CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Nov 1901, p. 7

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SULTAN BACKS DO WN.I'YUCESJG WO. DEMANDA 0F FRANCE ARE CON- * CEDED BY TURKEY. -Proy. 221.6. Egyptlmn bis- 's giren I*Bt 'ace te thei Pe'- lie *oew klus al in ait proba- (Ra-meuu IL) the eîébt*etb il (TahutiMmks ýOflquVOF, b.- been Esuiese. 'ty of pàétiiii avilie la. M. ho dottbt thi.s eMun@sa, et i the. very lài dt 1>rant. Who' raised mgri'î and b lit tem- Ver lt: land. lines begari to tont the H- te lntflllce'St ,,1' IV. in lte tit eeDtlt tu, au woraip of c religion skiât raie" a bitter les,, partl"Iar t May b. that 1. andl Moi L. .1 ot Rammese, i fewer priv Id 0f <ioben. te laborerB fur inder Rautet-o -uniteai , go NS. lte relita if ani ini e*rty or metiiitely com- îltwevel', wbeit osi lte pbsraob tiis wa. MIer idl 50ressor X- 1=614 ut tht- 224 1210) te ae r- .îfter NB£ Il Iurittg hi*- [y fathr ntîîi'L. S3 ri.; titi'.. as tfront sortit bIec oslitiom of 9e Inte.lclud- and other Hel- ,r, tepeiied by t,ntaries was - i bas beeu the Hebrewse .go durlng thib ' r,. are fiàiIli 1 greater weak- tat merep- -1,bihtnînt of 'iktl founder l110 B. C.). .f a tabiet or otrîhea tb. de i 'enee. lad .'r t-rops (ont, b,,Iigbt to bi" ,.li,etlas regar 1 'LUi îthî ilgit *uln l ni il irte miser bit, o tî.n'..helot' Ji under on'. *if ilhove. 'hie tate need i laes jUnt DO" l fur the. lwy i .t hi those ini Y mltuld net l,e n,ttt'les. Blt«ry traiing for hie s oId enougit ers, of age--he )y lte princes, 1aion lir e mnay t of thte bigbeýt ublly. inclutl rý priesUly learit' rî'bihlily agre- î,tt»ducte'd partI>' i. red crt> of 01it -atunivrnuty i.îatniant bave r 'it tisi th,' monohhlent * ate rituel. lié, i lat. lie Ktîti 'dHe, PorrI in Book of the A1 of thte natlion mtîs have knowa amIl atchitectur', -r, er t eqttal ar the Egypti. a cltured viiiii t-lt glory eauta-,[ ý-laotiSetlr. Soi1 tttatment th.ot th, adopted son 1 e find that thei s a liberally edti- literaînire, mata- t. Wbat titis hie lite wsek, go 1 e hereafti,. 'a Tempenace go mnany pop titkt, ago maity îep them ont?~ lng Tipi. Ino. ot head i alng. j Abal Rout lieuca'laAlara, Paoil. Lorsando andI Tubtat t lame lu Fut-' Ellsortha PriseI nodai't sae. France bas stli iol'rtritimph in the. Turkahi n.' i lr'h reitch torelgn omfte iîI. ii. igre -býed Mrs. Ellen Ripley, Chaplain Ladies Aid, t.,il, ire en- Grand Army of' the Republic, NO. 7, 222 1 e ,by th ioth Ave., N. E., Minneapolis, M'inn*' >l, t îrnrequs i T Strongly Endorses Lydia E. Pinkham'tIlý X(o Mn i .î 'I lit enage' iVl 'Vegetab)le Com'pounid. l,ýi tirc,'ittaitttîîi or ttel. Mont DEAIL M RS. PIN Y - :YOUf VegCtable Cmon8crdm:*. it' hita, asbort J. Iit be te îeth.r ag elnlcmWaion of tire womb, andgetting sccha complete cure I feit that jtîlltlt . îighilY aiîirnll tt, IUnir the medicine had genuine meit and vlas well worth recontieendin< htire ii s .i rfoalil hbititeif orfth teoher sic.. womnen. 