CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Nov 1901, p. 6

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Il Au 1 n~~~~~~~~ M e tierued to accompany her, but she. .; _1 -..-7ii_ ý 1, 1 ý ý ý . bowred with an air of deciaasai ovn. AIS l$ d rightousnesus, ,d'àa>1 k . .1 RA N L AYS My path I.ande a asfromtanul e gMWtu the telegrph end the ""11 1 "'l ,. Court." .. ý - 1teleolmeng* you ftink that God autoedui esetw , - Vss N L Y A FA R M E R ' c-«,"Ihop," he said, lingring a 1momtenât,1the two 1latentions to bie made merely med li 8by Becosteep ý 1 "that My presence tou- t will not tend toge rpi information concerning the 1r Lngwast@e ag.ewcflwt . ~~~~~~t frighten you away 1m these woods .Prie of railroad stocksm or to calt up a dMitna warchiPs for the aety. AsýJ11 .FN f O r 't . f u t u r e . N I a y rI1e l y o n y o r m k 'e a r t h l o n l y t h e p l a c e w h e r e w e ag et en d a d a w I n t hr m e an tn s e . | n n l e o h skC o g el a p - inrueofthmasusa?"red t or. ear ol1jureme sagement, yeu have a very aibreviatdpropriations for thatnmbir otlbW e- , 1 gy She hankd hm agin, ndbowis, erebut illbe msterwormen her. Ida ofwha canbe.dneondewllHeedoe ses. e reommedsehe c oo turned aw a . H e stoo , hat in ant, be- eavenrowilrlk.havee noe oaferrs hn gimng ih t o e t o i st u e t . T e i t li. t reud- l s at l s s w r t foe e a e iht h ve d ne t aaou d. Te1o k a sfth in abi- gence of the world i to be expanded, andel as r oe riestreg a so Byprncss a d he w et o her waynts, "They restot day nor night." W hy eiliseationwill ove rm e aa im n ,0 0 tnttildspa e eteah Š homep, he gaae.ud afteher sl ih staefuli resmt when they work without fatigue? lteaywlbeetrtdnd hegbatofbut20ondipe4 t M RS. F OR E SrTE R.orm ewh ,a look ote der , d mi, .ratonW h seka ilow whn heels o ig t promisewill be literally fulfilled, "A na. for service in the Philippine, thstø WCk- 1 - ~~suhasmght have befitted a Man Who - ýýý1 there? 1 want to ,see you after the pedles- tion burn in a day.", et boat§ of about 650 tous displaeisat, ihtéI wace ,h woman he loved, .1 trianism of earth has been exchlanged fur iLet Hope Ray to the foreboding: Do al he te ail in riigsise bn . . . . . . . . vfýFï-+-f*ff-vfpower1of flighteiund -elocities -infiniteïvand 1 you can wwithiBiblendandespellbng k book and 2, us00otonclone collier ofom1M5,o00any, And -1¢tCHATER o.en trriesit nterselar, ;philosophic apparatuse, but toi, -With, the four tugboats, ln support asn CHPTm . ind ccmpismethewoldsih nd Ina erCeeanIt drawIngro,. ih re:fomLmta ulight In your faces or your effortswiii uendation the Secretarysays: *« ftb Mgarie Antoinette de IAloulen 1%1, a ýsay: 'French Windows to the ground, leading Amni 1not ri;ht in saying that eternity Iiterhailueofthe allor bun t7h kyinoterlThu eatioday a aarteter*,$*1 h e-ii bitresinof the .do ,ld Frenh nob1,, ,ý-,:"Ah! miy child, you were born for some- ' on toa avelvet sward gemmed with flow- _c an (ditmore for us than cain time? What miinOheIraeo h n aihabuta he it wur in orrelations wnthnteioari 0à viudar with fne features and dhor, pl o m _. thing better than a poor farmer'& daugh-. ers, sat Mrs. Champion and her daughter. (Copyright, Lout. KI.och, 1901.) will we not bieuable to do when Our pow- tasig ntpoacigdawhlichis as surith iews befoe te rclentPnatiol bo 41e"as- l plexion. There hadt been s11i'cuyand ter." 'The mother wax employed on an elabor- JN this discourse Dr. Talmage woulel ers of locomnotion -hall be quickened int<, 1 to-acoe st nghtwilare ollowed ith ionHawinowslancl heuds Preà fte '. teonl brightnes, too, in those bown l I, , tbut IBult if Winifred at timles chafedt!be- ate piece of woodwork, white Mine Cham- Illift people out of déespondency and the immorultal spirit's spe edWysoliit-orw' ig r o o ori.Hwia sadtevs ra thelaserwasgoe nw.antilheemwas cauise she was the unnoticed daughter of pion half reclined upon her silken couch, . bring somaethinig of future joy into a irit have a swviftness of wing when it 'h odshssae o ogt eadsa ntePiipnsad oug 4bl left only the caumre ixpreau i)[of 1r 'lnu ia poor farmer, she never looked down onre adling. She looked up fromn it t nwrerhydpeso. Tetx sHe- is of no impo)(rtan-e how long it sabliltake ntirndm he Red ea oftrouighblet1irl- gatya ionto mua.lief wme ar te A nstok a timmwhchlfollow ,, lit., of troub nobýIy or blamned her fathier. She lhad no wish her mother's Interrogratory. brepws i., 19, "Which hope." to make Ii arial way fr-omiforent to fur- -am s timbeliell pl on le tr he hbaksnay t lit mtbe ommensutr a4ter with eh borne. She hall ,uvei,,N t a 1 ý rLiIlto be eierated from her present Position -"Do you think Mr. Hastings will bu There isanuAtlantic Océan tof depth and est andiwe, who lhave so much more "n-bosrae lDehvLoe r Hth hope forthenteongaetenshon -geteriilnod hetan tin the vwold. without him; she sought no advantage here this afternooin. FYora?" 