CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Nov 1901, p. 2

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ÏNDEPENDENT PUBUS1IED WEEIKLV. #àDVSRTISINO mAT&S ON APPLICATION. MO TIRE 18 WASTED. TROLLEY CONDUCTOR MARRIES ON mis TRIP. fflé Motrmas to Gai.a Tirnne80 tb.t CeftOUY ,WiliI St Itertee ith U.gîs' chosi Olawo-asn Ia JK&sudike ila lertta Dc licd. Inben John Saluce, nsîssriass sona "t. L»0i8 and Bellevillec cs'ti' m, ,.sartedu cmt on his trip the (oibis îlaý. Csedou 1r Ideoaard Shannonn a bcd anr d l "adn: -l wish yoii s-ulid 11111iîilii"E- e-srdsville ft eo ite-s ahcal f tiule t"i mornint, I bave a lttl bliiss to t atted [o.' *,otftiii in Bauuur Puc"es back [to the car, uhere Lucy t". prettieist girl où t ssu sue, sat, blush- iau tartousl «,V.and be ~l'ruedlandgave th cotroller an extra suint'. They rau into Edwa rdslle twu andl aie liait tiis- nies ahcad ot srhedlîle, ansi Shannonarad lls MeLeer basl.%[ a f-lw jmenîlts tbey canis- bau-k andl fael thse grinni ng imofermait 1sr i e t ain- troduce M-r. Shannonai. Tahis, said the hsppy essductar Tlien the, star-ted homewarîl n bo n eil îgtour,adl'Ma- torman a iller nliileul Iiiî saaIXii-a &Hl of the n ou aîd ns-i ce uilss~s back into the car. TWO WOMEN AUV NMURi)EIED. The Bodies f Vietinnas81.11m ty Sîmilan' ma... jin siI. d. The police of Evansille. lInd. are gretly exercised over ise dis -i r of two bOdes of wonsen m hli bave been mutr- dered, eacb ap[arently ains hieu lite te dentb by thse saile nsiaîý. lut liiotho whicb v.ere round lit îîff-iit piortiosaso f the city. Botb bod s- hadilaisa hi ilii a dteb. and in bsutil (iases thb i.îîieo wer. bsdly bruiîed. Th, lbodiie s ,ire lîlsu tffent as [hose ot Mi.s îiigîRaley »dn Mins Lena Rea... The discas ery of thse murder utfMm rs.ailey uas made by C. F. Scbiage, a tartier, isba was dri'ring lto the city. Tbe coroner waa . tied aud on investgation shawed fiat la addition ta tIse braises on the body tbe meck ofthtie wornan hadl bien broken. Mra. Balle, was msrried, but ad becia sil, enmtfroaber bnabandý3,Inthe after- moon the body of I.ýea Rentier was found. Exa-niation lu tbiosantance saowed ibaf th wouaan bad been cbaked ta dcath. The wouan Iad been visting wth rela- tives tor seerai moillta and lert tbe bOUse with the reinark thaI she oas goig te take a ride wtb a frieitd. WEAR GOLD SERISER 'STARVIEl'. IfOaT lu lii.%, MIss Emnma Scott, sster of tue id ife ot Atoruey eerl Swtîsf of Obio, s ie- Uevent to haie pansebeil frou aatutitn ft Cape Nome terruter>' cu hila lit sears-h et gold. She cent us sh a party an atn .gpeditiou infu a reit afaprt et the coca- try. Membera of the part> iropped off on, b>' one, leasing MNisn Siestt atone. A taîesramo-an ecessed b> AttornueytGen- agal Sheefa the other day froua John B Craaweli ut Tacotna, a 'sli.. cetaîrnu eaffl informationt about Nine Scotftlie- ina .iranded la Alaska. lier relatives *0flsen a part>' te rescue be ifu sta MM aliu'e. Logausport, 1lad., lotitian, . B. 'Te plant othtIe Iogan Niinsg Cern peu>'an the First l'reslis îceurau Church buildig vere enturel> dsetroyad by tire ai Logauaport, md.The uiligussoru- pau's Ionsala $40,OW, iO. si uturnciiru f' u $14,000. The ebur,uIn s .$20,0.Iithsîil làuutance ot $11.000. 'lIe jubisiusg bLous.of Wilson Huiuilitcs'l a&1 iio. nt the Eplacopal chuîni ehure ailitît .daîsu ArMy PystclaRbbed. Pajmaster Stevena, U. . A.. arrus id et Peasacola tronu Allanta. Before lear- Jât the latter cify lie jlaced uis a hanîl eaichel $M2i0 l ser ansid Sin sp~aper IMoaaj f0pa>' fls- ortillecyn(ui at Fart Daraucas and tcha'iuso hicr'utud the tort he tuuanul tbat uhî the lusîser mcoue>'tasd becu nabtarted and staeuhn] the $200 in iili er einedau. ['bots Man ia (narcli, Durîng serv ices af a itegroeuu Isu hnecar Hophinslie, Ky.,. heu ry Plsies uarrel- en th lfbte Alletn, u il l i.hiisusle iras oecespo-lga o îcs Pasvies' hîs st Allen vlila bis jist. T'he-bsih-îi Alc l 'ient, bint plerced thflo tîc of suPtris-u3l-uon Tg£ bomne in NewnYok,înt. i ssafsîuild Osa ired amiili nI l> al fif er hesd atruck 1li s-htof-suta urluhe us eau bosin and it cis îuigb hi-r aes k usas brob ait il cu sc in dctrs'ens-e f0 us ua n i i ut, s nîrancea W.