iWAJJGVlELA. 0100M um a on Our treets ~I * lgin. Lapham spet TOun- "0. Puait bas moved into the olti Maecilu. Ion"e. WWD Haruis vlated the Mtitîptýils 0» eday lust veek. 3. A. Golding ie papouiluzthe tauk as Guaylake ibis veek. IL Dormei han moved Ito tOe Ottîlsa vseated by D. J. Reynolds. Mise. Mary LAd bas rotîrueîl trttiua #eV mekaviail in Cluv'ago, Mus. Facule Payne. oft ittHil., vaffl dianda bore 'itusday. Dr. B. L, (Golding vas here the irai of lise Week practiclul dentlstry. . S. Hill moved ilo t ha 00vhouai ovned ty B. S. Hsminîud thîs week. tira. Englaud and sausa lef Saturday ta epend thcea inter utai tnnul, 111. MM.AUnM oa Mmd MI o longg and Beaie Villiid at Min. Lusk's at Fort Hil ou. day lhat wek. Mr. aud Mr&. Weuiwrth retnrned Saturda! from a six veeks trip ln the lasi, vlsitlng the Bnffalo exposition and other places of Iniereet. Wm. Tidmarah aand Ueo. Hilais loti lasi Weduesday su attend tlue Buffalo exposition. tMr. Tîdmaralu vilI go fuomtl.bre io Sandy Hui to v laIt bis gons, and Mur. Hicks to vîsît bis old home ln Vermont. Mirs. Harry Grantham, lias gone to Chicago to reolvo treaimelut for faling oye-bigbt. 19 la the opinionu of skilled occuliseihaitiMrs. Orantbam vilIle grealy bhenlted by a manths ires!. mont, perluaps permanently cured. On Tnesday Nov. 5th, occurruod the deailu of Moses Beach la a Chicago bospitai. M. W. Hughes vont to Clui- cago to care for sud rlng out the romains. Tbe tunorai services ve held Thursday from the M. E. chrrch, 1ev. Lapham officiatîng. H. Glding and M. W. HulghOs1 Hli le and Gentie. ttansactecd busitie8s nu tChicago 'ihors. "A lit*a airill." suis thm. aw. But Litýr.. gay. J 11 1Ls. hou wsllt a-i l ciî lé ~laY. ctaln tioroagilsud ge t rie. 051 ripe. Rev. Mr. and Mr8 \ictor Lb oreain-rtt's Litti. Eariy is.rs f1111tth" bill e" ursiy vsitgýal..Do nflourc., but suolut wvood. of Cblcago. vîîîted sat M. W. t h ebowel',toact. Mtrengtlttn and in%,lgor- .. BnSmlI and easy ttktFor sait' i, Hughes atunduy F. i. LovxLO. Libertyvilia. +STOVES RZANG ES.+ + + * + *+ * + + 4 *Stewarts, Acoms, Jeweds, GoId Coins + We havA the Ouest and mot compiete Une of iovies and4 S Ranges over sbown in the town. We bonght ihein ear1ly- .i betore the raise lu pruce-aud can save yon mono! on any-" th.lng In the; Biove line.4 + Coa l and look thom over. * SCHANCK BROS., 4 fi LibertyvIlle, Illinois.4 SPI- .ii For Men and Boys. Welbave a large a8mortmnt of "vercots forumunt-n sd boys $3 50 to . ... ........$12 50 Meus duck coatasI 00, $I Z5, $I 73, $2 ZS...... 2 50 Boys duci nuits .............. ...o.o .20 Homse bianieta esclu 83c to....... . .............. 5 50 lied biaukets a pair 83c to ............ ... 5 00 linhber boots $Z 60, $2 83, $3 00 aud ... ... 3 30 Gîvesa trial, wW yl use youn igot, sud asie you money. V. SAUER & SON, Long Grove - Illinois.1 ever iiîtî'otlîi"i in iii nerît y' lit'. viz: tue I1). L. &~ \V. Br'andi. Order yîitr wiîter's sipply of i îîuw. 'ThIe uic'îe i istrt'Iy advalîce as wiîter draws icar. IWRIGHT BROS., Libertyville - - - Ilin ois. Rockefeller tnà IFoor veatiser for duciat Irving Payne roiurnîd to tionday. Pbillp Ames vas amoug ihe vîstora ibis voek. Miss Miary Ligochiioid is frienda in the city. Chicago C hicago viaiing Hihhard Amos eiuîned home from Montana lait Suaday. Miss Auna Cîouiihite la vlsltlug finonda lu Evaion. fii la ssd ibat ivo ruuuwaya took place lu iowu tiouday.8 Mu. Hll, of Elgin, called ou tir. und tira. Frank Thomas lasi Sun Iay. (lue o!1oOu cisons la sai to bave the olt herbose lu Lake Cuunuiy.