1fullness in the verse ftrom' which my text portant errand ln the world, get ,on sou o.ighoope for th church!liihtatnlevhi e ta nrrtl oial lepe- t Her father and moterl.> he Atltiis fromn which he was excluded. She even "I cannot tell, mamma; Reginald has la taken, and I only wade into the wave slowly? The LProebuck Outrons un, the 1 h op forthe forld. op aths tance.Tsn eenariyvles16e ibur 'ten-e and Marquise de NIantie,- h nIi bnin tistrove te ocncealiher regrets from him; gone over to the Court to lunch, and look at thle beach and take two words. l'We aill botds are- quicker In the chase, but wat toduve the ngh eesofopeotChrisen tructinof moreanavaàl veselsw, their t high favor at the ,court of Lio- the Six. buit the Peyes of love are discerning, And at some@ new horses,. and he said ha have favorite wordst exp'resive of delighitntil Goud jetas un ooe fromt all limita- fwho . have thouhidecease lothristanm nigerceadmateag" teenth. They were prti1 1.luuiIm althlough \Mr. Eyre never allowed her to should probably bring Mr. Hastings backe or abhorrence, words that easily finit tions and hinderments. 'lthen wie will fair- fred. Hwaol id hm as In Ordler tu provide a sumient anbber tsuige."Lf aritocrats, .and w hen th,,-e lyvohitiou siethat hier longings were known to him, to dinner." their way from, brain to lip, words Ithat ly begin. The starting pont wilethet abereft tout, tip lthere ln the land of the etof omers and men for the growig anvy Comme with it, feazrfuIl herr.ers ,ýthey wetre he-n aspainfully alive to them. "He is very handsome," remarked Mrm.have ln them nmornings and Imidnights, tombstoné. .Leaving cthe world will be fnqiuib vnous. Y o mand teby . SeeaLng, urg0e nfintes etaf-codgt forced to fly for their Hves Whe"I-n fthey IMiss Eyre left the town one day land Champion. "Inadisputably the best matcN auhter and tears, thunderbtolts and dew- graduation day belore thte chief work of inuiry, by heaenlyescoartd byu.t lieutenâe,75 ans 300enlistay fltede ralandsy teauched Engbind ther wer, p,1nmle-1 an Iw lked on for about half a mile, Until in the county." drop*. In aillthe lexico-ns and vocabulal- .ur mental and Spirituial career. Hope -Aliemry of te ard alt theigt a t aimn.Thea Seclreary oarg tee the compelled ?, ean their breas,. shle ,,amle to a $mail white cottage Stand- "Except Evelyn Vane," remarked rien there are few words that have for n'lésoles the doore opening, the victor'a foot u eSaridmeaayi tesprt oetalshetlfaaaarrndsoe n The marquis gave lessons ,,in lngring', In.-back from the road in a pleasant gar-Foa h trcin ftels odo yi tru o h onig The day, atreat and high mounitain and showed a naval res8erve,.In explanation of the l h and the marquise made a litthe, money,,by de,iweillshaded by old-fashioned fruit , "Evelyn NVane?ý" echoed her mother--text, Which hop,." breaks--first flush Of the horizon. Thele that great ciy.tho eehfonty Jeruaem, IpuroeothI neomerhe s: M Befflng her painting,. A kino]tl-.ýrt-e,t n_ tree, lWinifred did not stand On the "Etrelyn Vane has nothing until his fatth. There have in the course of our lire imission of hopeé will be en everlastinug teigont ofGheaden rm Gohav n ba edevuuteenete'e blamin, who bhad known rthin f Iol"rnær eemony of knocking, but raisedl the er dies; and even when he becomes Lord been many angels of G.od that have look- mission, a.s much of it in tV heavenly ngt egloyaGo, a nd h. ue p er us velght w a shol be mlaesmla with alle th Copane- dam ,allowed them ifty poundi, : .'rar;latch and entered the drawing room. Lancing, ha income will not be muctad over our shoubtfers, or mt uu on Ilhe hereafter as in the eairthly now. Shall we e unto r arietoneurnos prciousn leveulo- likechnca Oin swith which theyinrma. und with thn, and the fruit o'f theI -wn where Madame de Montolien was sitting more than haif that of Mr. Has tings." fuoad, or chanted the darkness away, or have gained all as @oon au we enter a jast erretncle a ndcrytl. and() hadr w], uier ould hat b sotIdo on