CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Nov 1901, p. 5

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Ï09 W bots o! sturday a tarin: or the ecoWint rla &04 etorDed milr ald top funb He lias and lot r. b... on reeha, la toucher n Watt. *Cythiea. 1otUer trd vare M atr. I houe@, in the R5. W. S. ug Wa, plaOy ug e frncm talittlo future, 'f report le of tb. ble NO0 ran Ite M EN 18. OEK iPTI ON. 'irSui ST Liberty vil le - - - - Illinois. Thert- art- w, Ittt'r l>)iii , ' r-i>1 4 t ea t 111:11 the Balél win. -lîuîrîerad oiîaefer TIhe Iîu arîî;îîiIl iniltîîî )ga arct tut best. If \-,"l wiii 'ahi 1wýili ho )tlut- rer-t. [Ba1dwin, Shoninger, Schaeffer Pians PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. 4Local Items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. In Ettect Sunday, Octoher 21), eiQos, at .2:0. a. m. J TU RKEYS DU CK jCHIOKENS yg ill wili i fiîîd i l eadoll t -. fie ail the vîseîtiaiim iîlot ia 'I iaîîktgiviîig feast. LedX o yt p our 4r(lt'i îXXh *e t ijnature (<ff ovi i '-1t1 Triggçs & Taylor, Libertyvtlle - - Illinois. -1 aP .~ gentt for tut \W i--iiiA i k n 'wi îîî1 NI l - vere ¼iv hi t n t h n i t t Jo lijis t t i x)pur -h j. t t e e % C. R. SHEZRMAN, No, I i. JO. I-ROM CHICAGO) n Depot. ArrIve at New Di' a,îivutîî vi'* ~ r gv Arrive 1 15 .. ........t u i mi, il. , i l'il, 1f() CHICAGO. D)"raet F-ernOfO DePot. N iii î,.î . . . . .u .. N l c,. . ni. ir. n. U i ni. 'r 1 ii. FHOM CHICAGOi Arrive at OldDe t c. niii.... .ni r i. iii .. ., 1 5 il. n M se t lia Le in aiîcdiig tht. Sf rs, '. . fAflatîscu u rtu, f Saur. fit.., st-vtk îîtb iatîviirtf. day frît, a xii ets vjiIl u î r îiigi liv tr-ftinteý 1fLn ft, e fi, thiik about yeur migi 1cna Cliîy, tue i i k vilfi 1 hialksgiîiiig tiirlut'y. P)in )iitfiîrs typhitlil fener Ilu l't aT rit ire prepiarl ng tii ýtîîttal l coi sudm. poted as i aîîî dfylitupro i i y Johu Vt-eb, if Aitim, t frectedla bM. Wi iîliîy .à toha, i îrî tty graulte monument ou the Calebi Wrightfit îluay tif le-utîffuli lit- their fot lunlatesîle cemetery thia ve. sfîow Wilnitt. vwblcbat ni>', f prement au attrscftiue t dcci Have i i n 'iecd felgiung nent Motuiay the th., ligi -cimpany wMf gine a moirni týrir ii' ,twecîî t3o sud dan ligi 'i i ni,,,-Iharge Iý nlade ui fiair,, is 1'lcie itîiiaycri't sîl , >îf tii i itard ffmith expects i ..î,ate te G,0dm htiitte on Muta , t- avenu1e amit mccc tii Rockefeller c., t iDce. fi ti lic Ares famlily, of I atreet, Ifrth a ut*otf their cuglues itfiiii iltrt tufi nove in(tcthe Onenin ,it, filai- k t, fmfcthe rsitif tt-e lceal :1Harry (,alfoway and FrediJ.rkliiret lirmiam ttgii.. liibc. ni' stallîi f Iilthut, anc teint Iirt,]"î a lue tut k -oelntiug village, btil, in Miiineoutuanduif l,., liotan. Ai ri't'tpii,n nI-i1w iteuîfered tir. f bey met uif g00d succet, uIiliug Il ancd lin,.1. Bi ff.uln at thc M. E. tinda tif ilCet. suitgeese. i .îb h hy chitirî-h parlera this FrldsV c veefung. ciiipfiu e tarket. 1fi h'Pltflie a Ifiaot eîîrîfiaffY lfivittif A 8stei i ole througb "iii the iii lie prescut lange plate gluass tiu*o 'l' L. (W. 