CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Nov 1901, p. 8

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LIBUlILt dayeveu.gNov. W. Tbere vit] b. edîler lais »11 li, at this au offrng reoeived. Thre pragram Witt canulaior, doclsest4ons, vocal Tutzanmd ltnity hava rooved t olos su ad instrumentaimositc. 'Agi>. WARRENTON CROVE. dru. Bd. bl@4raehl la vtstlug itMr. Rysu bas cornpieled bil e ne motiiev lu Wanegan. buggy ired. Jodle Woodman, of La Grange. le vis- Iftag ber mother tor s tew days. Mr. Flood bas imnproved tis yard b! U. - M..-Y-- m -- . I. -_gravelieg Il. Mrn. su rs. .Johnn oneetaba-e giiu ta the city talilve for the wnuer. tirs. L. C. ile entertalned ber Sab- bathr acirol clas aturday alteruiîou. tirsud tira. Clisse sud datugtîr viii male Ibeir bore ne eChîriago 1h15 vinler. I!be slnglug clasa wi Ment ai tbe home ot Mise hatle Bote Saturday ewenlng. We are gtad ho se Clis Wilman irsetagate ater a long absence. No place lite bomne, Cbris. tira. Keut and faniily, of Cblcîgo, hiave nwived 10 Deeteldsit viii oc- cupy ht.e nlFrîti-libouse. i Le tir1ilc for tb,- Christianu Eu- ueevoaUr in l,îgauXi Sîliidc eîeolug v l o . -rr r i vyi 1,ig;i', l- *i.i1.8; t b, a 1 (1. tizhîrLiîiipomnilt- te,' - 1 C e ii ah.8lliig frr,igraru le Il,, le, . b5îci.n aiiireir Wedues- Mir. Flood trausaeied biielu, s lu Waîîtegae tait veut. Mr. Guernula iravlng qiute a lime vitir tr. Beuz' veti. Mr. Duen, of Lake Foreet, was a pieasaut cattur bure buuutsy. Mir. Bareies, the pbiohogapber, nas seen ou Our streela isatwveut. Water Adieu, of Libertyvîlle, la obredd.Ieg corn lu Ibis viciitjy. We are giad ho ses Grandma ililings alter her loug visî t ilMlîburu. tir, sud Mms.F. Wilingtou sud famuiy spent sfiîday ut (lurnceaorsit- lng relatives. Frank Jîîuem, ot tankegaii, sud Ed Gîltingsansd tamilr, ut Milbirn. were lu ibis viciuity Saturday sud Suuday. REAu TriE INDRIIINDEýNT. IT LEADS AIL OTHERa STOVES RANGES+ + + twrs crs ewlGl on Wehv h'fnn adms opeeUn ffoe n * LbryilIlni.+ For Men and Boys. Wa bave s lange assorînient ,"f îuvercoamfor resualjtiu boy@ $3 30 ta-------------------------------.... . $tz 50 Mena duct Cante $i 00, $1 25, $1 73, $2 23------------2 30 Boys duct nuiha-------------------------------------.. 2 0 Horse ilantea cti 85c Lo ..... ......... 5 50 Baed ilantuts a pair 83Clu-----------------------.. -à 00 humber boots $2 60, $2 85, $3 00 sud.. -..... 3 50 Meus FPeu Bonis and hvers, $1.95 toi .......,.... 3 00 Gîve us a trial. we vili use jol i rgtir, sun save y00 mouey. V. SAUI3R & SON, - - - Illinois.1 GOAL & W. is the Best. liatîule the' hesthrn tt-îdii'ed iii LIbtrrty ville, 1). L. & WV. Branid. 'îîter's iitîpply of lt-e w il ii trely tlraws itear. rn Rlockefel 1er C. Dressen sud vite returned from Tia aaid tisat contant dropplug vili tirlrwisonsin trip last week. wOe W ay atone, vhlub no doubt la Joaeph lRing and vite, of Waupacs, true. We have beeu dropplng remarka Wis., spent Suuday wiii> bis parents lnthte piper for some time about re- Mir,' and irs. Ricli. of Waupaoa,' parlug thie idevaiksansd lilghtnng wis , are vî4iting their son, W. L. OU? streeté nt rrght. but soute