CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Nov 1901, p. 5

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TURKEYS DUCKS CHIOKENSj 5w Voit w'll ftîî . ed us Ittb i îaî'ter foi ail the eSseîtials I'. tr Ii Leave yoir Ordev to,,1 fr wlîat- eer înatuire Of>f O I i îat Trigs& Taylor, Lbrtyvttle - - Illinlois. ~~~FR WISONSMING ME(HINK~ 'Hl il1ttQt~ C. R. SHERMAN, Llbertyville I llinois. the iBaldwin, . ')hoîiîîger duOt S lîaefftrr The Mîîaî'i îd I Iaîîiltuli ( rgalîS are the Baldwin, Shoninger, Schaefer Pianos. Monarch and Hiamilton Organs. i. PICKED UP HE 6 Local Items of Interest b C. M. & ST. P Ir, [f fect Sunday, ()cl TO CHICAGOý Dýpart j,- r New DeP.t. L.av'. LII.. ti , l,. A7eI.- CIiili la ... . ,i , . .. 4. ... r.,. . i 4 ro CHICAGO. D.eDarI Irom 1)10 DePot. i 1<275 41 ,, . ... 7 3S. 1i 7 . 7 i . 11 45 : 144 11Il, 1. ,,. . 14PIP!. Nsv.1 'A.. .uC Ni. 1,2 c 25ai. 7 ' s I ;I.O Il,.s 71 I ,i7, ii t lIlI I, biIt 1711 ig A " . ,7 . k t I, -no nur. i C 1774I.,ii il. )t p s ,'. >,,,, il, o. î.7.î Ai 1Ii t j ,,.I.'l I i i s "Il..'-Ill IL. i ' f.tl7 A I.13 i: , I>'1 .w , ,, ~ . bc.. î nî rini.fler ti ii. gieou n b't7,1tFkirl (i.sît' aukhêiyli isg. th, (.1111) a iib theJI)rolOiinccim D> ame pr lei7i( tiinwas calileil ti)iI, [rou 1 iievliiy I. lrforni a mîtieelgi 7-re- Mo--e-------------- 11,1 onre- un n b rr At home bT the bridesa parents oc- -RE AND TIIERE. q ciirr.d the niarriage of Miss Laurs Il Diî7eierry to Allen Moore, of Evans- lt to Libertyville Readers.: ton, wodnewiaV afternoon ai 5 o'clock, Sliev. I. I. iaculin perforrmitig the ,*66444444*44**é66é6 ire)noloty ilily the liiIy 44n7 a4f63w P. TIME TABLE. Mr. aU7in. 1,r4lt ouu te lI tr ain 7fo r ('ivaîlgîl 7,7ui rîîîîî l tiire h tuber 20, i901, at 12:01 A. In. cilî but lIl 16'7ri7'ii ssleîitit'y il- teudodgli. F ROM CHICAGO. I[li rille, i', in, w iii kuoten in Libi- WKE 0Ai. î'rtyvilcetiîtt it 141 listI"755 for li4s tot7 Arrive ait NOW I[f47707 hLierirtilem Itil% e be.sile bas griiwn to i 1,lN1il 45 n. 42M. ~Woiitiliood7, iai-bing lini7ur pbi i a is i. ni46 p.. m. se iiiol fir a c.nis iiirabli rpt.rîoîi, tiu 117 4l5. . 1 5617P. 1. Ielomiug clomeiy as7'ttdwiililte In.. -,l; 7 0 ý in. yonnger elentent, w4ih wlhoît elhe is a 1i5 . i iM. 41. . n uiverisal favorite, eud adu.ired and 14i 47f ni ,oîi by tl.ome older who have i.ATUt17A5 (1 I 1watelhed er îieveiîîpmelit wlth tbhat 1, 1 .Il. en .. i2iei 27i. prille e ver ev icieît w ben Llhertyville youug peopile prive tlîenme,'vem w.rthy,e FROM CHICAG. i ~ abe bas iî,ne. WREKK nais ArelV ~ ~ ,~,lWith Mr. Moore,feNw have norethan a, I n'P'. Airi 1 1 1ii1 P. 7;eaking acquiaiUtaiiii4. He holdsaa 4. ,I. 77in nI4,4ii lucrative positio7n wihl a large cvncerl, îî. 41 1 i~ 4~ Ii r 77. I.l the..cernent lisnii.havlng iueaîi- ni 4 .. U . 765 J. .. mUNI3ÂYM- , Iiartern i St. liii, tehere wilii ie 1, l3 9.7 .5 I~.7.In4. . . i à o.14 ,,i ttleir future home, is a y..iiglat i n 7f L'usine"s ebllty an i in every way wortby the trust i n.t m ipî7seiiWe« .