'l fie animital electtiin îof îîflcerstif the l'arkhiirst'b store vmorne Lake (tîînty Agrinultural Society wifî yoiugter UbIen uingug-l tiudew elear Weduesday, Dec. 4ti, <or the for a target. It tam dii,, Suuday, 'tirmtt t cîfnday atter the Ilra M.,lriîbahly tba @Mali nil lit by lay lI 'ieie. -in i carîot bit earued. Rioy l'uts le getllng aloug tfinefy His robusi physique lf. aserting itpacîf sudhe la ganlng rapldly. He izotmli lu the Evnston Hespîlal, there lifs leg was ampuiated. El-bard Smth eu t wb ustire caîs ,,i remartable curn testt eck. One car f% afmomt Ifl lches long sud pro. i)ortf(liately large ln circunfernne. tjý e ciiers ire nearly as large. A cýareleas rowpositor ou tue Amouir ,S. 1) i Herid made a breahi th, other daiy that corne ear castintlut editor sud te thole force their linca, lu sttlug up a uotice ot th, Pea8tpen. meut Of a teddliig be mi-; irlei the wîrd -t.ousseau.î Welcu i.' uotice appeared lit af.ted "thàa&t tb i-remony wac uecesarily poalpoucîf ,r several *A Prooperous Seanon. Have yoe toîîped to tbing bow MaDY ea f11(iudîge have heen put up ln F Lbertyville miice mpriug and the *ameluntt ofmlni-y luvolved lu their t toîre. (I cîiutiug boilses and [bail * sui figuriîg fHorace Biiikiey ms new blocik s tiirve t bcri' have licitePlast 2 trîîeliire-s irected. t Oiiaern iilitly e t, atîlthy till avtrag4, îl.iii v)ab, ail aggritgate aei(iuhttof 1,O3 î I ouf on tops t iig tins tate- iieut seeni.4 caagerated. bul t Alma lit. ý party of geuitlemlie .ittig lunlPark- TO CHILAL( Devra-t I-rm New 14 ..... 146t. ,I' onarch nd H mtn gan i Il.. i llliii î fn.îrauce iCompany 1,days oýilig tote ft'nu-ar i 'l îîf Ile ciles. 'Fthuit;efected vitre:l'ram na ulo is es vited au as8ssmeni hiCr fI bid'h tritukers ' siiI Bles; \ iei Ires ,George me I i ~ .îiIitst uiii utCil oe X iciatiai -f-gteatiitDîtuafîf Sec.', litit-i Wright; Crittc. i ffoîr Dc'. . lb 1 is aetin i irkîig the pac-kage. t, k harrel i let ileorrer iie 'u et îî.îîfii,îîey iggregaeie nt-tiîrfugneI-gabil,'bctPi inafieusîble ar a m lthif rîgg8. y f t .; . 4311., Ilfoîr any acciîdent fiait i-, irelit frein Ih hi- aiil ofîîc fili, iigh fichool ru I' IlITWarrenifiv home fnima twotc u,îunet ktuoaing vI itcotus showt reapeçIL tltii t0epresideut, Eau i tistîlîrieJ b litu lit andttîii a. gays au exebange. lu.,, rem1 our t litii'nluLtabsneiiu o f hr ciax moniih.trave!Inig ihrtiil bagaisiit WXilliam u 'iX cI îm Hardiff A aciueîiiug W5'u'a .Plîtîlait neét fer ïts lie ,nsvmtrkliig fur file Chi. 1ceulity. he pîanetil ii. -iiyears ld. tho i- 1irlfîiît.' f i fe,itiîg s clerk suif ___________________ ia go i-ttasLmi iewîu ber rtler broiigii a îug horne juiige tii it,tttEcri Buttertieldin 1hthe Sit halailatss fuîtii od fuir kece ýr lells h lr h .î i JfI uitii i i (i X 'neifît, aiif ile, iofXl iiike it. e . snti itasi ILtIî, î.utiug a tine van Martin e Xfe liîî dîîîf uutgî L.eab iýfi.,ýil. il-i - ai il- lfiiuî iiui ude iai b hu Mle ilgbteoi 1Ino expfoiio ~tiîiuil i -1 Xtffi hIl' i P l -t ,Ilîifcg abouît foîr a deninalîle friuerty Ibis suIt waillsevgaiuîvi i daer.uirnIe u'oury tî lgtlietht' te igooge :fil %%,I(i ua T. 1 -olil sud if lue nitiiires that le tante tîll i pîîîig g asolîivi.