I1ND1 IDET " ~ ~ 1 __________________________ A Its .oerilcali s4 Ebeauat.ane a tu may Parte et Couuty. I MULSED WIEEKLY. John Verrait. an Englishman. walked 1 lto tihe pouce station In Indinaapolls, aV1M"SUC mTt ON IIPPLICATION. and, afler admittinu twenty or nore for geries rommttef iln varioua parts of the country,. aid lie a-ted ta gis c hulitelf nrfll~L p. The forgerica, Verrou sid, age FAiçzi FORB BR1'vuI. gale$12,00und orre cotiitted ini the following cities, allier the alinses gilcit. B. V. West. forgery atltCincinnatil; %'lu PRJETID C0NrÊOFEN.cent Neville' etabezzleut 'Ilu vuli i PROJECID COLNIE~ 0 ENG-Vncent St.lJtin 'ietrail. t'athieliO'î LISMMEN INt KANSAS New York; V. R. lord1. cîazet' and forgery. 1'hilttdeiî,hiul: . 1. LV tratlI. Ime eus menwil BcFwtted pon em bezzlement. Boston; Vinttct t Wc.t. r Kil Yeag sa ltIDe ettrd ponembezlement. Button; It» 'est, ciiibz. La"*s Owsd hy Thelu' Parent&s. 0 d tletlet ad forgery. 'corut. Ili.; Vincento9 IapUBbt rar.ing-Wrt-k of Rio I. Wet, embezziement. Chiciogo; V. T. Be- ri Ve.x1s.kele>'. enî)ezzlcmelit, Boton;.1'. V. la tliam, embezzlement. Hifaxî. N. S.; K. 9 D. West, embetatemtent. Toronto. Can t Henry Hillis, hotuta, aget ftor the Co' &da; W. K. West. embiezient, t. il-t lona sud Unlted. utait 1,tgagf o onf ton. Canada, il. Vincent W'-st, forger>'.a meal 10 or ng10 iouaosing ruy g,-Dayton. Ohio. Verra]]8asuie ot s al ment ta rin ta alias »a-Y wife two yearo aga, ant incute tattime I Mmaof weathy parents audittlOf p... lie lias colle boid, guibled and -gone ta gn.mbers of Ithe nobilut'. aîo are tta ti tthedevii generaly." os lie puis ut.IThed apprenticed ta farnituis nto, tught luis forgeries have for the moot part been iuo ta ralue wileat and corn. Il a the mien- aîl amounts. 'Cati me a tlackgusard,"y tien of the compa>' ta locale tbae menu %id Verrait. 'i have u.tal] il aima t on land owned b>' their parents. tutr- respect. 1 amn reiated ta the oid Enlgili chased during the banoom ot il 00, famil>' of Nevie. and that le why i arhen Kansasa land wan advertlsed in lsometimesassaume-d thât flame." London fait>' pipera als extensively as ti_____A ChicSgo. About fort>' yoang EngliabmOeIt POBTdASTEOO. raTH.VITI art 00w Cen route liere. 'reir parentas thkink I fnt only a gond @sblle ta gel Green Gondis>Gsnue Wth @talnps ther ie sans tawok but wieul mable Worked on Nkany of Thena. theotet gel moue>' out 0fr large tracta thst Accordiag t0 reports current thie best have heen ling ihue. Colonies0frIthe- e n in tuhle LUnited States secret ervie Englishmen are tolie establisbted in ,a- and the cleverest npectors in the Pont- C wt.Finney and Comanree outttie. attires Departusent are trytof t0 ascertauna membera f IltheE liali PrtoruuaaDemisdereen gooda aclieme. L EL mmber ofthe nglih rrLi-lutworked until ver>' retentI>' train Marihat- an ownera of Kansatand. tan. and eaIliraient operated front Jerseyr KLONDIKE PLOT 18 A "A E" City' snd Chcago. The victime are sec-a -onf, thlrd aud fourîli claa poalmastera il Mginr gays Aittged Consia'cy la'Who do nlt dare conplailà ta the author- N Scbou. of (sabtors. Ils. I ins anfilitat siaca Jut> 1 mure t Au American miner nanted R. L. Pen- than s thouand posîmasters have beena ny, who reached Vancouver froni the owindled out of munms ranging from $250t -Klonadike, throws new liglt upon te ta $1.000. Tht priaiciple of the awindte mysterlous Ou-fer of Ilie Midnlight 8un.ý la thet'Rame as tht of the oidtsshio0ed a rtvolutiunarsaciel>' sîhirli Canadien green> gondu game. but ont>' potmatera elliciais of Northwest Terrîtor>' are latk )am iild. and Ilieyare urgef teto ur- Ing very serlousan s euding elabora te egliss nsîead o? moue>' postage stamps 1111011 about In Ottawa. According ta front, "the undestroyef plates of the unir- penn", thse wloe tbng sas a bunlo eiment" plates and &tempas whicli, of gaine, dedised b>' two gamblera nsmed course, are net lu existence. The pont FPe ClOark and Haur>' Grehi. The>' sere Manters are tuued te New York Cilty b> broke when the>' struck Skaguay lat samples sent b>'tuail. These samptes att wiater. fer an unsuccesecul teeson ln genlule stampsanduf Dot coanterteita. the Kiondike. They blerd mach talk Whoeu the ictina rearlies tlie cty ait the analut tht Canadien government, ouf otd-fashioned tricka ot substitution aret tht>' devisef a scheme of revolutîon, with pu-ctced. a amrt societ>' au lils htchlng place. TRACHEN S1AItBED IN THE BACK. 