é "ieo nimbers ofth1e Ladies' &id1 met Wedneeday willu Mia. W. L. REuh.c Miss Lysie Hougbton, of Wanconda, ni ihe gties o! Mr. sud tMrs. A. J. Klug. Misa Loucis of l'ourla speut Sanu day vlsitîng IRockefeller tiende and relatives. ter. 'I. E. Steveui, ot Grayalake, bas beau ougaged l0 isie part lu tue cutorwtanuent to-nîght. 'lopin for next C. E. meeting:(Ou Natlouýaliondage. Temperauce mel iug. J. H. Crouihite leader. Misaâ Day, of Laie Foresi sud Miss maniielti of Pi'tahurg l'a., @peut Satun- day utthie borne uf J. E. kitlcoub Albertiiihoder, a former residont o! ibis village receniiy apeni his vacation vith bis relatives in Rockefeller. iepaîr, huilti audi boantily seema to puedomînlate lut-t hamiida o! ou pteople. 'Te residonce occultied hy tira. Lathrop ou Main atreet bai ne ccived a hesutilul coat o! Paiut. 1 Local option aiw&as eras to ho the Most imptortant îîuesiion,Dune vOlch vilii fot ho seitled nati ail people tOins alie, vbîcb vili neveu ho. Untîl ibat timo vo must sabrait to thei unIe ot the majoiiy. The expert iummrod la saiti to ho ai1 large sud the report 0f the toviig puece la beard ou ail aides. If thue parties vbo @bot thoae unie ducis do not psy ns trihnie viihing lve daya vo shaîlht)e mpleti to expose thema. A word to the vise, etc. The Hard Tmme Social givon hy the C. E. Soc'ioty lasi Satnrday nîght ou liai HUI vas adi attitded. Every-. lhing passed off uîceîy and aIl prssent veut uOYAlly olertaiued, ast Mr. sud tirs. Irving Payne dti the honora. Ovar elevon dollars voue reallzed. The weather la ail thai could ho desired, ne excuse for not timing np thn aldevaîka. Tboro are pleniy of places ln our village that miglat bho Improvod. Tbeue la no one vbo doos not eujoy valklng on a good sidevalk no matter huw peîtr bis ovu may ho. Ouruimerchaîjîs are thusy recelvlng aud vaitlng on the nîany contimers Whso liud l advaut.agettns to tade bure. Thos. Mirde lbas a lnoe assortient 0f hardware inclodlng coal sud Wood toves aiwaya lu stock. The gerai grobery and mueat îoarkei ovned hy Mt. F. hIonse has nuoamporior lu the country sud jbis întiiiug effort supplieshlis custoniars vlth the tîssi luiihe m-ket. J. il. Cronkite, the rellable. buasa stock of teed sud fleur1 vhirh placeslminon footing vitlu bis competitors. lu the lineofo dry goods grocerîca and generul mrchandise a flue aisorimnent înay hobccnut ai .1 Knlggo',i la qnaity sud assortimenl equal to tatut ofmure pretintions laul au!, Lyle Moris and Edvsrd Gosavlier vere etrolird tionday. Tho liierary putîgrama gîven acb Wdesday afternîoîî prove tobho q alto lnteresting. The rive anmbers o! ibis seaiensa lecture course are ail strong and should ho liberally patrouized. Dr. J. L. Talora leture,. "Progreos lu tiedical Science" au lnierostlug ibemne, to-nigbi. Itti T. E. Sieveus, pastor of the Fluai Congregationai churclu 0f OnsysiakA wul siug. A chînionu-ple aupper vii ho gîven lu connection. Tickets, iîîîiudlug aupper 30 centa. Sclbool cbilduen 15 cents. Tickets are ou sale for the grand entertalomont and leture to.igbt, lu the chapel ai 7:45 p. nm. Ater the