îiî i-delrneuiit ecpantrt e h etcur filu1 fî 'iiiIieieu a fermîInent renîterýit It uttn akur ni krsuet pmsa bîil hîeb nMill estahllsh a îîîîioîîu r.iit-' Lîbertyvulie. ltoIt ug areef Poat. ihat Is a bli fl aowlng 2f:ttl-îp , ihtic1' hi liinsdiy enulig. No 7 St b, i frite defivervy ii i'u(,e tiit.y, lmrchandise ot ail kinde te bit carrîi îîl- ;îîiMethodlet Itareliagi'. Aeiii ei fIiceler sud tfîe turne tli cefnt i.beu the mail tblrougb the maifsautt c ncry lot rate 2.î tlt" lii. i MIn ï'y lfîyit-cr ini oted WttlIbc delînered Ifa l ýite uca day at of fuultage. It la tated that a press lu marriage by Dr. J. B3. f c tncon. eneny farin houai,t f imii0ceuty. bureau bas beau ctafliiced et Wasb- il'lic couple an' teel ktoutand bfgtfv Bilnesa met, lu the i tics are eften iugtoto hoîuh the matter. There aire A FULL LUNE 0F ~etecuiifand liane luit fest vibitio f' bAIItlte iiiitt rtnl ahf uit bu trlia rssonslue tethat iiI îîIîniliiverits a day nt fi' fic r eetîleucebilsoudftbcpm -oejha diatrîciaufemanil thrui I rfour. it fa the gîverumerut wîîuid bi t he loser. Oerrnan Socks and Feit Boots. îN'eit inuroayiquuunery c,,eting ail J f.ri th try tinit I ,inise there again,f t wvuud cotaagi'at demi more furetîce andoffcial bocard tn ccli g on) îîvci-1î fi thc rural ýi,-friets sud lie- frina a buasiem atutipoilut le net a Catlîirlen iit 2 li u-hiiah li1iX cause ýtht'realdeuari ,jfelysaelaratetd sounîl propositfin. The other la Ihat Rtl 1-ii nri ifPrtîfii . rviuNi"ctbey shculd Olten b, ligeil luigo IL Woaldl tend Itc ilîert trade froin the a EtAgins for Children, £adkts and f M a if -umo illr s iel. 8snItr 1mlles t ate , cefur herceuntrY toos suad thîis touid m Il xi îuîuîuii u 7p «m. - c S hmilf white thecidty (1-ii erm have their feca ii the lainiers for their preduce, l'y Dr i i oiuninîu.-Cfil, . fettirh brougbt ii) t.1 îr houai',.or 1an Ifwîuîfd afiti b anc tii De shlpped Becalîii fti, i lg'reswAertitratisii dst eficcut si ners) finie, i un. ont îy frcilfîtA fetier acherne te I twkM. eemdýt ýyl.,1graufually rcffent m If the retaîl O)vers hoes fo r A 1H. , Zay a d te venu Pteikhi iitaveb71i. "esH. Farrell, if Chiciaguo, cîtrate iiofbthe cuyarmite athes Vef. rs.1 ludIjia I. e iiJanteln trade tf t ecîîîiryarouenstore I icr iiiiî nicfl bu i ii Ci 1u akeut a Ret'tii iii idailun. iroutiflonut De devîceIl. yt-arv iifi i îîîeuîtiatu ny a u fne. H.Farreflliii IPbli-age le eue f1fît g îniio' (ftbuîa 111 Vears 'geItetiuuuuu'ofituheat kuowuc figic ;intutc eutum CO ME IN AN D SEE OUR ail.]frirt i aitiiiil i iivîthluhatite icatie pollUies of ft ( tf. For yearti utf~i î,îîîîftullîti'ii fvour LeîîtChunty enjrsi. ýthe rmoligL di Dock, Sbtep.skIfl£ined and 'fur goats a 7 iii arffi iibd" oku tb-bs ,yuafi' c i nglu Dem f lt.I1'a XXi lIi iî ne c ov.tb cratic ampagua iu u th e tates oft 1I iu;ie a ieatitiiiIiie T H E P R O P ý:R T H IN G F O R C O L D W E A T H E R . ]i e M i. ik W li. b ui su u C l t u e, a nîci ti t rife î. t e I i e w yno XX .uuiega., uitn p. tentaudgîle ealy te asai'ut Iftlie ciectlon o!of f il(eW andi tylii i ll ni ery1 --t Prsen su gae aMayor Van Wyi'k vu r- fuîeretîîîg bibler uuling, alter Capi Farrell la fu idelutimember iii'r ciii b r recbinîeîn t- e sirv ftet Ilelinois Houai' i liii preacutatinits at vî'ry i drttc lnCelu. 