'Xhsy ftd np a aeal, preparef an elabo - rtt inWtatJon ctemony and chargef $15 F Or Punsit* of C.s.eud, Mo.. @chant a kftd fer neophylea. Han>' minlera, l Loded inujolit. afaeg whom vas Penny, joiued ana Luther Montgomery', a teocher linItie Iask.M&Wutgudgeons were bled for con- eciant et Cawood, Mo. a, stabbed in 0111I'erht mounta. Penny gaeys tiese th ack b>' four ut bis uPails. jus t saUmneyer ment ta art an>' revo lefoce te receas boar, antd whleis ltu-5 a hact: was turnef. four youg men, Millr, 110 _____1 jCuaig and two nmed Redford, nouneot KANSAS'WWI4TER WHEAT YIELr'. whom are over 18 yeara of age, atipped - up behinf Montgomery' aufdearit lmtina Ca-sp Of 19011 le 90,045,514 Duahets, blose witb a knife on the baril O? the Voitet 06S0,479570. heofd. He wtee le set sîpon and drag- ThteStâte Board of Agriculture an- gef t0 the floor, iere lie recels cd thrrec 11101111cestat the vinter seheat yield of other wotnds, 00e lu the neck, out, in Kansas for 1901 was 90045,314 buaies the shoulder and finoller in the bock. veliedef I$60479.570. This breaks test Montgomery cormti a Ivealth> and tu- ymli State record b>' 13,450,070 bush- fluential famil>' itvfng near Botluow. Trbe els. Theat two are the largeat atit boys are at? of gond famnillesundiabot caopa gros-n b>' an>' State. The ares novi previously borne cod reuttioaas. Mont- ilv au in iler teheat in neort> 6000,000 gomer>' sut prubably du. The boys amers sient. vhlcli. with favorable wcthcr, lodged in jali. vii yield more thon 100000,000 buishels. MILE SUN IN FOItTY SECOND&S Tecorn. crop of Kansas in 1901 ma- ont>' 42,W05672 bu.sbels, but the vaube of DIgas Pssoger Inune inuarota *at cmbinef seeat adsom cucrops as a lles Sered Record on Long T,-lî, c1but 11.3 per cent Ipso than tai .flt. Witli the manmotb au-tv No. 39,S, the "me cope la 19M0 lrget passenger englue in lie avorlil. the Sotlisestero tlnmit(] ou tîe iBig Four BUNKEN CRAFT IS LOCATED. matde a rccortt breaLag tripu lrts cru lu - dunopolis anti St. Lous.l'ttlliug out off Wa-eck of Stamser Rito sith Vatoahie the union station stiu.nliiiauoli. the lot Cargo Fossd by Dive,. lîti. wlitb eight licasiy ludea ettachr-. Tht aunken wreck of the steamer Rio,. sos forty-foor minutes itte. The rtu 1whi went dosen la Golden iGate, Soî î Gecstal l., was u tdr itît hirty- Franco. len a y>, lias becu tocaîcul bY Iseanimttntes. At aleveeal favorable Diver Sorensonu December, saben tuie stretebes a mile in fort>' sertuii,, ao cavmnts and tInte are favorable, licas'il' vcled off The dstanc bctwvetu lodia ahva &gain, haping to pick up uotbuug s Poliasatîti Mattoo, Ill.,128 mil"o. su ta prove lit a sserton. Thte sreel,îs .itmode lu tata bours anltort> ire tt ver>' deep sater aud is aclieme 1$e10utea. lInlie rua toSt. 1A~us, 134 utiles. WVaxpthe sestet toward aboie It> 'Rtbl,-the rcminiag cîglit,.tit Ittuottes iail.s mtade and tIhen lu raton ber. On boartd are up. $tMOOAO ortli of raw itk atnti$40,iI QERERS 1.tSA A . et block in. beolies $i,00of getîri QEROÉtiolý AK «frgn. There are alot, in thtsafe c,,stl Suit Agal..t DiSfuc Institution on G«eaal Wildmana offiilttlers, o itt-li luXiarnsuaeCause R-us the. goverument s OfhiOitu to blat.uu The Metrutulitan Bunki.tf Taconon, wougedble Fel. or. W8sh.. fsîlcd ta open fr ltusnessthe Wooaeda membe tt.e Cil. l ber day. aller svntbsîoudîng a tn of J. el f. Higad, memîtr of bc lu.iE.two dt>'a. consel b>'a misaai)î,rcbt tt-.on SOrincil f Hiland, R a,.cubifdtal, concerutuf oasuit led asking a teceuser Sprnge'sshui itl sclu, utaitfor the Metropolitaa Soaga i ant. woumn -bina, aller Sprngerliait t tîstue seirli sect iato liuiudation lin OR The allot ard as e rcoult tf on old tttut oumlartîyoff Dame etasetl tany dteposit- moaull feud adîSprieruwenbt ttcou-sa1suspect îliat tbe case invotveefthe morttl> woodet Sptagc Orl ~ Metropolitan Bank,. The institution lias iVard's bouse wthth ie ivon, iuitentiontî aopMal Of $50.000. snd assets uf urari>' of aliooting lits cnem3. hlai a million. The liqiuidation of the FootallPlaer B ly ort M1tropoltan Savinga BBank asas conîseil foolisltPloyr Baty Hu-t, t,>'the vitlrawal b> ieonge 'Vande.rblt Wiliam CarYel, lefI haîf bock for theOfu bis itîvsttacnto 'in ht cil>. Hceteas Omahia ltgh Sehool, reciref dJt 111S tlIrgel> intîerctef ln tbe bot. i gainte sith Lincolnt lligb Sehool ta buli. ____ aithougl fot coniderefdongerousasit Huude-Canotauit. Suicidte. tia-it, il Io nom, beieved will prove fatal. W. D. Buchanan off Troop D. Four- Young Gcîl feu beneathl a adozcu îeenth t'avoir>'. locaicu l aIFort Ihile>'. playars in a rositcari>' in theicafmp. attd feur Jonction City,. Ka. obo ktn Mis PIep Wa oobaili- tas ted that it te- Policemten WEhte and Couper, wos failli alted in concussion. dea>i in big cel the ,t er morning. Btî clianan liad rommitîcl .ni,-ite b> bang Womauu Former Found t)ead. ing, listing mafe a tope o? a lo,c. Tht Miss E. McKittrick. agel Go >ar-.. dcod body wosafouet shen te he eif vaUrounudeaut et ber homue tuar Litther, sent n the prsonersa breakfats 0k.. havina- def f ert udseuse it tht, utttnlntuae lt niglit. ,She wass sgratatetphyi aa Broott l yn dsptctotWasu nt.a> l a tracuef nurseefront Chicago, olure hit, Posmateh ronEVt Whn tooty.lnt waas ell kuon Itr ycurs, scocrulPsietr Vëno rokyN . menthie ago aieen'eut ta Okialu *uu Mu Il Ils resîgnef. The cOusu- of bis reignu- toiup fam. lion ta o rntrovcra> batasuen '.