-aeu <tlty ofBseu it ans tereaice E.,,ucbr mas teund cuisit> of atenut ing t oe tant _$80110 feuil Ait.spaite ,ii' e b-i'sun-buI îîcl IlàhreeTrain- 'leet l-ata. Cbha ries S. tartoa, a-ahtb>' bit bsinesst hlm instanîl> Tlree trilanusn. aisurSprinigflil,tian etf Worceter,.M'su , b>' thru'aîso t île - xveru kilied ailthic '[ris-o ronai fi dnap hi, childrea. George IL. Buzeu,t Ilsu fac ert' M. North Spesagtietl. utuna cllisioin hsoc jointît>'accuseil csîh Mis. Fisher, sacs as- Judge llattcy gave lis îlecsioutin0Ilic a sus ueabenigunadusuassdeoit uhe. ssstel. ChicagoAnsisicti citsîittcasa. ils' TIse eigiiuer ansi tIse Iremait sere Admnit,$57.000Stteal. fed thse pîîausbîust of auieusM.tLaw- cauglt ltsea tIse tiak ansI tIselusilsr (bncl-s 1. Thauson, scpccnue fluuustue [usure, managisuf u-îuîssîn5ttii .te ilYs in otthes'ruanci-gite et tIse "doable beau.- r' keprotthe Sitprem etoth the counuf>'jal. anu ltaI l.S.Cati andtls-auudto ueallu lnighlsf sthf.e accabeea, is aRuI a laId hun> d3 -Cattahau Acqoltieul o! Perury, teaaei l efauiter in the sum et $57100 Ra Itee l'iaat Buaira. JainsenCalabait.claces l sîils tIsa kidllec look thetmoiete oaid hia; oisu n itpen- At Neswenstle. Il'.î -Ilse lui îîor stltisenaping et Esidie ('utuilisansidîls-ueftleilloiuu'iîusa, aeceti MeI. Thotîsoiin Lawrencie "and tus Srasae vus ususas l t>'u ubperjuinar> sussutitii sisut lu lis o001 ae sunt ot rt Hluron,. M ch conapletcly fuilssl lub liii i lueuaaiiagc deferitl,.bas becs bnal>'selftree st (hua- amounits t tol*I $7ui ,m5 I lia hat ha. 'Fb.'jury in fIse pirjiietcasie bolurch.s.p igtf ath.. ome Bxe.lae. b was ouI>' camfuetelt ansIiic -s'legonlun a sverdict t naDt gsult> fter lui-sastoit N og ore oe-laela thturai. fIsîrI>' bre bois, hen appelntu'il ta tIse Chinse fusecîga office b>' au elct recelved in Pekin fthe 17' YarIn l. ate Pri-ce suf %%tairs, Million Givra ta Tweuiy'ane x ru. ,ther day. >'[hua appointincrnt la cansidl King Estusard lia cosîstred ulIls itI c s The nCuuc-itc esusuî a us %itliuan sredailtascalorthie attitudeofth[le Cbiitese of l'riuvi-e fa ll-,t a i îs llri sutf lIs', c ws-k sucssiilSt.01l..115 s onit su ond.tîs inistera tousansitIse retoration etftthe an th Is ike of Cl'nant ssl.'lueorsa sis ussui,'ts isissucililases. The tvoeutiBoxera ta sîtuteri ah ta or. ment ficelasMillsnaiiisris otf5l u17rs-us-lme ss$311iu11) tai,IIOa ccord-______ _________log s,) tIlecîc'alais suse crceivnug bondts Kunhel ali Beate ltn Daaih, Fatatly tiareut b, s.Ail, esl as ils--suset tls5iper ces-,aisuit rarît Msrkt, su cî'man, wisuroundl JohnDlis u. a noted brecdcr o e butsel aîîîuaîst cussu t icr wis situad> iugin an ale> aoiessleFrankMsur- tle, uas gret! e saIt, lu>' ny Jersey hul lhî 'n saloen in Biffalo, N. Y., stîd dieu st laia stck rfasriear St.Joseph, NMo.. Aii-,it tteli.en Nbesats clapt.i, hefre ati attbulance arrused. Merkt thaf he s il dus' TIse s, oîcbtîîîîîî',sm of anil> bulul beru k fruses I. l she Siie ,fu stai, ln isac t ila rts ee n eaf- Chi-£.a Transfer Btie,-Ssd. [n bistsIse Sceitoacka tate Cluîîîîfsus lilrandi are hirater t esansth,' Lincaln.'iTha Suis 1 setî otlheu'tire !ls Caia- a An Dtro RIver. transteetsiof ogrand husgage ta an iiitelisa hsiacde euilius,'tcushe The car ferry lnndadunne colliueu and frosssnt ! hc l' î- p-îts i sun - ý. apite1t .th, ii ,tlasislu-si atsg , ' lt 1 vith [le aschoener Sophia Mincbin tise o>diafi-. t ushsb ashon-i - i ttelu-t, yards dcDui etroitre juit off flue fontottf tus 0eeie) nuis. uajsc Sn al [a.St- dulu iru tl u uî ric Detroit.'[lue lien'oftfh-' tise prîsperý nd>luh1gu."isuIl ilfisuji'st, t TIse Risl 51e,. IS Du tItur N'in îcb usa crtshcdinanudfuthe roard Pau',aeee esussan. s rînssuc, îsu i s li--aI o - gsuls u.5kWasal1> troken. ting lu>-a >55e 1 'SI-si. i - - ,'P isit h 1iuplaye Arreate I. N. S., at,, sean t i ii 1 t . i Usntnssu ed asi-i !l cscs e lu sus Ir hs i Suitiet ,hs.f(ri alun sut te ise ety dis- Pire daincg nl fii u sbh su s f à 1- iiussl-g:i'5 Us his L 5 isu,- ii.,1ru 1su if 55uL.itg tcn eadnth Ie cempletIs h.ti}ii a n , Ir susUlue. Ssi1ivsssI tus iisuas Su Lusi, Moi.. sas arru'sfeu, chargu-l sMore sud seraih-t i Ile Il, i u ~ a [is ,I1i ,susa Isrt Ii ssi uisuclis et'u it-ltes Pagwssh. N. S. Tu,,iuwstrius cîseuc Ift lttr8 el bnrned. nith nalus.8.515ofTirtY insSe tuso ,îu -iil sng isusun>es ec, us-s-e foutu ifs 'lis- St1usîs f st linsk-s iu i lsionuu Express Mýe- Ser'bt ahl Ios s-h1, uad.of ralsi ie v.lne enntWnt nud Z~T.Flbsor s'S'elalusigensIc s t tc 'uI uSisu'.lef1 s . i s ile Aîa Portland cernnit n-rks Ineffluger, caa fautai it a 'luis li t-iilîutsuuit i,)ý l ut tI less tolut ls' Sntisf ut'ehsten. Ohiolus uaamost de- inou l icar ce)sa Si J-,sept, lis IS 1-1suit 1 osceals udTIl illsushioiS adinuis5 ,jle edsiillusire. 'The îplant s one of Island traisnus-berfnis ri, s t I ss.ti-c« ut us i i uîle loiss i issu ofetta kmIntitu the Ui'tesd luIsi. There sene 1ao bilcI lu us - ilit blw the beart. Th'e Inan s-u ssue la Yu,.ugMusn e5st;,a 'attu'leli t e hi-u l uied $80,000. auu...,..i. e, Cii'aule t l c îlfîfIAtuîNuiitaisu ll V.,' te ifriscl-- Iahr'li krtt aled faitsus I lae ,IY ofu suseialianu- 'SIf1th,- A1st_-ulî11et1r.