shpnadiheai extertions, they managed t, exi,ý Three before lher embridery frame. She tlked -But there in the title," msaid Mis. lifted] the curtainisof the great future, or réealmes elestial--nothing more to learn, gateandgreathandhgand heýea twelveOP no reaso nt tbytbiane u not e setnetâ« years later a daughter .wlborn t them i-n., up with a glad smile, and, rising, kissed Champion; '"Lard Lancing cannot lait pulled us back fromt the precipices, or rno)other heights to climb, no new an- Soyoestn atht a gI a twelagls. up insornit.1a t heappendaoucsofthen-a whmther named Marie Anltiwnel. in the young girl on bothu cheeta- much longer, and I would rather have a rolled] down upon lis the rapturous mnutilethéiesto raise, a monotony of exigtence, o eteewl ea ne ur-gnsrnn l h te placso affectioate and reverenlita; memP!ory of -Ah! my, rosebud." the exclaimed, "you title, even if I were obliged to sacrifice Of the heavens, but there is One Of these the same thing over and over agrain for «g ac dgtieAm you go in agik the arm- navaItlialumry typically represeted. u totu ther martyred] queen. From hler tearliest have come at last " ' half the income." angels who has dione so much for us that endless yearo? No! More progress lu thog and ew our loe drcon pasbuigch stti-n ud srve ngfo the sen- ,c 1di Infancyelhe was deeply«v .imbued w ith the "Yes, dear madame,"' Winifred repiled, .Wheh was not true, for Fiors Chant. we wish throughout ailltime and ailleter- that world than we ever made in this. takog an yw ktonwthe direin to ling, frerngne illinge coufoth en Sed spirit of the time: and the unarying "but I have not been wholly successful pion was rather in love with Erre) Haut. n]ty to celebrate it -the angel of Hope; Hlope will stand on the hills of heaven stret« diafunanori ht itd oc rorhc the crwsfo néelancholy of lher parent, prodneedý-I a in executing your commissions. See!" ing&, and utterly indifferent to the Hon- St. Paul maklet it the center of a group and look for ever brightening landscape, The blessed Chrit keno sion reprd.- essels wuld etraftlre afor tequ aalremed,"h agtrang effectupon her. shte .wasnat-.she added. "this green Wool lsa àshade arable Evelyn Vane. She and her mother of three, saying, "Now abideth faith, other transfiguration@ of color, new gl- parted loved one l ndiwshwh ellou re Teveertry a argumenthfosthe navalf*0ra urnffy bright and vivacus but the ut- lighter than the pattern, but I thought it were much attached to each other-attiope chrity." And, though he says that ries rolling over the scene, new celebra- if nu Ile " s, ir an e ofw te you resereibilysoftheatei thee terms:t .1 smaeaphere of constant sadine-w wa, infec- would scarcely matter, as your othier jeat aa much as was possible for two charity is the greazte-st of the three, he tiens of victories in olther worlds, heaven utheb ywysotndg ereltofhepai-A rca tin.gen r omc epr h e ssuch selfish and indifferent natures to be does not fte one iplume fromt the lwing, iming Into grander heavens, gens of glaos one. "But wi1surely know blam'en warore suiý-Ich a talufveyonht- o "j: 1When sellewas seventeen years ol her the right color, but it seems to me a -and they were wnt to indulge in mu- or one ray of lustter fromn the brow, tr mingled ithtblre, becoming a more bril~ I get t hcI. for lhe willlbe -0o changedY' stepu shoub[l lat onle btmtteIlertatil) baloedfarthler died. and from t hat iml.lIttle faded lyuin mthe shop. It is im- tatconfidence; At this moment Regi- one auortiafromn the cheek, or one mnelodyliant glass mingling with a more flaming Yeu, for you will be just an much chang- the one certin andt, positivleemiF. 03 ber energies wuere strained]to provide Possible to get exactly what you want Paldt Champion, the only son and brother, froma the voice of the angel of miy text, tire. "WVhich hop)e." ed n h l mit ilasr tef.wihwHfetentiul>onra"eue Iler her heart-broken and widowed molli- muthese bltle country towns. e utered the ruro. Whlehhope. Now, let nme introduce this feeling into The Soul willlbe an easily distingufished break of war the ilimmelhate necestlil fmlin pro. Five years later the muarqutisedlied -Both will do excellently Well, my [ ,Have you just returned fromn the That was a great night for our world the lives of somne who are at timeshLope- by soul there as on Pearth the body in dis- at that ,exigett amei. if it compe, of a _, ilde obse, an Marie was thirown on the world, child I