%r. IWilsonr tank p a frm. ~aD&nulte Of the o.taîstaulucal-masters feu- Poith or th. toru. rat oser la cmllo>e ta the tBrookly n Rtîîn mark@thue polh ut the ,tortuupostOlce. v1hlichravaged Artions of the Atiotîtu,' u.uls sAzuIe eoat. Searlt>' veu-y building luin .ug Jotn W.('Cusilutl-ltt htRKing (otutu Braucla sufferaf, ouf the total damagu- t, .urî tisc tSutnWobstr viii exceef l0000. Fv oc sr, eoe i, Ioli t,attci uflu-. brnon duos nd fta sbarge. free totu. Acording ta the sertliit of ilit, Lo FItplutjuarr liecius o t guittofutt b u- urutur ut Larg Fet Psot Ou,-net. ex 'bi c"foi- NVte X'i'un u (rcilt plant of Jultua lDe Long & Ct, n Alle- ghteny,. l'a.. n-taling an etmmted losmoro *26ii.EStu Peter Si,raoufJ. s'uurucru togitne u'uuuutuuutNO'S ter- iatut b> o felliog sali l d 1- utru tutui ,,Iun Nerover. I -7utI-.Mut P F l.. ut ifl tuu f ,nuu i . tutît Il tu Z ituae tîttur cd ttu o nun i t u tutu!tu lulisi itl furoU1 f fi, tuu nut; Joant-1 1902i ville, Ohint' lup ottti '. ' g iýtttm .. \tu V'. t t1) tI tu fut f ii tti ttu tu tampa us ui.lt'ae u- s te uîu u tm, ot tt, ei u toc ut ; .Iuuru tt'I-1it u Mut P.y BDi Lu- sTas- Rvct uu lefIii-,tuu Thue heirs o? Ihe lute 1-i. vtcu - lt iîtltt ii c uu Unii' u 'luit mut pa> the $1G.Sn8 i tI-ttutîc ituztuf-r l ' uuut u uuIuuo tai teief aion.ttbs-ucr nî-., bu he uit-dI uc alun, uýt tîte sui n.- --rt Uoited States goaurumt-ut. Sit u Eia- W lutu-un tutuarof bY ttl'Iuuu utl bard of te lterual î'a eUuoe lutattmeut t i Iwo deced t lie- oqild te u..i, îtmîi ouf ,Cooniaoneu- Ycrkca coucu-tcf VsmOl of lieueue louedmu-ieu-eu. %b dsad luoflta of A. P. Wilom, vifa iad -it1,'old son vers fouaf lu tira 'b«s et Dovut>', Cal. Ail the bodle -m ut ibl>' nutàlated, sud lis condi- U Ibo tpr-oises ladieated Ibal lb. ma ms ud«muh"d me vttb a Qu1en liragat or Su u-..arîut gitmoas>s. , t tutu rî't tdt i, o Bi gratte st"u-t. O Iul, ru tutuc uida mr lu bSSa"ntlus orllH!du-"a' Auf ru-s Buauser, a îmouuto na- chonisI in the empîtu>'of ticýAlima Chat- Mers CompaU n>'luChicago, shol sud kil. 04 emT e t ~ P.soPppOOSd ta à Mu- beretthicltt hiles bas ca mB etriko te, inotha. The shot va SMis lu> Baarkhansor. aeeorullng tu th* evidmnet gatbestiS b>' thepolices lu fer te puotact b amallîftoa n ou ault eItt handae o l'retpp sud a companlon. ATTACRO WIFE WITH RAZOR. leut Wanau Recaes, Crtîvd, Who Shooat '"Lycli hlmu"IlLu Clicagro. l'au] Wahan. a Jealous bîtaa, et- temîtr IolkilIlhie vite. Agnes Fox-Wa- biau, lu the midat o? a liarrying crowd n Madison strellt, nu-ar Fithl avenue, Chicago. Ife alalicîtber face vitil à razor sud Ilien escopedth lrough the 'rowd o? apectataru. A score of men gave chose and cries of?-Lynch hlm" rang out. Policeman John Tyndall sutuglit W~ashan vith the :-aaor lu bis hauf. Wa- ilion surrenuteref wtlliul furtlier use of bhe weapon. Thie woman aank 10 the sidewiatk. Viltlng banda carrief lier Io a ueigbboriug store. where obe rema4ned tuntu a police azîtholunre rentoved lber 10 the hospital. 8ha avilI reros-er, attend- ng pb>aiclous ga>' but lier face yul ho diafiguref for lite. It reqtîlref îwo score if ellîclies 10 fraw thegabes logether. Washan. -ohile aud trembiog. wast leit iseay 1tînte Central detail police stion. Washan sas jealu of bis vite. DR. GAhTRELL les CON VICTRI). Pgod Priaouser Fousnd (.taîlly of Mur- feu la Fiet Degute. At Butter, M. Dr. J. L. Garircil. Weho on 70 years olf. on trial foc kîlliug D. B. tionegan. a Cotorado miner, sas tound guilltntofuurfer in the ifrst f-gree. Dr. LGsrtreil, witli bis ton. P. W. Gartrell. sud Itonegan. seere traveling overlaud 10 Oklahoma last 'Matchi, wa Donegaa was kilcd neor Antoret. Mo. Dr. Gart- -cil salid Ihat bbu ofkilieul Donexon asitli an ax in self utefeuse at-ite I)ouegnan as in the art of luroînîng bima vithe ntonhey nar etîrli. '1hey liaf qîarrelef. lie said. llio son, tlie prisoner ds-clared, oas tsleep ut tlie tima. Young Gartreil 'ailI nov b trlef an the charge of complicit>' it tht aturder. Ilitthe theory ofuthIe prose- cutionltaI lte