lec- ture a cblceu.npie supper vîli hoe gluen ai the acbooi bousse. The Ladie' Aid yull have charge of the latter and as lbey have no favorites aH il ylho treaied alîko. A cîovded housesins needed sud 1he people ofthiis viinlly shoulti show their approolation hy attendlug. No one makres sny money tramib e entorprise and Il la ouly malniained for social împuovsmoui lu tbe commuutly. If thîre in an! sur- plus h vwill be tned in village Impuove- ment andi for the bouilli of the @choc] 11ibrauy. Ivanlioe Items. The boys dol flot allow Halloween1 The life and pictnres otfitaphael are to oas unoticçd. wni hcg nbeing atndied. Joh OraaI Etta Graluho aud Dalay Van Piev JohnOrgard as l Chr'ag onhave enrolied lu tbe eigbth grade. business NMonday. A umber ut social andliîterary Neit C. E. topiec.'-Our National ftauctionil are lu prucesa ot formation. Houdage." leader, Mrs, H. D. Woffli. Lion, C. A. Parridge vîies that he Sho now organ viii ho instailed i '1 ecfts t'> attend the alumul banquet Dec 27. the Congregationsi chuicb uîxt Sun- S. H. Ftcrb, of University Place, day. Neb s pent several nours vith ua Frank Doter witnesed the font bai Tuesday forenoon. gainmeteie Hait and Chicasgo last l'le Little Chronicie "keepu ehool Saurday. lite moving with the motion of the worid.' AKk any of the pupils to see a L,.HH FitelO, of University Place,COopY. Neh)., wu" iu iown Monday and Tu es- ('ail i)oti eu t to Chicago Satur. nIay. vatvassing. day tuo he te out hall game between Iteloit Colege and Chicago T'nlversîty. Miss Louilse Olldanielier, of Ci Haîry k'oket vas also a Chîcugo vis- Iago, mpeul Sturday aud Snuday vîlOitou the saine day. lier mster, Mrs. J ohn Meikiea Carl Dortler la a good foot hall Miss W iuterhalter, of Chicago. vis plaYer, but hoe could flot lireveni one ited wit fier siter, Mrf John ito ln Orgasud'm cowa from maklng a ite vîb Ier îstr, ire Jon l' tonch down" last Monday mornlng. fronu Satuî'iay util Moteday. ln aPite of the tact that bee had wit. We hve he olo andwirn, ent nessed one of the big gamnes of the We avatbepols ud ire, lotare seasonl. compelird to g, ornoewhere aise tu The echool bouse viiili e open to "pioe zitt tOmn, thîe tovo looks Parant@, Patrons and lu fact oeîyone more tventieth 'întury lie. lunIthe community Thureday nighte. Thelvahoefoo bâl tainmotthelieip us to makre the @choo] room a 'In Ivnho, fot ailtran lit 00sort of heatiquarters for ail thoelu- Itmtietriieër tram lu a gamne ut iocke- iaresied lu the puogrenls of the ochool. tller ]net Sattirdîîv. The> homue tonan Now la the time to arouse more Inter- tieteated the Ro'ckefeller boys. Score "est In the alumnl-use Thnrsday even- 20 to ~Ing in whloh to do that. Lot ns get 20 to 15.together on tbat eveilng for social lu- S 'n vr. e. Istoi' t Mruii.tercourse. Core ne uand utilize the W. VL ,1 W- utU ahn II ulI nr,,,puîbications on the readlng table or lotTîr îW" ,hlul r" II1-s,' nu tuod. il'ethe ibooks lu tihe lihuary. Parents viii ,i'ulto, g.t a I)ofîl t ,fChamhrîsîns ho iitaîstad Inlu inpoctiug the vonk i'i.l.'