shank you," returnied Madame Court ?" inquited his mother. when In a Bethlehemn caravanaary the less. There im a famuily Whoue non ha@ tinguished by the body. . ,ht Minraty penniless and friendless Then de Montolieu, putting On her spectacfles. "Yes; Hastings left me at the door not Infant Royal twas hbo, and that will be gone wrong. Fathermand maoterhave flMarge inreusetu thée muetofe navy fgrvdie 80 et once the nobleman hbe Then the Ilooedfondly at Winifred's fiare mntsAg.uagettahnith drnsso ou ol buogvnhifp h emHsead-. N "imeror m l on o b u t j ýr, - n neea- u t h Mended her parents came forward andi face: but something the sawir there "I thought he was going to dine here." 'When Christian hope isaborn. There will long, mo ungrateful, Su dissipated, and the in your parler tat has not been played ?he xwafruing <lmm«s ho haising acqur- Brigo ogred her a home in his house. in lspite brought an increased gravity over her "I- thought no, toou; but I suppose ho be chanting In the ma nd a star point- old folk@ do not know haif the story of on mince the hand of the departed player Pli th. habit of théem'o, are nt home on . et thbe remeotrances of is wife.* who placid feature&si changed his mind, for when ho arrived bng to the Nativity.- will not botter you moral precipitation. Hie has ceased writ' forgot its cunning. P'ut up before you on •6mwatert I Bos keenly aire to the impruldence of "My love!" alhe said, gently, "han any- here, and 1 pressed him to comt In, he with the husk of a definition and tell you ing homne, but they hear of himn through the muni, board the notre of the hymn of ..IeI u etrwyofisrn heinging a beautiful young girl under the thing happened to distress you?' declared he had a previous engagement, what hople in. WNhen we ait down hungry people who ble to carry bad niews, and Isaac Watt. and Sing "*There Ili a Land Ihr i obttrwyofisrn ense roof with her grown-up gonm. 1 The quick tears sprang to Winifred's it was all a lie, tho ug, I could see; but 1 at a table, we do not want an analytical every time the report in more deplorable ofPue elgh" r ams ongoer'ss c ewrve thon by the measure nowr Por à time.Marie Antoinette was hep- ,eyes but for a moment shle wasxsilent. think 1I know what the countler attraction discse as to what bread is. Hand it Hle swear, he gambles, he drinksa, lhe fhymrn "WhgorJThesMntBrghtmr- eurr p0.,ireang neeUd is fer onch a, py,~~~~~~~~ adtecaetemsbitrtalThen she essayed tatruile, answrering: wg ,on; Pa"s It round; give us a slice of It goes lirto al] the shamlbles o i.Hi o-ry"" or Filmore TBen nett's"gwht BeAr- .,,.a 1b13 togo tu the front o «t her lfe. She went out agrain as al "IltgisMy pride, for which You 90ototen "Indeed!" @aid Flora, disdainfully, "and, John speaks of hope as a "pure hope." mer employer says there ia no hople for su Bye" or "Jerusgalem the Golden " oa orrd.hip n at 1.imo nepn t eute 1 alerness, and traveled abroad. At the chtide me, that has been hurt, dear m m ayw iqir h rslto iyu ens- Peter calle it a ,lively hope." Paul fhim, and allnoutaide the family agree in Taelleomne tune in the major key-"Ari -war or.1 wen i i imminne ut.texat t «gP of thirty-five ah@ went into Sir How- ma. I sali makle you laugh when 1 tell tration?" Styles It a "gopod holpe, ' a "smure hope, ' a thinking he will never reform. The rathier el" Or "Mount Plioiah.", While youi plaYthsw cmtedfneofheoa, ardmi Champion'% family, to educate hshwalathinhsprvke.e. I t is nothing that will please you, Flo, "rejoicing hope." Aillup and down the and mother have nt iegvnhm p nsugte ne fHp wl tn yad for such proo the naval miItia t danghters, and remained weitha themuý But the kind old lady did not langh-- I can tell you.', Bible fitin spoken or as an anchor, as a and these words are to strengthen their ,ou and turn the lees"and join in the se.LIatýnt. Ieres* frbt t*%ive years The eldier daughter made she was full of pitiful tenderness for " Don't bie provoking, Reginald!" lutter_ harbor, as a helmiet, as a door. hope. That boy i, going to m ak rapturous ,renderingr. Reunion wvith the ora.ain brJiliat match, and the younger eloped ý the feelings of youth, and sympathisend ed his mother, sharply, "tell us utatilneA. A-Ple D)eposit. You have a hold on him that you usnt lvdadlot vrasigruio:N eretary 1Long .1.iarmth [at American vithe a gentleman farmer. There being keenly with the wounds of a sensitive what you mea." VWhen we dirawt a check on a batik, we not relax. Thog' pae you May Win farewell at the doour of any, mansion: No. armor plate- iN the 1,-t ,a the world, and thau » further occasion for her services. na.tum like Winifred's. She heard how (To be continued.) muet have referenc-e to the amount of the eternal GJod for your aidle of the goodbly at any of the ivelve gaeé. No the ebeI.ap.