1e- i liai of tl u.,rge' lilt irtiadotal he hi -I. Eliliî I r.uae -i't,,On Iriîi.ty t t ,. n r [rct tIs -aFor fîfteen years I havebeen t%îurfriend-. 1 havenrevteriitten yOU emîlîoy d'rft s I.Ille 'miiiliitdeçart rýet, before,but 1 have advised hutdre ifwome tetake your medicinin' intneul. .,n ftr,1'rao uttm ol.her cloatt U rgîl hin cîetteleto i Y fat it is the only real rc1iabr rrîîîedy 1 nowof ora Stick woan P'tr cleîtî .îîoîet 1l rit.o. "î r 1 Ihave fltnet fuda oof ovarian or wtnb trouble which ttraiiont ioatlsl.lie îlt Fi.liayo nt bas nct been ielieved or cured by the faithful use cyf Lydia IL ter, M. Pltonntttelilîi iiat tireBatti Porte bal adi s en hua Ilit Latde' Wcl ]Pln.bani'g vegetable ('omponnd. thed Iciriau Freî' iîîîa l t acse of "You have brought li.' to hudaeds of wornen in Minneapolis lstevrosbeh i ihM ., Dlccaae repmli h e o you have sie doubt te otlicr "over the co m atitt Yn R S. 1 L I LN R F E - te s oi e c d îîig î- ' o i a e elS oi- *rdffl OFORFE IT 11 "f itE ABO3VE LETTYE R 1 SNOT G(EX IU N7E waa scoatteni tlil'lt, niai Adiriral Cou mî-lt Whcn womenwi .'. îlc with irregiiiar on pîuîifiil me'ntruation, ln' qetittulosetcîlu a weakness, leut-or-ifllîl iîlacement erulceratioiof the' s'nb,liait bear- ing-down feeliî,17 ' IliinIIItilonl of the ovarîts, tîti-kwohe, flatulence CONVICTS IN A MUTINY. genra 'ebiil. lît'tlnand nervouis prostration, they should remumber t1lltî" t.' 'îne ried and true rene'dy. 1Lydita E. Pinkliani'5 .mfuflroornina, l Lctsfrloa V«ÀgtabIe (Couîtr ttnd at once removes su( hattairas.erl îiî 11 lr"ijie NO rither li, ýi(ii ie in the world ham rra'ived auî'h widesprevi and l Tattlemen weet [llrua t gî itir s IMllemuqrled v1 îi Il anent.. No other medirinie bas snob a record of cumaea a l'itaî uî a tcut -anîtd- of fei"ta le trtîIîhe'aRefuge te buy BIIy other rncdicinaittai p oietar theîiî 'A ,întiittlC. A ttrlatt, NlyleryI-.jtîanesî *irit. Karr. Afi. r Ile gual iiti.r-r- Oor erîl o a.î . ~ ~ .4t.o ttng lt: tI I i ý.flo.d p4)tereit by tecur.if Ii, lo-lirak- one -elný ali, m ý 'aliai rýjl1iý Itrittil% hýar at ers thîe gaisit- ,c ili.i'n olmi.ana l I Ill ,t ti.'li, I.ý.'.î'1i ~'i"' il 'f J in a sîîtir, i it firtIre-lt 5. tai a giii. ii .e 1 "Wehlta luiii 'O ii > it le iîi rlait loujý- Ti' t ihi ltut O lytîvie t. lîtoo trai l le ratlote .ni. bt Ii, . i i, .I it. h i,îi' tal ai lîIs'itoo- l, .,ri.te u.uî, Il. " lak u P trgoul ttltt i' V' f ii I.tli . ' ilîî u iillî.itj-r.-lîao,'n' a . - lgti I c i aui Co . 'l J-. s, LI.- 't'a i t( . 0l Free tti..ilta 'litra i.' rt. a dil. lt' tiiltilo f i a - Il ý I i .. i -.cîd at , , 1t".ii mli fi"U-1.nîlîl litetheîet Pl Free Pe- he ou s t Wlalter Baker aîîi ii' rt. it' c t . '11%,flil,, huîg aîoîî ' . -o n , leli ar.. are l ln e W r I. l ii'n. "f i it ti tiI 01 ' Le l' air'.tg i"' 1 .Th iAt ibe îr ar ' ~Valer B;îer Ii ii l f ii i~.t I 'ii itil t e aiers n li i iiîj , aius rite r i,~ fr eI-uan atl lt. iei î.