. CoI"ra andoi lni,a Plesr. of the chlldren. The urne viii ho Pro- %il. h 1i11l-i. loI t curtul n 'und sst'(w"ilin. o ofrtgaoi atr t, A. Msais Etubreevlle. l'a Sold f1yF.piosticoeun bu air Bl LO.ELL. LlbsirtYViili;GRST5LAIK PHAB. Connecied with scblot'i onk. Every MACI: J. MKEKEL lvI5fio,. ttldeavor viii ho made to have the John Meukle la qrîîîe loy t preseut. bouse as pleasaut as possible on that -eveunng. Whyican va not bavea large lie bas a tory troublesome sore ibroat, number prasent tta tari viih an noît whlchi, vlth the many otller complicae-f'hureday evening'? Whoneveu any- tioneîliebeuaito bIttle, cauges bhla to thing e188 Of special IntOee s aoccar- sufer greatly. ring in the comni o teAvnn l'lite liaitween social given by the othar time, C. E t the 0thome of H. C. W. Meyer lasi Thîîrsday evasing vaanaef the Stepped on a Ten Penny Neil. largOat social attalîs Pothte year. A Tii, lit ia , titer of Mfr J. N. Powell inea litlemuniwamreRIzýdforthej aieîd or, an Invmrtat rîsa urade oetote noat lttie um va reslit'd fr tue iflîti slisand Ihru'tt ont, nait ontîrelu soc-t. tioetîgb er ottssan a cotrt 0o1e hait vay soil"ty.th,otîgh. Clîanherlain's Pain Bain vas SIt 1100L rNOES. r'mt p ield ant i Ive minutas later the sainuhad disapîteared anI ne mer,' suflîitr Srtt,îl o,î,nti'm wtkit isweli Iluder vsw- presa,.in tOues dais tht, child W.Y.vas vearnngbeu shlas notsaissnd vîti, Way. ibmolutelr neoIis5nort. 3Mr. Powell IlI s "ýCiluuiittim' progratiu a week from tueil known naisSant of Forkland, Vu. toayPlais ais, lanartantlaar'thi and lttalo sach odsy irjuries vlthoî,t maiuratln and In onathird lieu'arit. lv'rlectutre lt Itîteke-dlteîiorlred li,, tL n-altrestnent. foîl.,' o.,,.,. ,iilltF.lLvu. i brtîvîll:_Oaie. HALF' DAY Jullus Hertol anti famlly bave nuoveti ttî Chicago. Mn. W. E. Manu vas a Chia". vîitor ant Fnilay. Pueti Blobotçten and dangbter Gusce, vilsteli Chicago tat riday. tir. flautllot speut Saturday and Shiuutay ai bona Ii Antioclu. Frank Scroeodir la nov able to gel around the boume on crutches. Mu. Segeut aud fsriniy moveti onlo the Horeu beuger fsrxu a! Deerfleid ibis Mu. sud tirs. Henry EngelbeuTy reî'eîîtiy aput a uay osbîîpping lu COl- l'- tiovers la, lutitmproviug as@fiai a@ is fnîcuis coulti vish tram bis Iilîesa. Boir, latir, anti Mr@. Chia.Miiu (ci. iiii, a baby boy. AIl concorneti are doing vel. ' S. L. Tulpp sud family vliied i vtO Du. anti tra. Kennîcoti ai Glenviev, Snnda iiii e. 27tlu. tirs. Mary Schuier audUMisa Alvoîls iloeftmann visîleti Waukegau sud Chicago a fev daya lait veek. Mise Florence Tulpp reinruejl tu heu homo at Dovuers Guove liai Wednes. day afteto a ivo veeka vialt here. Hou moihor accompanieti heu home. Ou litile bnng vas anoused oaly 'tiîesday morning o!tesat veek by the cry of flueansd 10e rlugingaofhbele. The bouse tormerly ovueti by B. Shore vas burneti to the greuund. Mr. J. StaucliffLiedhatis lunehold goods etoroti ln the bouse, vhich voeeaiea burnàet. The ceuse of ire lasuninovu. RFat»Ta* iniDaPaifDEhT xLUAD5. AXSL OTBxEEi Mr. Eielole bbovins a nov ideviM> la4d ii f=of aibis proporty. chas.Edvards, o! Rnsaell, vwu in ou towu on business Monday. 4. W. Smith boughi a consignaint o01e99s ai Burgllngion tionday. B. J. Adams and J00 Gier sold iboîr farmiug outillsthe irat Of lIte weeig. H. B. Food vas ont ropairlug île telî ph lino several days ibis week. o.