of tbe Ilicil.conditions renialu the saine. Whjte s Mis Red, f GenvewWQ8thenu mber bave doue mueir lu Improve MissEre, of(iluvir, vs tieand beautiii, otâers have passoîl by on ouest o rit o. ,ter,vMr. Rllv. nder-- -. son1, îeceutiy. Cheaher Manue, of Waukegau, fi; vis- itiug is grand-parents, tir. aud tira. Johne Rous, Sr. Ray Wels sasd Geo. Traut sud dangliten are uow in tire enipioy ut E. Gi. Payne lu tbe Ctty. Miss Emma Coudrey, primary leaclier of the Ursysiake sebout sipeut Sainrday sud 811îuday withbler parants. Let ait tbose vliq. reside lu tbla coinmuutty work for tir sit interest8 of our village rcud forr village improvu< nient. the otirer aIsde. Tbe business repo nIats r-m .varionsc sections ot thu eiiiîllry seem te show a prasperons eiiuttlotr of titga. farmeris have, as a ruis, neceived gond pnieus for tbeir prodece, mliiisud factorisa (wherever tirey saist) are buOy anid seeni tii have strrtck t ihi Ibis year. We bopo tO ace t4raeghont tirs country, sîrl espectatiy lu ont village, ans of tire btisifali sud vinter trades vs have aev Ijadý thbetorolea sat heiascionutbuilding tait Wsduesday attennoon proved to bu of irci iitrea ruuhou reeranaei Hourace, mnoufut Ar, sud Mmr. A.J. ail wtio took part dîdt themeeives greal Klug, wbo bas Jung tîrver i8 8sîuwlY credil. Suei eerc-Iep, given c. recoveuiug, DrAilafer, utftiraoase, C"arlîY, teud tii tessonthie morotsej ta tiatteudance. out sLotul vork aid -cr filte pupils E o.tpaylle tîhe votersu \mai tre iutercmtcd. Il h air-r a Roud ttîtug tii aud Ihutty vîcati> dealer apejnt Suuday bave praeilce in miqeaktig tripubilic at isi home lu iRockefeller, He la nus w wen yoting Ni îîîrmensudi vuren lto utah41 Market treet, Chicago, virli ilat théy fLut reeelveil sncb aud orders recelve(l by hlmaîi wstvalays riniug lu youlli bc promptiy tilled. Amslire bas dispooed nf bisa beur Le is better prepared to Stepped on a Teri Penny Naît. devot entire attention, to c estoiners. The lîttîr, dauehttr of Mr. J N. Powell Tihe coming sesxiîot ofCougreas viii iîîmld One an nertiat rnke, made oftotn terrny naittansd Ibrusn u ataittretim n doubt be a llvely and luiuetlng îhrougb bherfot andt a second one hait vay one On ofthequstins ilibc hetlirnugh. (lbamnbersn's PineBale> vas nue Ou utthequetloa vii e trePmmrP aPplied asel tee minutes isher thre ChiemeExcusin At. rguent pan b disapueazet snd no mure sufrsrl Chluee Exlusio Aet Arguentawas exPoeeed. lu tlire days the chid [or sund agaluat tue re-euactmnent wiii vas wearfieg ber eh-,-soinasal and vîtir be hicer han th levegln itane.alioluteir no dlsarfrît. Mrî. trPowell t. a liettlckr hontie lavs 1 iutrmu 'eil kuown mrerriirint ufForktand. Va. Wbila tby make paceahie.sud in w an st>la asuaatl.i.ptic and besaasueh Wbil the Male P-scel)le andlwinjurIes wttont mai irat n and te one-thîrd abidrig cîlîzi-us ve do not need any ttîe île.'rrqulred i Lii, usosi treatment. more ciîeup ishur. LAI9 PFAUMACYl Ju,, M£Kz IK. vanirn. Ivanhoe Items. Ils Ida Elzsbethr Wirtz. Fned Beachr la vlsltiug lowa rets- tivos. Tad Boyce, o! Wadswîîrtlî vass ln tovu tionday eveieg. John Hienderson, o!Chilcago vas at tir. Meklies SBaturday and Sueday. Tiiere viir e s Christian Erideavor Tisaukaglving coug service neiSnn- day eveuleg. Miesa Faeny Bryant ta bomne frnm tiarion,, ld., virere sire lias boee at- teudleg Normai Scirooi. Wirat wilîl ber tire eadleg social eveut ilisutagivleg? Thle above question la8-np for nutiemeut. tira. W au.Melkte la st tira lonie ut ber sou, Joli eiikie. srbe expecrits l mai'ean extoudad vieil. lier ironie la la tCIluas, Ontario. 