ý.[ ý d»e Was dismissed; but Sir Howard, be- Winifred's cousin, Miss Champion, hadi - --- - - -- money wve have deposited, but Hope struggle. l ou munt enli.t al] the heaven- moetarkt apparel Of tmourning, but .- - - ing~~~~ ~~ a brlatog roatadds asdhro h odta onni- AN ISLAND PRINCIPA LITY. makles a draft on a bank in which for lher ]y dommnions, eherubim and seraphim and white robei of exaltation! HIope now 1is un 1 dEFFRIES WINS T HE FIGHT, petde man, settled an annuity of a huin-,noringlher------benefit al] heaven has been deposited. archangel, in the miovement te oisve your its knees, ith face uiplifted, btoiHIope - - dend poundss on her for life. on this, and "Madame,'*sabid Wnifred, suddely, chocolaete 3alenter'.1 ommain aet the Hope! May itliLght up every dungeon, son. Somne dayOr smune night he will cal] there wril[libe on tiptoeé or becýk.ondn you 't hampion P.Kilbst lD.eea Rehleat . ý ás~~~~ 1aeetofwa hehdsve 'u.afe ause,"Who do you think the tthfthS.Larce stand by every sicklbed, tend a helping a halltatobis infamous practices. oflo, aig Cmeadha he 114m.Francisca.l Ug ber long years of teaching, she live; ®,etleman with .Miss Champion coutld Having Inspected the exhibit of Men- hand to every orphanage, loosen every Hoeoad huhyumyneter choirs mingi! Comte and seeP the proessio. n iJames J. Jeffries, chamng. tpugilist etf and amll as was her income, e ae be ?- er chocolates and( the other sights at chaLin. careus every forlorn sou] and turn hear of your son'st reformation and others mmarch! COme and see the river of lire the world, forred l Gus Rnhan h, is Chai- 1 *,a ah es a rn iet of."I cannot tell, my love; probably a vis- the Pan-Americain. and shaken hands the unpictured roomi of the almshouse may think hie has left this life hopele"m, roil'! lenger. tu quit after tive rounds oftAght- ovochrtanofel-abnegation. io tth ao.Stay, my love, may with Lord Minito, and '"done" two orinto the vestibule of heaven!howlug.whoknos bt tainthe laantdmoent- From thishoeur cultivate hoe Ilmuso Ing twfore Ithe Tweatieth Century Ath- f1Eario Unsoured byher troubles, unimbittered lit not have been Mr. Hastings? I hearithree of the principal Caniadiancities, gentille that mythology dcae that af th a eselo kandibe(re y reaiting aillthe s-criptural iprom eti-nof leti, i loit ai n, ino. Jeffdiesro.e-ilM byhber onelines, she was the true picture he has just returned fromn abroad, and NI, Henri Menler, of P'aris, betook him when all other deities lied the earth the hi-o L uces away. your prayer maY thie world's coming } ldenuizatiion and tain,, hciitle, Iliblin is brandled ,,,a et a gfentl, sympathizing and patient you know his father and Sir Howard eltohssanofAtotigoddesos Hope remained! have beien answeéred and hie be one of 'loubit if you dlare the veraity of th, Al. " e weet. were great friends. Perhaps ho aitelst hsel t iaslad o itl -)ti f It was hope that revived John Knox the 6rst to mieet you at the shining irat. ighywhnh sy e ilmaete h fgtenliabutv.Atr he Mr Howard cuirsed hi@ younger daugh- feels a desire to see the beautiful homne ,hs sand Ies lte estuary of the when on shipboard near- the coast of The prodligal in the pauralsle got home and i <gsetyrseate ad theleopllaan the roh,, hof easy fig htmiIl" . Aries peia nded -W twslnemulon the Bibleftrom which he of his fathers, whieh he has neglected soa t.1Lwrene.Pt istweny.fve mlesicotand e wa ferfulytil, adohewas at own t th test, hiletheelde kidwil liedowninihe cme intuettheAkrn gata o l 1s n th fouth è. elhernamne, and commanded that it long. Can you describle him at all?,, lotnger than our LonDtg Ir.:and, and a lit- reiquested to look shoreward and asked if brother, who never left the old place' 6eiel, and the lion, ceasing to be ,a rtiv- rouindi In Ili.tfith hi almost stoppedpata$ bitn eVer be uttered in his presence "I only saw him a moment," returned le more than twice as wide atlits wid- ho knew the village niear the caot, and stood pouting at the. back door and did ron., wlill becomne gramiuioro,)t e ating himou, serorin.1g 1t. aiýr:ts of the con1dà again. The trhole household