ç . Stafford, of Wankegan. vas in OU village on business the irat of the week. M. F. bNciuy(uer bas soli bis farraand viii go to Oregoîl.Hli aitia @ale on Monday. Mfr. andi Airs. Ed. IRay have nsoved luto the bouse rei'antly soltihy (G. W. Ochanlitr. EVERETT. George'I oe, Sr., 1. recovering. Tho veather la heginuz lutefeol ie vinior. Mir. Jus. iDoyle la vory ili etia Iloapl tl lu Chicago. Dr. aud tirs. Ide Gregor, or Chlcago, spout Sunday ai Lancaster.. Misa Mary Kaboe spent Onndsay ltlu ber uncie anîd asunt, Mu. and My,%. John Carolan. Miss Auna Yore vho bas hoon attend. ing suhool ait 'alpariso ln ezpect.ed home iday. Mir. and tira. Ion Mau and tamliy, o! lova, vigiteti vithtiMr. andi tirs. Pred tiau a fow daya of test wek. Ail 0f tboso vho attended ihe dance given bY the Young mon of Lake Connty, ai Lîbetyvîlie on Oct. 31s1, report àa plendid tilme. On Weduesday mornlng ai 9.30 a. m. ai 89. Mary. chnrcb Highland Psrk occnréd the mauilage ci jMiss Mary Lamb, of Bighvood, tgotMr. Richard OConnOr 0ot iisplace. 'ho bfide vho la a graduate of the Hlighlaud Park igh Scbooi vu&a tilred ilu hiune vihricli irimminga o! vie satin aud applique, sud vas accompanied hy beuraiter, Miss Lilie Lamb as brides- matid. They vil! maie their home lu H.gbwtood. The ontîro commninty nulle lu oxteudiug io lhem tiseir beatilosi congratulations. LAKE ZURICH. M urphy cigare ai Rail! Frank-. Doni torget the social dance Sabir. day, Nov. ibh. Lewis Selp vas a Chicago vi.ltor Bunday aud Monda!. Fred Selp snd famlly sud H. Weldenhoefeu sud family voue visitlng vllh relativea beros atuday sud Suuda.y. Frank Rouey ahîppe t tOes car loada o! live stock fuom hèro Mouday. Chas. Moyeu, of Palatine, la building a uev haro fou George Klepper. Henry Selp la busy ihia cold veather nelllug coal.liard coal at$7 25&a on. Chas. ScOoli, o! Chicago, vasvieil- lng vitO lis parents bore ovan ilnnday. Frank Moyeu sud Wmn. Hogan vont to Buffalo lait wveoi 1otieluinhe liai daya o! the Pan-Americau Expostion. Mu. John Moyeu and McNlmy snd vIfe, of Huuiiy, voue v'aisting vitO thiinparents heesSnnday sud tiouday. If lu neoti of a gooti razor sirop esl ou Emil Frauk. He easokeeoafino caudies. Good eaulng and cooiing applea alvays on baud. Social tdouceallu Fiches bail, Lake Zurich Sainxtiay, Nov. 9, l»L O(ooti music. Tiokeis 60 cents. Supper extra. Floor managers: Waucouda, W. Sonaer; Barrington, thue hiackamith; Volo, PeaSiadtlteld; Dismouti Lake, Park Bautllotsud Laie Zuich oniy BilîlloLorenz. G LEN VIEW Gea Sirayer, o! lova, is îlsltlng bia sou. John Warl, 8., bas gose ou a vîsit to Iova. Wuu. Wand Oia heinquite ali, 'but la niov inuitoviug. H. W. Beach ppent Suulay aifteuhioon vitO trientîs ai Evanaton. Henry Wiiiey bas been aufelug fro a aslgbit uj ury t'O bis foot. tira. A. C. Iîtrayer sud famliy àepont Sundsy vitO relatives lu Deertili. Charles Eggeui'a littho danghier Ells la veuy alci vith typluolti feveu. He vho vooldt le daugluter vin, Muat vîtO ibe moiber irai holin. The blind pig hoiveon Shermerville sud Gionviov la about to toceive slght. Cola Brns oltt thelu machine, en- glue sud thuesOing outtil to saîzen SBvhaîl. Suîntiay, (Ici.27ib, occurnodth le marlageofutWIII Prouan sd Misa Doua Brandi. Tbey Inieudte 10maie ibelu futue home at Washngton. Tuesdaty, Nov. 4t0, Etivard Lies, of1 SBlirmervilîe, anti lils Lizzie Iymer, o! Gieuviev, voeeunite tu inmariage. We vîsO ibem muub happineas. Haumon SchmidtlaIs aying tisej foundation fou a 0ev bouse. Thatinla righl, Rarmon. luilti s cage aud you cab the more easily catch the bird. Modern Strgery Surpaeed. «Whle gnfferlng frein a bad naie of Illes t tonaultod a phusloisn bo adveesd me te tr a box0eDWtt'a witsh Hazel "sve." says G. F. Carter. Ailsts. G~" 'eureti a box sud vas uiî enth ueti. Wtt's WteOh arsal ve la a splendid pore fer piles. iivinu ralief Instantlv sud h hutti uonmend It te llahiu orra.