-1ta1 c Bg Fi"eleBadin i la Orao the wcent firea i tue bat-c>'Oe Ersdloed , ,.OCCirred thse ussbr maris- jg ing t lattent lathe lver>' table utf F,," Ip. Benjuer audt consument s doanu bdd&« luludlng thse $3.000Ciy haIt. ~1~avaberges le the iver>' sable gnué d is, ames touan a l f1-si lus iiiisecs.nt',u hw ial Il ut Buuutr '115, Iboftaet oh age. s. irIs 'y'nia ah"s isli i 5555. l],osnidu.e Mr, Sn enlerA%-letiuC In Ilionne.Chung. Witli .sanutifor Ses 'y or,, ta1l ha ts lonsg (I bang, tIse rniinntChinese cite he gueaaed Ise wuld hava ' taui saucsuî,dueslin 4i'ua t thseage uif Mbladel1pbia for a tee days on usinsas. à eam, :i4ow YIELD OPF-C OFFICIAL ESTIMATES SHOW TH'E SMALLEST, AVERAGE. Yld for itntre Country 1. <loy 164 Bulhels PLr Acre ous Coma.ns l ta 25.3 Bnahel. o. Ace tn [OUi Litîer th&n Lnwcai Previons RE.c.rd. . li>oi*gïuâ TO grnAuO. Clhai.e N. Rstlbuua, 8UPPO86sd 0BO Usai, 1"AAreatesE The arreoit or Chartes Nemeil Rsthbuis ai. Louimville opens the oay iii thee x- panure ot a Plut te detraud th,' Nitro' tilitan Lifp liniuraiice Canipaný and itay i i-auIt in Itaihbiîula iulii-itt fîir il der.r 'I'etilîbegan ss uni a imIssa aille îîîsiîlfreUIn lesteculu in lý ,.,kht tu lie Itstliiu si-nfassnîlsld'dlu liud ii, a luiSe1 it Ja(.soaiinî ,11h,Iii. 'l'îe attlsri- tii-a abliPesithse bdiy tus [ieleitovl. FIND BOUSY OF TRAGHDT. A tee nighfa atferiearî irsc. Veit, with BOaYS SENT To WARIN î AFRICA. her son, usent ta n Harlem us lic u hll, Chicaigo Police Say [he NatilAMrier aud duriug the middle o! the Performance Shippen to[nCap* TownO frssnmsa n.' MAytery le SoIved. the lueklens Vent came trailing dowu the pinyment Amency in S. Lousîs The murder of Anfonio Natoli bas beleislame witb s blonde womau. 'rhey took Frank L. Porter, a ticrebant oftIl xplained ta thes ctistllicfiou ot the Chi- sesa in front ut Mes. Vent, wo. sifh- gausport,. md., has cOLiilfiiild lu Cous- ago police. Thse waoinluwich it is eut hesfation. iippesl fhe blonîle', dress greuninan George W. Sicele ot the Iso- iuppaaed the body us carted an-y nysd opent and tugged furlousl>' ai her hair. gtunsrt district abat hi,nson, Lenen Por- browa ont on tIse prairie bas been dis- Mfer. aged 16, ebo ieft bis beome Aug. 13, covre, ad he losein hih te o- MAY BE TalE TiÉAIS LOOT. lu asser [o an adsiertiseui5nt o f a Sf. licerbed. and te lousderinwhscoil tIed & Areesioula employuaeut a je;', beig ship-1 hcn beee isemedr ss nsted W.,itAreic Carryiu 50,000 Ped, uitb tweut>' tousother boyu, f0 hnse bI-n les-tusI. Tler uantest Wth e eIIa..itaOnBe R bery Pruccedls. South Atries, ehere, if s aand. lhey elli1 binuew's ruaioivannier ared aibt1 tlu Si.Louia the police hava made an- ie torceddeuth Ie British aaryta fightt it s nt blieed e hd aythn s e od ler important arreat n coitiectlon wîth û gainât the Biier. Ungresninani Steele tbe (Great Northerit express robbery Or haa promiaed ta Bulsiifthe complaint aslfh fhe marder. Nafol, the Police Bay, Jîsly 3 near Wagner. Mont., aud took a te the State Departsusnt -itb a vîesv ta was eroed e th hoe o il m- s. aise coafainîag beteocen $30000 aud haîlag yoîîug posrte, issercepted wben 192 North l'mnn treef, murdereil, bis $W0,000 inteofa the Ntioual Bank ot has reaches Cape Tai h e senior Por- baily' jlaved ini sbaîrel, and reusoyedIl, - -, w ch arenuppoaesl ti ha a Palt ter uent ta St, Loissi fsnec [ha manager wit th asisanc ofa gayhoresd f thse preceedaetfthat haul. A. us-onînu et an employment soinpsîan>' obich ships îsafchînan. sFrak Y rme h plie tha e us-oaregiýe tth alede lcofei ns niilefeers ta South Afica.Ilis riait cas watcmaninfrmedthe olie tht h ".. ri Roe' usan aben jui0cusfady b>' prampfed hy the reccîiptf ota ietfer trotte sawtwotrstetak abarel utof hec if> deîectlres andsI ecrted ta Chiet Ilea a tmoat iamed Câble ia Ncsr Orleina,, [eh basemeaf and place tinluanwagon, uhiolb mound'a otfice, ulîs-re she contenued that mg bhln [bat Len su uisatipped troua iran bnched np [o tIse tront door 0f tue siae bai turged fhes ignauresuat oflcr New Orleans for soiitii fuicoct. 17. fea he recaguized one ns Iul ihie uts. t he batik ta tbe Doten. Beyend that on the steamer Mouisisrey. Affer i, ru- fhe peddler occupant erthtIe hIsie NNho'lstafement tIse wsisîsea ould Det aY a tîirn fa Logannport lie aîbiiîced [bhat lha thse pouice enfered the bouse the>'totind usorîl ufîer thnu tus dca> an>' knowledg" hnd diacovered Aat fIle Sf. Loula err nothlng te indîrate tient a traged>' had of the mua named Arnold, wbamn the po- ploy-aent sgcncy usais îrlttîlly a Briti'sh been committed there. TIse firat dlor aie lice arreatetilthe prevlosia igbt iluCOau recraiting station ss] ietbatIhe meufge- parenti>' hnd sot hecu a ccuiped for sec- u»ctionu sifh the rohbery. The arreatuss ment received Sa for e-îch recruit. Tlhe cral days. Paîaing deu fthe lhait dotan ma de juat as,"'Mn itoe' cas leasing manager ot the agu-sîsy seiien Mr. P'or- narrow stepa leadîng ta the bauceInBtbcfhe seel. She carried a hag luin bicb er's chargesansuda).