3 0 p e e f I e c p i ta lu5p lutp et ser iel à, l- g bee n a file m- 30 pieces p tnl îî'îu if h-o i le iNov.h feber contluuousl iy lu. t, f587 H1s tifi frd.ebîrufe-iîi.Sui. iibtii cnssieushave ' luil'(' nhlm ight Ladies nîîady uîade firees Skirtn, satin 2 Il1 iii p u Iu f i vi bfihi' i hufius'unetiies. has fîir ia iuled r in n it yad = ea a gan .ing. tIf ire bedy freinod the begicLi i g efbis career trneici, frîîîuj $3.00 up. I su~~ad lef<tu e i he fi-n hnîui'figuîres oinily XXî fi. f Li- ligi lu ist ho humis l in ois pollutes giilw iit l îî ,iîîf n'tu Lake iititily ou, Cajît.-Farrell fau I i %,in ra fage i' t kfh- aeco'-s-'tto"ES rre, .. lir i nne îtf t11be hsi pre. ici nle. fuir hieLais OU R GRIÇUCL IES ANDv CA NN LUI iuqo are a.îr uu dlg v ears lu the fIHîîcI iuith ,d pigi nnifhe iakui negîuuîîlhanifclda @Pite i& isardullonsa îîî I ' ntaut duti es G O DSARESUPE IO -TRY US. Jîuîitc'Iî wîtiî ffuîîuy %Xier, 'ifhe Tip. inu that body. Mn. icturiif i8 engagd Mîer tfiui infabe ,Tn 'îy are i)meet u inIt 1t eLu eali' C a ust' liîi,t i aliCthicago. Code ,, 14, leor e 1 ler date tf Mliefiî1 1,l190i1, lie trîtes -llnri 1'14 cai'iiî ýaugcr, XX ite hbmasfet IuEii.iN SliVIi ot-,iiI(,itficeffa, if1 a sulîntIo8ua ie i'th tIr Lake Coîuity Manufacturer. Dr.i C ula llsSyniîp Sm it h & D avis, eîuxt îîîlhuving h,'en îuuflted Pepatu. '>g o fuir cîîl iiig a fluîlCi t tun .it'fllENIF.iu: 1ia-ic, i uîud lifter a DEAvLERS I N t itifaa misct excellî'ntî and succesefui r<'mdn er 3spttiu. 11108efuc veand I i a i t l u î ml;i7h i actuihe s ..iýe 7dacte. fiiCauuî11 ffetId enera ouM'Isurese audu ofc2(fng lnu amjue or th ie nature, tiivi ui-n fleuiet h inuuidcshiod nditAsjewitb picanlîrt- i recî'mmend it Lb ry ilIinÇ iL. i't 'm tdlgder8tLeav y iciucrilr WIL iIIoiIcI :e u te eh dl-lbuiigone(I th Illrýh8er, r. esectuly y ur,, ,ý, I F RIPr s tin e n \Ver la ut i reei l da hîri- fui'N tok of tahle- c<ihs ,iir.fap1ki îfciandfihaiuy tîîw e1.' .j is ll at voiiiwaiît for' 'I'li.tiik'gilii,. ( >îîr Iue tif lie-ce gottulit îî unexi'elled. Blackk t'in- iotuc. ladlies c îotiî, tihîiiiîi1. cailîziers anîd faii\ rtripe waist gîtîffl iii aill iire Iandt pi n es. - ~ii~ ~$",, .