« t uree eyiuuteesssry teocurs piles. lDe lit a Witehlnaze] Salve viii curesuanas». Cuis. bornus.nssand ail otbsr vounda are sian qulcly cuned b0vfil. Bevarset aounterfeits. Foi sale by Y. B. LovaL.' Lbertyeilbe. Romeseekeri excursion tickets tu pointes outh sud voit yl he o od Oct. 16, 'Nov. 6 andi 19, Dec. 3 and 17. One tare plus $2 round trip. Oood fou 91 0. M. sud St. P. uaiiucad campmUy. Ank agents for puteulers. DEERFIELLO Tho.IMiomes Vetter speut ibrpe daya in the City lat voek. l'ho auing ldais viii manot aitOh home ot Miss Florence Muatlule Iatu- dayevoung Soi. 11h.Alare lnvited. Mu. A.C. Strayor and famiy, ut (llenvieî,auddrM. Stuayor's faiheo u lova, vt'rc the guiettif Mu. andi tirs. J. L. Voiler Runudsy The liopie fou the Cburiâtian Endeavor for Hunday ove. Nov, 1010 ia "Ou National Bontiage." lHalu. 1 1 17 A mnos 6:W, J. H. Friteb, eder. tir. John Howauîirger, ut Idaho, bas comm te Deerfteld te vist& uilh is& paentus sud relatives. tir. Horen-i berger lafi Doorheldti lenti-tvo yeaus ago sud drifle te t the western pari utf the Unied Sitea. Hoesema sto recog- nismany of hi. oli triendis sud rom rades. Great Luck of AnuIlditor. "For tvo rero isHil ffort,, te cur" e'.zrna Ini tOi palme ut01nMy band. ailird." vrit"s Edilon B. 2N. Lester, of! lriuw, IKan.. -then I1va, vOoill uureti Or Iuceilen .sArui;a avs lt*stb tO>orîda ibout for sruptious soies andi aJkilàt tisases. On I 2cetaiY. W LAVIýL. Ubertyvieo.Osa1raLsAs PBaXACv PA LATIN E. Dieti, ai big boni',lu l'lu, tiroir, Muniday, Nov. 4, 1.4>1, Mn. Weludtiîeli. Mus. H. Dl1kmaii andi Y. Duiug are' vaiting reatives tlu tiIs ili'iuiy ilils veei. Miss Moyersi, ut( iIticago, la the guesi of ber eCoiais, %MiesAltos 'tisa-, ibis veni. Mmr. J. H. llcblerding anti Miss Blanche entontIs.neti fulenda f rtuî lar. ringion anti Palatine l'uesday. Marriod. Saudsy. Nov. -1, iluVl- tinoe, et the bomne of thet, irll, MiFs M. i'utnaru. eldesi laughter of %V Pntnam, to Mu. Milieu, of Arllîtgtoi Heigluts. Ctngaiulatioua exîenulfi TothiePl'ihc. -Aiiow n esr usiitSlto . w,8 ir-.a.of iU bas don. grooti von ftgrmrandsii yllu the sains for otbneM I h ai .i'ry esen nlooffO sud couanti ["anali wotIit "îs'u .s.ni. lut ater takilu iti , aconido&- ,f this modîci ne I feit bett'r.tres bottkOs ut It uared my coiti sud ttc palîtInlu raItit1 dlssppeareîi antrla. I an, nout rofiptyrL- fuy ours for hesitht Roî.euiM. McFaîRa 64-Tirti.a'vtnth St .Whe',ilng. W. Va. TIuid b, F.p Lovati..Libertuvie: BAgLaUX jÂs Paaac;Je»aiMmi., ivant,',,. WHEELING. Carpeulera are repairing Wm Metz' hiaciamIth @bop. UmIssLana Anold of Oak lParkspîni Weduesday ai home. tirsud tirs. Jobn Fouiemeiut a fia tisyas aiEdison Park. tirs. L. 0. Piacher vislti fulieuda anti uelatives lu Chicago laiyeen tirs. H. Lips enieriainad oompany from Highland Park Ist veil 'bura- day. Misa Lanîs Pertiat i-eot a fev 'laya vih beu isiergat Wilmettîand Itogera Pari. Geo. Bartemhach speut a few days in towu vlslting bis !atbeu sud isister. Dr. Benz' moiher liq etjo:ying a fev daya vith heu @on Dr. HHeur. Baît sd bis famliy. tir. Rd. Beimoro and vite ara, spenti Ing, .afev tisys vith Mri. Joe Ilelmore andi !amily. Mus. Hl. F.Strytervlailed bau mOther mn-liv tMrs. C. tryker of Ecglewvoîd, Batunday sud Sunday. John Buenield andi familivîiihlavi tovu for Cbicago Tb.