Gartreils consîsired 10 kilt Donegunfor lis moue>'andoutf tt. IIANY PGESBA01EUf O NE WIDE. Imnportat t n'rentlon of Prof. Duane ( îu-d.. Dr. William Duaine, profPesur o? phys- ira at the State 1University nt IBoulfer. Colo., has beén grautef a patent for aiu invention b>' as inua large namîter of lelegrapli messages cou bu- at-t oser one wire, tuf eorth rrn--sthIe sainelime. lu the pli>sical taborotor>' at thie oniver- seul>' t Is saît beliaos bcdl os mayas eîghtcen ciruaits svorkiug ou the same o ire ouf relaru. aIllut the saine time. un au> oftufIese cruuits the Morse instru- mtent con bectlaret ant i ued cinrîl> as PROM THE CATTLE ~~ AND SIIEEP RANGES 0F THE GREAT WESTO fIa oghi. dt m LS% ite URING on..o-n-k in Decamber of «sch year 2,000 ment sho repreatt vhat il aielf bbc the larget ln- dnstry ln the sorif hoif their sonnuaicon- vontion la Oicago. Tkeae men art the detegalea of thte8.000,000 int stock rain ae- of tht Unitedf tates. The>' repro' sent the oseners off nearl>' 50,000000 cal- lie and as mon>' aheep, and a total capital Invealment of 14,500,000,000. Most of tht detegaîc e 10 h. asnnuai Convention of tht National lÀv. Stock Association conte îrom the greet cattle sud geep ranges of lihe ftur West, whmn.ce corne aiseosorotthe catt.sand ahep viticl tenfd ot ont>' tht United ptortonbufticonstanti>y ncreasing pro- poto c h civilineul sorîf, As a rule tht>' a»aquiet, sei-dreeeef, prosperous mu, u oet hgoof îhngs of tht vorîf and accustonttd to bsnfling large boni- Mias afftit'e. A. visitar te their ranch bouses on tht vesterni prairie@ and moun' tain siopa, onîf probabl>' le sui'ptised ta find orientai noga on their geoors, grand piano& la thelu- parlors, sud tIi the li- crie*m ot modern lite t their tibova, for tht>' ara men sho luke 10 ttve stîl and vho are 1n0t afu-aif lu apnf Iheir moue>'. At tht oema lime a vuitor te tle catta eoufllr>' ouif looh almoat in vain for tia caIlle baron 0f ten >eara ago. Wtthln that lima thte ttile businesslian beaun tomplttty revolutouuaed, ad ouItataof a tes httndred men prarlicaîlly coutroîl- fag tht caIlle sud senuIng out greet lirds of 100,000 or taure heaf etch, theje are nov millitons ec t ueu-, and the great bui the b.beef ratllie fr0ain Ierda 0f a fes hudreu. Lens thon tea yeana ago the caIlle sblp- fed in te tht great umarkets from btae ranges vers aIt icug b orn,an tufIle> vent directl>' te tce stock yards from the ranges toe eut tutu mbt beef. These long hose serauurîrisngly lard>'. As cattlemen put it. Iluen vere the best "hbuallerso in Ile aurLd. Tht>' couif tIre "on aIr" sud cooli stand almost su>' antount of hardshlp anti privations. Aise they sers cieap. aufd s lo f a fes Iundred heaf lu s b azardl51fnol meaT. nioclita tht osner ut 100,000 sehen be coalf bu>' otharu for from $5 ta $10 endu thu- single saure uoo iu use. D r. DSiios invention us tussef oen tht- priaci- LIGHT ON CANAL REPORT. ite of synchruuzng mature. ChIirBessons Wh, lihe CmîsinFe l'UOITIViI CACCHT 1INOHAWAII. vrs cr gaRo~ue. A synopsis orthte report orlthe istlt leorge H. 'u-lght Acussed of Foue mien canal coulml--. un givra ie colo- M.,deC- n10 ta. .missouus reoona f l -letîftite Niu- Gleorge H. Wrtgh t , frmeri> o? Chi-eragua route lu prutrr(uce 10t the l'ait' 'sg0, lias be'en arrstetin t aioi chou-g- ama routa.Lt ts-tuaItthe aiannn -f ns til the muirder oftfouîr >ouîtg men et route atonee i ?tnstbie for a sat h-r UtahLakilsetah. io 189.,. Skcîtly Iter canal, alîbougli boit, are cuttrel>' lracti the murder Wrigt's ma.,itnr a0sut cabla sud feasible iar ocanal saitll utt. 'este(],. onsvictedl andti tti'ul]to ite Thétima requtref te compîeeoasu-a tageduthut Mrs. %NVî tt outt -fore thc levai canal on the Isunama route, prote State board o? partîtunamuutgaie ciI treail>' more Iban tsite thot necitu-i te vvhiritt-suiteu intutbilus ias- Site soif boîls a canal salthl icks. excludes it troues ber tiusatauid sht tthe foutr meuncatît be- favorable coualderion cuidle freainailier tsseea Itleven uluag'rul Itueur ltuutusut5 01fealures ut ils constuction.j on the trtue:u un ,-k. uýutao Iein thluie MWilb naadequote force and plant "lt Quoiut uîthunuut-it-r.commistsion estimtso baht e Nicaraga ----a---a.,t'îu-e uou. canal une tue completef in four 3cars. Ttelierais taude at tu,ýC.1-ce aîuh Tislt uuiru;.s.unferreasotlabie alita- The ibealsruae a unxp"er ttmtat ance for urulluar>' deays. tiat if the on Coton. (ol1oututo ibTe gf05ncn force sud tlant are avaitaitle te seere a ns ut u re poreti atdiure oas littie practil>'concurrent exeruitton oail resîstance. Atter suitnu'ciîu itii front portions ufthte sou-h ontae rote the of theC(utartel eatiun uertainîu -treeto tor completuon off the entîremo ouk utught tue aui bour an(] hO Itu h lueileruls gouneul effected saithia six years aller uts uegin- possessuiontut ait the Ipubieîr tultutandO ining exclusivc o? the tsro yeora estimat the 1000 o? Coltion. d for te peu-tuf o? preparotuon. Flo.