îî ' li :i.rsuî-o ru ents l l'inlll rm a I, r a l elletîPal t;is .. I -itn.'J I I I lI I lt.. ' air' i ' ont oi- alirtn f.î i t' u ,i' t ri t' 1 oa ela t cou 'AoIinlit-arr -1lu 11-oogaeft -rn ar I, I i- Il l 1 ' i l >otlu ir 1îîl;t 10 ui.r id il Ï?lY , i a'd S h8 - 'Me 6a ir iîartl a"ai ti' Party. il' as iii l iii1 .-..-n' li' Ii.tu 'g ' .î ~Ol litiîl a. jiu s Net au orri I., Ni Iii .îtd NXli'. , o î'i,,, : t ett lise ogillîr. Prty rIIM~ ttr I-,ii i' lI .ni' titil Iî 'f If i l lt' at As , -,nt i,.' 1 , o i.-, i tcî rtt 1 ' aditrt t i l' 'i ti n-n'li ib.1 la tîl i ntîi1, g t I i Oba cLo10 .1 itîro itt -,il. . i ii lotnt .dt AN HONEST NAME.. I]li biuni 1,tttr.t"î' taleba vlattt iltt it i " lil hitl hli 'D C t 'u! mo r) srîa'iîîîoujîI e iclâteage fur The, gr ea nttcatîtrl-! t .tus fltîttîltî i An. tioa lta.a Te,1a.nEt;ool ittciîiiatcdotltiîtlcot at mea Ih- es-tt 't t i irn ta lliiig ri)I a4ar'y IK -e Ht-. Fthr'. é4i..11 u i 2eîîti i te priso utt a li1 Moa86 uIt ltit re i". ..'til E 1 iîibue it..iteia 0010< g et erY effort toi irt'et ant t- C lit ~ ~ i i. i stini.iiniiiti îi.a , ', î i i i 1 ' lii.'tl'tl lre r î('i l ' eras, atmnntnalr . 'The ilttiry ati 'ur Ilu blu ;I i Net V ' Itii im lt lai litIlilnttils i l e î,f d t sire oriier ai t sth'e îiîîii. attc ie l lit u-a.t t1ittii'ii 1 l'au'iiiiîî k liilmidl.ill l oîsito-,1,1ao îîmrotipata .e1,luS Ih>.reî-ti 11.1 setIlI:111Ii,1, tttî 'îlumita'l M. i'ii, ltin1 a, e r,'c raeslhertoItaktje cnia.c' il Mr ir M u tol ti ii' i l is l -til]itMi, Ier.i oj"il. iti'1111, hacer. one of tite plîttcra. riarel ttc tu Idu-rtily çgr talusp i. i . Il--i ,- mii..ýIlîî'îl, ctiîiotii. f oiII ru tIa i s Ner tertti i unntotic'ei motlht. mas 0 jooedt hl[ SIiio aid uo 'etii.f r- ,, oci 'il h î iI.lie t - iii'l lth"' y Fraank Thautp.muta.i g ruo'gi. s d i e men'tion otf ".\Ir luis .. (' i' Itii i te trantî m',i"iîg hîoiit o t ' îele tao n e l liht aite athle or F ranki tri ,l ll19 tsult îil it"] :i%, -nt II .. rlugti. .1I > I IY if'Ite 'et' i rHts.the c atr suad c opelet Mnr. zolo le e t a d uIw o l l t' lîît iî'iiltMr ît 'l lt and - , l iai', aalln ual] Ii to ate o e sz- 'eliîj îftante allta. d îutor b)ý itt't l i. e . i iu'uie .t a tîai' 0one uf fîî,'te-, as a i... i ithile ttc'> îtt.'k- r rt-I ~ ~ ~ ~ ea allntse dor.ah' a, stîîc. oeute cd tite guan dsoan thet otae ru Ford IQuiten P Onst-i 1eiXt'li5Chlîîîot'f ttt lrties igt ,Iti5 ' turcsal . lii tie di mtt t' 10 oui-. ol 1 Il W r. f r thredistlltgtt.lii'ti firi .jj l'is.r'Il Cluil !.îlta"" u r lt'.Ialhi,.1 B ii irgor. agacr t standilng lieut. Xi M I i'i'i ii tti t' I .- mii t I iltie liii -u ii jre kl. " n placet'. he utai tt s i .tli ot's r tad Il Il ilmn Ibo lui i hu O ..1ri arîyF 1rîl ai m on mta ac e r In the bearlietl\î.îj , ,,II .1 'a,,"" tue itiili 'tî11 If t)Ilî enrnober of gîar el 1,.1 arîri d t.lme inttul, 'iii al frîcat. M I ci h aîî'u sîtl lslt'It'tl1i. iniandi oc c . atfDuie e Browni."'nainet'lie rit'-elit I , i t 'h.