1ev. Hempstead, s candidate, occu- pted tire pulpit lunthe Congregatlonral cirurcru ts a ldsy nîgb lt Haey ire eugsged permauently. Ueny Vau Pienu luitt lot veut Wed- uesday tor n cueNhended. vîsît lu Eug- Ila. Heu rua cumpauliedloy iris lirotirir, Jaohn Van Ptew, of Kansas,. Mir. Jaclteoii, ut Nortil Chicagoi, la rupneseîting th ireIoîne toro-oit Sciroul, lu inn ructron. Haeiras hbtu succ, î',îl ti eurolluDg a uî rîruunof Our Young people. I tieo(ilure Docker, sur le atteîîlr g sciroîri aIEvauston, iras@hisen s Meiru ber 0f lire Norirsedteru .%eu(ieniy 100h hall tesun durlug Part 0uthtie sensoancd lias tarticipâîa ia Or usp r te bMost riciti g galn-a piayrr.t luYttre teani thîr Y-rau bligls M illrr ,SîiYuer vas surpnlsed b>' a noîntier out h o iarg fieiuiddas ireet ago tueda veuirg, It beiug the occaston of irn bitiday. rire Party vaas aItire homie t Mies s nydersa aliter, tirs. Ritty, viers sire 1le etaying ah preavunt. Vue trire to flet oursirivus alnsigirl wihb rf,reuicuho tire receni t ircr fetter-Iraubot) foot hall garnes i?>. We galnied au Incorrect Impression o! tira tinîl of gama played sud iearried ftierý yard thalt Irtis vasnconteah ire- Igeen lire ivo teamas. but tirea as ste>piy s "ciroosa -np" scrub gante, ptayed for practice. HAINESYILLE tIrn Bttetfield audi famity moveri to Sprng Grove. George Cleveland Jr. reunend tIdianasSuudsy eveeleg. troni tirs. A. tD. Rîcir visited relatives lu Chicago seversi dasatiteet. trace Battersral sud Ktis Gonnian ware Chicago viitons Isat guet. I. A. Foulon and C. . O, 111db esat bhs couely seat at veet. doiug duty as juryrien.t Ou Baturdsy accurai tire deatir ot tirs.Harrison Gilbrert, alterasu lituesa of severai montra. tira. h.A. Fonton apent suvrsi dal s v(lirner sous tsamliy aIt urnes, Tire li111e gmad-dsugirter la quite sict. tirsud tirs. Leotie Rogers bave inovei totaFoi L.ake. We urderslani tir. Rageras wlîl do erpetiter 'port tht-ne. OHOOL NOTE8. Tire numbe n lu sîeudauce la nov 27. Tirs Alumni unwbais a nenbersblp of ti. Tire second niouhîîa vont ta bielg rounnesd rp. Tire hest reamits are bel- terth tire tise O! ist montAi. Cari Darfier reari su lntereating ac- rourit ulthtie big fout irait game ire- tveeu Bultt aed Cliceago ai s tecent meeting ofthtersuceusael abi. Stallalica for thie nontis uudieg ct. 7th' Nemirar eurottedl durlng month '25. Average daily atndancu 23. Psy- coulage o! aliendance 941 Thiîs dos eut qrdhe cornu up 10 the tiret montraà record. thnues neitirer absment nonr tsrdy dur- ing the fpant molli vers HianryFoui tut, Roth Watts, Rtoy Chamiberlain, Rhaymond Paynie, Bertha Kuabter, rn- ma iluebtur, Doms Donflen, Chlite Doiphli trtîs Chamberlain, Mortîs Fostut and Ltzzie Knobter. Rernumber