~'-, fiet8 tti r" I i ifsy ft ureditu P the n:uiIniir, euîiiimtratiig ciach oue, sud il ca an uuiauioîeîîsy agi ired the catiltuaicîl average co~f 101-0 wuî' tuu, fû Lîiertyvilue lm î.uj yfuig a sulutantlal growthj. T[liet' iio iflation 01 vaiîecsu i euce the gratduai expau. sien lamfîeaffhy. uvfating a dîsstreus reaction, naih lmi generally the case i n even t o!f icuuîu.. ,W e flookîfor juct as Iuîiy a geameti nunt year, ilufflet already plansa are drawui for aunerai mtrîtîîtirec te fe tartuti lu the sprlug. Ilond Btrothiersc' Lauintiry. So îfîietiy have Lyfi' auifWalter Boncd gone abtout tbe erectien ot a buîildinlg snd iîcmtaffatiuîu cf medern latintry maclîluery tfîritn tuat fut or outu peopîle realie the e txteut cf the îîîdîstny they propose. llomethlng ener -2ul1 iHtibacieen In- vemed land tte d ilmnt yet. T'i er mciLiîe'ry lu al new anîl cf the lateht patterni, censîcting ffrht cf a five herse peter englue sud fifteu tierce power iciler. 'Iheu tifur-are twe tashers, au extradeor or arirîger, shirt starchier, nsnd trouer, sirt, nollar sud cuti trouer, îlryîug eflufipuuent. etc. 'I'bey have lu tbielr employ au expert fauuurymau frein Chicago, Who tîli be lu cfharge utf the plant, and they propose te siolicit family waalfg, am tefl as tie nutal iaenufry teCk. A de- flncry wagontLabaf-e purchascîf snd murrouuding fa i sII i e nolîcîteil for tort. An iuspectioun if ti-ir flant con- vîcces us tbley viii ble prepared tu0 turu out good smîrk sud the enterprîme houd provo a suceras. AII wicib e iuuys anece.4s le their iSlî,cîiNotes. Thbe firat gradfe lcgau riidlig frein fiîiuika fiday. firace Xl beefer iandf Iulfa tiarbctte entercd the tlr,l roiuî thîs weet. JIÎle picteres have fîcen ueatiy arranged ou the wail agafu wltb the adIdition ofthie huai of Miltou. l'he report carde turc given out lu the fi rat roonu recently. Morris Proctor be- lug the niy 'une wio ,did uot mIalauy Words iu apelffng the eitir,-moutti. 'f be Literary Soeiety of the f-lgh 8ebool held a apeciaf meeting at Fi- dny fer tte pinfioe (du electing net Nf~) y -t MÎL Al IVOol Sweaters. At the price 01 hall oottou one&, and mode from the flunt Lamba wooi fo. XVe bought trom a sporting Gonds ilouse retiring from business, 5 dozen Athiietle sweaters, the kind of goods wblcla tkey iaad soid from $3.f.ti to $itou. Tbey came iu black, uavy. maroona, green and tan, trimmed wltta contrant-. log stripes on ueck, aleevea and body; arc guaranteed fast colore and wilIl keep their ahape. We sali tiiem ai $:to $2W00 Compare these gooda wlth tiiome oftered by other stores ai sîmllar prices. yoo wili tMen flidthat our dlairs are not overdrawu. TH1E FAIR, ~LibertyvilIe-llOios. You get County Chicago tht COUt 1$ nominal For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. the increaiîed and growing service of the Lake TIelephone Company and connection with thie Telephone Company. For information, rates, etc., wrt CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, Loveli's Drug Store, LibertyvIllie. Illinois. Pure Drugs-mýý AT '-7::---tLoveII's Drug Store. PERFU MES TOILET ARTICLES PATENT MEDICINES. PAINTS AND OILS. A Large anîd (omplete Stock of School Books, Tableto iand School Room Necefflities. F. B. LOVELL, - Libuirtyville Underwear ci WVtîl, hiaif wîoi a nd let-ei wear iiiîîeî nen'. wonltî 'e andî ohiil<lreîî e at riglit prîtes. Give us a cali. &MUR& SI

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