-sînot idîîlex lîeaîmrr. andi ,Ili Iii ams Sîititn n I 'T'îe Inl ui , i' i I 'tý flesej ilt enin î iî I- litndmît. t-hitscltlig a ",,loti i'i't Oil as a Itel, Ti WbEm NIr. M N h rrill t, hýr 111 ou art '.Mut l 'iii li ml i (Iîi otîrd perleneicil iti:i l ni ci ifr te .'Ouatry ba tn a d i, i'. .ltf' 1Imast Ilutidete I l 1 1 l o i are the bhorder ii , Tht'-ntIi it.Ati t e lln i it iiti. ilmmt" îiit llti 10ii lu ".]Ii l l t 11 tlI1'Iiisi.'ti ui'5 the paesuot' îîo tY 1 gutIA tt d 8 I pered. ": i s ltiut ii f iod a. ttC lIs i lkt lîlit(u t belfl ee iat at .'in till et i iterce do walor. lie les t'tiîl1 îlîî u' nj.g t.iln.. utîtîl Ilok 1>118,'tu mb *bit aui, t'Uoth u i le sIca r o ati ei bree-ha-s, a nd tic,-i b l - lîaht M. le, aîd thierelo,1c, d t i% IlIa l u mm ge i.lit ___'-111-1t Titi I rt. 'BI" ttd uîiilie l'.mhat 0 e g K Iy WVInthtirn itri ....î..m:t, i r 1 1 t î~ ite m od t bu , rî 'a I l -y theugitt ty allurîttt t' î.' i ha'i l 111'y tt iiu I. 5 1 t1 Il i'r'. y .,ha ted u itclfut im li lI lulai ta ' iii2ht r n lIsoi -tai 1 "'ld aV Ilut1 fl t lr. taiý. i si O'h iunl ' îit hia,iln lil, uetin ________________________ fistt ged-beatle il l'ut ifiîa ni I i n3 Y tîî s'ur tîtusIi neltii lu t ire 1luijIittiued. atle' retotet Eve. aIT." 'tac uttîiffert'n. t' (tlutt' '.lii-l t 'ti sciiIeartily reuctatltitt Fn 'ratC ar' fScuh Fat albeit oerretly îîîtltltn'ah P e e ut i At ille alust igtuteuos r t>eirmeStr ant ts i "i liae e ett a ai'lig sos ttie 70 nblratetti .î il Clort,] r _____________One al le i s 'eclt I tîti lst'loeael hat- le'. ..Oi' lîaî ir t,-Ic h milu Ulirî Ilu i:apeeila es.cnttthy vuigar. otand îet altuîl-%as-i,01 ast'.ilsnI' ltl eaaeman lîed s al IITtro le-t toil ettegr thmon m tt ri ,eoIt' h oa it yîîîîlor ' nou 1 Il.acw yîîa aene tilt'mien Tc i J.E 1 m'hulucc eî i" uiaiiledptdtitptiiiiî'ilaîîmiion u bat utlpstole cane of theiîct îerslisi Chîmrm th ou t tweted tillftuliteas (ai-Cori.geant Nlarkesan. Wis.i ____________ Trufelle'ultture a Neuw tnitlsry F ratIroiiicut Ihurltt el I l Y b t r et a oîîlce Ii rt'flî.Culîture xutli t' urss a lit sty owaa. h$tasc.î'î id -Ia ,i111mii itelitet*,F." Boyk rouvic gocr t-dy îuî't'ctlhint stit o ituvîumouho,Itas - E. Saule> tf i tînt r, r . ri 101iîun t'i'tllime li ra t t rt llac ti of Dr. tD . L laîlot'i>f t etiile, ('a i lwIl7 links tfor t rtt liîl's. hal tire h pp î lte~>'da ot beotu houi f 1',rti ' u .uu c j su'.' tg aluoits tiii i tes(- ini's Jlasoit pal Utirct la St. 'ltuil, Iionu. ut a sittilnat t liii' 1 i tu hat lu w alc-b Firsle îongrgrm î ii tunurI i iî î RIa- tietilulier'- hal Imt iiit' mît. Tite esult cire. tV La ts Set-c eI c l a tîor ine the usas thaft ses t'a tr cîglt yîtîrs liter truaf R,,. J u usM uet, cf ,,1' 1 .