tri make the sehiool roorn yotiîn besdqusrtsrs onu[liursday uigbts. rire toluowiug perlodîcale nutl Iraiefoorid lin tie rsadieg table;, littie Cirnunict, Snocies, Vrsitegati Drîly Gazette, Schoot Nasa sud Lake Ciiiîthy Inde- peudent. lemlutea tirera le othur nuad- teg niatter. If yoîî are a former lîîutil of lie echluosud tîir hin or usat tuatbaln, vry trot caît îu thie seu'mtary o!the Ainninl. Miss Pearl Smithr sud suroît as a mnenber? If you liveaIts distance vby flot write tu IMiseSmhilthi, nqriiug for n inf oomation desired, or e' m quustîîg ien tri surol you ai once. Duc. 27L,Atomur Banquet. Nov. 27thusud 2ttl, TliatsgIving vacation. Nov 2th ntl rtit9tb, TeachrbeneCorn- ty Iuotltuîte, et Wantegau, To lire Public. Ai ieun. i- -yi enu wprrîruin i Iise ut Curir rîî , ,uglî st1idi. in revrimm,-ruul iLwii lutOh.rlrt ratiltn 1thftu, lialii-1 w 'ort for mev-iuri vlido Lbf- -'smir --ti-ro1thuit a -.,y ,cpr" .iuliitîrirrnrlanI']snaed t 'paulul Cet pneu- 'sonla. triL rt-r taihlog tbe sewrOlrldose of tiil medlitiiu, I fli Letter. lirue Ihotte8ot it rOureil ru001(l 'nI1 ithe Pausne te >, est rlosppearrl eittrete'. tIsemmuetrespect- .ulleltaure for l-ali. Rotin S. MayRas. ,-TtýirLv onreutiit i ,Sî WirelnW.V,. Sotd luey F. B. LovELL. Lberte'-Ille: GRao.nstox PoocRMAcY;. Jass tisxai.,. anhoe. WAUCONDA. N.WYntiiop vas a Grayaltute aller Tueé,day. lira. E. A Golding vas tîn tlie sit l1aI ai tenudey s huet. tire. itarri8on sud Lors speut a fev days luntirIcago receutty. tirs. Cols veut 10O Cicago Monday to vieiltlherm otir, virala III. Chas. Van Nahta viii move luto tire houpe vacated iry Selth Turner. The Ladies' Aid Society met vitir tins. L. C, Prdu lit Tiranday. E. A. Goldin.g and CAP. Griavolit ans painting aetîrayetatu tus ete. Seth Turner irai mîved bis iamlly icto bis nov bous atGrayatîte. tirs, Van Natta, Of Itanevhtte, la visit- lug ben daugitan, tira. Grantbate, Ibis veut. Chas. Tucter returneit home Satun- 1Tiko village board iraspnrciraed tire day niglit, ale? a flue rys sainru liaid ibote' praPurty sud viliimate a Cirîcago. lia yl rusuruvont aI ihe public part nfil. ice-boulie. Nuit Snnday moruing 1ev. Lapirsm A basket socîsl ilttbcregiveu ai hy- v111 prescir a spuciai aarmU ou lod ceuni Hall, Wedunday evening Nov, P()l.andteBna colwl 27tir under tire suspiosarot tire 1sciooi. have s raily at the usuat irour. A good pnngram la eeg.preparuit, TireGie Fiara Social 0mub gave&s sud everyoue la nardially imvttd ta b"irat ocial s1tishe home 0f1tira. attend. Ladiesplessee ridkellil@ud BoSueur Tuaaday evuuing. About thirty luah.baates. Doue& forgel the data. youngq people vara lniatanidanos. eigbt years. Our local frelgit train lias bee 511- ing our depol platform vitir fîreiture tire test few days. tira. Mary E. West, tif New itoch-eite. N. Y. l18Ilie gusat of tMrsud tira. A. C. Richrards &tis guet. Herman Aibrigit iras bulii a lange cattie sheud; Cirnes Meyena friim Palatine dir tirs vont. Mrnsd tirs. M. KNeedier sud famuty viaiied vîttir J. itailtaal sud fam ilty at Norgtinuiriou Sueday. Mir. and tira. Pendieton ri H iver Foruit venu enlertland ry tir, sud tir*. Piman ou Sundsy. H P. Giesane, vira $Pont the pasi Feasan ai Ktitivater, Mien., iurate- turned home for ire vinler. H. F. Puglov purctiased a Gsmateon 2-yuar oid cati lait veut. Heealler1 irew vIligîTe uns aHtire go-by, se tire COlr ibais àrecord 0f 2:24*ý We are sorry ta hear tira i Wli Schh- 1er hrtirhe misfrrtune ho break iris rîgiri mmm Wil wassonu tire rear ,ed of a tasd of liay pressing dovri lie pote wirun It irrite, lettileg Wili dve firead- btrrt ounlira baru boom. A 1byraiciae> Teatilies. 'l li-y't.ken Ihoot DyrdatisCore se-t banc iir n-I auytlis i ,rg u u' lt at nId Mmir Lii,,gorrittlitdiil 'naesC.,îriîrPbîstcan a îhFml4,-lan t hava"tr.a'tb.,sIud toundIt ho ive taeut rriltmo if ltheod tac est emairRe Undîgrateut tri Tocr atomaclbitIlde- cars tbere and î,iuîsi' he tc YKt,,m Ynri starvaîiuKartolfflyuîsrpsla Cure dig.àst. vtat ruiri mat. au u-eusufe rîîe> nelttsr dismpetrii- sr av5lre Tns onr-sousm 1 ulekly curr-d. N-r filb. F,,r sala b F. B LV Lt Lha-rt yvitu. EVERETT. tira Gittord snd famlty have musait bu Boston, tias. Mtse Anus Xore bau netuned to &choo] t a 'parslso. A prugrarn las ielig ptpared by the achoîl cilîdmen for Tirantsgivlng. B. r. Luniranad sauna, Elmuire sud Cliester, of Chicago, spenut Suudsy on bis farnuai Ibis piaceý tir. ard tins James Staulu sud famtty, o! Shilds, @peut Sueday viih Mn. aud tira. John Caolan. W[a.-Balroiuiru li an been renîiDg tira Ludlow fanm for tire pabtt enu jean bealu nauction T[vebday, snd nutît muse lu Urs 'oint lu salihrnt lime. Tira marriaga of John Redmriud sud Misa@ Dorna Carpeuter hain tres annunet sud att rnuite lu vtsing tirenia lonîg sad rapiuy vediteditsf . A scrtesni Etrirhre parties are abouti ta ire iretrifuirlire beueblt ut Si. Paittets circb, sud svetybady la tootiug fonvard tot mnas s source of great pleasuro. Aatouudtng Dlscovery. Frue> Ouopetsvilte, liuti.. comas word of a wondurfel dîscouene' ot a ileassut tanttng ttquid thut viren nsed before retimlng bY ane' eue troubted itvihra bad u<ua lae's esures s good nià£bt's reat' "It viti soon curethbeunugb ton. withs a r. S. imlma- burger. 'for tbreaeratioua of our tamile' bave uséd Dm. Kne@'!ew Discovery for consumptioneandi neyer foueri ts equai for cungis andi cuid.' Ita su uerivstad lita- gaver whee useri for daspamate lua diasse. Çkuaraeteed botties rue sud $ ah F. B. Triai bottioasfr-se. LAKE ZURICH. Guatav Fiedier vas a Brrngton visitor Mouday. Henry Belp made a bintess trip tu, Chricago Mouday. Guisglten, of Wsucorids, vashors on business Tbnraday. Scirool sutertalumeut anid basket social gaînnday. liov. 23. Mmi. F. Scirlansd sou Frank venu Barrieghori visiteora Tbnraday. Mirsud tirs. M. T. Lamey, ai Bar- rtngtau, vers piessant caituns isre Tirraday. Albert Lyonu and Misa Editi Selp vers Liburtyville viaitors Satunday sud Sunday. Emii Frank bas j nit recelved a lot ai neegCatltforrila paper-aheit vantue, tire irea on tire market. Try tirem. if tu ried ofa gond ireater or coat atova, cai as bise ev bIrm, Preiste& Frait. They viililltherM ai bie ioveat Prion. relatives liera lant sumday. Chas. Gohsvsiisr heiped H. Sobroder shred cornl one day lant veek MIr. ed trs. J. Beokuiswettcr vlited et G. Moes 'aisat Senday. J J ossvelir, Sr,, vlsited et Dtamoud Lake seversi rtayafasat veek. F. H. West of Chicagîr vI-ited vîtti ti. l4esr sud tarnity ]tsiweek- tira. C. Eratir la vlslliegher panent-., tir. end Mror. hotke lu Chicago. Mir. and Mirs. C. Stemepu sud tira. J. Gomsavelien vistted a% K. Febîmause et Arintgon Beigirîs isît Sundsy. tir. Cole, a mari from Chictago, ta remodeiieg tihe bouse un the aid Sluiroder farm, euat of Long Grave. 