-, )tlli.n A.h-s.The greatest singla featre offorta unio l-ire cnîsýeutb>' poottît-ouîs ettuau le Paaumasroute îantae exasatouil. ulestroyef (irait urus. flouor oillattLake te lulebu a section, ttnount.ug to ut Crystat. Nliam Tite tusonthetc ttuiding 43.000.(>(t0cuti. yaruds of liarut ri,t -att us $0000: utu groin aoui lotir. $1.,.it(. off bis u lauso.ed as sort ru 'u. Ir is oith a total Jasuraure tof2415.TIhe eatimstcf tat thisaucurau bc> totulete-l cpectrie light plant,.ssii-r aorts andi tel In eigmt yeari excluais-e ou t as o ) uc iuhîne asstîunu al-tubnunt.'tint asiau,' the period for preparatotl. total lbas te oser $100.01M. Thte report guet on te a> 'Aaï,ttti.>' te Paînaaroutae îil be aitoll> oau"n"a Thirty ocau tats-Fi-e L1-s. of rommîunuu'aing lis-ttecu tut lOti Fure sriirb lrote outi n ticthrîe toiry ocarss Tht Nicaragua rutctitt brickbsuldingcof Auglie hrothers un 1cthuýr bond. uldotbrung Suuuuuuau i FL-rofort, it-i utpt-nt raptul*nv.-atuiltg a large potionutof (Contea li.aanoutîet a lots t $nof OSt .Xtut.ug lthe victimes Central Antcrtcan States lut close auu ara Harry t'erra. saoon; lier-, 'iliueas omlueto ib the United ejloon: .luutn- tur. :r- tt'ltl' States and asit Europe.' ng: W'illiaum lai'u.grocnr't unI the Tht report ato points ouut iuier. au-es Cental nio TelpillleIn hyguene rutnlitions cxising 8lotgrte Bat S isu.,pitmLynettru- N icaraguîa ttPItanamaio ruun's culdtutatua Matu ý Il miutlt. aît s u u- ;,îtlu cleor tii utin Ibi3 respet uts tus tut nutrde tu tsc le[uuy m rsuas tf te parse Ipopulautionithe Nicraguta route us naine o o? tutg umuru stutuuu uhareu mch more ..rut 'rable thau te Pauia buodicasasere Ituandinothe t tutus of intis' roule. lieue, urrilieed t Ialla, Mss. The total lengîli of thé Nicaragua rotute Preltaratitutus ocre tuallete lutt>tnt ibe rmpu ase a ie, turusouer. luut tir ottuterm cilui un-utIo tuÉe Ithe total leiigtb off the Psuuiia route la luuuu cîseolere for sofe kcelutttg. 49.9 miles. The Iength lu staudard canot sebtousansdelu harber entramees us 73.78 Boy H..nsTlcttn i.cols, miles for lieNicaragua route oufd2M-41 lu a Syrcruse. N. Y.. luoluicecoumrt tht for tha Panama route. other fny Il boy oas ou trial via buif a' Tht estin aled cent of construction o? braîn o hurlat tîrtîf le a wutcb. ile je the canai on the Nicaragua route !a $45.- AIce. henni andIsta15 à>(urs ulf. B>'plan 630,704 more theon of complettug the l'au- iug tbe eau - o'u u ic ebea tiuekuog &aiscanal, omnittng tae coat aacquiring eau lbe beard.Ili',itltlec-t siantlimplair- tht lattar ProPer>'. cd b>' Ibis stronfi- ulucuotlcon. 'Thaestimalef anuel casl of msiuuiain llng snd operating the Nicsraguao canalinu Ta-. TatagletI t. (Sd 9uuo.s 1,350,000grester than Ilie corrcsp1ond- .tiiuias sttereol bronfruat in the Ing chargea for tht Panama canal. The tuavîn o? So'dsu, . S._'o. aathelin, uunîbth Kimated lime for a faep-frsfft arsl10t ut Scuveunuter lunuitut frutnom n tifplate pas tiroagli in about tataînalbouefor have balnI>'tiiaed tiltîulie cutire poulle Panama and thirîy-tliree bours for -Nie- tuun.fluey htare ail itentuas rtîug a dey aragua. tlîradfatuime. _____ The cool o? conatructimif s csual by nhe looldeunic Rage. un it.a. Nicaragua route and o? eomplletlug the 'lTcrc is lutile uot thlîuilBoaloui lePanama canal.,saillont ilâclufing the rosI strin vilaariitt.teluittir ofsînatipox of acquirlug the concessions from lthe tite tie sîru'îus dni-lts o? the different gon errments. la eslimated as Itoorulo? lie.itti. 'teihave bu-en orerý foliovot 27f0lcases iunlite detruitinbualuoital at Nicaragua .................$18984062 une timd. Panama ..................14, 35 ________For Ilia pruper coraparsoli lucre mt Flua lettb>' l.eap tubt- u sce ladadef 10 the Peana routea lbe cool Anu nuwn manu Ilrua liaflic.Ithadf' facqulriug the riglitsa nd propert>- ut lounginttu une of ae funacea aI Sclioeu- due nes Panama Canal Compati>. The berger's mille in t'tttalnarg. Atuîost hic commIssIon bas eslttmatef tht value of cuuirabuity>'ass iasteutit e.anf identifi- Iliese sud the project recommenfef b>' il cation. il ft foot brting the oui>' part at $-t,00,000. oct diofigured. The report aays that tht Frenchl'un- stui-ihe st isour-.Habit. ama Company>Reasha$109.141.500 for ils lu a sesiouth le i-thouitînt Elisropal propert> tuf coemaloos. 