%135 C lare A venui Il 1i d ti)lier beriles e i.fiutuire. holi for tihen liý i it pieu rimy, buîn ipt roi'ing. tttat pence sud 071 itsîpîîem al Li berty- 1,.j. \% 7171retlîrneid N î.lfroi ma ville is wsbilig tiieîi, and if Hotii irr t-wii W61i74 illt 94 lii , ioe luin IItili lie 111bu i...verr'llîWIg- If Ln tblîîg uiiforsei 'lt I.iî-lirem o l kd l Hmeéin11or 1rveIt, Iiiud Bo.i.'iliiiidry Il 44445 reporird abolit town the teiltart up netiatweek ttrt of tbe nirik thet Fred Bader bad Thiswee th op" 1ý,er)ilthehulkedfor Mr. eo. Morris over '2(K) T Io b t i w î - e k t h o e n m 7 5 1 7ihoed b î î s e s o f c o r n l u i t e n o r s . B u t f e w 'd a yler ofa cb rc id . i-k nb te . d w on d g ve the ruine redence, hence md îîw rsiTaded.1 îks ettr.We Iterogated Mr. Morris. lHe sald: Landordl lonlow eil i Si t opa 40 -'ies, e.ilect. 1li e esplcit let poinuî. rkéy for the i s 'I banks- nme>.tell yon îFrei lbusked just 2111 gîvlîîg day. ft)]]oWiflg 1- îiiît cils- iss(iin l ten boues and five minuteo. ti. A min worked wtbhlm layiug down Ituuîr bas il that LC iliunhiy bas lbe bounilles andtitilng then &gain, puirchase<. two lots on - .k avenue, but Bâarer aisoluteiy bumked and tL7lulilOg CL.. BryanIt 7 roplerty on ernptied feoni bis basket in a wagon th4-e est. box, the rnuînbîr of buabeis rntoned. iaving lissed bis 57 Ir. nlice6blp tettL. J. Webb., Hie pj rîose le tO i l ruilcksittililg lun!. itg ranles E. J. Madîle and F. 1 . Clark bave areaged for a pigeon' -Iî,iot et Ilie lair groîînds i hauksglviî g DRaY. TibeY promise i"tq of sport i sîloi.ts of jîigr(ist but even sîî, it was a big daje wOrk- III on>. bour be buste. 2.3 busbels, as I myseif tlmed hlm- Ni. one acîîuairitei wib Mrl. Morris doubis bis veraî-ity, heure the storY ia true.Ilaîler i.i certainiy a "wbiri- wind' wben h dîomes to sumaing crn. seitool Notes. i L,' M îl. t ligeglit77 ig ino-talethe tIEs, 7P Isnmentte The dghth gradi as tudying Jiills io' Mjug li't i551470 iselctnte"ergetie adveetilslng 7Il7-171 t.pettt a Ca'arl sidrig heingalaton, felctieg.-Idshare cf the Liol iîy lséiie8s. leraette Ilicks etleed ftîe thîro liglits lu ibeir chiurocki Let the fiee)pe knOw àe i) your grade Monday. Irý and lirles lIeil Lîisk rxoved holiday bargains. kFour uew plIpils etiter'l the trsi iitotthelb. ler roonts of Mr@. A. Miores lionîsî,,n Nortb avenute %% ed Is mean l3sinem 1 f uttmarred ro,îm this week. nemulco. and leave loch on tbse !, 3%t rain',lie- IMis. jessie lIas isn vi'icedlite 31 s Safý,.Jai l1jgUý MKýfore the boys wttb un i.rîsami shol I hotol lest Friday. Me,, ".lîahaverau ai.riU1lItoitO ta'r Mis Lir ,. il liioru, sîsîteul tbe fore pag utbe happortst 'i i 171lC- Lemoyne andtllh Hit pa.rt îf tl- . w-k nitîtMes 711î7te1).lit ho'p elitbegen schoi thie week. îî77l" i7 'mLIe11 ,iîiî i 7h 7.1 el poirci i - l "f Vm 1lite tljirti aîd lî,rth reî,as nite1 ~ îr il, et a per, hi1.7sîîle Salr(ni,, ithe' cle,-1,,ue .f't'd a7t reit fo7r I Ittinkgiviug exerctses oeIl week. of hi ro aoj -i,, ...