were awe- Winifred, blushing, "but hlis face seemn- est. There are 3,ti,> square miles of ho answered, "i know it well, for 1 see not go in at al]. "ta ie no. n rpilnvno et tbl umwte ucm.8 obdehen, and crept about silently and ed rathier bronzed with travel; from what Anticosti, and every square Inch of It the Steeple Of that Place where God f6rt To another class of persons I introduce sha l chanexnto anrl n omht did i ý ry hîj tatr--of th- 10,000 i theomp tmcNOy. Madame de Montolieu wasnI1remember, I fancy he haed dark blute belongs to M. Hienri Meuier, of P'arts. optened my mouth in) public to his glory, the angel of Hlopei. and they are the lnva- the "we-aned child %hall put his hand] on hall Atlith,, end of lthe fifth round Euh- heat-broken. eyes and fair hair." | Is ucaeo h sadmaeas and I am fully persuaded how weak that lido. I erhaps afiter long watching or the cockstrie's den, andt there salli be lia gaie up. A blowtili the stomach, hie I Wiired bitterly regretted her faeine " i think, then," remarked Madame de among urhgeodtne ighbolr of trDo-ever I now appear 1 sall not depart this overwork or towering grief your nervous ohn ohr rdsryi l o'ssbhddsbe igTa a i BIIM, She lovedt the world and the fash. Montolieu, "that my surmise in correct, minu 1 hlife till my longue shall glorify his holy sytemisl ruinedl. Perhaps you have a holy mouintain, for the earth ,hal] b full onily explanation for refuysng to continue. 101 ndn o the comparatively humble life for dark bue eyes and golden hair are Unon. Soule of t eir were n ame in the smore place.-is hope was hidden disordePr that the wtorld knowso of the knowliedgce of the Lord, as thé Irrltttl nthit ftem *0 now led was gall and'wormwood to the family characteristics." pretty sure that JIt meant mnischief. rewarded, and for twenty-five more years nothing about andi]h yýou cannot with , racover the1e "Itithefrttminheisoyfth hà. fHer husband was fond of her, but Winifred turned homeward with a Thir doctrine was that fthe Frenich dlag he preached. That in the hope which ainy delicacy Nspeak of. Perhaps itmany lt>e Then cultivate hopte in regard to yurling tihat a col.meter for the chamin- i hoeWaed under her constant fretful re- lighter heart. She hadi almost forgotten follows French chocolate mien. They sustained M1r. Morrel] of Norwich wlhen a rheumnatismu thait distorns and indlames own,,,health, your.own finanlnialri,>e- ship h-aloA. 4abrately qd "çuit RuhlinG. gres; she quarrled with is family, re- the affront that haed been put opon her; warned their government carefully to departing this life at twenty.four yearit or a neuranlgian which runt its sharl) knife ity, your cowni lonigevity, by seeing howinbeg lu<ia .ke ada'giter faced to notice them, and made him bit- but @he coutld not forget th ae okeniehther itwoul besaoeto f age he declared, "I shnould like to un- ýlong theiteples o .f your forehlead. Per- ote epe 1dmriflyrvrssadJffrI--N -, the ,ictory was too. 111110e 9him ln anger fromn her presence! 'some stranger's face as he turned t oo n i nthe'I f thti morrow morning."That was the kind of ý whichisarecperation to other. toblie membeoti ring.hat Was. hngonlost" Ruhtli. ha, been overrated an a puigist TUe Oy finkr left to her between the look at her. Without doubt he wa, Mr. clr nperpet iy I h aws of te hope that the corporallihd tin the batle ome. trture to youl. Perhaps it in an batles than hegained, but triumiiphed atandw oufoght l'er1ar oter galonntand the past was 'Madame de HsSgteonr faltepoe t Iawrence. W hen the new proprie- when, after several stan<iant bea rer a nona hcaep oua il wketeltadfrhr yn igsr fwho delare openly that Ituhlin twent lnte lMa.inne, who came to live In a malb t-fthueyiodthog wihtorR agent erleted some lWesleyan fallen, he seized the flag un l tedtoa ant 12 o'clock at nighit as a 2cokatyu-tra sft hog Crs euthe fiihlt simply to getthe smalt end of àa tiettage near her, and was with lher con- she wias even then passing on her way squatters of the fishing persuasion lieutenant colonel and ai<o, "If 1 fail, tell ooan, and hour after hour, ilike one in the yu mrit aett u ron Chte way to big purie;- that fhe knew he was beate1n .tntY. But Pooer Winifred frete night to the farmi. And a very bright trmite| from hbis iland religious excitement my deair wife that 1 die with a good hope Bible times, youi cry, "nul Gd tpalacesý and throine, This lif, m span whnh.e rd1e ig n h he and day at lier