îraulay vOire iluoy vilii@pend the vîinue. Lou$ma Fouko a rotur,îod to WOeil- ing &ain alter spendioz a totO pleas- sut montha np lu Minnesota. tir. and Mr@a. tletou sue entetaiin- ing theoir cousin Mus. RItxy santi ber nlece Miss Funk hotb tram Decau, Ili.' The Open Whiîdov Club bad an eulebrtsimeui Frlday attennoon anti snieulaiuedîl.e pimary ruent anti s fev more vîietora. A vory asd accident hsppeued 10 tir. J. Arnoldi Fridayafleriicon. Wiio ai vri ai the reaidonce of Wm. Pisgge lu Deeuhteld he fell a distance aitIfttean test, seveily buuislug andi stralnulg ig s bead sud limbe. A Violent Àttack of Croup> Cureti ýLast vînier an Infant chiltiofumne iîtî coe i&nviolent !om." oui Eidsr Joliîn v. Bogera, a ChritsltEvaugeili't. o!fli. Mo. gve husa s wv doses of Chamiîtr- laina COongh leneily and insa short tint, iii ilanaer ges pait and theehullit naoiArel." This remedu not onu cires crosp. Sut vhoeu rivu as satin as tOe ira st sitoiasuparfr. yl pnevent the attaok. it caniainsans opium oiherhsnittll substantetasd mar ,O tenoasunoutt tutl ea baby asluas rdshc salebyFY. B. LovuL.. Lbenty- ifile'Gaa.EUPAMctJoaMiu. s 4 JL~'4i 9H ER M E HVI LL-. Auri ry u si ', ti it r' th,. ttgtJlst. T il,plt. i' t aýodta t soi assal Lw:: rîr i' i 'rî1tarI 5.wient.,r. t rw i...'l"t vr lu:i ai', ih i 1 1.r1iat ii.siit 'Oritora.' t I l Ou-i -a mgued pouawl Msîstemaiîi l-m'. Vohline"aslitiseJIi asit'a "i. 't,-. ion Us. IL la St iie Ides tt' .v.a :'slu ritiît eo,îsciiou bigli asiaritil ', il, as. tWal moitera Ihat aurerie arsti , aseti lii 0, lie , tbts vlhii tri. li-"ttrts',laits luodot htirlai" th., re'îtîlril auir of huliatltantâ Bauit"t.stîitou, asieti 1m fiter .tortI[n for rptrt and, l ter 5an Ie. toiigatsxiaîsh'u.n.-tu"smo iînard as ou.a"iiedsdtfi tt.ir'51.stSiuort. ila tu, roidelItf Buhrar a. ituaied nov. tilerliaise5un.direclt rnuUnwltb th. Lovu îrîer. sud fi1l'.1 l " iiUlîtiLUgte tip,'m a rttad a. @ouit a. 'oumistant alter lu. î'urprtUos T 'h"î 5slowhîuu" lu gro aronu .boîîîr ara'htl .a h'lI.'-,f Lli', e@,es -IrSîr 's'a. WI"ai i, atiaLii, iii rte ro"~ Lit,' dintato',, 11 i...o".,I'ui .'. If s'ai.I['pi si alîr a ctirflul itiots tru tIi.' %oun roit-rt i hioh i r , a" lutOi, fohîrr U tîi i aY . ' lit. slm ' - inuUL'Inl titti tr 'n 1- tî'. II"u, ILea-t&.0 ft ll fi Uit ,Ui atît t tt'lIillait, t l y r'iîîr'i r~ t- bou", (à 1h.r, l:' nuartyhî Ii. i .huii.îiraiIlbe iiurguot' uit saii t,'It! T liii * h,w.,iton> t.l no lot . ut a airi Il,-' nil I ta li ., ver- yt,tîî,g w-- re h"itud rî-il. triOval ,ri Itîls", tht iAuk'T 1- ) n g ,iurahJos iLthat.tt it. N, ifi fl't luh fr,1. ' 'lr" t .'r vas a.. ut, îeîîk tt '5u unb li, tt.ili t- i tut ii tlitn. 11 éaitba ltl I',,î 11 pend t'ii hIlt ut., ut , 'tg.! I. tri o atro si.î ir,'utlt f Tt ii, îL aL n sd as .1ur Ina If î tuti ti.' lsoatia '0 il la tiil 1>att iliau t'aa a-, Il One 'tiion I. sylitWt.- -'r, gîi itc, -Y i Ihiaaitthem Liot fli riK 'ru . -ri .