î k Tah1 ies î-îîl.itapkiîl'7 alil faîîcy towis 4W'7.J îùt v. lat îîîwaîît f'tor iaikg iîg Ou )îr jin' oîl i-tî-.s 0(47(1 i-t iîiîcxcelled. Blac'k 1-le- viol.,.ladies> 1'hîtli . laniwîls. easIirners 7 and l fanc6'\ stijie waistt gi44>41in l ail 1471111'ta îii Underwear. V.. 76(, lialf-wisil anîdfli-'îed wearii i ehî'-7.w<)meiisax(l ch1ilr1"lt'i at riglit jrices. j IiiY Y 1 7 II i I tt 1 1 ,7, YIt'l,rIlY Y ,Y UIl.'. aun î 1îTîî Ile iiiY , - 1 bol.îlîîls i II si, 5-73730 tronnam are 1- - & -,gr i, gre!i't. i4il ir5J7I I îî 7i 717 il71fols' i,4'4714 7.tLivr ' rk int comlpokitiiilt ths nonft. 7 77 'i'4 I~ ..iî'l ail t, isî' i' .îtutu 14t ibe ilircmiale iniur strI be 151er m , e A h : Iii leI ,i 412711trait, :17ý1iitun li.JrgtitIi.i71.ît Dey ettheloîîîe le ,ei,' i-Al W l sweaters. Y -fi'.1 7tltmS.'Il it I' u '-V II isi tt eM .r i a b t i 'a .its( .of titiir ,i,7r. n e to iremi- l' i'...'r m truin, dite hure lit i7 - ing, Drý >. iti1u7i oo.nsi'id de Nu, e ok bv enAt tbe price of hsif cto ns u Il' tl u e i l,. î i .t I1.o -I,,I.'k i l u in the 1 I. o I.ieei. ' Ilit the Nn r tha e f r -t '.' ild i7 bvebeehmade from the.fluent Lamb@ wooitoc. lI neany nlilg vlly i il pa,11 -1 illMe s, îthe iotr l runul, hlcb W. bonght trom s Sporting Gouda -, - tuit ittI i,l g eveigttin Nig be teili ýus ite hn imtorwîi ae tbcmorek uttgoiigpyfalouse rettrlng trom business, 5 dozen l, t'trI 7e bI 1,741 SiuîlayLigh, li.ît Wîi'b hrir 7111bistry mucb met is>-retlsieaAterts, weaers, Ie k of gfoonds a gl' i- 4u a 1*11 f ti, 11 1If lui t.'î i r î1 iiriug fi1l,,.sltîd elfcîs c..ted tu 'Ar. ultke, tt1l r 7liv ing ('Il thet l'ihe memiiers oflt bPiysiesclnse whlch tbey bail sold from $3.01) ta $4.064. il t iîh 0t 4iîîtoîs o. Nh'ir i1Ia( i aidt ev J l arisfil)t(ri ftwl hgare iiiereated lu woekitg experimeuts They came lu black, navy, maroon, îî..iî's clb tiineoie îreiileeabot eekpucbaeda 77 T 0'O 7'eibu t lte sîecitir gravit! of diferent green and tan, trimmed witb contrast- v. s i iulelifn-oiV i',1 ~I (46i. f p, ,iewie701arlic'iiar intere8t Iocated on leant 1iior I.r f te Syndlicat>.o usacsNt lprtefrieîgsrje nno.gevsad oy i Id el i 7111vi.Ili N\.'a 1rfronI lit7 .îI . t la suîdlîitles' e-tak- proîsrty, sud mc tII î.t a 10hùseibis ialratory, conHiting ut an air pîuîp, are goaranteed fast colore aud wili ilt4. fait. barometer. tnd a ntlIer of gland test keep iheir shape. We golf tiien ai - La.Our %7 i î'5 I7gi'was .-ît'2ei inîrlal Sdense Ld. Co<ok aud Y ib, iîîîiey are bav- tubes bave tieen receivecl. -7 -its ip iI.711 ii îiltv'l.r li1i4ld onlik i insîisy îtîrung, wafied lotg titeir lotsoi.iIilwarukee avenue i irt.y-three nete books have been- lIlîthber front tbe biîg laîudLer Haines- tOued lu and (',n,ilF ihofi7- added to the scbioci'Titise conLsist 1$ 1MaIo $ 2 0 Iltile, techL1î .i en-n burunig for provemaent wii adi greati! to the 4p- geographical readerfi for 4ib, 151h, and 'i. ,T'hIe udror ba i-rittng peont lg pearance o u ir lr .anod teben î.