% sle kbîseirs ntbini tho sesrcbera faund s differcut scene. The aa ueof$0blsThwi er butteatr' wall andfloo wer besatted fristunkhai,~b "ussbesaf londed into on blond. Clofhing bangStug agniist theexrs ao.i tplc edure -lePIL W N 0G T NOK wallwag lamp Rhoingthata semi "'.. ru. Itieilsi oet haaw ow 1foui î effort hie(]sî îccuîronde ta reuos e the bhead mn h ls ýbnh o e .. e edP.e .I. tanua. CAaucealcd lu the crner et the moncy fý itli sa h,.cuitaisicuelWS Ieah Prnn Boit llad]-l.csf u lr basemcitt nere teu batcheta. wible il hanîl Iefo efi $3os)I said $50000 t.ibuc Joshn Su-ner gaie s asiiOssh[iso knif i]te la>athtie taSible. Ail bore blodi1 lii rfa er the sa sis-s4fl- e s o li hi. stslles ulon tis-m. altbîuugh effortn sdtibailosîsnt nuh ions>',icne berarrive[ i--isa tusconiader lii sifsh.î sle been made to reira- ethe dark marks nS ~ii. i,' 'sobject ta flit ,do, AI oinisuss uasa The crime Cas Io alhts-îlhy s osisitteu se NI:BAAKA TO'î NAItLI IIUANED. i Nerk udsifelh unis- I. isiita thse uIs' obtain the $t5111 oib cbNafoli m'us an bitis ualk u thsemain os , f tbe ta u1. 'i fa have liaul. AtnloaPortion o ut sle Vipl Ont b! Isaiaf uîls aiafsn ..ssiicu hIc uni L1'.'lS LOST IN THEATE.R F111-anIeeutr ire. denul Seiie one iî ss.lelausu-defak i lire dsrsiu er>teenfire luis- -r.Sualnil aiulha 5555' sm o f ush Fissa Qichir Ilevoor Friasmu-e 11usd' ii hr si u t utt, e ath. Sut ba letl sceau' Tuh. u>-body p'lue tii i fîth i."a lu ler. N' i.. ue II, tSus erisisil, ails1 fsn hUuiii O" ou1aluulsîiocs-s ait h,-tiseh.r.roe tiirteul tua Eigt persan'. soie oft f ema n norni. sl' s aI sI cre loiiifed -FleluTh, 0 i s els-r onss i ithlis' utskibs fi cere bure nei odeath at lule>.W s about $hO1k511. ac flusil etuor su lb i tIseutassa laIt ou ilourc thi.cIipiia.SK ln a tire ushich consamel the Iinfk ered b>' ificirsas-l' 1Tle heas s' t lasu- i sut î11) andi a hsIusc'-le-eau Theater. Three wniu ansd one maroi, iare '. M. Casrter, hafel, .4.1.Joshn igl 'lie driss gu -t tsftheY wusra mernbera ofthfe troîsfueetht badileesu Star> s barilwarc stoei, $ . MNrs.Ifaissfg lîine boue. Ii1ut wn îlî fa il Igat the theater iigi st> dusruas fb' . Johnî tor>', gros sf5, $0111- eraci-& hs sai- it!iiiSeuler. 1I sut uofgo50t( week, wo-re sjured b>' ls-uinug frssitio icSrNlisosi rugstore, $6.14l); Jabtis'. a; s îr.-So Ite ris sr lis-I t) tii irtinisui sleepig roomu ushesin.ieueed by I',le son. $35m0,twoa sualssrIfl'. $2..andssiltube hmhiacls kt i ssi hse Ss rasir ot theIalme.The tIssa teas alois Aboeutttt s'usa lrtiscmolier onh.lrs sussa ir Iinssiil d di 5 u oii itlSlkcl Ssii SiY fisc ofher buildings slstriiveil.moas of loua Ibhe tbre i aipîuluarih fus hure eMlulîf s0i cIus trame and liured wcstefr!'ibhiS scitttîuiu tîsteul us si, iuiiS.r 5 inse reir ' IN ANSCEtî1-' A .LtA1LE . %f The aleeping a cîresi-uansi actars, usbu 1 l auîu cIi liii su.u"1-uis su sthelie ur-t theY' uereawnakeisi'ulnt 4 a.i., f-susu h lîusihsats 1-u1rusN 11,îusu l II-.sres-,11Large T-rt 1. 'N.,il. tîsheat.sSte îhemselvs enanrreunded lu>'Iles, t on aui tre, aissu-uî,usiasitisho us as u setinied tir'sttc uut cbicb escaapeîsced alnait impossiu'iblei.. fliSitheu isisSuiser atof ith oa .14Osa \1.j'iM,,siîglsluai. hludioni li,tistrhisi Thone whsîoauseu tlemqelv(RIsapahcifrossî ,.ied. I'etul i tri'lf , i thi sie Fort fsutit ie fthe aecond i au slird stars'usnucndw, r-- CI))SAsero iîauis. hsa i inl ui.- .hîiis 14 ceiviitg severe SjiiriIus Noise bad tiaio112 Suse, af thucfiIsus -î icl1 , a1 a o ta dresor case iaiiblhes.D.lsre }aa o, f Acadeany i n thes [ass.u il .. s -s h tus ts THIjEE 1UUU , uustL IORES- AIt4'. New Jee,.y Scelak Ceig. -isiis'a'u, f -1iumiuSiut -ThIslîiiu Johbu l.acshr. a ussrkîîsaan fuloSut sI a-sus' iSguifientiii titul lC d u f E etorHaut lug sud Tranater Caru' 5 lus- Acus Isu> ut st. Mane> if the' iak c for liaiil I.sLak.e aishW lus>iis"lue usu Su pan, Stables t sM. Louis iestroyeul. '-usruai esRshort oRad cc uadedIu lSsîse [h'ly Suroxeitiiiissilly -lsîualisie 'Tlis t la St. Louisa fine consîuicts'i>dentro> el Sussruar .tgriss, iseasî utfStatistitution, i unchiýi.iuosutthe tri-ut> cuisis-aftu'c ssii3 the ta bIcs andabarns oethtIe