lots of Paste, and betcame came on her lips as elhe thought how near was; superadded to the politIcal. But in Christ and that 1 am glad to give my were morning. .lnedn nbrtin fbi htni howed it I, y <,t!ng -when the punish- In and il1; and when her little girl was heé lived, and that the might perhaps see all that seemis to have quieted down. life for myl couintry." That was the good I cann"Iot take the dloignis of your dis- ther humain nor archaniigelie faculties can lubiscaersapg. horn he died. | him sometimes in her walka. It would M eirpi on rc o i hope that Dr. Goodwin ha iin hisltou!order, but let hope tchieer you wlith Oone eaueoretmterrlnc falist of the brt ielns slaended. His ac- Frsonme years little Winifred was bie some relief to the monotony of her ikslandbut It is now thought In Que- hour when hie said: -Ah, il this death? twvo thoughits. Such marvelo;is Pures, ar,springtime that never endit anefliutains Frtin hýa mée theboxti.ndgameringa- brought up and taken care of by her fath. ' life, only to be able now and then to gaze How havé 1 drearled as ateinemiy ihis being wrought in onu daY through mredi to.n i h h fa ,on that nr i Fa c evr lw ndteei sers ulster; but when $she was eight years on a handsome face like hie. bcta twa on uins n mligfin:,ation and surgery that your finvaldim sts.m ayGdNhil ih nicp-ready laIlk of preventing any further OU ldmi Erre married, and her fatherý One evening Winifred went out for a "esitment. He has a small fleet of No better medicine dlit a main ever take m iay yet bie mastered. l'ersons as ill as mton ay of , this imor itl glee: "Wich' contestsi in that city. Was somewhat perplexed what to do with stroll in the woods, with her Ilttle 8ecotch steam and sailing vessels In the near- than hope. It is a stimulant, afbiue o have got well. Cancer aninhtubeculo- hopeý. - --- _ ber. Madame de Mnoiu frdto terrier as ber only companion, and, choot- by waters. His agent shipped $4.000 à tonic, a catholicon. Thousa..ns o e-.unwlietgvewy eo e oe ew -- ---l educate her, and Mr. Eyre gladly accept- ling a picturesque spot, esat down to rest Worth of lobsters to P'arts a fortnit ple long ago departed thbis life lwould have discovery. I see every da% 1eple tron sed the offer.antodemothmayomnnfarao--hprdcoftom ts'an been living to-day buit for th.e reason they a nd w,1l Who ot long aii, saw ,.ý pallid Ble received a complete eduication fron tha, hwohdbcm aos ig.H agigt xedtefs-let hope aslip their grasp. I have kanwn andlleaning heardv on a staff anI hardly S R ONETTES ' l dtef Madame de Montolieu, who 1,oved her Ama a lHer speculations were suddenly cut eries and the cannerles ona> gan people to live on hope after one hmng wasnab!I tO elimlb a stIiurs-r"eeMo daughter, and had brought hier up with' short by a yap fromn her terdier, &dagand gone and disease hadl seeeiil. to lay hold Take the Hand of Ho.c 6+ sae tender care and watchfulness. she spoke turnong sharply round, &she bhdither seale. He ls going to, put up a vast of every nerve and imutscle ai an, ery and But if youi willnot late the haidofr -Ilve i<mef Imt uslook th Frmeh perfectly, was a good musician little companion rollingt over and over pulp mil. He ls going to develop the bonle. Ilope for earthly convalescnce j,,ýlet n. I l mel ' l ldIl pclt and sang as sweetly am a nightingale.1 down the banik under the sudden and other resources of hie Island. He is Assurances of H4even. point youi to the peýrfec-t body you are yet wAorld In Ithe face, for w 1ha1%i been- 1-1,1Nret Madame de Montolieu hadt devoted great1 unprovoked assault of a huge mastiff. stocking it now with the silver fox and Many have full assutranI*e that aill1,sito have if youi love and serve the Lord. chosen to be successors to, the .Son oIf The Mib 1is of Wayne, Neb., dedi filme and care to perfecting her aclom- She uttered a little cr of fright, and the beaver. Their pelts will presently right with the sout Tlhey ar, as suire of Death will put a prolonged aneisthetic Manl, andi we have a diviinIe blalOf cated a nlw $17,i00 chu:ebi. i h puments, oping that, when elhe grew sprang to the rescue, when abhe heard a swel the profits of the chocolate man. heaven as if they huid passedi the pearly upon your present bodvly, and youi will citizenship tu uphold.