îi les apjacart'd no'tr 11h' yoiîtli nks. AI- I St. fliia E uqîî it'ni oli 'iiah, i ttîîngt that con\ init inig txptri tilt'ut '.V88 Wi,lo imos .u i l r "i I n. .i'i l Ie c . à ttîault'îtîarly a cîttli'> aigis. il la ittai> A. F. '1,ollrlg of t ii N nr . J. à rlieît i't'l'lte"rsthîiut t ii( rl'r 'axeits 'Tho li, J.Nt ti'lit isa se'iitiuîh- lunnt'îlo tîn ti oîîtti't i t trut 1Cepteii a ('ail tothe pli t. iruteîor f(racet A Boon 'lo fil,' u'iiri' 1hy> ils lîtaltu. landd îiînt Presh)ýiyi'îh iii . lu. . t'i un, a as îîrî'vt iIsl v tilti l t'u. oconttof TIth, . ;" grXiuEg huit tel.m ansaaanaa.a.jils slîîtlîîaaaI ii îii V. mil ttot' a de ritooe lusassistntl i ncioPr. tr o f î b rus1 poftitht- I"ust tr'iii cm hil rt. i . t.oaîa. y buu» PrtY' etIloiio. .P. 'tîmîr uasliii' o lrîît'i urin. les aand l'a ta> 's loi-i,,,, tl'a,,, .tendeant of li(>Itlýkii i dims. Ilt" , tetit liet ot l u:iliori "Tl l tin î,bat ltita o L StJ co s ii 'N .11-lti, nlu .1 Shore, i i. malleza iTel*ofudhx r tltiilIl, .îil , I't . let thes coltina't for tc ot na ioua of t __ - - - -o- es__ t IL nean ch rot. The' ii îî îtpice es , R.-.a 11rliIt ît .t' 'tt'e l A X%,nsingto2 ocrî 'i ut i'ort's tiat atolit thte tegintu b .. the net, > ar 1e cabinet ahIle n nti OUttrece ,enat, at Icust. iao let' yle r e- nain, if ttey cau tcb, iiullia ta udo so, are Secrotu cy ' NuiI-obat astd Attorney Getteraila.Nu1 .r-tacy of 'State Hay, Secorclunu linoTrou'.iîrY I lage and Seerclary .,f .' \oo> 1.aa uîîay each tcslre, ftanp-'aln n ceuons, 10 ce reliruet thtn pott... înatersare, set- tiet, as it ls unicrut., 1.î t s oft tiem have more tbtttton .e ,rNI iud a otttolg isire te retire to pris nu' uirc. Mr. Root is popmlal. sIolet far te ttrernirabip of the aluii truion shoulît 11T. Hal determint'Iota. tire. Eunopean hitara PairIcerenoen. Vital titîBiottn of Eurnope show de,- cresue in blrth raie la ail couonrtes errept NorwU. according 10 William E. Curtia. Opeiaaakouss rsat lu' hoi5AmD Acrr8 yoOvjLco PTAN EMY With many millions of families Syrup of Figs bas become the icleal home laxative. The combnation is a simple and wholesome one, and the method of manufactu re by the California Fig S7rtip Company ensures that prflect purit and uniformity of prodî&ct, which have commcnded a t t the favorable consideration cf fthe most eminent physicians and te, the intelligent appreciatton of al who are well jnformed in reference te medicinal agents. Syrup cf Figs bas truly a laxative effect and acts gently with- out in any way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect * freedom fr-om any unpleasant after effects. In the process cf manufacturing, figs are used, as they are * pleasant te the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the combination are obtained from plants known te act most bene- ficially on the syutem. 1-Ô i usbefteficial effects - Je isbuay ke gnun-M rdby L.ouii.viIIe. Ky. Neri.ic.C. 1w VorIKlt l'on&^Là av A. vo*buITe fflu * PURFait à0W 4 ,'li Indiana Senatior ;Te sali ta hava ally agreed upon Jitdge tL. o er. îks as titi, sccessor oft titeIn- Judge haut A. Woods on théi bel i Of tite ted States Court ot Appea, Juta. Luka la a native of Indianua. fle oas ro ln Rautolpit CouItY fitt3 cxy cars Dand ta. gratuated troau*'-..Stat@ versîty at Bloomlngton. lI.l tudy the iaw tegaunast Wlucitt, rwhcre bas resided ever mnce. JuI. MaInit i electedto tahie Circuit heui a 1878, Ictitet lit 1884, and elecît' u o third ne in 1890. lu 1894be usaz t 'î.