îî 1w w-ttrtlnisuirought fOuit li-.' is. [tt i risiyluSti tt'$suid uunlour btigt'a ut itut' tine iaà l uv curas vhoun t, '.' taultiig".. u s Unitriaidertail int ai '- bhve "us-r thLiîgtunotîr lavern til..t.' nf ticlathrî hr,bl).îiiiuing vart, titit i ii, Pertiitilt YiLtn intihu atteint vas u t bandtibbul t IasW"hlîd,",îla mn embaie. nus situation !its pisurd unit-ifli. A eeutab nan [rontsWlteýIr' tg tititl,A W le la inthe dh"pt t aturIi î4y thîg. siiwii.n asiet lies h,,hoIl"d 1 li"ortioh'o oit"ns a large hin.rrt y 'a tt'.lu bthi ~vi'n. l,, ripi"d Os W"a îtrfi'ntily matl'Ild U .-I liait thet.Inprease la aL. wts-itsapot ttuéIeb. and lu reply as i. taSWer., thOn, ot tlA otelmu,îfuoi ho tîili rl,'pid fren saloon sud deosumae. l',0zpano i t Livi telluv fa t vas thai if ','rîe lvard . sptrinent îand pain, M1Li', noit LO utiiUlit, .ut latgUhterito etIi t'ýihoy îýtagiit lnsJh, usuisHp. Hotuthis miltur t'iîlncIde 'mhaune sfio, ully triat tSsii e tiîrîiay Lub hot tOiV itreoi il.LuafIl lu t s. tOu h, 'lîîît,,na n Anurhor oianiptttgri srimluiit relates tu the tran-ilsand Aifr,-d i.ldlihnl 1la orunîn b om.ha tL not h fuît tOut Mt i tis ci -euh vnt tb rain graidutilti ovIna tati'. nil ut1 "ce"sa fosts1',il-p IL lunrpîiiî -nd tIti ltIa faut Hitt aslt-st ssuIn it'üs,'i'. if I5i'iLiOratIOn. whtttu Itiskf'it iuc)tr il Iii" t i 5aud feu malutitilti.ue thOI liti>i"'. t-n oýtrenuonaly how tutiil,I'llyt1 itiy lîtitalît agaînsi tlîe i - ttoftii, f éui'tit c tito u agui'ndu '015 un -0Atlt t' tiLiii. btsiwîat did th,'h ah Uîtîunai-ntt t,î. tlt ervue d'eiiI.jutis uttus-y il IIIlý it ,tttha eonlng î'rItrt- Iti ev ,I.Sutr r mi rîkvllluth. -ourattl lI1ý II0, îOoî 1,1 l'It a CrOît te 119g1UL41 ltliitt"'Àstieu ld uiutt itandi show art sot tu b'a acari-i Out 01 IL ho 9-"1811Y. TO' spaiulhch li ititO O ainsi udU"hI a«I. -lui la i. t t. ' t" iI, i ( ) Ilt i îu n . Novp . th- fOliwi-9 1g LîiIg ar'ohst,'d tît sot as îtîgî'iit cii s 0 iald 1111430011:f0Gis A. Kiasf. Ilihrit 0iîlItit. Fitti,'. .J f i t'lrrnîansd A. biasi. The Children'i, Fulcuti.' 1'I i- i 'a- dittisu vinter. tNaytba f lité Ose os. Yu,,rrcilidmti vllitaer on.- Fuir -ougiàs. crouptI. roiichiti.gnleand oflae wIteuhî'ltetI'Ii ltai)iitl ]minute Ceugh VOum itrfait.,. usan t«a itomptlv. hat . 1 amanSft to thiituite snd p eitivhah, ,t H(îGoo . Wiaihistuu Ilentueir. vnttest Ouri-tl utu.grlissa itta 'ksliwittb ien» ie ininditem u .eattsse.~ o u a u ig lt it a d it', o I te a r s e f u i l u t tIa d t ,sia l W g v o euII i v o selo aiind uuh log t.. U..h eSt' abs ivoke h~tt mu oifu5 k~ii 1 1 M. Vol. PART AMD PARCEL. DAINTY box, an exqvisite wrapper, a M&li cate color, anad a cilngln fragrance-yet a these wMl not cleanse the sicinil Has ft ever occured to yeu that you pay big pd.ceafor thee thIng? Do you car to buy five aitiu or do ,you requbre orly one-a strictly pure sS Remembe oupay for perfume whenever you biuy itm*ied wfh op. Dan't you thlnk It la Wiser to make your own selction of perfume and buy it separately? It ta CetanlY the method adopted by mm tpersons Of cti- vated taste, those who bathe wfth pure ivory Soap. IVORY OAP-Dotse4 PR CUT. PURE, I GOAL D. L. & W. is the Best. Lil Arettthe 1 Feit M antei - ieevly %bat mai Prices 1)r. C OffIceý mu]m Liber Dy Office 1 to 1 ftelldont LiI pi Liber S=ng Cbionk GE EYE, I Dr. Phi 'aurai k7Mý,