'l'is, sddaul iuaererc t Vî tuti utinorat rov t- e the cent of complatug the sork, malles caug uganat ou ii tssutto tore ebrli ofthe sebola cosl of acal o1b>' tbePanama tluose uinoru-ul tiitutb>'n tthe sucrlpt rra outte $2.i3,3î4,fflshilebtha cost b>' lthe ftlo inuaouu'u tnt1t1uYtbut sciprral Nicaragua routl $189.864.,062, aduffer- wa, aprove. *ura or $63510,796 tia favor ofthelie- Fcou- Kitieu, ere' t-issu-e t. aragua 1toute. Ftriuuuuaunnonu- leu u d enen NEBRASKA'S RABBIT PLAGUE tat Luiusville lut INiaiie fru-iglit IBepîf br-as of the Animale acf -No tu ttustu litcItrahe' 8t...5-ap c tcha lMe...-if Xaeri-0'ngTheca. tutlîrnuuing,uumA la. Tht farmera of west Nebraska are sutý i'enTua-uttioen Iît.. feriug front tht depÇ9titons o? jack -iutut lurstu' vreut-teillef andtI tret rolitas hici have tatel>' appeoref In tuu-u cand îîu t freutraîinmen. teu thâaret th le Bute. Fruit trets sud tu f ut ic %vre lu nt uiuago, osera in- vinter sheal hava tesptottaîlly hotuIn- t utdutluit-ul tttti-'tt'mitef t-aie . ured. Last sommer due ralibils mali1- £a th, 8 ala F'e rutoutlu Arizons. ptied willi aurprising rapidit>'. There vere no heat>' rainir to drovu the Young t5us'tl itul-nli ugi, sud due tItranne hast caused lten tc Tue larfaývlet bull, proniding for Itit gros rapidtj. Tht dflart][11456 O f the distranehisemeat o? the negro. vas hîllef osycott la anothen taeton çonueCted vitu 1in the Georgie Houie@ o? I-epreettatives *@ pttaesst piilt oftIbo tanner. Tht i-b>'a vota of 113t t!.te lt'ot qel d ole -btblta. tuETTING atorOt ,atgp. tarit. They at-re sent 10 market vban the>' seu-e 5 to 7 su-ara old. and the>' brouglil about 34,. or 4 cente a pound ou the hoof. Now the cattlt bref on tae wstaern rangez are gradle short borna anti are brunglit tu matnnruy sud market s-heu Ilie> are 2-year-ulda on the aver- age.' Nor fdethe mon on the catlle range slIpha ci lt.le dreetly 10 Ithe mou-. kel. Ail bal o amatI propiortion of them, ae etuo]fas "feesers. That in,a aoou as the youag steerslbane gnnî Ihelu- groatîl Iliey are tahen off the range, and sol lu farmera and deniers ln the- great crn raising $tete%. The average 'ferer" seiglis 800 or 900 poanfsandtufthu stck- man gs-ts 4 cents a poulaf for if. The rom mraser trWitnt oicorn for itreor six moutlis. lu>'the n'd'tor0fhiclintie the 'feeder' seigia ram 1,200 la 1,500 pounfa, aud in su-nt ta the stock yards as "ýprînne bc?" hers It brioga aa bigi as 7 cents, or eeu a ftiltua utriý a pound. la othema atorda. the presînt cttie roit- er nf Ilue grî'at Iest selle bus 2-year-otuls et present for at lu-ast ae mucli moue>' as lie got for lits 5 ear-olf long bou-ns fine yeara ago. At the %ame lima the mou who preparetl 'Iedera' ?ttur thne narknet makes aprofit noui oui>'ofan-nuraicents a pounul, ýut aitoa odi r,m 300 10 1(90) ounds t10 elofutbl.e cat klie bondît.. Titis revotution lu thea btvneus lias been lrouglil &bout b>' the aubàaétitlon or pure bred beef caIlle fou- the oif long borna. Theat pure bref anlInal, 001 mly, mature in one-Ibird of theli ime aken b>' the "'Texas ctera," butt the>' furtnluh a mranch better article of bu-af. Tht>' cannt, lie lefttu10 ate cure of themuettes. lins- aveu-, os cotii the nid long hou-n. 'rhe>' muet lbe glvî' m tth mure attentilon andu muet atao lbe protectef fromn undute - pogure and privation. Wh.re a long horu vouif go out auf rualle s gond living for hinseif onue of the 1mw grade tters voulf la>' fowand ufdie. CoîttqueDttly Il in no longer possible for e men tu lien' fie no meuy orflirtm, and Ithe average aise of tht barda las ieen cut dosa lu les. ttan one-tenth their oliS slge. The graduai selîemeut b>' homestead' tu-s of the mont fertile parts of the old ceule rangea bas ciao bofd Its effectlal curling dos-n the site of the lierds. It in alotrue fit t lilutheletsli55 yesrî linadredo of cotterntehave z0ne ont of flint business sud stertef mmm ,the raiaing of aheep. The fanosuf for Wbl %cool sud mutIon lias beau an lncreasing onu-,ad the sheep mien bave leu-n as à ratt ezceîilngly 1nruajt'rotin. This gvent Incresse lu tli e ntîuber of sheep mu-n bas ueoessnrlly gi-tati>' eut foanu the omount o? country shicb i.s nupenta tht caIlle' men. and as a conoaquenre there in et prescrit a bitter rî air>' on betsn-en tht lreefer of ihep and ti 'a Inlumany Instaures thi, rinaîry litns broken out Jta open suarfare, and in aune of the West- erà, States the eutilemen ara orgasibes for the papouoe o? keiplug out te ho-eep I thie pnoint nf the Wu'ieslýer rife. On one oceasts uitn('olorado, shfre lb. figlit belsseen the mtIle anf sheap men renchef the