îaated thte Itepuihliean Stainscoin% -..a -for itrem, Court Jadge, and a. t t ectMti titis office ieusas re-electtý. le 19W0, in now CietJustice ofth I.nldia îrtme Court. OULD DELAV Sr. LOUIS FAIR. P-Po.« Ontsa Te-r .dolpitua Bosch.,ritairaqan of ipîcnm tee an foreigit relations ot ' . iLouis- oa Ptirchsse Exposition Con1. me. wo ha, just c.' urned to Six mo tioar ot Eulrope, .ui na uinler- uouit Uc imIpossi hil u h, 1 ogreul world's r 'a St. InouïeIs l unIft the e8110. il iuta heon a ,. .' ofla- ternalionat geat- mess th, il. e for r pr î iatIhat dait least ont, Ytari' President D. HR Frnis 0, îlta ition thita ahotti tti, Sto ii t o tlunch, sait: "-The fair clona-Ils i t bpffltponed. I bave -cI I-a Ie- ore, and t repeatlit Dous, wti 'ucr 5OP ne elie may have saiS. MrIl ntla t îilvittet asto what Pi'tagt-.11ee iaklng or ite aoult met hao n1:If. letai- statemni. Presitient Mlil ui9t la- touaitn ta thte a rld lu att,- il.. fait n19W has goneout. and i Id te 'pffloihe tu change tise tionur 'a.. As 0the titreigi nautions.., soi.. 'ýi "nt erancis, "'.e wii have thein 1' 1. ta ex-j itit haie" in19W3.lMr. De (Si-u has nat departet for Spsain as 1' ruligal. ai trilI al ino-titan th Ai,- iTbIh onft flatierinit rrîurt'. ftEu i sgcîo itl sud a'itecrnue fi cll [. the case of the Chicago i c. i ini. wiuth oat pctstponiaoeenr'e1. i gresa âd raused thse pttOuUii'th Invitatlin. tere îited." SEASON'S FIRSTSTORM. nid W.ather atutifon'Catu'te Mins., aselit tiro«agi evert i 'i. ý"Westernl ltatersuiSeaiapn'ght »an i NIîiay. Thie aermometer dropped t Li I . ùy and tria- ia.g tain soun turnd tu- Illinoisa, Wisconsoin, i1. ebrtk ni Mîionri hail the 1,-i i not af the osouci. In soute1,I.-' hue falit'as t'ioaO'entotgis ta minc'. i-th ailrout traffi'. Fanmer. ina au ý tous wcae mugitt uaprepared au i n m'it tari chlch accuamptaflletith,' lun aused coin- li'ierabie sufferioig 01' tock. in- omedt StGaletasIli.. Il ,achtea ut soat eil ai l'acrouse. W' i- tNuEau cloire te tentpertre talla -, atlîitraitns rere telayeil. A heat i .of anatv a- reported tram man> i1 ttna At Duhuqeae a violent Ilt est blizezard raget. About toon f , Iuia feul. Fht, mecury waa tcloa ' ziag 1111dut. The, officieIl heruoiî' thetChic ago wealter office regliit' i l1' b1,re-s abat. zero M4ontay utorante ' ,iretiseitof winter camoat er tmii iIanati Son- lay. Thec audlen oh:imî nluh,: oeatter begau tîit a drachmtiu,' ahil tht' tprd into a '.a'nd ai , n-.'1n1t1-i1utnl tuet for tsventîllii' ii'ItI Texa , the t'oIu ast'.fit, lthe urs goutg uti mtont h. hhc treeiuti i. ihuti tu cri t otr f IbisStalit lîuu.'i1 utn tit liticaO thtee stmi .f f t h1 il ut giring fuir Itrger parui i litrli nit nottTeasauflt o'.e '1 r cuit of tile averiage yieid. RAILWAY MAIL SERVI CE REPORT. Superlateodent Whllt, lilaofa Large Inr oOveir lrllaYeur. _ Tht, anuliairepor h l 'nil Sape-in- tentent Nt bite of t ,i la> mui uer' at the cosae oft tc e ti'esrce lm full rztilway postoflui, 1,112 aspart- ment car mut"., nîlltî -tu. ' i nn a- yble liosrn othe ouscn 1 aibo t t l opneafory -an.the Ttc ertoa th-tt.i 1,atn The totalc uit i '. s o nîu h batla> pian d -e ic s u'.18.El Thtwa lie". tofical u iii'sicd Thclu'.mceof maîhei n'1 u'ni svaa1. 