Esceiclur en ut e ssI-N .1J.Lawnm ier l'ad u's il a is ecýk's îsgu uitafiuul '[hie luti nur ]iw H a u lîug ansI 'ra satir i'iiuatîsia> - Tî u ia c tr oss dut y for eyera lI iuu>cs u inh Part aise tt sui iî fra île n bulls h f lns ""su te getber usifutIse buildings, shuu h e t s n sss tUig. tbe sifer nsueSir liai5h(lis- la oe-tn. blets dîtb, lus uiuiste-Ia about $12,00i o srthbf etdueisuthe'loftsc, ihiiuge-ihîneSus s th fulîl [a> utle aileud the ilect -, ...isutfI'osuerî'u Stie 3M0 heaul sut banssandtul eec0sf otîseir l-rsuîsucnusrituaf cuiisgly [eiscut Radfil n ii hueIii l gtus i ii tsaa s- i lires n the tIame, t'ai. EKilrsî uskad toa atulogîze andl reucîce ler fur tbiok- ident ot the comass[nîy, saisI that $lý).I)5 gieness. Sbe met lbienuia tbe hall, asuk jnsPs fr.-i ite., uCin i tle weuid lie a lai e etinate et the totuil sus.hbands ansd gav e bisna iienedicfiouansi lihBe iistcauuîuur tauI , obýhil He saîi tbaf the sfock n asi sosîceulfr ui srneul tago wcîbcbedreus a rev oIvesauîdceai lid GrndusN[s fie , shi.. fi siiC[bu $100 Per lead assd fat f bure os ism555 suot ben. (ce fhesulus n iiona infg. relIts r5 t an ance sa tbe content.apIssibyI>iiteiig (aîe Ilt i u-e- 5cisrsuu au ius usss-sr ose haIt or two-fburuîa et thir s ulue. r tr G ltofNud. wl-istlyun anI,-m-,iId iss' Csibtrce. u.buuisesl sith u, iupassag'e oniitIse bosîf at, s'-IoSuI1lic Oil rust S Ns ou . cAur. plilîy n fbe nisrden hscIJune etf.Mi( e abs' lie is1:s1st n elits su tssîke h J uusge A. ,Tibluefu andilC. C. W'righut, iii l Ison, na>ossig gi us as fouil u l ) ~>juinsi, luzi,: bt. cfais-n st, s-usuaad reteressof the Sopremse Court ot Nelras, nt (alena, -Mo., ails1bis senfence lîxed ut rether effuŽc ta.ssie fousndit o ksel-cb.l ka, fled n repî>'in lIse case et the Stase ltuayears su the p[enitenfiar> 'uNis.bus tatersosit Oas fturîd anotses. su whl gainst the Standlardu OI Company. lschsiits(raune, tIse [riciiers sl- haiallîîsIt.IlB c. suit nan ta debar the company 'on the uusutier. nut Thoas es'altreand hisu tisudit ['.11e', AuostlarWoi -l ground Abtat ilwes a strust and dossue con. 'W'iliassi, are till fa bc efor u eco i- N,,us s uc - ulusu Ioief- -e st u butsiness contuar>' fa the nutits at [aw oet luiity in tise cnimîe.b isse sut ['pstu Si jRadsiitiheumsu sil iug sut Nebraska. Tîse refetu--s dha bt theaes i to Jsoaa. 11'uleuisit N...Il,.% us . ,,a1-,lui lssi dexre îlesa Cut siitaiiu tie lllrgaiioiui - 'iiuorluuîn ahhusllttcsi ta Japan u;.0 au-ru-a Slý'icnutt Rua hile tiss ilu u-. op i> the Sf ate. st(h ukh.ns 1oanîo e je sshuus l -isnb lissi î ii 11eaka Nerk lu iaiissis. uaI sitths'iient t t le pulwueil l'theu.11, caariuii f uthlacfiiiCithflc l1stosutihuic Mra. Arcîsiunald S. Wbite, usutcetftIse on"ee The brI us Oc aRýfrti'i u-e uiiier vcm gý u e-h eetiseshis ,1,5 preident of tlue Nastiionul iSait Compati>,- sut b>'a n Bsia Otn-rsbip.'['hie (reýau l t hsîusubu-o Fi i 1,,s hui i l l u bchsus -1 .11ia h,-of on rai ex 'orm bs, 5.5-a saih - Il u issu-c. 1ui.iul ie su i. ichili i u;li i tN I- Seu)I lu1 Plui: $lo suis .5' i -i SS us- i .u~ f 11 555 t jus 1555 lîliî i5i.iisi 5 - -i-i-s iii Jus itiiiiii su iii suis i-si' "'i J'-u "iii" su s~ iii ,,4. lu ccl lus - su, u~ hs 5.1 lu lis,- ut, rusa issu. su-s u . I 'ut 'ut - i.' -t I su lii, Sel I ch Itinlt. su ussesîs lu.eiit lu. cmi lu' n-I 55 s'a-il t s; s,:. i 'ut suri f lis liii fuun$lsliuti liii il., c s il I. u us s-sut' .t i ufuis Sa ut. Suc fIl -s.- tut t-i 11.,uSiii iii 'lii- Iris '.5,5 5555 il.. uuiiiîi5i f iiuiuii iii luc-i.liiî et icis;ul i 5 .iu iIsif li ~ ADMITS £57,000 STEAL- sus luis.'SiNus~ hair 1 Tior îauut lufaîtr 0'is u~~iil ~~~ u si., iîqosI iI ' iî he l, ss r. liii- su î~' î"~~ 5 usi.iu.. ' ssi' 5 f 7tI 1u l ~ - ui 5 ui '~i st's is s .et L5los'il a c nu s att le er v fe leraI fp is o its i s liLs ueil s - iu s l - l i u , . i u - fIe ,iîîht l t. ' hirt>' guards tuuIlauso mttisur s--u--.isssAsuIi ts.- lii ii 'St. "S'Iu l uuuissu'- fuis uis.'( -,ihall s i i.' îssth ma . ijureul f uir g uards i u n ' s uun 1utu-u t si ti i s1s se.....-ush h c1,s S1 lu>'~~f tI'ssaln"rsrth ttuus sa Inicilul issir - i..s.i îlec as us thSihui c 's th 'nusa iands. , s us i î ssu iluusi , as l& 'u înom - Ce-,,,il iia 1-culish t Ie . laîit 111lt ui oi Ill 4 1ust susvo.1 .'l-4sîs i iu-i glit 1luii-s1 'FIo l eleutiO y-u -, 38 Sean ssliI. ai, ii - Tshe r-Iulu iIriuidlssuu.i'ifl1ii1ii hus- -su s .lu-I s wl s iiurIsgIIsil il, e '-r et ttilliissîsush rg. liu'a in tIos Eis1ti-'[* R e- > -i ir uuss . . I s1 ,i hi isu i o I us stiss- bu1 r I)ietrit busptal su Neu r kut. hlsuui aui lfiii11, s hs5 ' il.' 