- leN. C( '. - The 1,em entennTial of the First Fr opn upSi owr mgt een ndgvehr rshn o hebanhs the1idMeanwhile moosse, caribou andildeer panels of the gate, as thouigh theywe(re nr agrain feel anil eo anladMoitogegtoait niaaoiBpis 'ueMneaoihsjs nan opportunity uof entering into society. l a Sharp, "To heel, Rollo" fro a' bon.nhssad er sufeu-already seated in the temle ofit God un-1 then in his good timte you wil] have a 1il.,beenrelebri.:t for wich she was emlinently fitted. Buti voice. ude recognition, a haut e lres itlervesae ulrolling the libretto of the beaé aly horis- 1resurrection body abouit whic-h we know C'hange of ('hamracter. There 1s no TlmrInPceerto o.h l the baroanet and his whole f'amlilysternly ' apology, and he mstood looking at her, hat terer ongatulte ll nehtIhwe IhadI nohinrexeptthatiteillbelpinlss ina eur fo vle exepta cang of efomede'hthheronial peristed in igrnoring her. and it was al1in hand, with the same expression oftd- f Salmon aLnd sea trant. No monarch i t, too-ftull assuirance-buit withmne it insuad glorious beyond al] present apprec* inlcrfr Ieeptahag o1 Th b l-ý (11li , o di. N. J., was ver bite grefandhumiaiontopoo miaton n is yestht se ad-e oldakbtersotn1o ihn. oe WIch ope",infr Iit exVpets tion. What must [be the health of thtil character tin the uhole peoplie. Teé egison Ilast Sutiay. WWnfred. 1there before. There was a pause, dur. Mf. Menier la having the time of his forgZiveness; troubled, it eximets. relief; land which never reels cut of cold or administration of the (ity la not only lhe Rev.-E.I3I. 1-ratnk h'as entered us- lit seemed so cruelly un1jo.t. %Whyv ing which the startled Winifred biushed life, and all those forests and little riv- bereft, it expects reunion; l ar down, it blast of heat and where there is no egalt the protector, but the patron of viive. - on the re torhip of (>race Episcopal should Fors champion her ,.ou1,en. and and felt painfully confused. ers are is own. They twill be there expects wings to lift; sipwrec(ked, it ex. wind sowing Pneumnonia On the air, your Itev. Dr. Slicer, U'nitarian, New York Chilrchi, Sheboygani, 'Iis. Battered, and rece ived everyw her, whle "-I fear my dogt has alarmed you," said all the timte, awaiting his visita. pects lifeboat; bankrupt, it expec-ts eter- fleetness greater than the foot of deer, CIty. Bishop Edmall of the Episcopal dioceseý «he, Who longed so a7idently'vfor ithe loo, the stramger, at last; "*he is rather wont Which one of our Yankee archmill- nal riche@; a prodigal, ilt exp)ects the wide your eyesight clearer than eagle in sky - l)ienomiinational Linos. 1 think the of Miinnesota has nnounced defintely adatge a cmeldolveun .ii, o beaggressive to his species, particular- ionaires owns an Island likte that? They open dooer of the father.s fuirm house. It perfect health in a country where ail lte timeé Iisnot far off when dieno)iniinational that he(,will mnake .Nlinneapolis hbis home. ed n afar hose lir fthe ha g y i ths wodof hic heis ccu- des ot earitslf ut y lokig bck-inhbitntsareevelasmgl wel.,ou ine wilnbIwbedsut nd he hurhes CalaryMetoditlEisapalChush en her a pretty little Pony aund -carri, ',,omed to consider himsýelf sole monarch.', never thought of buying Antcosti. Ward; it always looks forwardi. What iwho have In your body ant enrysted bullet Ue dNisti inhvi ed fromd tearchter thelvargestcuc fthod pa deomuntio in which bihe took great"Vt lr. sh, "Thon I fear we are trespassers," WInI. They tletthe (chocolate man fget the start the use of giving Mo much time tothe ever since the Civil War, youi who haveW Ii li(l be ngu se rn atho rtlare YorC ty, aisedo70000 at would have liked ito ride as,,,l. but,,hr fred fou)Ind courage toanswr; ,butweof themn. And the supply of purcha,- rhaslo theasYumitksre kept alive only by precautions and self- by geographieal differences on y1.-Rtev. Sndaewytolr offithriedchurch onmort fahrioldntifor.hesid o ep a lw iýays been allowed to watt- here, 1able islands 135 miles long, 40 tmiles not corrected by a review. Your losses dentale and perpetual watching of pulse Dr. Sargent, Congregational Ist, Oma- J. S. Huyler contributed $10,00orgae. twhaneofrses for er an hd ive r(, a " w.ýliide In spots, stocked with game, and 1Connot, by brooding over themi, be turnedanlugyooftedaederad ha, Neb. amatnt. chne1 friig.r . iin:sh reer I shall indeed lbe sorry If our rude- affording first-claiss salmon fishing lm1sbinogains. It is the future thaithas the dira vision and the severe backache, you 3Marriage Should Be of Samie Religion. ,'lhere.are twelve .-va- .

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