181.224,4o0. au lacrî i1:' ' 2.81per rt- sver lish year. The ol' f errora la Pttiibution as nc ,,h- i Pict lcea. bhtrt, teir17,198,101'a 0fmail mat- ter ilceglhly attreumýi as ta rt'slIire #perial attention hetujre ýInlivery caîldIlte eifecleti. au inerease ver2.200,00 oser hiast yt-ar. theraoser, turing il c ar 85 Icauttal- tien, ln woudhîctsevra . a tare hîliet, .11ttre serloasIt "lant 229 iigitiy lnjured, Thi'.'lartitaa- ber of casualtîrs ru. unleul l iaoQu year lat the bistai> .1 tr li. Y.,irJ to ch oodoru. .,earfeld Syrup, Gaitiled 11.el-fPlavtpri, tiarfleld lIIge'atLîe i ai ci, and IlarflIcl Lotio,nam oO c -, 11111g tbcl 1arge tait eittknut oMc hclnlig oîî and r -oy eteoly ereed by tbeoî I 'ro- nay yaro the Garfield Reine- dle- h-, ebeeo gtllwilig 1. puttlitY ad flter o-as la -11dncec. Hîpi)ocruies nu 'ait] o have greatiy ai- layed the vhci.îof thl, plague nt Ath- eus by a lieral lise or perfale a inte eireet ado'e Pistos Cure for C îustîiîplion eureil me fr a telaitîs asui perîttent coîgh.- WmttilILari,î,227 NW.t21st ialre6t, ,New XYork, »iarL-h 25, 1901. lîî tigmnouy a he ha. teem oparking Ilgtir'ly referr to te lady as afla'tni' M , .A. itl .îaoîîeîA bave the l a I l r Lt . a l e f n o Y J l l l i . r g o. d a T r y t h e i s y-11ullîllîc, rîl.OIV. .NuOn' ai,li-"î',r sîgg-teî' clling a floîîrîtal.î'i a fl i nu Mrp. Wino'niî,cand star, ot tlid d,î ilgli. CNYCATH&RMfC Gcnuint stamped CC. C. Nevtr nid lInhut. Baai of the dealer seho tritai b teli "-somethint ut as good" ___ ASTHMA-HAYF EVER CURD U Amum D.TAFT.7B 1J30ST..YCITY. xà» E0 = 11; $8'oO 0 fts WILL LAIIT A LIFlE VINE. FULL simPlu s. a. _________ 60,ooortRIAL EBOXES FREE: CNAMDAEU'S TEl . CustlpatlIon (=2î. .s t.S.- A .. - Snut .i. ue., Ltoel. tPa.' , 286. ti a oie Amn . e. it.i . MISCELLANEOUS. AT 101HO I t. OFF ENI 1 s6 n e t. ~.faunJ saf aUiO t y. tr ltyr EV- 1-LO _ 0YOU-R F UT UR E WIV1 TROUBLES PiasBtS\rlatdaet.. IS OTOO momIEI ! a' ai lotat Pl'U SÀ 84r0 tE- btend t inadcb. mas-Mare y TlieMaohlneg A il K n d sa k n e aS151 Nnk..dI.aernl tn..115tasthua 4btla1..ý LADES~'~aron. AatKIftooLr.a m fiaiani ar Il.iiiil. I iNI'ut>foiluer ihasgane B usIiuu' inc prhî-uhi' aunt How TO NAKE ITOVR POLISlUE.B"» OcNwrzu j<u., sv a ».A.. i A TO. 6 SWANTED. BH.T.RUt -TORY WRITER;...'di-. A-, C AGENTS WANTED. Iý^i CURE C uTAiR IL 2fPflW EItAL OOMPAT4.i, N.nsi: WaA- , . , Cs.-4, ram I <L a 0.. eL at, L WAasl. whist la 'Iaty_ ,t qm For Sale""' HO.E.EE 2ERS-- l MI-Arn_ __ R16 L STAT.

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