'us , llis-i-ilsr, usissusut -t s tsu oi-I ans Iis tace ausho kinlyInuai ilatvd blu> ic - l!IO .Iil.f h s itua sus II. s ii l flil '.ui 'Illi 0 il -i tlu55i -oo i ssu î'o . ui d - il bole is chî.l 'lie t a csuk usîusu ssu ftr asruu ' u. 'tl, ssus Isl i Il.. i fi ti.- sitissusi s ) I ssu sîhiclu ts-elle lairnsto e >l i - uî su u tbc- fousil fth'.ii-o fui - us St uts," Sis1isu1Su andlu ai ut Iugu- soufi, uas tIilade lu> hua sit f. luzhiith a"i- uci suafuis us Issils-us ' l u1 ' s' l-ls fil usîtussîs a u t s cs l sli' le-os lie sayo tdaa lire, aaisîIble etsusIiil lusr i- (hanilussusJu5.i thr f i,- (), -is,lu ereuiltts. Btenk a'stt Ouceeafslly îîîawu, in cli cia af thcs -i ie Is' Il a as he'['bu'---e ls iuîs-u 31MO 1015 itiifilu'C. TIse Banike of thnuS. i.,-,slu nuls erafea, nuishI S tuiu i t ifStite-ias lti as I '['ýI, lusso i ni luis is cu flii roisa $5401ta 3(0 beulte tls' sîur iiguit et $5,0(K). 'lieIs e sîu' i , 'II-u Kai.t i-iis Nulraki. Sssîîh is i. Ilsnd h, pot iss nu-iir ie sý'-ue te us. M m openssia usstanls1the rutirenu'ssteitta I outsi, 'u and sifArkasac sucal, il il, s711.itî s-Surs ssii sus us Abolit 2 ou issu- s sIl, clssus-sil, ithea' igioniu i -uu iIiu is s ts-u fiiornn ns 15 utexploion t a euiseut the' -i u i ih>t Ilie 555 ccii ge ls il)fus - 'in91. zenu. , bo amrised at tIeti-ak bus in suin p s- s sunt, su g;iSIýsici ta J'el.s ve n cal.,cIIou bsac. vernsur, 1'i 'îThe sui-t ptato a rop iT 1)re-l-a-eeca Sielal .. aloîe Iii titi >year aa 'sgo. 1 .1 ell 1 'li e p la n t a if I ilw o r t h . 1P o r t e r & C O ' 'l ie ' s lsî t' c i s p is i-ssii' e t - msuiifacurers o etells roula arilroaâ tIe ten l-urau ersugu'. ailsthe pl n aIs u)kesat tittabsu g, un a uliteih b>' ire es fecr10 s eighl I l> Y- tus flu,-e c lnt ofr i baut $25u0t00. 'l Oelr tt hutIi irstusuuill l bailo Sit plant o-as the fargeult f itlIa Iindiula the nine. iluslslssIi-untuet.Ly'S . a o Norh 'li TIh,ý,j o atuy, usorhul, ifh an ouitpîuut of 100.00 totns C'a-suis sus oi] 'csufiiulin'. r. a O t'F lllI i ffoigell Ogu'3 >esulierfis-vsre ato usîs i tsu ii Xcess uto r .e ur [lue suuî nt Black Rock, 5rk., was csuine ( Ns- , Iltuos a55,5-i sili 'Slaacuise cSish - lri, - ( ie 1155 Irs) silsiu i,,lu e li s u i ci r ofiu st$2,11(0^in csh aussi$1111100 tateis'hauS a gîi sccii.cli fter tIse ieili Ui 1 'l'r it ri' isrishesi u i[is tsssW ut uIl. iiito. Sus-s Bu-illi.suit -cas a ts (Ii nlu-ara' T olhiiia l. sapiut U. S. MINISTER FIRED ON. is I-d sîs.oitt s' 1I bsu-slu-Tre t cias fiituuI i> s usi-il tsus u ii-i ' o-p u rdlel unLke H.-rcu olioluiiau.attallres iAmen, n 'tiseQulis-s-sif sut Soi-- ukat'su1îîusî t 'T e olui't -lsa s' Isrk va5sc susi-cies liSp amatis îassurt.h , ie lier ru, ' lul it-SioS elasi-uui il i gales- si, i as.'Ilsurnl. '['lis ru-sluisît A [Bougota .('slotobsa a. oicI ii si s issus, sin îî -c u-s-r fuils tu ssii ts e us lis,' raft, aidls s-re al il1iYi ved ssc l Les usa A sentiual at 'Iuîui l us i ic sus l"Ii ie fisc, uss - ucu e il i thei l i fai u oetthe tastu, oh. lie isç' dassa lailh, is h tii'h Ii osr Isthe Siii uthshte ix1iesii-. us v t i ls îsts 'iusi.,er (Chsattess '[ l -t tîîssîu us ui1 Il , --slusu.t n. C.-rnalluKilt.s lliutseif auI Ni fC, [llitlsfire lu i schut sut tîle ilsussu-ter. ecst cf lctht,- siidi S- l' t h scif <i csea -ls sr...s, .-"-..... -sth e i i 'ilh i Il,ii l, aii iiit Su o t uf but a the liillet loinjs it huis-s sh b.î s Go' '. is Foli- fat uIt> c moîîlu'ulI l s nite ansi tîse Cuthlot aldie'r ami a i -egthuifthe tisuS" lu.' amn t shst ansI euneot recor. Mpluy-!fer la fuît>' protecîcut. suie litsagi Cernsn couple(uahslfu Hi'tlact cias 1hun inl CtasedMar> lasild watissa paîitusteh îs Coltsîsha Il. NU I-e-Mily 27, 181q7, brille credited te West '[be .tsjisennSteel UeiîiA.iCopainy' Virginia. lie n'ai a wscl'knOwnnewa§- lins susIvsred ifs iliis cloaed lau 'airey, aemnlnteSt o sadtin )îhi(,, îbroo-isg 3()omen out of eciphe>'- ' u> ui l fîeothautia mestresignlng s position of editor et the tuent.Wbeeiing Infetlligeucer ta enter the diplo f lib 0.1utitau e t Hînton, 1-a-. made servsice. He ,caone et the orig- Bsieglana entered the bauh nt Hintoa, jus, McKinley Imen iu the camnpaign of reIowa, bIne open the tâte aund escaped 1M96 and roeleved ibI rward luamediate- usll utb l,4j~o. 7anar 1Mr. MCKlOUs t uuurt- A ~ uujti i>tin Ni iuiril Caro- t, s 1r5'ut S. aitit ir u 'tuiR Itsiugb Ilfac clin15stses sli',taliaccolasaolit. It la aitlerSi sosi s uinL donttIa t 'St. T. Stead ussîl soau becs-nue editor aot tha [SailI>'Neis , bas iug ans hassnistant a. W. Masalnhh ftoi'ieidy edîtor of the rDail>' Obroubefe. Botia ara oppoucuta cf the car psrij. That goid shlpmeflte N W Or .iuld lie nmade at ibis Sen- Issu. turbi earing liu the finaud.1 ait- suntia n'exeept olit tendu An draw do-u the surplus reserrts ot the New York banks. 