1ev. Schimdt, of Highland Park, in assitiez 1ev. C. A. Kotan, pester ot tire Evangelilmichnnch, durlug tria veut ot protnîeted meetings. Bery- irody la luvlîed to attend. Tihe Chiltdren', Friend. Vouit hav e cd thit i wter. lisyba Fou have une uow. Youraeblîdrn ll sueur tue. For aoutgis. erose. tbroectllte. grlpr sud ther whterr corurltîîlitt ne Minuta e ugh Cune neyer falts, asuit aàtaroretitîr iltanver ilssant tii th- ta4te sud g,-reetiv barrees. .B. i hrw..Wtnchlet.'r. Kenucrk'y. wr-tIcs; Our Ittt,. gIrl wa.s atta -kr-d vitti croup late one nlrt ndîtsut as 8s oulionehe coutil Iraritir' iiprýad.Wegau- lier rt aw down-sof Ou titicr Ca',ugb cle.u lt -ehieueber lurrneiittIY and s8te vent t t....p mpWbou etu, auvoti CeXL rerrnn it- ci,.Ind Ca iruef loarsseas. rcriîr - 0,he'. PRAIRIE VIEW. Mir suit trs J. S. tiley vure Wsu- kegan vifiltors onu Monday. Tire Oatwood stock ferni bipped tour choie bornes Sunday. Chartes Sturm bas reunued from an exteeded vlsit le Wscoesie. Mir. Pettits trom Deerflild la drggieg a Weilifor tir. Spragna, Sr., îts veet. Henry Krnger bas lest tlie employ of bis brother Louis aller vorkiuîg thelr -as---->I WHEELING. F.d. Forte wvas aihome SendsY. Afred Mtzli@peutlSuuday ai hume. Arthrur Lips speel Sunday te tuve. TiUlie Rati peu ]&eau gut ahorne 'Vlsitrng ber moirer. tir Tamboit apentRIairday sud Stn- day la Ctirmago. ti. John Forte la bslng tîrnber t- buid a nov sidevait. Dr. sud tMr@. lineson ventho Chii- csgo Moeday Morug. Misa Mdyos, primary leacir, atlauded a toucber'@ meeting at Evana- ton Pniday. Christ Birk and dangirter Emma are vlilltng Wmn. Brandi aud tamiyai; Norvood Park. Tire Liierr Club met at tire himn of Mr. snd tirs, Woodvnrtir Frlday evanlng. A gaod program vas nendered anrd Il;vas daclded tuagtirs riîl niet- tng wouid ttaa placeus tirsesciroot bosse on Doc. 6tt. Miss ana lucha ai Chicago sud Abrs-iLaufferiberger vers marniec Saturdiy aftumuoon aItirhe Preabyterin chnrcb. Tire curemuany gai perinrma-d at 2:30 by 1ev. Felie pistonriofthtIm N NontiflirEberiezer (bLurcir tiLe reinde- voe a siver graiy gove trtirmed lit wbilesaitin. Her brqiet vascominomit af ternisud wvite raruiatous.Tht- bnde'a attendants w-re EMins U La!feu- berger and Poilusar(i Th i ligrr)ou vea acoornlanltl'y 1sinîtra - yard Lsufntuerg5r iiir t t lieter W-t ut Aptaklsie, t<ctirtbe uand Genrtie. an- c Ic, ll.,n %.,. ,ir ii iir l ca-Oin. lr.,ilt""i '.t 'l n- iilrrsl' ili'WIttîe LiLtiO - KariR- MliI tiii" i ll 1 rer n.'errr iitri , M fp.