îh grade..75 urks of travel and bis- Compare ibese gonds witb ibose .in,-, isagrî.eiblc suîd a riigbt seaite(li owu iî thar,18 wii sriîird tory w tenînfor young people. rbere oliered by other stores at sîmilar A U L .E FbiltIL17file ssîlu.i ii i.oist M'el-I sîînuiîd awiis e re tell f )r Miss Roibnsoni, nîne for prices; you wfiiiiben lld that Our ,oiel, i4Lci.rsg i,, muo4 au . E.iiy. i'aeklitîîr îfots plteiba.iel îifMisis iearsaîl i nî uirteen for the hîgu clati are not overdrawn- Giermian Socks and F it B ot. ,lir- siai, Srie 1 .,tlVMîuurt C ie onuk,fibele p utI v aifibWiscol î veits t li,îlr 4 7ifi1 ruer ut Coo - î andl Brainlerdt E .Py e ie vtrn "re . . . . .U L . u ' t j ,: î u i' t r -a t rIa u b o t M a t e r b e a1 t 7 flg C u r . I l 7 rtý - l i u g its b o r n e » . o d I a n , h l i l ctu e e L e a i r e r s iT H AI pat im thii1inbis iiw bogeii, BLâjke \uAr.I'rKi8 I î11î s .î i-i îg il, a barrel iîîii7i4 , tilile build a 5711 ,I l înuho se on ie 41 M arket sireel, Chicago, titis year. L b ry il li o s £Etginis for Çgbîldreîî, Ladies and men at I rr rugi tuent, bsoitig fetren r Re .(Iii cI1îi j_ jer,, 1 'il l i] an'lit hali bsbsns u L be t v l e - i is p.. agit .lY i ., i flo el I iiiIy7ine cimlitiig enythluz In he une ~ ..tgIi. i tui eIiilace. l uiî.u 'iîukgl ervicosëaIuthe ,,î îtoiiv dec'orali.ins wiliiprofit by tl I t'.--litî 1Ilii r ,7 CiIairs 1' io7n .-huieciî 1 i lYvilie, 111 111 ;11e1iilt ilti ,is stock. The 1 ho ,y oie of u r lesîbscrii7ers a. m lu t bîtda% , N .7 8191h 9 gllg iods bavîng lies 1eronalylnapeCted _______ i..s vieîîn-uîttig 171tuepat w.>. iy ail Lb>. cbiir, rl'o.. B. hobiuson y i.y u lrior t,. hirrpurecaae, wilIlu- ovcrLshoe-s fo r A IL ).. oi l___________________________________________________ ilol'avs(.1liry likt te ulyel eReWlit deliver the discoure sure perfect saiisfaellon. Dont forget filrîli o-s ei t pliii- tgiy esre sel doîtlesI I, îitrneelY Pairiolt fibe number, il Market street. ..psj'.~, "-"~ tir r. a t p ýTiitsf oth-ui rhi Who havs t ho isaunoeIlt l lIlb,' 1puitMot. _________________________$_ COME UN AND SEE OURuri tilIi1it lonig Iiîotiib. l>1 ite fI..fîrweii Ilti'es ,'a017715 liv.- itrely on klind pretIicted 14oc libIýre New Ylere Ladies! ol eeh n nyu lc ý iîti i,ulti iem. ,îirnimf alg etedbave -"bappenel il'wu more muai o ee h n ny u lc hOk N -knLnd n u OI ileafter. L.est Non f,,rget, c sy tone off taeî-î.,îî'tr thet predictlon tlaie eatîtifitl lhe of business or your residence. THE PROPER THING FOR COLO WEATHER. set. e onedrfleti-mî,ney accurate. Wr e lethey willifut I Jn IDyer, . knousas '-lIiack Jack" tg. One Offtlen.t veegem on the doubtful. of 1ev. and I tylitsli milliner y You get the increaSed and g'rowlng service of the Lake 1:1 lite, village icek-îîp clargeil wilh 1cen, you gneuss te iutereited parties, t\eynfirtIres County Telephone Company and connection with the a1)ieIuIri.tittg eai,îvoeî'îat anitladys lLots of sportaiIel,I tg .f îîîgsous ai deae îics Chicago Telephone Company. jacet rum(ýlrk* Boet oilay tbehe ibot'gl'iùg Daty aiFuir 30 Pieces of ne'v 7c .print at 5c per jack.'l tr i in ('ir,-akt Holai Monda G dýDî,'lim 11lr1417, h. vdymdeDofsSirs StnFor Informaetion, rates, etc., write- . yard==real bargai