414 goid goes ont nt News Yori t cantes ti ftou the Kondike aud *n*SB "a, gaufi Ssides those wooures he"s 1.a esteady <sud'large suppiy troua th@' mines lu ibis countr'y. About 1$12.060, niMt bas n e ceiied froua the Klonldike, ansi iearly as mach troua AusAraiA, 80 tua iI y ear. The sucre seudibg 01t ritA. Isictal [lit coutes ln at the back dosir oui ot the troýt îi1a.rîinlueffectIrve so tir as iltisn-ri thle gold store of this coutry. lIt il.tahigbeni point. Englai)d la atill s-ut off froua ils base (,t supplies@ALU MNoiiîî vriola. The wsr eouîpletclY toll' li iiîii. udlut terl>' troubles 1th lb amr lîlir.1i'ulg fron0 the de- l'u ili ligiecffe' ta ortihe contrat euh theê i4o*,elitlusepre.unteiî new obstaclesi. Vt0ii liiii Il, 5leewitb the M01 ituia iîrisets ré4i'tîey > ere and muore --e s-an IîILîiiralized ibrougbout Suoiiîi.Aitiieri.a ian pnîre eî,nsidorable gald. Ils __ais lie fir lotits eiutristesl in l5iiiipi ti s nriiig tiiraine tfond* for brldgine i iir-lssin u oune.tioa wus I 1bfie11" 'îl u l' i l dlftlcultlea. Theuie [-niii. îînîî,aiîsîParisansd reneus. ih 4I ' l hI s- nr Idi la i i- ' h a , tiaeu redueed b>'ili't 1 i i iiercif eeur ie i ies i.i î Si i i n î iltitres et trareleis froua fil, i-,iaitry. leus nt the tsetelî'nof iir.15ti i>sin try te beoitg riail li1i TIi, oiioiîi tthe dieeîe s i, issin t-- i t r ifEu- ropusn si re "u- fr f-rhut the t1- 15 f tIs* 'rr.-iiaary toi i i>fiis-i'lislis Ns Ni ..,I, fls -iinto - .8 a4 ths isil S li 'I huauSa fvsLaka age ysu-Il iIIiiI f ý vi-in, 555xf iîbUN ' ril luAflic illailu lisî iewrii, Lie -ti-ca. ige xi p-îîîîî Iiia, s ios, a î,ii:îl eu'i'îthe boidy goit ta Iittie Michlr.. il, thle sillii', i t îîîîîîsîî o tuiitille. 1hi iliI)li Ii t i ii îsf poit n - il'l> . 5Sh a11 i f1.4 u arIi Ioiik i î-,aliterit si ut I l i,, s slidi w sue leîily oritber hisisi sîid. rn Age 2s5il. a., olirea -lans'lii ilici ice iceduc c l fkd tiatthe 11110 reîl i.lifsr .,3 t liiliîls perlacre. lii iiri's' dbaîîf nthat o!fitatbbun.Ibut ut 11MandI-SOli 113 bl-11-1 il IW. : w d Iv 'r-aêi Eyck, a tramap, sud Abat there pa et iilniîilf sihl licaie InThcus-i-n'%.'iici5'ofutlatdanuna pèoîing, plvîafgiîiii I ix-'r arerin'dtfre Whoe llotlilîii sas or ushere lie %vias, him vropf, lsil2.2 lIsilîlo 1er slcl'ý ie- jo' o n ns ,iisatili i innigviiig [the laie i hc i ina I 1, w ih iliaea atad înalueeto LI ,iiRt nîiplied te Rieeruilia fer fmusras-ii sis the set ai, record,' Sergesut Skinner ut the regular army fotr etiistinelit. Skinner sae ibat the mu The «îli-tîî sreiviinlitishelo lier acre wer egulatiinon rinyuuderwear sud lhe in the ne,-Ilo i luxîîîal Stiifen in antai- be-ame anaji(ioum n.uquiries madle lu [ha Ioies. lo .2 if.iluil îSt191.8; Iliiies, harrscks ant PIl ilsbîrg, N. Y., revealcd 21.t; XIi st. 2,~iiic,10.1; Kaunsas, tfi actne Ataa nsiler ut the une ot 7.8; 14A. ubi t Of lthfie tfutY- RaflIbu, asis rilt c lssly fa tbe île-- thrse SSaii-, liai ilsutI 1001A[aî -lei".Oor op-s-rîîsfilm oet 'Issi l to)t" bsd dcaerted isard in i,.i .sliii l5itii>li aia, Vr- tnon the arily there. ginla jîîîîî%1,i u ise-us fui i t aniaiaig1e "Lu i Itîso" etarreutes Inlu lsiavlle y ield Ili l., icI iiithl is-uc i e'sa and eu enel laf lie n a tbui,. lie >s'lli il a, .'aî'roîînîed for [heatatempted l paug Off 'rTheu1., iIliii iii ce li;4 lîa lca t the liait>ofut'leu Eyck an binsain n l'y ciIsvntfliSlblii fs ic s thinlot'Yallaiîiln- ss îî [at îîy that mnu.ahe ineauf [o nient i o irf.î 'iik i ug i i'gr'ainlt ra[li e lîîurance Comlil iY Ontut O ares of '52 .ts-21.lOIil ue.I lle l rcuis lc ati-i lie aloouai t orthe' policy ibe'ldl tpon Ibis niatx [c i5 .t 5sio .5C i sob la.sic xr 131,- flifs'. çainJaAyJ Isisls iiii . liSîsiils'- Otliir '['lit the l[ui'itliii arase îoî,ching Ille' reinrilas h ii'-I lc T lv i ciîirtsfî u sar l'-u IEc>k. the tramlp, hadlslied. the crus foth..le s':iexii[ lili.,) acir- Usîtllîîn inwistmta t sf len Eyc'k dicil Ot C.illfiiice a îîîo 1esl..i'uiîlni lie ay.a ticheput 1'901 .. .5. ii Iniis. ,5 1i i..s ui., la i lsin. i ii lis'e letters Inu h. on 'l'eu tOalgiv 11.f...ii '-Si11 iif2.11Eyck, andsl lint lie' îlî,îglihe a ubaftifu- 11.18 ii .l.i--.s.s 'suf Irus.ti.ti îin ot Ten iî l chbody'eoîîlîîgct hiua S917 .. fi. lý Iiili 141:1 i1iN 1 fili- 44t1,14 ,L aan c y. 