r iltake bta charges in 'mrgrs Sure D1siuv.nd tor th' Yesr S.o 360- avnTh,a of 1900k Paoaster ,eutoBa<ias, in bis aunuat repmort, sais that tire îra> of tht srmy tor lie t-car sto $,l.1.31, au inareas. oser iasat-mc of $.:li ii e .mabes oea tS r.-coinmnaiuina trelative 10 pay acesuols un lb.- Srrn n th i sat imp4taut baiug thatI siirs ut Ilme pBots Don longer b.- cort,,dItiito In,, tursbonu@..lis sais limaI ti 5 iAnuhi îMî'lyearsiy ta oSfcars uetaild ruci-tii unrnunrer the ne'. Ian, as thet- get l'o rarreasai ank and s-t-tcemnpelimi inn lut Iroin $90 10 $190 when su detairri !lMst of thtealite pretea cmainN nutic lune to snua vark. lie gaysts Il ii'unneer olcers hmn- diean s-idialrsa- u.hrsof dollarsandm a.T et oterIjreii ta uis abaud. TO RAISE PRICE 0F WMEAT. ELEVEN DIE PROM LOCKJAW. An butiYaen, Alarini St Loi. e.t Là fr- AÀgigautie triment,. is msarilining tN Almnuua SI. isuls Dosa- isI trm theru IKansasaus toa lb.-pt-lt. of lr.nvanosed Anltoiai. hast up oexlt-er. t- t a lamfllude *Il Etevan eiliran oifSt. I-ouis, traated the farnucas of the.- aaIbelt of tic setti antitoxin for dnpbltt-i, arc icai,I country. Eve a rt-inner ns ta aigui au sud nune others uit-oSeriouiiisy IIof bei j ienît nrit tusnise ai, acr-aout vesi jaw,ceguscdi inusaaud, it- an Infeetion ris1902 Anind hs force up the price.of of tht aet-ani o i ta tanua germa. j heat. Each t lors sip li h e organise&. The set-mm srbtichla thonîgit lu bavale u ie hecorurînnas sud lInertht Stst«.. beau tht enlseofith e deatia t'as maiee Esci fat-mer m0,11 nitriute $1 towLrd Aut. «_4. Tht huret rout vbleh lie aivsnclng vie antis.- blondsi S' îrawta 10preplire tlinutijucît bai becs rsei forth le saute put-pose tua RESUMES PURCHASE 0F BONDS. lbhe lasIt t-c yars. Tic animai wsnrte- Tras-ur eprtto ment Announes Tp. gardedast visat tit'Žas Ierfeetly liîosllib, nva',tff.r lint,, . aud lie seront vas carafulyt- 1.-alo n 11.set-siflg tht ruglîl îo rdiscontinuae iti' gaina pis i thecnua maner.Thi alutpneviouuc notite, the 'freasory Uepas-t- paruel v as diatitnci baut Sepnt. 10. meant bs-s anunuarsi hat fat- the prut-en Sept. 22 thetaille ho-e vas agatn oue- iol avil scettofferinga 0f UnaifilaI., uîate re uarsatoaYt- t uaklng anaîbea lot, bouda, If tendre a tht Treasan De- s-ni Sept. 30 be -as ble'd. 'lh.- naît day jert-mcenuWashington or ntIch. tub- be exhubita st-mttonufteitanus, sud jtr-rnsury, New- Yank, aI Pricas te y1li tva dat-a let - nas kiliti. Noua o! lie lt gvh, uetiieet stolvnO slerutamaie sfier Ihe inoculation nf Sept, eic3 par cent bonI', bn ut 190&8.S 22 vas osed, Iu tht elto! evanta chat5 par cet boîns, onnuo 0fl0, aud &per toloiaaihuvaven, Il is thought tiat li e caal oi, fondai ban o! 1907. l cbici homs.vs-sinfectei viti gansa o!f .1.726, nd ou the 4 ter cent bosia. l10» dises. F~'leu tej'_ ~ o!1925. t le ili1.90(k ?ron f or ookeut petite. elgbte& stable jiuutotl more f( and lb. monîhi I ais-il> lot-s an gràen t mne;l1 telis a know c As-O, 1: -450S0 adylcu civlE. i HEAN asasa h Ibeglu !m bette," rna ieur Dubel t-offle. b viti prepo. IIsaw y( just stow," h intonds te t liaer than unr ,,Break ui "IOh, Yeu, §Cho&.," "IWhy doe demi, %Ince "Brokenr tev vOeks. **WIII sa -Nea broken-ho ",Certajll "t10 her'a "Ne, thai ke--", "Brohen "Taes, bs- "-Ah, 1i b "Sela s eulyr brohE we. Ai 'une maer "le .bai Ms-o, ber-j brtaker. 1 "A iu'k dey." vlthbibs minute, t ts gailcrut i. ouly ni. isambagru thape tiihe commotniy lu tiseliai May ha 1 May ha, t vIlb 1Mt. j wM drive lyrestore. monMaut I ered by ves-yreas Our Fi»' Ln tls.-1 Tisomisset vire KcIta Siates, If Fuios Ill 1816. lia bridge nt Th. OI ~ays. chestat-, yars ut tienrof V coliat- to Ultieret- bichsent o the van, blgbet Ilu practltioi lgeut ho T He-'air 3ia, Ar A geur, Golf ]Lydi. tors IL t d 9

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