ns.iiiiot,'eitlsuas 50thlule rlpry cttnot nc l'aller at new la,,, 717aid, fle in. . aim-.iertdyinae îree SrI, SlI 1 CIt 'i Il w li ub l ar i pl p o i ýO t 1, 1 40(2, to w n n r kY"Ie. l~ 7 i i lu ail cases lie lrlîn îîied , f ro ntm $3 .0 0 ni).o N r R A C 's D E P A S tr1 e T ' t iýv, ,ln, g i l71,4bs,i leaeopiso1 e. uîired Il 75171'le ti aI permils befote Lvl' rgSoe 11,11 111W film t.gtîilf t. I itie ear thutse î ie i,e.r red . Me. (roker i-s "sLibertyville. Illnois. M tiil'117 5ii t'it *Iserc<iai oear l - --P.' may o ek oiiintw OU R CROCE R IES A N DCA N NED nj lui 1rsîl Fro biai hns nie ne'ai. -hom dl'rkf6ethiton Liî.-.l___ li- h od n iumy heurs.tiusi aieotcu iIoe.ît vl G OODS A RE SU PE RIOR -TRY US. bai:' think-r iîsontt of Ci7J77ir. l>ye.r A consultat î'uioný bscal leihresitii beitc hew fil tdltthe fnr.t o(Il É1'.week i tb- Case . ' (.hîifireîi u e 1 ~ u s- " whl [l uo re o n t e fJ.Austin.u r,, se It> seu7il. we have b uîuuînoed Mi'. AustIn AT 7,1 .ii,îiritg i a-,,y f asmutai]boys sufferes witb a erieokidney trouble ~'zz~'..L vI' rg S o e S iIILII & Davis, copitîIl i Lake CîuîIttY board o 0 anI ts,,dOliut's gave7relatives litti>.ý Illiiý o e-'- r g S o e ,iiie-t., -Mr.'îleDlrectlur My sîster, ientcouragement Ili,. eltr4oi>. age DEALERS ÏNti t6 tga hcionîî~li t-aeltr, c'iips me Imates hietspeeîîîiîrnt eoeye-P R U E 6 ~ ~'~rîi'ndie rrey iît. law andil îîuîntoli libnr tI tremoly dotifijl ittIIîîg11hbe steinstin 0 1TOILET ARTICLES ~EI454I t7t~t")5 situlime ,ft.-ittian site diiit7ersiie:,tin 151..1promeut.PA E T EDCN . LibetyvlleIllnoi. the luplî o his. iiyiouudî t itbiuk Manal Freilî î,.tî18 le itermiinedtto setet Lîbetyv i e - - ~ u'mss Wllpartial, I ,rite tu etYO1 pt top to iii,- rurtice ni shootlng kntti it i î. tiothiii. She i-i enOi 'witblnthe village truiite i t. ugtPAl NTS AND GILS. maîî lo eîu gri suagrY IbecenseKsue cunt on>. yaungster îîp liefî,re Judge Msc fo guti rtarrlii, elatîl wtenever mshe geta (ilifin ibis wf.k ,l msootlng pigeons, tetv îî'on rer ie'tlUus fraA1.rg î (mpte toko ScolB kTbet >'~1I -1~'î':îl ii Ii<>' uîi i 6'IlsiOii 7it'mt ui sit>î Irrui'ru7e.1t bîtle te say bîut the rmaterr ls"ias t isi Sed, as tiraest. and School R.oom Necessities. tue nîos coîliit ai oh e-lîîtt' 1 ti4.W'~. If ii tii i sti ilge abount In! sisO bt f id I M15ac (inîlî desireil titat City Atorney ________________ theît aioltîl alI 1write to inquireil you cant iller lie consîteîi tir-i7 belleving the friends who do not take il. of titis fact NiiOwillI bu.Ayodt1n iid ow a hý h aesiol epoel grsiatly stop ber icklug me or getl'br abus- defeudant would ask a jury triai and Mrs. F. Proine. F . B. LOVELIL, ma.prosecoliteii. UeryvlOLb tyî obUged. .You know ft bu.Autlollgwlld o isbie b s ho.db.prely.iuoe- - -UMWN. 4-tf-j t-es B, 3.. 6-tf 'ni. i.' fanea of li eKauiaa. 4-4-P ifanai m>. 6-tf-d M o -t hs sold 7 ' 1uqlrPS 0.1 "orn. .. 7-14 i long ruie s guar- years. ciasa hae ming Used 7Y a go>ld lPortiatid gtter@. Elgin. à à a à à à it xi ttâokd 1

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