nlimtun of violîne, the catt- men et niglit ruie uos upoti the flan-h of a boîf lieruer. tarlef the teeep fosen a mnunniain rusul tua s wNintle sncand neeer toppeif untit nanst o? Ihein lbcd been driv- en user s hidli preu itive tu ndetruction. To apprevlatu- tht' itteruesoi or feliug vljeli exi.s t iî-rît the tata claqs.s of ivè etoue in-nra tta.n-t-aory 1ta,îofî-r etant l ini'ttt innî-t te resuta uf tees- ung sheep i o estle cunntry. SC[N[ 0F MIN[ DISASI[R IN COLORADO. Smuggleu--Union mine at Telturîfa, Coto atler, ln wviîh acores of mineras ouI ti taeoldesl îmines ta the duttrlnut. KLONDIKE PLOT IS BALKED. Alashan Ofifciel. Fou.inneu-e' i t- ta Fou-n tîeuoilic. (1 il the oull t-iretîtns nrîempiure siru e te ofa Is utt.tu ti lrd la t uttu outeul b>' a lutth banti of plulutîrr a tturu'ualonf hu' allie>' otii Y utkonti fttn thleupluter luttes t. Cirrus- Cul>'is rola l>' th, elumual auativ uct rot ordeoul The tory' bu',lieu-nutsade pubiclîro? lie exîtoanre outhlie otasptrtar>'ntaIkSgutay and of lturriu'f measurea taI ocpre tateit b>' bst Cansfian sud Amertran aittritît ta thavart the sciemne of the plottera 10 mate o? lie Yukon tuf Sortiwsct terri- tory a rtpnulc. 'Tie orttaîiatoiu oas foranef in Derember, 1900. nI Duawson. lt-n hcadquarlers fror tuontins otti5t m- nier wse nat Skaguîay. h anas citief te Order o? the 3Mifuigit Su. Ils mcmu bers, 1,500 lu number, tooh s hior-raIs- ng oîtb ta reveol noue ofcf iseecrets. Dentîl -as the penalty for violation of titis oatb. The plot tuiglitl havee ucrer'u.ed tempo- rau-il>' a dif Iis-Ielhen lhe ina ades te1 Sortimocat lerritue>' siti atbhnduiof haIt- bru-ans. But te leaudera off lie couspir- tir>'lacten thie reqaisite nervu-. oeu "teaktdf ouf the orgaui.atun. t la bc- lie C loi idisaîuîeur quietly andtul noli pletel> - Il 5500 iii teuttifto ecuithie srires ao Itat the raitroaf utter noaiu ceuref Ou the Yukon huiis sinter naufoaeuposer tht moonlef polit-a aI "Whitet Horst aud Duo son, the chie? poalu. Tbere are oui>' 2n3 poUce in the wsole o? the Briltith Yukon. Tht golf iîm tbe banlus and un tht possession> of the goseunent teins ta lie seied. The leaders bleieef liaIthe United States vouif uat allovr Britishi troops ta enter b>' ay of 5tkagunty, on Annelcansdi, and duel Ihe>' vouif tas uualhe te orasci Dason b>' the al-Ca»a' dia-n routeluide oh six nontha. bitai tinn the tradmn', opaf for intervnton by the unit6I statte or40 orgawoia'Ln amy toea-aOaz>muNs roop& bIng lunets. IarogU chants have bof a lau-gce'I _W h ticipotef iaddry ga airbus s eiupptief sIi hreautrlng ordem t«,Ai classes 0f bof e. Tht big v*lh iiWBg tht JObtir. for hoilda>' god aba JI yexiuam, lbut the" It v heb buring tu keep hosties bus>'for. tlt gèg 150 weekia. The liuylug of cailt lot liatbeen the best ever tatui tbIs acanon, 'onupialns schU axial apa the Islowunessa ot dellverels.but unatf*0 Illersare gredusiiy c&lchiqg up. 1111VIIII of iron onf sttel continuez active1m1 lines and there la a great dent of 5ipMd' laton gOIon oun as lu at effeet t ll bave on futlure priets. '1here lise' Im tht largealt tonage o(pIluou plaectite fetirer>' in 1M09hat lias eter e heu ktowa lions reies §ay$: Coreful seemb'hdia closua feas ufaverable fatcléa bIthe n anîtlI steel situation. ituobably tlu ta nIit)xfàuutory conditions arefound nt pgt mLiiiI. as luth report an ueîeît fltrîbutios 0futlt, A few large eoncernsal*eu- tu a-tî.the buik àô<netsbusiness, bW beanu- .le.afor cars vilisu-gel>' expanad tht bt]it> u. shile tht DeW comblustlon s'ill liXtt hua-l aof Imilleon àjst,.,UW iaois. Ilu', .siIithat tht grealeet fou-ce aIL -tinlenowaetigaged inlthe varionus u . n t i ron an1,ti etl maklug. it tueiiat thteSouth bas advanucedl. bl'u--t '-îraipoints pigutWon la steef> I t>'sau-bed. I s, ti f tht makets tul1- ý.t week ftvelops t 'IV, hie seail- ment blitba ltr .t.,'better grain pri oh uI thoh1tý --, au during the wlek ia'ftr, -r-. -uIt>' nul lauge coutef for uifle en',u~ue la preveuitia- deI-ines I« C0 top.' heav en narrcw, I-s-rît Ibouglo ft teest a pretty fair att.îulaIl ,. tein %X the e-ruals, a r itt. bts-clocal sud Iprote.ti-it.îîi, ,ttisifie tîu,,-t ieag .tti>'musItrute- 8hiptung and -I)s trt dfinîtuulafor sbeat have lies ellal>' smttull. îotlling de- maonda ver>' fair, o tue iutr c.ru lueande have -tuee rg.t'euntîtfrotmsectiou$ lu te gAuoll. Snthat nutl tnuthweta. sbire the crItl, nf I!fît sas larei>' a fslu-,. The,' bu-tft'atuls haterlm-en for liat ta. utf utu-titis rea tan fi Itt grai n lise beetu reltmuel> îrongl-r Ilîsîtlhe ,themt5 béis!pri,, n tsuotiie rtîttitîsfor lavlag 1-n aresehoà,l ]at Mo-inetl,îi tIle lm-' provneit litn rauurt .t'-tnnuiss"enIoted. The We.tern tIiett ti, oî,inuet las, the fart-lit lt-tul.ILt lixnu ltnh.ngedi lu:,Iýn su;-tîîthi , .oi't thpt lutt.