- . , . .)t o', mita- iý-u1i. lt. Yrna' tY. 1l Lov to.. Lli -rtryuyl1r- NORTH NORTHFIELD. Frank Fretiruiuiered tionda.y. Rumor maya thet Guo. Strytar sud Blamliy viti Move tir (Chicago. tiMr, sudtins. Wiu Ptagge rr andbcit- dren bot dineut I lii. Pîagga s utu- dey. tiMr. Jobhn Wesllug beipet Mn. J. Blach irttchur ils oeenesud pîga ticnday. At lait Sbsl'metviule te ineorporoatetl aWate up, Nortietu, jeu ans yeh be- lhlud tiraltmes. 11ev. Loten lagiholding revival rueet- legsp lu Long Grove Vils e pan su1ilu- loauds tricontinus buis 'Ort a tuv t Miss heit any fnieridmara sory tir learriit sire la lu a Chicago bospîtai ton trusirnunt. Tiey att buso for a Speedy necovery. Among Chricago visitera tac8t veut venu, Mr@. Fred Frreeau sud dangitur, tirs. HermuBabirt sud daugiter sud rMiss Eila Baxnsu. 'Vc My $1. (i Lt 7ý- y tir, sud Mra. Bobinson, ot Chilcago, huant lliroeder atterîsineit a rum- are &t present living ln Misa talus ber of ber s, lritesIt tM(Irday houas, wvireathuyy wl stay rurtri tiroir uvaulrîg. neegbouide tn compluteit. Tier gutar moutbiy rnfstteg ftAie Tire choir a! tire Evangelei c cîreirLadies AId Society gilib e lithls bas aiuging acirool eveny Tliuraisy C hurcir parlera Nov. 25. evenieg. Tirey are busy at preaunt lire J. J. Stebibiuge sert daugiter, praotiding songe ton tiir-stuuny eve-tire. tS. C. Lee, rnueruijt 10 ubsîhome ring Dec. lai. ti[Des Mairies, lova, Tbîirmaday. Tire Nortfltetd Union Bible Socle-ty rbttlle BrintmoYer nuasvry piesa- isetd its annt meeting Nov. 3nd leusntiy aurprisait iy bis eOrîug friande tire Evangelicat chtîrcir. 1ev. Scoit, gstbenieig a hbis brume Fritay ulgiri. o! Chicago, preacirer, sud atter tire Wlllieviii teusse sitù irl i pîtetf or isîron tise businss meeting eeaued. Oklahuomnil tüna ece Bteciiori of effceura renuai a&8 toIlioge: Prealdent, Hdenry Wsasiiug; Vice Prssl., S Preuuts Like Wltdflire. Jacob MEent; Ssii., Wm. Pisggu: Treas., Lhe hastarrtl m-bthu4t" ui.ta,leadir drîigicîet -tutIle. lino ,_ a leesu Henry Eggesseie; Local Aget@, Mises%1Br itra arto bu--t alewbihara-i het £Ht& Barman, Latins Bubert, Pe i hurt, as er.Zartusvtr u Wealieg, Liltisu thempar, Liltiridli'esa"sh«in ldIioniors et stomraohl lier' te. havi-i.,,bweltulWod aud nervea. Re,;rntt Ba"isand Henry Kesat. Masy tire ouf.\ Bittera tones uo tiur' storeaiti.reguistes t klrtncse-met.,and polulles tire 0 Sicersansuitagets ]&br faitlofrity trertlrena iii.. ne-rs, b-niecura-a intotît. lirai tirefood vork may ire carried . cnt-lu-Ou9 ir-f oIvltar ut ird P hto- irtaes and lire bible. the book ut books, ie.ak. lckt e rundoit miro or- omsrr. Prie, irang hti ioaeveny home. bol, ausI-IPuosFILanur. ibrtvl Notice. That Tliroirbinit Heatiscle Haviugreuled lie Hall Day Signiuti Wourtdiirnloklty l'eau outif ionunarelI r. 1 arn preparee te sav ait the loge Kr ti-C ityr h- Lif ur111itit-eht orusa mati n eau irning le lta in ite@r.Miliivi tl unitn,-rbcuIkurîi baThee' lu god ordun, en 1eau gusates Purd, blond urnt liuitertror heuuiti.", gond varlt. E. B. (ILXABON. tiB.ea OT-toe'- rxntyire8.SoIrgte dec S" , laAdXci. Liberl SHERMPRVILLE. Mir.suitdtirsW. Mur-h5 ut irnIli.. v,.r, th.-C--cf. tXI i. irstialo, ahtir.t Ila'r ,tr,-xrtt. tl.. OA",î,tratoUülr5. leg ira ust Tetfg. tiii IlI Cl Afit unir., nt astctribt ouit t"r'Y Inrtl. lî ti in-s.of uit0r --iiy.An,,ga uaabia ho siomp Haurtaf aigtîttutnrut the eItor r 5'o vas urslîlIra,,, le ILs -ra-of etuettonris Tii. rv.