'Till-e polise arec niîrklng apon à 18M ..tI -1 -K;.47,, fiL7ýst. 1 î5 a-PNs athciiryf hâ a flI ibsn Li liul Tea Ey-ck. [5514 ...i'f'i 2fs1i i-:1iii [ssi sil- îs asi 'J iili2iii UEEN VICTORIA'S HERD SOLO. fusi 'iil i ii lcis f .7. :14 iii. Flucat i.i t fCattie Es'er Irted l In t iii.iiîi- Xtlio- Ili..dsl.1 d P ut Up st Acl uit Suie il .... i i i iluitiil lsol At.f tji- îîs is iun i îuîb ,k i-i. Wsî els. iiil ..iuiii i., - i i llin à Iii 'Ci l i 11< - iiif i'-Iii ' - tSs -ilr li Olxu ii ii -'lî. a 5 i..iiS,t1i[. 5 i slfu fusl- 1 ilti i t - mfa nu ils d liil -s f 1:,I -'i f %i i ld 1,i on-'i t ISif it, pnri-,iýr Iii l' Y cicLo i s rl I 't'i - t .l I.- i i, .-I c n ha- il51 liglisiil l'y \%" l1), f i si-arj iiuksili I . '. ii I Iiio isii i ifiS: i- i i uif f r ii lilf eus1'55 su "tusire oct tus lia i i s.lua - IIus intr sl lti I . lsli -t - s'a,, I- n-i I,, s u I Is u - ilu han- S- M à., tsu s t-tsa- a l I-usr i t Ius lusI alIs su 1lus u ia t fs la rs - 1i . i uu~ - .u i s i is - a -c . -n l1 saI-tuuS uer 'ii's' .l il, Inus cer u a i isus551 lisu is-u' tIs ut rai u ici- ai'k-1,gansus is ifs feus tf s.- s k1Is-ýlLai u il-lu cisilethir li. îis-u te -lusuaIl,- tSn iihsfsu $: a s e.s; iisg isuiulsisggradea. $4.2.)le s'is -bnj, fuiir iosihuie,-$300 tau 5i.l el Ne 2 rs's, 72c lus 73c; loua, Na. 2, Suti 50; autO Nus 2, 3&e tus 405.c;> i, No. 2, -ilta 59lf; lhaY, thua' oth>, $U. uitu t$I3.5b0, prairie.'. $ft ta $1350, uluufice. ehusc eatusers', 2Ir[te 22 gg.q, fe'I 22c tu 24l;isufatoes, 70,. ta 7-efielii iî' i il iantiiils-<'att le, sliiPPiuig, $3.00t f e$5t, f5, use-i.1clulueIgsiti, $4.510ta $5-0;l ýheliii'f. îuîîtîîîîtus Primes, $3t.00lta $323: sibu.Nus 2,l7cvfis Î2e. cern, No. 2 suÀ lui lss it u , ;cula, Nu.'-' shule, StIsituutlih $12S t ; haga, $3t .0 iiS ' suluistu, $*11(10te $350; slîrul, Nus 2, 72l tus 73,; caea No. :1. ci,.- tu 52, ; issu t . is2, 41We te 4[e; rye, Nus 2, 69),e tus ssIi Cutis isîuii Oss-titile, $1100 ta $550: sagas, $3 150 t i$591 hîep, $ 5ta $;;00: wla'~t. Nus. .74, tu.75cunNu. 2 sui;i. ,le uslS'.asts, No. 2inixed, 41ý lu . yu>s'.Nus. 2 îeta 1OP. i - u uî 5 i s. $ 2 5 4j lus $ . tM ; lso gs, ýC 07 ii i $ .l -.lusei. $2 50 tus $ 5(u); isheai. Nus.2, .e te i7,;seuls, Nu,. GuI Us is qt;2,-; uts N,2 sît, 44e uî 4- ,-C '.setsi 56le. ' oic lus-%% Vlct, No. 2 tissie, 71, ta 7 , - ,sis N u. 2 iiihxest. 5 9 1-fa c o nt,. Sais.2 sisuccui!)l-eta 400;s'. sNo. _"2, j tuse i issu;- cru, si-mu'. $5.6-,. 'S sssiiik'ittuiuiNu. 2 iiuuthern, 71ctus 71e: urlu, Ne. , 3.9lleteuS(,Or; ost., -o. Nssiitu'. 42v tus 43te: ye No, 1, 57c tusSie hairs'>, Ne. 2, SiSe ta s9c; îork. ,New- Yerk Catthe, $375 f0 $5.95; Le. $300 tu $15.55:heep, $2.505 l $865. o-Lent, N'. 2 red. -.9e ta 80e;corns, No. 2, lGe -,ta 167c; us, Na. 2 white, 47e [o '48c, butter, ereanser>', 20c tu 23c; e«%s vaut-- cru. 24e to 2&_. I lb eratsion l ,Mdshows 48& tas nul la tAbs. w prom ete a"Ane ruoiu w.uld like awke? Vt rible nluhîl apon b>'liii .tldown lhi 1*1i lîl sei ome niare Ba fer a te show n ratura au4 tbhe ubai moaral gras aral lac um tiini jou correspouL2 or shall fe Associtio iiag Vai «0 God, t a tn do nain lkn,s vwer tus' In yolîs esansd 1, pressed yus you bave pre aners te jour n habits an- youe soul moral gra .axth asd peste, iov T'he force Onn, of ai. te orercet nLe nei turuis lafI titere re for tiscua1 beillere fIl ltomletis valofin h tbat nana lerins hi- tbat bnbil tisai he id- la bard t- [bing fa lus yeil jeu tara cas>' theit fa thse f, [o ourck-s etresua.I we piuta .%agara A ph>' muat qUic etroyinlu eaua stop qut& t Is &rounndit figures; b as At the He ferla Where b acolding citaracteu fttni rg complet e ha, ruile iand shah ha&qut "I am Bs tor dees turcs.E posure. The cor I1,e la. enace, ha g«ÉIad hsu dani Dm lotý glow or cisiasnti sud jo>' bacco. The fa perlene long an un; Lut are Iial bouud s the trac cby art agaînut lu the me!" I iait io a uine hau&t.hs' adt, tsnî eliustio hounds, ei the t 1 Las returit puisseI tura.tif ]wgon h lgion [h hanil a diugera tu striA faw Ct tuuch 1 hsud-ai faui ht Christi t he ha throug and ne -what Thse soclet> gnous about Sea lu Sthis n If suisi - c sut I i [sIlihiti 515h i. >'ss'luh 55 1,1.55 -a lu' i flususi 55a J; 's -- 155 s -- la issus"- >1., 5.4 îS~ lii liai J555.u su J'ai..' s cJ ici"- Sut5 ilJi'J issu .1C suit- ns- l aal fuir slsiii ti c iss .10iuui-t-s rIî .ilsi:r> , asuff"r;itu nIi-.- th-,i sisu- f - tun ,lu l-bk -f tIse rassiý is- ;-- tiiut athsansi thsu~\lw tfunruu-su -In, Iofm- -tbut t Isu sh ii sa sl -us,'ui,-l iisus- .ui 'i ' - - Isus fi' i' h' f fîsii S4lis ts.15t- ----- hs' lsnt h sus ai-s -f ssu sb",-'fbs usiîb iii I li su sîl ul ft t A uts I StIl ,,l - u ..u5 snI ut i ~ ',Isi su, su ,t.,',' hi,-.l u thie usrig - s' . i ; uS isiu CAR FAM. [u-IsEsuTsILL S"l IOUi5

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