-'u.i 1ttu ' ,I. faîva,-tit; art - 41-ttit .1the i'.d :mwi n -uuatîsrtiOB --I I., un ,,'uu i-u n t1 - sittiât _ b>' lu.- Agr ',itirtîl lrttt uIun t ienut l'rn u. us .,s Oc bftI ,i 'itg sesk taintd-t.,îIlu'.'>r , lt,. If butssud' ttî, o LIt ll - irhL .nIlîcasi»Oc un a- in, Ititreli lio, t a ulease sartIan a" . ut , .i.,Irîlua %c. The s i'-lu' tu- i tt -ru- Ieig.uiingtlX heas,. uth i' largt t Btthus %papasS lutil,'n t a-u ,.] ,e ore te 1'st of 'ha yeuir. iftr'talnl2s.tmtOn, ztitout21,' 000 1lAntst ,'. AE'Vntt Iilo- bt t vas al»)an bign~t t.Otn i ru--eiptsoggcre- galedt i2i.t50>. . 1u..r i scll54M)(M> . tit'he ,'tn a.'. - îr L IJ. mure lîtuta tI r ti ni otuj'rme, ,,;'1). s, f,, hof..lu-s0 to$14;$r12I- , 0t07c arn N '-, ay,îLe u0t m 4 -. tî,tatues. a74, uut.1-r5 s7. riue-. 41, -$7'MI: l-is es - 'is 5 i l, o le. l Nt7-1u. Sc 2. $:tII t. $ ut -1lu t -25 tie $3.00; -a i 7G.ut., 7 li utn, NSu. Z uixe-I. to.Nu2mx, 43c;1. t4l N " 1,lS tIu u I tCl_- 5ý - hotia-, 3(ut-tp.n i $2.50 In $325; ut), sCene o? the recent terrtble ire fias- bal t. No,'t2i. ;it 77r-; cornn, No. 2 'lu ices. Thie Smuggler-Uîîiuun la une u rlut i.i'. SuG3, N. 2 whtte, 45'tut lu, -,ut , ut tu Nc,. Tuilculo Wh, t;o, '2 nîlacu, 75, to i7c;r: urînN- unnutu -I:e tlui;4,la'ta, IOWA'S "FIRST LADY.- Sut. l iuaul2ct'tii 4.o.rue, Sut. 1-, 6 t0 58,- i -tacr s-nut u ut. $5.40. Mu-s.A. B. CoumnWI... e. (.ee Eia îîou ut ai2 hftherce, mi.trIl of she a-oie .ao. 7Ç5l- tut 71h-t otilu4N(b,,lut'131cî; oatI NIlra Albtert B. tînt nins, wsalut,-r tuN , lnhit, t' i iu-,l40. yN;>',Su. t, 5r.0 tculs M ra LuN-sut' I. Sh n 5 letrt 1-4.:' lIiirk i 2, 9- u G I'; pork, tlut> in uIoa,"o.».nccou-fing tut ut lIeu nonus.!515.7 M Eounes t-urrsîuuu1iBuifoaitu_('uintjjl. iiui-be shipping sleerm - i-O l e n t, inii-nuitl.v $it.i>0 lu $(;i.); f fair tu prime. $3.00 - fitltu-ffoi tic su- to $.sî lnl.fuir tut riulu',,$200 t-laI duitinr la'io l$3.30;atuls tututu lcuhoce, $375 -ing uton ber a- $4.w.I 1miatreM o? tieuexn'a' Nu-sa'voit Ittit,175 il,$590: ling, eMta e nuansiou. P$.'i 0lui$71 501: auil. 50 ta ;$3.50. Blie le one of thte slinutt. 'Nut 2 m.71)c lu SOu ; r-arn, No. 2, leadlng gociety ta- C7, tu t ;t. tt',, 'att2 tahite-. rîîc ta 5e lies of lie capitalibotter. 'etuî>,22c lu, 25c;cgga, vnte- t> and one ýf th, cu.24c nu 2Iic. bsufsomneat mat- roua lu bsni. 34r7a. MOS. A. I. CUUMINO. l'nîmn asCo tîîîî loialeucu N.tes', meri>' Miss Ida L. Gallery' cf Mit-igan. Ch ie..ceuis'>' f mltur-esAOu-ever>' anti she Ws amrri-s[0ruGornor-eleel scarue 11lotveata. Ciammins ln Iimt Sinte in 1874. Mca. tat sa-ets nportm u? as lîctlanti itoau- Ctimmina is a leader lu the tattlcetuîal ocreDuail>' 20 ltutr cetriO rger Ilion Ih& sud philanhropie cire-les o? the citl7. Shu- lik te n-k inlIJIig1. ba sers-cf as u o.lrlltf tbe Des At Sabria ,oitl urn o t.lling at 75e .Moines tVuîiatu ('luîb, ouf is nos preai mad is Ieuuc tuit for wiii, nîne>' efeur' dent of tie boartd o? managers of Ithe culfront aeligiagslu-t liti 58c. Hoine fuir lrieufless Chllutu-t.. itela 'Te iirorîtii utiruuu'-in Ithe considircul one of the must itaui ad axtlStilstr us lut--itl eins anda bruîltt n tetrîtinarma i cn e l uilaus frotua il t tlir-ti tuu-.Illegfr1 i iu9 a ood NtcofMOu oe.Tebrefrs out ttroumglirenl borate lnfetueuuent crocr bukersi'a iafoait lavce dulriuittuuto10luiY ulenit tb coUr a rs.trait, t b'(tr-nti u'rut tubs utIl iîtferior aptse. ars.tiu tuilu-ffri-utfui saIn'. ,'I' imu-bjeet l.,ate Noah Boyce faisîlv t Aînitcul Clutulea riti tielron-utofutîtul-ait tiltieanimaisad Me-ti. IRomtney', W'. va. ltumote a btter muarketî fuir gonuto>ag. ichîener sirea Ibat DeWet b u-uutlu-t- stera. ing mu-in outieasuil}'ceStale. 'the Ornuîge IuifdFu-tuer malies due A Thoas Jafferornstatue wsas noeil- cors eroîtl.1&9,Iliushtls, or- ô«. ed in Louisville, Ky. t rosI $60.000. 495,0(00 buobu-Is lnte titan tht govreu. Titres raitroaf aboreras ere kllef un meula@ figuresc. fIlestitialtef the aereffl a vreek ouf eigbteen Injuref, Prearaît, eau-)>' imlte teson ut 8.060.000 ~a Ark.and aliowo 5.M35.000 acres se abend.tei% lenviug 81.515.000 auree harvsele Il»~ "Buffaku" Jouet. 71, eaif tabcb a chenu' >'îeM peu- acre le 17.4 lhelle, oe t1 of bhind aaimais. Salineï., Kan, i0 bousel mor% thon r.mOtd lnjibs doad. puttu tig -c lu : illardfat ami the ut Ztht vuihccei uit the 'aamin pa" Sott me otht oea ma bu ber yma-du Imie Pm lag amat te defe Mrl.)S -: ail bu i- $ Mon>' bae lave I a lml pbat. "ai moi Md. total mm inp tbid