î,lan gl. thle tirate Workors ofth iiWatt- iat ilrmr'tow, hallt"taitSaut dairv-sn pravait a grand aue.muss sîauir lu, att as"tltiauIa'lsle. V"r-ebodr refoaà usoat l.rilyrl,th ie,.. As%,iulfVilette,ic1r-t tDot titIf ,ssdv 10 do0 tha.rrro, b ofaaaiàîg Tanbsekag praýilmatihte ashlu l isened viti. but -w'A ait tt 0 fîlurc i h-rve iraa Ir -Vtcratl arii, wralîî, Thi" ln Dapartment i 511ai%,. aneplisn and hall Tbsnk*flvirg rr"oeWedsssday, Novmerr 'tb. aI t5iirrows ir5ha& As l"t la tiIeir tsttempt uer> lrady J$ooafdiali te, Itei and no extaruse yll b spssd t0 maetha auscasa. A Cbtag,,oreb«aLabas 1_rre ngag«eit tuferetai lb,- moita. INCORPR'ATnIONr WIN.sau?. Alt.-ra store, eaaaîîy foîliw- a0a1e>. ta sur is.- thr.pig-r ai Ir,iatioe eiNt.1J ate arf- ssIa.' r- It-,','lues sarîaffore haI.s g s,'l eîrY ,'.5* itifiratet P4r W - r ta '1,-at i ii- .«. t'ut tlie enstite-ri of ar tCirii. r'ar.' Dot te b ,1,en1-. .rily. oeil IL ..laatw 5'a .ble1- lýiait Llii,-lili.ul i r.,rîlislr«iii, il -yr. ..r' ilL Y wloia ilîrIderII oge ILl ibu gIli l,' Molu il tnit ifflo. 8I. ra-iîthon salis icut-f ,Lirr-sl4D1<L aIlu iuJ"i.- noIca-., . lraltrr flu niaLiý Iu6egegc.'-ra.1th. iria,, . utiiii-lit, '.Ot i tîfalIii -r' u r erture i. ut '.'i li, * iiiI at iUboouCe' lir ers i. riatt- nul) t.iar.i arer I- 5-,îîîr- ir i tl.i le, OSer, wb.- C ' ..ii. -i ']. i rrth vîhiof u. IL, - L"t i 'lii 'h r--i lt.-d ifsrrtrlab ;1l, 1, i I0I 0h, i-T nlg st'OItuii.lba.r, - ciii - leuaL 't .ikeiiwn.but 1h --tilr.1r, , ia.cii . aîu n a tr icj i- ui' tr.ll i. ,it ri"aiM"..a Ca t,,.I ri f ih, , Irtmiras flaira e-Il',, IlSacuri 1",r a oftuthot air. fimar ot rîi.rIllaI alt h fled tui bave li. En-n i' 1111-1 hat r trmn.te ashow 1.r loin îîrhoi liC .i. i , nar.urîidho watb (,rcirt Lîrr.k of An Editor. ForrtwuaY.'Sraail i-If orteLa rur., ciues teu Cl. iItiof .iy lisiîlufol1-1.'writem Edlwr H.l ,s htrur. or Sïr'a-ur-. Kat)., "thron 1vas W lIeule'Ired ty lirt'kleAmri-,&sSaivas." lths tLii .-Sri-la brrr f-t îCruptti550ge8 fland a1 isniieae Oîlt Ajnt aI V r. .Lo'va"x, Lii,.rLtyla-. UsonslL.XB PRoAMMCI. PA LATIN E. Mi Ca. t1r1riilu '18 v.'Y Ili i ltir lypiroir lerver. ira i-rivtiirr-p vî-eîllier patreuls Sriudav. blarîlia tbll; as alet 0t o rîprdau Palatine Frîday. Miea@tiantha Glade, rîlltinni Graivu, vas a guesl îof irs. ilstiuga "eesiauy -Tie li adtam.' Aid Society ieteud la opon thirnbazalîr tire- brai of Dveua. ber. 7 0 gealeha -ig Grove tff"=Ml a a matter wblch touchas yow com- fort. You warît a clear, fair complexIon Thia la really fie-tenths a question of the. tatint of the Pores of the skJr. Som - toils soare as nlPPY and keen as mus"ad If you wil oalY Use tthe virtue iou cali yourjudgment, ft wMl te£! you that any soap whjch leaves the handa habftually dry la robbing the. skin of ts naturai oïl. Free aikai la the robber's name. lvory Soap has mofrec akaiL Try ftl1 It floats. lp Liberty wRIO Lit lssues J BENJ A LIBER« sexueli T111.911,40 ID Office Surgeon singer CàE EYE f office trnE Phl G urne Office I Liber D Oflouq 1 1 Illinois.

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